Code lists Page 1

Code lists AESEV Page 2


Codelist Name: Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse Events Description: A scale that defnes the degree or state of disease existing in a patient as a result of the occurrence of an adverse event. (NCI)

C41338,1; Grade 1 C41339,2; Grade 2 C41340,3; Grade 3 AGEU Page 3


Codelist Name: Age Unit Description: Those units of time that are routinely used to express the age of a subject.

C25301,Days C25529,Hours; h; hr C29846,Month C29844,Week C29848,Year CMDOSFRM Page 4


Codelist Name: Concomitant Medication Dose Form Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Pharmaceutical Dosage Form codelist created for CDASH Concomitant Medication Dose Form codelist. (NCI)

C42887,AEROSOL; aer C25158,CAPSULE; cap C28944,CREAM; C42933,GAS; C42934,GEL; C42966,OINTMENT; oint C42968,PATCH; C42972,POWDER; C42989,SPRAY; C42993,SUPPOSITORY; supp C42994,SUSPENSION; susp C42998,TABLET; tab CMDOSFRQ Page 5


Codelist Name: Concomitant Medication Dosing Frequency per Interval Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Frequency codelist created for CDASH Concomitant Medication Dosing Frequency per Interval codelist. (NCI)

C64496,BID; BD; Twice per day C64499,PRN; As needed C25473,QD; Daily C64530,QID; 4 times per day C64498,QM; Every Month; Per Month C64525,QOD; Every other day C64527,TID; 3 times per day C17998,UNKNOWN; U; UNK; Unknown CMDOSU Page 6


Codelist Name: Concomitant Medication Dose Units Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Concomitant Medication Dose Units codelist. (NCI)

C48480,CAPSULE; Capsule Dosing Unit; cap C48155,g; Gram C48579,IU; IE; International Unit C28253,mg; Milligram C28254,mL; Milliliter; cm3 C65060,PUFF; Puff Dosing Unit C48542,TABLET; Tablet Dosing Unit; tab C48152,ug; Microgram; mcg CMROUTE Page 7


Codelist Name: Concomitant Medication Route of Administration Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Route codelist created for CDASH Concomitant Medication Route of Administration codelist. (NCI)

C38250,INTRALESIONAL C28161,INTRAMUSCULAR C38255,INTRAOCULAR C38258,INTRAPERITONEAL C38284,NASAL; Intranasal Route of Administration C38288,ORAL; Intraoral Route of Administration; PO C38295,RECTAL C38216,RESPIRATORY (INHALATION) C38299,SUBCUTANEOUS; SC; Subdermal Route of Administration C38304,TOP; TOPICAL C38305,TRANSDERMAL C38313,VAGINAL DAORRESU Page 8


Codelist Name: Unit of Drug Dispensed or Returned Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Unit of Drug Dispensed or Returned codelist. (NCI)

C48474,BAG; Bag Dosing Unit C48477,BOTTLE; Bottle Dosing Unit C48478,BOX; Box Dosing Unit C48480,CAPSULE; Capsule Dosing Unit; cap C48484,CONTAINER; Container Dosing Unit C48490,DISK; Disk Dosing Unit C48520,PACKAGE; Pack Dosing Unit; Package Dosing Unit C48521,PACKET; Packet Dosing Unit C48524,PATCH; Patch Dosing Unit C48542,TABLET; Tablet Dosing Unit; tab C48549,TUBE; Tube Dosing Unit C48551,VIAL; Vial Dosing Unit DATEST Page 9


Codelist Name: Drug Accountability Test Name Description: The name of the test for the drug accountability assessment.

C78721,Dispensed Amount C78722,Returned Amount DIR Page 10


Codelist Name: Directionality Description: CDISC terminology for anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. DIR Page 11

C25231,Anterior C147159,Anteromedial C25423,Apical C90067,Basal C73851,Caudal C25445,Central C37936,Cranial C25240,Deep C25237,Distal C147160,Distal Volar C45874,Dorsal C90376,Dorsolateral C90386,Fore C90393,Hind C25353,Inferior C37980,Inner C73705,Intermediate C25230,Lateral C25309,Lower C147161,Lower Extensor Surface C147162,Lower Flexor Surface C147163,Lower Medial C25232,Medial C81170,Midline C27958,Nasal C38166,Outer C25233,Peripheral C25622,Posterior C25236,Proximal C147164,Proximal Volar C94393,Rostral C25239,Superficial C25235,Superior C25245,Surface C117754,Temporal C90069,Tip C25355,Upper C147165,Upper Extensor Surface C147166,Upper Flexor Surface C45875,Ventral C98798,Ventrolateral C147167,Volar EGORRESU Page 12


Codelist Name: ECG Original Units Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH ECG Original Units codelist. (NCI)

C49673,beats/min; Beats per Minute C41140,msec; Millisecond C42535,Sec; Second EPOCH Page 13


Codelist Name: Epoch Description: The name of the EPOCH.

C125938,Baseline C102255,Blinded Treatment C123452,Continuation Phase C99158,Follow-Up C123453,Induction Phase; Intensive Phase C16032,Long-Term Follow-Up C102256,Open Label Treatment C98779,Run-In C48262,Screening C101526,Treatment C42872,Washout EXDOSFRM Page 14


Codelist Name: Exposure Dose Form Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Pharmaceutical Dosage Form codelist created for CDASH Exposure Dose Form codelist. (NCI)



Codelist Name: Exposure Dosing Frequency per Interval Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Frequency codelist created for CDASH Exposure Dosing Frequency per Interval codelist. (NCI)

C64496,BID; BD; Twice per day C64499,PRN; As needed C25473,QD; Daily C64530,QID; 4 times per day C64498,QM; Every Month; Per Month C64525,QOD; Every other day C64527,TID; 3 times per day C17998,U; UNK; Unknown EXDOSU Page 16


Codelist Name: Units for Exposure Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Units for Exposure codelist. (NCI)

C48480,CAPSULE; Capsule Dosing Unit; cap C48155,g; Gram C28253,mg; Milligram C28254,mL; Milliliter; cm3 C65060,PUFF; Puff Dosing Unit C48542,TABLET; Tablet Dosing Unit; tab C48152,ug; Microgram; mcg EXFLRTU Page 17


Codelist Name: Unit of Measure for Flow Rate Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Unit of Measure for Flow Rate codelist. (NCI)

C64777,mL/min C67420,mmol/day C71205,mcg/day C71211,mcg/min C67406,mcmol/day EXINTPU Page 18


Codelist Name: Unit for the Duration of Treatment Interruption Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Unit for Duration of Treatment Interruption codelist. (NCI)

C25529,Hours; h; hr C48154,min; Minute C42535,sec; Second EXPDOSEU Page 19


Codelist Name: Units for Planned Exposure Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Units for Planned Exposure codelist. (NCI)

C48480,Capsule Dosing Unit; cap C48155,g; Gram C28253,mg; Milligram C28254,mL; Milliliter; cm3 C65060,PUFF; Puff Dosing Unit C48542,TABLET; Tablet Dosing Unit; tab C48152,ug; Microgram; mcg EXROUTE Page 20


Codelist Name: Exposure Route of Administration Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Route codelist created for CDASH Exposure Route of Administration codelist. (NCI)



Codelist Name: Total Volume Administration Unit Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Unit codelist created for CDASH Total Volume Administration Unit codelist. (NCI)

C28253,mg; Milligram C28254,mL; Milliliter; cm3 C48152,ug; Microgram; mcg EVAL Page 22


Codelist Name: Evaluator Description: The role that the individual or entity plays with respect to a specifc situation or person.

C78726,Adjudication Committee C96561,Adjudicator C17445,Caregiver C150886,Child C25465,Research Associate C51811,Clinical Research Coordinator C70793,Clinical Study Sponsor; Sponsor; Study Sponsor C53262,Domestic Partner C41256,Family Member C72884,Friend C51828,Guardian C53287,Health Care Professional C78720,Independent Assessor C63759,Interviewer C25936,Investigator C42709,Parent C119264,Proxy C25204,Sibling C119265,Significant Other C62649,Spouse C41189,Study Subject C68608,Vendor LAT Page 23


Codelist Name: Laterality Description: CDISC terminology for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the side(s) of interest.

C13332,Bilateral C25307,Contralateral C25308,Ipsilateral C25230,Lateral C25229,Left C25228,Right C28012,Unilateral LOC Page 24


Codelist Name: Anatomical Location Description: Terminology codelist used for anatomical location within CDISC. LOC Page 25

C116163,5Th Lumbar Spinous Process C32038,Abdominal Aorta C12664,Abdomen C12360,Abdominal Lymph Node C139186,Abdominal Region C52758,Abdominal Skin C77608,Abdominal Wall C12665,Abducens Nerve C116183,Accessory Renal Artery C32042,Acetabulum C32043,Achilles Tendon C32047,Acromioclavicular Joint C32048,Acromion C102285,ACUTE MARGINAL ARTERY SEGMENT(S); AMARG C52888,Adductor Pollicis Muscle C12666,Adrenal Gland C12986,Alveoli C12440,Amygdala; Amygdaloid Body; Amygdaloid Nucleus C12375,Anal Canal C15609,Anastomosis C32078,Ankle; Ankle Joint C117868,Talar Mortise C139185,Anterior Cingulate Cortex C96217,Anterior Cingulate Gyrus C32637,Frontal Horn of the Lateral Ventricle C139187,Anterior Superior Iliac Spine C12825,Anterior Tibial Artery C32115,Anterior Tibial Vein C12259,Antrum Pylori C43362,Anus C12669,Aorta C32123,Aortic Arch C12670,Aortic Valve C130167,Aortic Valve Annulus C127638,Aortic Valve, Left Semilunar Cusp C127639,Aortic Valve, Posterior Semilunar Cusp C127640,Aortic Valve, Right Semilunar Cusp C116166,Aorto-Iliac Peripheral Artery C118775,Aortocaval Lymph Node C116165,Aortopulmonary Window Lymph Node C83470,Appendiceal Tip C49477,Appendicular Skeleton C12380,Appendix C32141,Arm C52754,Arm Skin C12372,Artery C32150,Ascending Aorta C127641,Ascending Aorta, Aortic Root LOC Page 26

C127642,Ascending Aorta, Sinotubular Junction C33557,Ascending Aorta, Sinus Of Valsalva C32172,Axial Skeleton C12674,Axilla C32169,Axillary Artery C12904,Axillary Lymph Node C123461,Axillary Lymph Node Level I C123462,Axillary Lymph Node Level Ii C123463,Axillary Lymph Node Level Iii C32171,Axillary Vein C13062,Back C12447,Basal Ganglia C32197,Basilic Vein C32200,Biceps Brachii Muscle C53147,Biceps Femoris Muscle C12376,Bile Duct C12678,Biliary Tract C12414,Bladder C48941,Bladder Wall C12332,Bladder, Dome C48939,Bladder, Fundus C12336,Bladder, Neck C12331,Bladder, Trigone C12434,Blood C12679,Blood Vessel C13041,Body C12258,Body Of Stomach C12366,Bone C12431,Bone Marrow C12681,Brachial Artery C92221,Brachial Lymph Node C12682,Brachial Plexus C12883,Brachial Vein C53149,Brachialis Muscle C32814,Brachiocephalic Artery C150849,Brachioradialis Muscle C12439,Brain C12441,Brain Stem C12356,Brain Ventricle C12834,Brain Ventricle, Lateral C132390,Brain, Periventricular Region C12827,Brain, Third Ventricle C12971,Breast C12683,Bronchus C154770,Buccal Lymph Node C12505,Buccal Mucosa C12902,Bulbar Conjunctiva C89806,Buttock C32239,C1 Vertebra LOC Page 27

C32240,C2 Vertebra C32241,C3 Vertebra C32242,C4 Vertebra C32243,C5 Vertebra C32244,C6 Vertebra C32245,C7 Vertebra C142295,Calcaneal Tuberosity C32250,Calcaneus C32252,Calcarine Sulcus C93027,Calf C154703,Calf Muscular Vein C32258,Canine Tooth C12856,Capitate Bone C139188,Capitate-Hamate Joint C139189,Capitate-Lunate Joint C12729,Cardiac Valve C139201,Cardiac Wall C12686,Cardiovascular System C12687,Carotid Artery C12688,Carpal Bone C32265,Carpometacarpal Joint C103912,Carpometacarpal Joint 1 C103913,Carpometacarpal Joint 2 C103914,Carpometacarpal Joint 3 C103915,Carpometacarpal Joint 4 C103916,Carpometacarpal Joint 5 C12451,Caudate Nucleus C12381,Cecum C65166,Celiac Lymph Node C12438,Central Nervous System C32286,Cephalic Vein C12445,Cerebellum C12691,Cerebral Artery C12443,Cerebral Cortex C32955,Cerebral Hemisphere, Left C33472,Cerebral Hemisphere, Right C98712,Cerebral Subcortex C53037,Cerebral Vein C12351,Cerebrum C32298,Cervical Lymph Node C69313,Cervical Spine C12693,Cervical Vertebra C12311,Cervix Uteri C13070,Cheek C25389,Chest C62484,Chest Wall C81169,Chin C12344,Choroid C12694,Choroid Plexus LOC Page 28

C12345,Ciliary Body C52713,Cingulate Cortex C102287,Circumflex Artery Av Groove Continuation Artery C102286,Circumflex, Obtuse Marginals, Left Posteroleteral And Left Posterior Descending Artery Branches C12695,Clavicle C12308,Clitoris C32334,Coccygeal Vertebra C12696,Coccyx C12382,Colon C12265,Colon, Ascending C12268,Colon, Descending C12266,Colon, Hepatic Flexure C33929,Colon, Left C103438,Colon, Rectosigmoid C12383,Colon, Right C12384,Colon, Sigmoid C12267,Colon, Splenic Flexure C12385,Colon, Transverse C32354,Common Femoral Artery C154771,Common Femoral Vein C32357,Common Iliac Artery C103384,Common Iliac Lymph Node C12341,Conjunctiva C12342,Cornea C12707,Corneal Endothelium C12928,Corneal Epithelium C12699,Corneal Stroma C12843,Coronary Artery C32089,Coronary Artery, Anterior Descending C12872,Coronary Artery, Left C12875,Coronary Artery, Right C32378,Coronary Sinus C12882,Coronary Vein C12446,Corpus Callosum C32216,Corpus Callosum, Body C32675,Corpus Callosum, Genu C33610,Corpus Callosum, Splenium C26465,Corpus Luteum C12448,Corpus Striatum C12316,Corpus Uteri C32391,Costal Cartilage C102288,Costochondral Joint 1 C102289,Costochondral Joint 7 C77638,Cranial Cavity C12700,Cranial Nerve C32414,Cuboid Bone C32446,Deltoid Muscle C12702,Diaphragm LOC Page 29

C132391,Diaphragmatic Lymph Node C102290,Distal Circumflex Artery C60801,Distal Common Bile Duct C139208,Distal Femur R1 C102291,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 2 C114198,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 2 Of The Foot C114188,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 2 Of The Hand C102292,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 3 C114199,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 3 Of The Foot C114189,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 3 Of The Hand C102293,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 4 C114275,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 4 Of The Foot C114273,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 4 Of The Hand C102294,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 5 C114276,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 5 Of The Foot C114274,Distal Interphalangeal Joint 5 Of The Hand C102295,Distal Lad Artery C139190,Distal Phalanx 2 Of The Hand C139191,Distal Phalanx 3 Of The Hand C139192,Distal Phalanx 4 Of The Hand C139193,Distal Phalanx 5 Of The Hand C139194,Distal Radioulnar Joint C102296,Distal Right Coronary Artery Conduit C106042,Distant Lymph Node C12934,Dorsal Motor Nucleus C32478,Dorsalis Pedis Artery C12263,Duodenum C102627,Dural Venous Sinus C12394,Ear C12499,Ear, Inner C12292,Ear, Outer C32497,Elbow Joint C13004,Endocardium C12309,Endocervix C32514,Endometrial Cavity C12313,Endometrium C97338,Entorhinal Cortex C13164,Epicardium C69300,Epicondyle C12328,Epididymis C41449,Epidural Space C139195,Epigastric Lymph Node C32525,Epigastric Region C12709,Epiglottis C98182,Epitrochlear Lymph Node C139196,Esophageal Lymph Node C12389,Esophagus C12252,Esophagus, Abdominal C12250,Esophagus, Cervical LOC Page 30

C12255,Esophagus, Lower Third C12254,Esophagus, Middle Third C12251,Esophagus, Thoracic C12253,Esophagus, Upper Third C12711,Ethmoid Bone C12276,Ethmoid Sinus C32558,External Iliac Artery C88143,External Iliac Lymph Node C32573,Extrahepatic Bile Duct C33199,Extraocular Muscle C12401,Eye C12667,Eye, Anterior Chamber C33885,Eye, Vitreous Chamber C32576,Eyelash C12713,Eyelid C13071,Face C32577,Facet Joint C63706,Facial Bone C12714,Facial Nerve C32582,Falciform Ligament C12403,Fallopian Tube C13108,Fascia C61600,Female Genitalia C12402,Female Reproductive System C12715,Femoral Artery C114186,Femoral Condyle C32718,Femoral Head C98183,Femoral Lymph Node C61563,Femoral Neck C12716,Femoral Vein C116167,Femoro-Popliteal Peripheral Artery C12717,Femur C96209,Femur Shaft C12718,Fibula C120670,Fibula Shaft C154772,Fibular Vein C32608,Finger C32609,Fingernail C102297,First Diagonal Branch Artery C139197,First Dorsal Interosseous Muscle Of The Foot C139198,First Dorsal Interosseous Muscle Of The Hand C102298,First Left Posterolateral Branch Artery C102299,First Obtuse Marginal Branch Artery C102300,First Right Posterolateral Artery C93028,Flank C53155,Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle C53156,Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle C52923,Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle C150850,Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle LOC Page 31

C150851,Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle C54187,Floor Of Mouth C32622,Foot C52839,Foot Digit 1 C52840,Foot Digit 2 C52841,Foot Digit 3 C52842,Foot Digit 4 C52843,Foot Digit 5 C52772,Foot Phalanx C32628,Forearm C40185,Forebrain C89803,Forehead C12352,Frontal Lobe C12277,Frontal Sinus C135172,Fundus Of The Eye C12257,Fundus Of The Stomach C12315,Fundus Uteri C12377,Gallbladder C12719,Ganglion C12256,Gastric Cardia C154773,Gastric Curvature Lymph Node C32668,Gastroesophageal Junction C12378,Gastrointestinal System C34082,Gastrointestinal Tract C33010,Gastrointestinal Tract, Lower C33837,Gastrointestinal Tract, Upper C25177,Genitalia C12810,Genitourinary System C32677,Gingiva C139199,Gingival Mucosa C32682,Glenoid Fossa C12449,Globus Pallidus C13250,Glomerulus C12723,Glossopharyngeal Nerve C12724,Glottis C52560,Gluteus Maximus C33004,Great Saphenous Vein C32698,Great Trochanter C12262,Greater Curvature Of The Stomach C12936,Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue C32705,Hair C32706,Hair Bulb C13317,Hair Follicle C32711,Hair Root C33543,Hair Shaft C12860,Hamate Bone C32712,Hand C52834,Hand Digit 1 C52835,Hand Digit 2 LOC Page 32

C52836,Hand Digit 3 C52837,Hand Digit 4 C52838,Hand Digit 5 C52771,Hand Phalanx C12230,Hard Palate C12419,Head C12418,Head And Neck C32720,Head Of The Humerus C12727,Heart C32126,Heart, Apex C12728,Heart, Atrium C48589,Heart, Base C127643,Heart, Left Atrial Appendage C12869,Heart, Left Atrium C12871,Heart, Left Ventricle C127644,Heart, Left Ventricular Outflow Tract C127645,Heart, Left Ventricular Wall C127646,Heart, Right Atrial Appendage C12868,Heart, Right Atrium C12870,Heart, Right Ventricle C127647,Heart, Right Ventricular Free Wall C127648,Heart, Right Ventricular Outflow Tract C127649,Heart, Right Ventricular Wall C49485,Heart, Septum C12730,Heart, Ventricle C119295,Heart, Ventricular Wall C32729,Hepatic Artery C77640,Hepatic Lymph Node C32736,Hepatic Vein C43612,Hepatobiliary System C25724,Hilar C98187,Hilar Lymph Node C64193,Hip C32742,Hip Joint C12444,Hippocampus C114187,Humeral Epicondyle C12731,Humerus C120671,Humerus Shaft C32752,Hyoid Bone C12732,Hypoglossal Nerve C12246,Hypopharynx C12458,Hypothalamus C12387,Ileum C33757,Ileum, Terminal C103818,Iliac Crest C103454,Iliac Fossa C32761,Iliac Lymph Node C12734,Iliac Vein C32764,Iliopsoas Muscle LOC Page 33

C139207,Iliotibial Band C32765,Ilium C32769,Incisor C32770,Incus C132392,Inferior Pubic Ramus C12815,Inferior Vena Cava C63705,Infraclavicular Lymph Node C116179,Infrarenal Aorta C12509,Infratentorial Brain C32801,Inguinal Lymph Node C12726,Inguinal Region C32278,Insular Cortex C32818,Interatrial Septum C32845,Internal Iliac Artery C88142,Internal Iliac Lymph Node C52941,Internal Mammary Artery C32853,Internal Mammary Lymph Node C102301,Interphalangeal Joint 1 C114200,Interphalangeal Joint 1 Of The Foot C102302,Interphalangeal Joint 2 C114201,Interphalangeal Joint 2 Of The Foot C114190,Interphalangeal Joint 2 Of The Hand C102303,Interphalangeal Joint 3 C114202,Interphalangeal Joint 3 Of The Foot C114191,Interphalangeal Joint 3 Of The Hand C102304,Interphalangeal Joint 4 C114203,Interphalangeal Joint 4 Of The Foot C114192,Interphalangeal Joint 4 Of The Hand C102305,Interphalangeal Joint 5 C114204,Interphalangeal Joint 5 Of The Foot C114193,Interphalangeal Joint 5 Of The Hand C32868,Interphalangeal Joint Of The Hand C32867,Interphalangeal Of The Foot C102306,Interphalangeal Thumb Joint C120672,Intertrochanteric Region C32874,Interventricular Septum C12736,Intestine C12677,Intrahepatic Bile Duct C96803,Intrahepatic Large Bile Duct C12359,Intrathoracic Lymph Node C12737,Iris C105446,Ischial Tuberosity C103455,Ischiorectal Fossa C32884,Ischium C12388,Jejunum C13044,Joint C12738,Jugular Vein C12415,Kidney C12739,Kidney, Cortex LOC Page 34

C32740,Kidney, Hilum C93180,Kidney, Lower Lobe C12740,Kidney, Medulla C93179,Kidney, Upper Lobe C32898,Knee Joint C32899, Vertebra C32900,L2 Vertebra C112327,L2-L3 Intervertebral Space C32901,L3 Vertebra C112328,L3-L4 Intervertebral Space C32902,L4 Vertebra C142296,L4-L5 Intervertebral Space C32903,L5 Vertebra C154781,L5-S1 Intervertebral Space C120673,L6 Vertebra C32906,Lacrimal Bone C12346,Lacrimal Gland C102313,Lad Septal Perforator Artery C12379,Large Intestine C12420,Larynx C102307,Lateral First Diagonal Branch Artery C102308,Lateral First Obtuse Marginal Branch Artery C139202,Lateral Humeral Epicondyle C102309,Lateral Ramus Intermedius Artery C102310,Lateral Second Diagonal Branch Artery C102311,Lateral Second Obtuse Marginal Branch Artery C102312,Lateral Third Diagonal Branch Artery C102425,Lateral Third Obtuse Marginal Branch Artery C33150,Latissimus Dorsi Muscle C116175,Left Anterior Descending Artery Ostium C116177,Left Atrioventricular Artery C116176,Left Circumflex Artery Ostium C12874,Left Circumflex Coronary Artery C116174,Left Main Coronary Artery Bifurcation C116173,Left Main Coronary Artery Body C116172,Left Main Coronary Artery Ostium C116178,Left Posterior Descending Artery C102314,Left Posterolateral Descending Artery C127650,Left Ventricular Apex Segment C127651,Left Ventricular Apical Anterior Segment C127652,Left Ventricular Apical Inferior Segment C127653,Left Ventricular Apical Lateral Segment C127654,Left Ventricular Apical Septal Segment C127655,Left Ventricular Basal Anterior Segment C127656,Left Ventricular Basal Anterolateral Segment C127657,Left Ventricular Basal Anteroseptal Segment C127658,Left Ventricular Basal Inferior Segment C127659,Left Ventricular Basal Inferolateral Segment C127660,Left Ventricular Basal Inferoseptal Segment LOC Page 35

C102315,Left Ventricular Epicardium C127661,Left Ventricular Mid Anterior Segment C127662,Left Ventricular Mid Anterolateral Segment C127663,Left Ventricular Mid Anteroseptal Segment C127664,Left Ventricular Mid Inferior Segment C127665,Left Ventricular Mid Inferolateral Segment C127666,Left Ventricular Mid Inferoseptal Segment C32974,Leg C52749,Leg Skin C12743,Lens C32979,Leptomeninges C32982,Lesser Trochanter C13046,Ligament C12429,Limb C12742,Limb, Lower C12671,Limb, Upper C40373,Lingula Of The Lung C12220,Lip C12222,Lip, Lower C12221,Lip, Upper C12392,Liver C32996,Liver Fissure C33000,Liver, Caudate Lobe C32965,Liver, Left Lobe C112404,Liver, Quadrate Lobe C33481,Liver, Right Lobe C97333,Locus Ceruleus C132512,Lower Jugular Lymph Node C33012,Lower Respiratory System C34004,Lumbar Region C69314,Lumbar Spine C12744,Lumbar Vertebra C150852,Lumbrical Muscles Of The Hand C12786,Lunate Bone C12468,Lung C49282,Lung, Hilum C32967,Lung, Left C33020,Lung, Left Lower Lobe C33021,Lung, Left Upper Lobe C132393,Lung, Left, Inferior Lobe, Anterior Basal Segment C132394,Lung, Left, Inferior Lobe, Lateral Basal Segment C132395,Lung, Left, Inferior Lobe, Medial Basal Segment C132396,Lung, Left, Inferior Lobe, Posterior Basal Segment C132397,Lung, Left, Inferior Lobe, Superior Segment C132398,Lung, Left, Superior Lobe, Anterior Segment C132399,Lung, Left, Superior Lobe, Apicoposterior Segment C132400,Lung, Left, Superior Lobe, Inferior Lingular Segment C132401,Lung, Left, Superior Lobe, Superior Lingular Segment C33483,Lung, Right LOC Page 36

C33022,Lung, Right Lower Lobe C12286,Lung, Right Middle Lobe C33023,Lung, Right Upper Lobe C132402,Lung, Right, Inferior Lobe, Anterior Basal Segment C132403,Lung, Right, Inferior Lobe, Lateral Basal Segment C132404,Lung, Right, Inferior Lobe, Medial Basal Segment C132405,Lung, Right, Inferior Lobe, Posterior Basal Segment C132406,Lung, Right, Inferior Lobe, Superior Segment C132407,Lung, Right, Middle Lobe, Lateral Segment C132408,Lung, Right, Middle Lobe, Medial Segment C132409,Lung, Right, Superior Lobe, Anterior Segment C132410,Lung, Right, Superior Lobe, Apical Segment C132411,Lung, Right, Superior Lobe, Posterior Segment C12745,Lymph Node C33031,Lymph Node Hilum C32968,Main Bronchus, Left C33486,Main Bronchus, Right C61599,Male Genitalia C12722,Male Reproductive System C33051,Malleus C12367,Mammary Gland C12290,Mandible C12503,Mastoid Process C26470,Maxilla C12275,Maxillary Sinus C139204,Medial Femoral Condyle C103417,Median Or Lower Cervical Lymph Node C33073,Mediastinal Lymph Node C12748,Mediastinum C32098,Mediastinum, Anterior C33123,Mediastinum, Middle C33368,Mediastinum, Posterior C33684,Mediastinum, Superior C12442,Medulla Oblongata C12348,Meninges C52975,Mesenteric Artery C77641,Mesenteric Lymph Node C53055,Mesenteric Vein C33103,Mesentery C127667,Metacarpal 1 Base C12751,Metacarpal Bone C52796,Metacarpal Bone 1 C52795,Metacarpal Bone 2 C52794,Metacarpal Bone 3 C52793,Metacarpal Bone 4 C52792,Metacarpal Bone 5 C102316,Metacarpophalangeal Joint 1 C102317,Metacarpophalangeal Joint 2 C102318,Metacarpophalangeal Joint 3 LOC Page 37

C102319,Metacarpophalangeal Joint 4 C102320,Metacarpophalangeal Joint 5 C12752,Metatarsal Bone C33108,Metatarsophalangeal Joint C102321,Metatarsophalangeal Joint 1 C102322,Metatarsophalangeal Joint 2 C102323,Metatarsophalangeal Joint 3 C102324,Metatarsophalangeal Joint 4 C102325,Metatarsophalangeal Joint 5 C102326,Mid-Circumflex Artery C132511,Mid-Jugular Lymph Node C102328,Mid-Lad Artery C102329,Mid-Right Coronary Artery Conduit C102327,Mid/Distal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery And All Diagonal Coronary Branches C12510,Midbrain C12274,Middle Ear C142297,Middle Phalanx 2 Of The Hand C142298,Middle Phalanx 3 Of The Hand C142299,Middle Phalanx 4 Of The Hand C142300,Middle Phalanx 5 Of The Hand C12753,Mitral Valve C127306,Mitral Valve Annulus C127668,Mitral Valve, Anterior Annulus C127669,Mitral Valve, Anterior Cusp C127670,Mitral Valve, Posterior Annulus C127671,Mitral Valve, Posterior Cusp C97339,Motor Cortex C13166,Mucosa C12226,Mucosa Of The Lip C13056,Muscle C12754,Musculoskeletal System C12314,Myometrium C33156,Nail C33157,Nasal Bone C12424,Nasal Cavity C33160,Nasal Septum C12423,Nasopharynx C33162,Navicular Bone C13063,Neck C12466,Nerve C12299,Nipple C12756,Nose C33178,Nostril C142301,Nuchal Lymph Node C52733,Nucleus Accumbens C97342,Nucleus Of Diagonal Band C33191,Obturator Externus Muscle C33192,Obturator Internus Muscle LOC Page 38

C33193,Obturator Muscle C12355,Occipital Lobe C98188,Occipital Lymph Node C103456,Occipital Scalp C12758,Oculomotor Nerve C33200,Olecranon C28401,Olfactory Bulb C33205,Olfactory Mucosa C12759,Olfactory Nerve C33209,Omentum C33216,Ophthalmic Artery C150853,Opponens Pollicis Muscle C12760,Optic Disc C12761,Optic Nerve C12421,Oral Cavity C77637,Oral Mucosa C52886,Orbicularis Oculi Muscle C12347,Orbit C12762,Oropharynx C33244,Ovarian Follicle C12404,Ovary C12229,Palate C52745,Palatine Bone C33252,Palm C12901,Palpebral Conjunctiva C12393,Pancreas C12270,Pancreas, Body C12608,Pancreas, Endocrine C32546,Pancreas, Exocrine C12269,Pancreas, Head C12271,Pancreas, Tail C12272,Pancreatic Duct C77643,Para-Aortic Lymph Node C117869,Paracaval Lymph Node C89787,Paracolic Gutter C147453,Paralaryngeal Lymph Node C12320,Parametrium C12763,Paranasal Sinus C142302,Parapharyngeal Lymph Node C52557,Parasympathetic Ganglia C12765,Parathyroid Gland C103426,Paratracheal Lymph Node C97925,Paravertebral Ganglia C12354,Parietal Lobe C12427,Parotid Gland C33278,Parotid Gland Lymph Node C97341,Pars Compacta C33282,Patella C33284,Pectoralis Major Muscle LOC Page 39

C33287,Pelvic Bone C12363,Pelvic Lymph Node C12767,Pelvis C12409,Penis C12325,Penis, Body C12324,Penis, Glans C124350,Penis, Radix C99148,Perianal Region C38662,Pericardial Cavity C117870,Pericardial Lymph Node C127672,Pericardial Wall C13005,Pericardium C102330,Perihilar Lymph Node C33301,Perineum C77642,Peripancreatic Lymph Node C12768,Peripheral Nerve C154774,Perirectal Lymph Node C12769,Peritoneal Cavity C12770,Peritoneum C139205,Periumbilical Region C132412,Periureteral Region C111287,Periurethral Region C33314,Peroneal Artery C33318,Pharyngeal Tonsil C12425,Pharynx C12398,Pineal Gland C12855,Pisiform Bone C12399,Pituitary Gland C13272,Placenta C12469,Pleura C12840,Pleural Cavity C12511,Pons Varolii C116180,Popliteal Artery Above Knee C116181,Popliteal Artery Below Knee C53146,Popliteal Lymph Node C33339,Popliteal Vein C117871,Porta Hepatis Lymph Node C117872,Portacaval Lymph Node C77645,Portal Lymph Node C33343,Portal Vein C132413,Portal Vein Bifurcation C103428,Posterior Cervical Lymph Node C154778,Posterior Cingulate Cortex C102348,Posterior Descending Septal Perforators Artery C142303,Posterior Pole Of The Eye C139206,Posterior Superior Iliac Spine C12826,Posterior Tibial Artery C33386,Posterior Tibial Vein C116170,Posterolateral Segmental Artery LOC Page 40

C103429,Preauricular Lymph Node C112399,Precuneus C154779,Prefrontal Cortex C147454,Prelaryngeal Lymph Node C79432,Preputial Gland C154775,Presacral Lymph Node C132414,Presacral Space C147455,Pretracheal Lymph Node C97340,Primary Visual Cortex C32436,Profunda Femoris Artery C154776,Profunda Femoris Vein C150854,Pronator Quadratus Muscle C53174,Pronator Teres Muscle C12410,Prostate Gland C13092,Prostate Gland, Lateral Lobe C13094,Prostate Gland, Middle Lobe C13093,Prostate Gland, Posterior Lobe C102331,Proximal Circumflex Artery C102332,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 2 C114205,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 2 Of The Foot C114194,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 2 Of The Hand C102333,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 3 C114206,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 3 Of The Foot C114195,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 3 Of The Hand C102334,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 4 C114207,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 4 Of The Foot C114196,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 4 Of The Hand C102335,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 5 C114208,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 5 Of The Foot C114197,Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 5 Of The Hand C102336,Proximal Lad Artery C150848,Proximal Phalanx 1 Of The Hand C142304,Proximal Phalanx 2 Of The Hand C142305,Proximal Phalanx 3 Of The Hand C142306,Proximal Phalanx 4 Of The Hand C142307,Proximal Phalanx 5 Of The Hand C102337,Proximal Right Coronary Artery Conduit C115335,Proximal Urethra C33423,Pubic Bone C12774,Pulmonary Artery Branch C116918,Pulmonary Trunk C12775,Pulmonary Valve C127673,Pulmonary Valve, Anterior Cusp C127674,Pulmonary Valve, Left Cusp C127675,Pulmonary Valve, Right Cusp C33429,Pupil C12452,Putamen C33433,Pyloric Sphincter C142308,Pyramidal Tracts, Brainstem LOC Page 41

C142309,Pyramidal Tracts, Internal Capsule C33441,Quadriceps Muscle C12838,Radial Artery C12777,Radius C120674,Radius Shaft C142310,Radius-Lunate Joint C102338,Ramus Intermedius Artery C97335,Raphe C33447,Recto-Uterine Pouch C54188,Rectosigmoid Junction C142311,Rectovaginal Space C12390,Rectum C53175,Rectus Femoris Muscle C49018,Regional Lymph Node C12778,Renal Artery C142312,Renal Fossa C12887,Renal Pelvis C12779,Respiratory System C12343,Retina C52997,Retinal Artery C32953,Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer C33470,Retinal Pigmented Epithelial Layer C142313,Retroauricular Lymph Node C103439,Retrocrural Lymph Node C98189,Retroperitoneal Lymph Node C12298,Retroperitoneum C77649,Retropharyngeal Lymph Node C12782,Rib C52770,Rib 1 C52769,Rib 10 C52768,Rib 11 C52767,Rib 12 C52766,Rib 2 C52765,Rib 3 C52764,Rib 4 C52763,Rib 5 C52762,Rib 6 C52761,Rib 7 C52760,Rib 8 C52759,Rib 9 C102339,Right Atrial Endocardium C116169,Right Coronary Artery Ostium C102340,Right Coronary Artery, Right Posterior Descending, Right Posteriolateral And Acute Marginal Branches C102341,Right Posterior Atrioventricular Artery C102342,Right Posterior Descending Artery C116171,Right Ventricular Branch C102343,Right Ventricular Endocardium C105447,Sacral Tuberosity LOC Page 42

C12853,Sacral Vertebra C33507,Sacroiliac Joint C33508,Sacrum C12426,Salivary Gland C12234,Salivary Gland, Sublingual C33511,Saphenous Vein C89807,Scalp C12854,Scaphoid Bone C127676,Scaphoid-Capitate Joint C142314,Scaphoid-Lunate Joint C127677,Scaphoid-Lunate-Capitate Joint C142315,Scaphoid-Radius Joint C127678,Scaphoid-Trapezium Joint C142316,Scaphoid-Trapezoid Joint C12783,Scapula C52810,Sciatic Nerve C12784,Sclera C12785,Scrotum C33519,Sebaceous Gland C102344,Second Diagonal Branch Artery C102345,Second Left Posterolateral Branch Artery C102346,Second Obtuse Marginal Branch Artery C102347,Second Right Posterolateral Artery C12787,Seminal Vesicle C53176,Semitendinosus Muscle C154777,Sensorimotor Cortex C154780,Shin C25203,Shoulder C33548,Shoulder Joint C33556,Sinus C12470,Skin C142317,Skin Between Eyebrows C116164,Skin Of The Axilla C142318,Skin Of The Back C150855,Skin Of The Buttock C142319,Skin Of The Chin C33561,Skin Of The Face C52720,Skin Of The Finger C52753,Skin Of The Hand C52757,Skin Of The Head C12291,Skin Of The Lip C52756,Skin Of The Neck C150856,Skin Of The Thigh C12295,Skin Of The Trunk C12789,Skull C12493,Skull, Base C12386,Small Intestine C33546,Small Saphenous Vein C12231,Soft Palate LOC Page 43

C12471,Soft Tissue C33326,Sole C53075,Soleus Muscle C32041,Spinal Accessory Nerve C12464,Spinal Cord C116112,Spinous Process C12432,Spleen C33601,Spleen, Hilum C33597,Splenic Artery C33600,Splenic Hilar Lymph Node C142320,Splenic Lymph Node C33608,Splenic Vein C52730,Sternal Manubrium C33615,Sternoclavicular Joint C12793,Sternum C12391,Stomach C142370,Striatum C156507,Subarachnoid Space C117873,Subcarinal Lymph Node C33643,Subclavian Artery C12794,Subclavian Vein C33645,Subcutis C12280,Subglottis C102349,Sublingual Region C12233,Submandibular Gland C77650,Submandibular Lymph Node C142322,Submental Lymph Node C12453,Substantia Nigra C33653,Subtalar Joint C33712,Sudoriferous Gland C33661,Superficial Femoral Artery C102716,Superficial Lymph Node C132415,Superior Pubic Ramus C12816,Superior Vena Cava C142323,Supraclavicular Fossa C12903,Supraclavicular Lymph Node C12279,Supraglottis C32755,Suprapubic Region C130168,Suprarenal Aorta C12512,Supratentorial Brain C12467,Sympathetic Ganglia C33718,Synovial Fluid C33720,T1 Vertebra C33721,T10 Vertebra C33722,T11 Vertebra C33723,T12 Vertebra C33724,T2 Vertebra C33725,T3 Vertebra C33726,T4 Vertebra LOC Page 44

C33727,T5 Vertebra C33728,T6 Vertebra C33729,T7 Vertebra C33730,T8 Vertebra C33731,T9 Vertebra C52799,Talus C33735,Tarsal Joint C12796,Tarsus Bone C142369,Temple C33741,Temporal Artery C12797,Temporal Bone C12353,Temporal Lobe C32888,Temporomandibular Joint C33749,Tentorium Cerebelli C12412,Testis C12459,Thalamus C33763,Thigh C102350,Third Diagonal Branch Artery C102351,Third Obtuse Marginal Branch Artery C102352,Third Posterolateral Descending Artery C102353,Third Right Posterolateral Artery C33766,Thoracic Aorta C142325,Thoracic Artery C12905,Thoracic Cavity C33769,Thoracic Lymph Node C69315,Thoracic Spine C12798,Thoracic Vertebra C12799,Thorax C54272,Throat C12433,Thymus Gland C12400,Thyroid Gland C32887,Thyroid Gland Isthmus C32973,Thyroid Gland, Left Lobe C33491,Thyroid Gland, Right Lobe C12800,Tibia C120675,Tibia Shaft C116168,Tibial-Crural Peripheral Artery C117874,Tibialis Anterior Muscle C116182,Tibio-Peroneal Trunk C156506,Tibiotarsal Joint C33788,Toe C33790,Toenail C12422,Tongue C12802,Tonsil C12506,Tooth C66864,Tooth Canal C12428,Trachea C117875,Tracheobronchial Tree C102354,Transverse Tarsal Joint LOC Page 45

C12857,Trapezial Bone C142326,Trapezium-Trapezoid Joint C33809,Trapezius Muscle C12859,Trapezoid Bone C142327,Trapezoid-Capitate Joint C12858,Triangular Bone C139200,Triangular-Hamate Joint C139203,Triangular-Lunate Joint C90604,Triceps Brachii Muscle C12805,Tricuspid Valve C130047,Tricuspid Valve Annulus C32799,Tricuspid Valve, Anterior Cusp C130169,Tricuspid Valve, Posterior Annulus C33055,Tricuspid Valve, Posterior Cusp C33534,Tricuspid Valve, Septal Cusp C12806,Trigeminal Nerve C33814,Trochanter C12808,Trochlear Nerve C33816,Trunk C33820,Tunica Intima C12502,Tympanic Membrane C12809,Ulna C120676,Ulna Shaft C34320,Umbilical Cord C77533,Umbilicus C62432,Uncinate Process Of Pancreas C103447,Upper Cervical Lymph Node C33839,Upper Respiratory System C142328,Upper Urinary System C12338,Urachal Tract C12416,Ureter C12337,Ureteric Orifice C12417,Urethra C61125,Urethra, Anterior C61123,Urethra, Penile C61126,Urethra, Posterior C13101,Urethra, Prostatic C12413,Urinary System C142329,Uterine Artery C12405,Uterus C12811,Uvea C12407,Vagina C12812,Vagus Nerve C12813,Vas Deferens C117876,Vastus Intermedius Muscle C53073,Vastus Lateralis Muscle C117736,Vastus Medialis Muscle C12814,Vein C12817,Vena Cava LOC Page 46

C12877,Venous Sinus C12819,Vertebral Artery C12998,Vertebral Column C12996,Vestibulocochlear Nerve C12822,Vocal Cord C33888,Vomer C12408,Vulva C94529,Vulvovaginal Region C64192,Waist C73468,Waldeyer'S Tonsillar Ring C122161,Wards Triangle C33894,Wrist Joint C33895,Xiphoid Process LBTEST Page 47


Codelist Name: Laboratory Test Name Description: Terminology used for laboratory test names of the CDISC Study Data Tabulation Model. LBTEST Page 48

C92267,1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D; Active Vitamin D C132370,1,3-Beta-D-Glucan C124334,1,5-Anhydroglucitol C154732,1-Hydroxymidazolam; 1-Hydroxymidazolam; Alpha-Hydroxymidazolam C103344,11-Dehydro-Thromboxane B2 C142293,11-Nor-Delta9-THC-9-Carboxylic Acid; THC-COOH C147370,17-Hydroxyprogesterone; 17-OHP C156511,24,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol; 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D C147446,25-Hydroxyvit D2 + 25-Hydroxyvit D3 C92268,25-Hydroxyvitamin D; Calcidiol; Inactive Vitamin D C156528,25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 C156529,25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 C103345,3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid C101017,3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol; 3.4 Dihydroxyphenylglycol C75359,3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; Ecstasy C156514,4-Beta-Hydroxycholesterol C154731,4-Hydroxymidazolam C79437,5 Prime Nucleotidase; 5'-Ribonucleotide Phosphohydrolase C112217,5-Hydroxyindoleacetate; 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid C150833,6 Beta-Hydrocortisol; 6 Beta-Hydroxycortisol; 6 beta-OHF C74876,6-Monoacetylmorphine C119291,8-Iso-PGF2alpha/Creatinine C119292,8-Iso-Prostaglandin F2 Alpha C96565,A Fetoprotein L3/A Fetoprotein C111123,A Proliferation-Inducing Ligand; CD256; TNFSF13; Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily Member 13 C130144,A. fumigatus Antigen IgE Antibody C130145,A. fumigatus Antigen IgG Antibody C130151,A. tenuis alternata Antigen IgA AB C130150,A. tenuis alternata Antigen IgE AB C130152,A. tenuis alternata Antigen IgG AB C130153,A. tenuis alternata Antigen IgG4 AB C111124,Abnormal Cells C150834,Abnormal Cells/Leukocytes C150835,Abnormal Cells/Total Cells C135397,ABO A1 Subtype C125939,ABO Blood Group C74699,Acanthocytes C74633,Acanthocytes/Erythrocytes C135398,Acetaminophen; Paracetamol C92247,Acetoacetate; Acetoacetic Acid C147288,Acetone C74838,Acetylcholine C96559,Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody C96560,Acetylcholinesterase C147297,ACH Receptor Modulation Antibody/ACH Receptor Antibody; ACH Receptor Modulatn Ab/ACH Receptor Ab C80163,Acid Phosphatase LBTEST Page 49

C103348,Activated Clotting Time; Activated Coagulation Time C38462,Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time C100471,Activated C Resistance; Factor V Leiden Screen C98862,Activated PTT/Standard; Activated PTT/Standard PTT; Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time/Standard Thromboplastin Time C112219,Active Ghrelin C92286,Acyl CoA Oxidase; Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase; Fatty Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase C156535,Acylcarnitine C147289,Acylcarnitine/Carnitine, Free C156534,Acylglycine C147290,A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase Domain 8; ADAM Metallopeptidase Domain 8; CD156a Antigen C102257,Adenosine Diphosphate C147307,Adenosine Triphosphate C111125,Adenovirus Antibody C74839,Adiponectin C132363,Adiponectin, High Molecular Weight C74780,Adrenocorticotropic Hormone; Corticotropin C112220,846-Epitope; Aggrecan Chondroitin Sulfate Epitope 846; CS846; Chondroitin Sulfate Epitope 846; Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 1 Epitope 846 C116200,Agranular Neutrophils C122091,Alanine C100430,Alanine C64433,Alanine Aminotransferase; SGPT C64431,Albumin; Microalbumin C147293,Albumin Clearance C150814,Albumin Excretion Rate C154734,Albumin Index; CSF/Serum Albumin Index C74761,Albumin/Creatinine; Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio C74894,Albumin/Globulin C103453,Albumin/Total Protein C74731,Aldolase C74841,Aldosterone C124338,Aldosterone/Renin Activity C154743,Aldrin Epoxidase C147294,Alk Phos, Bone/Total Alk Phos; Alkaline Phosphatase, Bone/Total Alkaline Phosphatase C147295,Alk Phos, Intestinal/Total Alk Phos; Alkaline Phosphatase, Intestinal/ Total Alkaline Phosphatase C147296,Alk Phos, Liver/Total Alk Phos; Alkaline Phosphatase, Liver/Total Alkaline Phosphatase C64432,Alkaline Phosphatase C139091,Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme C79438,Alkaline Phosphatase/Creatinine C154762,Alloisoleucine C74732,Alpha Fetoprotein; Alpha-1-Fetoprotein C106499,Alpha Fetoprotein Activity C147291,Alpha Fetoprotein Adj for Body Weight C96562,Alpha Fetoprotein L1 LBTEST Page 50

C96563,Alpha Fetoprotein L2 C96564,Alpha Fetoprotein L3 C79433,Alpha Glutathione-S- C111126,Alpha Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase C142272,Alpha Synuclein Protein C103349,Alpha Tocopherol C103350,Alpha Tocopherol/Vitamin E C100429,Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein C80167,Alpha-1 Antitrypsin; Serum Trypsin Inhibitor C92252,A1-Globulin; Alpha-1 Globulin C92253,Alpha-1 Globulin/Total Protein C100461,Alpha-1 Microglobulin; Protein HC C100462,Alpha-1 Microglobulin/Creatinine C103351,Alpha-2 Antiplasmin; Alpha-2 Plasmin Inhibitor C122094,Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Activity C92254,A2-Globulin; Alpha-2 Globulin C92255,Alpha-2 Globulin/Total Protein C80168,Alpha-2 Macroglobulin C154761,Alpha-Aminoadipate; Alpha-Aminoadipic Acid C154759,Alpha-Aminobutyric Acid; Alpha-aminobutyrate; Homocitrulline C119278,Alpha-GST Excretion Rate C132364,Alpha-Methylacyl Coenzyme A Racemase C147299,Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase C75370,Alprazolam C106498,ALT/AST C111127,Al; Aluminum C132365,AMACR mRNA C130137,American Cockroach Antigen IgA Antibody C130136,American Cockroach Antigen IgE Antibody C130138,American Cockroach Antigen IgG Antibody C130139,American Cockroach Antigen IgG4 Antibody C81183,AA; Amino Acids C74799,Ammonia; NH3 C105590,Acid Ammonium Urate Crystals; Ammonium Biurate Crystals; Ammonium Urate Crystals C74759,Ammonium Oxalate Crystals C75363,Amobarbital C74665,Amorphous Crystals C92243,Amorphous Phosphate Crystals C74666,Amorphous Debris; Amorphous Sediment C92244,Amorphous Urate Crystals C74687,Amphetamine C64434,Amylase C98767,Amylase, Pancreatic C98780,Amylase, Salivary C125940,Amyloid A C119268,Amyloid Alpha Precursor Protein C103352,Amyloid Beta 1-38; Amyloid Beta 38; Amyloid Beta 38 Protein C103353,Amyloid Beta 1-40; Amyloid Beta 40; Amyloid Beta 40 Protein LBTEST Page 51

C84809,Amyloid Beta 1-42; Amyloid Beta 42; Amyloid Beta 42 Protein C105438,Amyloid Beta Precursor; Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein; Amyloid Precursor Beta; Amyloid Precursor Protein C81998,Amyloid P C81999,Amyloid, Beta; Beta Amyloid C147298,Anabasine C74842,Androstenediol C74843,4-Androstenedione; Androstenedione C111128,Angiopoietin 1 C80169,Angiotensin Converting C74844,Angiotensin I C74845,Angiotensin II C74846,Angiotensin Precursor; Angiotensinogen C130112,Animal Mix Antigen IgE Antibody C130113,Animal Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C74685,Anion Gap C147303,Anion Gap 3 C147304,Anion Gap 4 C74797,Anisocytes; Anisocytosis C81973,Anti-DNA Antibodies; Anti-ds-DNA Antibodies C74913,Anti-Double Stranded DNA C154769,Anti-Double Stranded DNA IgG C98706,Anti-Factor Xa Activity C120625,Anti-Mullerian Hormone C120626,Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody C120627,Anti-Nucleosome Antibody C124335,Anti-Phospholipid IgG Antibody C124336,Anti-Phospholipid IgM Antibody C81976,Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibody C92269,Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgG C74691,Antidepressants C74847,Antidiuretic Hormone; Vasopressin C81974,Antiglobulin Test Polyspecific, Direct; Antiglobulin Test, Direct; Direct Coombs Test C91372,Antiglobulin Test, Indirect; Indirect Coombs Test C81975,Antimitochondrial Antibodies; Mitochondrial Antibody C74916,Antinuclear Antibodies C122093,Antinuclear IgG Antibody C102258,Antiphospholipid Antibodies C81958,Antithrombin Activity; Antithrombin III Activity C147306,Antithrombin Activity Actual/Antithrombin Activity Control; Antithrombin Activity Actual/Control; Antithrombin Activity Actual/Normal C81977,Antithrombin; Antithrombin Antigen; Antithrombin III; Antithrombin III Antigen C124337,Apolipoprotein A C74733,Apolipoprotein A1 C147292,Apolipoprotein A1/Apolipoprotein B C103354,Apolipoprotein A4 C103355,Apolipoprotein A5 LBTEST Page 52

C82000,Apolipoprotein AII C74734,Apolipoprotein B C103356,Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A1 C120628,Apolipoprotein B100 C120629,Apolipoprotein B48 C100427,Apolipoprotein C2; Apolipoprotein CII C120630,Apolipoprotein CI C82001,Apolipoprotein CIII C82002,Apolipoprotein E C92293,Apolipoprotein E4 C82003,Apolipoprotein H C100428,Apolipoprotein J; Clusterin C111130,Apolipoprotein J/Creatinine; Clusterin/Creatinine C102259,Arachidonic Acid C147276,Arachis hypogaea Antigen IgE Antibody; Peanut Antigen IgE Antibody C122095,Arginine C154763,Argininosuccinate; Argininosuccinic Acid C147305,Arsenic; As C122096,Asparagine C64467,Aspartate Aminotransferase; SGOT C81978,Aspartate Aminotransferase Antigen; SGOT Antigen C117830,Aspartate Aminotransferase/Creatinine C122097,Aspartate; Aspartic Acid C156512,APRI Score; AST to Platelet Ratio Index C154726,AIP; Atherogenic Index; Atherogenic Index of Plasma C74886,Atrial Natriuretic Peptide; Atriopeptin C74657,Auer Rods C116185,Azurophilic Granulation; Azurophilic Granules C111135,B-Cell Activating Factor C128951,B- Crossmatch C147310,B. burgdorferi IgG and IgM Antibody; Borrelia burgdorferi IgG and IgM Antibody C64469,Bacteria C74762,Bacterial Casts C120631,BPI Auto-antibody; Bactericidal/Permeability-Inc Protein Ab C74688,Barbiturates C147309,Base Deficit C119270,Actual Base Excess; Base Excess C147311,Basophilic Erythroblast C135399,Basophilic Metamyelocytes C135400,Basophilic Myelocytes C147405,Basophilic Normoblast C96567,Basophilic Stippling C64470, C130154,Basophils Band Form C130155,Basophils Band Form/Leukocytes C135401,Basophils, Segmented C64471,Basophils/Leukocytes C98865,Basophils/Total Cells LBTEST Page 53

C130116,Bee Mix Antigen IgE Antibody C130117,Bee Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C130118,Bee Mix Antigen IgG4 Antibody C111136,Bence-Jones Protein C74692,Benzodiazepine C75350,Benzoylecgonine; Cocaine Metabolite C130069,Bermuda Grass Pollen IgA C130068,Bermuda Grass Pollen IgE C130070,Bermuda Grass Pollen IgG C130071,Bermuda Grass Pollen IgG4 C154764,Beta Alanine C100472,Beta Carotene; Beta Carotin; b-Carotene C103357,Beta Catenin C92256,Beta Globulin C92294,Beta Globulin/Total Protein C119274,Beta-1 Globulin C142277,Beta-1 Globulin/Beta Protein C119275,Beta-1 Globulin/Total Protein C127607,Beta-1B Glycoprotein; HPX; Hemopexin C119276,Beta-2 Globulin C119277,Beta-2 Globulin/Total Protein C147308,Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgA Antibody C103358,Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Antibody C103359,Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM Antibody C81979,Beta-2 Glycoprotein Antibody C81980,Beta-2 Microglobulin C127608,Beta-2 Microglobulin/Creatinine C154765,BABA; Beta-Aminobutyric Acid; Beta-aminobutyrate C123455,Beta-cell Function C122102,Beta-defensin 2 C96568,3-Hydroxybutyrate; B-Hydroxybutyrate; Beta-Hydroxybutyrate C100426,Beta-Trace Protein C74667,Bicarbonate; HCO3 C74800,Bile Acid; Bile Acids; Bile Salt; Bile Salts C38037,Bilirubin; Total Bilirubin C74668,Bilirubin Crystals C117860,Bioavailable Testosterone C130073,Birch Pollen IgA C130072,Birch Pollen IgE C130074,Birch Pollen IgG C130075,Birch Pollen IgG4 C74700,Bite Cells C74634,Bite Cells/Erythrocytes C154733,Bizarre Platelets C74605,Blasts C64487,Blasts/Leukocytes C147312,Blasts/Nucleated Cells C150836,Blasts/Total Cells C89775,Bleeding Time; Clotting Time Homeostasis LBTEST Page 54

C127609,Blister Cell C92287,Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C122098,Borrelia burgdorferi Antibody; Lyme Antibody C122099,Borrelia burgdorferi IgA Antibody; Lyme IgA Antibody C122100,Borrelia burgdorferi IgG Antibody; Lyme IgG Antibody C122101,Borrelia burgdorferi IgM Antibody; Lyme IgM Antibody C147284,Boxelder Pollen IgE Antibody C74735,B-Type Natriuretic Peptide; Brain Natriuretic Peptide C82004,Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor C96588,Broad Casts C75352,Buprenorphine C74701,Burr Cells C75365,Butalbital C111142,Acylcholine Acylhydrolase; Butyrylcholinesterase; Non-neuronal Cholinesterase; Plasma Cholinesterase; Pseudocholinesterase C64548,C Reactive Protein C122103,C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 5; CD195 C74736,C-peptide C150837,C-peptide/Creatinine C74702,Cabot Rings C75346,Caffeine C125942,Calbindin C74848,Calcitonin C74849,Calcitriol C64488,Calcium C103360,Calcium - Phosphorus Product C74669,Calcium Carbonate Crystals C96589,Calcium Clearance C119272,Calcium Corrected C147314,Calcium Corrected for Total Protein C150815,Calcium Excretion Rate C74670,Calcium Oxalate Crystals C74671,Calcium Phosphate Crystals C124340,Calcium Sulfate Crystals C96590,Calcium Sulphate C154753,Albumin Corrected Calcium C81948,Calcium, Ionized C125941,Calcium, Ionized pH Adjusted C79439,Calcium/Creatinine C139087,Calcium/Phosphate; Calcium/Phosphorus C132381,Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody C82005,Calprotectin C103361,Cancer Antigen 1 C79089,Cancer Antigen 125 C103362,Cancer Antigen 15-3 C81982,Cancer Antigen 19-9 C111143,Cancer Antigen 27-29 C106505,CA 72-4; Cancer Antigen 72-4; Carbohydrate Antigen 72-4 C74689,Cannabinoids LBTEST Page 55

C135402,Cannabinoids, Synthetic C125943,Carb-Deficient Transferrin/Transferrin C147322,Carbamazepine C101016,Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin C64545,Carbon Dioxide C139084,Carbon Monoxide C96591, C147355,Carboxyhemoglobin/Total C81983, C122112,Cardiolipin IgA Antibody C111144,Anti-Cardiolipin IgG Antibody; Cardiolipin IgG Antibody C103363,Cardiolipin IgM Antibody C74682,Carnitine C92288,Carnitine Acetyl Transferase C147323,Carnitine Esters C74677,Carnitine, Free C111145,Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein C74763,Casts C130126,Cat Dander Antigen IgA Antibody C130124,Cat Dander Antigen IgE Antibody C130125,Cat Dander Antigen IgG Antibody C130127,Cat Dander Antigen IgG4 Antibody C120634,Cathepsin Antibody C103364,CD1 C111146,CD10 C105439,CD11A; CD11a C105440,CD11B; CD11b; Complement Component 3 Receptor 3 Subunit; Complement Receptor Type 3 Alpha Subunit; ITGAM Protein; Integrin Alpha-M C111147,CD13 C103365,CD14 C122105,CD161/ C122104,CD161a/Lymphocytes C103808,CD19 C103812,CD19/Lymphocytes C103366,CD2 C103367,CD2/Lymphocytes C103368,CD20 C111148,CD22 C111149,CD23 C103809,CD3 C103813,CD3/Lymphocytes C111150,CD33 C102260,CD34 C111151,CD38 C103810,CD4 C103814,CD4/CD8 C103815,CD4/Lymphocytes C82006,CD40 C82007,CD40 Ligand LBTEST Page 56

C122106,CD45/Lymphocytes C122107,CD45RA/Lymphocytes C103369,CD5 C103370,CD56 C111152,CD79A C103811,CD8 C103816,CD8/Lymphocytes C17768,Cell Morphology C48938,Cells C74764,Cellular Casts C111153,Cellularity; Cellularity Grade C111154,Centromere B Antibodies C122111,Centromere IgG Antibody; Centromere Protein B C100432,Caeruloplasmin; Ceruloplasmin C130156,Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 12; Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 5 C112236,ABCD-2; Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 17; SCYA17; TARC; Thymus and Activation Regulated Chemokine C112237,AMAC-1; AMAC1; CKB7; Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 18; DC-CK1; DCCK1; MIP4; Macrophage inflammatory protein-4; PARC; Pulmonary and Activation- Regulated Chemokine; SCYA18 C130157,Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 19; MIP3B; Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta C156520,Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2 Excr Rate; Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2 Excretion Rate; MCP1 Excretion Rate C147315,6Ckine; Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 21; Secondary Lymphoid Tissue Chemokine C130158,Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 7; MCP3; Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3 C128952,Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 1; GRO Alpha; GRO/KC; Melanoma Growth Stimulating Activity, Alpha C112238,Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 10; IP-10; Interferon Gamma-induced Protein 10; Small-inducible Cytokine B10 C147328,B Lymphocyte Chemoattractant; Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 13 C147329,Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 3; GRO Gamma; MIP2 Beta; MIP2B; Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 2-Beta C147330,Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 4; Oncostatin A; PLF4; Platelet Factor 4 C130159,Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 6; GCP2; Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2 C100431,CD183; CXCR3; Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Receptor 3; GPR9 C135404,Chikungunya Virus Antibody C92432,Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Antibody C92433,Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Antibody C100464,Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Antibody C100466,Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Antibody C100465,Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Antibody C75371,Chlordiazepoxide C64495,Chloride C106509,Chloride Clearance C150816,Chloride Excretion Rate C79440,Chloride/Creatinine C74850,Cholecystokinin; Pancreozymin LBTEST Page 57

C116194,Cholera Toxin B Subunit IgG Antibody C105586,Cholesterol; Total Cholesterol C74672,Cholesterol Crystals C80171,Cholesterol/HDL-Cholesterol C120632,Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein C103380,Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Act C92289,Cholinesterase C147128,Choriogonadotropin C64851,Choriogonadotropin Beta; Pregnancy Test C147360,Choriogonadotropin Beta, Free C147361,Choriogonadotropin, Intact C147318,Chromatin Antibodies C122108,Chromogranin A C120633,Chylomicrons C111159,Chymotrypsin C96592,Circulating Endothelial Cells C127611,Circulating Immune Complexes C96593,Circulating Tumor Cells C147327,Citalopram C92248,Citrate; Citric Acid C122110,Citrate/Creatinine; Citric Acid/Creatinine C122109,Citrulline C147319,CK, Macromolecular Type 1/Total CK; Creatine Kinase, Macromolecular Type 1/Total Creatine Kinase C147320,CK, Macromolecular Type 2/Total CK; Creatine Kinase, Macromolecular Type 2/Total Creatine Kinase C147286,Cladosporium herbarum IgE Antibody C96594,Clarity C139082,Clonazepam C139077,Clorazepate C103381,Clostridium difficile Toxin C103382,Clostridium tetani IgG Antibody C135406,Clostridium tetani Toxoid IgG Antibody C102261,Clue Cells C112239,CI; Coagulation Index C156510,Cocaethylene; Cocaine Ethyl C74690,Cocaine C142273,CART; Cocaine Amphetamine-Reg Transcript Prot; Cocaine and Amphetamine- Regulated Transcript Protein C142274,Cocaine Benzoylecgonine Ecgonine C111160,Coccidioides Antibody C74877,Codeine C103383,Collagen Type IV C64546,Color C135405,Columnar Epi Cells/Non-Squam Epi Cells C147285,Common Ragweed Pollen IgE Antibody C135403,Ba Fragment of Complement Factor B; Ba Fragment of Factor B; Complement Ba C80172,Bb Fragment of Complement Factor B; Bb Fragment of Factor B; Complement Bb LBTEST Page 58

C147313,Complement C1 Esterase Inhibitor C80173,Complement C1q Antibody C80174,Complement C3 C80175,ASP, Complement C3 DesArg, Acetylation-stimulating Protein; Complement C3a C80176,Complement C3b C119271,Complement C3d Antibody C80177,Complement C4 C80178,Complement C4a C127610,Complement C4d C80179,Complement C5a C147317,CH100; Complement CH100 C100423,CH50; Complement CH50 C80160,Complement Total C95110,Consistency C127612,Copeptin C111161,Copper; Cu C139066,CH; Cellular Hemoglobin Content; Corpuscular Hemoglobin Content C139068,Corpuscular HGB Conc Distribution Width; Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Distribution Width C139067,Corpuscular HGB Concentration Mean C79434,Corticosterone C106511,Corticosterone/Creatinine C74851,Corticotropin Releasing Factor; Corticotropin Releasing Hormone C74781,Cortisol; Total Cortisol C88113,Cortisol, Free C106512,Cortisol/Creatinine C92249,Cotinine C147280,Cow Milk Protein Antigen IgE Antibody C64489,CPK; Creatine Kinase C64490,Creatine Kinase BB C79466,Creatine Kinase BB/Total Creatine Kinase C64491,Creatine Kinase MB C79441,Creatine Kinase MB/Total Creatine Kinase C64494,Creatine Kinase MM C79442,Creatine Kinase MM/Total Creatine Kinase C64547,Creatinine C25747,Creatinine Clearance C147324,Creatinine Clearance Adjusted for BSA C150847,Creatinine Clearance, Estimated C150817,Creatinine Excretion Rate C74703,Crenated Cells; Echinocytes C147326,Cryofibrinogen C111164,Cryoglobulin C147325,Cryoglobulin Volume/Serum Volume C74673,Crystals C154735,CSF IgG Index; CSF Index; IgG Index C124339,Cyclic Adenosine 3,5-Monophosphate C96595,Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody C147316,Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide IgG Ab; Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide IgG LBTEST Page 59

Antibody C111165,Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate C150838,Cylindroid Casts; Cylindroid Pseudocasts C147331,Cystathionine C92290,Cystatin C C106513,Cystatin C/Creatinine C105441,Cystine C74674,Cystine Crystals C130160,Cytokeratin 18 Fragment C106514,CYFRA21-1; Cytokeratin 19 Fragment 21-1 C96596,Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody C96597,Cytomegalovirus IgM Antibody C111166,Cytoplasmic Basophilia Neutrophil C82621,D-Dimer C130132,D. farinae Antigen IgE Antibody C130133,D. farinae Antigen IgG Antibody C130134,D. pteronyssinus Antigen IgE Antibody C130135,D. pteronyssinus Antigen IgG Antibody C64801,Dacryocytes; Tear Shaped Erythrocytes; Teardrop Cells C130119,Dairy Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C156536,C10; Decanoylcarnitine C111190,Degenerated Leukocytes; Degenerated WBC; Degenerated White Blood Cells C74852,Dehydroepiandrosterone; Dehydroisoandrosterone C96629,DHEA Sulfate; DHEA-S; Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate; sDHEA C156537,5-Aminolevulinic Acid; 5ALA; Delta Aminolevulinate; Delta Aminolevulinic Acid; dALA C156538,Delta Aminolevulinate/Creatinine C147332,Dengue Virus Antibody C45781,Density C124343,Deoxyhemoglobin C79443,Deoxypyridinoline C79444,Deoxypyridinoline/Creatinine C135409,Deoxyribonucleic Acid C122114,Desmoglein 1 Antibody C122115,Desmoglein 3 Antibody C147333,Desvenlafaxine; O-Desmethylvenlafaxine C102262,Dextroamphetamine; d-amphetamine C75372,Diazepam C135407,Dicalcium Phosphate Crystals C74878,Dihydrocodeine C74853,Androstanalone; Dihydrotestosterone C96696,Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time; Lupus Anticoagulant Test C103386,Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time Ratio; Lupus Anticoagulant Ratio C117853,Dimorphic Erythrocyte Population; Dimorphic RBC Population C103387,DPPIV Activity; -4 Activity C103388,Diphtheria IgG Antibody C64481,Direct Bilirubin C135408,DNA Fragmentation Index C100463,Anti-Dnase B; DNase-B Antibody LBTEST Page 60

C130130,Dog Dander Antigen IgA Antibody C130128,Dog Dander Antigen IgE Antibody C130129,Dog Dander Antigen IgG Antibody C130131,Dog Dander Antigen IgG4 Antibody C74610,Dohle Bodies C74854,Dopamine C156533,Drug Crystals C78139,Drug Screen C100441,DTPA Clearance C135441,Dysmorphic Erythrocytes C150839,Dysmorphic Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C154736,E- C135410,Ebola Virus IgM Antibody C106519,EBV Profile Interpretation; Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody Profile; Epstein- Barr Virus Panel; Epstein-Barr Virus Profile Interpretation C100422, Clotting Time C96598,Eccentrocytes C100440,EDTA Clearance C147281,Egg White Antigen IgE Antibody C64549,Elliptocytes C102266,Endogenous Thrombin Potential C147334,Endomysium IgA Antibody C82008,Endothelin-1 C130085,English Plantain Pollen IgA C130084,English Plantain Pollen IgE C130086,English Plantain Pollen IgG C130087,English Plantain Pollen IgG4 C84819,Eosinophilic Metamyelocytes C84821,Eosinophilic Myelocytes C64550,Eosinophils C114216,Eosinophils Band Form C114217,Eosinophils Band Form/Leukocytes C135412,Eosinophils, Segmented C64604,Eosinophils/Leukocytes C135411,Eosinophils/Non-Squam Epi Cells C150840,Eosinophils/Nucleated Cells C98720,Eosinophils/Total Cells C81952,Chemokine Ligand 11; Eotaxin-1 C81953,Chemokine Ligand 24; Eotaxin-2 C81954,CCL26; Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 26; Chemokine Ligand 26; Eotaxin-3 C135414,Epi Cells/Non-Squam Epi Cells C82009,Epidermal Growth Factor C112273,ERBB1; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; HER1 C79445,Adrenaline; Epinephrine C82010,Epith Neutrophil-Activating Peptide 78 C74779,Epithelial Casts C64605,Epithelial Cells C130161,Epithelial Cells/Total Cells C96600,Epstein-Barr Capsid IgG Antibody LBTEST Page 61

C96601,Epstein-Barr Capsid IgM Antibody C96602,Epstein-Barr Early Antigen C122116,Epstein-Barr Early D Antigen IgG Ab C96603,Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antibody; Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen Antibody C96604,Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen C106518,Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 IgG Ab C64797,Ery. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin C64798,Ery. Mean Corpuscular HGB Concentration C64799,Ery. Mean Corpuscular Volume; Erythrocytes Mean Corpuscular Volume; RBC Mean Corpuscular Volume C111197,Autoagglutination; Erythrocyte Agglutination; RBC Agglutination C92245,Erythrocyte Cell Clumps; RBC Aggregates; RBC Clumps; Clumps C92296,Erythrocyte Cell Morphology; RBC Morphology; Red Blood Cell Morphology C116212,Erythrocyte Fragment; RBC Fragment C96605,Erythrocyte Ghosts; RBC Ghosts C147339,Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin, Free C74611,Biernacki Reaction; Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate C51946,Erythrocytes; Red Blood Cells C64800,Erythrocytes Distribution Width; RDW-CV; Red Blood Cell Distribution Width; Red Cell Volume Distribution Width C154720,Erythroid Cells/Nucleated Cells C154719,Erythroid Cells/Total Cells C135415,Erythroid Maturation Index C135416,Erythroid Maturation Pool C135417,Erythroid Proliferation Index C135418,Erythroid Proliferation Pool C74855,Erythropoietin; Hematopoietin C74782,Estradiol; Oestradiol C150842,Estradiol, Free C150843,Estradiol, Free/Estradiol C74856,Estriol; Oestriol C81963,Estriol, Free; Unconjugated Estriol C147335,Estrogen; Oestrogen C112274,ER; ESR; Estrogen Receptor; Oestrogen Receptor C74857,Estrone; Oestrone C74693,Alcohol; Ethanol C102263,ETP Area Under Curve; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Area Under Curve C102264,ETP Lag Time; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Lag Time C102265,ETP Lag Time Relative; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Lag Time Relative C102267,ETP Peak Height; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Peak Height C102268,ETP Peak Height Relative; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Peak Height Relative C102269,ETP Time to Peak; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Time to Peak C102270,ETP Time to Peak Relative; Endogenous Thrombin Potential Time to Peak Relative C82011,Extracell Newly Ident RAGE Bind Protein; S100 Calcium Binding Protein A12 C92270,Anti-ENA; Extractable Nuclear Antigen Antibody C80180,F2-Isoprostane C96626,Factor II; Prothrombin LBTEST Page 62

C81959,Factor III; , CD142 C98725,Christmas Factor; Factor IX C103395,Christmas Factor Activity; Factor IX Activity C98726,Factor V; Labile Factor C103396,Factor V Activity; Labile Factor Activity C102271,Factor V Leiden C81960,Factor VII; Proconvertin; Stable Factor C103397,Factor VII Activity; Proconvertin Activity; Stable Factor Activity C103398,Factor VIIa Activity C81961,Anti-hemophilic Factor; Factor VIII C103399,Anti-hemophilic Factor Activity; Factor VIII Activity C147345,Factor VIII Activity Actual/Control; Factor VIII Activity Actual/Factor VIII Activity Control; Factor VIII Activity Actual/Normal C154752,Factor VIII Inhibitor C98727,Factor X C122118,Factor X Activity C112277,Factor XIII; Fibrin Stabilizing Factor C102272,Autoprothrombin IIA; Factor XIV; Protein C; Protein C Antigen C105442,Factor XIV Activity; Protein C Activity; Protein C Function C147346,Factor XIV Activity Actual/Control; Factor XIV Activity Actual/Factor XIV Activity Control; Factor XIV Activity Actual/Normal C96648,Fat C81947,Fat Bodies, Oval C98728,Fat Droplet C82012,Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1 C106521,Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 C147337,Fatty Acids, Very Long Chain C74766,Fatty Casts C156516,FLI; Fatty Liver Index C147338,Fentanyl C74737,Ferritin C82013,Fibrin Degradation Products C64606,Fibrinogen; Fibrinogen Antigen C139075,Fibrinogen, Functional C154727,FGF 19; Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 C112280,FGF 21; Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 C96650,Fibroblast Growth Factor 23; Phosphatonin C135419,Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, C-Terminal C135420,Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, Intact C130162,FGF 9; Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 C82014,FGF2; Fibroblast Growth Factor Basic Form C92786,Fibronectin, Fetal C105443,FibroSURE Score; FibroTest Score C135421,Flagellates C139081,Flunitrazepam C122120,Fluoride C75373,Flurazepam C147340,Fluvoxamine C132367,Folate mRNA LBTEST Page 63

C74783,Follicle Stimulating Hormone C38082,Fraction of Inspired Oxygen C114219,Fractional Calcium Excretion C114220,Fractional Chloride Excretion C122119,Fractional Magnesium Excretion C114221,Fractional Inorganic Phosphate Excretion; Fractional Phosphorus Excretion C114222,Fractional Potassium Excretion C107435,Fractional Sodium Excretion C124341,Free Androgen Index C80200,Free Fatty Acid; Non-Esterified Fatty Acid, Free C80206,Free Fatty Acid, Saturated; Non-esterified Fatty Acid, Saturated C80209,Free Fatty Acid, Unsaturated; Non-esterified Fatty Acid, Unsaturated C100448,Free Glycerin; Free Glycerol C74678,Fructosamine; Glycated Serum Protein C147342,Fructose C147343,Fungi, Filamentous C147344,Fungi, Yeast-Like C132368,G6PD-Deficient Erythrocytes C132369,G6PD-Deficient Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C124342,Galactose Elimination Capacity C80182,Galanin C92257,Gamma Globulin C92295,Gamma Globulin/Total Protein C64847,Gamma Glutamyl Transferase C79446,Gamma Glutamyl Transferase/Creatinine C116211,Gamma Tocopherol C154766,GABA; Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid; Gamma-aminobutyrate C74858,Gastrin C130141,German Cockroach Antigen IgA Antibody C130140,German Cockroach Antigen IgE Antibody C130142,German Cockroach Antigen IgG Antibody C130143,German Cockroach Antigen IgG4 Antibody C100450,GFR from B-2 Microglobulin Adj for BSA C100449,GFR from Beta-Trace Protein Adj for BSA C98735,GFR from Creatinine Adjusted for BSA C98736,GFR from Cystatin C Adjusted for BSA C127614,GFR from Cystatin C and Creat Adj BSA C112286,Ghrelin; Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor Ligand; Motilin-related Peptide; Total Ghrelin C96651,Giant Neutrophils C74728,Giant Platelets C147347,Gliadin Antibody C147348,Gliadin IgA Antibody C147349,Gliadin IgG Antibody C150844,Glitter Cells C74738,Globulin C142276,Globulin/Creatinine C90505,Glomerular Filtration Rate C98734,Glomerular Filtration Rate Adj for BSA LBTEST Page 64

C110935,Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated C74859,Glucagon C80183,Glucagon-Like Peptide-1; Total Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 C80164,Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Active Form C154768,Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Inactive Form C105585,Glucose C96652,Glucose Clearance C150818,Glucose Excretion Rate C147350,EAG; Estimated Average Glucose; Glucose, Estimated C142275,Glucose, Estimated Average C80184,Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase C139065,Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Act C106537,Glucose-dep Insulinotropic Pep, Intact; Intact GIP; Intact Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide; Intact Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Peptide C79447,Glucose/Creatinine C80165,Glucuronidase, Alpha C80170,Glucuronidase, Beta C74739,Glutamate; Glutamic Acid C79448,Glutamate Dehydrogenase C82015,Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1; Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 67 C82016,Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2; Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 C82017,Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2 Antibody; Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 Antibody C96653,GAD Antibody; Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody C122121,Glutamine C80166,Glutathione S-Transferase, Alpha/Creat C80203,Glutathione S-Transferase, Pi C80207,Glutathione S-Transferase, Theta C80185,Glutathione S-Transferase, Total C79435,Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine C122092,Glycated Albumin C132371,Glycerol C122122,Glycine C147278,Glycine max Antigen IgE Antibody; Soybean Antigen IgE Antibody C80186,Gold C74860,Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone; Luteinising Hormone Releasing Hormone C74768,Granular Casts C74765,Granular Coarse Casts C74769,Granular Fine Casts C82018,Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor C82019,Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stm Factor C96654,Granulocytes; Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes C127615,Granulocytes Band Form/Total Cells C127616,Granulocytes Segmented/Total Cells C147351,Granulocytes/Leukocytes; Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes/Leukocytes C98866,Granulocytes/Total Cells C130105,Grass Mix Pollen Antigen IgA Antibody C130103,Grass Mix Pollen Antigen IgE Antibody C130104,Grass Mix Pollen Antigen IgG Antibody LBTEST Page 65

C135422,BMP-11; Bone Morphogenetic Protein 11; Growth Differentiation Factor 11 C135423,Growth Differentiation Factor 8; Myostatin C74861,Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone; Somatostatin C74862,Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone; Somatocrinin C150845,Guanase; Guanine Aminohydrolase; Guanine Deaminase C74604,Hairy Cells C135428,Hairy Cells/Leukocytes C74640,Hairy Cells/Lymphocytes C135427,Hairy Cells/Total Cells C139078,Halazepam C74740,Haptoglobin C102274,HCT Corrected Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes C139086,HCV Antibody Signal/HCV Antibody Cutoff C105587,HDL Cholesterol C100425,HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol C147362,HDL Cholesterol/Total Cholesterol C103402,HDL Particle Size C156513,HDL Phospholipid; HDL-PL C80187,HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2 C80188,HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3 C147368,Heat Shock Protein 70 C147369,Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha C74709,Heinz Bodies; Heinz-Erhlich Bodies C111206,Heinz Bodies/Erythrocytes C103403,Helicobacter pylori IgG Antibody C74658,Helmet Cells C64796,EVF; Erythrocyte Volume Fraction; Hematocrit; PCV; Packed Cell Volume C102273,Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytes C64848,Hemoglobin; Hemoglobin Monomer C92258, C81276,Hemoglobin A/Total Hemoglobin C147363,Hemoglobin A1/Total Hemoglobin C64849,Glycosylated Hemoglobin; Hemoglobin A1C C111207,Hemoglobin A1C/Hemoglobin C92259, C147353,Hemoglobin A2 Prime/Total Hemoglobin C81277,Hemoglobin A2/Total Hemoglobin C92260,Hemoglobin B C147354,Hemoglobin Barts/Total Hemoglobin C92261, C112288,Hemoglobin C Crystals C81278,Hemoglobin C/Total Hemoglobin C156515,Hemoglobin Casts C147364,Hemoglobin D/Total Hemoglobin C106525,Hemoglobin Concentration Distribution Width; Hemoglobin Distribution Width C147365,/Total Hemoglobin C92262,; Hemoglobin F C147366,Hemoglobin F/Total Hemoglobin LBTEST Page 66

C147356,Hemoglobin G Coushatta/Total Hemoglobin C147357,Hemoglobin Lepore/Total Hemoglobin C147358,-Arab/Total Hemoglobin C122123,Hemoglobin S; Sickle Hemoglobin C81279,Hemoglobin S/Total Hemoglobin C135425,Hemoglobin Tetramer C127617,Hemoglobin, Free C111208,Hemolysis; Hemolytic Index C96659,Hemosiderin C92534,Hepatitis A Virus Antibody C92271,Hepatitis A Virus IgM Antibody C125944,Hepatitis B Virus Antibody C96660,Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody C119280,Hepatitis B Virus Core IgG Antibody C96661,Hepatitis B Virus Core IgM Antibody C96662,Hepatitis B Virus e Antibody C96663,Hepatitis B Virus e Antigen C74711,Anti-HBs; HBsAb; Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antibody C64850,HBsAg; Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen C92535,Hepatitis C Virus Antibody C116196,Hepatitis C Virus Antigen C135424,Hepatitis C Virus Core Antigen C96664,Hepatitis D Virus Antibody; Hepatitis Delta Antibody C119281,Hepatitis D Virus IgG Antibody C119282,Hepatitis D Virus IgM Antibody C119283,Hepatitis E Virus Antibody C106526,Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody C96665,Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody C135426,Hepatocyte Growth Factor C112291,HER2 Antigen; HER2/NEU Antigen C96666,HSV-1 IgG Antibody; Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG Antibody C98738,Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Antibody C96697,HSV-1/2 IgG Ab; Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgG Antibody C96698,HSV-1/2 IgM Ab; Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgM Antibody C96667,HSV-2 IgG Antibody; Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG Antibody C98739,Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM Antibody C112292,Herpes Simplex Virus 6 Antibody C81984,Heterophile Antibodies C116186,Heterophils C116187,Heterophils/Leukocytes C96668,Hexokinase C116189,High Absorption Retic/Reticulocytes C116188,High Absorption Reticulocytes C74754,Hippurate Crystals; Hippuric Acid Crystals C80189,Histamine C122124,Histidine C112293,Histone 1 Antibody C112294,Histone 2A Antibody C112295,Histone 2B Antibody LBTEST Page 67

C112296,Histone 3 Antibody C112297,Histone 4 Antibody C111209,Anti-Histone Antibodies; Histone Antibodies C106527,HIV Antibody C74713,HIV-1 Antibody C92263,HIV-1 Group M and O Nucleic Acid C92264,HIV-1 Group O Antibody C92265,HIV-1 p24 Antigen C74714,HIV-1/2 Antibody C139085,HIV-1/2 Antibody + HIV-1 p24 Antigen C74715,HIV-2 Antibody C92266,HIV-2 Nucleic Acid C128964,HLA Class I Antibody C128967,HLA Class I Panel Reactive Antibody C154746,HLA Class IA Antigen C154747,HLA Class IB Antigen C154748,HLA Class IC Antigen C128965,HLA Class II Antibody C128966,HLA Class II Panel Reactive Antibody C154751,HLA DP Beta1 Antigen C154750,HLA DQ Beta1 Antigen C154749,HLA DR Beta1 Antigen C128933,HLA Mismatch Count C128955,HLA-A Antigen Type C128956,HLA-A Mismatch Count C128954,HLA-A2 Antibody C128953,HLA-A23 Antibody C128957,HLA-B Antigen Type C128958,HLA-B Mismatch Count C100460,HLA-B27 Antigen; Human Leukocyte Antigen B27 C128962,HLA-DR Antigen Type C128963,HLA-DR Mismatch Count C128959,HLA-DR51 Antibody C128960,HLA-DR52 Antibody C128961,HLA-DR53 Antibody C154758,Homocitrulline C74741,Homocysteine C74863,Homovanillic Acid C74704,Howell-Jolly Bodies C122125,HTLV-1/2 Antibody; HTLV-I/II Antibody; Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus 1/2 Antibody C103405,Human Albumin Antibody C103406,HAMA; Human Anti-Mouse Antibody C98740,Human Anti-Sheep IgE Antibody C98741,Human Anti-Sheep IgG Antibody C98742,Human Anti-Sheep IgM Antibody C112312,ERBB2; HER2/NEU; Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 C127618,Human Papillomavirus 11 Antibody C127619,Human Papillomavirus 16 Antibody LBTEST Page 68

C127620,Human Papillomavirus 18 Antibody C127621,Human Papillomavirus 6 Antibody C142279,Huntingtin Protein C142280,Huntingtin Protein, Mutant C74770,Hyaline Casts C112319,Hyaluronic Acid C74879,Hydrocodone C102275,Hydrogen C74880,Hydromorphone C147352,Hydroxyalprazolam C154767,Hydroxylysine C80190,Hydroxyproline C96669,Hyperchromia C74612,Hypersegmented Cells C64802,Hypochromia C116201,Hypogranular Neutrophils C111232,Icteric Index; Icterus C112325,IDL Cholesterol; Intermediate Density Lipoprotein C116197,IDL Particles; Intermediate Density Lipoproteins Particles C147371,IDL Cholesterol and VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 3; IDL+VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 3 C147373,IgG Clearance C147374,IgG Clearance/Albumin Clearance C111233,IgG IgM IgA Total C147375,IgG Synthesis Rate C96670,Immature Basophils C96671,Immature Basophils/Leukocytes C96672,Immature Cells C111234,Immature Cells/Total Cells C96673,Immature Eosinophils C96674,Immature Eosinophils/Leukocytes C96675,Immature Granulocytes C100445,Immature Granulocytes/Leukocytes C127625,Immature Leukocytes C127626,Immature Leukocytes/Leukocytes C100444,Immature Lymphocytes C100443,Immature Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C96676,Immature Monocytes C96677,Immature Monocytes/Leukocytes C96678,Immature Neutrophils C100442,Immature Neutrophils/Leukocytes C96679,Immature Plasma Cells C96680,Immature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C147416,Immature Plasma Cells/Total Cells C154723,Immature Platelets; Reticulated Platelets C102276,Immature Reticulocyte Fraction C103407,Immunoblastic Lymphocytes; Immunoblasts C106535,Immunoblasts/Lymphocytes; Lymphocytes, Immunoblastic/Lymphocytes C81869,Immunoglobulin LBTEST Page 69

C81969,Immunoglobulin A C98745,Immunoglobulin D C81970,Immunoglobulin E C81971,Immunoglobulin G C122127,Immunoglobulin G Subclass 1 C122128,Immunoglobulin G Subclass 2 C122129,Immunoglobulin G Subclass 3 C122130,Immunoglobulin G Subclass 4 C147372,IgG/Albumin; Immunoglobulin G/Albumin C119285,Immunoglobulin G/Creatinine C154737,Immunoglobulin Heavy Constant Gamma 2 C154738,Immunoglobulin Heavy Constant Gamma 4 C147376,Immunoglobulin Light Chains C156517,Immunoglobulin Light Chains, Free C81972,Immunoglobulin M C116184,Inclusion Bodies C82044,Indican C64483,Indirect Bilirubin C130114,Industrial Mix Antigen IgE Antibody C130115,Industrial Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C120677,Influenza A Antigen C103408,Influenza A IgG Antibody C120678,Influenza A/B Antigen C120679,Influenza B Antigen C103409,Influenza B IgG Antibody C82020,Inhibin A C96681,Inhibin B C74788,Insulin C119287,Insulin Antibody C119286,Insulin Autoantibody C123458,Insulin Resistance C123459,Insulin Sensitivity C147377,Insulin, Free C128968,Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot1; Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1 C128969,Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot2; Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2 C112322,Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot3; Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 C74864,Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 C74865,Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 C119284,Insulinoma-Associated Protein 2 Antibody C124344,Intercellular Adhesion Molecule C124345,CD54; Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 C81994,Interferon Alpha C81995,Interferon Beta C81996,Interferon Gamma C74805,Interleukin 1 C122131,Interleukin 1 Alpha LBTEST Page 70

C112323,IL-1B; IL1Beta; Interleukin 1 Beta; Interleukin 1B C156518,Interleukin 1 Excretion Rate C112324,IL-1RA; Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist C142281,Interleukin 1 Receptor-Like 1 C74806,Interleukin 10 C74807,Interleukin 11 C74808,Interleukin 12; Interleukin 12 p70 C127623,Interleukin 12 Beta; Interleukin 12 p40 C128970,Interleukin 12+23 p40 C74809,Interleukin 13 C74810,Interleukin 14 C74811,Interleukin 15 C74812,Interleukin 16 C74813,Interleukin 17 C74814,Interleukin 18 C156519,Interleukin 18 Excretion Rate C74815,Interleukin 19 C74816,Interleukin 2 C142282,IL-2Ra; Interleukin 2 Receptor Subunit Alpha C142283,IL-2Rb; Interleukin 2 Receptor Subunit Beta C74817,Interleukin 20 C74818,Interleukin 21 C74819,Interleukin 22 C74820,Interleukin 23 C74821,Interleukin 24 C74822,Interleukin 25 C74823,Interleukin 26 C74824,Interleukin 27 C74825,Interleukin 28 C74826,Interleukin 29 C74827,Interleukin 3 C74828,Interleukin 30 C74829,Interleukin 31 C74830,Interleukin 32 C74831,Interleukin 33 C74832,Interleukin 4 C74833,Interleukin 5 C74834,Interleukin 6 C74835,Interleukin 7 C74836,Interleukin 8 C74837,Interleukin 9 C119266,Intestinal Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C125945,Inulin C98748,Inulin Clearance C125946,Iohexol C100439,Iohexol Clearance C98749,Iothalamate Clearance C98750,Iothalamate Clearance Adjusted for BSA C74679,FE; Iron LBTEST Page 71

C150819,Iron Excretion Rate C127622,Amylin; Islet Amyloid Polypeptide C135429,ICA-512; Islet Antigen 2 Autoantibody; Islet Cell Antigen 512 Autoantibody C81985,Islet Cell 512 Antibody C81986,Islet Cell 512 Antigen C154725,Islet Cell Antibody C122126,Islet Cell Cytoplasmic IgG Antibody C81987,Islet Neogenesis Assoc Protein Antibody C103410,Isoleucine C147378,Japanese Encephalitis Virus Antibody C112326,JC Polyomavirus Antibody; JC Virus Antibody; JCV Antibody; John Cunningham Virus Antibody C100459,Jo-1 Antibody C132374,Kallikrein-2 C147379,Kappa Light Chain C98730,Bence-Jones, Kappa; Kappa Light Chain, Free C98731,Kappa Lt Chain,Free/Lambda Lt Chain,Free C147380,Keratocyte C111239,Ketone Bodies C64854,Ketones C132372,Keyhole Limpet IgG Antibody C132373,Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin IgM Antibody C100433,Hepatitis A Virus Cellular Receptor 1; KIM-1; Kidney Injury Molecule-1 C127624,Klotho C154724,KL-6; Krebs von den Lungen-6 Antigen C96682,Kurloff Cells C154740,Kynurenine C64855,Lactate Dehydrogenase C79449,Lactate Dehydrogenase/Creatinine C79450,2-hydroxypropanoic acid; Lactate; Lactic Acid C82021,Lactoferrin; Lactotransferrin C120639,Lactoferrin Antibody C154741,Lactulose C147384,Lambda Light Chain C98732,Bence-Jones, Lambda; Lambda Light Chain, Free C74729,Large Platelets C74659,Large Unstained Cells C79467,Large Unstained Cells/Leukocytes C74887,LDH Isoenzyme 1 C79451,LDH Isoenzyme 1/LDH C74888,LDH Isoenzyme 2 C79452,LDH Isoenzyme 2/LDH C74889,LDH Isoenzyme 3 C79453,LDH Isoenzyme 3/LDH C74890,LDH Isoenzyme 4 C79454,LDH Isoenzyme 4/LDH C74891,LDH Isoenzyme 5 C79455,LDH Isoenzyme 5/LDH LBTEST Page 72

C105588,LDL Cholesterol C121182,LDL Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol C103412,LDL Particle Size C120636,LDL Particles C120637,LDL Subtype Pattern C147382,Lead; Pb C147381,LS Ratio; Lecithin/Sphingomyelin C116202,Left Shift Neutrophils C92275,Legionella pneumophila Antigen C92276,Legionella pneumophila IgG Antibody C92277,Legionella pneumophila IgG IgM Antibody C92278,Legionella pneumophila IgM Antibody C74866,Leptin C122133,Leucine C122132,Leucine Aminopeptidase C74680,Leucine Crystals C130163,Leukemia Inhibitory Factor C74630,Leukemic Blasts C74641,Leukemic Blasts/Lymphocytes C116195,Leukemic Cells; Residual Leukemic Cells C92246,Leukocyte Cell Clumps; WBC Clumps; White Blood Cell Clumps C92297,Leukocyte Cell Morphology; WBC Morphology; White Blood Cell Morphology C64856,Leukocyte Esterase C51948,Leukocytes; White Blood Cells C135451,Leukocytes/Total Cells; WBC/Total Cells C103413,Leukotriene B4 C103414,Leukotriene D4 C103415,Leukotriene E4 C147383,Leukocytes Corrected for Nucleated Erythrocytes; Leuks Corrected for Nucl Erythrocytes C147386,Levetiracetam C117748,Lipase; Total Lipase C117840,Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase; LIPF; Lipase, Gastric C117842,Acid Cholesteryl Ester Hydrolase; LAL; LIPA; Lipase, Lysosomal Acid; Lysosomal Lipase C117841,Lipase, Pancreatic; PNLIP; Pancreatic Triacylglycerol Lipase C111242,Lipemia; Lipemic Index C74949,Lipid; Total Lipid C125947,Lipoarabinomannan C106539,Lipocalin-2 C106540,Lipocalin-2/Creatinine C120638,Lipoprotein Associated Phospholipase A2 C82022,Lipoprotein-a C142284,Liquefaction Time C147385,Liver Fibrosis Score C96683,LKM-1; Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 Antibody C100456,Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgA Ab C100454,Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgG Ab C100455,Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 IgM Ab LBTEST Page 73

C119267,Liver Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C75374,Lorazepam C116191,Low Absorption Retic/Reticulocytes C116190,Low Absorption Reticulocytes C102277,APTT-LA; Lupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTT C74790,Luteinizing Hormone; Lutropin C102278,Lymphoblasts C105444,Lymphoblasts/Leukocytes C51949,Lymphocytes C119289,Lymphocytes Activated C64818,Lymphocytes Atypical; Lymphocytes, Variant C64819,Lymphocytes Atypical/Leukocytes; Lymphocytes, Variant/Leukocytes C147387,Lymphocytes, Clefted C147388,Lymphocytes, Clefted/Leukocytes C64820,Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C135430,Lymphocytes/Non-Squam Epi Cells C98751,Lymphocytes/Total Cells C139064,Lymphoid Cells C74613,Lymphoma Cells C147389,Lymphoma Cells/Leukocytes C74910,Lymphoma Cells/Lymphocytes C81955,Chemokine Ligand 1; Lymphotactin C132375,Lymphotoxin Alpha; TNF-beta; Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta C75354,Acid; Lysergate Diethylamide; Lysergic Acid Diethylamide C122134,Lysine C120640,Lysozyme C92241,M. tuberculosis IFN Gamma Response; Mycobacterium tuberculosis IFN Gamma Response C111243,Macroamylase C64821,Macrocytes C80191,Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor C82023,Chemokine Ligand 3; Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha C82024,Chemokine Ligand 4; Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta C130164,Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Gamma C81956,Chemokine Ligand 22; Macrophage-Derived Chemokine C74798,Macrophages C123460,Macrophages/Leukocytes C135431,Macrophages/Non-Squam Epi Cells C111244,Macrophages/Total Cells C147390,Macroscopic Blood; Visible Blood C64840,Magnesium C79456,Magnesium/Creatinine C74660,Malignant Cells, NOS C74643,Malignant Cells, NOS/Blood Cells C154742,Mannitol C111246,Mast Cells; Mastocytes C111247,Mast Cells/Total Cells C80192,Interstitial Collagenase; Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 C80193,Gelatinase A; Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 LBTEST Page 74

C80194,Matrix Metalloproteinase 3; Stromelysin 1 C80195,Matrilysin; Matrix Metalloproteinase 7 C80196,Matrix Metalloproteinase 8; Neutrophil Collagenase C80197,Gelatinase B; Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 C74661,Mature Plasma Cells; Plasmacytes C74911,Mature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C98869,Mature Plasma Cells/Total Cells C127628,Maturing Erythroid/Total Cells C127629,Maturing Myeloid/Total Cells C74614,May-Hegglin Anomaly C114215,MCV Reticulocytes; MCVr; Mean Corpuscular Volume Reticulocytes C96686,Mean Platelet Component C114214,Mean Platelet Dry Mass C74730,Mean Platelet Volume C147391,Meconium C139079,Medazepam C116193,Medium Absorption Retic/Reticulocytes C116192,Medium Absorption Reticulocytes C98752,Megakaryoblasts C98753,Megakaryoblasts/Total Cells C135432,Megakaryocyte and Megakaryoblast Morph; Megakaryocyte and Megakaryoblast Morphology C96688,Megakaryocytes C154722,Megakaryocytes/Leukocytes C98867,Megakaryocytes/Total Cells C74867,Melatonin C111250,Meningeal Cells C111251,Meningeal Cells/Total Cells C147392,Meperidine C147393,Hg; Mercury C147398,Mesothelial Cells C147399,Mesothelial Cells/Leukocytes C74615,Metamyelocytes C74645,Metamyelocytes/Leukocytes C98754,Metamyelocytes/Total Cells C116198,Metadrenaline; Metanephrine C147400,Metanephrine, Free C128972,Metarubricyte; Orthochromatophilic Normoblast; Orthochromic Erythroblast; Orthochromic Normoblast C128971,Metarubricyte/Total Cells C74881,Methadone C75348,Methamphetamine C147394,Methanol C74882,Methaqualone C96689, C147367,FMET HB; Fractionated Methemoglobin; Methemoglobin/Total Hemoglobin C122238,Methionine C96690,Methylmalonate; Methylmalonic Acid C64822,Microcytes LBTEST Page 75

C117843,Microfilaria C116199,Mid Cell Fraction; Mid Cells C139083,Midazolam C147395,Mitochondrial M2 Antibody C130100,Mixed Antigen IgE Antibody C74771,Mixed Casts C16790,Mixed Leukocyte Reaction; Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction C130111,Mold Mix Antigen IgA Antibody C130109,Mold Mix Antigen IgE Antibody C130110,Mold Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C74631,Monoblasts C74646,Monoblasts/Leukocytes C92291,Monoclonal Immunoglobulin Protein; Monoclonal Protein; Paraprotein C117844,Monoclonal Protein Spike C156508,Monoclonal Protein Spike/Total Protein C147397,Monoclonal Protein/Total Protein C82025,CCL2; Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2; Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 C64823,Monocytes C147396,Monocytes and Macrophages/Leukocytes C64824,Monocytes/Leukocytes C106544,Monocytes/Macrocytes C135433,Monocytes/Non-Squam Epi Cells C98872,Monocytes/Total Cells C111276,Monocytoid Cells C120641,Monocytoid Cells/Leukocytes C111277,Monocytoid Cells/Total Cells C154757,Mononuclear Cells; Mononucleated Cells C74681,Monosodium Urate Crystals C74883,Morphine C147433,Motile Sperm/Total Sperm C79457,Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase C79458,Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine C130097,Mucor racemosus IgA C130096,Mucor racemosus IgE C130098,Mucor racemosus IgG C130099,Mucor racemosus IgG4 C74721,Mucous Threads C122136,Mumps Virus IgG Antibody C127630,Murinoglobulin C124346,Mycobacterium tuberculosis IgA Antibody C124347,Mycobacterium tuberculosis IgE Antibody C124348,Mycobacterium tuberculosis IgG Antibody C92279,Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nucleic Acid C103418,Myelin Antibodies C122135,Myelin Basic Protein C74632,Myeloblasts C64825,Myeloblasts/Leukocytes C98761,Myeloblasts/Total Cells C74662,Myelocytes LBTEST Page 76

C64826,Myelocytes/Leukocytes C98868,Myelocytes/Total Cells C135434,Myeloid Maturation Index C135435,Myeloid Maturation Pool C130165,Myeloid Progenitor Cells C135436,Myeloid Proliferation Index C135437,Myeloid Proliferation Pool C92242,Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio C80198,Myeloperoxidase C92280,Myeloperoxidase Antibody C119290,Myeloperoxidase Index C79436, C106546,Myoglobin/Creatinine C106547,Cardiac myosin chain 1; Myosin Light Chain 3; Myosin light chain 1, slow-twitch muscle B/ventricular isoform C79459,N-Acetyl Glucosamide; N-Acetyl Glucosamine C79460,N-Acetyl Glucosamide/Creatinine C103419,Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase; N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase C147404,N-methylhistamine C74743,N-telopeptide C120645,N-telopeptide/Creatinine C139088,N-Terminal ProA-type Natriuretic Peptide; N-terminal pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide; NT proANP II C96610,N-Terminal ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide; N-terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide; NT proBNP II C116203, Activity; Natural Killer Cell Function C98762,Natural Killer Cells C92298,Neisseria gonorrhoeae Screening C80199,Neopterin C135439,Nerve Growth Factor C142285,Neurofilament Light Chain Protein; Neurofilament Light Polypeptide; Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 110 C116205,Enolase 2; Gamma-enolase; Neuron Specific Enolase C74892,Neuropeptide Y C147407,Neutral Fats C147300,Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody, Atypical; Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab, Atypical C147301,Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody, Classic; Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab, Classic C147302,Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody, Perinuclear; Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab, Perinuclear C82026,Neutrophil Elastase C82027,Neutrophil Elastase, Polymorphonuclear C84822,Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes C84823,Neutrophilic Myelocytes C132376,Neutrophilic Toxic Change C63321,Neutrophils C64830,Neutrophils Band Form C120642,Neutrophils Band Form/ Neutrophils LBTEST Page 77

C64831,Neutrophils Band Form/Leukocytes C154756,Neutrophils, Seg + Band Form + Precursor; Neutrophils, Segmented + Band Form + Precursors C81997,Neutrophils, Segmented C154755,Neutrophils, Segmented + Band Form C82045,Neutrophils, Segmented/Leukocytes C120643,Neutrophils, Segmented/Neutrophils C64827,Neutrophils/Leukocytes C135438,Neutrophils/Non-Squam Epi Cells C98763,Neutrophils/Total Cells C74899,Niacin; Vitamin B3 C147403,Nicotine C112360,NO; Nitric Oxide C64810,Nitrite C154744,Nociceptin; Orphanin FQ C116204,Non-HDL Cholesterol; Non-High Density Lipoprotein C120644,Non-HDL Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol C84811,Non-Phosphorylated Tau Protein C100434,Non-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase C135413,Non-Squamous Epithelial Cells C147401,Nonhematic Cells C147402,Nonhematic Cells/Leukocytes C139076,Nordazepam; Nordiazepam C74868,Noradrenaline; Norepinephrine C142286,Normal Sperm/Total Sperm; Sperm Morphology C122138,Normetanephrine C98764,Normoblasts/Total Cells C147406,Nornicotine C156509,Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 C114213,Nuclear Swelling C150841,Nucleated Cells C74705,Nucleated Erythrocytes; Nucleated Red Blood Cells C74647,Nucleated Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes; Nucleated Red Blood Cells/ Erythrocytes C82046,Nucleated Erythrocytes/Leukocytes C130122,Nut Mix Antigen IgE Antibody C130123,Nut Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C74686,Occult Blood C122139,Oligoclonal Bands C132377,Oncostatin M C74796,Opiate C130081,Cocksfoot Grass Pollen IgA; Orchard Grass Pollen IgA C130080,Cocksfoot Grass Pollen IgE; Orchard Grass Pollen IgE C130082,Cocksfoot Grass Pollen IgG; Orchard Grass Pollen IgG C130083,Cocksfoot Grass Pollen IgG4; Orchard Grass Pollen IgG4 C122140,Ornithine C74801,Osmolality C74802,Osmolarity C74744,Osteocalcin LBTEST Page 78

C124349,Osteopontin C116206,OCIF; Osteoclastogenesis Inhibitory Factor; Osteoprotegerin; TNFRS11B; Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily Member 11b C100452,Ova and Parasite C142287,Ovalocytes C92250,Ethanedioate; Oxalate C117983,Oxalate/Creatinine C75375,Oxazepam C120635,Oxidized LDL Cholesterol C119288,Oxidized LDL Cholesterol Antibody C74884,Oxycodone; Oxycontin C96614,Oxygen Capacity C111284,Oxygen Content C60832,Oxygen Saturation C96616,Oxyhemoglobin C147359,FO2 Hb; Fractioned Oxyhemoglobin; Oxyhemoglobin/Total Hemoglobin C147409,Oxymorphone C74869,Oxytocin; Oxytoxin C127631,P-Aminohippurate Sodium C117850,GMP-140; P-Selectin C130147,P. notatum Antigen IgA Antibody C130146,P. notatum Antigen IgE Antibody C130148,P. notatum Antigen IgG Antibody C130149,P. notatum Antigen IgG4 Antibody C120651,P100 Polymyositis-scleroderma Autoag Ab C102279,P50 Oxygen C82028,Pancreatic Elastase 1 C82029,Pancreatic Elastase 1, Polymorphonuclear C80201,Pancreatic Polypeptide C116210,PRA Score; Panel Reactive Antibody; Percent Reactive Antibody C74616,Pappenheimer Bodies C81964,Parathyrin Hormone, C-Terminal; Parathyroid Hormone, C-Terminal C74784,Parathyrin Hormone, Fragmented; Parathyroid Hormone, Fragmented C74789,Parathyrin, Intact; Parathyroid Hormone, Intact C81965,Parathyrin Hormone, Mid-Molecule; Parathyroid Hormone, Mid-Molecule C81966,Parathyrin Hormone, N-Terminal; Parathyroid Hormone, N-Terminal C103451,Parathyrin Hormone, Whole; Parathyroid Hormone, Whole C117851,Parathyrin Hormone-related Protein; Parathyroid Hormone-related Peptide; Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein C116207,Anti-Parietal Cell Antibody; Parietal Cell Antibody C147410,Paroxetine C82625,Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide C147411,Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide Adj Temp C71251,Partial Pressure Oxygen C147417,Partial Pressure Oxygen Adj for Temp C96617,Parvovirus B19 IgG Antibody C96618,Parvovirus B19 IgM Antibody C132378,PCA3 mRNA/PSA mRNA C74617,Pelger Huet Anomaly LBTEST Page 79

C81988,Pemphigoid Antibodies C147287,Penicillium chrysogenum IgE Antibody C75367,Pentobarbital C100122,Pepsinogen C100469,PGA; Pepsinogen A C100470,PGC; Pepsinogen C C100467,PGI; Pepsinogen I C100468,PGII; Pepsinogen II C80202,Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine; Peptide YY C112395,OSF2; Osteoblast Specific Factor 2; POSTN; Periostin C45997,pH C74694,Phencyclidine; Phenylcyclohexylpiperidine C75368,Phenobarbital C74695,Dibenzothiazine; Phenothiazine C81280,Phenylalanine C147414,Phenyl Ketones; Phenylketones C147413,Phenytoin C64857,Inorganic Phosphate; Phosphate; Phosphorus C106553,Phosphate Clearance C79461,Phosphate/Creatinine C147420,Phosphatidylcholine/Albumin C147423,Phosphatidylglycerol/Lung Surfactant; Phosphatidylglycerol/Pulmonary Surfactant C122143,Phosphatidylserine IgA Antibody C122144,Phosphatidylserine IgG Antibody C122145,Phosphatidylserine IgM Antibody C96623,Phospholipid C150821,Phosphorus Excretion Rate C156521,Phosphorylated STAT3; pSTAT3 C156522,Phosphorylated STAT3/STAT3; pSTAT3/STAT3 C84812,Phosphorylated Tau Protein C119279,Pi-GST Excretion Rate C74618,Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes; Plymphocytes C74648,Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes C127633,Plasminogen C82030,Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 C81989,Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 AG C100453,Malaria; Plasmodium C111292,Platelet Activating Factor C103427,Platelet Aggregation; Platelet Function C111293,Platelet Aggregation Amplitude C114210,Platelet Aggregation Curve Type C114211,Platelet Aggregation Mean Amplitude C114212,Platelet Aggregation Mean Curve Type C96624,PLT Clumps; Platelet Clumps C111294,Platelet Component Distribution Width C116208,PDGF Isoform AB; Platelet Derived Growth Factor IsoformAB; Platelet Derived Growth Factor-AB Isoform C81962,Platelet Distribution Width LBTEST Page 80

C147412,Platelet Factor 4 Heparin Complex Induced Antibody; Platelet Fctr 4 Heparin Cmplx Induced Ab C111295,PFCT; Platelet Function Closure Time C100424,Platelet Hematocrit; Thrombocytocrit C132380,Platelet Mass Distribution Width C111296,Platelet Morphology C116209,Platelet Satellitism C51951,Platelets C147415,Platelets, Agranular C135440,Platelets, Estimated C79602,Poikilocytes C74649,Poikilocytes/Erythrocytes C64803,Polychromasia C147418,Polychromatophilic Erythroblast C147419,Polychromatophilic Normoblast C156539,Porphobilinogen C156540,Porphobilinogen/Creatinine C120648,Porphyrin C64853,Potassium C106560,Potassium Clearance C150820,Potassium Excretion Rate C79462,Potassium/Creatinine C119293,PAO2/FIO2; PP Arterial O2/Fraction Inspired O2 C139080,Prazepam C100435,Prealbumin; Thyroxine-binding Prealbumin; Transthyretin C74619,Plasmablast; Precursor Plasma Cells C74650,Precursor Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C82031,Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A C147421,Pregnenolone C156523,Pro-gastrin Releasing Peptide; proGRP C82032,Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide; ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide; proBNP C103430,Procalcitonin C96625,Amino-terminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen; P1NP Aminoterm Type 1; Procollagen 1 N-Terminal Propeptide C128973,Procollagen 3 N-Terminal Propeptide C82033,Procollagen Type I Carboxy Term Peptide C74791,Progesterone C117846,NR3C3; PR; Progesterone Receptor C81967,Proinsulin C111299,Proinsulin/Insulin Ratio C74870,Prolactin C120646,Cyclin; Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen C127632,Proliferating Erythroid/Total Cells C127634,Proliferating Myeloid Cells/Total Cells C122141,Proline C74620,Prolymphocytes C64829,Prolymphocytes/Leukocytes C74651,Prolymphocytes/Lymphocytes C74621,Promonocytes LBTEST Page 81

C74652,Promonocytes/Leukocytes C117847,Promyeloblasts C74622,Promyelocytes C74653,Promyelocytes/Leukocytes C98773,Promyelocytes/Total Cells C74885,Propoxyphene C120647,Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 C128976,Basophilic Erythroblast; Basophilic Normoblast; Prorubricyte C128977,Prorubricyte/Total Cells C103343,Prostaglandin C103431,Prostaglandin D2 C103432,Prostaglandin D2 Synthase C103433,Prostaglandin E Synthase C103434,Prostaglandin E1 C103435,Prostaglandin E2 C103436,Prostaglandin F1 Alpha C103437,Prostaglandin F2 Alpha C132379,Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 mRNA C132382,Prostate Circulating Tumor Cells C17634,Prostate Specific Antigen C132385,Prostate Specific Antigen mRNA C132383,Prostate Specific Antigen, Free C80204,Prostatic Acid Phosphatase C64858,Protein C150822,Protein Excretion Rate C150846,DCP; Des-Gammacarboxyprothrombin; PIVKA-II; Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence-II; Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence/Antagonist-II C147422,Protein Pattern C100436,Protein S C147424,Protein S Activity Actual/Control; Protein S Activity Actual/Normal; Protein S Activity Actual/Protein S Activity Control C147425,Protein S Free Activity Actual/Control; Protein S Free Activity Actual/ Normal; Protein S Free Activity Actual/Protein S Free Activity Control C122142,Protein S, Free C79463,Protein/Creatinine C92240,Protein/Osmolality; Protein/Osmolality Ratio C120649,Proteinase 3 Antibody C98774,Factor II Activity; Prothrombin Activity C82034,Prothrombin Fragments 1 + 2 C64805,Prothrombin Intl. Normalized Ratio C62656,Prothrombin Time C147341,Protoporphyrin, Free C117849,Protozoa C132384,PSA, Free/PSA C74696,Pseudoephedrine C156524,Pyocytes C80211,Pyridinoline C147426,Pyridinoline/Creatinine C147427,Pyruvate; Pyruvic Acid LBTEST Page 82

C156470,PK; Pyruvate Kinase C156532,Pyruvate Kinase Isozyme M1 C156531,Pyruvate Kinase Isozyme M2 C156530,Pyruvate Kinase Muscle Isozyme C74716,Rapid Plasma Reagin C74772,Erythrocyte Casts; RBC Casts C139071,RDW Standard Deviation; RDW-SD; Red Cell Volume Distribution Width Standard Deviation C74629,Reactive Lymphocytes C74654,Reactive Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes C122146,Reactive Oxygen Metabolite C117852,Receptor Activator Nuclear KappaB Ligand; Receptor Activator of Nuclear Kappa-B Ligand C147428,Reducing Substances C147429,Reducing Sugars C81957,Chemokine Ligand 5; Reg upon Act Normal T-cell Exprd Secrtd C120656,Remnant Lipoprotein C142289,Renal Papillary Antigen 1 C74893,Active Renin; Angiotensinogenase; Direct Renin; Renin C111305,Renin Activity C147430,Reptilase Activity Actual/Control; Reptilase Activity Actual/Normal; Reptilase Activity Actual/Reptilase Activity Control C96628,Reptilase Time C80205,Resistin C139069,Ret Corpuscular HGB Conc Distr Width; Reticulocyte Corpuscular Hemoglobin Distribution Width C139070,Ret Hemoglobin Distribution Width; Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Concentration Distribution Width C139072,RDWr-CV; Red Cell Volume Distribution Width Coefficient of Variation in Reticulocytes; Ret RDW Coefficient of Variation; Reticulocyte Volume Distribution Width Coefficient of Variation C139073,RDWr-SD; Red Cell Volume Distribution Width Standard Deviation in Reticulocytes; Ret RDW Standard Deviation; Reticulocyte Volume Distribution Width Standard Deviation C139074,RDWr; Ret Volume Distribution Width; Reticulocyte Volume Distribution Width C98776,CHr; Ret. Corpuscular Hemoglobin Content; Reticulocyte Cellular Hemoglobin Content C138970,Ret. Corpuscular HGB Concentration Mean; Reticulocyte Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Mean C51947,Reticulocytes C64828,Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes C100437,Retinol Binding Protein C154729,Retinol Binding Protein/Creatinine C135442,Retinol Palmitate; Retinyl Palmitate; Vitamin A Palmitate C92948,Rh Factor C125948,RhD Factor C74717,Rheumatoid Factor C120652,Rheumatoid Factor IgA Antibody LBTEST Page 83

C120653,Rheumatoid Factor IgG Antibody C120654,Rheumatoid Factor IgM Antibody C74898,Riboflavin; Vitamin B2 C132301,Ribonucleic Acid C100457,RNP Antibody; Ribonucleoprotein Antibody; Ribonucleoprotein Extractable Nuclear Antibody C120658,Ribonucleoprotein Smith Complex Antibody C120657,Ribonucleoprotein-70 Antibody; snRNP70 Antibody C120659,Ribosomal P Protein Antibody C100419,Ringed Sideroblasts C120655,RLP Cholesterol C122147,RNA Polymerase III IgG Antibody C74624,Rouleaux Formation C142288,Round Cells C74698,Round Epithelial Cells C103440,Rubella IgG Antibody C112412,Measles IgG Antibody; Rubeola IgG Antibody C112413,Measles IgM Antibody; Rubeola IgM Antibody C100446,Proerythroblast; Pronormoblast; Rubriblast C98870,Proerythroblast/Total Cells; Pronormoblasts/Total Cells; Rubriblast/Total Cells C128978,Polychromatophilic Erythroblast; Polychromatophilic Normoblast; Rubricyte C129006,Rubricyte/Total Cells C142249,S. pneumonia Sero 1 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 1 IgG Antibody C142259,S. pneumonia Sero 10A IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 10A IgG Antibody C142260,S. pneumonia Sero 11A IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 11A IgG Antibody C142261,S. pneumonia Sero 12F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 12F IgG Antibody C142262,S. pneumonia Sero 14 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 14 IgG Antibody C142263,S. pneumonia Sero 15B IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 15B IgG Antibody C142264,S. pneumonia Sero 17F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 17F IgG Antibody C142265,S. pneumonia Sero 18C IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 18C IgG Antibody C142267,S. pneumonia Sero 19A IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 19A IgG Antibody C142266,S. pneumonia Sero 19F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 19F IgG Antibody C142250,S. pneumonia Sero 2 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 2 IgG Antibody C142268,S. pneumonia Sero 20 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 20 IgG Antibody C142269,S. pneumonia Sero 22F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 22F IgG Antibody LBTEST Page 84

C142270,S. pneumonia Sero 23F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 23F IgG Antibody C142251,S. pneumonia Sero 3 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 3 IgG Antibody C142271,S. pneumonia Sero 33F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 33F IgG Antibody C142252,S. pneumonia Sero 4 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 4 IgG Antibody C142253,S. pneumonia Sero 5 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 5 IgG Antibody C142254,S. pneumonia Sero 6B IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 6B IgG Antibody C142255,S. pneumonia Sero 7F IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 7F IgG Antibody C142256,S. pneumonia Sero 8 IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 8 IgG Antibody C142257,S. pneumonia Sero 9N IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 9N IgG Antibody C142258,S. pneumonia Sero 9V IgG AB; Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 9V IgG Antibody C154730,S100 Calcium Binding Protein A8 C127635,S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B C147431,Salicylates C154760,N-Methylglycine; Sarcosine C74706,Schistocytes C100458,Scl-70 Antibody; Scleroderma-70 Antibody C122148,Scl-70 IgG Antibody; Scleroderma-70 IgG Antibody C117857,Sclerostin C75369,Secobarbital C74871,Secretin C105744,Microscopic Sediment Analysis; Sediment Analysis; Sediment Examination C122149,Serine C74872,Serotonin C147432,Sertraline C74745,Sex Hormone Binding Globulin; Sex Hormone Binding Protein C74625,Sezary Cells C74655,Sezary Cells/Lymphocytes C130120,Shellfish Mix Antigen IgE Antibody C130121,Shellfish Mix Antigen IgG Antibody C114223,SLeX; Sialyl Lewis X Antigen; Sialyl Lex; Sialyl SSEA-1 Antigen; Sialyl- CD15 C74626,Sickle Cells C74656,Sickle Cells/Erythrocytes C100418,Sideroblast C130077,Silver Birch Pollen IgA C130076,Silver Birch Pollen IgE C130078,Silver Birch Pollen IgG C130079,Silver Birch Pollen IgG4 C92236,Ro Antibody; Sjogrens SS-A Antibody LBTEST Page 85

C120661,Sjogrens SS-A52 Antibody C120662,Sjogrens SS-A60 Antibody C92237,La Antibody; Sjogrens SS-B Antibody C135443,Skeletal Troponin I; sTnl C92281,Smith Antibody; Smith Extractable Nuclear Antibody C111317,Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody; Smooth Muscle Antibody C122151,Actin IgG Antibody; Smooth Muscle IgG Antibody C74627,Basket Cells; Gumprecht Shadow Cells; Shadow Cells; Smudge Cells C119294,Basket Cells/Leukocytes; Gumprecht Shadow Cells/Leukocytes; Shadow Cells/ Leukocytes; Smudge Cells/Leukocytes C64809,Sodium C106568,Sodium Clearance C150823,Sodium Excretion Rate C79464,Sodium/Creatinine C122137,Sodium/Potassium C154728,Soluble CD163 C119273,Soluble E-Selectin; sE-selectin C117835,Soluble Immunoglobulin C132386,Soluble Intercell Adhesion Molecule 1 C102280,Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor Activity C117837,Soluble Interleukin 6 Receptor C117836,Soluble Interleukin-1 Receptor Type I C122150,Soluble Liver Antigen IgG Antibody C120650,Soluble P-Selectin C117863,Soluble TNF Receptor Type I C117864,Soluble TNF Receptor Type II C156526,Soluble TNF Superfamily Member 12; Soluble TNFSF12 C100438,Soluble C117749,Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor C92533,Soluble Vasc Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 C80360,Growth Hormone; Somatotrophin; Somatotropin C79465,Sorbitol Dehydrogenase C64832,Specific Gravity C25377,Specimen Appearance C106569,Specimen Weight C142290,Sperm Agglutination C142291,Sperm Aggregation C102281,Sperm Motility C74663,Spermatozoa C74707,Spherocytes C120660,Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen C74773,Squamous Epithelial Cells C132366,Squamous Epithelial Cells/Total Cells C74774,Squamous Transitional Epithelial Cells C154721,Standard Base Excess C81951,Starch Crystals C156469,STAT3; Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 C82035,KIT Ligand; Stem Cell Factor C74708,Stomatocytes LBTEST Page 86

C122152,Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen C142232,Streptococcus pneumoniae IgG Antibody C92282,Antistreptolysin O; Streptolysin O Antibody C117858,Strongyloides IgG Antibody C74755,Sulfa Crystals; Sulfonamide Crystals C122153,Sulfate; Sulphate C114224,Sulfur Dioxide C111322,SP-D; Surfactant Protein D C132387,T-Kininogen C128979,T-lymphocyte Crossmatch C122157,T-Lymphocytes C147408,T1 Collagen X-link N-Telopeptides/Creat; Type I Collagen X-linked N- Telopeptides/Creatinine C96636,Codocytes; Leptocytes; Mexican Hat Cells; Target Cells C117865,TRAP5B; Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b C84810,Tau Protein; Total Tau Protein C122154,Tauric Acid; Taurine C75376,Temazepam C117859,Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Ag; Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Antigen C74793,Testosterone; Total Testosterone C147440,Testosterone Free+Weakly Bound/Testost; Testosterone, Free and Weakly Bound/Testosterone C74785,Testosterone, Free C147439,Testosterone, Free/Testosterone C128980,Testosterone, Free/Total Protein C147434,Testosterone, Weakly Bound C147436,Tetrahydrocannabinol C105445,Theophylline C74896,Thiamine; Vitamin B1 C154745,Thiocyanate C122156,Threonine C147437,Thrombin Activity Actual/Control; Thrombin Activity Actual/Normal; Thrombin Activity Actual/Thrombin Activity Control C80365,Thrombin Time C106574,Thrombin/Antithrombin; Thrombin/Antithrombin III C111283,Nucleated Thrombocytes; Thrombocytes C135444,BDCA3; C74873,Thrombopoietin C103445,Thromboxane B2 C120665,Thymidine Kinase C135445,Thymidine Kinase 1; Thymidine Kinase, Cytosolic C135446,Thymidine Kinase 2; Thymidine Kinase, Mitochondrial C103446,TG; Thyroglobulin C147435,Thyroglobulin Recovery Rate C81990,Thyroid Antibodies C81992,Thyroid Antithyroglobulin Antibodies C147438,Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin C96639,Thyroid Peroxidase; Thyroperoxidase LBTEST Page 87

C96638,Thyroid Antimicrosomal Antibody; Thyroperoxidase Antibody C64813,Thyroid Stimulating Hormone; Thyrotropin C122158,Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor Antibody; Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody C74874,Thyrotropin Releasing Factor; Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone C74794,Thyroxine; Total T4 C74746,Thyroxine Binding Globulin C74786,Free T4; Thyroxine, Free C120664,Thyroxine, Free, Indirect C130089,Timothy Grass Pollen IgA C130088,Timothy Grass Pollen IgE C130090,Timothy Grass Pollen IgG C130091,Timothy Grass Pollen IgG4 C106575,TIMP1/Creatinine; Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1/Creatinine C82036,Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 C81993,Tissue Plasminogen Activator Antigen C147441,Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibody C147442,Tissue Transglutaminase IgM Antibody C156525,TNF Superfamily Member 12 Excretion Rate; TWEAK Excretion Rate C117862,TNF-a Production Inhibitory Activity C119269,Total Amyloid Precursor Protein C74718,Total Iron Binding Capacity C128974,Total Plasma Cells C128975,Total Plasma Cells/Leukocytes C80208,Total Radical-Trap Antioxidant Potential C96641,Toxic Granulation C127813,Toxic Vacuolation C139089,Toxoplasma gondii IgG Antibody C139090,Toxoplasma gondii IgM Antibody C82037,Transferrin C98792,Iron Binding Capacity Saturation; Iron Saturation; Iron to TIBC; Transferrin Saturation C122155,Transforming Growth Factor Beta C117861,Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 C92251,Transitional Epithelial Cells C130101,Tree Mix Pollen Antigen IgE Antibody C130102,Tree Mix Pollen Antigen IgG Antibody C132388,Treponema pallidum Antibody C92238,Trichomonas C100420,Tricyclic Antidepressants C64812,Triglycerides C121183,Triglycerides/HDL Cholesterol C74747,Total T3; Triiodothyronine C74748,T3RU; T3U; Triiodothyronine Uptake C74787,Free T3; Triiodothyronine, Free C81968,Triiodothyronine, Reverse C74756,Triple Phosphate Crystals C147277,Bread Wheat Antigen IgE Antibody; Triticum aestivum Antigen IgE Antibody C111327,Troponin LBTEST Page 88

C74749,Troponin I C135447,Slow-Twitch Skeletal Muscle Troponin I; Troponin I Type 1; ssTnI C127636,Fast-Twitch Skeletal Muscle Troponin I; Troponin I Type 2; fsTnI C135448,Cardiac Troponin I; TNNC1; Troponin I Type 3; cTnI C74750,Troponin T C135449,Trypsin 1 and Trypsinogen 1 C135450,Trypsin and Trypsinogen C92292,Tryptase C154739,Tryptophan C74775,Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells; Tubular Epithelial Cells C74751,Tumor Necrosis Factor; Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha C120666,CD120a; Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 C74723,Turbidity C82038,Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides; Type I Collagen X-linked C-telopeptide C127613,Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides/Creat; Type I Collagen X-Linked C- Telopeptides/Creatinine C82039,Type I Collagen N-Telopeptides; Type I Collagen X-Linked N-Telopeptides C92283,Type I Myeloblasts C82040,Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides; Type II Collagen X-Linked C-Telopeptides C122113,Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides/Creat; Type II Collagen X-Linked C- Telopeptides/Creatinine C82041,Type II Collagen N-Telopeptides; Type II Collagen X-Linked N-Telopeptides C92284,Type II Myeloblasts C120663,Type II Secretory Phospholipase A2 C92285,Type III Myeloblasts C122159,Tyrosine C74683,Tyrosine Crystals C147321,Coenzyme Q10; Ubiquinone 10 C147443,Ubiquitin Protein C74776,Unclassified Casts C74757,Unclassified Crystals C74719,Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity C112241,Unspecified Cells C114225,Unspecified Cells/Total Cells C64814,Urate; Uric Acid C117866,Urate/Creatinine C64815,Urea C125949,Urea Nitrogen C125950,Urea Nitrogen/Creatinine C96645,Urea/Creatinine C74684,Acid Urate Crystals; Uric Acid Crystals C102282,Urine Conductivity C64816,Urobilinogen C111329,Vacuolated Lymphocytes C127627,Vacuolated Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C74628,Vacuolated Neutrophils C122160,Valine C74875,Vanillyl Mandelic Acid; Vanillylmandelate; Vanilmandelic Acid C117867,Varicella Zoster Virus Antibody LBTEST Page 89

C98795,Varicella Zoster Virus IgA Antibody C98796,Varicella Zoster Virus IgG Antibody C98797,Varicella Zoster Virus IgM Antibody C156527,Vasc Endothelial Growth Factor Rec 2; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 C82042,Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 C92514,Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C132389,Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A C147444,Venlafaxine C130166,Viable Cells C75912,Viscosity C74895,Retinol; Vitamin A C64817,Cobalamin; Vitamin B12 C74897,Amygdalin; Vitamin B17 C74900,Pantothenic Acid; Vitamin B5 C74901,Pyridoxine; Vitamin B6 C74902,Biotin; Vitamin B7 C74676,Folate; Folic Acid; Vitamin B9 C74903,Ascorbate; Ascorbic Acid; Vitamin C C84818,Total Vitamin D; Vitamin D C74904,Ergocalciferol; Vitamin D2 C147445,Vitamin D2 + Vitamin D3 + 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D; Vitamin D2 D3 25-OH C74905,Cholecalciferol; Vitamin D3 C74906,Vitamin E C103448,Vitamin E/Cholesterol C74907,Naphthoquinone; Vitamin K C103449,Phylloquinone; Phytomenadione; Vitamin K1 C105589,VLDL Cholesterol C120667,VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 1 C120668,VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 2 C120669,VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 3 C103450,VLDL Particle Size C74720,Volume C147447,von Will Factor Act Actual/Control; von Willebrand Factor Activity Actual/Normal; von Willebrand Factor Activity Actual/von Willebrand Factor Activity Control C98799,von Willebrand Factor; von Willebrand Factor Antigen C122117,von Willebrand Factor Activity C147336,von Willebrand Factor Multimers C74777,Waxy Casts C74778,WBC Casts C127637,CDW2; MIP2; Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-2; WD Repeat-Containing Protein 26 C130108,Weed Mix Pollen Antigen IgA Antibody C130106,Weed Mix Pollen Antigen IgE Antibody C130107,Weed Mix Pollen Antigen IgG Antibody C147448,West Nile Virus Antibody C130093,Western Ragweed Pollen IgA C130092,Western Ragweed Pollen IgE LBTEST Page 90

C130094,Western Ragweed Pollen IgG C130095,Western Ragweed Pollen IgG4 C147283,White Elm Pollen IgG Antibody C147282,White Oak Pollen IgE Antibody C147449,Xanthochromia C106504,Budding Yeast; Yeast Budding C74664,Yeast Cells C92239,Yeast Hyphae C147450,Yellow Fever Virus Antibody C142294,Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1; YKL-40 Protein C147279,Corn Antigen IgE Antibody; Zea mays Antigen IgE Antibody C147451,Zika Virus Antibody C80210,Zinc C147452,Zinc Protoporphyrin NY Page 91


Codelist Name: No Yes Response Description: A term that is used to indicate a question with permissible values of yes/no/unknown/not applicable.

C49487,No C48660,NA; Not Applicable C17998,U; UNK; Unknown C49488,Yes NCOMPLT Page 92


Codelist Name: Completion/Reason for Non-Completion Description: The status of the subject's completion of the study or a segment of the study, or the reason the subject discontinued the study or segment of the study.

C41331,Adverse Event C25250,Completed C28554,Died C38155,Recurrent Disease C139236,Failure To Meet Continuation Criteria C105448,Failure To Meet Randomization Criteria C48226,Lack Of Efficacy C48227,Lost To Follow-Up C150884,Passed Screening But Not Needed; Qualified But Not Needed; Reserve, Not Used C156551,NLCB C139240,Non-Compliance With Non-Study Device C139241,Non-Compliance With Study Device C49631,Non-Compliance With Study Drug C17649,Other C48250,Physician Decision C25742,Pregnancy C35571,Disease Progression; Progressive Disease C50996,Protocol Deviation C142185,Protocol Violation C142349,Protocol-Specified Withdrawal Criterion Met C139237,Randomized By Mistake C139238,Randomized By Mistake With Study Treatment C139239,Randomized By Mistake Without Study Treatment C25746,Recovery C49628,Screen Failure C106576,Site Terminated By Sponsor C49632,Study Terminated By Sponsor C49633,Technical Problems C102355,Withdrawal By Parent/Guardian C49634,Withdrawal By Subject SEX Page 93


Codelist Name: Sex Description: The assemblage of physical properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female; the physical difference between male and female; the distinguishing peculiarity of male or female. (NCI)

C16576,Female C20197,Male C17998,U; UNK; Unknown; C45908,Undifferentiated SPECCOND Page 94


Codelist Name: Specimen Condition Description: The physical state or quality of a biological specimen.

C78725,Autolyzed C78723,Calcified Specimen C78724,Clotted Specimen C128999,Concentrated Specimen C68768,Contaminated C84516,Dried Specimen C84517,Fresh Specimen C70717,Frozen Specimen C135503,Gelled Specimen C70720,Hemolysis in Specimen C98744,Icteric Specimen C70715,Lipemic Specimen C19597,Paraffin Block; Paraffin-Embedded Specimen C70718,Refrigerated Specimen C70719,Ambient Temperature; Specimen at Room Temperature C135504,Solidified Specimen C135505,Specimen with Unexpected Odor SUNCF Page 95


Codelist Name: Substance Use Never/Current/Former Classifcation Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Never/Current/Former Classifcation codelist created for CDASH Substance Use Never/Current/Former Classifcation codelist. (NCI)

C25471,CURRENT C25627,FORMER C70543,NEVER UNIT Page 96


Codelist Name: Unit Description: Terminology codelist used for units within CDISC. UNIT Page 97

C25613,Percentage C117963,Percent Inhibition C48571,Percent Volume per Volume; vol% C48527,Percent Weight per Volume C48528,Percent Weight per Weight C114240,Percent per Minute C102695,Per 100 High Powered Fields C67219,Per 100 White Blood Cells C123634,/10^3 C135515,/10^4 C135516,/10^5 C132472,/200 HPFs C132473,/2000 RBC C132474,/2500 WBC C122197,/4.0 mL C132475,/40 HPFs C132476,/500 WBC C122198,/7.5 mL C135517,/cmH2O C25473,Daily C66966,Per Hour C96619,Per High Powered Field C120844,/kg C96620,Per Low Powered Field C130187,/Large Square Neubauer C66967,/min C130188,/mm C122199,/mm2 C64498,Every Month; Per Month C66965,/sec C105516,Per Visual Field C67069,Every week; Per Week; QS C127804,1/(s*kPa) C71185,100 International units/Milliliter C105517,10^4/mm3; 10^4/uL; 10^7/mL C105488,10^5/mm3; 10^5/uL; 10^8/mL C105518,TIU/L; Tera International Unit per Liter C67308,1/pL; 10^6/mm3; 10^6/uL; T/L; TI/L; Tera/L C68895,Thousand CFU; Thousand Colony Forming Units C68899,Thousand CFU/g; Thousand Colony Forming Units per Gram C68903,Thousand CFU/mL; Thousand Colony Forming Units per Milliliter C100897,10^3 copies/mL C98788,10^3 DNA copies/mL C71187,Thousand Organisms C71190,Thousand Organisms per Gram; Thousand Organisms/g C71195,Thousand Organisms per Milliliter; Thousand Organisms/mL C98790,10^3 RNA copies/mL C98789,10^3/hpf UNIT Page 98

C105519,1/mL C98787,10^4/hpf C73771,10^4/L C98743,10^5/hpf C105490,10^2/mL C68896,Million CFU; Million Colony Forming Units C68900,Million CFU/g; Million Colony Forming Units per Gram C68904,Million CFU/mL; Million Colony Forming Units per Milliliter C100898,10^6 copies/mL C98756,10^6 DNA copies/mL C67335,Million IU; Million International Units C98757,10^6 IU/mL C71188,Million Organisms C71191,Million Organisms per Gram; Million Organisms/g C71193,Million Organisms per Milligram; Million Organisms/mg C71196,Million Organisms per Milliliter; Million Organisms/mL C98760,10^6 RNA copies/mL C67310,Million U; Million Units C130189,10^6/Ejaculate U C98758,10^6/g C98759,10^6/hpf C67452,1/mm3; 1/uL; 10^3/mL; M/L; Mega/L C98786,10^6/dL C105489,10^2/mm3; 10^2/uL; 10^5/mL C68897,Billion CFU; Billion Colony Forming Units C68901,Billion CFU/g; Billion Colony Forming Units per Gram C68905,Billion CFU/mL; Billion Colony Forming Units per Milliliter C71189,Billion Organisms C71192,Billion Organisms per Gram; Billion Organisms/g C71194,Billion Organisms per Milligram; Billion Organisms/mg C71197,Billion Organisms per Milliliter; Billion Organisms/mL C122200,10^12/kg; 10^3/ug; 10^6/mg C67255,1/nL; 10^3/mm3; 10^3/uL; 10^6/mL; G/L; GI/L; Giga per Liter C73686,Absorbance Unit C73687,Absorbance Unit per Minute C126078,Absorbance U/mL C77534,Arbitrary Fluorescence Unit C64553,Attogram C70500,Antigen Unit per Milliliter C68855,Attomole C42536,Ampere C48473,Ampule Dosing Unit C64559,Atomic Mass Unit C122201,Anson U C70497,Anti-Xa Activity International Unit C70498,Anti-Xa Activity International Unit per Milliliter C111129,Antibody Unit C122202,Immunoglobin A Phospholipid Units; [APL'U] C117965,Immunoglobin A Phospholipid Units per Milliliter UNIT Page 99

C25397,Application Dosing Unit C75765,Arbitrary U C54711,Atmosphere C70504,Allergy Unit per Milliliter C48474,Bag Dosing Unit C48475,Bar Dosing Unit C70505,Bioequivalent Allergy Unit C116235,Bioequivalent Allergy Unit per Milliliter C116231,Biological Unit per Milliliter C129002,BEAM BREAKS C49673,Beats per Minute C71200,Bel C111139,Biscuit Dosing Unit C111140,BLOCKS C48476,Bolus Dosing Unit C48477,Bottle Dosing Unit C48478,Box Dosing Unit C132477,BASE PAIRS C42562,Becquerel C70522,Becquerel per Gram C70521,Becquerel per Kilogram C71165,Becquerel per Liter C70524,Becquerel per Milligram; Kilobecquerel per Gram; kBq/g C71167,Becquerel per Milliliter; Kilobecquerel per Liter; kBq/L C70523,Becquerel per Microgram; Bq/mcg; Kilobecquerel per Milligram; MBq/g; Megabecquerel per Gram; kBq/mg C71166,Becquerel per Microliter; Kilobecquerel per Milliliter; MBq/L; Megabecquerel per Liter; kBq/mL C49674,Breaths per Minute C117966,Bethesda Unit C117967,Bethesda Unit per Milliliter C42559,Degree Celsius C67193,Calorie C48479,Can Dosing Unit C102405,Capful Dosing Unit C64696,Caplet Dosing Unit C48480,Capsule Dosing Unit; cap C48481,Cartridge Dosing Unit C70535,50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose per Dose C120845,50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose per Milliliter C42538,Candela C122203,cd*s/m2 C122204,cd/m2 C68898,Colony Forming Unit per Gram C68902,Colony Forming Unit per Milliliter C64554,Centigram C64693,Centigray C48466,Curie C70528,Curie per Gram; Microcurie per Microgram; Millicurie per Milligram; mCi/ UNIT Page 100 mg; uCi/ug C70529,Curie per Kilogram; Microcurie per Milligram; Millicurie per Gram; mCi/g; uCi/mg C71170,Curie per Liter; Microcurie per Microliter; uCi/uL C70531,Curie per Milligram; Millicurie per Microgram; mCi/ug C71172,Curie per Milliliter C70530,Ci/mcg; Curie per Microgram C71171,Ci/mcL; Curie per Microliter C116244,Cigar Dosing Unit C116245,Cigarette Dosing Unit C69087,Centiliter C49668,Centimeter C91060,cm H2O C105481,Centimeters per Minute C102406,cm/sec C48460,Square Centimeter C135518,cmH2O*s/mL C135519,cmH2O*s2/mL C135520,cmH2O/mL C147129,Centimeter of Mercury C68687,Centimole C68886,Millimoles per Deciliter; mmol/dL C48483,Coat Dosing Unit C48484,Container Dosing Unit C100900,copies/mL C126079,copies/ug C116237,copies/uL C42550,Coulomb C69092,Centipoise C73688,Counts per Minute C105482,10^-2 sec; Centisecond; csec C54703,Cup Dosing Unit C114242,Grating Cycles per Centimeter; cpcm C71176,Cycle per Minute C71480,Cycle per Second C48489,Cylinder Dosing Unit C70501,D Antigen Unit C70502,D Antigen Unit per Milliliter C105483,Decamole per Liter; Moles per Deciliter; mol/dL C25301,DAYS C102407,Decibel C68667,Degree Unit of Plane Angle C100899,Diopter C48490,Disk Dosing Unit C64697,Deciliter C68685,Decimole C98719,DNA Copies per Milliliter C73710,Disintegrations per Minute C120846,Disintegrations per Minute per 0.5 Milliliter UNIT Page 101

C117968,Disintegrations per Minute per 100 milligrams; dpm/cg C117969,Disintegrations per Minute per Milligram C117970,Disintegrations per Minute per Milliliter C64564,Dram C69441,Drip C48492,Drum Dosing Unit C70470,Dyne C122205,EIA value; Enzyme Immunoassay Unit C70533,50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose per Dose C120847,50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose per Milliliter C130046,Ejaculate U C68875,Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit C68876,Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit per Dose C68877,Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit per Milliliter C64778,Enzyme Unit C154856,Enzyme Unit per Gram of Hemoglobin C147130,Enzyme Unit/L C156467,Enzyme U/m2 C67273,Equivalent Weight C96599,EU/dL; Ehrlich Units C150901,EVENTS C44277,Degree Fahrenheit C42552,Farad C96649,Fibrinogen Equivalent Units C64552,Femtogram C71321,Fingertip Dosing Unit C64780,Cubic Micrometer; Cubic Micron; Femtoliter; um3 C68854,Femtomole C73711,Femtomole per Gram C68887,Femtomole per Liter C122206,Femtomoles per Liter per Second C48577,Fluid Ounce Imperial C48494,Fluid Ounce US C105484,Proportion of 1 C106524,F/s; FPS; Frames per Second; Frames/sec C71253,Foot C48461,Square Foot C68859,Standard Cubic Foot C48155,Gram C73713,Gram per Animal C73714,Gram per Animal per Day C73715,Gram per Animal per Week C73716,Gram per Cage C73717,Gram per Cage per Day C73718,Gram per Cage per Week C71201,Gram per Square Centimeter C67372,g/24h C64783,Gram per Deciliter; g% C70453,mg/mg UNIT Page 102

C73720,Gram per Gram per Day C69104,Gram per Kilogram; Milligram per Gram; mg/g; ug/mg C66975,Gram per Kilogram per Day; Milligram per Gram per Day; mg/g/day C42576,Gram per Liter; Kilogram per Cubic Meter; Microgram per Microliter; Milligram per Milliliter; g/L; kg/m3; mg/mL; ug/uL C67282,Gram per Square Meter C73722,Gram per Square Meter per Day C73721,mg/mmol C68915,Gauss C70513,Gigabecquerel C70525,Gigabecquerel per Gram; Kilobecquerel per Microgram; kBq/ug C70527,Gigabecquerel per Milligram; MBq/mcg; MBq/ug; Megabecquerel per Microgram C70526,GBq/mcg; Gigabecquerel per Microgram; MBq/ng; Megabecquerel per nanogram C91803,GLOBULE C130190,gpELISA unit/mL C67347,Immunoglobin G Phospholipid Units; [GPL'U] C117971,Immunoglobin G Phospholipid Units per Milliliter C48497,Grain C73772,Gravitational Unit C48491,Metric Drop C18063,Gray C139131,h*% C42558,Henry C116232,Histamine Equivalent Prick Unit C48498,Homeopathic Dilution Unit C94908,HU C25529,Hours; h; hr C105487,Hectopascal C42545,Hertz C154854,Hz/sec C48499,Implant Dosing Unit C48500,Inch C68871,Square Inch C48501,Inhalation Dosing Unit C48579,IE; International Unit C85645,IU/day C120848,IU/dL C70493,International Unit per Gram C122207,IU/g Hb C67379,International Unit per Kilogram C71209,International units per Kilogram per Hour C67376,IE/L; IU/L; International Unit per Liter; mIU/mL C67380,International Unit per Milligram C67377,IE/mL; International Unit per Milliliter; Kilo International Unit per Liter; kIU/L C122208,IU/mmol C48502,Jar Dosing Unit C42548,Joule C42537,Kelvin UNIT Page 103

C122209,ka_u/dL C48503,Kallikrein Inhibitor Unit C42566,Katal C70511,Kilobecquerel C71168,GBq/L; Gigabecquerel per Liter; Kilobecquerel per Microliter; MBq/mL; Megabecquerel per Milliliter C67194,Kilogram-Calorie C139135,kcal/day C105491,Kilodalton; Kilounified Atomic Mass Unit; ku C28252,Kilogram C120849,kg/cm C69094,Kilogram per Square Centimeter C64566,Gram per Milliliter; Kilogram per Liter; g/mL; gram/mL; kg/L; mg/uL C49671,Kilogram per Square Meter C122210,g/mmol C67279,kilohertz C48504,Kit Dosing Unit C70492,Kilo International Unit C71177,Kilometer C71203,Kilometer Per Hour C92615,Kilonewton per Centimeter Squared; kdyn/cm2 C67284,Kilopascal C105492,Pa/mL/sec C105493,10^3 sec; Kilosecond; ksec C71202,Kilo United States Pharmacopeia Unit C48505,Liter C69110,L/day C69160,L/h C105494,(L/h)/m2; L/h/m2 C73725,L/kg; mL/g C105495,Liter per Liter; dL/dL; mL/mL; uL/uL C67388,L/min C105496,(L/min)/m2; L/min/m2 C67390,L/sec C139133,L/s/kPa C48531,Pound C139134,Linear Foot-pound; Linear Pounds Feet; Linear ft*lbf C42560,Lumen C70480,Log10 50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose per Dose C70485,Log10 50 Percent Cell Culture Infective Dose per Dose C102658,log10 CFU/g C102659,log10 CFU/mL C117972,log10 copies/mL C68878,Log10 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit C68879,Log10 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Unit per Dose C116238,log10 IU/mL C70489,Log10 50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective Dose per Dose C132478,Log10 50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective Dose per Milliliter C132479,Log10 50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective Dose per Microliter UNIT Page 104

C48506,Lozenge Dosing Unit C42561,Lux C41139,Meter C42571,Meter Per Second C42572,m/sec2 C42569,Square Meter C42570,Cubic Meter C139130,Minimum Alveolar Concentration 50% C122211,mAnson U/mL C70512,Megabecquerel C71169,GBq/mL; Gigabecquerel per Milliliter; Megabecquerel per Microliter C48511,Millicurie C70570,Microcurie per Gram; Millicurie per Kilogram; uCi/g C71174,Microcurie per Milliliter; Millicurie per Liter; uCi/mL C48512,Milliequivalent C67471,Milliequivalents per Day C67473,Milliequivalent per Deciliter C70580,Milliequivalent Per Gram C67475,Milliequivalent Per Kilogram C67474,Milliequivalent Per Liter; Millivalent per Liter; mval/L C73737,Milliequivalent per Milliliter C92616,Milliequivalent per Millimole C70581,Milliequivalent Per Microgram; mEq/mcg C70578,Milliequivalent Per Microliter C96691,Molecules of Equivalent Soluble Fluorochromes C127805,Metabolic Equivalent of Task C127806,MET*h C127807,MET*min C96687,Median Fluorescence Intensity C28253,Milligram C73738,Milligram per Animal C124456,mg/cm2 C67399,mg/day C67015,Milligram per Deciliter; mg% C124457,mg/dose C73740,Milligram per Gram per Hour C73741,Milligram per Gram per Minute C66969,mg/h C67401,Milligram per Kilogram; ug/g C66976,Milligram per Kilogram per Day C124458,mg/kg/dose C71362,Milligram per Kilogram per Hour C71207,Milligram per Kilogram per Minute C64572,Gram per Cubic Meter; Microgram per Milliliter; Milligram per Liter; g/ m3; mcg/mL; mg/L; ng/uL; ug/mL C67402,Milligram per Square Meter C66974,Milligram per Square Meter per Day C73743,Milligram per Square Meter per Hour C73744,Milligram per Square Meter per Minute UNIT Page 105

C73742,mg/min C67403,Milligram per Milliliter per Minute C120843,ug/mmol C122212,mg2/dL2 C156468,Milligram Equivalent C67314,Megahertz C71183,International Mile C48154,Minute C67405,Micro-International Unit per milliliter; mIE/L; mIU/L; mcIU/mL; uIU/mL C116241,mJoule/cm2 C70507,Millikatal C28254,Milliliter; cm3 C135521,mL*cmH2O C130191,mL/(min*100mL) C154855,mL/100g/min C73746,Milliliter per Animal C73747,Milliliter per Animal per Day C73748,Milliliter per Animal per Week C127808,mL/beat C73749,Milliliter per Breath C73750,Milliliter per Cage C73751,Milliliter per Cage per Day C73752,Milliliter per Cage per Week C105503,Milliliter per Centimeter; dL/m C98755,mL/cm H2O C67410,mL/day C105504,Milliliters per Deciliter C124459,mL/dose C73755,(L/day)/kg; (mL/day)/g; mL/g/day C73756,(L/h)/kg; (mL/h)/g; mL/g/h C73757,(L/min)/kg; (mL/min)/g; mL/g/min C66962,mL/h C67411,mL/kg C73758,(mL/day)/kg; mL/kg/day C73759,(mL/h)/kg; mL/kg/h C73760,(mL/min)/kg; mL/kg/min C73761,mL/m2 C66977,Milliliter per Square Meter per Day C73762,Milliliter per Square Meter per Hour C73763,Milliliter per Square Meter per Minute C64777,mL/min C67412,mL/min/1.73m2 C67417,Milliliter per Minute per Torr C106542,Milliliters per Millimeter of Mercury C67418,mL/mmHg/min/L C69073,mL/sec C105505,mL/sec/1.73m2 C28251,Millimeter C105509,Millimeters per Two Hours UNIT Page 106

C67419,Millimeter per Hour C105507,Millimeters per Minute C105508,Millimeters per Second C65104,Square Millimeter C126080,mm3/mm2/year C150898,Millimeters of Aluminum Equivalents C49670,Millimeter of Mercury C150900,Hybrid Resistance Units; Wood Units C105506,mmHg/L/min C73764,Millimeter of Mercury per Second C48513,Millimole C67420,mmol/day C68740,Millimole per Gram C68892,Millimole per Kilogram C64387,Micromole per Milliliter; Millimole per Liter; Mole per Cubic Meter; mcmol/mL; mmol/L; mol/m3; nmol/uL; umol/mL C116242,mmol/min/kPa C67423,mmol/min/kPa/L C111253,mmol/mol C85723,Millimoles per Second; mmol/sec C122213,mmol2/L2 C132480,MilliMerck Unit per Milliliter C127809,Millinewton C42539,Mole C85737,mol/day C68893,mmol/mg C48555,Mole per Liter; mmol/mL; mol/L C68894,Mole per Milligram C68891,Mole per Milliliter C70455,Mole per Mole; mmol/mmol C29846,Month C67318,Milliosmole C67427,Milliosmole per Kilogram C122214,mOsm/L C73765,Millipascal C105500,Miles per Hour C67348,Immunoglobin M Phospholipid Units; [MPL'U] C117973,Immunoglobin M Phospholipid Units per Milliliter C41140,Millisecond C122215,mU/g C67408,uU/mL C67324,Millivolt C105512,Millivolt * Minutes C122216,uV/msec C114241,Millivolt Squared per Hertz; Millivolt^2/Hertz C67352,Nanocurie C71204,Nebule Dosing Unit C101687,NEEDLE GAUGE C42546,Newton UNIT Page 107

C48516,Nanogram C85741,ng/day C67326,Nanogram per Deciliter C67327,Microgram per Cubic Meter; ng/L; pg/mL; ug/m3 C130192,ngEq/L C154680,Normalized Fluorescence Intensity Unit; Normalized Intensity Unit; Normalized Relative Fluoresence Intensity Unit C70508,Nanokatal C70510,Nanokatal per Liter C69188,Nanoliter C67328,Nanometer C48517,Nanomole C117974,Nanomoles Bone Collagen Equivalents per Liter C118137,Nanomoles Bone Collagen Equivalents per Millimole C122217,Nanomoles Bone Collagen Equivalents per Nanomole C85751,nmol/day C85752,nmol/g; pmol/mg; umol/kg C67432,Nanomole per Liter; pmol/mL C122218,pmol/mL/h C122219,nmol*min/L; pmol/mL/min C92613,Nanomole per Milliliter per Minute C122220,pmol/mmol C73767,Nanosecond C105513,Nanounit per Centiliter C73681,OD; OD_Unit; Optical Density Unit C42554,Ohm C130193,Opsonization Index 50% C67330,Osmole C48519,Ounce C154857,Poise C74924,/Year; Every Year; Per Annum; Per Year C42547,Pascal C62653,PACK C73993,Pack Year C48520,Pack Dosing Unit; Package Dosing Unit C48521,Packet Dosing Unit C48524,Patch Dosing Unit C48525,Pellet Dosing Unit C67264,Plaque Forming Unit C122221,PFU/animal C71198,Plaque Forming Unit per Dose C71199,Plaque Forming Unit per Milliliter C64551,Picogram C67331,Picogram per Deciliter C85597,fg/mL; pg/L C127810,PHERESIS UNIT C116246,Pipe Dosing Unit C48367,PIXEL C114238,PPCM; Pixels per Centimeter UNIT Page 108

C114239,PPI; Pixels per Inch C70509,Picokatal C122222,Picokatal per Liter C69189,Picoliter C69148,Picometer C65045,Picomole C122223,pmol/10^10 cells C122224,pmol/10^9 cells C122225,pmol/day C122226,Picomoles per Deciliter C85754,nmol/kg; pmol/g C67434,Femtomole per Milliliter; Picomole per Liter; fmol/mL C122227,Picomoles per Liter per Hour C116236,Protein Nitrogen Unit per Milliliter C113499,POINT C48530,Pouch Dosing Unit C70565,Part per Billion C48523,Part per Million C69112,Part per Thousand C70566,Parts per Trillion C48532,Pressor Unit C73768,Picosecond C67334,Pounds per Square Inch C69114,British Pint; Imperial Pint C48529,US Pint C65060,Puff Dosing Unit C48590,Quantity Sufficient C18064,Rad C44256,RATIO C77535,Relative Fluorescence Intensity Unit; Relative Fluorescence Unit C62609,Ring Dosing Unit C67441,RNA Copies per Milliliter C70575,Roentgen C70469,Revolution per Minute C139132,s*kPa C150899,Seconds per Hour; sec/hr C130194,s^-1(%O2)^-1 C71324,Sachet dosing unit C116233,Standardized Biological Unit per Milliliter C68858,Standard Cubic Meter C48536,Scoopful Dosing Unit C42535,Second C120850,SFU/10^6 PBMC; Spots/10^6 PBMC C112433,Shockwave Dosing Unit C42555,Siemens C48537,Spray Dosing Unit C116234,Standardized Quality Unit per Milliliter C111318,STEPS C48538,Strip Dosing Unit UNIT Page 109

C48539,Suppository Dosing Unit C42553,Sievert C48540,Syringe Dosing Unit C48542,Tablet Dosing Unit; tab C48543,Tampon Dosing Unit C48541,Tablespoon Dosing Unit C70537,50 Percent Tissue Culture Infective Dose per Dose C42557,Tesla C67454,titer C112423,Torr C48547,Trace Dosing Unit C124460,TRANSDUCING UNIT C124461,TRANSDUCING UNIT/mL C48548,Troche Dosing Unit C48544,Teaspoon Dosing Unit C48549,Tube Dosing Unit C65132,Tuberculin Unit C70506,Tuberculin Unit per Milliliter C44278,Unit C120851,CARR U; Carratelli Unit C122228,U/10^12 RBC C73773,Unit per Animal C105520,Unit per Centiliter C105521,Unit per Deciliter C77606,Unit per Gram C105522,U/g Hb C73774,Unit per Gram per Day C73775,Unit per Gram per Hour C73776,Unit per Gram per Minute C67465,Unit per Kilogram C73777,Unit per kilogram per Day C73778,Unit per Kilogram per Hour C73779,Unit per Kilogram per Minute C67456,Unit per Liter; mU/mL C67467,Unit per Square Meter C73783,Unit per Square Meter per Day C73784,Unit per Square Meter per Hour C73785,Unit per Square Meter per Minute C73780,Unit per Milligram C77607,Unit per Milliliter C92618,Unit per Millimole C48507,Microcurie; mcCi C70571,Microcurie per Kilogram; mcCi/kg C71173,Microcurie per Liter; mcCi/L C73726,Microequivalent C117975,Microequivalent per Liter; Nanoequivalent per Milliliter; nEq/mL C48152,Microgram; mcg C73728,Microgram per Animal C67311,mcg/cm2 UNIT Page 110

C71205,mcg/day C67305,Microgram per Deciliter C124462,ug/dose C74921,Microgram per Gram per Day C74922,Microgram per Gram per Hour C74923,Microgram per Gram per Minute C67394,mcg/h C67396,Microgram per Kilogram; mcg/kg; ng/g; pg/mg; ug/kg C73729,Microgram per Kilogram per Day C73730,Microgram per Kilogram per Hour C71210,Gamma per Kilogram per Minute; Microgram per Kilogram per Minute; gamma/ kg/min; mcg/kg/min C67306,Microgram per Liter; Milligram per Cubic Meter; Nanogram per Milliliter; mcg/L; mg/m3; ng/mL; ug/L C122229,ng/mL/h C67312,Microgram per Square Meter C73787,Microgram per Square Meter per Day C73727,Microgram per Square Meter per Hour C73733,Microgram per Square Meter per Minute C71211,mcg/min C75905,Microgram per Milliliter per Hour C105497,Microgram Equivalent C122230,ngEq/mL C124463,uIU/dL C124464,uIU/L C70562,Microkatal; mckat C124465,mckat/10^12 RBC C67397,Microkatal per Liter; mckat/L C48153,Microliter; mcL; mm3 C124466,uL/dose C132481,(uL/day)/kg; uL/kg/day C69175,Microliter per Milliliter; mL/L; mcL/mL C48510,Micron; mcm C126081,um/day C154858,Micrometers per Second; micron/sec; um/sec C73770,MicroSquare Meter C48509,Micromole; mcmol C67406,mcmol/day C67407,umol/dL C124467,umol/h/mmol C126082,umol/kg/min C48508,nmol/mL C124468,umol/L/h C120852,umol/L/min C105498,Micromoles per Liter per Second C73735,Micromole per Milligram per Minute C85708,mcmol/min C122231,nmol/mmol C73736,Microosmole UNIT Page 111

C69149,Microsecond C154859,uS C124469,uU/dL C124470,uU/L C71175,Microvolt; mcV C105499,Microvolt * Seconds C42551,Volt C105524,V/s; Volt per Second C67469,volume fraction C124471,Vector Genomes/dose C124472,Vector Genomes/mL C48551,Vial Dosing Unit C114237,VIRTUAL PIXEL C124473,Viral Particles/dose C124474,Viral Particles/mL C48552,Wafer Dosing Unit C42549,Watt C42556,V*sec; Volt Second; Volt-second; Weber C29844,Week C48553,Yard C29848,Year VSPOS Page 112


Codelist Name: Vital Signs Position of Subject Description: A terminology subset of the CDISC SDTM Position codelist created for CDASH Vital Signs Position of Subject codelist. (NCI)

C62122,Sitting C62166,Standing C62167,Supine