Spider Assemblages on Tree Trunks in Primeval Deciduous Forests of the Bia³owie¿A National Park in Eastern Poland

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Spider Assemblages on Tree Trunks in Primeval Deciduous Forests of the Bia³owie¿A National Park in Eastern Poland © Entomologica Fennica. 1 June 2018 Spider assemblages on tree trunks in primeval deciduous forests of the Bia³owie¿a National Park in eastern Poland Marzena Stañska, Tomasz Stañski & Joanna Hawryluk Stañska, M., Stañski, T. & Hawryluk, J. 2018: Spider assemblages ontree trunks inprimeval deciduous forests of the Bia³owie¿a NationalPark ineasternPoland. Entomol. Fennica 29: 7585. We analysed spider assemblages of tree trunks in an oak-lime-hornbeam forest, anash-alder riparianforest andanalder carr inthe primeval standsof the Bia³o - wie¿a National Park. Spiders were collected from June 1998 to October 2000 us- ing bark traps. A total of 2,182 spider individuals, belonging to 43 species and 14 families was collected. The forest types differed in the spider abundance and spe- cies richness. The differences probably resulted from different tree species and different environmental conditions in the forest types. The most numerous spe- cies in oak-lime-hornbeam forest and in alder carr was Amaurobius fenestralis, whereas Anyphaena accentuata was the most abundant species in ash-alder ri- parianforest. Four species ( Amaurobius fenestralis, Anyphaena accentuata, Segestria senoculata and Neriene montana) were collected ineach month (MarchOctober), whereas most species were recorded sporadically or insome periods. M. Stañska & T. Stañski, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Zoology, ul. B. Prusa 12, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland; E-mails: [email protected], tomasz.stanski@uph. edu.pl J. Hawryluk, ul. Walecznych 3/22, 08-300 Soko³ów Podlaski, Poland; E-mail: [email protected] Received 9 May 2017, accepted 10 October 2017 1. Introduction tat for invertebrates, the bark mainly constitutes the trunk features. The bark differs among tree Trees as large complex structures constitute an species and its structure determines physiological important habitat for many groups of inverte- properties (e.g. thermal conditions) and conse- brates (Nicolai 1986, Koponen et al. 1997, Floren quently affects bark-dwelling arthropods (Nico- 2008, Sebek et al. 2016). They provide a variety lai 1986, 1989, 1995). of unique microhabitats (i.e. foliage, branches, Bark-dwelling arthropod communities are trunks, dead parts of wood, crevices and cavities), very diversified and spiders are one of the domi- diversified interms of structure, food availability nant groups among them (Nicolai 1989, 1993, and microclimatic conditions (Prinzing 2005, Koponen et al. 1997, Koponen 2004). Szinetár Michel & Winter 2009, Regnery et al. 2013, and Horváth (2005) informed about 298 spider Wardhaugh et al. 2013). One of the most distinc- species from Europe intheir review of publica - tive microhabitats of a tree is its trunk. As a habi- tions on tree trunk spiders. Blick (2011) reported 76 Stañska et al. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 a total of 334 spider species recorded onbark nistic and ecological research in this area (Kar- from Germany, i.e. one third of the spider fauna in piñski 1956, £êgowski 2001, Starêga & Kupry- this country. This seems impressive but most of janowicz 2001, Stañska 2007, Stañska et al. the species are rather facultative trunk-dwellers 2016), noresearch has yet beenpublished onspi - or accidental visitors (Wunderlich 1982, Horváth der assemblages ontree trunks. & Szinetár 2002, Szinetár & Horváth 2005). De- The primary objectives of our study were: 1) spite the richness of the spider fauna inhabiting to determine the species diversity of spider as- tree trunks, it is not a frequent subject of research semblages ontree trunksinalder carr, ash-alder compared to other habitats settled by spiders. Ac- riparian forest and oak-lime-hornbeam forest, 2) cording to Blick (2011), the knowledge about the to compare the number of spider individuals and tree trunk fauna in forests of Central Europe is at number of spider species between the three ana- the level of 5% compared to the epigeal fauna. lysed forest types and 3) to assess how these vari- A considerable part of the studies in Europe ables change in time from month to month during has beenconductedinHungary(e.g. Bogya et al. the sampling period. 1999, Horváth & Szinetár 2002, Horváth et al. 2005), but some of them also in Finland (Kopo- nen et al. 1997, Koponen 2008,), Germany (Blick 2. Materials and methods 2011) and the Czech Republic (Machaè & Tuf 2016). Many of the studies devoted to spider as- 2.1. Study area semblages on tree trunks concern habitats created by manor subjected to humanimpact, like or- The study was conducted in the Bia³owie¿a Na- chards (Koliñska 1967, Pekár 1999, Korenko & tional Park (BNP), which is the best-preserved Pekár 2010), planted trees or plantations of trees part of Bia³owie¿a Forest, a large forest complex (Horváth & Szinetár 1998, Horváth et al. 2004) (1,500 km2) situated onthe border betweenPo- and urban areas (Horváth & Szinetár 2002, land and Belarus. The major part of BNP, pro- Machaè & Tuf 2016). Although there have been tected since 1921, has never been logged and pos- studies from natural areas (Weiss 1995, Blick sesses many characteristics of primeval forest, 2011), there are no publications (to our knowl- like multi-storey, mixed-species and uneven- edge) describing the spider fauna of tree trunks in aged tree stands with a large amount of dead forests preserved in primeval conditions, like wood (Tomia³ojæ 1991, Bobiec 2002). those inBia³owie¿a Forest, easternPoland.Ad - Our study plots, rectangles of about 40 × 20 m mittedly, there are some studies conducted in insize, were located inthree primeval deciduous Bia³owie¿a Forest oncanopyspiders, but their forest stands: oak-lime-hornbeam forest (Tilio- scope covered not only trunks but also the whole Carpinetum), ash-alder riparianforest ( Circaeo- tree crowns and they were conducted in managed Alnetum) and alder carr (Carici elongatae- forest stands (Otto & Floren 2007, Mupepele et Alnetum) (Fig. 1). The first type of forest stands, al. 2014). the oak-lime-hornbeam forest, covers the largest Bia³owie¿a Forest, the largest and best-pre- area of BNP and is the most diverse in the terms of served natural forest complex in the European structure, with many tree species. Lime (Tilia Lowland, is a refuge for many rare or threatened cordata Mill.), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), plant and animal species (Gutowski & Jaro- Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst), szewicz 2004, Oko³ów et al. 2009). The primeval pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), ash (Fraxi- forest stands protected in the Bia³owie¿a National nus excelsior L.) and elms (Ulmus spp.) are the Park are distinguished from other European tem- most numerous in this forest type. perate forests by many features (e.g. diverse fo- Our plot was located inthe poorer type of the rest communities, multi-storey profiles of forest oak-lime-hornbeam forest, Tilio-Carpinetum ca- stands, very high trees, large amounts of dead lamagrostietosum, which is characterised by wood) and should be treated as a model of prime- poor forest-floor vegetation and the dominance of val conditions (Tomia³ojæ 1991, Weso³owski hornbeam, oak and spruce. The second plot was 2007). While spiders have beena focus of fau - located inthe ash-alder riparianforest, which is a ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 Spiders on tree trunks in primeval forests 77 Fig. 1. Location of the study plots in the Bia³owie¿a National Park in eastern Poland, each plot representing a different forest type: Ac alder carr; Olh oak-lime-hornbeam fo- rest; Rf ash-alder ri - parian forest. typical plant community growing along the wa- 2.2. Spider samples and statistical analysis tercourses. It consisted of black alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.) and ash, with some admixture Spiders were collected from June 1998 to Octo- of Norway spruce. The vegetationof the forest ber 2000 onthe three plots located each ina dif - floor inthe ash-alder riparianforest was the most ferent type of deciduous forest stand. Samples luxuriant among the analysed plots. The third plot were collected once a month (excluding Novem- was located inalder carr, which also occupies ber, December, January and February) from marshy, fertile habitats but its existence is deter- trunk traps made of 25 cm wide corrugated card- mined by a permanently high water level without board, which were located at 1.5 m above the outflow. This forest type is characterised by a ground on tree trunks. We placed 5 traps, in a dis- well-developed hummock-hollow structure in tance of 710 m from each other, in each forest the forest floor. Trees (the most commonbeing type onlivingtrees of a similar diameter selected black alders, ashes and Norway spruces) grow in from the dominant species within each stand. In clumps onthe hummocks, while the hollows the case of alder carr, those were three black al- (with water present for a considerable part of the ders andtwo spruces, inthe ash-alder riparianfo - year) are dominated by marshland plant species rest two black alders, two ashes and one spruce, (Pawlaczyk 2009). and in the oak-lime-hornbeam forest one lime, 78 Stañska et al. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 Table 1. Spider species collected on tree trunks in deciduous forest stands of the Bia³owie¿a National Park (spi- der families and species in alphabetical order). In statistical analyses, only adult specimens identified to species level were included. Roman letters in last two columns mean months in which spiders were recorded. Abbrevia- tions: Ac alder carr, Olh oak-lime-hornbeam forest, Rf ash-alder riparian fore st, ad adult spider individu - als, juv juvenile spider individuals. Ac Olh Rf Months ad juv ad juv ad juv ad juv Agelenidae Coelotes atropos 2 2 25 6 2 V–X VI, VII (Walckenaer, 1830) Amaurobiidae Amaurobius fenestralis 62 123 124 256 2 3 III–X III, V–X (Ström, 1768) Anyphaenidae Anyphaena accentuata 6 98 8 102 12 53 V,VI,VIII,X III,IV,VIII–X (Walckenaer, 1802) Araneidae Araneus diadematus 1X Clerck, 1757 Cyclosa conica 1 VIII (Pallas, 1772) Leviellus stroemi 4 III, VIII–X (Thorell, 1870) Nuctenea umbratica 1X (Clerck, 1757) Clubionidae Clubiona lutescens 8 4 2 3 VI–X VIII Westring, 1851 Clubiona pallidula 3 1 1 V, IX,X (Clerck, 1757) Clubiona phragmitis 1IX C.
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