Norteamérica. Revista Académica del CISAN-UNAM ISSN: 1870-3550
[email protected] Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte México Velasco, Jesús Walter Dean Burnham: An American Clockmaker Norteamérica. Revista Académica del CISAN-UNAM, vol. 12, núm. 2, julio, 2017, pp. 215- 249 Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte Distrito Federal, México Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative NORTEAMÉRICA, Año 12, número 2, julio-diciembre de 2017 DOI: Walter Dean Burnham: An American Clockmaker JESUS VELASCO* The eminent writer and thinker Elias Canetti published The Secret Heart of the Clock in 1985. His book of aphorisms suggested to me the image of a curious antiquarian clockmaker who finds an old but functional clock that he carefully takes apart. After analyzing the different components of the timepiece, the clockmaker decides to reas- semble the device. When he finishes, the clock is in a good working order, ticking and elegant, but different. Dean Burnham has done something similar in his long career. Throughout his decades in academia, Professor Burnham has immersed himself in the past, searching for facts, for data, which he has assembled according to his own viewpoint and theo- retical framework. The raw facts were there even before Dean was acquainted with them, but they needed a political scientist like him to give them life and meaning, to construct a new explanatory narrative.