Backlash Over Blair's School Revolution

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Backlash Over Blair's School Revolution Section:GDN BE PaGe:1 Edition Date:050912 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 11/9/2005 19:33 cYanmaGentaYellowblack Chris Patten: How the Tories lost the plot This Section Page 32 Lady Macbeth, four-letter needle- work and learning from Cate Blanchett. Judi Dench in her prime Simon Schama: G2, page 22 Amy Jenkins: America will never The me generation be the same again is now in charge G2 Page 8 G2 Page 2 £0.60 Monday 12.09.05 Published in London and Manchester Bad’day mate Aussies lose their grip Column five Backlash over The shape of things Blair’s school to come revolution Alan Rusbridger elcome to the Berliner Guardian. No, City academy plans condemned we won’t go on calling it that by ex-education secretary Morris for long, and Wyes, it’s an inel- An acceleration of plans to reform state education authorities as “commissioners egant name. education, including the speeding up of of education and champions of stan- We tried many alternatives, related the creation of the independently funded dards”, rather than direct providers. either to size or to the European origins city academy schools, will be announced The academies replace failing schools, of the format. In the end, “the Berliner” today by Tony Blair. normally on new sites, in challenging stuck. But in a short time we hope we But the increasingly controversial inner-city areas. The number of acade- can revert to being simply the Guardian. nature of the policy was highlighted when mies will rise to between 40 and 50 by Many things about today’s paper are the former education secretary Estelle next September. This month 10 city acad- different. Morris accused the government of “serial emies started, bringing the total to 27, and Starting with the most obvious, the meddling” in secondary eduction. Mr Blair will insist the government is on page size is smaller. We believe the In an article in tomorrow’s Education target to reach 200 by 2010. City acade- format combines the convenience of a Guardian she writes: “Another round of mies have proved to be among the most tabloid with the sensibility of a broad- structural change won’t by itself achieve hotly debated aspects of his public sector sheet. Next most conspicuously, we universally high standards. Worse than reforms. The Commons education select have changed the paper’s titlepiece and that it could be a distraction. In five years’ committee has criticised them as divisive headline fonts. Gone is the striking 80s time, whose children will be going to and teaching union leaders have also de- David Hillman design — adapted over these new academies? Will choice and nounced the expansion of an “unproven” the years — which mixed Garamond, market forces once again squeeze out the scheme. Miller and Helvetica fonts. In their place children of the disadvantaged?” However, this will not deter Mr Blair is a new font, Guardian Egyptian, which Today, the prime minister will say: “It is who will point out that in the last is, we hope, elegant, intelligent and not government edict that is determining academic year the proportion of highly legible. the fate of city academies, but parent pupils receiving five good GCSEs 4≥ The next difference you may notice is power. Parents are choosing city acade- in city academies rose by 8 per colour. The paper is printed on state-of- mies, and that is good enough for me.” cent, four times the national average. the-art MAN Roland ColorMan presses, He will also set out the future of local Patrick Wintour and Rebecca Smithers which give colour on every page — something that sets us apart from every other national newspaper. The effect will be to give greater emphasis and power to our photography and, we UK link to terror snatches hope, make the whole paper a touch less forbidding than it sometimes may have seemed in the past. The United Nations is investigating the secret flights, telling MPs on the foreign G2 has also shrunk: it is now a full CIA’s use of British airports when abduct- affairs select committee that the ministry colour, stapled news magazine with ing terrorism suspects and flying them to has “not granted any permissions for the newspaper deadlines. Sport has ex- prisons around the world where they are use of UK territory or air space", and sug- panded into its own section — at least 12 alleged to have been tortured. The in- gesting to the Guardian that it was “just a pages every day, again in full colour. quiry, led by Martin Scheinin, a special conspiracy theory" Privately, Ministry of As the week progresses you’ll notice rapporteur from the UN Commission on Defence officials admit that they are aware further changes. There are one or two Human Rights, comes as an investigation of the flights, and that they have decided new sections. There will be new colum- by the Guardian reveals the full extent of to turn a blind eye. “It is not a matter for nists, both in G1 and G2 — most notably the British logistical support. Aircraft used the MoD," said one. “The air- the pre-eminent commentator Simon in the secret operations have flown into craft use our airfields. We don't 13≥ Jenkins, who joins us from the Times to the UK at least 210 times since the Sep- ask any questions. They just write on Wednesdays and Fridays. tember 11 terror attacks. Foreign Office of- happen to be behind the wire.” ficials have denied all knowledge of the Ian Cobain and Richard Norton-Taylor Shane Warne at the Oval yesterday. Sport ≥ Photograph: Kieran Doherty/Reuters Continued on page 2 ≥ National Law International Financial Police chief blames Judges may block Israeli troops leave Sky’s Premiership Orangemen for riots deportations Gaza after 38 years rights under threat More than 2,000 police officers and sol- The government faces a confrontation Israel lowered its flag in the Gaza Strip for BSkyB’s 13-year monopoly over live broad- diers clashed with loyalists in Belfast in with judges over its attempts to deport the last time yesterday as the government casts of Premier League football games is the worst riots for more than a decade. terrorist suspects to Middle Eastern and declared an end to 38 years of occupation under immediate threat. Media regulator The violence erupted after a small Orange north African countries with poor human and troops withdrew from demolished Ofcom has told the European Commission Order parade was rerouted by fewer than rights records. Four appeal court judges Jewish settlements. The last troops were it should force whoever holds the Pre- 100 metres away from Catholic homes. who may have to decide whether depor- expected to leave overnight. Palestinian miership TV rights to sell a number of Hugh Orde, Northern Ireland chief con- tations can go ahead have told the leaders described it as a “liberation”, but games to rival broadcasters. A separate stable, accused Orangemen of taking part Guardian they will refuse to rubber- said Israeli controls on border crossings regulatory plan under consideration in in and stoking up the riots, which spread stamp the UK's human rights deals with and other restrictions maintained the Brussels could see individual broadcast- to Ballymena, Antrim, Carrickfergus, countries such as Jordan and Algeria. occupation. Thousands of Palestinians ers limited to 50% of the live games put Larne, Ballyclare, Glengormley and Despite being urged by the home secre- gathered on roads leading to the settle- up for sale. The League, meanwhile, is Ahoghill. More than 30 police and soldiers tary to respect the country-to-country ments, ready to storm the rubble once the resisting all attempts to remove its were injured as rioters used auto- agreements, the judges say they last troops were gone. A 12-year- “exclusivity premium,” arguing matic weapons, petrol bombs and 3≥ will demand evidence that the as- 15≥ old boy was seriously wounded 17≥ that clubs’ finances will be un- 26≥ blast bombs to attack the security forces, surances are “worth the paper they're by gunfire from an Israeli tank still guard- dermined. The current rights deal expires 12A who responded with 450 baton rounds. written on". ing the settlements. in 2007. Section:GDN BE PaGe:2 Edition Date:050912 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 11/9/2005 19:23 cYanmaGentaYellowblack 2 The Guardian Guardian Unlimited 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER Telephone: 020-7278 2332 Best daily newspaper on the world wide web Email: [email protected] The shape of Monday 12.09.05 things to come Stop smiling Surprise comeback If you want to leave the country, Gerhard Schröder closes the gap ≤ continued from page 1 Guardian can remain a serious, pro- On Saturday there are further gressive voice in a world in which you’re going to have to keep your with Angela Merkel in Germany’s changes, including a redesigned and news organisations are increasingly in mouth shut Page 6 ≥ election race Page 19 ≥ expanded Weekend magazine. the hands of fewer and fewer multina- The main change — the format — is tional companies. Embracing the contemporary Baghdad-led operation in response to unambiguous research Sir Nicholas Serota offers an Iraqi and US troops seize control which shows that readers increasingly o paper ever stands exclusive preview of Tate Britain’s of Tal Afar, an insurgent find broadsheet newspapers difficult still. The paper you to handle in many everyday situa- are reading today new rehang (featuring Jacob stronghold in northern Iraq, after tions, including commuting to work. will evolve.
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