The Comment, November 9, 1978
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Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1978 The ommeC nt, November 9, 1978 Bridgewater State College Volume 51 Number 16 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1978). The Comment, November 9, 1978. 51(16). Retrieved from: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. COlnlnent Vol. LI No. 16 Bridgewater State College November 9, 1978 After months 0/ negotiations Faculty Ratifies 3 Year Contract by Jean ~t. Andre several important provisions. contract agreement is that The faculty of the Massachusetts Among these is a pay raise of department chairpersons must be State College System, under the approximately one thousand dollars elected by the faculty members in auspices of the Massachusetts State per year on to the base rate of each department. Elections must be College Association (MSCA), voted faculty salaries. The pay raise is held within sixty days of the on Friday, November 3, to ratify a expected to be in effect in ratification of the contract, by three year contract with the Board December, amounting to two January 2, 1979. According to of Trustees. The total vote of the thousand dollars because this is the Angell, the faculty is waiting for entin~ State CoAiege System was 945 second year that the contract has Dean Anderson to call the in favor of the ratification and 284 been in effect. departments together for the opposed. elections. Existing chairpersons Under the leadership of Dr. The monies for these pay raises could be ousted with these Charles Angell, President of the will be allocated by the Common elections. MSCA, 191 faculty members out of wealth of Massachusetts. The Divisional Directors, which are 242 at BSC voted for the contract, contract was negotiated with the unique to BSC, are not allowed to representing the highest percentage Board of Trustees, the recognized serve on promotion committees in of teachers from one institution bargaining agent for the Governor. accordance with the new contract. voting in the State College System. While the Governor still has to It was also stipulated that members The union (MSCA) "will be a approve and sign the contract, "that of the faculty and administration can strong force in representing faculty shouldn't be a probJem" only hold one position . either interests, and we will continue in the according to Angell. teacher or administrator. same spirit of collegiality so Also included in the contract that Students, also, were granted characteristic of the BSC had been in negotiations since early power in the bargaining process community", stated Angell. March, is a "no strike/no walk-out with the MSCA by the establish The contract, which has beep clause" _ It is illegal for state ment of All College Committees. effective since July 1, 1977 and employees to strike. "With the All College Committee, expires on June 30, 1980, includes Another stipulation in the the power of the students is greatly increased. if they care to exercise it", stated. Dr. Michael Kryzanek, Assistant Professor of Political Registration Begins Science. Students interested in being a member of. the All College Committee should contact Al Silva, Next Thursday President of the Student Govern· ment Assocjation. by StieAscl Angelt . feels that the' faculty is date is Tuesday, N0\1embef21stfor satisfied with the contract, and that One upcoming event at the dassof 1982. The two classes Bridgewater State College that all there is "support' out there", teacher's contract. will meet on those separate days Negotiations begin in January of students will be involved in is according to these assignments: 9- 1980 for the next contract. " registration. 10:30' G roup I; 10:30 -12:00 GroupII; Registration is held in the S.U. 1·2:30 Group Ill; and 2:30: 4 Group Ballroom. The dates for spring IV. Governor-elect King registration are as follows: The date for late registration is Thursday, Nov. 16 from 9-11 am for Monday, November 27th from 1~3 the class I of, '79 and graduate p.m. if a student has a permanent or students; and Friday, November temporary handicap which prevents views higher education 17th from 9:11 am for the class of him from participating in the regular The benefits to· a progressive, do they prepare studerits who wish plans can be fulfilled. 1980. Students in the classes of 1981 registration, '.' he should contact productive sodety in both to' enter the job market? Do -,-create .an Educational Building and 1982 have been assigned a Nurse Deep at the Student Health economic and non-economic terms Massachusetts students compete Authority with existing personnel to registration group by way of a Service by November 13th for justify support to our public higher on an equal basis for graduate supervise and report on educational lottery system. Lists will be posted information. Otherwise; students education system. Furthermore, we school placements? Are the building needs and repairs. around campus before registration. may register only with their assigned believe that Massachusetts' ranking priorities between institutions -make a survey of the needs of Every student is responsible' for group or with a later group. of 48th regarding per capita student appropriate? higher' education so that those finding out his group number. To participate in registration, a appropriation is cause for concern; , Along these lines, we feel' that institutions not fully functioning or Registration for the class of 1981 is student must first meet with his we want to offer men and womer.' those closest to the situation ' .. no longer needed can be closed or Monday, November 20, and the (cont. page 4) both young and old. a competitive faculty, administration and students consolidated. ' chance to obtain a first rate higher -- should be directly involved in any - centralize .admissions for the education. reorganization process and that Massachusetts system. academic freedoms must be - create. a better system for There are three levels of public preserved. Ultimately, we believe cooperation between the public and higher education in Massachusetts: that the resources are available for private universities. state universities, .state colleges, unprovlng the higher educational With cooperation and support and community colleges, and once system. Some guidel1nes proposed from the governor's olfice and the again, we feel that organization and might be as follows: state, we might better re-evaluate management hold .the key for priorities in order. to alleviate the ne cess a ry i m pro ve me nt s. -"- maintain present quality of competition and 'duplication of However, before undertaking education and operation. efforts that plagues our system massive reform or corrective - mqintain. tuition at present levels today: Overall·- cost erfectiveness measures,. we also feel it is .- re··evaluate physical. expansion can be achieved without a reduction important to gain a . thorough and new building; moratorium on in services or in the quality of public understanding of the problems in 'land acquisitions. higher education .. We will stand Massachusetts higher education. -:-allow expansion in those areas behind c1ur belief that the people of For .instance, how supportive. are· that create jobs, bring' industry. to M assachusettsd eis erve a present and proposed organizations the state, and increase the influx of competitive alternative and a to the goals of higher education? professionals to the state. chance' to receive excellence in Are they responsive to the needs of - clarify the functions of the Board higher education . for which they those seeking higher education, are of Higher Education at a caretaker have. proven themselves willing to they accessible and affordable,. and ~ coordinatin~ board until long range work. Fast For .World Harvest - Nov. 16 by Allison Linehan .hunger problem. one effort on your part. Commuter Thursday, November 16th, has Here at 8.S.C., the Christian students may give any contributions beenprodairnedWorld Fast for Fellowship,the Catholic Center, they might have at a table inthe caf. Hunger Day this year. People all and the Carpenter's Shop are from 11·1 on the day ofthetast.Two across. the nation will be fasting to sponsoring the day of fast. Everyone meals out of the 1,095 you partake help world hunger intwo ways. First is asked to consider participating in ofyeariy iSD't much atall when you when w.e fast, we begin to realize their· own little way. If you are a think of the good it will be doing for how our brothers and sisters in dorm student and you give up lunch, others. underdeveloped countries feel most you will be contributing 45¢. If you On' the day of the fast(November' of the time; and secondly, the give up supper, 70¢ will be given to 16th), soup and breadwill be served' money which we· save from not Oxfarm. However, if you give up" from 11:30 to 1:30 at the' CatholiC eating is given to Oxfam America, both, a total of $1.15 will be given to Ce.nter. At 12:05, there will be a Thomas· Walsh, Registrar, discu;'es regUitration po~sibilities.{PHOTO BY JOE help the hungry people from this . ( 6) WALKER) an organization started to help the Page 2 THE COMMENT. November9, 1978. I:~ L-________Editorials~ ____________________________ ~ Fast tor a World Harvest: :r REAllY UKI: cAUSE Help America First yoU" NEW CAR WHEN According to press releases received in the Comment Office, November 16 1978 has been designated as "Fast for a World Harvest" SAPPHIRE'" 'fOO"-RE by a charitable organization known as Oxfam-Arnerica. ?n this day Oxfam-America would like students to forgo lunch and dinner. If the HOT students do skip these meals Custom Food Service will donate forty-five yOU'P-oE cents for lunch and seventy cents for a dinner missed.