GOLD WATCH BRACELETS td Good Teeth, NEWEST AND BEST. Beat Gold Self-fitting Bracelets t remove pain- with Jewelled Lever Watches ir troublesome, -« W 7 $ S r POSSIBLE PRICES. are worn with vaou 6 0 /- bach. Free Painless avABAirma '•> eth are fitted, Wm. Bruford & Son, ur work at all 6oMnftffts and Silversmiths, Wm.Bmford &Son, FASHIONABLE GUIDE 100, Terminus-rd, lastbourne T e l e p h o n e : 2 2 s , EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, JUNE 86, 1815. E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 .. PRICE ONE PENNY IBB EASTBOURNE ASTBOU COLLEGE SCHOOL OF COMMENCE, MARY H. COOPER, C ourt D ressmaker. IV FRVHHBHT BOA?. arsfe’srsK sw aM SK Latest Creations in FETE and GOWNS at Moderate Prices > Bead Master/ ' . Languages. The M V . F.;S» WTLLXaA«, CEBtmOATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYEE). ORIGINAL AND DISIGN S. Day and Evening Claseea. ' Indl vldnal Tuition. DAY’S WASHING .L SIDE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, BASTBOURNB. 6, LI8M0RB ROAD ASTBOURNR Preparatory School for Boys. and Navy H. JONHS, It. A., F.R.Q.B., Clifton Collage and FEW PENNYWORTH application ahonld be nyade to the BaAs D IC K E R & C Phtbioal Drill la oa mpulsory tor the & GROCERS, LOVELLY-KBPPLESTQNE 0 BO BOUGH __S 0 HOC CLASS PROVISION UPPER AVENUE, BABTBOURNK. 8 TAVELBT ROj Na.UA ■ WITH THE otover 20 Words - Private 8ehoot for Boys. , ' \ WINES, SPIRITS ani MINERAL WATEBfl. >8 and Sixpence BRITISH WASH-BOILER Fits 8 hjllqig8 nttv st Whiskey, 3/6 & 4/- per bottle. ine Old Tawnflj Port, 56/- A 42/- per dawn. rj.KHNOB O V T- B L L 1 S U I B B , N S W JA M S . w , j^saKsewar*, — g T . GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPKRTON). BOTTLED FRUITS, fto. Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. VQB BOYS INTENDED FOB BUSINESS LOT. “ESSDiSSSitSBSSSBa attention It paid to Commercial Snhjeota and Modem banguagea. SONS' ‘ a of For Prorpecttu apply H un Mures. V I i < Telephone Bo. A. OBNTLBPBOPLB ONLY ' U bald at A G RANGE ROAD. TUTUNIOIPAL SCHOOL OF ' MACHINE MADE BREAD, /XRANVTLLE H0USE, GACDI ggPogfla^jaabe prepend tor the Cambridge Prellmlni JUL (TaoaNiau Institute. Urovx-eoad). U MB ADS. BASTBOURNB. Beginners a n received. * . ' DAY and EVENING CLASSES an held RmnSKTIAL, Pbbparatobt AND Ref erenooe from Parents of Pupil*. B ranch* ot Art, Including Claeses in M etal1 DELIVERIES TO ALL PASTS OF TOWN Gib u ' School. Wood O&rvtag and Leather Work* Prlnolpalg—MBS. 0. H. d« LA MOTtOQ j Apply. Ml* B. Clcathkb. & Co/a (LtfD> Vial bora oanjotn for short periods. ['NOOKMABOON ’SCHOOL MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCI h. and KINDERGARTEN OR O IH T L IM IN 'i CHILDRBN. BNYB ROAD, EASTBOURNE. MUNICIPAL Prlnolpal* Th i Miss* Sxmflk. SPRING RENOVATIONS Girl* (to ll yean; Boys i to t yean. ViMton* Children reoeived. No Boarders. FUmmli Waehed in Rain Water, for the tUiragt of which large undt Imwoni la the Garden (weather permitting). GIRLS’ ftfDME. EMiJLIE PETRELLI,R.A.M, lovely EA8TB0UBN K MARTIN i; con- (tatopnplfof wSwRandem^r) DB MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, MORNING CLASSES ON Prime Donna Opera and Principal London Concerts, be Bobby A Oo.'s Arcade, 40, Terminus-road, IANITABY STEAM LfUN DRY CO L imited. above tor the Internal and External Decorations. RECEIVES PUPILS tor LESSONS In SINGING INCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, BOURNE. eltore, by an and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method), HASH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, LATIMER ROAD, EAST EASTBOURNE IHOQL cuff 8, GUdte lad. and 1 *<>• w Moderate, Native Teeeheri. Trial Le*on JTree. B ruy conTenlenoe it provided tor ensuring the Highest Clan ot Work for Families, Lodging Hermitage ft Terminus-road. Houses, or 1 [T. CHUNK'S, 9, u p p Br t o n ROAD, 'BOURNE. ; MILLER & SELMES, DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. , SPACIOUS OPEN DB' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Preparatory and Finishing), j Under Boyal Patronage. LetUrt should t* addressed “ Mia Hxxx, Sanitary Daughters of Visitor* n Idem Decorators. Plnmbon T \/riS 8 ELEANOR RATCLIFFS, 1 Day-Boarder ’ * . 1; • ' T IV*. 10 yean AaaUtant toMRS. WORDSWORTH. CHILDREN BECEIV3ED du'lua cl,. HOLIDAYS WUlreennie her CL A83KS at the Grand Hotel, Saturday, Ever t Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. Oofatod. at I t t ; Jqveallas. II tfOlook. At Devonjhlm BpttitA attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work, . I ' Par^Wedaenday ahqrnpotig. S80. Oot 6th ; Baby CUee, U o'clock. Private Lessons at any time. Apply—ALLANDALX, COOMBB ROAD. CROYDON. lVTISS OWEN is Moving toaLarger » tad Works: 75, TIDB8WBLL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. IV*. in Ateade In ordbr to enable her to tot DANCING AND DBPOBTMBNT. fT having been reported that MISS LUCY MONET’. Ebiablibhkd 1879. WARDROBES. L WAYletoylnanp'lWehlMt.ehe beae to gay that ill noteonreoA and that she wlllbe R^IJMING HKR UTHE CENTRAL GYMNASIUM, MQNE r. W g g J . theSAFFRONS BOOMS on SATURDAY. - CORNFIELD ROAD, Eastbonme. W. T. LAMB & SON, w a r d r o b e s . etobertnd.at Three p.m. T , 8ersfc- ROAD, LONDON, W. Sehoole attended. Private Leaeoni given. ■very hransh of Phyeloal Education Carefully tanght by For Particulars addrees— ( Telephone: MUSEUM uONE." awnbroke ■s, Jewellers and General Salesmen, SAVIOUR’* CHOIR SCHOOL, SIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. 8 • ; SOUTH STREET. ' ^ I I ' MINA IN (Oertu Voe. T.OJU, BOYS ARE TAKEN FROM THE AGE 0*j BIGHT. arge Assortment of NEW and' SECONDS-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, GOLF, Ac. Field and Opera Glasses, . N. COUJN8’ SPORTS SHOP, M an Cbobal Schoubships, tonyt of vvhlofa oover B, SOUTH BTjElSKT < (Near Town Hall), Advanced ot petty. L tdiet’ and Gentlemen'e Wardrelee Pnnheeed for Prompt Oath, ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. 1 5 PREPAID ORDERS 0. PAID TO ANY I G NO B IN A l Y l i ' HOTCHKISS dk BOH. S (Profegeorewa dl ijlngna ItaMiba BEST AND FULLEST GUIDE BOOK !i* . ■ PatECaleed ty Royalty, TNNGINEEBS, MILLWBIGHTSi, RAILWAY STATION IN D OR WALES. j neU’ Uni vent tt dl RMea J C i PATTERN mahicwh. { GIVES LESSONS I !$'••• srag THEGVMNASI BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS, AND SOHOOL o r PHYSICAL EDUCATION, . Aad Repairer* of all Unde of Machinery each ae InBehoolaandFamfllea French Lew For torma Arv. apply HaarmpcoDia, A ®EBS’ GUIDE ip EASTBOURNE, YORK ROAD, BaereomoB (near Town HaU),TeL 167. Steam, Gas A Water Engines,Hydraulic Lifts, Ae. “ * ’n e r n m M ^ j a i M c r . urn. ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED, GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, CONTUSING A HASS OF INTBBBSTING LOCAL INFORMATION. £ S B . OHATFIBLD ft YATK HOTEL s WEB DAIRY, Oowksspsrs and Dairy Farmers, Price OHH SHILLING, in Plotorial Oover. DELIVER HIGH-CLASS DAIRY PRODUCE with private Three Tim* Dally to aU parte of Xatoboona A s It b ueoetoary to know from when* the milk supply —and every article of'Furniture in our Horn, i comes from PETER’S. le derived we lnvlbe l^ tronB to inrpeet onr Farm* ■ \ ' ■ i ■■■j: , . • • • • | . !i CORNY LD, TERRACE FannBpotet . Dalttoes ~ 'll 1 Furniture to last many lifetimes v---<l— ------- Hampden Park. IS, CornflelA-terraoe and iPAD/TONG Telephone 463. ' 49, Church-street. D KAWIN0 —to add distinction to the Homo, to be pleaaing to the eye, and of comfort to the body,! Copies mi y be oblained of the Publishers, Messrs. Fahni [be & Co., Lindted, a t the * - to retain its newness to the last, to always p ro ilaim that none but the best materials were’ [ROOMS on first CABS ADVANCED PROMPTLY nlses in the beet APPLY to'the (Meat Reddent Lender. used ih its manufacture, and Only the most- skilled labour executed it, and withal to[ (table tor profes- 3HR0SIOLB ” 0PPI0B, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE ]J/pSS A. JEWELL, , .1 1 ‘ offer ..yen a ; l; WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne. S ' - ' i . 1 ’ ' I AND OF ALL BOOKHELLKB8. ' Saving of 3/- In e^very £1 spent. jytAW ING ANDi PA rinennanian 1 r ' Call and ramble through our Entire Store. AH virits are free from importunity!! 1DM KATHLEEN SHAW, Eastbourne Gas Company. PROMPT CASH ADVANCES. close to Station ►LB’S JURNEY TO LI London k Provinces Discount Company, Ltd., PETERS & SONS ^ CLADPOLE’S TRIP TO MERRIGUR OBNAMENTAL TBEES, •MPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS WBITTBN IN PU B! SUSSEX DOGGXB1L £ 3 to £ 1 , 0 0 0 * B08B8, DVANOED Promptly and Privately upon i GROUND. Note of Hand alone. To Farmwe, Tradeemen, rn-Apply, cdlng Hon* Proprietors, Clerks and Howehmders 6 to 10 and 24 to 27, Sensing Gardens, Brighton. To be obtained of FABNCOM]i Fruit Tiroes and Hardy Flowers, 4c. , Kaetbonrne. Btodente prepared for the ' ■; r 1 • [ “Bach Viixa,” Ti W M " PRINTING WORKS, SOUTH 8TRHX _ live minutes’ walk from Central St atic Trams Btop at Oomer. .VBHDI8H- AVHHtJH (f Am LBADnra BOOKSKLLBBS. NUBSBBIX8 113 AOBK8 no-street, Eastbourne oaxaLOGuna x .0., 918. National, 880x. CLOSE at ONE o'clock on SATURDAY. MR. L. M. GREEN, PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS, BLOCK ROAD, HA The BEST VALUE in SOAP is the DOLPHIN. I***', i - ; HARMONIUMB AMS HARPS. I By the Beta Maken. ob Uie Lowest Terms, for Sate, FEB S id. BAE. j Hire and oa uie Three Veers’ System. ctkbstmonoeux CASTLE COMBE & GO L i m i t e d ^ □L - fdopyrighth, EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE j j LYO* * HAUL, Warwick Mantaon, USE IT FOB AIL PUBP08E8. ■ iv-lf -■'. •i- (nearly newb A HMTORIOAL AMD DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH \ KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. tehing Machine or this II Lithographers and Publishers, WaysrtmmSTunansenttnaUpaetssfSieOotmtnh INTERESTING AMD PICTURESQUE CASTLE Blattratod r eBtogn* Free by Poet. By the Revv E. B. Cbaem, M A. B. BROWN ft SON. Best Local Medium Containing a number of eSeeUent Ulustratk ASTI8TI0 PRINTING plan of the building aa It formerly eib E jjs A CALL and inspeot our New Stock of MOTOR CYCLES and :te (equal to new).
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