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June 23, 2010

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W e d n e s d a y , Ju n e 23, 2010 | Vo l . 98, No . 70 THE DAILY

this week BARNARD OBSERVATORY MISSISSIPPIAN GAMMILL GALLERY T h e St u d e n t Ne w s p a p e r o f Th e Un i v e r s i t y o f Mi ss i ss i p p i | Se r v i n g Ol e Mi ss a n d Ox f o r d s i n c e 1911 | w w w . t h e d m o n l i n e . c o m EXHIBITION ‘Spirit of New Orleans,’ photo- graphs by Bruce Keyes from the book by the same name, presents a three-decade odyssey through the Ole Miss to see tuition hike for ‘10-11 streets of the Big Easy. BY KATE NICOLE COOPER The Daily Mississippian Museum open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. It’s safe to say that at Ole Miss, lingers as to why the University students pay for quality when takes it from student’s pockets Free, open to the public they pay their tuition at the be- instead of raising the funds in ginning of every semester. another fashion. The tuition fee is ever-chang- “We explore every avenue of ing at Ole Miss. So many may revenue, such as private dona- FORD CENTER have breathed a sigh of relief tions, and we do a very good job THE KING AND I when, for the 2009-2010 spring at Ole Miss,” Knight said. “Tu- semester, tuition wasn’t raised for ition is not our first choice, but In this rich Rodgers and Hammer- the first time in several years. when it comes down to balanc- stein musical, English widow Anna Leonowens comes to Siam in the However, it has been an- ing the books, tuition is what we 1860s to tutor the many wives and nounced this spring that tuition have to use to do it.” children of the country’s king. She will be raised for the upcoming When compared to other pub- soon discovers that she and the 2010-2011 school year. This fall, lic colleges across the nation, the king live in two different worlds in-state undergraduate students increase of 6.4 percent is relative- headed for a collision. Part of the will pay $2,718 per semester, ly small. Schools in other parts of 2010 Oxford Shakespeare Festival’s compared to last year’s $2,553. the country, such as California A Royal Season. The additional $165 is a 6.4 and Florida, are PHOTO COURTESY Stock Exchange percent increase from last year. seeing double- Ole Miss campus that are paying option of no higher education is $14-$18, starts at noon. “It’s a byproduct of the fact digit percentage increases. for their own tuition, this could even more expensive. that we continue to receive fewer “I have partial financial aid, but mean even less money in the stu- Knight said tuition increases and fewer dollars from the State my parents still pay for a certain dents’ wallets. are likely a reality for the foresee- of Mississippi,” Dewey Knight, amount of my school,” Andrea “It’s going to leave me with less able future. The university will inside associate director of financial Pollard, a senior criminal justice money to do things I want to do, probably see an increase in tu- OPINION advising, said. “And as the sup- major, said. “I have two brothers less money for fun. I have an aca- ition nearly every year. port from that channel of rev- in school in San Diego, and (my demic scholarship, but it doesn’t If the state continues to give ALL TOGETHER NOW enue goes down, if we’re going parents) have to help them also. provide for everything,” Chase the university less money, the to maintain our levels of quality Not only do they have to help Middleton, a senior biology and school will have to make up for and our standards of service, to with their (my brothers’) tuition, psychology major, said. it some way. And unfortunately, cover the costs, there’s no other now they have to pay more of Knight stressed that people the school may always be forced place to go but tuition.” mine.” need to realize that higher edu- to resort to tuition increases, For some, the question still For the many students on the cation is expensive, but the other Knight said.

ASSOCIATED PRESS FAST FOOD: NOT SO FAST FAULKNER COLLECTION PART TWO OF A THREE-PART SERIES AUCTIONED IN NYC LIFESTYLES NEW YORK (AP) — A rare sold for $47,500. The book collection of signed William also is inscribed by the Nobel A CRASH COURSE IN Faulkner books and personal Prize-winning author to Cowley, WEDDING ETIQUETTE itemxs, including one of his who was working on a profile of most acclaimed novels, “Light in Faulkner for Life magazine. August,” sold at auction Tuesday Christie’s did not identify for $833,246. either buyer, or the American The collection of 90 items was seller. It had estimated that the nearly a complete representation collection would sell for more of Faulkner’s work, said the auc- than $1 million.

PHOTO COURTESY Stock Exchange tion house, Christie’s. A few items offered a glimpse The auction probably was into the personal side of the BY RACHEL JOHNSON onds, according to Bob Vasi- the last chance to acquire such author, whose stream of con- The Daily Mississippian lyev, president of Vasco Prop- a large collection of the author’s sciousness writings explored the erties, the franchise operator When asked, most students work, Louis Daniel Brodsky, a complicated social system of the in Oxford. Wendy’s, however, said their fast food choices poet and Faulkner scholar, said South. would like to serve customers were not based solely on the in an interview before the auc- In a 1936 Western Union tele- within 60 seconds, assistant speed of a drive-through, but tion. gram to his 3-year-old daughter, manager Robert Shegog said. also on the food and where The highest price went for Faulkner wished her “plenty of SPORTS However, there are several they wanted to eat on a given “Absalom, Absalom!” a story ghosts, goblins, witches and cats factors that cause a drive- day. Are restaurants likewise about Southern poverty told en- and owls on Halloween.” TERRICO WHITE, PART II through’s service to become motivated by multiple factors, tirely in flashbacks, which sold In a 1951 copy of “Sartoris,” slow. or do they focus solely on the for $86,500. Inscribed in 1936 Faulkner scribbled, “For Joan, it Shegog observed that there speed of the service they pro- to novelist and journalist Mal- was all for her, even while she was are mistakes made by both the vide customers? colm Cowley, the first edition asleep.” The author was referring customer and the restaurant. Most restaurants time their novel exceeded the $40,000 to to novelist Joan Williams, with “A lot of times it’ll be us when drive-through service with a $60,000 pre-sale estimate. whom he had an affair. we run out of meat or stuff, timer that begins when a cus- Inscribed copies of “Absalom, “He’s not merely an American Shegog said. “A lot of times tomer pulls up to the order box Absalom!” are extremely rare, author,” said Tom Lecky, head of people come to the window and ends when the customer with only two others recorded at the auction house’s department and realize, ‘Oh, my purse is in pulls away with their order. auction in the last 30 years, ac- of books and manuscripts. “He’s the trunk,’ so then that makes The timers count in seconds, cording to Christie’s. an international author.” our service time slow down.” and different restaurants have The first edition of “Light in Faulkner was a native of New Other times, it could be mod- different standards for how August,” which centers on three Albany, Miss., then lived in Ox- ifications to a regular menu long each order should take. characters and explores the dev- ford, Miss. The University of item that cause the kitchen For example, Taco Bell tries astating effects of racism and re- Mississippi runs a museum at his to keep orders around 30 sec- ligious fanaticism in the South, Greek Revival house. See FAST, PAGE 4 2 3



BY COLUMN MATTHEW KING CAROLINE LEE Cartoonist editor-in-chief FUN IN THE SUN OR DEAD MAN WALKING? DONICA PHIFER Summertime is here, and it’s extremely hot. all know the Mississippi heat wave is here to stay. if you’re out playing frisbee golf or even just laying online editor BY JUJUAN McNEIL This seems to be the first thing I notice every day Since we’re stuck with it, here are some practical by the pool. LANCE INGRAM Columnist as I start my car in the morning while being greeted (and free) things to do to make sure you don’t end I am a camp counselor and I can honestly say news editor by a 100 degree wave of heat crushing me as soon up unconscious ten feet from that massive J. D. I don’t think the kids that are around me are hu- MIA CAMURATI as I open the door. Even our beloved squirrels have Williams door: man... They are NEVER thirsty! opinion editor decided to take a sabbatical from their everyday ac- The easiest is to wear cool, breathable clothing. Another easy one is to avoid hot, heavy meals and tivities, and they aren’t afraid of anything. That new teal skirt you’re saving for Independence aim for lighter means with fruits and vegetables and AMANDA WARD Whatever the case may be, remember just what Day weekend... wear it. Got some white? That’s of course a glass of water. The oven also produces lifestyles editor momma said, “Drink your water!” your ticket. The idea is to deflect heat rather than a lot of heat, so keeping it off is a good plan; then ERIC BESSON I remember as a youngster my mom would al- absorb it. again, let’s be honest... cook? In college? Not this sports editor ways tell me to drink this many glasses of water Cover your windows and keep them locked. If guy! OSCAR POPE and stay out of the heat as much as possible. Well, you pull the curtains down on all windows that are Cool water on your skin is one of the easiest ways visual editor that’s great advice, Mom, but you didn’t have to in direct sunlight, you will be able to effectively to safely reduce body temperature if you start to take classes in the heat of the day because that’s the cool your apartment down a few degrees and save feel a little ill. I definitely agree with taking cool RACHEL CLARK copy chief only section. on the electric bill. An open, uncovered window showers, but a cool, wet rag on the back of the neck Time was of the essence way back when. during the day will simply make the inside tem- or the forehead is easy when you’re not near indoor While the ideal plan would be to stay indoors perature the same as outside and waste all of that plumbing. The mission of The completely during the hottest hours of the day (11 money and energy. Although that morning walk to class may be Daily Mississip- pian is to consistently a.m. to 4 p.m.), that just isn’t an option. We all learned about that in biology... right? extremely hot, ultimately, it won’t kill you if you produce a bold, ... Guess I can’t make it to class tomorrow, right The most important is to drink plenty of water. use your head. The next time you plan an outdoor bright and accurate Sra. Whitehead? Our bodies are almost 75% water; it’s how we stay event, make sure there’s water for everyone both to daily news source We can complain as much as we’d like, but we alive. Make sure to keep a bottle of water around play in and drink. by fulfilling our obligation to the truth and our loyalty to the public UWIRE we serve. PATRIOTISM AND SOCCER GO HAND IN HAND MICHAEL BUISE BY Patriotism is as synonymous with American my most memorable. but one of whom donned a German soccer business manager MICHAEL HOLTZ culture as McDonalds and child obesity. For a Even the small country town we were in erupt- jersey. Six German flags hung throughout the Daily Kansan, variety of reasons — some better than others — ed with excitement once the referee blew the room, and two of the men wore them as capes. ALLIE GAGGINI U. Kansas PATRICK HOUSE we’re a proud country. Just count the number of final whistle. Car horns blared as drivers sped Four years later, Nationalstolz was once again at REBECCA ROLWING via UWIRE American flags that appear on front porches and along the narrow streets. Spontaneous bursts of a fever pitch. account executives in store windows as July 4 approaches. “Olé, Olé, Olé” echoed from the half-timbered Encouraged by German analysts and their It’s a display of national pride with few com- houses. The local pub even offered free drinks. predictions of an easy German victory — not LAURA CAVETT parisons in . Nationalstolz, as it’s tim- If I hadn’t known any better, I might have to mention the general fervor in the room — I COLUMN ROBBIE CARLISE KORY DRAHOS idly called here, was once as taboo as the phrase, thought Germany had just won the champion- could hardly wait for the post-game celebrations creative assistants “Arbeit macht frei.” Every four years there exists ship game. It was only the second match. to begin. an exception to Germany’s tentativeness toward You can imagine the excitement I felt after re- They never came. upset Germany, 1-0. The Birthday all things patriotic: the World Cup. alizing that I’d be back in Germany four years After a moment of grief, German pride is once It’s almost a cliché to say that when Germany later for another World Cup. So what if the again running high in anticipation of today’s BY S. GALE DENLEY Today, ladies and gentlemen, is my birth- Day after day, I hear people say that It’s just another part of the college experi- STUDENT MEDIA played host to the tournament in 2006 a resur- tournament is played 5,000 miles away in South must-win match against Ghana. MIA CAMURATI day. Gwen’s boyfriend ruined her day by not ence. CENTER STAFF: gence of national pride energized the country. Africa? Fussball fever runs much higher here Americans need not understand injury time Columnist Now, before you get all excited, just... calling her, or that Toshiko upset Owen College turns teenagers into adults and PATRICIA Germans were once again proud to be Germans. than it ever will in the United States, especially and offsides to relate to such exaggerated dis- don’t. I am not 16 and getting the mystical when she mentioned his mustard stain in sends us into the real world to become an THOMPSON Though it fell short of a perfect fairy tale ending during the World Cup. plays of patriotism. Yet despite their affinity for driver’s license, I am not 18 and able to vote public. influential part of society. director and faculty à la the Brothers Grimm, a third place finish was The storyline was surprisingly familiar. Once all things red, white and blue, many Americans and buy cigarettes and I am not 21 and ex- Long story short, none of this is true. By the time you graduate, you will have adviser nothing to be ashamed of. again I’d be watching Germany’s second game fail to recognize the larger meaning of “fut- cited about my first (legal) visit to a bar. Gwen ruined her own day by letting her made and subsequently lost dozens of I was lucky enough to be in Germany that after a convincing first-round victory. Serbia, ball.” I am 22 years old. boyfriend affect her mood and Owen is friends. You will fail something (at least ARVINDER SINGH summer as a member of my high school Ger- like , was an undermanned and over- Luckily winning is also a part of American cul- While there is nothing terribly exciting mostly just a baby worrying about mus- minor). You will lose sleep over homework KANG manager of media man class. Of the 11 days we spent traveling the matched opponent. ture. I wonder how many United States victories about turning 22, it still means that I am a tard. you don’t care about and, in the end, you’ll technology country, the day Germany beat Poland remains I watched the game with nine Germans, all it’ll take for Americans to finally catch on. year older and technically a year wiser than You are in control of your emotions, and become more of who you were to begin I was June 23, 2009. only you can ruin your day. with. DYLAN PARKER If I have learned nothing else in the past The whole point of college is to taste free- You should be able to leave the beloved creative/technical year, I have at least learned that in the end, dom without being completely let loose, University of Mississippi with a sense of supervisor no one is responsible for yourself other than and adapting to who you are. You become pride and accomplishment not only because DARREL JORDAN the you. comfortable in your own skin and learn to you have an incredibly expensive piece of chief engineer Today, I was on Facebook (because ev- hold your own. paper, but because you’ve grown up and can WILD Rebel “BIG DEAL” eryone knows how much I love my social Think back to the very first day of your begin living your life however you see fit. MELANIE WADKINS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Friday networking sites) and a friend of mine liked freshman year. Everyone makes those friends Friends will come and go, but (as cliche advertising manager the group “We were friends, but you’ve on the first day or two and begin to branch as it might sound) the real friends are there STEPHEN GOFORTH changed.” No silly group could better de- out from there. It might be the first guy you for you no matter what happens. It took me broadcast manager Rebel scribe the past 365 days of my life. shared an elevator with or a girl two show- a long, long 22 years to get here, but I’ve Sometimes, people change - that’s not ers over complaining about no hot water. finally figured out who is who and I love DARCY DAVIS medium SmALL LARge administrative your fault. Sometimes, people decide to be Most first-day friends don’t stay that way every single one of them with all my heart. assistant rude and hateful for no reason. Again, that long, but without them, you wouldn’t be Oh, and speaking of friends: happy 20th 10” piZZA is not your fault. here today with the friends you have now. birthday, Samuel Rene! radio 1-topping peppeRoni MINIMUM OF 3 FOR DELIVERY On Line Code med1tOp On Line Code $ 99 ReBeL $ 99 $ 99 THE DAILY The Daily Mississippian is published daily Monday The Daily Mississippian welcomes all comments. 4 through Friday during the academic year. Please send a letter to the editor addressed to The Daily minimum delivery $7.99 3 4 MISSISSIPPIAN Mississippian, 201 Bishop Hall, University, MS, 38677 deep dish extra minimum delivery $7.99 Pick-uP Only not valid with other offers The University of Mississippi Contents do not represent the official opinions of the or send an e-mail to [email protected]. university or The Daily Mississippian unless specifically Letters should be typed, double-spaced and no longer not valid with other offers S. Gale Denley Student Media Center indicated. than 300 words. Third party letters and those bearing 201 Bishop Hall pseudonyms, pen names or “name withheld” will not be Letters are welcome, but may be edited for clarity, published. Publication is limited to one letter per indi- 1603 w. jackson ave. Main Number: 662.915.5503 space or libel. vidual per calendar month. Student submissions must include grade classification Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ISSN 1077-8667 and major. All submissions must be turned in at least three days in advance of date of desired publication. 662-236-3030 4 5 C M Y K C M Y K NEWS LIFESTYLES


FAST, CRIME REPORT JUNE 16-22, OXFORD + UNIVERSITY continued from page 1 1 ambulance assistance 1-arrest for speeding, driving while 1 burglary license suspended, no insurance 1 larceny 1 sexual assault staff to adjust. who are open past bar hours. 1 auto burglary 7 suspicious activities Etiquette “What backs us up are spe- Wendy’s General Manager, Wedding 3 accident 2 vandalism cials because that may slow Samantha Bean, said she no- 9 alarms 4 welfare concern us down in the kitchen. We’ll ticed a drop off in late-night 2 animal complaint have them pull around and customers during the sum- 2 residential burglary (cr 242) Arrests: park and bring it out to them mer. For her that means fewer 30 disturbances 1 family disturbance to keep drive-through going,” rowdy customers late at night, 2 grand larceny 1 chancery writ Lance Reed, Chick-fil-A own- which Bean said is much better 5 petit larceny 1 domestic violence/simple assault er-operator said. for her. 25 malicious mischief 1 harassing phone calls The three restaurants agreed When evaluating customer 2 motor vehicle accidents 3 contempt of court that when customers know service overall, it wasn’t speed 8 service calls 2 public drunk & possession of beer over their orders and are prepared the restaurants were most con- 1-traffic citation for running a stop sign 21 going through the drive- cerned about. 4 traffic citation for speeding 1 credit card fraud PHOTO COURTESY Stock Exchange through, things run much “I think it’s the accuracy of 2 traffic citation for expired license more smoothly. the orders, because the thing BY AMANDA WARD When correcting speed is- about it is, it’s not how fast Lifestyles Editor sues in the drive-through, you push them through,” Bean restaurants pinpoint specific said. “It might count with that They might as well change the name of acceptable. Men will be in tuxedoes. naled in by the wedding coordinator, or, to securing a husband.” problems and correct them to person who’s on lunch (break), ASSOCIATED PRESS summer to “wedding season.” Polished answers the question about wear- avoid any mishap, wait until after the cer- The first dance of the reception is reserved improve customer service. but you think about that mom Weddings can be wonderful social events. ing white and strapless dresses. emony is over. for the bride and groom, regardless of music Adding extra staff is one way that may come in here with Barbour: Judge right to block drilling However, with social events, there is re- An all-white dress is considered to be It is acceptable to avoid the ceremony all playing. of dealing with slower drive- three children. It’s important quired of everyone a certain amount of so- stealing the attention away from the bride. together, if one realizes he or she will be late, The couple may wish to eat and toast be- through speeds. that she gets everything right moratorium cial etiquette. However, an ivory dress is usually acceptable and join the party at the reception venue. fore dancing, which is fine. Guests should “Usually what happens is on that first try because she Here are a few reminders of how to be- or a white dress with another color incor- In the event that one is unfamiliar with not begin dancing until the couple has over at that call box - that’s wants to get that family situ- JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi Gov. the administration plans to appeal the judge’s have at a wedding and its reception, accord- porated. local or religious ceremony customs, follow shared their first dance. where we get backed up be- ated so they can eat lunch. I Haley Barbour is praising a federal judge’s de- decision. The moratorium was a response to ing to etiquette expert Emily Post (“Emily Strapless dresses are generally reserved the lead of those seated nearest. At formal receptions where there is as- cause sometimes people sit at think speed is something that cision to lift the Obama administration’s six- the April 20 explosion of an oil rig that has Post’s Etiquette”) and Polished at Socialim- for outdoor weddings. If the strapless dress Some churches stand during the entire signed seating, it is unacceptable for a guest that call box and it takes them the company puts on us, and month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling continued to gush oil into the Gulf. must be worn in a church, it is considered in ceremony while others rise periodically to speak only to his or her date. 2-3 minutes to decide what that you’re losing what’s re- in the Gulf of . Barbour says he hopes the judge’s ruling The first question most people have about good practice to bring a shawl or light sweat- throughout. Whether guests are familiar with one an- they want,” said Reed. “But, ally important: your customer Barbour, a Republican, has said repeatedly will take effect quickly and be upheld on ap- weddings is what to wear. er to cover a woman’s bare shoulders. If the If there are no spoken cues on standing other or not, they still must engage in polite if I’ve got somebody out there base.” over the past two weeks that the moratorium peal. The governor said earlier this month that Wedding attire is appropriated by the time reception is held away from the church, it is and seating, it is safest to follow other guests conversation. face-to-face, then we can talk Vasilyev said that customers was a bad policy that could hurt the national stopping deepwater drilling for six months of day in which the wedding takes place. acceptable to remove the shawl or sweater. at the wedding. Never ask to be moved. It is rude, and the that through, and I eliminate have a better experience when economy. could prompt some oil companies to move According to Post, weddings before noon After arriving at the wedding, one must During the wedding ceremony, it is rude seating arrangement should never be taken that gap, and I get more orders they are greeted with a smile. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says their equipment to other countries. are informal, and women should wear day wait to be seated by an usher. to take personal photographs. personally. on my screen over here.” And no matter how fast you dresses (i.e. church dress), and men should The usher will seat guests according to Typically, the bride and groom have hired As a guest, it is impolite to call attention The restaurants did not no- are or how good the product wear slacks and a dress shirt. their relationship to either the bride or the an official photographer or videographer for to one’s own departure from a reception, es- tice any difference in drive- tastes, if you’re met with a sour ASSOCIATED PRESS After noon until 6 p.m. is semi-formal, groom. the event. pecially if it is an early departure. through times between the attitude it’s not going to be a and women are expected to wear some- It is customary that a lady be escorted to An unwelcome flash may disturb the pro- In the company of other guests, it is best summer season and the fall and good experience BARBOUR: PROPOSED CHOCTAW CASINO thing dressier than a day dress and closer to her seat by the usher and her date will follow fessional’s own pictures and possibly even to simply apologize for needing to leave so spring seasons when school is Chick-fil-A, a restaurant a cocktail dress. The closer the time is to 6, behind. distract from the sanctity of the occasion. soon. in session. known for its high standard for IN JONES CO. BAD the dressier one should be. Men need to be A gentleman who arrives at the wedding At the reception, certain formalities must In the matter of whether or not to bring “We don’t really want to see customer service, took this a in a dress suit and should make judgement alone should still wait for an usher to walk be followed. small children, the general rule is to bring a any (difference) actually. We step further. on whether or not to wear a tie. him to his seat. The first is greeting the bride and groom. child no younger than two years of age. want to see the same speed “I think it’s not an either JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi Gov. The governor said Tuesday he’s asking At- A formal wedding is anything that will Occasionally it is unavoidable to arrive According to Post, one must congratulate Also, when bringing a child, ensure that all the time,” Vasilyev said. (speed) or (accuracy), but it’s Haley Barbour says he’s asking the Mississippi torney General Jim Hood to take legal action begin after 6 p.m. Women must wear a lon- late for the wedding ceremony. the groom and only wish the bride happi- he or she will be watched over personally “Whatever our fastest time, we both and more,” Reed said. Band of Choctaw Indians to withdraw plans to to try to block the development. ger length dress; more extravagant jewelry is If this is the case, one must either be sig- ness; it is rude to “congratulate the bride on and not left unattended. want to keep our fastest.” “We’ve got to really be good on build a casino in Jones County. The Choctaw Tribal Council voted June 8 to The amount of customers is both.” Barbour calls the proposed facility a “slot put a 27,000-square-foot building with about what restaurants noticed, es- Even fast food restaurants are parlor” and says it could hurt the health and 500 to 700 slot machines and a snack shop on pecially the difference in late- not looking to give customers safety of local residents and jeopardize tortois- a tribal-owned site near Sandersville. night customers at restaurants just a quick meal, but also ser- es, birds, snakes and plants in the Pine Belt A Choctaw spokesman could not immedi- like Wendy’s and Taco Bell, vice that keeps them coming region. ately be reached for comment. 6 7 7


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All ages 17+. Call NOW versity Transit orange bus route. Mobile Home for Rent nished 4-Bedroom-3.5bath house. (662)550-4471. Jumbo Headline - $3 Porch/ patio, walk-in-closets, fireplace, 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Grad/ Law/ Pro- 2000SF mobile home in excellent BY SCOTT ADAMS fessionals, Close to Campus, www. storage. $350/ month. 662 801 1223 Big Headline - $2 shape Located in beautiful country, Massey Prop Mgmt setting between Oxford and Batesville Bold Text - extra $ . 50 per word (662)234-0311 3BR/2B, sunroom, dining area, extra Oak Grove Apartments 2bdr bedroom or office $700/ mo (662)561- Online-exclusive features also QUIET COMPLEX. Fully applianced. 1014 available Incld full sized w/ d, gas grills, fire- 1MEDIUM place (wood incld), (CABLE & HS in- Condo for Rent 1 TOPPING ternet incld). Pets welcome. 662-236- @The Mark in- To place your ad online: 4749 2BD 2BH condo ternet, cable, all appliances, W/ D in- $ 99 House for Rent cluded. $800/ mth. 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sports briefs ZACH GRAHAM REFLECTS ON WHITE’S CAREER OLE MISS SPORTS Ole Miss RB Rodney Scott THIS IS PART ONE OF A THREE- recieves SEC sportsman- PART SERIES ON TERRICO WHITE ship award AND THE NBA DRAFT, WHICH Ole Miss football player Rodney Scott and University of TAKES PLACE ON THURSDAY. South Carolina softball player TOMORROW: OLE MISS BAS- Sam Arbaugh have been named recipients of the 3rd KETBALL PREPARES FOR FUTURE annual SEC Sportsmanship WITHOUT WHITE. Award, SEC Commissioner Mike Slive announced Tues- BY JOHN HOLT day. The Daily Mississippian The two were chosen by a vote When Terrico White declared for the NBA of the SEC Directors of Athlet- Draft in April, it did not come as much of a sur- ics prise to many, including his teammates. The Rebels had a solid season - finished 24-11 During the first quarter of the and advanced to the NIT Semifinals for the sec- Auburn-Ole Miss football ond time in three seasons before falling to even- game on Oct. 31 in Jordan- tual champion Dayton, but they failed to reach Hare Stadium, Auburn safety FILE PHOTO | The Daily Mississippian the NCAA Tournament after starting the season Terrico White is projected to go anywhere from the late-1st to mid-2nd round in Thursday’s NBA Draft. Zac Etheridge helped make a with a 16-4 record and were ranked No. 14 in the Former teammate Zach Graham spoke highly of White as a quiet leader and “mind-blowing” talent. tackle on Scott, a freshman tail- country for a week in January. back for the Rebels. When the “It was tough to not make the (NCAA) tourna- chance and opportunity to fulfill his dream and I day.” collision occurred, Scott made ment when I was there,” White said. “Our goal don’t fault him for that,” senior guard Zach Gra- The 6-foot-6 Graham, who is a native of Su- a split-second decision to stay coming into last season was to make it. With the ham said. wanee Ga., said he’d love to see his former team- still underneath Etheridge, who talent we had, it looked like we were early in the Graham, who averaged 9.2 ppg last season, mate suit up for his home team - the Atlanta had become unconscious. year, but down the line we started having injuries, mentioned that White was a quiet leader but a Hawks - next season. He stated White has plenty and everything just kind of fell apart after that.” special teammate for the two years they played of potential, and that people haven’t even wit- Rather than forcing himself off With White’s early departure and starting center alongside one another. nessed all he has to offer. the ground, which is generally a player’s first instinct, Scott DeAundre Cranston’s graduation, many assumed “He was a great teammate on the court and off “I think he’s really talented at the point-guard did not move for almost 10 the team would remain strong. But then forward the court,” Graham said. “He really didn’t talk a position because he can really handle the ball, find minutes while medical person- Eniel Polynice unexpectedly declared for the draft, lot, but on the court he was really effective. He’s his big men cutting to the basket and create for nel attended to the injured and sophomore Murphy Holloway transferred to not one of those guys who is going to talk a lot himself,” Graham said. “He did great things in Tiger defensive back. Scott walk on at South Carolina in order to live closer to about what he is going to do. He’s just going to college, but I don’t think people have seen half of sensed, almost immediately, his mother and infant daughter. go out on the floor and take care of business. He what he can do. The things that he did in practice that Etheridge was seriously “I knew that Terrico had a really good was coachable and worked hard in practice every were just mind-blowing.” injured, and chose to stay motionless while not to risk any further injury to the Auburn SEC FAILS WITH COWBELL COMPROMISE defensive back. BY PAUL KATOOL during pre-game, halftime, between mon sense, to throw anything on Fines, penalties, a slap on the wrist? The Daily Mississippian quarters, time-outs, after scores and the field during a football game, Fines aren’t going to work – most “It was one of the most amaz- during possession changes. but that didn’t stop students from fans aren’t going to care about how ing things I’ve seen,” said Au- At the annual Southeastern Con- This sounds fine and dandy for launching liquor bottles and even a much SEC Commissioner Mike burn head coach Gene Chizik. ference meetings, which took place Mississippi State fans, but during single red high-heel onto the south Slive is charging on the MSU credit “I’ve got to give that young at the beginning of the month in an average conference match up, end zone. card as long as it isn’t hurting the man (Scott) a lot of credit. I Destin, Fla., the powers that be in SEC stadiums contain enough Evan What should be drawn from this Bulldogs on the playing field. don’t know how he knew he the SEC focused on the most im- Williams and Beam’s Eight Star to anecdote is obvious - sports fans, in- And the penalties seem a little couldn’t move. It was one of portant issue regarding the 2010 flood the Grand Canyon. And with cluding preteens and grandfathers, harsh. How can the SEC rational- the most phenomenal things football season: a new cowbell poli- Jim Bob or Bobby Joe liquored up, soccer moms and frat stars are going ize slapping the Bulldogs with a I’ve witnessed.” cy for Mississippi State fans. they won’t know a time-out from a to get rowdy and boisterous during 15-yard penalty or technical foul All sarcasm aside, the SEC ap- touchdown. athletic events, whether it is because – something that could truly affect Etheridge was secured to a proved a one-year trial compro- So ring-a-ling-a-ling those cow- of alcohol or pure adrenaline. the outcome of a game – because a stretcher and carted off the mise that more or less strikes the bells will go. And I’m certain that among these bunch of nuts are ringing bells? field where he was taken to the 1974 ban by the SEC on artificial This harks back to 2007 when rowdy fans, there will be a large So really, in my book there are hospital, where X-rays showed noisemakers – including cowbells replay official Doyle Jackson over- number of cowbell-wielding Missis- two options the SEC should have no structural damage to his – at league football and basketball turned Ole Miss wide receiver Shay sippi State faithful that will adhere chosen from instead of their grey- spine, although he did tear games. Hodge’s long reception against Ala- to the new rules set in place. But area approach: ban the cowbells ligaments attached to his spine The policy states that Bulldog fans bama, ending hopes of the Rebels there will also be quite a few who and get serious about screening for and cracked his C-5 vertebra. are allowed to ring their cowbells at making a comeback. will get caught up in the moment and confiscating the noisemakers; He was in an invasive neck times when music can be played – It’s against the rules, and com- and ring their cowbells at inappro- throw people out of games if they brace for three months. priate times or blatantly ignore the don’t comply. The two players communicated new rules altogether. Or just give up and let the fans with each other the week follow- So, what I really want to know ring their cowbells, because the last ing the incident and still commu- is what these consequences are go- time I checked that 1974 ban never nicate several times a month. ing to be if, or when, fans at Da- stopped cowbells from ringing dur- vis Wade Stadium break the rules. ing their games anyway. POWE NAMED TO TWO AWARD WATCH LISTS Ole Miss’ Jerrell Powe was named to watch lists for both the Outland Trophy and the Bronko Nagurski Trophy, as announced Mon- day by the Football Writers Association of America.

The Outland Trophy honors college football’s top interior lineman, while the Nagur- ski Trophy is awarded to the nation’s best defensive player.