Combating the Peacetime Effect in Military Medicine VIEWPOINT

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Combating the Peacetime Effect in Military Medicine VIEWPOINT Opinion Combating the Peacetime Effect in Military Medicine VIEWPOINT Jeremy W. Cannon, The drawdown of combat operations in Syria and a new Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, have MD, SM peace agreement in Afghanistan compel consideration taken this approach, which provides combat-relevant ex- Division of of how military medicine should function during this time perience to the trauma team while benefiting the civil- Traumatology, Surgical of lower combat intensity.Coming home evokes a sense ian community. In a complementary fashion, partner- Critical Care & Emergency Surgery, of relief in those who bear the burden of war. However, ingciviliancenters,suchastheUniversityofPennsylvania Perelman School of as highlighted in the lay press and medical literature, re- in Philadelphia and the Ryder Trauma Center in Miami, Medicine at the turn to a period of relative peace also has the insidious Florida, help maintain combat readiness by hosting mili- University of Pennsylvania, effect of eroding the skills needed to manage the first tary physicians, nurses, and technicians who can hone 1,2 Philadelphia; and casualties of the next war. We have coined this phe- their clinical skills within a trauma center environment Leonard Davis Institute nomenon the peacetime effect. (Table). These partnerships face complex challenges,4,6 of Health Economics, Evidence of the peacetime effect abounds. Michael and addressing these collaboratively with civilian stake- University of Pennsylvania, DeBakey and Edward Churchill, both consultants to the holders is a top priority of the MHS. Philadelphia. US Army surgeon general in World War II, cited ex- Additionally, a robust investment in trauma research amples dating back to the 1700s.3 More recently, a for- will galvanize efforts to combat the peacetime effect and Kirby R. Gross, MD mer vice chief of staff of the army opined, “We are go- also advance civilian medicine. Currently, the DoD funds US Army Trauma ing to repeat the same mistakes we have made thebulkofinjuryresearchintheUnitedStatesforboththe Training Detachment at 4 Ryder Trauma Center, before…you have just got to pray your son or daughter military and civilian sectors. Therefore, if DoD research Miami, Florida. is not the first casualty of the next war.”4(p1-13) Once fight- funding dwindles, funding for trauma will suffer unless ing ends, wartime surgeons and medical specialists dis- other sources step in to fill this gap. We believe a trauma Todd E. Rasmussen, perse, casualty care systems dismantle, military- institute should be established within the National Insti- MD specificpublicationsinthemedicalliteraturesignificantly tutes of Health to better match injury research funding to F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine at decline, and the focus on injury-related education and the burden of disease in our society. Simultaneously, the the Uniformed Services training wanes.3 During these times, Military Health Sys- military must resist the impulse to scale back its invest- University, Bethesda, tem (MHS) leaders prioritize the mission of wellness ment in trauma research during periods of relative peace Maryland. amongactivedutymembersandotherbeneficiariesover to eliminate gaps in military-specific trauma care. combat-relevant training.5 Then, when the military mo- bilizes for the next war, the MHS is ill equipped for com- Medical Education, Training, bat and its members are unprepared to manage and Professional Development casualties. Recruiting and retaining high-quality, military- Review of our nation’s combat mortality data con- prepared physicians also stands as a countermeasure firms the peacetime effect. Over the past century, the against the peacetime effect. Central to this effort, the observed mortality at the beginning of our 4 large- Uniformed Services University (USU) serves as the na- scalewarswasgreaterthantheexpectedmortalitybased tion’s leadership academy for military medicine and the on outcomes during the previous war. Operation Endur- academic hub for the MHS. Students enrolled in the USU ing Freedom in Afghanistan was no exception to this pat- are active-duty US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, or US tern. Although the number of casualties early in the war Public Health Service officers who complete leader- was small, mortality in 4 of the first 12 months was higher ship training and operational tours during their medical than the global average in Vietnam. Fortunately, as in education. Although smaller in number than physicians prior wars, mortality declined over time as the mili- recruited through the Health Professions Scholarship tary’s trauma system adapted.4 Program, USU graduates gravitate toward military- relevant surgical specialties and have know-how and lon- Fighting the Peacetime Effect ger service commitments that enable them to serve as Corresponding Author: Jeremy W. An Integrated Military-Civilian Trauma System the bedrock of our prepared and professional MHS in Cannon, MD, SM, How can we avoid the peacetime effect? A 2016 report times of conflict and peace. Division of by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Optimizing graduate medical education of military Traumatology, Surgical 4 Critical Care & Medicine provides a road map to maintain the mili- physicians in war-relevant areas represents another mea- Emergency Surgery, tary’s edge in casualty care while benefiting civilians in- sure to combat the peacetime effect. Military Health Sys- Perelman School of jured unintentionally and in shootings and natural di- tem hospitals with residency training programs already Medicine at the sasters. Military trauma teams and the global Joint performing at a high level should be bolstered with more University of Pennsylvania, Trauma System established by the US Department of De- high-acuityandhigh-complexitypatientstoensuregradu- 51 N 39th St, Medical fense (DoD) should forge partnerships with civilian atesarecombatready.7 Conversely,civilianprogramsthat Office Bldg, Ste 120, trauma centers and systems.6 Select MHS hospitals host military trainees would do well to complement their Philadelphia, PA 19104 should seek trauma center designation by participating clinical volume with a military curriculum for residents in (jeremy.cannon@ pennmedicine. in their regional trauma system, including providing care these programs to improve combat readiness and to pro- for civilian patients. Several MHS hospitals, such as mote military mindfulness in general. (Reprinted) JAMA Surgery Published online September 16, 2020 E1 © 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: by a University of Pennsylvania User on 09/16/2020 Opinion Viewpoint Table. Examples of Military-Civilian Partnerships US service/ Civilian partner specialty Partnership details Hospital partner R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at the University Air Force C-STARS–Baltimore; active since 2001 of Maryland, Baltimore University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio Air Force C-STARS–Cincinnati; active since 2001 Saint Louis University Hospital and Washington University, Air Force C-STARS–St Louis; active since 2002 St Louis, Missouri UAB Hospital, Birmingham, Alabama Air Force SOST-SOCCET; active since 2010 University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada Air Force SMART Team; active since 2015 Ryder Trauma Center, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida Army Army Trauma Training Center; active since 2001 Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey Army AMCT3, Operation SMART; active since 2019 Oregon Health Science University, Portland Army AMCT3, Operation SMART; active since 2019 LAC + USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Navy Navy Trauma Training Center; active since 2002 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Navy Navy Trauma Training Strategic Partnership; in development since 2019 Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, Texas Tri-Servicea Joint Trauma Training Center; inactive Organizational partner Society of Critical Care Medicine Critical care Military committee Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Military Military medical society emphasizing leadership skills and strategic medicine planning Congress of Neurological Surgeons Neurosurgery Complimentary membership, meeting registration, meeting housing, and educational modules Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Society of Military Orthopaedic Orthopaedics Extremity War Injuries Symposium Surgeons, and American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine American College of Surgeons Surgery Senior Visiting Surgeon Program (2006-2013); ACS-MHS Partnership, Excelsior Surgical Society; discounted membership Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons Surgery Military Working Group (Society of Military Surgeons); military surgical symposium American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Trauma Senior Visiting Surgeon Program (2006-2013); military committee, premeeting military symposium, and discounted meeting registration Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Trauma Repository of relevant articles on website, military committee, and discounted meeting registration Society for Vascular Surgery Vascular Senior Visiting Surgeon Program (2007-2013) Abbreviations: ACS-MHS, American College of Surgeons–Military Health Surgical Team-Special Ops Critical Care Evacuation Team; UAB, University of System; AMCT3, Army Medical Department Military Civilian Trauma Team Alabama Birmingham; USC, University of Southern California. Training; C-STARS, Center for Sustainment of
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