Infrastructure products

Project References – USA

Photo © 2012, Jason Griffith, All Rights Reserved

Photo Credit: New York State Thruway Authority Infrastructure products

Index American Projects

mageba’s Expansion Seismic Monitoring Project Location/Country Bearings Page completion joints devices & Services Tappan Zee Bridge New York, NY 2018 ● ● 3

SR520 West Seattle, WA 2017 ● 4

Transbay Transit Center San Francisco, CA 2016 ● ● ● 5

Bayonne Bridge New York, NY 2017 ● ● 6

Ohio River Bridges – Downtown Louisville, KY 2016 ● 7

Verrazano Narrows Bridge New York, NY 2016 ● 8

SR520 Floating Bridge Seattle, WA 2016 ● 9

St. Croix Bridge Oak Park Heights, MN 2015 ● 10

Goldsboro Bypass Goldsboro, NC 2013–2014 ● 11

John James Audubon Bridge New Roads, LA 2010 ● 12

USA Canada mageba headquarters Headquarters North America Office Montreal mageba sa mageba North America Corp. mageba North America Corp. Solistrasse 68 1384 Broadway, 5th Floor 5455 De Gaspe Ave. Suite 710 8180 Bülach - Switzerland New York, NY 10018 Montreal, , H2T 3B3 Tel. +41 44 872 40 50 Tel. 212-644-3335 Tel. 514-228-7410 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

mageba on the internet mageba supports the following organzations: Visit us on for more information, watch our videos on or read the latest stories on our social channel

2 Infrastructure products

Tappan Zee Bridge (New York)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The New Tappan Zee Bridge, also known as mageba USA is supplying all 23 of the the New NY Bridge and offi cially named the TENSA®MODULAR (type LR) expansion mageba products: Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge a� er the joints required for the new Tappan Zee Type: 23 TENSA®MODULAR LR late former governor Mario Cuomo, is a twin Bridge, in fully conti nuous lengths, the long- expansion joints cable-stayed bridge being built to replace est of which is 105 feet (32 meters). The 16 RESTON®STU shock the current original Tappan Zee Bridge over largest joints will be type LR18, each with 18 transmission units New York’s Hudson River. Upon completi on individual movement gaps which accommo- Installati on: 2015–2018 in June 2018, the $4.0 billion structure will date total longitudinal movements of up to contain a total of eight lanes for vehicular 54 inches (1.4 meters). Structure: traffi c as well as a shared-use bicycle and mageba USA is also supplying 16 City: New York pedestrian path. RESTON®STU shock transmission units (STU, Country: USA Additi onally, an allowance has been made also known as lock-up devices), with lock- Type: Cable stay Bridge for the future constructi on, between the up capaciti es of 800 kips (3,550 kN) and Completed: 2018 two structures, of a rail line to assist with pressure release valves rated for 1,600 kips Length: 3.0 miles (4,800 m) trans-Hudson public transportati on. (7,100 kN). Each STU will weigh 13,500 lbs Builder: Fluor Corporati on, The Tappan Zee Bridge is a criti cally impor- (6,150 kg), and will be individually tested to American Bridge Copany, ensure that the performance meets the re- Granite Constructi on tant transportati on link in the New York Northeast & Traylor Bros Metropolitan Area, with over 138,000 vehi- quired design criteria. cles crossing it each day.

The Tappan Zee Bridge is located close to Installati on of a TENSA®MODULAR expansion New York City joint type LR8 Installed shock transmission unit

New York

Tappan Zee Bridge

© 2015 Google

3 Infrastructure products

SR 520 West Approach Bridge (Washington)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge-Ev- The pre-stress girder structure will feature ergreen Point (commonly called the SR 520 wider lane, shoulders and have a 14-foot- mageba products: Bridge) carries State Route 520 across Lake wide bicycle/pedestrian shared path on Type: TENSA®MODULAR Washington from Seatt le to Medina. The SR the north side of the bridge. mageba USA expansion joints 520 Bridge Replacement development has is suppling seven TENSA®MODULAR (type (types LR6, LR7, LR8) reached its latest constructi on phase with LR) expansion joints for the new West Ap- Features: Noise-reducing “sinus the West Approach Bridge North Project. proach Bridge North. The joints range from plates” on surface Expected to be completed in the summer of 6 to 8 gaps that allows up to 25 in (640 mm) ROBO®MUTE Sliding Panels 2017, the new West Approach Bridge North longitudinal service movement. The joints will carry westbound cars, buses and trucks are equipped with noise-reducing “sinus Installati on: January – June 2017 from the new fl oati ng bridge to the Mont- plates”, which provide a smooth driving sur- Structure: lake area. face for vehicles, minimizing vibrati on and City: Seatt le, WA noise by up to 80 %. Another feature is the Country: USA ROBO®MUTE blanket panels, a system of mat layered membrane that reduces noise Type: Highway bridge transmitt ed from beneath the joint. Built: 2014–2017

The bridge connects Seatt le to Medina crossing Lake TENSA®MODULAR expansion (LR8) equipped with Washigton sinus plate noise reducti on surface Pouring the concrete into the recess


Sea� le, Washington


© 2012 Google

4 Infrastructure products

Transbay Transit Center (USA)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The new Transbay Transit Center has re- mageba USA worked on diff erent secti ons of placed the former Transbay Terminal that this landmark project. On one side, mageba mageba products: was built in 1939 in downtown San Francis- supplied eight RESTON®PENDULUM Mono Type: RESTON®PENDULUM co. This modern transit hub serves 11 trans- bearings with load capaciti es of 2,500 Mono bearings portati on systems and contains more than kips (11,120 kN) and 2,000 kips (8,900 kN) RESTON®SPHERICAL one million square feet. The highlights are for the terminal superstructure and eight bearings a 5.4 acre (22 000 square meters) roo� op RESTON®SPHERICAL bearings able to with- TENSA®MODULAR public park, Grade Hall, dramati c Light Col- stand blast forces of 171 kips and with 41.5” expansion joints of type umn, and stay cable pedestrian bridge. The of max. sliding capacity for the glass roof LR8 and LR11 constructi on was completed in 2018. structure. Features: Table hystereti c behavior On the other side, mageba also supplied Installati on: 2016–2018 two TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints de- Structure: signed with 8 and 11 gaps to accommodate City: San Francisco, CA 24 in and 33 in of movement respecti vely at the bus storage facility ramp. Country: USA Type: Transit Center Owner: TJPA Builder: Shimmick, Greenlite, MCM

The Transbay Transit Center is located next to the Installati on of RESTON®PENDULUM Mono on termi- Movements at the Bus storage facility ramp will be San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge nal superstructure facilitated by modular joints


San Francisco

© 2015 Google

5 Infrastructure products

Bayonne Bridge (New York)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Bayonne Bridge connects the City of To support the newly raised deck, mageba Bayonne, NJ with Staten Island, NY. A� er is supplying 158 RESTON®DISC bearings. All mageba products: its completi on in 1931, the Bayonne Bridge of the approach span bearings are being Type: TENSA®MODULAR LR was the longest steel arch bridge in the specially fabricated with the capability to expansion joints, world, but today it sits in fi � h place. be temporally locked against longitudinal TENSA®FINGER GF sliding In 2013, prompted by the expansion of the movements during the constructi on phase, fi nger joints, Panama Canal, a $743.3 million project was but allowing free movement a� er construc- RESTON®DISC bearings awarded to raise the bridge deck within the ti on is completed. Features: Upli� Bearings original steel arch in order to accommodate The new bridge deck will also be equipped Installati on: 2015–2017 larger post-Panamax class ships. with 18 TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints, The signifi cance of this project cannot be designed with up to 6 gaps to accommo- Structure: overvalued as fully 12 % of all US-bound date 17.7 in (450 mm) of movement, and City: Staten Island, NY internati onal container ships currently pass 4 TENSA®FINGER sliding fi nger joints to ac- Country: USA under the Bayonne Bridge. commodate 31.5 in (800 mm) of movement. Type: Steel arch Additi onally, mageba is supplying sliding Completed: 1931 plate expansion joints for the shared use Length: 5,780 � (1,762 m) pedestrian and cycle paths. Contractor: Skanska Koch-Kiewit JV Owner: Port Authority of NY and NJ

The bridge is one of three that connect Staten Island, Deck movements will be facilitated by modular joints New York to New Jersey A fi nished Disc bearing before delivery (as shown) and sliding fi nger joints

New York

New Jersey

Bayonne Bridge

© 2012 Google

6 Infrastructure products

Ohio River Bridges – Downtown (Kentucky)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Ohio River Bridges project involves the mageba is supplying 20 structural bearings constructi on of two new bridges across the to support the deck of the new bridge. 10 of mageba products: Ohio River between the states of Indiana these are LASTO®BLOCK elastomeric bear- Type: RESTON®DISC and Kentucky. The Downtown Crossing will ings, and 10 are RESTON®DISC disc bearings. disc bearings connect the downtown areas of the citi es of A number of the disc bearings will be in- LASTO®BLOCK Louisville in Kentucky and Jeff ersonville in stalled verti cally to primarily resist horizon- elastomeric bearings Indiana, and the East End Bridge is located tal forces at the pylons. Special: 50-year service life eight miles upstream. With a service life of 50 years, the sliding Installati on: 2015–2016 The Downtown Crossing project is a cable- bearings feature ROBO®SLIDE high-grade Structure: stayed bridge with three sets of twin tow- sliding material instead of the commonly City: Louisville, KY ers. When opened in 2016, it will be tolled used PTFE, to enhance resistance to wear to parti ally refi nance its constructi on. and abrasion, and therefore maximize over- Country: USA all durability. Constructi on: Cable-stayed bridge Type: Highway bridge Built: 2013–2016 Contractor: Walsh Constructi on Co. Owner: KY DOT

The Ohio River Bridges Downtown Crossing con- A fi nished RESTON®DISC bearing with adjustable nects Louisville (KY) and Jeff ersonville (IN) height and prese� ng A fi nished LASTO®BLOCK elastomeric bearing



Kentucky © 2012 Google

7 Infrastructure products

Verrazano Narrows Bridge (New York)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Verrazano Narrows, a body of water The bridge’s existi ng fi nger joints, each ac- which separates the New York boroughs commodati ng enormous deck movements mageba products: of Brooklyn and Staten Island to the south of 2,700 mm (approx. 9 � ) are to be re- Type: Sliding fi nger joints of Manhatt an, is the gateway to New York placed with new fi nger joints. Due to the Features: Enormous movements City’s harbor. The bridge that spans the Nar- great length of the individual fi ngers, they Installed: 2015–2016 rows creates a vital connecti on for road traf- will receive intermediate support at mid- fi c, carrying about 200,000 vehicles per day. span. The challenge of designing and sup- Structure: The double-decked suspension bridge has plying these excepti onal joints is increased City: New York, NY by the need to tailor them to precisely a central span of 4,260 feet (1,298 m), and Country: USA match existi ng geometry and conditi ons. was the longest suspension bridge in the Constructi on: Suspension bridge world from the ti me its upper level opened Various single gap joints, also tailored to suit Type: Road bridge in 1964 unti l 1981. the existi ng structure, are also being sup- Built: 1959–1969 plied to accommodate much smaller move- Currently, it has the longest bridge span in Length: 4,260 feet (1,298 m) ments at other locati ons. the Americas. Contractor: Tutor Perini Owner: City of New York

The bridge spans the Verrazano Narrows – the gate- The bridge’s sliding fi nger joints, designed for enor- 3D view of a new sliding fi nger joint, facilitati ng lon- way to New York City’s harbor mous movements, must be replaced gitudinal movements of 2,700 mm (approx. 9 � )

New York

New Jersey

Verrazano Narrows Bridge © 2012 Google

8 Infrastructure products

SR 520 Floati ng Bridge (Washington)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge-Ev- mageba supplied nine TENSA®MODULAR ergreen Point, commonly called the SR 520 expansion joints for the new bridge. The mageba products: Bridge, is the longest fl oati ng bridge on the largest of these expansion joints has 16 gaps Type: TENSA®MODULAR joints, planet. At 7,580 � . (2,310 m), it carries State and allows 48.4 in (1,230 mm) of longitudi- Types LR16, LR6, LR2; Route 520 across Lake Washington from Se- nal movement, or 70.4 in (1,790 mm) of ex- TENSA®GRIP, Type RS-B5 att le to Medina. treme limit state movement. Features: Large rotati ons The four lane toll bridge was opened in 1963 Smaller modular joints, with 2 and 6 gaps, Installed: 2015–2016 a� er four years of constructi on. and single gap joints, were also supplied by Due to its age and deteriorated conditi on mageba. Structure: as well as increased traffi c, the Evergreen These TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints City: Seatt le, WA Point Floati ng Bridge was replaced by a new will accommodate the signifi cant transverse Country: USA fl oati ng bridge at the same site. The new movements as well as the rotati ons about Constructi on: Floati ng pontoon bridge bridge was opened in April 2016 and carries all axes that can be expected in a fl oati ng Type: Highway bridge six lanes as well as a multi -use path for bi- bridge. Built: 2013–2015 cyclists and pedestrians. With its length of Length: 7,710 � (fl oati ng) 7,708.49 feet (2,349.55 m) it is offi cially cer- Contractor: Kiewit/General/Manson ti fi ed for the Guinness World Records. Owner: WSDOT

The bridge crosses Lake Washington between the TENSA®MODULAR expansion joint of types LR6 and Installati on of a 16-gap TENSA®MODULAR joint (Type citi es of Seatt le and Medina LR2 are ready for transportati on. LR16) on the Lillebaelt Bridge in 2003


Sea� le, Washington


© 2012 Google

9 Infrastructure products

St. Croix Bridge (Minnesota/Wisconsin)

Project descripti on about any horizontal axis. The disc is mould- Highlights & Facts Interstate traffi c across the St. Croix River, ed from high-strength Polyether Urethane (PU), an aromati c thermoplasti c with excel- between the states of Minneapolis and Wis- mageba products: lent mechanical properti es. The allowable consin, has been served for over 80 years by Type: RESTON®DISC bearings the Sti llwater Li� Bridge – a structure which compressive stress on the disc is as high as Installati on: 2015 is now in a poor state of repair, functi on- 35 MPa, and it does not require confi ne- ment, as does, for example, the elastomeric ally obsolete and over capacity. The new Structure: pad at the heart of a pot bearing. The disc St. Croix Crossing, when opened in 2016, City: Oak Park Heights (MN) is also highly resistant to environmental will enable the old bridge to be closed to Country: USA vehicular traffi c. The new structure will be impacts, and remains eff ecti ve at a very Constructi on: Extradosed bridge an extradosed bridge – a combinati on of a wide range of temperatures, from –94 °F to Type: Highway bridge box girder and cable-stayed structure. The 249 °F (–70 °C to +121 °C). resulti ng low profi le will minimize visual and The bearings supplied by mageba include all Built: 2013–2016 environmental impacts. three types (fi xed, free sliding, and guided Builder: Lunda/Ames JV bearings) with verti cal load capacity of upto mageba scope 6,584 kips (29,300 kN), and horizontal load mageba is supplying 68 RESTON®DISC bear- capacity of upto 1,310 kips (5,830 kN). ings to support the deck of the new bridge. The key component of a disc bearing is the disc at its centre, which carries the load of the structure above and allows rotati ons

The bridge will connect Oak Park Heights (MN) and St. Joseph (WI) across the Ohio River 3D render of a mageba Disc bearing A fi nished Guided Disc bearing ready for delivery


St. Croix Bridge, Minnesota


© 2012 Google

10 Infrastructure products

Goldsboro Bypass (North Carolina)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Goldsboro Bypass is a 20-mile bypass of A total of 32 expansion joints are being the city of Goldsboro, North Carolina. Also supplied by mageba to accommodate the mageba products: known as Highway 44 (NC 44), it will connect movement demands of six highway bridges. Type: TENSA®FORCE expansion to US Highway 70 (US 70), one of the major With longitudinal movements limited to just joints, 2.8” movements east-west corridors traversing eastern North 2.8 inches (70 mm), single gap joints were Installati on: 2014 Carolina. Constructi on started in 2008, and preferred in order to maximize durabil- the fi rst phase opened in December 2011. ity and minimize maintenance and renewal Structure: The bypass includes a number of structures requirements. The TENSA®FORCE RG10 City: Goldsboro, NC to cross roads, rivers and streams. type joints were selected to meet the spe- Country: USA cifi c needs of the North Carolina DOT. These Completed: 2014 (Proj.) joints are commonly being used in the area Type: Simple Span to replace existi ng compression seal joints which have shown major deteriorati on over Length: 1,385 � (422 m) (longest bridge) the years. Contractor: S. T. Wooten

The highway bypasses the city of Goldsboro in Image of a TENSA®FORCE RG10 expansion joint, with Two TENSA®FORCE RG10 expansion joints as fabri- North Carolina sharp upturns at each end cated, ready for installati on

North Carolina Goldsboro

© 2012 Google

11 Infrastructure products

Audubon Bridge (Louisiana)

Project descripti on and the specifi c type of fi nger joint was Highlights & Facts In 2011, The John James Audubon Bridge determined by the movement demands of the bridge at each joint locati on. Canti - opened in southern Louisiana. With a mageba products: 1,581 � (482 m) main span supported by lever fi nger joints, type RSFD, were chosen to facilitate the smaller movements of 12 in Type: TENSA®FINGER two 492 � (150 m) towers, and an overall joints of type GF (sliding) length of 12,883 � (3,927 m), the John J. (305 mm) at one bridge axis, while sliding and type RSFD Audubon Bridge became the longest ca- fi nger joints, type GF, were chosen for the (canti lever) ble stayed bridge in North America. The bridge axes requiring movements of 28 in Installati on: 2010 structure carries four lanes of traffi c 65 � (710 mm) and 49 in (1,240 mm). (20 m) above the Mississippi River and re- The GF joints feature sliding support for the Structure: places the unreliable ferry service. It is the ends of the fi nger plates which span across City: New Roads, LA only Mississippi crossing between Natchez the bridge gap, and a downward pre-ten- Country: USA and Baton Rouge, a distance of approxi- sioning of the fi nger plates to ensure that Built: 2007–2011 mately 93 mi (150 km). they remain in contact with the sliding sur- Type: Cable stayed bridge face below. Length: 2.44 mi (3,927 m) mageba scope Weighing 24 tons each, the joints, which al- Main span 1,581 � (482 m) TENSA®FINGER sliding fi nger joints, type GF low 49 in (1,240 mm) of movement, are the Contractor: Audubon Bridge and type RSFD, were selected to fulfi ll the largest sliding fi nger joints of their type ever Constructors (Flati ron requirements of both the client and the de- manufactured. and others) signer. Finger joints were preferred by the Owner: LA DOT client for their low maintenance demands,

The bridge spans the Mississippi River in Louisiana, Sliding fi nger joint with transportati on and installa- upriver from New Orleans ti on frame, ready for delivery Installati on of a TENSA®FINGER sliding fi nger joint

USA Louisiana


© 2012 Google

12 Infrastructure products

Project References – Canada

© onepony Infrastructure products

Index Canadian References

mageba’s Expansion Seismic Monitoring Project Location/Country Bearings Page completion joints devices & Services New Champlain Bridge Montreal, Canada 2018 ● ● 3

Nipigon River Bridge Nipigon, ON 2018 ● 4

4 The Kingsway Condo Toronto, ON 2017 ● 5

St Lawrence Seaway St Catherines, ON 2017 ● 6

Highway A40/A73 Interchange Levis, QC 2016 ● 7

MacDonald and MacKay Bridges Halifax, NS 2016–2017 ● ● 8

Highway A20/A73 Interchange Levis, QC 2013 ● 9

Port Mann Bridge , Canada 2012 ● ● 10

Deh Cho Bridge North West Territories 2010–2012 ● 11

Golden Ears Bridge Vancouver, BC 2009 ● ● 12

USA Canada mageba headquarters Headquarters North America Office Montreal mageba sa mageba North America Corp. mageba North America Corp. Solistrasse 68 1384 Broadway, 5th Floor 5455 De Gaspe Ave. Suite 710 8180 Bülach - Switzerland New York, NY 10018 Montreal, Quebec, H2T 3B3 Tel. +41 44 872 40 50 Tel. 212-644-3335 Tel. 514-228-7410 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

mageba on the internet mageba supports the following organzations: Visit us on for more information, watch our videos on or read the latest stories on our social channel

2 Infrastructure products

Samuel De Champlain Bridge (Canada)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Samuel De Champlain Bridge is located mageba provided Structural Health Moni- in Montreal, Canada, and replaced the old toring service and modular joints for this mageba products: Champlain bridge over the St. Lawrence iconic bridge. Type: ROBO®CONTROL River. This crossing is one of the busiest in In the course of the project durati on, more permanent Monitoring Canada with over 60 million vehicles and than 50 embedded and 150 surface sensors System $20 Billion in internati onal trade passing are being installed on the bridge, allow- TENSA®MODULAR over it on a yearly basis. ing the Government of Canada to monitor expansion joints types LR8, LR9 & LR10 The $4.2 billion project consisted of two displacement, corrosion, movements, tem- Features: approx. 200 sensors main bridges – the New Bridge on the St- perature, stresses, strain and environmental Lawrence and the Île-des-Soeurs Bridge – conditi ons of the bridge over the next 30 Installati on: 2016–2018 fully opened for the traffi c on June 2019. years. This will most certainly opti mize the Structure: maintenance supporti ng the owner to keep The bridge, 3.5 km long, is a stayed cable City: Montreal the structure at his best performances. bridge designed for a 125 years long service Country: Canada Moreover, the ingenious system provides life. This has been possible by taking into Type: Cable-stayed bridge considerati on the smartest forethoughts the ability to react instantly to changes and Completed: Scheduled for 2018 and high quality products and materials for deteriorati on. Owner: Infrastructure Canada a challenging project of a structure subject- In parallel, the largest expansion supplied Contractor: SNC Lavalin, Dragados, ed to apporx. 160,000 vehicles every day – will span over 20 meters and cover upwards Flati ron Canada, TY Lin, someti mes in harsh weather conditi ons. of 800 mm in movements (10 gaps). MMM Group Preliminary Design: Arup The new bridge is located in Montreal, Canada, and is part of the government’s extensive corridor Corrosion Sensor installed on the pier starter rein- project Erecti on of the cable stay bridge forcement


O � a w a


© 2016 Google

3 Infrastructure products

Nipigon River Bridge (Ontario)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts Upon completi on in 2017, the $106-mil- mageba will deliver all expansion joints for lion Nipigon River Bridge will be the fi rst this bridge. This includes a 37 meter long mageba products: cable-stayed bridge of its kind on the On- TENSA®FINGER GF sliding fi nger joint ac- Type: TENSA®FINGER joints of tario highway system. The 252 meters (827 commodati ng both verti cal (20 mm) and Type GF (sliding) and feet) bridge will consist of three towers with longitudinal (160 mm) displacements. Type RSFD (canti lever) cables supporti ng the bridge deck and a mageba will also provide a TENSA®FINGER Features: Verti cal movements separate sidewalk for pedestrians. Nipigon RSFD canti lever fi nger joint which will allow allowed River is renowned for its brook trout and the a 160 mm longitudinal displacements. Installati on: 2017 bridge is located directly in a spawning area, presenti ng environmental challenges. Structure: City: Town of Nipigon, Ontario Country: Canada Completed: 2017 Type: Cable stayed bridge Length: 252 meters (827 feet) Builder: Bot Ferrovial Nipigon Joint

Spring Sytem TENSA®FINGER GF allowing verti cal Nipigon, Ontario – Canada movements TENSA®FINGER RSFD cross-secti on



© 2015 Google

4 Infrastructure products

4 The Kingsway Condo (Canada)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts 4 The Kingsway Condominium is a new lux- mageba Supplied 421 vibrati on isolati on urious apartment complex located at 2800 elastomeric bearings of type VIBRAX®BLOCK mageba Products: Bloor Street West, Toronto. The 34 unit B & B/C with a design load ranging between Type: VIBRAX®BLOCK B & B/C condo will stand 8 storeys high, and are sur- 90 kN to 900 kN. Feature: Vibrati on isolati on rounded by historic homes, parkland and The VIBRAX®BLOCK B bearings are designed Installati on: 2017 shopping faciliti es. to absorb vibrati ons from the surrounding As the northern part of the building sits environment, and hence provide an upscale Structure: adjacent to the underground TTC rail line, comfort to all residents. City: Toronto vibrati on isolati on was a main criteria and The material used for this isolati on bearings Country: Canada issue for the structure. Hence, mageba sup- is natural rubber with hardness of 50 Shore Type: Building plied a complete soluti on for the building’s A +/- 5. It demonstrates very high tensile Built: 2017–2018 isolati on to support the foundati on walls, strength, elasti city and cold fl exibility. Owner: North Drive slab walls and columns. Contractor: Accel Architect: Richard Wengle

The condo is located in Etobicoke district, western part of Toronto VIBRAX®BLOCK B bearing Installed VIBRAX®BLOCK B elastomeric bearings




© 2018 Google

5 Infrastructure products

St. Lawrence Seaway Bridge (Ontario)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts Linking Lake Ontario to Lake Erie, The The fl exible plug expansion joint system, Welland Canal cuts 42 km across Canada’s POLYFLEX®ADVANCED PU, is a complete mageba products: Niagara Peninsula from Port Colborne to new development based on elasti c poly- Type: POLYFLEX®ADVANCED Port Weller. A series of eight locks li� and mers and a further development of the tra- PA30 lower vessels 100 meters and enables mari- diti onal asphalti c plug joint, whereby disad- Features: +20/–10 mm movement ti me commerce to bypass Niagara Falls. vantages of the traditi onal bituminous plug Support ribs joint (e. g. debonding, plasti c deformati on, Located adjacent to Lock 2, the St. Lawrence Installati on: 2017 Seaway Bridge is also named as route 83 or ru� ng, overload due to standing traffi c, Carlton Street. The length of the structure etc.) can be eliminated and increasing the Structure: is 80 meter and it is supported by a total of durability greatly. City: St. Catharines fi ve spans. Country: Canada Type: CIP Concrete Length: 80 m Built: 2017 Owner: St. Lawrence Seaway Contractor: Rankin Constructi on

The Welland Canal links Lake Ontario to Lake Erie Typical joint secti on detail, a total of four joints will Installati on of the POLYFLEX®ADVANCED PA30 expan- near the Niagara Falls be replaced in this project sion joint and support ribs



© 2017 Google

6 Infrastructure products

Highway A20/A73 Interchange (Quebec)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts A new highway viaduct was constructed in While the end spans of the deck are sup- 2013, serving the city of Levis in Quebec, ported by conventi onal pot bearings, the mageba products: Canada. The viaduct, at an interchange be- central spans, which are more prone to Type: LRB seismic isolators tween Highways 20 and 73, was constructed damage from movements, are supported by Features: For temperatures as low adjacent to an existi ng structure in order to mageba LASTO®LRB Lead Rubber Bearings as –30 °C (–22 °F) increase highway capacity. (LRB). These LRBs will protect the structure Installed: 2013 The viaduct has steel girder deck and six during an earthquake by isolati ng it from spans which range between 131 � (40 m) destructi ve ground movements. Structure: and 197 � (60 m), and has a total length Each interior pier carries six LRBs, one sup- City: Levis, Quebec of 984 � (300 m). With a horizontal radius porti ng each of the deck’s main girders. Country: Canada of 886 � (270 m), the structure exhibits a Each LRB has a verti cal load capacity of ap- Built: 2013 prominent curve which increases the risk proximately 3,200 kN. Due to the structure’s Type: Steel girder deck of serious damage during an earthquake locati on, the LRBs were designed for ex- Length: 317 m and thus increases the need for its deck to treme temperatures from 104 °F (40 °C) to be seismically isolated from its supports. –22 °F (–30 °C). A planning phase lasti ng several years was needed to identi fy the best soluti on for in- tegrati ng the new bridge into the protected and sensiti ve local environment with mini- mal impact. The new 5.7 mi (9.3 km) bypass shortened the old route by 7.9 mi (12.8 km).

Lead rubber bearing installed in the bridge – guided Lead rubber bearing installed in the bridge – The highway viaduct serves the city of Levis, Quebec type, allowing longitudinal movements multi -directi onal type, allowing all movements

Levis, Quebec

Canada USA

© 2012 Google

7 Infrastructure products

Macdonald & MacKay Bridges (Canada) Highway Interchange A40/A73 (Quebec)

Project descripti on mageba scope Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts Highlights & Facts The Angus L. Macdonald and A. Murray Early in the project, it was determined that a Just north of Quebec City this project was a mageba supplied 18 Lead Rubber Bearings MacKay bridges are criti cally important fully automated ROBO®CONTROL structural mageba products: strategic redevelopment of highways Felix- (LRB) seismic isolators. However, prior to mageba products: structures for the city of Halifax, capital of health monitoring (SHM) system should be Type: ROBO®CONTROL Leclerc (40) and Laurenti enne (73) inter- producti on two full size prototypes had to Type: LASTO®LRB lead the Canadian province of Nova Scoti a. They used to measure and record the movements automated SHM system change. go through a very stringent testi ng protocol, rubber bearings of were opened to traffi c in 1955 and 1970 re- and rotati ons of the bridge decks. The in- TENSA®MODULAR The interchange is located in the St-Law- based on CAN/CSA S6-06, S6-14 and AASH- type S-550 specti vely, and several decades later, it was stalled system has provided the data need- expansion joints of TO LRFD. Installati on: 2015 type LR3 & LR7 LS rence Lowland part of a ri� valley making determined that both structures were in ed by the computer modelling of the new it one of the rare regions prone to seismic The protocol included cooling of the two Installed: 2012 (SHM), 2015 (joints) need of signifi cant reconstructi on / mainte- deck of one bridge, and assisted in the plan- events in the eastern part of Canada. In ad- LRB prototypes at –30 ⁰C for 72 hours pri- Structure: nance work in order to meet the demands ning of remedial works of the existi ng deck Structure: diti on to seismic acti vity, the climate in Que- or to testi ng followed by additi onal testi ng City: Quebec of modern traffi c for decades to come. of the other, enabling the bridge’s engineers City: Halifax bec City is known to vary over 40 ⁰C from a� er another 72 hours of cooling at –8 ⁰C. Country: Canada The Angus L. Macdonald Bridge, in fact, is to opti mize their designs and minimize the Country: Canada –17 ⁰C during the winter and over 25 ⁰C dur- Making this an unprecedented accomplish- Type: Highway receiving an enti re new deck, and computer life-cycle costs of the bridges. Type: Suspension bridges ing the summer. ment. Interchange Completed: 2016 modelling of the deck, verifi ed by measured In 2015, it was decided to install new Angus L. MacDonald Bridge Based on these unique conditi ons, the Each guided LRB have a verti cal load capac- Length: 80 m data, is playing a key role in the design pro- TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints with up Built: 1955 Ministry of Transport of Quebec opted to ity of approximately 3,200 kN. cess. to seven gaps each (type LR7) at four axes Length: 4,265 � (1,300 m) Builder: EBC Main span 1,447 � seismically isolate this highway overpass in- The A. Murray MacKay Bridge, on the other of the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge, replac- (441 m) creasing safety. Owner: Ministére des Transports du Québec (MTQ) hand, is retaining its existi ng deck, but is be- ing the existi ng joints. These joints were A. Murray MacKay Bridge ing subjected to signifi cant renovati on work. designed for steel connecti on, and feature Built: 1970 noise-reducing “sinus plates” surfacing. Length: 3,937 � (1,200 m) Main span 1,398 � (426 m)

Locati on of the bridges in Halifax, Nova Scoti a, Presentati on of measured data (in graphic form) Temporary plates at the point of future installati on Canada from the applied SHM system of the expansion joints The structure is located in Levis, Quebec, Canada The bearing a� er 72 hours of cooling at –30 ⁰C Prototype testi ng

Canada Levis


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8 Infrastructure products

Highway Interchange A40/A73 (Quebec)

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts Just north of Quebec City this project was a mageba supplied 18 Lead Rubber Bearings strategic redevelopment of highways Felix- (LRB) seismic isolators. However, prior to mageba products: Leclerc (40) and Laurenti enne (73) inter- producti on two full size prototypes had to Type: LASTO®LRB lead change. go through a very stringent testi ng protocol, rubber bearings of The interchange is located in the St-Law- based on CAN/CSA S6-06, S6-14 and AASH- type S-550 rence Lowland part of a ri� valley making TO LRFD. Installati on: 2015 it one of the rare regions prone to seismic The protocol included cooling of the two events in the eastern part of Canada. In ad- LRB prototypes at –30 ⁰C for 72 hours pri- Structure: diti on to seismic acti vity, the climate in Que- or to testi ng followed by additi onal testi ng City: Quebec bec City is known to vary over 40 ⁰C from a� er another 72 hours of cooling at –8 ⁰C. Country: Canada –17 ⁰C during the winter and over 25 ⁰C dur- Making this an unprecedented accomplish- Type: Highway ing the summer. ment. Interchange Completed: 2016 Based on these unique conditi ons, the Each guided LRB have a verti cal load capac- Length: 80 m Ministry of Transport of Quebec opted to ity of approximately 3,200 kN. seismically isolate this highway overpass in- Builder: EBC creasing safety. Owner: Ministére des Transports du Québec (MTQ)

The structure is located in Levis, Quebec, Canada The bearing a� er 72 hours of cooling at –30 ⁰C Prototype testi ng



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9 Infrastructure products

Port Mann Bridge (Briti sh Columbia)

Project descripton mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Port Mann Bridge is one of Briti sh Co- mageba has delivered the modular ex- lumbia’s most signifi cant bridge structures, pansion joints required for the enti re mageba products: carrying the Trans-Canada Highway (Cana- bridge including both approaches. The Type: Modular expansion joints da’s Highway 1) across the Fraser River to joints have up to 11 movement gaps and and disc bearings* the west of Vancouver. As part of the ma- thus can facilitate movements of up to Features: Expansion joints with jor Port Mann Highway 1 project, which 35 inches (880 mm). In noise-sensiti ve ar- movements of up to also includes the widening and upgrading eas, several joints are equipped with noise- 35 in (880 mm), some of 23 miles (37 km) of highway, the bridge reducing “sinus plates” on the surface. featuring “sinus plates” Installati on: 2012 has been replaced with a new structure, and mageba also supplied, in cooperati on was opened to traffi c at the end of 2012. with R.J. Watson Inc., disc bearings for the Structure: The new bridge is designed for 10 lanes of bridge. These are designed for loads of up City: Vancouver traffi c, and with its main span of 1,542 � to 19,000 kN and a number feature “double Country: Canada (470 m), it is the second longest cable- discs” to achieve this load capacity. Built: 2008–2012 stayed span in North America. At 164 � (50 m) wide, the new bridge is also the wid- Type: Cable stayed bridge est span bridge of any type in the world. Length: 1.37 mi (2,200 m) Maintained: Transportati on Invesment Corporati on Contractor: Kiewit Flati ron General Partnership * in cooperati on with R.J. Watson Inc.

A modular expansion joint featuring noise-reducing Disc bearings (with double discs per bearing) ready Locati on of the bridge in Briti sh Columbia “sinus plates” on its surface for delivery


Vancouver Island USA

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10 Infrastructure products

Deh Cho Bridge ()

Project descripti on mageba scope Highlights & Facts The Deh Cho Bridge, located in Canada’s mageba was awarded the contract to de- Northwest Territories, was completed in the sign and manufacture the modular expan- mageba products: fall of 2012. The $202 million cable stayed sion joints required at each end of the Deh Type: TENSA®MODULAR LR bridge spans the near Fort Cho Bridge. mageba provided an 11 gap expansion joints of types Providence, replacing an existi ng ferry ser- TENSA®MODULAR expansion joint at one LR8 and LR11 vice in the summer, and an ice crossing route abutment, and an 8 gap modular expansion Installati on: 2010–2012 in the winter. The Deh Cho Bridge is the only joint at the other. These modular expansion permanent crossing of the Mackenzie River. joints, reliable in the most extreme condi- Structure: The structure ensures that the region to ti ons of northern Canada, are able to facili- Locati on: Northwest Territories, the north will not be cut off from southern tate movements of up to 35 in (889 mm). In Canada Canada for an annual 8 week period, when additi on, they are also excepti onally flex- Completed: 2012 forming or melti ng ice, not strong enough ible, allowing movements in every directi on Type: Cable stayed bridge to carry the , prevents the passage as well as limited rotati ons about every axis. Length: 3,642 � (1,100 m) of the ferry. The new 0.68 mi (1.1 km) long Contractor: Ruskin bridge has nine spans of lengths ranging be- tween 294 � (90 m) and 624 � (190 m).

A modular expansion joint of the type required by View of a modular expansion joint from beneath, Locati on of the Deh Cho Bridge in northern Canada the new bridge showing its control mechanisms

Northwest Territory Canada

© 2016 Google

11 Infrastructure products

Golden Ears Bridge (Briti sh Columbia)

Project descripti on li� ), longitudinal movements of 3,100 mm Highlights & Facts The Golden Ears Bridge, near Vancouver, (122 in), transverse movements of 50 mm (2 in) and rotati ons of 0.039 radians about Briti sh Columbia, creates an important new mageba products: transportati on link across the Fraser River. the x-axis and 0.010 radians about the y-axis. Type: 12 TENSA®MODULAR The bridge, with three main spans each expansion joints, with up 242 m (795 � ) long, features an unusual hy- Expansion Joints: to 17 gaps, and 4 special upli� bearings brid cable stayed system designed to ensure In additi on to the bearings, 12 a specifi ed performance in the case of de- TENSA®MODULAR LR expansion joints were Features: Upli� bearings fi ned earthquake events. The bearings and supplied by mageba. The largest, type LR17 Installati on: 2009 expansion joints for the bridge are also sub- with 17 individual gaps, will allow longitu- Structure: jected to such demands, making their design dinal movements of 1,350 mm (53 in). The City: Vancouver and fabricati on an interesti ng challenge. joints are also equipped with ‘Fuse-Box’ earthquake protecti on devices which pre- Country: Canada mageba scope vent serious damage to the joint, and the Type: Hybrid cable stay design Main Span Bearings: connecti ng bridge structure, in the event of Completed: 2009 Length: 2,410 m 1.45 mi with mageba supplied four custom-designed up- an earthquake. The ‘Fuse-Box’ also enables the modular expansion joint to conti nue to 3 main spans each 242 m li� bearings, pre-compressed for frequent (794 � ) long allow passage of emergency vehicles a� er a load reversal. Each bearing weighs a massive Contractor: GCCJV (Bilfi nger Berger 17 tons and can accommodate a wide range seismic event. and others) of loads from 4,170 kN to –2,790 kN (up- Owner: TransLink

The bridge crosses the Fraser River near Installati on of LR17 expansion joint featuring Vancouver, Canada Preparing the special bearings for transport “Fuse-Box” seismic protecti on


Vancouver Island USA

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