Michael Givel Department of Political Science, Dale Hall Tower, Room 224 University of Oklahoma 73019 E-mail Address: [email protected]


Ph.D. in Political Science: University of California, Riverside, August 1988 M.A. in Political Science: University of California, Riverside, December 1985 M.A. in Urban and Regional Planning: University of Florida, June 1980 B.A. in Political Science: University of Florida, September 1976


July 2013 – Present: Professor: Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma; specializing in public policy, health policy, complexity policy, Himalayan and Tibetan area studies, happiness and well-being policy, and U.S. urban politics. Current research includes examining Bhutanese diplomatic and political including in Bhutan, India, and Tibet, happiness and well being policy, and complexity policy theory and practice.

May 2018-Present: Adjunct Professor: College of International and Area Studies, University of Oklahoma; specializing in Himalayan, Bhutan, and World Happiness.

July 2006-June 2013: Associate Professor: Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma; specializing in public policy, health policy, tobacco policy, public administration, and urban politics.

June 2014-August 2014: Scholar-in-Residence: Centre for Bhutan Studies, Thimphu Bhutan, researching Bhutan Gross National Happiness.

December 2012-Present: Affiliate Faculty: University of Oklahoma, Department for International and Area Studies and Asian Studies Faculty.

September 2014-Present: Affiliated Faculty: University of Oklahoma, Center for Social Justice

July 2009-December 2009: First U.S. Fulbright to Bhutan and Visiting Professor: Departments of Management Development and Research and Consultancy, Royal Institute of Management, Semtokha: Thimphu, Bhutan; specializing in teaching and research in public administration, public policy, and tobacco policy.

August 2002-July 2006: Assistant Professor: Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma; specializing in public policy, public administration, health policy, tobacco policy, and urban politics.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 2.

June 1998-June 2002: Institute Project Fellow and Researcher: Institute for Health Policy Studies, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; academic research and fellowship position involved with the evaluation and analysis of state and local policy making and politics in the United States. Research analyses included examining and comparing tobacco control politics and policies and the impact of campaign contributions in Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, and California and examining the policy motivations and political tactics of the tobacco lobby as it relates to pro-tobacco and tobacco control legislation enacted in all state legislatures in the 1990s.


Current Research:

Policy theory, comparative public policy, Himalayan and Tibetan area studies, complexity and public policy, well being and public policy, corporate actions and policy, and public health policy.


Public Policy Theory Urban Policy and Theory Social Movements Comparative Public Policy Himalayan Studies



Givel, Michael, 1991. The War on Poverty Revisited: The Community Services Block Grant Program in the Reagan Years. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, an Imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.

Givel, Michael and Andrew Spivak, 2013. Heartland Tobacco War. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Press.

Givel, Michael, 2015. The Public Policy of Gross National Happiness. Albany, New York: SUNY Press (Book Contract and in Submission)

Refereed Journals:

Givel, Michael, 1998. Legal Aid to the Poor: “What the National Delivery System Has and Has Not Been Doing.” St. Louis University Public Law Review. Vol. XVII (2): pp. 369 - 381.

Givel, Michael and Glantz, Stanton, May 2000. “The Failure to Defend A Successful State Tobacco Control Program: Policy Lessons From Florida.” American Journal of Public Health. 90 (5): pp. 762-767.

Givel, Michael and Glantz, Stanton, 2000. “Tobacco Control and Direct Democracy in Dade County, Florida: Future Implications for Health Advocates.” Journal of Public Health Policy. 21 (3): pp. 268-295.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 3.

Givel, Michael and Glantz, Stanton, Summer 2001. “Tobacco Lobby Political Influence on U.S. State Legislatures in the 1990s.” Tobacco Control. 10 (Summer): pp. 124-134.

Givel, Michael, December 2003. “A Comparison of United States and Norwegian Regulation of Coumarin in Tobacco Products.” Tobacco Control, 12 (4): pp. 401-405.

Givel, Michael and Stanton Glantz, February 2004. “The ‘Global Settlement’ With the Tobacco Industry: 6 Years Later." American Journal of Public Health. 94 (2): pp. 218-224. Pion, Martin and Givel, Michael, March 2004. “Airport Smoking Rooms Don’t Work.” Tobacco Control. 13 (Supp. 1): pp. i37-i40.

Givel, Michael and Stanton Glantz, Winter 2004-5. “Political Insiders Without Grassroots Advocacy in the Administration of a Missouri Tobacco Control Youth Access Program.” Public Integrity. 7 (1): pp. 5-19.

Givel, Michael, March 2005. “Oklahoma Tobacco Policy Making.” Journal of Oklahoma State Medical Association 98 (3): pp. 89-94.

Givel, Michael, April 2005. “Tobacco Industry Opposition to Designating Environmental Tobacco Smoke Through E-Codes.” Journal of Public Health Policy 26 (1): pp. 75-89.

Givel, Michael, December 2005. “Philip Morris’ FDA Gambit: Good for Public Health?” Journal of Public Health Policy 26 (4): pp. 450-468.

Givel, Michael, January 2006. “Neoliberal and Public Health Impact of Not Adopting OSHA’s Proposed National Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rule.” International Journal of Health Services 36 (1): pp. 137-155.

Givel, Michael, 2006. “Punctuated Equilibrium in Limbo: The Tobacco Lobby and U.S. State Policy Making From 1990 to 2003.” Policy Studies Journal 43 (3): pp. 405-418.

Givel, Michael, Fall 2006, "Researching State Tobacco Policymaking: Issues, Data Sources, and Methods." State Politics & Policy Quarterly. 6 (3): pp. 339-351.

Givel, Michael, 2007 “Motivation of Chemical Industry Social Responsibility Through Responsible Care.” Health Policy 81 (1): pp. 85-92.

Givel, Michael, 2007. “Consent and Counter-Mobilization: The Case of the National Smokers Alliance.” Journal of Health Communication 12 (4 ) pp. 339-357.

Givel, Michael, 2007. “Limited State Progress in Regulating Secondhand Tobacco Smoke.” International Journal of Health Services 37 (3) pp. 469-476.

Givel, Michael, 2007. "A Comparison of the Impact of U.S. and Canadian Cigarette Pack Warning Label Requirements on Tobacco Industry Profitability and the Public Health." Health Policy 83 (2-3) pp. 343-352.

Givel, Michael, 2008. (Invited Publication) “Policy and Health Implications of Using the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Product Design Approach in Reducing Tobacco Product Risk.” Current Drug Abuse Reviews (1) pp. 135-141

Givel, Michael and Andrew Spivak, 2008. “Public Management and the Public Good: The Case of Oklahoma’s 2002 Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rules.” Politics & Policy 36 (3) pp. 420-447

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 4.

Kelton, Max and Michael Givel, 2008. “Public Policy Implications of Tobacco Industry Smuggling Through Native American Reservations Into Canada.” International Journal of Health Services 38 (3) pp. 471- 487.

Givel, Michael, 2008. “Assessing Material and Symbolic Variations in Punctuated Equilibrium and Public Policy Output Patterns.” Review of Policy Research 25 (6) pp. 547-561.

Givel, Michael, 2009. "Derailing Corporate Tobacco Interests: State Initiative Policymaking from 1988 to 2006." Social Theory & Health 7 (4) pp. 339–353.

Givel, Michael, 2010. “The Evolution of the Theoretical Foundations of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory in Public Policy.” Review of Policy Research 27 (2) pp. 187-198.

Hearn, Bruce and Givel, Michael, 2010. “Stock Market Finance and Gross National Happiness: An Institutional Fit? Evidence from Bhutan.” Journal of Bhutan Studies 22 pp. 1-36.

Givel, Michael, 2011. “In Search of the Less Risky Cigarette.” International Journal of Health Services 41 (1) pp. 77-94.

Givel, Michael, 2011. “Deconstructing Social Constructionist Theory in Tobacco Policy: The Case of the Less Hazardous Cigarette.” Journal of Policy Practice 10 (1) pp. 19-34.

Givel, Michael, 2011. “History of Bhutan’s Prohibition of Cigarettes: Implications for Neo-Prohibitionists and Their Critics.” International Journal of Drug Policy 22 pp. 306-310

Givel, Michael, 2011. "Tobacco Policymaking and Administration in Bhutan from 2004 to 2009." International Journal of Public Administration 34 (2) pp. 775-782

Givel, Michael and Andrew Spivak, Winter 2011-2012. “Bureaucratic Advocacy and Ethics: A State-Level Case of Public Agency Rulemaking and Tobacco Control Policy.” Public Integrity 14 (1) pp. 5-18

Givel, Michael, 2012. “Non-Punctuated and Sweeping Policy Change: Bhutan Tobacco Policymaking From 1991 to 2009. Review of Policy Research 29 (5) pp. 645-660.

Givel, Michael, 2013. “Modern Neoliberal Philanthropy: Motivations and Impact of Pfizer Pharmaceutical’s Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign.” Third World Quarterly 34(1), pp. 171-182.

Givel, Michael, 2013. “Campaign to Counter a Deteriorating Consumer Market: Philip Morris’s Project Sunrise.” Public Health 127 (2) pp. 134-142

Stearns, Ami, Andrew Spivak and Michael Givel, 2013. “Behind the Smokescreen: Addressing Native American Tobacco Use in Oklahoma.” International Quarterly of Community Health Education 33(3), pp. 307- 320.

Wood, John and Michael Givel, 2014-2015. “Systemic Power Revised: A Cybernetic Conception.” Journal on Policy and Complex Systems, 1(2).

Givel, Michael, 2015. “Political Institutions and Implementation of Gross National Happiness In Bhutan.” Asian Affairs. (XLVI) 1, pp. 102-117.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 5.

Givel, Michael, 2015. “Mahayana Buddhism and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan.” International Journal of Well Being. 5(2).

Givel, Michael, 2015. “Paradox of Gradual and Punctuated Political Revolutionary Change in Political Revolutionary Times.” Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems. 13 (3), pp. 405-419.

Givel, Michael and Rebecca Sherry, 2015. “Was Tobacco Described in 16th Century Bhutanese Texts?” Journal of Bhutan Studies 29 (Winter 2013).

Givel, Michael, 2015. “Global , Modernization, and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan.” Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 50, Issue 50, pp. 30-33.

Givel, Michael and Laura Figueroa, 2015. “Early Happiness Policy as a Government Mission of Bhutan: A Survey of the Bhutanese Unwritten Constitution from 1619 to 1729. Journal of Bhutan Studies. Vol. 31, p1.

Givel, Michael, Andrew Spivak, and Ami Stearns, 2016, “Multiple Sources of Tobacco Industry Influence: Oklahoma Tobacco Policymaking from 2005 to 2010.” Oklahoma Politics. November 2016, pp. 85-106.

Givel, Michael, 2017. “Complex System Behavior in Democratic Policy Theory.” Journal of Policy and Complex Systems. doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.4; Published online: access/policy-and-complex-systems/volume-3-number-1-spring-2017

Givel, Michael, 2017. “Impact of Tobacco Industry and Other Corporations in the Defeat of the 1994 Clinton Health Care Plan.” BMC Public Health 17: 591. Published online 2017 Jun 21. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4501-7.

Givel, Michael and Andrew Spivak, May 2017. “Media Agenda Setting Practice and Tobacco Control Legislation” Journal of Oklahoma State Medical Association. pp. 256-260.

Givel, Michael, January 2018. “U.S. Federal Tobacco Control Policy from 1964-2013: Were Punctuated and Significant Public Health Reforms Enacted?" Social Theory and Health. 15 (4), pp. 482-501

Spivak, Andrew, Michael Givel, and Shannon Monnat, 2018. “Self-Interest and Public Opinion in Health Policy: Smoking Behavior and Support for Tobacco Control. Social Theory and Health 16 (1) pp. 20-43

Givel, Michael, 2018. “Sundown on the Prairie: The Extra-Legal Campaigns and Efforts From 1889 to 1967 to Exclude African-Americans From Norman, Oklahoma.” Chronicles of Oklahoma. XCVI, No. 3, Fall 2018, pp. 260-279.

Givel, Michael, 2019. “Gross National Happiness Policy Outputs in Bhutan from 1972 to 2014.” (Manuscript in Submission)

Givel, Michael, 2019. "Are Public Policy Processes Really Eternal and With No Beginning or End?" (Manuscript in Submission)

Givel, Michael, 2019. "Evolution of a Sundown Town and Racial Caste System: Norman, Oklahoma from 1889 to 1967" (Manuscript in Submission)

Givel, Michael, 2019. “The Colonial and Post-Colonial History and Legacy of Early Bhutanese Coins.” (Manuscript in Submission)

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 6.

Givel, Michael, 2019. “The White Colonialist Impact of the 1889 Land Run on Native Americans in Norman, Oklahoma.” (Manuscript in Submission)

Refereed Monographs and Chapters:

Givel, Michael, 2008. “Tobacco Industry Media Efforts to Defeat State Tobacco Control Tax Referenda and Initiatives.” In: National Cancer Institute, Monograph 19: Use of the Media to Promote and Discourage Tobacco Use. pp. 577-594.

Givel, Michael, Tobacco Lobby Political Influence on U.S. State Legislatures in the 1990s. Paper presented to the Midwest Political Science Association Convention. Chicago: April 3-6, 2003.

Givel, Michael and Elizabeth Johnson, 2014. “Scientific Paradigms In U.S. Policy: Is It Time for Complexity Science?. ” Singapore: Pan Stanford Press.

Givel, Michael, 2014. Proposals for Policy Development-Tobacco, Chapter 29. In: Substance Misuse and Older People. Eds. Ilana Crome, Peter Crome, Tony Rao, and Li-Tzy Wu. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons.

Givel, Michael 2015. ‘What’s The Big Deal?. Complexity Versus Traditional US Policy Approaches. In: Handbook on Complexity and Public Policy. Eds: Robert Geyer and Paul Cairney. Edward Elgar Publishing. Ltd.

Givel, Michael, 2019. Mahayana Buddhism and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. In: Buddhism Around the World. Ed: Most Ven. Thich Nhat Tu, Vietnam Buddhist University Series: Religion Publisher.

Conference Papers and Presentations:

Givel, Michael, Oklahoma Tobacco Policy Making. Paper presented to the Midwest Political Science Association Convention. Chicago: April 15-18, 2004.

Givel, Michael. Limits to Reform: Why Not Adopting OSHA’s Command and Control National Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rule Failed to Protect the United States Public Health. Abstract for The Third International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy, Jerusalem, Israel, December 10-13, 2006.

Givel, Michael, Material and Symbolic Variations in Punctuated Equilibrium. Paper presented to the Midwest Political Science Association Convention. Chicago: April 12-15, 2007.

Givel, Michael, Effectiveness of State Tobacco Control From 1990 to 2006. Paper presented to the Thirtieth Annual Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference. November, 6-8, 2008 - Los Angeles, California.

Spivak, Andrew L. and Michael Givel. 2009. The Political of Tobacco Policy: Bureaucratic Activism and the Social Problem of Secondhand Smoke. Paper presented to the Section on Sociology of Law Roundtable Session, American Sociological Association annual meeting in San Francisco, CA.

Givel, Michael, Doug Matheny, and Bob Minor, 2009. Promoting Agency Administration for the Public Good: Oklahoma's 2002 Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rules. National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Washington, D.C.

Spivak, Andrew L. and Michael Givel. 2009. The Political Sociology of Tobacco Policy: A State-Level Case of Bureaucratic Activism, Industry Resistance, and the Social Problem of Secondhand Smoke. Paper presented to the

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 7.

Public and Political Framing of Substance Use and Abuse Roundtable (3), Session 101: Drinking and Drugs Roundtables, Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meeting in San Francisco, CA.

Givel, Michael. 2010. Bhutan Tobacco Policy and Administration. Asian Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health 2010, Sydney Australia.

Givel, Michael, 2010. Unexplained and Anomalous Policy Output Patterns in Punctuated Equilibrium Theory: Challenging the Dominant Paradigm and Building a Better Theory. Paper presented to: Challenging Orthodoxies: The Critical Governance Studies Conference 13-14, December 2010, University of Warwick, U.K.

Givel, Michael. History of Bhutan’s Prohibition of Cigarettes: Implications for Neo-Prohibitionists, March 22, 2012. Presentation to 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Singapore, Singapore.

Johnson, Liz and Michael Givel, 2012. Scientific Paradigms In US Policy Theory: Is It Time for Complexity Science? Paper presented to: 1st Annual Conference on Complexity and Human Experience: Modeling Complexity in the Humanities and Social Sciences. May 30th - June 1st, 2012, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Givel, Michael, 2012. GNH in Bhutan Policy Outputs and Outcomes from 2009 – 2011. Presented to: Wellbeing and Public Policy Conference, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. June 13-15, 2012.

Givel, Michael, 2014. Overview of Complexity Theory and Public Policy: Is a Complexity Approach Better? Presented to: American Political Science Association Conference, Washington, D.C., August 29, 2014.

Givel, Michael, 2015. Mahayana Buddhism and Gross National Happiness. Presented to: 2015 Gross National Happiness Conference, Paro, Bhutan, November 5, 2015.

Givel, Michael, 2016. Happiness Policy and Modern Tibetan Buddhism and Development. Presented to: 2016- Forum on the Development of Tibet, China, Lhasa, Tibet, China, July 7-8, 2016.

Givel, Michael, 2016. Beyond Academic Silos, Gate Keeperism, and Other Activities and Pastimes In The Academy: Unifying & Improving Political Science & Policy Research. Presented to: American Political Science Association Convention, Philadelphia on September 4, 2016.

Givel, Michael. (Author & Presenter), Annual Conference on South Asia, Mahayana Buddhism and Gross National Happiness Trends in Bhutan, Presented to: Center for South Asia, Madison, Wisconsin. (October 27, 2017).

Reviews, Reports, Articles:

Wetterqvist, O., Polansky, N., Winn, A., Givel, M., 1979. The Comprehensive Plan for San Antonio, Florida. Gainesville, Florida: Urban and Regional Planning Dept., University of Florida.

Lovell, C., Burger A., Calhoun, T., Egan, H., Givel, M., Lanzer, E., Riposa, M., and Wai, W. W., June 20, 1984. Intergovernmental Regulatory Changes Under the Reagan Administration. Graduate School of Management, University of California, Riverside. Final Report to the National Science Foundation.

Smith, R. and Givel, M., January 1996. Status Report on Missouri’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems: Second Edition. Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Jefferson City, Missouri.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 8.

Givel, M., Nelson, D., and Smith, R., February 1996. Missouri Adolescent Treatment Programs: Evaluation Report. Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Jefferson City, Missouri. Smith, R., Lundy, C, Givel, M, Ihenacho, B., and Nelson, D., March 1997. Status Report on Missouri’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems: Third Edition. Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Jefferson City, Missouri.

Givel, Michael, June 29, 1997. “Economic Policy Needs New Direction.” Feature Editorial for: Columbia (Missouri) Daily Tribune, p. 3D.

Smith, R., Lundy, C., and Givel, M., January 1998. Status Report On Missouri's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems: Fourth Edition. Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Jefferson City, Missouri.

Givel, M. and Glantz, S., May 1999. Tobacco Industry Political Power and Influence in Florida From 1979 To 1999. University of California, San Francisco: Institute for Health Policy Studies.

Givel, Michael. (1998). Conspiracy Thinking, Part II: Where Do We Go from Here? Fair Comment. The Alliance Reports, vol. 2, no. 5, May, pp. 2, 16.

Givel, Michael. (1998). Progressive Populism and Conspiracy Theories. Fair Comment. The Alliance Reports, vol. 2, no. 3, March, pp. 2–3.

Givel, M. and Glantz, S., November 2000. The Public Health Undermined: The Tobacco Industry’s Legacy in Missouri in the 1990’s. University of California, San Francisco: Institute for Health Policy Studies.

Givel, Michael. Summer 2001. “What Next?” Synthesis/Regeneration. 25

Givel, M., Dearlove, J., and Glantz, S., July 2001. Tobacco Control Efforts in California 1999-2001: Stalled and Adrift. University of California, San Francisco: Institute for Health Policy Studies.

Givel, M and Glantz, S., February 2002. “State Tobacco Settlement Funds Not Being Spent on Vigorous Tobacco Control Efforts.” Oncology. 16 (2): pp. 152, and 155-157.

Givel, M. and Glantz, S., March 2002. Political Reform and Tobacco Control Policy Making In Mississippi From 1990 to 2001. University of California, San Francisco: Institute for Health Policy Studies.

Givel M. and Glantz S., June 2002. “Key Challenge for Anti-tobacco Activists – Response.” Oncology. 16 (6): p. 720.

Givel, Michael. 2003. [Review of Studlar, Donley, April 2003. Tobacco Control: Comparative Politics in the United States and Canada. Broadview Press] Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions. 16 (2): pp. 306-308.

Givel, Michael. April 24, 2004. “Gibson’s Passion Is Raked on the Facts.” Oklahoma Observer. 36 (8): p. 8.

Givel, Michael. October 13, 2004. SQ713-OK Tobacco Initiative. Posted on:

Spivak, A. and Givel, M. July 2005. From Industry Dominance to Legislative Progress: The Political and Public Health Struggle of Tobacco Control in Oklahoma. Department of Political Science. University of Oklahoma, Norman.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 9.

Givel, Michael. 2006. “Failure to Change Through Multiple Policy Instruments and Venues the Tobacco Industry Policy Subsystem in the States from 1990 to 2003.” Policy Studies Journal. 34 (3): pp. 453-457.

Givel, Michael. Winter 2006-2007 [Review of Erkulwater, Jennifer, 2006. Disability Rights and the American Social Safety Net. Ithaca: Cornell University Press] Political Science Quarterly 121 (4): 733-734.

Givel, Michael, Mar/Apr 2007. “Carter’s Argument.” Tikkun, Vol. 22, Issue 2.

Givel, Michael, 2007. “FDA Legislation Time to Shift U.S. Federal Anti-Tobacco Advocacy Tactics.” Tobacco Control. 16 (4) pp. 217-218.

Pogemiller, Ellen and Michael Givel, February 2008. Hybrid Tax Credit. Fresh Air—Newsletter of Red Earth Chapter of the Sierra Club.

Givel, Michael, 2008. FDA Regulation Reducing Tobacco Harm Is Not Scientifically Proven. American Public Health Association, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Section Newsletter, Winter 2008. Givel, Michael, May 28, 2008. “J Street: A New and Realistic Movement for Peace and Justice for Israel and Palestine Emerges.” Ameinu, Newsletter

Givel, Michael, 2008. Settlement, Tobacco. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr.. Vol. 7. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. pp. 466-467.

Givel, Michael, 2008. [Review of Halvorson, George, 2007. Health Care Reform Now! San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.] Preventing Chronic Disease 5 (4) p. A137.

Givel, Michael, Winter 2008-2009. [Review of Grogan, Colleen and Gusmano, Michael, 2007. Healthy Voices, Unhealthy Silence: Advocacy and Health Policy for the Poor. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press] Political Science Quarterly. 123 (4) pp. 694-696.

Givel, Michael, 2009. U.S. State Tobacco Control Policymaking From 1997 to 2007. China Environment and Health Initiative, at the Social Science Research Council.

Givel, Michael, 2009. Tobacco Settlement. Encyclopedia of American Political History.

Givel, Michael, March 15, 2009. “Utterly Nonsensical.” The Norman (Oklahoma) Transcript, p. A8.

Givel, Michael, Doug Matheny, and Bob Minor, 2009. Promoting Agency Administration for the Public Good: Oklahoma's 2002 Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rules. National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Washington, D.C.

Givel, Michael, November 2009. Bhutan Tobacco Policy and Administration. Royal Institute of Management, Semtokha: Thimphu, Bhutan.

Givel, Michael, February 2010. OU Professor Serves as First American Fulbright Scholar in Bhutan. Voices of Oklahoma Web Magazine; Accessed at: first-american-fulbright-scholar-in-bhutan/

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 10.

Givel, Michael, 2010. [Review of Sandra Resodihardjo, 2009. Crisis in the British and Dutch Prison Services: Understanding Crisis-Reform Processes. Burlington, Vermont.: Ashgate Publishing]. Public Administration. 88 (4) pp. 1132-1134.

Givel, Michael. 2010. From an American Fulbright Scholar in Bhutan. Drukpa; Accessed at:

Givel, Michael. 2010. Bhutan Tobacco Policy and Administration. Asian Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health 2010, Sydney Australia.

Pion, Martin, and Michael Givel, December 21, 2010. (Commentary) Lambert Finally Quits Smoking. St Louis Post-Dispatch.

Givel, Michael, May 3, 2011. (Guest Column) City Needs Effective Storm Water Plan. Norman Transcript, p A4.

Stearns, Ami, Andrew Spivak, and Michael Givel, June 2011. Progress Delayed: State of Tobacco Control Policymaking in Oklahoma From 2005-2011, Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma.

Givel, Michael. History of Bhutan’s Prohibition of Cigarettes: Implications for Neo-Prohibitionists, Poster

Presentation for 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Singapore, March 22, 2012.

Givel, Michael, April 2, 2012. A Solution for a New System. United Nations High Level Meeting on “Happiness and Well Being: Defining a New Economic Paradigm” United Nations Headquarters. New York City.

Givel, Michael, May 30, 2012. “Can Oklahoma Replicate Maryland’s Genuine Progress Indicator?” OKPolicy Blog, Oklahoma Policy Institute, Accessed at: can-oklahoma-replicate-marylands-genuine-progress-indicator

Givel, Michael, 2012. Administrative Complaint: “Letter from Beverly Kendrick, Chief, Los Angeles Office, Region IX, HUD to William Rosenberger, Executive Director, Housing Authority of Riverside, Re Guardianship and Administrative Hearing Rights (Aug. 28, 1986).” HUD Housing Programs: Tenants’ Rights Manual. 4th Edition, p. 89. Washington, D.C.: National Housing Law Project.

Geyer, Robert, Michael Givel, and Elizabeth Johnson, 2013. Roundtable Report on the Progress of Complexity and Policy in the U.S. and Internationally. Dupont Summit 2012 on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Issue, Policy Studies Organization.

Givel, Michael and Andrew Spivak, 2013. “How a Bold Public Official in the Conservative Heartland Won An Improbable Victory Over Big Tobacco.” Scholars Strategy Network. Accessed at: heartland_tobacco_war.pdf

Givel, Michael and Andrew Spivak, 2013. “Oklahoma’s Improbable Victory Over Big Tobacco.” OKPolicy Blog, Oklahoma Policy Institute. tobacco-guest-post-michael-givel-andrew-l-spivak

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Givel, Michael, 2017. Review of the book: “The Dragon’s Voice: How Modern Media Found Bhutan.” By: Bunty Avieson. Himalaya. (37) 1, pp. 152-153

Givel, Michael, 2017. Review of the book: “The History of Bhutan.” By: Karma Phuntsho. Himalaya, Spring 2017. (37 2, pp. 135-136.

Givel, Michael, December 19, 2017. Letter to the Editor to Norman Transcript. “How Many Deans Are Associated With Dean’s Row?”

Givel, Michael, 2018. Review of the book: “Paradigms & Public Sector Reform: Public Administration of Bhutan.” By: Lhwang Ugyel. Himalaya, (38) 1, pp. 219-220.


Givel, M.. and Glantz, S. Tobacco Politics in Florida for the Past Twenty Years. Abstract for the American Public Health Association's 127th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Chicago: November 7-11, 1999.

Givel, M. and Glantz, S. Tobacco Industry Political Influence and Policy Making in Mississippi in the 1990s. Abstract for the American Public Health Association's 128th Annual Meeting. Boston: November 12-16, 2000.

Givel, M. and Glantz, S. Tobacco Industry Influences On and Political Alliances With the Missouri Synar Program From 1994 to 2000. Abstract for the American Public Health Association's 129th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Atlanta: October 21-25, 2001.

Givel, M. and Glantz, S. What Role Should Government Play In Faith-Based Tobacco Control Efforts? Abstract for the American Public Health Association’s 130th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Philadelphia: November 9-13, 2002.

Givel, Michael. U.S. Anti-tobacco Movement's Four Major Tendencies: Can't We All Get Along?" Abstract for the 131st Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Francisco: November 15-19, 2003.

Spivak, Andrew and Michael Givel. Tobacco Industry Lobbying and Smoking Regulation in Oklahoma Abstract for the 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: November 6- 10, 2004.

Givel, Michael. Health Advocates Competing and Winning at All Levels of Government: The Case of the National Smokers Alliance in the 1990s. Abstract for the 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: November 6-10, 2004.

Kelton, Max and Michael Givel. Tobacco Industry Smuggling Through Native American Reservations Abstract for the 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Philadelphia.: December 10-14, 2005.

Givel, Michael. Is Philip Morris' Support of FDA Regulation Good for Public Health? Abstract for the 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Philadelphia: December 10-14, 2005. Givel, Michael. Why the Failure of OSHA to Adopt the 1994 National Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rule Has Had a Detrimental Impact on Public Health. Abstract for the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston, Massachusetts: November 4-8, 2006.

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Kelton, Max, and Michael Givel. Up in Smoke: Impact of Native American Smoke Shops on Tobacco Taxation and Consumption in the United States. Abstract for the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston, Massachusetts: November 4-8, 2006.

Givel, Michael. Limits to Reform: Why Not Adopting OSHA’s Command and Control National Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Rule Failed to Protect the United States Public Health. Abstract for The Third International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy, Jerusalem, Israel, December 10-13, 2006.

Givel, Michael. Role of Tobacco Regulatory Symbolism: A Comparison of U.S. and Canadian Cigarette Warning Label Requirements. Abstract for the 135th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: November 3-7, 2007.

Givel, Michael. Deficiencies in Using Media Images and Symbols in Tobacco Policy Education and Advocacy: Case of Less Risky Cigarettes, Abstract for the 138th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Denver, Colorado, November 6-10, 2010.

Stearns, Ami, Andrew Spivak, and Michael Givel. Behind the Smokescreen: Addressing Native American Tobacco Use in Oklahoma. Abstract for the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Denver, Colorado, October 27-31, 2012.

Givel, Michael, Scientific Paradigms in U.S. Policy Studies: Is it Time for Complexity Science? Abstract for Dupont Summit: Science, Technology & Environmental Policy: Pressing Issues Amid the Political Maelstrom, Policy Studies Organization, December 7, 2012


Givel, Michael. Co-organized: Globalization, Health Policy, and Health Services Postdoctoral Seminar Series for Institute for Health Policy Studies, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Also, provided lecture to this class on: Overview of the Political Economy of Globalization. February 14, 1999.

Givel, Michael, Common Obstacles and Arguments Against Smoking Restrictions. Oral presentation to the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization Conference in Kingston, Jamaica entitled:

“Using the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) to Strengthen National Tobacco Control Capacity in the Caribbean.” April 9-11, 2001.

Givel, Michael, Tobacco Lobby Political Influence on U.S. State Legislatures in the 1990s. Oral Presentation for the Midwest Political Science Association Convention. Chicago: April 3-6, 2003.

Givel, Michael, Oklahoma Tobacco Policy Making. Oral Presentation to the American Heart Association’s Tulsa Division Board of Director’s meeting: December 4, 2003.

Givel, Michael. Health Advocates Competing and Winning at All Levels of Government: The Case of the National Smokers Alliance in the 1990s. Oral Presentation for the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: November 6-10, 2004.

Givel, Michael. Tobacco Policy and Politics, February 22, 2005; and Tobacco Industry Documents, March 8, 2005. Invited lectures to University of Oklahoma, College of Public Health.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 13.

Givel, Michael, Archival Tobacco Document Research, Oral Presentation to the Tobacco Research Network on Disparities—National Cancer Institute, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: June 5-6-2006.

Givel, Michael and Kelton, Max, Public Policy Implications of Tobacco Industry Smuggling Through Native American Reservations Into Canada. Oral Presentation to the Tobacco Research Network on Disparities—National Cancer Institute, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: June 5-6-2006.

Givel, Michael. Moderator of Panelist Discussion Building Capacity for Tobacco Control: Lessons Learned from the States for the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston: November 4-8, 2006.

Givel, Michael, Discussant of Panel Presentation Health Policy Innovation and Adoption. Midwest Political Science Association Convention. Chicago: April 12-15, 2007.

Givel, Michael, Provided Written Testimony To the Committee of Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, February 27, 2007. ”FDA Legislation Requires Significant Changes to Curb Cigarette Use.”

Givel, Michael, Consent and Counter-Mobilization: the Case of the National Smokers Alliance. Oral Presentation to Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, University of California, San Francisco: August 7, 2007.

Givel, Michael, Tobacco Industry Lobbying and Smoking Regulation in Oklahoma. Oral Presentation to Kiwanis Club at Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club on August 28, 2007.

Givel, Michael. Oklahoma Hybrid Tax Credit Policy. Oral Presentation to Red Earth Chapter of Sierra Club, Norman, Oklahoma, September 27, 2007.

Givel, Michael. Oklahoma Alternative Vehicle Tax Credit Policy. Oral Presentation to Red Earth Chapter of Sierra Club, Norman, Oklahoma, February 28, 2008.

Givel, Michael. Tobacco Industry Lobbying and Smoking Regulation in Oklahoma. Oral Presentation to Osher Learning Institute, The University of Oklahoma, November 18, 2008.

Givel, Michael. Models of Power. Oral Presentation to Royal Thimphu College, Ngabiphu, Thimphu, Bhutan, September 16, 2009.

Givel, Michael. Approaches to Conduct Successful Peer Reviewed and Scientific Research. Oral Presentation to Royal Institute of Management, Simtokha: Thimphu, Bhutan, September 18, 2009.

Givel, Michael. Changing Paradigms in Public Sector Management. Oral Presentation to Department of Management Development, Human Resources Management Post-Graduate Class. Royal Institute of Management, Simtokha: Thimphu, Bhutan, September 25, 2009.

Givel, Michael, Bhutan Tobacco Policy and Administration. Oral Presentation to Fulbright Conference, Puducherry, India on November 25, 2009.

Givel, Michael, Panelist, Fulbright Fellowships: The Essence is Promotion of Mutual Understanding Fulbright Conference, Puducherry, India on November 25, 2009.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 14.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. Oral presentation to Norman, Oklahoma Naturalism Group on February 6, 2010.

Givel, Michael, Archival Tobacco Document Research. Oral presentation to University of Oklahoma, College of Public Health on March 8, 2010.

Givel, Michael, Tobacco Use Policymaking and Administration in Bhutan. Oral presentation to the University of Oklahoma, College of Public Health Seminar on March 25, 2010.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. Oral presentation to University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Lifelong Learning Institute, on October 19, 2010.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. Oral presentation to Channing Unitarian Universalist Church, Edmond, Oklahoma on December 19, 2010.

Givel, Michael, OSHA, Bokoshe, Clean Air & Water. Oral Presentation to the University of Oklahoma Environmental Law Society, on March 2, 2011.

Givel, Michael, A Clash of Worldviews in Modern U.S. Partisanship and Social Policy. Oral Presentation to the University of Oklahoma, Pizza & Politics, Carl Albert Center, on April 28, 2011.

Givel, Michael, Approaches to Apply for a Fulbright Grant. Workshop and presentation to the University of Oklahoma, Center for Research Program Development and Enrichment, on June 8, 2011.

Givel, Michael, Nexus of Design, Agency Capture and Free Markets In FDA Regulatory and Advisory Process. Oral presentation to Harvard School of Public Health, June 22, 2011

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. Oral presentation to Shawnee Lion’s Club, Shawnee, Oklahoma on October 6, 2011.

Givel, Michael, Tobacco Control Policy and Trends in Oklahoma From 2005-2001: Time for a New Direction. Oral Presentation to University of Oklahoma, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Fall 2011 Seminars on October 31, 2011.

Givel, Michael, Theoretical and Applied Features of Free Markets, The State and Agency Capture, and Corporate Actions in FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products. Oral Presentation to Policy Studies Organization’s Dupont Summit: Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy: Pressing Issues Little, Washington, D.C., on December 2, 2011.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness In Bhutan: Policy Outputs and Outcomes In 2010-2011, Oral presentation to Kiwanis Club of Paul’s Valley, Oklahoma on December 14, 2011.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness In Bhutan: Policy Outputs and Outcomes In 2010-2011, Oral presentation to OLLIE, Norman, Oklahoma on February 14, 2012.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: Policy Outputs and Outcomes From 2009-2011, Oral Presentation to Well Being and Public Policy Conference, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand on June 15, 2012.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 15.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: Policy Outputs and Outcomes From 2009-2011, Oral presentation to University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Lifelong Learning Institute, on on March 5, 2013.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: Policy Outputs and Outcomes From 2010-2011, Oral Presentation to University of Oklahoma, Department of Political Science and School of International and Area Studies on April 11, 2013.

Givel, Michael, Beyond GDP: Alternative Measures of Wellbeing and Social Progress, sermon delivered to Westwind Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Norman Oklahoma, on May 5, 2013

Givel, Michael, Panel Discussant for: Author Meets Critics: Global Tobacco Control: Power, Policy, Governance and Transfer, American Political Science Association, Chicago, August 31, 2013

Givel, Michael, Overview of Complexity Theory and Public Policy: Case of Anthropocene Era, Oral Presentation to University of Oklahoma Anthropocene Working Group on October 28, 2013.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: Educational Happiness in 2010. Presented to: Diversity Scholars Event. University of Oklahoma, College of Education. January 16, 2014.

Givel, Michael, Breakout Moderator on Political Organizing and Health Care. 2014 Bridges to Access: “Access to Health… Not Just Healthcare Conference, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. March 8, 2014.

Givel, Michael, Heartland Tobacco War. Presented to University of Oklahoma, OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute. February 11, 2014.

Givel, Michael, Roundtable in Political Science Field Work, Discussant and Panelist. Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma, October 2, 2014.

Givel, Michael, Paro Taktsang/Tiger’s Nest: A Tale of Good and Evil and the Nature of the Universe. Presented to West Wind Unitarian Congregation on, Norman, Oklahoma, October 5, 2014.

Givel, Michael, Ancient and Modern Happiness Policy in Bhutan. Presented to University of Oklahoma OLLI, February 10, 2015.

Givel, Michael, Myths and Laws Regarding the Creation of the Universe, Presented to the West Wind Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Norman, Oklahoma, March 29, 2015.

Givel, Michael, Early Happiness Policy as a Government Mission of Bhutan, Presented to Himalayan Studies Conference IV, Austin, Texas, February 27, 2016.

Givel, Michael, Gandhi's Moral Roots and Non-Violent Action, Presented to Westwind Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Norman, Oklahoma—March 13, 2016

Givel, Michael, Heartland Tobacco War, Presented to University of Oklahoma Medical Humanities Group, April 15, 2016.

Givel, Michael, Happiness Policy and Modern Tibetan Buddhism and Development. Presented to: Forum on The Development of Tibet, China, July 3, 2016.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 16.

Givel, Michael, Beyond Academic Silos: Gate Keeperism, and Other Activities Activities and Pastimes In the Academy: Unifying and Improving Political Science and Policy Research, Roundtable discussant at American Political Science Association national convention, Philadelphia, September 4, 2016.

Givel, Michael, Dueling Narratives in a Troubled Land: Modern Tibet, Presented to Norman Naturalism Group, September 18, 2016.

Givel, Michael, Sundown on the Prairie: White Ethno-nationalism and Exclusion of African-Americans in Norman, Oklahoma from 1889 to 1967. Presented to West Wind Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Norman, Oklahoma on January 14, 2018.

Givel, Michael, Sundown on the Prairie: The Extra-Legal Campaigns and Efforts From 1889-1967 to Exclude African-Americans from Norman, Oklahoma. Presented to: County Historical Society, Norman Oklahoma, on April 22, 2018.

Givel, Michael, Gross National Happiness Policy Outputs in Bhutan from 1972 to 2014. Presented to International Society for Bhutan Studies, Magdalene College, University of Oxford, on January 10, 2019.


Givel, Michael, Interview for March 21, 2010, Radio New Zealand's national "Ideas" program entitled: Smokefree Aotearoa on Bhutan’s tobacco policymaking and administration.

Givel, Michael, Interview for March 25, 2013, KGOU, FM, Norman, Oklahoma, Looking Ahead to Local Control of Tobacco Regulation

Member: 2002 to present, University of Oklahoma, Department of Political Science, Undergraduate Committee


Member: 2002 to present, University of Oklahoma, Department of Political Science, Public Administration and Policy Committee

Member: 2004 to present, University of Oklahoma, Community Cancer Prevention and Control Program Advisory Committee

Member: 2006 to 2012, University of Oklahoma, Environmental Concerns Committee

Chair: 2008 to 2012, University of Oklahoma, Environmental Concerns Committee

Member: 2008 to present University of Oklahoma—Norman Sustainability Committee

Member: 2006 to 2010, University of Oklahoma Undergraduate Political Science Awards Committee

Chair: 2006 to 2010, University of Oklahoma, Graduate Public Administration Awards Committee

Member: 2007 to 2010, Goddard Health Center Advisory Board

Chair: 2010 to 2012, University of Oklahoma Faculty Fulbright Committee

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 17.

Member: 2010 to 2012, Committee A—Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment

President: 2014 to 2016, University of Oklahoma Chapter of American Association of University Professors

Member: 2012 to Present: University of Oklahoma, Bhutan Working Group

Member: 2012 to present: University of Oklahoma, Asian Advisory Committee

Member: 2012, University of Oklahoma Tobacco Advisory Committee

Faculty Leader: 2012 to present: University of Oklahoma Study Abroad Program, Bhutan

Member: Spring 2017 to 2019, University of Oklahoma, Research Council

Member: May 2018 to 2019, University of Oklahoma Faculty Senate

Member: October 2019 to May 2020, University of Oklahoma Academic Program Review Committee


Member: American Political Science Association; Section Memberships: Public Policy and Urban Politics.

Member: American Public Health Association; Affiliations: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, , Community Health Planning and Policy Development, Environment, International Health, and Medical Care.

Member: Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Reviewer: Books for, Perspectives on Politics, and HIMALYA for potential publication.

Reviewer: Review political science, public policy, public administration, health policy and tobacco control manuscripts and abstracts for American Journal of Political Science, PS: Political Science & Politics, Policy & Politics, American Journal of Public Health, Public Administration Review, Preventing Chronic Disease, Social Science and

Medicine, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Political Science Quarterly, Policy Studies Journal, Public Budgeting & Finance, State and Local Government Review, Social Science Quarterly, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco,

BioMed Central—Public Health, Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, Interest Groups & Advocacy, Health Affairs, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Health Education & Behavior, Publius, European Journal of Public

Health, American Review of Public Administration, Environment, Development, and Sustainability, Review of Policy Research, Tobacco Control, Governance, and Global Social Policy for potential publication.

Reviewer: National Science Foundation and Florida Department of Health grant proposals related to public policy, public health, and law.

Member: 2009 selection committee for Fulbright--Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program from Bhutan to U.S.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 18.

Consultant: Royal Institute of Management, Semtokha: Thimphu, Bhutan, June – December 2009; development and writing of faculty policies and guidelines for consultancy and research.

Executive Committee Member: 2010 to 2013, Red Earth Group-Sierra Club; Chair of Executive Committee: 2011 to present.

Member and Political Chair: 2010 to 2013, Red Earth Group-Sierra Club

Chair: 2011 to 2013, Red Earth Group-Sierra Club

Member: 2010 to 2013, Oklahoma Chapter-Sierra Club, Legislative and Political Committees.

Member: 2012 to 2013, Oklahoma Chapter-Sierra Club, Executive Committee, and Oklahoma State Conservation Chair

Vice-Chair: 2013, Oklahoma Chapter-Sierra Club

Member: 2011 to 2012, Norman, Oklahoma, Development Oversight Committee, TIF District No. 2

Delegate By Invitation of Royal Government of Bhutan: 2012, Urgent Call for High-Level Meeting on Happiness & Wellbeing: Defining a New Economic Paradigm, United Nations Headquarters, New York City, April 2-3, 2012.

Member: 2012 to Present, Associate Editor, Journal of Policy and Complex Systems

Member: 2013 to present, Scholars Strategy Network Founder and Chair: 2013 to present: American Political Science Association, Complexity and Public Policy Group

Director: 2015 to present: Bhutan Rare and Historical Document Archive,

Book Reviewer: 2016 to present, HIMALAYA Journal

Member: 2016-2017, Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Member: October to December 2019, City of Norman, Subcommittee on Community Inclusivity, Norman Human Rights Commission


Graduate: Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California, San Francisco’s post-doctorate fellowship program, August 2001. Program entailed comprehensive advanced coursework, research, and analyses in health policy and health services administration.

Participant: University of Oklahoma, Instructional Development Program, New Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Fall Semester, 2002.

Chair: 2013 to Present, American Political Science Association, Complexity and Public Policy Group

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 19.

Research Advisor: 2016 to 2017, Gallup Poll Asia.


Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society.

Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2006-2010.

Who’s Who in America. 2011-2016

Named as One of Top 100 Alumni Authors for University of California, Riverside, Alumni Association’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.

First U.S. Fulbright to Bhutan, 2009. Red Earth Group, Sierra Club, Community Service Award, 2011.

University of Oklahoma, College of Arts & Science. Faculty Author Reception for publication of Heartland Tobacco War. February 25, 2014.

City of Norman, For Service on Development Oversight Committee for TIF District No. 2, June 28, 2011 to May 27, 2014.

Oklahoma Historical Society, 2018 Muriel Wright Award for article: “Sundown on the Prairie: The Extra- Legal Campaigns and Efforts From 1889 to 1967 to Exclude African-Americans From Norman, Oklahoma. April 26, 2019.


University of California, Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, 1986.

University of California, Office of the President, Tobacco-Related Diseases Research Program Grant; June 1999. Two year research grant awarded to conduct a national cross comparison policy study of how representative states will utilize their new national tobacco settlement money for tobacco control efforts.

University of Oklahoma, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship; June – August 2003. Three-month research grant to supplement research activities to examine tobacco making policy processes in Oklahoma

American Heart Association, Scientist Development Grant and American Heart Association, Grant-In-Aid Grant; Identical two year grants examining tobacco making policy processes in Oklahoma—both grants awarded at same time and I accepted American Heart Association, Scientist Development Grant—July 2003 – June 2005.

National Cancer Institute Grant, Co-investigator working with faculty at University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center) examining tobacco industry tactics aimed at Native Americans—March 2004 – June 2007.

Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center Seed Grant, Principal Investigator examining the linkages between tobacco industry campaign contributions and Oklahoma tobacco control voting patterns--April 2010 to June 2012.

Michael Givel -- Curriculum Vita 20.

University of Oklahoma, Faculty Investment Program Grant, six month grant supplementing research and writing of two academic book manuscripts—June 2012—December 2012

University of Oklahoma, Faculty Investment Program Grant, three month grant providing support for research in Bhutan of Bhutan tobacco policy and administration and Gross National Happiness-May- August 2013

University of Oklahoma, Presidential International Travel Fellowship, April 2015

Arts and Humanities Faculty Fellowship Program Grant, University of Oklahoma, 2018-2019