Joelle Khoury Pianist/Composer (classical music and jazz). +961 3812959;
[email protected];
[email protected] Studies: Musicology and Economics, BA, George Mason University, Va., USA. Masters in philosophy, Université St. Joseph, Beirut. Thesis titled “Etre et Musique” (Being and Music). PHD in philosophy, Lebanese University. Thesis titled: “Théâtralité et désir de mort créateur chez Gilles Deleuze” (Theatricality and creative death desire in Gilles Deleuze’s writings). Piano diploma, Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music. Teaching: Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music: piano and composition (for 21 years, ongoing). Coordinator of contemporary music projects (concerts, workshops…etc.) American University of Beirut: 1- Survey of Western Music; 2- Listening to jazz; 3- Philosophy and Music (CVSP 295X) LAU: Survey of Western Music, 2 semesters. Saint Joseph University, Université pour tous: 1 semester, music appreciation. Articles, Conferences & Worshops “Time Goes One Way” (against classification of art). Heinrich Boll Foundation Lebanon “About women composers in the Arab world” (Freemuse conference) 2005 “My Body Myself and I”, conference in the company of Arab cultural journalists, (about a crisis of subjectivity throughout the history of music) Zawaya: 2006. “Bach/Leibniz/Kandinsky: the Unique and the Multiple” conference, Lebanese National Conservatory, December 2007. Of Arab Composers Today, commissioned by AFAC, the Arab Fund for Culture meeting 2011. History a Divine Poem: article commissioned by the Lucerne University, relating Bach to Leibniz, for the inauguration of their new department: Music and Theology. Published October 2015 (Grunewald). Wolfgang-M%C3%BCller/dp/3786730350 The Dionysian and the Apollonian in Carmen of Bizet, inspired by Nietzsche.