Into Son," the Chief Replied
THE SUNDAY OREGONJAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 12, 1922 17 fcallet YOUTHFUL JAPANESE GIRL WHO IS VISITING IN PORTLAND we can get valiant assistance from the second alarm, who reproved a wings in her abbreviated every one of those who made the bystander who wanted to know skirts, there was a moment's horri- EPIDEMIC OF GRIME HAS FUTURE AS A VOCALIST. recent pilgrimage to the Evergreen NEW YORK THEATER FIRE why he seemed to take such a per- fied silence, followed by a storm state. sonal interest in saving the grimy of hisses. Before the dance ended structure. all'the women in the lower tier of Sporting Writers Suggested. EARLY-DA- Y with a fine RECALLS STAGE Old-Tim- Jeplous. boxes left the theater, CITY Here is the hunch. Oregon switching of hoopskirts, for this SWEEPS abounds in splendid fishing streams The chief smiled his wise smile: was in the year of grace, 1837. 01 and ideal hunting grounds for all Bowery Playhouse, Have Been "It'd be sort of hard for us rs They rang down the curtain on a game, virtually every Miners' Said to Cradle of American kinds of and Drama, Is Damaged. to see this place go. We bewildered and furious danseuse, one of the sporting editors of the are growing a little jealous of our was she permitted to dance New York papers is a "nut" on fish- old landmarks." there again. ing and hunting. Therefore, it "Getting sentimental, chief?" the Yet, nine years earlier, nobody Two Holdup not to a great deal of BY JULIAN EDWARDS.
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