Compulsory Rent Rollback Sparks Alban Controversy Georgetown Fuel Cutback Mayshut Down University No Lead Or Clue Available in B

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Compulsory Rent Rollback Sparks Alban Controversy Georgetown Fuel Cutback Mayshut Down University No Lead Or Clue Available in B 55th Vear No.5 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITV, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday. September 27. 1974 Georgetown Fuel Cutback May ShutDown University by Michael Grosso Georgetown University will receive 110 natural gas this winter during tile period from December 16 to March 31. Heating oil will be the primary substitute and will cost "about three times as much as gas" according to Director of Operations, Ed Liberatore. Furthennore, failure to secure a contract fer more oil could result in a University shutdown. As an "interruptable" cus­ service for 108 days. The heating drag on a while, but it looks good tomer of the Washington Gas Light oil contract with Griffith Con­ for us," he said. Company, Georgetown receives sumer Company must likewise be In the past, though, fuel needs reduced rates but is subject to extended. Before the school ob­ at the University have been interruptions of service if supplies tains the additional oil, the federal unpredictable. "Last year, we had are low. Energy Administration (FEA) only five days on oil, though "As of June, Washington Gas must approve the sale. 70-75 days were originally pro­ Light Company projected that we "The oil company has indi­ jected. A lot depends on the kind would be off the gas line for 55 cated that the (FEA) will approve of winter we have. If it's a rough days, so we protected ourself with the increase. However, should the winter, we may be close to the an oil contract of that length," VP approval not be forthcoming, the projection; if not we may need of Physical Plant, William Miller University may find itself in a less oil," .Miller said. As a victim of a Washington Gas Li~t Company cutback, GU will be said. bind. No oil means no heat and Liberatore emphasized that the forced to substitute oil for gas at 3 times the former cost. (Photo by With this additional gas cut-off, Georgetown could not operate gas company has been quite firm. Ann K. Ford) Georgetown will be without gas without heat," Miller asserted. They predict that if the winter is Dave Ralston (SFS'76), Stu­ more severe than anticipated, gas dent Government Director of supplies may be cut back even No Lead or Clue Available Physical Plant Affairs, suggested further. However, gas would not that Washington Gas Light Com­ be increased if the winter is mild." pany might be retaliating for Similar problems are being Georgetown's court action against encountered at other universities In Burglary of Center Cafe proposed gas rate increases. He in the area. A spokesman for the noted that the company issued a University of Maryland said that it by Anne Hargaden was missing from the drawer in dures and is not effective enough public statement for the cutback will supplement its gas su pply The Center Cafe was burglar­ which the money was locked the to prevent criminal acts. rather than the usual personel with fuel oil. ized early Wednesday morning in previous night. The cafe burglary marks the letter. "The cost of oil and electricity what the Metropolitan Police There was no sign of forced third larceny on the Georgetown "The university has been large­ will be well over two million Department called a "grand lar­ entry, Sheheen said, but there is Campus this year. Two weeks ago, ly responsible for blocking the dollars in excess of our fuel ceny" of $398 in cash. speculation that the office key the center pub was broken into increase since February, 1973. Bill budget," the spokesman said. According to General Manager, may have been taken from the and an armed robbery of a Miller and Don O'Neal (the Despite holding the price of gas John Shaheen, the cafe office was student activities office and then Marriott Corporation vender oc­ director of administration and down, Georgetown's Physical broken into sometime between returned after the burglary occur­ curred in the Gorman Building. contracting) have saved George­ Plant Office has had a difficult two and nine on Wednesday after red. So far, there are no suspects in town a considerable amount of time with the other aspects of the the night manager had deposited "$400 may not seem like a lot the cafe incident. money. The case will probably utilities budget. the key under Student Activities' of money but, for us, that's a lot door. of sales. It's a half days revenue," When the morning manager Shaheen said. arrived, the door to the office was The office burglary is the first Compulsory Rent Rollback found open and $100 in petty in the cafe's history although in cash plus $298 in change funds the past Shaheen said goods were stolen from the kitchen. Lamb Made Morning manager, Jerome Sparks Alban Controversy DeMelo said that when he arrived Salyards placed considerable tenants' rent could be brought up at 9:00, the cafe's bookkeeper, by Mike Weisberger A problem with the District's emphasis on his denial of a rent to what others in the building are GUPS Head Lisa Stover, told him that a increase. "We have no intentions paying. The University he empha­ robbery had occurred overnight. Rent Control Commission about filing for hardship status to avoid of raising the rent. We merely sized, is not trying to make a DeMelo said he suspects an want to keep it at its present profit from its concern with In Shake-Up "inside job" because of the clean compulsory rent roll-back is rate," he said. Alban Towers. by Bill Hanelly way in which the crime was among the latest developments at Salyards justification was that "It's just that some of these Mr. Charles Lamb, formerly committed. "Whoever did it must Alban Towers, according to In­ Georgetown University cannot people have been here for ten or the Assistant Director of Public have known the closing proce­ vestment Properties Business Manager, Kenneth L. Salyards. afford the losses that would twenty years-in fact, there's one Safety, has been named Director dures," he said. "I really think it lady who's been here thirty years. of the GU Protective Services as Salyards' plan to file for accumulate unless the older was someone inside because they The original landlord practically part of an administrative shake-up hardship exemption from the knew where the cash was kept in gave the apartment to her," of the security department made District's new rent-control bill the office." Salyards said, explaining why the by Vice President for Planning went astray when he was in­ He said that when the cafe roll-backs would eventually cost a and Physical Plant William A. formed by the Rent Control closes at 2:00 am, keys to the large sum of money. Miller. Conunission that he had to use office .are dropped through the According to Salyards, the The reorganization also in­ one of their forms, which are mailbox of student activities' door currently unavailable, to file. immediate concern of Investment cludes the naming of Bernard which, he said, is large enough for Gorda, fonner Director of Public "Since, as I understand it, this Properties is to get the building in a hand to fit through. week is the deadline to submit the good, livable condition. During Safety, as Special Assistant for Since other sets of keys are Safety and the placement of forms, I really can't say where we this process it is necessary that placed through the slot at night, Protective Services Operations un­ stand," he said. any investor be willing to lose DeMelo said he was suspicious der the direction of Capt. Jayne The chances that the com­ some money. because the lNzglar(s) knew which Salyards mentioned that reno­ T. Rich. mission will accept Investment set of keys to take. vation of the building will con­ "The Security changes come as Properties' request for exemption form an attempt to remedy some of the There was speculation among were assessed by Salyards to be to good standards and that he anticipates the opening of inadequacies of the present sys­ cafe workers that 8eCUrity sur· favorable, although he did express tem and as a streamlining process. rounding the cafe's closing allows the possibility that it would not 'Alban Towers' new restaurant and (Continued on P8I8 11) for people to observe the proee- go through. Ken Satv-rds pub. Page 2 The HOYA Friday, September 27, 1974 Italian President Receives Honorary GU Law Degree by Wayne Saitta Gerald Ford. He will return to political career in 1944. He has Giovonni Leone, the President Italy and a shaky coalition, to served as professor of criminal of Italy received an honorary face that nation's massive econo­ law, and he is leading authority on degree of Doctor of Laws from mic crisis. political science. Leone has had the University last Thursday. The Since his election to the printed some 40 books and honory degree was conferred Presidency in 1971 by a joint articles. After he joined the upon Leone for his "determina­ session of Parliament and repre­ Christian Democrat Party, in tion in upholding the democratic sentatives from the 20 regions, 1944, Leone was elected to the ideals of the Republic of Italy and supporters credit Leone wi th Constituent Assembly in 1946, for his contributions to the cause demonstrating both balance and where he was instrumental in the of peace among nations." firmness in a period characterized adoption of the new Constitution. In a ceremony before a crowd­ by economic difficulties and In 1948, he became a member of ed Han of Cardinals, Fr.
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