U.S NAVAL BASE. GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA -Friday, January 4, 1974 Amount of reserve ol is unknown to anyone WASHINGTON (AP)--They'll give you the companies apparently do not even energy industries have renewed their umbers-36.3 billion barrels, 11 tell each other and the government lobbying for tax incentives, price y4ears of production-but neither the has no Independent reserve estimates increases and delays or waivers of ggovernment nor the industry really of its own, environmental, health and safety nows how much oil is available in In fact, almost all government regulations. They say-these moves are U .S.* reserves, information about energy supplies needed to enlarge reserves and speed An industry insider said in an in- comes directly or indirectly from up production. terview that the often-quoted esti- the companies. mates actually depend on oil company Since the Arab oil cutoffs empha- Debate over such policies must re- profit goals. That is information sized the U.S. energy crisis, the volve around the statistics describ- ing and predicting reserves and pro- duction, which are available only New attorney general announces plans from the companies themselves. William E. Simon, director of the WASHINGTON (UPI)-Attorney General-designateor William B. Saxbe said yes- Federal Energy Office, has pledged terday the Senate Watergate Committee's subpoena of more than 400 White to make government energy information House tapes and documents was a "fishing expedition" created to keep the more complete and reliable. And a committee in business. key industry official who declined Saxbe also said in an interview that he would pursue "strict, vigorous to be identified said the petroleum enforcement" of the antitrust laws and would conduct an investigation of industry plans to develop a new ap- the oil companies to see if they did anything to contrive the fuel shortage. proach to reserve estimates.

The Ohio Republican senator, to be sworn in today as President Nixon's Meanwhile, the federal government fourth attorney general, said he planned to run the Justice Department like must take its basic information where "a good law office" and promised to handle its affairs "with dignity, hon- it finds it while it hastily imposes esty and fairness." emergency controls on the oil in- Saxbe said he believed the President his "cooperated" with Special Water- dustry. (See SAXIBE, Page 2) (See OIL Page 2)

Kissinger seeks understanding with oil-producing countries SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP)--U.S. ger said Nixon will take undisclosed Secretary of State Henry A. Kissin- initiatives next week and announce ger, declaring that the Arab oil them later. embargo is "increasingly inapprop- Responding to questions, the sec- iate," announced yesterday President retary of state said that roughly. Nixon will make a major personal 20 countries would be encompassed effort to promote cooperation among by the new move Nixon is planning. oil-consuming and producing nations. One of the major aims of the Nixon Without going into detail, Kissin- policy, he said, would be to bring ger told a news conference that soaring oil prices in line with the agreement on prices and supplies needs of the world economy. would seem to best serve everyone's Asked when he thought the Arab own interest because neither the oil embargo on oil shipments to the users nor producers want a global United States might be lifted, he depression. said, "We can't tie it to any par- SECRETARY OF STATE KISSINGER After his naes conference, Kissin- ticular time frame." **.everyone's best Interest Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Friday, January 4, 1974

OIL- GAZETTEER .a digest of late news (Continued from Page 1)

The mineral industries, including oil, must report data every ten years to the Census Bureau. Beyond that, there is no law requiringregular and com- plete oil company reports directly to the federal gov- WASHINGTON (AP)--Energy chief William E. Simon said ernment. yesterday there is no problem in the diversion of some Petroleum reserves, still in the ground can only be military jet fuel to civilian airlines. Simon announced estimated. last Dec. 20 that 1.5 million barrels of jet fuel, re- quisitioned by the Defense Department from the civilian These reserve estimates tell the nation, in effect, sector were being committed instead to aid international how much petroleum it has in its savings account, how airlines in meeting a fuel crisis this winter. Pentagon long that account can support our present production spokesmen have repeatedly said only 900,000 barrels were rate and how fast we must add to reserves to maintain a really committed and another 600,000 were only a "maybe" safe balance. The only real sources of reserve estimates are two SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP)--President Nixon signed industry groups, the American Petroleum Institute and legislation yesterday increasing Social Security bene- the American Gas Association, which survey most but not fits by 11 per cent this year for 30 million persons. all oil and gas companies. The first 7 per cent will be effective with April checks and the additional 4 per cent will be paid starting in July checks. The $2.3 billion increase will be financed SAXBE- through an increase in Social Security payroll taxes. (Continued from Page 1) Both the House and Senate passed the compromise measure Dec. 21,the final day of the 1973 session, and while gate Prosecutor Leon.Jaworski's investigation and re- Nixon had reservations about the size of the increase, newed his pledge to honor Jaworski's full independence. he decided to sign the bill before a deadline of mid- "He has his operation and I have mine," said Saxbe. night yesterday. "I don't know of any place I'd get involved unless he wants me to." NEW YORK (AP)--A Harris poll of Democrats and independ- Saxbe said the committee's subpoena of more than 400 ents showed Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts of Nixon's tapes and other papers "is obviously a fish- the most preferred as 1976 democratic presidential nom- ing expedition. It had to come to this sooner or later. inee, with Governor George C. Wallace of Alabama second. A nationwide cross-section of 1,007 Democrats and inde- "To keep in business the committee has to have grist pendents asked to choose from a list of names, gave for its mill," he said. "If they can keep dredging Harris pollers this response: Kennedy, 31 per cent; stuff up, they'll go on forever." Wallace, 16; Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of Raine, 11; Sen. Saxbe said the committee's action will "come to a Henry M. Jackson of Washington, 9; Sen. George McGovern point where the President has to decide whether there is of South Dakota, 8; Sen. Walter F. Mondale of Minnesota, any privacy in his office." 3; others, 6; and not sure, 16. Other names listed, all He said he wanted "vigorous enforcement of the anti- receiving less than two per cent, were: Sen. Birch Bayh trust laws," observing that "conglomerates have hurt more of Indiana; Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas; Former Gov. Terry people than they've helped." Sanford of North Carolina; Gov. Jimmy Carter of Georgia; Saxbe, who developed a reputation in the Senate as and Gov. Reubin Askew of Florida. something of a renegade Republican, also said that as attorney general he will have to "mellow" his inclina- tion to speak bluntly.

Water status Local Forecast Gazette Continued partly cloudy with surface R. AdA. heiph H. - A,t~ A td.iV. HAl. Water figures for yesterday: winds NE 5-8 knots becoming ESE by noon 12-16 knots Lt. A. -- . .t.t111 WATER PRODUCED: 1,287,000 gusting then northerly to4-6 25 knots knots after . tihe. sunset. Visibility WATER CONSUMED: 10 miles. 1,199,000 Max. temp today 84. Min. temp FA.e . . . tonite 70. Bay conditions WATER GAIN: 88,000 j- . . 1-3 feet increasing to 2-4 . *- .". a . . .'. .t .- AM -.- _ feet in the afternoon. f- Ch1P AM A- - P111. AA.~pt- 11 ttl 1. HSH3O A. MAM4., th. WATER IN STORAGE: 18,909,000 High tide 0615. Low tide 1231. M A:f. . . .OSAt .- .Aat .fl H IhH .tt~nj

C Friday, January 4, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL, WORLD NEWS--Page 3

0 Human relations-an education in awareness

By J03 Gwyneth Schultz morals, ideas or attitudes. It is average Anglo-Saxon upbringing: simply a chance to get involved. Jamaican music, Japanese literature (Editor's note: This is the first The Navy has gone to great lengths and the real facts about the Ameri- in a series of articles on the Navy's to publicize its new Human Relations can Indian. Human Relations Program) Program. With the all-volunteer mil- itary, the need for higher-quality The intent, once people have been Human Goals are equal opportun- people has made it necessary to exposed, is that the next time they ities. equalize the opportunities for blacks run into a human problem, they will The Human Relations Program is the Chicanos, women and other minorities. take the opportunity to think back method the Navy has chosen to make to that UPWARD seminar and remember its people aware of an unlimited According to Admiral Elmo R. Zum- what had been said about the lack number of human goals and of the walt, Jr., chief of Naval Operations, of freedom for improvement by those people to whom many goals are denied. one of the goals or aims of the pro- who were fortunate enough to have The Defense Department initiated gram is to identify and eliminate a background different from the the program in 1969 with the intent both individual and institutional "majority." of not only making people aware of racism as it appears within the The visible effects of the Navy's hidden and open discrimination, but Navy. efforts are at first non-existent. of drug abuse, alcohol abuse and the The whole idea behind the Human The program is not geared to immed- need for intercultural relations with Relations Program is exposure--ex- iate improvement in racial situa- other nationalities. posure to minorities who feel they tions. One primary purpose is to have as much right to equality as promote better understanding and The Navywide Human Relations Pro- white middle America, exposure to increase human awareness. By doing gram, which is a chance for person- facts on what drugs and alcohol can this, attitudes may change and the al involvement in and with people, do to the human mind and body and primary mission of the Navy, maint- is not intended to change minds, exposure to cultures other than the enence of seapower, will be ful- filled to its greatest extent. Bridsh arms sm ugglers belong to student group * LONDON (AP)--Three people including even to officially identify the The group was discovered amid a an 18-year-old American girl being three, pending a decision on whether national security alert for Arab interrogated here for arms smuggling they will stand trial or be deported. terrorists who were believed planning belonged to an extremist student But the sources said the Federal a concerted attack against targets group centered at Santa Barbara, Ca, Bureau of Investigation in the in Britain. security sources said yesterday. United States is seeking two other A day after they were arrested, the The trio were arrested after five students who cancelled a trip to head of the Marks and Spencer chain pistols and 150 rounds of ammunition London after the arrests here. of clothing stores, one of Brit- were allegedly found in the luggage ain's most prominent Zionists, was of the girl, identified by the U.S. The three held here have been well- wounded by a gunman who invaded his embassy as Allison Thompson of Santa trained in anti-interrogation tech- home. Barbarawhen she arrived at London's niques, the sources said, and spec- Heathrow Airport last Saturday. ial branch questioners have been Other leading Jews said they have unable to break them down. been warned that Arab terrorists The others were identified by re- Allison Thompson, fired from her have drawn up a "death list" of sponsible sources as Atler Naseen, job as waitress in a Santa Barbara British Jews for assassination. 21, of Pakistan, and Abelkhir Hak- restaurant because she spent too Scotland Yard said yesterday it is aoui, 25, of Morocco, both previously much time with student boyfriends, holding two Arabs who tried to enter involved in student politics in became involved in the group through Britain over the weekend on faulty Santa Barbara. her close friendship with Naseen and passports. The sources said Hakaoui was leader Hakaoui, the sources said. The two men, a Jordanian and a of the group which probably planned Lebanese, were arrested when immi- to attack Moroccan diplomats or prop- A decision on whether the three gration officials noted their visas erty after assembling in London. will stand trial in Britain or be were stamped with Sunday dates. Brit- There was no apparent link with deported to the United States will ish visa offices in the Middle East known Arab guerrilla groups, the probably be based on political con- are not open on Sundays. sources said. siderations, the sources said. For fear of reprisals, Britain has Two other Arabs with Sunday-stamped Scotland Yard has imposed a secur- sometimes been reluctant to try sus- visas were deported the same day they ity blackout on the case, declining pected guerrillas. tried to get into Britain, police said. Page 4--ENrM TAINB5NT Guatanem Gazette Friday, Jaeuaey 4, 1974 Friday,Guatnam Jansy.4, Gazette 1974 BNTRTAIMBr--Pege 4

Por the week of Jat. 7-13 11:15Mavis, "The Lie." George Segal, Victor Bsrre, Stry AtnMohley atd Rbhert Culp 12:00 Nets Brief, star is this adelt file akoutsexoand patsions. 1:00Movie,"trian'sSong. schedule 'AlI new Channel 8 TVSUNDAY 2:00 Mary Tyler More. 2:00tIPS. 10:00 This it the Life. 3:00 Shrloc k Holmes, they sightir tile t pee- 7:00 "The MeCeedy Peed."Hesye 'tee." r 10:0510:0S NIPS. Moaie,"Bty Wittest.""The A cnfor13- 10:30 The Christephess. 4:00 Mere's Lcy., rest it. Maever, Julie ted Crry are hired hy rancher Zest Mestel, Hmaphreyyear-old hoyBgart, is the only 11:00 Religious Special. 4:30 Ste Step Styond. might he akle'ta stop the 'MCready to patch up his fsudhenthe pime Tedwittes leCrsia, totheeserder9k of an 11:30 TeAnnouced., 5:00 ill Aderson. sobbery if she cateCind the with Meican rastier Areredaris, witness against aia imprisoned attractive yeung womat steed 3:30 Tettis.Cleesic. 5:30 Partridge Ptsily. rife of the e ~is resulting it theirarrest. detract s tdererr is killed, tenny Miles. Detective Lt. 4:00 Sports Challenge. 6:00 Panortaa.prergat and8spected of 0:00.ey, ine flash-Stress-Welby. Haines apprehends;sTe Wedstday ex-ceecict 4:30 JestSee.a district attest 6:30 Jeatnie. Jeanie goes under- having cancerthick-, if tat Gae," Make every dayctbkti, prohessmemory feehis Jottph Maloney thee the yosth 5:00 Civilization. cavr as a script Igirl to', aught it tier, could he 'is the message is this episode at elsirveclse.t] that flits access hit ef committing 6:00 Nets Brief. keep80 e ek as Major Belsents ftal.s eehichteters ontw Thitupehple clse it is the Mwisurdes. heis Whet tind.the yosthe- 7 6:05 Jthtty Mats. Gsest star ad Stjes Heley the are 0:00 L=ghIn. "Mroadway Joe"' tsttkle:*a weanswehs's aver- horied is rolumes 'of testicty fal witness admitset' oa secret 1Roeet Morse. vtst o foaotbllstar, goesl eati ethatsildnapes0a0 and thee the crush on Miss Miles', the 6:30 All in the Pamily. eating Petreany daIsg dprats doghera youn ar further, astresauts. the comedy routte 'as the ad a hasehall player theseprisoer. searchcase feeagainst the seeS murdererhit 7:00 Bonanza. "The Gold Plated 7:00 G10:s0ke. "0hela0's hteband of gla00os Gladys, trip thtieehbgde." leagues styhes continues. Rifle." The first series Mst Kitty sits does ta a at- as. a frustted dtck hatter sidetracked hy disease. 120 FBe RIf 10:30 Sick Powell. heach is the harmonios limit poker gaeewith the tithb'ick ted as as inductee 0:00 Itfareation Speial. 12:05-Alis Briaed 113'Boxing. relationship hetween the soes. l ad r sf a g e pg of atl ia fa c i n the d raftr iatn 10:00 Se as. 12:11 Soul. Castarights ted their faser ee eharertaken'tre the tatphyslaical.10:5 Maie, "Machin O r s Kelly." 1:00 Maie, "The Efee rcer.11set occuss hee Meturas inMtt's allsen The stakes: 0:0 SimtrSetae."And Sceta Charles Meensvr, Susat Cat, 2:30 Secteide. SATUDAYdisciplinarieanit regards the4eealth of Dodgr against thr Bthe Light of the Stat, MastyAsterdat, Larry Thee, 3:30 Cobheny i Africa. NewZo Reue. to h ' boysneed fee schstlitg. life of Mrshall Dilon.tieseat.".CaerHol Gibat 'etCt Gilcrist. aThe stiy 4:30 A tiln,9:30Sesme.t~et. 800 eanMarin.Phil Silves M:30 Rlet Rrddy. CSediats Moat rtuns to her cauaty hose followss Gerge "Manhine San" Kelly, 5:00 Media. 10:30 Magic Land, asts., S l atd aick Gregoryad h d is iediatelybesetby- a:d0pGratD e arsii 11:00 Cartoons'.0:00 Oet Marshall. "A Piece of singersPeter AllrPoesy, riis of a seltingwax dell aeepeiat tear atirtitg 600 Panau. ag 11:30 heg ecatek Hrs Letr pL * 11:30 Ta St Announced. God." Asss, sardes teda 'lgdBilly Presggert. made ie her image.Shade's apd hidnappisg. Heis encetraged y. ucy iene the, 3:41 Roller Seshy. father's lie are ittereeto 6:00 Met. Deadly 'Game ."Hreakdctt." ' problem is ta stop whatrres by his lady'friesidweha is thr Bpids." At Lee' Ps ercy, 4:30 Saturday Mtiees save his mentally retarded see. MWere a large crporation's it going tc kappesad the real heavy! Ariaaea,Ltry app:eopsiate *s a 1:30 aSterOpera. 10:00 Ness. staff psychiatrist is murdesed, deasttatig fevrssehich piceic--aed life6:00 raftNess Brief. for a p 10:05 Marie. "A Gatheringaof Jonathoenad Vaneesa pet their attack Carol ahen she has THUSDSA wlaetches the food.ly at a wild 6:05 Scnfcud aed Ste. Eagles." RcciHudesnand Sires oathterlite by attending taerisions. ' 12:00 Nes Brief. unschrduled ride down the 6:30 Danny Thomas Special. "A cod Taylor. A drtmatic story a teeketd seitirity session 10:00 Sacs, 12:05 Mad Squad. fatous rapids of the Colorado Petty Thie' g Happened on the cheut the Strategic Ale te trap hit kiSles. A perti- 10:05 Maria, "The Holly ted the 1:00 Marie, "Machire Ges Kelly." Riter. say to a Special." StbH ope, Cosmsand. It sheet the Sites 'cipat waaefound ta hr a drug Iry." Ralpk Rchardson, Celia 2:30 Martet Malky, Gusts cc7:QO0Gles this SassyCampbell. Saris, Jr., CIctie Fields, cf the see ted the airplans 'addict. ' ' Johnsot, Margare Leighton, 3:30 Sixth Setse. 'shat are cory""Lare start St, Donisatte and Joliet Pectee. they fly that protect tur Ryat O'Neal, 7:30 Mary Tyler Mare. Rhoda's eatints air spaces. 10:00 Nets. Jokne Gsgt, Hegh Willites. 4:30 Wanted Brad or Alive. Ali Mclraw atd R0 10:05 Motday Night Sports. Au it his cettom each year, '5-:00 CaeestThree. te eynolds, Jackgreet Benny, thumh is Srkkicosting Mary acountry parstasgathers his 5:30 Base 222. 'F lip Wilste, Sariid Cassidy, greenhccks--$l,205 worth! TUESDAY family ttgethrr at Crietmas. 6:00 Patteama, 'Sutat ley ad sri itee Erich That's how sack Rhoda 12:00 Bess Brief.' Sakh is 'nhappy hecatte of 6:30 Gestle Se.Segal. horrowed to apes a pleat En e ti 12:05 Bold Mars. 'hitmad his demads as rrll 7:00 cowboy it Africa, "Searchthe, ad Army. 8:00 tackiesthcttique--asd Ship in she's showing Club 1Assigced nt rt inent 1:00 Movir. "Gilbest ted Sulliran," as a lack of comsmeication Destroy." Jie Sireltir dis- "Mail the, Chief. so tigns of paying it heck. 2:30 see Stw. a'dtededrstaedie g hetweens 'covers he eas sisgstall earteminttedPacific 0: 00 OeStep Beyond.' as"The spotters as a 3:30, Meet Mashll: Cunslor at themeall. ' rua.ta issarelete srhrat, Isasrewbecose island, Navigaor."the iilake that ate At the CPO Club. La. I-1t. 1 ' including Smonspet,social life Paja sembrailedtepkbeytnd withit istthe Mate 4:30 Sea.hatt. 'WEDNESDAY ' 'Tept. Sssoe Insodrr to lake when he altersf thethe ship'stttires. Mosday1 5:00 Wyatt Ocup. 12:00 Ness Bsirf. 0:00 Bill*Cosby. ,sillite Cenad mainttain frirtdly yrelations, course according to sarkinge s' actisgHOM CRUDE. George C. Seett, 5:30, Maries ay. 12:01 Geasetir, ted RohertCulp star as the Chief Maller meee s arry the the blackbard as the ship's 'eye Dunasay. Drama PG, 6:00 Patereed, 1:00 Morir, "'he MeSly atefuigfathe yngt gtitladsfees' okieflt'ns kridge--ad discversit is Tuesday 6:30 BanesRider. "Stagr to Rain- :cy." a galesren geisegi darts 'td panse patrol daughtere.,a different courseA Jap from that tingo. $300 jackpot far51 eumbes her's Ed." Range Ridesrad his 2:30 Most Deadly Gate. -Mses afterwandering 40 years; heat just happens s onthe ordered by Captais Peabody. as lees. his pal, Sick, fitd ott that 3:30 Jeannie. ad sanisy teighiars af Bill isos cewtota ecese8:30Staude., fsTcieg Msde'stoeatotae- the Wednesday a stagetacla line that hat 4:00 Laugh-Is, a satel. ' 'atsse identitiessas Nazis cateile hes good fietdttnd THELASTOSP HEILA. JameseCoburn, hart plagued eith holdups it 5:00 AriseS Borld,, 0:00 Irasside. :"TheI Peeple Aginst seatrchitg for caendestite, as estranged mother tith her Yvosre Rosaine. Brett PG is danger aflssisg itt 5:30 Julia. Judge Melttire." .Thei re-creationt etey radio static iets. daughter. Thursday, franchiier. The reset: one 6:00 Paoama., o a famostesssrder trial bya 9:00 The Mld Ones.,1'Thle Conricts." 0:00 Sheslock Haltes. "Parseit LITTLE LAURA ASS MIS JOHN. Pahiat' of the owers is tryingg to 6:30 Thrillseekrrs; Deadly tgtlawseckeel cas rger ire 'catriots are-.tespoatrily ta Algirs." Masil Bathhase, Paste, KaenBlack. Action Brett PS tatn thee they NigeR Bruce. Sherlock ted Priday force thesother tsellout. stairs, daeevileof thr ansattempteontae'lifeof the rr.luntsedfor a C 7:00 Mad Squad. "Ad OtcerPTor past ad a camersmaa eke professor wsakes the judge Craig'atraetsfr Medical Watson escort a young heir- SUPEM FLY TNT. Rae O'Neal, Roscoe Bay." If tie sqetd eat find does his shooting whilM the original trial. Ceter eperimer:t todetermine apparent to his cttttry after Lee Bsttr., Brats 5R as et-aet eke itsmastermind- falling through the sky tt 10:00 Mas, if osgat tratepla stet from sat- his father is assassinated Saturday, ing a eillion dollar hist, 120 milrs per keur are mtcthitg detersC can tare lives.10:00 Bets. A DRAMA OP JEALOSY. StstslltMSe 10:05 lesight Shea. treitati,,Mesies Vitti. ComedyR featured. '10:00Sews. Page 6--NATIONAL, LOCAL NEWS Guantanamo Gazette Friday, January 4, 1974

Services and Benefits Council meeting minutes 0 The meeting was called to order by the C-141s scheduled for Guantanamo means. Any personal Captain Michael F. Durkin at 1:30 mail may be for- were cancelled due to requirements warded the p.m., Dec. 5, 1973, in the 'Education- via U.S. Navy Postal Sys- generated by the Mideast conflict. tem with appropriate al Services testing room, Bldg. eight-cent pos- 760, All the mail backlog is pretty well tage appended. Admin Hill. cleared out of Norfolk now and hope- fully will remain cleared up during Why do some streets Why was there no publicity on the have all their the holiday period. street lights on, some hospital being closed the day after a few and others don't have any at all? Thanksgiving? In the future, could Why does the mail for NAS have to Mr. Dunmire stated all lights in publicity be made via radio or come to the windward side first and the housing areas are supposed to be Gazette as to when the hospital would then back over to the NAS side for on from dusk to sunrise. Capt. Dur- be closed? delivery? kin stated that a new Naval Base in- The hospital representative stated The postal officer indicated that struction on power was due out in that in the future word would be due to the small volume (10 per cent) the near future. Also an Economy sent via the media when the hospital of incoming mail which is actually Conservation Panel will be formed would be open for emergency cases destined for Leeward Point, the feas- with representatives from the various only. He.also stated that on any ibility of a breakdown and separation basewide commands on base which will advise holiday the hospital would of Leeward Point mail is not warran- only be open for emergency. on unnecessary lighting and other ted. The non-availability of space, conservation measures. time and personnel are also deciding Why isn't the Commissary getting factors. Could the public affairs fresh and canned vegetables anymore? officer publish the hours of the Navy Ex- The Commissary officer stated that Why does it take so long for Marine change and Commissary Store every such items were in shortage in the wives to receive their allotment month or two months? states and most suppliers are having checks? The public affairs officer to wait until the new crops come in. The comptroller indicated stated that if this will be done. an allotment is registered properly, Is it possible to investigate the there is no reason for the late re- Capt. Durkin requested anyone hav- possibilitysof getting produce from ceipt of the allotment check. How- ing housing maintenance repair San Juan or Jamaica? ever, as the work Marine Corps Finance done by Sloan International Yes, it is possible and it is be- Center to eval- forwards all allotment checks uate their work ing done. San Juan cannot supply and comment on it at through the mail, routine postal de- the next this Commissary Store with Services and Benefits Council produce lays could be experienced. In addi- meeting. but Jamaica can. Certain parties tion, as the Marine Corps pay accounts in Jamaica have been contacted con- are no longer maintained by the local The public affairs officer stated cerning this subject. At the present Disbursing Office, delays in the reg- that more local news is needed for time the legal office is doing re- istration of allotments with the The Gazette, and if any group has search to make sure that the lease Disbursing Office in CONUS might also any local news it can contact agreement with Cuba the would not be occur. Public Affairs Office. violated if this store was to import such produce from Jamaica. Can personal mail be sent through The Navy Exchange officer stated The Commissary officer stated that the guard mail system if going to that 2,000 pairs of working dun- the Commissary is in the process of someone residing on base? garees are now on order and getting its requisitions should transfered The Naval Station administration be in within the next month. from the Supply Center, (Note: Norfolk, to officer indicated that the guard mail the Navy Exchange officer the says. 1,800 Commissary Store, Norfolk. This system is for official correspondence pairs of dungarees would take have arrived and care of the mix-ups be- and is not to be used for personal will go on sale Tuesday.) tween the requisitions and the sea- land shipment to Guantanamo. a l is rD 67 Could the minutes of the Navy Ex- Country star eux Iitter d i5 at . change/Commissary Advisory Board be displayed at the Commissary? NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)--Country and actor, singer and guitar player, The Commissary officer stated this Western star Tex Ritter died Wednesday also made an unsuccessful will be done. of a heart attack while while visit- try for the Tennessee Republican ing a member of his band at the, nomination for the U.S. Senate in Is all the mail we have been re- county jail here. 1970. ceiving just for the Christmas holi- Ritter, 67, had gone to Nashville. Ritter was best known for the days, or is this going to be a con- to visit Jack Watkins, who had been songs "High Noon," "Boll Weevil," tinuous thing? in jail since Tuesday night on a "Wayward Wind," "Hillbilly Heaven" Capt. Durkin stated that each night charge of failure to pay alimony. and "You Are My Sunshine." He also by midnight we are made aware of how starred in 78 movies in his 12-year much mail is in Norfolk. What hap- Ritter, who made his living as an Hollywood career. pened two Saturdays in a row was that Friday, January 4, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette SPORTS--Page 7 Friday, January 4, 1974 Guantamamo Gazette SPORTS--Page 7

*rFighting Irish voted No. I in final college poll ) WASHINGTON (AP)--The Fighting Irish The Irish won the honor comfort- writers. Ohio state earned 11 first of Notre Dame are the national champ- ably over Ohio State, which jumped place votes and 1,002 points. Okla- ions of college football. from fourth to second by trouncing homa received the other 16 first- Notre Dame vaults from third place Southern California in the Rose place votes and 965 points. to first in the final Associated Bowl. Oklahoma, which was inelig- Alabama finished fourth with 834 Press rankings on the wings of its ible for a bowl trip, slipped from points. Penn State, one of only 24 to 23 victory over Alabama in the second to third in the final bal- three unbeaten and untied teams in the Sugar Bowl game Monday night. loting. Oklahoma had finished sec- country, is fifth. A close sixth ond the last two seasons. is Michigan. It's the first national champion- ship for the Irish since 1966. Ala- Notre Dame received 33 first-place Nebraska is seventh and Southern bama had been number one in the final votes and 1,128 points from a na- Cal eighth. Houston and Arizona State regular season poll. tional panel of sportscasters and finish in a tie for ninth place. Dallas expected to draft Jones Foreman. named top WASHINGTON (AP)--Most of the major bowl games have been played. What's left are some all-star games. Those are the games the professional scouts offensive rookie turn out for by the dozens. WASHINGTON (AP)--Running back Chuck The National Football League draft of college players will be held at Foreman of the Minnesota Vikings has the end of this month and already speculation is underway about which man been named the National Football will be the number one choice. League's Offensive Rookie of the Year. Defensive Rookie of the Year The Dallas Cowboys hold the number one pick, which they obtained in trade honors go to defensive end Wally with the Houston Oilers, the team that finished with the worst record in Chambers of the Chicago Bears. the NFL this season. Both were chosen in an Associated There have been rumors and then more that Dallas will take Ed (Too Tall) Press poll of sports broadcasters Jones, the six foot nine inch defensive end-of Tennessee State. The rea- and writers. son for the rumors was a visit Jones made recently to Dallas. The obvious conclusion is that he went there to talk money to the Cowboys. Foreman received 24 of a possible 78 votes. Second in the voting for Of course, Dallas may also be talking to some of the other top college offensive rookie was tight end Charlie players. Offensive tackle John Hicks of Ohio State will go high in the Young of the Philadelphia Eagles with first round. His Ohio State teammate, linebacker , also is 16 votes. likely to be an early selection. Chambers received 36 votes and far There are some fine running backs eligible. The Heisman Trophy winner, outdistanced defensive backs Dick , is one. Jim McAllister, the UCLA bulldozer, is another. Jauron of Detroit and Eddie MacMillan The top picked probably will be David Jaynes, the Kanas signal- of Los Angeles who had eight votes caller. each.

A player who is likely to have a lot of the pro scouts pondering is the Foreman rushed for 801 yards in 182 great middle guard of Oklahoma, Lucious Selmon. Lucious is lethal on a carries. He also caught 37 passes football field and hits like a water buffalo who's been riled up. But he's for 362 yards. Chambers led the Bears only five foot 11 inches, which is short for an interior lineman in pro in tackles with 101 and assisted on football. He's very strong, weighing 236 pounds. But pro teams like tall 31 more. Chambers, who is six foot defensive linemen who can get their arms in the air to distract passing six and weighs 250 pounds, also sacked . Of course, middle guard in college is very much like middle opposing quarterbacks nine times. linebacker in the pro game and despite his relatively short height, Lucious may turn up in that position on some pro team next season. Motorcycle race set -SPORTS SHORTS-- for this Sunday (UPI)--Goals came at a hot and heavy pace in the National Hockey League Wednesday night. Pierre Plante scored just 15 seconds into the game and The Guantanamo Bay Motorcycle Club the St. Louis Blues went on to bomb the Montreal Canadians, 8-4, with will sponsor a motocross race Sunday Garry Unger and Wayne Merrick each netting two goals in the winning effort. at 1 p.m. at the Sherman Avenue moto- cross track. Registration will com- (UPI)--Dan Issel of the Kentucky Colonels and Julius Erving of the New mence at noon. Note for club mem- York Nets are having a close battle for the ABA scoring title, but no one bers: Track cleanup will be held is close to Artis Gilmore in rebounding. Latest statistics show Gilmore tomorrow at 4 p.m. averaged nearly 18 rebounds a game. Pege -- BELINE GGuantanamo a Gazette Friday, January 4, 1974 r N , \ j* DeRline What's happening TODAY LITTLE THEATRE tryouts for the February play, "George Washington Slept Here," will be held at Morin Center from 7-9 p.m.

TOMORROW Fastest line in town THE GUANTANAMO BAY RACING ASSOCIATION will meet at McCalla field at 10 a.m. For more information, call John Ba*ar at 951030. THE USO SHOW from the University of Wisconsin will be at the COMO Club at 8 p.m. The movie will not be shown.

SUNDAY for saleI THE PROTESTANT SUNDAY SCHOOL for ages two through 2nd grade will be held at Pioneer SX-828 stereo reliever. Call 9:15 a.m. at Marina Point. Ages 3rd grade through adult will meet at 85717 DWE or 98177 AWH. 9:30 a.m. at Chapel Hill THE GUANTANAMO SELF-DEFENSE CLUB will meet in the Child Day Care Center at One pair of desert boots, new, size 2 p.m. For more information, call 97110 AWH. 8, $10. Call 95520 AT. THE BASE CHAPEL will present "Century 21" a Billy Graham film. at 7 p.m.

Zenith TV, $100; Sony reel-to-reel tape recorder, $150; Zenith console, MONDAY $100. Call 98195 AWE. THE OIL PAINTING WORKSHOP will meet in the McCalla administration building at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call 85791. New barrel boat, 12X21 feet with BINGO will be held at Morin Center starting at 8 p.m. bathroom, 35-horsepower Chrysler en- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet at 8 p.m. in the hospital training room. For gine with electric start, $900 firm. more information, call 7493 DWR, 96170 or 96160 AWM, or 64436 on Leeward. Call 951022 AWE. CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL will hold the monthly meeting with benediction, and rosary in the McCalla Chapel at 7:30. For more information, call Bar, 6h feet long by 2 feet wide Ann at 85131. by 3 feet high, formica top, tiled A BASIC SCUBA CLASS will begin today. For more information, call Jay Bell shelving, black leather arm rest, at 95390 DWH and 99295 AWH. chrome trim. Will also make excellent room divider, $175 or best offer. Call 96275 AT. 1967 Cougar, eight-cylinder/, $600. Call 95366 AT. Three-element beam (Swan TR3A), $100; TR44 Comander rotor and control, $9( , wanted Top 10 tunes excellent condition, in use at this time. Call 95520 AT. Pickup truck, 1965 on. Call 991135 AWE. Here are the top ten, as rated by 1973 CB-100 Honda, excellent condi- Cash Box, with last week's position tion, $425. Call 64369 DWH ask for Paul Hill wants four muscians for a in brackets: Odom. Bluegrass band. Call 97287 after 6 p.m. 1. (2) LEAVE ME ALONE (Ruby Red Dress)-- 1971 100cc Kawasaki G-5 with helmet Helen Reddy (Capital) and face shield, $450 or best offer; Someone to teach beginning guitarist. 2.(3) TIME IN A BOTTLE--Jim Croce Boys' 26-inch three-speed bicycle, Call 85102 DWH or Room 0301 Gold (ABC) $20; girls' 24-inch three-speed bi-. Hill AWE, ask for Roberts. 3.4) THE JOKER--Steve Hilier (Cap- cycle, $20; infant carrierfaatens an ital) rear fender, six months old, $15; Guitar teacher for a child. Call 4.(1) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL-- power lawn mower, $25; red rug, 9112 95313 AT. Charlie Rich. (Epic) feet, $25; blue rug, 9112 feet, $25; 5.(6) SHOW AND TELL-4l Wilson gold rug, 1212 feet, nine months giveaway (Rocky Road) old, $50; gold stair runner, $15; 6.(11) HELEN WHEELS--Paul McCartney orange curtainsinsulated, 90 inches Three cute Gitmo specials, seven (Apple) long by 150 inches wide, $30; green weeks old, one male and two female, 7.(8) LIVIN' FOR THE CITY--Stevie curtains, insulated, 90 inches long two white with brown spots and the Wonder (Tamla) by 150 inches wide, $30; port-o-crib, other a light brown. Call 90188 AT. 8.(12) YOU'RE SIXTEEN--Ringo Starr $10; six-foot plywood bar, stained (Apple) dark walnut, $20; yellow bathroom. services 9.(15) SMDKIN' IN THE BOYS" ROOM-- scales, $20; the following are avail- Brownsville Station (Big Tree) able Jan 30: 23,000 BTU Whirlpool air Cakes for all occasions baked and 10.(14) NEVER NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU conditioner, nine months old, $200; decorated. CaU 95520 AT. UP--Barry White (20th Century) 12,000 BTU Fedders air conditioner, $100; 7,700 BTU air conditioner, $50. Call 90135 AT.