GOLD WATCH BRACELETS td Good Teeth, NEWEST AND BEST. Beat Gold Self-fitting Bracelets t remove pain- with Jewelled Lever Watches ir troublesome, -« W 7 $ S r POSSIBLE PRICES. are worn with vaou 6 0 /- bach. Free Painless avABAirma '•> eth are fitted, Wm. Bruford & Son, ur work at all 6oMnftffts and Silversmiths, Wm.Bmford &Son, FASHIONABLE GUIDE 100, Terminus-rd, lastbourne

T e l e p h o n e : 2 2 s , , SATURDAY, JUNE 86, 1815. E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 .. PRICE ONE PENNY

IBB EASTBOURNE ASTBOU COLLEGE SCHOOL OF COMMENCE, MARY H. COOPER, C ourt D ressmaker. IV FRVHHBHT BOA?. arsfe’srsK sw aM SK Latest Creations in FETE and GOWNS at Moderate Prices > Bead Master/ ' . . Languages. The M V . F.;S» WTLLXaA«, CEBtmOATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYEE). ORIGINAL AND DISIGNS. Day and Evening Claseea. ' Indl vldnal Tuition. DAY’S WASHING .L SIDE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, BASTBOURNB. 6, LI8M0RB ROAD ASTBOURNR Preparatory School for Boys. and Navy H. JONHS, It. A., F.R.Q.B., Clifton Collage and FEW PENNYWORTH application ahonld be nyade to the BaAs D IC K E R & C Phtbioal Drill la oa mpulsory tor the LOVELLY-KBPPLESTQNE 0 BO BOUGH __S 0 HOC CLASS PROVISION & GROCERS, UPPER AVENUE, BABTBOURNK. 8 TAVELBT ROj Na.UA ■ WITH THE otover 20 Words - Private 8ehoot for Boys. , ' \ WINES, SPIRITS ani MINERAL WATEBfl. >8 and Sixpence BRITISH WASH-BOILER Fits 8 hjllqig8 nttv st Whiskey, 3/6 & 4/- per bottle. ine Old Tawnflj Port, 56/- A 42/- per dawn. rj.KHNOB O V T- B L L 1 S U I B B , N S W JA M S . w , j^saKsewar*, — g T . GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPKRTON). BOTTLED FRUITS, fto. Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. VQB BOYS INTENDED FOB BUSINESS LOT. “ESSDiSSSitSBSSSBa

attention It paid to Commercial Snhjeota and Modem banguagea. SONS' ‘ a of For Prorpecttu apply H un Mures. V I i < Telephone Bo. A. OBNTLBPBOPLB ONLY ' U bald at A G RANGE ROAD. TUTUNIOIPAL SCHOOL OF ' MACHINE MADE BREAD, /XRANVTLLE H0USE, GACDI ggPogfla^jaabe prepend tor the Cambridge Prellmlni JUL (TaoaNiau Institute. Urovx-eoad). U MB ADS. BASTBOURNB. Beginners a n received. * . ' DAY and EVENING CLASSES an held RmnSKTIAL, Pbbparatobt AND Ref erenooe from Parents of Pupil*. B ranch* ot Art, Including Claeses in M etal1 DELIVERIES TO ALL PASTS OF TOWN Gib u ' School. Wood O&rvtag and Leather Work* Prlnolpalg—MBS. 0. H. d« LA MOTtOQ j Apply. Ml* B. Clcathkb. & Co/a (LtfD> Vial bora oanjotn for short periods. ['NOOKMABOON ’SCHOOL MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCI h. and KINDERGARTEN OR O IH T L IM IN 'i CHILDRBN. BNYB ROAD, EASTBOURNE. MUNICIPAL Prlnolpal* Th i Miss* Sxmflk. SPRING RENOVATIONS Girl* (to ll yean; Boys i to t yean. ViMton* Children reoeived. No Boarders. FUmmli Waehed in Rain Water, for the tUiragt of which large undt Imwoni la the Garden (weather permitting). GIRLS’ ftfDME. EMiJLIE PETRELLI,R.A.M, lovely EA8TB0UBN K MARTIN i; con- (tatopnplfof wSwRandem^r) DB MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, MORNING CLASSES ON Prime Donna Opera and Principal London Concerts, be Bobby A Oo.'s Arcade, 40, Terminus-road, IANITABY STEAM LfUN DRY CO L imited. above tor the Internal and External Decorations. RECEIVES PUPILS tor LESSONS In SINGING INCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, BOURNE. eltore, by an and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method), HASH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, LATIMER ROAD, EAST EASTBOURNE IHOQL cuff 8, GUdte lad. and 1 *<>• w Moderate, Native Teeeheri. Trial Le*on JTree. B ruy conTenlenoe it provided tor ensuring the Highest Clan ot Work for Families, Lodging Hermitage ft Terminus-road. Houses, or 1 [T. CHUNK'S, 9, u p p Br t o n ROAD, 'BOURNE. ; MILLER & SELMES, DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. , SPACIOUS OPEN DB' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Preparatory and Finishing), j Under Boyal Patronage. LetUrt should t* addressed “ Mia Hxxx, Sanitary Daughters of Visitor* n Idem Decorators. Plnmbon T \/riS 8 ELEANOR RATCLIFFS, 1 Day-Boarder ’ * . . 1; • ' T IV*. 10 yean AaaUtant toMRS. WORDSWORTH. CHILDREN BECEIV3ED du'lua cl,. HOLIDAYS WUlreennie her CL A83KS at the Grand Hotel, Saturday, Ever t Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. Oofatod. at I t t ; Jqveallas. II tfOlook. At Devonjhlm BpttitA attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work, . I ' Par^Wedaenday ahqrnpotig. S80. Oot 6th ; Baby CUee, U o'clock. Private Lessons at any time. Apply—ALLANDALX, COOMBB ROAD. CROYDON. lVTISS OWEN is Moving toaLarger » tad Works: 75, TIDB8WBLL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. IV*. in Ateade In ordbr to enable her to tot DANCING AND DBPOBTMBNT. fT having been reported that MISS LUCY MONET’. Ebiablibhkd 1879. WARDROBES. L WAYletoylnanp'lWehlMt.ehe beae to gay that ill noteonreoA and that she wlllbe R^IJMING HKR UTHE CENTRAL GYMNASIUM, MQNE r. W g g J . theSAFFRONS BOOMS on SATURDAY. - CORNFIELD ROAD, Eastbonme. W. T. LAMB & SON, w a r d r o b e s . Three p.m. T , 8ersfc- ROAD, LONDON, W. Sehoole attended. Private Leaeoni given. ■very hransh of Phyeloal Education Carefully tanght by For Particulars addrees— ( Telephone: MUSEUM uONE." awnbroke ■s, Jewellers and General Salesmen, SAVIOUR’* CHOIR SCHOOL, SIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. 8 • ; SOUTH STREET. . ' ^ I I ' MINA IN (Oertu Voe. T.OJU, BOYS ARE TAKEN FROM THE AGE 0*j BIGHT. arge Assortment of NEW and' SECONDS-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, GOLF, Ac. Field and Opera Glasses, . N. COUJN8’ SPORTS SHOP, M an Cbobal Schoubships, tonyt of vvhlofa oover B, SOUTH BTjElSKT < (Near Town Hall), Advanced ot petty. L tdiet’ and Gentlemen'e Wardrelee Pnnheeed for Prompt Oath, ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE.

1 5 PREPAID ORDERS 0. PAID TO ANY I G NO B IN A l Y l i ' HOTCHKISS dk BOH. S (Profegeorewa dl ijlngna ItaMiba BEST AND FULLEST GUIDE BOOK !i* . ■ PatECaleed ty Royalty, TNNGINEEBS, MILLWBIGHTSi, RAILWAY STATION IN D OR WALES. j neU’ Uni vent tt dl RMea J C i PATTERN mahicwh. { GIVES LESSONS I !$'••• srag THEGVMNASI BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS, AND SOHOOL o r PHYSICAL EDUCATION, . Aad Repairer* of all Unde of Machinery each ae InBehoolaandFamfllea French Lew For torma Arv. apply HaarmpcoDia, A ®EBS’ GUIDE ip EASTBOURNE, YORK ROAD, BaereomoB (near Town HaU),TeL 167. Steam, Gas A Water Engines,Hydraulic Lifts, Ae. “ * ’n e r n m M ^ j a i M c r . urn. ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED, GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, CONTUSING A HASS OF INTBBBSTING LOCAL INFORMATION. £ S B . OHATFIBLD ft YATK HOTEL s WEB DAIRY, Oowksspsrs and Dairy Farmers, Price OHH SHILLING, in Plotorial Oover. DELIVER HIGH-CLASS DAIRY PRODUCE with private Three Tim* Dally to aU parte of Xatoboona A s It b ueoetoary to know from when* the milk supply —and every article of'Furniture in our Horn, i comes from PETER’S. . le derived we lnvlbe l^ tronB to inrpeet onr Farm* ■ \ ' ■ i ■■■j: , . • • • • | . !i CORNY LD, TERRACE FannBpotet . Dalttoes ~ 'll 1 Furniture to last many lifetimes v---

MR. L. M. GREEN, PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS, BLOCK ROAD, HA The BEST VALUE in SOAP is the DOLPHIN. I***', i - ; HARMONIUMB AMS HARPS. I By the Beta Maken. ob Uie Lowest Terms, for Sate, FEB S id. BAE. . j Hire and oa uie Three Veers’ System. ctkbstmonoeux CASTLE COMBE & GO L i m i t e d ^ □L - fdopyrighth, EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE j j LYO* * HAUL, Warwick Mantaon, USE IT FOB AIL PUBP08E8. ■ iv-lf -■'. •i- (nearly newb A HMTORIOAL AMD DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH \ KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. tehing Machine or this II Lithographers and Publishers, WaysrtmmSTunansenttnaUpaetssfSieOotmtnh INTERESTING AMD PICTURESQUE CASTLE Blattratod r eBtogn* Free by Poet. By the Revv E. B. Cbaem, M A. B. BROWN ft SON. Best Local Medium Containing a number of eSeeUent Ulustratk ASTI8TI0 PRINTING plan of the building aa It formerly eib E jjs A CALL and inspeot our New Stock of MOTOR CYCLES and :te (equal to new). Price, SrrpMNOB. Postage, Id OOESSOBIES. Dayton TwofStroke, £11; O.K. Two-Speed, £80 ; B.S.N.’> from 'Ifc be hbtalnod of the Publishers, Fabnoomb* is.; Boyal Enfield tioinbination, £84. “ Chronicle " Office. Sonthatroet, Eaatbi SahdlOTOiu. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TRAD NOTE PA PE l AND ENVELOPES STAMPED IN ANY COLOUR IN THE LATEST It, SALAT, tUBV ’Phone 4474x. ARTISTIC STYLES. The Mapleton OBANBOUENE STREET, BRIGHTON RUSTIC MEMORIAL CARDS Special Cheap Rates Prepaid Advertisements uitable Intensive of Situations War Manorial Cards in New and Elegant Design* ft.; cost « ; eeU and Vaoant, Articles ion.—Address, 872, A «"«»her Of the Newest and Choicest Designs to HOMER H E R R I N m fo r Ba le, A p nenistoLet, ^ IlT»nnv MEMORIAL CARDS a n now Induded b fte, Show Cards and Labels Designed and! M ated. Vimting Cards from Type or Copper Plate* E OARS.— nr Pattern Book. ■ ! [ ■; Papula* Prices. < E X F E ! H l, Telephone MOlt. ?5sfcC0NDl "Phone 147. FAENOOMBB 4 00., Lm., Pnnrame, L a t e s t F a s h i o n s PLANT8 (Giant ■' Chronicle” Works, South-street, Eastbourne. MOURNING a S p e c i a l p t y , ENGRAVING DONE . BY ALL TEDS NEW PROCESSES. rm.—Winchester, I * 00., Llialjtod, BRIGHTON (dose to Theatre Boyal), Ball Progn mines, Menu Cards, Wedding Cards and Invitations to Dinner, Musical and Chronicle” Works,^Bonth-stn / Evening Parties, tastefully executed. , w - , -a n d lithographic J j PRINTBItB. . my;


. i - .-'-•! • . . . ■ i.‘. - ,K - i. I WEEKLY GYMKHANA. Sohool of theBodiety for AMUSING EVENTS. which ia being held this s p : ItU IN O U S DIAL WRIST WATCHES FOB SERVICE at the Town Hall on further nui iber of tojthe list, the C hairman Publio interest in the gymkhanas at the Summer- oillor O. W. Bolton), th< i town for offe ing tin down damp is apparently increasing now the' fact that also present were Bisho; as follows:— these events are taking place has become generally ! dessrs. Jacob! iizmur, 7p, Channel View-road; Albert known. On Wednesday afternoon, notwithstanding the Hi .rman, 69, Fir] B-road; Walter Henry Wickens, Eyn- the chilling effect of a north-easterly breeze, a very large dward, i foi d Stables, U iperton-rbad: Edward Mewett, St. crowd of spectators assembled both inside and outside fay, G. P. Bassett y. H. j Clristopher’s Sol ool; Arthur Kavanagh, “ Rivington,” SILVER: mnd. From either position the sports can be Uriing Whelptav J- £ alwev, O. E. Pratt, E.’ J. : Vi storia-drive; \ ralter William Denham, 130, Terminus- _ both rides of the road' leading Hopkins, H. vonE. Scotti W. F. Aston (hon. sec. of the ; roi d ; William I 7iokendi 55, Bourne-street; Walter ive forming natural vantage points from local committee), W. A. 1. OlCmentson and others. ; SEEN DAR.Z...... , M< irgan, 6a, Ook ynge-ro Arthur Ward Crumpton, M v TIME CAN blear view may be obtained of the whole of the' The M ayor, in the ooui of some opening remarks, ,19( Bedford-gro e : Emi it Vaughan, “ Ravelston,” ings. Additional interest was lent to the said the summer sohool lot met for mereiere pleasure,pi De nton-road; W iffiam LI iwellyn, 108, Whitley-road; s by the musical selections admirably rendered by but essentially toy insl lion in regard to the great . All red John bar lett, 5, ivensey-road; Henry Cripps ______s_____street Home on 10°/o add Jjband, under the able direction of Trumpet- spiritual, social and moi vork which was done by the , Rc jers, 84, At lington ad; J. Robinson, “ The May 29th and was not discovered until a week later. \ oConnell. Although this band has only society throughout the irld. That meeting was the Cottage,” Vioaffl ie-drive. Samuel Edward Bucldand, Evidence with regard to the second offence having in u s r o a d Sly l een formed considerable progress has been first of a large number qf tings whioh would be held ; ;hom House, Howard- uare; Frederick William been given, the Magistrates ordered |the boy to have W. BRUEORD & S O N .^ ^ ^ , , an< both the oonductor and the men are to be in the town during the ne: tfew days. He very readily ■ !§ston, 39, Gr )ys-road ;| William Chapman Field, four strokes with the birch, atulated on the excellent impression they have and gladly met i ^ . i a wish_____,at he'8hould preside on that' ;I roylt' ” Rosel ery-aven' : Charles Henry Geear, 4, Yesterday.—Before Major H. P: Molineux (in the ‘ r made. occasion, and he desired jas Mayor, on behalf of the Ok shurj it-street; Chari Prior,' 1, Hydney-street; I to the events they were all of aq amusing residents in Eastbourne, jio offer a hearty weloome to chair), Alderman H. W. Keay, Col. J. F. Pierson, A N iw | , the various heats giving rise to much amuse- Tb m James S tarke, laloyon,” Rosebery-avenue; Mr. C. A. I^thafC^Mr. S. E. Kennedy and Mr. ' The battleship! ‘ the members of the summer sohool. He hoped they Arihib JdlWood, Sussex louse, Hardwick-road. Claude Bishop. I \ ich was intensified py the grotesque antios of would find muclrto interest and please them in the -at Brooklyn Navy ’ MISSION TO THE WAR FINANCE. uiolnen—the “ polioeinan,” the “ kuut ” and the town during their stay, Unfortunately the anxieties SCHOOL TENDANCE ' j;. SCHOOL/ ATTENDANCE. ] world’s largest battl er.” On these occasions considerable latitude is and seriousness of the it war overshadowedi almost , eat in, of .bourne, was summoned for Albert Moon; pf Winter-road, was summoned for £3,000,000. Pope’s ANNUAL MEETINGS OF LOCAL RJtANOH. To the E ditor. all their change of air and : scenery disqboying__ _ ..a „soho ... >1 attend ,nee order made in respect to disobeying a sohool attendance order made in respect to would, he , many Some relief from the her son; aUd Was prdered ( pay3s.’6d. : ... [ his son. • . ' Tl * .*!' ['•: l y f . •' The Pope has twd Sir; The issue of a Government appeal for !(000,000 overshadowing oloua ant. be of some benefit to them. ! ■< f ’ Mrs. Moon said1 her son was led away by other boys - as a captain and th | is calculated to make one think As fhomas ibie for suoh a gross lapse of discipline that the d a n g : OUS DOG. One: of his nephe The annual meetings of the local auxiliary of the Whitaker stated in the House of Common , it is the It Was many mouths sine it was intimated that the | | A and she could not get him to sohool. British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel cowd! marvelled at his audacity. Two young officers Bummer school proposed 1 meet in Eastbourne. Thejr Miss J. Hindu!, of Eve| ifield-road, was Summoned A fine of, 2s. 6d.; was imposed. Yenier, of the greatest undertaking that has ever been attempted. At decided to have a tilt at the bucket and so confident CokJura. ■Among the Jews wero'hel(l at the commencement of tbB time of writing it is not known what amount will were glad to hear of tin wish, and the Corporation for keeping a dani erous do| TEA AND : COFFEE this week. On Sunday morning the Rev. Frank Exley Were they that no exceptional skill was required that very readily complied,. appreciation of that visit, . , Mr. H. Glenisler appd bn behalf of Councillcr MORE “ LIGHT” CA^ES. ■ • ■ • j«. - _ “ JBl. he subscribed, but I hazard the prediction that there tpey did not trouble to divest themselves of any part of _ _ _. abtammodation in tike Town | Further cases of1 unobsoured lights WBre heard by the . ; preceded by 130 lit Harris, Rev. J.. Westl with the rate Of interest that the British Government itef half-a-dozen shower baths. The crowd lefence, but I hope ou will accept my promise (to keep P.C. Ashenden said he saw a bright light shining are with tne Colo as, Mr. C. A. Leatham, Mr. A. 0. Tessier, Mr. J. had to pay at one time. The oldest portion of English from a bedroom.' He called at the house and asked to astonishment and-then burst into roars of The Dean of Chichbst [r, on behalf of the eoolesias- j he dog under ooi >1) and save further trouble in the inscriptions as “ My King, Mr. Milton Homer, Mr. W. C. Field and publio debt was a loan from the Goldsmiths’ Company, i the recalcitrant constable, who had ir. Two pet pie nave sent us anonymous letters see the occupant of the room, but was ‘told she was in SO MUCH RECOMMENDED BY THE manyly others. r - ' ' 1672, at 8 per cent.; and in 1679 Exchequer Orders, tieal authorities of the diocese, extended a hearty j Shor iliberately overturned .the, bucket, beat a masterly welcome to the conference. He was extremely pleased | .toning to poi ion not only my Heotor, but my other bed.-" I Vg I After a devotional o; ling conducted by the Rev. J, were at a discount of 40 per cent. In 1728 the interest treat, and for some time kept out of harm’s way. Mr. Roll said the defendant was the wife of an officer- Mr. Chester Jona on part of our debt was reduced from 6 per cent, to to be associated with thq Mayor in welcoming: the MEDICAL PROFESSION. G. Henderson,ouu, theui„ thanked those present In the three-legged raoe the crowd was treated to members to this most delwhtfulland 11 ‘ ' ‘JL ‘ iwn, ' Thonxto sa d he understood defendant needed on active service and this, he submitted, entitled her to « i Saturday that th for coming in suoh lilarge numbers and voiced the thanks which it had fallen, to 5 per cent And in 1786 we had other comical incident. The bashful and shy young lotion for the louse.1 some consideration] The blinds had been exactly the •ountry nearly £250,1 'of all to the' "Rev. G. " Bassett Kerry Tor so kindly to pay £116,267,993 td raise £91,763,862. That is to say, Sapper” was induoed to enter the race in company le Chairman: The projection of the public,js more same for some time andfchere had bead no warning!— have to fight the f we borrowed the latter sum and credited the lenders “ Instead of reme lending Ins garden for 1 at afternoon’s meeting. He with two officers. The trio were fastened together, but because, i irtant than thi protectii in of a house. If there is an Fined 10a hoped the result of that .thering would be an increased With', the larger amount, besides paying 4 per cent pparently this commingling of the portly with the irtaking to gtt rid of tho dog and there was an Iu. the case of Cole it was stated thojt the light came property, all of whicl interest The National Debt in the meantime had mignght know, Eastbourne a Brighton had no dealings ; interest in the sooiety. It was a curious thing- that luh was not judicious, for when the signal was given to eaoh other (laughter)) Brighton^ felt she was the ! Ijoumment.of tn > case, ani this was effectively carried from a bakehouse or pantry and shone [right aoross the Thr ! mauy people who were' Bated in general missionary grown from one and a quarter millions to £245,466,865. start they proceeded down the course by means of a jut, there would b i an end to the case; otherwise, if we road. It was found that no blind was attached to the Twelve years later, when we were at war with France, queen of watering ,nd that Eastbourne was a Councillor Edwa work oould not be indi to take an interest in the series of spasmodic jumps which brought' On an early httle mushroom plaoe, wl [e he knew the feeling East- iear it and we are satisfied the dog is dangerous, there window.—Fined 10s. Ideal Teas for Dyspeptics, farmers in North Bpemaldepertmentfor (hioh they stood that afternoon, consols touched lowest record, 471, aud the National disaster. Not more than a dozen yards had been a .risk of an orier for i s destruction following at P.C. Verrell proved the case against Mr. Ratcliff and Debt stood at £637,653,000. From 1803 to 1816 it bourne had for Bright renewed laughter), i How- stated that at 9.30 p.m. he noticed a bright light show- meeting at BarleyJ If there was any missio; work which demanded the versed when the party oollapsed, their involuntary ever, they would mid itbouriie a most delightful icL labourer, who said interest of Christian iple it was that society’s reached its highest point, £900,436,845, little less than itaot yvith the ground lasting until they were relieved Jr. Thomas: I , im afraid the defendant cannot agree, mgincr frnm.».from a winrlnwiinwindow in thef . kdefendant’s x v -a' infuse. the sum it is proposed to add to our National Debt in place. Many events had Ben put off this year because joining'; why don’t ] k- endeavours. He, as dent of the branch, would friendly hands. By the time they [regained their of the war, but the summi |r school wasjan exception to , a is very fond if the deg and does not think it is Defendant, who did not appear, was Ined 10s. 2/3, 2/9, 3/3 per lb. I go?” Councillor glad if all present wo do what they could to moke it one year. •' ' it the race was finished. ■ ' ! igerous. She is prepared to run the risk of an order In the case against Mr. Vicars, P.C. rost said that Fortunately we have grown rich enough in. the mean­ the general rule. No one bought of putting t]; j - man. “ Right,” i totter known. ie boot race had a disconcerting effect on some of in foot, so far as he could d: soover, it was very important . ng made. i i { at 12.45 a.m, he saw a very Wight li| t coming from recruiting officer, time to raise this large' sum, with less economic-dis­ spectators, for at one period it literally rained Hiss Secretan, ■ if 27, Hartfield-road, stated that in the front oif the defendant’s house. le called Mr. Missmiss Pit abksarks thenmen readltheread it annual report, which was turbance'and dislocation of finance than when we raised the conference should be 1 jeld while the war was going ’ regiment _ quite satisfactory and" inci lideptoUy revealed the faot that its, whioh were not of a particularly light variety. on. They were looking foi ,rd to the greatest possible smber, 1913, nhe wa* ' Walking in St. Anne’s-lane Vicars up, and the latter said he went bed and forgot P ll muoh smaller sums a hundred years ago. It is pot at all ie footwear of the competitors was mixed up in a ith; a wire-haired Iterrier. large black dog flew out the light.—Fined If ■the whole sooiety had fei>r the first time concluded its unlikely-that the end of this war will leave us with an opportunities in mission! work when the war year of work with a balanbee on the right ride. a.nd the boote_ had to be sorted opt by their theyBey were asked, so tar as they oould, to prepare a gate, and whe i she call| her dog the black animal P.C. Verrell gavi evidence in M. johi es case, and the annual charge of £100,000,000 for interest aud manage­ owners. Those who happened to secure the flew £t her and wi h its scratched her hand and defendant, who sail the light came froir a side window Oh the proposition of the Rev. J. Wkstbury J ones, ment of thedebt, to say nothing of a sinking fund. We their plans and get the necessary instruction for j the floss £ wrong boots would send them flying in many cases over future. , after the war would be better, purer 1 a large brui le. She ■ent to Dr. Rook, who told: and that it was pi ily a case Of absent-n .indedness, was ELLIOTT’S SPECIAL BLEND, on Horner, the report v shall have many lean years hereafter, and the utmost the heads of | the crowd, with the result: that the her the skin was not -broken and she need not be fined 10s. his right leg. Altho iltbanked fob all her services. thrift aud frugality will be demanded of all of us. and nobler, and they had] to make ready fob a great •p the wound last) '“ (fortunate owner had no chance of viotory. adyanoe. anxious. J I ■ Fears, a railway an, admitted ,tl at a light was ^ / i .- .« f Mr. J. H. King . elected hon. treasurer in the Muoh has been written since tne Government : he prizes riere distributed by Miss Fatfisson, who Mr. Glenister: Is yourddga fighting dog? showing from his ] ibuse at 11.45 p.m. and told the amazed everybody 1 A c t of Mr. Avard . ijned), Mrs. King and' Mrs. its latest loan proposals.on the opportunity ^ - beartUy thanked for her services, on the initiative The Rev. Canon Stbeai iild faqetiously remarked Witness: .No, it is a perfect coward. constable who spokei tohim.that he wns waiting for an 2 / 5 p e r lib . F atal . Wise wer^added to the| immittee, as were all the Free for the-gteat mass of people to invest their sa’ of jLiqut. Foley. that the warmth of the rooi was some indication of the Thomas: VI asn’t your dog oarrying a rabbit skin alarm. He told the Bench that the lighi shone through A Wolverhampb Church ministers. high rate of interest, and first-oass security, e.winnersbf the various events are appended weloome the sohool reoeii inEastboupe. He thought o|r something ? a window whioh consisted of coloured glass. verdict of “ Accide: latter point there can be no question; but some explanation was due to why the former Vioar of The op the J ews. Tilting the Buoket.—1, Private Harris aid Private Witness: Nothii g whatever. A fine of 5s. was inflicted. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. whioh had occuired'i from newspaper, comments, one might be Brighton took precedence. if the Vicar of Eastbourne, P.O. Packham proved the case againut Mrs. Hazel, The Rev. F. E xley was able Hi int; 2, Private Burns and Private Fox; 3, Private It left your dog t nd came for you simply because you stated that Leslie ! believing that there had ever been such a goldi Tqjkley and Private Robinson. “ We admit,” be added, “ i lat Brighton is the queen of called your dog ?—' Tes. and stated that the light was showing through a | 11-year-old schoolb living auxiliary when ; one, and he tunity .for the working-man investor before, watering plaoqs,, but we l the king, aud ladies go see the Eastbourne was growing. irrel -Race.—1, Private H unt; 2, Lance - Corpl. The Magistrates Clerk (Mr. E. O. Langham): You Venetian blind andi was visible froml the sea-—Fined patent pocket revo have these financial pundits been living for the first” (laughter). Proceed) ig, the Vicar spoke with ,n’t I tell its ijeasoni i (laughter). l° s .. , that afternoon was ‘The Jewish 1 years? Institutions have been existing in oi Olwry; 3, Serat. Boston. regret of the death of the 1 ,te Arohdeaeon of Hasti loaded in four of its ( Light of Recent Ev It marked a di ffiree-Leggqd Raoe.—1, Lance - CorpL Sherry and Mils Mi' K. Foby, of L[mgworth, Eversfield-road, P.S. Dann, givinsj evidence in Mr. Tailor’s case, said I mitering Morgan’s ;hat offered opportunity to the workers to in' Pr vate Colboiirn; 2, Sergt. Boston and Private Elling- and on behalf of the local immittee he weloomed it in July la st as shh was walking to her house he saw a light in the front door of The Angles which | Morgan was an only I the usual oourse folio' . at meetings _____ savings a t even a higher rate of interest, five or six per school wanted them to think vhat the future of the Jewish toi ; 3, Lance-Corpl. Wilson and Private Barker. rushed at her and jumped on her back. She was visible from the sea. ^ f oent., with gilt-edged security and .the chance I of self- ] loot Race.—1,'Private Smith; 2, Private! Slater; 3, The Rev. W. F. A ston ai inonncied that apologies 1 seen it run at other ] leople in a vioious manner, Defendant said this had happened!in spite of very I people must be as they , 1 at it in the light of the lployment under the best conditions, shortest hours, been reqeived from the Bishi; of Chiohester, the Bis' The skeleton of a I Word of God. Hebei . there was a future for the Pr vate Elliott. ' J ' L to a letter of complaint to Miss Lindus, but considerable efforts'1 to avoid it; Some visitors who | id highest remuneration. ] land Raoe.—1, Lance-CorpL Bullook; 2, Bandsman of Lewes and the Rev. E. Crake (reotor of Jer ted no reply. wanted light had opened the door without his know- •Derations near Cha| Jews and not all Christ! e were assured of that, And the Government of this country, by enoouraging ton).. ELLIOTT’S the direction of Bri| H e recently bad a issid he was not at all H( refield; 3, Bandsman Enmam ! Mr. Thomas She had never seen the dog bite which has been dug instead of discouraging thrift, through the instru­ ontgomery ie, and ite ru hing at anybody might be due to % nalt; y of 10s. was imposed. sure that the Jewish peoj i hod not had their day and mentality of the Post Offioe, might have accumulated * Comio Tug of War.—1, Lance-Corpl Shqre’s team; Bishop M , in acknowledging the friendly •ooupy several we that they must look their golden age ih the past, 2,! Private Elliott’s team. sentiments, said mq.ny preaeit wouldhave had memories h(gh_ spirits, P.C. Hyder stated that a light was shining from the ] - f v hundreds of millions of. pounds that have been wasted Semple, of 80, Enyi first floor window of; Miss Morley’a roorq at. 10.40 p.m. STORES. State | Well, he personally ivinced that the! best was or' foolishly invested in wild-cat schemes. Li other 1 - ' GARDEN PRIZE of past oocasions like that, [but so far as he could tell i of 85, EnyB-rqad, stated that shortly 1 to coma: He the Jews’ future to the they had the best ‘anticipations of ■ the time that was . ) last Onristmi a the dog ijumped on her shoulder It was visible from] the sea. When spoken to the ] The President of t i*?ivLr v y countries there is no limit to the amount one,may 1 lie garden prise, consisting of an arch and rambler coming. He thanked the Mayor and Corporation for ! made a sn&pp ng noise She kept a sohool, and defendant said she did not know Of the lighting order, LIMITED Monday that-he : •*•»•***• gof Solomon’stei Far away from Jerusalem deposit at .one...... time,-■--■ in a ■ year, Great or altogether, as in ___ _ roe 38 for the best division in camp, has been awarded to and a visitor might well the splendid manner in which they had housed them, I tl ldren had to pass where the dog was. One day but that she would chaw the blind at oneb.—Fined 10s. I ' * w» devised to ( Britain. And the same restrictions apply to Oo-opera- “ J I” Division. and also the Dean and the (local committee. He also a brought a cb ild who was frightened of the dog. With regard to Mrs,. Stewart, P.C. Verrell Said he (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Church), it and aircraft in i have doubted whether*5 would ever be brought to tive Societies and allU societies under thethe* Industrial and T the top of Mount Mor ; they were. Nowadays made appreciative reference to the work of the Rev. ! Durell, wifi of the oompl&iuant, said the dog called, and saw the defendant in respeot to the light; the . fire insurants Provident Societies Acts as apply to the Post Offioe W. F. Aston. j] ,-j 1 her ch ldren, the first oooasion being over latter saying she was responsible.—Fined 10s. i " premiums would be i we saw one of God’s ' in execution. He was Savings Bank. Why is this? This war!has taught us FOR THE FRONT. r r out a temple le,; a people formed for ) months ago. She put the children behind her, Town’s ! many things; has changed our outlook in many SOME OF STUDENTS. ” they oould not ret away as the dog stood at bay ■"I DUTCH] WAITER FINE!). The picture h in; his mind was of the directions, and if;, it will only liberalise those in EASTBOURNE The HomeHome aecreSecret tin their own.! acknowledging Christ-as On Wednesday a draft of 150 men left (to Amongst the 500 studenl were the following from i its teeth. Jn June 11th the dog jumped over Rudblph Bodt, a Dutchman, of the Grand Hotel, was And at authority, and infuse into them a little courage to Eastbourne and other parts if Sussex :— just miss id her eldest daughter, and stood summoned as an alien for failing to notil y a change of •liens stilltill livingI iin tin and a .messing to all. tackle vested interests that are throttling our dbmestic seeded by train to a depot, whence they s women.. Three____ of thak, ling but a pretty picture, Front again. The members of the oontL Miss E. R. F. Allen, 8b inards; Miss Anderson, addreqs on June 10th life, and strangling onr commercial expansion. and Eastbourne; MIssO. Appli .Hove; Dr.J.A.Arml- f , lellet Smith, af 2D, Enys-road, said he lived close Detective Curtis l. ited that the defend]ant had been age and the fourth i nti ition' of 'affairs. God had industrial enterprise, it will have beep to some extent in dxoellent spirits and anticipating with cage •f internment, tberefq what had come to pass with reti im to aotive duty. They were played to ie station tage, Hastings l Rev. am V.F. Aston, Eastbourne; to| where the dog vas. He| witnessed the attack on at several hotels in tl atowin, but on June 10th he failed not an unmixed eviL Yours truly, ' Mbs O. F. Aston. Wffiln, to notify a change. Bodtb had given each change of ainety-nine were Br; the reproach and ooh- by jffie camp band, and aooompanied by a lal section ■ell and tl e children. It was a • dangerous be repatriated. GEORGE E. QUtRK. Mbs’ Bagust. Eastbourne. Miss M. R. Baldwin i and frightens 1 both Mijs. Durell and the children, Address with the exception of this one. ALEXANDRA DAY. y. the Jews and it. waste of (the convalescents still [uartered at the: hospital hill; Miss Barber. Eastboui •ne; Mlse W. A. “ Mexican citi tuples of! how the Jews, Eastbourne, Jane Thi going away was marked by a scene of ooi "lerable ourne; Mias M. E i oocasion he saw the hnimal knock a boy off, a Defendant, who id he was a waiter and reoeived ------1 in some j ent msiasm, the band playing “ The Girl I lei t behind __.___^bourne; Miss H. I . . or if .it did n it do that the boy was so frightened 14s. a week and his 1 , was [fined 5s. | In view of the i ___ ly, the speaker said on's T H E PROCEEDS AMOUNT TO £320. Edward Grey warns | would not think me, • “ Tipperary,” and “ Auld Lang Syne,’ and. the Leonards; Rev. 8. Borton, ' “ Eastbourne; Miss J i fell off. Th< dog terrified the whole neighbour- LIGHTS. cheering being almost, oontinous until the started Eastbourne: MW G. M. Bryan Brown, Eastb M! i hoqi that country unices t‘ FOXHOUNDS Miss E. O. Bulk J lastbournd: Miss K; L. Burls F. 0. D. Durell said be considered the • (Edward Langdon, . was summoned ’ -A1 ’ necessity. fthair Bibta° op.'. at 7.30 a.m. bourne; Miss A. Boys,! Rastbourne; Miss i nce- The Alexandra Day celebration on Saturday was- A smaller section left Eaatbomne yesterday dangerous. On May 17th the children were for riding a.bicycle v une 15th. G irl . Misappbop RON OP SORimiBA ft. sohool when the doglappeared and jumped up : Special Constable the defend- To begin. A poisonous vap PUPPY SHOW. at a similar hoar, the men having a. very hi Eastbourne; ant riding in Brassey- , venue at 9.50 p. np - _ presence i* .m -T a O e i— united in Hearing all the off. Hove; Miss J. A, . barking ver r fiercely The two ohildren were large number of people, and incidentally thrown off from va Olementson, Eastbourne; 1 itson, rifledd that they turned a ad rushed into the road, Defendant said he ' as not sure of lighting-up time, planes caused the ■ 1‘ ’’’— y were quite and as he was within .00 yards of home 1 e thought it of potential buyers of roses; while all concerned in I to takerail i emselves. It MR. KIRBY STAPLEY’S MASTERSHIP - Cleveland, BexhlU: Ml :k, Eastb. wly eacapi i being run over by a motor car. carrying out the observanoe and in promoting thn employed at the Roy t logical that L. Coussmaker, 811 iJ.P.OraU fe severe oomplai nts .to Miss Lindus, who did not matter. Hampshire. Inst the Jews CONTINUED. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT GriIrinetead;...... Dome. : 'fii. r A fine of 2s. 6d. i inflicted. practical .objects of the occasion worked with a fort [ not theibleasings. He L. Danie e: miss Davidson, tq keefy the dog under oontrol but up till unanimity and enthusiasm that | could not fail ta RICA bourne; Rev. F. awkine Eastbourne; Rev.' I wai not. Charles Lenter, a each Swiss, of the Grand Hotel The Petit Journal was summoned.ior.rii produce the happiest result. As 1 year, the essential which was Considerable local interest in the above pack is taken T iere have several enjoyable concerts and , Eastbourne; . Durnford, Midb that there was no evidence ng a bicycle without a light in purpose in view was to raise ids for the local aommunee which haw i an 3 for ever. on account of the convenience of many of the runs to onto rtainments£ the camp in the last few days. One Mira A>_LDyko, Eastbourne. that tie dog was langeroui. There was a .certain Compton-street on J ie 14th. hospitals and other charitable insti tions, and at the ' ■ow being served by t i were f of the most successful of these took plaoe on Tuesday am >un; of evidence t lat it wi s a high-spirited animal, Special P.C. It proved the case, arid said that Eastbourne supporters of fox hunting, and also because second attempt the splendid initi success was easily The I ; movement i the Master is a popular Eastbourne sportsman, Mr. T. erei ing and was sustained by’the St. Saviour’s Choir, ; S ? S S S iS ! S the Mlseee D, Island ant I did sometimes ji imp up'o a people and bark. The when the defendant aw him he practically fell off his ter, Ouokfleld; Mia , Eastbourne; Rev. o machine. There was eclipsed, Saturday’s proceeds fron the sale reaching The Germans have] with opposition it was ” ' ’ v Stapley, who formerly was a tower of strength to who le servioes were warmly appreciated. def Bndant had realist d the do f had oailsed a good deal no light on the bicyc the high figure of £320, as comp with £278 in 1914. j-of forces in Jewry. Just iastbourne pack. The East Sussex are to ‘ carry tro lble, but she was nulling tq submit to an order that Fined 2s. 6d. <■; if Division ” to a umT i H.O.I ariand, Eastbourne; All the arrangements had been ethbdically .devised, 5th and 7th BattOlion i war broke there ,000 Jews in on" next season as usual, and Mr. Stapley hopes to A. m Gibson, East Gi ‘ the dog ahould be ke it under proper oontrol, and when Lieut. Ohas. Robinson, of Shoreham, summoned and the day arrived to find everyth ig and everybody . j out of a total ,000. Within hunt three Or four times a fortnight. The walking of EASTBOURNE v. SUMMERDOWN CAMP, Mrs. Goldsmith, Wl it ^ent out it should ;o on a 1 * for leaving a motor car without a light Compton- ■tent. . . . „ ____ , ___ Mr. E C . Strang* 25,000,000 I time of most a hadbeoome roung hounds culminated in the usual public judging at PI lyed at the Saffronsns on Saturday, Sui [own bourne; the Misses U E., Lindus sail; ahi street on June 13th. chairman of the representative (committee; Mr. T. Camp■ “ 'winnini ■’------tan even • •- - »• Eastbourne; Mlse d except on me occas i "y a Jewishmty.jl it looked as though he Kennels, Cutsfield, on Friday, the 18th inst^ The in game by eightt runs. Lieut, itboume. Speoial P.C, Adams said he noticed the ir standini Dover Williams again made a n ! indefatigable hon. A newly-created - of the> GentriesGent' i entry numbered Min iett, for the losers, obtainedi six wiclwioketa for 50 runs. Rev. h. lever bitten i tiyone. i the highway- i - as he was -going -• to the C ind Hoi secretary; and the post of hon. treasurer was ably Soon:— ' .ved dog. f he kept a boya’ sohool'and her 9 ifnu oVuMif.iOn The Passinc ov-thx Turk. and the duty oi Eastbourne; Miss ( ,_jnrne; Miss The car was standing for about 120 minqtes without .filled .by Mr. A. L. Franklin. The efforts of the fore­ kindly undertaken St mmerdown Camp. ley, Eastbourne; Miss------Arundel: Mrs. not afra d of it. The animal was very lights, and when he saw the defendant the latter said going were energetically seconded by a ladies’ com­ u already at work on ] Y thadtoeni Jews that: they were not Eastbourne Hunt, and Mr. F. Smith, (Joni u Luty, b H u n t..... 5 Eastbourne: the MiRses A, 1. £., L. J. and 1 not me n any thi ig when it barked. he left instructions for the lights to be seen to. ■hells for Europe’s i they were once and that Privi its Perrett,Tb Mln- Hoare, Eastbourne; Miss Hi it and the Misses 1 mce . Glenister:'er: fnapeotoifnspeotoi COnnqington warned her- mittee, working under the direction of Miss Webb, Eastbourne Hunt. Those present included Sir Afichitel Defendant did not appear, but! wrote to the effect who had muoh preliminary work to get through before T he Late F liI leing so again. Under the and Lady Ashbumham-Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Bligh, n ett...... •■•>.... 0 and M. F. Hunt, Eastbor Mrs. Hingston, EOst- .j dog last: Oo ober,;ober, anc two( otheother police officers that no lights were allowed on the Front at Brighton land had beoome a treeless Lane B-Corpl. Wilson, b bourne. the operations of Alexandra Day could be effectively Full naval honours I Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Curteis, Miss Joan Dixon, Dr. .M linett...... U.T...... 0 nune: Rev.- W. P, framed her[ _ There pad been pretty general and he thought it was the same at Eastbourne. advanced. dehuhtful habit of taxing con pi ate about the log, bnt she did not think it had It was pointed-out that the oar was not oh the Front, Flight-Lieut. Warnefl Garman, Mr. H. T. Simmons, J.P.-, Mr. and Mrs. Mojo r Bostock, c Mln- Eastbourne. No fewer than 135 ladies, all robed in white, partici­ whose remains were lai lyhepuiataxran ' Alfred Stapley and Mr. W. J. Smallwood. Mr. KiBBi net t, b Hunt 23 ‘ ' M. Lewis, Pulboroug abused te freedom. and a fine of 10s. was.inflicted. tree and theresplt was , Miss M. Ms pated in the selling of roses, of whioh some 36,000 had in the presence of a m | Stapley, m thanking Lady Ashburham-Clement, for Rev. J. Rankin, o Mac- M. MacCartle, East! The Hhairman sai 1 Miss I indus would have been been secured, in addition to some hundreds' Of' rosette*, their trees would not Ooi key, b Minnctt...... 85 ing; Mrs.. Maitland, .bourne; Miss wisir have adopt id the suggestion of the Bench, A LONG WAIT, distributing the prizes, which'had been provided ,by Maitland, Eastbourne; Marten, St. * for horses and wreaths for ladies’ h-*" n'u" '- ;- — A great difficulty to , himself, said he thought the entry on the wnole was the 8ergl. Williams,lb Min­ Thty all agreed that the dog was dangerous and James Gill, of, Peyentey-road, was suj uoned few pursued an evidently ’ ’ ' i movement . Palestine wais in the Miss Morris, St. Leonards. that it most unfa r to the Community to keep such obstructing South-sl >t on June 16tb., Mr. Acland states th f the best he had seen for a good- many years, and if they er*! ! Pugh; b ikinnott": 0 Mrs. and Miss 31F. Pixte , a t; M issM .___ and persistence, ■o reason at present to, not think'that would could only get this disastrous war finished they would ergtL Hasell, run ont ...11 Hove; Miss Peat-son. St. Leoi "ieMisses J.P. an i nil The; ord sred it 11 be destroyed forthwith Cyril Hayward, a .pet’s assistant, stited that he commencement, most of the stocks were disposed during the coining -aua w - y . had said that the inter- be happier another year. Hunting was not now Private Bland, not ont... 1 c Davis, b Perm M. A. Powell. Eastbourne. .and i costs to 1 by the defendant saw a horse and cart idihg for 5} hours. aof Tmkeyin. meant suicide to her. He of well before the latter part of the afternoon. future supplies eontind on so much as a pleasure, but they thought it Privi te Naylor, b Mln- J. 8. Oharlwood, Mr. J. F. Reade, Eastboi iss F. Rooke, Defendant said he for someqne to take, a The artificial roses were again made and supplied by tion. '1 not shed tears at the funeraL It had n et;...... i...... 0 llama ...... bourne; Mrs. Robinson, Eostl TOO MUCH LIGHT. . case of fish, but the id to see was out, and ossedin duty to try and keep this old-established pack Private Davis, b fo n t... 3 O. Carter, b Davis ..M IP I MIssO Sanger-Davles,St-1 i; Rev. and Mra. the inmates.of Mr. J, Groom’s homes for orippled and ressasto what the future of that when the fellows who were notg ont at t______Tie! cases‘W^re heard by the Magis- as he did not want to hock the next morning he kept blind children. JH ^ '- mostly fa J. L. Whltelaw, not out. 0 von E. Scott,lCa8tbouroe; thj is E. M. and H. trates: Maud B. Oaiew, of ’ ibumham-road; Daisy going to and fro. j came back they oould tell them they had done! their Extras 15 Extras Scott, Eastbourne; Miss 8i etan,. Eastbourne: K E A T IN G ’S f neutral and 3d that thi in keeping for them aepack of hounds in order that Selfe. St. Leonards: Mr. H. u- jks. Eastbourne; Of Albion-roai [; Mai RidsdiU, of East Dean The Bench imposed _ >it were the Je' These thoughts by men AnsoomlB, of Sal ins-road; and Private LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY. ^ y oould come and enjoy themselves (applause). It Total (l .....[....102 Total .... Spencer, BexhiU; Rev. Preb.D m. O. Streatfeild, 1 DR KEATING’S POI of affairs representing an taide point of view riiowec bourne; Miss Surridgo, Eastbourne:me: MissE.O.Se i of sVica -age-drivi To the E ditor.: , very difficult time, the present, and hi . ^ . KEATING’S PO| God WAS shaping His ta everybodysrybody to assist him by takingtaking; a puppy, i StUMMERDOWN CAMP : ‘ A ” 'v . O” Bexbill; Mrs. A. M. Shortlanc Eastbourne; the iyere said thi re was a ,;ht light at 9.45 p.m. James, Warner, of 'Dennis-road; was charged with iSir: I have the pleasure of informing you that the were too small a Ada aud Annie Stanton, East! mrne. from a windov ■ of the ' ouse in whioh Look was being drpnk and disorderly in Seaside on June 22nd. total proceeds of Alexandra Day qmonntpd to £320, The imrir*Qed 1 doing so to make an effort to keep the animal i DIVISION. Rev. J. Thomas, Midhuret; ie Misses G. F. and the blind not being d; opping stated that he called to the Bl possible. When they had got 11 pr 15 couples i Thomas, Eastbourne; Miss Thurgood, Eastl that is £5 more than has been previously published, The Rev. Bernard Tbb match, in {the inter-divisional competition, took said thei a were iree' houses, in Vicarage- Horae public hopse, where he found the defendant vote- of, Kennels to keep they found it came very expensiv {dace on the Saffrons on Tuesday evening, and Mrs. C. M. Tiffin, Eastbourne, j owing to the Devonshire Park and some of the boxes my afenatore oa | thanks, relating how a o ationi 'K with K Dr. '. s Bergmann, he therefore would ask them most sincerely this ] Mrs. T. R. Wado. Eastbou Miss WUdash, drivs by the mil tary. The staff was continually drunk and very abusive. Witness helpqd to eject from the Seaside district coming in too late for th* \ that eminent Je' pressed his conviction of! resultsd in a wi:i for “ O” Division. Sergt. ’V bourne; Miss Winch, East' im o: Miss H. V ohat gin v and the de< jndant had not been there long, him. K i l l s w r e p keep .the puppies as long as possible, even an secun d eight pf the winners’ wiokets for 35 and Private Worthing; Miss R. Wyaf ' itb, Hove; Miss uttod _ there v(as an unguarded light, but the P.S. Ransom gave oorroborative evidenoq. and War-l| i- of his .le to Palestine, gave an month would make a lot of difference (hear, hear). Wray, Bexhill . xuis gratifying result is much appreciated by the K IL L S W IT H m b to his interest in ) subject Annii captured six of the losers for 21, The tqamsland nt had not be in in thi room morelore thant tafew ner was ordered to pay 1 committee. In spite of the numerous war calls being A vote of thanks having been passed to the _ number of other convalescent soldiers Mra. and the Misses E. M. E. W. Y etts, Fastbonn K IL L S w i t h >rW. XL E vans nded, saying that it had Mra-and Miss Young, Oowfi ; and Miss Young, F IN ARREARS. ( I made; qt this time, the publio rose magnificently to th* the proposition of Sir A nohitel P. Ashbi tainei. to tea by Mrs. Paget, who is staying at bourne. Of;110s. was i: aposed, tbe Chairman saying the Never pot ayay e Vw ^s pualed him how sti nts of Goa’s Word could Clement, Place while ’(L not ove -look an offence by a military Emmanuel Fieldwick, of Winter-road, vras charged rewarding handsomely the lady sellers for th* without firetl ' _ > glory of Israel j THE with being in arrears to the extent of. £2, 12a 6d. on a ^ ork »“ ? had undertaken. jOne hundred and with Keating’ I A Mr. H. Oobteib, in moving a similar complimi was a so present. ve, in who le interes t the order was made. The Chairman, in The ohief feature of the maintenance order t e in respect to his w fe / ! thirty-five sellers were at their positions at the tim* M., U. and li. e a vote of thanks to the the Master, " th e members of the HnntOoi CD: “ A" Ditibii the. morning and evening corn to the case of lira. Adams, P.S. Dann 1 he order was made on May 10th, appointed without exception. Their loyalty to th* Rev. G. P. Bassett for lending his lawn, said knew the inner working of Priva e MoLani Sergt. Williams, b Mrs. Fieldwick said B U G S & B l and those ' Private Perrett, b ary topios. In regard to eaol were lighi s ahowin j from three or four but the prisoner had ] id her nothing. Her husband ] u«jge and eeryice to the same ls abqfe all praiaa that gentleman had shown 1 tobe characteristically were very mucheh Obliged to _ . Mr. .,!{MP Stapley . for the Williams ...... When he s ,w the d sfendant the latter said -good-hearted. Mr. Ke Priva e Annia, b Wil- Private Bland.“ abd, _ excellent and the interest of was earning about £1. a week. The committee would like to thank Miss Webb for BUGS ft B l was, well known to be which he had offered to come forwaro again and Uan s ...... U Private Snook, o . sustained. s' owing visito :s the roc ms. er untiring efforts; Mr. Cowper Smith for his super­ ,:.v: catholic-spirited friend —} good causq. vour to “ carry on ” through the coi .dams was on ered to p »y £1. The Magistrates’ Clerk: Have you aiiy excuse why Iva e Butt, c iand b Annie...... The Bishop of Pretoria light Rev. M. B. I you, have not obeyed the order of the Court vision of the distribution of boxes, &c., and for presiding [BUGS ft Bl The meeting closed with Benediction, | believed he would be backed by tl YU lams i. 9 Private OraM; II r. T. James aj peared oi i behalf of Mrs. Carew over the oounting, which, by the courtesy of Major tenant farmers of the country (applause). Priva e Palmer, o and b < I' Annie.... . spoke to an exceptionally lai gathering on Mb Prisoner: I didn’t like to be drrriven away (from home, WU lams ...... 0 Lance-Corpl. morning, his subject being ■e Dominions after 11 itted the offer ce. The Chairman: Can [you pay an;my thing now ?, Molineux,:Moiineux, took place at Barclay’s-Barclays Dank; Bank; Messrs. Mr. Stapley suitably replied and the Sergb Pugh, b Williams 11 and b'Pal War.” He said he believed t tho Dominions wo errell proved the case, and said the light com- Prisoner: Yes, 'sir; " "BTh can'pay a sover“sovereign] — ’ j Plummer Roddis [Ltd. for the use iof the Mark-Isn* -AN ‘ 3T PRESS.” then ooncluded. 4 Priva a Davis, b Perrett 14 Private Nayli be all right. If they learnt necessity of unity; ^ f came from:. large sq uare window, tne blind On this conditionaitionxn the Magistrates adjoun ed the case Annexe as a oentral depot,; the. ladies and gentleme* Lanoe CorpL Newman, b Private Wan sacrifice and whole-hearted ioethey had learnt ;t Was not drav n. for---- a month..— xL. -1 : i i I for nanuse of motor cars; the ladies m charge of the depot D O N i Perrett ...... Lance-Corpl three most important thi le first thing they 1 les said the iffenoe w ts due to the neglect of the ladyly sellers; the oounters; the publio who bought The Germ&n Vonoarte, ioh is in a fair way towards Lanoe Corpl. G) Palmer.;.... to do was tosee the war ;h. When asked vr who was tol 1 always |to pull down the blinds wisely and so lavishly; and yourself for giving the day ITALIAN IDYLL. bWUlams .... Corpl. Bowes,'. ity. Yours faithfully, - until yon a re : ig itself more than ever, sets ont to Private Rahce, Private Mead' he was doing for his diocese di ig his holiday he i iming up the 1 ght. treatment. I md to its oontemi, the duty of “ an honest out i he thought he was doing the t he could for it.! of 10s. was in posed. PENNY'COUECjnON I0R # In the golden glow of Southern eve, DOVER WILLIAMS. SSwXya be given j Thus dog eats dog PrK™. we did not win the war he did lot think he would) ,yers gave eridenee in Mra Ridsdill’s case, 24th June. they lead to mo J K r s s s s r ' Here on ancient balcony I weave Private any diocese left 1 If we did it win, and the Go that ne saw a very br ight light ooming from AND WOUNDED. bilious headache- Dreams all vague and sweet of Love and Life, liam Emperor took oharge of the i ives of South Afri window. . ? ....., . “ There is, of oourse, not man in Germany who is Far from strife. Extras Extras tion—a feeling of < not desirous that Arne ’ should cease supplying would be about the worst thini that oould inflicted i, penalty of 10s. To the E ditor. a sensation of dro England, France, Russia Italy with war material, Yonder o’er the lake the lovers float the natives of that sub-contmqnt. Dealing enden pro ed the chse in regard to Miss S ir : By an oversight in my letter of list week 1 1 EASTBOURNE ENGINI IN boars—impaired [T h is desire, however, i he confessed, j does not Smoothly in their tiny tented boat, ' ■ ; pf the lessons of the war, thq Bishop said that v and said he light was coming from the omitted to mention that in most constituencies the FRANCE. symptoms that tv influence the attitude of sa, who is guided only While the magic shore the tinted wave SUMMERDOWN CAMP. made him literally cry was [the way in whieh daw. Def< ndant ad mitted she was respon­ M.P.’s wife has given her patronage and support to the organa in the bo By what she considers her interests. Soft doth lave. oountry had got down through [those advertisement sible for the light. collection." This " ’is------“ liouously the case l i the East- liver—are not wo 'Plajed on the on Thursday, the R. A.M.C. men to work and fight to the lowest level of i To td l this to the Ge people, and to explain to ’Gainst the western glory, now doth loom winnii g easily, Minnett captured six wickets A .: ine of 10a was in posed. bourne Division, where ie Hon. Mrs. Rupdrt Gwynne Sapper J. Latchford, 1st H.O. Field Company R.E.,, right remedy to them what is the trend bile opinion in America on High and black and jagged, mountain gloom; for 35 runs, Lanoe-Corpl. Hunt, who only sent advertisements. How could they expect the s ’ has taken that leadinj ■t, greatly to the at wantage of writing from FrtAice to Mr. W. Burfield, of 13, Old this subject, is the duty i honest and really national And the ripples glance fromi gold to blue the oountry to be what it ought to be if they a; OBSOEFE LANGUAGE- the fund. Yo faithfully,! " ^ ' 1Orchard-road, says;— German Press, because a deception of the German down three J fourviotims for three runs. to some low, more or less sensational, cheap, Every’ hhue.. Score Th imas Gearing, of ] leltring-r >ad, was summoned for t . b a il e y Sa u n d e r s . *'Ijb was with people on this question ght be followed by veiry motive? Believing in man wa4 the lesson of tl using obscene language on June 1th. ourl (i utter consequences, which: reooil on the papers From the bark is wafted Southern song, SnitMBRDOWN EAJI.C. If ever he had seen the spirit [of Christ manifi The Knoll,' Staveley-i oad, Eastbourne, your welcome _ whenever there is I Rounded note or cadenoe low and long, Corpl- Wilson, b A Llent- MaoConkey, o and Ev del iob was given I iy a pain er and the defendant, cannot toll how acceptable such a gift is to ns out here, themselves. Private Luty, b ft was that month he spent with the troops in Fra who 1 idmitted:the offen le, was fi led 6a inclusive. 25th.i Jui A that all is not The same may to said Liquid ohord-befct from the throbbing string •Flanders. They must appeal tb the whole com for many a pleasant hour may be passed away in our digestion, is about England’s war Rev. 1'. Rankin, LieuL*HoWydJbWiisoii *3 | spare time. It also gives us much satisfaction and starvation. It is essential our people should be Whispering. • nett ...... Lieqt.Hogg, oRankin,b . of nationality and Empire. AN UNSUS CAINEI i CHARGE. known tru made acquainted with t point of view on these Williams .,..i..T™ ...... 81 | pleasure to know that people at home think of, ns in had snob enormo Now Antonieta offering brings, * On Tuesday Bishop Montpombry presided at tbie Arihur Grout, of E stboumc was charged that as IN MEMORIAM: LIEUT. R. , substantial Way. The majority of the men in matters outride Germany, powers of defence are With lovers on the lake she sings; Capt-I [umpbreys,t Uent. Robinson, o Hum­ meeting, at whioh the Bishop of Bombay discanted on bailie e' of a pony he dii unlawf u ly convert the same to ment of digestive | not weakened thereby; qt 3 contrary. It is only nett ...... phreys, b Williams...... 16 ompany are Eastbourne fellows, and they are have tried this Purple figs she la; Upon the board, Prlvat i Davies, b Min- Lance-OorpL Hunt, o the' ...... situation in India ’ ‘in ‘ _ ' to enstom^edni his oi m Use and steal t le animal on or about June 9th. I very pleased with the support afforded by their fellow- * wd have learned to rite all the elements of Autumn’s hoard. government and Christianity. Thu Town Clerk (Mi H. W. I fovargue) appeared on WARNEFORD. R.N., V.C number a great T Rankin, b Williams ... 1 townsmen.” , j satisfied that, for| anoe at their real w< that we are enabled to Innooenoe wide-eyed and tender graoe! Privat i Perrett, o andb Lieut Minnett, st Bos­ The Rev. F. W. Pullen, su ior of the behalf of the prosecuter. eon the right measures mbat them: Hnnl ....;...... tock, b Luty ,j...... , 67 St. John the Evangelist at St. ward’s House, West Charles Henry Potti, of Jeiington, a commission Borne upon wings of faith and love he wenlt the stomach and) I White soul shining from the flower-like face 1 ?oudk, b Hunt ... To his last voyage thrpugh the unpatbed air They are certainly not to oombated by inflaming , Oh 1 fair scion af the Lombard blond 1 Llent Fuller, o and b minster, was the inoming on Wednesday, and stated that on M irch 31st he saw the prisoner in the minds of the people wif ’ exaggerated tales of the B bHunt... Williams ...... 0 his address on “ The Ruhhi Church and Missions,” ionj-road. Witnei s offered to let Groat have the Whose power was broken, •whose dominion rent, HEIGHTS’ AND D]SPTHS. m enemy’s depravity, his imp< — y, and his inhumanity, j | Why despond? _____o Min­ " ’ Bennett, b Luty... 6 which Was both able and infi .tive, was followed with » pony onj hire, and he drew-up an agreement to theStopping divinely up that awful stair;: nett, b Hunt ______Bridgeman, c Per- A thing of glory wonderful and fair aochas, we regret^tosee,is f done by some of our “ Earth is fair,” exulting my heart sings Sergt. I lagil, not out...... bLuty...... 6 dose interest. effeot 1thkt the pony to hi come the property of From towering peak, to dim and distant blue, lMdrqga^ns, nda is merely childish ( (While Antometa offering wings), _____Smith, not out...... 0 On Thursday morning Bishof ( Montgomery, who has Grow i twenty \ pajmenta Prisoner had He climbed the rifted clouds, the skies wefe bent Above him and like roses blue they lent The landscape stretches far on every side; ! “ And the fairest thing—what oould be truer ?~ Oapt Symonds did not been secretary of the sooiety on June II sav Grout in Eastbourne Oh, deep delight of 'fair horizons wide 1 Majden pure.” - ***• address on the prihoi “ O ^dal’J him if it wi fright lie had sold the pony, Their crown of light, and kissed the haloed hair. And yet the lowly vale is hid from you. PI March 10th, 1914. A. E. S. Bctras Extras i ...... 13 In the afternoon conferencex & e on-‘‘Thb m i f Prisoierf ‘ nitted that had, and said he had sold it He was a king, a conqueror, but death became b was hard t - Thq pony was brought to Rode with him envious qf ms acts And 'in the narrow gorge—impressions few ! KILLED BY A SHELL. Total ______74 Total (for0wkts.).2oi Missionary Study of the Bible,’! The adversary none can turn or tame, By mountain walls free outlook is denied, Subsequentlyntly Mrt. * Wm. 0. ATFBILD witne IB’s!,. useonthep riousFiday. By ihe prisoner: Grc said he never intended to rob And life, which hang just by a mortal brea h, And white-robed giants, ranged in frowning pride, P rbpa N elson’s H istory o f t h e WAR.—Volume a meeting of the womenl ) and worl Disdaining the dull earth it trod beneath, Though near, conceal their majesty from view. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Of 4, Rylstone-i Gol” fort many yearsIseoretary for woi himolt >ny. He t ok him t ) a man, but the latter V7 of this invaluable work is now to hand, and covers M. Released from bondage that bright; soul of I lame. T H O M A S BEECI been officially informed of death of their “ The War of Attrition in the West the Campaigns ii EASTBOURNE AMATEUR OPERATIC work a t’____ *■” * ’ House and now a did ni t a guarant e to pay the rest of the mom Oh, heights and depths of life, i Rifle I the Near East, and the Fighting at Sea down to! the: her of the Central Board of Ions, was the eve He prisoner thi t If the i ony was settled for For him no narrow tomlx and not one land The hnmble, wondering prattle of I. Sold every^ ‘ oft did nt t - to progs t le case. This was bn Saturday JE Blockade of Britain.” The literary and descriptive AND DRAMATIC SOCIETY., •speaker, her subject being the •k of women. Enshrines his memory who is part - a i r Whose unknown lives their eye may Prloo li (56 pll which the cleverness of Mr. JohnBuohanin previous volumes is Yesterday was the concluding! day of the sohool at And one with heroes that heard J In one same town,1 ’mid pomp and cares of state, ; i s a w a a ? - folly maintained in the present issue, whioh deals i rith i Clerk said be did nt t propose to oarry the Running to meet its boon with o Letters testifying to the ivery and In vibw of'the War this sooiety gave no in the evening the students were addressed by The rich knowiow lnot the heart, nor e’en the speech, ' __ ity of some of the most interesting events of the strug gle. Vioar of Eastbournb and Ool Noble F. J enkins — and th 3 prisoner was discharged. The whole world drams him, he .Of yon dorkk cdens bf woe and want and hate. the late OorpL Rose have received from LieUt J. ‘^A Sopming Up of the Week’ and “ A Call to Wqrl Among the great whom nothing mean YOU CAN RE]

■ ; t i '

EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE), SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1915. BOWLS. THE PIER. DEVONS PARE. czzaBzsrc Th** Plating and Enamelling of CO)TJNTY MATCH ON THE SAFFRONS.. “ YOU NEVflR CAN TELL.” CINEMA’ ?OGRAPH EX IIIBITIONS. VJU}.8.~ 1fc" AB*StMtf RiUigh provide* a permaoeat and diitioc.ive brilliance. Ai’RIC AN HUNT PICTURE*. 8 " ! SUCCESS OF SUSSEX. 1 Mr. Bomard Shaw’s oomedy, You Never Cun Tell, VramAnmt*' representing n domestic episode, lias lieen witnessed by Some of the i tost wonderful moving pictures ever On ifiday the annual mutch between Sussex and good audiences daring fibe week and although the taken in natural history »ro on view in the Surrey teams took place on the ground of, the East- peculiar sentiments expressed are characteristic of the Pavilion this week. Illustrating Mr. Paul Ramey's STORES. ourne Club, .at the Saffrons. Sussex, whose side author, the piece has been received with evident enjoy­ African hunt, ti ese remarkable films form a highly ALL-STEEL BICYCLE included two members of the Motoombe Gardens Club, ment The philosophic deliveranoes of the waiter are instructive series dejecting different forms of life in ained |a somewhat narrow but meritorious victory by effectively presented by a ir. Leigh Lovel, whose imper­ the wilds of A rioa. The piotures illustrating the even points. The teams received fc cordial welcome sonation of the venerable Servant is a most convincing adventures of the party during a hunt oonvey a vivid •» Churoh), lad the Umou Stunaey-Archer 3-tpeed soar and guaranteed (or ewr. from Alderman J. 0. Towner, president of the East- study. The old man is extremely voluble and' is not impression of the excitement of the chase as well as the ] oumeClub. Score:— WHITE PIQUE i A K w from £6/19/6 or 9/4 par month. Snd a postcard for Catalog**. ashamed of his' calling in spite of the fact that bis son is dangerous naturt of the Operations. The difficulties \ Sussex. Surrey. s £ C . Mr. Geoffrey GoOdhaft is excellent as “ Valen­ which confrontec the photographer have been well Eastbonrne-BERNKY & CO., Juration Road. losers.1 BL Gladman tine,” a young man witBPpeouliar views in regard to the overcome by initiative: anjl ingenuity, with the result 5 T B O U K N E - H allaham —A. F. SMITH, 8, High Street. (Hcvq). B^H opera, matrimonial state, whilst i(n extremely artistic portrayal that the piotures apply a io reoo’rd of the hunt, Messrs. R. X. Wilshira, is forthcoming. on prices of all Raleighs due to greatly Increased oos^of labour and material; Ifsers. F. C. Harriott interest of the productii by her quiet, malsat the wi,ter-h6le .re also portrayed at some LSonthwlck^JVa, gth and here tqere ,ny amusing and exciting Messrs. Stanton, Water, I« personality, as represen ' the wife of “ Fergi 'L ' 11 ...... i------I Gdne.), J. B. G). Ueher i 18 . Way, Grant (skip.) ... I “ whom she has been tied for many vet svents. 1,400,000 P russian : Casualties: (Kemi Town); W. EL J Arthur Dennis has a . It r&e to fill as the irritable There are two loppoi ities to-dayi at 3..and 8, of m (3 lines). Hill (K. Town) (skip.). “ Fergus,” whose disapj ival of the manner in: which ritnessing these ema [e films and of hearing the NEWS; IN BRIEF. According to the latest lists of Prussian i accompanying lec rare t>y dr. Henry Latimer, whose the number of Prussian soldiers killed, , ___ W. Adams, A. his children have been ’ " ?ht np is forcibly manifested Vi J | on many occasions, but' e acquits himself highly tumorous style (reatly Ids to the pleasure of the missing is 1,400,489. There is also a se IE. WMte and A., Messrs. Davis, Bksgg,) ludienoe. A N ew American Battleship. eight airmen killed, ten airmen wounded, Saunders (Hastings), H MacGregor, FewingaJ II creditably and suooeeds ini living a wholly satisfactory Dressmaking- The battleship ” was" successfully launched missing. In addition to the Prussian lists, J. Millfl(Preatou Park) 1 (skip.) HMniMMlUlHMMnl / display. Miss Mary Lap] lorn is seen in a vivacious j(sklp.)" impersonation of “ Dolly,’! while Mr. Donovan Maule CONCERTS TO-DAY, AND TO-MORROW. BOURNS. '**______Brooklyn. ____ Navy, Yi on Saturday. She is one of the also been published 157 Saxon casualty The orchestra m lintains its distinction as the leading I 'world’s,largest battleshi » and is expeoted to cost over Bavarian, 199 Wurtemburg and 34 naval lists. . John (Pres­ as the erudite “ Phillip” il distinctly humorous. Mr. Ladies Tailor: ton), A. G. Nunn Frank Macrae as “ Finoh [oCormao” and Mr. Slaine .ttraotion of Dei onshiro Park, and we are glad to £3,000,600.- f lotioe that the pet (ormancek generally are meeting with P ope’s R elatives in the W as. Coronation Bouquet. |(Brighpon Travellers), I monds,^ Watts, For-j IS Mills as “ Bohun,” the la' er, are also two very able The Master and Clerk of the Worshipful Company of m exponents of their respective parts. increased suppon.- . Ai the week-end cohoerts the The Pope has two iews serving at the Front, one ■ttendances have < lways befen particularly good, but in 1 1.: '•a a captain ,and[the ol ir as a lieutenant of cavalry, Gardeners, Mr. B. Hansford, O.B., and Mr. B- A. The concluding performances of You Never Can Tell These departments are among the Ebblewhite, visited Buckingham Palace on Tuesday ;he near future e- en these ioccasions may be expeoted Oneue of hishi nephews marriage, Gapt. the'Count take place to-day at 2.45 afid 7.45.' o attract inoreas ugly large numbers of visitors and most;important sections of our business. Venier, of the Artilli is also at present with the and, in accordance with custom, presented a bouc et to 76 . : f j r 68 | the QueAn on the ocoaaion of the anniversary <|f the PIERROT | CONCERTS. ithers. I 1. They are conducted on precisely the Coburn. Jin the evening the teams and some others supp Excellent progr immes hive been compiled for the I same lines-as the most famous West­ iC Q F F E E “B last: Germans.’ Coronation. . • . | ether at theT_... Gildredge__.__ ^ Hotel. Mr. H. SouthallJ The alfresoo pierrot ooncerts on the Pier are receiving a.full measure of patronage, whioh is not surprising in ensuing days. Th s evening Mr. Norfolk Megone will enddressmaking houses. We have a The following ilayed in the Barrow works Ji R oyal Equerry for 66 Y ears. fiptain of the Eastbourne Club) presiding over the Submit the follow! ig amongst other pieces:— Ompany. I view of the general excellence of the programmes that Special organisation for buying and. - *f Messrs. Vicki the occasion of the King’s The Duke of Grafton, who' is the oldest equerty to are daily submitted. The afternoon and evening per­ March, “ Throi gh Night to Light”...... tin closest touch noithtt leading visit, is reprodui Globe, and runs as follows: lyalty in Great Britain, celebrated his ninety-fourth Overture, “ Ra; mond” .1...... birthday On Tuesday at his Northamptonshire residence, 3TBOUR! v. SUSSEX QOUNTY. formances by an extremelycapable company .cannot fail Fantasia, “ Thi Passing Show of 1915”...... model houses, thus enabling to have B last , Germans. to afford muoh enjoyment patrons, and as the pro advance knowledge of exclu jive styles Not by Woi but by*WoRK. Wakefield Lodge. He was equerry to Queen Victoria TEACHER CUP. | J, ( first performance). from 1849 to 1882, and honorary equerry smoe 1882 to grammes are always being j ied frequent visits1 may be Trio for Flute, >boe and Clarinet ...... almost as soon as they ate cri 'id. Work and make ammo ,tion to blast the.••••• WlttH.tU ( fe .augmented to 10 perfor iers, the programme will contemplate supplying similar equipment. t. B€m5, sen ...... success, the frequent enoc — testifying to the warm e the followi lg con itions:— • British fitters and workers. | W ritten inscriptions as “ My 1 r is out la ; 9?” r(sklp.) »•••«•*• Mr. Howard (skip.) , appreciation of the audienc NDED BY THE F armers’ Sons’ B attalions. Grand'Festlval Marc) ...... Tschaikoxosley estimates are given at time of order, . Short-Sighted Rioters. taw ay :- , The subjoined program se submitted on Tuesday General Sir W. H. Maekinnon, of the Western afternoon is typical of the! i interesting entertainments. Overture, “ Pat 1e ...... Bizet staling inclusive charges, which are Mr. Chester Jones, the Lambeth .stated tWt Ballet from the [Moorish Opera “ Boobdil”.. basedupon extremely economic calcula­ 3FEBSION. i Saturday that the anti-German tints' boat the Command, has been instructed by Lord Kitchener to •'s*iwK?l a ...... M r'B ooth"...... 1118 company opened wit , a march, “ Pierrots! Greet- Moszkowski •ountry nearly £260,000. | We want all we disoover whether it is possible to raise battalions of ?! Perktoa ZZ'ZZ'.'Z 1 MnCbSk 117 ing,” whioh was spiritedly endered and gave some idea Concerto In G n i I lano and Orchestra... tions, consistent with a high Standard - have to fight the said thi to. farmers’ sons. Steed (skip.) Mr. Williamson (skip.), J of the excellent vocal tr it amongst the members. , Saint-Saem of workmanship, and with strict regard “ Instead of romemb .t, some peoj ruin German Trophies. — Mr.______Harry____ H.____ Kemp. v ithen heard in.-a Ibreeey 3 fss Noral i Blarney. to present day expenditure. 88 61 Fete Bohemo“’ .. ' ...... J...... Massenet property, all of which 1 to be paid for.”. A German maohine gun and trenoh mortar captured interpretation of Squire’s iThe Captain of the Bulge,” dyll for Stringi:. Grieg Smart Pique Suit (two piece) well cut ____ , in Frkrae have been deposited in the museum while Miss Winnie Tee Iras equally successful in a Confident of our ability The ! Recruited. iUBT vr BEXHILL. Fantasia, “ The Yeomen of the Guard "..Sullivan ensure and finished, ideal for Tennis W ear. , "j RoyalTJmted Service Institution by the Army Ooi chorus song “ At a Dance” (EniestOrampton).: Mr. complete success to any esteer \ orders Councillor Edward. 1 . one of the best-known I n™. ... . ’layed at. the Redoubt; and after a well-contested Jack Riokards is a boi humorist and his The engagement of Norah Blaney (piano and r Dyspeptics, , farmers in North He was addressing a recruiting °G ift of an A eroplane. was won thiq time by Bexhill by 15 points. “ Experiences,” was givi in an irresistibly funny mg) is for both of the above concerts, and this ybu mag favour us with, we am estlu meeting at Barley he was Mr. Sn Tong Seng, an unofficial member I of lented artist wil doubtlj meet with a cordial solicit your valued enquirie ’ w hich Redoubt. Bexhill. style, his facial - express! and quaint mannerisms SPECIAL PRICE labourer, who said '' I’ve been | Federal Council of the Federated Malay Rink 1. causing muoh laughter. I: a more serious item “ The option. shall have always our best attention. 1 6 / 1 1 joining; why don’t j > yourself? nted an aeroplane to the military wing MkBeeney tMlHlMuiHUM \ Mpt Godwin...... \ Garden of Your Heart.” Mr. Ernest Pitt’s cultured On Mopday next i Blirgiss (soprano) opens | 3/3 per lb. I go?’’ Councillor J i asked, 1 Flying Corps. The gift has been ~ ktefully Mr* Rnglisn ( u Mr, Norman •*•• iimtMaiNi ( or and resonant voice yns hi ~ to exoellent effect, whilst a] week’s engagement euul “ Right,” said councillor. aooepted by the Anqy Council. M ■.Rawlee ...... j " Mr.Cole • ••• IXIIHMIIUMMO I later in the programme he n highly suooeesful M L Slsmur (skip.)...... I Mr. Bray (sk ip .)/ CONVALESCENT IAMP OOMEDY recruiting officer, and i now privates in the oounty in Trotere’s charming at Your Dear Eyes.” c o : TY, regiment. ; Ohasl Recti, contributed B m t ' Another olever humorist, |On Wednesday.text, ooi lencing at 5.45 p.m., a I Pluo_ Boy Soout. K0TES FROM MY BATH, CHAIR. M;W i Mr. Barretti •■imiiiMiiiiiH \ an amusing number, “ < the 5j16,” whioh proved A Boy Scout named ' Noomden, of Ohatsworth- M:; Self Mr. Nepent IlMNMIllUlMIH j 2| muoh to the liking Of the ibly, and in the second scial performanci i is. to b given in the Devonshire y eo eek rk Pavilion by the abovi company in aid of the road, Cricklew fell on a jagged pieoe of B G . E. M . • I . , • M ; “ nwmitM't I Jtr>MTuWMr. Barnes I*....!••*•*#•••••* I part' of the entertainmi it the 'same accomplished J Mr. Neal (skip.) IHlilHMM t imerddwn Cam > Band id. Particulars of the Ltd. cut two inches deep in (•UM artist again delighted his hi in a capital sphg, “ A CIAL BL1NB, /! Rune & Duet by Himself,” Mr. aok Rickards, in _ aments and o : the prii seats; Ac., are given his right leg. Althi i painful operation of sewing Con ig the I magination. an advertisement. The ip comedy combination (Foqt of Devonshire Place), *p the wound hour and a half the Scout \ Mr. CastertonMfton...... ) Miss Winnie Tee, in a light oomedy song les a surprisi lg amc of talent, which has 1 amazed everybody by : throughout. t I think it is Annnnzio, but I am certain iti t ••«<••••*•••••••••••• I Mr. ~Harry ”Kemp’s ■ “ Susai r” and a duet bfr Italian author, ho aays of one of bis oharacte i****»..****s* » 0 I . andd Mr. Riokard’s “ Ohin- agging” were also, atttrac- already been the mi ana of 3rd ing muoh bright and F atal Pl a Revolver. though natural of a good disposition, he was] (•kip.). ) Mr. h (SUP.) MIhiiN ’ tive features of a ~ which gave unequivocal ible entertai ament ’he performance te similar I EASTBOURNE. -A Wolverhampton n Saturday returned a evil courses by too vivid imagination togethe pleasure to a large Mr. Frauds White ren- oee given at th i base * itala in France. It is | verdict of “ Aocideni in a shooting tragedy keen curiosif- Now it is undoubtedly true 47 a aered able assistance as ipanist. j ped the fixture w 11 be) patronised. PPLIOATION. which had occurred at near Dudley. It was imagination! individuals into wrong pat! EASTBOURNE REDOUBT v. CAVENDISH The entertainments take ilaoe daily in the bandstand “ THE BLACKBIRDa” stated that Leal Robert Loondes, two yet it does, when . .... at 3.15 and in the tea at 8.15. 11-year-old schoo ying with an American that one must balemoe the other. HOLLAND CUP. H The above te the itle of a company of entertainers I patent pocket reviver weapon, whioh was _ 9 mundane; it is both good and eviL We Hr. Sen., represented the-Redoubt and,Mr.’ MILITARY BANI PERFORMANCES. to this evening ai s to give la vaudeville performance I loaded in fonr of its five . went off, the bullet instance, to the human imagination all the Cavendish in this oonteet, and after a The band of the 13th ! » Battalion Royal Sussex ! the Pavilion m a d of the lundB for sending parcels I entering Morgan’s lacerating the brain. our arte- We otee to it all our treasured leg game and good bowling Mr. Benz Regiment is announced . -ive performances in the British, prisoner ■ in Germany. An advertisement THREE MONTHS FOR NIGHT Morgan was an only soiLj: folk ahd fairy tore, all the sweet songs of our points. Soon: Redoubt, Iff; Cavendish, ' further infonqattion. The entertainment, it should ROYAL HIPPOjDROl handstand to-morrow (Sund I at 3 and 7 o’clock. > specially noted, te to commence at 5.30 p.m. Mahmoth’b 9-rr. Tube. all the hope of human progress, all the kindly 13 points.] WATCHMAN. anceand sympathy whioh we exercise and f , i to REDOUBT v. HORSHAM, “THE PERON.” The skeleton of a mammoth, discovered' in digging “ THE PI ISONE) B1 ZENDA.” “ WHAT’S ON” RE another from the fact that our imaginations able ns t ! SPICER CUP. Mr. Arthur Gibbons is sting at the Pier Theatre I film will be an adapts-1 operations near Chatham; is being disinterred under to pat ourselves in other people’s shoes. next week' The Chapcrt This brilliant 1 next week t ic prinoij A bright and humorous production, What’s CASE HEARD IN CAMERA. the direction of British Museum officials. One task The Redoubt were defeated for th* first time by the if Anthony I tope’s Edward Rose’s famous I On” revue, whioh oocupies the greater tion of the abive at Hove in cup contests, after a good game. oomedy, whioh was produi _ at Eastb utio drama, ' The of Zenda." In a which has been dug out is nine feet long. The work will has -been' toured in aln every Hippodrome entertainment during the it week, te occupy attigral weeks. |j 4 But we owe to it also to the perverted lives of: many 8« ire: Horsham. 27; Redrabt, 12. of this sp endid subject, the Cinematograph a medley of comie incidents from all the 1 London When Irvine Grahame, Whitle. , a night watch~ oountry in the world and is: man, re-appeared before the Bench TORES. State' Air R aid Sohexr. reat artists. We owe to it the silly of. war I REDOUBT v. HASTINGS. . . > fv York rad playing to exoelli Monthly film Reeot i says: ‘-Barring the loss of the variety theatres. It te characteristic; o class of shies and the slanders against the working which m word and t le sound of the clash of arms , in entertainment in regard to irrespontibi andinoo- charged with ra offence under the Defence of tin The President of the Board of (bade announced on have found so much credence of late. We o Mismatch was played at Hastings on Wednesday, I of. ThtThifd Party. Aot, the Ohief Constable (Major Teale) asked Monday that.he was considering whether a scheme it the otic Ruritania the' London Film Ca’s version of herency, and vet it is crammed with ~ lervesoent fun rabid fanatics who commenced and ciroulai these am I a pleasant game resulted in a win for the Redoubt Kitty Cnchton, whose i Prisoner of i enda ’ is; in onir opinion, a more from start to finish. Most of the well- iwn songs are that the oase might be heard privately, stating that in oould be devised to cover loss and damage by bombard­ silly stories, reflecting On the honour alike of ’by 8 points. - 1 ' ' f-l ; I «.was «. as «T,«i»‘Little R Britton’’hh, the opinion of the Offioer Commanding the matter was. ment and aircraft in so far as it was not covered by tiie ehtenui aotreas may be-also remembered to ' ; affair thi n the actual stage -play itself. In affectively introduced, there are : many iretty dances Church), people and our sorely-tried factory workers, >owe Redoubt. Hastings. i very important -espeot aline the piotnre beats the L- comedians eminently one to be taken in camera. ordinary fire insurance policy. The payment of increased to a perverted use of the imagination the — , inoon- Rink 1. , . beautiful performance' as "Nat-U-Ritob” ii KVlow, viz., in the introduoti< The Magistratee present were Mr. A. Mayhem* (ia premiums would be an essential feature of the sohemes. ifon on the first visit this ay made to Eastb ihit venient houses put up by the jerry L„ Mr Bsnv Jnn...... \ . Mr, Gekenden * double ’ elep ent He re pt m the chair) rad CoL A. B. Mein. Mr i Sniitlf...... Mr* M mw ^..»s9....*.»s|i ■ The Chairmra said the authorities, in giving unrer- Town’s 141 Enemy Aloes. the germ-spreading clouds of dust that fill U ) illusion whioh to the .stage, wit finda JOTJRNB our streete, and the latter because many of ir omo Mr Mr. White]. dies, ' ’ to hear cases in camera, directed that the power should The Home Secretary stated on Monday that enemy Mr 8, sen. (skip.). Mr. B. Ball (lUp ipsny. Hte •liens still living in Brighton were four men and 141 fathers imagine that au occasional sprinkbng withl Waterwater : ever impossible! —r _r ------T ------a hearty be need by courts of summary jurisdiction sparhqtiy. women. Three of the men were over eighty years of will lap the dust effectively on a m road, even Rink 8. PICTURE HAILS. atograph version < f. __ ___ laugh, and' he te in no small degree one of the chief If it was likely in this case that anything contnu-j to when a strong east Wind is blowing. Craske ) Mr. Adlson .... )| triumphantly. 8 ir George Alexander was obliged to *—‘■“ which make for the success of the pieoe. In a publio interest would be divulged, then it was dcrirabln Fowler __, Bay ...... that the case should be, heard in private, i However, ha * * j EASTERN! CINEMA i best he oould with himself in the twm characters ^ it but none the less pleating rSle, Miss Eva Ellis Knowdey * Mr!Mr. Eldridge | of| Rudolf and Rudr f RassetelyU. The king rad the l as the mutio hall “ star” also has an important part,* gathered from the section of the Act that as a general The imagination of thepoetisa wierd, and Mr. Woodfield skip)"..: Mr. X,T. Adams (skip) “ The Little Frenoh Heroine” te the title rule it was not.desirable that rases should be braid ia be repatriated. a terrible, thing. I used to imagine that the “ star” film at the above Beaside cinema tq-da' aoner oould nevpr boon (he stage together and in [ which she sustains with infinite credit. fShe renders Rink 8. tehei) the play absolutely I the songs whioh fall to her lot with charming— camera unless there were something against the Mexican Chaos.—A Warning. of Olvtemnestra was overdrawn, that there oc •1 drama comprising a capital story, full of infere' interests of tiie public. If the Chief Constable said that have been such wickedness; bat from my own Worsfold NlltUlHIIMI \ Mr. Hills ..m ...... thrills. Other subjects in ah attractive program! j- a'dnmmy had to be I while her dancing and acting are features 1 o be al In view of the existing state of affairs in Mexico, Sir Gray (ok Mr. ^lnier ••••••••• in. On tie we actually see Henry I and enjoyed. Miss Florence Faber, and Miss Oistie was the oase, the Bench would, of oourse, hear the TO Edward Grey warns British subjects against visiting tions in Eastbourne since the outbreak of this Hewett a Mr. Qi T. Adams , 10 I “ Jack’s Pals” (drama), ‘f-The Quality of' ” evidence privately. war I know that I Was mistaken. Also I may say, (drama), “ When He Proposed” (comedy), ' (on whose sh i i-fajUs tiie ohief burden of tiie I Burrows are two other principals whose gifted work that country unless they are obliged to do so by imperative 8teed (skip.) ...... 1 Mr. Cox (skip.) •SSSM*SS*M # ' ying agar at hii The effect te admirable The Chief Constable replied that the Officer Com­ 'aecessity. - * ■ • ' » If sadly enough, that at least one local JBdipus has met i s — Last Haul” (comic) rad ;:“ “ PiotureSquePictureAque R manding felt very strongly on the point. on Saturday his death on the field of battle 1 , 1 res the exact: llusii laired. The production There is no look of interest in the fin it part of the Girl Aeroplane Worker. 5 . :.p; , soma very io.grouping.- The . programme, wbioh is as diversified as c raid well be The Chairman intimated that under the riroumstaasm success. To " A poisonous va|pour ;known as tel .... In tke first half of neyt week 'the enf_. would agree to adopt this unusual course, f * ' ; I’ .Is" CAVENDISH CLUB v. VISITORS. • management have secured a splendid two-part i of the crownin r of peeudo-king te truly regal wished. The Charles Marjorie Trio appear in a oomedy thrown off from varnish used in the making My own imagination led me, a great many ■ ill the others, v net! the Oourt of Ruritania musical knockabout eccentric dancing ait, in whicn ------the Press rad the publio withdrew.! planes caused the-death of Lily NeneB, aged 23, to suggest through the columns of the 2 1 he third visitors’ match of the Besson wss played on “ Rdeslyn.” Jilted by her [over, who marries her ; proceeded with, the accused being repre- . all the Redoubt green ra Friday latt, the 18th inst Some girl, Roaelyn Lynn’s love turns to hatred. She ; the Black Mid eel's ng lodge at Zenda, catch there is much to attraot attention, noti.bly. a novel employed at the Royal Aircraft Factory, Famborough, Chronicle that seats plaoed in the shade of the tree spirit of the pla­ instrument constructed on tedders, and {layed by tha sented byMby Mr. r.H. « ... H Coles. ip promoting Hampshire. ) • . Hall would be appreciated by the public 1. visi tors well known in the bowling world are beginning John Wane, rad beooming melancholy from The Chairman, in giving the decision of the Magis­ on worked with to arrive in Eastbourne. A very etajoyable game over her revenge, makes their married life . in addition to “ T(ie of Zenda ” there will be feet. The effect of a tune by this curiot s .method is Recapturing Al&aoe. ; ilaeed, there, and the public, I observe, does ap rest lted in a win for the Cavendish Olub by 24 points. ^'customary series humorous rad interest both amusing rad entertaining. Lily Flei more prove* trates, said they had no other alternative on tb* could not hem. I now suggest that we need still more p___ The influence of time rad motherhood softens ilyn’s evidence but to convict. There were many tiroea- t year, the > ■ The Petit Journal states that no1 fewer than ninety Mr Johnson (of the Alexandra Club, Hastings), was heart a little, but when her 1 aby dies she' : an excellent oomedienne and an exceptic nally clever ■communes which have been reconquered in Alsaoe are seats in various parts of the town, where the footway the captain of the visitors, amongst whom were snob ‘•RUPEftT 6 F HENTZAU.” | dancer, whose wonderful skill elititsenthui iastic appro- Btanoee of great suspicion, but they were not quite con­ mds for the leaves or could leave sufficient space. For my o bitter than ever, leaves her pjiaband and rati vinced ana whatever doubt they had they gave prisoner Dstitntions, and wow being served by the French postal system. wel -known bowlers as Mr. S. Moore (of London), Mr. stage. Shortly afterwards 1 __ ; the week o immenoiug July 5th the sequel to I bation. Tom Garland, a oonjurer, has man y mystifying I believe that seats scattered up and down Terminus- > Prisoner-iaoner of Ze ida,” “ I .upert of Honiara” will trioks, rad he also exoels as a ventriloquist carrying on the benefit of. Graham would be sentenced to three ' 1 suoc ^ The Iron Division. road on the edge of the pavements would add< to the J. ] Irown, Mr. A. House rad Mr. Jenkins. has been seeking of, blackening her former 1 i great things iu the case of a screen play snoh as have recently visited Mr. Winter’s hall, and throughout ’ Leopold the First, grand-uncle of the present rung ‘ “ rts of the fore- is already at work on an estimated total of 25,000,000 unfortunately, employ people of my ocoupatit_ ivuwipiu ,alls desperately in love with Feline, _ a ladies’ oom- Mr. Stone ———...... ) dancer, rad he bets his frier ds £50 that within , for Mr. Antnon ' Hope has provided the producer the five sceneathere promises to be a superabundance of .. the Brifrians, in 1832—just a year after His Majesty shells fori Europe’s armies. , !' j grateful for any little resting-plaeb during their] walks j Keeping i such excellent n atonal tl tat he oould not well fail rollicking fan. Pretty girls, handsome dresses, spirited ascended the throne. It consists of five classes:—, of Miss Webb, abroad; -'-i ' MIIIIHIHI I Mr. Johnson ...... ( four hours he will get her to give him a kiss. __ i get through before The Late F light.-Lieut, waknefobd. Mr. Bowman ..... to work to try and attain us end, and many highly five ns a subject o exoeptic nal strength and interest choruses, lively danoes and clever comedians aye features First, grands-cordons; second, grands-offiriera; third, * • • Mr. Curtis (skip.) he handled it wit l ra eye to the opportunitieslits which should make the revue one of the nost popular commandeurs: fourth, offiriers; rad fifth, chevaliere. cquld be effectively Full naval hononrs were on Tuesday accorded to I have, as the editor knows, a horror of "gas’’ as I entertaining incidents take ilaoe. He happens ' yet seen here.- The Strakers, in a wild vest novelty Flight-Lieat. Wameford, Y.O., the Zeppelin hero, le’s maid out- with her Bog, to whioh her mit ny dramatio titui lions afforded him. LTba(L Mr.. Insignia, a white enamelled cross,, with a wreath of distributed by the man whom the Australians call the Urge L. Tuoker his done fill justice to its subject dancing act, win also appear. laurel rad oak-leaf between eaoh of the four branches ; whose remains were laid to rest in Brompton Cemetery “ ohinwagger,” the Americans the “ spellbinder” and svoted. Rodolphi creeps up rad steals some 86,000 had CAVENDISH OLUB v. VISITORS. who te heart-brokeq, offers a ' [its author, and tl at he has been admirably seconded one side of it bears in the oentre a black enamelled in the presence of a multitude of people. whom we designate as the “ gas hag ” or the “ map with plenoid effo ts of thb artists engaged in its scutcheon, surrounded with a red circle between twra Ireds of rosette* the gift of the gab.” The Germans told us son e time I The fourth visitors’ match was played on the Redonbt who will return her pet to her. That The fair sellers PlentV of Wheat. leatre, to her jgreat surorise, she sees Roddj ation goes vithont s lying, for the London small golden circles; on that scutcheon te inscribed tha ago, and I think with a oertain amount of trutl i, that on Wednesday. Mr. Fairchild, of the S t Albans j Co. never spoil themselves or their subjeots for. A NURSE’S APPEAL. King’s monogram in gold, rad oomposed of two L.L- i great energy Mr. Aoland states that :the Board of Agriculture see our greatest enemies were our incessant speeoh-n aksrs. Club, was oaptain of the visiting team. Being tne pent box holding her d ig in hte arms, and two R.R. intertwined; and, on the other side; oa wo reason at present to anticipate aj shortage of wheat r visitor for many years, and taking a great performance, in her dressingroomTRpdolphigi- at of care and atte ition to d jtaib” ' . ,- j . -; - ■ , ------during the coining aatumn, rat the whole subject of Also, naturally enough, I detest the use of poif on gas ch of the above films will he diown for a whole a black enamelled scutcheon, the Belgian Lion in in warfare by Germany.' I would not protest against intefeat in these matches; he was very energetic in back; her'lost treasure, and without thinkiir TO THB E diTOB. '] round the scutcheon is a red enamelled nm, on which in (fattee supplies continues to receive their doBe atten­ trail .ing his team some days before the match, whioh r, of which in the meantime she has been •ii;'; S ir : Finding myself in Franoe the day war broke tion. ■; III its nap if all belligerents had beei i free to use it, — embraces him heartily, muoh to 1 inscribed in golden letters the motto of thfe kingdom : I do not see that death by deadly fumes is ray i a two rink one. The visitors lost the game by 10 } out, I offered my serviced as nnras in one of the first *" L’union fatt la force.” The cross is surmounted a by than death by rifle bullet. But all nations had hi, dismay of his companions. Other sub hospitals started in Dinan, under the French Red Cross, the royal crown. The jewel te on silver for obevabets Cavkndii Visitors. able nature will be “ The MineFs rad remained there until recalled to England at the not to use this device, the Germans amongst the rest; “ Bloomer’s Wonderful Brake” (comio), D i iYONSHiR ti Pa r k t h e a t r e. rad on gold for all other classes. The star of the Order JO’S POWDEB but as usual, they have broken their word. Mr. MaoFarlrae...... ) beginning of the year. Before' I left eleven hospitals, te worn only; by grands-oordons rad grandk-oflSrien. Now there are ohexnical compounds the fuqies of Mr. MannI, . Husband ” (oomedy) and “ Scenes in Egypt, vw with a total of over 1,000-beds, hadibeeh opened in that _ JGP8 POWDEB Mr. Taylor...... Exhibitions take ptece dad r at 3, 7 and 9. ENTERTAINING VARIETIES. Ribbons crimson watered silk. This Order is the sum whioh are more deadly but far less torturing than those I Mr. Davis (skip.) ' small town, and ps the expense of keeping these properly! for civilians as for the military, with the exception that KKATINQ’S POWDEB whioh the Germans have been using, the nature and CENTRAL. 3INEMA. •THE TEN LX)NIES.” equipped te a great tax on the residents there, I under­ for the latter two crossed swords are added as supporters Th« nnrlvallad MtMHIMI 1 Mr, Lucas...... took to send ont every month a case of necessary J Uarnilost tA l properties of whioh are well known to our own Mr. Johnson..... Today’s pri imme at thi Central Cinema, In a bill of marked noellenoc the star turn te supplied under the crown. The late Sir Robert Hart, Bart, Aca ohemists. Their name and their effect have been known by “ The Ten Loon es,” a o imbination of grotesque artioles, and so far people have been most generous in G.O.M.6 ., of Peking, probably afforded the only roods «*•««.4it.**M»... I Mr. House • (...... road, has as ohief featu -e a drama of al helping me to do so. . ' |. | . W.i-r j 1 to me for yeari Chlorine, deadly and terrible a; it i Mr. Clark (skip.) Mr. Fairchild (skip.).. intetest, Could| She Do?” the suppl oomedians, who work iff atrem indous amount of burlee- instance on record of a British subject being decorated tea mere plaything compared formulaic " items inolui A French 1)1 ilitary Airship” (i quejrad pantomime bi ainess, ra 1 also reveal______considerableJ Now I want to return .to Dinan and spend my with the above Order on three occasions—King Leopold KIIiLS WITH name. Yet why do we not retaliate with a weapon I “ The But Bride”) (ooliedy) and “ Love, Sj performers c i brass i nstruments.cents. There are I month’s holiday there, in order to give wbat help I ran, the Second having conferred on him- the insignia of KILLS WITH far more effective rad far more merciful that te faiown and Thrills” (i ledy). i , ie scenes, but no p ot, rad tl e fooling,ing, though“ clever I so am making this appeal. I want to take out with me commradeur in-1869 rad that of grand-offirier in 1893; to us? On Monda; id the two Allowing days a A&dljA toost ra3peot6~< rigini&l, i i sly of a rough rad__ I toe ,, following: w Absorbent wool,k. bandages, ..socka flannel while in 1906 the same monarch, in recognition of Sir K n < L 8 W IT H EA SE With the deadly ohemical I. asn thinking of, the A l actor id a retired army main were dis- drama, “ Uni eath the Pai it/’ will form the prin tumble order. Althoi gh the performance te throughout I shirts, Ac. Will anyone kindly help by sending me Robert’s brilliant rad historic services in the interests Never put avray clothes or woollsu of any de»o nature of whioh te known to me. our-ainnen and our cussing their ive callings. “ How would you like' attraction. Fi wildly extravagrat, ti e antics df the “ Loonies,”' which I any of the-above eirtioles,articles, or money to boybuy them with? of civilisation throughout China during the critical' vithont ftrst hAving veil mtinkled them i soldiery could destroy more of the enemy in oi e day uring Helet Gardner, the story years whioh followed the Boxer rising of 1906, sent him, to send with iells bursting all around you?” the how Tryphena e areinaintained, at - exp - KU-ess spee 1RHMP9|9^H|1,. are extremely divert-1 I Raroels and money will be gratefully received by Nurse il^ J8>*M^»lPOTr^»r^ fo dealytotoe, Id., than they could wi!ith their ordinary arms in aJ year. intern, ra ai tress, and her little Furae, “ Woodview,” Silverdale-road, rtf 74> Ti art. -.11_7 U1_ .'1^1 J. soldi sr demand! “ Well,” replied the other, “ it are on the point of starvation when Arthnr I. mg,! and the turn is received with every evidence of the Grand Cordon. ' And our obemtets know of it It is called Ojlanide wool 1 all depen^ upon the ags oftheeggi!” takes oompastion on them, sete them well fed and J. appreciation. Those wishing for farther particulars 3Si70S & b e e t l e s , m o t h s & f l e a s , of G ) Lauri Brother! acquit t hemselves smartly in' a same by writing to- me, or if they would 1 If tbis particular compound possesses the ..... ■ ..... ==• fortable in their home. Tryphena and Arthur f B U G S & BEETLES, MOTHS & FLEAS love rad the latter proposes i larriage, but the frirl | serii is of athletio feats Unarm ng Mias Madge White, the above address between twelve rad one OUR ROADS. whioh I have been told it doee possess, and if qnr she must first make a sucoeei on the stage, Gipsy Love” fan e, appeal 9 in impressions of well- I shall be glad to see them. BUGS ft BEETLES, MOTHS ft FLEAS. used it wisely, the German armyand people woi' i artists,jrad ooipports herself with great geniality iE. be a thing of the past father te a theatrical backer, And the youngmra T“ T rent weakness for Tryphena at tqe theatre. Through "this and jvivacity. Herimi of a farmer’s amorous To thb E ditor. overs his son’f love affair, rad in order boy Ss remarkably wel is the cause of mnah S ir : I most entirely endorse the oritirism on the The world, wide as it is, te also very narrow. When de Tryphena to give up Arthur he tells her '- - it. Miss W lite itful voioe, and THE WEST WINdI untidiness of our roads conveyed in the letter of “ A I was in Vancouver a few years since, some seven that he te to marry a riotich OouBin... Neither___ _ j» i meritoriou as singing is her Ratepayer ” in your oolumns of the 5th mat. WAIT thousand miles from Eastbourne, one of the first; tomacb Trouble Way, rad Arthur is ar ^ disowned by hte father, , graceful c am fair artist -who Tradesmen rad their employees, men, women and I met wss ra Eastbourne engineer, who for a ( Kellog, sen., learns ^ 'hena’s ambition, and is making an exoel anf is Miss Nellie I love the wind that breathes of western children, her* all alike seem devoid of aqy sense of one of us “ melancholy bath chair pushers.” A very Remarkable Cure by promises her a leading part ie will openly renounce Wigjley, ^ io delivers some ! rite chorus songs with pristy or tidiness, but, like monkeys, toss into onr . before reetoiing to . and at ti b oonoli is warmly re-called, That slays^lack froet and wakes the slumbeimg be*; ______ate ■ attentioil was a barber who was formerly m business, Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. Arthur. She agrees to the uns, but sends Salome ___Is, footpaths rad carriage drives paper or ray reran* addition to Ben Enidge, whom I went tosee, a l beforehand with a note to i Dennisons, two refined rtateers rad terpei- I loVe the western wind. - 'l l I- they do not individually longer need; whilst the dis­ always be given to j minor oilmen te last iut telling him not to choriean artists, are a rig an oth as vooaltete rad they lead to more serious trouble. A who started in business near the street I was liv believe anything he sees or ■s. Salome hands th* The English woodland fills with flower and song, carded tickets of the Corporation omnibuses materially tamed but to be ra old Bastboumira. Indeed, i i“I hardly. - note to one of Kellog’s emplo; . who forgets to deHver They intro lube soi novel rad eeoentrio The English meads grow green with gentle ram, add to tbs eyesore. ' i . taHiouti headache—a tendency to constipa­ ild be alive now hioh they dev ilop wit marked strenuousness tion—a feeling of disadmfort after bourne and Hastings have contributed largely it. In the evenh ‘ '* and hte father go to When land the zephyrs after voyage long The Corporation would seem to amuse themselves by onoe booming but now Sadly broken city. In< fit for Dr. j Cassell’* Tryphena’s home, where ._ ____latter,, ______made upr as __her and rhythmic effect, t leir not -orthy turn bring per- From far south-western main. J 1 , |, I lading bve-laws not enforced and speedily utterly a sensation of drowsiness dozing principal business thoroughfare is all “ Hasting ablets,” sfiT* Nrs. own mother, tells, of the life jshe is supposed*to lead. y applauded, legra Ryan, the well-known isregaraea, to for example the stentorian yelling us hours—impaired appetite—these nith, 168. Castle- , keep the b 'use mood; theSoriety : There fought our seamen of the olden time; symptoms that two of the most important rad a suburb “ Hastings Toymsite.” Of the et. Great Grimsby, Arthur te Overcome and goes! ont to a life that brings And chased tall Spanish galleons o’er the foam. tha streets of newspapers, Ac. boumians I met out there, Ihave again met two b^ was In a dreadfully him to the depths of poverty. The subsequent scenes ___ of vaudevil e ei ,. (three gentlemen Th* ratepayers’ cost of sweeping up the refuse *> organa in the body—the stomach and the rad pne, lady) are see i in a rited vocal and dance And when they tired of war rad unknown clime liver—are not working satisfactorily. The Eastbourne. If there are any of your reade; r in-down, i nervous are intensely interesting, and amove rapidly towards a carelessly and selfishly distributed is promptly nullified* know or are interested in Vancouver, they may st ate, with Indigestion startling climax. j n and Arthur I lount, ir comedian; raises - The west wind bore them home. as your correspondent remarkh right remedy; to ___ a laugh by hte t roll s1 rad pointed oonun- hear the latest news of that oity. The two Liberal so severe that I,w as “ Stout Hearts but Weak Knees” is a Keystone There sailed our Indiamen with stately grace ANOTHER RATEPAYER OF MANY The Sun rad The World, are both dead. The t a raid to eat at all. I comedy whioh will fully maintain the reputation of drums rad jests. Va luable _ ort te given to the In spite of pirates bold and buosaneets; h id pain a t tha ohest, ent by the orchestra, whioh, in Our sires met death with calm unmoved face . 1. YEARS’ STANDING. the latter, who wss also mayor for the eeoond u U o, and headache tor­ these remarkably amusing serjea “ The Homecoming missing. The sixteen-storey World building te an e .. of Henry.” te another ooi which should to supplying the lpaniments with dte- And smiled at savage jeers. 24th June, 1915. j v ts red me daily. Then crimination and taste] contril itee short independent unfinished shell, its shareholders having lost every cent, a lupiP grew In my highly popular, and “ Animal lleries* should sJe And now the western winds waft English speech ■ . ' 1 1~ + : of their investments in it. The Dominion Trust Build­ a most acceptable item. selections at intervals. throat. I was told i concluding performances i-day take place at 6.45 From far-flung lands our fathers found of old; ing, Vancouver’s pioneer sky-scraper, te in the ham ti is was due to nerves,. a*d that I ;b«d ner- There are exhibitions daily 3, 7 rad 9 o’clock. And English-speaking states and peoples reach “ SMOKES” FOR PLUCKY GURKHAS. receivers. The late secretary defalcated to the tun v< me debilit: as bod as I eoutd have it. Tb o’clock. add to my lUble, I oould-not sleep; often I Far west for leagues untold. j thousands'of dollars and committed suicide, and fit NEXT WEE US iENBAGEMENTS. . ’ A. E. Stylcx. things are in suoh a shockingly bad way that! lay awake ti fonr o’olook in the morning, , To th* E ditor. ‘I tried ev thing possible, and bad good CRICKET. Fdr next week the n anagemei it have secured a visit Government te repatriating thousands of working j med'ieal edvil but nothing seemed to touch from the George Wil ie, . West rad.Crossley Co., who S ir : I shall be so much obliged if you will find space who are stranded there with neither money nc my cnee, I was in suoh a low, depressed oon- will ■ present the lively ,nd soreai aingly funny burlesque, in vour next issue for this letter, in which I venture to near prospect of employment. So much for Wel dftion by time, that I was afraid to be. EASTBOURNE COLLEGE v. ST. ANDRI “ Street Improvemento” Seviral clever specialities THE EAST WIND.; Tntdrft an appeal on behalf of the men of the 2/3 (Queen “ boosting” and bounce., This mushroom “ woij] 1« :t alone. However, a kind neighbour advised L: MAST! will 'be introduced in the performance, whioh should Alexandra’s Own) Gurkhas, commanded by my husbaml. paradise ,r(?) instead of being allowed togrownatun Db. Cassell's Tablets, I got seme, rad from prove very entertainin ;. The F rar Vagabonds, musical They are very keen smokers, but the Government ration do our Own quiet towns, was advertised and 1 t-1 at time I improved dailg. Now :I i In this matoh, whioh was played on the ground of I hate the bitter wind of East; ; St. Andrew’s on Thursday, the) Masters were sucoessfol ■ comedians, have also b sen specit llv engaged: rad other It sears the tender leaf of spring of tobacco rad cigarettes is, necessarily, notjvery large- into an inflated prosperity, which was bound w:ll and bright as ever/' artists announced to a ipear are Florence Wilton and Ihave, with funds I have collected, chiefly in York; sooner or later in oollapse. And that was all the i by seven runs. The College looked like winning easilv And casts a blight on every thing; until quite the concluding . les F. Howard, in a oomedy duologue, “ Law Let I hate the bitter wind of East. j shire, sent them, from time to time consignments of of the match. s” ; and Ray rad Zaokj favourite juvenile enter- I cheap cigarettes rad tobacco (which I get rent out of last widest of the homesters yi 3, however, 53 I t dims Ike hues of sky and .a . bond); but mv funds have been for some time almost aad derided the oontest in the (at tainars. Performance! will tak< place, as usual, at 6.45 Liverpool ot uanaoa. • it’s favour. For the rad 9 o’dock. . ______j It buries lambs in sudden snow exhausted, rad I can do very little more unlere I get * # * College T. A. Ryder again 1 in exoellent sty la, Aad slays the weak by treScbero blow; compiling 69 by consistently gi Score :— I Apeak of ourown “ quiet ” towns. I refer, df •aqrae, Say,pros it “ made in Germany” ? husband still says the men would he thankful for to their gradual rad almost unself-conscious growth, rad Rabtbournk College:. f irhw's Masters. ’Tis neither good for man nor hrnte ;l more to smoke. If anyone who reads your columns feels D. W. Kermodo, run out 1 in, o Ryder, b c h i : )d i n 3-l y . disposed to do anything to alleviate the hardships and not to tpe lifo in their, streets. 3r. Caucus . Tablet* u* * greoio N. E. V. Patterson, b Warm heart rad oosy hearth it chills, reavdy for onus of non* or bodily L i m a Dic k er Chapi il. — Anniversary I All ioyous inspiration kills; _ ; discomforts which these plucky little men have oheeis Some few years ago, when rubber tyres <41 or rotmg. Compounded o t -----— , Company .;...... 8 ,G. H. Cram ei-Roberts,’ s t beginning to be generally adopted for most veh^ mlobly proved eSlcacy, theg are tie T. A. Ryder, c Green- Reed, b Ryder ...... 9 servi see were held at I ittle Did :er Chapel on Wednes- L It spoils the promise of fair fruit. fullyi endured at the Front ever since the and of to sic* oi indli jacket, b Company...... 68 day, the Pastor (Mr. A T.; Tisker) preaching in the October, I will gratefully receive and acknowledge r a y street noises began to dtmfaiidi quite perceptibly, ro-otiilind mod' homo treatoent tor:— H-iA. Company, b Cox... 16 At evil done it laughs with glee; sinoetthe advent of the motor cap it has fficreased again DOWN ^BREYBWEASE J. W. Baker, o Roberts, J.JB. R. Cballen, o Cox, b "' 1 ioon from L Pete -iv. iff, a id Mr. J. W. Tobitt in | sums for.the purchase of tobacco, Ac., sent to me at the ni frvous nti b J. B. Challen ...... 13 ening from IL Ot roniclea x rx. 17-20, Tea was pro- • Strident and sinister its roar address below. until it te worse'than ever- Then although sinoe the WIIRVE PAR/ It MDKB8TJON __ R. H. Whistler, b Coni- 81 INAL PAL iYSIS STOMACH DISORDER R. B. Greenjacket, b Cm 1 between the ser ices; rad over 100 friends were | Adfiwn the grey and dismal shore, Yours faithfully, INFANTILE PJ MAL-wminM__ O. O. Tndai-, b Kermode n t After the ev ining ser rice Councillor Lloyd, Just where it lands from Germany. ^ >',t . J :■(O. ORMSBY. HCURASTH! WACTUM DIMMER M ^ ycb i; 6' Roberto b 1 Ryder...... hortaddresB, refeired.tb tie hpme call of the late PALPITMIM ... Greenjacket ...... S J. A. Fewings, st Read, 1 It mars for me the old sea song; 25,1 dens, Eastbourne, NliRVOUS F. B. Browne,' b Com- . Ryder...... *...... (Mr. 8. Vinall), who ibdured there so earnestly I I hear, in every long-draWn screech 81EEPLEI pray ...... 7 AUENIA G. Dettelback, run out .1 for alnumber of years, and hte pleasure ana Of wave npbn the shingly beaoh. P.J.Mqir.bCompany... 3 O. H. Browne, not ‘ulness that Mr.! fi taken up the work so The battle-wail through ages long. I Ipeclallv valuable lor Naming Motiem *»fl hprieg F. R. Hunt, b Company 6 it ...M.....,,*, 34 ;ly, and wished lim is in the work of the tbsn LCritical Periods ol IAIv. * . J. B. Moir, b Company... 0 .'• H, R. Browne, n I t brings grim gloom for me and thee; ' When a twelve-inch shell strikes the water Srta ol tha-wona aeH Dr. Cameh « tM eU . Priom, 8. Read, no* out ...... l Councillor Ru :g i oke and thanked the I ermode ...... ] ladies for their great issistanoe in providing suoh ra I It rends the petals from the rose it throws np a. splash higher than a battleship^ mast " Ketohley, b Ryde And onward tearing cursing goes— This splash is said to weigh about two thousand tons, Extras...... '...... -.17 Extras .*,••••■■ lent tea. There v ere good congregations present | at Ifie services, man y — — ' from a distance to | The wind that comes from Germany. thus leaving a small ship very little chance of escaping Ct., Ltd., 418, Cheetor-road, Man*he3ter. Total ...... 144 Total il51 the Pastor i il l A. E. Styles. . OUBNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE

SaUBuaam ISO. ' Tnxraon IS. m , J . O. TOWNER & BROMLEY, H. W. HASTINGS 1 AUCTIONEERS, PB.&W. BENNETT o u s e a n d e s t a t e L a g e n t s , DEVONSHIRE PARK ’ j SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. Clerical, Naval, Military and os’ Tailors, HAGENTS FOR ALL PRINCIPAL iPROPERTIES Im torn* Broken. Monthly Fnperty Register. E dgar A llan B row n. Auction Sales Conducted in Town And Country. Manager and Secretary • . j . 10, OOI INFIELD ROAD. • m Telephone: No. 9. , 84, Tm alnii» EastbouTne. Subvbyb A Valuations ro s Mortgage, Probate, S o 1 Rents Collected. Mortgages Arranged. T< ilephone 1284 Eai tbourne. Insurances Effected. : Telegrams Oakdens Eastbou me. THE DEVONSHIRE PARK ORCHESTRA. PROMENADE COSTUMES AN] THE AUCTION MART, 67, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE, j TUESDAY NEX j' EASTBOURNE.; Musical Director .. NORFOLK MEGONE. The one All Garments Made on the Premises b j First-class Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops. OAKDEN S t < Have received instructions ft »m the xecutors ot the n 1 . " < i • . r I. late Mrs. Adelaide Durlachfer to H imit for Sale the preset by P ublic Auction, at the T iw n H. l, Eastbourne, Orchestral Concerts T)aily in the Gardens. on TUESDAY NEXT, 29’H Jui , 1916, all that scarcity AFTERNOONS (except Sunday) at 3.30 in the GARDENS., ■ 8 0 1 1 8 , L t d ., uOtion Mart, on THURBDAY, JUly 8th, 1915, and in coi B. FRANCIS $ OUSEHQLD FURNITURE and E ffects EVENINGS: 8 to 9 in the GARDENS; 9 to 10 in the WINTER GARDEN. . . removed bom a private residence in Carlisle-road. THB EASTBOURNE CEMETERT MASONS. ROAD, NOTE.—Uw Orchestra will be augmented to tfi Performers at the Sunday Evening Concerts. we can off| Catalogues, In due oeurse, of the Aum, bath room, drawing Saturday and Sunday ...... MISS NORAH BLANEY, with Pian6 and Song, 8km Room m i Studio i 37, UPPKBT ON m S , KA8TBOU&NE. y 15-ft. 8-in.; coi servatorjr; dining room, and is we No. 13, JjOUTHFIELDS ROAD, W eek commencing Monday, J une 28th klSS LILLIAN BURGISS, Soprano. TILBPKOyi (79. by 15-ft 6-ln.; sti dy, 17-ft. ilntobaybyl 6-ft; . sasxcnra a k s b s t i k a t h b l o m n p , .EASTBOURNE, ‘k j he pitch of the reoeptloi> rooms; ample from us, i| J. 0. TOWNER Sc BROMLJSY , Ices, including ervants’ I hall, 18-ft by MEMOHIALS 15-ft 6 .n. IN THE PAVILION. Every Dbbcription Executed, Are Instructed to Sell by P ublic Auotion, oh the Pleasant! arden The Children’s Corner. Telephone No. Ml. P remises, as above, on THURSDAY. 15th J uly, 1915, TO-DAY (Saturday) at 3 and 8, - 1 dmatee given for their erectioo in ■ the consisting of a 1 iwn surr lunded by well- COUNTRY. “ JOHN LAST TWO PERFORMANCE 10.30 to 1 and 3 to 5. H U < Goldsmith £JONTENTS OF THE ^RESIDENCE. he P urchase. Illustrated Catalogue Catalogues to be had In due course ot the Auo- nay be obtained Cinematograph Lecture, Silversmith It, Solicitors, 10, tionebrb, The Auction Mart, Eastboi h Auctioneers' D A IL Y , 11 to 1.30, 3 .till 10. Terminus Road THE RESIDENCE TO BE LET, Paul Rainey’s African Hun P rices : 2s., Is. and 6d. LIFE TARGETS. T 1ERRYS AUCTION ROoidS & BALE* Annual Tickets, etc., and Coupons Not Available. JL YARD (adjoining the Estate Offloes), T u e s d a y n e x t . M e Practice under Ideal Conditions. firths, Carriages anh deaths 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE, EASTBOI RNE. JOHN JOHN i , Telephone 844. , O ARDEN & OO. cinematograph : BIRTHS. BI-WEEKLY 8ALEIB. SPECIAL BOOKING. ADMISSION FREE. POPULAR PRICES. Goods canal ways be Inch ed instructions fiom the Executors ot the BOYD.—On the Sad June, at 89, O. Crowhurst to s ihmlt for Bale by P ublic 'NEXT WEEK. bourne, the wife of Charles ( tyd, Indian ClvU Special dates by arranj at the Town Hall, Kastboujink, on Service, of aeon. Iale Rooms are noted for 1 jhe advantageous Commencing MONDAY, J une 28th. JONES__On the 9th lust., at Hawt e, Bedford-grove, E. MORRIS >f Furniture, Antiques, tV orks of Art, Old SEA WATER SWIMMING BATHS. to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones, a da ■ * itures, Plate, Jewels, Curios, [Wines, Boulpture, “ The Prisoner of Zenda.” wellery, Animals, Birds, Sh>ok-ln-Trade, Oar- H eated to 70 Degrees. 6 6 , SEASIDE BOA rlages and Hones, Motor Oars, Bio b, Boats, Ac. 72, JDENNI8 ROAD, EASTBC lURNE, Adapted from Anthony Hope’s famous Novel. MARRIAG1 Beet value Is always obtained at te Auction Rooms, | - ; Producing HEBDEN—WOOD. - June 83rd, Alfrlston Pa being largely attended by local and oount . Per £50 Annum. MONDAY, J uly 5th. Mixed Bathing Monday, Wednesday & Saturday Church, by the Rev. Richard Do ty, Thomas Alf also buyers from London, Brighton) {Lewes, second son of Mr. James Leoni Hebden, of Ki| Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electric and fee. Held from the 21th day of J me, 1902, YorkB, to Katie, daughter of late Mr. Will ears—thusjhaving nearly 77 Rupert of Heutgau, T e l e p h o n e GOODS PURCHASED CASH WHEN n Annual Ground Rent of £ 5s., payable quarterly on Henry Wood, and Mrs. Wood, of Hot Water and Sanitary Engineers. DESIRED. NO EXPENSES. Sequel to “ Prisoner of Zenda.” HOT ft OTHER PRIVATE BATHS. MOSELEY—WOODS.—June 19th, leyan Church, Eastbourne, by the Furniture Sales ah Private Houses. rs and Conditions of Sale may be obtained Edwin, Thomas Moseley, eldest i SHARE SALES AND PROPERTY) SALE! i. F ield & Sons. S ilicltors, Leamington, and Moseley, of Eastbourne, to E VALUATIONS. from the Ai krooNEERS’Office!: 10, Oonfleld-road, East- . x o x e r . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wood bourne. Builders ai HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY-Exolt Telephone 1234 Ea ithoume. road, Eastbourne. ot Houses for Sale and to Let. WAGHORN—OARNE.—On June Oakdei is Eastbo ime. SANITARY Church, Eastbourne, by the Re MACHINE EULER. E LE C TB IC A 1 Willlain T. Waghorn, ot Dartl (Iff TUBS I A Y| NEXT. Locky er, eldest daughter of the l CONVALESCENT MP COMEDY COMPANY Carne, Falmouth, and of Mrs. J. SUSANS ROAD EASTBOURNE. salk Wedn esda y; nicxt. WILL GIVE A Designs and Estin more. Mill-road, Eastbourne, r IGEFIELD," 63. CARLISLE ROAD, Subm itted. Rev. Lockyer Williams, late Cornwall, and great-granddaug hter of the late George BOOKS BOUGHT, FES ROAD, EAST1 IOURNE. EA8TBOI RNB. GRAND PERFORMANCE 1 Williams, Esq., barristor-at-u iwl Inner Temple, and TER R Y S, F A OAKDEN St ot Lymlngton House, nr, Ikh< Have recehred instructions f-om i l executors of the IN 7 AID OF THE SUMMERB0WN CAMP BAND FUND please oopy. late Mrs. j Adelaide Durlacher Sell by P ublic EGS to announce the Data of t Auction:5 u poh • the Prbm: ses, above, on WeD- POSTPONED for a few[days. NESDAl)B NEXT, 30th J u; ie, 1 On WEDNESDAY, June the 30th, at 6.45 p.m. A,BEAUTIFULLY ILL BTerrys Auction and'Estate Offices; 19, Co ’V/iriUAi’ii.—duuu XI. db ou xmjgroa; naoiwuniOi uuitua Eastbourne, X T O U SBHOLD F By kind permission of Major Bostook.'R.A.M.C., and The Directors of the Devonshire Park Company,. Mary, widow iff Octavius Francis Cipriani, aged 84. prising brass and ot b&l______GARDENER.—On June 22nd, after much suffering, so cthests of drawers, d teeing ta Dies, washstands, The Performance will he identical with those given at the Base Hospitals In France. patiently borne, James Henry Gardener, dearly-bdo ved U. two 7-ft. mahogt ,ny wardrobes, a 7-ft 6-ln. EVERYT1 husband of Sarah Essery Gardener, of 25, Bourne- SURPLUS COSTLY FURNITURE. dwarf wardrobe, , 7-ft, pine wardrobe, two street, Eastbourne*aged 58, i I GUIDE TO HEBSTMON EUX CASTLE AKBAR,”35, WHJJNGDON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. P r i c e s : Sofa Stalls, 2s. (numbered and reserved); Is, (reserved but unnumbered); ’■ Ordinary Seats, 6d. ’ f HILBERT. — On the 21st June, In hospital at Cairo. Costly and ! Advancj Corporal David Gilbert, of the Divisional Engineers. Royal Naval Division, at the Dardanelles, eldest son of CSTELL-MADE SURPLUS FURNITURE Annual, ftc.. Tickets and Coupons Not Available. .the late David Gilbert, and Mrs. Gilbert, of f. Old j. By xhe B a r. E. nnAiraL yf.A, 7 7 and EFFECTS,comprising dak and brass bed- W hy Bui teads, wool,hair and spring mattresses!blankets, sheeth, Orchard-road, Eastbourne, aged 22. id, barometer. 18 - Cycle or] HOLLAND.—On the 22nd instant^ at 37. Hurst-road, co., carved walnut bedroom suite, .antique whatnot, lahogany dining I N T H E PAVILION. Eastbourne: Mary Holland, widow of the late George iQiie of the most Interesting and Pictu ine Gas'lea in tfae County of Sussex. irass fenders and flrelrons, mahogany chests, drawing ldeboard, a 7-ft. Robinson Holland, aged 83. jp „ f ■/ oom Ohalre. brilliant tone upright grand piano, melodant louoh, arm and Innt wood oval- TO-DAY at 5.30 p.m. HTBBKRT.—On the 18th inak, at 47,Oariisle-road, East- other car 'erslan rugs, kite hen tat e and utensils, fumrniabourne, TWiiMfWDorothea TLetitia,aHHa oamhiisecond)liilimcrhtAF darn iter nfof Htheia lfttxalate overman! garden effects, in iluding roller and lawn GEOEGE Thomas Hibbert, ot Blrtles Hall, Cl mower. le, and miscellane eus__ effe< . T H E BLACKBIRDS, years. ,i . Items on I View Tuesday Nlextl 29th MANNINGTON.-On Friday, 25th June, 1915, at 55. tteiB and Publishers, extendii Ten till Fo{«r oplock. Prom ] , CatendiBh-plaee, Eastbourne, Hasan Mannington, in : i , | May he obtained of the golf pad In ifceir VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT, ^SOthyear. ^Funeral at Ocklynge Cemetery, Monday, which will be Sold by auction by i mmence at Twkl u o'olook FARNCOMBE & OO., LMITID, l rH STREET, EASTBOURNE. s may be obtali ed at tt IN AID OF THE FUNDS FOR SENDING PARCELS TO B R IT IS H 5 6 b , GROVE Meekre. EDGAR HORN & CHARTRES Offices, lomfleld-road, Eai tbourne. PENNETHORNE. - June W at Heatbfield Vicarage, PRISONERS IN GERMANY. Gregory Walton Pennethome, for 22 yean Vicar, On the Premises, on THURSDAY [NEXT, J uly 1st, ’elephone 1284 Eai tbourne. Accessories, Pe Prebendary at Chichester and Baral Dean, aged ,78. 1915, at 2.30 o’clock.i Oakdei s, Eastbo lrne. Tickets can be obtained at the Pavilion Box Office, Devonshire Park. 6PICER.—On June 18th, at Croydon, after much suflfer- Can be Viewed Day Prior, between One and Five o'clock, and Morning of Sale. . REDBURN, 71, CARLISLE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. R eser v ed Seats Catalogues may he obtained at {he Auctioneers Offices, 31. Cornfield-road, Eastbourne, and 6, South '[ i O A K D E N Sc O THORNTON. - Killed in action, about June 16th, in Side, Clapham Common, London, 8. W. Have received instructions I rom Doc )r A. E. Bredin Flanders, Robert West Thornton, Seoond-Lientenant FAENCOMBE & CO Th e Attractive Residence;to be Let. Crawford. M.A., to Sell I Y Pcblii Auction, upon Royal Fusiliers, elder son of Robert Lawrence and the Premises, as above, on IVEDNEi Charlotte Thornton, of High Gross, Framdeld, aged 19. 1915, ;{ J , DEVONSHIRE PA UNNA.—On the lBth Inst., at 15. Old Orchard-road, Eastbourne, Alfred Ernest Unna,' aged 64. (Chile OF COMMERCIAL AN.) ARTISTIC PRINTING o u s e h o l d ; f u i n i t u b e , in clu d in g papers please oopy). OUSE SURVEYOR, brash and wood bedst :ads and bedding, painted THEATRE. EASTBOURNE COLLEGE CONTINGENT AUCTIONEER ANI Hbedroom suites, mahogany ha lging wai drobe, mahogany INSPECTED. WELLS__On June 32nd, at 6, Carlton-road, Eastbourne, MODERATE CHARGES. and satin banded dressing c lests: and) washstands, two Louisa, wife of Frank Wells, aged 57 years. Attest. ELMS BUILDINGS, i >B ROAD, inlaid mahogany bedroom inites; mahogany dressing EASTBOURNE. 1 ohests and washstands, ink id mahogany wardrobes, TO-DAY (Saturday), at 6.15 and 9,0. An inspection of tie Eastbourne College Contingent IN MEMO] H., having had over.87 mahogany jhests of drawers, nahogan; and oak hanging of the Officers’ Training Corps by Col. Lloyd, officer PKNFOLD-DIXON.-In loviiq g the flrsbuof whloh he v wardrobe, walhut wood be Iroom st ite, toilet ware, Last Performances of Thomas Penfold-Dixori, M.i In the Building Trade), l fenders at d fire implemen s, carve l oak octagonal commanding the depot of the Royal Sussex Regiment away-on June 28th, 1911 8a writing tab le,carved dark oak frame settee,oak revolving The Ten Loonies L at Chichester, took place yesterday afternoon. The da uniter, Constance M. Tnr “ OERONIOLE ” PRINTING WORKS, BOUT] I STREET, bookcase, Darvad rosewood Overmai tel, nearly new company, under Capt. H. P. Jameson, assembled in the carpets ant linoleum, stair c irpets am l stair rods, brass And Varirtibs. College Field, and headed by the exoellertt bugle band, HSSBRS. LLOYDS fender suite, oved wall minbr, occasional tables and marched to the Links, where the inspection was to take ohalraafli e-toned overstrnn r upright grand pianoforte MONDAY, J unk 28th. SJx Nights Only ^UCTIONEKRS^VALUKRS AND (by H. Woil fr&m) In polished t lahogany case. Chesterfield dace. There the company formed up, looking par- g AXONHOLME, SOUTHFIELDS ROAD. settee, shn ped frame sett e, loun( e chairs. Inlaid ticulariy smart and businesslike, and awail mahoganydisplay cabinet, t walnut wood knee-hole 6.46. Twice Nightly. 9.0. arrival of the inspecting officer, who was received with A convenient and well- thged non-basement House. 6, GILDBEDGB ROAD.' KASTBOI writing tat le, mahogany ope l bookcat e, six oak-framed By Order of the County Council. v a general salute. CoL Lloyd proceeded to make a close Five mi Station. HUDSONS L t d . (Road racing the Kail war Station). OhaJrsln addlebags and pli sh. a 10-ft. by 6-ft. billiard survey of the equipment, fte., after which the oompany Containing seven bei— dressing-room, three Estates Managed and Rants Collected Wei table (by Thurston ft Co, Ltd.), and accessories, had a march past and then engaged in company drill, reception rooms. S entranoe hall. Quarterly. Prompt Settierae mahogany and satin-bhnded bureau, mahogany dining “ Street Improvements.” - .under the .direction of the various commissioned And Convenient domestic office: s separate staircase: electric H O U S E H O L D r e m o v a l s A Burlesque Pantomimical Comedy, light fitted, fa 1 r-sized garden, Rent £90 or near o) latabUahed 186*. Presented by Gko. Willie, West, Orossle y ft Co. fir. Would be Sold. V.A.T., Further particulars apply I jocal Agents, or to Owner, a n d STORAGE. .11 OH ARLES X. HORN! THE DAINTY DANES, the Simultaneous Pair. “ The White Highlander,” W. P. WENTLEY, Beau A UCOTONEEE. VALUER, I lUSE AGENT Brammel of Scotch Comedians. p W R N D E N S L t d ., ■ / £Sl. and g au ger, ** JACK ft JENNY, in Vocatamd Dancing Speciality. Funeral* Fumlahed 1, TIDES WELL BO AIJ, EA SADOS, Novelty Juggler, assisted by Comedy Comedian, and PeraonaUy CERTIFICATED BAJ L V Prpfi " Appointed by His Honour Judge h FAMILY ASM COMPLIMENTARY MOURNING I Distraints under the Amendm on tie Shortest Notice. Wright, 101 and 103, South- FUENITTJEE DEP0SIT0EIE8 BAY. and Z&CK, 9U8INE88E8 or KVXBY DKSOBIPTI London’s Favourite Juveniles, from the Coliseum Compton-place to the wood at Paradise. The at Viotoi ia Station ...... LONDON, &W. Lyceum Theatres. the foot of the hill dividing the Links from the Duke of ■A8TB0URNB. KK8 8 RB. KILXJOK St \ D A V IES, HOLLA ?D1 LODGE, 21. SILVER JALE ROAD, Trrmii ;ub Gates BRIGHTON, K7RNE. FLORENCE WILTON and CHAS. F. HOWARD UCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, Oomedy Duologue, 1 . I ■ 65,Gbcvx Boad., OAKDEN Sc (O. “L A W LET L O O S E .” A SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, lyed Instructions f-om Mrs. Barth TERMINUS ROAD; EASTBOURNE. the Premises, a FOUR VAGABONDS, APPLY POR FBEE B8TZMATB8.11 ^ FRIDAY^ 9th July, 1915, > The World'sGreatest Harmonising Comedians. Valuations for Probate and other Purposes. rrou SEHbLD I Tele. 481 Eaatbonme. Agents for all the prinoi] Local; Residences and FRUIT, FLOVrEBS Business AND GENER2L EFFECTS, rs’ Offices: 10, Co: nfleld-roi d, Eastbourne, 'elephone 1234 Ea tbourne. . IL (111 ns bra ted), Prloe Five Shillings, post free. D, T d. 788, Manager G, Hayes. .LOUSES OF OtJR ANCESTORS IN 5, UP] *ERTON GARMiNS, EAliTBOURNE. CARRIAGE SUSSEX. OAKDEN St 0(L. TO-DAY (SATURDAY) at 2.45 and 7.45. Have receive Executors of the OONTUNS A OOMPLETE HISTORY late Mrs.jC. Last Two Performances of OPEN CARS, GLASS on CLOSED HEARSES. upon the Pt K» i g h t , K Teanf London Roperitnee. THE PELHAM FAMILY. July, 1915, “ You Never Can Tell.” ARTIFICIAL WREATHS IN GREAT VAREETT. X T O U S STATION PARADE, well aa Art Idee on the Sussex Martyrs; The Established 1875. 18, PKVBNSBY ROAD, EASTBOURNE. SUNDAY, J unk 27th, at 8 and 7. Jkera; ( he Hermits iW ttohoraft; “ Gleanings ' St Auctioneers’ mme. EASTER W RI IHT, The Band of the ONEERS and VALUERS, HOUSE, ROBERT B. MART, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 13th, Service Batt. Royal Sussex SPECIAL PREPAID BATES. ERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE 'UNDERTAKER A COMPLETE FUNERAL Adjotnisc the London and Oonhty Bank). r CBN] IM A SEASIDE, MONDAY, J unk 28th. Six Nights at 7.45. Valuations for Probate, Transfer aid other purposes. ' EASTBOURNE, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2.45. WANTS OF ALL KINDS, PROPERTIES FOB El LB. — ••• 8,0, 7.3 and 9.0. . 14, Hioh-nThkkt, Odd Eastbourne. ARTHUR GIBBONS' COMPANY, including ARTICLES FOB SALK FURNISH ID A» UNFURNISHED RESIDENCES. (SATURDAY), June tSth, MISS KITTY CRICHTON ft MR. VICTOR STANLI SERVANTS WANTED or SITUATIONS REQUIRED, lile French Heroine.” In the Brilliant Farcical Oomedy, /CENTRAL W ESLEY A N CHURCH, HOUSES or APABXMHNTB TO LET, ([ O A Y E U O A V 1 “THE CHAFEHON.f \J 7 PEVENSBY ROAD. An Advertised In the whole of FROM STARVATION OKPS PALS.” D am a. By Jooelvn Brandon and Frederic Arthur. mockers for Sunday Next, June t7tk: IE QUALITY Ol1 MKI > T.” Drama. The summer sale of the well-known firm of Plummer HEN HE PROPOSED.’ (Jomedy. From the Strand Theatre, London. Roddis, which opens on Monday next, extends to every Fanicom he & Co.’s Sussex Newspapers IEIR LAST HAUL.” <__ department of the establishment, and judging by the Morning at 11-REV. ISAAC SHIM MIN. Subject (Ltd.) OUR MEN IN GERMANY. “Mo. Seats „. 3s. toed. ** Faithful uAo Death."' At One Charge, via EEazw’arsEOM M wrA.M nrnswoivr'ar CTURESQUE R< IMAGNA Scenld Soldiers Half-Price to la and la 6d. Seats. prospectus is arranged on very thorough and business­ e Gazette and Singinf; Seats at 3a, 2a and la 6d. may be reserved In ad vac like lines. In all branches the reductions in prices are Evening at 6JX>—REV. J. HOLLAND BROWN. 1 Imskbtion ... (not over 20 Words) Onk Shilling IN’ THE TOWN h !aLL, Picture. at the Her Gates, or by T e l 674. substantial, amounting in some cases to more than one half the normal figure. In the costume, millinery and 13 Insertions...... Two Shillings and Sixpence On WEDNESDAY, June S0th, a t 3 p .m . MONDAY, funs tS th . Early Doors Open at 2.15 and 7.15. \ 1 1 , .poors Open at 2.80. tote is almost 7 I nskbtions ...... 4 ...... F ive Sh v u n o s Under the Patronage of His Worship the Mayor. E o s e y n .” inexhaustible, hut for all that intendini purchasers are MONDAY, J uly 5th. Six NlghtB at 7.45. recommended to make an early visit. ’ery attractive Pursuant to the Act of Partial LANTERN TO' | Drama in T ro Parts. Cap.35 intituled “ An Act to RAOHEL HU] ■HREYS, F.R.G.8. Egypt, ISER’S LEGACY.” Drama Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2.45, will be found the ladies and ohildrei.'in’s____ outfitting.__D _depart-r __ Burmah, Japan, Canada)" fte. ment; while—T—, in- the — divisions ------dedicated--I t j tolace, lace, hosiery hosiery of Property, and to relieve Ti KR’S WONDERl’UL BRAE Comic. MR. LIONEL RIGNOLD presents the Bright aud Merry and ribbons respectively is a bewildering array of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI Qhairman: > i - ra and His Worship the Mayor (Or. O. V . Bolton, O.S.I.). Farcical Comedy,’ choice goods ticketed at little more than nominal other Persons having any C [ANDS figures. | >late of What the Butler The coming special sale affords a unique opportunity ■ - S IR JO H N OTtS b y / k .O.I.E., R.E., Widow deceased (whq t May 1915, UMOROUS WORKS WRITTEN Supported by Rupert 8. Gwjrnne, [Esq.. M.Y., Rear of renewing and supplementing household requisites. and whose Will wasprov Istrjrofthe Admiral O. H. Moore, H. D. Farnoll, Esq., F.R.O.S., J.P., It is a comprehensive and genuine sale, the whole qf Probate Division of His ot Jnstioe Rev. Canon Wm. O. Streatfeild, A. 0.1 Uuinan, Esq., J.F., PIERROT CONCER the multitudinous goods, which for quality, make and H ancock PURE SUSSEX DOGGEREL. re therein - and G. Sexton, Esq, t / TWICE DAILY. durability leave nothing to be wished, being offered Recitations by Miss Bawen.i ’ Afternoons at 3.15 (in the Bandstand). at real bargain prices. In the table damask depart­ AMUSING. Everyone should Read Selections by Mr.’James R. D ta fi Ladies' Choir. ment, which has been largely stocked with purchases TEAL Evenings at 8.15 (In the Tea Rooms). from Belfast, the supply is as varied as it'is extensive. CINE There _ are extremely tempting lines in hand- SEASIDE ROAD. A N D ELEGANT ED ITION S. embroidered linen pillow caste, serviettes, sheets, bed­ to the Claims of whloh they shaU then havi , lOOWCoffies already Sold, ! DAILY at it,, 7 an I 9. spreads, tray clo'tha, face towels, Ac. y and they will not be liable for toe asset) Lace curtains from Nottingham make up a fine deceased or any part thereof, so distributed l display, and should secure ready purchasers. The of whose Claims or Demtads they shall m LADPOLE’S H.IPPODHOME, supply of Witney blankets is to be disposed of at a Md notice. f ”1;^ TT, exceeding KASTBOUBNB. ' J * j. ; considerable sacrifice, and there is also a very large Dated this 21st day of June 1915. i _ URNEY TO T UNNUN, Managing Director... A. Mb. 8h)net W. Wnmau assortment of cotton goods, including sheets, pillow ; . LiONEL LEY, 16,000 00FIES WEEKLY, Manager ~ ... Herbert Raymond, cases and bedspreads, an early inspection of which is THE 4th SUSSJ 61 Carey-street, Lincoln’s Inn, Whloh means that these announcements are invited. Bath towels and mats are to be sold at very eeenby.abont

■ode Mark YISTO. BtgisUrcd. A n I m p r e s s iv e S p e c t a c l e . :a l N a v a : On Wednesday morpjing, at too earlyifan !W S upporting ELASTIC STOCKINGS hour to secure the public notice that the event tho list of casualties from the ! from Ss. 6d- each. merited, a considerable Contingent of the hien Seaman S. Butcherd, of the j 5SES, BAND \GES & SURGICAL BELTS, at the Sumraerdown Gamp (left Eastbourne is report jd to have been killed, j &o, of every description. Relf, of the same battalion, is ! by special train en rout$ for the Front. The ' 'he last-n imed is a son of Mr. and I ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, CRUTCHES, &C., procession to the station, withr!the column of ; l-lanei; Old Town, and is 20 years MAOS AND HEP AIMED. returning soldiers swollen by some hundreds brother were formerly Lists ifree. of convalescents, and the camp band playing STRA inspiriting music, Was truly an inspiring ope,one, iety. but joined th a Colours on the outbreak of war. f. FARMER'S i missing man als > took ps rt in the expedition to ^ ,r--«-----a *n the bmye ;werp, where he assisted t j carry away a wounded fellows who, notwithstanding their late suffer­ gian who had had his leg shattered. The one wotd “ SCABCITY ’’lauma up the whole question of GICAL SUPPORTS DEPOT ings, cheerfully go forward again to meet the 80, QUIEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. ■ foe. A spectacle such as phis would surely melt Ie sig n a t io n o: p a n Of f ic ia l .—W e under- the present high prices of Coals. There is s c a r c ity of horses, Id that Mr. C. M. Carter has resigned his appoint- the heart of the most callous and inveterate |t as surveyor to the EfWtbourne Rural District shirker. Unfortunately, as remarked, the ncil, and that his resignation has been accepted. s c a r c ity of canhOT,! s c a r c ity of trucks, s c a r c ity of Miners, noble-hearted fellows left before many of the inhabitants were about j. but, despite this pus E x p e c t e d T r o o ps.—W ith reference and in consequenoeVsrffmcy of Coal. In spite of these factors drawback, they did not lack enthusiastic a report in a cc ntemport ry that a considerable send-off. At the station; their own' comrades ing Concert*, we can offer an excellent KITCHEN COAL, which is durable, shouted themselves almost hoarse in round economical, makes little soot or,smoke, gives out intense heat upon round of resounding cheeps, and finally ieeti decided. I; is stated that 1,100 troops are the train steamed out afiaid a perfect tornado cted about the mi ddle of July, but on enquiry last ano and Song, and i is well screened. This Coal, which can only be obtained of hurrahs and the playing by the band of ing we were infor ned that it is by no means certain MPLES “ Should auld acquaintance be forgot.” The will come to Eas bourne. from us, is j • occasion had, naturally, its serious and riNc ess A l ic e M e m o r ia l H o spit a l , pathetic side, and amdngst the assembled orted by voluntary contrirations.—The following concourse of civilians tears visibly bedewed Corner. LEADIING MANUFACTURERS the cheeks of both se: Relatives of/the i during the week, 14 H U C R N lL L warriors coulp not easily resist the wee] 2; died, 1; r imaining Iness of a second farewell. spital is open to the i COMMENCES ON TORKAT i Wednesday/ and Ba S e a so n P r o spe c t s. Additional innual si Contributioi s will be Up to the present the. chief difference between n. Treasurer, Mr. 0. ( the experience of this and normal times is the fouse, 1, Chis rick-plac o n d a y absence of excursions. The number of spring M and early summer visitors has, On the whole, S iz e s 4 a n d 4f.0NLY. .Conditions. SEND YOU A TON TO TRY 1 compared not unfavourably with the average year. The presence of many mope would, of course, have been, agreeable w . ___ to the desires and FATAL CHI GALLIPOLI interests of the trading! portion of­ munity; but until the ; public have broken down the barrier of a custom that crowds the national holiday-inakini iJnto July, August CORPL D. GILBERT. BATHS* and September, the superior charms of earlier months will continue kdupass unappreciated Ot, Thursday Mrs. G ilbert, of Baylands, Old Orchard- at their true value. Ajgood deal has been road received the sad heard this w6 ek ou the tyranny of unreason­ son, Ofirpl. David ■ & Saturday STATION PARADE, ing custom in India, Wat it would Dot be Divisional Engineers, T e l e p h o n e 864, difficult to show that ouf own people also are sucoi imbed on Mondaj pretty tightly yoked to; the monster. Now, to ar illness contractec Peninsula. Tailor-made Costumes however, that the recognised holiday season Thq deceased, who v as 27 years of age, and whC was is approaching we shall'not be' inclined to formerly engaged at some air compressing works at Gowns, RUSSELL abuse the law of custom it but ensure for us Ipswich j enlisted in N< ivember 1 ist and went out to the Builders and High-Cla s s Decorators, our usual full measure jef public patronalge. Dardanelles, with the : irst draft from the Royal Naval Unfortunately the national circumstances are Division], in the early ; /art of th a present year. For a Skirts, SANITARY SPECIALISTS. so entirely unprecedented that it is impossible time the weather cond tions woie very trying, and after ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, to foresee with any dearness what “ fhe being slightly wound* d in the shoulder by a piece of BROMLEY shrapnel, Corpl. Gilbei t caught n chill in the very damp Coats, Matrons’ Coats D esigns and Estimates [_ — W o r k s: harvest ” is likely to be. \ Hopes of a favour­ trench, Which, not bei ig treated very seriously at the ST. LEONARDS ROAD. able outcome rest in the fact that people have time!'-produced the intsrnal trot ble from which he died. Subm itted. already begun to take their annual holiday, He was treated at first in a rest camp and then passed Furs and Office a n d Showrooms : 1 1 4 b , TERMINUS ROAD, I and in the reflection that, despite the war, on tp the hospital at Cairo. Letters received quite there is absolutely no moral reason why people recently: from Oorpl. G ilbert she w him to have been in 1, Langney-road, — Opposite Railway Station, — should not enjoy their (. accustomed respite a very cheerful mood, md quite hopeful of being able Blouses, from serious duty. Ceiitain contributors of to resunie duty. Eastbourne. Another member o - the fanily, Private William EASTBOURNE. articles to London newspapers have been Gilbert-ra younger b other of the deceased—is con­ Millinery, booming the advantages of inland resorts; nected yith the Leeds City Battalion of the West Company. ’p h o n e 461. but denizens of our big cities and towns very Laces, Neckwear, CYCLES and MOTO& CYC naturally prefer their owb opinions and tastes :1 i . . . . ■ • ■ ■ - i to the gratuitous advice 6 f possibly interested persons. Experience, moreover, shows that' gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Advance is of Cycles and Motor Cycles, I with the welcome return of summer, Iho I common fancy turns noj; lightly but eagerly Sunshades, Needlework, or M otor I and instinctively to the incomparable delights ■tyred, Be red, Re-enamelled, equal to new, of the seaside. T1 e fortnightly meeting of the Board of Guardians wasas held at Avenue House, TlThe Avenue, yesterday' Ladies’ an< Children’s Outfitting, YOU £ , LVING OF 7 3 % T. E abtboi .N.V.R.: iftejnodn. Mr. E, JJ GORRINGE presided, and there wort also present Councillor Bradford (vice chair­ R e c e n t casualty listajhave revealed that, man/, Miss Gatliff, Miss Boldeno, Miss Davies Gilbert, Household Linens, Curtains, [ ( o S S K L ) r a o m « j8 j. in playing their gallant] part for King and Lieub-uoi. .Owen, C.M.G., C.I.E., the Rev. H. von Country, several members "of the Eastbourne i E. Soot;, the Rev. Jl T. Burns, the Rev. H. Pain, Carpets, Cycle and Motor Cycle Repairs. Battery of the R.NiV.R. have either lost their Council or Prior, Councillor Eden, Councillor Chap­ lives, sustained wounds] or fallen into the man, A r. J. Willmoi, Mr. J.l Biroh, Mr. J. Robin­ D. 48, GROVE ROAD. 1, WEST STREET, hands of the* enemy. Called into active Ser­ son, [Mr. J. G. Shield] Mr. S. E. Buckland, Mr. J. L. Furniture, BRITISH vice quite early in the yVar, our local Naval Reid, Mr. A. S. Haydes, Mr. (!. Chandless-Chandless; Oil, Tyres, etc., in Stock. Repairs and Hiring a. Speciality. Volunteers, than whom ;it would be difficult Mr. |E. A. H. Vernon and Mr. A. Hurst (clerk). to find a more ardent, united and high-spirited The Attendances of Guardians. set of young fellows, havjfe had their full share Mr. WlLLMOT asked what percentage of attend­ of campaigning, and the/accounts received of ances was necessary [for a Guardian to retain his them from time, to time show that they remain position? full of enthusiasm and dash. Although the The Chairman Bai there Was no percentage. If a man was absent fc six months consecutively the majority ,are now facing the perils of the Board Wrote and asl reason dr his being I there was no special reason t was then wi Board’s competence to declare the Beat vacai lONTINGENT F inance and Gen

od, are in East and > worked hard and insiderable dangers, ieir joviality never minus-road 8. SQUIRE & CO is not a new, untried appliance offered to the b lic Furnishing Ironmongers, periodicals were order since air raidshave f .Jl and [Mre. Gambel. Tt EASTBOURNE received & gift of M o f years and priove*'d its efficiency in thousands of TERMINUS ROAD. reading desk in the c TIMES OF H IG H W A’ jR Sc LIGHTENG-UP committee cordially ] o u tb re a k s. O v e r 2,C000,000 sold. [ iter. Lighting After. Up acceptable gift. movements Saturday, June 26 ... 10. 4 10.30 9.19 V eal.-T he Clerk \ ead a letter from Dr. Adams jfhly favonr- 8tating that he had substituted mutton broth for PASSED BY THE3 BOARD OF TRADE and TO DAIRYMEN. Sunday, June 27 ...... 10.56 11.24 ... 9.19 vealj Approved. Monday, June 28...... 11.52 — ... 9.19 Councillor Eden rj b confirmation of the Tuesday, June 29 0.20 0.47 ... 9.19 committee’s proceedii . Tordoff, the.FIRE OI B COMMITTEE. illmot Capt. the Wednesday, June 30 1.13 11.37 9.19 Mr. W seco 1 expressed satisfaction lorres and ■ . j . Thursday, Jifiy 1...... 2J 0 2.26 ... 9.18 that mutton broth hi lubstituted for veal iii Friday, July 2 ...... 2.50 '3.10 ... 9.18 Worthless imitations of bw and untried character motion was cai [port in an attack [Assessment 'EE’s Valuer, ixtending from claiming to extinguish fin caused by INCENDIARY § o i 3. The ditch at Royal Society f o b F b k tion of Cruelty R. W. H. Ha is re-appointed valuer rein the Duke of BOMBS will doubtless l offered to the public, but to Animals, Eastbourne ieb. Hon. Sec.. Miss ittee’ for one :rom Looks Paddon, 1, Comp treet Subscriptions i inst., at a salary of Si. ent trench for a before^mrehasing lemand >vsee convincing testimonials be paid to the Hon. m e name ot rar. u. a . Leatnam, j.r ., was maa- lay in extended L Esq., “ Fairmont," [Tender! vertently omitted from the list of Magistrates in last g further back. and list of equipments, otherwise yoi money will be ------— ------,— Bank, Ltd. All oom- iffer of Messrs. Bradfi week’s report of the manslaughter charge against a; ARTHUR plalnts should be addressed to . Inspector Albert d house coal at 33s. 6d. Flight-Lieutenant. V; j andon thisobjec- wasted, land life and property E. Waostaff, 29, Oavendli^h-avenue, Eastbourne. L The first party s were accepted as i Hows: Fish, Messrs, Mr. Rupert GWynne, M.P., has been.ordered away High-class Footwear] No better value. sur, J. Rank, Ltd., for a complete rest, and no correspondence will be ts of short rushes, New season's goods.—J. J, Saunders, 106, Sontb- ictioninthe trench, In proof of our statement \ l, Messrs. G. T. Cox forwarded... 1 j . Btreet (between St. Savionr's Church and Devon- 'Hara & Sons, Ltd.; CH RIMES ihed bn in minted shlre-place). • I Miss Mary Isabel Kemble Lambert, daughter of the lie cover ana keep- best Extinguisher we are i Luminous W atches, invaluable for night late Mr. R. O. Lambert, J.P.,' Meads, Eastbourne, was ti. Meanwhile the and open competition any c use, reliable time keepers, from 18s. 6d. Clients on Saturday married at Westfield; near Hastings, to Iv the men in the own Watohes and OlOBksfiqade Lumlnous.-F. G. Baron Adrian Ctesar Duben, of Ground,; Sweden, and nment until they and will pay the sum of £ CLraENCT. GoldHmlth.SUyprsmithand Watchmaker. , 34, Hans-road, London, S.W. i ( j li within 2 0 0 yards SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1915. telP hone 782. Cross Society in the event At. this period of the jtear' Window Blinds headlong for the superiority. Sin \ilar condii generally want renewing.# renovatlpg, and the best 5NAL BARGAINS, Che whole of the STRAY *NOTES place to get them made and fitted quickly and cheaply k)., Ltd., The Arcade and 26-40, . and'the manner accepting ou^ challenge. is V inalls’, Drapers and House Furnishers. 63 and nee that their annual summer 53a, Terminus-road, where a large supply of Hollands bnday next. It will, as usual, Lodge, Eastbourne. ' i This Day (Saturday), i infinitely credit- and Rollers Is always In stock. Estimates given. P assing of “ Hector.” 11 the .varied features of this extensive estab- Mr. Charles Clark (of the firm Of Messrs. Murra; my, congratulated “ KYL-FTRE” will be found invaluable for extin­ Telephone 624. ; and patrons may rely upon the chance of King & Clark, lessees of DevonsF This Day (Saturday), i very appreciative ector,” the canine terror of a “ whole Notice.—All those who Lwish to Warehouse mafiae bargains, whatever the departments has gone to Harrogate for the cure, I clean equipment guishing fires caused by INCENDIARY B0MB8, as bourhood,” has in vain had the benefit of their Furiiltnre should not do so until they have ite their particular interest. The entire stock of the genial theatre manager, wh This Day (Saturday), (articular steadi- dr owner’s pleading. Conddct that his Inspected Messrs. G. E. Mavnaud's, Limited, Ware­ gone carefully through, and the prices of what indifferent health of late, w; mt fire oontrol in it is acknowledge! to be the most effective means of houses, which are the finest |n Eastbourne. Estimates i materially reduced in order to; render the may return completely recovered. ed mistress attributed to “ high spirits ” free.—Note the address, G. E. Mavnard, Limited, re that as soon as Removal and Storage (Contractors, Grevstone- aely popularl Visitors will find a practically Mr. A. .1. Fellows, who founded ’ of them would extinguishing bia sing petrol, oil, tar, and anything of ’playfulness,” but "which leas admiring supply of well-made and stylish costumes, .intances insisted was due to rank vicious- buildlngs, South-street, Eastbourne. the ''Inverclyde ,pany of! the Naval EVERY GARMENT REDUCED. ihe had noticed a,highly inflammable nature. irts, coats, blouses, millinery, and, also of the a sub-lieutenant in done in supply- has brought upon his 'mightiness the king up|tha numerous fancy departments, penalty, and ere now no doubt the lethal with the British wasb-boil< -Eastbourne Gas Co. i clothing ana other necessaries may likewise fIVERY GARMENT REDUCED. the use of Water on burning spirit intensifies the fire, 3 n has done its dread work. Priam’s ad on advantageous terms. Messrs. Bobby, i son—the “ Hector ” of Homer’s “ Iliad ” Inco m e T aX/a n d I t s R e c o v e r y .—A lth o u g h known, make a speciality of their furnishing EVERY GARMENT REDUCED. and therefore MUlJT BE AVOIDED. The advocacy lout for ten years before, the merciless no one at the present day is likjely to try to avoid pay­ ing his just share of Income Tax, there are nevertheless of Buckets of Water or. 8aud in oase of EIRE from les, not content with killing the tronble- many oases of overcharge in jvhich claims for repay­ youth, dragged the dead body in triumph ment can and should be made., This is especially the COMING ENTERTAINMENT. Plummer > round the walls ot Troy. The East- s to every oase where incomes are derived frofn dividends, rents ag by the le “ Hector ’—tall as a man When poised and the like. Unfortunately,! cases are not unknown 3 hind legs—ha^for three Years only bad where claimants have failed to (realise that such claims ions m prices are 3rs all hjs own way. But even this should be handled by experts. j-A narrow escape from co more than one overcharge of an Eastboura4 resident has recently me, millinery and ciati re victims of “ Hector’s ” jungle-like engaged the attention of- the Eastbourne and District officially reported ig, Capt. Geo. King in view, viz., to help [provide necessaries fqr British Income Tax Reclamation Society of r7, Bolton-road. — erland. Fusiliers, is soldiers imprisoned in Germany. buyers is almost cape; re, which the Magistrates have accord- After a claim had been made by the claimant personally ng purchasers are ended in the summary manner above .lien in action in France. He But the entertainment'itself is also like! Sale This Day (Saturday), Very attractive for under £4, revised by tin amateur helper to just over Major H. P„ Molineux, J.P.,. the patronagepatrol of those present on the occas outfitting depart- ,ted. W e are sorry for the fond and now £7 and provisionally' fixed T>)r the Inland Revenue and Eastbourne, and was bom Rachel Humphreys,Hi F. R. G. 8., who issupplyiii a lantern tSus Six Kyl-Fyres can be obtained at less red owner, but for “ Hector ” himself we Authorities on the mformatuniafforded them at under , is very Sale This Day (Saturday). :d to lace, hosfery the Northumberland Fusiliers lecture1 descriptive... of a tour round the worl ildering array of EACH cost than one of various other makes. no tears that cannot be more worthily £10, the Society by their exfiert knowledge and the re in 1909, he was promoted in generously— ------1.— givu ■ \ng her services, and is also b re than nominal production of further information made a claim for and is made a temporary captain in cost_____ of ______the hall Sir John Ottley, K. C.I.E. Sale This Day (Saturday), /ffiWv T-' reoeived payment of £6L 12s. ; * ’ officer whs serving in India on a short address on the subject of the w ar; M lique opportunity Our Member. Co r r ectio n .—On e o f itjhe w itn esses in th e ies. . - . will contribute_____ recitations; . , and Mr-Mr. Dear’sDeal . Ladies’______ients generally, with Parade motor smash ease, Erederiek Edgar Platts, head . Molinesix had many friends, Ghoir will giveive vocal selections. The Mayor (Councillor(Oouncilloi waiter at the Hydro Hotel, complains that in the report ed himself in local cricket and O. W. Bolton, C.S.LV will be in the chair. Tickets uahty, make and yj will regret that last week his name was incorrectly given as “ Platz.” ly the bereaved parents have the may be obtained of Messrs. Smith A Son, Terminus- ed, being offered P-, has found that This latter being a German name, and the witness him­ 3 inhabitants in their great loss. road; Mr. Prentice, Terminus-road: Mt. Ryder, ie damask depart- bis taking a con self being an Englishman, hjelis naturally anxious to South-street; and Messrs. Ken ward & Co., Grove-road. id with purchases Mrs. Erskine has received towards the object of the las it is extensive, entertainment donations from several invalids and lines /in hand- Elms Buildings, Eastbourne. last- summer meet- anonymous friends who will be finable to attend. For iettes, sheets, bed- Puesday. Miss Eleanor om Christina Rossetti, RAINCOATS AND COATS REDUCED. make up a fine and Eugene Field, her purchasers. The a bring greatly appreri- RAINCOATS AND COATS REDUCED. disposed of at a (petition for NAVAL DIVISION LOSSES. dso a very large usually are prefaced by an intensely hot, dry Wind, r.—Information has Thursday and was c included RAINCOATS AND COATS REDUCED. Dg sheets, pillow which soon becomes so impregnated with sand jthat Bandsman Langford, of - G LOCAL NAMES IN THE CASUALTY lotion of which is the 1st Bedfordshire Regiment Deceased, trho resided Miss Parrott ...... it is impossible to see more than a few yards. The in Ohurch-mews, Wrilesley-n Miss Barton...... to be sold at very dust clogs up your hair and makeB it a dull sand •d, was killed in action, Mrs. Fox Russell ...... generally it may colour, it fills your eyes, breathing is a difficulty, and his brother, who was in tlj same regiment, lost his During the recent fighting in the itageous one from and it is in every way horrible. If you go indoors life under similar circumstam s in the autumn of last Elliott a number of Eastbourne men were reported prove an unfailing the oppression is so great that you come out again year. . ! been killed,' wounded or misriDg, these < INTENSE HEAT and SAND STORMS. into. the. boisterous wind and stand it as long as [you T he proverbial -wisdom if many Eastbourne occurring in the “ Howe” Battalion R.N.V.R. peeay business people is again prove* those reported to have been killed!are P.O. William can. Then when the torture seems almost unbear­ by the number who are Rlmlngton Leonard Erridge, P.O. Percy Horrell and A.B. able it begins to die away, and you are free to go u And insuring their Stock against W imble. Ait? Raids. Par; -An alarming John Tingley, whilst A.B.’s EmeSt Sayers, George A DRAMATIC P. and bathe and try to wash: the soil of India from ticulare of rates can'be had.frq ( H. T. Thoepb, Lloyds dole and Frederick Dole have been wounded. ii at the junction off you. - [ j- Bank-chambers, Terminus-roat jEastboifrne. Telephone id between two No. 27. 7 ! Seamen -Tom Hide and W. O. Dlplock and . iber of persons, , Out* correspondent at jjullundur writes some Can you wonder that with such a climate we all ■ A Dangerous Path, ton. —A remark- Hardy, George William Allehom and Hunt a , Auction Sale at sbar,” Willingdon- as missing. _ THE ORIGINAL STOCK OF proceediii along description of tie intense heat, &o., of i an Indian look forward ^o anything that will amuse and break but last issue a, correspondent called able demonstration, oi the val io of the Kvl Fyre Saints’ Church, the monotony of our existence? So, amongst other , 1 road, next Thursday, July U —-The Auctioneers call extinguisher was witnsssed in iaker-street, Enfield, -Allchorn, Hardy and Sayers are sons of Eaist xiurne summer and the various ways in which th® men things, we have started a Debating Society, at which * narrow, unproteeb ” patn, *’ particular attention to the < scellent upright grand last Saturday morn ini. A mo or car (belonging to boatmen, Erridge is a son of Mr. W. Erriidf e, the wfio was driving, rfhe 4th. Sussex (Eastbourne) Battery, R.F.A-, P®"* approaching, Birlii wo soldiers and a we settle the affairs of the nation to our entire Gap. pianoforte and the Angel us, w oh are lnoluded m the Mr., 1 3. Eberstein, or East Bi met-road), in which well-known bathing machine proprietor, Go ie other motor—a satisfaction; and the latest addition to our merriment ch, who knows the catalogue. i ,j..| were two lady passenf era, was opposite Baker-street Frederick Cole are the sons of Mr. Thomas Col I wrote to you (he says) last mail about [the athletic is a Dramatic Club, the members of which gave their mpUfled the particulars then Chapel when an explo lion tool place, apparently in for 38 years has been a railway porter at, East i were two Army sports, and if this time I tell you about the great first performance the other evening in the garden of Union J ack Club, Eln -buildings, Seaside- station, while Diplookis the second son of Mr. ARTHUR id, was travelling- dramatic effort made by the. Battery you miist not explained the circumstances road.—Pound Day; July 2nd. 411 gifts of tea, sugar, the abouinulator, settii g fire tc road. The Ford the officers’ mess. It was a most brilliant moonlight undei footpath in question assumed mustard, soap, matches, biacui driver, named Precious imrnet Diplock, the instructor at Devonshire Park Bath therefore think what an easy time we are having, night and there was a large attendance, not only_of cake and eggs will be fire was below his seat and lost It is also reported that Leading Seaman A. Ti because these little interludes are very small breaks, its p gratefully received any time r 1 1 o’clock. the Battery, but of other troops at the station. The neign cushions land woodwo rk. Mol...______has been wounded in the-ankle while serving w m the round of our idaily life of hard] work and band gave us some excellent music, various officers Marine Hall, Loans ^e-road.—Sunday, combe, draper, hurriel out wi h a Kyi Fyre plant, “ Howe” Battalion at the Dardanelles, and is swnofit, and inoeaaant drills. • I ■ ! ■ -1 ; - CHRIMES, and men sang and recited, and then came the play, July 4th, the well-known etch evangelist, Mr. which is always kept rsady to liand on the'premises, hospital at Alexandria. Trotman was for ah ssitated their tiie si mmer months, either the spot should be. i Hospital in The heat is now intense. Day after day, and written by a member of the Battery, who called it Alexander preach the Goapel at and by its use he very smartly extinguished the out- yearsSa local letter carrier, and was formerly a n wife of the «ren night after night, the air is like a| furnace, a An Outpost of the Empire, and in really-quite clever fenced off or prominent warning boards the above. of theR .N .V .R ., which he rejoini Furrier & Costumier, ’orks, Worm- very fiery furnace, when the least exertion makes a manner showed upon our mimic stage the adven­ erected. Birling Gap being beyond the war. He was one of the Eastboi rson, of 27, "you pour with perspiration. You wake in the night tures of a small, body of soldiers defending a signal borough boundary the, Corporation have, of in the expedition to Antwerp. to find it not a bit cooler, and you yearn and pray Station in some remote part of our wide Em; ire. some'excitement in the loci on, who was It-was a capital show, and 1 think that when vfe coursi i, no legal [responsibility, but any moder­ Subsequently ■for even some short respite' from this baking heat. ate m m spent ii i protecting the lives of East­ residents! to the spot, as w ictor Stephen, TERMINUS ROAD, Eastbourne Then you doze off again and wake unrefreshed and return it would be an exoellent idea to reproduce it The iKyl Fyre Compinv’s offices are at Fond mother: .* ' Improvise ? Why, my tired, to oommence another day’s work. Add to this in Eastbourne and raise funds for the Battery by bourne visitors would not, we take it, be -buildings; -Enfield Gazette and daughter can improvise any piece of music, you put ,4 hat we are now plagued with dust storms, which giving “Our Indian Nights Entertainments.” objected! to by the ratepayers. before her j * ' Telephone 6 9 1 - *,§ .ii' ■ : r .

I '


Germany now bitterly regrets that the fondness for . go “ THE 1Fi\It AND THE COMING British fashions in sport and in dress has left A LEWES MAN IN INDIA. A VICAR’S WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. J. Groves, silver tea asddy. abundant tokens in its traok. Lawn tennis is played, Mrs. Gadd, chins flower pot. CIVILISATION.” < in English in'most European regions-. The familiar Captain D. H. Graeme, set of serviette ringsi ' . h * 7 ' ”r *&.<•< „ ''![ ‘ • ,1 , *. * I cries of ‘‘Love " and “ Deuce ” and “ ’Vantage all ” IB T E R E 8 TING LETTER. Th e REV. A, HAIRE and M ISS DOROTHY Mm. Havelock Groves, visitors’ book. have been given up as hopeless by translators. Golf ■ To ensure aoocr t u r n I'CAMPBELjj-JOHNSTONE. Miss Garforth, glass and silver custard glasses amt LECTURE BY LADY LUTYENS. offer* even worse difficulties ana obstacles. It has tray. Names and Con been buzzed from Berlin that the brief three letters An interest ing letter has been received by the Lady Dixon Hartland, Indian box. the Publishing ( ¥ ■ i ' f I ■ • of a “ tee ” require a hyphenated concatenation of tyor of Lei res (Councillor T. G. Roberts) from his The finest of cooks, East Hoathly presented a festive appearance on Mr. and Mm. H. J. C. Hardcastle, glass and goM the libraries or 1 A lecture, entitled “The War and the Conning words which no golfer in a hurry could ever want tastes centrepiece. n Is made for Insert li to- use. In Mark Twain’s evergreen “ Tramp >n, Private . L C. Roberts (Tony), of the 7th Hants Her jelly spoi Monday, the village having been profusely adorned on The Rev. H. and Mrs. Harbord. silver entrge iMi. - This Usb Is not Civilisation,” - was delivered at Town Hall Abroad ” there was a capital chapter regarding the egiment (1 erritorials). The latter enlisted at Ju st as as it looks,'’ with bunting in honour of an event which had Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harbord, glass and silver salad Wednesday afternoon by Lady y Lutyens in son- learning of German, showing an engaging illustra­ lurnemouth and his regiment, which underwent She has m be^n shown aroused the greatest interest. The event was none bowl and silver spoons. . i nection with the Order of the Si in the East, Of tion of one of the hyphenated words walking in a ,ining on E alisbury Plain, was one of the first to How to these confections^ other than the marriage of Miss Dorothy Iris Camp- Colonel and Mrs. Sutherland-HarriB, amethyst which she is the representative England T procession of letters over a bridge: . They are the sent on foi eign service. The regiment, which left bell-Johnstone, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. pendant. ROYi essential reason why German, prose is cumbrous to gland early in October and. arrived at Bombay oil But buys s Jelly Pow ler J. Campbell-Johnstone, of Whyly, to the Rev. Arthur The Misses Harbord, table cooker. Bxbexley. — rapt. was a good attendance,e, LadyLad; Lutyens being! no the last degree. We might get an analogy with the November 9t i, is now- doing duty at Delhi. In the I ’ i Major Hardcastle, coffee cups in case. Griffiths. Miss Sril stranger to Eastbourne! audiences.: • ■ • ■ rolling, pompous periods of a de Quincey, but never course“ ' of hit etter ”Priv ' ' Roberts says:— and folio the direct ons. Haire, son of toe Rev. Canon and Mrs. Haire. of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall, silver sugar castor. Welchman _ Lady Lutyens said that sometimes they longei to the airy lightness of a Charles Lamb. First of all many tin to all of you who have Qurteen Rectory, co. Sligo, Ireland. The wedding Mr., Mrs. and Miss Harcourt Hare, pair of Sussex CbAnksl Vixw.-Vri.l And now eminent professors have met in oonclave written to me letters! have not been directly the poetry is not good you can be quit s sure the ware vases. MraPalsh. Mr. Jon get away from the war and think of something pise. I! was of more than usual interest to' Churchpeople in Rxuby.—Mr. and Mm. j That at the present stage was impossible, tor it to get a German equivalent for “-covert coat” and replied to, anl also f East Suet ex Newt, which Sponge is.*The right of it make* your mouth Water, •" 'IK the neighbourhood, for the bridegroom is Vicai: of i Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, salad bowl and spoons. gL—Mrs. Wilkinson. haunted them night and day. It was more profitable other excrescences ’defiling the language of the I read right through ery week. Between letters so easy to prepare. Miss Haste,'tea doth. < Sidabtband.—Lady dn to strive rather to understand the war, the causes “ Hymn of .Hate.” No more will the fabulous label and papers 11 eem to k . ell in touch with all that Laughton and was formerly ourate of East Hoathly,' Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hanmer, set of carvers. PORTREATH. — Mrs. which led to it and its probable results. It was the “ beef-stoak ” be attaohed to every bit of tough old is going on a i home, eveen if tit is 7,000 miles away, RUSSIAN JELLY SPONGE while the bride’s father is one of the churchwardons Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall, bread fork. Mrs. Mathias. Miss 1 greatest war 'in the history of t le world, ana its cow in the restaurants, whioh will presumably cease and wnat I read makee ime feel proud to belong to S Crystal Jelly Pointer,ir, Raspberry or Lemon, and snffideot Hot of the parish; in which his beautiful residence is Miss Elsie Hurd, carved stationery case. Boston House.—Mrs. i effect had been to cause more misery and deflation to be styled thus. The philologists have to do their our old town. __One pint packet Bi: situated. The bride has also taken a keen interest in Miss J. Holmes, embroidered cushion. A m u. -Mr. and Mr* ( Water. . i _ over ljf_ tescnpfnlates of hi t water,[, .stir until Bbtoourt.— Miss Nora | thaij there had ever been before But they, kiow at with a vengeanoe. Before the;they had got rid of I elics of a Past Age. Empty the JelDPoi jog adfi poor Church work, and she has rendered specially useful Mr. B. and Mr. R. E. Hassell, silver sugar castor. . A. iPerl. Mr. aDd that it was always darkest before the dawn, and they French! aliens at home among them for many a long * m ‘ en cold and just lettini Into a thin Miss Hennessy, hat pin stand. Now to fol ow up my last letter. Eight of our entirelyr dissolved. Then take one 4haif In a ' and beat wit i awl to a stiff service in connection with the East Hoathly Troop Mr. Leslie Pnuter. should [turn and look for the sun; ise. Things vfrere thore came these English problems to settle. section managed to get;leave for 15 days, and so after Poor this Into a mould. V fhiak the remainder of Girl Guides, which she founded and of which she ,Mrs. Thomas Hoftnan, Hardangar tea doth. not going to be the same again, tile; ild neve___ ■ be little now of the gallant effort to banish disoussion anc arrangements had been made we left In similar fashion, and add to hat already in the is Guide Mistress. , Miss E. Holman, engagement book. MARI - - - um water and Bouvxrii House. —L so, for they had looked reality in and I hey .Paris frocks from under the linden trees. Is this here at 11.45 ’] >.m. on May 7th en route for Mussoorie. mmdd.^'When set firm dip the mould into warm The interesting ceremony was timed to commence Miss Hansford, tea table and garden chair. j would no longer trouble about th< th: .. which did f a sign that the meek German woman has shown the Our first change was at Saharannur »t X.Ml a m and tom oat toe jelly. Mrs. and Miss Hardy, pair of silver butter dishes. Mies Barns. Mrs: Leq not matter. ' The outcome would be a new civilisa­ mere man there are limits to his autocracy? The at half-past two, but an hour before that people Mis. arid Miss Harrison, tea doth and hot water 'W arn House.—Mr. after some to i and bread a n d ______„__ were waiting to obtain admission to the Parish ULBURN.-Mr. and Md tion. I ! present burning question is how to get rid of these at 4.40 for t le terminus of - the N.E.R. at Dehra cosy. ! insular interlopers, an army which, like another, may Church. The seats in the centre aisles of the Bacred Pitt. Miss Kliiott 1 Lessons From Past History. Doon. Here we arrived at 11.15, and after a break­ building were reserved for the invited guests and Mrs. Harland, rose bowl. Elliott. Miss Louglad The lecturer proceeded to say that there had 1 een be little and contemptible, but is pertinacious in fast of fried e ;gs at a Dak bungalow (post house) we were fully occupied, while the other accommodation Mrs. Hartung, glass vase. B.—Mr. and Mra Hall, 1 . . l---- ^ which had risen sticking to its ground. The British philologist is left in- three t mgas for a seven mile drive to Rajpur, was scarcely sufficient for toe parishioners of East Mrs. and the Misses Holman, tea spoons and sugar Ecton Housb.—MIsh Cl! aWay. out op work by contrast We have contented our­ whioh lies imi nediately at the foot of the hills. The tongs. I [[ , * Haktinqton House.—)L selves, since we became too unlearned for Latin, with Hoathly and Laughton and other well-wishers of the Mr. H- Holman, pair of brass candlesticks. Mr. and Mrs. Woollstl ______particular p rase last 20 miles oE railway was a steep gradient, and the ’happy ' couple, The beautiful chancel was decorated Btsn House —Mrs. Grid of religion which had contributed Something towards of French to savour our discourse. whole of our Drive was; alto uphill. Each tonga had Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis Ingram, Cashmere diver French, indeed, naturally came over with William b.YSj with a prolusionofui * of choice white flowers. flower pdt. , Morris. Miss Briscoe 1 their preecnt civilisation. Each i emphasised s rare two ponies, ine in the shafts and one bei " It dissolves fitly, sets firmly, and every Albion Hotel.-M r. uj the Conqueror. No one has yet supplied a list of hitched on as pou often see an extra horse oh i jthe refreshing perfume and The Bishop of Lewes (toe Right Rev. Dr. Jones) Mr. and Mrs. Douglass James, Apostle tea sfioone. special aspect of the truth for which the world was German words which have passed into our language. jelly you make I officiated, and was assisted by the Rector of East Mrs. Jasper, quilt. and Mr. AOWO IU. richer. No faith could contain all truth, for e 'ery caravan. T1 e -harness was what a sale cal dehclilcious flavor of ride fruit Soldby all grocers, Jar Hoathly (toe Rev. Owen Davies), the Rev. H. Boundy. Mi-. Betty. civilisation or religion oould but know truth from It would not be a long one, would describe as “ a genuine antique,” and oonsii Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ashworth. Mr. Pe 2d.. 3 id. & 6jd. per packet Harbord (the former rector) and the Rev. A. M. Jones, set of silver £alt cellars in ease. Miss Macmillan, h i * one aspect, truth -being infinite nd human minds of a miscetla ieous collection of leather, rope and Haire (ourate of Wadhurst and brother of the bride­ their own race, ohain, obviouily throe...... Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jones, set of flower vasea Burgess, f. Miss Stew finite. .If they traced the history groom). The clergy end the snrpliced choir met the Major and Mrs. King, antique liqueur cabinet Mrs. Deane. Mr. an thetho Aryan, thqythey found; found thu. this horns J(L_, out. The' earnest “ YOU’LL HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR The vehioles i rere also roues ot a past age, and there jridai party at the south entrance to the chutoh and Lister Kaye. Gen. was a Continu d doubt in my mind as to whether the Dr. and Mrs. Lovell Keays, apparatus for fruit civilisation of the Aryans was the Hindoo.idoo. TjheirT heir tiie procession wended its way to the chancel, the bottling. .. . ' ! <* MeUocald. Mr. H. _ ideal was1 Dharma, based on pr ive evolutio I or BY SUNDAY.” . . wheel .was me re likely to lose its tyre or oollapse in ranging the hymn “ The voice that breathed o’er Eden ” being and Mrs. Wade. . Mr. . reincarnation, and 'maintained every stage of the centre. 1 s for the ponies—well, our shaft horse do an infinity of harm ab oad, Miss E. Kemp, pair of china vases. Mr. F. C. Allen. Ml enemy, who Idooe not understi nd il unimportance. sung. The bride, who was given away by her father, Mr., Mm. a&d Miss Langdale, silver tea spoons and Obeys. Lieut. Leslie spiritual progress hod its own du Duty wa* not reminded me >f the cab horse in “ Piokwiok,” which HOW GOES THE EIGHT? week—and looked charming in a lovely gown of ivory satin with they hardly c are take out of the shafts for fear it Two merchants have been ooavicted sugar tongs. Hoere. Mr. and Mr __same' for all, they said, and the caste syitem A PREDICTION WHICH CAME TRUE. they richly j deserved it—fo» liron to “ our long train. ' The bodice was composed of old Limerick Miss R. Langdale, paste buckles. ! Pettys. Mr. E. A. Rl. was built upon this, viz., the servant, the merchant, would miss th air support and fall down. They were friends, Messrs. Krupp,” afte; tan,' They are lace, held in front' with a cluster of orange blossom. Mr. and Mm. J. Lucas, silver breakfast dish. t n . Mrs. Leigh-Benn tiio ruler or warrior, and’ the■’ priest or gjiariian all alike, but in spite of appearances managed to A WEEKLY REVIEW. supposing The skirt was finished wito a deep tunic of toe same E. Leigh-Bent ett. j" ' aul us safely to our destination at quite a respoct- not greater traitors than Dr. Mr. and. Mm. Gurney Littlewood, gold-topper ea- d the spiritual teaching of the raoe.l All A reader whose hair had beoome dull and thin the Tatter to be genuine, with toe dentelle, and an ivory tulle veil was worn with a tout-oas. ■ Mrs. Hay. Mr. and : root ideals degenerated in course of time When recently sought the advice of a friend, who sug­ able i trot._ - . . .. . -Lrrivod---Jva. ay at : Rajpur, we secured some [evefiled in an coronet of . orange blossom. She carried a'sheaf of lies to cany our baggage and started on a seven A particularly sad event has attracted toe most ehemy, when such atrocities Mr. and Mrs. V. Lucas, silver rose bowl. MARI the memory of the teacher I i passed away, gested the use of a hair and scalp tonic composed article in The Timet dealing his gafi poisoning Madonna lilies. Thfe superb Limerick lace on her Lieut. E. H. C. Le Merchant, enamel coffee spoon*. In Egypt quite a different asp„.it of truth was of 3-ozs. Bay Rum, 1-oz. Lavona de Composee ile climb up the side of toe HinHimalaya foothills. : It notice during the past week. On Thursday, young iere boy—Was dress was worn by her maternal grandmother at her Pttchliy Houbb.—Mil reat dvi lisa- like gbinr up the side of toe Coombe, only toe are revealed,: “ One of our Colonel and Mrs: Mackinlay, Wilton pile oarpet. Foefcett. Mrs. Brownln emphasised. The' students of that and 4-oz. Menthol Crystals, remarking as she Wamdford, the Flight Sub-Lieutenaijt who won the crying like a! baby,’’ says the ‘He had only wedding. In attendance on the bride were three Miss Mackiuiay, oil painting.. Mrs. Twcddle. Mr. an tipn investigated science, the laws nature and imparted the information, “I daresay your ipe was wel wooded and the bridle path is a coti­ iddcfiily I saw bridesmaids—Mist Linda Campbell-Johnstone (sister). Miss Eaton. Mr. Lay* When the reihla- dal zig-zag Up this we climbed until, with the V.C. by destroying a Zeppelin, went up for a trial just strength to hobble alon Miss Maryon-Wilson, leather bag. probed into the mysteries of life, chemist has put this up already for use under him turn roiind, stretch out 1 isjarms ,nd draw him- Miss Florence Haire (sister of the bridegroom) arid Captain Morland, china figure. Boxbt.—Mrs. Harroo tion grew dim the priests maintain ' their hold i iver .the name of Lavaba Hair Tonic—most chemists . rspiration soaking through our uniforms, we trip wito an American author as passenger. 'When :t moment a Miss Agatha Bathurst Norman. They wore dresses Clear. Misses Clear (.2 eventually, arr ived at Mussoorie, 7,000 above the sea self__ up_r to „ full height. The ni Mm. Mosley, pair silver vases; the people by trickery, Zoroaster was th®' teacher have. Anyhow you know the formula, so get a they,were at the height of about five hundred feet, German bulifit got him and pi t him of his agony, of white satin, with long tunics of white ninon and ' Mm. Maples, piano stool. Wood of the Persian Empire whose followers to-day bottle and use it freely, nibbing the tonio well 1—el, about 6 p.m: Here we found our way toithe southing, so far as we know, went Wrong with toe a heap I he him mi mur, ‘ Thank Mejlici cellars of old Limerick lace. Their deep' belts - GRAI the Parades of India. His ideal wasras ~purity an pldiers’ Furlough _ Home, where we had booked As he fell The Rev. W. H. B. and Mm. Maiaprioe, silver into the scalp with the finger,tips, and then brush machine, and the two were flung to the ground and God!’ ” we make i with ,n enemy like were of iris yellow satin, and on their pretty 1 inkpot L—Mrs. Edith Thornlev.l nbolL-„ fire. . ... The___ Greeks contemi . . .opiated beau your r air gently for about! five minutes each omi, and’alter a and change of clothes sat power to toe w rid has been caps were ribbons and streamers to match. They Mra Durran. Miss Ba principal aspect of the divine, and she regretted Own to dine at 7.30, fV sling somewhat tired, but dashed to pieces.; He who by his nerve and presence that until Mrs. and Miss ’Misa, leather blotter. I' t-M r. Hldltoh, f. night, It will make your sialp feel delightfully taken from i for ever I carried Directoire sticks with bunches of yellow iris, Mrs. Morant and Mr. E. W. Morant, china vaa*. GUUat’s t Mra Sli rthat we had forgotten that quality as demonstrated -fresh ! nd dean, and, better still, every trace of dy to do ft 11 justioe the appetising spread that of mind righted his maohine when it jwas overturned GERARD i FIENNES. and wore j brooches of pearl and topaz, presented [by i put befor s us. The Rev. G. and Mrs. MoElroy,. porcelain and Simmoiids • by the great, ugly, sor” J ^ rj!- sourf-v ill be eradicated and your hair will cpm- by the force of the explosion in the Zeppelin, was the bridegroom. Miss Linda Campbell-Johrii' silver ohafing dish. ; S.—Mr. and Mra Whs. to give birth to an menoe to grow again. You see I know what The Soi Home. j <• powerless to save himself from a mere stupid aocident. as chief bridesmaid, carried blue iris flow; Mr. MoElroy, silver inkstand. Goddard. MlasGodda. Rome law was the first Hair TOoio did for me, and I can .safely (This Soldiers’ Home is! run by an influential com­ It was written by the finger of God that his work belt and ribbons of the same colour. The Rev. P. Mahoney, cheque. A—Mra Martyr. U l« | a fetter to the nation in its! latter days. that if you get a bottle to-day and use it cu st r d w it h a f o r k groom’s gift tp her was a gold bangle. The bride's Bemmons. Mies be ml ities of Gei orals, Ac., land is partly supported by was done, and that is all we oan say about it. We I . Mr. and Mm. Moffatt, cheque. " r Chalk The Christian Id: ggest you’ll have beautiful hair by, Sun­ iblio subscr ptions. , I t ' is splendidly managed— mother wore a handsome dress of turquoise blue day." , Our contributor continues: “On inquiry reniember that not a sparrow falls to the ground save ■ # — =■*— - r Colonel and MraJ Manera, tea cloth.r 8.—Mr. PoggL MIbsPo The teaching of Christianity emphi lost like a niddie-class hotel—toe food really first- by the Divine will, and so we believe: that his death, satin, with a black, hat trimmed with tulle and pii Mr. and Mrs. Morriss, oheque; . Mra J. U. Kent, t. I found that the Lavona Hair Tania complete is, and, w!iat to us Was best of all, after nine - - ■- " At any rate he has M EAL TJIME D IF F IC JLTIE8 p i TH E roses, and carried a bouquet of pink flowers. The Rev. H. Bathurst Norman,, pair of china va t . J A—Mr. and Mrs. L'onwny. bility of the individual and the ne was obtainable from F. Bridger, 28b, Seaside- S e - Ids life, was not in vain, J The Great Teacher, realising that W. inths’ strict discipline,! we found ourselves once died without knowing the bitterness of failure, in ARMY) In attendance on the bridegroom as best man was Mrs. J. and toe Misses Nalder; leather blotter. sen. Mr. Gnthrle, jna.l road; Richardson Jones, Heathoote Pharmacy, >re ordinary civilised human beings, able to do as he served his Lieutenant E. H. C. le Merchant, and Mr. J. ;A. Miss Agatha and the Messrs. Bathurst Nftrman, ID.—Misses Ellen (2>. Coir ing the responsibility of the indi' ual to an excess Heathfield; Procter, Station-parade; toe' full, joy .of toes knowledge thati he IL —Sir Dennis Le Me would be tyranny of the strong o' ir tiie weak, Rave A 5, J. ) pleased, v hen we pleased and now we pleased, country well, and he has left an exarjipkiple which ,will Johnstone and Lieutenant G. Haire large china vases. Stovin, 6, Central-buildings; Boots, Cash luisoorie—as you will sAe by the views I am send­ Picking up custard with a f >rk is oi of toe many “ Nebbie,” gold brooch and sovereign pune. - ■ Lady Wa the command of self-saorifice as wl saying that he Chemists, all branches; and- most other high- bring' manyly another gallant young fribuow forward to who would be greatest of all must; be servant ing—is a beautiful station and is built on a series take his ptaoe.plaoe. For that is thetin way Britons. stiange thin;;s I have done a noe ji g the Army, was fully choral, and the other hymn Mr. and Mm, Parker Ne*s, -cushion. •L—Mr. and Mrs. On_ class chemists everywhere, and that with each of hills, facing tho plain ofl toe south, and northwards !not yet been Sir Franois • Osborne, Bart.', and Lady Osborn*. Mr. and Mra. Taylor This war was the result of exi ve "individi ” ' ’ bottle purchasers receive the chemist’s signed si - • The fact is that our Comp my has 1 was "Lead them, Heavenly Father, lead them.” but the forces which led up to it been rer range a! ter range of hills to the snow-capped _ very active toes we The Psalni, “ God be merciful unto us and bless us,” silver egg boiler. [ ...... W*bt View.—Mr. and : israatee of absolute satisfaction or money back. alayaa. livery path1 and road is full of steep The airmen of the Allies have supplied with spoons, and in the Dr., Mrs. and the Misses Orohard, pair of s n w Mrs. Bradshaw. 34 for some time' and made it inevi ble. got a bottle, but I shall not ask for the return again , this week. An attaok was mai upon another have to make shift with our k rives am Some was chanted. Mrs. Holman presided- at toe organ, M ai Hunt of the present day was due to ion between! he r les and a brupt descents, and they wind in ana not and played suitable music before and after the ser- dessert spoons. of my money, as at the present moment, after it of toe hill tides and over the crests in such a Zeppelin shed near Brussels^ with wl it result is 1 of you lure Iperhaps surprise 1 to of soldiers Admiral and Mra. Pelham, book, ‘Sussex." PRtNOEsa Mansion.- spirits of the old and the new ai The civilisal less than one week’s use, m y hair is wonderfully vice, indue :'Mendelssohn’s “ Wedding March ” as Walker. Mr. and 1 built on the responsibility g t individual [at every fei > minutes’ Walk brings vou to a known, and'another whioh had a suMar obiect on getting suohra luxury as oust ire. Nevertheless, it’s Mrs. Petrie, silver reke stand. Mrs. 81mm softer, brighter, and in every way more beauti- Ghent. Here it is believed that considerable dan age d sometimes the bride i i left thehe churoh.i While the resulted is tyranny of all kinds, ie civilisatioi of itlook, each new different from toe last, and quite.., __ true,I ahd prunesM l wito it; res, register was being signed Mis. Seymour, who is the Mra. Chalmers Peskett, tea caddy. 7 - 48.—Mrs. Badler, t the future would be, she thought,'built on fuL . . . jem grand and immense. I cannot pretend to "do was done. The Germans, on their part, made a aid pineapples, a^rioots and pearf (Km li-out, isn’t it? Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Plfiyne, ivory and: silver 6*.—Mrs. CaUeoder, f. “ on the North-East Coast,” m which it is admi ;ted fortunate possessor of a beautiful soprano voice, sang tion and brotherhood. It was complained slice to the wenery, words simply don’t express it, _ [that these sweetli sin purchased out of “ But tow Lord is mindful of His own’’ from St. knife and hand embroidered beaded bag;. SS.—Mrs. and Miss Day pulpits that poople cared nothing tor spiritual it the photos! will give you some idea of the beauties that they did a good deal of damage and oai sed tiie money allotted by the auti ori ties f< r “ extra* ”— The Misses Peskett, silver sooop. Sydney House. -Mrs. L, in this materialistic age, but so far from th RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. ! the plaoe, a [though even they do not give you toe rather heavy loss of life. But toe biggest attach of 5fid. per h a day. Other oommoiities obtained Pa\ - Mim Muriel Playne, embroidered oloth. Lieut, and Mr*. Hues. and women were hungering for spiritual food, idea o n eat distances Detween the different all was that made by French aftmen from Nanoj on under this include fit h, salad, jam, raarma- The Bishop of Lewes, in addition to performing Miss Mildred Playne, worked table OentMk Miss Meggs. Mr.and] they wess doing was breaking away from of moi ntains. Karlsruhe. They dropped ninety bombs on the lade, oake, hether all i ole iers £ ire as well as the ceremony, delivered a brief and eloquent address Miss Potter, embroidered fire screen. Mr*.Holmes. Master] ■barraoks and publio buildings, and,jit is repot »d, is no concern if j ours. . We, at all to the newly-married oouple in place of the usual McCandlcrs. Mr.fiml J Theosophy, Christian! Science, The monthly meeting of the above Council was our Compan; Mr. and too Misses Parris, silver salt cellars. and Mrs. Xungay. Mil An Ideal Dessert. killed and wolmded two hundred people. The atl ack events, are a .tisfied with our ra lions, except that a homily. His Lordship remarked that there {were 'Mra, and Miss and Mr. W. Partridge, and Spiritualism were all searching held at Avenue House, Eastbourne, yjesterday. iwas confessedly a reprisal for German attacks on Baa Ynw.-Mrs. Keno spiritual tilings and ready to hold out a hand to any iDuring' our itay we climbed most of the surround- change in tin dinner menu wo uldf be m >st acceptable, some things which never ohanged. and which in all mounted goblet. Brown. Dr. and Mrs. 1, Lieufc-Col Owen, C.M.G., C.LE., presided, end ar hills and lipped down into many of the beauti- undefended French ana English towns; The Gern ans It’s Beef, b if, beef, always beef, rotated one day ages called forth the same thoughts. One of them The Rev. F. Partridge, Church Service. sooker after truth. have asked foir it, and they cannot fairly oomplai i if was marriage. Look at the promise which they ~ Burnett. Mr.. Mrs. oij C o-operation. there were also present the Rev. J. T. Burns, Mr. fly wooded \ alleys, and one day we made an excar- and stewed 'ie next; and i ’s' always served up Mr. and Mra. Quinnell, silver tea spoons; Oldened. Madame va G. Hornsby, Mr. J. L. Reid; Mr. J. Youell, Mr. A. they have got it All the same, they are louc m steaming hoi in spite of the fact that it has to be just made—a promise to love, comfort and hon Mis. and Miss Russell, dessert somoe. . ! \danuu Mr,. Mi Underneath all the turmoil of _ the l them outcry against this “ senseless procedure, What did that promise speak of? It spoke firi Grlmble. Air of oo-operation was visible. _ S. Haynes, Mr. J. Birch, Mr. F. J. Hickman, Mr. On this occasion I We had an early breakfast, .carried tram the oook-houae to the ness room, a Mrar and Mias Cramer Roberts, silver tea momics they saw fid taking a coolie to carry lunoh, Ac., We,started they call i t and toe^ Emperor has telegraphed distance of ibout 250 yards. There ii no lack of all of love, loro whioh Bound heart to heart: _ Mrs. J. Russell, gold and enamel brooch: Mr. Gordon Th ■trikes and lock-outs, but there ere signs of the C. Chandless-Chandless and Mr. T. E. Varley Kirtian indignation to the Grand Duke on Baden. We life to life, love whioh relied forth all that was nobles t and Mrs. Nlgntlnga ooming of -cooperation in the fit about nifte.nine, We followed a . bridle track whioh l t vegetables, 'Ways two sort* —potatoe i, and either The Misses Russell, fire screen. of competition, (cleric). , round tie hills to Simla, and eventually saw British hate the neoeisity o! making attacks o wn cabbage, or beans. A n i» [cold ji ant would be in ’their character, love that made every burden eas Mrs. Robinson, tea reddy. . > whioh mas the note pf the fui The _ womsn’i The Absence or the Chaibman. unarmed people and causing the deatps, perhaps, of and every sacrifice a joy, find love which inspire! movement meant something far deeper than 1 the Falls on the opposite side of a valley on our left a treat, but | this seem* impoisible, ai the rations Mr. and Mrs. Alan Richardson, silver sweet Mias Jermyn. Mrs. Wlj A letter was read from Mr. Rupert S. Gwynne aving the track we started the descent, and after women and onildren. But the Germ ins have a am are not drawn until the day| that they are to be every virtue which was useful and noble. It spoke Mrs. Rogers, embroidered cushion. Mia. Btanley Hall. Mra obtaining of a mere vote; it stood for the building over two hundred of our people by bombardm ent of oomfort which shared every trouble and lightened up of the new age. The civilisation of the past stating that he had been ordered away for a few '* an hour’s hard work (like climbing down by eaten. iand Mi e. Roelants, inkstand. Woodburn Bobertson. weeks. He much regretted therefore that he oould ohalk] it) we reached the bottom and were from theJ sea and air, besides many French and 1 THE LOVING every arixiety; and it .spoke of honour, that was to Miss Roberts, Mis* Pateshatl Jones. been largely mascqline, and women were1 far imore Belgian ciriliaha. and the number they* have drowned say the respect whioh husband owed to wife and wife Me. and Mra. Andrews | intuitive than men. The note of not be present at the Council meeting. across to the wkters, and quickly getting off our But to rethrn to toe oustar 1 i ind pr ines. If one Mr. and Mrs. antique china cheese dish. future was co- Colonel OWEN said he was sure they were all very ots and Duties paddled over the rapids to the by tneir submarine attaoks now runs into thousands, had relied entirely on the fo: k to pio c it Up with owed to husband, the respect whioh was toe basis Mr. and Mrs. ;en, morning tea service: Dhatbwobth Hotel.-! operation in sex, industrial and political matters. •riiere is only one way to bring a savaj 0 to his senses, of happy married life—that respect for each other Dr. and Mra. Robson, silver vegetabla dish, Her. and Mrs. GilUat 1 Germany stood for tile spirit of - 'ie old age wliioh sorry for toe reason of the absence of their Chairman. se of the Fi 11s. Here we found a poor about 4-fti one would have been in the ness room even now, Mia. Stookdale. MIfsI Mr. A. S. Haynes was voted to the vioe-chair. 5-ft. deep, beautifully clear and cool, and so in and that is by making him feel what pe has inflicted days after, in itead of sitting oi Southse i beach writ­ which was the foundation of that infinite friendship The Rev. Prel and Mrs. Sanderson, sto w wss passing away. „ It was not bat other natons upon others on his own ikin. The inhabitants of whioh was the joy and privilege of united life. He inknol I Benjamin. Misses Ke did not possess that same spirit, The Destruction or Flieb. _iut two mi lutes the whole party were enjoying ing this rigm a role. So somej of the fellows used a and friends. Mr. and! lut Germany had the best bathe we have had since we left toe sea bath Karlsruhe fell into a wild panic, just ah the people of urged toe bride and bridegroom to let those three Miss Scarlett, rose bowl. v Mr. Green. Mr. Contti embodied it in her national methi is. On ^he o her The Clerk reported that,’ as directed, he had toe Dusseldorf did when the airshed toerfi was bombed. old-fashioned words be the motto of their. life together hand, they saw toe Allies pooling at Bombay. ^fter this we had lunoh, during which Mr. and Miss Shenstone, silver breakfast dish. ~ Miss ieir finances uid ciroidar relating to-the destruction of flies printed a biUman'canie along with a large loaf full1 of wild There has never been any psnio among our people. ieai >pli —love, oomfort, honour. If they did so they would Dr. and Mra. Sweet, antique tablfi. Mrs. and Miss Ueddes. making compacts not to compete ith one ano her and forwarded supplies to the members of toe Council — I—«-— » them, have a journey together .whioh oould bring nothing Mr. and Miss Bandars, bookcase. Dugdale. Mias GollOoU in toe industrial market- If the ' nutans won the iberries. I promptly bought their plates for want oi a shoon. You can .guess Mias Weaver. Mr.and] for distribution in their respective districts. ideal dessert.essert. These . . ber There is another thing to be rememfiered, when we how the diffiiulty was.ovoroon e. but sweetness and happiness to them both. i ,ft Mr. and Mrs. Villeneuve Smith, silver tea i war it would be the triumph of erything bail in ^ All^ the members present; stated that toe circulars The Her. T. B. and Miss Southey, book, “ I their civilisation, but Germany coi not win beet,use English yariety, being yellow when or the Freneh make these attacks, we do it in day Table mam am? .Bless you, one musn’t stand on The bride and bridegroom' on leaving the ___ pip py, like a blackberry, bnt light with aeroplanes, find we ehc""* as ** our" mark eeremony in i he Army, or othi rwise on 9 would have were preoeded by the Girl Guides, who _ Mr; and Mrs. W. 1 Strickland, silver sweet < Oavendibh Hotel.—Mr. 2 tiie Allies were fighting in the It of the New baskets of rose petals, whioh they strewed in t: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. South, Belique rerd 1 The Christ said no man puttetoh new; wine hto itifully rip e- and went down Al. We airsheds, barraoks, railway'stations other things to go withou; coffee at 6 a.n a, when half a dozen Field. Miss Evelyn He was told at tone house: “ Why should not to* resting on the rooks and ha' killed, it is >ath, with irises at the handles. There wss also l a Mr. and M*s. H. Swann, silver sugar sc Major and Mrs. Evan* old bottles, and this new spirit was fehatte, tiering poor flies live as well as we; do? ” (laughter). of military importanoe. If civilians have to drink out of the same 1 asin 1 Q rite a loving- the- things of the old age. The ww(i f was taken by our Corporal, and after a an aocident. The Zeppelins oome toe darkness cup business, isn’t it? And at regu! ar meals, is i be rat supply of confetti. The ringers attended to Miss Siggs, crochet embroidered tea doth. Metcalfe Mr. Uilten.1 was doing in a Mr. Reid : I was nearly bitten by a dog. .. five miles we readied the level and got do honour to toe oocasion and rang a merry peal on Mrs. Skates, china flower pot. Mr. Robert Aiming. Ml few weeks and months what woi have otherwise and drop their bombs more or lees at ndom. They there a oloth in the table? Gracious n il Not even Addle. Mr. R. MeasorT] Rural District Councils’ Association. in time to change for dinner—and, by Jove,| we did kill civilians as a matter of course, i id if anything one of those washable oloths p teuliar to cheap oook- the six bells. The guests were taken in numerous Mrs. C. F. Smith; Belique china brackets. taken years to effect. It had proved that the motor ears to Whyly,. 'ly, where a reception wat Mrs. Sally, pincushion. man. Mr. and Mra. I ' days of romance and heroism . werd| not past.'» T1There ei Lieut-Col. Owen and the Clerk presented an of military importanoe is hit, it is an indent This thops. Just the bare table. ,md np plate* for tea, Brans. Mr. . Bag Ho)w the Day was Spent. is a great and real difference. We i bound to do exoept toe or e that has the ! ratter on; sometimes, and later in toe afternoon the Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Somerset, glass dishes. Boyall. Mrs. Ch were millions of heroes who had sacrificed all to toe interesting report of the business transacted at the Mr. and Mra. J. Somerset, biscuit, cheeee az call of country, and the women, tool; were not behind. annual conference of Rural District Councils of Eng-; By the way, two dayi later some men! of the stern things in the war with such an emy. 'But it however, thej do give us plati a for tear—when there Haire______started___ for____ theirhoneymoon, which is being Oronoh. Mrs. Towuey.l “ Queen’s ” (Surrey__ „ Territorials) were making the is only toe Germans who deliberately ke war upon is lettuce or wateroress—bit there have been spent in a motor tour in the New Forest. I Ttis batter dish. Martiaeau. Mtaa Martin1 A year ago they were fighting the Government for land and Wales anti they were aocorded a hearty iresenta formed a very handsome collection, appended Mr. and Mrs. EL W. Stone, enamelled box. son. Mr. and Mrs. 8eyz the vote, now they werp assisting' i in every depart­ vote of thanks. . | excursion, and wewe ad.—,advised' them to take their towels women and children in the hope of . ;htening toe instances whim even then p ates hare not been 8. Holmes ' that we visited. They fellow-countrymen of the So)diers tey cannot issued. So one has had to e mpty one’s portion of being a list:— , , • Mra. W. Seymour, glass and silver centrepiece. ment of life. Prejudices had beert swept_ awayi ao It was stated that the Eastboufne Council' had and enjoy a pi inge in the Mr. and Mra. F. Sprott, antique silver inkstand. that those who would not speak one another a again been elected a member of toe Executive followed our a Ivice, but vqen they had disrobed And conquer in the field. ■alt on the table. One mornii g we had to eat-eggs Bridegroom to bride, silveilfitted dressing case and Quxensbobouqh H<| without egg-iups and withoul| and, as you diamond ring. Mr. and Mrs. Montague Sharpe, silver salver. MM* Henderson. Mrs.1 year ago were working together . Council, and that the Clerk had been re-appointed a were about tel plunge one of them noticed in the * #j * • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, ~ silver salt oellare. Age was already‘knocking at toe di member of the Parliamentary Committee, the Road dear water at toe side of; a rook an alligator about It is not by sueh means, however, it toe war will already know, without spoons. Bride to bridegroom, writing table. Bishop. Uapt and Mi 4-ft. 6-in. long 1 They decided that perhaps after all Bride’s father, diamond and pearl earrings, furni­ Mr. and Mrs. and Missfins Shximpton, embroidered Wynkoop. Miss Tralnor, Th e Coming or the .CHER, Board Committee and the Emergency Committee. be decided. But by defeating the armii s in the field, NATURE’S! KNIFE CLEANING MACHINE. bed spread. Mrs. Gator. Mr.. Mrs. am d be more enjoyable, The Germans must, indeed, think us ildren if they ture and cheaue. ; • T . : JlTT/f .The New Agej too, would... be marked by ,,*.! Highways Committee. it you to have just a It deserves to be plaoed on r ecord thi t we actually Lieni-Colonel L. C. F. Thompson, turquoise aa£ Capt. Pigott. Mr. Hna Now . imagine we shall cave in though a the Bride’s mother, string of pearls, furniture, carriage pearl bracelet and fitted suit case. , Mra. Charman. Miss ^ manifestation of ra Teacher! The! which - Road Turing.—A letter .was read from Messrs. sketoh of aii ordinary day! as. we spent it. At 7.30 West End have one or two pepper and salt castor*, but at most dock. . t . I and Mre. Feuu. Mrs. S predicted would happen before Forbes, Abbott k Lennard, stating that they oould came to fulfil the threat of bombarding the table* the omdunenta are ii empty salmon and Mrs. Thornton, Major and Mrs. R. L. Thornton, second a.m. a bearer brought to! our bedside chota hazoi, of London. Years ago, I heard the late lord Bridegroom’s father and mother, silver kettle, tea old Sheffield tea tray. Mr. Hopkins. Rer. and | were taking plaoe.‘ ' \ The endi of the ild age was not aocept the offer of id. per. gallon, and that their tea and toiat; got up, and after a stroll Gosohen make a speech. It was at toe tune of toe shrimp paste bottles (the musterd in jim jam) and and ooffee service, oheque. 1 •ad baby. Mr. Alexande .and they----- expected------Christ His to come offer of Id. per gallon was the very lowest they oould or game of ten nis went in breakfast at 9.30. This one helps one elf with a knife- -one’s ovn, of oourse. Bride’s sister, ruby and diamond ring, tea Set and Mrs. and Miss Thrupp, marble statuette of Daphne. inaugurate the new brotherhood reoeive' as compensation. After discussion, it was Fenian outrages. “ We are told, he said, that When the neal is over eacl individual wipes his Miss H. Trill, embroidered cloth. who was of pi rridge, a ,t dish, and bread and our houses will be set on fire. . Then Captain Shew cake stand. *' • Or. and Mrs Steele. Comforter of the world would co i bind up resolved to recommend acceptance of-Ad. per gallon with jam. _or_____ ~ _ de. After this we took knife and fo'k on a crust o bread, finishing .the Bride’s brother, Collaid and Collard baby, grand Mr. and Mra. F. Turner, copper kettle. must put them out. We are told that dynamite will cleaning process later on by digging them into Mrs. and Miss Harrison Thompson, old Irish pin*' Mr. and Mrs. Fabling. brokenhearted. But this belief not confine on such quantify as may remain undelivered at the our ' and wentjfor a long walk or olimb be used. Then we will make our wills, and do our piano. apple ring. Mrs. Bharman. Mrs. the Christian religion; it was the same in all end of. toe contract.—The Surveyor reported on until tiffin at 1.30.m For we had another meat mother earth. Please do nol imfigine fir a moment Bridegroom’s sister and brothers, “ Chesterfield. Mrs, and Misses Longra other faiths. The Older of toe Sti duty!” That is the spirit in which the British that any of ui object to bavin; our me ils under the Colonel and Mrs. Todd, silver toast reek. , in the East Messrs. Forbes, Abbott k Lennard’s account for did), followed by sweets bread and butter with le are meeting the murderous brigandage of the The Rev. A. M. 'Haire, silver tea tray., Major and Mrs. Tatham, bridge box. Mall eso n. Mra. Lee. __ formed because of the prevalence this convii damages to barrels, and the Clerk was directed to our rooms and reclined circumstances described; not i, bit. Nobody ever Mrs. and Miss Atigeraud, early morning tea Lovell. Mre. Byles. Mrail jam.' Then v e retired -ilins and the piraoy of the submarines; In the Mr. find Mrs. J .’Turner, pair of silver 1__ WUllngdon Barnes. Mn that a great Teacher was soon coi ling. Althi forward them a copy of such report. with book and pipe until p.m., when tea and cakes tiie tide of battle swings backwards and for­ says a word about these things arid the only reason service. formed only five, yean ago, tin Tendew.—Tenders for flints had now been received why I hero mentionnjention tlthem is" ‘ toat they may not be Mra. J. L. Vincent, dinner servioe, ball lamp a a t Berner. Mr. Parker. Mr! were 'webe [provided. Folio' ; this we dressed and wards. Sir John French has sent in tifo reports this Vicomtesae d’Aubignfi, tea service. water-colour painting. 1 , *Hs* ’Broughton. Miss f several thousand members in all of the wofli for Districts 22 and 23, from Mr. C. Wood, at 8s. per walked along he Mall (’ ere at this hour all the last week.. The first told us that oiir Army had' altogether unutorestmg to thc|seJwho have patience Dr. and Mrs. Annesley. picture. Wallace. Miss Butler, The Order did not name the exj One yard, but district 45 was still in abeyance. Resolved ,er time (7.30). The enough to)wa ie through this ejrticle. Mr. and Mrs. Barchara, morning tea set. Mr. and Mra. Faure Walker, silver tea'spoons. . . promen ide) until taken a line of German trenches north: of La Bassle Mrs. H. T. Williams, fnluip oabinet, set o t te fto they realised that some knew Him | one name and to recommend the acceptance of Mr. C. Wood’s menu for this i n joint, sweets and and lost them again, arid another line to the East of Mr. and Mrs. Boam, toast rack. \ ■ A ralukn H ot* some by another,'but it was the si le Person. The tender. PRETTY LIKEbY? ? ? Mr. A. Baker, chair. Worcester china vases. < coffee, with wh oh we alwayspurchased a oigar (really Ypres and held it Later he reported that we had You perhaps, wonder * hy it is that I Miss Williams, rose bowl. Mrs. and Miss Carling. war was soaking toe world ready f< the advent, jthe Willingdon.:Willingdon.—Plan was submitted from the East­ good at 3 pice i.e„ Jd.). ! Then there was either a been unable to hold the German second-line trenches Mrs. A. Baker, brass ooal vase; f x j Miss Crawford Mr.. Mrl ooming of the great Teacher Hi.. iself. Was the bourneMiMElMW Waterworks L.______Company ______for extension_ of their met tournament, music, [or twice weekly a lecture to be si: on the beach at I t a.m. oi Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Bailey, tea service. Mr. and Mra. C. R. Waterer, silver mustard pot. Banbury. Mr. and Mr we had taken in this district, but heldUhe- first, and The answer is that at this tim^ yesterday I bad mymj Mis* Wenham, silver flower vase. world anV more ready to recognise;’ to-day watervatqr mam from the BritislBritish Queen to the Admiralty or short musii al service, i On several evenings wo that we had also oooupied two hundred and fifty Mrs. Bates, sugar’ sifters. Hlndee. Miss Edward'. it was 2,000 years ago? Since Istetl; year there airship station.“ “ Approved. A-----red. ; , ' visited the peture theatre, while many others seoond dose o! inoculation, hence anotl er: 4848, hours hours’ Mr. and Mrs; Barton, tray doth. Mr. 3. Wigley, silver cake basket. i*L • Mr., Mrs. and Miss SnttL yards of German trenches which our] advance had leave. Am hi ,ppy to say that, beyond fi very slightht Captain A Scott Williams, ivory and silver crumb Mdme. Dioktus. Mr. andl been a great purification through ipain which had Mr. Reid proposed toebe adoption of toe report, patronised the : ink. We generally turned in between rendered untenable by the enemy.’ 1 It is not very The Rev. W. H. Booth, picture. scoop. Makeham. Mrs. Field. made them look behind the unrealities, and they abfiut 10.30 and slept toe sleep of the healthily tired stiffness oonfii ed to the part z looulated It have fell Mrs. Booth, silver Apostle tea spoons. Mr. H aynes seconded,d, and it was carried. mueh, perhaps, in point of actual [ground gained. absolutely none the worse for the “ opration, In Miss Wickens^ cTOchet and embroidered tea clbth. Mm. and Miss Tomlins. death was only But in tfle La Bassfie distrust we are ripiagainst about Mis. H. Booth, flower vases. Smith. Mr. and Mrs,. g ol toe form, while life!.was eternal and Sanitary and Buildings Committee. fact, altriQugl my leave does lot expire until noon Mrs. Bennie, diamond brooch. Miss Lloyd Williams, pair of silverf desfiert the toughest job on the whole westei i front, and, to-mito-morrow, , I think JR|B I shall ask Jermissioa ' ^ to W back , Mn. Leslie Watts, embroidered etishion. The Lansdov intending. It was an immense hope; to all who could »?°fPi£a,-~A circular letter was read from ______...... ___pM- even if we did not make much groupd lurselves, our Miss Bennie, pink enamel buokle and set of share in toe belief that a day of joy and peace was to Work this eftemoon. PrettJ likely, isn’t ft (oan’t Mr-, Mrs. ana the Misses Beauford, cake 1 Mr. and the Misses Willett, silver hot waterring- jug. Miss Flanagan. Miss 1 A.D.M.S., Sussex, desiring to know whether enced ou • descent to the plains. Arrived at advance materially helped the [who continue use Ithe ‘ Pygm “ Uion -...... expression), . . . when toi i sun shin, Mra. Warren, piano keyboard cover. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Him at hand. They must not shut their hearts against Council would be prepared to receive into toe Isola­ Rajpur we eng iged three more tongas sinfilar to the their wonderful success about and towards Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Blaker, silver box. Mrs. J. Wrenn, pair of china figures. Mr. Warde. Miss Blauj. it. There were only two possibilities, either ft was tion Hospital infectious cases occurring fimongst toe ones that broight us;up, but if anything slightly ing brightly ind the seaside is so near, and e has Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown, ivory fisherman. Lens, and have begun another offensive in letters ;to wriie. Frankly, one wishes i me mid be The Rev. W.' N. and Mrs. Willis, water-colour Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, f. true or it was not true. The world would not be troops, the number of beds that coild Be\ moire decrepit, and: then commenced the most excit­ Alsace. They hold the railway lir ,nd the road Mr. and Mrs. Borer, tea spoons. painting. Mrs. Convene. Mrs. He toe worse, because men and women were striving to toe disposal of the Government/apif the inooul&ted ere ry week if only fc r the leisure it ^rings. The Misses Brown, silver cake knife. ing drive that i hat ever been my lot tjo “ enjoy ” (?). between Metzerval and the German ' of Munster The Dess* of Achonry and Mra. Walker, silver Mr. and Mrs. Remilly, hve better lives, and if it were true' let them charge per week for maintenanofirAp. (The Clerk but also of FURTHER ABSENCE OF Mr. and Mrs. T. Browning, pearl and Smith. Mr. aod Mrs. Hairbreadth Escapes. under the fire not only of their iNSf pendant. sauoe boat. Mias KendalL Mrs. aod I remember there was a grdat day Si joy and stated toat he had referred the matteTto Medical their infantry, and are pressing on toi da the very Feel I musi tell you what oi e of oi fellows said Hon happiness coming. If they dwelt ip th A w t they Officer of Health, but had not yet received his repl- you will i ndorstan. by...... my previous description Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brownrigg, silver Tjeut Clark. Mins Ltoyo. f of the method of attaching toe second pony, «..« important railway junction of Colmar. about the fai ■ sex the other i veniftg. “ Bisfore * writini would find themselves passing ,aw4y with the old Resolved that on reoeipt of fifich reply toe same L. joined the Arny,” he said, “tl le girls ouldn’t have castors. ' . i ttihg*; )f they dwelt in toe present they would referred' to toe Chairman of the Council, with power work downhill had to be done by the shaft horse, Master John Brownrigg, tortoiseshell and stiver his[ companion merely trotting or galloping by his If we wafit, however, really to a] ,te what is anything to do with me beoauie I wi ’t in khaki, Still without spoons, Mr. Baxendale, drystal vases. we | deviated at! a mad gallop from toe road to the is believed to have about three millii men On the require one Mrs. Bartlett and family, two silver toast racks. Campbell-Johnstone. KInsbam. Miss C. K. Germans appear to attach almost an undue value to ALLEGED ASSAULT AT WTLLINg LoN. were fre ight wito hairbreath escapes which Eastern Front, and he cannbt move a i for service myself, as the! oustard was all tone when I" took my Mr. and Mra. Norman. Earl and Countess of Cniohester, arm' chair.. Detom&re. Mr. Hind. words.' It is quaint in English eyes to note how, Thpmaa Brown, a soldier, of Eastbourne, ___ -r— could not have failed to appreciate I . Twice elsewhere. So Joffre takes great bii out of hie plate up. The fruit juioe? ( h, the.ceucel Hear J j16 Mfsses Cardale, silver-topped salts bottle. sum- the oustard wfis slightly burnt; bo didn't miss much. Wood wrlght. Miss Steel.' even in the midst of a world war, they never lose moned,OnAN in Amntwo nnnnncases, In—for assaulting Nellie Ti _ and we missed trees [by mere inches and once oharged line in the West, and toe Italians meth. 'oally secure Mrs. Crossley. travelling dock. Miss de Sola Pinto. Mis* I sight of the importance of being eamMt over what, Godfrey D. Haken, of Willingdon, on June 9 th. He through a herd of cattle which happened to be untson- the Alpine passes towards Trent and ad' ice towards C. W Miss J. Crossley, motor cushion. DEATH OF CANON G. W. Toser. Mrs. PllUng. ML, efiy stroll! ag across tije road. However, we Trieste. The Austrians can'spare no t. >PS to offer aud Miss Cook. l£rs.Johi| m i l tar the lurid light of its flames, seem trifles indeed. did not Mrs. Carpenter, embroidered cushion. Just now a loijg list of authorities, headed by their P.C. told theie Benoh that he had made ged. to pu 1 up at the Dak bungallow at Dehra even an effective resistance. They certainly ofinnot Captain and Mrs. Cowie, flower vase. Mrs. Dudley. Dr. an none the won|e for our experience. Our driver take the offensive. Meanwhile, M. Vonezelos has EENNETH0RNE. Jackson. Messrs. Ja own newspapers, ate full of amusing accounts of toe inquiries respectinging the defendant, and was informed Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke, pair of antique vases. Rev. R. W. Thornhill. wlstnlv iil(-«n xl_ L ■■ xt_ . ;.i . i’. *' that he. had...... left the villagei s and returned...... toUH the Front, evidently thought he had given «• a great treat and been returned with an immense majority bV the The Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Humble-Crofts, bra«> Inebe*. Mis* Savory. Mi* are striving to purge their language from foreign Brown had stated that he waswas a wounded man and had smilingly asked for “ backsheesh " beyond the regular Greeks, and will almost certainly have; the reins of Bower pot. • ' -1 There were few perish clergymen better known aw f Mr., Mrs. and ML* Offloy- invaders. That German can be[ majestic and been at tjie Summerdown Oamp, Eastbourne, but there fare, but I cal ed his attention to the state of his power in bis hands in a few weeks at the outside. The Misses Carr, occasional chair, embroidered none more highly honoured than the Rev. Canon Gregory ating poniei and told him that a man who risked That means a new foe for the Centra) Powers and Med win (Ca{ sonorous, no one who knows the language can dojibt. was no record of his having been there at all. He said cog, and cloths. Walton Pennethome, vicar of Heathfield, who penned In the lofty poetry of Goethe and of Schuler j ineuwat- he belonged to toe Manchester Regiment, and when toe their necks, am knees (not to msntion our own) in the Turka. The present position of affairs makee and Mrs. Cowland, silver flower vase. Mr. and Mra. Ann. mg ideals markedly at variance with the new-made summons was served on him he stated that his name such madcap enterprises deserved to be leathered with toe forcing of the Dardanelles mere important than Mr. and Mra. Crowhutyt, flower vases. ?way at the Vicarage on Monday morning at the * r t Mias. Freeman. Mrs. Ve , laws of ‘ Kultur,” there is abundant proof of this was Thomas Brown. his own whip ai id if he did not “ jhow ” (get out) that ever for us, and we are pressing bn with determina­ Mr. p. Crowhnrat, inkstand. age of 78 years. A very earnest and devoted Ghuiek- Mr. Tooth. M Ls Jamo?on. I was the form lis “ baoksheesh” would take. After tion. But it is a tougher job than we expeoted to Mr. and Mrs. Newell. Mr. j truth. Gfenflan translations of Shakespeare come Supt. VVillard: Although he pretends to come from Master T. Crowhurat, stamp box. ! tf man, of broad sympathies and an indefatigable worker. nearer Jo tho spirit of the great original than those the camp hois not registered there at all. some food, whi to was very plentifully adorned with get through, and the Gallipoli Peninsela|B so crowded Colonel,-~ ’ '*Mra. and the Misses Chapman, silver Canon Pennethorne maintained a lively interest in aB \ Lasoklles House [ of any other country. -The son of Victor Htigo The Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr. E. O. Langbam): Was ants, we got oi i the train at 9.15 and reached Delhi with troops of both sides toat it may become neces­ mustard pot. the varied responsibilities of his office as vicar of a ’ Mbs Hill, ^fira.1 _ dedicated patient years to, a labour in. Which he he in khaki when the summons was served ? the next monrt: ng afi 7.30, after spending quite the sary to try a new move. For this wfe have made Archdeacon and Mrs. Cartwright, tortoiseshell and Herbert Mrs. Martin. delighted, and gave France a fine, Clear version iof P.O. Rhoades: He was in blue uniform. besi fortnight that has been our lot rinoe leaving ample provision. Without revealing jboo much, it silver box.. • Graham. Mr. F. Moy T England and ti oroughly fit to stand toe temperature may be said that there is evidence”that the authorities the majority of the plays. But, for all the harshm Miss Nellie Boniface! said she did not know anything The Rev. F., Mra. and Mits Chambers, motor Glendoweb (Bu of its gutturals, Gorman is a better medium |or about the man. She {was standing near the British of 112 degrees pto which we had descended. What do not oonsider this big flank attack, inferior in dressing case. spiritual life and progress. Canon Pennethorne also oonttibated ver r largely to the enjoyment of our trir importance even to the campaign in Flanders. They Mr. W. A Ksyte. ML* j approaching Shakespeare for those unfortunai Queen pttbjic-house and saw there was a fight. Suddenly General and Mrs. Dickson, china box. took a prominent share in the activities Of the diooese, Wilkinson. Mrs. Ho unable to read him in his “ native wood-notea wild. she sawtoe crowd run and the man rushed at her. She was the waybill which everybody up at Mussoo ' are. right. It is toe move which promises the most Mr. and Mra. Dawson and Miss Postlethwaite, not least in those of an educational character, and any and Mra. Blackwell, ran into the British Queen for safety, because “ I saw treated us. Dp to the time we went there I decisive results. Gmori vase. part he took m diocesan and rnri-decanai conference* and Mrs. Vary. Mra. Pr We are not likely just now to dwell upon the wide­ notj spoken to a lady since leaving home, and ' *' * * spread popularity of Shakespeare amqng our enemie he had gone mad.” He accused her of having a stick Mrt. Charles Dodd, pair of silver dessert Bpoohs. • was always welcomed and appreciated by both clergy MUU*Mrs. VanW BU Hutder mwauujCeckoo. ML belonging to him and took hold of her hands. He said, male civilian if he condescended* to speak had been The nation means to win this war. That is its The Rev. O. and Mrs. Davies, silver sugar caatos. and laity. “Mrs. ‘Brooks. ' —Mm. la* Wo may oonafort ourselves by the fact that he is i' a patronising snob, but on toe hills people (and really blaff determination, and by winning it means to have - Woodsend. UTwMr. tXTKIiWhltehe really , understood of them. "I They bay call him! a “ I must have ft,” and took her by the throat. She did Canon Pennethorne, who was an M. A. of Cambridge, not remember anything else until she found herself at deoW people) were altogether different and really Germany at its feet, and to impose such conditions was ordained in 1860. He came to Heathfield from 'Matanson.- Madame Gold .Teuton, and contipue to set his dr) is upon their home. . L| sociable, giving! ns the idea that they were pleased as shall make a renewal of the struggl b impossible. stage, out.their conduct shows he .nh influence to- teake our ac juaintance and riot merely that they The Kaiser says be can make peace when he kkei, Ferring in 1886. For some time he has been in failing yrwhltt whatever upon contemporary Germa thought. That The oases were adjourned for a fortnight to enable the Miss de B. Dobson, crystal flower vase. /health and on Sunday last he had a bad heart attaok to ______lias Wya police to make further inquiries. ' wished in a charitable way that we should enjoy and that the peace he will make will 1>e one which Mrs. Durrant, basket. /which, despite the medical skill of a specialist, bn a Copland. Mr*. White , onrielves. We went to tea with a wealthy jeweHer will leave him in a-position to renew toe sirnggle Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dodd, ciystal flower vase. succumbed on the. .following morning, his only Sen, Mrs. Taj lor. Misa TaylorJ (who keeps his >wn hunting elephants in trie plains), and to accomplish German aims of worl i domination sugar Major H. Pennethorne, R.G.A., being present: 11* ------5 " Miss Kemp i and his wife ai id .daughters were charming; it was fis soon as his people have taken breati. W e'"are "fter0 ®ev’ ®r’’ Mrs. and Miss Eyre, silver jiopularity/f Shakespeare which hasi I Ch ie f R abbi’s V is it to t h e F ront.—The not ii Pennethorne, the deceased’s wife, diea five years age Howabd House Ho tike being at hi me again, ami I even sang to them, not taking any ” of this. The rough xraimonsense Miss Ellis, bread fork. last December. f? 1 the use of all sorts and conditions of! English woti Chief Rabbi, y accompanied by the Rev. S. Lipsom, so you can guess they infide ns fed very much “ at toe country knows that it would nbt do. But _ Mn. R. B. Ward and pir _ The commandant of o lar^e internment camp late Jewish chaplain for his Majesty’s Foroes in England, is Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis, breakfast cruet. The funeiOl took place on Thursday and waa numer­ Mas 1L 8. Gnrney. Mfcfll r bone.” Now here we are once more in harness, e are some people amongst us who are trying to Mrs. and the Misses FitzGerald, Carrickmaeross ■game. Miss May Daltl remarked that when his prisoners beldame intolerab paying a visit to Sir John French and the troops at the hsv ng already done a 34-hour guard, but I we are us to oonsent to a weak peace, and toe Germans, ously attended. he always told them ' Front, by permission of the War Office. i collar and cuffs. Mr. and Mra. H. N. Wrlghl all of us hardei end fitter in body and considerably ;wmg that they are .beaten, are vqry subtle in Mrs. HuglPFalconer. antique lace and glam tray. Ite. Btanlej BavlU. Mias English. Professor: “ Can you quote an authoritative refreshed in mil id- In year*, to come I may perhaps II if an extra- Gunter. Mis* Croft I Sm andji . ___ , , ____ A young ,------who h ild diffc ren t views Miss Fairdough, Oriental bowl and stand. St . H b leNa’B Sig n a l-Book Sold.—Coincid­ opinion On the playing of Hans von Billow?” Auda­ look back On my stay hi India as a nightmare of kriown of their Mrs. Freeman, crochet tea cloth. ing curiously enough with the centenary of Wateikx), yietion toat their pronunciation of-] our tongue cious student: “ Man wants but little Herr Billow, nor monotony spent in‘a good cause, and for that reason gs, they can attract any. sympathy in this from, the jui before whom b l was an ;uing a case E«


Hiss Dormer. Mrs. . Rand and party.___Mr. _ and Miss the Order, that where a die has been transgressed | t caddy. ' Fare. Mr. and Mrs. Stnbbe. Mm. Mentln and friend. TEE ALIENS’ RESTRICTION unwittingly and without ev,il .intentiop, harsh or | lira. Lea and friend 1; ■ arbitrary punishment may defeat the obieot in view.” SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST " nnge. MOSTYN TERRACE. ORDER “ Last week the same Bejnch had before them a 1 sei Alexandra Hotel.—Mr. J, Freeman. Mr, n a i j t r . ______French teacher and'her employer, charged with similar A - SOLDIER, clearly written, either H. Freeman. Mr. Leslie Stokes. Mr. and Mr». Q. J. offences. The oireumstanees jwere identical, but in this the Publishing Offloes, th-street, o t at either or CtopbelL Mr and Mm. ShlUlngfcird. "tUss Freeman. F U R T H E R CASES BEFO RE T H E L E W E S instance the schoolmistress was's ’only fined ; and the Mr. U. Sptoer, Mrs. 8 Peck.__Mr. Peri, Jan. Mrs. teacher—,___ 10, s.There ""*■— is not ’---- muphx -— fault ’ to be found with | ALLEGED ASSAULT IBs. A'TRAIN. the Libraries or Prlnct] Newsagent j, No charge MAGISTRATES. i, glass and goM Dearie. Mr. D. W. Dearie. Mr. and'Mrs. Oakden. this latter sentence, though aipurely nominal fine would ------J- Is made for insertion. for the letter/(read fam ily.) The Misses Oakden. Mrs. Becker and party. Mrs. have been quite suffioient; but p3gejtogether the two cases [iver entrde drib, . permanent Howell Jones and son. Miss Cousins. Dr. and Mrs. ■ This Hat Is not Intended to Maw. Mr. M. H. Maw. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Palmer. SWl|SS HOUSEMAID ; FRENCH GOVERNESS; supply another instructive example of the chaotic | EAJSTBOURNE WOMAN THE COMPLAINANT. i and silver salad BseMents. Mr. and Mrs. Attneave. Miss Attneave. Mr. and Mrs. administration of the lawvby 11,6 Great Unpaid.” Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Linton. Mr. Portal Miss AND TWO FRENCH NUNS. litis, amethyst Hard castle and governess. Madame Bondon. Mona. Fred Smith, a young private in the 12th Lanonshiro Cotel Mrs. and Miss Bailey. Mr. James Pain. Misses Fusiliers now stationed at-Aldershot, and previously Price. Mr. and Mrs. Hawktns. Mr. Clarke. Mr. and Fu ther cases of failure to comply with the Aliens" HONOURS FOR SUSSEX billeted at Lowes and Eastbourno and stationed in ortBih. ""k^Qrtinuw”' Mttrtve MraFrOct. Mr. and Mrs. Dutton. Mrs. Brown Resti iction Order, 1914, came before the Lewes Bench camp at Seaford, was charged, before the Lewes Welchman LANSDOWNE TERRACE. , | at th j Petty Sessions on Tuesday, and in each case Magistrates on Wednesday, with having criminally, , pair of 1 Channel Vixw.-Mro. Mr. and 10.—Mr.Btlkeman. Mrs. Branaton. Mini Norton. Mine ignor ince of the regulations was pleaded as the reason SOLDIERS. assaulted Jane Twist, at Berwick, on June 22nd. ” H S . Pal eh. Mr. Jones Complainant said she was living at Southwark*' !•-»Mr. and Mrs. 11 -Mrs. John Ebaratdn,f. Mrs.CarlEbereteln. Mrs. for oi sitting to carry out the requirements. Mr. F. B. cottages, Seaside, Eastbourne. Sho had been a'-; Wilkinson. Mrs. rs. and Mias Eddie and Miss White Whit feld was chairman of the Bench. A supplement to the London. Gazitte issued on Tuesday iND.—Lady Smith, contained the names of mord than 4,000 officers, non­ power press worker in Hospital-street, Birmingham, .tat—Mrs. and 1 iss Marshall. Mrs. Barb CAVENDISH PLACE. but-last March she lost the two middle fingers of her, CASE FROM SEAFORD. commissioned officers and men recommended by Field aUlias. Miss Lo Smith U. — Miss Yonng. Miss Mnggeridge. Mr. and Mrs. right hand and sho Lad been at Eastbourne since. House.—Mrs. and. ia-tec Grieves Martha Philomene Nilfer was summoned for that she Marshal Sir John French, junder date May 31st,; for Bnrae Miss Bnrne ■ ' being an alien residing in a prohibited area, namely, The Magistrates’ Clerk: Aro you married? ■AIMS. -Mr. and Mrs.' Grant 16.—Miss,Sweeting. Miss 8treatfleld. Miss Smith gallant, and distinguished sarjnbe in the field. Every Witness: Yes. ’ MUUOURT.—Mlae Nora Go t Mr. D. p. Davies. Mrs. 19—Miss Legh. Miss Winifred Legh. Mias Whltwell. the t rban District of Seaford, on June 11th and for six ■ sugar castor. . A. (Perl. Mr. and Mrs. imter. Mr. Harold Punier, months previous, failed to register herself as such; and arm of the service is represented, from the Royal What is your husband’s name?—Arthur Davis. 1 Sir. LeslieLee Punter. Mr. bur Dpnuiter ' Mls« R1 unden. Mr. Davey Davis? Hoir-is that? Are you marriod tb him?—■ i doth. 81. — Mr. F. W. Anderson. Mrs. Lathbnry. Mr. and Mrs. [Maude Ottley, of Alces Place,; East Blatohington,.. Flying Corps to the Nursing Service, and almost every I have been with him five years and have had two ' ! . ' MARINE PARADE, Mra. J- Duff. Miss Wren was nummoned fOr failing to notify the presence of regiment at the Front has soine members singled out 'children, by him. Gusnparxb. -MissNewini Miss 81 O. Mr. Bouverie house. — Mr. Maokrow. lUrife ' .Mdlli 1. Nlifer in her household.’J for special mention. The list} contains numerous^well- ^ j chair. lookrow. Ml and Mrs. BassBass, and ohfcblld^ tinting and^garty. Bol h pleaded guilty subject to an explanation. Then you are not married?—It is as good as being [ butter dishes. Mlee Burns. Mrs. Lendl known Sussex names. Thre battalions of the Royal | married. ' W hite House.—Mr. and ^ Rush. Hush Miss Shake and friend. Set ft. Fairs, stktioned at Seaford, deposed that on Sussex Regiment are represei ’ in the list as follows : I and hot; water lALBURN.-Mr. and Mrs. .ton. Mrs. Ikon. Miss ELMS AVENUE June 11th in consequence of a message received from Have you been actually married?—No. 2nd Battalion R oyal ubsex R egiment. The Clerk: Then you arc a single woman. Pitt. Mls*rKl)lott. 1 at. Elliott, Dongles Courtland8.-M t. and Mrs. Grant Misses Grant Mrs. Ottley he went to Aloes Plaee and saw Mdlle. Khlott Miss Douglas Ji ies Major R. J. A. Terry,’M. O. Proceeding, witness said Davis worked at New- Clarence Vn.iA.-Mra Bayner. Missei Kuyner (8). Nfifei i He asked; her how long she had resided there, Capt.' O. E. Bond, D.S.O. B.—Mr. and Mrs. Hall, t Wallace Mr. H. U Raynor. Nnrse Berner and a le replied, “ About nine months.” He asked her haven and on the pfevious evening sho left East­ igndi KOTON Hoube.—Mies CluL ■” NaL_.. Capt. Ei F. VilUers, D.8.’ bourne by the 7.45 train, intending to go to Now- Hartinsto.n House.—Miss e. Miss Rowsell. HARTINGTON PLACE why (he had n6t registered, and she replied, “ Because Lieut. E. H. Preston. ■ ■ haven for 4ihe evening. Prisoner and two other womeri Mr. and Mrs. Woollett Cbrsham Mansion. —Mr.and Mrs Pond I did not know,” adding that she asked Mra Ottley Q.M. and Hon. Lieut T. A. Jones.' were in the carriage witness rode in, and the other Biwn House —Mrs. Grace. Clark. Mia Noblai-d Hotel.—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith. Mr. whether it was neoessary for her for register, and she Sorgt J. Batt, No. 6961. 1 women left the carriage at Polegate. Directly ax,ter Morris. Miss Briscoe told 1 ter she need not do so. Later in the’ day he saw Sergt. W. Dray, No. 8127. j G' A. Hewson. Mrs. K. Burse Miss Sheila Burke. Sergt J. Richardson, No.i8256. t*:::, train started from Potentate, prisoner, who was Albion Hotel.-M r. and ______Jr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Liokley. Mrs. Mrs. ptfloy, who informed him that Mdlle. Nlifer had 0— ' W. Smethnrst, No.; 4708. sitting at the opposite end of the carriage, went over and Mr. aowouu. Mr. Ashby. 'MrJ and Master Richardson. Mrs. Wilson been registered that day. She was a Swiss, and he rpl. F. Busby, No. 9843. i to her, arid after putting his arm rourid her pulled Bonndy. Mr. Petty. Mi Kvitt. Mrs. Hud.on. Mies HArtinoton Lawn.-M iss .Wooden. Mrs. Felldon. Mrs. believled she Was employed by Mrs. Ottley as a house­ Aehworth. Mr. Pettis Dr. Ad! Maonjlllan. Lyle. Rev. E. and Mrs. Bioko-Kitson. Miss Hhaokleton. _ jrpl H. Hyland. No. 877$. he? down on the floor. He told her to take her hat ___ Macmillan, Kev. and Mrs, Pol Mrs. B. Hodges. Mrs. Heighten. Miss Fuller. Mrs. maid. He prodheed the register of aliens for the Prvt. B. Attree, No. 8745.; off and threatened to murder her if sho did not do Burgees,!. Miss Stewart. Mrs-DeO- Mr. i and Miss Cowdrey. Mr. ana Mrs. Barlow. Mr., Mrs. district, showing that the particulars of MdUe. Niifer Prvt J. Martin, No. 8621. so. Some strawberries she had were scattered about were egistered on June 11th. A " Prvt. W. Minns, No. 8149.1 'cabinet, Mrs. Deane. Mr. and Mrs. Nairn*. " Beatrice and Master Ecr. Miss Newman Prvt A. Wedge, No. 9068.! on the floor and on the seat. Witness resisted as Gen. 8ir Owen Lloyd, iut-CoL Su t. Vine said the Chief Constable wished him to well as she was able with her crippled hand. When for fra * jald. Mr. H. Bolllck. Mr. O. St Mr. DEVONSHIRE. PLACE say tt at as Mdlle. Nlifer had apparently made inquiries 3rd Battaijon R oyal Iussex Regiment. Hurunoram House.—Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick, f. Mr. the train arrived at Lowes sho told prisoner sho was and Mrs. Wade. Mr. A. Harding. Mr. 1 am. of Mi s. Ottley as to the necessity of her registering he Lieut F.I J. A. Dibdin (1 tached to 2nd Battalion ] going to give him in charge, and he laughed. She Mr. F. C. Allen. Mr. w. Comerford. ,____. B, and Mrs. Morley did m it wish to press the case against her. With regard Welsh Regiment). Okeys. Lleat. Leslie W. Phillips. Mr. at 1 Mrs. H. R- Devonshire Ho use.-M r. and Mrs. Pepper, f. Mr. and got, out on the platform and informed a porter and Beam. Mr. .and Mrs. W. H. B. Wight, " r . George Mrs. Pepper, son. toith s summons against Mrs. Ottley it was quite 5th Battalion R oyal Iussex Regiment the Stationmaster (Mr. A. W. Marcliant) of the Pettys. Mr. E. A. Robinson, ltev. J. fl owns and T horn borough.—Mrs.^and MtasNsave. Mr.’and. Mrs. possil le that a notice regarding the Order was not sent (Territo: ,L8). occurrence, and prisoner was arrested. She followed eod* Mrs. Leigh-Bennett Miss Loigb-1 nett Mr. to be r, but the Chief Constable wished it to be under­ Lleut.-Co'. F. G. Langhaid, V.D. him to the Police Station and lodged in ‘Le-wes for XL Letah-Benuett Mr. and tin . Notoi Mr. and The Hanbuhies.—Misa^Sld^11 Mrs. Lauyon. Mr. W. stood that he was not bound to serve such notices, Capt G. L. Courthope. the night. Witness admitted that she had three Mrs. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake althoi igb he had several thousand copies printed and Capt F. N. Grant. j- bottles of stout before she left her rooms at East­ r * i MARINE GARDENS, circuljiled. He was bound to take these proceedings. Gapt T. B. Hornblower. j bourne, but she stated that she was not the worse Mrs. Ottley said she lived at East Blatchington, near Corpl. W. G. Robins, N o .M for drink. , Pttohlet House.—Mrs. Foster. Mias foster. Miss BURLINGTON PLACE • Lanee-Corpl. L. Hill, No. £223. FosketL Mrs. Browning. Mrs. German. Gera. the g< If links, right on the outskirts of the town. She Lau je-Corpl. J. Tunnell, No. 1073. In reply to the Magistrates’ Clerk, witness said Mrs. Twoddle. Mr. and Mrs. Summers. uTasselL Pauk Hour* —Mrs. Lillie. Miss Lillie. Capt Taubman, devot id herself almost entirely to her garden, as the both her children died before sho left Birmingham. Miss Baton. Mr. Layton Mrs. Nutt, t. ■ T y / man i 1 her employ had enlisted, and she had only a small Membefrs of the Home Counties’ | Prisoner was given the option of cross-examining Bkoohue -Miss Folkird. Miss Schofield boy t< help her. Consequently she did not go into the (Territorials) also figure in tld p st witness or applying for an adjournment, and be KOXBT.—Mrs. Harrop. Mrs. Hartley. and Mrs. Durham Housb.—Mrs. BelL t The Coroner: I suppose you examined the gun ? Clear. Misses Clear (g).. Mr. and Mrs. Master town very often, and when she did she was always in a 1ST Home Counties’ Field Company. decided to ’take the latter course with a vifiw .of com­ HOMt.OROm.-Mrs. ReUood-Knight f. Ml«s Turner hurry land had not seen a notice relating to the registra­ Witness: No. There were some other cartridges in Wood Hilston,—Miss CuU. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Bell Mrs. Temp. Major C. C. Bryan. 1 \ the housb! and I put them in my podket. municating with his friends. ti" GRAND PARADE PI I king tnn, Mr. and Mrs. Leng tion of aliens, although she believed a good many were Temp. Oapt J. E. Tindall A remand was granted till Monday, and the L -H ll, Edith Thornley, ed. Quite naturally she did not make a practice 2nd-Corpl. J. T. Steadman; No. 1032. The Coroner: Whyt ■ . j ; • j . [’» j iev. i and Mrs. D Mr. and SERIOTjlS CHARCjE AGAjlNST A FARMER Witness : I didn’t know whether he would come back Magistrates’ Clerk pointed out that* ho was charged Mrs. Durran. Miss Bareham HOWARD SQUARE ing the police notices, which before the war did Sapper 1). Giles, No. 2539. with a very serious offence indeed Bnd it would be E-M" r. Hldltoh, f. Miss Pildltch. Re and Mrs. Quxndon I odor.—Mr. andMrs. Schumacher. Mr. and merally concern private people. She knew her Sapper E. A Mereer, No. 1127. and get some more. | j i j U [■', ' • well that he should consider the advisability of GUllat’s & Mrs. I Misses ' Mr. Mrs. L, Keigwln. Miss Kelgwin. 1 Mr. and Mrs. The Coroner: I think you were wise. vas quite safe, as her sister had previously been 2nd H ome Counties’ Field Company. COR,ONER’S JURY K fU R N V EB | :DICT i obtaining legal assistance. Addison er and she knew the family. She was under the Temp. Major A. C. Ticehtjrst 1 Sergt. Edwards, • of the East Sussex Constabulary, • The Bench ordered that prisoner should be detained A—Mr. and Mrs. Wheat faster Eric Rev. Holtbood.—Mr. Peaoh. Miss Gibbs. Mrs. Eelham. OF “ W ItF U L 1U R D E R . stationed, at Uckfield, deposed that about half-past Goddard. Miss Goddard. Mrs. Walker Miss Jeffery. Mrs, and Miss Slater. Mr. Payne. non—quite wrongly as she now knew—that the Lieut WTh . C. Challoner in custody. . . ’ '•.—Mrs. Martyr. “ — - rr. Mrs. Miss Payte ien referred to an enemy, as the word seemed to Sapper J. Bishop, No. 868. eleven on the night of June 5th he Arrested Browning HB. Mr. and undeserving people. Her cousin had to register * Sapper A Breeds, No. 160€ at his. house on a charge of Unlawfully wounding Gilbert Ettingt >n HOUSE.—Mrs. 8tenborough. Miss Street The Danehill case h is entered on a new and more Chalk Miss Bateman. Miss Ganaden. Mias C. Pritchard 1 maid; and she asked whether it would be Home Counties’: Divisional Signal Company. Humphrey Head by shooting him. He said, “ I know BISH0PST0N& - - Oggi. Miss Poggl Mrs. Hehd Capt and Cambridge. Miss C. K. Lallemand. Miss Ethel L. for her to, register her maid. Her cousin said Major H. C. Saunders. serioiis phase as Gilbei t Humphrey Head, the injured you chaps can’t help it, but I only done my duty.” Mrs. J. H. Kent 1 Walker - ■ ■ [ - ,T not think sons her maid belonged to a neutral Sorgt. A. E. Folthfull. j ^ "• man, passed away at th i Royal Sussex County! Hospital Witness cautipned huh and told him that what he said Confirmation .—For the first tim e fo r m ore A—Mr. and Mm. Conway. Miss Conway. ■. Guthrie, LASOELLES TERRACE State, but said she would let her know. Thus when the Lieut-Col F. G. Longham commands tlie 5th Royal on Saturday, It appei ,rs that he was removed to that would be given in evidence against him, and he then than 60 years a confirmation took place at Biskopstone son. Mr. Guthrie, jun. Mis. Harris 11—Mrs. GreenhIlL Lieut A. G. Gresnhlll Mr. end said, “ What I have got to say 1 will say at ,my trial.” Church on Monday afternoon, the Bishop of Gibraltar ID.—Misses Ellen (8). Coi/ond Mrs. KnmseyJ Miss Lloyd maid isked her a fortnight or three weeks ago whether Sussex, and in the list of the [King’s birthday honours institution as tpe would in his shoulder had become IL —Sir Dennis Le -K.uchant, Bart, L Lady Le she 01 ight to be registered, she replied that she need On Monday morning witness was present when Supt. (the Right Rev. li.'J. O. Knight) olficiatinjf, owing to ‘ iiJ 15.-Mr. F. I* Sturt Miss Ross. Mr. and Mrs.-Barham, f. issued on Wednesday he was Appointed a Companion gangrenous. Hemorrh ige'also bcourred, and in order Criddle charged Browning with the wilful murder of the recent illness of tho Bishop of Chichester. Nine Mwmhant Lady Waterfo.-d. Miss bale. M1«b Mrs. Harold Barham. MUa Barham not do so as she belonged to a neutral nation. of the Most Distinguished Order of S t Michael and St. The Bench, after discussing the case in private, to stop it the remove 1 of the young man’s arm was the deceased. Browning made n ilbam Bi owning, who had been Albert George Walker, clerk to the Justices of the Hunt . Beloravk,-M r. Watson. Mlm Wioiams. Miss Borough of Brighton, said that on* .Tune 17th the Newhaven Garrison). Tho other cWrgy present were Williams. Mrs. Joy ce. Mdmo. J. Merlin. AN UNREGISTERED FRENCH GOVERNESS. Cavendish, 5th Battalion Ro; ‘ Lancaster Regiment I Ion a charge o : causing grevious bodily harm, the Rev. \V. .T. Devereux (vicar of Bishopstonc) and Mansion. — Rev. and Mrs. Walker. Mian Merlin W). Mies Weir. Mr. Barclay s. Day. . (T) (brother-of the Duke of . ivonshire), and Lieut!- ain brought be ore Mr. R. J. Streatfeild at deposition of Gilbert Head was taken at the Royal Mr. and'Mrs. jfctalL Miss EAtall Mr. and Gerfnaine La Garde, a French govemoss, was Bum' Sussex County Hospital, before Dr. R. J. Ryle, a the Rev. F. W! Holt (curate of Newbaven). Tho Jones. Mdme. Jacob, f Mies Wldi ngton. Mr. moned for failing to register as an alien while residsnpi ' Col. Thomas Walter Viscount L , len, Hertfordshire | ield’Police Court on Monday, when he wa$charged Bishop gave a suitable address to the candidates before . Sadler, t Mrs. Bloomfield. Miss Lloyd. Ml Tatton B Regiment (nephew...... of Admini[; the . on. T. S. Brand), with the wilful murder of Gilber: Humphrey Head, Magistrate, and in the presence of William Browning. Miss Bourne. Mr. Mark. Mr. Gi hr. Rev. at Sea brd, between February 1st and March 31st; am The statement made by Gilbert Head was as follows:— and after tho cereinotiv, and the hymns sung were- b stiver] . CaUender.t Miss Constance Elisabeth Crouch, of Homeleigh are similarly■ly honoured.I Su;pt. Griddle inform sd the M igistrate of the death “ Our blest Redeemer” and “ Thine for over, God of . and Miss bau J&TDi ■ 1/tlWSl George. Mrs. George. Miss Eel-aU. Is sE W On 5th’ June, 1915,1 was near WlUlam.Browning's farm Mta^Harrowsmlth. Mrs. Gi^tfith. Mr. and School, Seaford, was summoned for failing to notify the Oapt. G. L. Courthope (sino promoted Major), who of ead, and, on behal I rof th§-treasury, applied for a at Danehill, about 5J5 p.m.. I went there on purpose to love.” v _ Houbb.—Mrs. L Mrs. Lewis. [lssHorner. preaeo ce of MdUe. La Garde in her household. commanded the company of tb e 5th Royal Sussex at rei it and Mrs. Ross. Chambers. Meggs. t J or eight days. see Browning. He was going to feed his horse. Ha hod WILMINGTON SQUARE • Mr. E F. Young, solicitor, of Lewes, represented the Front in which the Lewes men are serving, is [ The Magistrate at on ie grante 1 the application. a spud in-bis hand. I skid to him, “ Come out on the Mr. and Mu le Shore, Kentf. 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Prior. Miss Piiori Mrs. defenc ants. He said Miss Crouch was an invalid and awarded the Military Cross. [He is the Member: of ] Common and serve me the same as you Served my ______ies. Master D. mss. Mrs. ■t Mrs. Prisoner appeared n uch mpn i subdued thah at the HAILSHAM. MoCandlers. Mr. and Strong. neity. Mr. Smith’s f. was m able to attend the Court, but her partner, Miss irominefit father.” I was alluding to Browning having hit my lL-AMies Aikman. Mrs. Hawke, f. Ju lia! Trances Stone, was in attendance. Sammons. previous hearing and hi i made nc remark. father that day somewhen. Ho said, *' I’ll soon do that. That A w ful S u n d a y ,”- F orm erly a) mtdMm.Tungay. Ml ingsy. Mrs. Uo 18.—Mr. and Mrs Selby Lowndes. Mies Fanny Hi He wont straight into his house. The house was about teacher at the Hailsham Council- Boys’ School, Sergt.’', BRABA View.—Mrs. K< Mrs. Wall I Consignor Wit 1 the consent of Miss Stone it was decided to anexpert; A remarkable ineideit happened at the enjdof the 20 yards away. HO was away about three minutes. He Dr. and Mrs. Bari Nebraska Mansion.—Viscountess Hampden's f. substi ute her name for that of Miss Crouch on the proceedings. As soon as the adjournment mid been H. Roberts. 5th RoyM Sussex Regiment, continues to- ett. MlssBi lett. Lieut ' and Mrs. Bailey, f. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker, f. Others mentioned in Sir Jbhn French’s dispatch came back, just on the Common, within a couple of do well at the Front, lie lias, recently been promoted Burnett Mr.. Mrs. ana Baron van Grampian Mansion.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bain. summ ms, as she admitted equal responsibility with include: 1 ' granted three soldiers entered. the Public Hall and yards from me. He had a gun with him. He put his OidcnecL MadsmevanC leneel L lOldeneeL Cannon, L Mrs. Schneider. The Right Honble. MissCrouch. , 4- . fetched their rifles, whi ill had b< en lying unnoticed on gun to his shoulder. I made a grab for it, and he shot at to Company Quartci master-Sergearit. On Friday a letter Mias Alttma Mr., Mrs. nd Mias__ lbs. and Francis Maolaren, L lb . and Mrs. Walters. Mr. Serf l Fairs said he oaUed at Homeleigh on June 9th Lieut. H. Y. Misa, 2nd Dragbon Guards (son of Mr. a table just behind tb« Magistr ate and quite close to me twice, pretty qqiokly, one shot after the-other. He was received from him at Hailslinm, in which he Misses Grlmble. ilr. ai Mrs. K. H. ' Miss Mrs. Emerson, f. Mrs. PhilUtw. Miss Phillips 1 and si w Miss Crouch. He inquired about a French and Mrs. V. P. Misa), who has been twice wounded. the prisoner. The accu led intent ly watched tfaiej soldiers was then only two yards from me. The first time I was observed: "W e have had a rest from the firing line Hinds. Mr. Gordon Thou Mrs. Lan&; Mrs. Hirst standing sidqways. The first shot came by my chest and now for over a week. Yesterday, however, thore was a ?s Cream, Dunkeld. — Mr. and Mrs. Rowartb. Mrs. In: goven ness’who bad been at the School and was Lieut.- F. E Hotblack, of the - Intelligence Cor and the incident, judgi ig fyom 1 is changed expression, Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale. Miss Little. Mrs. Everett Mrs, Leigh. Mies Lynch. Mias Gi (son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hotblack, of the Wallando, tore mijr waistcoat, and two shots hit my hand. I was ,very heavy duel on our left. You will Miss Kennedy. Mis, and Jenner. r ____ |_ Mrs. Greenwood. Atlas James. infant ed that she went back to France last December. made! a groat impressioi i on him. then tunfing round. He slacked the gun down from his Langford. Miss Moore.are. wise Bsddeley. j Mrs. Pryor. Witne is remarked that he understood that she went to Lewes), who has been wounded. He has been men- shoulder, and put it up again and fired again. He said undoubtedly know the result before this letter reaches Mi M Withers. Mrs. GundelL Mr. and WILMINGTON GARDENS. \ DovktBexhi 1 and onrl infonrlointended/1 Ftoa m retuipFiuiii toFa Seaford,?andQoofaiv! 'on*1 Miss1VTVCO tionedm dispatches previously. THE INQUEST. nothing all the time. I was turning from him then. I you. We were yith the 2nd Sussex throughout May. You never saw such a sight in your life as we witnessed Mrs.” ~ Randall lb "" s. l Mrs. Brentwood.—Mrs. and Mies Phillies. Him Croud i told him he must be referring to Mdlle. La Garde, The Rev. A H. Boyd (rector of Slangham), who is The inquest on the tx dy of Gi bert Humphrey Head walked home, and did not see where he went. The ion. Miss Hopper, Atkins. Mrs. Guthrie. Mieses Guthrie Mr. Guthrie. was Held in the Polii e Court at the Town Hall, trouble was something about turning cattle on the on that awful Sunday, tile 9th May. I hope I shall be ea Mies Bentley. who o me to the School in January and left In March, temporary ohaplain to the Forces. The rev. gentleman, Carter. Bavlster. Mrs. _Preeman. Mien- Bnrgoyne. and w is expected bade at the School on June 11th. On who has already, received the 1 lilitarv Cross from the Brighton! on" Tuesday aftetnom, by the Borough Common. The.second shot hit me in the shoulder. spared to return und telLyou all about it.” Bnowden. Miss Lund. Mr. Evans. 1ten. -Mr.__H the 1] tb inst. witness sAw Mdlle. La Garde at the Coroner (Mr. J. E. Bi sh). Mr] Arthur Gregory was By the prisoner: Yott did not only come to the gate. . —Mis* Evans. Miss Qauntlett jun. Jdrs. and Miss Strelff. Mr. Gibson. Mrs. King, is brother-in-law to Mr1, R, C. Blencowe and Yon came out on the Common. I diet not take hold of -a t: Misses Markets. Mrs. fcheard. lag Bkeate Softool and she told him she was not registered during Major J. I. Blenoowe.v • ohosoli foreman of the jiiry. the gun. I tried to. I did not pull the gun or take hold Miss Pally. Mrs. Lowden. Mr. Darmstadt — Aim. Pavitt Master Pavitt, the time she resided there, from January to March. Corpl. W. iG. Robins, ol ;he ,5th Royal Sussex Wm. Head'said hi lived At-Collingfordj Farm, of it. nor did it go off as I pulled it as you say. If I had LEWES. - _____ J iKbllaby.' Mm. WUls. Mias Allan lbs. Myrlok-AUlton, f. Capt. and lb s. Farmer. H e as red her why and she said, “ Because I did not Regiment, mentioned in tehee, is a well-known Daneiill, and was a farmer. Deceased was got hold of the gun I should not have let go. and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stockdale, t Mr. Old wood. know. I was in Surrey before and nothing was said S choolmaster Ob ta in s a Co m m ission. — Johnson. Mrs. Norris and dai Lewes man. He knew William Briwning, who was a neighbour. Dr. George Mervin Sydenham,, The Bungalow, Mr. J. H. Bingham, headmaster of the Western-road Mr. Green. Mr. Contte. Mr. Dykes Mr. and Mrs. Croydon BouaA-Mr. and. MrsT Thomiompson. about t there.” She was registered on June 14th. On Jiine oth witness ha 1 a,dispute with Brown ii Ohelwood Gate, said he was called to see Head on the, id U t Bhoptbridge. Miss Gurney, lb . and Mrs. Jrlllcoe. Minehell Mrs. Alderton. Master Molone.___ .Mr. lYonng said it was quite possible that with the Sergeant A E Faithful!, >f the 28th Divisional Council School lias been appointed socond-lieutenant : 1 Mrs. and Miss Gsddes. Mr. and Mrs. Meant Mbs | witness’s bright to graze cattle on some common) evening of 5th June, apd found him suffering fron- a in the 10th (Service) Battalion of the King’s Own Royal Jackson. Miss Jackson. Mr. Wlggets. Dr. Ma-ser. many Orders of various kinds which were issued ladies Signal Company, Royal (Territorials), has wound in his left shoulder.' It had the appearance pt a Mias Gollooh. Mr. and Mrs. iRlchardeon. R ev,v. Read._____ Mbs Lloyd. Miss Brewer. Miss Bnll been awarded the Distil ’Service Medal. He The Coroner at this stage asRed if Wm. Bfi Lancaster Regiment, and leaves to take np duty in aver. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes. Mra[8mallwood. Miss Atkinson. Miss Hall. Hiss Cow smoker. Mr. did no[ quite realise the requirement^ of this particular was present ? gunshot wonnd, but there was no scorching. Tboip. Order. Many seemed to fail to realise that there were has resided in Lewes for four five years, and is, in Devonshire next .Monday. For] eight years he was XBwJJent Miss-Walker. ‘ - UndralL ’ oner’S-Sffieer Replied in] the negative. was a great deal of bleeding, and the patient,was assistant master of the Lewes Central Boys’ School, mfc • • civil life, a member of the ie staff at the county suffering yery much from shook. The wound was ■ town. v The Coroner: Is anyc ne representing nim ? and he was appointed headmaster of the now Council -M rJ.A TTaylor. a; Mr. A JEVTNGTON GARDENS. The Coroner’s officer: No. evidentlytly a very serious one. Witnpss dressed it and School in. Western-road on its opening las): April. He Mr. N. country Obrjtinmng, witness £ lid that; from words they came saw the patient again later in the evening. He visited was formerly a member of the Lewds Company of 5th 8.—Mra Blckmnre. L The Hon. Mra Fraser’s ! time, when, of oourae, the English and French were to blqws.^with the resilt that Browning hit (witness him daily until the 9th inst. The wound was then Bunntlawn.—Mra Bnokland. Mr. and Mra Gardner. almost one. Both defendants expressed deep regret Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, and recently he has Mr. Robert Annlng. __ „ Mr. I Miss Lamb EASTBOURNE RIFLE ^LUB. violently;in the mouth, knOckiig him down, j When becoming gangrenous, and witness advised that he should been performing useful service as platoon sergeant of Addle. Mean ^ Blackburn. MlsaStUl- and ai ologised for not complying with the necessary witness returned home he saw he, deceased and told be removed to the Royal Sussex County Hospital. He 6 —Dr. and Mra Blaokmllne formal ties. Mdlle. La Garde arrived from France last the Lewes Volunteer Training Corps. He has also f a a n a Mr. and Mra 1___ , [Watts. ; t and Mis. Moa tfokd.—Mrs Fowler. Miss Fowler. Mra Fooley. him what had oocurrei. He wi is1rather angry at the was taken to the institution the same day. done good work in connection with local sport, being Bvmns. Mr. Bagnall Ml Bagnall . and Mrs. Mra GreenweU s f. ^epten iber, and on disembarking in London no warning Gildredge Park Outdoor hfiniature Rifle The Coroner: From the appearance of the wound Boyall. Mrs. Cbatterton. Raster Chs rtoo. Mrs. was gi ren to her as to the need of registering. For a | treatment witness had received frem Browning, and hon.. secretary and treasurer of the. Lewes and District Elton Housa-Mr. and Mra King. Mr. and lira instruction is given every Wednesday and left the house with the intention of seeing him! That could you say the shot was deuverediat close distance ? Football League, and for several years assistant hon. Crouch. Mrs. Towner. Edward Mrs. Murray ,! time si ie reaided in Surrey,: which was not » prohibited afternoons, commencing at 2.30Jin rifle shooting. Witness: Yes, because the shot had not scattered Martineau. Miss Martini . Mr. C. Z______rohl- 84—Mr. and Mra Ct Trevor. Bov. and Mra Thorold, i was about five o’clock, and he;v as brought home half secretary of the Lewes Football Club. — At the I .. area, i nd the registration of friendly aliens was not -an hour later. Witnets then - found that he! had a much. It was a shot wound about three inches long by aoo. Mr. and Mrs. 8eymoi : Hill Mr. Mrs. A. C. t Miss Holmes • r necessi ry there. She went to Seaford in January, and Targets and rifles are provided, ammunition five shots Western-road Council School yesterday (Thursday) 8 . Holmes !- Morningsidr - Mrs. Edward Smith. Mias Potto. a penny. • j [serious wound in his shoulder, Dr.-Sydenham, of tvyo inches wide. There were two little shot wounds on afternoon the scholars presented Mr. Bingham with a Miss Webb. I Mra SeiUtr. Mn. Abbott. Mra White. did not know that it was a,prohibitod area Slid that she Ohelwood Gate, called to see him shortly the right habd. . I think they were from the first shot Queensbobough : (Grand Pi ought to register. This requirement was only brought Range officer to-day, Mr. H.|S. W. Eyre; Wednes­ wristlet watch, as a tokon*of their appreciation and Master White. Mra Walpole day next, Mr. £L Thwaites. and attended him unti the 9th June; when, Dr. Thomas Dowzer,’house surgeon at tbp Royal od wishes. The presentation was made by Ethel Mrs.1 ne. Mrs. m .’ Mrs. Miller’s Dale.—Mr, and Mra J. W. R. Still and to the notice of the defendants through the ponce J f 's orders, he was removed' to the Royal Sussex County Hospital, said deceased was admitted on right, one of the scholars. . and Mi tble. Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. EmanueL Miss Emanuel officer, making inquiries, and then all possible steps W. Wj Denham, Hon. See. 9th June suffering from a wound at the back of the left __bs Tralnor. . Cooper. lapt. Gater. were taken to oomply with the Order. Malle. La,Garde Y Hospital On the 19th June witness was S0UTHOVER BELL-RlNGERS’ GUILD. — ______Mr.. Mrs. and 1 Rayner. r. Bellwood. CARLISLE ROAD. ed that his son had died while underj oing a. shoulder. The wound was gangrenous. Severe Went to Bexhill for the benefit of her heal: Perhaps 3 hemorrhage set in later on, and on 19th June it was Coronation Day (Tuesday) was celebrated by the O u t Plgott Mr. Hnate Mrs. Yonni ICoL and Cranlkigh. — Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MUea surgical opera non at this Hospital, ringers at their ordinary weekly practice. A full band £ • i Mrs. Oharman. Miss Tra . Lieut PI ’isr. Mr. Bwetteuham (8) this omission on the part of defendants to some irdner asked 3ergt. Edwards, of the East decided it was absolutely necessary to perform a; surgical extent excusable, as ladies were not med to THE BRITISH RED dROSS SOCIETY. of 10 was in attendance, and gave about an hour’s good I E Thornton. and Mrs. Fenu. Mrs. Soon Mr. and Mi larshaD. Southbobough.—Mrs. Gordon- Mrs. Perkins. Si Constabulary,,„ . il the ,he prisonerpr had had notice operation. j | ' Mr. Hopkins. Rev. and s Murray, Heorne Perkins. Miss F. Perkins. Mra Fergnsson. i the public notioea. 1 They appreciated now (Subsex/15 VA.D.) The Coroner: For the purpose of taking off his arm ? ringing—“ touches” and “ changes,” instead of the that the inquest would 1 e held ? usual intermittent “ essays.”—Afterwards the quarterly and baby. Mr. Alexander 1ford Fergmson. Mrs. Grout Mn. MoNeala of suclr an Order, and it was entirely through Commandant: Ashley G. [Cluffe, Esq., M.D. Sergt Edwards: I an. not sure , W itness: Yes.' It was hoped fo stop the hemorrhage MoNeale. Miss Bauman. Miss GosselL Miss FI knowledge., as to the Order that the omission i about that meeting of the-Guild was held in the Ringing Chamber, Mra Cleveland. Miss Bowes Medical Offioer : Dr. J.i N. Donnellan. The Coroner: It is ve :y necessiry, you know, Why in that wav. Dr. Paley operated and;I was present and assisted. ' Deceased died before the operation was those present being Messrs. J. T. Glandfield and H. E. Dr. and Mrs Steele. Mr. Dunoui. Dnnoan. Detachment orders for week ending July 3rd, 1915. was he not notified. . ; . " White (vice-presidents), and Messrs. F. 8. Sturt ” L and Mrs. Faming. Mr. and Mrs.. Mr. and COMPTON STREET. fined Mdlle. La Garde £1 and Miss t Edwards: I ar ested hir 1 on another ohkrge. completed. ' }. ■' -i '.! . Shaman. Mra and Miss Grant Haznlvillh. — Miss Barnard. Miss Gordon. Sunday.Sunday.—Three-honr _____ field exercise. Parade at Drill The Coroner: If this operation had not been per­ ,p(ain),' C. Errey (hon. secretary), W. Bojfes, R. 0. Hall 9.45 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. The Coroner: I have nothing to do with that Thi ide (sub-captain), G. W. Mqppett, G. Richardson, A. i. and Misses Longman. Mrs. Dal; i KOTs Kerrich A ROTTINGDEAN CONVENT. Monday. — Questions and am vers in first aid, and man ii dead and an inqi est is bei ng held, and he ought formed,! suppose there was no hope of saving deceased’s -—llason. Mra Lee. Mr. Lee. Miss "Waratah.—Mra Johnson. Miss Newen. Mr. and life? : j j - I J. Turner, J. Ward, A, E. Anseombo, S. Holder and LovelL Mra lilies. Mrs. Garter. _ Morris, t , __ J Dumas, Henrietta Soubiran, Felieie Coste and bandaging for probationers. 8] 1 drill lor Sections to be here.' I cannot co nplete m j inquiry. A. Conyers. On the proposition of Mr. Glandfield, the WUUngdon Barnes. Mrs. Taylor. Mona HouaB.-Mra Pawley. Hasten Pawley (81 A and B. Foreman: It is u afair to t: le prisoner. Witness : No,; he would have died from hemorrhage Marie ^lontet, of the Star of the Sea Conveni Rotti— Wednesday,—First aid qnestii Stretcher drill ahd. which had set in. The immediate 'cause of death was ehair was taken by Mr. White, in tha absence of the Parker, Mrs Robinson. Houghton, . Mm. and Master Bentley. Mr., Mra and liens Coroner : It is a lirection: rom the Home Office, Rector, who sent an apology for non-attendance. After ______iton. Miss Forbea Miss ■ain. Miss wagon loading. his abqenc 3 will pre judice him, as he will septic absorption and loss of blood. Sr. C ______—Miss Daniel Mrs. Reginald ‘ ' Vareew. Friday.—Special drill for onsOandD. First aid the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, Mr. WaUaoe. Miss Butler. Miss Mandy. and Mra practice for probationers and otl before the Magistrates. No donut the ThiB brought the evidence to a close. Glandfield explained why St. George’s Day was not k . Mr. and Mrs. Goodwyn __ w g B j i before the Magistrate! will be the same. It !sek of Abaluen Hotel (Grand Paradi G. F..(!arr (from the offioe of Messrs. Stuckey,; Pope First aid examination by Mr.' . 8. Taylor. M. A, M.B., The Coroner: With regard to Browning hot being observed as usual this year, stating it was agreed that , ; CORNFIELD TERRACE. and Carr, Brighton) represented. defendants, and at the Technical Institute on Wldnesday,_____ Jane 30th, at )f duplicate t roceedim —useless proceeding, present, I don’t think he will be prejudice!).] I have the usual speech and bell-ringing should be carried out Mxa and Miss Carling. Mr., Mra and Misses Ward. 8.—Mrs. and Miss Milloy 7.30, for members of the olass and’ others others eligible. All [Wehad’bettei goon, Miss Crawford Mr.. Mra and Miss Fawsltt Miss pleaded guilty. [ i ’ who desire to sit for the adv * put in a note that he was not present and that he was as in previous years, but vtithoutthe illumination. As, I Pot 11.—Misses Small pjece, Misa Hawkee. Mias Bone certificate or pro- iman: His at tendanoe is optional not represented by a solicitor. In;summing-up tbe however, Mr. F. G. Courthope (rector’s warden) fell Banbury. Mr. and Mra Morgan. Mr, and Mra flolency medallion should in their names, in iner: Yes, as long as h > has the opportunity, XUndea Miss Edward". Miss Abel. Miss Lawrence. HYDE GARDENS. ,he isai the Convent a t^ o ttin ’gdean to mate writing, today (Saturday). evidence, the Coroner said there seamed no question seriously ill the bells could not be rung, and it was Mr., Mra and Miss Button. Mr. Bevan. Mr. Boiler. inquiri ss as to who was residing there. He asked the iroceed with the inquiry. I don’t think he decided to let the day puss without any special notice. 7.—Mrs. Haines. CoL Uppleby. Misses Dppleby (2 These special drills are In prei ation for the “ Butt- prejudiced. about the faots. They had heard the statement made X n w IMoktus. Mr. and Mra Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs, nation: lity of the four defendants, and Sister Dumas, Miller” Oup Competition. Memi 1 are reminded that by deceased, and that was reilly confirmed by the It was hoped, however, that next year’s anniversary Makehsm, Mra Field. Mir. Johnstone Field. Mr., Marlborough House.-M r. and Mrs. Rlcard. Mr. ie Slade, domestii servant of Qhelwood Heath, Mn. and Miss Tomlins. Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Donne Mrs. Buckingham who wi s the Lady Superior, said thejr were’ all French. the competing squads wiU he tlected from the most evidence of Browning’s son-in-law, and there could be would fall in happier times, and than their celebration cloth. Smith. Mr. and Mra Anderson Clarendon House.—Mrs. Slooombe. . Bliss , H e as ced whether they were registered, and she regular attendants. Danell said that alx ut a qus rter-past five on the no question as to what he did. The deceased died might be resumed in its entirety. The only formal Miss Chilcott. Miss HammonA Miss Ironside, 1 replied ’ “ N a ” H e asked her why they were not Hospital Duty.—Those who wish to gfve occasional rafte: in' of June 5th she was walking down a lane under the operation, but the primary cause of death, no business was the election of two new members—Mr. A. I b- The Lansdowne Private Hi lleherwood. Miss Johnson. Mies Holloway. ‘'kegistei ed, and she replied that they had been registered help to the hospitals should send a post oard to the called Pepper Alley in t le direct on of Danehill| She doubt, was the gunshot wound that was inflicted by E. Anscombe (late of Barcnmbe) and Mr. Stephen Miss Flanagan. Miss Escb.> MadameMo^oi mb Lappage. Mr. and Mrs. Carter. Mr. Wormald several times and thought that was sufficient, mid did Secretary stating the d»ys and iviurs offered. 1 | was in company with ay rang worn an, named Stevenson. Browning. Very possibly he did not intend’ to take Holder, who were proposed by Musars. Sturt and Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. films. Miss Goodwin. Mrs. GILDREDGE ROAD. not kne w they had to do so again. Witness added that By order of the Commandant. Whenj opposite Brownm g’s yard gate she saw Gilbert deceased’s life at the time, but as he was doing the Moppett and Messrs. Hide and Turner respectively, Mr. Wards. Miss Slaughter. Mrs. aDd Miss Head., Browning was in his jard, and she heard Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, L Mr, Cumber. Graham. Highbury.—Miss Tag art. Mias Hill he left i notice at. the Convent on November 2nd with H. RjJ. C0PLB8T0N, unlawful act of using a gun against a man he must take and were both unanimously elected. Various technical Mrs. Couse os. Mrs. Heisdh. Mr. and Brown, anothei Sister. Hon. Detach. Sec. deceased say, “ Come 011 and do the same to me as you the probable consequences of nis action. There was no matters were talked over, and the meeting closed with Me. and Mra. Romffiy, L Mr. Lets. Mi and Mrs. Mr. < larr said the Convent of the Star of the Sea had did to my father.” Browning replied, “ I will.” way out of it for the jury except to return a verdict of a hearty vote of thanks to the Chairman)—On Wednes­ FalKcr[ silver Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Rowbotbam. Corkroft. BRIGHTON, been ci tried on for about 12 years by French ladies, Witness aind her compa lion walk ad on, and when they “ wilful murder” against him. day (the Prince of Wales’ birthday) Southover bells Mias KendalL Mrs. and Miss Dundonald who established it at the time several convents were EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEER TWINING | ’ ] louse wit ness heard the reports The jury, after a very brief consultation, returned a were much in evidence in the evening, and some- Itenb Clark. Miss Lloyd, Mrs. aud Mfss YOniig. Itol F r a u Ds o n B r ig h t o n TRADESMEV.-^Che started in; the'-neighbourhood. He thought it was gui. She ti iraed round and saw verdict of “ Wilful murder against Wm. Browning.” excellent " exhibition’’.ringing was put in. story of a bogus officer’s motor rides and frauds! on ' generallyai y known that it wascarriedwascarried, on by French o r p s some smoke. W itness: nd her oc mpanion ran back in I embroidered Mostyn Pbivate Hotel. ! Brighton tradesmen was told at the Old Bailey on Fri- 1 ,Soon____ a ater the outbreak of war the occupants of the ; the dii ion of Brown ng’s prei rises and saw Head, Tbe Coroner: I think that is *the only verdict’ you OoAbtomM. MIbh Mvonjon- «nd Mrs. dayT when Arthur Herbert Sugden’ (25) and'Ed’ Convent were approached as to whether they had been Headquarters: 81 South-street, Eastbourne. who — towan s them. He said, “ Fetch the could return. George Henry Clarke (22) pleaded guilty before registei ed and they evidently did not folly realise: what Orders for week ending July 4th, 1915. doctoi Witness was al stranger to the neighbourhood’ nlrhc NEWHAVEN. 1 . i Recorder to obtaining go o * and oredit by false that mi ant, but confused it with the census, as their Saturday, June 26th.—Trench practice, parade at Head­ and not know where i doctor 1: ved, so she told a Mrs. N a v a l I n stru cto r K il l e d . — Newhaven Terry. Mrs. Lauchester, L dr. and Mrs. Bills. Mr, tences.—Clarke as an offioer and went about knowlelge of the English language was not great It quarters 2.36 p.m. - i L'v_l Stevi mwholived nea ;j She th Bn went back fowhere SECOND-LIEUTENANT B. W. people generally, and especially those who have relatives and Mrs.! Reeves. Mr., Mn.Mi and1 Mis Mini i Ml Mnrlis “ Green.; - the uniform of a lieutenant in an artillery regimi was au te (unintentional that the Order had not been Sunday, 27th.—Company drill, parade at the Saffrons :t Head and fo ind him 1 ying down by the side and friends in the local Companies of thaR.N.V.R., Mr.______Renan.M Mrs. MnlvanoyMulvanc And childchild. Mi Cooban. — 1[ -the -two men drove ’------about’------in motor1------ovs,*-J- tendei eompli( d with. There were 22 children in the Convent road. She notice 1 that ht was wounded in the will learn with regret of the death of Chief Petty Officer Mlss Reeves. Miss Bills. Miss Spear. Wednesday, 30th.—1Trenching pi aotioC) parade at Head­ iulder. j Shortly s fterwardi witness had tel leave “ .... - - i W ’ L. Woods. : worthless cheques in payment for the hire of -the and twj> Belgians who were registered. A t one time THORNTON KILLED. Francis John Williams, for the past three years instruc­ Y Monsieur and Madame Ablay. Capt., Mr ! At Brighton they obtained tobacco and cigars, i there whs a German chaplain there and he was registered quarters 6 p.m. _ .. a a train, but by 1 he time phh left other ■ tor to No. 6 Company, and much sympathy will be Ban tick. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Burton. Mas Thursday, July 1st.—Meeting fot Town Hall 8 p.m. - # > . chertS" Tried to get £80 worth of jewellery, but in the ial and wa4 subsequently requested to leave. He thought Lecture by Llent. Cyril Martin,[T.C.,©.8.0..8.0. SmokiiSmoking I ived to render as istance. extended to tho widow in her loss. A comparatively Com. Matthews. Ur. and Mrs. Odiing. Mr!) ELD ER SON OF M AJOR R. L.' THQ1 Mr. and Mrs. Giles ' case the jeweller declined’to. part with the goode.n there w is some exouse for the defendants in this case. allowed. It Is to be hoped all mi is will attend. Clement Nevnhann a general lahoi young man (42 years), deceased had put in 26 years’ the cheque was cleared.—Previous convictions were The Chairman, after consulting w ith,the other Sunday, 4th.—Company drill, •’.e at the Saffrons Burnt House, Danehill, itated th it on the evei service in the Navy and was looking forward to ; West Rooks (Grand Parade). Magistn aties, said they thought there was a ljjttle excuse -8.30p.m...... J Shortly having a well earned rest on pension. At the proved against both prisoners.—The Recorder, in question he was workiig in hie garden, whiol Our readers will sincerely sympathise m th j Major OoL Chamberlain. Miss Horn. Mr., Mra. and Miss . passing sentence, said ‘the the proprisoners had carried’ out in this ( ase. They would fine each of the two defend- Platoon about 300 yards away from Browni lg’s house. fle| outbreak of the war he was called up with the Sussex gingham. Miss C. Kingham. Mr. and Mra. J°F- Joy. | systematic frauds with great-----‘ impudence.u Clarke had ants who appeared 10s. In the circumstances they Tuesday, June 29th.—Nos. 1 2 Platoons parade at two reports from a gun and the 1 someone sort R. L. Thornton (chairman of the East Sussex County Division R.N.V.R. and proceeded to Antwerp- In Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Mraland Mias Wans. Mdme. Headquarters 7.80 p.m.: No. 8 PI jon no drill, February last he was attached to “ C ” Company of the Mr. Hind. Mrs. Hind. Master Hind. IK"; M ; obtained an officer’s uniform iiin some way and traded' would n ot take any action with regard to the Other two Friday. Jnly 2nd.—No. on, parade in South Witness ran towards tl e place v henoe the noii Council) and Mrs. Thornton on the death of their elder Woodwright. Miss...... Steel a Garter. Miss AUirlu upon the unha] conditions now existing, wl en ’ho we « summoned And no further proceedings-would Fields 7.46 p.m. come aind Saw Head hob fling up ;he footpath, son, Second-Lieut Robert West Thornton, who has Howe Battalion of the Royal Nival Division and was Misa da Sola Pin:nto. < Miss Fc a. Miss Browning. MBs persons wearing, — ’s ^ uniform I B j were P , treated 1 against them in regard to tins matter. Shooting, he got|to him he saw hin .lying by the Side of ' been killed in action. The sad news was coriweyed to sent to the Dardanelles, where; they are operating Tossr. Mrs. Pilling, Mini febb. Mr. Jucys. Mrs. with special consideration. It seemed that people ner: And ne er said a word ? “ Are wo downhearted Miss Norman Mr. Whitehead. JOX. M. apd l l minmA With th< penalty imposed by the Lewes Bench, Wednesday.—7.0 p.m.: Drill and instruction olasses alas, not to be; at any rate, riot the home going which, Song, “ Mother Machree ” ...... Mrs. Tinloy Madame Goldnt Miss Johi Drill Hall AU hands must be (present. Recruits No. at the moment, he was so eagerly anticipating. i Humorous song, “ A yard of lace” (encore, “ My * e. Miss Sai _ Misa U; M i s h a p to B r ig h t o n E x p r e s s . — A s ; 4 j In rej ly to a farther question, Sir John Simon said attend. Very fuhny. He! got his gun yori say ? j, advice”), Mr. C. W. Towner rwhltt ‘ Kits M. he was t ware that many, people bad not recognised that Thursday.—8.30 p.m.: Band at R.N.V.R. new Yog,. . A striking'insight into the deceased’s Character is Musical monologue. “ Business os usual ” (enoore, result of dynamo trouble a fire broke oat on the gained from the faot that in a letter to his parents he “ Two little dots,in red ”), Miss Norman th. Mi 1.20 p.m. London Bridge to Brighton express on Satur­ aliens w ire not necessarily enemy aliens, but he hoped Battery. . What d d he dq v nth it ? “Mw^Whftehi MiM Stair! they wo lid profit from this experience. Friday.—Drily at ft N.D. Office. Put two cart -idgea in is he went out. mentioned that he had got his platoon sergeant the Quartette, “ Peter Piper ” (enoore. “ Tell me, Flora "), ir. Mis* Taylor. fdme. Lamme: day. The mishap ocourred between Norwood Junction Saturday. 3rd July. —No unless specially rer: And left the hpns 3 without sayini any Distinguished Conduct Medal but he never said a Miss O. Stevens (pontralto), Mrs. Tinley Miss Kemp and ids. ana Croydon,ana when the train was brought to a stand­ notified. J * • word about his own brave deeds. Major Thornton has, (soprano), Mr. Z. Stevens (tenor) and Mr. still at East Croydon Station smoke was issuing from M emos. however, since heard .that his son had been recom- Anscombe (bass) Howard House Hotel How, “ TRIE H h AND THE LEWES MAGISTRATES. rand lent to members Yes. Answ ring fort ler Song, “ SnppUcatidn ”...... i...... Mr. Z. Stevens the front brake van. The fire was quickly extinguished, AU gear belonging to the Comp if ter his fathc r-in-law ! lad left the mended for the Military Cross. He has also received Coruet solo,"" Sussex by the sea” (encore, “ Are we Mrs. R. R Ward and p irty (4). Miss E. M. [Edmonds. bat the train was delayed abont a quarter of an hour ' This 1 reek’s issue of Truth contains the j following must De returned on or before r, 30th June, the followiiig telegram of sympathy from the King and i . downhearted) Master Milcham M. S. Gurney. Miss Tyrrell Rev. W, | Champer- while the van was uncoupled and shunted into a siding. oommen & with reference to the case Also, all forms issued in respect instrument*, shots fired,-w itb an interval of abont ______Mar Dalton. - jr ------uniforms or to recruits, must be . on the same between. Afte the second shot he Qneen:— i . ip I Song, “ Birdof love divine" (encore, “ My Horo”), jV x Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wright “ At I owes Police Court theother day a young Dutch also be paid, 11 Buckingham Palace: I Miss Stevens teacher >f languages was charged with failing to register date. Money owing to the lli---- as if someoi e had b en hart Bi ** Ti.a rviiAar, fRo lnaa Jnn and Quartette, “ Silent night ”..... Miss C. Stevens, Mrs. lfa. BUnley BayiU. Mite *’ Do mot u r Grey Haim without fail on or before the ite. to the house ■yrii 1 the gnu,'which a]., The King and Queen deeply regret the loss yon and Tinley, Mr. Z. Stevens and Mr. Anscombe Opnter. Hi**i Croft I T H E ] a ppea r . Restores Grey or himself as an alien while residing in % prohibited area, IfgO om eid- yer was also .snmmom PnbUo notice Is hereby given . the Company wUl in recently dischi rged. £)e did riot ap] the Army have sustained by the death:' of your l son in gong at piano, “ Green grass ” (encore, “ Tut-tut”), u ’ Ml*s Alice White Hair to its original not be responsible tor the pa] laocounts in respect the service' of his country. Their Majesties truly j i Mr. Towner of Waterloo, ^ M r. William I.„ MEXICAN colour, where the glands are notify tl e presenoe of an alien in his------at goods snppUed unless ant____ ‘ f order signeu by V of the S t many ol her people, the schoolmaster had been under, the O.C. or other officer appointee ier:Notat»l! sympathise with yon in your sorrow. . 1 | Cornet solo, “ Kiliarney ” (encore, “ Tipj^erary ”) ' Napoleon’s . No,sir. Master Mileham HAIR &J38aVfi!B2 the impi eesion that the Registration Order only applied Signed A J. Fello- “Keeper op the P rivy Pubse.” j sonr. “ Always yon ...... Mr. Stevens Kenilworth Court to enemy aliens and directly he learned bom: a report er: Did he 1 ly anyth ng? Lient. Thornton’s name appeared ih the London Duet, “Inglenook”______Miss Stevens and Mr. Towner s a s o S g r " 1 i. He said, “ T lat has liven th e----- one to Song, “ Big Ben” ...... Mr. Anscombe priiistreuB . Sir Alexandra______Mo _ Jy 2ft RENEWER. V w tt t of Tuesday night among, the list of officers 1” Servant: - Watnon. Ident, Mownray - “ TgBMOTADm ih.” 1 John Freihi Quartette, “ Good evcning"...Mi8s O. Stevens, Mrs. that require an A Grier, or: Did yon ask him ' rho he meant? * gallant and distinguished service in the field.” * \f Tinley, Mr. Z. Stevens and Mr. Anscombe _ & Kirkley. German Sp|y Shot at T he Tower.—The tjbe Order must be enforced, but in ini] ■j«d | —Mrs. J. J. Stevens proved an efficient accompanist ! A t the close the Chairman moved a hearty vote of iift2 cS S .hilri Press Bureau on Wedriasday evening iasnedthe following announcement: The spy Mflller was shot at the Tower thanks to tbe performers, and this was enthusiastically this morning. carried.


h ■ ! i j . , . - DO NOT PAY MAY ED PREMIUM on LIFE and ENDOW-’ MENI PQLICIE 8 during Incapacity FOB LIMITED S a l e . from I In ess or Accident if yon have a Wm.Bnifoi Special j E xemption P olicy as issued s u m m e r SALE SoUbmtth* and J by th e j i REMOVALS Hautboume and SCOTTISH INSURANCE L CORPORATION. A large and farm ing viuiety of Fashionable Goods, and STORAGE. B' H the latest Models at greatly reduced prices. Bargains in F ull Pbo rectus feom No. 3,121. ALFRED E. RETT, ‘ !i all ! Departments. Southern Counties Supt. Goods Warehonsed ini Separate THE 90, PEVEN8EY ROAD, chool XABl'BOURNE. Lock-up Compartments. S o: TO-DAY and NEXT WEEK. "Phone 85£. ■ 11. F B V B I Bhorthood, Typewriting, 1 Accident and Illness Policies a Speciality. Finest Fireproof Wafehousea Com m ences M onday N ext, 28th June. tug. Geography, Aritl Owing to the exceptional conditions of Trade caused CERTTnOATED TEAC| in Eastbourne.. Day and Evening ( b y the War, we an, holding our Summer Sale v .. ^ ! $ t r b a n i s S c ^ aw tatits SEanttb one month earlier than the usual date. Smart and Up-to-date Vans. r r i L L s i d e , ( f ; J T 0XF0 ID REGISTRY, Susans-road, Eastbourne. ' -. I.' —Wai ted: Cook-Generals, Houseparlourmaids, COSTUME DEPARTMENT. lemaids, Generals, Kicchenmalds, Betwoenmaids, Experienced and Careful Men _j Girls, 4 i.-Ss, (Private and Boarding Houses). Dm- E v e iy G a im ent Genuinely Reduced, and all Oddments at'lExceptional Reductions. v MQAGKD : C >0k8. only Employed. U to be prepared] I AKERS. -MAN WANTED as Second at once.-S. “ M o d e l ” G______o w n s in T iaffeta Silk, Silk and Wool Materials. Usually sold from 7£ to 10$ guineas. Reduced to £ 6 . Osborne, ‘ Curtis, 10, Ooklynge-road, Eastbourne. Sm art A fternoon and Se:mi-E vening Gowns in Taffeta Silk, etc. Usually sold from 5 to 7$ guineas. t arrangements i MAKERS.'; -WANTED, YOUTH, able to mould, or one li acres of 1 willing: to learn would suit.—KempseU, Baker, ESTIMATES FREE. j ^ ! Reduced to £3. 10s. 6d» 59, 61, 63, 63A, stGrinstend. OBOKOU M a iso n F lo ra . - • 1 Crepe de both plain and floral, the latest styles. Usually sold at from 3 to 4 gns. 8 9 /tt ►OQT REPAIRER (good) WANTED; constant seat; 0 h en e G ow ns, Reduced to R UPPER AVENl 9 6d.hout or weekly wage; state age, reference.— APPLY “ Model ” Coats and S!-lir ts in the very latest and newest materials. Usually sold! from to 8J guineas. Reduced to £6« EASTBOURNE GROYE ROAD. on. At llngly, Sussex. “ “ ‘H & g . gJ 10NFE0T ;0NERY-An APPRENTICE WANTED, Quantity of useful 3oats and S k irts in good wearing materials. -Usual prices 3J to 5 guineas. Reduced to 39/0. P rivate outdoor if Bor WantedTor 8weet Makiog. good jrtunity t o learn trade; Girl Wanted for Warehouse. G. E. MAYNARD, Ltd., F e w :!1!!‘la n n e l C o a ti8 and S k ir ts, and many Odd Material Coats and Skirts. Usual prices 35/9 to 49/ 6. Reduced to 21/- H. Brool s & Oo„ WesUstreetyUrawley, ; i lOOK, PI AIN, in gentleman’s small family where Entirn o f W id sh in g Gowns, Costumes, Tennis Skirts, etc., a t Reduced Prices.ices ' j ,;/ three ai e kept; good manager or position of trust; Fees Mode I Easter Mondav, I shall always preserve cordial noes.—(1.8., 2. Cavendish-avenue, Eastbourne. recollections of Eastbourne, and when the time ECONOMICAL arrives that I shall have to leave it I shall carry away •(OOK W ANTED; experienced ; good situation; GEORGE’S I a deep sense of gratitude for the many kindnesses I ] / good wiges; other excellent Situations vacant.— Greystone Buildings, S* DENTISTRY. have received from its inhabitants. ntraiRegh try, 182 High-street, Lewes. ____, C lok-GenSrals, Houseparlourmadds,; MfLUNERY DEPARtMENT. FOR BOYS INTENDS “ Yours faithfully, maids, I iltchonmalda. General Servants and Young E a s t b o u r n e Entire Stock of Trimmed and Untrimmed M illinery a t Exceptional Reductions to effect an early clearance* i Bntyeot* of Instrne To maintain Good Health yon need Good Teet h. — D Beoondary r ' MESSRS. RICHARDS restore—or remove pain­ “ (Private) J ack Wooton, R.A.M.C.” rls to Tra n WANTED. Situations Vacant in all • * * No ch Wge to Servants.—The Sussex Registry, 28, i ii -paid to r lessly where necessary—decayed or troublesome ’-walk, Lewes.______Wooton is, or was, a very fine runner, but he teeth, and fit Artificial Teeth that are worn will 100K-GENERAL WANTED for small private family; ______to r Prospectus i comfort and prove of real service. Freer attempted too much on Easter Monday, and a two seivants kept: wages £28.—Address, Mrs. Extractions where Artificial Teeth are fltl strained heart was the consequence. In my opinion I n, Blei helm, Rowaley-road. Eastbourne. { J his proper distance is from three to seven miles. jfor gaU gg to » e t ACKET & MANTLE DEPARTMENT. mfUNIOIPAL Free Repairs and attention to our work at 3A8TBOU -INK.—WANTED, in September, DAILY (Tucbhicui I times. Advice Free.^ Then he is seen at his best and he is really first-class. GOVE! NESS: UBUal English subjects and music. E v e r y G a lament in this D epartm ent Genuinely Reduced , The following are a few Exceptional Bargains : ; But it is not every first-class man who can run 16 11 Ijan,” ^Ohronlole1' Office/Eastbourne. TTtOR SALE, a valuable FREEHOLD FARM, situate I DAY and XVXNING 1/- Really Painless Extractions, 1/- miles at a stretch. I don’t believe I could do it j f in the parish of Eastchumh, Isle of Sheppey. C ham pagne Bilk Glid n a Dus'it C oat. T/sual price 59/9. Sale price 30/- Bran oh es of Art, lnolud I myself. SERVANT WANTED in small private altogether about 97-a. 2-r. 22-p. Of excellent Arable and 1 I ' tt « any evening, Mrs. Daviee, 19, Pasture Land, with Farmhouse, Stables for 18 and Out­ LESS THAN HALF P H I 31 Wood Oarvtng i buildings; also Two Brick and Slated Cottages.—Address, ®. Matron’s Black Broche Silk Coat, lined throughout Silk. Usual price 5£- guineas. Visitors can joii A case in which a young man was charged with Z.T. 829, care Deacon’s, Leaden hall-street, London. an offence against the Defenoe of the Realm Act ENKRAli WANTED ; good outings, comfortable • ■' I Sale price 49/6. home; mother kept; good reference essential.— « SALE, a well-built Detached VILLA RE8I- MUNICIPAL SECOf | before the Eastbourne Magistrates the other day Holder. 0, Montague-street, Worthing. LESS THAN HAIjF PRICE. Matron’s handsome Model Silk Moire Coat, lined throughout. Original prioe 5 guineas. leaves much to the imagination. It remains “ wropt DENCE, near Lewes; healthy [situation, lovely FOR ENBRAI SERVANT.-W ANTED, a good General; lews;H good i “ ~garden with lawn■' am « “It ■trees; ■ oon- in mystery." The case was heard «» camera, and servatory, greenhouse, stable and outbi idlngs; erected • j -I - Sale price 2 g u in e a s . (Cf ' age 25-81; small family; plain cooking; good wages B is c uit Bengali] Le Silk Coat, lined Mauve Ohene Silk. Usual price 59/6. Sale price 26/- it is rumoured there was a camera in the case. But outings. — Apply, Mrs.. Miller. 17, Bedford-grove, by owner for occupation : selling t[ -ugh ill-health; MUNICIPAL BECONl beyond that I am forbidden to open my mouth, or ' lurne. freehold ; prioe £520.—A. Wycherley, buse and Estate I shall put my foot .into it for certain. As it is I Agent, Lewes. T hree only.j Terror S ilk Sports Coats, in Champagne and Tangerine. Usual price 35/- Sale price 10/6 each. FOR] OOD GO JK-GENEKAL WANTED lmrni notice Detective Sergeant Wells has had his eagle ' three ii i family: houseparlourmaid kept.- ROUND RKNTS FOE BALE; wj secured on M (Tbohrioal Ins eye oh me for some reason or other during the past Gould. 1 Granvllle-road, Eastbourne. GRhouses; £44 per annum; mi divide.—Edgar Pm peetu and fnllpari 6,SussexGardensl,‘tl.8.“ ™ r“1 week, and-1 give him a very wide berth when I see Horn & Chartres, 81, Cornfield-road. tbourae. iD. MAN WANTED.—Apply, Beeny, Com and be obtained from THESE Terminus Road, _ him ooming up the Btreet. The prisoner got three !oal Mi rehant, Junction-road, Eastbourne. AYWARD8 HEATH AND* .JOT. - For ■tittee. Town Hail. East' Phone 771. months’ hard, and so is now “ doulg his little bit.” Particulars of HOUSES TO BE ' ob SOLD In I don't want to be doing mine—at l last not that way I OOD HOUSEMAID-GENERAL REQUIRED for tma <.Harming and healthy locality, v i excellent rail- BLOUSE DEPARTMENT. or just yet. 1 ! Eastboi me in small house, where paying guests way service to London, Brighton and _ SPECIAL VALUE Quantity of Whijte Voile Blouses, new shapes, high and low collars. fTTSB MODERN I . # •' » , taken ; rood wages given. — Write- to W. A., T. Bannister & Ctt, House and Estate In Bobby dt Co.'s A r A shop in Seaside-road, much frequented by the nroniole" Office, Eastbourne. ______place, Haywards Heath. , ______f S a le p rices 2/11*, 3/11* and 4/11*; nenally sold from 3/11 to 5/11. military; advertises in ite windows “ A Whist Drive ” I > WANTED at once; expert- T EWES.—FOR SALE, SEMI-DETACHED VILLA I TnAYXLLEBs’ Samples. Se' oral colleotioitions of sample _ Black and Coloured, in______Silk,______Silk, Crepe FKKNOH, GERMAN, SPORT—AND OTHER age 28 to 80: good references essential;wsential; JLi RESIDENCE, in excellent position ; healthy situa­ Shirts and Blouses, Jap de I for soldiers. A oountry drive wo ild do them far I servants kept.—Apply, “Stanmore," U, Buriing- Ohene, Fancy O™ — —*■- ° -1- — !—- - m o — x ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, more good, I fancy. tion i six rooms, scullery, &o., bath (h. and o.); good Fancy Orepes^etc. Sale prices 5/s 7/0 and 10/6; usual prices 10/lVto 19/11. • Ea tboume. repair; garden and side entrance: prioe of freehold THINGS. OUSEPi .RLOURMA1D WANTED temp £325; a bargain.—Apply, A. Wycherley, 68, High-street, M odel” Sample Blouses. About 100 in all Newest Styles, Newest Materials, includingmany dainty styles in Native 1 HaM off to Holy Trinity Sunday School I These Lewes. (B y SPEOTATOR.) from July 8th ; Eastbourne; small family ;,p - | Lace and Net. Sale prices 15/-, 21/-, 26/- and 30/-; usual prices 2 9 /1 1 to 3 g u in eas. Principal—L. ns J youngsters of their own free will and without the ion.—Apply, by-letter, 38, Stamford Hill I Cl USB EX. near DANEHILL—TO BE SOLD, at a low slightest persuasion have unanimous y decided to give IBs O prioe. about 37 ACRES of valuable WOODLAND TaAVNLLEBs’ Sam plis. CO^ton V oile Bloiises, slightly creased. Sale-price 2/- each; many worth-doable. "j. r up their own greatly cherished school treat this year IHENMAID WANTED. - Write, M. L.. S3, and’ a small------PAD]DOCK, affording d*" ^tful " ’ slfes------fat I was unable in my notes last Saturday to make in order that the money subscribed for the purpose Grand- parade, Eastbourne. one or more residencesinces; high ground; . Bnslve views. EXACTLYv«r. ”HALF *'r" PBKM Pure Silk Sports Coats. Few only. Sale price 36/-; usually sold 73/ 6 . iyi|~R. A. E. 81 any reference 'to the match between Eastbourne may be devoted to the comfort and enjoyment o f the —Apply to Wilkinson,son, Son & Weloh, 170, North-street, AD WANTED, to HELP IN GARDEN.-Ai Brighton. Oddments in W ool College and M.C.C. played the day before. But it wounded soldiers in our midst. As many wounded “ Gardener," Beraersmede, Carlisle-road, and M ercerised Sports Coats. Sale prices 7/6,10/6 and 16/-; worth double. CONVENIENT WORKSHOP TWO STALL ' BILVERDAliE was a game that must be placed on the records as ] Tommies as the funds permit will therefore be taken ■O. out for a long, oountry drive and afterwards be enter­ STABLE and HAY LOFT TO L ' In Rusbridge's- being unique'-in the Cricket. annals of the College, IUNDR1 MAID (good) WANTED.—Write, stating Lowed.—A. E. Bugg, 1, Fisher-s t: , Lewes. tained to tea on the Vicarage lawrt.-' It is an act of age and wages required, to Hygate, the Laundry, inasmuch as it furnished the biggest total (306 for real self-denial on the part of these kiddies,' to whom domes HI 11, near Crawley, Sussex. LIVE VALE DISTRICT.—TO BE LET, from June LANG1 their annual outing is the most eagerly lobked for _ ,_24th.jU] “CHANNEL -_-__ VIEW.” CLIVE AVENUE.- nine wiokets), and—I believe—the highest individual rAN WANTED to chop up quantity of boxes for ApCply, T. W. Pickard, _ or Messrs. LAD IE JTsID CHILDREN’S OUTFITTING score and only century (134) ever made by the school event of the year. flrewoe d.-1.—Apply, Edinburgh House, Blackwater- lennels. Dyer & Gallaway, , Hastings. I » - ! ■ * * , Eastboi roe. i Tel. 164. Under 1 against their famous opponents, t 'Before the war,” wrote an Eastbourne schoolboy , ju r n e .—pa y in g g uests r e c e iv e d ; I 3 AN IS ’ WANTED for Glynde Parish Church; I ««def-W rlte. H. G., DEPARTMENT. in an essay on'the great upheaval, “ England was a i male or female.—Applications, with ieferenoes, to THE CENTRA! As a rule, the boys usually fink the high-class land of pleasure; now it is'a land of prayer. The ,1W. B. D ilton, Glynde Vloarage, or T. W. Plokard, W e have turned : CORNFIELD _____ o ______=___ _’■ w r M and ’' fall " an - •-t-' easy Kaiser is to blame for this.” IA8TBOURNE (21, Eurs Road).—PAYING GUESTS out, iiV LAD IES' and CH ILD REN'S UNDERCLOTHING, all slightly soiled and I Received; well appointed house;-garden; delight-| Proprietor, Pnor. GBOH prey to the enemy? but” on this {occasion the very v' * * • "LllOK, or good Cook-General, WANTED and convenient situation; highest inferences-—Mrs. w m dm soiled garments and marked them at very specialprices to clem quickly. THBf$ Instrnotor H.M. ( reverse Was the case. They had against them the You may have been wondering, with myself, why jimmt - * 1' ------” ------d Tovey. i ■very branch of Pbyaioal) , great Esaex pro., Walter M ead,! wgao, on a sticky ly); w_. experienced teachers. Ladle] two or three of the biggest members of the local i "CtASTBOURNBL—Dining room,i, two! bedrooms, over- LESS THAN HALF PRIQE. M anufactories’ S am ples of B ou d oir Caps.^^ 'i • pitch, is still one of the most dangerous-bowlers in Volunteer Training Corps should be still without Jte, Box I. JCi looking Pier, in small non-basement------house; 'sunnysunny personal supervision of Me ■ England, but though he did considerable execution their uniform. I met one of them the other day. _PEOT. LBLE YOUNG GIRL WANTED to assist Elnuhavenue, S a le p rices 2/2.1*, 3/11* and 4/11*; usual prices 6/11 to 12/11. attended. For parti ___i_j :ji____ j. __•______a.* ___ :_a»___ he could not dishearten the boys or altogether check■ He is a splendidly made chap of gigantic proportions i general yin smallnon-basoment apartment house; YERY SPECIAL C the run getting. M. L. Cox Baker her maid tept,—Apply, Proprietress, 9, Klms-avenue, F F £ B . Pure Wool Combinations, full ladies’- size only, l igh and low necks, summer weight. ■I' FOOTBALL, HOC and very good looking, though he does live up Old ‘onme. ______| s , Sale price 4/11*; worth to-day 6/1U iV ANT) WANTED.—Several good Cook-Generals, JR. N. COLLING « -lourmaids and Generals wanted at Once, E xactly P eh i . Qu4 tity of Silk Milanese Tango Knickers. Sale price 4A1* ; usually sold at 9 /1 1 . _ . U8 to, £28. DibenoaOKD : Good Pariour- - A SOUTH BTB1 -— j, oertain that wherever he goes the bottom I j 25, £23, oharaoter two years; Seven ‘ £ TilARMHOUSE APARTMENTS_ (c(ole fashioned) TO 5 0 only B u st B od .ces, mtde of all-over embroidery. Sale price 2/11*; usual price 5/11 KASI H is 134 against-suoh an attack w is a triumph. For-| ititton of his waistcoat always gets there first. He’s atten lance.—Stevens, two hours and forty minutes he defied the Dowiers, Faittosses and Chambermaids; good I I Oriokehr Hutb about as fine a specimen of humanity as you would ! —Myrtleholme Employment Agency, G dnstead. c o m JE T S . E x ( option ll H eductions.—All oddments and odd sizes turned olut into baskets and—until he let himself go after passing the century wish to see, but ne is still^haiting tor his uniform. .Eastbourne. ’Phone648. ENTLEWOMAN OFJFKRS BO ARD-RE8IDENOE; | —he played most correct arid Admirable crioket, 3 RACKUTS J I expect the tailor is afraidYnere wouldn’t be enough j __ HT BOY WANTED to WORK PASSENGER south aspect;gravel soil; oountay; near station. and marked 2/6, 6 /-, 7/6 and 10/6. Theee are in most cases Lies than H alf P e i c a . having given no semblanoe of a [chance previously. khaki to go round. LIFT; uniform and Board; lodring fonnd and' Homelands,...... Flitwlok,Bed8. Mead stated afterwards that a Brighton boy and a • • • 1 salary.- Apply, Kenilworth Court Hotel, Wilming- r'lOOD DAIR’ ARM TO LET; Michaelmas; station HOTOI Lancing boy had both made 70’s against him in the Does anyone know of a good antidote for ants? I quare, Es stoourno. \JT }-mile on' [bourne line; about 32 acres gross, 81 N GINEER8 . present M.C.C. tour, but neither of their displays There’s a plague of them up at the R.A.M.C. camp ■ PATTERN could approach that given by Rydir in this match. ■ANTE4 MAN for CARMAN and General Work. | ** *° E at Whitbread Hollow, I’m told; millions of them, —AApddp;y, t. Gale's.uwes, risnmongeFishmonger. , ro,06. Seaside, oeas ue, East-1 | ■--« BATHFUKD.—TAVISTOCKiiewes.______PRIVATE HOTEL. FANCY DEPARTMENTS. BLACKSMITHS AND| * * *1 and all on active service. Perhaps,sps, though,, it is a t l E i And Repairers of a&i good thing they are only ants, four acres lovely grounds: high 1 ___ Eastbourne put a weak and unfi liliar team It might nave been rANTEE, respectable PER80N to help generally, . . tennis, bowls; late dinners, separate SsMes; 10 ! Steam, Gas & W ater! field against Summerdown Camp d were beat worse. tempo -ary or otherwlee ; no cooking ; good mlnntee Btatlon, Golf; terms moderatej-^Proprletresa. a narrow mai^in in consequence, Scoring or out.—Scott, 6, GUdredge-road, East- Im portant Clearing Lines o f exceptional purchases o f the latest and newest Lace Collars,Eichus , Fronts, eta ASHFORD BOA TO LET, fine SUITE of ROOMS oh first | . i ' Engineering Wl and no individual brilliance was in. The. . _ and second floor of Business Premises in the best Cotton Poplin 0c liar ar d Front., Sale price 1/0*; usual price l/iij, Chaplain (the Rev. J. Rankin) ayed good ^li0ceUane(ra0. onoe, Temporary HO U8EPARL0UR- part of the town of East Grifastead; sul Able for profes­ • 35, which was/top score of thi ' ,y, and by ■ ■ 10 to U or 2 to 3 o'ciodk, 23, sional man, public company or organisation; long term BXAC HALF •BIOB, H. ing six; wickets for 50 runs Lieuh lit R. B. 1 granted; separate street entrance.—Apbly. E. Steer and Embroidered C ollar and Cuffs, Paris shade only-. S ale p rice 1/11*.; usual price'3/11*. G. for the losers accomplished the 1 bowling) perforin- ERIAL^andW AR RISKS.—-Edgar Horn It Chartres andHOUSEOHAMi Co., r.I.A, Auctioneers, Railway Apprpaoh, East Grin- l e 8s |t h a n h a l : . itions from Lloyds and Insurance Clifton Hotel,' Btead. P R IC E . Aerophane Blouse Collars, Hemstitched.border. Sale price 6*d.; usual price 1/3*, once. The “ wounded ” totalled 1( !, as against EAat- ipaniesf—31, irnfleld-road, East bourne. . _ a. _ nil- .1 a YYTi •> n *• ■'« .. Oowkeepers and | bourne’s 94, thus winning by eig' runs. JUNIOR CLERK, able to typewrite.- I i^RO ^RD RO A D .-O NEof thesethese fi ivouritovjurito Housasouses | Quantity of Muslin 13oat Collars, Black and W hite Spot Collars, and ordinary shape Lace Collars. DHLIVKR HIGH-.__ » * * ' ik Martin ft Sons, 1, CornfieuLterraoe, | ^ m b e r ^ ; . int £100 —Edgar Three Times Dolly to i A°^NDOWSCLKSfKDl^theoldMt, Tai rood! Eastbourne. | All Sale— — price ^ ^6 *d.; • , usual — — price a i1/0*. %> As M is neoeenry to know 6 A peculiar match was played between Eastbourne most up-to-date window cleaners; taking all x u w i u< “Homeflnder” gratis. 2 . ie dKived we invite I College and St. Andrew’s Masters on the latter’s order too large or none too small.-Old Town Windov K or COOK-GENERAL.—Apply, .ntitv of pddm ents: and House leaning Company,■ ■ ■ “ 70, Green-street,“ East-1 . 2, Corew-road, Kastboi P out 30; for oountry; liberal terms.— At the Saffrons on Wednesday the R.A.M.C. _ „ highly recommended, VISITS SCHOOLS and res8, v„ qare of “ Observer” Office, East Grinstead. 48 d< >zen pure Li nen F t ncy Handkerchiefs, some Lace edged, slightly imperfect. PROMPT CAE beat the Summerdown Camp, for after disj FAMILIES; thoroughly competent teacher; prepares I for examination; many suooesses. — Apply, ’* Mile.,” 'E l, a GIRL, about 17, to assist gene Jlrticles for gale. Sale price 8d., 9d. and 1/-Aach,; usual price 1/ 0* to 2/ 6*. £ 1 0 their opponents for 74 they knocked up 201 “ Chronicle’’ Offloh, Kastiioume. 1 Apply, Mrs. Kinsey, 24, Railway-oppr had one more wioket in hand when time Quantity of Gents’ Linon Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Manufacturers’ oddments. London h Prorinces DM Lieut. Minnett captured the first six Camp 171URNISHED HOU8E (Eastbourne or near) for two | . INTEL, about 6th July, good GENERAL MAID o s t e r s e a s t g r i n s t b j LIMITED. J? months: fohr bedrooms; reasonable rent.—Box 2, OANTKLUPE GARAGE. . UL Sale price 3 for I/O*, 1/6* and 2 /- ; well worth 9d., 10*d. and 1 /0* each. ip, straight off the reel for 35 runs, and then •‘Chronicle" Office, Eastbourne.______for su all private family in Purley: good lefei- Corporal Hunt was put on, and accomplished < 8sentla ; write or' eon after six o’clock.—Mrs. PETROL. TYRES. REPAIRS. STORED Promptitude, Privacy, Easy,! bowling performance. He only sent down (OOD COUNTRY HOME for one or two children, or , stayli g at “ Melfort," Cullfail, Lewea. AGENTS. HIRE overs, but he took the other four wickets f o r ___ wouldnu adopt;nuupu, uuuwidoctor’s a nuuand vioikjclergyman's references. rANTED,J1X41J1. , JUAiYsMAN. twoBWW US or throeMUU! days a wi F , care of Grady, Newsagent!! ’vale.RedhlU. runs. Lients. Minnett and MacConkey, who [both UNDER-GARDENER, not ot milii dectCd by the Authorities.—C. A. Wi MaaBM Dep. Ladies’ Coloured Spun Silk Lace Hose. Sale price 1/6 per pair; usual price 2/ 6*. £ 3 TO ot into the sixties, showed excellent form with the , Fi irfield-road, Eastbourne. 2 Metal Laundry Washing Moohlm (nearly new). at for the winners. 1 8-h.p. Traction Engine, and Machine ODDMENTS.—C olourei l Lisle Lace and Embroidered Hose. To d e a r. d v a n c e d Prompt \f ... the (equal to new). Note of Hand alone. en- 1 6-ffci Mortar MUL I':-'' i i, All one price 1/- per pair; usual price 1/11* to 2/11*^ ABoarding House Proprietors, \ Congratulations and felicitations to Mr. ,E. ADY of limited means, daughter of Civil Er ■ for i Ide, Small Oil Engine, Pnmp and l,Gl Gallon Tank generally. Terms arranged I /Matheson, the Eastbourne Cricket Captain, on his WISHES to be RECEIVED into well-to-do 1____ _ (nearly new). 8 dozen Ladies’ W hite Lisle Hose, silk finish. Sale price 1/0* per pair; worth 1/11*. nlenoe, NO FER& all /engagement to Miss Mary Pringle, the Hon, I toL pay not more than £1 week, and assist lady of house rANTED, a YOUNG GIRLtobelp generally; 2 Portable Steam Engines. OonriDKNTiAL. — Coll or J Treasurer of the Uppertort Lawn Tennis Club, in light duties.—“Alpha,” “ Chronicle” Offloe, East­ home [toto wwlUinggirL—Mrs...... Bowley, Ureei 1 3-h.p. Oas Engine. 10 d ozen L a d ies’ R ibbei L V e sts, fancy tops, extra large size. S a le p rice 1 0 * d .; usual price 1/6*. sports both. bourne^ lig h t Railway and Trolley oompleto 1 to new! i Park-ijoad,, Seafetd. y 1 Threshing Machine (equal to new^ * * » - ' , . OST, from 85. Orchard-road, Eastbourne, on 24th, I r ANT E l , a YOUNG GIRL tor house worl In spite of dull weather, the Bowling Greeh at the L wiRE-HAiRED TERRIER PUPPY; aU white, | cookli g.—Apriy. 4, Oiafemontrterrace, " OONTKauriNQ DBPA Saffrons, with its wealth of flowers and its- picturesque one blaok ear; finder will be rewarded. STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIRE: j| , 8 and 10 Tons. KOI pavilion nestling amid the foliage of the background, OST a BROWN POM PUPPY. Wedneeday after- 3UNG L 4DY WANTED tor Cash Velvet Neck B al.ds, witli coloured stone slides. Sale price 1 /-each,; usual prices 1/ 11* and 2/ 11*. Manager, International Stores; r i A S B. ADVANOZD P R IV | presented a charming right on Wednesday afternoon, J noon, 23rd.—Finder return same to police or I itboaw OOOMMODATSOir NEW'MILK FOR SALE: also when the important county match between Surrey Jarnmon, Railway Arms. Eastbourne, will be rewarded. | Separated; and POULTRY.—Apply, The Mapleton Coloui^d M illine ry .—Q1 tee Silk Bibbons, 8 inches wide, in Saxe Blue, Navy, Pink, Green, Bed, Brown, Tuscan, BoleiHotel and on Simple No and Sussex duly came off. It was a most keen and from Hi ihurst Fi .CrawleyDown,on Jnhe , Kdenbrldge, Kent. _____ ! Vieux-Eose, Lime. Sale price 9 * d .; usual price 1/ 6*^ £10 AND _ game, the home county just getting SPOT — TER; £R; name and address on ward. I and MA1LOAR1 Can or write, in < ir a rare struggle by seven points only. f o w t \ s m 8 R « n t e l ) . Silk Ottoman M illinery Ribbon, 6 inches wide, in Saxe Blue, Brown, Navy, Emerald, Lime, Grey, MR. L. M. | TlyfEMORIAL CARDS, Single Black Edged Cards • * 1 Apricot, Purple and White. Sale price 9*d.; usual prioe 1/ 6| . 4. HAVELOCK | I tJL with Envelopes to matdtt: 12, Is. 10d.; 25,3s.; 50, ANT MISTRESS in . I Premiers, Swift, Sunbeam,____ riumph Cycles At the dinner given at the Gildredge Hotel after­ te. 8d.; 100. 7s. Artistic Folded Cards in all newest from 80s. upwards.—Jury & Son, -boiidingrs, and wards Mr; Stanton, ohairman of the Surrey Associa­ 3a.; 25.4s.6d.; 50,7a.6cL; 100.138.6d. Poet Schobl Eastbonme; September; ______1131, Seaside. Eastbourne. ?E I0 E . Ottoman Silk Ribbon, 5* inches wide, in Brown, Green, Bed, Light and Dark Terra Cotta, tion, humorously remarked that it was not etiquette e (or 1 with order. — Famcombe Sc Co., Ltd., testimo ilal8 ; English, French, Latin, mnrio.— T angerine1 Saxe Blue, Navy, Pink, 'V'ieux-Eose, Purple, Cherry and Cinnamon. Sale price 3|*L. to heat your opponents on their own ground, and he Printers,] Eastbonrne and East Grinstead. Gauntlet t, Temple Grove, Eastbonrne. 1KYCLK______8, MOTOll______CYCLES and CYCLE OARa- glR ST M O N C : ady Rxoomkbnds LAD! We .have the ‘ Plokof the Market. ' Triumph,B.S.A., had this mark in view when he came away with his JR of Established Business, unable to I B^arkbrookjand Raleigh. BARG2 (8 in: BkcOND- men that morning. His men had drawn it quite as ' R D1 fine as ho had advised them to, however. JS SLEEPING PARTNER with £250, or, is an Eastbo m e . • • '* * ■ .- Investment, would pay 10 per cent, interest on same ‘ ■ f T7HNE HEAVY-WEIGHT BULLDOG, 12 months' old: ijional Sale Lines in o» t£ amount ;fuUpartioulars can be obtained director through ITUATIO 7 WANTED by respectable___Man, age 40 • I -T champion pedigree; very reasonable price aooepted Flowers and Feathers. It was stated that the Eastbourne green, owing to Solicitors.—Address, Box 12, “Chronicle” Offloe, East­ ironmon 'er’e assistant by trade, but nooohjeotion oh) to I for quick sale.—8, Mark-lane, Eastbourne. ______Department. INTERESTING and PIC the drought, whs not quite so good this year as usual. bourne. S— ‘ T (e : Eastbourne preferred. — ^ LADY’S BIOYCLE, ol eap, good oon- 1SZIB1 STOCK AT By the Rev. E. 1 Well; to’ ray inexperienced eye it looked absolr* ’ “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. LE MA1LOJ EtT. - Phillips, BASKETS ON COUNTER. perfect. So dfd the bowling and so did the bo a SITUATION as good PLAIN COOK HALF PRIOR. BIDUOID PRIORS. Containing a number of t In fact I am afraid I found the bowlers even . a s nail family; central of town preferred.— T7IOR SALE. BATH CHAIR, in good condition, and plan of the building ! interesting than the game itself. To see some ui i -raninerq uui.nnH 8. A)M., “ Chronicle” Office, lEastbourne. 1JP GENT’d BICYCLE (Raleigh)™.nearly new. Price, Sixpknob.1 these gentlemen after delivering a ball follow .its R COU'PLElthewwoman to do the work of a Small I Pollard & Son, Crawley. progress with straining eyes, tense faces, swaying house’;----- two . in fondly, y.—Apply, by letter, to H., “ East ANTED, by Lady. POST as LINEN MAH> in . To be obtained of the Pub Scho0 or Boarding House ; willing, reliable; I CJTRAWBERRIE8 FOR SALE, ___ - from the “ Chronicle” Office, Bontl homes ind jerky limbs was a most useful lesson; to a Sussex ”News,” “ *Lewes. referenc is,—Address, M. M. M„ “ Chronicle Offloe, I grower; choice dessert *118111 nc r: ready: also Pro- ar of HOUSEHOLD LINEN BARGAINS Post Free on application. student) of human nature. If they could have only UNDAY DUTY WANTED by Ole bourne. ^ | serving Strawberries a speciality.—A] ’y, J.Holllngton, come out of the enclosure and looked at themselves! be staying at Mrs. Gardener’s Farm, hellingly, Dorman eland. ___August 14th to September 4th; within distance of Purchases from Belfast, Nottingham, W itney, Leicester and London. • * * Hellingly; usual terms. — Apply, Rev. E. Grimaldi, FARMERS and MARKET GA DEN ERS,—Good Our .Eastbourne footballers—of whom on a low Rattery V lcarage, Brent, Devon. I _ CAMP MANURE FOR SAI fl; put on rail/— RUSTIC MEM] estimate two-thirds' are now Berving with the Colours arman, Tablehurst Farm, Forest I~ ffi S11886X* j —are unfortunately helping to 8well the total of the t i t s | TYa»VuuT^® 1 the Ne. viotima------1» of ^ ett^ this terrible send for war.prices,—Glbert, . The New Town, Lingflel* A number of AffiAn* DntiiW TTrw Via 11 tpho ‘im Til mr * '•OUNG L ID willing to relieve man, would folded m em o RIAL: Officer Percy Hprrell, who, joining the Royal Naval w h i r r ib t i'nh .nn, n»nifRB I any Ooovpai ______, _, J& 0ceU*nec Reserves early in. the war, was. present .at , the siege ] T ? H ^ F ^ ^ n ^ ^ “ l s t ^ l 0 8 , New® | ; shew, office, light work pi ‘ wee Pattern Book. of Antwerp and has now been killed in! the ” “ ke leisonsis typewriting: Blight,knowle cot: Sussex. 1 work.—Address, BoxE., “ Chronicle” 4.NTED, August and Sej . OOUNTRY v FARNCOMBE & Dardanelles, He was a fine .stropping younit fellow i COTTAGE: shady garden thin about seven of 23, over six feet in height arid one of the most fTNFURNISHED HOUSE.-Hampden Parkor Kast- U bourne.—HOUSE; four bedrooms, garden; June ''OUNG il. AN 24, single, ineligible for . or eight miles of Newhaven: mu.,, ite rent.—Crnik- ’’ Chronicle" Works, promising footballere in Eastbourne. He u«d to or September; £30 to £40.—Box 1, “ Chronicle” Offloe, until •1-T’- hairdresser, W_ shank, 6, Compton-street, Eastbourne. play full back for St. Anne’s, end many gbod judges Eastbourne. e JATION Mi 'ULTRY ot other had their eye on him aB a coming man for much LTRYor other light I X17"ANTED, in East Grinstead, a Fou ■ or Five-Roomed ANTED, TO HIRE, SMART PONY and CART or Work, tUl ,, daily; near«r rillage; 12 years' 7 7 COTTAGE, vtith smaU garden near St. Mary's CARRIAGE.—Letters only to Q. A. H., 19, . readi t of I .pers;ill..; letters only.f-Inns, I Church.—O., “ Owerver '* Offloe, East G ' stead. PABJTC BE &l WHarbington-place, Eastbourne. pare of Bryan t, 12,! Croydon. E. C. STRANGE, Resident Managing Director. I have received the following letter from the old ANTED. FURNISHED HOUSE; ’, mid or J^E T T E R PI 4NTED. by two ladies, ROOMS close to East East Sussex ; tourorflveh ’ I largo Welsh International runner, J. Wpoton, who is flow garden; August_Li, SS, Rugby-road, Brighton. lying in the- Military Hospital, Vicarage-driveL I Grinetead ; TWO BEDROOMS and ONE SITTING ’V ^ M k8tationpab*m ’ iM ; about July 20th, for a fortnight: must, have to rt______AU kinds of . am quite sure all my readers will ; join ine in wishing _ice shady garden and bath room.—Apply, Mrs. Drew, 2, TED Cook - Gene; £20-28; good Cooks, 1 COTTAGE. and carefully ( him a full'and speedy recovery :-r , M : £28-30; Ho_ . ““ Housemaid, £20; W A d e S e d pn terred; low i 1'garden l Dorset-square, London, N.W. t several goon ( £18-28. | near a town.—C., 1, Rose-villas, BT The “ Chronicle’ ‘{20th June, 1915. i -tlTANTED (Eastbourne) to RENT or PURCHASE, fOTELE —Good Book-Keeper, Dispenser, Ac., TYTANTED, SECOND-HAND L JOS . good prioss 7 4 , 7 6 , 7 8 , 8 0 & 82, Term inus “ Dear Sir,—My attention has been called toAhe 7 7 at low price tor cash, small no-basement HOUSE, ref. S years, Gordon Hotels, dis/ now, f " 7 7 given.—Apply, Clifts,Pianol its,GUdredge- ) — reference made in a recent issue of your paper to my WFreeholdFreeho._ i u T ' ------or__ Leasehold.—L._ r— C„ Berriedale, Compton- eoham lermald, 1 year at Savoy,.London, , road, Eastbourne. illness. I should like to thank you for vour kind street.ofrreat-.. Eastbonrne.Eastbnnmfi. .* ■□tf A . m V B O ~W T X I N B T D E . WAN CLADPOLE’S Staff Hold for hotel; Chambermaid, ret 2 YXrANTED, BED - BilTING ROOM and SMALL ■I Next to the world wide allusions and to add that I am progressing favourably •fTTANTED, beginning July, homely BOARD-RESI- 18 months, f ~ 7 7 . BEDROOM, August 6th ; three weeks; facing and hope to be convalescent in a few days. . . . In 7 v DENCE$0® in Lewes; permanency; terms must behe I VET ANTI D, a good PAGE BOY or MAN for I sea, bath room ^moderate rent!—Foutnler, 17,’Georgo- spite of my-regrettable mishap in the Marathon on moderate.-rir^-”■Miss M„ 5U, " ”Norfolk-square, *" M ------Brighton.M 7 7 inflow work; 15s. to 8H v I street, London, W. ' Printed by tbs i tors, Faun combe & Co., Limited, and Published by them every Saturday, at theirOffices, South-street, Eastbourne.