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Seminar Procciding Book Totale Pages National Conference 14th– 15th March 2014 "Role of SMEs in Future Economic Development" Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust's S.B.Patil Institute of Management In Association with AICTE, New Delhi Conference Proceedings National Conference 2014 Chairman Dr. Daniel Penkar Director, SBPIM National Conference 2014 Chief Editor National Conference 2014 Chief Convener Dr. Hansraj Thorat Dr. Kirti Dharwadkar Head Research, SBPIM Dean Academics, SBPIM First Edition: 2014 Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust's S.B.Patil Institute of Management, Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune, India –411044. National Conference 2014: "Role of SMEs in Future Economic Development" Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-81-922746-1-4 Copy Right © 2014, by S.B.Patil Institute of Management No Part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical , including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Disclaimer: The views expressed in the paper or article are of the individual authors. Neither S.B.Patil Institute of Management nor the editor accepts any responsibility for the errors, or views expressed in the paper or article. Errors, if any, are purely unintentional and readers are requested to communicate such errors to the editors to avoid discrepancies in future. Published By: Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust's S.B.Patil Institute of Management Sector 26, Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune, India 411044. Chief Editor: Dr. Hansraj Thorat Editors: Mr. Bhushan Pardeshi Mr. Pavan Patil Printed By: Prowiz Design 212, B-Wing, Bizzyland, Kumthekar Road, Sadashiv Peth, Pune, India 411030. CHAIRMAN's MESSAGE It gives me immense pleasure to bring out these papers or articles in the Conference Proceedings of SBPIM came up with the burning, current and relevant issue in the National Conference on "Role of SMEs in Future Economic Development". My sincere thanks to various faculty members of different management institutes who irrespective of their busy schedule and teaching load took out time to do a small research and write a paper for the seminar. This publication will make them happy and motivate them to do further research. The main objective of this pub-lication is that when the papers will be read and referred by other faculty members they will use their innovative ideas and creativity and develop further research. I am confident that these efforts will make the faculty think in different directions and on different subjects. There should be more participation more enthusiasm, hard work and competitive spirit in producing good quality papers. Remember all this should be in a global perspective and must give global solutions in handling global challenges. Lets thank all the trustees of PCET, teaching, non teaching faculty of SBPIM who have taken so much efforts in making the National Conference a grand success. Dr. Daniel Penkar Director, S.B.Patil Institute of Management CHIEF EDITOR's MESSAGE The world is changing rapidly. Increasing world's population, tremendous unemployment, uneven economic growth, regional imbalance, poverty, underutilization of resources etc. become the problems of Indian and world economy. The public sector, corporate sector, co-operative sector or any other sector is unable to give complete solution to these problems. The only solution to these problems is to establish and develop Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in urban and rural areas. Their role in Indian Economy will be significant to attain balanced regional growth. Keeping in mind these aspects the SBPIM team have organized two day National Conference on 14th and 15th March 2014, upon, “ Role of SMEs in Future Economic Development”. National Conference is an important platform and opportunity for Students, Academicians, Entrepreneurs, and Research Scholars to present their research work and share their knowledge with suggestions to improve business situation. In response to the call, we received research papers on various aspects of MSME from all over India. The entire team of S. B. Patil Institute of Management worked hard for achieving great success of the National Conference. The benefit of such type of conference to research scholars is to find out new areas of research in MSME which are listed as under: 1. Innovative ideas in MSME. 2. Problems and prospects of MSME. 3. Use of Information Technology in MSME. 4. Marketing strategy in MSME. 5. HR practices in MSME. 6. Working capital management in MSME. 7. Venture Capital in MSME. 8. Capacity utilization in Manufacturing Units of MSME. 9. Government policy about MSME and Facilities provided by government to MSME. 10. Self help groups and creation of MSME. 11. Women entrepreneurship and MSME. 12. Impact of dispersal of MSME in economic development of particular area. 13. MSME and rural development. 14. Employment generation by MSME. 15. MSME and large scale industrial units. 16. Entrepreneurship Development Program Institutions and their contribution to establish MSME. 17. EDP organized by Government and Non- government organizations. 18. Cross culture due to globalization in MSME. 19. CSR activities conducted by MSME. 20. Green manufacturing and marketing by MSME. I thank to all the SBPIM team members for their help and co-operation. We are greatful to our president Hon. Dnyaneshwar Landge, Secretary, Hon Vitthalrao Kalbhor, Treasurer, Hon. Shantaram Garade, Hon. Padmatai Bhosale, Hon. Harshwardhan Patil, and Hon. Bhaijan Kazi for their continuous support, motivation and help in organizing this conference and the all round development of the institute. I sincerely thank to Dr. Kirti Dharwadkar Chief Convener of this conference and Dr. Daniel Penkar, Director SBPIM, as Chairman of this conference for their continuous support to SBPIM team and the efforts who made this conference a great success. Dr. Hansraj Thorat Head Research, S.B.Patil Institute of Management CHIEF CONVENER's MESSAGE Worldwide, the micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting development. The major advantage of the sector is its employment potential at low capital cost. The labour intensity of the MSME sector is much higher than that of the large enterprises. SMEs play a key role in transition and developing countries. These firms typically account for more than 90% of all firms outside the agricultural sector, constitute a major source of employment and generate significant domestic and export earnings. As such, SME development emerges as a key instrument in poverty reduction efforts. Globalization and trade liberalization have ushered in new opportunities as well as challenges for SMEs. Presently, only a small part of the SME sector is able to identify and exploit these opportunities and deal with the challenges. The majority of SMEs in developing and transition countries, has been unable to exploit the benefits of globalization and, to add to the situation, are frequently under pressure on the local or domestic markets from cheaper imports and foreign competition. In India too, the MSMEs play a pivotal role in the overall industrial economy of the country. In recent years the MSME sector has consistently registered higher growth rate compared to the overall industrial sector. With its agility and dynamism, the sector has shown admirable innovativeness and adaptability to survive the recent economic downturn and recession. It was a matter of great honor and privilege for the institution to host a conference on the critical issues and unleash the discussion on various issues and challenges of SMEs at SBPIM. The contributions of the participants, dedicated staff, Students, and Sponsorer went into making the conference a success as it finally did, could never be doubted, but it would not have been possible without the co-operation of all the members. Dr. Kirti Dharwadkar, Dean Academics, S.B.Patil Institute of Management Key Note Address by Cheif Guest MSME in India and Business Excellence Prof. Sanjay Bhayani Department of Business Management Saurashtra University Rajkot – 360 005 (Gujarat-India) Email: Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust's S.B.Patil Institute of Management Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-81-922746-1-4 Table of Contents A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECT SMALL ENTERPRISES (SES) IN GOA 01 Prof. Namdev M. Gawas A STUDY OF CHALLENGES FACED BY WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN SMALL SCALE BUSINESS IN PUNE AREA 10 Ms. Mrinal Kashikar A STUDY OF CHALLENGES OF CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES IN SMEs 15 Dr. Daniel Penkar, Dr. Kirti Dharwadkar A STUDY OF CONTRIBUTION OF SME'S AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 21 Prof. Shruti Ganpule, Prof. Kshitija Gandhi A STUDY OF CROWD FUNDING - INNOVATIVE ALTERNATIVE TO TRADITIONAL INVESTMENTS IN INDIA 29 Dr. D. B. Bharati A STUDY OF ROLE OF TRADE UNION IN THE ORGANIZATION - A UNISON CASE STUDY 35 Prof. Jyoti Bhanage, Dr. Prasad Bhanage ANALYSIS OF EXPORT ASSISTANT AND PROMOTION IN INDIA 41 V. V. Maltumkar CHALLENGES BEFORE SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZE ENTERPRISES 49 Dr. J. P. Bhosale CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR SME PRODUCTS: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MARKETING 54 Dr. Arakeri. Shanta.V., Prof. R. L. Nandargi CONTRIBUTION OF SME'S IN CSR ACTIVITIES 57 Ms. Nikita Nadkarni ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREA 63 Dr. Hansraj Thorat FINANCIAL INCLUSION-ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY 69 Dr. Anil Nagtilak, Mrs. Ulka Babasaheb Pol FUTURE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR AS SMEs 76 Ms. Anuradha Jadhav FUTURE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR AS SMES 80 Dr. B. G. Panmand GOVERNMENT POLICIES FOR SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES IN INDIA 83 Dr. Pramod Ramchandra Botre GREEN MARKETING AND ITS FEASIBILITY IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN GURGAON REGION 89 Lakshmi Nair IMPACT OF KM STRATEGY ON KM PROCESS –SPECIAL REFERENCE TO AUTO COMPONENT SMALL AND 103 MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES OF PUNE REGION Dr. (Mrs.)R. Lavanya SBPIM National Conference ISBN 978-81-922746-1-4 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT : EMERGING TOOL FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES 110 Dr. J. P. Bhosale NEW CHALLENGES FOR ADOPTING GREEN MARKETING STRATEGIES 115 Mr. Pratik shah, Mr.
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    Report for: ACTION Contains Confidential NO - Part I or Exempt Information Title Civic Crowdfunding Responsible Officer(s) Kevin Mist, Head of Communities & Economic Development Contact officer, job Harjit Hunjan, Community and Business Partnerships title and phone number Manager, 01628 796947; Michaela Rizou, Cabinet Policy Assistant, 01628 796030 Member reporting Cllr George Bathurst, Principal Member for Policy Cllr Claire Stretton, Principal Member for Culture and Communities Cllr Jack Rankin, Deputy Lead Member - Customer Service Performance For Consideration By Policy Committee Date to be Considered 18 April 2016 Implementation Date if Immediately Not Called In Affected Wards All Wards REPORT SUMMARY 1. The report outlines the potential of ‘crowdfunding’ as an approach to raising funds or in kind support for civic projects. 2. The paper presents a synopsis of online Crowdfunding platforms relevant to the not for profit sector (Appendix A) and a fuller listing of platforms who are members of crowdfunding Association (UK) (Appendix B). 3. It recommends that members approve exploratory work with Spacehive, or another crowdfunding website, as appropriate, and request a report on progress to the Policy Committee in September 2016. 4. Using an existing crowdfunding platform would not incur any direct costs to the council in the first instance but could provide an opportunity for the council to match fund local projects, where feasible and appropriate. If recommendations are adopted, how will residents benefit? Benefits to residents and reasons why they will Dates by which they can benefit expect to notice a difference The Council seeks to explore all available funding 30 July 2016 opportunities to deliver projects and services to the benefit of local residents.
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