Factors Which Prohibit or Inhibit Horary Questions of Their Fulfillment

A. Strictures or blockages which render questions unanswerable:

1) The last three degrees of a sign are rising 2) The first three degrees of a sign are rising

General meaning: Unanswerable because things are in a state of change.

Meaning of #1: Unanswerable because it is too late. Meaning of #2: Unanswerable because it is too early.

Overrides: It is an actual event. The is radical. The question is asking if it is early or late. Strong overrides to the or 1st .

3) Saturn is in the 1st house 4) Saturn is in the 7th house

General meaning: A cosmic “no”

Meaning of #3: The querent is blocked, often to experience first. Meaning of #4: The agent (astrologer) is blocked for any of various reasons.

Overrides: If an event, things may not have proceeded well If clear and strong radical question, the querent has needs If it is a simple yes/no question If the question is about blockage, etc.

5) The Moon is void of course

Definition: 4 is void when it will not culminate a ptolemaic aspect (F,a,L,K,J) until leaving the sign it is in. Meaning: Insufficient interest in the question. Insincere question, neurotic question, nebulous question.

Overrides: Radical horoscope The question is about interest. A definite answer is sought and a hazy description is ok. 6) The Moon is via combusta, i.e. between 15 and 15

Definition: Fiery way, that is many fiery fixed stars in this area

Meaning: Too dangerous, too many hidden snags

Overrides: [Writer has too little experience with this to say]

Statements about blocks and strictures: If multiple, don’t ask this question again. If they occur frequently, quit horary astrology.

B) Conditions which can stricture, inhibit or partially block a question but not enough to deny its asking or fulfillment.

7) A malefic closely F the ascendant or descendant

Meaning: Something upsets the querent (asc) or agent (desc) enough to make things very trying:

if =/: ' tampering, deception, false or disingenuous question, querent overwrought

if 7: bad temper is sufficient to void good judgment

if 4: question may be fleeting, trivial or insincere

8) The Moon is in the last three degrees of a sign (even if not void)

Meaning: a milder version of void of course

9) Moon without applying aspect that is within

Meaning: lack of focus on the issue

Basic definition: A "prime" or "primary significator" is a which designates the querent or the quesited. The Moon is always a prime or co-prime.

10) A prime is void Meaning: The person signified by the prime is out of step or picture : The person signified by the prime is ineffective/ weakened : The person signified by the prime is about to move and void the question.

11) 0, 7, ' angular, especially in 10th (objectivess)

Meaning: Result, goal, objective to negative, unpleasant to want to consider : disgrace or loss of face

12) The Moon is heavily afflicted, especially with applying aspects

Meaning: like via combusta only more open unless octaves are in it

13) The Moon or a prime intercepted

Meaning: None of the business of the querent : Question dependent on too many latencies : Too much is indefinite : The answer is too remote : The proposition may be better approached in another query

C) Things that tend to deny, frustrate, discourage the object of the condition some of which are rare. Sometimes descriptors or they denote principles.

14) Separation of Moon from a prime or primes

Meaning: Too late but not denying, perhaps telling why : Anticlimactic or waning enthusiasm : Sometimes a cut-and-dried atmosphere around the question : Something exhausted, worn out or tired involved

Basic Definition: Impedition [a now archaic term] is a condition when a luminary is applying to a malefic aspect with a malefic planet or a malevolent fixed star or with each other. In horary astrology it applies only to the Moon but some use it with any prime.

15) Impedition of the Moon or a prime.

Meaning: Blockage often due to a condition like bad weather : Usually points to a stubborn, unyielding person : If to the Moon and there are benefic aspects to the Moon or a prime, it can be overcome. : If to a prime, it is a key person

16) Refranation of the primes

Meaning: When one of the primes is applying to another but retrogrades before culmination. : Usually a change of heart or mind, sometimes a rescission of an agreement, promise, condition, etc.

17) Abscission or Frustration of the primes or (the weaker case) of the the Moon to a prime.

Definition 1: One prime or the Moon is applying to an aspect of the other which would accomplish the objective when another planet culminates a malefic aspect with the prime receiving prime before the desired culmination.

Definition 2: One prime or the Moon is applying to an aspect of the other prime which would accomplish the objective when the receiving prime changes signs or houses (weaker) before the culmination.

Meaning of #1: Competition or outsider cuts in. : Unconsidered factors become manifest.

Meaning of #2: A deadline, real or apparent : New conditions come into play.

18) Besiegement of the Moon (can be used with other primes with discrimination)

General horary principle: The Moon is the horary timekeeper. The last aspect of the Moon before the question was asked indicates a defining event on which the question rests and the next aspect the Moon makes after the question indicates what is coming up next for the question.

Definition of Besiegement (level 1): The Moon is between conjunctions with two malefic . Definition of Besiegement (level 1): The Moon is between any malefic aspect with any malefic planet (7,0,-,=,;) Definition of Besiegement (level 1): The Moon is between any malefic aspect with any planet Meaning: Things going from bad to worse : difficulties ahead : trying times in general

19) Affliction of Primes and the Moon by any planet (applying only)

Order of discouragement: F, a, K Meaning: The parties involved are more likely to conflict than agreement, sometimes decisive

D) Factors which discourage or weaken likelihood of accomplishment without denial. Must be weighed and compared with other factors.

20) Combustion of prime or Moon

Definition: Conjunct the Sun in application, orb varies from 1º to 8º, Cozimi=17’ or less, in this writer’s experience only only very small orbs work.

Meaning: Person indicated by combust significator is out classed, in over his/her head : Person indicated becomes subsidiary, a non-mover

21) A prime(s) retrograde

Meaning: If in 1st house, a change of mind about the question : If a receiving prime, a weak and ineffectual person : If an applying prime, an active retreat from the deal

22) The Moon decreasing in light (from full to new)

Meaning: The time is not ripe for decisive action : Tendency for withdrawal is strong

23) Moon or prime slow or decreasing in apparent longitudinal speed, 5 es

Definition: The speed for the 24 hours before and 24 hours after the question must be calculated to determine decrease and compared to average speed to see if fast or slow

Meaning: Person indicated may be sluggish or tired or pulling away : Person may be beyond their limits or capacities : A change of course may be required for this person 24) Moon or prime cadent

Meaning: Some circumstances are likely to change soon : The person indicated may be only an agent, deputy

25) The Moon or a prime peregrine

Dictionary definition: Alien, imported, roving pilgrim

Definition: A planet in a sign where it has no dignity or station (Order of dignity: ruler, exaltation, triplicity, term, face)

Meaning: A person with no direction or purpose (or power?)

26) Moon or prime in debility

Definition: A planet in debility is in detriment or fall

Meaning: A person at his/her worst, or disadvantaged : A person acting out of character or bad circumstances

27) Moon or prime, whether peregrine or not, lacks reception.

Definition: The planet is not in the rulership (1st) or exaltation (2nd) of the Moon or a prime.

Meaning: The person in question has nothing significantly in common or like-mindedness with other significant people in the question : The person has no allies or agency

28) The Moon or prime lacks applying aspects without change of sign or house.

Meaning: Person lacks traction, even with outsiders to the question : Person has no means to act or nothing to hang onto 29) Interceptions of outsiders (non-primes with indirect influence)

Meaning: Tempting but unreachable potentials : Mild subsurface potentials or threats