
"SHRr Gunuv,tt NAMAH" PaeotcrroNsTunoueu Honanv

By Dr. Shri Chand Kursija

Bhartiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan Delhi FOREWORD

I haratiya PrachyaEvam SanatanVigyan Sansthan 'is (Regd.) involved in the fulfilment of Educational, Scientific, Social, Cultural Intellectual, Aesthetic, Spiritual, Occult and psychic needsof the people irrespectiveof caste,creed and colour. One of the aims of the Sansthanis to promote budding writers by publishing Souveniers,Journals and books. The book in your handsis authoredby Dr. S. C. Kursija, a well known, qualified Homeopathic doctor, who passedJyotish Praveenaand Jyotisha Visharadafrom I.C.A.S. (Regd.)Chennai, precently he is a member of Faculty of Delhi chapter I, ICAS,Chennai.Recently he has beenawarded a title of Jyotisha Kovida by ICAS, chennai,for his servicesto through writing of articles and teachings.He is a dedictaedstudent, teacher and researcherin astrology. he has written this book keeping in mind not only the needsof the studentsbut also hints to give accuratepredictions by the astrologers.He has tried to cover all topics on which any query can be receivedby an astrologer.He has also eloboratedthe principles through practical illustrations taken from his personaldata. t "t"\r i] li ji!'

After goingthrough the book you wilt certainly feelthat he hasreally brought crcdits t. his tcachers by remembering,using in prlcticc and arlctine experienced principles (combinutions) to th; knowledgeacquired by him as a studcnt.

, M.N. Kedrr (Sccrctary(jcneral B.P.E.S.V.Sansthan) CONTENTS

Acxxowt,EDGEMENTS Fonewono Pnrnacn Ixtnonucrton

. Chapters Page No. l. Astrologer& His Duties 2l 2. Characterstics& Classification of Signs 26 3. :Characterstics & Classification 35 4. Aspect/ Drishti in Prashar'sView 53 5. Yogas 59 6. Significations of Houses 7l 7. Nature of Query 8l 8. The Strengthof Lagna & Houses 90 9. Timing & Fructification of Events 96 10. Patient& Diseases 106 I l. Traveller & Travelling l3l 12. Thief & Recoveryof missing articles ls8 13. Marriage 192 l4 Progeny 204 -": ,lir Chapters Page No. \ 15. To specifythe objecthidden in fist 222 16. Litigationsor Disputesin court Z2g 17. Profit or Loss 237 18. Employer& Employee 259 19. Politics 264 20. Miscellaneous 269


l\ ff uny books on Horary astrology are available IYIin the market. One more book on Horary Astrology shouldnot be a burden.I do not claim to present something totally new to the readers but readerswould certainly find the book more useful becausethe books which are in the market are more or less translationof classicalbooks. The classical books were written thousandsof years ago, some principles of which may not be relevant to modern works. There were villages, small Kingdoms and the main profession was agriculture depending on weather.So our savantsof Astrology had written their books to meet the requirementsof thosedays. I have presentedthe book to solvethe presentday problems. The interpretationsof signs, bhavasand the in this book are somewhat different from that of classical books though they are based on the classical books, viz. Mercury represents recommendationsor Saturn representslabour etc. However I have kept the classicaltext intact. I have taken the principles of Predictive Astrology and combinedthem with Tajik and Transits to time the events. Tajika shastragives clear inunciations regarding the results of retrograde, combustand debilitatedplace which in turn give good results in solving the query and timing the events.I I2 Pred i ct i tt nl fhrou gh H orary have not taken the principles of con.iunction, oppositionand squareas maleficaspects. However, the predictiveprinciples that the effect of aspects varies with the natural benefic or malefic planet holds good.It is not only the distancebetween the two planetswhich gives benefic or malefic results but it is the inherentnatural quality of the planets, ownershipof the houseand their positionin the chart which givesbenefic or maleficresults. The signsand the houseshave their own importance.So the principle of Predictive Astrology has its own importanceand relevance. In writing the book I have tried my best not to make it too technical or complicatedthough the subject is not so simple. One ought to know the principle of Predictive Astrology. The Horary Astrology is an essentialingredient of predictive Astrology, though it hasits own limitation. We cannot predictabout whole life of the nativethrough horary astrology.The HoraryAstrology is basedon the birth chart cast for the time of the query. It answersthe queriesas a whole in totality. It can tell the height, colour, age of the thief. The thief will be caughtor not, thepolice will helpus or not etc.So it is limited to particularquery, not to the eventsof whole life of the native.But this type of problemscannot be solved with thehelp of PredictiveAstrology. Both havetheir own limitations.So I haveused the scienceof Horary and PredictiveAstrology as complementary. In the bookson Horary,available in the market, iittte attentionhas been paid to the illustrations.I have tried to supplementthe principles with examplesfrom my own experience.I have tried to make this book Predictions t hrough Horary I3

more useful for the beginnersand professionalsas well. ' I do not claim infallibility. In fact I have given what has been my own experience in Horary Astrologyto the readers.I am likely to facecriticism. But constructivecriticism is welcome,as it will help one to improve ones knowledge.Therefore, any correspondencein this regard is alwayswelcome.

Delhi Dr. Shri Chand Kursija r5. r .2000 BA/45B,Phase I, Ashok Vihar,Delhi-I 10052. Ph.:7247360/7420423 \\ .'' t li INTRODUCTION

p redictive astrology and,Horary astrology are I complementary to each other and not contradictory. They supplement each others deficiency. In PredictiveAstrology we cast the birth chart, calculate dasha and antardasha,observe the transit and on the data available predict the period running to the native. It may be benefic period or malefic period resulting in illness, loss through fire, theft or accident etc. The principles of predictive Astrology indicate the life of the native as a whole, his relation with father, mother, brothers, wife and children; his successand failures, his achievements and name, fame etc. his past and presentkarma i.e. ' about his future. On the other hand Horary Astrology indicates the particular query. The Horary chart is erectedfor the moment of query on the basis of the principles of Astrology. The signs,houses of Horary astrology have the same indications as that of thl Predictive Astrology with slight difference in interpreting their effects, such as the movable signs indicate the displacementof the query, change is to take place accordingto the query that hasbeen made. Supposeone desiresto know whether his marriage will take placeand movable sign occupiesthe lagna, the movable sign in the lagna, indicatesthe change in the status of the native. If the patient enquires 16 Pr"dt"rt.^ rn, , whetherhe will be cured of the diseaseor not, the moveablesign in lagna indicatesthe changein his presentstatus i.e. he will be cured.But if it is a fixed sign, there will be no changein his presentstatus. He may not be cured.Similarly there are differences in significationsof housesalso. In Horary Astrology such as in casesof doctorsand patientsquery, the lagna indicate the doctor, 4th indicates medicines,7th houseindicates diseases and lOth house indicates patient himself. In predictive astrologythe lagna indicatesthe native, here the querent.There is no diff'erencebetween the nativeand querent. Similarly 4th house indicate Sukha, happinessderived by the native in Predictive astrology.In the medicalhorary astrologyit indicates the medicinewhich givesrelief from the diseasesi.e. sukha.The 7th houseindicates partner or spouseof the nativein predictiveastrology. In Horary astrology 7th houseindicates the opponentsor diseasebecause the querenthas to take actionor deal with the disease. Similarly lOth houseindicates the patientwho does karma,takes medicine and takesprecautions etc. But in PredictiveAstrology, the houseof diseaseis 6th house.So I havetaken 6th and 7th houseas houses of disease. Thereare somelearned astrologers according to whom one should not take lagna as Doctor. In case of other querieswe take Lagnaas querrent.Why there is an exception in the case of a patient and his recovery?It is well knownfact that in caseof patient and disease,the patient may die when one of the following combinationis present. (l) Lord of 6 and8th positedin Lagna. , 1{ \ I' re dictions t hr ough H orary l7

(2) Lord of 8th is in Lagna. (3) Lord of Lagnais in 8th from the Moon. "If we treat Lagna as doctor then the doctor should die not the patient." Why has Lagna been treatedas doctor by our sages?If we keep inherent spirit of the lagna in our mind we will find that to treat the Lagna as doctor is not incorrect because the Lagna is opponentto significationsof the 7th house.The doctor is also opponentto the diseases as he treatsto quell the diseases.Hence considering Lagna as doctor is correct. There is no need therefore,to changethe significationsof the houses. I would like to submit belore the readers that as the Lagna indicatesthe native the Lagna of a Horary Chart should indicate the query not the querrent.The chart cast for the moment of query shouldbe dealt with as the birth chartof the query. Wheneverone examines the samequery of the native, the samechart should be examinedas the birth chart. Becauseit is the principle of Horary astrologythat if the querrentputs the query on behalf of someone elset-hen the astrologershould know the relationship between the two, the querrent and about whom the query is put suchas the querentwants to know about his son.Therefore the 5th houseof the Horary chart should be taken as the Lagna. The querrentmay put the query about his wife then treat the 7th house as Lagna and so on. But in case of natal chart this principle is not applied. Whoever shows the natal chart,the natal chartrepresents the native.Similarly I l'eelthat whoevermay put the query,the horary chart lhould representthe query and the Lagna of the horary chart should be treated as the query not the 18 Pre d ic ri ons I hr ough I I orary

querrent.In this way we havepersonified the query. The Goddessof Knowledge,Saraswati has given birth to querynot querrent.It shouldnot be confusedwith the significationsof the query.The significationsof the housesand significatorshould be treatedas it is in Horary Astrology. In Horary Astrology there are two major factors for which querentconsults an astrologer (l) The statusof the query. (2) When the querywill materialise/fructify. The SageParashara has clearly stated in his book "Brihat ParasharHora" chapter100 Shloka 41,42 and 43 as under: (l) If all benefic planets(Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Lord of trikona)are positedin I, 3, 5, 6, 7,9, 10, l1 (not in Znd, 4th,8th and l2th) and not in inimical signor debilitated,the native will havegain of wealth,the patientgets cure or will result in fulfilment of the objectof query. (2) If the malefic planetsare positedin abovesaid housesand are not posited in their own signs, 5 exaltedor friendly signs,the objectof query is not fulfilled. (3) Treat the significationhouses as Lagna. (a) If the beneficplanets are positedin 8th or 12thfrom that Lagna. (b) No maleficplanet is positedin 8th or 12th from that Lagna. , (c) Lord of the signis positedin thatLagna. (d) The beneficplanets are positedin Kendra 'r or trikona from that House,the object of P re d ic ! ions t hr ough Hor ary I9

query is fulfilled (that Lagna means the houseof signification). In this way he has simplified Horary Astrology. According to systemof Tajik, the objectof query is fulfilled if : i) The lord of lagna aspectsthe lagna and the significatoraspects the houseof signification. ii) If the significator aspectthe lagna and the lagna lord aspectsthe houseof signification. iii) If the lord of lagnaand the significatoraspects eachother or have ithasala. iv) If the lord of lagna is positedin the houseof significatorand the significationis positedin lagna. Horary Astrology thus solvesall problem in the fulfilment of the qbjectof query. The next factor of timing the eventhas become the hard nut to crack. According to some learned astrologers,the timing of the eventdepends on the navamshaof the lagna lord. According to others timing of the eventsdepends on thesignificator etc. I havetried my bestto discussthe topicin the chapter of "Fructification and Timing". I hope the readers will find the sameas useful. The book has beenwritten keepingin view the lequirementsof the studentsand the professionals as well as I havetried to discussevery aspect of human lil'c.But it is not exhaustive.Some topics may havebeen lell knowingly,such as number of children,character of wilc, rain etc.,because I find them irrelevantin present cnvironmentof the society,planning of family and thc spaceavailable. According to someastrologers, the number of childrenetc. is predetermined.But I feel that one can controland plan family by gaining knowledgeof naturallaws. A man haspower of free will which can be exercisedby havingknowledge of natural laws. The story of developmentof human societyfrom primitive stageto presentstage is the clear exampleof useof powerof free will. The humanbeing consistsof body andthe spirit, the Atma andthe Chetan. By gaining the knowledgeof natural laws and developingthe power of the Chetan,the Atma, on whom no naturallaw is applicable,one can bring the heavenon the Earth, Rama-Rajyafor commonman of the societywhere he will be happy,contented materially, spirituallyand environmentally. The harmoniousdevelopment of body,mind and spirit is the aim of educationand society.The natural laws are fixed and applicableonly on Matter. By gainingthe knowledgeof laws of nature,the man can conquerthe natureand make his life comfortable.But the thirst of the spirit will remain unsatisfied.He has to seekpeace of mind, the natural laws are not applicableon the spirit. One has to turn himself to innerself, Body and Spirit. The Materialism and Spiritualismare the two exfiemities.The extremity of the both is injuriousto society,for the development of societyand for the defenceof the society.It is the history of Hindu society. Crorr"* I


\ /arahamihira and the author of PrashnaMarga V haveenumerated the virtues andcharacteristics expectedof an ideal astrologer.He shouldhail from a noblefamily, be goodlooking, wear a modestdress, shouldhave strong undeformedlimbs, truthful, free from jealousyand be unbiased. He should be engagedin worship of Gods and shouldbe thoroughlylearned in mathematics(ganita) Jatakand Samhitaof astrology. The authorof PrashnaMarga haswritten in detail ' aboutthe location,its conditionsand surroundings. It is very difficult to fulfil theseconditions in the present days. The PrashnaMarga has talked of the tips to be i usedby an astrologerto find out the query, ; ( l) Note the time of query (2) Location i (3) Flowing of breadth through the nostril of r astrologer 22 P re dic tions through H orary

(4) The articlestouched by the querist. (5) Syllablesand words uttered by the queristto put query. (6) His posture of sitting or standing,leaning, looking up or down etc. (7) Limbs touchedby him and other gestures. (8) His facial expressions- joy, grief etc. (e) Condition and colour of his dress. ( l0) Soundheard at the time of query i.e. sound is pleasant or unpleasantetc. (ll) Any other omen which increasespleasure or causesorrow. The direction from and the time at which the querrenthas come, has no meaning as the office of astrologerand his working hours are fixed. His sitting arrangementis fixed and so on. So we can rely on the flow of breadth from the nostril and sound or scene presentat the time of query.If it is pleasantto hearor to look at andheart is full ofjoy, the querywill be fulfilled otherwisenot. Many booksavailable in the market on omen i.e. shakun.One can consult thesebooks for detailed studies.But now a dayswhen there is restriction on every movementof men i.e. there is fixed time to leavehome, and catchbus to reachoffice, there is fixed entry door to enterthe chamberof the consultantand fixed hoursfor consultationsetc. We cansay therefore, ,that theseomens carry little values.In nutshellif the heart of consultantis full of joy, free from tension, worriesand illness, happy to look at the guerist,thedesrie of the querist will be fulfilled. On the contrary,the resultwill lead to sorrow. F' Pr"aiaioruthrngh Horary 23

The astrologershould answeronly one query at a time. However if there are many querist and different type of queries,one shouldanswer the first query from the lagna,2nd from the Moon, 3rd from the Sun, 4th from the Jupiter, 5th from Mercury or Venuswhoever is strongerand 6th from Mercury or Venus who is weak and 7th from Kendras and 2nd housewhich ever is vacantconsidering them as lagna. However one shouldanswer the queriesregarding one topic only of one person.

Tar DurrEs Or Qunnrsr To get the right answerfrom the astrologerthe queristshould observecertain principles in order to obtain maximum results.Oneshould approachan astrologerwith sucha devotionsimilar to a devotee of God. Unless one is sincere,astrologer can not deliver good.One should never go emptyhanded and shouldcertainly pay him his fees. He should be well dressedand approachthe astrologeron an auspiciousday in forenoon,carrying some gifts or flowers or fruits etc. One inust selecta good lunar day i.e. tithi. The following are the auspiciousdays Sunday,Monday, Wednesday, Thursdayand Friday, Lunar mansioni.e. Nakshatra as well as on beneficweek days.,when the Moon is possessedof strength i.e. from 6th tithi of Krishna Pakshato Amavasyathe Moon is weak,from lst tithi of shuklapaksha to lOth tithi of shuklapaksha the Moon possessesmedium strength,from I lth tithi of shukla pakshato 5th tithi of Krishna paksha,the Moon possessesfull strength. The auspiciousind benefic lunar tithis are those ,a prrdlrttrrr rn, except4th, 9th, l4th (therikta) 6th, gth and l2th and the Neu'Moon day. The favourablenakshatra are thoseexcept Bharani, Kritika, Ardra, Ashlesha,Magha, purva phalguni, Vishakha,Jyeshtha, Moola, Purvashadha, purva Bhadra. One shouldavoid adversetransit of Moon, Gandanta, VishaGhati, Vishti andfixed karanasand yogas viz.:, Vajra, Vyatipata etc. and yogas formed by tithi and nakshatra,Vara andnakshatra. In caseof emergency one shouldtake careof, hour only. It shouldbe auspicious. If onedesires to havetrue resultsof his queryhe must pay fees whether he may be your friend as a token of respectto the astrologerand astrology.

AsrnotocER AND Qunntsr Before giving answerto the query,the astrologer should ascertainwhether the querist is sincereand genuineor has come only for the sake of fun. Accordingto PrashnaTantra this can be ascertained on the strengthof lagna.

The intention of the qaerist is not sincere if : ' l. TheMoon is positedin lagnaand Sun, Mercury and Saturnare posited in Kendra. 2. The Moon is positedin lagna and the Saturn in Kendra,the Mercury is combust. 3. The Moon is positedin lagnaand aspectedby Mars and Mercury. 4. A strongmalefic planet is positedin lagnaand the 7th house. 5. The lagnalord and 7th lord aspectedby Moon P redict ions t hrough Horary 25

. and Jupiterwith malefic aspect. 6. The 6th lord Mars and Saturnposited in lagna. Only when the_querist is seriousand sincere, then only the truth will come out i.e. the prediction will prove to be correct. The intention of the querist is sincere :, l. If a strong benefic planet occupiesthe lagna or aspectit. 2. If the lagnalord and 7th lord are aspectedby Moon and Jupiterwith beneficaspects. 3. If a strong benefic occupiesthe 7th houseor aspectsthe 7th house. 4. If the Moon and Jupiterogcupy or are posited - in kendra or trikona 5. If the Jupiter and Mercury are posited in 7th houseor lagna 6. If the Moon and Mercury are aspectedby Jupiter or Venus... It doesnot show only the sincerityor honestyof the queristbut alsostrength of the lagna,the querist. , If lagna and lagna lord are weak or afflicted, the astrologer should not answer the query because contrary results are to follow. So before answering ony query, the strength of lagna, lagna lord and the Moon should be ascertained. Crnrr"* 2


Ar. sageshave divided the into Twelve \-,/ rashis viz. : t 'J. Mesh 2. Vrishabha 3. Mithuna 4. Karka 5. Simha ' '6. Kanya 7. Tula 8. Vrishchika ?. Dhanu '10. Makar I 1. Kumbha 12. Meena

Culntcronrsrlcs or,Srcry^swnnx rHEy,HAppEN To BE LAGNA :

!: Aries or Mesh : The lord of this sign is Mars. ,:|'... Predictions t hrough H orary 27 h The nativeis active,ambitious, bold, impulsive, rash, aggressive, argumentative, dislike subordination,uncompromising in nature, fool, hardness,quarrelsome. 2. Taurus or Vrishabh : Patience,Endurances, neither forget nor lbrgive, loyal, stubborn.The lord of this sign is Venus. 3. Gemini or Mithun : The Lord of the sign is Mercury. The native is adaptable,care free, joyous, restless,changeable, fond of travel indecisive,no rule, no habits,quick grasping power, much preventive power and good reproductiveability. 4. Cancer or Karka : The Lord of the sign is the Moon. The native is changeable,timid, good imagination,emotional, sympathetic, sensitive, talkative, diplomatic, loyal, important, very selfishand found of appreciation.There is good deal of activity. t 5. Leo or Simha : The lord of the sign is the Sun. So the native is very ambitious,Noble, large hearted, generous,kind, affectionate, very straight forward in all his dealings. Humanitarian,no evil thoughtsdignity, faith, talks less, likes flattering, $ports and h speculation.His intention and imagination is very fertile, love of music and fine art. , 6. Virgo or Kanya : The lord of the sign is Mercury. The native has goodintellectual power and follows intellectualpersuits. The native is trust worthy quite and easy going, not over ambitious.He is ever changeful,commercial 28 Predictions through Horary

instinct, methodical,practical, discriminate, food hygiene. 7 . Libra or Tula : The lord of the sign is Venus. He likes flattering and is kind and courageous. There is good power of imitation, perception and love of comparison.He is level headed, dispassionate,fertile imagination, correct inventionand fond of oppositesex. 8. Scorpio or Vrishchika : The lord of the sign is Mars. This makesone firm, determined,self reliant and is able to standalone in all odds of life. He may be abruptand plain spoken.He has love for mysticism and secretivesubjects. He has capacityfor hard work. He is very clever, over critical, impulsive, emotional and revengeful. 9. Sagittariusor Dhanu : The lord of the sign is Jupiter.It makesone quick, activeand restless. He is religiousand very sincereto his beliefs. Somedual experiencesmay be experiencedin life i.e. two idealsmay be possessingin the mind of the native at the sametime. So takesto decide.He is bold, courageous,ambitious, greedy,enthusiasm. 10. Capricorn or Makar : The nativedesires for fame, is an ambitiouspersonality. He becomes verywell knownin thefield andcircle in which he moves.He lovesto be a leaderand be at the head of things. He is economical,prudent, reasonable,thoughtful. He works patiently if disturbed gets irritated. He is sincereand honest but if afflicted become dishonest, selfish, greedy, miserly, criminal, underhand dealings. I 1. Aquarius or Kumbha : The nativeis inclined to occult sciences.He is good analystor adept . at studiesin humanenature. He is intuitive, humanitarian.He is intelligent, careful and cautious,watchful andthoughtful, new thoughts, freshideas, research mind, steadyand stubborn, inclination to scienceand researchworks. 12. Piscesor Meena : The nativeis quiet,retiring nature. There is a tendency to be silent, emotional and the native may be easily influenced. He is dreamy, contemplating, honest, outspoken,humane, forgive, forgo, forget, over-liberal, unboundedgenerosity in nature, sweettemper, social inclination.

Cl.qssrrrcATroN Signsindicates the psychologyof the native. Thev aremovable, fixed and common signs. Movable signs : Aries, Cancer,Libra and Capricorn. Fixed Signs : Taurus,Leo, Scorpio& Aquarius. h, Common or dual Signs : Gemini,Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. 1. Movable sig:r : individualsare like extrovert. They aresocial, a manof action.they like change. 2. Fixed sign : individualsare like introvert.They donot like change.They are slow andsteady premeditating and occupiedby own thought,avoid social contacts tends to turn away from reality stubborn. 3. Common sign : individualsare mixture of both. Sometime movableand other time fixed. Tarwls oF IIGNS.' o Fiery Aries,Leo, and Sagittarius. Earthy Taurus,Virgo and Capricorn. Airy Gemini,Libra andAquarius. Watery Cancer,Scorpio and Pisces. 1. Fiery Sign nativesare assertive,courageous and enthusiastic,native active and ambition Independentthinking. 2. Earthy sign natives are slow and steady,self protectiveand stubborn,selective and dissipate. They are stableand love wealth,material, power position. They are very cautious,practical, premeditatingmethodical and economical. 3. Airy sign individualsare cheerful loves music and artistic. They are gentle,amicable, courageous, sympathetic, refined in manners, humane, intellectual,fertile imagination. 4. Watery sign individualsare timid, inert and unwilling to act. They havegood imaginationbut weak constitution, psychic and emotional sensitiveand sentimental. PositiveSigns: The oddsigns namely Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittariusand Aquariusare Positiveor Male signsor Masculinesigns. They are active, assertive,enthusiastic, bold, exclusive,offensive, determined. The Negative signs: The even sign viz Taurus, Cancer,Virgo, Scorpio,Capricorn and Piscesare Negativeor Femalesigns or Even signs.They are passive,defensive, submissive. Norttrern signs: Aries to Virgo are calledNorthern signs. Southern signs: Libra to piscesare called Southern signs. Equinoctial signs: Aries and Libra are known as equinoctialsigns. Tropical signs: Cancerand Capricornare known as tropicalsigns. Fruitful signs:Cancer, Scorpio and pisces are known as fruitful signs. Theseshow success,realisation of ambition. . Semifruitful signs: Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra, Capricornare known as semifruitfulsigns. Barren Signs: Aries, Gemini,Leo, Virgo are known as the barren signs.These are not fruitful signs the attemptsmade will not succeed.No desiredresult will be achieved. Mute Signs :CancerScorpio and Piscesare known asmute sign. These have power of forbearanceor sex. Violent Signs:Ariesand Scorpioare known as the violent signs.They undertakeall enterpriseswith full courage,they do not know fear. They are bold and assertive. d f Human signs or bipeds or Nara signs: Gernini, Virgo, Libra, Aquariusand first half of Sagittarius. The biped signs are strong when they happen to be . Quadruped or Chatushpad signs: Aries, Taurus, Leo, the secondhalf of Sagittariusand the first half of Capricorn are known as the Quadruped.The Pre di ct i ons t hr ough H orary quadrupedsigns are strong when they happento be 1OthHouse. Insect signs or Keeta signs: Scorpio,is called insectsign. The Scorpiois strongin 7th House. Watery Signs: Cancer,2nd half of Capricornand Piscesare also known as watery signs.The Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius are known as dry or waterlesssigns or land resorters.Watery signs are strongin 4th house. SheershodayaSigns: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpioand Aquarius. Prishtodaya Signs: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittariusand Capricorn. UbhayodayaSigns: Pisces Signsstrong at night: (Sunset to Sunrise) are Aries, Taurus,Gemini, CanceroSagittarius and Capricorn. Signs strong during day : (Sunri'seto Sunset)I.eo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpioand,Aquarius. Signsstrong at Twilight : Pisces

Dtnncnox Aries and Taurus :- East . Gemini . SouthEast Cancer& Leo South Virgo \ SouthWest Libra & Scorpio West ' Sagittarius Northwest Capricorn& Aduarius North Pisces North East

I According to others : Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - East Taurus,Virgo andCaPricorn South Gemini, Libra andAquarius West Cancer,Scorpio and Pisce North. Signsof short Ascension:Signs from Capricornto Gemini both signs inclusive 90o on both sides of Vernal Equinox. It is known as Uttarayan. Signs of Long Ascension:Signs from Cancerto Sagittariusboth inclusive:90oon both sides Autumnal Equinox.It is known as Dakshinayan.:' NE E,c,sr ,S^E

Nonrn Soarn

F NW Wzsr SW h Short Structure: Aries, Taurusand Aquarius signs have short structureof bodY. Medium Structure: Gemini, Cancer,Sagittarius, Capricornand Pisceshave medium structure of body' Tall Structure: Leo,Virgo, Libra, Scorpio have long structureof bodY. Mineral Signs: Aries, Cancer,Libra and Capricorn' 34 Predictions t hrough H orary

VegetableSigns: Taurus, Leo, Scorpioand Aquarius. Animal Sign: Gemini,Virgo, Sagittariusand Pisces. Priestly Signs (Brahman): Cancer,Scorpio and Pisces. Warrior (Kshatriya) sign: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Trader (Vaishya) signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Servant or Labour signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Adho Mukha (Signslooking down) Signs : The signswhich the Sunoccupies and in 4th,7thand lOth sign from the Sun. Oordhva Mukha (signlooking up) signs: The 3rd, 6th, 9th and l2th signsfrom the Sun. Tiryang Mukha (the signs looking sidewaysor straight) signs: The2nd, 5th, 8th and 11thsigns from the Sun.If a file is misplaced,it canbe locatedwith the help of the aboveclassification. i Cotoun or ,SIcN,s Aries -Red Taurus -White . Gemini -Deep green Cancer -Reddishrarhite Leo -Greyistr Virgo -Combinatior/ Multiplecolours Libra - -Black Scorpio -Goldenyellow Sagittarius-Reddish Capricorn - Combinationof colours (Karbura) Aquarius -Combinationof Pisces -PureWhite colours(Babhru) Crorrr* 3


is the generalindications of the Th" following I planets: The Sun :The Sun signifies father, courage'power, vitality, personality,authority, Satwik nature' The native ruied by Sun will be of large and round face, honey coloured eyes. He is ambitious, bold, courageous,generous and kind hearted' The parts of the body indicatedby Sun are heart, brain, head, eyes,bones, chest, lungs and stomach' The Sun is lord of Sunday,the East direction' He is lord of Leo sign and getsexalted in Aries 10" and debilitatedin Libra l0o, His Mooltrikonasign is upto 20" of Leo. He does not get combust or retrograde. The Sun when afflicted indicates,arrogance' over ambitiousness,jealous, naughty, proud, irritable, showy, extravagance.If the Sun is afflicted by Venus, he has inclination towards female and suffers losses thereby. If the Sun ie afflicted by 36 P redictions thr ough H orary

Moon he is unfriendly towardswomen. He is male planet,positive, satwik and malefic rathercruel, the westernastrologers donot accept Sun as malefic. He is the father of the Universe,source of energy. He is like father who wants that his childrenshould be disciplinedand well behaved.The vedic astrologyhave accepted him asmalefic. It may be oue to great heat and burning power, otherwise they considerthe Sunas Satwik andkind heartedand one of the lagna and worshiphim. He is significator of government,head of institution, high officer, governmentat the centre.As the governmentdoesnot allow disturbancein law and order situationso the Sun doesnotallow any disturbancein his discipline in the Universe. He is like father who wants to maintainorder in his family and home. His gem is ruby, colour red, metal gold and karakaof Pitta. The Moon : SignifiesMother, mind andliquids. She indicatessoftness, satwik nature, love, passionand fertile imagination and thinking. It denotes changability,frequent journey, family life, person4l and private affairs, breastof ladies, menstruation, beauty,eyes and watery places like lakes,rivers, navigation,ocean. It likesamusements, music, arts, painting, love for pleasure. ' When the Moon is afflicted it indicatestrouble to mother, changability, unsteady,lack of mental ability and concentration,cunning,'secretive, deceitful,delay and obstacles,liar, rumour monger, extravagance,ill favour of government,authorities or superiors (when afflicted by Sun) passionate, impulsiveand animalinstinct very high. The Moon is lord of Monday, North direction. Her own house is Cancer,exalted in Taurus 3o, debilitatedin Scorpio3'Mooltrikona sign is Taurus 3oto 30o,combust at l2o anddoes not retrograde.Her friendsare Sun andMercury, no enemy,Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are neutral. It is female, cold, nocturnalstrong planet. It is beneficplanet from 11th tithi of shuklapaksha to 5th tithi of Krishnapaksha. It is weak from 6th tithi of Krishna pakshato 15th tithi both inclusive. It is of Medium strengthfrom lst tithi of shukla pakshato 10th tithi of shukla paksha.But in Horary Astrology we considerher to be benefic.No horarychart is consideredwithout the considerationof the Moon. The Gem is pearl,metal silver,colour white and karakaofkapha and vata. The partsof body denotedby Moon arethe liquid portionof body suchas blood, synovial fluid andparts tonnectedwith liquids like saliva, lymph glands, F ovaries,bladder, uterus, menstrual flow, eyes'breast, thinking, intestinesetc. It is karakaof vata and kapha' The Mars : Mars is significatorof youngerbrothers and sisters, energy, courage,bold, ambitious, impulsiveness,enthusiasm, endurance' generous, adventurousand independent,landed and immovable property, factory where fire, furnace is used' It indicatesaccident, surgery, fire, quarreland theft' When Mars is afflicted it indicates anger' quarrelsome,rashness, fond of drinks.He likes to satisfyhis sexualurge in noval way, aggressive,cheat, scoundral,thievish nature,hoarder and stubborn' 38 pr"aqmr,n,

Mars is the lord of Tuesday,South direction, lord of Aries and Scorpiosigns. He is exaltedin Capricorn 28u, debilitated in Cancer at 2go, Mooltrikonasign is Aries l" to l2o andrest is his own sign. He is combustat l7o. His friendsare Sun. Moon and Jupiter, enemy is Mercury and Neutrals are Venusand Saturn.His gem is red colouredcoral and metals are copper and gold. He is hot, fiery, masculine,tamsik planet.He is malefic by nature. He rules over bonemarrow, muscular and fibrous tissue,external sex organs,anus, kidney, gall bladder, prostrategland, sinus, ear, nose and taste. He is karka of pitta. Mercury : Mercury signifiesintelligence, mental ability, adaptabilityand good memory,the mind is activebut a little lackingin concentrationand person is liable to have so many sub-lectsin mind at a time. He is readily influencedby others.He hasgreat taste for astronomy,astrology and physical science. He has skill in arts and manufacture.He is obliging, very courteousand enthusiastic.When he is favourableand join Jupiter, he commandspersonal influence and high intellectualpower. He representslearning without instructor, travellers, mathematicians, logician, advbcate,dress maker, printer, publisher, orator, ambassador,clerk, messengers,school librdries, assemblies.When he is afflicted and unfavourable,he makesa native forgetful,sarcastic, disagreablecompassion, makes fun of others. Mercury is the lord of Wednesday,North direction, his colour is green,gemstone is emrald, metal is silver and.gold.He rules over Gemini and Virgo, exaltedin Virgo 15",debilitated in Pisces15". MooltrikonasVirgo at 15oto 20orest is his own house; when direct at l4o and when retrograde combustat l2o. His friendsare Sunand Venus' enemy is Moon and neutralsare Jupiter, Mars and Saturn' Mercury representsfunctioning of brain, speech,skin, nose, mouth, chest,tongue, memory' gall bladder,nervous system. It is karakaof Vatta, Pitta and kapha. Jupiter : A hopeful, bouyant and cheerful dispositionis given by this planet.This makes the personpopular and gainsmany friends.There is social esteemand success.All religious experiencesar.e brought about by the vibration of Jupiter. Jupiter representswisdom while Mercury indicatesintellect' If thesejoin togetheror occupyangle, they makethe personwell educatedand highly intelligent,excellent sight and speech,splendid moral and spiritual character,a generousforgiving nature,love for all which tendsto helphumanity. They arereligious and God fearing. They try to stick to tradition. Jupiter indicatesjudges, advocates,professors' priests, ministers, administrators, bankers, revenue departmentsetc. He also indicatesthose working in palaces,gardens, law courts etc. Jupiter indicates thosewho dealswith honey,oil, silk, clothing,horses and domestic'birds. When Jupiter is afflicted, it signifies extremists, liberal,lavish, extravagant, careless, disputes, gambling, vain, pomp and show, misjudgement,misfortune, poverty,law suitsand unPoPular. Jupiter is lord of Sagittarius and Pisces, representsThursday, North-East direction' He is exaltedin Cancer5", debilitatedin Capricornat 5o, Predictions t hrough Horary

Mooltrikona is Sagittariusl0o and rest is his own sign.He is combustat I1".His friendsare Sun, Moon and Mars, enemiesare Mercury and Venus,neutrals are Saturn.His gem is yellow topaz,metal is gold. He is natural beneficand male planet. Fat, liver, ear, thigh, kidney, tumours are representedby the Jupiter.He is karakaof phlegm/ kapha. Venus : Venuswhen stronglydisposed, gives a very agreeablepersonality and mind. He is a rajasikplanet. He governsall worldly concerns.He representswife, passions,cupidity, enjoyment.He governspaintings, perfumes,scents, horses and carriages,conveyance, wives and his own moral character.He is planet of extremely good taste for clothing, furniture and decorationof home and other wordly things and comforts. He likes dance,poetry, music, silken clothes,jewels, embroidery, enbracing, bed comforts, banquethalls. When Venus is afflicted,the nativeis sensuous, gratifying his sexual urge without referenceto morals or reputation.The vile women, low drinks, bestialpleasures, undignified company, gamhling and disgracefulacts becomespart of the native. She is lord of Friday, South-Eastdirection and Taurusand Libra Signs.She is exaltedin Pisces27" debilitatedVirgo 27o,Mooltrikona sign is Libra 0- 15'and restis his own sign,combust at 10owhen in direct motion and at 8owhen retrograde.Her friend planetsare Mercury and Saturn,enemies are Moon and Sun and neutralsare Mars and Jupiter. Her gem is diamondand metal is gold. Predi ct i ons t hrough H orary 4t

Eyes, semen,internal generativesystem, water, kidney,throat, face and beauty offace is represented by Venus.She is feminineplanet and natural benefic. Sheis karakaofkapha and vatta. Saturn : If the nativeis influencedby Saturn,he will be tall, slenderbuilt, Iazy, darkishwith rough hairs all over his body, with ill set of teeth.Saturn also makesa personprematurely old andgrey headed. The native is imaginative,cautious, silent, reserved, patience,preserving, studious, faithful. When afflicted, the native is envious,jealous, untruthful, lazy, liar, discontended,dishonest. tt representsall thosewho work in woods,unfrequented places,old churches,temples, dilapidated buildings, drains,sewage. He is chief significatorof longevity. All scientists,inventors, discoverers, explorers, martyrs, philosophers,religious leaders,social reformers,writers. I had the idea to write this book during Mercury Mahadashaand Saturnantardasha. The Saturn is lord of Capricornand Aquarius. He is exaltedin Libra 20oand debilitated in aries20o, Mooltrikona is Aquarius upto 20oand rest his own house and get combustat 16o(15", Phala deepika). His friendsare Mercury andVenus, enemies are Sun, Moon and Mars, neutral is Jupiter..Heis lord of Western direction. His gem is blue sapphireand metal is lead and iron. The parts of the body afflicted are feet, teeth, bones, ribs, knees,nails and hairs and secretive system of body. He is karaka of vatta. Paralysis, Rheumatismand chronic diseasescome under his influence. Saturn is the planet of purification and raises the bannerof Justicehigh. He purifies the spirit through sorrow. That is why he is exaltedin Libra whose symbol is balance and the judges and advocateswear black coat and symbol is balance' Rahu : Almost all of the astrologershave described the Rahu and Ketu jointly. It is only NarayanBhatt and Kali Das who havedescribed the Rahuand Ketu separately.It is becausetheir results are not independent.They give resultsaccording to the lord of the signthey occupy,according to the planetsthey conjoin or aspect. The nativewho is underthe influenceof Rahu is affectionate,works after giving full thought. The native fulfil his own desiresfirst and then serves others.He loves appreciationsand is egoistic.He workshard to fulfil his own desiresby hook or crook. He is frank, simple and independent.He does not interfereor doesnotlike that any one shouldinterfere in his affairs. He gets his work done with force but doesnot like any pressurefrom others.He loves his own cultureand religion. He respectsothers, is expert in his behaviourand dealingsand when afflicted gives ' reverseresults. He is not,lord of any sign but according to Parasharaown houseof Rahu is Virgo, exaltedsign Taurusand Mooltrikona sign cancer. He doesnot get combustand is mostly retrogradebut accordingto JatakParijat and Narayan Bhatt Rahu'sown houseis Virgo exalted in Gemini and debilitated in Sagittarius,Mooltrikona sign is Aquarius. But NarayanBhatt acceptsMooltrikona sign as Cancer. There are o.therviews also.We can saythat Rahu is a ;r P redict ions t hrough H orary 43

planetof confusionand has created confusion among astrologers.Theabove are two popularviews. Jaimini acceptsRahu as lord of Aquariusalong with Saturn. Mantreshwara has escaped out of the controversyand writes Rahu is strong in Aries, Taurus,cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. Rahu is strong when positedin Karka and conjoinskendra lords. He behaveslike Saturn.His friendsare Venus Saturn and Jupiter, Enemies are Sun and Moon, neutral is Mercury. But nothing has been said about Mars. According to ParasharaRahu has full aspecton 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th house and has no aspectwhen he occupieshis own house. He is the lord of South-Westdirection. His gem is Gomedh and metal is lead and iron. He signifies multicoloured(others : Black) old clothes.He is male planetand elderly person. He is naturalmalefic planet and signify vata humour, the paternalgrand father (dada) sleepingperson, gambling, poison etc. are signified by Rahu.He createsconfusion and doesnot allow the diseasesto be diagnosedproperly. Therefore somelearned astrologer say that one should pray to Rahu and distributehalwa (the articleof Rahu) before goingto a doctorso that his diseasesmay be properly diagnosedand treated particularly for chronic diseases. Ketu : What has been said aboutRahu is also true about Ketu. Both cannotbe separated,they form an axis aroundwhich whole life revolves.They are 180o apart and mostly retrogradecannot get combust. Ketu has no lordship of sign and direction. According to Parasharaown houseof Ketu is Pisces, exaltedsign is Scorpioand Mooltrikona signs are U P,,at"'t""'n'

Gemini and Sagittarius.According to others own house is Pisces,exalted sign is Sagittariusand debilitatedsign is Gemini.According to Jaimini the Ketu is lord of Scorpiosign. His behaviouris like Mars so his friends are Sun, Mars and Jupiter.But accordingto othersMars, Venus and Saturnare his friends.Sun and Moon arehis enemies,Mercury and Jupiterare neutral planets. As Ketu is blind or tail of dragon,has no eyes,so he hasno aspect.But most of the astrologerstreat 5th, 7th, 9th as his aspect.His gem is cat's eye (Lahsuniya).he signifies torn multicolouredclothes and earthenware. He is significator of Skin diseases,pains, appetites,boil and eruptions,confusion, heart troubles,diseases of feet, supernaturaltroubles, troublesfrom wife and sons,opposition to king, fear of enemy,uncleanliness of body. Maternal grand father (nana)doctors, dogs, cocks, occult science, mantras,blind faith in his own religion. If Ketu conjoin malefic planet,the resultsof maleficplanets become more malefic and association with beneficplanets create sudden obstructions and benefic results get destroYed. ., 1. Male Planets .' Sun,Mars and Jupiter Fimale Planets .' Moon, Venus,Rahu EunuchPlanets: Mercury, Saturnand Ketu Saturnis consideredmale eunuchand Mercury as female eunuch. 2. Dry Planels .'Sun, Mars and Saturn Watery .' Venus andMoon 3. Fixed Planets .' JuPiter, Saturn and Rahu Movable planets .'Sun, Moon and Mars Common/dualPlanels .' Mercury and Venus 4. Minerals .' Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (below the earth) Yegetablesor Moola : (meansfrom grassto tree, abovethe earth)Sun andVenus. Animal or Jeeva: (meansinsect to man and the one that canmove from its place i.e. chetan) Mercury and Jupiter. 5. Colour and Taste


Sun Dark red Pungent Copper Moon White Saltish Silver Mars Light red Bitter Copper/Gold Mercury Green Mixed Brass Jupiter Yelloilwhite Sweet Gold/silver Venus Light black Sour Pearls Satum Black Bitter(mixed) Iron

6. Parts of Physical'Body il ffr Sun Bone Moon Blood Mars Bone marrow Mercury Skini Jupiter , Fats Venus Sperm Saturn Nerves 7. Caste Jupiter : Pious learnedpriest (Satwik Brahman) Venus : Learned Priest (Rajasic Brahman) Sun : Warriors (Satwik)

8. Sthir (fixed) Karaka

Sun Soul/Self,Father Moon Mind, Mother Mars Courage,younger brother/sisters Mercury Power of speech,Intelligence Jupiter Wisdomand Happiness Venus Spermand potencY Saturn Sorrow If a planet is exalted,posited in his own house, Mooltrikona house,Vargottama or aspectedby benefics,unaspected by malefics' increaseshis quality.If a planetis weakhis qualitywill be less' But in case of Saturn things are reverse.'When Saturnis strong,he removessorrow and when he is weak gives sorrow. But according to some astrologerswhen Saturnis weak he has no power/ strengthto causesorrow. But a weak planetwill not be able to give the resultsof thosehouses of which he is lord. g. Sun,Mars, Saturn,Rahu and Ketu , weak Moon and afflicted Mercury are malefic planets' Jupiter,Venus, full Moon and Mercury associated or aspectedby beneficsare benefic planets'(Moon is weak or strong accordingto?aksha bala')' DIRECTIONS

Sun East Moon North-West Mars South Mercury North Jupiter North-East Venus South-East Saturn West Rahu South-West GARMENTS Sun Coarseclothes Moon New white clothes Mars Burnt clothes(Red clothes) Mercury Wet clothes (Greenclothes) Jupiter New clothes(Yellow clothes) Venus Beautiful silken clothes (White clothes) Saturn Warm and torn clothes (Black clothes) TREES

Sun Tressof hard wood as teak. Moon Treesthat contain water as rubber Mars Treeswith Thorns Mercury Trees which bear no fruit as sandal wood Jupiter Treesthat gives fruits as Mango Venus Treeswith flowers only Saturn - Treesof crookedtype. SHAPE

Sun rectangle,square, parallelogram or rhombus 4S ' Prrdt"tt"^ Ih'

Moon hollow, havinghole Mercury high, tall ' Jupiter round, circular Venus Beautiful and good height Saturn hollow and tall (emaciated,weary). This shapecan be usedto find out the shapeof the article lost.in theft. ABODE Planets Indications Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu * forest, mountain, miningplaces. Moon and l/enus - watery places, ponds,river, well Mercury and Jupiter - cinema hall,city, park, village, garden. Nodes - bush According lo other astrologers

Sun and Jupiter - Pooja room Moon and Yenus- waterY Places Mars earth Mercury resting Places saturn ff;,lJ;3J"T:1';:I:1":: kitchen. Nodes ih. ttol. in a tree or anYwhere. 't Predictions through Horary

Aries forest; Taurus agricultural land; Gemini I - play ground,institution; Cancer canal; Leo play grounds,institutions Virgo hilly track; Scorpio Well; Sagittariu garden; Capricorn dry canal; i Aquariu lake; ' Pisces ocean. TIMING Planets hidications Saturn one year Sun 6 months (Ayana) Mercury 2 months (Ritu; Jupiter one month Venus 15 days (Paksha) Mars one day Moon 48 minutes (Muhurat), moment Rahu 8 months Ketu 2 months MARKS AND MOLES Sun,Mars, Jupiter and Mercury causemarks on the " right side of the body. Moon, Venus,Saturn and nodes causemarks on the lcti side of the body. 50 predictionsthrough&orary

Planets Body part Planet Body part Mercury Armpit Mars Back Venus Face Moon Head Sun Hip Saturn Legs Jupiter Shoulder ANIMALS Planets Indications Sun Tiger Moon Milking animal Mars Goat Mercury Rabbit, dog Jupiter Horse Venus Cow Saturn and nodes Buffaloes. THE STRENGTH OF THE PLANET The results good or bad dependson the strength of the planets. So every astrologerhas stressedto look for the strengthof the planets.The strength of the planets dependson the avasthaof planets. 1. Deepta : Jubiliant,effluent. A planet is in the deeptaavastha, if he is exaltedor in his mooltrikona signi.e. Planet Exalted Mooltrikona Sun Aries 10" Leo upto 20" Moon Taurus3o Taurusupto 30" Mars Capricorn28o Aries upto 12" Planet Exalted Mooltrikona Mercury Virgo 15" Virgo l5o to 20o Jupiter Cancer5o Sagittarius upto 10o Venus Pisces27o Libra upto 5o Saturn Libra 20" Aquarius upto 20' Rahu Gemiiri 20" Aquarius upto 2o Ketu Sagittarius20o Leo upto 20o According to ParasharaRahu - exaltedin Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio. 2. Swastha : Happy,pleasant - a planetis said to be in Swasthaavastha, if he occupieshis own sign. 3. Mudita : Contended,satisfied - a planetis said to be satisfied/Mudita when he occupieshis friends house. 4. Shanta : Calm - a planet is said to be calml shantawhen he occupiesthe vargaof a beneficplanet. 5. Shakta : Efficient, competent- a planet is said to be competent/ Shakta if he is not combust, eclipsed or defeatedin war or has no aspect of malefics. 6. Peedya : Troubled- a planetis said to Peedya when he is defeatedin planetary war or in the last quarterof the sign. 7. Deena : Unhappy,miserable - A planet is said to be in Deen avasthawhen he is either in natal chart or navamshachart in enemy'ssign. E. Khala : Cruel, wicked - A planetis said to be Khala when the planet is debilitatedor occupiesin natal chart or navamshachart, the sign belongingto P re dictions t hrough H orary its natural malefics 9. Vikala : Unsteady- A planetis saidto be Vikal avasthawhen he is combustor eclipsed. 10. Bheeta : Frightened- A planetis said to be in Bheetaavastha when he is debilitatedor accelerated. BALADIAVASTHA

Odd sien Avastha Even sign Result

0o+ to 6o Bala 24'+ to 30o t/4 6"+to 12" Kumar/Kishore l8'+ to 24. v2 l2o* to I 8" Yuva 12"*to I 8" tull 18"+to 24' Vridha 6o+ to 12" ltz . 24'+16 39o Mritya 0"+ to 6. t/4 The avastha of deepta etc. indicate the strength according to the sign he has occupied and aspect and conjunction. Baladiavastha indicate the strength of the planet according to the longitude he has attained and results there from. It is well known that the p,lanetsgives results when he attains bhava madhya i.e. of the house. Crorrr* 4


A ll planetsaspect the 7th housefrom the place .fa,of their location. In addition to this Jupiter aspectsthe 5th and 9th housefrom the place of his location. Saturn,in additionto 7th house,aspects the 3rd and l0thihousefrom the placeof his position. Mars, in additionto 7th house,aspects 4th and 8th housefrom the place of his location. We donot take into considerationthe fraction of the aspect,only the full aspectis to be considered. ll'the aspectingplanet is naturalbenefics and also benefic for the particular lagna, he increasesthe significationsof that houseand planetstherein to which he aspects.If the aspectingplanet is natural malcfic and malefic for the particularlagna also, the nspcctis consideredto be bad.The aspectof lordsof 6tlr. 8th and 12th house,even if they are natural bcncl'ic,is consideredbad for the housesand planets positcdtherein. Predictions t hrough H orary

The SageParashara has taken : (a) The lord of trine/trikona(1st, 5th, 9th house) as benefic i'r (b) The'"tlordof 3rd, 6th and 1lth as malefic (c) The lord of kendra4th,7th and 1Othas neutral (d) Lagna is kendraand trikona, so the lord of lagna is yogakaraka (e) The lord of kendraand trikona is karaka and gives beneficresults (O The lord of 8th is malefic (g) The lord of 2nd and 12th are neutral

T,strx,aAs rncrs/W nsronr Aspncrs According to WesternAstrology the aspect between two planets are reckoned from mutual longitudinaldistances of the planets.When a planet is at a certain number of degreeaway from another planetthey are saidto be in aspect. Conjunction :When two planetsare on the same longitude. Opposition: When distance betwben any two planetsis 180" Trine : When distancebetween any two planetsis 120. Square : When distancebetween any two planetsis 90" Sextile : When distancebetween,iny two planetsis 60" Semi sextild : When.ddstance between any two ! planetsis 30o ' Predict ians t hraugh Horary ))

The effect of an aspectis felt evenif the planet is not at the exact distanceas statedabove. It is our common experiencethat we canjudge the intensity of a glowing hot body by bringing our handsnear to the body. Similarly the distancebetween the two planets from where they start feeling effect of other planetis called of the aspect. The orb of the aspectfor : Conjunction is 8o Squareis 8. Sextile is 7" Trine is 8. The influence of an aspectsay trine, startswhen the planetsare I l2o away from eachother, gradually increasing(applying) and it will be maximumat 120o, the influence of the aspect start decreasing (separating)till the planetsare l28o awayfrom each other and at 128"it will be nil. The orbsare different according to . According to Neelkanth' "Prashna Tantra" the following are the orbs of different planets : PLANET ORB PLANET ORB Sun 150 Moon 12. ,IO Mars 8o Mercury

Jupiter 9o Venus 7o Saturn 9o We should take into considerationthe nature of theaspectas well asthe natureof the planetinvolved in aspect. (See for the chart I on next page) Sun and Moon, Moon and Mars are in sextile aspect. 56 Predictions t hrough Horary

Sun Moon 20" 20" Sat 20" "".N Sun Ven 20' Csenr I xX0 Jup iter ./ Jupiter Mars 7 20" 20"

Merc ".;4. 20" A

Sun and Mars, Moon and Saturn,Moon and Venus are in trine aspect Venus and Mars, Saturn and Mars are in opposition Mars and Mercury, Mercury andSaturn, Mercury and Venus, Sun and Jupiter are in squareaspect. Jupiterand Venus,Jupiter and Saturnare in serni sextile aspect. Saturnand Venusare in conjunction. According to- opposition, squareand conjunctionaspect are alwaysheld to be inimical and sextile and trine aspectare always friendly irrespectiveof the natureof aspectingplanet forming aspects. But in Hindu astrologysuch a classificationof aspectsis considerederroneous. We take into considerationthe natural propertiesof the planets and ownershipof housefor a particularlagna. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars is consideredto be benefic/good whether it is square aspect or opposition'. The semi sextile aspectis feebly benefic. The Predict i ons t hrough Horary ,57 desiredresult can be obtainedafter some efforts. The sextile is causedwhen two planetsare 3/11 position and is benefic.The desired result can be obtained after a little efforts. The trine is causedwhen two planets are 5/9 position.It is goodaspect. The desiredresults can be achievedwithout much efforts. The squareaspect is causedwhen two planetsare in 4ll0 position and indicatesstress, opposition and obstructions,consequent failure. The oppositionaspect is causedwhen two planets are in 1/7 position.It indicatesfailure, hopelessriess and impossibilityof achievingthe desiredresults' The trine, sextileand conjunctionare considered benefic aspectsprovided the planets are natural benefic and owner of benefic house.The square' opposition and conjunction is hostile aspects provided the planetsare naturalmalefic planetsand owner of malefic housesfor a particularlagna. As we havealready said that thereare astrologers ,who take these aspectsinto considerationbut they ipredictresult accordingto naturalbenefic and malefic ,characteristicsof the planets,not accordingto the type of aspect.Although, the arc of aspectdecides benefic malefic nature,we must also take into accountthe characteristicsof the planetsinvolved. An opposition or squarebetween Jupiter and the Moon would not give unfavourableresults or failure as in caseof Mars and Saturnopposition or squareaspect. In case of Mars oppositionor squareaspect failure will be suddenand shattering.The sqaureaspect of Jupiter in 1Othand Mars in lagnawill give benefic results. To calculatethe orbsof influenceof two planets we addthe orbsof two planetsand divideby 2 to get the averageorb of influence.let Sun be at 0110.and Mars 4/20" longitudeThe Sun and Mars are having trine aspectbut l0o apart.Now let us seewhether Sun andMars arewithin influence.We addthe orb of Sun l5o andMars 8oequal to 23odivided by 2. The average orbsis 12.5'sothe Sunand Mars arewithin influence. If the planetsare not within influence of averageorb, there is no real aspect.It is called plastic influence not exact. If planets are nearer to each other there will be more influencebetween them. But in general practice the orb of 8o as the WesternAstrologers do, canbe allowedfor all aspect to be able to corneto the safe prediction.For semi sdxtile and sextileaspects still lessorb of influence is allowedthat is 6".

Sun3o Man20 (Yil'X Cuenr2 >()

Let us take Sun 3oand Mars 20" positedin lagna, forming conjunction.Thereis an apparentconjunction of the Sun and the Mars but the differencebetween the longitudeof Sunand Mars is 17".The differenceis more than aterageorb of 12.5'or more than 8owe shall not take the conjunction'aspect. Crorr"^ 5


T.tttx,t Yoees yogtisof Th. Tajika systemhave developedsome I aspects which are very effective in making predictions. The Tajik Yogas are for annual horoscopy.But still following yogas are helpful in making Horary predictions effective. l. The IthasalaYoga 2. TheIsharafa Yoga 3. The Nakta Yoga 4. The YamaYaYoga 5. The KamboolaYoga 6. TheManau Yoga 7. The KhallasaraYoga 8. TheRudda Yoga

Irnts,qLa Yoet An Ithasala yotgaiscaused when a fastermoving planetwith lesslongitude is behinda slower moving planetwith more longitude. We should take into accountthe orb of influence which has been discussedin the chapteron Aspect. When the Ithasalaoccurs within half a degreeit becomesMuthasila a very favourableyoga. The Ithasala yoga is generally consideredto be a 60 Prrdirtiortt@rory ..

beneficial yoga. But in actualpractice however it may not be always beneficial. The beneficial or malefic result depends on the natural characteristics and relationship of the two planets and ownership of the housesthey enjoy in the .The presenceof this yoga signifies the fulfilment of desiredobjective. Essential Conditions

a. Fast moving planet with less longitude should be behind the slow moving planet with higher longitude.

b. The said planets should have mutual aspect c. The said planet should fall within the orb of each other.

d. The ithasala yoga does not occur when the said planets fall within outer orb i.e. fast moving planet with higher longitude but fall with in orb. In actual practice we look for the Ithasala yoga between lagnesh and Karyesha i.e. the lord of lBgna and the lord of the house of desired oUj"ective- significator. Let us assume that one desires to purchasea car. He enquireswhether he will purchase acar?

In this'.ur" the lord of 4th house becomesthe significator, for 4th house stands for vehicle and other things. The ithasalabetween lagna lord and 4th lord will influence the signification of 4th house. the exact analysis will involve a considerationof the houses in which the lagna lord and the significator bre located and the other planetary influences. In chart 3 the Moon 4th lord and the fast moving planet with less longitude is behind the slow movins Merc5 Lagna Ven(R t2 )no l;,ii-{ x Csenr 3 / Sat10" Moon V:ll; Jup(R) 10" \,/\ 5o \4ar15 ffi"Y Y planetMars with more longitude.So thereis ithasala yoga in which 4th lord and lagnalord are involved, the yoga is taking placein auspicioushouse (5th). So the native will have gain of vehicle. The planetsSaturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon are considered to be progressivelyfaster in motion, Saturnis the slowest moving planetand Moon is the fastestmoving planet.

Important Points for consideration in lthasala : ( 1) A retrograde fast moving planet at lessernumber of degreeof longitudedoes not produceIthasala becauseboth planet are in opposite direction of motion. In example chart Saturn is slow moving planetand Jupiteris fast moving planet with lessernumber of degrees.Apparently they have ithasalabut the Jupiter being retrograde planet doesnot produceithasala. (2) A slow moving retrogradeplanet at more number of degreeof longitude than the fast moving planet produceithasala because the direction of motion of the two planets is towards each other. They will meet at a point 6, Pr"dt"!t"^th,.

faster than otherwise.So they intensify the r Ithasala.In the aboveexample chart Venus being ' retrogradeand slow moving planetthan'Mercury will meet early at d'Point. (3) When both ithasala producing planets are retrograde,debilitated, combust or otherwise - weak or afflicted, the ithasalayoga generally doesnotproduce desired results.

Isa,qn,ar,a Yoct It is also calledas Mushrif or SeparatingYoga. When the two planetsare aspectingeach other and fast moving planet is one or more degreesof longitudeahead of slow movingplanet, they produce IsharafaYoga. It is an unfavourableyoga and indicate failures and obstacles.If the benefic planetsinvolve in Isharafayoga it is not so unfavourable.But if it involves the malefic planets it indicates not only failures but also other additional troubles and obstacles.

Sun l0' Moonl5 Cunnr 4 r

In the example-chartno.4 the Moon fast moving planet has longitudeof l5o and slow moving planet Sun has l0' longitude. Both have conjunctional aspect,but fast moving planet is aheadof slow- moving planet. So the yoga formed is Isharafaand indicate failure of the objective if one is lagna lord and other is significator. When fast moving planetis aheadof slow moving planet but is retrograde does it mean an Ithasala instead of Isharafa?Yes it is an Itahsala yoga. It indicatesthat the objectivewill be fulfilled next time.

NAxr,s Yoet .' When there is no aspectbetween two planetssay lagna lord and significator but another fast moving planet than thesetwo is aspectingboth the planets i.e. lagna lord and significatorthen the planetswill form Nakta yoga.

.fa\--_____A ------(---- ."". ______r\ aa \r ---'- \.t.. -_-a-- \a---- B 'A' 'B' Let and are two planetshaving no aspect. 'C' The is another planet, faster moving than the two and have ithasalawith 'A' and 'B' planet. In this circumstances'A'andoB'will alsohave linkage and form Nakta Yoga. The Nakta yoga is not necessaryalways be beneficialyoga. It involvesconsideration of the planet involved, lordship and the houseoccupation-ofrthg. planets. P redictions through Horary

The mai.npoint in Nakta yoga is : i. That there is no mutual aspectbetween the two planets. ii. That the third planetmust aspectboth the non- aspectingplanets, lagnesh and karyesh. iii. That the third planet has to be fasterthan the both non-aspectingplanets, lagnesh and karyesh. iv. That the third planet should be both non- aspecting planets and should be located betweenthe both. Let us assumethat chartno.5

Moon 2" u/,:^,,

Csenr 5 Saturn Venus 100 50 n

Asc tu

The Venus 5o has no relation with Saturn l0o being ahead.The Moon, the third planetwith 2" has squareaspect with Saturnand trine aspectwith Venus. Moon is faster than Venus and Saturn and is in degreesshe behind the two planets.Thus Nakta yoga is formedbetween lagna lord Venus and4th and 5th lord Saturn. ChartNo. 6(on nextpage) shows that Saturnand Venus are non-aspectingplanets. Moon is aspecting both the non-aspectingplanets and is fasterthan both Predictions through Horary 65

Moon 20" %,:^'

Saturn CHenr 6 ,ururnff 15" Venus ,/'\ ./ 25" V "oonY, the non aspecitngplanets. But in the abovechart the Moon is forming ithasala with Venus and Isharafa with Saturn.But still the Moon is havinglinkage with both the non-aspectingplanets. So Saturnand Venus haveNakta yoga but the resultsmay not be beneficial as it involves Isharafa. We have to take into consideration other points also.

Y.nueye Yoet The Yamaya yoga is just like a Nakta yoga. In this casea link is providedby a slow movingplanets between two non-aspectingplanets. The main points are: i. That there is no mutual aspectbetween the two planets ii. That the' third planet aspectsthe both non- aspecting planets. iii. That the third planet is slower than the both non- aspectingplanets. The generalresult is the fulfilment of objective with the help of someone else but therewill be some obstructions. In the chart No 7(on next page)Venus is faster moving planet than Mars and the Venusis aheadof 66 Predictions through Horary

Lagna Mars *i"Z*"\,, 20" 10" /tl Jupiter Jupiter 25" I Cuenr 7 x l0 venus 7 25" Vcnus

Mars. So there is no aspectbetween the two planets. But Jupiter has square aspect with Mars and oppositionaspect with Venus.Jupiter is slowerthan Mars an.l Venus. So Mars and Venus createYamaya yoga with eachother. The quality of Yamaya yoga will be adversely affected when third planet Jupiter in above case be combust or retrogradeor debilitated or otherwise afflicted. Similarly the Yamaya yoga will be "adversely affected if yoga forming planet say in the abovecase Mars and Venus are retrograde,combust or debilitated or otherwiseafflicted. The yamaya yoga cannot be formed with Saturn as there is no planet slower than Saturnto qualify as third planet aspectingthe two other yoga forming 'planets. Someonecan say that Pluto, Neptune or Uranusare slower than Saturn.There is no doubt that they can play a role of third planet but in Hindu predictiveastrology, these planets are not takeninto accountbeing very slow and very far from Sun, the Uranus takes 84 years to go around the Sun and Neptune takes 164 years to go around the Sun, the Pluto takesmuch more time to go round the Sun than Predictions t hrough Horary 67 the above planets.It is the slowestmoving planet known to astronomersand astrologers.

Keuroote Yoe,q The Kamboola yoga is formed when there is ithasalabetween two planetsand the Moon is also in Ithasalawith eitheror both of them. This yoga improves the results indicated by an ithasalayoga and improvesthe significationsof the housesinvolved. The resultsdepends on the strength of the planetsinvolved and the Moon. Asc Moon 100 il

Csnnr 8 Sun 10" ff ? M"rt Mars 15"

In the chart 8 Mars and Sun are in Ithasala.The Mars and Sun are having trine aspectand fast moving Sun is behind the slow moving Mars and within orb of influence.But the Moon, fastermoving planet than Sun and Mars with lesslongitude is behindMars and Sun.So it is alsoforming Ithasalayoga with Sun and Mars. It is calledthe Kambool Yoga.

MtNeu Yoc.t The Manau yoga is formed when there is a Ithasalayoga betweentwo planetsand faster moving Predictions t hrough Horary planetis in conjunctionwith or aspectedby malefics either Mars or Saturnor both. This yoga nullifies the resultsof Ithasalayoga. It indicatesfear from enemies,failure in undertaking, quarrel or loss of money,debt etc. accordingto the houseinvolved and planetsinvolved.

Mars Mars t2 100 2 il

I x Cuanr 9 sun 10" ,unY X"ot,., Jupiter 150

' In the chartNo 9 aboveSun l0o and Jupiter l5' are in Ithasala yoga and good results should accrue as both planets are in own signs and aspectis also trine. But due to aspectof Mars on faster moving planet among the, two Sun and Jupiter, will nullify the good results of ithasala.

Kntu.tstn.t Yoet When two planets are in ithasala and the unqualified Moon doesnot associateor haveIthasala with either of the planets, the yoga is known as Khallasara. Unqualified meansMoon is neither aspectedor associatedwith any planet. It mdy be observedthat mere formation of Ithasalayoga betweentwo planetsdoes not give Pre dict ionst hrough H orary promise of the results.The supportof the Moon is a guarnateeof the result.

Moon 25"

Jaturn Ctr.q,nrl0 15" 'A Mars x 100 Mars

In the chartNo-10 the lagnalord, Mars is having Ithasala with l0th lord Saturn and has trine aspect but not blessedwith the Moon. So it is Khallasara Yoga. The mere Ithasalayoga is not so powerful. The Kambool yoga is powerful Ithasala yoga, which gauianteethe results. In simple words we can say that there is only Ithasalayoga without the blessingof Moon. Only Ithasaladoesnot produce desired results. To produce results there should be Ithasla and relation of the Moon also.

Raoo.q Yoee If two planets are in Ithasal and either of them is retrogradeor combustor debilitated or in 6th, 8th or 12th or occupiesan inimical house or is in conjunctionwith or aspectedby a malefic, there is destruction of Ithsasalayoga. The above yoga doesnotneed classification. It is clear that if two planets are in Ithasalaand either P redictions t hrough Horary of them is afflicted or retrogradeor ill placed the Ithasala gets weak and if fast moving planet is afflicted no good results are anticipated.

Suuutnv OF Tar Yoe,es 1. While going throughthe yogasit will be clear that the mere presenceor absenceof any yoga is not the only factor for fulfilment of signification. It is the strength of the planets involved in a yoga. A weak, combust, retrograde, debilitated, ill placed planet doesnotgive desiredresults what evermay be the name of the yoga. 2. The lagna lord is of great importance.If the lagna and Lagna lord is weak, afflicted, combust,retrograde most of the yogas loose their potency. 3. The Ithasalayoga needsthe blessingsof the Moon to be effective. 4. The affliction of fast moving planetsis more important than the slow moving planets. cn.aprnn6


rFhe Ascendantis the first house(Bhava) and the I other houses follow in successionfrom the North to west direction in the North Indian chart and from South to West in the South Indian chart. South Indian North Indian l2 t 2 3 \y \.2/"

il 4 \:,^.. Chart 11 X l0 5

9 8 7 6

In South Indian chart signs are fixed, therefore there is no need to write the number of sign in the houseas it is necessaryto write the number of sign invariable in the housein the North Indian chart.But now a days astrologershave startedto write number in SouthIndian chartsto denotethe numberof bhava/ Predictions through Horary housesstarting with the lagnaas first houseas I have shown in South Indian chart. But remembernumber in North Indian chart denotessign not house and South Indian chart denoteshouse not the sign. The houses lst, 4th,7th and lOth are known as kendra (Quadrants) (angles), I st, 5th and 9th as Trikona (Trines), 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Pnapharas (Succedent)and 3rd, 6th, 9th and l2th as Apoklimas (Cadent) Houses.The houses3rd, 6th, lOthand I lth areUpachyas means houses of growth. The house6th, 8th and l2th arc treated as dusthanasor Trik houses meansindicating sorrow. According to Parasharasystem the lord of trines give always good results.The lords of Kendras are neutralwhether natural benefics or malefics.It means when naturalbenefics become the lord of kendrathey will not give auspiciou'sresults and if natural malefics become the lords of kendrasthey will not give malefic results, so neutral. The lord of 3rd, 6th and I lth housesare alwaysmalefics. The lord of 2nd and 12th house are neutral, they give result as per associationor aspector occupationor as per his secondsign. But if the Moon or Sun who have only one sign,become the lord of 2nd or l2th houseswill give results as per association or aspect or occupation.There is differenceof opinionregarding the results of 8th lord. But most of the learned astrologerstreat the 8th lord as malefic. The associationof the lords of a kendra and a trine is calledRajayoga Karaka and givesgood results during their dashaand bhukti accordingto the strength of the yogakarakaplanets. A planet who is lord of a kendraand trikona is alsocalled yogakaraka and gives P re dict ions t hrough H or ary 73 auspicious results during his dasha and bhukti according to his strength. The Lagna is both Kendra and trikona. It is the lagna who is to receive the fruits of birth chart. So the strengthof lagna and lagna lord play a very vital role in horary science.

A. Tnn ITRENGTHoF THEHoasss Favourahle l. The housewhich is aspectedby or occupied with his own lord, the signification of that house increasesand flourishes. (Prashna Gyana) 2. The house which is occupied with or aspectedby Jupiter,Mercury or Venus or the strong Moon and not aspected by or occupied by malefic planet, flourishes. (PrashnaGyana) 3" If the houseis occupiedby a planet in his exaltation,mooltrikona or friendly sign, the signification of that houseflourishes. 4. If the lord of the houseis positedin kendra or trikonq in strength the significations of the house increases. 5. If the lord of the houseis posited with or aspectedby or hemmed in betweenbenefic planets, the significations of that house flourishes. 6. If benefic planets are posited in the kendra or trikona from the signification house or from signjficator, not aspected by or occupied by malefic planets, the ?a P*aUn^,n,

signification of that house flourishes. 7. If the lord of the house is posited in exaltation,mooltrikona, own signor triend's sign in navamshachart, the signification flourishes. 8. If the dispositorof the lord of the houseis exalted,posited in own sign,mooltrikona or friend's sign the significationsof that house flourishes. Ilnfavouroble l. If the houseis occupiedby a maleficplanet or aspected by a malefic planet, the significations of that house getsdestroyed. 2. If the lord of the houseis positedin 6th or 8th or l2th housethe significations of that house gets destroyed. 3. If the lord of 6th or gth or l2th housesis posited in the house,the significationsof that house gets destroyed. 4. If maleficplanets are posited in I ,4,7 or l0 house from the house under consideration, the house getsdestroyed. 5. If the lord of the house is positedin 6th, 8th or l2th debilitated or combust or hemmed in between malefic planets the significations of that house are destroyed. 6. If the lord of the house is posited in debilitatedor enemysign in navamshachart, the signification of that house are destroyed. 7 . If the dispositorof the lord of the houseis posited in 6th, 8th or l2th debilitated, Predictions t hrough H orary

combustor positedin enemysign, the planet become weak and significations of that housecannot be realised.

B. SrcNtFrcATroNsoF HousES Lagna/Ascendant : Health, nature of the native, doctor,longevity, querrist. When a maleficis posited or aspectsthe lagnaof query, the native would suffer loss and disappointmentin all undertakings,sorrows, sufferings, loss of position and wealth. When a benefic planet is posited in or aspects the lagna there would be all round happiness,health and successin all undertakingsi.e. significationsof the lagna would prosper. 2ndlDhana Bhava : Gold, gems, accumulated wealth, sale-purchase,family. A malefic in 2nd house would indicate dwindling of wealth, disease of mouth or face sicknessamong one's family, trouble in the right eye, face insult or one would use harsh, insulting words to family members, destruction of house holds, utensils, furniture etc. If there is a benefic in 2nd house,the wealth will increase,there would be acquisitionof new house holds, furnituresand happiness among family members. 3rd House/Sahajabhava : Brother,sister, servant, trade, courage,signing document.If the malefic planets occupy or aspectsthe 3rd house the querist would not receive any help from his brothers,sisters or friends, His cobornswould be afflicted. He would suffer from chest,neck, right ear diseases.The native will be courageousand ambitious.A benefic in 3rd housewould confer health, happinessetc. and on his own coborns.He would be coward. 4th house/Sukha bhava : The medicines, conveyance,mining, agriculture, friends, mother, theft article,increase in production.A malefic in 4th housewould causetrouble to mother,maternal uncle, nephewand relatives, danger to landedproperties and vehiclesas well as hearttroubles, lungs troubles. A benefic planet in 4th house will flourish the significationsof the house. 5th house/putra bhava : Pregnancy,intelligence, son, friendship,mantra, ambassador. A malefic in 5th housewho is weak would causeabortions, death of children,.mental depression, irritability and disputes with advisers. A benefic who is strong would causebirth of a child, children would progressand there will be mentalpeace and happiness. 6th house/Shatru bhava : The enemy, debt, fire, theft, accident,servant, competition, maternal uncle etc. A malefic in 6th house,will producedisease of the part signified by the sign, obstructionto all under taking, fear from thieves,enemies, litigations. A benefic will lead to eradicationof debt, enemiesand diseases etc. A malefic will give courageto face the enemies. 7th house/Kalatra Bhava : The wife(spouse), marriage, thief, recovery, compromise,partnership, litigation,return of traveller,recovery of illness,lost article will be recoveredor not etc. A malefic in the 7th house will causesickness, death or separation from the spouse, fire, accident to the spouse, . obstaclesto his proposedjourney, diseaseof urinary tractetc. A beneficin 7th housewill producehappiness from spouse,marriage, happy conjugal life, recovery Predictions t hrough Horary

bf lost articles, arrival of a guest from abroad. 8th house/Ayur bhava : Death, imprisonment, obstacle,illness, accident, quarrel. A malefic in 8th house will causesickness to servants,obstacles to undertakings,venreal diseases, quarrels with peoples, loss of wealth andproperties through enemies, thieves or Government,loss of appetite.A benefic in 8th houseconfer good health, relief'from ailments and grant longevity. The Saturnin strongposition confer longevity. 9th house/ Bhagya bhava : The tank, pond, well, travel, boss,teacher, priest, religious work. A malefic in 9th house will bring about the rise of scandals. Disease and distressto father, elders, preceptor , destructionsof fortune and merits, commit evil deeds.A benefic in 9th house confer the happiness of father, elder and grand children, rightens deeds, pilgrimage, mental peace, happinessand foreign journey. lOth house/ Karma bhava : Government,honour, profession, foreign travel, gain from father. A malefic in lOth housewill causedestruction of undertakings, obstaclesat every step, disrepute, disobedianceof orders, loss of servantsand support,disease of knee and visit to foreign country. A benefic planet will confer successin all undertakings,his orders will be obeyed, the native will be engagedin good deeds, construction of temples, road, welfare houses, community centre, will get servantsand supporters. llth house/Labha Bhava : The gain of wealth, conveyance,friends. A malefics in I lth house will causeillness to children, elder brothers,left ear diseasesand aquisitionof material(non-living) ' ?8 Pr"dt"rtt^ tn, alloted to the planet.A benefic in 11th bring good 'health, ceasationof trouble and sorrow, gain of wealth, children, friends and rulers, gain of honour and respect. lzth house/Vyay^ Bhava : Expenditure, hospitalisation,imprisonment, donations. A malefic positedin l2th housewill causeloss of wealth, increasein expenditurein evil deeds,loss of position, separatibnfrom family, diseaseof feet, legs and left eye, sinful activities.When a beneficwill be posited in l2th housethe native will spendmore money on charity and other philanthropic activities, marriage at home, celebrationsof functions etc. A strong malefic will also give wealth and the wealth will be spenton evil deeds.

C. SrcwrtcATroNS eF HousEs ryrrq RerenrNcz ro Hontnv SctsNcn: ' AscendantlLagna: It is also known as Tanu Bhava. It is the lst house from where our life begins. In horary it indicates querist physical health, reputation, dress of the querist, colour and complexion of the querist etc. Though the significations of first house in the horary and Parashariare the samebut as the horary belongs to a particular question,the scope of the bhavabecomes very wide as Ascendantis l2th from the 2nd house it indicatesloss of wealth, family, food. Being 1lth from 3rd it indicatesgains of youngerbrothers, friends. Being 1Othfrom the 4th it indicates fortune and long journey, pilgrimage, religious deeds of the children, father of the children. Being the 8th from 6th, troubles of enemies,debtors and maternal uncle. Being 7th from 7th, love affairs, health,opponent of 7th, appearance. Being the 6th from 8th, indicatesquarrels and illness of family membersof spouse.Being 5th from 9th, it indicates intelligence of father, children of father i.e. native itself. Being 4th from 10th, it indicates comforts from profession.Being the 3rd from l lth it indicates,courage, ambitions and short journeys of friends,elder brothersand sisters.Being the 2nd from l2th it indicatesexpenses on account of hospitalbills, court fees,income tax or salestax etc. I have given the significations of the lagna in somedetail; only to makeit clearthat one housecan indicate every aspectof the life, the significations of a housedepends on the relationshipof other house under considerationat the particular moment. Supposeat a particular momentthe native comesand enquiresabout the health of his maternaluncle who is suffering from chronic disease.As the lagna for that moment is queristand 6th from lagnais maternal uncle.Thedisposition of 6th from 6th i.e. I lth house from lagna indicatesthe diseaseof his maternal uncle.The dispositionof 1lth from 6th i.e. tlth from lagnaindicates the cure,the gain,the fulfilment of desire of maternal uncle, the relationship of the 6th, llth and 4th will indicatethe cure for his maternaluncle. In this way we can analysethe chart for any relation taking lagna as querist.Therefore, it +r is essentialto know the relationshipof querist and the one for whom enquiry is put to answer,the query for a particular moment. So the lagna indicates querrist,querrent : 2nd house Member of the family 80 Predictions through Horary

3rd house youngerbrothers 4th house Mother, comforts 5th house First child and children 6th house maternal uncle, enemies and debtors 7th house partner, opponent 8th house Longevity, obstacles,inheritance 9th house father, preceptors lOth house profession,deeds l lth house elder brothers, friends, gain 12th house secretenemy, hospital, expenses, institutions. Sun Father, Government,head of a department,boss, authority Moon Mother, emotions, liquid, chemicals Mars Youngerbrother, work according to rules, law Mercury Maternal uncle, documents, education, recommendation, agent Jupiter Children, elder brother, teacher, preceptor Venus Wife, conveyance,extra marital relations, articles used for comforts of life and decoration of house,music, drama,poetry Saturn Longevity, diseases,obstruction, delay from any cause.,servant, working man, labourer. cn,aprnn7


How vILL BEMv Pesr, PnpstNr tno Furano? A s the query pertains to the native himself, the l1'lugnu and the lagna lord becomes the significator. Ascertainthe strengthsof the ascendant, the Moon and the Navamshalagna. If they are strong and have benefic aspects,there will be favourable results. If they are weak, or have malefic aspects, there will be unfavourableresults. Yogafovoured by Logno lord If the lagna lord forms Ishaafa yoga with the significator, the query pertainsto past.If in Ithasala yo1a, the query pertainsto the present.If the lagna lord is forming future Ithasalawith the significator, the query pertains to future. The above principle as statedin PrashnaTantra is being widely used by astrologers.According to them the navamshalagna and Moon indicate the nature of query. A few others opines the strongestplanet in the horary chart indicatesthe natureof query in the mind g, prrdrrrf"rr rn,

of querist.It is a time testedmethod. One should look for the strongestplanet in the horary chart. If there are two or more strong planets in the horary chart, the one whose longitude is highest should be consideredas the strongestplanet. The strongestplanet will indicate the natureof query. The planetwho is exaltedor positedin his own sign or friend's sign or aspectedby strong benefic and friendly planetis construedas the strongplanet. For example Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are strong in odd sign. Sun, Venus, Jupiter are strong during the day, Moon, Mars and Saturn are strong during the night. The Mercury and Rahu are always strong. The malefics are strong during Krishna Paksha,dark half of the month and the benefics are strong during ShuklaPaksha, the bright half of the month. The Moon is strong during lOth of Shukla Pakshato 5th of Krishna Pakshaetc. After finding the strongestplanet, we have to ascertainthe houseswhich he owns and where he is posited.On the basisof his positionin thehouse and the housesowned by him we ascertainthe natureof query. If the strongestplanet is posited in kendra,own, in friend's sign or is exaltedand when positedin different houseswill denotethe following types of queries : Lagna Health,self, own luck or promotion. 2nd house Cash,movable, ornament, coin, bank balance,family or food, eye, face. 3rd house Journeys,transfer, correspondence or his youngercoborns, neighbour, arms,shoulder. 4th house Happiness, land, conveyance, Predicti ons through Horary 83

mother, education,chest, heart. 5th house Pleasure,entertainment, progeny, children,subordinate. 6th house Disputes,litigations, enemies, debt, disease,loan, competition. 7th house Partnership,wife, journey, trade, business,extra-marital relations. 8th house Dispute, inheritance, disease, longevity,destruction, sudden gain, unearnedmoney. 9th house' Father,journey to distant placb, pilgrimage,fortune, religious deeds, bosses. lOth house Favour from superiors,person in 'authority, profession,promotion, deeds. I lth house Gain, profits from friends, other relations. l2th house Loss, expenditure, donations, hospitalisation, imprisonment, punishmentetc., foreign. In horary 7th housedenotes others, with whom one dealswith and lagna is alwaysthe querist. Our ancient classical books have given certain yoga regarding7th house.Some of them are : (a) If strong Sun, Mar! or Venus is posited in 7th housethe questionrelates to a woman other than . his own wife. (b) If strongSun and Jupiter are posited in 7th house r the query may be related to a pregnantwoman. ' (c) If strong Mars and Venus are posited in the 7th Predictionsthrough Horary

house,the query may bethat of a women who is harsh in speech (d) If strong Jupiter is in 7th housethe query may be one from his own wife. (e) If strong Mercury or Moon is posited in the 7th housethe query is about a woman of loose moral or maid-servant. (f) If strong Saturnis positedin 7th housethe query may be about a low casteor old woman. From the abovecollection you will find that only one factor, woman hasbeen taken into consideration. But there are so many significations of 7th house like partnership, opponent,thief and other person' any one with whom we are dealing with. So we are not to be misled by such statements.We have to modify thern accordingto the query' For example: I received a telephone call on l3th June, 1997at 9:45am,Delhi, the horary chart for the time is as below :

-ag244t Mercury Saturn Mcrcl3-5: Sm 24-32 Srrn?8-?1 Venu t7-01 ) \2,/ Moon Rahu Kctu 0-36

Chart 12 Moon 28-4 RahG'3( Iupitcr (R) lKctu Jup(R) Mars 28-06 3-36

In the chart 12 the Jupiter is the planet posited in his own sign and having the highest longitude of 28"-06'having Ithasalwith the Moon. So the query is Predictionsthrough Horary about the theft (7th house) and theft of liquid cash and ornaments,the Moon representsthe 2nd house being the lord of 2nd and Jupiter is karaka of 2nd house.Lagna lord Mercury is positedin 12th house havingIthasala with Jupiterin 6/8 position.The 12th lord Venus is posited in lagna. Mercury and Venus have exchangeand ithasala.

SatI 2-3 J Rahu(R) Ketu 4-51 SunI 5-0' Merc5-( Vcn6-40 Chart l3 Jupiter Lagna / lt\ | 4-40 Sun Mercury Moon Rahu(R Venus I l-10 4-57 Saturn Ketu Take anotherexample Chart no.13 dated 27-2-1997 at 6:45pm,Delhi. In this chartno planetis positedin his own sign.Only Mercury andVenus are posited in friend's sign and kendraAquarius but associatedwith Sun. So they are combust.Sun is the only planet in kendraand having the highestlongitude. The Sun and Moon are in ithasalalso. So questionconcern about the health of the native being the lord of lagna and positedin 7th , the houseof disease. Take exampleChart No.14 dated28-2-1997 at 7:50pm,Delhi. Again there is no planet in his own sign. Mars and Saturnare in kendra,the Mars is posited in enemy sign and Saturn is posited in ncutral's sign and has high longitudethan Mars. So Suturnis the strongestplanet. Saturn has no relation with the Moon but lagna lord Mercury being fast 86 Predictions through Horary

)atl2-4 Ketu 5-00 Sunl6-13 vle(c)G3( Ven(c)7-51 XN Chart l4 Jup l4-54

M oon Lagna 24-35 vtars(R, 8-50 '^h< n/ planet M moving with less longitude than Saturn is behind Saturn. So Saturnbeing 5th and 6th lord posited in 7th and has ithasala with lagna lord and lOth lord Mercury and hasexchange with Navamsha lagnalord Jupiter.The natureof queryis aboutgetting agencyof a particular firm. The 7th housedeals with the other person with whom you want to deal with i.e. gettingan agency. The strongest planet hoving relation with the Moon or lagna lord or lord of navamsha of lagno indicate the nature of query. It is very essentialto understandthe query. For exampleone asks"whether the marriagewill be fixed with the coming party or not?" Now with the above query if the lagna is movable and strong, it means that therewill be changei.e. the marriagewill not be fixed with the coming party. If there is fixed sign and strong lagna, the marriage will be fixed with the coming party. There will be no change.We should try to understandthe natureof query at first. It is necessaryto understandthe relation betweenthe querist 4nd for whom the query is made. If the native himself puts tfre query then lagna is the P redictions thraugh H orary querist.But sometime fatherenquires about his son, brother enquires about his younger or elder brother or wife enquiresabout her husbandetc. If the father putsthe queryto an astrologer" whethermy sonwill clear the examination", the lagna is father because he is making the query to the astrologerregarding his son.The querywill be consideredfrom 5th house, in such chsestreating 5th houseas lagna.Similarly rnother-in-lawputs a query to an astrologerwhether her daughter-in-law is pregnant or not. In this case lagnais mother-in-law,5th houseis her son and 11th houseis daughter-in-law.So we haveto considerthe query from the I lth houseand 5th from I lth i.e. 3rd houseas the houseKarya bhava of signification.It is very essentialto understandthe query and the relation betweenthe queristand the personfor whom the query is made. I7-4-1998 at 20:30 Delhi Fridav

Mcr (R) Sat0-02 l6-16 Sun3-34 Mars9-3i r'enlE-t( Jup23" ietu l5-{ \ Chart l5 t0 Rahu t\ I 5-06 Ven' Satum Ketu Sun Jup Mars ( Moon lagna ll t t2\ 07-tI 26-t7 Merc(R)

"Will my elder brother come back" as the elder brother of the native has gone away from home after the quarrel with the father. The elder brother of the native is indicatedby the I lth house.Take l lth house as lagna, I lth houseand the I lth lord Sun indicate the elder brother. The llth house is aspectedby Venus, the lOth lord and Jupiter the 5th lord , Mercury is retrograde.Aspectsthe lagna i.e. I lth house,the elder brother is physically strong and alive. The Sun has ithasalawith Mars the 7th lord from lagna the house of return of the query and indicatedays, the differencebetween Mars and Sun's longitude is 6o. So the native's elder brother came back on 25th April 1998.He, the elder brother had goneto his friend at Agra,the eastof Delhi indicated by Sun the lord of l lth house,the elderbrother. Aug 21 1998ot 9:00 hrs Delhi "When the native will be promoted" Rdtu Jup(R) Sat(R) ./ Sun t/4 02-24 0946 . 5 .luan

Marso-lJ Ketu loon23-1 07-37 VenI 5-3! Chart 16 {tr{R)?2-1' Sun4-3 RahuT-l

fl\ I Asc ./ \ }fKctu \_ ,/ Saturn(R) l4-04 \./ Lagnais commonsign but lessthan l5' so it will be treated as fixed sign and aspectedby Jupiter but retrogtade,the lagna lord and 1Othlord Merculy is posited in the sign of gains but retrograde and aspectedby retrogradeJupiter from his own sign in kendra.Mercury is associatedwith the l lth lord Moon and 2nd lord Venus and 3rd and 8th lord Mars. The Moon and l0th and lagna lord Mercury are having ithasal, the retrogradeand associationof 8th lord Mars resulting in no promotion at that time but after PredrcttonsthroughHorary 89 three months his case was reconsidered and promoted. The fixed sign in lagna at the time of query indicatespromotion, at marriageindicates marriage, theft of an article indicates recovery of article, travelling indicatesno travel, diseaseindicates no cure of diseasebut also no death,query of litigation or election indicatesthe native will not be defeated etc. Notes (r) The Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius are shirshodaYasigns. (ii) The Aries, Taurus, Cancer,Sagittarius and Capricorn signs are the Prishtodayasigns. . (iii) The Piscesis Ubhayodayasigns. If the lagna falls in human signsand be aspected by or occupied by benefic planets,good results and gains will be the results. Note: The humansigns are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and lst half of Sagittarius. Crnrr"* I


is well known that the lagnaand lagnalord play a JtI Imajor role in Horary astrology. The strength or weaknessrespectfully of the lagnaand the lagnalord indicatesthe successand failure of the query. Sometimeon the basisof lagna,planets in lagna,sign in lagna,aspect on lagnaand the lagna lord one can indicatethe whole aspectof the query. According to "Shatpanchashika"Shloka 2, chapterone, the astrologershould predict changeor fall in status,change in place(transfer),fall in wealth, defamationfrom the lagna of the Horary chart. The increasein wealth, happinessand land is indicated by the 4th house.The idea of return from travel to home is indicatedby the 7th house.The lOth house indicatesthe travel or the ideaof travelling.The 4th housealso indicatesthe reachingof the traveller at home. According to'"PrashnaGyan" if dwipadasigns (Gemini, Vrigo, Libra, Aquarius and first half of P redictions through Horary 9I

Sagittarius)or chatushpadasigns (Aries, Taurus,Leo, 2nd half of Capricorn) are posited in lagna and aspectedby beneficplanets, the query will fructify. According to shloka 8th of "PrashnaGyana" if any houseis occupiedby or aspectedby the lord of the sign of the house or occupiedby or aspectedby Jupiter, Venus or Mercury the signification of the house fructify/flourish (provided Jupiter, Venus or Mercury are beneficsfor the lagna) It means if houseor lagna is strong the query would fructify. Moreoverthe sign in lagna or house play an importantrole. If the sign is movable,there will be change.If the houseor lagnais aspected'by or occupiedby beneficas well as malefic planetsor the lagna lord is weak, mixed resultsfollow. If there is a fixed sign in lagnaand strong, there ;will be no changebut if there is weak fixed sign in lagna,there can be somechange. The sameis the casewith dual signs.If the dual sign is less than 15' of longitude it behavesas a movable sign. If it is more than l5o, it behavesas a fixed sign. ' The author of "Tajik Neelkanti" Neelkantha Daivagya has clearly stated that if lagna is in conjunction with benefic, the querist will have freedom from worry and ill health. But if the lagna lord is malefic and positedin lagnaor conjunctwith malefic, there will be quarrels,ill healthand loss of money. The dictum that whichever house at query is occupiedor aspectedby its own lord, will give only benefic results, is to be interpretedvery carefully. ,, p*dtrrt"^ tn *Sh

If the lord of,the house is benefic and occupiesa benefichouse it will give goodresults. If the lord of the house is malefic and occupies a malefic house will yield malefic results. Similarly one should examine carefully the dictum that "wheneverthe 2nd, l2th,7th, 4th or 1Oth housesfrom lagna are occupiedby benefic planets, the saidhouse will yield benefic,results."(shloka 9, Prashna Gyan). If the lagna falls in shirshodayasign and aspectedby benefic or occupied by benefic, the result of query will be auspicious,under opposite circumstances,the resultwill be reversed.If the lagna is aspectedby or occupied by benefic and malefic planets both, the object of the query will be accomplishedwith great difficulties. If benefic planetsoccupy the kendra(lst, 4th, 7th and 1Oth)and maleficsthe 3rd, 6th and 1lth house good results, gain and financial prosperity are indicated. If malefic planets are posited in the 2nd, L2th from lagna or 7th house,they will not yield good results.The weak Moon in the lagna is not good, but the sameyields good resultin lOth house. Similarly at the query if the lagna lord or the planetthat is friendly to him is positedin kendraand malefic planets are positedin other than kendra, 8th and 12th,only good resultswill follow the querist. If benfic planetsare positedin 2nd, 5th and 9th the queristwould realisehis ambitions.So alsowhen malefics Sun, Mars, Saturnand Rahu occupy3rd, 6th and 11thhouse (trishadaya house) from the lagna,the Pr"dt"tt"* thr*gh H resultswill be ausPicious. If malefic planets occupy the lagna at query, there will be physical trouble and quarrel for the querist. If malefic planets occupy the 4th house from lagna, there will be destruction of happiness, disunity in family and quarrel and enmity with relatives. If malefic planets occupy the 7th house from lagna,there will be obstructionto his journey, quarrel with partner, spouseand there will be desirefor eStra marital relations. If malefic planets are positerlin the 1Othhouse from lagna, there will be destructionof meritorious deeds. If malefic planets are aspectedby benefic planets - natural benefics as well as benefic for the particular lagna - there will be successafter a good deal of trouble to the luerist. When a strong Jupiter occupies the lagna and not aspectedby or conjoined with malefic planet he gives status in society, happinessand wealth' Mercury in the sameposition gives learning, money' and happinesswhile Venus, gives 'successfulintelligence completion of meritorious or auspicious deeds, pleasuresof bed, happiness,status and comforts. When malefics planetsare debilitated,combust, in enemy's sign, hemmedbetween malefics they tend rto give bad results. When strong malefic planets occupy kendra, trikona and 8th, 12th and 3rd they , causedestruction of object of query. Strong malefic Predictions through Horary planet occupy kendra, trikona, 8th and 2nd cause destruction of objects of query according to a few scholars.They are right when they include 2nd house insteadof 3rd house.The 3rd houseindicate valour, courage, bravery and is an upachaya house, hence strong malefic increasesthe strength of the native to fight and achieve the object though may act as malefie for coborns. The 2nd house is the house of family, wealth. Strong malefic planet in 2nd therefore causesdestruction of wealth and family. Hence a strong malefic in kendra, trikona, 8th and 2nd is not good. If the said malefic planet is conjoined with or aspectedby benefics, he gives successafter a good deal of struggle, trouble to the querist.

Summary regarding the strength of a house:- ( I ) The house becomesstrong if the lord of the sign is in own houseor aspectthe house. (2) The housebecomes strong if beneficplanets occupy or aspectthe house. (3) The house become weak if malefic planets occupy or aspectthe house. (4) If the lord of a houseis posited in exaltation, Mooltrikona, own or friend's sign, the house becomesstrong. (5) If a benefic planet is posited in the house of his exaltation,Mooltrikona, friend's sign, the housebecomes strong. (6) If the lord of the sign of the houseis posited in 6th, 8th or 12th,the housebecomes weak. (7) If the lord of the 6th, 8th or l2th house is posited in own house,the house becomes weak. (8) If the lord of the house is conjunct or aspectedby benefics,the significations of the houseflourish and vice versa. (e) If the lord of the houseis strongand posited in kendraor trikona, the significationof the house flourishes. ( l0) If benefic planets are posited in 2nd, l2th and 7th or 4th and l0th from a house under consideration,the significationsof the house flourish and vica versa. (l l) If the lord of the house is combust, debilitated, hemmed between malefics, positedin enemysign, the significationof the house get destroyed. (r2) If the dispositorof the lord of the houseis weak or posited in 6th, 8th or l2th house. weakenthe house. Ctnrr"^ 9


WnIrc INTERPRETING THE CHART OF QUERY:- (a) Firstly decide about the lord of the bhava pertaining to the work in hand. He is called Karyesh the Significator or the lord of signification(SL) andthe houseis calledhouse of signification(SH) or the Karya bhava.Next we take into considerationLagna and Lagna lord (LL). (b) We consider those planets that aspect or conjoin Karyeshand lagnesh. (c) Next those planets that occupy or aspect the abovesaid housesi.e. Lagna and signification housei.e. Karya bhavaand Lagna. The object will be achieved when:- ( I ) Lagna lord and Karyeshboth are beneficplanets and have ithasalayoga in a benefichouse. (2) Lagna Lord aspectslagna and Karyeshaspects Karya bhava. P re dictions tlr ough Horary 97 ,rv'

(3) Lagna Lord aspectsKarya bhavaand Karyesh aspectsLagna. (4) Lagna lord aspectsKaryesh and Karyesh aspectsLagna'lord. (5) Lagna Lord and Karyesh conjoin in Lagna. (6) Lagna Lord and Karyesh conjoin in Karya bhava. (7) Lagna Lord aspectsKaryesh posited in Karya bhava. (8) Karyesh aspectsLagna Lord positedin lagna. (9) Lagna lord aspectsKaryesh andKarya Bhava ( 10) Karyesh aspectsthe Lagna and Lagna Lord. (l l) Lagna lord and Karyeshhave Kambool yoga. ( l2) Lagna or Karya bhavahave the aspectof three or more,benefic planets. (13) If full moon without malefic influenceaspects Lagna, Lagna Lord, Karya Bhava,orKaryesh. ( l4) Lagna Lord ar{dKaryesh positedin 2nd. (15) Strong benefic planetposited in Lagna in own sign. (16) Shirshodoyasign in Lagna and strong Lagna Lord aspectedby full Moon from 5th, 9th, lOth or I lth house. (17) If full Moon without affliction aspectsLagna, Lagna Lord, Karya bhava,karyesh or lagna lord . andkaryesh in 2nd, 5th, 9th, lOthor I lth house, the querist will achievehis objective. The results of abovesaid yogasdepends on the strengthof the lagna lord and karyesh.If the karyesh and lagna lord are exalted, in own sign or friend's Predictionst hrough Horary sign and conjoined with or aspectedby benefic, the querist will achievehis objective.If lagna lord or karyesh are posited in debilitation, combust, hemmedbetween malefics, posited in enemysign the work will suffer evenif aspectedby beneficsand the Moon. If only lagna lord is aspectedby three benefics and the Moon the objective will be achieved. If lagna lord and l lth lord or lagnalord and 2nd lord are aspectedby full Moon, the native achieves wealth, objective and other comforts. If full Moon aspects9th house one performs noble deedsand go for pilgrimage.If full Moon aspects1Oth hcuse, the native achievespromotion in service,government job and fame. If the Moon has conjunctionwith or aspected by 8th lord or positedin 8th houseshe gives malefic results or signifies obstruction in achieving the objective. If lagna lord and karyesh is aspectedby full Moon without affliction, posited in kendra(1st, 4th, 7th or l0th) or trikona (5th or 9th) the nativeachieves his objective. The exalted Sun in lagna gives fear from fire, thief or ailment. If Mars and Saturn are posited in lagnaand aspectedby inimical planets,they indicate fire, theft, accident,wound, suffering andquarrel with wife. If only Saturnis in lagna and aspectedby Sun, Mars or Moon the native facesdefamation, rumours, loss of wealth, quarrels,diseases and punishment from government.If Rahu is posited in lagna and aspectedby Sun, Mars or Moon, one suffers from Predtcttorlt thlough wound, injury, quarrel,accident or paralysis,pain in abdomen,distension or small Pox. All malefics in benefic housesand all benefics in malefic housesindicate bad results. If Moon posited in lagna is aspected by debilitatedMars in lOth houseor debilitatedSaturn in 7th house(Dikbal-directional strength)one suffers for the whole life from loss of wealth and comforts of life, loss of happiness(Dham, Artha and Kama). If lagna lbrd or karyeshdoes not aspectthe lagna or karyeshbhava or eachother, the object will not be achieved.It will be achievedonly whenlagna lord or karyesh will have relation with each other or aspect lagna or karyeshbhava. The signs have been divided by the sagesinto Shirshodaya,Prishtodaya and Ubayodayasigns. The Shirshodayasigns are Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius..The Prishtodayasigns are Aries, Taurus,Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. The Piscessign is Ubhayodaya,both ways. If lagnais Shirshodayasign and occupiedby or aspectedby benefic planets and the Moon the objectiveis achieved. If lagna is shirshodayasign and beneficplanets are positedin 5th or 9th housethe objectivewill be achieved.If lagna is Prishtodayasign and has a malefic planet or its aspecton the lagnathe objective will not be achieved. There will be obstructionin the work if 4th lord or lOth lord are retrograde. If lagna lord or karyeshare retrograde,there will be obstruction and the work will not be achieved. Predictions through Horary

If Saturn is posited in lagna Sun or Mars and aspectthg lagnathe work will not be achieved. If dispositorof lagnalord is positedin 6th, 8th or l2th sign from lagna, the work will not be achieved. Timing of the Event ,dn inquisitive querrist always posesthe next question about time of fructification once he knows his objective will be achieved,whether it be on professionalmatters. marriage, begetting children, persuinghigher studiesetc. Hence it is desirableto provide cluesto divine the timing of event. The easiestway to answerthe query to time the fructification of event is to see when the ithasala of lagna lord and karyeshis going to take place and whetherit is in the nearfuture. Wheneverthe relation of lagna and lagna lord, karya bhava and karyesh establishedthe event will take place. These yogas havebeen stated in the beginningof the chapter9 on fructification. Porashora stotes :- ( I ) If the lagna is movablesign, the eventwill take place immediately. (2) If the lagna is fixed sign, either the event is unlikely to fructification or statusquo will be maintainedor there will be delay. The popular method in ancient classical works is to take the number of navamshaof lagna lord. The number of navamshaof lagna lord will indicate the period within which the event is likely to take place. Some ideas are given as under : Sun indicates =Ayana = 6 months Period Moon indicates:Muhurta= 48 minutes Mars indicates : lday Mercury infdicates =Ritu= 2 months period Jupiter indicates = 1 month or 3Odays Venusindicates:Paksh : 15 days Saturn indicates = oneyear (Saravali) Multiply the number of navamshawith the period of the lord of navamsha.The product will indicate the time of event. The aspectof Saturnon the lagnaindicates undue delay. Some astrologers consider the longitudes of lord of lagna as the time indicator. SupposeSun 20o is la'gnalord. So the time of event to take place is Ayana i.e. 6 month. Now 30" indicates6 month 20oindicates + X.20 = 4months JU

In caseof Navamsha 9 navamshaindicates 6 months 6navamshaindicates 6 X 6 = 4months 9 Some ancient astrologersare of the view that exalted planet indicatesa Ghati, planet in own sign indicatesa day,the planet in firend's sign indicatesa month, a planet in enemy'ssign or in debilitation indicatesa year.The movablesign indicatesthe same, the fixed sign indicates the twice the duration and dual sign indicatesthrice. Yet another popularly acceptedprinciple is to look for the strongestplanet in the chart. If that strongplanet is positedin movablenavamsha, count how many housesthat planetis away from the lagna. As many housesaway that planet is posited fiom lagna,so much period will take to fructify the query. If that planet is posited in fixed navamsha.double the indicated period. If that planet is posited in common navamshatriple the indicatedperiod. For exampletake Mesh lagnaand Jupiter is the strongest planetin the chartand posited in Libra sign in kendra. Jupiter is seven houses away from lagna. If Jupiteris positedin movablesign in navamsha,the fructification of query will take 7 months.If Jupiter is posited in fixed sign in navamshait will take 14 months and if in common navamsha it will take 2l months becauseJupiter indicates one month. If it would have beenMars the time period would have been in days irrespectiveof whether there is any relation between the lagnalord and the strongestplanet. This methoddoes not help much becausethe event will take place only when there will be relation betweenlagnesh and karyesh. So the practical method is as such " when the date of marriagewill be fixed?" 22nd Nov. 1998at I8-05 Delhi Chart is on the next page m Pr"di"tio^ throushH*orY

K€tu Chart l7 I Jupiter 8\ Sun Mars Yen Merc(c 9 Moon

As query pertainsto marriage' The 7th lord and 7th house are the significators' The lagna is fixed sign, the lagnalord Venusaspects the lagnaand Venus and Moon have ithasala. As the previous engagementhas broken and second engagemnetwould take place' So the its significatoifoi 2nd marriage is 2nd hbuse and toio is Mercury. Mercury being retrogradeindicates remarriage.The2ndhouseacommonsignalsoindicates znd marriage. Lagna lord Venus and Mercury the 2nd lord haveithasala. Mercury being 2nd lord is significator and indicatesRitu - 6 months. The difference between Mercury and Venus is (2io-23o;- lo = llo-28'= 11.46 30'indicates6 months I indicates 6 + 30 months I 1.46indicates 6 - 30 x 11'46 = 2.29 = 2months06 daysApp. The marriage date is indicated by adding the date of query to daYsarrived as above' 104

22_n-1998 06- 2- -- l 28- l-1999 The marriagetook place on 5th Feb, 1999 If we consider only degrees 30 indicates6 months lindicates6:30 ll indicates6 + 30 x ll = 66:30 :2months6days The date of marriagewill be 2g-l-99 22-n-1998 06- 2 _ __ 28- I- rgsg This method of calculationsof timing event is found to be good. jlhen will be the delivery? Ihth september Iggg ot 11:38Delhi :



Chart l8 5 Mcrcury


I sat(R)

The lagna is shirshodayasign, fixed sign apsectedby 5th lord Jupiter(becuase he has attianed 30oso he must fall in Piscesthe fifth house)and the Jupiter also aspectlagna lord Mars and there is ithasalayoga. So thereis a pregnancy,the difference of longitudeof Mars and Jupiteris approximately10 and Jupiterindicates 30 days.So the delivery should be with in ten days.The deliverytook place on l4th sep.1998 at 13:50Delhi whenthe Moon was in trine to the Jupiterand favouring ithasala with Mars being in Geminisign at l3 -28'. A few astrologersopine if the significator is positedin visible half (from 7th houseto l2th) the query will fiuctify. If the significatoris posited in invisiblehalf (from lagnato 6th house)the querywill not fructify. Now see how many houses the significator is away from houseof signification. If the significator is posited in llis own house, the tiuctification will be achievedin as many days as the significatoris away from houseof signification. If he is positedin friend's houseso many months. If the significatoris positedin enemy's sign or combust or debilitatedthe object will be achieved in so many years.So due attentionis to be paid to the strengthof signilicator for timing events. cnaprnn10


eing a practising doctor I have faced more questionsregarding diseases of patient.I have facedtwo main questions: (1) Whether the patient will be cured or not? If "yes' When ? (2). Whetherthe patientwill survive or not ? No one has come to me as astrologer,to know regardingthe diagnosisof diseases.So I shall like to deal with thesetwo questionselaborately. In Horary Astrology we take the lst house as indicator of doctor, the personwho gives medicine to the patients,not attendant.Generally the I st house is indicatorof querist.But in caseof diseaseswe take lst house as doctor becausethe doctor and queristare one and the samewho is opponentto the diseases.We take the 7th house and 6th houseas indicatorof diseases,the lOth houseindicator of the patient himself, who is doing karma to get rid of diseaseand the 4th housethe medicines.6th from 6th i.e. 1lth housefrom lagna is also indicatorof P*dtrrt"^ rn H ""gh diseases.The 8th houseis indicatorof death,the 8th from 8th i.e. 3rd houseis also indicator of death.

Asc Doctor Doctor Asc


I Chart l9 Medicine A Patient Patient


Disease Diseasr Disease

The patient will recover easily with the doctor (l) If the lagna is a benefic sign, occupiedby or aspectedby benefic planetsand having benefic planetsin kendraand trikona and the lagnalord is aspectinglagna or the conjoined with or aspectedby benefic planetsin benefic house, the doctor will be able to cure the patient. (2) If the lagna is the sign of a malefic planet or occupiedby or aspectedby a malefic planetor the lagnalord is positedin trik houses(6th, gth, l2th) or apoklim houses(3rd, 6th, 9th and l2th) and aspectedby or conjunct with malefics or is combust,debilitated or posited in enemy sign or posited in kendra or trikona but conjoiningor aspectedby malefics,the doctor will not be able to cure the patient. One should changethe doctor without delay. Or a doctor should not treat of such a patient. He will bring defamataion,ill reputation to the doctor. 108 P'"dt'ttt^t

(3) If the lagnais a movablesign and lagnalord is also positedin movablesign, the patientwill be curedby changingthe doctor or by changing the climate and Place. (4) If 10th house is benefic as given in detail above,it indicatesthat the diagnosisis correct and the treatment given is correct.and patient will obey and follow the adviceof the doctor' If the lOth houseis malefic as statedabove for lagna the patient will not obey and follow the adviceof the doctor and will not be cured. (5) If there are beneficsigns in the 6th or 7th house occupiedby or aspectedby beneficsand lords are benefically disposedthe patient will be curedby taking medicine. If there are malefic signs in 6th or 7th, malefics occupyor aspectthem, their lords are posited or aspectedby malefic and occupyingmalefic houses,debilitated and combust, in enemy'ssign or hemmedbetween malefics, the diseasewill not cure easily or likely to get complicated. (6) If 6th lord or 7th lorcl have Ithsala yoga with 8th lord the chancesof death are present' (7\ If 4th house and its lord are malefic and occupiedor aspectedby, conjunctedor hemmed between malefics or 4th lord is debilitated, combustor postedin enemy'ssign, the patient will not cure inspiteof the best medicines. If 4th house and 4th lord are beneficially disposed,the medicinewill cure the patient. In short we can saythat if the Moon is positedin Upachayahouse (3,6,10,11) and beneficsare posited Predictions through Horary in Kendra(1,4,7 ,10) Trikona (5,9)and 8th house,the patientwill recover.If maleficplanets are posited in abovesaid houses, there will be diseases.if lagnaand lagna lord are strong and well disposed,aspected by benefic, hemmedbetween bqnefics, the patient will be cured. The patient will be cured, if :- (a) If the lagna lord and Moon is posited in lagna in movable or common sign and aspectedby benefic planets. (b) If the Moon is posited in 4th J, f O,n housein own sign. (c) If the Moon is posited in own sign and have ithasalawith benefic planet. (d) If the lord of lagnais beneficplanet and posited in kendra or trikona in exaltationor own sign (e) A strongbenefic planet is positedin lagna Our experienceindicates that if the lagna lord is strong and benefic lagna is occupiedor aspectedby benefic planets,the Moon is strong in paksh bala, is full, though positedin 6th, 8th or l2th housethe patient gets cure by changing the system of medicines of treatment.If lagna or lagna lord is afflicted, change the doctor. if 4th houseor 4th lord is afflicted change the system of medicine for better treatment. The Zodiac sigzs indicate thefollowing body ports: Sign Parts of the Bodv Aries Head Taurus Eyesparticularly right eye; face and mouth; neck Sign Parts of the Body Gemini Shoulders and arms and ears, particularly Right ear Cancer Chest, breast Leo Heart, stomachparticularlY uPPer abdomen,uterus Virgo Intestine,waist, lower abdomen Libra Kidney, semen,sexual instict, uterus, vagina,bladder etc. Scorpio External genital organs,Anus Sagittarius Thigh Capricorn Knee, Back bone Aquarius Left ear,legs below knee,calf muscle Pisces Feet,left eye.

The planet indicates the following parts of the body: Planets Perts of the Bod Sun Heart, bones,stomach, right eYe Moon Chest, breast,blood Mars Head, back, particularly mark on the back Mercury Neck and shoulder,arms Jupiter Fats, hips Venus Face Saturn Legs, feet, thigh Rahu Legs below knees, P re dictions t hrough Horary III

The 6th housealways indicatesthe diseaseand 8th house death, longevity. Saturn is the karaka of disease.6th from 6th house i.e. l lth house also indicatesdiseases but being llth from lagna it indicatesend of disease,2nd and 7th housesand their lords are called houses and planets respectively, the aspect or associationof Maraka planents indicate sufTering,even death. For movablesign in lagnal lth houseis Badhak. For fixed sign 9th houseis Badhak.For dwiswabhava sign , 7th houseis Badhak.The Badhakhouse and its lord also indicatetroubles and diseases. Diseases indicoted by occapalion or aspect of planets on 6th house : Sun Heart trouble, fracture of bones, ey€ . troubles, stomach troubles, fever, headache,anxiety. Moon Eye disease,blood diseases,cold and cough, tuberculosisand mental troubles. Mars High fever,headache, viral diseases,high blood pressure,wound and dysentry, tumours. Mercury Troubles in shouldersand arms, axillae allergy,epilepsy, madness. Jupiter Piles, jaundice, liver enlarge, kidney troubles. Venus Eye diseases,cholera, weak semen, diabetesmelitus, venerealdiseases, eye disease. Saturn Troublesdue to imbalanceof vata,loss of limb, pain in abdomen,weakness. Rahu Diseasedue to poisoning. The combination of planets or aspect change the individual diseose: If the planetsare posited in 6th or 8th housethey cauqethe following type of diseases.Conjoined or aspectedby maleficsand devoid of aspectof benefics. Sun and Mars: Diseasesof blood, high blood pressure,piles, dysentry,headache and injuries or wounds. Sun and Mercury: Typhoidfever, allergy,jaundice, diseaseof lungs and tuberculosis Sun and Saturnl Rheumaticdiseases, injury by weapons,paralysis, heart attacks, hernia and fall from high places. Sun and Rahu: Leprosy, Cancer, heart attacks, diseasesof uterus, leuchorrhea. Sun and Venus: Semendiseases, venreal diseases, madness,Gynaecological diseases. Sun and Moon: Chesttrouble, diarrhoea,vomiting, " semen discharge, diabetesmelitus. Sun and Jupiter: dyspepsia,constipation, spleen diseases,skin diseases,urticarea, oedema. Sun and Ketu: Swelling of testicles,hydrocele, operation, abortion, convulsions,hysterical attacks. Similarly conjunction or aspectof other planets modify the type of disease' Venus and Moon: Cold and cough, diarrhoea, spermatorrhoeaand Leucorrhoea. Venus and Mars: Spermatorrhoea,piles anddiseases of blood, causeweakness. Sun and Mars: Diseasesof blood due to excessof biles, high blood pressure,piles, bloody dysentry, 'headache, €yo diseases. Mercury and Mars or Sun: Typhoid, Jaundice,liver trouble, diseasesof lungs,paralysis. Mars in Scorpio:Fistula Mars being lagneshis posited in Sth and aspected by malefics: causewound in head. Saturn alone: cause wind diseases,wound, rheumaticpains, pneumonia. Seturn and Mars: causeSwelling of glandsor ulcer or cancer. Saturn and Ketu in 7th house:causefistula Saturn and 6th lord in 6th or Eth house: cause ulcers in feet. Rahu/Ketu: causewind diseases,small pox, cholera, typoid, hydrocete, constipation. Rehu and Sun - causeLeprosy Rahu and Saturn: cause Gout, wind disease, trembling of feet. Rahu end Venus: causecold and cough,paralysis. Rahu and Seturn: cause Cancer and chronic diseases. Sun: fever due to excessof pitta, restlessheadache, H:'J:.'l"ll'J;,. andcough, phergm, rever Mars: causediseases due to excessof pitta, high fever, burning in hands and feet, headache,pain in shoulders,pain in eyes. Mercury and Jupiter: cause Jaundice,confusion, headache,fever due to vata (Rheumaticfever). u4 Predictiorc lhrough Horary

Venus: causecold and cough phelgm, fever due to kapha,weakness of semen,venereal diseases, sexual excitement,leuchorrea. Lagna lord in lagna with malefics in 6th or 8th or 10th: causeaccidents or wound in head. Lagna lord and Mars: causewound due to some weapon, surgery or accident. Moon and 6th lord: causewound or diseaseof mouth or face. Mars and 6th lord in lagna or 6th or 8th: cause diseaseof heador anus. Jupiter with 6th lord in lagna or 6th or 8th: cause ulcer in naval or cessariandelivery or operationof abdomen. Mercury with 6th lord in lagna or 6th or 8th: causeulceration of heartvalve.' Venuswith 6th lord in lagna or 6th or 8th: cause diseasesof eye. Saturn with 6th lord in lagna, 6th or 8th: cause diseasesof feet. Rahu/Ketu with 6th lord in lagna, 6th or 8th: causediseases of lips. Exchangeof 6th lord and lagna lord or 6th lord and 8th lord or lagna lord and 8th lord: cause chronicdiseases. Malefics in 3rd, 6th, 9th or l2th house: indicate hereditarydiseases. .* The diseases-of the paits of body is indicated by the sign/houseoccupied by the 6th lord or afflicted Moon or afflicted lagna lord. P redictions through Horary II5

General health ond early recovery from diseases : (l) If beneficplanets are posited in kendra,trikona andthe maleficplanets placed in 3rd, 6th, l lth housesindicates general health. (2) A strong benefic planet in lagna and strong Moon indiactesearly recovery. (a) If there is ithasalof lagnalord and 1Oth lord - the doctor and the patient. (b) If thereis ithasalof 4th lord and 7th lord - medicinesand diseases. indicate earlv recovery. (3) The lagna and lagna lord is occupied or aspectedby beneficplanets and no aspectof malefic planets. (4) If there is ithasalaof lagnalord and the Moon with benefic planetsin benefic housesand signs. (s) The Moon is conjunct with or aspectedby beneficplanets in kendraand have ithasal with lagnalord. (6) The lagnalord is positedin lagnawith benefic planetsand haveno malefic aspect. (7) If lagna lord is a beneficplanet and is posited in lagna,6th, 7th and 8th houseand aspected by benefic planets and the full Moon in Upachayahouses (3rd, 6th, 1Othand llth houses),the patientwill be cured. If maleficsare positedin 1st,6th, 7th and gth houses,,the Moon is weak,there is fear of death of patient. (E) If lagna lord is posited in lagna, llth lord is 116 Pr"dt"ttt^tfu

strong and.8th lord is weak, the Moon is posited in upachayahouse with full strength, the patient will get cured. (9) The Moon and lagnalord positedin kendraand conjoined or aspectedby benefics,retrograde 7th lord have no relation with the Sun or 8th lord, the patient will be cured. ( 10) Benefics in 3rd, 6th, 9th and I lth indicate cure of the patient. (l l) The Moon in own sign in 4th house,aspected by benefic, not aspectedby malefics, indicate cure of the patient. (12) The Moon in own sign and have ithasalawith benefic planetsindicate cure of the patient. (13) Moon in own sign - 4th or lOth and lagnalord in chara or dwiswabhavasign, aspectedby beneficplanets indicate recovery of the patient. Delay in recovery of the potient or complicotion in diseases : ( 1) If there is exchangeof 6th and 8th lord. (2) If maleficsare posited in 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th and l2th and lagna. (3) If Saturnor Mars is positedin kendraor l2th house,recovery after much suffering. (4) If malefic Lagna lord in lagna or is strongly positedin l2th house. (5) 8th lord in kendra,lagna lord in 6th, 8th, l2th and the Moon weak. (6) The Moon in Mooltrikona with retrograde Predictions through Horary I17

(7) The exchangeof lagna lord and 6th lord. (8) The saturn and Mars in lagna in own sign. (9) If lagna lord and 10th lord or 4th lord and 7th lord are enemies. (10) If lagnalord andthe Moon haveisharafa yoga. (l l) The maleficsare posited in 7th house. (12) The malefics are posited in 6th and 8th house. or 6th and 8th housesare aspectedby malefics. (13) If 5th or 9th houseis occupiedby debilitated or combustplanet in enemicalsign or hemmed between malefic planets. ( 14) If Mars is exaltedor posited in own sign or friqndssign in lOth house. (15) If Malefics are positedin Kendraor 8th Lord is positedin Kendra. (16) {f Maleficsor Retrogradeplanet conjoin Moon. A Retrogradeplanet in the sign of Moon. (17) Retrogradeplanet occupy 4th or 7th house. (18) If Lagna or the Moon is hemmedbetween Mercury and Venus, delayedrecovery, but no death. Whether the diseaseis curable? Answer in aftirmotive. (1) If the benefics are posited in Kendra in strength the disease will be cured by medicines. (2) If the Moon is strong, full and occupies2nd . or 4th house. (3) If strong and full Moon in Upachayaand 9th house or beneficsare posited in Upachaya(3, 6, I l) and 9th house. o ilg pr"ann^ rn,

(4) If benefic Lagna lord is strongand positedin Kendra; aspectedby or conjuctwith benefics, not aspectedby malefics. (5) If Moon or Lagna Lord is positedin movable or common sign in the contrarydisposition of planetsindicate that the diseaseis not curable. (6) Moon in own signin 4th or lOthhouse. (7) Moon in own signhaving Ithasal with benefics. (8) If strong benefic in Lagna aspectedby a benefic planet. Death of the patient is indicated if: ( I ) The 6th Lord is positedin Lagnawith malefics and the Moon is affflicted. The Moon in 4th or 8th or lOth house in papa - Kartari yoga, conjuct or aspectedby malefic planets. (2) Moon in Lagnaand Sun in 7th house. (3) The Moon in 4th, 8th or 12thhouse and malefic planetsin 2nd, l2th,7th or 8th house. (4) The Moon and Lagna Lord are posited in 8th house. (5) the Lagna Lord and 8th Lord are in ithasal. (6) The Lagna Lord and Moon in Kendra or 8th having ithasalwith malefics. (7) The Lagna Lord and Moon gets combust and have ithasalwith malifics. (8) 6th and 8th Lords are positedin Lagna. (9) The Moon is positedin 6th andis positedin or ithasalwith 8th Lord. ( 10) Mars positedis in 7th or 8thhousein own sign afflicted by malefic planets. 0 PrrA"tfu^tn *ShH*

( I 1) Lag4a Lord is weaker than 8th lord and the Moon in 6th, 8th or l2th house. (12) Saturn in 8th houseaspected by Mars. (13) The Moon being l2th Lord positedin 6th forming ithasalwith 7th Lord. (14) The 6th Lord or malefic in Lagna aspectedby the Moon. (ls) 8th Lord and Moon in 8th house. (16) 8th Lord is combust,debiliated or in enemy's sign or hemmedbetween malefics in Kendra and have ithasalawith LagnaLord or the Moon. (r7) Lagna Lord in dwadashmshaof Sun. ( l8) Lagna Lord or 8th Lord positedin Kendra and have ithasalawith debilitatedcombust planet. (g> Lagnalord and 8th Lord positedin Kendra and have papa kartari yoga and ithasala with malefic planets. (20) Moon conjioned with malefics in 4th, 8th or l2th or lOth houseand maleficsin 3rd, 7th or l2th house. (21) Moon is afflicted in 4th 8th or l2th or lOth house,Sun in lagnaand Mercury in 7th house. (22) (i) Malefic planet in 6th, 7th and 8th from Moon. (ii) The malefic in 6th, 7th and8th housefrom 6th i.e. I lth, l2th andLagna. (iii) The Malefic 6th, 7th and 8th from 8th housei.e. Lagna,2ndand 3rd housefrom Lagna. (23) Moon in 7th in the sign of the Venus, Saturn and Mars, Mars and Saturn in 8th, Lagna afflicted. (24) Moon in 6th or 8th house and malefic in 6th and 7th. (25) The patient dies within Tdays if malefics are in 4th and 8th from Lagna or Venusand Jupiter in 3rd. (26) The patientdies within l0 daysif Sun posited in 3rd and malefic in lOth house. (27) The patient dies within 3 days if malefics are in lOth. (28) If the malefic planets are in 2nd house and Moon and Lagna Lord is posited in 6th or gth house. (29) If the Moon is posired in gth from Aruda Lagna and aspectedby malefic planets. TIMING OF DEATH

Yogas given in classics

(l) If Sun in 3rd and malefics in 7th housedeath within in ten days. (2) If Sun in 3rd and malefics in l0th and 7th housedeath within ten days. (3) The malefics in 2nd houseand Moon and lagna lord in 6th or 8th death within fourteen days. (4) The Jupiterand Venus in 3rd houseaccording to other,the Jupiterand Venus in 3rd from lOth i.e. l2th housefrom lagnaand the maleficsin 4th and 8th housedeath within sevendays. (5 ) If Sun,Mars, Saturnor Rahu in 2nd, 7th or lOth house death within three days. P*dt"rt"* rn""-n n*

(6) If Sun or Rahu in lOth and Mars or Saturn in 7th houseone dies on the sameday. One should also apply the principle of timing the events given in 9th chapterof this book. The above yogas are given in classics but experience does not confirm them. We have no disrespectfor our ancient astrologers.But we have lost detailed referencesof theseyogas under which these combinationshad been stated.So use them carefully keeping in view the dashaand bhukti and transit of the natal chart. If possible do take intp consideration the annual chart and ashatakvargaof the native before declaring death of the native. On the basisof horary only, one shouldnot declaredeath. PLACE OF DEATH The sign in 8th houseindicates the placeof death and the house in which the 8th lord is posited. ( I ) If movablesign in 8th housethe deathwill take place away from home. (2) If fixed sign is in Eth house- at home. (3) If common sign indicatesdeath - on the way to home. WLIIthe patient sarvive? The lagna is Prishtodayaand Char sign, occupied by Ketu and aspectedby Rahu and Saturn. The Kendrasand Trikona areoccupied by malefic planets. The Lagna, Sun and Moon are afflicted. The benefics are afflicted. So the patient's deathis indicated,the 8th lord is posited in l2th houseand the sign in 8th house is fixed. So the patient died in hospital. The t22 Predicti onst hr ough H orary

Saturn Iup 03-02 n l2 Jupiter Rahu 29-22 28-57 Chart20 \scl2-l ( i.etu28-5 / enl | -4. Merc Mars 09-t0 28-28 iun24-3 Monl9-l! ffi 9-1-1999at 8:25 hrs Delhi strongestplanet Venus has conjunction with lagna, the difference is less than I o and are posited in movablesign. So lessthan a day is indicated.Again Venus is posited in movablenavamsha. The patient died at night, sameday. Resultsthrough breathing process : ( I ) If the querist puts the query while. sitting on the same side in which side the nostril is running/breathingthe patient will be cured. (2) If the querist entersthe chamberfrom the side of the nostril in which no breathe is running and while putting the query the same side nostril startsrunning, the patient will be cured. (3) If right sidenostril is running whenthe querist puts the query the patient will be cured. (4) If the querist puts the query when the left side nostril is running the patient will not be cured easily. (5 ) If the left side nostril is running andthe querist is putting the query from right side the query will fail P re dict ions t hrough H oraty t8>

(6) The right nostril breathe is beneficial on Sunday,Tuesday, Saturday and when the Moon is weak during Krishna paksha. (7) The left nostril breathe is beneficial on Monday, Wednesday,Thursday and Friday and when the Moon is strong during the shukla paksh. (8) If both the nostrils are running the query is achievedwith difficulties. Will the patient be cured or Survive? 25-08-1998at l9:20 Dethi

Jup(R) Sa(R) 0l-55 09-43

Asc Ven2I -6 l9-38 V{ars9-14"x? Kctu7-3 1 tler22-18 Chart2l 2 tahuT-37

Moon t7-34 xMetcrrru ffi Lagna is fixed sign and shirshodayasign occupiedby Ketu and aspectedby malefic Rahu and Sun.No beneficplanet is positedin 8th house.So it indicatesthe death of the patient. ( 1) If lagnais Prishtodayasign andmalefic planets in kendraand the Moon in 8th deathof patient is indicated. (2) If the malefic planets are in lagna the disease will get complicated due to the doctor. So changethe doctor. 124 Predictionsthrough H orary

(3) If the malefic planetsare posited in l0th the diseasewill get complicateddue to patientso take medicineregular andtake full precaution. (4) If the malefic planetsare posited in the 4th the medicine will react and produce complicationsso changethe systemof medicine. (5) If the malefics are positedin 7th the disease will get complicated. So for right and good treatment lagna lord and lOth lord shouldhave ithasalaor to be friendsor 4th lord and 7th lord should have friendly relationship. It is not auspiciousfor the lagna sign or Moon sign of the birth chart to fall in 7th and 8th of Horary chart of the patient. The patient will be cured when strongbenefic planet will transitlagna, 3rd, 6th, l lth or 9th house. Whether the potient will be cured ? 27-7-1998at 18:43 hrs Delhi

Jup(R) Uat Venus 4-05 9-38 I 5-43 'rA_'rnMars Jup(R) Lagna Kctu Sun t0 lo-29 Chart22 Saturn I vr(x)nz / -o Lagna Mer3-55 2-17 RahT-47 /3\ Venus Mars

Lagna is posited in Movable sign, Prishtodaya sign. The lagnalord is positedin kendra,in movable sign. Moon is p-ositedin 8th house with Rahu, the 6th, 7th and 8th houseare occupiedby malefics, the 8th lord Sun is positedin 7th houseaspecting lagna the diseasewill get complicated.The 6th lord Mercury is posited in 8th. The Lagna, Lagna Lord and Moon have no aspectof beneficnthe malefics are posited in kendra,the patientwill not be cured. lVhether the patient will survive? The abovequestion is extensionof the previous question and not a different question. Hence, the question will be answeredfrom lagna, not from the Moon. Lagna lord is debilitated.8th lord is posited in kendra and have exchangedwith 7th lord Moon, the Maraka and the Moon is posited in 8th house with 6th lord Mercury and Rahu, the 7th houseis hemmed betweenmalefics, 6th houseis occupiedby malefics Mars, aspectedby debilitated lagna lord Saturn. So survival is not possible. When will he die ? Significator for death is Eth lord. 8th lord is Sun. Therefore the Sun indicates 30o : 6 months l- 6*30 10.5= 6-30x10.5=2.1 The native will die after two months and the native died on 1OthOct, 1998in Apollo Hospital. Will ,he potient be cured? The Lagna is in Movable and Shirshodayasign. Mars the 7th Lord, diseaseand Venus Lagna Lord t26 Pre dictions thr oughH orary

Jup(R) Sat 3-12 9-47 v1on20-5 Sun26" Ketu Ven4-4( 7-39 vtars0-31 Chart23 vlerlR)(C' / lt-51 \r0 Rahu 7-39 '.x Lagna llp (R) 4-48 ,/ / Moon ffi 12-8-f998 at ll:10 Delhi are in trine to Moon meansLagnesh and Karyeshare in trine to Moon and in CharaMovable sign.Venus and Mars are within their orb and have ithasal. So the patient was cured within a month the peroid of Karyesh Mars. Will the potient Survive? 26-l-1999 et 07:00 Delhi.

Jup Sat3-37 2-54 V{on28-2t

Venus Rahu 2-54 28-24 Chaft24 Lagna r-. Sunll-4{ Mer5-37 M Ket28-24 \,/;"\z Mars 5-59

The patient was admitted in hospital in Jhansi. They contactedme on telephoneat 7:00Delhi. The strong planet is posited in Kendra the Sun er"at"ttt* tt"^rgh H* the karaka for health and posited in Lagna, the querist wants to know about the health. As younger sister have query about elder brother, so Lagna represents younger sister and I lth house representselder brother. Thereforewe took I lth houseas Lagna.

Iupiter Saturn Moon ilNl Vcnus Rahu X Chaft25 Sun Merc(R a,Y, Ketrr Jup Rahu r2 'l\ 4 Asc Mars Moon Saturn

In the chart No.25 the Lagna is aspectedby Jupiter from his own house. Lagna Lord is posited in the l2th houseaspected by debilitatedSatrun from 6th house.The Moon is also positedin the 6th house aspectedby the Mars and the Moon is Badhak planet also for Sthir Lagna. Jupiter being lord of 2nd is Maraka planet having ithasalawithMars. Venus being 7th Lord Maraka is posited in Kendra, becomesa strong Maraka. Moon is posited in Sun's Nakshatra, Mars is positedin own Navamshaand own Nakshatra aspectingSun, Mercury and Ketu. Therefore Lagna is connectedwith Maraka badhak.Karaka Sun and Saturnthe 3rd Lord, 8th lord, Rahu/Ketu and Moon. There is no benefic aspecton Lagna Lord or Moon, 7th Lord Venus a Maraka is strong. He died in the hospital at 14:30due to renal failure from high fever, the 7th house, the kidney have the aspect of Mars the Lagna Lord and have t28 Predictionsthrough Horary

Ithasala. As the movable signs are involved with Moon death occured on sameday. lVhether the potient will survive? 28-1-1999atl7:32 Delhi

Moon Jup Sat Moon 3-l5 2-54 344 3-l5 u \z k:it".3./ Asc9-55 Rahu 5-56 28-20 \4,/ zX I Merc(C) Chart26 Marc Saturn 9-38 '/to\ '/ lunl4-l( lctu28-2 \./ Mcrc(C) V I I /\ Kctu ./\ Jup Mars '\t""/n.liN G5t In the Chart No.26 Lagna is occupied by Rahu and LagnaLord is positedin 12thin VenusNakshatra and VenusNavamsha. The Venus is a Badhakfor Char lagna, aspecting the lagna, therefore the query is regardingdisease. The strongestplanet Sun is posited in the house of disease.The chart is correct, the Lagna Lord has ithasala with Mars the yoga karaka, Venus Lord of 4th and I lth is positedin 8th and there is sextile aspect between Moon and Saturn the 7th and 8th Lord. Lagna is aspectedby the Jupiter, 6th and 9th Lord from his own house Pisces. Lagna being aspectedby Jupiter from his own house in 9th and Lagna Lord Moon having ithasala with Mars yoga karaka 5th and 1OthLord, Venus 4th and I lth Lord. Saturn 7th and 8th Lord the patient was savedby the efforts of the doctor, though planets in Kendra made her suffer from death like situation. She was refusedby a nursinghome to give admission becauseof her critical condition and was admitted in AIIMS. WilI my invalid child be cured or pick up health? What is the numberof the child 1st,2nd or 3rd? For the first child we examine 5th house, second from 7th, 3rd from 9th from lagna and so on. In this case lst child is invalid, so take 5th house as lagna, l0th from lagnaas 6th, 3rd as I lth from 5th. If 5th lord hasany connectionwith lOth lord and lOth housethe child will be ill. If the lOth and lOth lord has any connectionwith Saturnthe child will remian sick for whole life. If the 5th lord has any connectionwith 3rd lord, he will recoverand pick up health. lYill my 2nd child pick up health? l2-06-f999 at 18:30 Delhi

Satl 7-3| Sun27-lI Merc Man Jup3-24 Moon t4-17 .7,t 9-)7 il"'J1 Lagna Rahu 20-27 Venus Chart2T I t_1e X' Ketu 20-27 /4 t2 Sun Rahu Moon Vcnus Lagna Mars r7-29 0t-02 i:iJ:N ,/,"1",) He is 2nd child so lagnais 7th' The 7th houseis occupiedby Sun and Moon and aspectedby Mars the 6th lord. The l lth lord Jupiteris in 12thwith Saturn and aspectedby Mars, the 7th lord, diseases'As 4th lord, the Surt;the mediciTc.;, :.ri):::':'iin i;.':-!r'lr-','ii the medicinewill give relief for sometimebut wiil not be curedpermanently. The patientwill not be able to takemedicine continuously as lOth lord Saturnis positedin 12th. The child was cured of high fever but remainedsick of Chronic diseases. cn.eprnnI I


ravelling meansto go out of home for some purpose.There are four types of travelling: (a) Travelling daily to one's working place or to purchasesome articles from the market. (b) Travel out of city to attendsome function. (c) Travel to someholy placesor distanceplaces for holidays or Pilgrims. (d) Travel to foreign country or countries. Daily travellingcan be indicatedby the ithasala betweenLagna Lord and 3rd Lord and their houses' The 3rd lord or lagnalord shouldbe in movablesigns in Rashichart or Navamshachart. Travel out of city to attend some function is indicatedby Lagna,3rd and?th houseand their Lords' Travel to hill stationsor Holy placesis indicated by Lagna,9th and 1Othhouse and their Lords. Travel to foreign countriesis indicacedby 3rd, Lords. .7th,9th and 12thhouses and their In general Lagana indicates long or short journey accordingto long or short period of Lagna. 7th house indicates the place of journey and return therefrom; 4th houseindicates result ofjourney and arrival; 1Othhouse indicatesthe object of journey and the idea of travelling; 3rd houseindicates short journey and 9th houseindicates short long journey. To travel meansto go away from home. It means that the 4th house and its lord must have some relation with malefic planets.The lOth houseindicate ' the Karma and is oppositeto 4th housei.e. loss of comfort to the Native. While travellingthe native is doing some Karma. Therefore some influence of transit planets should be on the l0th house and its Lord also. The Lagna is the native himself. The 4th houseis the home of the native,the 7th houseis the end of the travelling and thought of returning home arisein the mind. The lOth houseis the beginningof the travelling, the ideaof travelling arisein the mind. So all the Kendras are important for the purpose of travelling.

Joanxry ro orHER cITIEs tyITHrN THE coaNTRy The journey due to businesspurpose, marriage or to attend conferenceto other cities of the country should be analysedfrom 3rd and 7th houseand their Lords. The movablesign in 3rd or 7th houseor the lord of 3rd or 7th houseis posited in movable sign or aspectedby a planet in movable sign. Journey by train Mars and Moon are the Karaka for journey by the train and housesare 3rd and 7th. Mars should be in movable sign, the strong Moon in strengthshould occupythe Kendra (1,4,7,10)or trikona (5,9) except Predict ions through Horary t33 the 4th house or Kendra should not be aspectedby or conjunct with malefics-Rahu or Saturn. The malefic planetsshould be in trik (6,8,12)houses and benefic in Kendra or trikona for safejourney. Journey by Air The Karaka for journey by air are Saturn (Vata) and Jupiter (Akash Tatwa). The journey to foreign country by air is indicatedby Saturnand Jupiter. The housesare l0th,9th and l2th and airy signsin these houses.According to othersthe Venus is the karaka being the lord of 7th sign Libra and 7th house of natural zodiac and being airy sign. Joarney by Sea or through woter The journey by Sea or ferry through water requires involvement of 8th houseand watery signs particularly Scorpio (Vrishchik) sign. 22-10-199819:45 Delhi

Saturn(R) Sa(R) Asc \/ l6-25 l2-8 xtz Ketu5-41 ,/\ Jup(R) / 25-08 Chart 28 Rahu Kctu Kanu Mars I Jupiter(R) 5-43 Mars l5-18 l0 venj- I 2 Sun5-8 Merc22-! Mercury\ Moon28-4' Srm Mnnn We, Sh.M.N.Kedar,Sh.K.Rangachari and myself went to Allahabadwith the idea that we would attend an International Astrological Conference,visit holy placesat Prayagand the templeof KanshiVishwanath at Varanasi. I 34 predictions through Horary

The nativers Gochar/ Transi t on Z2-10-lggg Dasharunning Ketu/ Ketu/ Ketu

Sat(R) Jupiter(R) lt Kctu


/sun Mer Moon \;

23-10-1998at 09:15 Attahabad

Sat(R) r0 Jup(R) Ketu Jupitcr(R) Chart30 Ketu Rahu Asc Mars ffi t2 Moon Mercury Asc Venus Sun Saturn(R) Transit for the native

Sa(R) l2 Asc Sat(R) Kctu Ketu I Jupiter(R) Jup(R) Asc Chart3l K8 Rahu Mars

Rahu ,/ Sun Sun Mars Moon Merc XY:T Venus Predictions through Horary 135

At the time of starting for journey on 22nd october 1998 the Lagna Lord Venus and 3rd Lord Moon are conjoining in 6th house,aspected by Saturn(R), the Lord of 9th and lOth and aspecting ninth house also. The 4th house is also afflicted. If we examine the transit of 3rd Lord Mars is posited in 7th houseaspecting Lagna. LagnaLord Saturn(R) and Moon are in movablesign. The Moon is aspected by planet in 3rd and 4th house is also afflicted by Saturn(R).As movable sign is in 3rd house, Lagna Lord and Moon are in movablesigns we travelled by train. If we examine the starting time on 23id oct.,1998,Moon sign as Lagna the Lagna is watery sign. Moon in watery sign, 3rd houseCapricorn has beentaken as watery sign and 3rd Lord is posited in 6th house.4th houseis afflicted by Rahu/ Ketu axis and Mars. We went to take bath on ferry to triveni Scorpio sign. Though this is not the part of Prashna/Horary. The Horary meansHora, the hour or the moment we put the questionto an astrologeror started.ourwork. The chart for the moment is capableof answering the question. If we are going out for picnic etc. only the strengthof the Moon and lagna shouldbe taken into account.The strongMoon (strongin Pakshbala) and lagna lord should be posited in Kendra, trikona, friends house,even sign and watery sign aspectedby benefic planets.The Moon and the lagnalord should not be positedin 4th, 6th, 8th or l2thhouse in malefic signs, hemmed betweenmalefic or be weak, if so obstructions should be anticipated. llhether I will go for travelling? "Yes" the native will go for travelling,if (l) Lagna and Moon are in movable sign and conjunct with or aspectedby benefic planets and 4th houseis afflicted. (2) Lagna Lord and 9th Lord have ithasal or eonjunct in Lagna or Moon and 9th Lord have ithasalaand lagna lord in 9th house. (3) Lord of 9th from lagnalord and the Moon have ithasala. (4) LagnaLord and 3rd Lord have ithasalin Kendra and in associationwith an unblenishedbenefic. (5) 4th lord posited in Lagna and Lagna Lord in 3rd houseor Kendra conjunct with or aspected by benefic planets. (6) Malefic planetsare positedin 4th or l0th. (7) LagnaLord and 9th lord in movablesign. (8) 9th Lord is in Lagna and Lagna Lord is in Kendra without malefic influence. (9) There is movable sign in lOth house and aspectedby or conjuctwith beneficplanets. ( l0) Lagna Lord or Moon is posited in 9th or 3rd house.Lagna is movablesign, the native will go for travelling early. If Lagna is a dual sign travel will takeplace after some delay, and in caseLagna is a fixed sign, there will be no journey. ( 1I ) If Lagna is in shirshodayasign and aspected by benefic planet or Lagna Lord. (12) Lagna, Aruda Lagna or l0th house be in movable sign and aspectedby or occupiedwith benefic planets. h"dt"ttt^rn W ""ghy*ry Ilhen will I go on o Joarney? "When Lagna Lord or Moon will have ithasala with 9th Lord or 3rd Lord. There will be no travel, If ( I ) Lagna Lord, 9th Lord and 3rd lord have no . relation. (2) Lagna,Aruda Lagnaand lOthhouse are in fixed sign. (3) Rahu is positedin Kendrafrom Lagnaor Aruda Lagna. (4) Lagna and Moon are in fixed sign aspectedby malefics. (5) Benefic planetsare in 10th or 4th house (6) Malefic in 7th house. (7) Lagna and the Moon in prishtodayasign and aspectedby malefics. (8) Lagna Lord and 9th lord areweak. (9) Mercury, Venus or Saturn are retrogradeor Saturnand Jupiterin Lagna. ( l0) Thereis a fixed sign in lagnahemmed between benefic planet. ( I I ) Lagna, Aruda Lagna are in fixed sign occupied by Saturn, andl or Sun. (I2) The Saturn,Sun or Mars in 10thhouse. (13) Sun, Venus,Jupiter or Mercury in l2th house. (14) The Moon hemmedbetween benefic planets in' fixed or common sign. If there is Durudhara yoga in the Lagna; (The Durdhara yoga is formed when the Moon is hemmed betweenplanets) an elder personwill prohibit the t38 Predict ions t hrough H orary querrentto go on a Journey. If there are malefic planets in lOth the native will not receive visa or governmentwill not allow him to travel or elder brotherwill not allow him. The native will not travel to desireddirection if Moon is positedin 5th or 9th from Sun. 2nd Sep. 1998 at 8:45 Delhi. Will the Native visit America? Jup(R) Asc0-47 uplter 00-59 Sa(R) 9-3r \12 7 Ketu Mars Ketu t4-23 7-38 Merc Chart32 ?R-r1 Z> \ Venl-l RahuT-38 v Sun6-7 1 Moon Moon 26-4 M

Lagna is chara, lOth is in chara,Navamsha is chara,Aruda Lagna is chara,9th Lord is in 12th, the Lagna Lord Mars and Jupiter(R) are in trine but forming Isharaf yoga and 9th Lord is retrograde. Mars, the Lagna Lord and Mercury the 3rd Lord are conjunct in 4th the Kendra but Mercury is ahead of Mars,the slow movingplanet, so ishrafyoga. Mars and Mercury are aspectingthe 1Othhouse. Mars representprocedure and Mercury documentationand recommendation.9th Lord Jupiter is retrogradeand have approximately lo; Lagna is occupied by retrograde Saturn, Lagna Lord is debilitated in 4th house.4th Lord Moon is strongposited in trikona and in friends house.The Native was not able to proceed on tour to America. The visa was refused. l4till there be ony trouble during traveiling? "Yes": (Seedelayed return also)if: ( 1) There are malefics in 7th house or in trine thereof. (2) there is Dual/Dwiswabhavasign in the Lagna. There are malefics in l|th house the trouble will be from government officials or elder brother or his own actions. (3) 2nd Lord or 9th Lord is positedin 7th house with malefics. (4) There is malefic in 4th house,(there will be trouble at home). (5) Malefic planetsare positedin Lagna, 8th or 9th house so (many trouble during the travelling). (6) Mars or Saturn is positedin 8th houseand associatedwith by maleficplanets (one hasfear ' of life). If LagnaLord hasithasala with 3rd or 9th Lord there will be travel. But if conjunct with malefic planets and aspectedby Venus there will be loss of wealth at the end of travelling. (7) Venus or Mars is posited in 8th house with malefic planetor aspectedby malefic there is fear of injury from weaponin travelling. (8) Lagna and Moon are in common sign and aspectedby or conjunctwith malefics,there will be defeat of the purposeand return with loss. (9) Malefic planetsare positedin 3rd or 9th there will be loss in travelling. ( l0) A movablesign in lagnaoccupied by a malefic planet, there will be quarrel during travel or therewill be diseaseto the native. (11) 2nd lord is retrogradethe object of the travel will not be achieved. (12) Jupiteris positedin lagnain commonsign the native will return back in the middle of the travel/journey. (13) There are malefic planets in 4th house, the nativewill return back in the middle ofjourney. (14) There are maleficsplanets in lagnathe native return back due to fear of disease. (15) The Lagna lord is positedin 12th ,the native will return back due to fear of theft or disease. (16) The 7th lord or 8th lord is associatedwith or aspectedby malefic the native will return back due to fear of theft or enemy. (17) If the 6th lord or l2th lord is a malefic there will be fear of imprisonmentor disease. (18) Saturnassociated with malefic is positedin 8th house,there is fear of death. (19) Saturn is associatedwith or aspectedby malefics and positedin 9th house,there is fear of deathor diseaseto the native. (20) The Sun is posited in 9th house indicates diseasesto the native. (21) The Moon is positedin 7th houseand hemmed between malefics there is fear of disease,or ' theft or death (22) The personwill meetwith as many difficulties as the number of malefic planetsposited in 9th or l2th from lagna or lagnalord. (There is prishtodayasign in lagna occupied by malefics or aspectedby malefics, no benefic aspector conjunction,the native will have quarrel or imprisonment). (23) 2nd lord in 7th with malefic planet, there will be trouble on the way. (24) 2nd lord in 4th with malefic planet, there will be quarrel on the way. (25) If lagna lord and the Moon is posited in 4th, 6th or 8th in debilitation, combust and.have ithasalawith 8th lord or conjunctwith malefic, the traveller is dead. (26) The Moon in dhurdharayoga indicatesthat the native is imprisoned.If the dhurdharayoga is of benefic planets,the native is in prison due to love affair. If the dhurdharayoga consist of malefic planet the native is in the custody of police. One should not travel when: ( I ) there are malefic planetsin kendra or trikona. (2) there is common sign in lagna and the Moon is associatedwith malefic planetsor aspected by malefic planets, no aspect or association of benefic planets. (3) when the Sun or the Moon or lagna lord is transiting a househaving lessbindu in his own ashtakvarga

One will enjoy traveAing and achieve his object, if: (l) benefic planets are in kendra and trikona, Predictions through Horary 142 : malefic planets'in3rd, 6th and l lth houses' (2) Venus or Mercury is in 8th house' (3) there is movable sign in 4th and 4th lord is associatedor aspectedby benefic in a benefic house. (4) 9th lord and 2nd lord are in lagna, 10thor I lth' \ (5) beneficplanets are in 9th house' (6) movablesign is in lagna'Moon in a fixed sign beneficptaiets arepJsited in lagnaor lagnais aspectedby his own lord or benefic planets' (7) there is ithasalaof lagna lord and 9th lord and aspectedby benefic planets with benefic aspect(3rd, 5th or 9th asPect)' (8) the 2nd lord is positedin 9th or 3rd house' (9) the 2nd lord is positedin lagna,10th or 1lth ( 10) Lagna lord have ithasalawith beneficplanets in 2nd or 3rd house. ( I 1) When benefic planetsare in lagna or 10th,4th or 2nd house. (12) The l lth lord in 1Othor l lth' (13) When lagna lord is posited in lagna, 10th or llth or in kendra.

DIRECTION OF TRAVEL If there is a movable sign in lagna and occupied by a planetor lagnalord is in movablesign, the direction is indicated by the strongestof the abovetwo" If Aruda lagna is in movable sign or 1Othlord is in movable sign whichever planets is stronger will indicate the direction. If two or more planets are in movable sign, the strongestwill indicatethe direction. Predictions through Horary , /2

The strongest of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon will indicate the direction of travel. The traveller will not go to the desireddirection if Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus jointly or separatelyare positedin 5th or 9th housefrom Murr. The traveller will not visit the desireddirection if Moon is positedin 5th or 9th from Sun. The strongestof tbem will take the traveller to his own direction.

When will one hove travelting? If: ( I ) Jagnalord will be in lagna (2) lagna lord will have ithasalawith the 9th lord. (3) lagnalord will be in 9th house (4) the dispositorof Moon will be in 9th house. (5) benefic planetsare in lOth house (Moon, Mercury, Jupiterand Venus)the period will be according to the above said planets (Moon indicate48 minutes,Mercury 2 months,Jupiter one month and Venus l5 days). (6) When 9th lord will be in lagnaand lagna lord in 9th houseetc See yoga for achievementor fructification.

To Whom the notive is going to cotl on? If: ( 1) the Moon has ithasalawith Sun, one is going to meet some governmentofficial. (2) the Moon or other planet (strongestplanet or Lagna Lord) has ithasala with jupiter, one is going to seea saint like person. (3) Moon or Lagna Lord has ithasalawith Venus, one is going to seea ladY. (4) Saturnindicates labourer or personof low status' (5) Mercury indicatesbusinessmen, writer or intelligent personfor recommendation' (6) Mars indicates wicked person' lawyer for litigation or a person for legal procedureor a surgeon. (7) If Lagna Lord or the Moon has Isharaf with Saturn or Mars, one has fear from labourer' The labour may leavehis employeror the employer may terminatehis service. (8) If there is Isharafa with Sun fear from govenment official. Venus indicatesa LadY. Mercury'intelligent person, sourceful person who can recommend. Malefic Planet-ordinarYwork. From the above analysisone can also indicate who is coming to meethim. Lagna, Arud Lagnaand lOth houseindicate the person who will meet you on the way or you are calling on. If the abovesaid Lagnas are associatedwith or aspectedby a planet posited in friendly sign, friend will meeton the way. If planetis debilitated indicates debilitatedperson. Exalted planet indicateshigh statusperson. Planet in own sign indicatesknown person.Planet in enemy sign indicatesenemy.Male signs indicate male and female signs indicate female person' Predictions through Horary t45

When will the traveller return? (See l'frutification aqd timing also") The missing person will return : ( I ) when the 7th Lord will transit Lagna. (2) when the 7th Lord will form Ithasala with Lagna Lord. (3) will return in as many month as the number of housesintervenimg between the Lagna and the strongestplanet, if the strongestplanet is in movable sign in navamshaor double the months if in fixed sign in navamshaor triple the months if in common sign in navamsha. (Prashnatantra). (4) when 7th Lord will becomeretrograde. (5) when a beneficplanet will transit4th house. (6) when the Moon will transit 4th house. (7) when a benefic planet transits 7th house,will also indicate the period of return. (8) if Jupiter and Venus both are in 2nd, 3rd or 5th house,the traveller will return on same day. (9) if there is a planet in 6th or 7th house and Iupiter is posited in Kendra the traveller will return in 7 or 27 days. (10) Take as many house as the strongestplanet is away from the Lagna. Multiply by 12. The traveller will return in as many days as the product. Supposethe Jupiter is the strongest planet and posited in Cancer. il

t2 l0 Jup Chart33 200

4 Jup

The interveninghouse from LagnaPisces to cancer are4 andnot 5. Lagnais to be excluded.Mulitply 4 by 12 : 48 days (ri:inimuml2 days timing ?). But accordingto ParshnaTantra the intervening peroid indicatesmonth. So the traveller will return in 4 month time in movablesign. ( I 1) The travellerwill returnwhen thereis a planet in panapharahouses (2,5,8,1l) When a planet transits these said houses, the traveller returns. (12) When the Moon transitsthe 2nd, 5th or I lth housesexcept 8th. (13) If there is a movablesign in 4th houseand occupiedby Mercury, Jupiter and Venus the traveller will return very soon. (14) According other astrolgerssee the lord of sign. It will indicatethe period accordingto the planetsuch as Sun indicatesAyana, Moon the muhrata Mars the days etc. "jl/hen the missing percon will return?" The elder brother of the querist was missing. Predictions through Horary 117

17-4-1998at 20:30 Delhi. Merc(R Sun3-34 l6-r6 \4ars9-35 9\ Asc ) SatO-02 Moon Rahu (etu| 5-( Venl8-l( 7 Jup23o Chart34 't\ Rahu r 5-6 Sun Ketu Merc Ven Saturn Moon Asc 7-l I 26-t7

Mars is the strongestplanet positedin Kendra and in own sign. The Moon is having ithasalawith Mars. The Mars is also the 7th Lord. The elder brother,lI th Lord, the Sun is alsohaving the ithasala with Mars. The Sun,the Moon and the 7th Lord Mars are in trine and ithasala.So the elder brother of the nativewill return safe.As the Moon is not positedin Kendra and having ithasalawith a planetposited in Kendra,the missingperson has left for home.In how many period? Mars the Karyesh, indicatesdays. The differencebetween Moon and Mars is approximately two degreesplus. So we advised that the missing personwill return with in threedays and the missing personcame on 3rd day. This is the methodwhich is beingused by most of the astrologerspresently.

"My husband is missing since long. Whether he is alive?tl The lagnais movablesign and Prishtodayasign aspectedby Rahu and Mars, Saturnthe lagna lord is in debilitation.8th lord Sun is positedin lagna and 148 predictionsthroughHorary

28-l-1999at 08:02hrs Dethi Jup Sat Moon 2-49 3-43 27-38

Vcn Rahu 5-27 Chart35 28-20 tsczu-!i Mars iunl3-51

Mars 649 ffi afflicted the Bhadhakplanet. The bhadhakplanet for movablesigns is the lord of l lth house.The Bhadhak planet Mars aspectslagna. The Moon is aspectedby Bhadhak planet Mars so the missing person is dead or in prison. nThe troveller is deod or olive ?"(SeeNo return also) The traveller is alive if ( I ) the Moon hasithasala with planetposited from 4th to 7th houseand the yogais associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planet. (2) the lagna is in fixed sign or malefic planet in lagna. (3) there is a maleficplanet in 3rd housewith out benefic aspect,the traveller has gone to some other city . (4) there are malefics in kendra, not aspectedby benefics,the travellerhas lost all his wealth. (5) the traveller is ill if Saturn is posited in 9th house associatedwith malefics,not aspected by benefic planet. Predictionsthrough Horary 149

Safe and early Return of traveller/missing person gone ozf;(Seethe statusof theMoon, lagna,4thand 7th housesand their lords) Safe return is feasible if : ( 1) Lagnais in movablesign, Moon in commonor movablesign andnavamsha Lagna in movable sign. (2) Lagna Lord has ithasala with a planet in the ' Lagna. (3) Lagnalord hasithasala with a planetin the lOth houseor 4th houseor Lagna. (4) the 7th Lord is positedin Lagna. (5) Lagna Lord is posited in 3rd or 5th or 9th house and has ithasala with a planet in the Lagna or l0th, the missingperson is on his way back to home. (6) Lagna Lord is retrogradeand the Moon is in Lagna and Lagna Lord is in ithasalawith a retrogradeplanet. (7) LagnaLord is positedin l2th andis in ithasala with the Moon. (8) benefic planets are posited in 2nd and 3rd from Lagna or from 4th housei.e. 5th and 6th from Lagna. (9) beneficplanets are positedin 2nd or 3rd from the strongest benefic planet. (10) benefic planetsare posited in Kendra and trikona and malefic planetsin upachayahouses (3rd, 6th and I lth house). ( I I ) benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) in strength are posited in 4th house. (12) Moon (waxing) posited in 5th house has ithasalawith a planetin 3rd house. (13) benefic planetsare positedin 2nd, 3rd or 5th house. (14) the Moon is positedin 8th house,and benefics in kendra no devoid of malefics,the missing person would return with gain. ( l5) any planetin 6th or 7th houseand a beneficin Kendra and trikona or only Jupiterin Kendra. ( l6) thereis movableLagna, movable navamsha and the Moon is posited in 4th house,devoid of any malefic influence and has great strength. (17) the waxing Moon posited in any house from 4th to 7th house from Lagna and forming ithasalawith beneficplanet or associatedwith benefic planets(Jupiter, Venus and Mercury) without malefic influence. (18) Lagna Lord, 7th Lord, Moon and disposition of Moon are in Kendra the missingperson is near the city. ( l9) Venusor Mercury is in Trikona. (20) any retrogradeplanet is posited from 8th to l2th house. (21) Benefic planetsin 2nd, 3rd and 5th house. (22) 7th Lord is retrograde. (23) movable sign is in 7th houseand aspectedby the 7th Lord or beneficplanets. (24) Beneficplanets in Lagna,2nd, 3rd and l0th house. (25) Lagna Lord is retrogradeand aspectsLagna or Moon and has ithasalawith retrogradeplanet. P""rr"rr""" rhr t

(26) Venus and Jupiter are in Lagnaand 4th house. (27) Any of Sun,Mercury, Jupiterand Venus in 4th and I lth house. (2S) The Moon positedin prishtodayasign and have ithasalawith a planet in Lagna. (29) The retrogradeJupiter in 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 9th house. (30) Waxing Moon in 2nd, 4th, 5th or 9th house. (3 1) 3rd Lord is positedin 3rd or 4th houseand has ithasalawith a planet positedin Lagna. (32) Movable Lagna,movable navamsha Lagna and benefic in Kendra,or 3rd or I lth house. (33) accordingto tajika sarathe 7th Lord is posited in Lagna or is in 2nd Hora of the sign,the traveller will return of his own. (34) Lagna Lord occupy the 2nd or 8th houseand is in ithasalawith a planetin lOth house- (35) the Moon has ithasalawith a planetposited in 5th or 6th and conjoined with or aspectedby benefic. (36) the Moon is positedin 7th house. 17-4-1998at 20:30 Delhi. Vlerc(C Sun3-34 t6-t6 Mars93J Sa()-2 Ketul5-( /enl8-l "x, Jup 23" Chart36 Rahu I 5-6 p Moon Asc 7-l I 26-17 q* 15, pr"aUn^ rl,

(37) the Moon has ithasalawith Lord of 9th, 4th, 2nd or 7th house. The missing person returned safe as benefic Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are posited in 5th and 6th house.The Moon hasithasala with planetin 5th houseand Lagna is aspectedby benefic Jupiter. Delay in return and dfficulties in journey if. ( I ) malefic durdhurayogs, i.e. the Moon hemmed betweentwo malefic planets,is present. (2) the Moon posited in 7th house and hemmed between malefic planetsthe traveller would not return due to diseaseor enemy. (3) the Moon is posited in 7th and hemmed between benefic planets the traveller would not return due to friendship. (4) the Moon has ithasala with the Lord of 2nd, 4th, 7th or 9th. (5) Malefic planetsposited in 4th house. (6) Malefic planetsare positedin Lagna and 2nd house;there will be loss of wealth and delay in return. (7) Lagna Lord is positedin 4th or 7th house. (8) Lagna Lord is in ithasalawith 7th Lord, the traveller will return with much difficulty. (9) Malefic planetsare in 3rd house,the missing personhave goneanother place from the place of destination. (10) malefic planets occupy the Kendras the missingperson would be robbedof his wealth. (11) Saturn is positedin Kendra or trine and is , aspectedby malefic planets the traveller will be in custody. (12) Malefic planets occupy 4th or 7th and Lagna being a Prishtodayasign the traveller will be subjected to troubles . (13) the Sun and the Moon are in 6th and aspected by Saturn there will be trouble in journey. The traveller has left for his home : ( 1) If Lagna lord and the Moon are not posited in Kendras and have ithasala with a planet in Kendras. (2) If all the planet are posited in Lagna 3rd and 8th house. (3) If strong Moon is positedin Lagna. (4) If strongLagna Lord is positedin 2nd, 3rd, 8th or 9th house. (5) If there is a movablesign in Lagnaand aspected by malefic planets. The traveller has not left for his home : If there is a fixed or common sign in Lagna and occupiedby or aspectedby own Lord or beneficplanets. If Lagna, Moon or 7th houseis hemmedbetween benefic planets and no other planet is involved, neither the traveller has left for home nor returned home. No Return : ( 1) If Lagna Lord is posited in 2nd or 8th house in ithasalawith a planet in Kendra, 4th, 6th or ' 7th, there is no planet in Lagna and Lagna or 6th or 7th houseis not aspectedby any planet. (2) The Sun, fupiter, Venus or Mercury in l2th house. (3) If malefic planetsoccupy 6th housedevoid of benefic influence. (4) If Lagna is in fixed sign and aspectedby Saturn or Jupiter with malefic aspect. (5) If Lagna falls in fixed sign and malefic planet is in 5th, 6th or 7th house associatedwith or aspectedby malefics. (6) If 7th houseis occupied,hemmed between or r aspectedby malefic planet and the Moon is afflicted. (7) If a benefic planet occupies 4th and l0th house. (8) If Lagna is Prishtodayasign unaspectedor unoccupied by benefic planet and malefic in 5th, 7th or 9th house. ,(9) If any malefic planetin 6th or gth housedevoid of benefic influence. ( l0) If the Moon hasIthasala with retrogradeplanet posited in 4th house devoid of benefic influence. (l l) Traveller is supposed to be dead if a Prishtodayasign is in Lagna and occupied or aspectedby a malefic planet and malefic planets occupy Kendra, trikona or the gth or 6th house without any benefic influence. The troveller is deod or in prison if ( I ) a malefic is positedin 7th or 8th without benefic influence or malefic planets in lagna and 7th. P redictions through H orary 155

(2) the Moon has Ithasala with retrograde planet , in debilitation in 4th housewithout any benefic influence. (3) Prishtodayalagna and malefic planet in kendra, trikona, 6th or 8th house without benefic influnece. (4) The Prishtodaya lagna without benefic influence and malefic planets in 5th, 7th and 9th. (5) The Prishtodayalagna with malefic influence and without benefic influence and Mercury in 6th. (6) Saturn associatedwith malefics planets occupies8th house. (7) Lagna lord and Moon occupy 4th, 6th or 8th housein debilitation andhave Ithasala with 8th lord or malefic planet. (8) weak benefic planet in 6th, 8th and l2th and Sun,Moon andLagna aspected by or associated with malefic planets (9) Malefics are posited in Lagna ( l0) thereis Prishtodayasign in Lagnaand aspected or occupiedby malefic planet. (ll) there is a malefic planet in 3rd house from lagna without benefic aspector conjunction. (12\ there are malefic planetsin lagna or 7th house. (13) there are malefic planetsin lagna and 8th" (14) there are malefic planetsin 9th, 5th, 8th and 7th. (15) there are malefic planetsin kendra or trikona and Saturn is posited in malefic sign and 156 Predictiow tfuough Horary

aspectedby malefic planet. (16) the Horary Lagna is occupied by Moon and aspectedby Saturn. ( 17) the horararyLagna is occupiedbuy Sunand the Moon is positedin 7th or 8th house. (18) the malefic planetsare posited in the Lagna 4th, 6th, 7th or 8th house. ( l9) Lagna Lord or the Moon is in 4th, 6th, or 8th in debilitation or cobustionand has ithasala with 8th Lord. (20) the Moon is in Lagna 2nd or 3rd devoid of . benefic infulnce and has ithasala with retrograde planet. *Will the train reach safely?" Examine the lagna, Moon and her lord and 8th house, again because 8th house represents obstruction, accident,hijacking, engine trouble etc. 3rd houserepresents travel by train, bus etc. lOth house representstravel by air. 8th house again representstravel by seaon ship, river by boat, ferry etc. the karaka is Mars for train journey, Saturn for flight, Moon by sea. If Lagna,lagna lord, Moon and Moon's lord is strong and have influence of benefic planets the native will reachsafe. If 3rd house has connectionswith lagna the native will have short travel. If lagna lord is connectedwith 3rd and 9th therewill be long travel andtype of conveyanceis indicatedby karakaplanet. See the Chart No. 37 as the lagna is movable sign, Moon in movable navamashatravelling is indicated.The lagnalord Moon is conjoiningSun and aspectedby Mars. The 3rd andl2th lord Mercury is in 6th and aspectedby Saturnand 3rd houseis also 9-12-1996at 2:30 Delhi

Sat6-50 Ketu ll-26

Asc 4 l9-10 Chart3T Mars X 26-38 l0 /,i3" .' Saturn Merc Moon Ven Rahu -N t0-t8 t3-17 2646 n-24 lup26-21Sun24-!

afflicted by Rahu and Saturn loss is therefore indicatedduring the journey. The native lost her attachefull of clothesat the railway station.As the lagna lord Moon is in ithasalawith Jupiter, the 6th lord and Sun 2nd lord and Mercury 3rd lord, indicate theft during journey. cn.aprnnI 2



he lagna representthe querist. The Moon representsthe lost/missingarticle. The 4th houserepresents the lost article and the recovery of the article, the 7th house representsthe thief and the 8th houserepresents the accumulatedwealth of the thief. The 1Othhouse represents the police or the government. Modus Operondi of the theft : ( I ) If Mars is positedin 7th houseor the lord of the 7th house aspectedby or conjoined with the Moon, the theft has been commited by breakingopen the lock or applying the chain or taken away by applying force. (2) If Venusand the Moon are in 7th housethe lock hasbeen opened by using duplicatekeys. (3) (a) If the Moon is weakand associated with lagna lord and 7th lord is strong or (b) 7th lord is posited in 8th from Sun or (c) The strong Moon is associatedwith malefic planet and lagna lord does not aspect7th house. or (d) If lagnalord is associatedwith malefic planets and aspectsthe 7th lord, 2nd lord, Moon and Sun are strong. the theft has been committed openly before the personsknown. The type of the lost article : (a) It is to be consideredfrom lagna,Moon or Sun whoever is strong and the sign in which the abovestrong planet is posited (b) If slow moving planet (Saturn,Jupiter) are positedin navamshaof that signthey will give his own colour. (c) If that sign is aspectedby the strongestplanet such as exaltedplanet or strong in shadbalaor having 8 or 7 bindu in Ashtakvargawill give his own colour. Sign Colour Sign Colour Aries Brightred Taurus White Gemini Bright green Cancer Blackishred Leo Smoky Vrgo Multicoloured Libra Black Scorpio Shiningyellow Sagittarius Yellow Capricorn Whitishvellow Aquarius Blackishwhite Pisces Whitishblue If lagna is :

(a) Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpiothe lost article is long in length (b) Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn indicate wide and medium size article (c) Aries, Taurus, Aquarius and Piscesindicate short/small article. Valuahle or ordinary article : (a) If Navamsha lagna is strong the article is valuable (b) If Navamsha lagna is normal in strength the lost article is ordinary (c) If navamshalagna lord is debilitated etc. the lost article is worn out, torn or old. What has been stolen by thieJ? This is indicatedby the Moon/navamsha. ( I ) If the Moon is in l st navamsha,vargottama or in Aries the articleis madeup of gold or silver. (2) If the Moon is in 2nd navamshaor vargottama or in Taurus sign, the stolen article is some ornament or utensil. If the Moon is aspected by Mars the article is made up of iron. If aspectedby a fast moving planet the article is ' old and worn out. (3) If Moon is in Gemini, 3rd navamshaand vargottama the article is cash and documents. (4) If the Moon is in Cancer or 4th navamshaor Vargottama in Cancer,the article is made up of gold. (5) If the Moon is in Leo or 5th navamshaor Vargottama in !eo, the article is made up of silver. If aspectedby Sun the article is made (6) ii;:?t:"' is in virgo or 6thnavamsha or Vargottamain Virgo, the articleis madeup of7 glass,iron or clothes.If aspectedbyMercuyj^ the article is madeup of stone.If aspectedby Venus the article is madeup of clothes. (7) If the Moon is in Libra sign or 7th navamsha or Vargottama in Libra, the article can be document measureto scale.If aspectedby Venus the article is perfumeor clothes. (8) If the Moon is in Scorpioor Vargottamain Scorpio and aspectedby Mars the article is made up of gold or silver; documentsof business. (9) If the Moon is in Sagittariusor Vargottamain Sagittarius and aspectedby Jupiter the lost article is jewel or clothes and domestic articles. ( 10) If the Moon is in Capricornor Vargottamain Capricornthe lost article is jewels or cash.If aspectedby Jupiterthe lost article is madeup of gold or cash. ( I 1) If the Moon is in Aquarius or Vagrottamais Aquarius the lost article is coin and notesi.e. cash or ornament.If aspectedby Sun the lost article is cash. (12) If the Moon is in Pisces or Vargottama in Piscesthe lost article is of glass etc. Lf the Moon is aspected by Jupiter the lost articlesmaybe jewel and gold ornamentor domestic utensils. The direction of the lost article The direction of the lost article is indicatedby the planet in Lagna or in Kendra or by planet aspectingthe Aruda Lagna. The Sun indicatesthe East,Venus indicates the SouthEast (Aagney), Mars indicatesthe South, Rahu indicates the South West (Nairitya), Saturnindicates the West,Moon indicates the North East (Vayavya), Mercury indicates the North, Jupiter indicatesthe North East (Eshan).

Moon Mercury Jupiter North West North North East 7th,llth 4th,8th,l2th 8th,l2th (Airy sign) (watery sign)

Saturn Sun West East 3rd,7th,llth lst, 5th, 9th

Rahu Mars Venus SouthWest South SouthEast 6th,loth . 2nd,6th,lOth 5th,9th (Earthysign) (Fierysign)

If there are two or more planets in Kendra the strongestplanet indicatesthe direction. If there is no planet in Lagna or Kendra or aspectingAruda Lagnathen the sign of Lagnaindicate the direction of the lost article.

I Predictionsthrough Horary 163

The sign 1,5,9 indicatesthe Eastor 5,9 the South East. The sign 2, 6, l0 indicatesthe Southor 6, l0 the South West. The sign3,7,11 indicatestheWestorT,llthe North West. The sign 4, 8, l2 indicatesthe North or 8,12the North East. According to others : I - East 2 South 3 - West 4 North 5, 9 South East 6, l0 South West 7, ll - North West 8, 12 North East There are some astrologers who take the position of Moon for determining the direction of stolenarticles. If Moon is in Lagna-East,lOth house- South, 7th house-West.4th house-North. If the Moon is positedin movablesign the stolen article has gone to far off place. If the Moon is posited in fixed sign, the stolen article is near the place from where the article has been stolen. If the Moon is posited in common sign the stolen article is niether near nor at far off distance i.e. at some distance from the place from where the article has been stolen. When the Moon is not in Kendra the direction is determined by his position from the nearest Kendra. The Kendras are 90o away from each other so 45o(+) indicatesthe next Kendra or when 45" (-) it indicatesthe previous Kendra. Predictions tlvough Horary

SupposeAries l0o is the Lagna. So Aries l0o indicatesEast, Cancer 10"the North, Libra l0o West and Capricorn l0'the South. SupposeThe Moon is 28'Aquarius i.e. Capricornl0o South. Aquarius 30o South the Moon. Pisces l5o South. Pisces 25o Southi.e. upto 25oPisces in South The Moon has transitedahead of Pisces25o so the Moon indicates East or longitude of Capricorn: 9sign10o South. TheMoon: l0sign28" Difference: lsignl8" : 48o Hencethe directionis : 48 i.e. East. The age and identiJication of the thief : According to Prithuyasha's"shatpanchashika" one should determinethe constitution of the thief from Dreshkona of the lagna. But it has been establishedthat lagnais querist and 7th is houseof thief, these indicationsshould be applied to 7th houseand its lord. But if the lagna is the query then the lagna indicatesthe identification of thief (See introduction) Sage Varahamihira has described the constitutionas: ( 1) Aries .' The name may start with "Sa" and consistsof two letters. lst Dreshkon indicatesman with white cloth tied around his loins, dark colour with fearful appearance,holding an axe(weapon)in his hand.(He may be a personworking in kitchen). Predictions through H orary t65

2nd Dreshkon indicatesa womanhaving long nose or resemblesquadruped. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa man of wicked nature, dark colour and fond of work, dressed in red garments,angry looking holding a stick in his hand. (2) Taarus .' The name starts with "Ma" and consistsof four letters. lst Dreshkon indicatesa woman with short hair and curly hair with a pot like belly and fond of food and ornaments.She carries fire (she may be working as a maid servant) 2nd Dreshkon indicates man skilled in conveyance(driver) or agriculture (gardener) , or skilled in painting, dancing or writing, having thick neck and nose and face like quadruped(prominent). 3rd Dreshkon indicatesbody resemblingthat of an elephant(fatty person),large teeth, large feet and dark coloured. (3) Gemini .' The name starts with "Aa" and consists of three letters. lst Dreshkan indicatesa woman fond of needle work, having no child, beautiful and also fond of decoration and is of lustful thoughts. 2nd Dreshkon indicates a man fond of fighting, carrying weaponsin his hand, fond of play, children, ornamentsand wealth. 3rd Dreshkon indicates man wearing ornaments,carrying weaponsin hand, learned and literary person. (4) Cancer.. The thief is servantor a labourer.The ..Ta" name starts with and consists of three letters. lst Dreshkon indicates a fat man, selling fruits and vegetablesand has large ieet with long neck as if a horse. 2nd Dreshkon indicates a woman, her hair well dressedwith flowers, hard hearted. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesman wearingnecklace made of gold or gems. (5) Leo : The thief is servant, or a labourer; the .,Na" name of the thief startswith and consists of three or four letters. Ist Dreshkon indicates a man whose face resemblethat of a dog and dressedin dirty garments.He is separatedfrom his parents (the thief has come from other place to work as labourer).He speaksin loud voice. , 2nd Dreshkon indicatesa man resemblinga horse,his neck is long, nose is long, u.a short in size etc., skin is'soft, having"urc weapon in hand (watchman). 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa rnanwith long beard and whiskers,curling hair, having weapon in his hand(watchman) (6) Virgo.. A lady is a thief, her name startswith "Ma" and consistsof many letters.If Mercury is positedin Lagna and navamshaLagna is of the Moon the thief is an intellegent lady/ Brahmani. If navamshaLagna is of Mars, the lady is professional ' thief. If navamshaLagna is of Venus the lady belongs to a businlss community. If navamshaLagna is of Saturn or ' Sun, the lady is a labourer. lst Dreshkon indicatesvirgin girl dressedin dirty garments,selling flowers and vegetables, fond of clothes and wealth. 2nd Dreshkon indicatesa manwearing a cloth round his head (an accountant)having excess hairs on his body. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa woman, fond of white silken dress,worships in a temple. (7) Libra.' The thief is son, friend or brother Qr other relative, the name will start with "Ma" and consists of three letters : (a) If the navamshaLagna is of Moon, Mercury or Jupiter the thief belongs to the family. (b) If the navamshaLagna belongs to Sun or Mars the thief is relative but not nearestone. (c) If the navamshaLagnabelongs to Saturn the thief is known PersononlY. lst Dreshkon indicatesa man,trader. 2nd Dreshkon indicatesa man, a labour, full of sorrow andweak havingtension in his mind due to children. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa man with long neck resemblea horse,wearing gems,well dressed (a servant) (8) Scorpio.' The thief is a servantor labourer;the namestarts with "Sa" and consistsof four letters. The stolen article has not goneto a distance. 168 predictionsthrouglt Horary

(a) If the navamshaLagna belongs to Jupiteror Venusthe thief belongshigh society and the stolen article will be recovered. (b) If the navamshaLagna belongs to Mercury the neighbour is thief, white in colour, normal height and sweet spokenand good at relation. lst Dreshkon indicatesa beautiful woman wearing ornaments,has come from a journey. 2nd Dreshkon indicatesa woman having pot like belly, desiring comforts and wearing ornaments,desiring to go to husband'shouse. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesmuscular person with broad and flat face like a lion and fearful to others, lives with perfumes and luxury. The Moon is its lord. (e) Sagittarius .' The thief is a male having flat face and enemy of animals (i.e. hunter); the name staits with "Sa" and consists of four letters. (a) If the navamshaLagnabelongs to Mars a young lady is a thief. (b) If the navamshaLagna belongs to Mercury, the thief is a girl. (c) If the NavamshaLagna belongs to Venus, a girl of 7 or 8 years old is a thief. She may belong to labour class or high class. (d) If the navamshaLagna belongs to Saturn a maleand female the thief will be both. The nameof male thief startswith "Ha" or "Ra" and the name of female thief startswith "Sa" letter. (e) Generallythe article lost in Sagittarius Lagna is not recoverable.But if the , longitudeof Sagittariuslagna is 25oor more the lost article is recoveredafter some efforts. lst Dreshkon indicatesman with long neck and having weaponin his handconnected with a temple or religions. 2nd Dreshkon indicates beautiful woman' golden yellow in colour. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa manwith long beard and whiskers white in colour, wearing costly clothes and having a bamboo in hand (watchman). (10) Capricorn .' The thief belongs to business community andname starts with "Sa" letter and consists of four letters. (a) If the navamshaLagna belongs to Saturn the lost article is not recoverable. (b) If the navmashaLagna belongs to Jupiter the lost article will be recoveredfrom sometemple, place of workship or well or near water. lst Dreshkon indicatesa man having excess hairs on his body, muscular body, strong, deformed face, his gait is as if wearing fetters in feet and wearing a nose pin or string. 2nd Dreshkon indicatesa woman having beautiful eyes, blackish colour, wearing ear ornamentsand desire various things. 3rd Dreshkon is a rich woman wearing costly garments or a man having handsomebody. (l l) Aquarius.. The thief is not a hummanbeing. He may be a mouseetc. the lost article will be recoveredwithin a month. (a) If the navarnshaLagna belongs to Mercury the lost article will be found behind the bed or almirah or some container. (b) If the navmashaLagnabelongs to Venus or the Moon the lost article can be found in bed room or near bed room. lst Dreshkon indicates man well dressed, costly garmentsand a drunkard or dealing in oil or liqour. 2nd Dreshkon indicatesa woman working in kitchen, wearing dirty garments. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa man, blackish in colour with hairs in his ears, wearing cloth round on his headand selling vegetableson his . head. (12) Pisces .. The thief is a labourer or servantand the name of the thief starts with .,Ba" and consistsof three letters.Thc lost article has been kept under earth. If there is 3rd navamashai.e. belongsto Mercury or Virgo a lady may be the thief or maid servant. lst Dreshkon indicatesa man, doing yagya etc. (karmakandapandit) carrying ornaments, gems and visiting different place, worried about the prosperity of his family. Predictions through Horary I7t

2nd Dreshkon indicatesa woman. beautiful. visiting different families and easily creating friendship, leader in group. 3rd Dreshkon indicatesa man, well dressed and wearing ornamentssuffering from thieves, fire, hunger and weeping. In general l st Dreshkon in{icates that the lost article has been kept near the door, 2nd Dreshkon indicates the inside of the house and 3rd Dreshkon indicates outside the house. Wno rc Txrzr ? If the lagna is movable sign or navamshalagna or vargottamais movable sign the thief is out sider and the stolen article has gone at long distanceaway from hou3e. If the lagna is fixed sign or navamshalagna is fixed sign or vargottamathe thief is a relative or a peron living near about and the lost article is near the house, the thief will be own family member, known relative or friend or servant and the stolen artcile will be in the houseor nearthe house.If the lagna or navamshalagna or vargottamais common sign the neighbour is thief and the lost article has been kept at some safe place. ( I ) If the Moon aspectsVenus in 7th house, the thief will be a new personor a personwho has just started stealing (2) If the 7th lord is Saturn and aspectedby Moon the thief will be a hypocrite. (3) If Saturn is posited in 7th and aspectedby the Moon, the thief will be a hypocrite. l?, P*an.^rn **

(4) If Lagna and the Moon are aspectedby Saturn the thief is a hypocrite. (5) If the Moon aspectsMercury posited in 7th house,the thief is a hypocrite. (6) If Jupiter aspeclsSaturn in the 7th house,the thief is a known person: (a) If 7th Lord is positedin 7th house. (b) If 7th Lord is exalted. (c) If Jupiter aspectsSaturn being 7th Lord the thief is a known person. (7\ If 7th Lord is aspectedby a malefic planet, the thief is a committedthief. (8) If 7th Lord is aspectedby Mars, the thief is in the record of the police. (9) If thereis a planetposited in Lagna,7th or lOth houseor in own houseor exaltedand strong, a personresembling the qualitiesof that planet will be an assistantof the thief or has helped the thief. Identity of the Thieffrom planets in 7th house or the 7th lord : The indications of the thief are accordingto the 7th Lord or the strongplanet posited in the 7th house. But accordingto classicalbooks like ParshnaGyana, PrashnaShromani etc. the identity of the thief is accordingto Lagna Lord. As we havetaken 7th house as representativeof thief we have taken the identity of the thief from 7th Lord and 7th house and these factors help us in such horary questions. If the ^Sznis 7th Lord or posited in 7th house P*at"ttt^ tW""gh Ht the father, head of the family or respectableperson is the thief. If the Moon is the 7th Lord or posited in 7th housethe Mother or lady with marksof small pox or warts or naevi or scar on face is the thief. If Mars is the 7th Lord or posited in 7th house the brother, friend or a person having courage, muscularbody and impressivebehaviour is the thief. If Mercury is the 7th Lord or posited in 7th houseown childern, younger brother or a humorous child with a funny behaviour,is the thief. If 7th lord is Jupiter an officer, pandit, brahmin or a teacher or respectedperson is the thief. He has instigated others or with the help of others have committed the theft. If Venusbe the 7th lord an educated,fashionable and having attractive personality,young, male or female is the thief. If Saturn is the 7th lord servant having black colour, good heightand weak constitutionis the thief. If Rahu happensto be occupentof the 7th house it could be a committed thief. He is putting up in huts, slum area and having long hairs or beard or moustaches. If Ketu, a committed thief. Plans and commits theft with the help of a gangand will br very difficuit to be caught. Some other combinations : (1) If 7th Lord is in exaltationor is posited in lagna or 3rd,housethe thief is a respectable person. t74 Predictions through H orary fi

(2) If 7th Lord is in exaltationor is positedin 4th $ . house mother's sister, brother's wife or the mother would be the thief. (3) If 7th Lord is a femaleplanet and posited in 7th house wife of brother or son, cousin will be the thief. (4) If a male planetis the 7th Lord andposited in 7th house,a male memberof the familv is the thief. (5) If Lagna Lord and 7th Lord have ithasala,the theft has been committed due to the querrent. (6) If the Sun and the Moon causebenefic aspect on Lagna some friend or relative is the thief. If they causemalefic aspecton lagnatheft has been planned by someenemy of the querrent. (7) If Lagna Lord and zth Lord both are in Lagna some family member is the thief. (E) If 7th Lord positedin 3rd or l2th the thief is the servant. According to some astrologers above indications are true when the Zth lord is weak and they adviseto check the abovefrom punya Saham. (PunyaSaham Day Mon- Sun + Asc Night Sun Mon + Asc) Male or Femsle

(l) Ifthe 7th houseis odd sign and aspectedby a male planet (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) the thief is a male person. (2) Ifthe 7th houseis evensign and aspectedby a female planet (Moon and Venus) the thief is a female. Pre dictions t hrough Horary t75

(3) If the 7th lord is a femaleplanet and posited in even sign or own sign or aspectedby female planet the thief is female otherwisemale. (4) If a femaleplanet is positedin evensign lagna the thief is a female. (5) If a male planet is positedin odd sign lagna the thief is a male. The age of the thief is indicatedby 7th lord or the navamshalord of the 7th lord. But there are some astrologerswho say that the age of the thief is indicatedby lagnalord or navamshalord of the lagna. Why they think so is not clear because7th lord is the thief so the age of the thief should be indicated by the 7th lord, the 7th houseconsists of 30o.So the navamshalord of the 7th lord. If we further want to be precised to the longitude of the 7th lord we can further divide 3o- 20ointo nine equalparts. It is called navanavamsha and the divisionwill be 0o-22'- 3.33" Sisns I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 It t2 l'-22"-13'.33I l0 7 4 I l0 7 4 I t0 7 4 0,-44"-26',.662 ll 8 5 2 il 8 5 2 ll 8 5 l'-06.-40'.00 3 t2 9 6 3 t2 9 6 3 t2 9 6 l,-28.-53'.334 I t0 7 4 I l0 7 4 I t0 7 l'-51'-06'.665 2 ll 8 5 2 ll 8 5 2 n 8 2'-13"-20'.006 3 t2 9 6 3 t2 9 6 3 l2 9 z"-35"-33'.337 4 t0 7 4 I l0 7 4 I l0 L,-57"-46',.668 5 2 |l 8 5 2 ll 8 5 2 ll

]'-20'-00'.009 6 J t2 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 t2 The above table will give precise lord of the longitude of the 7th lord, the male or female and its age can be ascertainedfrom the table. :i' i l ?6 prraUr.^ r ,

{The above table.has given me the precise indications for male/femalechart from the longitude of the lagna lord and rectificationof birth time) The Age of the Thief from Lagna or Navamsha Lagna: Moon - child Mars - upto8years Mercury - young boy, unmarried(l2years) Jupiter - 30 years Venus - young man may be married(20-30yrs) Sun is old personabove 50 yearsor so. Saturnis very old person70 yearsor above (Prashna Tantra) According to other astrologers : If Sunis positedin 2ndor l2th houseyoung boy. l Sun in own sign Leo, middle agedperson Sun in 7th houseold man Sun in 4th housevery old man. (Prashna Tantra) Very old personif Sun is positedin the Cusp of 4th, 5th or 6th house.Middle aged man if Sun is positedbetween 7th and 9th house.youngboy if Sun is positedin the cuspsof l0th to l2th house.lst to 3rd youngman. The thief hasbeen assisted by a personsignified by the strongestplanet posited in the lagna, 7th or lOth house(kendra). If Saturn happensto be the 7th lord and is aspectedby the'Moon the thief is an old person Prrattn"t mrt g

If the 7th lord is aspectedby Jupiterit indicates that the crime hasbeen committed with public notice in broadday light. The Mars indicatesthat the theft committed by hiding in a box or so, Venus indicatesby the use of duplicate key. Mercury indicatesthat the theft is due to a conspiracyby a friend or a relative. "Is Tnr Suspncrno Pnnsov ,t Trurcr" The suspectedperson is the thief if there is ithasalabetween the Moon and the malefic planet.If the Moon has ithasalawith a benefic planet the suspectedperson is not the thief. The Place of Lost Article : The place of lost article is seen from the 4th houseand the planetsin 4th house.Earthy, Fiery, Airy or Watery elementsof the Signs of 4th house. O If the Moon has any influence on 4th house, the lost article has.beenkept near water. (ii) If Mars near kitchen, fire or tool room or box. (iii) If Venus is in bed or sleepingroom. (iv) If Jupiter garden or temple or place of worship. (v) If Mercury has influence on 4th house or aspectsthe 4th housethe lost article has been kept near drawing room or library or books, grains,conveyance. (vi) If Sun has any relation with 4th the lost article has been kept under earth outsidethe house or drawing room or sleepingroom of th , owner. 178 , Predictions through Horary

(vii) If Saturn or Rahu has any influence on 4th the lost article has been kept near dirty of dark place. Examine the tatwa or element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) of the sign in the 4th house. The lost article has been kept near the'element of the sign. According to other astrologers the planets indicates as owner: Sun the drawing room or bed room of the owner. Moon near water, bathroom,tank etc. Mars Fire place, kitchen or place where instruments has been stored or labourer lives. Mercury Library or books has beenkept or where food articles or drawings has been stored or where vehicle is kept. Jupiter Worship place or garden,temples Yenus Bed room, place of entertainment Saturn Store place or room, darkroom Rahu Under tree or dilipadated place, ruins, where broken things are kept. Ketu The lost article has beenkept near slum area. If there is fixed lagna or fixed navamsha or vargottama lagna the thief is own person and the article has been kept in the house (v) If lagna is Cancer or Scorpio the lost article is in the house. (vi) If the Moon is posited in prishtodayasign and aspectedby Saturn the lost article has been kept above the almirah or somehigh place. (vii) According to some astrologersthe place for lost article will be according to the navamsha sign of the Moon. If Aquarius is the navamsha sign of the Moon the lost article will be in pitcher. If Capricorn the,'lostarticle will be .within hole or under earth. If Cancer the lost . article will be in the water or near waterv place. (viii) If the 7th lord is in the kendra the thief is at the place of theft i.e. the memberof the family or servant. (ix) If the 7th lord has ithasalawith 3rd or 9th lord the thief would have left the town or the lost article will be recoveredfrom another place. (x) If a fixed sign or a fixed navamshais in lagna or the lagna lord is vargottamathe thief will be the relative/family member of the querist and the lost article will be with him. (xi) If lagna is in 2nd dreshkonathe lost article will be within the premise otherwise not.

Wttt rnr Losr Anrtcte nz Rzcovenro ? We generally examinethe Horary chart for lost articlesfrom the 7th, lagna,aruda lagna and the Moon becausethe lagna,Aruda lagnaand the Moon, the lost article and the 7th house and the 7th lord is thief. 2nd,, 4th, I lth, 5th and 9th houses are helpful to recover the lost article. 4th lrouse representsthe recovery of the lost article. 180 Predictiowthrough!!91gz

The tost article will be recovered: ( 1) If Lagna lord hasithasala with 7th lord' (2) If the Moon is aspectedby the lord of sign of Moon i.e. aspectedby the dispositor' (3) If Lagna lord is positedin 7th an.d7th lord is positedin lagna. '(4) If Jupiteralone is positedin 7th house'If any other planet is posited in 7th the lost article will not be recrtvered. (5) If the Moon is Positedin 4th' (6) If the Moon is posited in l0th from Aruda lagna (7) If there is ithasalaof 2nd lord and 9th lord (8) If benefic planetsare posited in lagna, Aruda lagna and 5th, 9th and 7th (9) If the lagnais shirshodayasign and Aruda sign is PrishtodaYasign (10) If the Moon is positedin Prishtodayasign and aspected6y any planet except Saturn' If the Moon is aspectedby Saturn,the lost article will not be recovered. sign and ( I I ) If the Moon is positedin Prishtodaya Mars is positedin lOth from Moon' (12) If 2nd,7th,9th or 1lth signis in the 7th house (13) If beneficplanets are posited in 3rd, 5th house from lagna or Aruda lagna' (14) If strong Moon is positedin 7th house'If the Moon is waning or afflicted the lost article will not be recovered. (15) If :raleficplanets are positedin l lth house' Predictions through Horary I8I

(16) If benefic planetsare positedin Shirshodaya lagnaor aspectthe Shirshodayalagna. ( l7) If full Moon is positedin lagnaand associated with or aspectedby beneficplanets. (18) If the full Moon is positedin 5th or 9th house and aspectedby JuPiteror Venus. (19) If lagna, 2nd, or kendra or trikona or 1lth house are occupiedby benefic planets. (20) Lagna,Aruda lagnaand navamshaare movable sign. (21) 5th, 9th and 7th are occupiedby benefic planets. (22) Lagna, 3rd and 5th housesare occupiedby friendly planetsand 2nd and l lth housesare occupiedby strong benefic planetsand there is no malefic planet in kendraor trikona, 8th or l lth (23) The Moon and Jupiter are in kendra. (24) The Moon is positedin lagnaor 10th and has Ithasalawith benefic Planet. (25) If the lagna is occupiedby benefic planet or " 4th lord and aspectedbe beneficplanets' (26) If the full Moon is posited in lagna and aspectedby a benefic planet or 4th lord' (27) The waxing Moon is positedin lagna and has friendly aspectof Sun or beneficplanets' (28) If benefic planetsare positedin 2nd, 3rd or 5th. (29) If the 4th lord occupiesthe lagna or aspects , the lagna. 182 Predictionsthrough Horary

(30) Lagna lord, 2nd lord and the Moon have any relation and posited in lagna, 2nd or trikona. (31) lf 2nd lord is positedin 2nd or 4th house. (32) Lagna lord is positedin lagna and aspectedby benefic. (33) If the malefic planet is posited in Prishtodaya sign. (34) If lagnalords is positedin I lth houseand I lth lord in lagna both in lagna or both in I lth house. (35) If I lth houseis aspectedby lagnalord and I Ith lord (36) If the l lth house has friendly aspect of all planets. (37) The lagnalord hasithasala of 2nd lord and lord of sign occupiedby Moon. (38) The benefic planetsoccupy 2nd, tlth and 9th houseand lagna lord aspectslagna (39) If 2nd lord is in 2nd house or lagna and have ithasalawith the planetsin 2nd house. (40) If benefic planets are posited in 2nd house conjoining 2nd lord. (41) The Moon and I lth lord occupy 2nd house. (42) The lagna lord and 9th lord conjoin in benefic house. (43) The lagna lord is positedin trine housesand the Moon in own houseor both have aspector ithasala. (44) Moon aspectslagna lord and lagnalord aspects the Moon. Predtcttorv through Ho

(45) Lagna lord or 1lth lord are positedin I lth house and asPectedbY the Moon (46) If 3rd, 6th, 7th or I 1th sign occupieslagna and aspectedby benefic or beneficplanet occupies the above said lagna. (47) The Mercury occupiesthe lagna and Jupiter and Venus are posited in Gemini sign (48) Lagna lord, I lth lord and strong Moon have ithasala in benefic houses. (49) If the Moon aspectsthe lord of sign occupied by Moon (50) When the Moon or Jupiter is the lord of tlie 7th, 8th, 4th or lOth house and have relations with the.lagna or lagna lord or are posited in the abovesaid housesalone. (51) If the 7th lord and Moon arecombust the thief will be caught with stolen article. (52) When there is no ithasalabetween lagna lord and 2nd lord, one will get news about the lost article but the lost article will not be recovered. The lost orticle will be recovered by the police' If : (l) Lagna lord and l0th lord conjoin or have ithasala,the stolen article can be recoveredby going to the police. (2) 2nd lord and lagna lord aspectedby lOth lord or 5th lord (3) lOth lord and4th lord aspect2ndlord and 12th lord. (4) When there is ithasalabetween the lagna lord and 7th, the moneywill be retrunedby the thief t84 Predictions through Horary

due to fear of the police. (5) When there is ithasalabetween the 8th lord and lOth lord the authority will favour the thief. The lost article will not be recovered if:

( I ) If lagnais occupiedby maleficsand lagna lord is a malefic planet. (2) If Aruda lagnais in 7th house. (3) If Aries, Virgo or Capricorn sign is in 7th house. (4) If the Lagna lord is positedin 7th house. (5) If the Sun is positedin lagnaand the Moon is combust. , (6) If 2nd lord is positedin 7th or 8th house. (7) If Mars is positedin 7th or 8th house. (8) If Rahu is posited in lagna and Sun in 8th house. (9) The Malefic planetsare posited in kendra, trikona and 2nd housewithout benefic aspects. (l l) 7th lord and the Moon conjoin with the Sun. (12) If 8th lord is positedin 7th or 8th house. ( I 3 ) The lagna lord is retrogradein 7th and 7th lord is positedin lagna. (14) The llth lord is positedin 8th or conjoined with 8th lord. (15) If benefic planetsare positedin 7th house. (16) If 2nd lord is combust,the thief will be caught but there will not be any recovery. ( l7) If Capricornis the lagna and not aspectedby Saturn, the native will hear about the stolen Predictions t fuough Horary I8s

article but the article will not be recovered. ( 18) If lagna lord and 2nd lord haveno aspect. (19) The 2nd houseor lagnanot aspectedby lagna lord. (20) If Saturn and Mars occupy lagna,Aruda lagna or navamshalagna (21) If there is a movablesign in lagna (22) If thereis commonlagna having more than 15o longitude. (23) If Sun is posited in lagna and Rahu in 8th house. (24) If lagna lord and I lth lord areweak. (25) If lagna lord and 2nd lord areweak and have no relations betweenthem. (26) The kendra, trikonas, 2nd and 8th house is occupiedor aspectedby malefic planets. Will the thief be caught ? "Yes" ( I ) If the 7th lord is combust. (2) If the 7th lord is positedin.kendra with malefic planets. (3) If 8th lord is combust. (4) If the lOth lord is combust. (5) If 10th lord have ithasalawith the lagna lord the thief will be caughtby the police. (6) If the l0th lord and lagna lord conjoin together. (7) If lagna lord is posited in the 10th house (8) If lagna lord has no aspecton 7th, the thief will be caughtalong with stolenarticles. Predietiorr,ttt rough Horar!

(9) If lagna lord conjoin 7th lord, the thief will be caught along the stolen article. (10) If the Moon and 7th lord are combustthe thief - will be caught along with the lost article. (l l) If the lords of 3rd and 9th have ithasalawith the 7th lord the thief will be caught in other city. (12) If the 7th lord have ithasalawith 3rd or 10th lord the thief will be caught in other city. (13) If 8th lord have ithasala with l0th lord the police will help the thief. (14) If Rahu or Ketu is posited in 8th house ahd lagna is not occupied by any planet the thief will be caught but the stolen article will not be tracable/recovered. (15) If there is ithasalaof lagna lord and the 7th lord the thief will return the stolen article himself. (16) If the lagna lord is posited in lagnathe thief will return the stolen article himself. (17) If there is an exchangeof housesbetween 7th lord and 8th lord there will be dispute among the thieves and they shall be caught. ( l8) The thief will return the stolen article if lagna lord has ithasalawith 7th lord in 7th houseand 8th lord is posited in lagna. ( l9) If the malefic planet is posited in 3rd house from lagna and a benefic planet is posited in . 6th house or 7th house the thief will return the stolen articles himself QA) If 2nd lord has ithasalawith a planet in lagna or 3rd houseothe stolen article has been removedto other city. (21) If the Moon is positedin movablesign in lagna the stolen article has been shifted to other city/place. (22) If 2nd lord is combustthe stolen article will not be recoveredeven if thief is caught. (23) The thief will not be caught becauseof the police if there is ithasalaof 2nd lord and 8th lord. (24) If the Moon is combust or aspected 6y u malefic planet the stolen article is not with the thief. (25) If the 7th lord is positedin kendra,the thief is in the city/locality and has not gone far away. (26) If the 7th lord has ithasalawith Moon or lagna lord the thief is a committed thief. (27) If lagna lord and 2nd lord are conjunct with or aspectedby benefic planets the thief will be caught by police. (2S) If the 5th lord and lOth lord areconjoined with or aspectedby benefic planets the thief will be caughtby the police. (29) If Mars is in lOth and malefic planet are in the 7th the police would arrest the thief. The thief wiII not be cought : ( I ) If the 7th lord has Ithasalayoga with Mars (2) If 7th lord is aspectedby Saturn and Moon (3) If 7th lord is aspectedby Mercury and Moon t88 Pre dictions through Horary

(4) If 3rd lord or 9th lord have ithasalawith 7th lord. (5) If lagna lord is in lagna or lagna lord and 7th ' lord are in 4th house.

"Whether I have misplaced my documents and forgotten or the documents have been stolen?' In horary astrology misplaced or forgotten article is examinedfrom 4th houseand 4th lord. The 3rd house and 3rd lord indicate that the article/ documenthas been forgotten/misplaced.The 4th house and 4th lord indicate that the article has been stolen. ( I ) If the is 4th houseis occupiedwith or aspected by 4th lord or beneficstrong Moon is posited in 4th house, the misplaced/forgotten document is safe at his own site. (2) If strong benific Moon is positedin lagna or there is shirshodayasign in lagnaand aspected by strong benefic planet or 11th lord is stronglyposited in l lth the nativewill recover the misplaced documentsvery soon. If there is l st dreshkon in the lagna the misplaceddocument is nearthe gate of the house.If there is 2nd dreshkonin the lagna the misplaced documentis insidethe house.If thereis 3rd dreshkon in the lagna the misplaceddocument is at the back portion of the house.Presently we can interpret the lst, 2nd and 3rd dreshkonas ground,middle portion and upper portion of the almirah. If there is fixed sign in the lagna or fixed sign navamshalagna or vargottama fixed sign the lost/ Predict ions through Horary 189 misplaceddocument is with a memberof the family, otherwise with outsider and has gone out of the house. Some Yogasfor recovery of the brticle: The article will be recovered ( I ) If there is a relation of 7th lord and lagna lord or both have ithasala. (2) If the Moon is aspectedby the lord of the sign where she is posited. (3) If strong benefic planet is posited in kendra except7th, trikona or 2nd, 3rd or l lth and no malefic planet is posited at above place the misplacedarticle is recovered,otherwise not. (4) If 2nd lord have ithasala with lagna lord or I lth lord. (5) If lagna lord, 2nd lord and the Moon have ithasalaor a depositedin lagna or 2nd or I lth house. (6) The Moon and Sun are in the 3rd house and lagna lord is aspectedby or conjunct with a strong benefic planet one recovers the misplacedarticle. (7) If 7th lord is positedin 2nd,4th or I lth house, the misplaced article will be recovered. (8) If the Moon and Jupiter are posited in exaltationor own housein 2nd, 7th, 8th or 1Oth houseor lagnalord in 7th and 7th lord in lagna, the misplacedarticle will be recovered. (9) If the I lth lord conjoinslagna lord in lagnaor l lth or benefic planets are posited in own house in 2nd, 3rd or 5th housethere will be Pre dict i ons t hrough H oraqt

recovery of the lost article. No recovery : ( I ) If the Moon and the Sun are posited in 6th, ' 8th or l2th house,there will be no recovery. (2) If Malefic planets are posited in'4th house, there will ne no recovery. (3) If the Mars is posited in 7th, Sun in gth and Rahu in lagna,no recovery. 221511997at ll:45 Kanpur Sat Mcrc SunT-2! 22-34 l2-t5 Ven Ketu )o-) | Lagna \r, Mars 2( 5 Sun Chart38 Lagna Moon ,( 2 Ven Jup 4-t I 27-14 Mars 1r.-tA

Moon Rahu t0 | fup / t:,' 5-5 2-50 Kctu The full Moon is posited in 4th house and aspectedby the lord of the sign Mars from lagna. Lagna lord Sun is posited in l0th, the strong kendrandirectional strength, but in enemy sign, aspectedby debilitated Jupiter and Saturn,enemy from 8th house. The 2nd and I lth lord Mercury is hemmedbetween Sun and Saturn.3rd lord is posited in kendra and own sign, thereforethe documentshave been misplacedand forgotten.As there is fixed sign in lagna, lagna lord is in fixed sign, Moon in fixed sign, the documentsare at the same place. The documentswill be recoveredwhen lagnalord Sun and significator Mars will form favourable ithasala or P*dt"t*tfut"ShH-"ry l9l

Mars indicates days and difference of longitude between Sun and Mars is approximately l9o. Therefore it indicates l9 days. Being in fixed sign make double the days i.e. 38 days approximately, when the Moon will form kambool yoga. i:

cn.tprnnI 3


their l\ 7f arriage is examined from 7th, znd and Mlords, the karakasare Venus and Moon. Morriage will take Place' if ( I ) the Moon is posited in 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or l lth house and aspectedby or conjunct with Jupiter, Sun or MercurY. (2) the Moon is in 7th or upachaya(3,6,10th & l lth) housesand aspectedby Jupiter (3) benefic planets are posited in kendra or trikona. (4) the Saturnis positedin even signs. (5) the Moon is positedin the lOth houseand is aspectedby lOth lord or the Sun. (6) Lagna lord in 7th house,7th lord in lagna. (7) Lagna lord in lagna,7th lord in 7th or lagna lord in 2nd. (S) 7th and 2nd house are occupied or aspected by beneficplanets and 2nd lord or 7th lord are Predictions t hrough Horary t93

posited in benefic houses, one gets married. (9) 7th lord and 2nd lord in kendra or trikona. (10) Venus in own sign or inVirgo sign. (l l) The Moon and 7th lord in 3rd and lagna lord in lOth with Mercury. (Seeyoga for fructification) The Boy will hove o bride, if: (l) Saturn is posited in even sign except lagna (2) the Moon is posited in lagna and aspectedby lOth lord (3) the Moon is positedin 2nd houseand aspected by Venus and not aspectedby any malefic planet. (4) Venus or Moon is posited in 7th houseand have ithasalawith lagna lord. (5) the Moon is posited in 3rd, 7th, l0th or 9th 'houseand aspectslagna lord. (6) Venus is aspectedby the benefic planets. (7) an exalted benefic planet is posited in kendra or I lth house and is aspectedby benefic planet. (8) the Moon is posited in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, l0th or I lth houseand aspectedby Jupiter. (9) Venus is posited in lagna, 7th, l0th or llth house and aspectedby a benefic planet. ( l0) Jupiter is positedin lagna,in movable sign and no malefic planet in kendra (ll) the Moon is posited in Taurusin 7th or l0th house aspectedby Jupiter or Venus P re dic t i ons t hr oug h Horary

(12) the Venus is posited in lagna and aspectedby benefic planet, no malefic planet in kendra. (13) Tte 7th lord has ithasala with lagna lord or Moon and also consider other relations of Significator and lagna lord. (14) Saturnis positedin 7th there will be marriage but delayed. ( l5) the Moon and Venus are strong and posited in even sign or even sign navamshaand aspectes the lagna, the boy will get bride. A girl will have bridegroom, i.f (l) the Saturnis positedin odd sign exceptlagna (2) -'The lagnais odd sign and Jupiteris positedin lagnaor l lth house (3) Venus or the Moon is posited in 7th or I lth house conjoining benefic planet or aspected by benefic planets. (4) the Moon and Venus are strong and posited in odd signs or odd_signsin navamshaand aspects the lagna, the girl will get bridegroom. (Seeyogas for boy.) More thon one mafiiage or relotions with other women:

( I ) If lagna lord and 7th lord are in one dreshkona (2) The Moon is positedin 7th housein movable sign and aspectedby Venus and malefics in kendra (3) One will have relationswith as many women as many planets are posited in the 7th house and aspectedby the 7th lord. (4) One will have relationswith as many women as number of planets in 2nd house, are aspectedby 2nd lord. (5) Onewill haverelations with otherwomen when thereis relationsbetween Mars andvenus and not aspectedby beneficplanets. If a beneficplanet is positedin a house,aspects the 7th houseor the 7th lord, the relativ. o, p"rron representedby that housewill herpthe native to have a marriage.

If a malefic planet aspectsthe 7th houseor the 7th lord the relativesor personsrepresented by the house in which the above said malefic planet is posited will obstruct the marriage.For example a malefic is posited in 3rd houseand aspectsth; 7th lord the brother will obstruct the marriage, if a beneficis positedin 3rd housesay Jupite. aspect the 7th housethe brotherwill help in marriage."nI What will be the notare of my wife or husbontl ? The nature of an individual meanspersonality of an individual.It representsway of behaviour,way of wearing and appearance,manners and reactions to others.But in astrologywe seewhether she will be ableto bearchird or not. How shewiil be looking. when her husbandreach home how shewirl receiv-e him and her sexualrelations with others. Moreover, the aspect is more important than position. If a planet is posited in lagna, it aspects the 7th house which representspouse. ( I ) If saturn and sun are positedin gth housein his own sign,she will not be ableto bearchild. Predictions t hrough Horary

(2) If Moon andMercury are positedin 8th house in his own sign, she will suffer from venereal diseasesand will not be ableto bear a child' (3) If Venusor Jupiterare positedin 8th housein his own sign shewill give birth to deadfoetus' (4) If Mars is positedin 8th housein his own sign she will have abortions (5) a. If the Moon is positedin lagna,in 2nd to lOth Tithi of ShuklaPaksha bride will be young girl b. In the l0th Shukla Pakshato 5th of Krishna Pakshashe will be near about 20 yearsof age' c. In 5th of Krishna Pakshato 15th of Krishna Pakshashe will be old ladY (6) If Mercury is posited in 7th or aspectingthe 7th the bride will be Young ladY (7) If Saturn is positedin 7th or aspectingthe 7th '. the bride will be old looking lady' (8) If Sun or Jupiteris poistedin 7th or aspecting the 7th she will be a PleasantladY' (9) If Mars or Venus is posited in 7th or aspecting the 7th she will be hard sPokenladY (10) If the Moon is positedin 3rd, l0th, I lth or 7th and aspectedby Jupiter she will be faithful to her husband. (ll) If the Moon is positedin lagnaor 7th house or l0th and aspectedby Jupiter or Venus she will be beautiful and belong to a rich family' (12) If Venus is posited in 7th the girl will be beautiful, if Jupiter she belong to a rich family, Mercury cunning, Sun or Mars sickly, Saturnwidow, Sun cruel, Moon foolish' P redictions t hrough Horary 197

(13) If the Moon is positedin 2nd house,she will have many male issues. (14) If the Moon is positedin upachayahouses and aspectedby Jupiter the girl will be obedient and beautiful. No Marriage: (l) If the 7th houseis occupiedby Saturn and Moon (2) If Venus (the karka), 7th house and 7th lord are afflicted (3) If Venus, 7th and 2nd houseand 2nd lord and 7th lord are afflicted. (4) If Mars and Saturn are posited in 7th house from the Moon or Venus. (5) If there are malefic planetsin lagna,2nd and 7th house and weak Moon in 5th house. (6) If the 7th lord is positedin 8th or 12th house and afflicted. (7) If the 7th lord is positedin 6th,8th or l2th or combust or debilitated,hemmed between malefics and Venus is also afflicted. (8) If the lords of 6th, 8th or l0th are posited in 7th house and benefic planetsdoes not aspect or conjoin. (9) If weak Moon is positedin 5th houseand 2nd 7th and l2th houseis occupiedby or aspected by malefics. (10) If Rahu is positedin 7th houseand aspected by benefic planet. ( I I ) If there is exchangeof 7th lord and 8th lord (12) If 7th lord, Moon or lagna lord ha' .: itha'sala with malefic or inimical planets. Direction of marriage: ( 1) The direction of marriagewill be the same as the direction indicatedby the 7th lord from Venus. (2) If a planet is positedin the 7th househe will indicate the direction. The direction will be indicatedalso by the sign ownedby the said planet.The sign shouldbe strong. (3) The planets aspectingthe 7th house also indicatesthe direction.The directionwill be indicatedby the ' sign occupiedby the said planet. If that sign is fixed sign the marriagewill be near distance,if movableat far off distanceand if that sign is commonsign the place of marriagewill not be very far off.

How will be the relations between the husband & wife?

Take lagna as husbandand 7th as wife or vicae versain femalehorary chart. There will be love and respectfor each other when : (1) There is ithasalabetween lagna lord and 7th lord and otheryoga of lagnalord and7th lord. (2) If the Moon and Venusare associatedwith or aspectedby beneficplanet. (3) If the Moon is posited in Jupiter's signs or even sign in benefichouses. (4) If Lagna lord and 7th lord are benefic planets P*dt"ttt^ ftr""Sh

and have kambool yoga with Moon. t (5) The wife will be obedientif lagna lord is in lagna. (6) The husbandwill be obedientif lagan lord is in 7th house. (7) The husbandwill enjoy the wealth of wife if there are beneficsin 4th house. (8) If the Moon and 7th lord is associatedwith or aspectedby benefics. , 'rYill my love affair materialise?' If the 5th lord has any connectionwith 7th and llth house and their lords the love affairs will materialise. If the 5th lord has any connectionwith 6th, 8th or' l2th houseand their lords it will not materialise. If the 5th lord has any connectionwith 6th and its lord the other party will fall out because6th is .lossof 7th. If the 5th lord has any connectionwith l2th houseand lord the nativewill himself fall out because I2th is loss of lagna. If 5th lord has any connectionwith 8th lord and 8th housethere will be obstructionto the native from parents. In the chart 39 Lagna is movable sign and Shirshodaya.Lagnalord Venus is positedin own sign in 8th conjoiningMars, the 7th lord and aspectedby Saturnthe 5th lord. So lagna lord, 7th lord and 5th lord are related. Take Moon as lagna, the 5th lord Mercury is conjoining with 7th lord Sun in 9th, the sign of 5th July,l996 at 14:15 Delhi Satl3-2( Venl8-9iunl9-4? Ketu Mars Mer(C) 9\ I 8-34 22-t4 t2-34 Jup (R) Moon t840 Chart39 ro ' ,2S.'\,2."" ,/ il MoonJ Iup(R) Asc Rahu ,4.. 7r/"Y"t1c l8-5t t2-56 t8-34 'rilN,/x;il:\

Mercury aspectedby I lth lord, Jupiter. Venus is forming ithasalawith 7th lord Mars. He married with the desired girl in the month of Dec, 1,996.

There will not be love and respect for each other : ( 1) If the 7th lord or 7th house or lagna or lagna lord are afflicted with malefic planets. (2) lf 7th lord or lagna lord is positedin enemy sign, combust,debilitated or trik housesand conjoin or aspectedby malefic planets (3) If the Moon and Venusare associatedwith or aspectedby Mars. (4) If the Venus is associatedwith or aspectedby Saturn. (5) If 7th lord and6th lord haveithasala there will be difference of opinion betweenhusband and wife. (8) If the 7th lord or Venus is positedin 6th, gth or l2th houseand associatedwith or aspected by malefic planets. (9) If 7th lord or 8th lord is positedin l2th house there will be divorce ( l0) If there is exchangeof housebetween 7th lord and 6th lord there will be divorce. (11) If the 7th house,7th lord andVenus in caseof male Jupiter in case of female are afflicted there will be quarrel or dispute between husbandand wife. Will my wife return back home? She will return back if : (l) Sun aspectsthe full Moon (2\ Venus is strong. (3) If Venus is retrograde. (4) If Venusis positedin 5th,6th or 7th house. (5) If lagnalord has ithasalawith Venus. The wife will not return if : (l) Sun is positedin lagna,2nd or 3rd house. (2) If Venus is combustand have normal rate of motion (3) If Venus is aheadof Sun, Isharafa yoga. She will return after sometimeif weak Moon has any relation with Sun and Venus If Sun is posited in 5th house the wife is tortured by her husband.

"Is there second marrioge for me?" The marriage means an addition to the family, partnership,legal bondageand conjugalrelationship. The 2nd house indicates an addition to family member, 7th house indicates partnership and legal bondageand I lth housegain. Thereforefirst marriageexamined from 2nd,7th and llth house.For secondmarriage only 2nd and l lth house are to be examined. The second marriage is indicated if following conditions are fulfilled: ( I ) If 7th lord, the lord of the sign occupied by 7th lord in navamsha,the nakshatralord of 7th lord has any connectionwith 2nd or I lth house and their lords. (2) a. The planets posited in 7th house. b. The planets conjoined with 7th lord or aspecting 7th lord have any connection with 2nd or I lth house or their lords (3) If the 7th lord is depositedin a dual sign, the lord of nakshatraof 7th lord or the sign lord of 7th lord in navamshahas any connection with dual sign (4) The Mercury has any connection with 7th house or 7th lord.

Jup Sat 0l-00 3-17

'rJGJ-.' I Rahu 28-20 Sun4-7 Chart 40 vlon(C)l+2 {en23-28 M a Ptlr)9-'r(

Merc(C) Mars 23-3r 246 XiM

18llll999 et 17-51 Delhi 7th lord Saturn is with nakshatraof Ketu, sign Iord of Saturnin navamshais Mars, positedip Mars sign aspecting7th house. Mars also aspects 7th house. I lth lord is positedin 7th. 2nd lord Sun is positedin 7th. So 2nd marriage is indicated. cneprnnI4


\I f . examine progeny from the 5th house, 5th Y Y lord, planets in 5th house,planets aspecting 5th house,planets associated with 5th lord, 5th from 5th i.e. 9th house and 5th from Jupiter the karaka and Jupiter himself. The 7th house and its lord also play an important role. One can say that this is the best method given by Rishi Parashara.This is the best method of examination of chart whether birth chart or horary chart. But the aspectsare from degreeto degreeand yogas are Tajik yoga and full aspectsof Parashara. The combinationof Parasharamethod and yoga from Tajik give the best resultsin Horary charts. We shouldtake into accountthe Desh,Kala and Patra for the purposeof progeny.For example,the educatedsociety and the people living in cities of India do not like to have children more than two or three. So to give prediction about more than three children will be againstthe acceptednorms of the society.The astrologerwill be a laughing stock. Similarly accordingto law there cannotbe more than Podi"tio^ rhro"Sh Horo one wife in the'Hindu society.one can have relations with more than onewoman but legalwife will be one, the other lady will not have legal acceptance'So to say that one will have as many wives as number of planets in the 7th house aspectedby the 7th lord is againstthe law. He may have relationswith as many *o-"tt as the number of planets in the 7th house, aspectedby the 7th lord. Thereforealways take into account the Desh, Kala and Patra. lhhefier one wiII be abte to bear a child ? "Yes" ithasala ( I ) If sth lord is a benefic planetand have with lagna lord or Moon or conjoin with or aspectedbY a benefic Planet. (2) If Moon is posited in lagna or Arudha lagna with or aspectedby a benefic planet' (3) If Jupiter is posited i;r lagna,Arudha lagna or 5th, 7th or 9th house. (4) The Jupiter or Venus is strong in 5th house' (5) Lagna lord in 5th and 5th lord in lagna' (6) Lagna lord and 5th lord conjoin and associated with or aspectedby a benefic planet' (7) The Venus conjoin 5th lord in 5th or I lth' (8) If 5th lord is posited in lagna and the Moon and the I lth lord are positedin 5th' (9) If Sun and Rahu both are posited in lagna or Arudha lagna. ( l0) If Jupiter, Moon and Rahu are posited in lagna or Arudha lagna. (11) Lagna lord, 5th lord and the Moon have ithasala' Whether mY wrfe is Pregnant? 5th lord Sun is in Ithasalawith Mars and Moon' Sat 3-2 {sc26-9 It upiter Jup Rahu 29-24 Y,} Chart4l Venl2o Rahu *[ Ketu x' /9 Sun Sun Moon Merc 24-46 2l-55 6 vlerc9-3( Moon Mars 9th January, 1999at 13:37,Delhi Jupiteris positedin Arudha lagna.She is pregnant. A few or Delay or No Children? ( 1) Therewill be one or two childrenif lagnalord and the Moon are posited in 5th house in Scorpio,Taurus, Leo or Virgo sign. (2) If the 5th houseis occupiedwith or aspected by a malefic planets. (3) The 5th lord is weak i.e. debilitatedcombust or hemmedbetween malefic planetsetc. (4) The karakaJupiter is exaltedin lOthhouse and aspectedby malefics.

Saturn Mars 9 Jupiter Jupitcr Chart42 l0 4

't Mars Lagna \ ,/r.1,) P re dict ions t lvough Horary 207

The 5th lord is malefic planet, Saturn and posited in 8th house,aspecting karaka Jupiter and 5th house.The Mars is also aspecting Jupiter. So the karaka though exalted and positedin kendrais weak. (5) If the Jupiter is posited in 5th house in own sign and aspectedby malefic.

Saturn Sat


Chart 43 Lagna

9 ll Jupiter Jup t2

The aspectof Saturn,the 6th and 7th lord the Maraka, will influence the 5th lord, 5th house and karaka of progeny, all the three important factors are afflicted. (6) If malefic planetsare posited in lagna,Jupiter in 2nd or 4th house, and benefic planets in kendra the issuewill be there but late in life. (7) If Moon, Mercury and Venus are posited in common sign or Sagittariusin 5th housethere will be no issue. (8) If Moon's posited in 3rd, 5th or 9th house conjoining Sunor Venus,there will be no issue. (9) If Jupiter or Venus is posited in 8th house in his own sign, there will be an issuebut he will be dead issue.' Pre di ct i ons t hr angh H orary

(10) If Mars is positedin 8th housethere will be abortion/s. (11) If Moon or Mercury is positedin 8th in own housethere will be only one child - a daughter. (12) If Sun or Saturnis positedin 8th housein his own housethere will be no issue. (13) If lagnalord and 5th lord haveno relation. (14) If lagna lord doesnot aspect5th houseor 5th lord or doesnot aspectthe lagna. ( l5) If 8th lord is positedin 8th,the querrent'swife will not have proper function of ovaries. So no issue. (16) When 8th houseis occupiedby the Sun or Venus the first issue will die and subsequent issuewill not be long lived. (17) The same is the result as above if 2nd, l2th and 8th is occupiedby malefic planets. (18) If l2th lord is positedin kendraand aspected by or conjoined with benefic planet,the child will survive. ( l9) If full Moon is associatedwith or aspectedby benefics in kendra,the child will survive. Namber of children: It is indicated by the number of strong planets aspectingor posited in the 5th house and aspected by 5th lord. Number of Navamsha,gainedby the.5th lord provided 5th lord is aspectedby beneficplanet,(Due to family planning this answerdoes not hold good) Predictionsthrough Horary

Whether she is pregnant ? In cities one canhave the answerof this question by pathologicaltest of urine very easily.But some time or in villages where these facilities are not availablethe peoplestill go to astrologersand seek the answerto this questionbecause the physical changesof preganancyare apparentonly after three or four months. Moreover nauseaor vomitting present in a lady at the initial stagedue to some pathological cause,due to one's anxiety one wants to know about pregancy. The lady is pregnant if ( I ) Lagna lord is positedin lagna andthe Moon in 5th house. (2) Lagna lord and Moon aspects5th house. (3) 7th lord and Lagna lord are posited in 5th house. (4) 7th lord and 5th lord posited in lagna. (5) Lagna lord is posited in kendra and have ithasalawith Moon. (6) fixed sign is in Lagna. (7) Mercury is posited in Lagna or aspectsthe Lagna. (8) a strongbenefic planet is positedin 5th or I lth , house. (9) Rahu is posited in Lagna, Arudha lagna or NavamshaLagna. (10) the Mopn and 5th lord are aspectedby or conjoin with benefic planets. ( I I ) the Moon, Sun and Venus associatedin any 210 P redictiow through Horary

house. (12) the Sun,the Moon, Venus or Mars are posited in own navamshain upachayahouse (3,6,10,1I houses). (13) Jupiter is positedin Lagna, 5th or 9th house. (14) the benefic planetsare posited in or aspects lagna. (15) beneficsare positedin 9th, 5th, 4th, ?th, 10th and 2nd from lagna or the Moon and malefics in 3rd and I lth. (16) the Sun aspectsthe Lagna or the Moon. There will be no pregnancy if : (l) there is ithasalaof Lagna lord and ltloon in apoklim housesand 5th lord does not aspect lagnaor 5th house. (2) thereis ithasalaof Moon with a maleficplanet. (3) the Moon is combustor weak. (4) the Moon is posited in 5th, Sun in 9th and Venusin 3rd house.

AnonrtoN (l) There will be as many abortion as are the numberof maleficplanets associated with the lord of sign occupiedby 5th lord in navamsha chart. The lord of the sign occupiedby the 5th lord in Navamshais to be examinedin Rashi chart. He should not be aspectedor conjoined with malefic planets. (2) If malefic planets are posited in 5th house, lagnalord is a malefic planet or malefic planets are positedin lagnaor lagnalord is associated with maleficplanets and the Moon hasithasala with malefic planet (3) Lagna lord or Moon have ithasala with combust, debilitated or retrogradeor malefic planets (4) The 5th house, 5th lord and Jupiter are influencedby malefic planets. (5) If the Moon has ithasalawith a malefic planet in movable sign Lagna lord and retrograde planet. (6) The Mars and Venus conjoin in 5th house (7) The Mars in 8th house (8) If Jupiter and Venus both are posited in gth house,she will deliver an issuebut the child will die. (9) If Sun and Venusare positedin gth houseand 2nd and l2th house are occupiedby malefic planets,there will be abortion. ( l0) If 5th houseis occupiedby Mars or Venus and aspected by or conjuncted with malefic planets. (l 1) If the Moon and parivesh(paridhi - the Upgrah of Moon) both are in 8th housefrom Lagna or Arudha lagnaor navamshalagna, there will be abortion.If the Moon is positedin enemysign or debilitated both the child and mother will die. {Note:Parivesh is theUpgrah of Moon.It is equalto (46.-40')Longitude of Sun.Itplays important role in thebirth of child. It is a mathematicalpoint asRahu.) ,L Prrdtrtt"^th,

(12) If Saturn and Mars are posited in lagna and aspectedby malefics. ( 13) If Moon is positedin the signof Marsor Saturn (Aries or Scorpio,Capricorn or Aquarius) and aspectedby malefic Planets. (14) If Moon is aspectedby Mars and Saturn (15) If Lagna or Moon are hemmed between malefics and not aspectedby a beneficplanets, there will be deathof mother and child. ( l6) If there are maleficsin lagnaand 7th houseand not aspectedby benefic planetsthere will be death of mother and child. (17) If Saturnis positedin Lagna and aspectedby weak Moon and Mars not aspectedby benefic planet there will be death of the mother and child. (lS) If there are malefics in 4th from Lagna or Moon, there will be abortion ( l9) If Venus is hemmedbetween malefics there will be abortion {Venus is karakafor preganancyfor I st month Mars for 2nd,Jupiter for 3rd, Sunfor 4th, Moon for 5th, Saturnfor 6th, Mercury for 7th, lagnalord for 8th, Moon for fth andSun for l0th monthof pregnancy If any planet is hemmedbetween malefic planets indicatesthe abortionduring that month for which he is karaka) (20) If the Sun is positedin lagna and the Moon is weak and aspectedby malefic, there will be abortion. (21) If Mars is in lagna,hemmed between malefic planets,there will be abortion. Predictionsthrough Horary 2t3

(22) If 5th lord is positedin 6th,8th or l2th house aspectedby malefic planets. How many months is preganancy? or lYhen will the delivery take place?

For Months of ;lregnancy the astrology recogniselunar monthswhich generallyconsists of 27 or 28 days. But presently medical science recogniseonly solar months i.e. January,february etc. so pregnancyconsists of nine monthsnot of ten months as in astrology.The Venus is lord of first month, Mars for 2nd modth, Jupiter for 3rd, Sun for 4th, Moon for 5th, Saturn for 6th, Mercury-for 7ih, Lagna for 8th, Moon for 9th and Sun for 10th. ( I ) As many housesis away the strongVenus from lagna so many months is the pregnancy.If the strong Venus is positedabove the 1Othhouse count from 5th house instead of lagna (the Venus is karakafor 1st month, pregnancy) (2) As many navamshalagna has attained. (3) If Sun or Moon is positedin moavablesign the deliverywill be normalin 10months, If in fixed sign or common sign the delivery will be delayed. (4) The deliverywill be on the daywhen the Moon will be transitingthe sign as many intervening dwadashamshashe has acquiredin D/12 chart or transiting upac,haya (3,6, I 0, I I ) house therefrom. (5) According to the famouswork "Krishneeya". The number of constellationsintervening i. between the Ascendant and the constellation 214 predictions throuph Horarv

occupiedby the significator indicatesthe number of days,provided the Ascendantis in a movablesign. This is to be doubledor trebled according as the Ascendantis fixed sign or common sign respectively. In example chart the lagnais 715- 14 and significator5th lord is l1/00- 00 Subtract 3124- 46 :3x9*8:35daYs Exchangethe multiples of 30 becausethe above rule is applicablein the last month of . pregnancy.Therefore the delivery will take place after five days. The child was born on l,4thSeptember, 1998 and the querywas put on ..^h" 1OthSeptember, 1998. We havenot doubled in days becausethe significator Jupiter is retrogradeand moving towardsmovable sign and Moon has ithasalawith Jupiter and Mars and has squareaspect. The aspectis not bad becauseof aspectof Jupiter and also being 5th, trine, lord. (q) Multiply the number of signs intervening between the lagna and the sign held by the significator by 12. The product representsthe number of days,months or years according as the lagna is movable,fixed or common sign. (Krishneeya) The above two methods are not found quite satisfactory. (7) More'satisfactoryresults are obtained by Pre dict i onst hrough H orary 215

considering the number of degreesbetween the longitude of the lagna lord and the significator as representingthe number of days, weeks or months accordingas the lagna is movable, common or fixed. Lagna lord Mars 3/l - 12 - 37 Significator Jupiter 10/29- 59 - 5l (-) 7/t0 - 47 - 14 7x30*ll:221o 22 | days(Mars repre sents days) Expunge the multiple of 30 days: I I days. (asit is applicableto the last monthof pregnancy) In the above case we have multiplied and ' expunged 3Odaysbecause 30 indicate Savan Month of astrology. But we are to consider lunar month of Astrology which is 27 or 29 days. So the days are to be less. (Seefructification and the timing of events) (8) If the last month of pregnancyis not running then the issue will be born in the month in which the lords of lagna and 5th will have ithasala. (9) The delivery take place in as many months as the 5th lord is away from the cusp of the 5th house.Each houserepresents one month. ( l0) The delivery will take place when the Moon will transit 7th house from Aruda lagna or kendra, trine thereof. In our examplechart the Moon is transiting Gemini, a kendra from Aruda lagna Meena. 2t6 Predict ions through' Horary

The Male or o Female Issue?

( I ) If the strong Lagna, the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter are positedin odd signsor odd navamsha the birth of male child will take place. (2) If the abovesaid planetsare in even signs or even navamshathe birth of a femalechild will take place. (3) If strong Sun and Jupiterare in odd signs the brith of a male child will take place. (4) If strong Moon, Venus and Mars are in even signsthe birth of a femalechild will take place. (5) If the Saturn is posited in odd signs except ' lagna(3,5,7,9,11) houses the birth of a male child, if in evensigns indicatesfemale child. (6) When lagnalord and 5th lord are in odd sign, male issue (7) When 5th lord is positedin malesign and lagna lord is positedin 5th houseaspected by male plpnetthere will be a male child. (8) When 5th lord and lagna lord are posited in even sign and aspectedby female planet (Moon, Venus, Saturn,Mercury) there will be birth of a famalechild. (9) If the Moon is in odd sign and have ithasala with male planets,male issue. (10) If the lond of the hora of the query is male planet and positedin odd sign, a male issue will be born. ( I 1) If Sunis positedin 3,6,l0,l I or 7thhouse gives male and the Moon in the said housesgives female issue. Pre dicti ons t lvough H or ary 217

nBirth of Twinso

( I ) If the Jupiterand Sun areposited in Sagittarius or Gemini sign and aspectedby Mercury there is a birth of male twins (2) If Venus andMars are positedin Virgo or Meen sign and aspectedby Mercury there is birth of femlae twins. (3) If lagna and Moon are in common signs and aspectedby any strong planets there is a birth of twins. (4) If Moon and Venus are in common'sign aspectedby Jupiter or Mars or Mercury or '. lagna in common signs there is birth of one male and other female twins. (5) If lagnaand Moon are in evensign and aspected by male planet in odd sign there is birth of male and other female twins. (6) If lagna is even sign and aspectedby strong Moon there is birth of twins. oBirth of Eununch"

( I ) If strong Sun and Moon aspecteach other (2) If strong Saturn posited in odd sign and ' Mercury in odd sign aspectSaturn (3) If strong Sun posited in even sign aspectedby Mars in odd sign (4) If lagna is in odd sign and Moon is positedin lagna aspectedby Mars in even sign (5) The Mercury in odd sign dnd the Moon in even sign aspectedby Mars. ' (6) If the Moon, Mercury and lagnaare in odd sign ,lg prrdtrrt"^ rn,

or odd navamshaand aspected by Saturnor Venus. (Saravali) . nWhether the child will survive,,? The child will not survive if : ( I ) Sun and Venus are positedin gth house (2) If malefic planetsare positedin 2nd, 8th & l2th (3) If maleficplanets are posited in l2th houseand l2th lord is combust or associatedwith malefics and posited in apoklim houses (3rd,6th,9th and l2th). (4) If l2th lord is associatedwith maleficplanets in apoklim houses. (5) If malefic planetsare posited in enemy or " debilitatedsign in lagna,7th, 8th, l0th or l2th houseand Jupiter and other benefic planetsdo not aspector associatewith them. (6) If Sun is positedin 8th and Mars or Saturnin ' I lagna or 2nd house and not aspectedor ( associatedwith beneficplanets. (7) If Moon is positedin lagna,Mars in gth,Venus or Saturn in 9th and not associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planets. (8) If malefic planetsare posited in enemy or debilitatedsign or combustin 2nd house. (9) If Mars, Saturnor Rahu in 2nd and l2th house. ( 10) If maleficplanets in 6th and 8th houseaspects Moon. ( I I ) If 5th lord is positedin gth associatedwith or aspectedby malefics. (12) If 5th lord is associatedwith or aspectedby f*abttu^hr"Shil*try 2D

malefic planets or 5th lord is weak. The child will survive rt (l) If the l2th lord is associatedwith or aspected by benefic planets in kendra or 5th house and shukla PakshaMoon in kendra. (2) If the full Moon is associatedwith or aspected by benefic planets in kendra. (3) If the lagna lord is strong and associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planetsin kendra. (4) The strong Jupiter is posited in kendra and aspectsthe lagna (s) The benfics are positedin kendraand malefics in 3rd, 6th and 11th (6) If the Moon of shuklaPaksh is positedin l2th associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planets. (7) If the 8th lord is associatedwith or aspected by benefic planets. (8) If the Jupiteris positedin own house,friend's hduse, hemmedbetween benefic planets or is exaltedin lagna,5th or 7th house. (first child will survive,next child will not survive). (Thechild will not survive) Satutn Mars 23-t8 8 (": lupll-01 Lagna . \,/ Venus Kanu X I 9-07 r./,"," Mer24-l .A.. Chart 45 4 Moon Sun6-4! Moon lo)( Rahu '\, 04-22 Ven(R[C KetuI 9-7 00-52 ).. /

Mars Asc t2 00-20 23-58 220 Predictions through H orary

Lagna lord is Venus. She is combust and retrograde.l2th lord Mercury is associatedwith Rahu. The Moon is associatedwith and aspectedby malefics. Mars in 2nd house. The malefics in kendras.The child died on 28th August, 1999. 10-9-1998at ll:38 Delhi

Sat(R) 9-l4 Monl5-5 Lagna ,o\1 eIu7-J MAIS Jup(R) t9-13 X 300 ZN',/y* Chart 44 MCry-)r Jup(R) ll)(. s Rahu r'enl 0-3t '\) lahuT-3, lun23-3( ).. / 4 Lagna Mars 5-t 4 ;i""\ Satum (R) Dn2

Vcnus Mars Venus 4 il 9 Moon Iup(R) Merc 5 l0

9\ 2\ Kctu Ketu Mars Sun

Lagna is sthir therefore she is pregnant. The Venus is in lOth from lagnatherefore lOth month is running. Venus is posited with Sun, in own sign and is not combust.So delivery be with in a month because fr"dt"tt"^ thr^rgh H* lOth month is running. The lagna has attained one navamshaand 2nd navamshais running, againwithin a month. The Moon has attained7 dvadashamsha.So delivery should be on the day when the Moon will be transiting 7 intervening signs away from Libra in which the Moon is posited in Dwadashamshathe 7th from Libra in rashi chart, the delivery took place on l4th September,1998 at l3:50 Delhi. A male child was born. Moon was transiting2ll2-38 on that day. 7th intervening signs from Libra in rashi chart. Cneprn-I 5


can \I/e know the nature of query from the V Y strongestplanet posited in a kendrafrom the lagna,the Moon or the l lth housewhich ever is strong.

Our classical astrologers have divided the query in:

Dhatu The metal, the products which exist under the Earth and cannot move like Iron, Gold, Silver and jewels etc. Jeeva The anything which can change its place like birds, animals, living beings Moola The anythingwhich is abovethe Earth and fixed like tree, grass, vegetables,flowers, fruits etc. Dhatu+Moola- Rotten bones, skin of animals, bark of trees etc. Predictiotts through Horary 223

Dhatu+Je Meat of animals,organs of jeeva etc. Moola+Jeeva- The productswhich grow over the jeeva as hairs, nails, horns, wings, feathersetc. According to some astrologers logna classiftcation indicate the query : ( 1) Movable lagna indicates Dhatu (2) The fixed lagna indicates Moola (3) The commonlagna indicates- Jeeva According to others the number of navomsha indicotes the query

( I ) In odd signs (a) lst, 4th and 7th navamshaindicates Dhatu (b) 2nd, 5th and 8th navamshaindicates Moola (c) 3rd, 6th and 9th navamshaindicates Jeeva (2) fn even signs (a) I st, 4th and 7th navamshaindicates Jeeva (b) 2nd, 5th and 8th navamshaindicates Moola (c) 3rd, 6th and 9th navamshaindicates Dhatu Accerding to planets : If the planets ore posited in kendro : ( I ) If the Sun or Mars is strong,he indicatesDhatu (2, The Mercury or Saturn is strong, he indicates Moola (3) The Moon or Jupiter or Venus is strortg in kendra, indicatesJeeva 221 Pre dic t i ow t hrough H orary

Aceording lo others : (a) Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu indicates Dhatu (b) Sun and Venus indicatesMoola (c) Mercury and Jupiter indicates Jeeva Planets and signs (a) If Mars or Sun is posited in own sign or aspectslst, 8th or 5th (Aries, Scorpio or Leo) indicates Dhatu (b) If Mercury or Saturnis posited in own sign in 3rd, 6th or lOth, 1lth sign or aspectshis own sign indicates Moola (c) If the Moon, Jupiteror Venus is positedin own sign or aspectshis own sign indicatesJeeva It is clear from the above discussion that the strong planet i.e. planet posited in kendra,own sign, friend's sign or hemmed between benefic planets exalted indicates the query. In general we find indications of query from the lOth house, indication of dreams from 4th house and indications about the future from the lagna of the query. If the strong planet is posited in ( I ) Lagna the query is regarding his body and health (2) 2nd housewealth, secondmarriage, food to eat etc. (3) 3rd house brothers and travel (4) 4th housemother or sister,conveyance, landed property or comforts etc. (5) 5th house Sons or daughters,education etc. PredictiowthrouehHorary 225 (6) 6th house enemy or maternal uncle, loan, enemy, diseasesetc. (7) 7th house wife, partnership, business, diseases,litigation etc. (8) 8th house obstructions (e) 9th housepious person,father, elderly person, travel etc. ( l0) lOth house service, business,profession. (11) I lth house friends, elder brother, gain (r2) l2th house expenditure or donations, bed comforts i.e. marriage etc. According - _ to some, the type of query is indicatedfrom the l lth houseor the l lth lord o, ih.y take l lth houseas lagnaand preparenavamsha chart accordingly the type of query will be indicated by the position of the Moon in or If the Moon is strong planet. Take the Moon sign as lagna and the position of the lagna lord in the Moon chart will indicate the type of query. It is my experience that in question referring gain or loss the l,lth house as lagna and navasmha chart of I lth house and position of Moon in I lth housechart or navamshaof I lth indicatesthe query. In case of general query with the Moon chart the position of lagna lord indicate the type of query. For example on 22nd Nov. l99g at 13:43Delhi a questionof forming the Governmentin Delhi by the existing party or not was asked. Asc 10/24- I l-15 Stln 7/S_ 5g-41 Moon 8/10 - 59-35 Mars SlO3_ t7_i4 Merc (R) 7/23 - 40 Jupiter 10/24- 27-23 Venus(c)7lll - 45-56 Sat(R) 0104- 08-45 Ralru 4/02 - 17-27 Ketu l0l2 - 17-27 Rashi Chart

Ketu Sa(R) Jup

ASC Ketu tl Jup M€rc(R) Chart46 8 Sun Rahu Ven(C)

Merc(R) Moon Sun Mars 6' Ven(C) Mars Moon chart Mer(R) Sun Sat(R) Moon Ketu Ketu Jup 9 Jup Chart 47 Rahu

Rahu 5 Asc Mcr(R) Moon Vcn(C) Mars Srrn Navamsha Ae Rahu Sa(R) Sat(R) frrn Jup

Merc(R Moon Sun Chart48 5 K Mars Sun

Venus X7 Kctu Ven #: Ketu Predictions through Horary | 1r,

Navamsha of I lth houseas lagna

Venus Ketu t0 Mars

Chart 49 / 2\

Sat(R) 4 Jup Moon l Rahu

Takethe longitudeof lagnaas longitudeof I lth houseand draw Navamashachart as below : In generalI lth houseindicates elder brother and 3rd house the younger brother or arms and legs extremists, right ear and left ear. Similarly i-n MundaneAstrology l lth houseindicates parlriament and 3rd houseindicates state assembly. The Sun is the strongestplanet posited in friend's housein kendraancr have directional strength. So query regarding government. In lagnachart, lagnalord Saturnis positedin 3rd houseand the Moon in I lth house.In the navasmha chart Moon is in 3rd houseand in own sign. In navamshachart from l lth houseas lagna,the lagna lord Mars is in 3rd and the Moon in 9th house aspecting the 3rd house.From the aboveit is clear that lagnalord or Moon which ever is strongindicates the query. The Moon chart generally giu., good results. There is one more principle. Take the position of lagna lord or l lth lord as lagna and seewhere the Moon is posited therefrom.The position of Moon indicatesthe type of query. In the abovechart lagna lord Saturnis retrograde and l lth lord Jupiteris positedin lagnahaving drik bala and kendra bala. So Jupiter is strong. From Jupiterthe Moon is positedin l lth housethe house of Parliament.

Some yoga for type of query : (l) If Arudha lagnais in commonsign (3,6,9,12) the query is regardingthe Past (2') If Arudha lagna is in movable sign (1,4,7,1O)thequery is regardingthe future. (3) If the Arudhalagna is in fixed sign(2,5,8,1l) the query is regardingthe present. (4) If malefic planetsare posited in Arudha lagna or l2th from lagna the query is regarding disease (5) If malefic planetsare posited in 2nd house from arudha lagna or lagna the query is regarding theft of money or stolen money. (6) ^. If Sun is posited in lagna or Arudha lagna query regarding state punishment or relations b. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in lagna query regardingwealth c. Mars indicates quarrel d. Saturn indicatestheft or stolen wealth e. Rahu indicatesdreams or poison or death. cn,qprnnI 6


he Plaintiff/YaayilYaadi is onewho goesto court of law for justice and file a suit. The Defendant/Sthayi/Prativaadiis that person againstwhom the law suit has beeninstituted. The 3rd houseto 8th houseare consideredthe housesof defendantand to be 9th houseto 2nd house are consideredto be that of plaintiff. If benefic planets are posited in the arc of defendant,the defendantwins. If the beneficplanets are positedin the arc of plaintiff, the plantiff wins. The popular view is that the lagnais querrentand the 7th house is opponent.If Lagna lord or malefic in lagna is debilitatedor combustor weak, the querrentwill not win. The querrentwill win if strong malefic is positedin lagnaor the Moon is conjunct with or aspectedby benefic planetsor if there is a small longitude of Lagna lord and in strengthwith benefic planetsposited in Kendra therefrom. ,30 Pr"Aa,n^,

If Lagna and 7th house both are occupied by malefic planets,the resultof the disputewill not be peacefuland the samewill happenif thereis ithasala of 7th lord and lagnalord. If Cancer,Scorpio, Pisces and Aquarius signs are in 4th house,the opponent losesthe litigation. The SavantPrithuyasha writes that if Aries, Taurus,Leo or Sagittarius(animal signs) are in 4th houseor Lagna, the querrent wins. If the Moon is positedwith benefic planetsin half cycle from lOth to 4th via Lagna and Lagna is strong, the queristwill win. The four or five planetsin Lagnamakes the Lagna weak or four or five planets in 7th make the 7th houseweak. Some Yogas (l) If there is a fixed sign in lagna,there will not be defeat in the case. (2) If there is a movablesign in lagna,there will be a change,losing the case (3) If thereis a commonsign in lagna,having less than l5o longitude,indicate the results of movable sign and more than l5o longitude of lagna, indicatethe resultsof fixed sign. (4) If there are benefic yogas for 7th house and 7th lord the opponentwill compromise. (5) If at the time of quarrelGemini or Virgo lagna are rising the nativewill win with the gain of wealth. (6) If Venus is posited in lagna there will be compromise. (7) If Mars, Saturnand Jupiter are strongin horary I

Pre dict i ons thr ough H orary 231

chart irrespective of their position, the querentwill win. (8) If Saturn is lagna lord and have acquiredhigh longitude and 7th lord have acquired less of longitude and there is kambool yoga the querrent will win. : (9) If there is ithasalaof lagna lord and 1Othlord in benefic housesor lagna lord in lagna, l0th lord in 1Oththe querrentwill win. (10) If the 7th lord is positedin 2ndhouse and have ithasala with 2nd lord, the opponent will be losing. (l l) If benefic planetsare positedin lagna,7th and lOth house,the querrentwill win. (12) If the Mercury, Venus and/or Jupiter are posited in lagna and 9th house the querrent will win (13) If there is a Shirshodayalagna occupied by benefic or aspectedby benefic planets and strong benefic planets.areposited in kendra or trikona, the querrentwill win. (14) If lOth lord is positedin lagnaand lagna lord in lOth house. (15) If the Moon is in lOth, Venusand Mercury in 4th and l0th and maleficsin 3rd, 6th or llth housethe querrentwill win. (16) If the Moon in 1Oth,Mercury and Venus in 4th and 5th, Jupiter in lagna, malefics in 3rd, 6th or I lth, the querist will win. ( l7) Lagna occupied by Venus, Mercury in 4th, Jupiter in 7th, malefics in 3rd, 6th or I lth, the Predicti onsthrough Horary

querrentwill win. (18) The Jupiter in lagna,Moon in 4th, venusand Mercury in l0th, Sun in l lth and Saturnin 3rd. ( l9) The Jupiterin lagna,Moon in 7th,Mercury and Venus in 4th or l0th, malefics in 3rd, 6th or l lth housesthe queristwill win. [From the aboveyogas it will win, thekendra are occupiedby beneficsand 3rd, 6th and I lth houses by maleficsindicate the winning of thequerist.] (20) The Mercury andVenus in lagna,Sun, Mars and strong Rahu in 1lth indicates winning of querist (21) The Jupiter in lagna,Sun in lOth, Moon in 7th, Mercury in 4th indicate the winning of the querrist (22) The Jupiterin l0th, Venusin lagnaand malefics in llth gain of the caseby the querist. (23) If lagnalord is slow moving planetand forming Kambool yoga with Moon and the Moon has high longitudes than the fast moving planet the queristwill win (24) If the lOth lord is positedin lagnaor 4th lord is positedin 6th the army of opponentwill help the native to win. (25) From the lOth to lagna are occupiedby the benefics and Saturn is posited from lagna to , 4th house, some one will help to win the election or litigation. (26) If the 7th lord is posited in 6th , winning the election or litigation. (27) If Sun in l2th house,winning the election or Predictions through Horary 233

litigation (28) If chatushpadasign (Quadrupedsigns - Aries, Taurus, Leo, 2nd half of Sagittariusand lst half of Capricorn) in 4th house,the querist will win. (29) If a malefic planet is positedin 4th or 6th or 5th house,the querristwill win. (30) If Sun is positedin I lth from lagnaor Arudha lagna, the querrist will win. (3 I ) If the lagnais Sthir (or fixedsign) and Moon in ' common sign (Dwiswabhava). (32) If the lagna is common sign and the Moon in movablesign (33) If the Lagna is movablesign and the Moon in common sign (34) If strong malefic planet is posited in lagna the querist will win. If strong malefic planet is positedin 7th, the opponentwill win. (35) If 2nd and 9th houseis occupiedwith benefic planets, the querist will win. If 2nd and 9th house is occupied by Mars and Saturn the opponent will win. oThe Opponent wilt wino ( I ) If Lagna lord is posited in 8th and forming ithasalayoga with 8th lord. (2) If Lagna lord occupies l2th house. (3) If Lagna lord is a slow moving planetwith high longitude and fast moving planet forming ithasalawill lesslongitude Moon or is combust or debilitated or 7th lord posited in keridra is 234 Pre dictions t hrough H orary

debilitated or combust (4) If l2th house or l2th lord is strong, the opponentis strong. If 6th houseor 6th lord is strong or 7th lord or 7th house is strong the opponent is strong. (5) If lagnais in fixed sign and Moon is in movable sign, the opponentwill win. (6) If malefics are in 7th in strength. (7) If there is ithasalaof 7th lord and 4th lord. (8) Lagna or Moon conjoinedwith or aspectedby malefics. (9) Watery sign in 4th house ( l0) If Mars or Saturnis positedin 9th or lagna. (11) If Saturnis poistedin 3rd, 6th, l lth, 5th and t2th (12) If Saturnis positedin lOth, I I th or l2th (13) If there is ithasalaof 4th lord and 7th lord or 4th lord is posited in 4th and 7th lord is positedin 7th ( l4) If the Moon in conjunctionwith beneficplanet and posited in from 4th to l0th via 7th house and 7th lord is strong. There will be compromise

( I ) If lagna lord and 7th lord have beneficaspects. (2) If lagna lord have ithasalawith 7th lord in 3rd, 6th, lOth or I lth house. (3) If the strong beneficin llth house. (4) If the strong benefic are posited in 4th and l0th. Pre dic t iortst lrrough H orary 235

(5) If the 2 or 3 strong beneficplanets are posited in 4th house (6) If there is a biped sign in lagna (3rd, 6th, Zth, llth sign and lst half of Sagittarius) and occupied with or aspectedby a benefic planet (7) If a benefic planet is positedin a biped sign in a kendra and aspectedby benefic planet. (E) If Venus occupies 6th house from lagna or Aries lagna. (9) If Sun andVenus occupy friendly sign in lagna. (10) If Jupiter occupies 2nd house from lagna or Aruda lagna. (ll) If the lagna or Aruda lagna is aspectedby benefic planets. (12) If the lagna and Moon are in movable signs. ( I 3) If lagna lord and 5th lord areposited in kendra and associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planets. (14) If lagna lord is posited in 5th and benefic planets are posited in 4th and lOth house. (15) If beneficplanets are positedin biped sign in lagna, llth or l2th house there will be compromise. Enmity |Vill Prevoil between disputants (l) If 6th lord and 7th lord haveinimical aspects. (2) If malefic planets are posited in other house than lagna or 7th house have hostile aspect (opposition or square aspect). (3) If there is ithasalaof lagna lord and 7th lord. 236 predictions through Horary

(4) If the malefic planetsare positedin lagnaand 7th house.

Whom will the Courtfavour : (1) If the strong lagnalord has ithasalawith lOth lord in a benefic house or there is benefic ithasala,the court will favour the querist. (2) If the strong7th lord hasbenefic ithasala with lOth lord the court will favour the opponent. (3) If the strong lOth lord is positedin kendraand aspectedby Saturn or Mars, the querist is punished,while favouringthe opponentdue to some considerations. (4) If lagna lord and 7th lord are conjunct with or aspectedby 4th lord, the court gives early decision. (s) If lagna lord and 7th lord are posited in common sign in 2nd house, panchayator family relativesmake the compromise. (6) If malefic planetsare posited in 5th, 7th, gth and 9th houseand lagna lord is aspectedby malefic planet,the court fined the querist. (7) If lagna and 7th houseis occupiedby strong malefics or lagna lord and 7th lord are strong malefic planets, there will be fierce war and later on compromise. cn.nprnnI 7


\I fe consider2nd, l lth, 5th and 7th houses'for YY qutties regarding gain or loss. If strong benefics are posited in the above housesthe native will have gain.If maleficplanets are posited in these housesthe native will suffer loss of wealth. The 5th house is 1lth from 7th house,the gain of opponant.

Some yoga for gain or Loss:

( I ) If the lagna is Shirshodayasign occupied by benefic planets,there will be gain (2) If the lagna is of benefic planet and aspected or occupied by benefic planet or own lord there will be gain. (3) If the lagna is of malefic planet occupied by or aspectedby malefic planet or Prishtodaya sign there will be loss. (4) If the lagna is of 3rd, 6th, 7th or l lth sign occupied by or aspectedby benefic planets, there will be gain. (5) If the both benefic and malefic planetsoccupy 238

the benefic sign as lagna.andthe sign of lagna is Prishtodaya the amolrnt will bl realiied after some delay. The strength of the benefic platnetwill decidethe query. nGain of honour or wealth from governmenl, One hasto analysethe strengthof lagnalord and lagna, l tth lord and I lth and the Jupiteiin question gainof of honour or wealth. If lagna lord or t i th loro or Jupiter is debilitated, combust,posited in enemy I sign or in trik houses,hemmed between malefic planets or aspectedby or conjoined with malefic planetsthe result will be lessbeneficial. There will be gain of honaur or wealth : ( I ) If there is a benefic ithasalaof lagna lord and I tth lord.

(2) If there is ithasalaof lagna lord and I lth lord in kendra or trikona or I lth house and have kambool yoga. (3) If lagna lord and I lth lord are srrong (4) If strong Jupiter is posited in kendra and a. full gain if exalted b. one fourth gain if posited in own sign. c. there will be a littl'e gain if positedin other sign but benefic house. (5) Similar is the casewith ilth lord (6) If lOth lord have ithasala with Sun and Mercury there will be written agreementwith the government. P*at"tt"*tt ^rghH*q, 29 oGain from service' ( 1) If there is Shirshodayasign in lagna occupied by or aspectedby benefic planets (2) If there are benefic planetsin 2nd, 8th and 7th house and malefic planetsin 3rd, 6th and I lth houses. (3) If lagna and 7th house is occupied by or aspectedby strong Moon and strong benefic planets and no malefic influence the employee receives love and affections from employer (4) If lagna and 7th houseis occupiedor aspected by malefic planets and no benefic influence there will not be good relations between employer and employee (5) Similarly malefic planetsin 2nd, 7th and 8th house indicate bad relations. One should take into consideration lagna and lagna lord, lOth and l0th lord, I lth and I lth lord and Moon and Jupiter for gain in service, business or litigation. One should predict the direction or the person from whom there will be gain, from the strong planet in kendra.If there is no planet in kendrathen predict the gain from the direction of lagna. 'WiU there be transfer?" The question of transfer should be examined from the sign of l0th house and l0th lord, planets posited in 1Othhouse and planetsconjoining lOth lord. If the sign is short there will be early transfer (Aries, Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces)If the sign is 240 , predictionsthroughHorary

medium, there will be transfer after some time (Gemini, Cancer,Sagittarius, Capricorn) If the sign is long, there will be long stay at station i.e. no transfer (Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio) (Some astrologersconsider Pisces as medium sign.) ( I ) If the lOth lord is weak (debilitated,combust, posited in enemy's sign etc) and have ithasala , with weak Moon, there will be transfer. (2) If Jupiter is debilitated, combust etc. and not posited in kendrasthere will be transfer. (3) If there is no ithasalaor relation between Jupiter and Moon there will be transfer provided lOth houseand lOth lord is afflicted or weak (4) If the lord of sign of debilitationof lagnalord have ithasala with the Moon or lagna lord. There will be transfer. (5) If the l0th lord is posited in 4th househave associationwith lagna lord and have ithasala with Moon, there will be transfer. (6) If the lord of sign of debilitation of thd lOth lord have ithasalawith l0th lord, there will be transfer.

"Goin of servant or vehicle or other orticleso Lagna and lagna lord are purchaser,employer and 7th and 7th lord are seller/ servant/employee. If there is benefic relatiori between lagna and lagna lord and 7th and 7th lord, the results will be good and beneficial If lagna and lagna lord and 7th and Zth lord are strong, one will surely get vehicle or servantl Predtcttr^ through

employee,6th house and 6th lord also indicates employee.It is alwaysto examinethe relation from Aruda lagnaand the 7th padalagna and their position' 6th/8th position is worst. (l ) If 6th lord hasbenefic relation with Lagna lord and Moon or have ithasala or 6th lord is positedin lagna,there will be gain of servant. (2) 6th lord and lagnalord areposited in lagnaand aspectedby benefic, one will surely get servant/emploYee (3) Lagnalord or Moon arein 6th andhave ithasala with 6th lord one will get emPloYee (4) If the Moon hasithasala with Sunor retrograde or malefic planet and the benfic planetsare in fixed signs, one will not get employee. Sell or Purchose: Profit or Loss: in stock exchonge. Lagnaand lagnalord is purchaser, l lth and I lth lord is sellerand also 2nd and2nd lord is seller, the 6th and 6th lord is loss of other party When lagna and lagna lord is strong the querist will have gain if he Purchases. When l lth and l lth lord is strongerthan lagna and lagna lord or when 2nd and 2nd lord is stronger than lagna and lagna lord, one should sell to have gain. In caseof sellingwhen sellerputs the query the lagnalord and lagnais seller becausethe personwho , puts question is lagna and lagna lord. But in caseof . shareand stock exchangeto know whetherhe should sell or purchasethe sharesfrom in the market, the lagnaand lagna lord indicatepurchase, I lth and I lth lord or 2nd and 2nd lord is seller. In the sharemarket no one can purchase or sell the share by himself. One has to deal with the businessthrough a broker, the 7th lord is broker. Therefore : (1) The Lagna lord and the 7th lord should have ithasala in an auspicioushouse and benefic aspect. (2) Lagna lord and 7th lord should be in lagna or 7th house. (3) Lagna lord and 7th lord should have benefic asPect. (4) Lagna lord should be posited in 7th and 7th lord in lagna. (5) Lagna lord aspectsthe 7th and 7th lord aspects the lagna etc. When there is a benefic relation between 7th lord and lagna lord one should deal through broker and at that time l lth and l lth lord indicate selling and lagna and lagna lord indicate purchasing. In case of sale or purchase in partnership one should examine 4th and 4th lord, when there is relationship(as indicatedin sale or purchasethrough the broker) betweenlagna and lagna lord and 4th and 4th lord one should deal in partnership. It is better to sell when there is benefic relationship between lagna lord and 4th lord. It is better to purchasewhen there is benefic relationship between4th lord and 7th lord. The purchaserwill demand the goods if lagna lord is in 7th house. Predictions t hrough Horary

The seller will requestfor goodsif 7th lord is in lagna.One shouldexamine lagna and lagna lord, I lth and 1lth lord and the Moon for profit. One shouldexamine lagna and lagnalord, lOth and lOth lord, llth and llth lord and Moon for gain in business.We shouldnot forget 2nd and 2nd lord with I lth and l lth lord. If lagna and lagna lord is strongly disposedthe article should be purchasedas it will be definitely gainful to the querist. If llth and llth lord or 2nd and 2nd lord are strongly disposed,article shouldbe sold as it will be definitely profitable to the querist. One should always take into account an unafflicted karaka, Mars for the purchaseof house or land property. Venus should not be afflicted for vehicles. Mercury should not be afflicted for business. Saturn should not be afflicted for factory. The Moon should not be afflicted for liquid or chemicals. Jupiter shouldnot be afflicted for speculation, purchaseor sale of shares. In short we can write for query regardingprofit or loss through any transaction,one should always examine2nd, llth and 6th houseand their lords. If lagnalord and lagnahas any relationwith abovesaid housesone will haveprofit. "Why 6th houseand the 6th lord?" The 6th house and 6th lord indicate the loss of other party with whom you are dealing. The loss of the other party is your gain that is why one should examine 2nd, llth and 6th housesand their 244 P redictions through Horary lords. If these lords and houses are having any relations with lagna and lagna lord the querist will gain. If the lagna and lagna lord has any relations, connection with 5th, 8th and l2th housethe querist will not have gain because7th is the other party with whom the queristis dealing.5th is the gain (l lth from 7th) of the other party, 8th is 2nd from 7th, l2th is loss of lagna therefore if lagna and lagna lord has any connectionwith 5th, 8th or l2th houseand their lord the querist will not have profit and have loss' The other party will have profit, the loss of the querist. nwilt murket move uP or down? ( 1) When a benefic planet is posited in his own or friend's house,the prices of the goods indicated by that housewill move down for so .many number of daysbenefic planetis present in that house.When a malefic planetis posited ' in exaltation,own or friend's house,the prices of the goodsindicated by that housewill move up for so many number of days the malefic is posited in that house. (2) If the Moon is posited with benefics or own house, friend's house on full Moon or New Moon , there will be downward trend of the market. When the Moon is afflicted on these days there will be upward trend of the market' (3) When at the time of transit of Sun from own sign to other sign (Sankranti),if the lagna and lagna lord is strong and benefic planets are posited in kendra and trikona, there will be Predictionsthrough Horary

downward trend of the market. (4) If horary lagna and lagna lord is strong and beneficplanets in kendraand trikona therewill be downwardtrend of the market. If the lagna and lagna lord is weak and malefic planetsare posited in kendrathere will be upward trend of the market. olryiU I hove gain fromfarming?" Lagna is farmer,4th houseis the field, 7th house indicate production of agriculture, lOth house indicatethe product/cerealor quantity of production or quality of production.This can be converted'for factories like as lagna the owner of factory. 4th the factory, 7th the production/conditionof factory and machinery,1Oth the quantityor quality of production. (l) There will be gain from farming or factory if there are benefic planets in iagna or lagna is aspectedby beneficplanets with strength. (2) Therewill be gain if thereare exaltedplanets in kendra,benefic planets are posited in lagna or 6th house,no riraleficaspect or association of malefic planets. (3) The farming will be good/conditionof factory will be good and there will be good productionif 7th lord is strongand 7th house is occupied with or aspectedby benefic planets. (4) There will be good quantity of production if there are benefic planetsin 10th or l0th lord is posited in auspicioushouse in strength or associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planets. Pre dictions through Horary

The 7th and 7th lord, l0th and lOth lord should ' be strong for good production. (5) If there are malefic planetsin 4th and 4th lord is weak , one will close the factory or leave the farming due to obstruction from governmentor quarrel or theft or fire. (6) The production will get destroyedif the benefic planet as lOth lord is retrogradeor associatedwith retrogradeplanet. (7) If malefic planet haveinfluence on lagnathere will be loss in farming/factory/manufacturing. Seealso the statusof the karaka of the purpose. The karaka for farming or factory is Saturn. If the Saturn is afflicted the farming will not be good. oshould I Hove partner in my business?' You can have a partnerin your businessprovided (p) Lagna and 7th househave good relations (b) 8th lord, income/cashof your partner should have good relation with I lth lord, your gain and 6th lord, is the loss of your partner. If the income of your partner 8th house has relationswith l2th house(your loss) and 5th house (gain of your partner) never have a partner. Lagna is occupied by Rahu/Ketu and aspected by Jupiter. The lagna lord Moon is with Mars aspectedby Sun and Saturn,the 7th and 8th lord. l lth lord Venus is in own sign in I lth house.The loss of partner Jupiter is in ithasalawith loss of the native. Mercury. The gain of partner, the 5th lord Mars is with lagna lord Moon in 4th. So partner is having Predictionst hrough H orary 247

0r-05-r999at 10:55Delhi Merc Sat Ven 23-31 l6-34 2745 tp24-2t Sunl 3-21 L'ryila 3-l3 Rahu )t-)R Chart 50 Ketu 2r-28

Moon 23-tl vlarsT-5 ffi gain from the native. The cashof the native conjoins with cash of the partner. Saturn is in lOth having Isharafayoga. Lagna lord Moon and 7th lord Saturn have 7th aipect but are in isharafayoga. So both had partnership but after a few months got broken. uCan I huve goin in lottery?' What is lottery? It is a gain without labour. It is indicated by 8th house, the inheritance, gain from life insurance,bribe, under hand income i.e. gain without pains is indicated by 8th house. But there are learnedastrologers according to them, 3rd house gives the indications of gain without pains. It is for readersto judge. According to others 5th house indicatesspeculation, gambling etc. 3rd is 8th house from 8th. If 8th lord has any connection with 2nd, I lth and 6th there will be gain through lottery. The 2nd house is for imptrovementin bank balance,I lth for gain and 6th for loss of opponent. Whether the desirewill be fulfilled or not is to be decided from the planets in I lth house and its ,45 Prrdt"ttr^ t owner. Saturn delays.Fast moving planetsfulfil the desireearly. Shall I goin Computer on l3th June,I999 in a drow? The native is subscribing under a scheme in which there will be a draw each month for ten months-W'henever one has his draw from the lot he will not give payment for the rest of the period. ll-06-199 at 17:30 Delhi Mars tf^ita ll Sun Merc Sat23-4( 26-17 r4-28 lrrn?- | ? u Ven3-12 Rahu 20-36 Chart 5l Ketu 20-36

L,argnra Mars Mooil 3-47 00-56 Saturn ryJuoiter K The lagna is fixed a Shirshodayasign aspected by 1Othlord Sun.Lagna lord Mars is positedin 12th aspectedby 5th lord Jupiter and 3rd and 4th lord, Saturn.8th lord Mercury is positedin 8th aspected by 3rd and4th lord Saturn,3rd houseis alsoaspected by Saturn.There is ithasalaof Mars, Lagna lord and 5th and 2nd lord Jupiter.There is also ithasalaof Mars and 3rd lord Saturn but aspectis opposition, malefic aspect.But the aspect of Mars and Jupiter is not malefic, but in malefic houses.So there is aspectof lagna lord and 2nd and 5th lord. The lagna lord and 8th lord are in trine, but have Isharaf yoga. So no gain of computer/lottery. Pre di cti ons through H orary 249 oWhich member of the family has got luck?" What do you mean by good luck? Here gain meansgain through speculation,quiz, puzzle, game or cards comes under 5th house and its lord. For younger brother and sister examine 3rd houseas lagna, for l st child examine5th from lagna as lagna, for mother 4th house. For wife take 7th house, for father take 9th, for elder brother and sistertake l lth houseas lagnaand examine2nd, I lth and 6th from said lagna.If 5th and 5th lord from said lagnahas connection with 2nd, l lth and 6th from said lagna that family member is lucky. nCan f have overdraft facility sanctioned by my banker for my business?" The 6th houseis the housewhich indicatesdebt, borrowing or overdraft. Examine the 6th lord and planetsposited in 6th house.By receivingoverdraft from the bank positionwill improve,so examine2nd house and its lord. The 1Oth indicates your profession,business. If there is connectionbetween 6th lord, 2nd lord and lOth lord onewill get overdraft facility for his business. If it is the simple qu€ry of borrowing only 6th lord and 2nd lord are to be judged. If 6th lord is retrograde or deposited in sign"whose lord is retrograde or combust or debilitated either in horary chart or navamshachart one cannotborrow. If the Sun is the 6th lord, the loan will be from Government.If Moon, loan will be sanctionedvery quickly, If Mars there will be tension, If Mercury, P re dict iotts t lvough H ora4r

one will correspond,use recommendationsand will borrow in instalments. If Jupiter, with honour and lawful means.If Venus, in a friendly manner.If Saturn aspects 6th house one gets only part of the amount or gets by parts. 4th September, 1993 at 10:30 Delhi

Moon Ketu Mars 2t-51 t3-07 Jupitcr Lagna \6./ Sat(R) Vcnus 02{3 r5-13 7

Chart 52 Merc 23-22 iunl7-54 Sat Rahu Irgrra Mars (R) 13-7 l5-56 2l-3 2 Ketu Jup 22' See the chart 52 Overdraft facility means borrowing from the bank for business.So examine 6th, 2nd and 10th house and their lords. 6th lord Jupiter is posited in 12th with 7th and 2nd lord Mars and having ithasalawith Mars. 1Othlord Moon is in 5th. 1Othhouse is occupied by 8th lord Venus. 2nd house is occupied by Rahu and aspectedby retrograde Saturn. The native had overdraft facility and suffered heavy loss. 'Will I be able to clear olf my loan?' To invest money or incur expenditureor repay loan examine the 12th lord, planets in l2th house, disposition of l2th lord, navamshalord of l2th lord and his nakshatralord. Lagna lord Jupiter is posited in own sign, exalted in navamsha and own nakshatra, so very fr"at"tt"^tn ""ShH 2l-01-1999 at 10:58 Delhi Asc Sat l9-34 3-24 y'o Jup0l-30 :t%,,N;Ketr Venu Moon Rahu Sun 2044 28-21 t2

Ien26-5'. Chart53 9 Merc(C) (etu2S-2 4\ Sun6-53 Rahu 8 Merc(C Mars 2748 3-57 Mars strong. The Saturn,the 12th lord is posited in 2nd house, Mars sign and Venus navamshaand Ketu nakshatra,the both planets are posited in l lth, the house of gain, desireto be fulfilled. Lagna lord Jupiter and Saturn are having ithasalaso the native will be ableto pay off his loan. Saturnbeing involved he will pay of his loan in instalments. The Saturn is aspectedby Mars the lord of the sign so cancellationof debilitation.The Sun,a planet getting exaltationin Aries and Mars the lord of Aries are naturally in kendra causingcancellation of debilitation. Will I be able to recover my moneyfromthe bonower? Whether one borrows money or gets back his own money is to be examinedfrorfi 6th house. To recover money is to increasebank balance, liquid cashand achievementof his desireso 2nd and l lth house become involved as in the case of gain discussedelsewhere. If it is Saturnthen there will be delay and some obstaclesto recover. If it is Mercury, one will 252 Predictionsthrough Horary correspond,give notice or some agent will be employed and will recover in instalments.If it is Jupiter and ill disposed,one should go to court and recover.If Jupiter is well disposedone gets easily through court or by lawfulness. If Saturn aspects Jupiter one recoversonly part of it or in instalments. If it is Mars, one threatensand recovers.If it is Moon very quickly regain, Venus by compromise.Sun through police officials or by litigation. 20th October. 1993 at 17:30 Delhi

Asc Ketu 28-59 949 Lagna \l L/ l0 Ketu 2 rzr'Nil Chart 54 *""^) sa(B) >( 29-55 u-* \,/**, vloon KAnU qp(c)14 venus l0-53 949 vfus22-11 ll48 Sat3-20 llerc 27 '-r'd'rN'

The native has given money to his friend and wants to recover. Lagna is aspectedby retrograde Saturn. The lagna is dual sign indicating Char and Prishtodayasign. Lagna lord Jupiter is deepcombust and having sqaure aspectwith Saturn retrograde in l lth house.2nd lord Mars is in 8th, Ishrafayoga with lagna lord, aspectingretrograde Saturn 11th lord. From Moon 2nd and l lth houses are afflicted. 6th lord from lagna and Moon is afflicted. So the borrower suffered a heavy loss and the native was not able to recoverhis moneY. nrhitl my partnership continue or break?u The partnershipis indicated by 7th house' The the partners are ^havingpartnership will continue till both gain from each other. If 7th lord is having .onrrrctionswith I 1th (the gain of lagna)and 5th (the gainofTth)thepartnershipwillcontinue.IftheTth lord is having connectionswith 6th (the loss of partner) and 12th (the loss of lagna)the partnership will break. 7th lord Sun is posited in lagnaand has ithasala with lagna lord Saturn. 19-2-1969at 7:30hrs Delhi

Asc Sun



Jup(R) l l-17 Kctu JuP(

The Sun is positedin l lth housein navamsha' Lagnais vargottama.The Mercury,5th lord, is posited with Jupiter, l lth lord, in navamsha'So 7th lord has with 5th and llth house' 7th lord is "onn."tionposited in nakshatra of Rahu. Rahu in turn is posited in Saturn's nakshatra.So lagna lord and 7th lord are connectedwith 5th and I lth house the partenrship will not break though there may be some misunderstandingdue to influenceof Rahu but it will be cleared off. 254 Predictions through Horary

9-2-1969at 7:30hrs Delhi Merc(R) Asc Saturn Venus Asc3-51 SaQT-2( ll Venl3-0( Merc(K Chart56 6.56 a'l r..-az / Man Mars Ketu Moon 28-50 7-32 Moon Jup(R) Ketu Jup( t r-{{ l'r-n) 7th lord Sun is posited in dusthana12th along with Mercury the 8th lord, though the 7th lord and Saturnlagna lord arehaving ithasala,the partnership will break. There is aspectof Mars on 7th lord Sun and 8th lord Mercury. 2nd and 1lth lord Jup[iter is in Eth with Ketu and 5th lord Mercury is in l2th. In navamshaposition doesnot improve. oWhen will I get job?' We are to examine 1Othfor profession,the 2nd housefor improving bank balance,6th housefor the loss to employer and if all thesehouses in trine, they havepermanent relation and influence on eachother. See the chart 57. Considerthe 10th and 10th lord for profesion or employment. The Jupiter is posited in 1.0thhouse, lOth lord Mercury is posited in 8th and is combust, nakshatraof Saturn the 2nd lord and navamshaof Mars. The Saturnis posited in Mars sign, nakshatraof Saturnand navamshaof Sun. The 6th lord Venusis positedin Venussign, nakshatra of Mars and navamshaof mercury, the lagna lord Jupiter is posited in l0th, Mercury sign,nakshatra of Predictiow through Horary 255

27-7-1959at 17:30 hrs Delhi

Sat Ven Asc' l4-59 28-59 ll Moon Rahu Rahu \rn | {'l-(I 2843 Merc(C, 9 IGzQ Chart 57 6 Jupiter Ketu 28-43 5 Saturn Ketu Moon Mars Jup a4 t748 l0-43 8-20 Sun \vld-? Merc( Sun and Navamshaof Venus.The lagnalord is in l'0th lord and 10th lord is combust in 8th, having relation with 12th lord Mars so no job, service.The combustor retrogradeplanet will not give result. "lVhen will I get promotion?u Judge10th, 2nd,6th and l lthhousesfor promotion. When you get promotion someoneloses therefore 6th house is also considered 10-7-1969at l1:00hrs Delhi Rahu Sat VenlG5 Verc(C 00-16 t4-l Moon l0-55 6-34 )un24-2 Mars t


l0 Mars Asc4-32 8-lE Jup5-52 b Ketu0-16 " \ ,/r,1,,)

As l0th and lagna lord Mercury is combust and positedin l2th with Ketu in Navamsha,no promotion. 'Wilt my business ProsPer?' l lth indicatesprosperity and lOth indicates business,profession, name, fame and reputation.6th indicate receipt and l2th investmentand purchases' 21-9-19682l-9'1968 at l2:30hrs Delhi

a6 Lagnr Ven Ket! Sun E Iup(C) Chart 59 5 Mars

Rahu l2

l0th lord should have relations with I lth house to get prosperity. The 6th house should be strong to have more receipt and l2th house has benefic influence to invest beneficially. The 1Othlord Sun is posited in I lth house in the sign of Mercury, in thJ nakshatra of Sun and in the navamshaof Saturn' 1lth lord Mercury is posited in l2th in the sign of Venus, in the nakshatraof Mars and in the navamsha of Venus, 6th house is occupied by Saturn(R), the lord Mars is in the navamshaof Venusposited in lOth house with Moon and Jupiter. l2th lord Venus is posited inl lth the gain and posited in 12th from his house indicated less Purchase. A businessman asks " tViII my Jinanciol position improve?" It meansif sale increasesthe financial position improves. P*Arfi"*t**ShH*try n

The 4th house indicatespossession, production and 3rd house representssale of production. I lth the fulfilment of desireand gain and l2th represents loss to the native. 2nd representsimprovement or increasein bank balance.So the significatorsare 2nd, 3rd, llth and 12th.If the 3rd lord is connectedwith 2nd and 1lth meansprofit. If 3rd lord is connected with l2th meansloss, If the 3rd lord is connected with both l lth and l2th meansno profit and no loss by selling. If 3rd lord is Mercury or positedin dual sign one sells good many a time and makes money. The karakaplanets are Jupiter and Mercury. 23-l-1999 at 2:31 Delhi Jupt-5? Sat Moon 440 ??.-\' Rahu bvz*N; 28-24 lftr{U}l.l Chart 60 /c02$4 l(arl&2 w ll l Stm9-lt Sat Mars ,/'J.g\ '/ ]3; +57 .,11"'-'lf\ ,/ Mobn The 3rd houseis occupiedby Mars, yogakaraka planet aspectedby Saturn(6th'and 7th lord) 3rd lord Venus is positedin 6th with Mercury, Sun and Ketu. Sun is lagna lord posited in nakshatraof Sun and navamshaof Saturn, l2th lord Moon is in 8th with Jupiter, the karaka of finance, sign of Jupiter, the karaka of money and nakshtra of Saturn.No gain, no improvement. "Whether I will have successin writing the book?' The 3rd houserepresents the writing of books. 258 Predict io ns t hrough Horary

Jupiter and Mercury are the karaka for writing. l lth houserepresents higher knowledgerequired to write a book. So 1lth houseshould have connectionwith 3rd and 9th house to write the book and connection with Jupiter or Mercury or both so that book may be written and the book publishedshould get popularity. 24-l-1999 at ll:32 Delhi

'Lagna' Moon Sat urn

I Kctu l0 Sun

The l lth house is occupied by Venus, the 2nd lord. The l lth lord Saturn is posited in lagna with Moon aspected by Mars the lagna and 8th lord. Navamshaof Venus, nakshatraof Ketu. The 3rd lord Mercury is positedwith Sunthe 5th lord is combust, aspectedby l lth lord Saturn, nakshtra of Sun, navamshaof Saturn. The 9th lord Jupiter is posited in l2th in own sign, Nakshatra of Jupiter and navamshaof Moon in exaltation. So the I lth house has connection with 3rd and 9th house and Jupiter and Mercury therefore successin writing the book. Kambool yoga of llth lord, lagna lord and Moon indicates the achievementof the object. Involvement of Saturnand Mars indicatesdelay and dispute but success. cn,qprnnI I


he employer is examined from lagna and employeeis examinedfrom the 7th house.The l lth house is gain of employer and sth is gain of employee.The l2th houseis loss of employer and 6th houseis loss of employee.There should not be bad relations'betweenlagna and 7th house, I lth and 5th house

Ret urn of se rvont/e mp loye e The employee will come back if : ( 1) 7th lord is positedin lagna (2) Lagna lord is positedin 7th house (3) Lagna lord and 7th lord are having benefic Ithasala and aspectedby benefic planets (4) Lagna lord is positedin lagna,the employee will return due to fear of the police. (5) Lagna lord and the Moon have Ithasala the employeewill return due to fear of police. The employee will not come back if : ( I ) 7th lord is combustwith the Sun. (2) thereis Ithasalaof lagnalord and7th lord and aspectedbY malefic Planets. .lVhat witt be the status of my employer : (l) If malefic planetsare positedin 2nd, 7th and 8th housefrom lagna,there will be trouble to the emploYerof the querrist If malefic planetsare posited in 2nd, there will be loss of wealth, malefic planet in 7th indicates confusion of mind and loss from wrong decision,the malefic planet in 8th, indicatesthat someone is back biting against emploYeeto the emPloYer' (2) If there are beneficplanets in 2nd, 7th and 8th house the employer will be happy and prosperous. Yogafor hororY chort (l) If lagna is Shirshodayasign occupied or aspectedbY benefic Planets. (2) Benefic planetsare positedin the 2nd, 7th and 8th houseand malefic planetsoccupy 3rd, 6th or l lth. (3) If malefic planetsoccupy the lagna,znd,7th or 8th housethe master will be cruel and s€rvantwill have trouble from the master' (4) If the Moon andbenefic planets occupy or aspect the lagnaand the 7th,no aspectof maleficplanets . there will be cordial relationship (5) If lagna lord is posited in kendra or have Ithasala with 6th or l2th lord, the masterwill not be beneficialto the servantor servantwill not be beneficialto employer.. (6) The querrent will be benefitted if lagna lord is in exaltation or own sign and have ithasala with Moon and is unafflicted. (7) The querrent will be benefitted under new employer if the 7th lord is positedin kendra identical with his exaltation sign or own sign ' and have Ithasalawith Moon and is unafflicted. nI have sent my servant outside to bring some money. Will he return sofe?,, He will retarn safe : ( I ) If there is Ithasalaof 7th lord and lagna lord (2) If there is exchangeof housesof lagna lord and 7th lord (3) If there is Ithasalaof lagna lord and the Moon (4) If there is Ithasalaof lagna lord and 7th lord and aspectedby benefic planet. He will not return : (1) If the 7th lord is debilitated,combust or posited in enemy sign or hemmedbetween malefics. (2) If lagna lord and 7th lord are aspectedby malefic planets or posited in 6th, 8th or l2th house or conjoinedmalefic. (3) Lagna is occupiedby malefic planetsand lagna lord and the Moon are afflicted. (4) The Moon hasIthasala with retrogrademalefic planet or Sun. In the Chart 62 there is a chara lagna and Prishtodayasign aspectedby combustMars. 262 Predictionsthrough Horary

lOth April' 1998 at 13:15 Delhi

,ulLo-zJ Rahu iat(c)29-7 Mars(C) Mer(R) 4-8 20-I ,lenl0-2'1 Lagna htp2l-26 l5-41 (etuI 6-l ( / \ 62 Chart Rahu )2", l6-16 w Moon t-58 A../.', Lagna lord Moon is posited in 3rd house and aspectedby combust7th lord Saturnand have Ithasala conjunctwith retrogradeMercury, l2th and 3rd lord, Sun the 2nd lord. The servant went to the bank to bring some cash and did not return. uoat of many assignments which will be beneJiciol?"

( I ) If the lagna and the lagna lord is strong and posited in kendrathe first assignmentwill be beneficial. (2) If the lagnalord is positedelse where the other assignmentwill be beneficial. (3) The second assignmentis seen from the strength of the Moon. (4) The third assignmentfrom the strengthof Sun Jupiter and 5th from Venus or ' 4th from the Mars or Mercury strong among them'

"Am I be transferred?" The employment is indicated by l0th, 3rd house indicate short journey.and loss of 4th, your residence' 12thhouse indicate away from home, a foreign land' To go on leave, 'indicated hill station,pilgrimage etc. by 3rd, l2th and 9th house. r4-5-1969 at 17z2OhrsDelhi lahu5-3 Sat 8-23 Sun 0-4 Ven Moon Merc 20-s2 8-5| I 8-4 X $z Chart63

Jup(R) Mars(R) Lagna 5-48 2l -31 8-43 ietu5-37 ffi lOth lord Moon is positedin 7th,Mesh sign, with Saturn.Nakshatra of Ketu and navamshaof Mercury. The 3rd lord Jupiteris positedin l2th Mercury sign, nakshatraof Sun and navamshaof Saturnalong with Sun, Venus and Mars. l2th lord Mercury is in gth, sign of Mercury nakshatraof Moon, navamshaof Mercury. So Moon has connectionwith Mercury and Jupiter. There will be transfer. cn.eprnn19


Th. l0th house gives power to rule, Lagna and L Lagna lord is receiver,4th is masses,9th is fortune, 2nd and I lth housesgives wealth to fight election,3rd is courageto fight election,6th the loss of others. These housesshould be strong nGain of Power in Politics' ( I ) Gain of power if lagna lord and lVloon has Ithasala in lOth houseand aspectedby strong benefic planet. (2) If lagna lord is positedin lOth and 1Othlord is posited in lagna without malefic influence. (3) If lagna lord hasIthasala with a beneficplanet in lOth house. (4) If lagna lord is posited in own sign and Mars is exalted in lOth house. (5) If lagtralord and lOth lord have lthasala with the Moon posited in her own sign. (6) If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are posited in Piscesin lOth house. (7) If lagna lord is positedin lagnaor exaltedin lagna and aspectedby strongbenefic planet and lOth lord is in strength. (t) If Mars is exalted in 10th house and aspects lagnaor lagnalord. (9) If lagna lord and lOth lord areposited in lagna and tenefic planets are strong in 9th, 5th or I lth houses. ( l0) The lagna lord, the Mo.onand the lOth lord are posited in benefic houses and aspectedby Lenefic planets or conjoin with benefic planets. (11) If the Moon is strong and posited in kendra conjoining with or aspectedby strong benefic planets in lOth house. (12) If Jupiteris positedin kendraas strongplanet and Moon, Mercury an{ Venus are conjoining in benefic houses. ( l3) If strong Jupiter is in kendraconjoining lagna lord and Moon strong. (14) If Jupiter is exalted in kendra or trikona and the Moon is also conjoining with or aspected by benefic planetsand have strengthin Paksh bala. and ( 15 ) If lagna lord is posited in 3rd or 9th house 3rd lord haveIthasala with lOth lord, the native will gain power and expandthe same' ( l6) If lagna lord have Ithasalawith 3rd lord or 9th lord, the native will gain lost political power' (17) The political power will be fixed if a. If 1Othlord is strong and aspectedby benefic planets. b. If the lOth lord haveIthasala with full Moon. c. If Jupiter is posited in kendra in own sign or in exaltedsign. d. If Jupiter have Ithasalawith lOth lord. There are learned astrologers according to whom 5th house indicates ambassadors,statertnutt or politicians.If the 5th househas connectionswith 2nd and l lth houseone becomespolitician. You will find that the Sunhas not beengiven full considerationin aboveyogas. The Jupiterhas been given full consideration.But experienceshows that the Sun should also be in due strength and have relationswith lOth and lOth lord. nloss of Political power"

( 1) If the dispositorof Lagna Lord is posited in malefic sign or malefic house. (2) If the dispositorof Lagna Lord have malefic aspect, there will be obstruction in getting power. (3) If the 2nd Lord and llth lord are afflicted. (4) If the Lagna Lord is afflicted in malefic sign or malefic house. (5) If the Moon is positedin Kendraand afflicted. (6) If Jupiter, the Lagna Lord and the Moon are posited in enemy sign or afflicted by malefic planets. Pr"dtrtt"^ thr""gh

(7) If the LagnaLord and Venus are combust and hemmedbetween malefic Planets' (S) There will be imprisonment after gaining power a. If Lagna Lord is weak and posited in 6th or l2th house. b. If Lagnalord have Ithasalawith lOth lord and 8th lord. c. If there are malefics in Kendra and 8th house" (9) If 12th lord is positedin l0th house or there are relationsbetween lOth lord and l2th lord and are posited in 4th or 7th house from Saturn,the native will gain political power but destroYsthe same. (10) Therewill be loss of politicalpower a. If lOth lord and lagna lord are posited in 4th house and have Ithasalawith Moon b. If lagna lord have Ithasalawith a debilitated planet and also have ithasalawith Moon ( 1I ) If a slow moving planetis positedin 4th house or is retrograde, first there will be loss of power and when there will be kambool yoga with Moon there will be gain of power' uwhether I will gain vote of trust in Assembly?' One will get vote of trust : ( I ) If the benefic planets are posited in kendra, . lst, 7th and l0th houses (2\ If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is posited in 9th (3) If all the planets are posited in 3rd, 4th' sth' ,8 , P*a*tb^ftr""Sh

6th, 7th and 8th house. The vote of trust will he withdrawn if: ( I ) The benefic planets are posited in odd signs and aspectedby benefic planets. (2) If there is odd sign in lagna and the benefic planetsare positedin I lth and 12th There is detaileddiscussion and castingof vote if malefic planets are posited in common sign. 'I.' ":1i "!llllnr::r;rr " ,'.t'!rr'1lii

cueprnn2 0


"Imprisonment" rl-he Rahu is the karaka for the imprisonment and I I l2th is the houseof imprisonment. If the lagna or lagna lord, l2th or l2th lord and Rahu have any relation, there will be imprisonment. If the 4th or 4th lord have any relation with the abovecombination, the imprisonmentwill be for the sake of country. If the 9th or 9th lord have any relation with the abovecombination, the imprisonmentwill be for the sake of the country. If the 9th or 9th lord have any relation with the abovecombination, the imprisonmentwill be for the sake of noble cause. ( I ) If there is common sign in lagna occupiedby Rahu. (2) If the Moon is posited in kendra and aspected by or conjoined with Mars. 270 P redictions through Horary

(3) If lagna lord is weak or posited in apoklim houses(3,6,9,12) and aspectedor conjoined with Rahu or 12th lord (4) If the Moon is positedin 3rd and aspectedby Saturnor conjoin with Saturn and have Ithasala with 4th lord or planet posited in 4th. &fs there ony imprisonment for me ?' Imprisonment means: (a) seperationfrom family (b) Confinement within four walls (c) leaving one's own residencei.e. loss of residence. Therefore imprisonmentis to be examinedfrom 2nd and8th (family& seperation)l2th (confinementwith in four wallsor on bed),3rd (lossof residence).Ratru is karaka for jail. 19-10-1993at 13:30 Delhi Ketu 9-41 Mon Rahu K';:' 8 Lasna Chart 64 7 -ie Sat(R) 'to_<4 (etu Kt#,Ven Rahu l{!s2l-Z 2 6 9-47 ller26-ll Ven Moon up(c)l-2! l0-2r 24-57 Sun2-lI The 12th lord Jupiteris combustin 10th house in the sign of Venus,conjoining 8th lord Sun, Mars and Mercury aspectedby 2nd lord Saturnfrom lagna. Jupiter is also 3rd lord. Jupiter is posited in the Pre dictions through H eary 27t nakshatraof Mars and conjoining Sun in navamsha chart in 8th house again so the l2th lord and Mars connection with 2nd, 3rd and 8th house. He was confined to jail and is still in jail. Rahu is the karaka forimprisonment. Rahu is in sign of Mars, conjoining Moon, Nakshatra of Saturn (the lagna lord) navamshaof Mercury. oThe prisoner wilt be released or will not be released" The prisoner will be released: ( 1) If there is Ithasalaof lagnalord with Moon in rising half of the horoscope,the prisonerwill be released. (2\ 3rd or 9th lord has Ithasalawith Moon. (3) If the beneficplanets are in lagna. (4) .If Saturn or Venus are combustin lagna. (5) The weak Moon has relations with planet posited in 3rd or 9th house. (6) If 3rd lord or I lth lord positedis kendra or have future Ithasalawith the planet posited in 3rd or 9th house. (7) If Venus or Saturnposited in Aries or Libra. (8) If the weak Moon is positedin malefic sign, conjoining malefic or aspectedby malefic planet and have Ithasalawith a planet posited in 3rd or 9th house. (9) If 3rd lord or 9th lord is positedin kendraand haveIthasla with Moon. (10) If Lagna lord and the Moon are posited in movablesign. ,?, prrattU"t tW

(l l) if the Moon is positedin lOth in own sign and lagna lord have Ithasalawith a planet posited in 3rd house. nThe prisoner will be released after some delayo ( 1) If the Moon is positedin Pisces. (2) If the lagna lord is positedin kendra. (3) If the lagnalord is positedin lagnaand malefic planetsin kendra. (4) If the lagna lord and the Moon are posited in Cancer. (5) If the benefic planet have Ithasala in kendra with a benefic planet and there is Kambool yoga also. (6) If there is Ithasalaof lagna lord andthe Moon. (7) The native will be releasedwithin a year when the lagna lord is posited in kendra and have Ithasala with a planet posited in 3rd, 6th, 9th or l2th house. (8) 2nd lord is positedin 4th. (9) If lagna and Moon are posited in common sign. "The prisoner will be released with honour' ( I ) If the Moon is posited in 9th house and the lagna lord have Ithasalawith a planet posited in 3rd or 9th. (2) If the Moon is positedin 3rd houseand lagna lord have Ithasalawith 3rd lord or 9th lord. (3) If the Moon is positedin Jupiter's l2th sign i.e. Scorpioor Aquariussign but not in kendra Predictionsthrough H orary

and aspectedby beneficor the lord of the sign. (4) If the lagna lord is apsectedby a male planet (Sun,Mars or Jupiter)with malefic aspectand that malefic planethave ithasalawith 3rd lord or 9th lord. "No releose" ( I ) If lagnalord haveIthasala with a planetposited in kendrain own sign. (2) If lagna lord is posited in kendra and have ithasalawith Moon. (3) If a planet is positedin kendrain own sign. (4) If the Moon is posited in kendra and conjoin with or aspectedby Saturn. (5) If the 3rd lord or 9th lord is posited in l2th and have ithasalawith lagnalord, the prisoner will run away from the prison. (6) If .l2th lord is posited in lagna the prisoner will run away from the prison. 'Deoth in Prison' ( I ) If 8th lord is malefic, lagnalord is malefic and have relation with malefic planets. (2) If 8th lord is malefic and positedin 4th house and conjoin with or aspectedby or have Ithasalawith Moon. (3) If the Moon is positedin kendraand conjoin with or aspectedby Saturn (4) If lagna lord is combust in 4th house and aspectedby Mars. (5) If 8th lord hasIthasala with Moon. 274 Predictiotts through Horary

(6) If the Moon has Ithasala with malefic planet in 4th house. (7) If malefic 8th lord has Ithasalawith lagna lord in 4th house. (8) If l2th lord andlagna lord hasIthasala in 1Oth house. (9) If lagna lord has lthasala with 3rd lord or 9th in l2th house. nllhen will one be releasedfrom Prisonn The native will be releasedaccording to the planet in lagna or the lagna lord. SupposeVenus is positedin lagna: ( 1) If Venus is positedin lagnawhen Venus will transit the lagna (2) a. If Venusis positedin lagnain Taurusor Libra sign,the releasewill take placewithin l5 days b. If Venus is in Canceror Capricornrelease with difficulties c. If Venus is positedin commonsign delay (3) If Venus is not in lagnathen releasedepends on the strengthand longitude of lagnalord i.e. If lagna lord is movable navamshasign the native will be releasedfrom Prison. If in fixed navamshadouble the period. If in common navamshatriple the period. olfiU I get bail?' One will get bail : ( 1) If lagna lord is positedin kendraand have Ithasalawith a lord of kendra in kendra,there Predictions through Horary 275

will be no bail. (2) If the malefic planetsare posited in kendra, the bail will be delayed. (3) There will be bail after hard labour: a. If the benefic planetshave Ithasalain kendra b. If the lagna lord is posited in l2th and aspectedby malefic 12th lord c. If the lagna lord have Ithasalawith Moon in kendra (4) If lagna lord and the Moon have ithasala in movable sign exceptCancer sign. If the yoga happensin Cancer sign one has to put hard labour to get bail. (s) If lagna lord is weak as combustor aspected by malefic, it takestime to get bail. If Moon is also afflicted and malefic planets are posited in kendra, 8th house is occupied by malefic planets,one may die in prison (6) If lagna and lagna lord is afflicted and the kendra is occupiedby malefic planets,the Mars is combust,debilitated or aspectedby malefic planets, one get murdered after releaseon bail. (7) If lagnalord and l2th lord haveIthasala in lOth house,one facestorture in judicial custody. (8) Look for the nakshatraof the day of query. If the birth nakshatraof the Moon sign falls with in four nakshatraof the day nakshatraindicates destruction;If nakshatrais from 5 to 7 indicates release;8 to I I death;12 to 14 punishment;15 Predict ions t hrough Horary

to 18 success;19 to 20 delayin bail; 22 to 25 death;261o28 release. nlVill my goods be delivered withoat ony trouble ?' (l) If the Moon is posited in rtrovablesign in kendra the goodsare delivered safely. (2) If weak maleficplanet is positedin 3, 6, 9, 12 houses(apoklim houses) and beneficplanets are strong, the goodswill be delivered safely. (3) If the malefic planets are posited in kendras and the benefic planets are weak, Jupiter debilitated, combust or posited in inimical sign the goods are not delivered safely and there will be trouble. (4) If Mars is positedin 8th and Sun aspectshim, there are obstructions. (5) If the Moon has Ithasalawith Saturn,there is obstruction. (6) If malefic planetsare posited in kendra or the lords of kendras are conjoined with or aspectedby malefic planets, there will be obstructions. qExpenditure'

Type of event on which there will be expenditure: (l) If benefic planetsare positedin l2th house, the expenditurewill be on auspiciousevents. (2) If malefic planetsare posited in the l2th house, the expenditurewill be or loss of wealth will be on fine from the government,theft or fire. Different planets indicate the nature of erpenditure given on next page : Sun the government Moon for entertainment/game Mars expenditureon immoral acts. Mercury Business,purchase of stock Jupiter Auspicious event, birth of a child,or marriageof child, donations, good cause etc. Venus expenditureon husband/wife Saturn/Rahu bad cause,illness (3) If 2nd lord Mars has any relation with lagn4 lord, the expenditurewill be for on immoral acts. But if the Mars is strong in 2nd house, expenditure will be on ornaments,books, , children etc. If 2nd lord is : Sun - worship of Brahman,Guru Moon - entertainment/gambling Mars - ornaments,books, children or immoral acts Mercury - businessand purchase Jupiter - auspiciouswork Venus - expenditureon enjoyment Saturn - expenditure on comforts or enjoyment if lives away from home otherwisepoor. (4) If 2nd lord Mars is weak, expenditure on women. The samewith other planets. (5) If 2nd lord Jupiteris positedin 6th, 9th or I lth housethe expenditurewill be for social cause, 278 Pre dict i onst hr ough H orary

respectto elders,brahmans. Venus in 6th, 9th or l lth on enjoyment.Mercury in 6th, 9th or I 1th houeon business.If thereis ithasalawith Moon the expenditurewill be on auspicious events or less malefic events. "Horu witt be my fortune in the present and the futare" One should analysethe strengthof lagna and the Moon in Rashi chart and navamshachart to Know aboutthe future. If the lagnaand lagnalord and Moon are strong in Rashi chart and navamshachart, the future of the native will be bright. If they are weak, one should not predict about the bright future. The proportionate strength will indicate proportionate future. The associationof or aspectof malefic planet destroys the future. The lagna and lagnalord are not only factors for fortune. We should also examine l lth & l lth lord, 2nd & 2nd lord and 9th & 9th lord. These relation swith lagna and lagna lord also indicate fortune. One should rememberthat the planetwith which lagna lord forms Ishrafa yoga will indicate the past of the native. The planetwith which lagnalord forms conjunctionwill indicatethe present,the planetwith which the lagna lord form Ithasala yogawill indicate the future of the native. If the lagna lord is posited in lagna and associatedwith or aspectedby benefic planet will indicate that the obstructionsor difficulties have come to end. Everything will be normal and auspicious. The benefic planets indicate happinessand the Predictionsthrutgh Horary 279 malefic planets indicate sotrows, worries etc. If Jupiter and Moon have Ithasala with 7th lord, there will be happinessin the presentand future also. *WiU the letter or article reaeh the destinution or not?"oVill the reply come or not?u The reply will come or the lctter will reach the destination, if : ( I ) The Moon, Mercury and Venus are posited in lagna,2nd,3rd, lOth or I lth house. (2) If the benefic planets are posited in 4th "1d l0th house. (3) If the Moon is posited in lagna, 2nd, 5th or 9th house. (4) If the Moon is posited in 4th house (5) The reply will come after sometimeif male planets are in 2nd and 3rd house. (6) The reply will come after somedelay or after reminder if malefic planetsare posited in 5th and 6th house. (7) The reply has been lost on the way if malefic planets are posited in 7th and 8th. (S) The reply will be delayedif the malefic planets are posited in watery signs in 5th or 6th house. (9) The reply is on the way if benefic planets are 2nd and 3rd house ( l0) The reply is on the way if lagna lord and the Moon have Ithasalawith 7th lord. (ll) The reply will come very soon if lagna lord and the Moon are in movable sign. (12) No reply will come if both are in fixed sign. (13) If the Moon and the Mercury are strong and have Ithasala the reply will be favourable otherwise not. sWhether the notive will meel desired person at home or not ?u

( I ) The native will meet the desiredperson if 7th lord is strong and in kendra. (2) If the 7th lord is in panapherhouse, the said person will not be at home but somewherenear the home. (3) If the 7th lord is posited in apoklim house the said person will not meet, the said person has gone somewhereelse. oHow long will I live?" Seethe Maraka planets.The Maraka planetsare : ( I ) 2nd lord and the 7th lord are Maraka planets (2) the planets posited in 2nd and the 7th house (3) the planets associatedwith or aspecting2nd lord and 7th lord (4) Sun, Venus and lord of 2nd and 7th houseare definite Maraka planets when they are lord of kendra particularly 7 th. (5) When Saturn is associatedwith lord of 2nd or 7th house,he is a definite a Maraka and takes leading role. (6) Look for Bhadhakaplanets a. If the lagna is in a movable sign, the lord of I lth house is Badhakaplanet. b. If the lagna is in a fixed sign, the lord of 9th is Badhakaplanet Pre dict ionst hroug4 H orary 281

c. If the lagna is in a dual sign, the lord of 7th house is Badhakaplanet. If the lagna,lagna lord, Sun,Moon are receiving bad aspect like square,opposition, conjunctiod etc. from the lord of 6th, 8th or l2th only short life is indicated. If the lagna lord is retrogradeor posited in 8th or malefic planets occupy lagna and 8th, will cause short life. If lagna lord is deposited in the nakshatra of Badhakaplanet or Maraka planet or has any relation with 4th, 6th or 8th, l2th or their lords, the native has short life. If the lagna lord is depositedin the nakshatraof 6th lord or has any relation with 6th house and 6th lord one will suffer from disease. If lagna lord is depositedin the nakshatraof 8th lord or 8th houseor has relation with 8th lord or 8th housethe native will meet with an accident. If lagna lord is depositedin the nakshatraof l2th lord or have any relation with l2th and l2th lord he will be in bed for long period and hospitalised. Death is indicatedonly when the lagna lord has any relation with Badhakaand Maraka planets. I have seen that even yoga karaka planet can cause death. As in the case of Aquarius lagna, Venus is yoga karaka. The Aquarius lagna is fixed sign and 9th lord is Badhakaplanet. So Venus is Badhakaplanet. Now if Venus is posited in kendra say 7th housewhich is Maraka sthan also he can causedeath during his dasha and antardashaof the native when lagna lord has any relation with Venus. 282 predictions through Horary

How long the notive will live ? The 2nd and 7th lords are the Maraka planet and l3th October, 1998, 10:30 hrs Delhi sat(R) Merc(c) 7-r0

(etu 6-3( Moon Jup(R) 4-5 l 2s-56 Rahu Chart65 Kanu Jup(R) | I 5 Mars 6-30 Mars s-1n Sun Lagna Merc(C) 25-49 l8-29 7 -53 Ven(C) 2l -27 BOD Sat 16-10-00 9th lord is the Badhakaplanet. The 2nd lord Jupiter is retrogradeand posited in kendra in 4th with Ketu and aspectinglagna lord Mars and the BadhakaMoon. The lagnalord Mars is havingIthasala with Jupiter(R). The Moon is having ithasalawith lagna lord Mars. So the karaka Jupiter indicatesone month. So the death will be within a month or so. The difference of longitude between karaka and lagna lord is approximatelyl5o. So the death is indicatedwithin 15 days.The Jupiteris positedin dual navamsha.So triple the period. The deathjwas on 20th Dec.,1998. '\|/ill my appeol to higher outhority get sucess?' An appeal, information, correspondence, communication or report are to be judged from 3rd house. If the 3rd lord, planetsin 3rd houseor the nakshatra of 3rd lord or the sign lord of 3rd lord in navasmhahas any relation with 6th or I lth house and their lord, Predictions t hrough Horary one will get success.If the abovesaid planet has any relation with 5th or 12thwill not have success. 17th Sept,l990at 10:30Delhi.

Mars l3-43

Sat(R) . Ketu l2-45 tupl2- l3 /en I l-)Q Rahu I 0 4 Jup Rahu Chart 66 Merc(R) Kctu t2-45 l 5-52 donS-I 8

Sat(R) Lagna Sun 25-00 26-40 00-20

The native appealedto the higher authority for his caseof incometax. Lagna Chara sign and Shirshodayasign and Jupiteris exaltedin lOth from lagnaforming Amala yoga but in the axis of Rahu/Kretu. Lagna lord Venus is in l lth with Moon and retrograde 9th lord Mercury and aspectedby Mars in 8th. 3rd house is occupied by yoga karaka retrogradeSaturn. 3rd and 6th lord is exaltedin 10th. 2nd lord is in 8th but aspecting2nd house. So the native won the appeal but had to greasethe lower staff. The lagna lord Venus and 3rd lord Jupiter have Isharafayoga. "W'hether rumoar is true orfalse?" Again we have to judge 3rd house i.e. the 3rd lord, nakshatralord of 3rd lord, sign lord of 3rd lord in navamsha,the planetsin 3rd house. (1) If the above said planetshave any connection with Saturn.the rumour is false. ,ga pr"dr"tt"^ tnrrg

(2) If they have any connection with Mars, the rumour is mischieviousand false. (3) If they have any connectionwith Jupiter, the rumour is true. nVill I construct a building?' The 4th houseshows one's bwn property,house, estateetc. The I lth houseshows fulfilment of desire, gain and the l2th house indicate investment and expenditure.Therefore for constructionof a house, one should examine4th, l lth and l2th house. If lagna lord and lagnahas any connectionwith the above said houses and their lords one will construct a building. But if one desiresto purchasea constructed house one should also examine 6th and 9th house. 6th is loss of the seller the 7th, 9th is 12thto lOth the property of the 7th. For the purchaseof plot from other party same rules are to be applied as for purchaseof constructed house. For constructionof building examinewhether the 4th lord, the planets in 4th house the nakshatra lord of the 4th lord andthe signlord of signoccupied by the 4th lord in navamshahas any connectionwith lagnalord, 12thlord and I lth lord and their houses. 'Wlll I sell my property' f The property is indicated by 4th house from lagna, 3rd house is l2th to 4th house,the one who purchasesthe property is indicatedby 7th house,the lOth from lagna is 4th from ?th, the property of the 7th houseand 5th houseis I lth from 7th, gain to the 7th. So sellingaway property is indicatedby 3rd, 5th, lOth house counted from lagna of the consultant. Therefore the 7th will be able to purchase propertyis indicatedby the lOth and lOth lord planet in the lOth house,nakshatra of the 1Othlord and the sign lord of the lOth lord in navamshachart. The planets conjoined with or aspecting lOth lord. In short we can say that the planetshaving connection with lOth lord. If the lOth lord is having connection with retrogradeor combust planet then you will not be able to purchaseproperty. If the lOth lord has any connectionwith l0th, 3rd, 5th househe will be able to purcahseproperty. If lOth lord has any connection with l0th, 3rd,5th househe will be able to purchase propertyand you will be able to sell. Whenever Saturn and Moon are in one sign it implies that the eventwill materialiseon subsequent attempts.See the karaka Mars also. l0-06-1999 et l3:00 Delhi Jup3-| 0 Sun Mcrc Mon2&5 26-7 t4-9 SatI t-23

/cnl l-2i Rahu 20-31 Chart 66 X Kctu 20-37 K Ketu Mars Lagna t0 4 00-55 4-55 ll x Lagna is dual sign acting as fixed sign. Shirshodayasign l0th lord is in his own sign nakshatraof Rahu and Na',:msha of Saturn.Moon is in 8th housewith saturn and Jupiter and aspectedby Mars, 3rd and 8th lord. The propertywill be sold on subsequentattempts. *Will I sitfor competitive Examination?". For such queriesone shouldexamine (a) the courage to appear in examination i.e. power to fight? (b) Whetherone will be able to appear? (c) Whether one comesout succesful? (t) For the courageto appearin examinationwe examine 3rd house.If 3rd house is under influence of Moon, one will not be able to take bold decision.If it is Saturnone will be very cautious and lacks confidence.If it is Mercury the nativewill be in two minds.If it is under the influenceof Sun, Mars, Jupiter or Venus it will give courageto compete. (tt) Whether the native will be able to appearfor the examinationis to be seenfrom lagna.One may have courageto competebut may not be able to appear for the examination beacause of illness or certain unavoidable circumstancesor obstacles at the time of examination.It is to be examinedfrom 6th, 8th and 12thhouse. If the lagnaand lagnalord dre afflicted due to PAC and ownershipof 6th, 8th and l2th house,the native will not be able to appear for competitive examination. (iii) Whether one will be successful in the competitiveexamination? Examine 4th, 9th and 11thhouse and their lords.4th is 2nd from Predictions through H orary 287

3rd, 9th is 7th from 3rd and I lth is 9th from 3rd and gainof lagna.If 3rd lord is having any connectionwith 4th, 9th and l lth, one will get successin the competitiveexamination. There are learnedastrologers and Sh. J.N. Sharmawho taught me Horary in Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan and am enjoying his associationwhile teaching at different centresof ICAS Delhi chapter I according to whom 6th house is the house of competitiveexaminations. Because 6th houseis the houseof enemies.In competitiveexaminations one has to get victory over the other candidatesfor the competitveexamination. The 6th housealso indicates the loss of others.Therefore one shouldconsult 6th and 6th lord for competitiveexaminations. But according to my observationthe 6th from lagna indicatesthe negativeaspects of the lagna,enemies, diseases,debts etc are all negativeaspects of the lagna. The 3rd househas positive aspectsof the lagna. The courage,enthusiasm, arms, friends and neighboursetc. are positive aspects.The other candidateappearing for the competitiveexamination are not enemies.The native hasno ill will for them. The native doesnot want to harm them, but wants to go aheadof them as a player wants to win the game. It is an acceptedfact that for players, 3rd house is to be examined. So I feel that 3rd house is more likely house for competitive examinationthan 6th house.I would like to leave this to the readersto judge for themselvesthat which houseis appropriate housefor competitive examinationsand feel free to advice me becauseI am a studentof_ astrology. Therefore one should examine 3rd as courage, 4th "1'l

Predictions t hrough Horary

as addition,6th as lossof othersand I lth as gain and 9th for good luck and others. Sun and Jupiter as karakaplanets. Lagna Shirshodayasign, dual sign indicating l-05-1997 at 10:27 Delhi .ff Q' llp24-2t Sun| 6-33 Ven Lagna Merc Sat(C) 27-44 27-08 23-29 r3-28

Rahu 24-28 Jup Chart68 l2 Merc Ketu 24,28 Moon Moon Mars 22-57 (Rt./ t0 Mars(R) Kctu 7-52 change.The debilitatedSaturn (cancellation due to associationof Sunin exaltationand in kendraof Moon) is aspectinglagna. Saturn is cornbust also. Therefore negative effect. Dt9

Moon Lagna

Rahu .Ti> Merc Jup \ Chart 69 Sun Saturn Ketu A Mars Vcnus 5 q ' Lagnalord is positedin lOth with lOth lord and is in lthasala. \{,;..rr is posited in trine, 5th with llth lord Mars(R). Nagative effect. . Aspectedby Neechbhang combust Saturn(C) and exalted Sun, negative effect. 3rd house,no planet or aspect,3rd lord Sun is in own sign in navamsha.3rd lord is exaltedin l lth house,hemmed between Mercury, Jupiterand Venus and conjoining 8th and 9th lord Saturn.6th houseis aspectedby Venusand Jupiter.6th lord conjoin Moon and is positedin trine 5th aspectedby Saturnand Sun and sign of Jupiter and aspectinglagna in navamsha. lOth house occupied by its lord Jupiter conjoining lagna lord Mercury. llth house is aspectedby its own lord, occupied by 9th lord and exaltedSun 3rd lord. 9th lord is having neechbhang Raja yoga in I lth. As lagnalord Mercury conjoin andhave Ithasala with 10th lord Jupiter in lOth house.3rd and 6th houseand their lords are favourable,the native will appear for competitive examination.The native appearsagain for entrancetest for BCA of Delhi university on 3OthMay,1999. But lagna lord is forming Ithasalawith 12thlord Venusin l2th. Lagna, Moon and Sun are involved with Saturn who is qombust. So the native was not able to clear the competetive examination. "Will I get admission in the college,' The 4th houseindicates the educationand since the native desireshis ambitionto get fulfilled i.e. to get admissionin the college,one shouldexamine l lth house. If there is any relation between4th and 4th lord with I lth and l lth lord and lagna and lagna lord, one will get admissionto the college. The karakas are Mercury and Jupiter. Lagna is dual sign and aspectedby lOth lord Mercury. Lagna lord Jupiter is in 5th aspectingI lth houseand aspectedby 5th lord Mars conjoining with 11-6-1999at 19:36 Delhi

Jup3-I3 Sun Merc SatI 8-2r 26-22 t4-38 Lagna Moon25

Venl143 Rahu X 20-35 x Chart 70 Ketu 20-35 x Merc Lagna Mars l -09 00-57 Ur KRahu 2nd and3rd lord Saturnand 8th lord Moon. I lth house is occupiedby l2th lord Mars aspectedby Saturn. llth lord Venus is in 8th. The 4th lord Jupiter has squareaspect with 11thlord Venus andIsharafa yoga. No admission.He didnotjoin oollege. "How will todaYPass?" Examinethe lagnalord, Moon and 8th house,8th lord and Navamshachart of the moment, lord of the signof Moon. (1) If lagna lord is posited in lagna, own sign, exalted sign, friend's sign, hemmedbetween beneficsand disposedin benefic housesand the Moon is also strong (waxing and well disposed) the day will be good and bring happinessto the querist. Predictionsthrough H orary 29t

(2) If a malefic planet is strongin the lagna and aspectedby malefic planets,the day will not be happy and be full of worries and tension. (3) If the Moon, lagnalord or a malefic planet is posited in 8th houseand aspectedby a rnalefic planet the day will not be good. 25-l-1999 at 19:13 Delhi

Jup Moon 2-25 28.t6 Sat3-37

Ven Rahu 2-35 28-24 K tuntt{ Chart Mer(c) Lagna s-35 5-38

Mars 5-58 K The lagna is aspectedby Venusand lagna lord is posited ffi in 6th upachayahouse with Mercury and Ketu aspectedby Rahu. Moon is positedin 9th housein friend's house,with Saturn.But the longitudinal difference of both is very high, no effect. Similarly the difference of longitude of Sun,Ketu and Rahu is also high, so no effect. 8th housestrong due to the occupationof its lord and near the cusp. Lagna is in the navamshaof Venus and aspectedby Venus, so strong, the native spentthe day with full occupation and was not ableto havemeal in time. As the Moon is seperatingfrom malefic Saturn and goingto occupyher exaltationpoint andupachaya clearly indicatethat presentday may be busy and full of struggle but the next day, the future is bright and happy.