NEWSLETTERNOW WEEKLY! With art by Vera ! from the Astrology Center of America / May 19, 2009 ARCHIVE Email
[email protected] E C O N O M Y NEW BOOKS Nick TT MM AA Two by Clare Martin andand HE June/July Mountain Astrologer James has arrived. Featured this month, LARE MARTIN is the current President TRaymond Merriman’s 2009 Jupi- of the Faculty of Astrological Stud- I ter–Uranus–Neptune Mutual Reception Cies, in London, and a lecturer at J Within the 2008-2015 Cardinal Climax. the Centre for Psychological Astrology. N Merriman, a respected financial astrolo- Mapping the Psyche, vols. 1 & 2, are tran- ger, says the current Cardinal Climax (his scripts of two of her three Astro 101 courses, term) will result in “Camelot” or “Eco- which she has taught for some years. nomic Armageddon.” Cheerful! MAPPING THE PSYCHE, An Intro- TMA’s book reviews: Demetra duction to Psychological Astrology, vol. George’s Astrology & the Authentic Self 1: The planets & the zodiac signs, is a D U E L I N G D I C T I O N A R I E S has been in stock since last November. nice introduction to the subject. Martin has Anthony Louis’s Art of Forecasting Us- a good grasp & handles her students well. T R A N S I T S ing Solar Returns, a fabulous book, has MAPPING THE PSYCHE, An Introduc- James Wilson, 1819: I much suspect been in stock since June of last year. tion to Psychological Astrology, vol. 2: The there is great power in transits, and I Laurence Hillman’s Planets in Play, and planetary aspects & the houses of the would recommend them particularly to Chrissie Blaze’s Mercury Retrograde: horoscope, is, regrettably, not quite as the consideration of the artist, though Your Survival Guide to Astrology’s Most good.