Lord Provost Picture by Norman Adams, Photographer, City Council

New Lord Provost Councillor Peter Stephen

Peter Stephen has worked Statutory Council Meeting in Councillor Kate Dean re-elected tirelessly for the community of the Town House. as city council leader and conve- Kingswells and has also sup- The meeting was the first to ner of the policy and strategy ported the Kingswells News. be held since the Liberal Demo- committee. We’d like to offer our thanks and crat and SNP groups agreed to SNP group leader Council- congratulations on behalf of the form a ruling coalition in the lor Kevin Stewart was voted in community and wish him well as wake of the local council elec- as deputy council leader and the new Lord Provost of Aber- tions earlier this month, which convener of the resources man- deen. He was installed by the saw the Lib Dems win 15 seats agement committee. city on the 43-member council and The Statutory Meeting ap- council the Nationalists 12. proved a new structure for Ab- on Lord Provost Peter Stephen erdeen City Council and elected Wednes- will now take over from his the conveners of the committees day May predecessor, Councillor John which will handle council busi- 16. Reynolds, as Aberdeen’s “first ness over the next four years. Council- citizen” in representing the city They are: lor Peter at home and abroad. •North Area Committee: Coun- Stephen, City councillors also voted cillor John Reynolds aged 69, to install 18-year-old Councillor •Central Area Committee: was John West in the new role of Councillor Andrew May elected Depute Provost, who will assist •South Area Committee: Coun- unop- the Lord Provost in his civic role. cillor James Kiddie posed at The Statutory Meeting saw •Performance and Standards: the Liberal Democrat group leader (continue on page 2).

1 (continued from front page) Councillor John Stewart •Planning Claire Burt Committee: Councillor Scott Cassie •Licensing Committee: Councillor Cal- Chair of Kingswells Community lum McCaig Appeals Committee: News, guardians of Kingswells News and

June 2007 Councillor Mark McDonald •SNP councillor Muriel Jaffrey has been nominated as convener of the Aberdeen

NEWS Licensing Board, which is a position which must be confirmed by a vote among board members. The meeting also elected the senior councillors who will have key responsi- bility for different areas of the council’s work. They are: KINGSWELLS •Education: Councillor Kirsty West •Health and Care: Councillor Gordon Leslie •Housing: Councillor Aileen Malone •Transport and Environment: Council- lor Ron Clark •Regeneration: Councillor Kevin Stewart take minutes is a help, as we have a Tel: 744888 •Sports and Culture: Councillor Jenni- meeting once every two months. Our VACANT POST (Secretary) fer Stewart previous secretary Fiona has family Graeme Coutts (Web Expert) Five city councillors were elected to commitments. We’ll miss her, as Fiona Email: [email protected] undertake the historic role of Baillie – had a interest in photography and took Sample Advertising Rates: Councillors Irene Cormack, Neil Coo- the picture across Kingswells used in the first of the new look newsletters. 6cm by 1 column (6cm) £35 ney, Muriel Jaffrey, John Porter and 9cm by 1 column (6cm) £55 John Reynolds If you feel you can contribute in any way, Bert (the Treasurer) and I 6cm by 3 column (18cm) £100 would be please to hear from you. We Full page £300 Dear Kingswells can be contacted at: Visit and click on Resident, Claire Burt (Chair) NEWSLETTERS on the drop down menu New Secretary Wanted. Email: [email protected] under HOME. Next editions: August, We are looking for a new secretary Tel: 749178 October, December. to help us with the Kingswells News. Bert Noble (Treasurer) We would like your input into the news- Deadlines: Email: [email protected] Last Thursday of the preceding month. letter, ideas for articles. The ability to

Concraig Gardens • Lewis Marr Committee Member We are also intending to set up a Residents Association • Sharon Black Committee Member Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and will After a well attended meeting in the • Claire Craigen Committee Member be holding a meeting in the near future community hall in August 2006, in ac- • Louise Borrowman Committee which will be open to all residents con- cordance with the legal requirement in Member cerned. Details to follow. our title deeds the Concraig Gardens • Brian Kelman Committee Member Residents Committee has now been • Doug Duffus Committee Member formed. (Grampian Housing) We would like to thank all our fel- We received tenders from 3 local low residents who took the time to at- companies and are delighted to an- ABSCO SERVICES LIMITED nounce that the factoring will be PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SERVICES tend and to give support. UNIT 1, LINKS STREET Also our thanks go to Councillor undertaken by Grampian Housing ABERDEEN, AB11 5EX Office Tel: 01224 211711 or Fax: 01224 211690 Peter Stephen for chairing the meeting which will commence in April 2007. Email: [email protected] and giving us his continued support and All householders will be notified Free Quotations, Estimates, Advice also thanks to Alan Stott for his helpful in due course of the details and costs input and advice given through his pre- involved. We supply various trades, which include; Painters & Decorators, Joiners, Electricians, vious experience in setting up other We would also like to extend our Plumbers/Heating Engineer, Builder, Blacksmith/ residents committees. thanks to the father of a Grampian Welder Work undertaken includes but not limited to; The committee comprises of: Housing Resident who has cut the Kitchens, Bathrooms, Laminate Flooring, grass areas last season as a goodwill House Decoration, Lights,Gates (steel or wood), • Wendy Annand Chairperson Extensions, Conversions. gesture. This was much appreciated • Alison Wood Secretary No job too small - No job too large • Julia Marr Treasurer by all concerned.

2 Councillor’s Update Liberal Democrat Friends and Councillor. neighbours. 11 Coldstone Avenue, June 2007 Kingswells Whilst this is a non-political col- Telephone: 01224 744607 umn, I must start off by thanking so Email: NEWS many people for their support and the pestephen@aberdeencity. recent elections. It is regrettable that the first usage of proportional represen- tation produced so many spoiled papers and wasted votes. That aside however, Peter Stephen I enjoyed my pre-election visitation

KINGSWELLS round the ward and the welcome I re- ceived on so many doorsteps.

I am delighted to be your local Councillor again and will continue to serve you well, The Liberal Democrat and Scottish National Party coalition made it clear that I was their “pre- ferred” candidate for the post of Lord Provost. Such a nomination is indeed I receive numerous complaints In addition, I would hope that mainte- a great honour and I will endeavour to about drivers speeding in Kingswells. nance has recommenced albeit on a serve the City of Aberdeen and the In Kingswood Drive speeds of 37 – 39 temporary basis. people of Aberdeen to the best of my mph were noted and dealt with. ability. Checks were also done in Fairley Road, I think I have brought you up to but surprisingly this did not prove to be date with all the news I have to give. So here we are!! the “black spot” I had expected. The Please get in touch with me if your have In no particular order of importance, Council are running another 8 Week any comments to make. can I raise the following matters. survey to ascertain whether speeds have increased since the last survey which In conclusion, I would like to say Library attendance outside the was done in 2004. A petition was or- thank you to the many people who have Community Centre each fortnight on ganised and presented to the Council in expressed their good wishes and con- Fridays has been well received. To this connection. gratulation to Sandra and myself. I am extend this service, I could explore if it overwhelmed by your kindness and con- were possible to site the Library on a Local Plan - Regrettably the Report sideration. different part of Kingswells on a second has been delayed and will not now be day, also fortnightly, where would you published until August this year. Regards like it to be? Would Saturday morning Lord Provost – Peter Stephen be popular? The proposed road resurfacing in Kingswells Avenue has now been esti- Around 2pm on Sunday 10 June mated to cost around £110K. Unless the Kingswells Park & Ride area will be substantial additional funding for roads used as a collecting point for the Kil- is made available, this work will not be drummy Vintage Car Rally, Grampian done until next year. A jet- Police will then provide an escort for the patching programme is due vehicles en-route to the Beach Ballroom to commence during the late for an Awards Ceremony. This should Summer/Autumn months, provide a colourful spectacle for those and will provide some tem- interested. porary improvement.

In order to reduce the risk of acci- I would hope that by the dents in Kingswells Crescent, it is pro- time you read this article, the posed to (a) Place a pedestrian refuge City Council will have deliv- island just down from the opening to ered to each household in Derberth Manor and (b) Place a traffic the Broaddykes Area, a letter island close to the opening for Wellside explaining the legal difficul- Circle. ties regarding the grass cut- ting and maintenance work.

3 One Waiting List June 2007 NEWS Girl Guiding in Kingswells is as strong as ever. Currently over 130 girls enjoy weekly fun packed and varied activities. Wait- ing lists are held for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section. Should you have any queries regarding any of the waiting lists, or wish to add your daughter’s name to a wait- ing list please call Jennifer Trevis, Guider and Waiting List What do Brownies do? KINGSWELLS Co-Ordinator on 743080. Brownies have fun! They take part in indoor and outdoor activities that challenge them to do their best. Their meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves. Everything a Brownie does is an adventure - it's a world of excitement, new interests and friends. Brownies belong to a Pack and work in small groups called Sixes. This gives each girl a group of ready-made friends to take care of her. It also makes her feel that she be- longs to something special. Brownies meet regularly, usually once a week during school terms. There are often opportunities for Brownies to take part in special activities and events throughout the year. Many Brownie Packs go away on holiday, to camp or on an overnight sleepover.

Who can be a Brownie? Brownies are usually aged between seven and ten, al- though some Brownies stay in the unit until they are a little bit older. Any girl over the age of seven can become a Brownie as long as she is able to understand, and wants to make, the Brownie Guide Promise.

What do Rainbows do? Rainbows have fun! They take part in indoor and out- door activities as part of their programme called the Rain- bow Jigsaw. Their meetings are full of games and activities which provide challenging opportunities for Rainbows to think for What do Guides do? themselves and take an active part in unit decision-making. Being a Guide is all about learning new skills, making Everything a Rainbow does helps her to develop – it’s an new friends and helping others. Each Guide is encouraged to opportunity to look, learn, laugh and love. achieve her own personal goals through a progressive pro- gramme with the opportunity to work for a wide variety of Who can be a Rainbow? badges. This allows the girl to mature and develop at her own Any girl aged five or over can be a Rainbow. The oldest pace. Rainbows are usually about seven years old. In Northern Guides work together in Patrols, groups of four to eight Ireland only, a girl may become a Rainbow at any time after girls, providing a ready-made group of friends and helping her fourth birthday. the girls to feel that they belong to something special. They

4 elect their own Patrol Leader. A Patrol plans its own activities with the support of the Guide Leader so that each Guide BEAVER LEADER learns to share in decisions that affect herself and others in the Patrol. WANTED Who can be a Guide? We are a group of 6 to 8 June 2007 Guides are usually aged between ten and 14, although year old boys that meet some Guides like to stay until they are older. Any girl over the every Tuesday from age of ten can become a Guide as long as she is able to un-

NEWS 5pm until 6pm. Sadly, derstand, and wants to make, the Guide Promise. one of our leaders will be Senior Section leaving in July and we During her time in the Senior Section, a young woman cannot run without her. If you think you have got what it participates in a programme known as Look Wider, which is takes and are willing to give up an hour of your time please based on the principles and methods of guiding. It is de- come forward and help us. signed to appeal to all young women and offers fun and flexi- Please contact Jill Stockdale 745727 or Moira Milne 741214 KINGSWELLS bility to suit the individual. for more information. The programme is also linked to a variety of recognised qualifications or awards, both within and outside guiding. The opportunities and challenges which it offers can be fol- lowed by a group or by individual members. The choice is NEW made by the members themselves. The Look Wider Programme is based around eight CUB programme areas known as Octants: PACK •Creativity Our numbers are increasing rapidly and we already have •Fit for Life too many children to feed in to our existing Cub pack. If you •Community Action would be interested in starting up a new pack with support. •Out-of-doors Please contact Amanda Flewker-Barker 744414 for more •International information. •Independant Living •Personal Values •Leadership

Who can join the Senior Section? SUMMER FETE A young woman may belong to the Senior Section from SUNDAY her 14th to her 26th birthday. The Senior Section includes: 26TH AUGUST 2007 •Ranger Guides, both members of Ranger Guide Units Not to be missed is and Lone Ranger Guides our very special fundraising •Young Leaders (including Lone Young Leaders) event that will launch our •Young Leaders, Advisers and Commissioners who campaign for our own hut. choose to participate in the section programme •Junior Council members •Members of Student Scout and Guide Clubs Please come along to Webster Park and support us. •British Youth Council delegation members •Female LINK members If you would like to donate raffle prizes or contribute in •Girlguiding UK Duke of Edinburgh's Award partici- any way please contact Gaynor Murdoch 744331.. pants The Senior Section Promise The Senior Section has the same Promise as the Guide Section. Information taken from the Girl Guide website: PRE SCHOOL FOOTBALL KINGSWELLS COMMUNITY CENTRE are/article.asp Places can now be booked for Session 2007-8 starting in August.

Monday 1.30-2.00 2.00-2.30 Friday 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 1.30-2.00 2.00-2.30

To book places contact Alison McLeod on 314669.

5 Kingswells Community Council News Snippets By Members of KCC.

Congratulations to Councillor Stephen! AB10 1BW or by e-mail to

June 2007 [email protected] . KCC congratulates our Local Councillor Pe- ter Stephen on his recent appointment as Lord

NEWS Planning Advice Provost of Aberdeen. We know that Peter and KCC receives from ACC a weekly list of all Sandra will be wonderful ambassadors for our city. planning applications within the city of Aberdeen. KCC always scan this list for Kingswells applica- Neighbourhood Community tions. However, if members want to physically see Planning Officer an application we must go down to Broad Street to Readers were introduced to our new Neigh- inspect plans. Recently, there have been a few pro-

KINGSWELLS bourhood Community Planning Officer for jects to which KCC may have objected, if we had Bucksburn, Dyce and Kingswells, Elaine Sinclair been made aware. If you have lodged an objection in the last edition of the Kingswells News. KCC to a neighbouring application and feel you need had a very productive meeting with Elaine and we our support please inform us and we will, in an wish her every success and happiness in her new objective manner, investigate it further. If KCC post and we look forward to working with Elaine feel that an application is detrimental to the look in the future. of our village then we may also put in an objec- tion to ACC. Please also inform your Local Coun- cillor who may also object. In light of recent Local Transport Strategy Aberdeen City Council has officially launched events we have asked ACC if we can change the a public consultation on its proposed new Local process so KCC can be notified of any contentious Transport Strategy. The Consultative Draft LTS applications. 2007 – 2012 sets out the transport vision and ob- jectives of the city council and reviews various Community Centre interventions, policies and projects that could be We are delighted to see work has now com- implemented to address local challenges and menced on the front of the community centre to needs. Aberdeen City Council have produced a expand the coffee shop. Kingswells residents will draft strategy, summary document, and question- surely thoroughly enjoy a fantastic “cuppie” in this naire which are available for inspection at The wonderful new facility. We hope everything goes Point, public libraries and on the Council’s web- smoothly and fingers crossed for a good summer site, .The council is so all goes as scheduled seeking feedback by July 2, 2007 All comments should be directed to LTS Consultation Planning & Infrastructure, Aberdeen City Council, St Nicholas House, Broad Street, Aberdeen

6 Blankest Year! A 3 piece band. Formed in winter 2006, Blankest Year are playing gigs around Aberdeen and have just recorded their first CD - Thoughts Don't Move - which is on sale now in One Up Records in Aberdeen and via the

June 2007 website. The band was started by Glenn Buchan (guitar) and Nick Fyfe (Drums) who meet at Robert Gordon’s College and started writing material together. It wasn't long before Rich- ard Halliday was brought into the band for vocals. There NEWS influences are Idlewild, Biffy Clyro and

See them at the Lemon Tree on 8th June and at Kef on Belmont Street on 14th June. Catch their latest gig dates and find out more at

Picture below from left to right - Glenn

KINGSWELLS Buchan, Richard Halliday, Nick Fyfe who are Blankest Year.

Glenn Buchan and Richard Halliday – Two Kingswells Locals Enjoy Musical Success. Calendar Experiment Competition. All the photographs used in the calendar will be credited to the respective photographer and we will award a first, sec- Last year you sent us some excellent photographs of ond and third prize to the best three pictures. Kingswells, many of them showed the winter wonderland If you wish to contribute to the calendar with historical created by fresh falls of snow over the village. These pictures information, useful facts etc, please get in contact with us, as can still be viewed on the Kingswells website at: we are keen to make this a This year we are aiming to be a little more ambitious and calendar that hope you will enter the Calendar Experiment Competition. is for the We want to create a special calendar, full of pictures of community, by Kingswells at different times during the year. the community We will then sell the calendars, and possibly make and of the Christmas Cards to raise revenue for local community pro- community. jects, like Kingswells in Bloom. What you need to do: By Claire Burt • Take some great pictures of Kingswells, • Provide us with significant dates we need to include in the calendar, • Email these to [email protected] mark your email ‘ Calendar Experiment Competition.

7 Your Letters Cycle Path Debate.

June 2007 Dear Kingswells News Dear Kingswells News I note from your website that the cycle path Now we have the new administration in place efforts are stalling a little, this is very disappoint- the campaign can resume. The project is securing

NEWS ing…….. greater interest and the transport group Dyce I cycle from Kingswells to BP Dyce everyday - TMO have come behind the project and the pro- since the lighter mornings I have used the existing ject has been circulated within BP and we have 'Bucksburn Valley Paths' instead of the bus route had many responses in support. I do find it aston- to the Lang Stracht, over Sheddocksley and down ishing in this day that with transport congestion, the Howes Road - however 3 weeks ago I came off concerns about exercise and fitness, carbon emis- my bike due to a rut in the path……I couldn't sions etc. etc. that this cycle path is not an integral KINGSWELLS believe the amount of injuries I sustained in the part of the new school access program. There is 0.2secs it took me to hit the deck……… far too much Strategic Talk and not enough Severe leg bruising, strained hand - due to my action. Strategic assessments are used these days thumb being nearly ripped from my hand, and to delay common sense simple initiatives or avoid cracked ribs………I was badly winded and unable doing them at all. to sit-up for a number of minutes, I was con- However, our badgering for this initiative has cerned at the time that I was lying there isolated raised it up the priority list significantly. Rachel and if I needed someone to come and assist I Green at ACC has taken on the challenge and give could have used my mobile, but they would have her credit, it is a priority for her within the limits struggled to find me………. of her resources. She has raised funding for a The result was I was unable to cycle for 2 design study and consultation over the summer. weeks and I had to use my car - which added to We will be consulted on the design brief before it the traffic congestion and pollution on our going to tender. Rachel had agreed to host a roads…… meeting of interested parties but as this was sug- If this was an upgraded cycle route I would gested to help raise the anti with ACC to get to the have avoided this……... design study phase this can be postponed until the Taking a car to Dyce is horrendous - I know consultation phase as Rachel has secured the de- for a fact that more people would cycle if there sign study funding. We will leave her to get on was better facilities, the alternative route to the with it for us and lend support as and when field paths is taking the Newhills road to Bucks- required. We should note also Peter Stephen's role burn - however that is like playing Russian roulette in this project from behind the scenes pushing this with the traffic, it's terrifying and the potential for initiative and raising its profile internally. an accident isn't worth the risk. Can I ask Kingswells Community Council I don't understand how this route cant be con- step up to the plate and make contact to lend sidered strategic, it is universally agreed the traffic their support. Please contact me on in Dyce is a huge problem - therefore any incen- [email protected] or Aberdeen 715568 if you wish tive to reduce Dyce traffic must be strategic! to contribute to or be kept informed of this Could this example of avoidable personal initiative . What we must do though is make sure injury please be passed to the people who are that we get what is best suited to the widest user campaigning for this cycle route……. group we can achieve and not settle for the cheap- PS: My ribs still hurt! est solution the city can get away with. This has Martin Cadden, to be set as an objective right at the outset.

Dave McGrath

Cllr Peter Stephen allocated £1k of his Quality Hand Made Candles made in Kingswells. remaining ward budget (Now with Neigh- Created from the finest fragrance oils and top quality wax. bourhood Services North) to be retained

Tealights - burn for 4-6 hours Votives - burn for 15 hours to help in any way with the cycle project.

Aroma Stones Aroma Melts and Tarts

Jar Candles of various sizes, accessories and lots more.

Free delivery in Kingswells ~ Free melts with every £15 spend.

Call Gillian or Lesley on 769316, or email [email protected], visit our website at, samples available at the Community Centre

8 More of Your Letters Litter litter -clear it up we care.

June 2007 Hello Kingswells News I want to do something how do I go about it, Kingswells has a huge litter problem, not do I need to join a committee? With you? How do where us humans wander but where the wildlife I go about this? Lets get this problem sorted!

NEWS live in the rough areas around the park in the I must sound like a right Victor Meldrew with marshes etc. it is unsightly and to be quite honest one foot in the grave but I am actually 32. it is really starting to annoy me. I have lived in Kind Regards Kingswells for five years and the problem is getting worse. Adam Reid, Callum Park, Kingswells How do we go about clearing this areas up – who is responsible? Is the council? If no one is KINGSWELLS responsible to do it then let me know as I will put Green Kingswells something in to motion to get it sorted but I would By Dave McGrath of siGEN need your help at Kingswells news. siGEN Ltd. exhibited more ground breaking de- I suggest we firstly ask for volunteers to all velopments at the All En- club together and start recruiting others so that on ergy show held last week a specific Sunday this summer we have a clear up in Aberdeen. On show a thon! We would need rubbish collecting equip- were a hydrogen gas ment, which I hope is where you guys could help. fueled gas cooker and If the first years Rubbish Collection-a-thon went gas fire. Also on display well then we do it again next year and then every was the only road taxed 6 months, we could get sponsorship if there is and insured moped or enough folk joining in and media coverage which Hy-PED as it is is where I come in. named. Watch out for it in the village, yes I will happily start campaigning if I get the Kingswells is the host to the only FC powered nod to do so. The rubbish has a detrimental effect scooter running in the UK. The principal behind on everybody via house prices and just general the projects are that we can make hydrogen locally well being. We also have a huge population of wild from wind, marine or hydro power. This in turn birds that do suffer because of untidiness. can be used to replace the local use of fossil hy- Who do I think is to blame “society” we have drocarbons and thus reducing our CO2 a love of wrapping stuff up in polythene that does emissions. The hydrogen used can also be used to not disintegrate easily, kids need to be told off power hydrogen powered vehicles such as the Hy- when seen littering etc PED or the Reva small electric fuel cell hybrid also developed by siGEN 2 years ago, remember that funny green St Margaret’s School for Girls vehicle. What makes our school so successful? Dave McGrath. MD of siGEN was also one of the 4 organising panel for the first international Business to Busi- • Small class sizes - average class ness Hydrogen and Fuel cell conference size 18. in Europe bringing this to Aberdeen to the Al Energy show. The 2 day confer- • Excellent academic results - last year ence show cased the phenomenal pro- 98% of our girls went to university. gress this new industry is enjoying across the world and finished the Con- • Expert tuition and staff who care. ference with the Magic of Hydrogen • Wide range of extra-curriculum show devised by Dave and delivered activities. jointly with Comagi magicians of in- verurie followed by a very moving and exceptionally well delivered by talks Spaces are still available in the Nursery, P6 and P7 classes for August 2007 entry form 3 Aberdeen city pupils in their experience of siGEN's Extreme Hy- NEW drogen competition, which was won School Bus Service from Inverurie last year by Kingswells pupils attending with a pick up at Kingswells the great western After schools club. There are some remarkable things For further details please contact the Admissions Office happening in our community. on 01224 584466 or

9 Forestry Commission Scotland Aberdeenshire By Liz Wallace, June 2007 Bike Events Dunnottar, to Stonehaven We are running two super events in June at Get fit and healthy in the forest. Booking re- NEWS Kirkhill near Aberdeen in partnership with Aber- quired. deenshire Council to encourage more people to • 10,000 Steps get out on their bikes. On the Saturday you can Wed 6, 13, 20 (all Delgatie, to Turriff) & 27 learn how to ride a mountain bike off road. No (Gight) June: 7 - 9pm - 10,000 Steps excuse if you don’t have a bike – you can borrow Get fit and healthy in the forest. Booking re- one on site (and a helmet!). Then you can even try quired. • Beginners Bike Bash

KINGSWELLS a fun obstacle course before trying out your new skills on the purpose built jump park. There are Sat 9 : Anytime between 10am - 4pm - Begin- expert mountain bike tutors on site all day. See ners Bike Bash - Kirkhill the events section for date and times. Learn how to ride a bike on forest roads and Then if you want more, you can join us on tracks. Try the fun obstacle course. Bring your the Sunday too. We will be doing a bike ride bike. through the forest, again at Kirkhill. This time • Guided Mountain Bike Ride you do need your own mountain bike and helmet. Sun 10 : 2 - 5pm - Kirkhill We will cycle on forest roads and easy trails. Both Join us for a mountain bike round the woods. events are suitable for over 12s and adults. Under Bring your bike. 16s must be accompanied by an adult though. • Plants of Bennachie Kirkhill forest is on the northern side of Aber- Sat 23 : 10am – 4 pm - Bennachie deen, just off the A96 near Tyrebagger. Come and learn more about the interesting Pitfichie Cycle Trail (near Monymusk) plants found on Bennachie. Forestry Commission single track mountain bike Booking required. There is a charge for this trails have a colour coded grading system (Green, event. Blue, Red, Black - similar to ski runs). Pitfichie • Flower Power trails have just been re-graded to meet this stan- Sun 24 : 2 - 4pm - Delgatie dard. The old blue trail is now coloured "white" as Learn the names of some of the more common this is a forest road route. flowers in the forest.

Tree Harvesting Work If you want to know more about these events, From time to time we have to close woods and others happening later in the year or how to book, trails due to tree felling operations which can be look on the Forestry Commission website dangerous if you get too close. Here is a list of our current closures: The trails at Shooting Greens near Banchory are still closed. We’ll open them as soon as it is safe to do so. Some tree felling work is about to start on 28th May in Dunnottar Woods (see under Dun- nottar Project in the News Section). The work will be done very sensitively and for health and safety it will mean closure of some paths and areas of the wood for short time periods. However we will ensure that there are always areas of woods open so the people of Stonehaven can continue to use the woods throughout. During felling work please follow all directions given by signs and staff, for you own safety.

Events There are always loads of things going on in the woods for you to take part in. Here is a selec- tion of what's on in June: • 10,000 Steps Wed 6, 13, 20 & 27: 7- 9pm -

10 Willoughby Cup Slips From Kingswells From 23.5.2007 June 2007 Ashley Road produced a fine second half performance to Vandals Put Paid To Recycling Bins overcome a spirited Kingswells side and lift the Willoughby NEWS Cup at Spain Park. Recycling bins have been removed from a north-east Ashley Road 4 Kingswells A good-sized crowd had gath- nursery school after being repeatedly targeted by vandals. ered in the sunshine and they were barely in place when Aberdeen City Council said it had reluctantly agreed to Kingswells opened the scoring. take the facility away from the privately run Great Western Only two minutes were on the clock when Ross CO- Pre-School in Kingswells after the owner grew tired of it be- CHRANE swept Bowman's cross from the right past Park. ing damaged. Moments later Bowman nearly made it 2-0, but Park got KINGSWELLS City council waste marketing officer Linda Jordinson his fingertips to the striker's shot and diverted the ball on to said: "It is unfortunate that a facility used by the public has to the underside of the crossbar before it was hacked clear. be withdrawn because of the thoughtless vandalism of a few Despite Kingswells' fast start, it was Ashley Road who people. This is a last resort and we hope the public will un- struck next. Davie swung over a corner from the right and derstand." Lewis BURNETT netted from six yards. To find out where your closest paper recycling point is, Five minutes later, Kingswells were denied by the wood- call 0845 608 0 919 or visit work for a second time when Simpson headed Bowman's cross from the right against the bar. The next goal wasn't far away and it was Ashley Road DAWGS – Dogs who grabbed the lead after 19 minutes. Action Working Following a spell of pressure the Kingswells defence Group Scotland failed to clear their lines and when Sutherland played the ball back into the box, BURNETT slammed it home via the As a dog welfare charity we find underside of the bar. loving new homes for unwanted Five minutes later Kingswells were level. A long ball out and abandoned dogs through- of defence found Tom BOWMAN, who ran on and though out the North East of Scotland. Park parried his initial strike, the striker slotted home the Well over 2,000 dogs and pup- rebound. pies have been given the chance After a glut of goal scoring chances in the first half, the of a new life since we began second half was a more sterile, but competitive affair, with helping homeless hounds back defences on top. in 1994. Kingswells captain Robbie Collinson, later named as We aim to find our dogs loving man of the match, was particularly prominent in the middle new homes by working to a re-homing policy, which matches of the park. each dog’s individual needs, characteristics and traits with the The game was halted after a clash of heads between most suitable new owner and living environment. Ashley Road's Craig Watson and Kingswells' James Brown. To achieve this we need to ask prospective owners a few sim- Fortunately both were able to continue. ple questions, which are followed up by an informal visit to With the match heading for extra time, Ashley Road your home. If you have owned a pet before we may need to made the breakthrough. Morton drove at the Kingswells de- ask for a vet's reference. Most vets are familiar with the pro- fence before laying the ball off to Matthew PERRITT, whose cedure and are happy to help. deflected shot left Leiper helpless. Our procedure is aimed to benefit both dog and prospective The Kingswells keeper was beaten again two minutes owner so your help and patience is much appreciated. later. WATSON running on to slot the ball under Leiper. As our charity receives no government funding and we are not part of a national organization we can only continue to provide our dog re-homing service through public donations • ASHLEY ROAD - Park, Docherty, McCallan, Rid- doch, Van Wachem, Byrne, Burnett, Perritt, Watson, and fund raising events. To assist in funding our work you will be asked for a minimum donation of £60 for your dog. Sutherland, Davie. Subs - Aitken, O'Hara, Morton . This includes our Pooch Pack fact sheet, which details the dog's history, characteristics and any other pertinent informa- KINGSWELLS - R. Leiper, Close, Brown, Kemp, • tion, which will assist you. The fee also includes micro chip- Yule, McCaw, Simpson, Collinson, Shinnie, Bowman, ping, which aids identification in the event your dog goes Cochrane. Subs - A. Leiper, Hardisti, Gibb, Mitchell. missing.

• Referee - M. Ritchie. DAWGS - Dog Action Working Group Scotland, 'The Dawghouse', 6 Whitemyres Holdings, Lang Stracht, Kingswells, Aberdeen, AB15 6NB. Telephone 01224 208989,

Please email [email protected]