EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Semiconductors Semis on Fire: ARMageddon Part 2 – Ampere Guest Expert May 21, 2021 Jeff Wittich Ampere | Chief Product Officer Key Takeaway Jefferies/Ampere Conf. Call Replay here We spoke with Jeff Wittich, Chief Product Officer at Ampere, a fabless ARM Server CPU (see detailed bio on next page) company. Key Takes: 1) 80-Core, 7nm ARM CPU shipping today, 128-Core in 2H21, 5nm in '22, 2) Ampere announced customers: Azure, Alibaba, Tencent, et.al., 3) 25-50% lower power vs x86, 4) ARM Ecosystem at critical mass and inflecting. We think ARM is one of the biggest disrupters in computing over the next 5-to-10 yrs. Top ARM-in-Datacenter Plays, MRVL, NVDA, AMD. Video here.

ARMageddon Part 1 vs ARMageddon Part 2. We view ARM entering the high-performance computing market as one of the most disruptive forces in both datacenters and PCs over the next 5-to-10 years, and refer to this disruption as ARMageddon. Part 1 refers to the . work we have done around AWS' ARM Server CPU, Graviton (see links in sidebar). Part Links to related notes 2 refers to Ampere, which is offering a standardized merchant ARM Server CPU today Cloud Instance Analysis - Mar'21: AMD called Altra, with Altra Max expect to ship in 2H21. Ampere appears to be gaining traction Regaining / Datacenter Reaccelerating with Cloud Service Providers. 1Q21 CPU Share: AMD Gains 300bps in Ampere is currently shipping Altra, a 7nm, 80-core ARM server CPU, and sampling its Servers + Notebook ARMageddon 128-core Altra Max. Its 5nm customized ARM CPU architecture should sample in 2022. Semis on Fire: ARMageddon + Azure announced its intent to use Ampere Altra this week in its cloud platform. Oracle, Chipageddon = Secular Inflections in Tencent, Bytedance CloudFlare, Equinix, Kingsoft, Meituan, UCloud, and Scaleway also Semis announced as customers. Another Graviton-ARM Success Story - Ampere's Altra, ARM CPU, uses materially less power for same performance as 's Notes from Graviton Expert Meetings x86 CPU. The power consumption advantages stem from: JEF U Graviton ARM CPU Expert Call + 1. Extra circuitry required by x86 to support legacy instruction set extensions Transcript

2. Intel’s processor is designed to work on desktops, notebooks and servers, as Cloud Instance Analysis - Feb'21: Graviton opposed to Ampere's CPU, which is optimized for servers (ARM) and Inferentia Gain 3. INTC x86 has a hyperthreaded processing architecture running two threads Semis on Fire: ARMs Suppliers and Mid- per core, which leads to extra circuitry for redundant decode engines and an Cycle Musings architecture that optimizes core utilization at the expense of performance of processing threads MRVL: Hyperscale Inflection: To Strategic Partner From Key Supplier Consistent with our work on Graviton, Mr. Wittich believes that the ARM ecosystem Mark Lipacis * has critical mass and hit an important inflection in 2020. Today, nearly all OS's and key Equity Analyst (415) 229-1438 hypervisors, including VMWare, support ARM. The GCC Opensource ARM compiler had [email protected] a massive upgrade with its version 10 release in mid-2020 Brian Chen * Apple M1 MacBooks are a catalyst to the ARM momentum in cloud. Software engineers Equity Associate favor the MacBook as a development platform. Coding, testing and debugging software (415) 229-1478 on an M1-based MacBook means code is being optimized for ARM [email protected] Natalia Winkler, CFA * Top ARM-in-Datacenter Plays, MRVL, NVDA, AMD. We continue to believe that ARM will Equity Associate be one of the most disruptive forces in computing over the next 5-to-10 years in both (415) 229-1511 datacenters and PCs. We are more cautious on INTC given its dominant position as the [email protected] incumbent supplier of x86 CPUs into PCs and the datacenter. ^Prior trading day closing price unless otherwise noted.

Please see analyst certifications, important disclosure information, and information regarding the status of non-US analysts on pages 8 to 14 of this report. * Jefferies LLC / Jefferies Research Services, LLC EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Jeff Wittich Employment History • Ampere | Chief Product Officer | Jan 21 – Current • Ampere | Senior VP of Products | Jun 19 – Jan 21 • Intel | Senior Director, Cloud Business and Platform Strategy | May 14 – May 19 • Intel | Senior Manager, Product Reliability Engineering | Jun 12 – May 14 • Intel | Senior Product Quality and Reliability Engineer | Jun 09 – Jun 12 • Intel | Senior Device Engineer | Jun 05 – Jun 09 • Intel | Process Engineer | Jun 04 – Jun 05 Education • UC Santa Barbara | MS, Electrical Engineering | 2002 – 2004 • University of Notre Dame | BS, Electrical Engineering | 1998 – 2002 Background1

Jeff Wittich is the chief product officer at Ampere. Jeff has extensive leadership experience in the in roles ranging from product and process development to business strategy to marketing. Prior to joining Ampere, he worked at Intel for 15 years in a variety of positions throughout the company. Most recently, he was responsible for the Cloud Service Provider Platform business, driving global market reach, product customization, and ultimately defining the products and platforms being used across the cloud worldwide. While at Intel, Jeff also led a product development team responsible for 5 generations of Xeon processors. He received an Intel Achievement Award for his work in developing the Custom CPU program.

Jeff has an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame.

1Sourced from Ampere Computing Leadership Team Web Page

May 21, 2021 2 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Notes from Call Why does ARM outperform x86 on a performance per watt basis?

1) The fundamentally same x86 processor cores that were initially designed and developed for client laptop or cell phone products are also being used in server products. Given that clients product needs and the way they focus on power efficiency are inherently different from how servers focus on power efficiency, server products that replicate x86 cores intended for client products are not an efficient design.

a) Client products are built around only 4-8 high performance cores with low overall power for the product versus Ampere's server product that uses up to 30x the cores at 128 cores but only 5-6x the power of a client product. Ampere's core designed for scale-out power efficiency is a key design win. While changes are made for core communications, memory and IO functions, none of the x86 vendors have embraced a core designed for the cloud.

2) Hyperthreading, a vestige feature of x86 cores, has created performance unpredictability and security issues. Hyperthreading allowed two threads to be run in 1 core. When renting a vCPU based on x86, which uses hyperthreading, the user will only receive one thread of a physical CPU, unaware of who is renting the other thread of the same CPU. As a result, performance could suffer if the other user is running very intensive workloads that suck up most of the resources of the same CPU. Additionally, a few years ago, security issues have arisen due to side-channel issues that arose from resource sharing via hyperthreading.

3) The efficiencies gained are inherent in the two different approaches to building the instruction set. RISC used by ARM is a simplified reduced instruction set compared to CISC used by x86 being more complex with more instructions. RISC is viewed as a more streamlined design vs the more bloated design of the x86 architecture that innately carries more transistors.

4) x86 supports legacy applications not used in the cloud, making it "bloated". The legacy support applications don't have relevance for the cloud market and just take up space and power within the CPU. ARM's instruction set does not have these unnecessary features, as it is designed for the way that the cloud is scaled out with an inherently efficient base.

Hyperthreading 101

Hyperthreading came iton vogue a couple of decades ago by Intel when CPUs previously only had 1 core. Hyperthreading allowed two threads to be run in the 1 physical core. A thread can be simply defined as an execution process that consists of instructions.

Hyperthreading can be helpful when 2 applications are running simultaneously on a laptop with instructions from both programs interweaved into the same execution engine. In other words, the core 'resource' is being oversubscribed; when a register is only used 80% of the time, the other 20% can now be used for another program.

Issues occur when there is more work that needs to be done than there are actual physical resources resulting in threads fighting for resources and contact switching resulting in back and forth sharing of threads. While more aggregate work may be done over the long term, any individual task doesn't get done better in hyperthreading.

Hyperthreading makes sense when there were scarce resources in the CPU historically; however, in a multi-tenant cloud environment where there are multiple users running on

May 21, 2021 3 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors the same machine, it no longer as logical. Mr. Wittich notes that for this reason, customers prefer a full physical core where they get the performance expected without the worry of security isolation from others. Ampere is designed in this way to effectively utilize all resources and cycles.

What can INTC do to recover from these deficits?

Mr. Wittich views Intel simplifying its instruction set and stripping out legacy instruction as difficult in practice given Intel's key strength of a 20-year incumbency in the datacenter and legacy base that is all backward-compatible. Any move to a single-threaded execution would require a complete redesign of the core.

INTC making any of these changes to overcome the aforementioned disadvantages would require time and a big strategic shift, which we do not view as very likely.

Chart 1 - AWS Cloud Processor-Only Instance Share Chart 2 - INTC vs. AMD vs. Graviton Processor Only Instances

100% QoQ Growth Mar-20Q Jun-20Q Sep-20Q Dec-20Q Mar-21Q 1% 2% 6% 65 11% 12% 14% Graviton AMD 17% 28% 23% 10% 5% 90% 18% 19% 60 INTC 12% 7% 27% 4% 8% 18% Graviton 0% 239% 115% 26% 53% 80% 19% Other 32% 6% 7% 0% 2% Other 18% AMD 55 Total 13% 10% 28% 5% 9% Graviton 70% 16% 50 60% Intel AMD 45 50% 88% 40 40% 80% 75% Intel 69% 69% (inthosands) 35 30% 64% 20% 30

10% 25 Count of Instances Weighted Count InstancesZones by of Weighted

0% 20


Jan-20 Jan-21

Jun-19 Jun-20

Sep-19 Sep-20


Dec-19 Dec-20

Mar-20 Mar-21


Nov-19 Nov-20 . . May-20 Source: Liftr Insights, Jefferies. More current and detailed data available by Source: Liftr Insights, Jefferies. More current and detailed data available by Liftr Insights. Liftr Insights. ARM Ecosystem Inflection Much Faster than Expected with Critical Mass Achieved

1) While their products were focused on power efficiency, early ARM entrants in Calxeda, Cavium, were hindered by low performance competitiveness vs x86 as well as software compatibility and porting difficulties. Without performance leadership or ARM on the edge in client products, these products were relegated to niche applications.

2) Catalysts to the ARM inflection include ARM architecture able to exceed performance standards of today's processors, more cloud-focused mix of ARM players with critical mass, and ecosystem maturity.

3) Just 3-5 years ago on ARM, operating systems and hypervisors didn't run, compilers weren't optimized, and applications hadn't been ported. All are not true today. Operating systems across the board are supporting ARM. All key hypervisors such as KVM, Hyper-V, and VMware's ESXI are compatible with ARM now. NVDA CUDA did not support ARM just a year ago; now, the whole stack runs on ARM as well.

4) Open-source projects have also embraced ARM. Porting to ARM is described as "super easy to run" and is enabled by just changing a setting. Because no one initially believed

May 21, 2021 4 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors that all applications would be able to be run on ARM, Ampere provides a publicly available performance dashboard that proves the Ampere CPU's ability to handle a variety of workloads at high performance.

5) The open source community is supported by investments from companies including Ampere, ARM, MSFT, AWS, and BABA submitting changes to the kernel along with enthusiast/volunteer developers wanting to maintain the kernel. Aside from the operating system, Canonical and Debian build their own distribution from the ARM kernel and are paid for maintenance and capability additions that are used by the ARM community.

6) Mr. Wittich described the shift from x86 into ARM as inevitable given the critical mass obtained around the ARM ecosystem. We have tracked this shift through our Cloud Instance Analysis, showing ARM-CPU Graviton has increased to 19% of AWS CPU Instance availability. Since Jun-2020, AWS Graviton instance availability has increased at a faster pace than any other CPU, which according to Liftr, accounts for 5.6% of CPU instances across the four CSPs in our sample set as of Mar-21.

Apple M1 MacBooks have Accelerated ARM Adoption.

Most of the Ampere demand was initially expected to come from internal workloads; however demand has made ARM in public cloud the focal point, helped by momentum with AMZN's Graviton 2 and Arm-based Apple Macs for developers. With 6.7bn ARM chips reportedly shipped last quarter, more devices at the edge will be ARM-based going forward, which ultimately makes running the devices through an ARM cloud processor a logical development.

As confirmed in our CPU market share analysis with data from Mercury, CPU notebook market share data shows ARM market share inflecting as it is now 6% of notebook PCs with 5.7m shipments estimated for 1Q21.

Chart 3 - Notebook CPU Market Share Chart 4 - ARM Notebook CPU Unit Share (%)

100% 7% ARM ARM's NB unit share QQ: +232bps YY: +438bps 95% 6%

AMD 5% 90% 4% 85% 3%


2% Notebook CPU Unit CPU Unit Share Notebook

75% Intel 1% ARM ARM Notebook CPU Unit Share(%)



2Q19 4Q19 1Q19 3Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21

1Q18 3Q19 3Q15 1Q16 3Q16 1Q17 3Q17 3Q18 1Q19 1Q20 3Q20 1Q21 . 1Q15 . Source: Jefferies, Mercury Research Source: Jefferies, Mercury Research

May 21, 2021 5 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Ampere Targeting Annual Product Cycle Cadence

1) Ampere Altra is the company's 80 core ARM-based CPU out on market since 4Q20. Mr. Wittich communicates that it outperforms AMD Rome by 10 to 20% on performance across common applications such as web servers, media coding, encryption, AI inference, database, and caching. When adding performance per watt, Altra provides another 15 to 20% improvement due its ability to also run at 3/4 of AMD Rome's power. AMD was described as leading INTC by "quite a significant" margin.

2) Ampere Altra Max is the 128 core version, which will be in full production by 3Q21. Both Altra products utilize TSMC's 7nm process. Performance leadership will be extended on this CPU, which is expected to have 50-60% more performance versus AMD. Additionally, it is also expected to be 1/2 to 3/4 power of AMD, ultimately leading to even better total cost of ownership metrics for customers.

3) Targeted for 2022 release, the next-gen 5nm processor will use Ampere's own custom core, not an off-the-shelf ARM M1 core. This new core has been in development since day 1.

4) Being on the leading transistor node was described as essential to sufficiently deliver expected power performance. Mr. Wittich states that without the leading processor node, even the best designs are inadequate.

5) Ampere's aim is to run all the workloads in the cloud very well. Supercomputer cluster workloads that don't run in the cloud likely won't be a strategic focus. Ampere has optimized around core applications as most have common themes of valuing strong integer performance and big caches in the cores. Ultimately, the strategy is to target 90% of the most common workloads in the cloud while overlooking the more niche workloads that make up the remaining 10%.

Ampere's Current Customers

1) Microsft Azure is preparing to offer Altra to customers and working with Ampere for next gen processors. Oracle is going live with VM and bare metal Ampere-based instances in the upcoming week.

2) Other customers include Tencent, Bytedance, CloudFlare, Equinix, Kingsoft, Meituan, UCloud, and Scaleway. Mr. Wittich alluded to other unannounced big names currently in the works.

Competitive Environment Characterized as a Land Grab

Mr. Wittich described most to all cloud as up for grabs. x86 will likely maintain its position in legacy, enterprise IT, non-cloud environments, where code hasn't been recompiled for 10-20 years. The massive shift is expected to happen in the cloud with the ecosystem in place and software able to be ported. The market, no longer bottlenecked by the concern of the ARM instruction set, is now focused on delivering best power-performance capabilities.

ARM viewed as "Obvious" Choice to Build New Cloud Optimized Processors from the Start.

1) Founded by Renee James in 2017, former president of INTC, and backed by the Carlyle Group and Oracle among others, Ampere viewed the ARM-based server as the ideal approach toward its vision of building what was missing in the cloud market. Ampere is solely devoted to building a CPU product for the cloud.

May 21, 2021 6 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

2) Ampere has reached profit in just two years and created development platforms within just a year. The quick ramp is attributed to human capital acquired from former INTC executives, design teams acquired from Applied Micro and QCOM amongst other large Semis companies, acquired designs for its development platforms, and its ARM architectural license.

May 21, 2021 7 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Company Valuation/Risks , Inc. Our $110 PT assumes P/E ratio of 15x on 4-to-5 yr EPS Power of $7.40. A P/E of 15x is within AMD's historical range of 14x-50x. We think a near-term multiple towards the higher end of the range is justified given that AMD is gaining share as it is undergoing a major sever product cycle when its only competitor having struggled to deliver on its roadmap. Risks include weaker sales of PCs, mis-execution of product roadmap and more aggressive pricing from Intel and .

Intel Corporation Our $59 PT assumes an 13.5x multiple on our 2022 non-GAAP EPS forecast of $4.35, which falls between INTC's 5 yr PE range of 9x-15x. We believe a low multiple is justified as INTC falls behind TSMC, divests the profit-making portion of its Memory business and retains the loss-making portion, lower probability of INTC streamlining SG&A costs. Risks: decline in PCs; mis-execution on 7nm; and greater competition with share loss in servers and PCs.

Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Our PT of $55 is based on a P/E of 32x our 2022 EPS estimate of $1.72. MRVL has traded at 10x-35x NTM P/E over the last five years, we think a multiple towards the higher end of the historical range is justified as the company benefits from 5G build outs with multiple design wins at OEMs and ramps networking solutions among cloud players. Downside risks include prolonged demand destruction due to COVID-19 outbreak.

NVIDIA Corporation Our $680 PT assumes 49x P/E on our C2022E Non GAAP EPS of $13.92, which is towards the higher end of its historical range of 16x-54x. We think a higher multiple is justified as NVDA is on a roadmap to grow its EPS by CAGR of ~37% over the next 5-yrs as it builds its ecosystem starting with chips, switch fabrics, software and AI computing systems. Downside risks include demand destruction due to prolonged outbreak of COVID-19 virus, slower PC Gaming growth and competition from INTC, AMD or new entrants to deep learning market. Upside risks include faster adoption of DL applications in Datacenter and Auto and early containment of COVID-19 virus.

Analyst Certification: I, Mark Lipacis, certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject security(ies) and subject company(ies). I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report. I, Brian Chen, certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject security(ies) and subject company(ies). I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report. I, Natalia Winkler, CFA, certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject security(ies) and subject company(ies). I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report. As is the case with all Jefferies employees, the analyst(s) responsible for the coverage of the financial instruments discussed in this report receives compensation based in part on the overall performance of the firm, including investment banking income. We seek to update our research as appropriate, but various regulations may prevent us from doing so. Aside from certain industry reports published on a periodic basis, the large majority of reports are published at irregular intervals as appropriate in the analyst's judgement. Investment Recommendation Record (Article 3(1)e and Article 7 of MAR) Recommendation Published May 21, 2021 , 17:28 ET. Recommendation Distributed May 21, 2021 , 17:28 ET. Company Specific Disclosures Jefferies Group LLC makes a market in the securities or ADRs of Intel Corporation. Jefferies Group LLC makes a market in the securities or ADRs of Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Jefferies Group LLC makes a market in the securities or ADRs of NVIDIA Corporation.

May 21, 2021 8 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Within the past twelve months, Jefferies LLC and/or its affiliates received compensation for products and services other than investment banking services from non-investment banking, securities related compensation for client services it provided to Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.. Within the past twelve months, Jefferies LLC and/or its affiliates received compensation for products and services other than investment banking services from non-investment banking, securities related compensation for client services it provided to Intel Corporation. Explanation of Jefferies Ratings Buy - Describes securities that we expect to provide a total return (price appreciation plus yield) of 15% or more within a 12-month period. Hold - Describes securities that we expect to provide a total return (price appreciation plus yield) of plus 15% or minus 10% within a 12-month period. Underperform - Describes securities that we expect to provide a total return (price appreciation plus yield) of minus 10% or less within a 12-month period. The expected total return (price appreciation plus yield) for Buy rated securities with an average security price consistently below $10 is 20% or more within a 12-month period as these companies are typically more volatile than the overall stock market. For Hold rated securities with an average security price consistently below $10, the expected total return (price appreciation plus yield) is plus or minus 20% within a 12-month period. For Underperform rated securities with an average security price consistently below $10, the expected total return (price appreciation plus yield) is minus 20% or less within a 12-month period. NR - The investment rating and price target have been temporarily suspended. Such suspensions are in compliance with applicable regulations and/or Jefferies policies. CS - Coverage Suspended. Jefferies has suspended coverage of this company. NC - Not covered. Jefferies does not cover this company. Restricted - Describes issuers where, in conjunction with Jefferies engagement in certain transactions, company policy or applicable securities regulations prohibit certain types of communications, including investment recommendations. Monitor - Describes securities whose company fundamentals and financials are being monitored, and for which no financial projections or opinions on the investment merits of the company are provided. Valuation Methodology Jefferies' methodology for assigning ratings may include the following: market capitalization, maturity, growth/value, volatility and expected total return over the next 12 months. The price targets are based on several methodologies, which may include, but are not restricted to, analyses of market risk, growth rate, revenue stream, discounted cash flow (DCF), EBITDA, EPS, cash flow (CF), free cash flow (FCF), EV/EBITDA, P/E, PE/growth, P/CF, P/FCF, premium (discount)/average group EV/EBITDA, premium (discount)/average group P/E, sum of the parts, net asset value, dividend returns, and return on equity (ROE) over the next 12 months.

Jefferies Franchise Picks Jefferies Franchise Picks include stock selections from among the best stock ideas from our equity analysts over a 12 month period. Stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and may take into account other factors such as analyst conviction, differentiated analysis, a favorable risk/reward ratio and investment themes that Jefferies analysts are recommending. Jefferies Franchise Picks will include only Buy rated stocks and the number can vary depending on analyst recommendations for inclusion. Stocks will be added as new opportunities arise and removed when the reason for inclusion changes, the stock has met its desired return, if it is no longer rated Buy and/or if it triggers a stop loss. Stocks having 120 day volatility in the bottom quartile of S&P stocks will continue to have a 15% stop loss, and the remainder will have a 20% stop. Franchise Picks are not intended to represent a recommended portfolio of stocks and is not sector based, but we may note where we believe a Pick falls within an investment style such as growth or value.

Risks which may impede the achievement of our Price Target This report was prepared for general circulation and does not provide investment recommendations specific to individual investors. As such, the financial instruments discussed in this report may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own investment decisions based upon their specific investment objectives and financial situation utilizing their own financial advisors as they deem necessary. Past performance of the financial instruments recommended in this report should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future results. The price, value of, and income from, any of the financial instruments mentioned in this report can rise as well

May 21, 2021 9 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors as fall and may be affected by changes in economic, financial and political factors. If a financial instrument is denominated in a currency other than the investor's home currency, a change in exchange rates may adversely affect the price of, value of, or income derived from the financial instrument described in this report. In addition, investors in securities such as ADRs, whose values are affected by the currency of the underlying security, effectively assume currency risk. Other Companies Mentioned in This Report • Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD: $77.17, BUY) • Intel Corporation (INTC: $56.08, HOLD) • Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (MRVL: $46.22, BUY) • NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA: $599.67, BUY)

Rating and Price Target History for: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) as of 05-20-2021

07/26/2018 BUY:$22.00 09/03/2018 BUY:$30.00 09/21/2018 BUY:$36.00 10/25/2018 BUY:$30.00 04/23/2019 BUY:$34.00 07/31/2019 BUY:$40.00 11/07/2019 BUY:$42.00 100





0 Q2 Q3 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 2021 Q1

01/07/2020 BUY:$56.00 01/29/2020 BUY:$58.00 03/06/2020 BUY:$60.00 03/25/2020 BUY:$54.00 04/29/2020 BUY:$63.00 07/29/2020 BUY:$86.00 08/04/2020 BUY:$95.00

10/07/2020 BUY:$100.00 01/18/2021 BUY:$110.00

Rating and Price Target History for: Intel Corporation (INTC) as of 05-20-2021

07/27/2018 UNPF:$44.00 10/26/2018 UNPF:$40.00 01/21/2020 HOLD:$64.00 01/24/2020 HOLD:$65.00 03/25/2020 HOLD:$53.00 04/22/2020 HOLD:$62.00 70






40 Q2 Q3 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 2021 Q1

08/03/2020 HOLD:$54.00 10/23/2020 HOLD:$50.00 01/14/2021 HOLD:$53.00 01/22/2021 HOLD:$57.00 03/24/2021 HOLD:$59.00

Rating and Price Target History for: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (MRVL) as of 05-20-2021

05/31/2018 BUY:$27.00 02/06/2019 BUY:$23.00 03/08/2019 BUY:$21.00 04/23/2019 BUY:$29.00 12/04/2019 BUY:$32.00 03/25/2020 BUY:$26.00 05/29/2020 BUY:$35.00 60





10 Q2 Q3 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 2021 Q1

08/28/2020 BUY:$42.00 10/09/2020 BUY:$52.00 10/29/2020 BUY:$47.00 12/04/2020 BUY:$53.00 01/04/2021 BUY:$55.00

May 21, 2021 10 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

Rating and Price Target History for: NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) as of 05-20-2021

11/16/2018 BUY:$246.00 01/29/2019 BUY:$185.00 04/23/2019 BUY:$227.00 05/17/2019 BUY:$210.00 11/15/2019 BUY:$250.00 12/16/2019 BUY:$255.00 700






100 Q2 Q3 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 2021 Q1

02/11/2020 BUY:$315.00 02/14/2020 BUY:$330.00 03/25/2020 BUY:$290.00 05/15/2020 BUY:$370.00 05/22/2020 BUY:$405.00 06/17/2020 BUY:$415.00

08/20/2020 BUY:$570.00 09/14/2020 BUY:$680.00

Notes: Each box in the Rating and Price Target History chart above represents actions over the past three years in which an analyst initiated on a company, made a change to a rating or price target of a company or discontinued coverage of a company. Legend:

I: Initiating Coverage

D: Dropped Coverage

B: Buy

H: Hold

UP: Underperform Distribution of Ratings Distribution of Ratings

IB Serv./Past12 Mos. JIL Mkt Serv./Past12 Mos.

Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent

BUY 1739 62.60% 180 10.35% 29 1.67%

HOLD 904 32.54% 21 2.32% 5 0.55%

UNDERPERFORM 135 4.86% 1 0.74% 0 0.00%

May 21, 2021 11 Please see important disclosure information on pages 8 - 14 of this report. EQUITY RESEARCH USA | Semiconductors

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