2(rv "SHRr Gunuv,tt NAMAH" PaeotcrroNsTunoueu Honanv By Dr. Shri Chand Kursija Bhartiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan Delhi FOREWORD I haratiya PrachyaEvam SanatanVigyan Sansthan 'is (Regd.) involved in the fulfilment of Educational, Scientific, Social, Cultural Intellectual, Aesthetic, Spiritual, Occult and psychic needsof the people irrespectiveof caste,creed and colour. One of the aims of the Sansthanis to promote budding writers by publishing Souveniers,Journals and books. The book in your handsis authoredby Dr. S. C. Kursija, a well known, qualified Homeopathic doctor, who passedJyotish Praveenaand Jyotisha Visharadafrom I.C.A.S. (Regd.)Chennai, precently he is a member of Faculty of Delhi chapter I, ICAS,Chennai.Recently he has beenawarded a title of Jyotisha Kovida by ICAS, chennai,for his servicesto astrology through writing of articles and teachings.He is a dedictaedstudent, teacher and researcherin astrology. he has written this book keeping in mind not only the needsof the studentsbut also hints to give accuratepredictions by the astrologers.He has tried to cover all topics on which any query can be receivedby an astrologer.He has also eloboratedthe principles through practical illustrations taken from his personaldata. t "t"\r i] li ji!' After goingthrough the book you wilt certainly feelthat he hasreally brought crcdits t. his tcachers by remembering,using in prlcticc and arlctine experienced principles (combinutions) to th; knowledgeacquired by him as a studcnt. , M.N. Kedrr (Sccrctary(jcneral B.P.E.S.V.Sansthan) CONTENTS Acxxowt,EDGEMENTS Fonewono Pnrnacn Ixtnonucrton . Chapters Page No. l. Astrologer& His Duties 2l 2. Characterstics& Classification of Signs 26 3. Planets:Characterstics & Classification 35 4. Aspect/ Drishti in Prashar'sView 53 5. Yogas 59 6. Significations of Houses 7l 7. Nature of Query 8l 8. The Strengthof Lagna & Houses 90 9. Timing & Fructification of Events 96 10. Patient& Diseases 106 I l. Traveller & Travelling l3l 12. Thief & Recoveryof missing articles ls8 13. Marriage 192 l4 Progeny 204 -": ,lir Chapters Page No. \ 15. To specifythe objecthidden in fist 222 16. Litigationsor Disputesin court Z2g 17. Profit or Loss 237 18. Employer& Employee 259 19. Politics 264 20. Miscellaneous 269 r, PREFACE l\ ff uny books on Horary astrology are available IYIin the market. One more book on Horary Astrology shouldnot be a burden.I do not claim to present something totally new to the readers but readerswould certainly find the book more useful becausethe books which are in the market are more or less translationof classicalbooks. The classical books were written thousandsof years ago, some principles of which may not be relevant to modern works. There were villages, small Kingdoms and the main profession was agriculture depending on weather.So our savantsof Astrology had written their books to meet the requirementsof thosedays. I have presentedthe book to solvethe presentday problems. The interpretationsof signs, bhavasand the planet in this book are somewhat different from that of classical books though they are based on the classical books, viz. Mercury represents recommendationsor Saturn representslabour etc. However I have kept the classicaltext intact. I have taken the principles of Predictive Astrology and combinedthem with Tajik and Transits to time the events. Tajika shastragives clear inunciations regarding the results of retrograde, combustand debilitatedplace which in turn give good results in solving the query and timing the events.I I2 Pred i ct i tt nl fhrou gh H orary have not taken the principles of con.iunction, oppositionand squareas maleficaspects. However, the predictiveprinciples that the effect of aspects varies with the natural benefic or malefic planet holds good.It is not only the distancebetween the two planetswhich gives benefic or malefic results but it is the inherentnatural quality of the planets, ownershipof the houseand their positionin the chart which givesbenefic or maleficresults. The signsand the houseshave their own importance.So the principle of Predictive Astrology has its own importanceand relevance. In writing the book I have tried my best not to make it too technical or complicatedthough the subject is not so simple. One ought to know the principle of Predictive Astrology. The Horary Astrology is an essentialingredient of predictive Astrology, though it hasits own limitation. We cannot predictabout whole life of the nativethrough horary astrology.The HoraryAstrology is basedon the birth chart cast for the time of the query. It answersthe queriesas a whole in totality. It can tell the height, colour, age of the thief. The thief will be caughtor not, thepolice will helpus or not etc.So it is limited to particularquery, not to the eventsof whole life of the native.But this type of problemscannot be solved with thehelp of PredictiveAstrology. Both havetheir own limitations.So I haveused the scienceof Horary and PredictiveAstrology as complementary. In the bookson Horary,available in the market, iittte attentionhas been paid to the illustrations.I have tried to supplementthe principles with examplesfrom my own experience.I have tried to make this book Predictions t hrough Horary I3 more useful for the beginnersand professionalsas well. ' I do not claim infallibility. In fact I have given what has been my own experience in Horary Astrologyto the readers.I am likely to facecriticism. But constructivecriticism is welcome,as it will help one to improve ones knowledge.Therefore, any correspondencein this regard is alwayswelcome. Delhi Dr. Shri Chand Kursija r5. r .2000 BA/45B,Phase I, Ashok Vihar,Delhi-I 10052. Ph.:7247360/7420423 \\ .'' t li INTRODUCTION p redictive astrology and,Horary astrology are I complementary to each other and not contradictory. They supplement each others deficiency. In PredictiveAstrology we cast the birth chart, calculate dasha and antardasha,observe the transit and on the data available predict the period running to the native. It may be benefic period or malefic period resulting in illness, loss through fire, theft or accident etc. The principles of predictive Astrology indicate the life of the native as a whole, his relation with father, mother, brothers, wife and children; his successand failures, his achievements and name, fame etc. his past and presentkarma i.e. ' about his future. On the other hand Horary Astrology indicates the particular query. The Horary chart is erectedfor the moment of query on the basis of the principles of Astrology. The signs,houses of Horary astrology have the same indications as that of thl Predictive Astrology with slight difference in interpreting their effects, such as the movable signs indicate the displacementof the query, change is to take place accordingto the query that hasbeen made. Supposeone desiresto know whether his marriage will take placeand movable sign occupiesthe lagna, the movable sign in the lagna, indicatesthe change in the status of the native. If the patient enquires 16 Pr"dt"rt.^ rn, , whetherhe will be cured of the diseaseor not, the moveablesign in lagna indicatesthe changein his presentstatus i.e. he will be cured.But if it is a fixed sign, there will be no changein his presentstatus. He may not be cured.Similarly there are differences in significationsof housesalso. In Horary Astrology such as in casesof doctorsand patientsquery, the lagna indicate the doctor, 4th house indicates medicines,7th houseindicates diseases and lOth house indicates patient himself. In predictive astrologythe lagna indicatesthe native, here the querent.There is no diff'erencebetween the nativeand querent. Similarly 4th house indicate Sukha, happinessderived by the native in Predictive astrology.In the medicalhorary astrologyit indicates the medicinewhich givesrelief from the diseasesi.e. sukha.The 7th houseindicates partner or spouseof the nativein predictiveastrology. In Horary astrology 7th houseindicates the opponentsor diseasebecause the querenthas to take actionor deal with the disease. Similarly lOth houseindicates the patientwho does karma,takes medicine and takesprecautions etc. But in PredictiveAstrology, the houseof diseaseis 6th house.So I havetaken 6th and 7th houseas houses of disease. Thereare somelearned astrologers according to whom one should not take lagna as Doctor. In case of other querieswe take Lagnaas querrent.Why there is an exception in the case of a patient and his recovery?It is well knownfact that in caseof patient and disease,the patient may die when one of the following combinationis present. (l) Lord of 6 and8th positedin Lagna. , 1{ \ I' re dictions t hr ough H orary l7 (2) Lord of 8th is in Lagna. (3) Lord of Lagnais in 8th from the Moon. "If we treat Lagna as doctor then the doctor should die not the patient." Why has Lagna been treatedas doctor by our sages?If we keep inherent spirit of the lagna in our mind we will find that to treat the Lagna as doctor is not incorrect because the Lagna is opponentto significationsof the 7th house.The doctor is also opponentto the diseases as he treatsto quell the diseases.Hence considering Lagna as doctor is correct. There is no need therefore,to changethe significationsof the houses. I would like to submit belore the readers that as the Lagna indicatesthe native the Lagna of a Horary Chart should indicate the query not the querrent.The chart cast for the moment of query shouldbe dealt with as the birth chartof the query. Wheneverone examines the samequery of the native, the samechart should be examinedas the birth chart.
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