THE EASTBOURNE NATURAL HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Founded 1867 SUMMER NEWSLETTER No 91 June 2017 Patricia Mary “Pat” Stevens 24 Nov 1939 - 24 May 2017 EASTBOURNE NATURAL HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Founded 1867 President: Olive Woodall ENHAS Chairman and Greg Chuter County Archaeologist County Hall St Anne's Crescent Lewes BN7 1UE Tel: 01273 336177 Mob: 07500123634
[email protected] Hon. Treasurer & Membership Secretary John Warren 49 Prideaux Rd Eastbourne BN21 2NE Tel: 01323 731792
[email protected] Hon. Secretary & Newsletter Editor Helen Warren (same contact details as John Warren) Committee members: Corinne Betts, Eva and Steve Corbett, Rob Davies, Ian Ferguson, Sheila Love, Alison Selmes, Lawrence Stevens, Bob Williams, A Message from the Editor We will all miss Pat in so many ways. Everyone has their own memories, read some and a tribute to Pat on pages 4 and 5. Lawrence, and daughter Cecilia, thank you for your support at this sad time. We are delighted to welcome Ian Ferguson as Archaeological Projects Manager, Bob Williams as Projects Coordinator, plus Steve and Eva Corbett, onto the committee. It is planned to run more activities, research and training in the future, starting with the ENHAS Butts Brow dig in July. See page 12 for more details. Please note that from September our monthly speaker meetings will take place on the third Friday of the month. On 15th Sep Chris Greatorex and Greg will be talking about Butts Brow. Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits will be served after the meeting so do stay for a chat and a cuppa although we have to be cleared up and out by 10.00pm! Copy date for the next Newsletter is 1 September - happy to receive any reports, news or pictures.