
1 Anthony Camboni P.O. Box 5565 2 Sun City West, Arizona 3 85376 Tel: (480) 239-3653 4 [email protected] 5



9 Anthony Camboni ) ) Case No.: CV2016 - 004243 Contestant / Contestor ) 10 ) v. ) ANTHONY CAMBONI’S RESPECTFUL 11 ) ADVISE / ADVICE TO COURT, John McCain; Cindy McCain; State Of ) 12 Arizona; Doug Ducey; Michele Reagan; ) CONCERNING TREASON, SEDITION, Mark Brnovich; et al ) PERJURY, VIOLATION OF SWORN OATHS, 13 ) INELIGIBILITY, CONSTITUTIONAL Contestee ) 14 ) DISQUALIFICATION, THE MCCAIN ) INSTITUTE, CHILD MOLESTATION, 15 ) HUMAN TRAFFICKING, ETC. ) 16 ) ) (Judge Joshua D. Rogers) 17


19 Contestant, Anthony Camboni, respectfully files ANTHONY CAMBONI’S RESPECTFUL




23 King, Ambassador Anthony Camboni, Esq. respectfully deposits the aforementioned

24 Advise To Court in accordance with the style of the day. Contestant, Anthony Camboni, does

25 so as an Act of Good Faith, and Goodwill. King, Ambassador Anthony Camboni, Esq.’s filing

26 substantially complies with ARCP, and The Common Law.


28 Contestant, Anthony Camboni, is aware of issues, concerning wrongful / illegal conduct

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 1 1 undertaken by United States Senator / Candidate John McCain. Contestant, Anthony Camboni, 2 deposits this filing as a means to advise the Court, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Arizona 3 Secretary of State Michele Reagan, and The Office of Arizona Attorneys’ General 4 NOTE: Mark Brnovich, Esq. (A Person Of Unsound Mind) illegally-occupied, and 5 continues to illegally-occupy, the Office of Arizona’s Attorneys’ General). 6 Contestant, Anthony Camboni, has reason to believe information, facts, and evidence, 7 presented, herein, are true. Contestant has reason to believe John McCain has engaged in wrongful 8 / illegal conduct. The aforementioned conduct includes, but is not limited to: 9 ( a. ) Treason; 10 ( b. ) Sedition; 11 ( c. ) Perjury; 12 ( d. ) Violation of Sworn Oaths; 13 ( e. ) Violation of The Constitution of The State of Arizona; 14 ( f. ) Violation of The Constitution of The United States; 15 ( g. ) Violation of Arizona Revised Statutes; 16 ( h. ) Violation of United States Code. 17 In addition, Contestant has reason to believe John McCain has engaged in, and participated 18 in, planning, funding, and execution, of unspeakable crimes. John McCain has chosen to associate 19 himself with enemies of The State of Arizona. John McCain has chosen to associate himself with 20 enemies of The United States. John McCain has chosen to associate with liars, terrorists, and 21 terrorist organizations. 22 John McCain, by and through various FICTITIOUS PERSONS / Corporate Entities, has 23 chosen to accept financial consideration from enemies of The People of The State of Arizona, 24 and enemies of The People of The United States. Contestant, Anthony Camboni, hereby, presents 25 evidence supporting the aforementioned. 26 (see: Exhibit O - Piercing The Corporate Veil) 27 Defending John McCain 28 Upon information and belief:

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 2 1 ( a. ) Arizona’s Executive Branch Officers; 2 ( b. ) Arizona’s Office of Attorneys’ General; 3 ( c. ) Attorneys representing The State of Arizona; 4 ( d. ) Arizona’s (FAKE) Attorneys’ General Mark Brnovich, Esq. (A Person Of Unsound 5 Mind); 6 ( e. ) Individuals currently unknown to Contestant. 7 have undertaken a course of action designed to ensure John McCain is permitted to 8 illegally-occupy the Office of United States Senator (Arizona). 9 Irrefutable Evidence 10 Despite presentation of irrefutable evidence, concerning John McCain’s wrongful / criminal 11 conduct, constitutional disqualification, and ineligibility, the aforementioned (a. - e. above) have 12 employed: 13 ( a. ) The Office of Arizona’s Attorneys’ General; 14 ( b. ) Executive Branch Offices of Arizona’s State Government; 15 ( c. ) Arizona’s Courts of Common Law. 16 as means by which the aforementioned wrongfully / illegally attempt to ensure John McCain is 17 permitted to illegally-occupy the Office of United States Senator (Arizona). 18 Failure To Deny 19 John McCain, nor The State of Arizona / Arizona’s Elected Officials, have denied Contestant’s 20 claims. John McCain failed to file any response to Anthony Camboni’s CONTEST of Election. By 21 and through failure to respond, and failure to deny, John McCain admits the Truth of Anthony 22 Camboni’s claims. As such, the Court owes a duty to accept Anthony Camboni’s claims as true. 23 Free And Equal Elections 24 Arizona’s Elected / Appointed Officials, Arizona’s Judicial Branch Officers, and Employees 25 of The State of Arizona, owe a duty to ensure Arizona’s Elections are “Free”, and “Equal”. 26 The aforementioned have failed / refused to ensure Arizona’s Elections are conducted in 27 an ethical, honest, lawful manner. The aforementioned have acted to “prevent the free exercise of 28 the right of suffrage”.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 3 1 The Constitution Of The State OF Arizona 2 ARTICLE II. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS 3 21. Free and equal elections 4 Section 21. All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or

5 military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage. 6

7 Due Process 8 Arizona’s Elected / Appointed Officials, Arizona’s Judicial Branch Officers, and Employees 9 of The State of Arizona have acted to deny Contestant’s Creator-Imputed, Constitutionally 10 Guaranteed Right To Due Process. The Constitution Of The State OF Arizona 11 ARTICLE II. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS 12 4. Due process of law 13 Section 4. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due 14 process of law.

15 Arizona Election Fraud 16 Arizona’s Electoral System has been corrupted. The purposeful failure to conduct free 17 and equal elections serves as a means to ensure John McCain, and other questionable Individuals, 18 occupy and retain elective office. 19 Arizona’s Elected / Appointed Officers, Arizona’s Judicial Branch Officers, and Employees 20 of The State of Arizona, have engaged in Acts of Fraud. 21 The aforementioned Officers & Employees have done so, a means to ensure the “New 22 World Order”, as identified by John McCain, is “maintained”. 23 Treason - John McCain’s FOX News Confession - New World Order 24

25 FOX News - December 28, 2016

26 “Could I just say, seventy years we have had a New World Order”. “That World Order has to be maintained.” 27 - John McCain - FOX News - December 28, 2016 28

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 4 1 Based upon statements by John McCain - FOX News December 28, 2016 - it appears John 2 McCain, rather than act in accordance with: 3 ( a. ) The Constitution of The United States; 4 ( b. ) The Constitution of The State of Arizona; 5 ( c. ) The Rule of Law; 6 ( d. ) The Common Law; 7 ( e. ) Sworn oaths of support for: 8 ( 1. ) The Constitution of The United States; 9 ( 2. ) The Constitution of The State of Arizona. 10 recognizes, and supports, a “New World Order”. 11

12 (see: Exhibit N - VIDEO - Fox News - McCain “New World Order”)

13 Nefarious Intent 14 John McCain has employed, and continues to employ, the Office of United States Senator 15 (Arizona): 16 ( a. ) For nefarious purpose(s); 17 ( b. ) On behalf of nefarious Individuals / Organizations / States / Ideologies; 18 ( c. ) As a means to aid, support, and/or finance, nefarious activities, Individuals / 19 Organizations / States / Ideologies; 20 ( d. ) In a wrongful / criminal / fraudulent manner. 21

22 (see: Exhibit P - McCain Institute Caught Stealing Millions In Child Trafficking 23 Donations - Two (2) Pages) 24

25 (see: Exhibit Q - McCain’s Campaign Manager Arrested - Child Molester - Three (3) Pages) 26

27 (see: Exhibit R - McCain’s Campaign Manager Arrested - Child Molester - Two (2) Pages) 28 ------

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 5 1 ne·far·i·ous

2 ( 1. ) Infamous by way of being extremely wicked.

3 ( 2. ) extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.

4 ( 3. ) extremely wicked; “nefarious schemes”; “a villainous plot”; “a villainous band of thieves” 5 ( 4. ) [1595–1605; < Latin nefrius wicked, vile, adj. derivative of nefs offense 6 against divine law =ne- negative prefix + fs divine law] 7 ------8 John McCain’s “FOX News Confession” (above) serves as evidence proving: 9 ( a. ) John McCain’s knowledge of the identities of Individuals / Entities / Institutions 10 engaged in activities designed to aid in the bringing forth a “New World Order”; 11

12 ( b. ) John McCain’s association with Individuals / Entities / Institutions engaged in activities

13 designed to aid in bringing forth a “New World Order”;

14 ( c. ) John McCain’s allegiance to Individuals / Entities / Institutions involved in activities

15 designed to undermine / deny Creator-Imputed, Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights;

16 ( d. ) John McCain’s treasonous / seditious conduct; 17 ( e. ) John McCain’s desire to: 18 ( 1. ) Violate the Rule of Law; 19 ( 2. ) Violate The Constitution of The State of Arizona; 20

21 ( 3. ) Violate The Constitution of The United States.

22 Based upon, John McCain’s “FOX News Confession” (above), John McCain supports a / 23 the “New World Order”, rather than: 24 ( a. ) The Constitution of The United States; 25 ( b. ) The Constitution of The State of Arizona. 26 Upon information and belief, same constitutes violation of United States Code - 18 U.S. 27 Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES. 28

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 6 1 John McCain - Treason - Arizona Constitution & U.S.C. 2381 2 Anthony Camboni, as an Act Of Good Faith, respectfully informs the Court that John 3 McCain’s wrongful / criminal conduct appears to constitute “Treason”. 4 In support of the aforementioned, Anthony Camboni provides the following: 5 ------6 ARTICLE II. 7 DECLARATION OF RIGHTS ARTICLE II. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS

8 Section 28. Treason Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against the state, or 9 adhering to its enemies, or in giving them aid and comfort. No person shall 10 be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same 11 overt act, or confession in open court. 12 ------13 Treason 18 U.S.C. § 2381 14 The United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states; 15 “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them 16 or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United

17 States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be

18 imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less

19 than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United

20 States of America.”

21 ------


23 The following information, testimony, and evidentiary materials, serve as means to inform

24 The People of The United States, The People of The State of Arizona, the Court, and Arizona’s

25 Elected Servants, of unlawful / wrongful conduct undertaken by John McCain.

26 1. Term Limits

27 John McCain has engaged in conduct, which constitutes violation of The Constitution

28 of The State of Arizona - Article VII. Suffrage And Elections - Section 18. Term Limits.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 7 1 The Constitution Of The State Of Arizona 2 ARTICLE VII. SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS 3 18. Term limits on ballot appearances in congressional elections. 4 Section 18. The name of any candidate for United States senator from Arizona shall

5 not appear on the ballot if, by the end of the current term of office, the candidate will have served (or, but for resignation, would have served) in that office for two 6 consecutive terms, and the name of a candidate for United States representative from 7 Arizona shall not appear on the ballot if, by the end of the current term of office, the 8 candidate will have served (or, but for resignation, would have served) in that office 9 for three consecutive terms. Terms are considered consecutive unless they are at least

10 one full term apart. Any person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy in the United States congress who serves at least one half of a term of office shall be considered 11 to have served a term in that office for purposes of this section. For purposes of this 12 section, terms beginning before January 1, 1993 shall not be considered. 13

14 2. Treason - State Of Arizona 15 John McCain has engaged in conduct, which constitutes Violation of The Constitution of The 16 State of Arizona - Article VII. Section 28. Treason 17

18 The Constitution Of The State Of Arizona ARTICLE II. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS 19 Section 28. Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war 20 against the state, or adhering to its enemies, or in giving them aid and 21 comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of

22 two witnesses to the same overt act, or confession in open court.

23 ------

24 3. Treason - United States Code

25 John McCain has engaged in conduct, which constitutes Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2381

26 - Treason

27 United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states; “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them 28 or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 8 1 States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less 2 than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United 3 States of America.”

4 ------

5 4. John McCain & ISIS

6 ( a. ) John McCain, when describing his relationship with ISIS, stated he knows ISIS

7 “intimately”.

8 ( b. ) John McCain stated, “I know these people”.

9 ( c. ) John McCain stated: “I’m in contact with them (ISIS) all the time”.

10 John McCain’s comments occurred during an interview with Sean Hannity - Fox News. 11 (see: Exhibit A. - VIDEO Fox News Sean Hannity 09/16/14 - Video - Posted By AntiMedia) 12 (see: Exhibit B. - McCain Dismisses Rand Paul on Hannity: ‘Has He Ever Been to Syria?)

13 5. John McCain & Al-Qaeda 14 Senator John McCain made the following statements, concerning “rebels” affiliated with 15 Al-Qaeda (Libya): 16 “I have met with these brave fighters, and they are not Al-Qaeda. To the 17 contrary: They are Libyan patriots who want to liberate their nation. We

18 should help them do it.” Senator John McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011. 19 NOTE: 20 Abdel Hakim Belhaj is / was a member of the defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LIFG. Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LIFG has been 21 described as a “terrorist organization” by: 22 ( a. ) The United States State Department; ( b. ) The United Nations Security Counsel. 23 ------24 6. John McCain & The Free Syrian Army 25 Upon information and belief, John McCain (illegally) met with the heads of the “Free Syrian 26 Army”, in a “rebel” safe house. The (illegal) meeting took place in Idlib, Syria - April, 2013. 27 Individuals participating in the illegal meeting included: 28 ( a. ) Awwad Ibrahim al-Badri (aka: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) - Al-Qaeda;

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 9 1 (b. ) Salim Idris - Chief of Staff of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian 2 Army (FSA).

3 7. John McCain - Aid & Comfort

4 John McCain’s history of providing “aid and comfort” to “enemies” / “the enemy” in

5 “time of war” is documented.

6 ------Based upon the aforementioned (items 1-7 above), John McCain should be tried, for 7 “treason” against The State of Arizona, and The United States. John McCain has violated his 8 sworn oath(s), and should suffer the consequences. 9 United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states; 10 § 2381 - Treason 11 Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or

12 adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned 13 not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and 14 shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 15 Convicted, Pardoned, Incapable, Ineligible 16 Upon information and belief, John McCain was / is “incapable of holding any office 17 under the United States”. 18 John McCain was “pardoned” by President Richard Milhous Nixon. Being that John 19 McCain received a “pardon”, it is obvious John McCain was “convicted” of committing illegal 20 acts and/or “treason”. 21 John McCain received a “pardon”. Therefore: 22 ( a. ) John McCain committed an offense; 23 ( b. ) John McCain received a “pardon” for the commission of the offense; 24 ( c. ) John McCain was “pardoned”, because John McCain was found guilty. 25 Upon information and belief, one of the offenses committed by John McCain was “treason”.

26 Upon information and belief, John McCain was / is incapable of holding any office under:

27 ( a. ) The United States;

28 ( b. ) The State of Arizona.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 10 1 John McCain should never have been permitted to occupy the Office of United States Senator 2 (Arizona). John McCain should never have been permitted to occupy the Office of United States

3 Representative (Arizona).

4 John McCain should be removed from Office. Anthony Camboni should be Officially-

5 Recognized as United States Senator (Arizona).

6 John McCain Is No Hero 7 John McCain could not / did not receive a “pardon” for being a “hero”, because John 8 McCain is no “hero”. John McCain should be removed from Office. John McCain should be 9 prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 10 John McCain is: 11 ( a. ) Ineligible; 12 ( b. ) Incapable; 13 ( c. ) Constitutionally-Prohibited. 14 (see: Exhibit D - Trump Opens McCain’s Treasonous Can of Worms) 15

16 (see: Exhibit E - John McCain a war criminal, not a war hero)

17 (see: Exhibit F - John McCain And The POW Cover-Up - Twelve (12) Pages)

18 (see: Exhibit L - John McCain - A Traitor Who Turned Against His Own Country -

19 Seven (7) Pages)

20 John McCain - Sentenced To Be Shot To Death By A Firing Squad 21 Former United States Presidential Candidate (1968) Dick Gregory claims John McCain 22 was, “...sentenced to be shot to death by a Firing Squad.”. 23 “John McCain... how many of you all know, a Military Court sentenced him 24 to be shot to death by a firing squad?” 25 Dick Gregory 26 (see: Exhibit C - Dick Gregory - John McCain - Firing Squad - VIDEO) 27 File Name: 28

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 11 1 Free And Equal Elections 2 The State of Arizona, Arizona’s Elected Servants, and Arizona’s Courts, owe a duty to 3 ensure Arizona’s elections are conducted in accordance with Law.

4 The Constitution Of The State Of Arizona 5 ARTICLE II. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS 6 21. Free and equal elections Section 21. All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or military, 7 shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage. 8

9 Contestant, Anthony Camboni, advises the Court of Arizona’s Elected Officials’ failure to 10 perform duties of Office. 11 Violation Of Sworn Oaths By Elected Officials 12 Individuals (allegedly) representing The State of Arizona, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, 13 Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan, and Arizona’s (FAKE) Attorneys’ General Mark 14 Brnovich, Esq., (A Person Of Unsound Mind) should comprehend, and understand the document (The 15 Constitution of The State of Arizona) for which they have undertaken sworn oaths of support. 16 Despite knowledge of: 17 ( a. ) Contestant’s claims, concerning John McCain’s eligibility; 18 ( b. ) Constitutional issues, concerning John McCain’s eligibility; 19 ( c. ) Published claims, concerning John McCain’s abuse of his Wife; 20 (see: Exhibit M - John McCain Calls His Wife A C**T - Four (4) Pages) 21 ( d. ) Questionable / Wrongful / Illegal conduct undertaken by John McCain. 22 Individuals associated with Arizona’s Office of Attorneys’ General, have failed / refused 23 to conduct any known investigation, concerning the fraudulent nature of Arizona’s elections, or 24 the wrongful / criminal conduct being perpetrated by John McCain. 25 Failure To Investigate 26 Upon information and belief, Attorneys (allegedly) representing The State of Arizona, 27 and Arizona’s Elected Servants, have conducted no known investigation, concerning violation of 28 United States Code by John McCain.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 12 1 United States Code 2 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 3 • § 2381 - Treason 4 • § 2382 - Misprision of treason 5 • § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection 6 • § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy 7 • § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government 8 • § 2386 - Registration of certain organizations 9 • § 2387 - Activities affecting armed forces generally 10 • § 2388 - Activities affecting armed forces during war 11 • § 2389 - Recruiting for service against United States 12 • § 2390 - Enlistment to serve against United States 13 • § 2391 - Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 14 108 Stat. 2142] 15 (see: Exhibit K - United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text) 16 Failure To Notify & Inform Federal Authorities 17 Upon information and belief, Arizona’s Elected Servants, and Attorneys (allegedly) 18 representing The State of Arizona, have failed / refused to inform, advise, and/or contact any 19 United States Federal Government Agency, including but not limited to: 20 ( a. ) The Department of Justice; 21 ( b. ) The Federal Elections Commission; 22 ( c. ) United States President Donald Trump; 23 ( d. ) The Federal Courts, and//or Judges / Justices of same. 24 concerning John McCain’s wrongful / illegal conduct. 25 Rather, Arizona’s (FAKE) Attorneys’ General Mark Brnovich, Esq. (A Person Of Unsound 26 Mind) has chosen to (wrongfully / illegally) employ Arizona’s Office of Attorneys’ General as a 27 means to receive dismissal of Contestant Anthony Camboni’s CONTEST of Election / Amended 28 CONTEST of Election.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 13 1 Mark Brnovich & John McCain - Conflict Of Interest(s) 2 Arizona’s (FAKE) Attorneys’ General - Mark Brnovich, Esq. (A Person Of Unsound 3 Mind) has failed / refused to act. The aforementioned failure / refusal to act results from “conflict 4 of interest(s)”. 5 Contestant, Anthony Camboni, hereby, provides the Court, and Attorneys representing 6 The State of Arizona, with information / evidence, concerning the aforementioned “conflict of 7 interest(s)”. Contestant, Anthony Camboni, does so, as an Act of Good Faith & Goodwill. 8 (see: Exhibit G - VIDEO - Mark Brnovich Endorses John McCain) 9 (see: Exhibit H - Mark Brnovich Endorses John McCain - Team McCain) 10 (see: Exhibit I - John McCain Records Radio Ad For Mark Brnovich) 11 ------12 John McCain - Perjury - False Swearing - ARS 13-2702 / ARS 13-2703 13 John McCain swore an oath of support for The Constitution of The State of Arizona. John 14 McCain violated his sworn oath. John McCain “perjured his sworn oath”. Same constitutes “Perjury” 15 / “False Swearing”. In support of the aforementioned, Anthony Camboni provides the following: 16 Arizona Revised Statutes 17 13-2702. Perjury; classification 18 A. A person commits perjury by making either:

19 1. A false sworn statement in regard to a material issue, believing it to be false. 2. A false unsworn declaration, certificate, verification or statement in regard 20 to a material issue that the 21 person subscribes as true under penalty of perjury, believing it to be false.

22 B. Perjury is a class 4 felony. ------23 Arizona Revised Statutes 24 13-2703. False swearing; classification 25 A. A person commits false swearing by making a false sworn statement,

26 believing it to be false. B. False swearing is a class 6 felony. 27 ------28

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 14 1 John McCain - Unsworn Falsification - ARS 13-2704 2 Upon information and belief, John McCain has engaged in conduct, which violates ARS 3 13-2704. Unsworn falsification. In support of the aforementioned, Anthony Camboni provides 4 the following:

5 Arizona Revised Statutes 6 13-2704. Unsworn falsification; classification 7 A. A person commits unsworn falsification by knowingly: 1. Making any statement that he believes to be false, in regard to a material issue, to a 8 public servant in connection with an application for any benefit, privilege or license. 9 2. Making any statement that he believes to be false in regard to a material issue to a 10 public servant in connection with any official proceeding as defined in section 13-2801. B. Unsworn falsification pursuant to paragraph 1, subsection A, is a class 2 11 misdemeanor. Unsworn falsification pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 2 is a class 1 12 misdemeanor. 13 ------14 John McCain - Perjury By Inconsistent Statements - ARS 13-2705 15 Upon information and belief, John McCain has engaged in conduct, which violates 16 ARS 13-2705. Perjury by inconsistent statements. In support of the aforementioned, Anthony 17 Camboni provides the following: 18 ------19 Arizona Revised Statutes 13-2705. Perjury by inconsistent statements 20 When a person has made inconsistent statements under oath, both having been made 21 within the period of the statute of limitations, the prosecution may proceed by setting 22 forth the inconsistent statements in a single charge alleging in the alternative that one or the other was false and not believed by the defendant. In such case it shall not be 23 necessary for the prosecution to prove which statement was false but only that one or 24 the other was false and not believed by the defendant to be true. 25 ------26 Sufficient Grounds For A Hearing 27 Based upon the aforementioned, this Court should conduct a hearing, concerning conflicts 28 of interest(s), and the questionable relationship between:

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 15 1 ( a. ) Arizona’s (FAKE) United States Senator John McCain (A Person of Questionable

2 Sanity).

3 ( b. ) Arizona’s (FAKE) Attorneys’ General - Mark Brnovich, Esq. (A Person Of

4 Unsound Mind); (see: Exhibit J - VIDEO - Russian President Putin - McCain - Crazy) 5 IV. RESPECTFUL DEMAND 6 Contestant Anthony Camboni, respectfully demands this Court: 7 ( a. ) Set a time for a hearing, concerning facts, claims, evidence, and testimony, as set 8 forth in Contestant’s Advise To Court; 9 ( b. ) Issue an ORDER compelling Contestee John McCain to appear personally (in 10 person) at the respectfully demanded hearing; 11 ( c. ) Issue an ORDER compelling Contestee John McCain to answer questions, 12 concerning facts, claims, evidence, and testimony, as set forth in Contestant Anthony

13 Camboni’s Respectful Advise To Court.

14 In addition, Contestant Anthony Camboni, respectfully demands this Court issue an

15 ORDER compelling: ( a. ) The State of Arizona; 16 ( b. ) Arizona Governor Doug Ducey; 17 ( c. ) Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan; 18 ( d. ) Arizona’s (FAKE) Attorneys’ General - Mark Brnovich, Esq. (A Person Of 19 Unsound Mind); 20 ( e. ) Cindy McCain (Spouse of Contestee John McCain).. 21 to appear personally (in person) at the respectfully demanded hearing. Contestant Anthony 22 Camboni respectfully demands the aforementioned be compelled to answer questions, concerning 23 facts, claims, evidence, and testimony, set forth in Contestant Anthony Camboni’s Respectful

24 Advise To Court, and Contest / Amended Contest of Election..


26 Respectfully filed,

27 ______, ______, ______28 Anthony Camboni Date

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 16 Exhibits

1 Exhibit A. - VIDEO - Fox News Sean Hannity 09/15/14 - Posted By AntiMedia File Name: 2 Exhibit B. - McCain Dismisses Rand Paul on Hannity: ‘Has He Ever Been to Syria? - Two (2) Pages 3 File Name: ac_v_mccain_articles_treason_ex_2_mediate_hannity1.tiff File Name: ac_v_mccain_articles_treason_ex_2_mediate_hannity2.tiff 4

5 Exhibit C - VIDEO - Dick Gregory - John McCain - Firing Squad File Name: 6 Exhibit D - Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms - Three (3) Pages 7 File Name: ac_v_mccain_articles_treason_ex_3_veterans_today_text_01.rtf

8 Exhibit E - John McCain A War Criminal, Not A War Hero - Three (3) Pages File Name: ac_v_mccain_no_not_hero_war_criminal_text.rtf 9 Exhibit F - John McCain And The POW Cover-Up - Twelve (12) Pages 10 Exhibit G - VIDEO -Mark Brnovich Endorses John McCain 11 File Name: 12 Exhibit H - Mark Brnovich Endorses John McCain - Team McCain 13 File Name: ac_v_mccain_brno_endorses_mccain_01.tiff

14 Exhibit I - John McCain Records Radio Ad For Mark Brnovich File Name: ac_v_mccain_mccain_endorse_brno_1.tiff 15 Exhibit J - VIDEO - Russian President Putin - McCain - Crazy 16 File Name: 17 Exhibit K - United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text) 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 18 Exhibit L 19 John McCain - A Traitor Who Turned Against His Own Country - Seven (7) Pages 20 File Name: ac_v_mccain_articles_treason_ex_3_oath_keepers_grab_01.tiff File Name: ac_v_mccain_articles_treason_ex_3_oath_keepers_text_01.rtf 21 Exhibit M - John McCain Calls His Wife A C**T - Four (4) Pages) 22 Exhibit N - VIDEO - Fox News - McCain “New World Order” 23 Exhibit O - Piercing The Corporate Veil 24 Exhibit P - McCain Institute Caught Stealing Millions In Child Trafficking Donations - Two (2) Pages 25 Exhibit Q - McCain’s Campaign Manager Arrested - Child Molester - Three (3) Pages 26

27 Exhibit R - McCain’s Campaign Manager Arrested - Child Molester - Two (2) Pages


Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 17 Exhibit A Fox News Sean Hannity 09/15/14 - Video - Posted By AntiMedia




4 Exhibit A - FOX NEWS VIDEO - Included On Enclosed COMPACT DISC 5

6 McCain - ISIS - Hannity

7 File Name: 8





















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 18 Exhibit B McCain Dismisses Rand Paul on Hannity: ‘Has He Ever Been to Syria? - Page 1 of 2





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 19 Exhibit B McCain Dismisses Rand Paul on Hannity: ‘Has He Ever Been to Syria? - Page 2 of 2





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 20 Exhibit C Dick Gregory - John McCain - Firing Squad






6 Exhibit C - VIDEO - Included On Enclosed COMPACT DISC 7

8 Dick Gregory - John McCain - Firing Squad 9

10 File Name: 11


















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 21 Exhibit D Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms - Page 1 of 3















15 File Name: ac_v_mccain_articles_treason_ex_3_veterans_today_text_01.rtf

16 Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms 17 SOURCE: 18 By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 20, 2015 19 The Donald Doubles Down on His “McCain Not a War Hero” Statements 20

21 Over the weekend, “the Donald” backed down on his attacks on McCain, calling “ John” a “war hero.” 22 However, Donald is not going to be able to close the can of worms he opened. Today, 23 McCain is trying to wrap himself in the POW fl ag for cover. POWs had never been rock star heroes before, quite the opposite. These are people who surrendered to the enemy, people 24 suspected of collaboration and worse. With Korea, POWs became the shame of America 25 with many “brainwashed” into following communist doctrines. American POWs from Vietnam were the bloody fl ag Richard Nixon wrapped himself in, on 26 the advice of Henry Kissinger, part of a ploy to divert attention from his endless personal fail- 27 ings which included his agreement with North Vietnam that let them keep and later execute hundreds of American POWs. 1205 American POWs were kept by North Vietnam according 28 to records recovered at the end of the Cold War. President’s Clinton and Yeltsin instituted a search of Russia’s gulags looking for their remains with no success. In 1993, armed with testimony from a former high ranking Czech security offi cial, I proposed a systematic search

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 22 Exhibit D Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms - Page 2 of 3


2 of archives in Prague that recorded the fate of 200 missing US POWs from Vietnam but was blocked by Senator John McCain. 3 33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs. 4 McCain was on the list of the 33, in fact at the head of it. Here are the facts as we know them: 5 • According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, 6 McCain collaborated with the enemy. • McCain is accused of giving information that led to the downing of 60 US 7 aircraft 8 • McCain is accused of training North Vietnamese air defense personnel • McCain is accused of making over 30 propaganda broadcasts against the US, 9 broadcasts he moved to have classified when he was elected to the senate

10 These 4 accusations are the only real and supportable accusations against McCain. The evi- dence for these acts exists and is substantial. What is stranger still is McCain’s longtime war 11 against veterans, other POWs and their families. When John was a bit younger and better capable of looking after himself, he was often both verbally and physically abusive to POW 12 families, POW activists and veterans. We hear nothing of these brutal outbursts of McCain’s 13 though they continue to this day, now taken as the ravings of a mental defective. The door Donald opened should be kept open. We need to examine the POW phenomenon. 14 After Vietnam, we allowed Nixon to glorify POWs while abandoning hundreds. The facts 15 came to light during the late 1990s when tapes of conversations between Nixon and Kiss- inger were made public, for moments, with Kissinger admitting that American POWS held 16 outside North Vietnam, in Laos, Cambodia and the South, were purposefully not included in 17 the agreements, a number Kissinger put at over 200. These tapes were cleaned from the media and are not available to even researchers, were 18 such interested parties to exist, which they do not.

19 Vietnam was a useless war. I served in Vietnam as a Marine combat infantryman and know the war well close up. 20 Those of us that served felt abused and exploited and suffered far worse at the hands of Nixon and subsequent leaders who backed away from those of us who served as honorably 21 as possible while engaging in a nutty frenzy of POW worship. 22 Trump is right, those who surrender are generally not heroes. Some were however, like Ted Guy, a man taken on the ground fighting, killing 4 of his captors. 23 Guy, however, is only one of many thousands, many many thousands, from Vietnam that 24 should have received some aspect of recognition in a war where many more thousands lived like gods. Vietnam was a scam, drugs, prostitution, black market, the best food and hottest 25 parties in the world for many who came home from the war with medals on their chests for 26 doing nothing whatsoever. I might add, the Saigon press club war correspondents were the worst of all, living like kings 27 on little boys and little girls while being occasionally flown for “10 minutes of war” with

28 a general, then back to the clubs and brothels. They all should have been locked in FEMA camps, were such things to exist. As for the Donald, he should demand that, minimally, the American public be able to hear

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1 McCain’s broadcasts and see the records of his debriefing and read the statements made against him by other POWs, including and especially Colonel Ted Guy. 2 This man, if you wish to call him that, “McCain” has been allowed to destroy America’s secu- 3 rity for two generations, along with friends like “light loafer Lindsey” Graham and others. In one instance alone, the F35, McCain has personally destroyed America’s defense capabilities 4 for 25 years. This is his plane, his project, his monstrosity. 5 There hasn’t been a defense scam in decades that hasn’t had his hand prints on it. Time for Trump to get serious and show some backbone. McCain is a hard target, time for Trump to stop 6 bashing the easy guys and take this one on. 7






















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24 Presidential candidate Donald Trump has generated a lot of press, and criticism from other 25 candidates, for his claim that Senator John McCain was not a “war hero.” As it happens, Trump was partially right, but he didn’t go far enough. Not only is John McCain not a war 26 hero, he is in fact a war criminal. Most people know that McCain was a pilot during the , and that he was shot 27 down over North Vietnam and spent five years as a POW. What is less well known is the 28 story of how he was shot down, a story that has only rarely surfaced in the media. The last

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1 time it appeared in the U.S. press, as far as I can tell, was during the 2000 primary campaign. Here’s an excerpt [emphasis added]: 2

3 ------On that gray morning more than 32 years ago, McCain was knocked 4 unconscious briefly when he ejected from his damaged bomber. Both his 5 arms were broken, his right knee was shattered, and when he splashed into the middle of Truc Bach (White Silk) Lake, his 50 pounds of flight gear 6 kept him from reaching the surface. 7 When Mai Van On finally got to him, about 200 yards out, all the older man could see was a bit of white silk, the top of the American’s parachute. 8 With U.S. planes still bombing and strafing their target of the day—a 9 nearby light-bulb factory where On worked as a security guard—On used a stout bamboo pole to hoist McCain off the bottom of the lake. 10 “If I had hesitated even one more minute, I’m sure he would have died,” said On, still vigorous at 83 and still living in the same spot on the 11 southern edge of the lake in the heart of downtown Hanoi. 12 “John McCain was lucky that morning,” On said. “It was about 11 a.m. I had just come home for lunch and put my bicycle into the house. Then 13 the air-raid siren went off, and 60 or 70 of us ran to a tunnel to avoid the 14 bombs. I was at the entrance to the tunnel when I saw the pilot go into the water. 15 “The tunnel was still shaking from the bombing when I ran to the lake.” 16 ------The only hero that day was Mai Van On, not John McCain. 17 As I wrote back in 2005: 18 Bombing a light-bulb factory, a civilian target, is a war crime. McCain, obviously, didn’t select the target, he was just following orders, but that doesn’t exonerate him 19 any more than any other soldier who follows an illegal order. According to Amnesty International this particular violation of the Geneva Convention (bombing civilian 20 targets) is actually official U.S. military doctrine: 21 ------“Military advantage may involve a variety of considerations, including 22 the security of the attacking force. ... Economic targets of the enemy that 23 indirectly but effectively support and sustain the enemy’s war-fighting capability may also be attacked.” 24 “War is a clash of opposing wills. ... While physical factors are crucial in 25 war, the national will and the leadership’s will are also critical components of war. The will to prosecute or the will to resist can be decisive elements. 26 ... Strategic attack objectives often include producing effects to demoralize 27 the enemy’s leadership, military forces, and population, thus affecting the adversary’s capability to continue the conflict.” 28 ------

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1 Both of these statements, taken from different U.S. military manuals and documents, represent direct violations of the Geneva Convention (and, it should be noted, well before the advent of 2 George W. Bush). 3 But McCain didn’t just carry out such illegal orders himself, he willingly voiced support for them, specifically during the 1999 war against Yugoslavia when “water systems, power and 4 heating plants, hospitals, universities, schools, apartment complexes, senior citizens’ homes, 5 bridges, factories, trains, buses, radio and TV stations, the telephone system, oil refineries, em- bassies, marketplaces and more were deliberately destroyed by U.S./NATO planes in a ruthless 6 10-week bombing campaign.” 7 For reference, here is Article 54 of the Geneva convention: ------8 “It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects 9 indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies, and irrigation 10 works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse Party, whatever the motive, 11 whether in order to starve out civilians, to cause them to move away, or for 12 any other motive.”

13 ------14 McCain, and the entire U.S. political and military establishment, also supported the wholesale 15 bombing of Iraq’s water purification plants during the first Gulf War. And this was no ordinary 16 war crime, it was a planned genocide. Documents released in 2000 revealed that the U.S. had studied in detail all aspects of Iraq’s water system, had planned a strategy for preventing Iraq 17 from reconstructing that system (via sanctions), and knew in advance that “this could lead to 18 increased incidences, if not epidemics of disease.” Indeed it did, with more than half a million Iraqi children dead as a result, one of the greatest war crimes in history, carried out by the next 19 generation of U.S. pilots who followed John McCain, and with John McCain’s full-throated support. 20 John McCain—war criminal then, war criminal now, war criminal forever. To be clear, he is 21 far from the only one currently, or previously, serving in the U.S. government or U.S. military. But, at the moment, he is the only one for whom the entire ruling class, with the lone exception 22 of Donald Trump, is rushing to assure the American public that he was a war hero, before the 23 truth gets more closely examined.






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15 McCain and the POW Cover-Up 16 The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam. By Sydney Schanberg • July 1, 2010 17 SOURCE: 18

19 Eighteen months ago, TAC publisher Ron Unz discovered an astonishing account of the role the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, had played in suppressing information about what happened to 20 American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam. Below, we present in full Sydney Schanberg’s explosive story.

21 John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, 22 worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into 23 federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classifi ed 24 documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books. 25 Almost as striking is the manner in which the mainstream press has shied from reporting the POW story 26 and McCain’s role in it, even as the Republican Party has made McCain’s military service the focus of his presidential campaign. Reporters who had covered the Vietnam War turned their heads and walked in other 27 directions. McCain doesn’t talk about the missing men, and the press never asks him about them.

28 The sum of the secrets McCain has sought to hide is not small. There exists a telling mass of offi cial documents, radio intercepts, witness depositions, satellite photos of rescue symbols that pilots were trained to use, electronic messages from the ground containing the individual code numbers given to airmen, a rescue mission by a special forces unit that was aborted twice by Washington—and even sworn testimony by two Defense secretaries that Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 28 Exhibit F John McCain And The POW Cover-Up - Page 2 of 12

1 “men were left behind.” This imposing body of evidence suggests that a large number—the documents indicate probably hundreds—of the U.S. prisoners held by Vietnam were not returned when the peace treaty was signed in 2 January 1973 and Hanoi released 591 men, among them Navy combat pilot John S. McCain.

3 Mass of Evidence

4 The Pentagon had been withholding signifi cant information from POW families for years. What’s more, the Pentagon’s POW/MIA operation had been publicly shamed by internal whistleblowers and POW families for 5 holding back documents as part of a policy of “debunking” POW intelligence even when the information was 6 obviously credible.

7 The pressure from the families and Vietnam veterans fi nally forced the creation, in late 1991, of a Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs. The chairman was John Kerry. McCain, as a former POW, was its most pivotal 8 member. In the end, the committee became part of the debunking machine.

9 One of the sharpest critics of the Pentagon’s performance was an insider, Air Force Lt. Gen. Eugene Tighe, who headed the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) during the 1970s. He openly challenged the Pentagon’s position that 10 no live prisoners existed, saying that the evidence proved otherwise. McCain was a bitter opponent of Tighe, who was eventually pushed into retirement. 11 Included in the evidence that McCain and his government allies suppressed or sought to discredit is a transcript of 12 a senior North Vietnamese general’s briefi ng of the Hanoi politburo, discovered in Soviet archives by an American 13 scholar in 1993. The briefi ng took place only four months before the 1973 peace accords. The general, Tran Van Quang, told the politburo members that Hanoi was holding 1,205 American prisoners but would keep many of them 14 at war’s end as leverage to ensure getting war reparations from Washington.

15 Throughout the Paris negotiations, the North Vietnamese tied the prisoner issue tightly to the issue of reparations. They were adamant in refusing to deal with them separately. Finally, in a Feb. 2, 1973 formal letter to Hanoi’s 16 premier, Pham Van Dong, Nixon pledged $3.25 billion in “postwar reconstruction” aid “without any political conditions.” But he also attached to the letter a codicil that said the aid would be implemented by each party “in 17 accordance with its own constitutional provisions.” That meant Congress would have to approve the appropriation, and Nixon and Kissinger knew well that Congress was in no mood to do so. The North Vietnamese, whether or not 18 they immediately understood the double-talk in the letter, remained skeptical about the reparations promise being honored—and it never was. Hanoi thus appears to have held back prisoners—just as it had done when the French 19 were defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and withdrew their forces from Vietnam. In that case, France paid ransoms for prisoners and brought them home. 20

21 In a private briefi ng in 1992, high-level CIA offi cials told me that as the years passed and the ransom never came, it became more and more diffi cult for either government to admit that it knew from the start about the 22 unacknowledged prisoners. Those prisoners had not only become useless as bargaining chips but also posed a risk to Hanoi’s desire to be accepted into the international community. The CIA offi cials said their intelligence indicated 23 strongly that the remaining men—those who had not died from illness or hard labor or torture—were eventually executed. 24 My own research, detailed below, has convinced me that it is not likely that more than a few—if any—are alive in 25 captivity today. (That CIA briefi ng at the Agency’s Langley, , headquarters was conducted “off the record,” but because the evidence from my own reporting since then has brought me to the same conclusion, I felt there was 26 no longer any point in not writing about the meeting.) 27 For many reasons, including the absence of a political constituency for the missing men other than their families 28 and some veterans’ groups, very few Americans are aware of the POW story and of McCain’s role in keeping it out of public view and denying the existence of abandoned POWs. That is because McCain has hardly been alone in his campaign to hide the scandal.

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1 The Arizona senator, now the Republican candidate for president, has actually been following the lead of every 2 White House since Richard Nixon’s, and thus of every CIA director, Pentagon chief, and national security adviser, not to mention Dick Cheney, who was George H.W. Bush’s Defense secretary. Their biggest accomplice has been 3 an indolent press, particularly in Washington.

4 McCain’s Role 5 An early and critical McCain secrecy move involved 1990 legislation that started in the House of Representatives. 6 A brief and simple document, it was called “the Truth Bill” and would have compelled complete transparency about prisoners and missing men. Its core sentence reads: “[The] head of each department or agency which holds 7 or receives any records and information, including live-sighting reports, which have been correlated or possibly correlated to United States personnel listed as or missing in action from World War II, the Korean 8 conflict and the Vietnam conflict, shall make available to the public all such records held or received by that department or agency.” 9 Bitterly opposed by the Pentagon (and thus McCain), the bill went nowhere. Reintroduced the following year, 10 it again disappeared. But a few months later, a new measure, known as “the McCain Bill,”suddenly appeared. By creating a bureaucratic maze from which only a fraction of the documents could emerge—only records that 11 revealed no POW secrets—it turned the Truth Bill on its head. The McCain bill became law in 1991 and remains so today. So crushing to transparency are its provisions that it actually spells out for the Pentagon and other agencies 12 several rationales, scenarios, and justifications for not releasing any information at all—even about prisoners 13 discovered alive in captivity. Later that year, the Senate Select Committee was created, where Kerry and McCain ultimately worked together to bury evidence. 14 McCain was also instrumental in amending the Missing Service Personnel Act, which had been strengthened in 15 1995 by POW advocates to include criminal penalties, saying, “Any government official who knowingly and willfully withholds from the file of a missing person any information relating to the disappearance or whereabouts 16 and status of a missing person shall be fined as provided in Title 18 or imprisoned not more than one year or both.” A year later, in a closed House-Senate conference on an unrelated military bill, McCain, at the behest of 17 the Pentagon, attached a crippling amendment to the act, stripping out its only enforcement teeth, the criminal penalties, and reducing the obligations of commanders in the field to speedily search for missing men and to report 18 the incidents to the Pentagon.

19 About the relaxation of POW/MIA obligations on commanders in the field, a public McCain memo said, “This transfers the bureaucracy involved out of the [battle] field to Washington.” He wrote that the original legislation, if 20 left intact, “would accomplish nothing but create new jobs for lawyers and turn military commanders into clerks.” 21 McCain argued that keeping the criminal penalties would have made it impossible for the Pentagon to find staffers 22 willing to work on POW/MIA matters. That’s an odd argument to make. Were staffers only “willing to work” if they were allowed to conceal POW records? By eviscerating the law, McCain gave his stamp of approval to the 23 government policy of debunking the existence of live POWs.

24 McCain has insisted again and again that all the evidence—documents, witnesses, satellite photos, two Pentagon chiefs’ sworn testimony, aborted rescue missions, ransom offers apparently scorned—has been woven together 25 by unscrupulous deceivers to create an insidious and unpatriotic myth. He calls it the “bizarre rantings of the MIA hobbyists.” He has regularly vilified those who keep trying to pry out classified documents as “hoaxers,” 26 “charlatans,” “conspiracy theorists,” and “dime-store Rambos.” 27 Some of McCain’s fellow captives at Hoa Lo prison in Hanoi didn’t share his views about prisoners left behind. 28 Before he died of leukemia in 1999, retired Col. Ted Guy, a highly admired POW and one of the most dogged resisters in the camps, wrote an angry open letter to the senator in an MIA newsletter—a response to McCain’s stream of insults hurled at MIA activists. Guy wrote, “John, does this [the insults] include Senator Bob Smith [a

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1 New Hampshire Republican and activist on POW issues] and other concerned elected officials? Does this include the families of the missing where there is overwhelming evidence that their loved ones were ‘last known alive’? 2 Does this include some of your fellow POWs?”

3 It’s not clear whether the taped confession McCain gave to his captors to avoid further torture has played a role in his postwar behavior in the Senate. That confession was played endlessly over the prison loudspeaker system 4 at Hoa Lo—to try to break down other prisoners—and was broadcast over Hanoi’s state radio. Reportedly, he confessed to being a war criminal who had bombed civilian targets. The Pentagon has a copy of the confession but 5 will not release it. Also, no outsider I know of has ever seen a non-redacted copy of the debriefing of McCain when 6 he returned from captivity, which is classified but could be made public by McCain.

7 All humans have breaking points. Many men undergoing torture give confessions, often telling huge lies so their fakery will be understood by their comrades and their country. Few will fault them. But it was McCain who 8 apparently felt he had disgraced himself and his military family. His father, John S. McCain II, was a highly regarded rear admiral then serving as commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific. His grandfather was also a rear 9 admiral.

10 In his bestselling 1999 autobiography, , McCain says he felt bad throughout his captivity because he knew he was being treated more leniently than his fellow POWs, owing to his high-ranking father and 11 thus his propaganda value. Other prisoners at Hoa Lo say his captors considered him a prize catch and called him the “Crown Prince,” something McCain acknowledges in the book. 12

13 Also in this memoir, McCain expresses guilt at having broken under torture and given the confession. “I felt faithless and couldn’t control my despair,” he writes, revealing that he made two “feeble” attempts at suicide. (In 14 later years, he said he tried to hang himself with his shirt and guards intervened.) Tellingly, he says he lived in “dread” that his father would find out about the confession. “I still wince,” he writes, “when I recall wondering if 15 my father had heard of my disgrace.”

16 He says that when he returned home, he told his father about the confession, but “never discussed it at length”— and the admiral, who died in 1981, didn’t indicate he had heard anything about it before. But he had. In the 1999 17 memoir, the senator writes, “I only recently learned that the tape ... had been broadcast outside the prison and had come to the attention of my father.” 18 Is McCain haunted by these memories? Does he suppress POW information because its surfacing would rekindle 19 his feelings of shame? On this subject, all I have are questions. 20 Many stories have been written about McCain’s explosive temper, so volcanic that colleagues are loath to speak 21 openly about it. One veteran congressman who has observed him over the years asked for confidentiality and made this brief comment: “This is a man not at peace with himself.” 22 He was certainly far from calm on the Senate POW committee. He browbeat expert witnesses who came with 23 information about unreturned POWs. Family members who have personally faced McCain and pressed him to end the secrecy also have been treated to his legendary temper. He has screamed at them, insulted them, brought 24 women to tears. Mostly his responses to them have been versions of: How dare you question my patriotism? In 1996, he roughly pushed aside a group of POW family members who had waited outside a hearing room to appeal 25 to him, including a mother in a wheelchair.

26 But even without answers to what may be hidden in the recesses of McCain’s mind, one thing about the POW story is clear: if American prisoners were dishonored by being written off and left to die, that’s something the American 27 public ought to know about. 28 10 Key Pieces of Evidence That Men Were Left Behind

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1 1. In Paris, where the Vietnam peace treaty was negotiated, the United States asked Hanoi for the list of American prisoners to be returned, fearing that Hanoi would hold some prisoners back. The North Vietnamese refused, saying 2 they would produce the list only after the treaty was signed. Nixon agreed with Kissinger that they had no leverage left, and Kissinger signed the accord on Jan. 27, 1973 without the prisoner list. When Hanoi produced its list of 591 3 prisoners the next day, U.S. intelligence agencies expressed shock at the low number. Their number was hundreds higher. published a long, page-one story on Feb. 2, 1973 about the discrepancy, especially 4 raising questions about the number of prisoners held in Laos, only nine of whom were being returned. The headline read, in part, “Laos POW List Shows 9 from U.S.—Document Disappointing to Washington as 311 Were Believed 5 Missing.” And the story, by John Finney, said that other Washington officials “believe the number of prisoners [in 6 Laos] is probably substantially higher.” The paper never followed up with any serious investigative reporting—nor did any other mainstream news organization. 7 2. Two Defense secretaries who served during the Vietnam War testified to the Senate POW committee in 8 September 1992 that prisoners were not returned. James Schlesinger and Melvin Laird, both speaking at a public session and under oath, said they based their conclusions on strong intelligence data—letters, eyewitness reports, 9 even direct radio contacts. Under questioning, Schlesinger chose his words carefully, understanding clearly the volatility of the issue: “I think that as of now that I can come to no other conclusion ... some were left behind.” 10 This ran counter to what President Nixon told the public in a nationally televised speech on March 29, 1973, when the repatriation of the 591 was in motion: “Tonight,” Nixon said, “the day we have all worked and prayed for has 11 finally come. For the first time in 12 years, no American military forces are in Vietnam. All our American POWs are on their way home.” Documents unearthed since then show that aides had already briefed Nixon about the 12 contrary evidence. 13 Schlesinger was asked by the Senate committee for his explanation of why President Nixon would have made such 14 a statement when he knew Hanoi was still holding prisoners. He replied, “One must assume that we had concluded that the bargaining position of the United States ... was quite weak. We were anxious to get our troops out and we 15 were not going to roil the waters...” This testimony struck me as a bombshell. The New York Times appropriately reported it on page one but again there was no sustained follow-up by the Times or any other major paper or 16 national news outlet.

17 3. Over the years, the DIA received more than 1,600 first-hand sightings of live American prisoners and nearly 14,000 second-hand reports. Many witnesses interrogated by CIA or Pentagon intelligence agents were deemed 18 “credible” in the agents’ reports. Some of the witnesses were given lie-detector tests and passed. Sources provided me with copies of these witness reports, which are impressive in their detail. A lot of the sightings described a 19 secondary tier of prison camps many miles from Hanoi. Yet the DIA, after reviewing all these reports, concluded that they “do not constitute evidence” that men were alive. 20

21 4. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, listening stations picked up messages in which Laotian military personnel spoke about moving American prisoners from one labor camp to another. These listening posts were manned by 22 Thai communications officers trained by the National Security Agency (NSA), which monitors signals worldwide. The NSA teams had moved out after the fall of Saigon in 1975 and passed the job to the Thai allies. But when the 23 Thais turned these messages over to Washington, the intelligence community ruled that since the intercepts were made by a “third party”—namely Thailand—they could not be regarded as authentic. That’s some Catch-22: the 24 U.S. trained a third party to take over its role in monitoring signals about POWs, but because that third party did the monitoring, the messages weren’t valid. 25 Here, from CIA files, is an example that clearly exposes the farce. On Dec. 27, 1980, a Thai military signal 26 team picked up a message saying that prisoners were being moved out of Attopeu (in southern Laos) by aircraft “at 1230 hours.” Three days later a message was sent from the CIA station in Bangkok to the CIA director’s 27 office in Langley. It read, in part: “The prisoners ... are now in the valley in permanent location (a prison camp 28 at Nhommarath in Central Laos). They were transferred from Attopeu to work in various places ... POWs were formerly kept in caves and are very thin, dark and starving.” Apparently the prisoners were real. But the transmission was declared “invalid” by Washington because the information came from a “third party” and thus

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1 could not be deemed credible.

2 5. A series of what appeared to be distress signals from Vietnam and Laos were captured by the government’s satellite system in the late 1980s and early ’90s. (Before that period, no search for such signals had been put in 3 place.) Not a single one of these markings was ever deemed credible. To the layman’s eye, the satellite photos, some of which I’ve seen, show markings on the ground that are identical to the signals that American pilots had 4 been specifically trained to use in their survival courses—such as certain letters, like X or K, drawn in a special way. Other markings were the secret four-digit authenticator numbers given to individual pilots. But time and 5 again, the Pentagon, backed by the CIA, insisted that humans had not made these markings. What were they, then? 6 “Shadows and vegetation,” the government said, insisting that the markings were merely normal topographical contours like saw-grass or rice-paddy divider walls. It was the automatic response—shadows and vegetation. On 7 one occasion, a Pentagon photo expert refused to go along. It was a missing man’s name gouged into a field, he said, not trampled grass or paddy berms. His bosses responded by bringing in an outside contractor who found 8 instead, yes, shadows and vegetation. This refrain led Bob Taylor, a highly regarded investigator on the Senate committee staff who had examined the photographic evidence, to comment to me: “If grass can spell out people’s 9 names and secret digit codes, then I have a newfound respect for grass.”

10 6. On Nov. 11, 1992, Dolores Alfond, the sister of missing airman Capt. Victor Apodaca and chair of the National Alliance of Families, an organization of relatives of POW/MIAs, testified at one of the Senate committee’s public 11 hearings. She asked for information about data the government had gathered from electronic devices used in a classified program known as PAVE SPIKE. 12

13 The devices were motion sensors, dropped by air, designed to pick up enemy troop movements. Shaped on one end like a spike with an electronic pod and antenna on top, they were designed to stick in the ground as they fell. Air 14 Force planes would drop them along the Ho Chi Minh trail and other supply routes. The devices, though primarily sensors, also had rescue capabilities. Someone on the ground—a downed airman or a prisoner on a labor gang 15 —could manually enter data into the sensor. All data were regularly collected electronically by U.S. planes flying overhead. Alfond stated, without any challenge or contradiction by the committee, that in 1974, a year after the 16 supposedly complete return of prisoners, the gathered data showed that a person or people had manually entered into the sensors—as U.S. pilots had been trained to do—no less than 20 authenticator numbers that corresponded 17 exactly to the classified authenticator numbers of 20 U.S. POWs who were lost in Laos. Alfond added, according to the transcript, “This PAVE SPIKE intelligence is seamless, but the committee has not discussed it or released what 18 it knows about PAVE SPIKE.”

19 McCain attended that committee hearing specifically to confront Alfond because of her criticism of the panel’s work. He bellowed and berated her for quite a while. His face turning anger-pink, he accused her of “denigrating” 20 his “patriotism.” The bullying had its effect—she began to cry. 21 After a pause Alfond recovered and tried to respond to his scorching tirade, but McCain simply turned away and 22 stormed out of the room. The PAVE SPIKE file has never been declassified. We still don’t know anything about those 20 POWs. 23 7. As previously mentioned, in April 1993 in a Moscow archive, a researcher from Harvard, Stephen Morris, 24 unearthed and made public the transcript of a briefing that General Tran Van Quang gave to the Hanoi politburo four months before the signing of the Paris peace accords in 1973. 25 In the transcript, General Quang told the Hanoi politburo that 1,205 U.S. prisoners were being held. Quang said 26 that many of the prisoners would be held back from Washington after the accords as bargaining chips for war reparations. General Quang’s report added: “This is a big number. Officially, until now, we published a list of only 27 368 prisoners of war. The rest we have not revealed. The government of the USA knows this well, but it does not 28 know the exact number ... and can only make guesses based on its losses. That is why we are keeping the number of prisoners of war secret, in accordance with the politburo’s instructions.” The report then went on to explain in clear and specific language that a large number would be kept back to ensure reparations.

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1 The reaction to the document was immediate. After two decades of denying it had kept any prisoners, Hanoi 2 responded to the revelation by calling the transcript a fabrication.

3 Similarly, Washington—which had over the same two decades refused to recant Nixon’s declaration that all the prisoners had been returned—also shifted into denial mode. The Pentagon issued a statement saying the document 4 “is replete with errors, omissions and propaganda that seriously damage its credibility,” and that the numbers were “inconsistent with our own accounting.” 5

6 Neither American nor Vietnamese officials offered any rationale for who would plant a forged document in the Soviet archives and why they would do so. Certainly neither Washington nor Moscow—closely allied with 7 Hanoi—would have any motive, since the contents were embarrassing to all parties, and since both the United States and Vietnam had consistently denied the existence of unreturned prisoners. The Russian archivists simply 8 said the document was “authentic.”

9 8. In his 2002 book, Inside Delta Force, retired Command Sgt. Maj. Eric Haney described how in 1981 his special forces unit, after rigorous training for a POW rescue mission, had the mission suddenly aborted, revived a year 10 later, and again abruptly aborted. Haney writes that this abandonment of captured soldiers ate at him for years and left him disillusioned about his government’s vows to leave no men behind. “Years later, I spoke at length with a 11 former highly placed member of the North Vietnamese diplomatic corps, and this person asked me point-blank: ‘Why did the Americans never attempt to recover their remaining POWs after the conclusion of the war?’” Haney 12 writes. He continued, saying that he came to believe senior government officials had called off those missions in 13 1981 and 1982. (His account is on pages 314 to 321 of my paperback copy of the book.)

14 9. There is also evidence that in the first months of Ronald Reagan’s presidency in 1981, the White House received a ransom proposal for a number of POWs being held by Hanoi in Indochina. The offer, which was passed to 15 Washington from an official of a third country, was apparently discussed at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room attended by Reagan, Vice President Bush, CIA director William Casey, and National Security Adviser Richard 16 Allen. Allen confirmed the offer in sworn testimony to the Senate POW committee on June 23, 1992.

17 Allen was allowed to testify behind closed doors and no information was released. But a Union-Tribune reporter, Robert Caldwell, obtained the portion relating to the ransom offer and reported on it. The ransom request 18 was for $4 billion, Allen testified. He said he told Reagan that “it would be worth the president’s going along and let’s have the negotiation.” When his testimony appeared in theUnion-Tribune, Allen quickly wrote a letter to the 19 panel, this time not under oath, recanting the ransom story and claiming his memory had played tricks on him. His new version was that some POW activists had asked him about such an offer in a meeting that took place in 1986, 20 when he was no longer in government. “It appears,” he said in the letter, “that there never was a 1981 meeting 21 about the return of POW/MIAs for $4 billion.”

22 But the episode didn’t end there. A Treasury agent on Secret Service duty in the White House, John Syphrit, came forward to say he had overheard part of the ransom conversation in the Roosevelt Room in 1981, when the offer 23 was discussed by Reagan, Bush, Casey, Allen, and other cabinet officials.

24 Syphrit, a veteran of the Vietnam War, told the committee he was willing to testify, but they would have to subpoena him. Treasury opposed his appearance, arguing that voluntary testimony would violate the trust between 25 the Secret Service and those it protects. It was clear that coming in on his own could cost Syphrit his career. The committee voted 7 to 4 not to subpoena him. 26 In the committee’s final report, dated Jan. 13, 1993 (on page 284), the panel not only chastised Syphrit for his 27 failure to testify without a subpoena (“The committee regrets that the Secret Service agent was unwilling ...”), but 28 noted that since Allen had recanted his testimony about the Roosevelt Room briefing, Syphrit’s testimony would have been “at best, uncorroborated by the testimony of any other witness.” The committee omitted any mention that it had made a decision not to ask the other two surviving witnesses, Bush and Reagan, to give testimony under oath. (Casey had died.)

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1 10. In 1990, Col. Millard Peck, a decorated infantry veteran of Vietnam then working at the DIA as chief of the 2 Asia Division for Current Intelligence, asked for the job of chief of the DIA’s Special Office for Prisoners of War and Missing in Action. His reason for seeking the transfer, which was not a promotion, was that he had heard from 3 officials throughout the Pentagon that the POW/MIA office had been turned into a waste-disposal unit for getting rid of unwanted evidence about live prisoners—a “black hole,” these officials called it. 4 Peck explained all this in his telling resignation letter of Feb. 12, 1991, eight months after he had taken the job. He 5 said he viewed it as “sort of a holy crusade” to restore the integrity of the office but was defeated by the Pentagon 6 machine. The four-page, single-spaced letter was scathing, describing the putative search for missing men as “a cover-up.” 7 Peck charged that, at its top echelons, the Pentagon had embraced a “mind-set to debunk” all evidence of prisoners 8 left behind. “That national leaders continue to address the prisoner of war and missing in action issue as the ‘highest national priority,’ is a travesty,” he wrote. “The entire charade does not appear to be an honest effort, and 9 may never have been. ... Practically all analysis is directed to finding fault with the source. Rarely has there been any effective, active follow through on any of the sightings, nor is there a responsive ‘action arm’ to routinely and 10 aggressively pursue leads.”

11 “I became painfully aware,” his letter continued, “that I was not really in charge of my own office, but was merely a figurehead or whipping boy for a larger and totally Machiavellian group of players outside of DIA ... I feel 12 strongly that this issue is being manipulated and controlled at a higher level, not with the goal of resolving it, but 13 more to obfuscate the question of live prisoners and give the illusion of progress through hyperactivity.” He named no names but said these players are “unscrupulous people in the Government or associated with the Government” 14 who “have maintained their distance and remained hidden in the shadows, while using the [POW] Office as a ‘toxic waste dump’ to bury the whole ‘mess’ out of sight.” Peck added that “military officers ... who in some manner have 15 ‘rocked the boat’ [have] quickly come to grief.”

16 Peck concluded, “From what I have witnessed, it appears that any soldier left in Vietnam, even inadvertently, was, in fact, abandoned years ago, and that the farce that is being played is no more than political legerdemain done with 17 ‘smoke and mirrors’ to stall the issue until it dies a natural death.”

18 The disillusioned colonel not only resigned but asked to be retired immediately from active military service. The press never followed up. 19 My Pursuit of the Story 20

21 I covered the war in Cambodia and Vietnam, but came to the POW information only slowly afterward, when military officers I knew from that conflict began coming to me with maps and POW sightings and depositions by 22 Vietnamese witnesses.

23 I was then city editor of the New York Times, no longer involved in foreign or national stories, so I took the data to the appropriate desks and suggested it was material worth pursuing. There were no takers. Some years later, in 24 1991, when I was an op-ed columnist at Newsday, the aforementioned special Senate committee was formed to probe the POW issue. I saw this as an opening and immersed myself in the reporting. 25 At Newsday, I wrote 36 columns over a two-year period, as well as a four-part series on a trip I took to North 26 Vietnam to report on what happened to one missing pilot who was shot down over the Ho Chi Minh trail and captured when he parachuted down. After Newsday, I wrote thousands more words on the subject for other outlets. 27 Some of the pieces were about McCain’s key role. 28 Though I wrote on many subjects for Life, Vanity Fair, and Washington Monthly, my POW articles appeared in Penthouse, the Village Voice, and Mainstream publications just weren’t interested. Their disinterest

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1 was part of what motivated me, and I became one of a very short list of journalists who considered the story important. 2 Serving in the Army in Germany during the Cold War and witnessing combat firsthand as a reporter in India and 3 Indochina led me to have great respect for those who fight for their country. To my mind, we dishonored U.S. troops when our government failed to bring them home from Vietnam after the 591 others were released—and 4 then claimed they didn’t exist. And politicians dishonor themselves when they pay lip service to the bravery and sacrifice of soldiers only to leave untold numbers behind, rationalizing to themselves that it’s merely one of the 5 unfortunate costs of war. 6 John McCain—now campaigning for the White House as a war hero, maverick, and straight shooter—owes the 7 voters some explanations. The press were long ago wooed and won by McCain’s seeming openness, Lone pose, and self-deprecating humor, which may partly explain their ignoring his record on POWs. In the numerous, 8 lengthy McCain profiles that have appeared of late in papers like theNew York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, I may have missed a clause or a sentence along the way, but I have not found a single mention 9 of his role in burying information about POWs. Television and radio news programs have been similarly silent.

10 Reporters simply never ask him about it. They didn’t when he ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination in 2000. They haven’t now, despite the fact that we’re in the midst of another war—a war he supports and one that 11 has echoes of Vietnam. The only explanation McCain has ever offered for his leadership on legislation that seals POW files is that he believes the release of such information would only stir up fresh grief for the families of those 12 who were never accounted for in Vietnam. Of the scores of POW families I’ve met over the years, only a few have 13 said they want the books closed without knowing what happened to their men. All the rest say that not knowing is exactly what grieves them. 14 Isn’t it possible that what really worries those intent on keeping the POW documents buried is the public disgust 15 that the contents of those files would generate?

16 How the Senate Committee Perpetuated the Debunking

17 In its early months, the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs gave the appearance of being committed to finding out the truth about the MIAs. As time went on, however, it became clear that they were cooperating in every 18 way with the Pentagon and CIA, who often seemed to be calling the shots, even setting the agendas for certain key hearings. Both agencies held back the most important POW files. Dick Cheney was the Pentagon chief then; Robert 19 Gates, now the Pentagon chief, was the CIA director. 20 Further, the committee failed to question any living president. Reagan declined to answer questions; the committee 21 didn’t contest his refusal. Nixon was given a pass. George H.W. Bush, the sitting president, whose prints were all over this issue from his days as CIA chief in the 1970s, was never even approached. Troubled by these signs, 22 several committee staffers began asking why the agencies they should be probing had been turned into committee partners and decision makers. Memos to that effect were circulated. The staff made the following finding, using 23 intelligence reports marked “credible” that covered POW sightings through 1989: “There can be no doubt that POWs were alive ... as late as 1989.” That finding was never released. Eventually, much of the staff was in 24 rebellion.

25 This internecine struggle continued right up to the committee’s last official act—the issuance of its final report. The Executive Summary, which comprised the first 43 pages, was essentially a whitewash, saying that only “a small 26 number” of POWs could have been left behind in 1973 and that there was little likelihood that any prisoners could still be alive. The Washington press corps, judging from its coverage, seems to have read only this air-brushed 27 summary, which had been closely controlled. 28 But the rest of the 1,221-page Report on POW/MIAs was quite different. Sprinkled throughout are pieces of hard evidence that directly contradict the summary’s conclusions. This documentation established that a significant

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1 number of prisoners were left behind—and that top government officials knew this from the start. These candid findings were inserted by committee staffers who had unearthed the evidence and were determined not to allow the 2 truth to be sugar-coated.

3 If the Washington press corps did actually read the body of the report and then failed to report its contents, that would be a scandal of its own. The press would then have knowingly ignored the steady stream of findings in the 4 body of the report that refuted the summary and indicated that the number of abandoned men was not small but considerable. The report gave no figures but estimates from various branches of the intelligence community ranged 5 up to 600. The lowest estimate was 150. 6 Highlights of the report that undermine the benign conclusions of the Executive Summary: 7 • Pages 207-209: These three pages contain revelations of what appear to be either massive intelligence failures or 8 bad intentions—or both. The report says that until the committee brought up the subject in 1992, no branch of the intelligence community that dealt with analysis of satellite and lower-altitude photos had ever been informed of the 9 specific distress signals U.S. personnel were trained to use in the Vietnam War, nor had they ever been tasked to look for any such signals at all from possible prisoners on the ground. 10 The committee decided, however, not to seek a review of old photography, saying it “would cause the expenditure 11 of large amounts of manpower and money with no expectation of success.” It might also have turned up lots of distress-signal numbers that nobody in the government was looking for from 1973 to 1991, when the committee 12 opened shop. That would have made it impossible for the committee to write the Executive Summary it seemed 13 determined to write.

14 The failure gets worse. The committee also discovered that the DIA, which kept the lists of authenticator numbers for pilots and other personnel, could not “locate” the lists of these codes for Army, Navy, or Marine pilots. They 15 had lost or destroyed the records. The Air Force list was the only one intact, as it had been preserved by a different intelligence branch. 16 The report concluded, “In theory, therefore, if a POW still living in captivity [today], were to attempt to 17 communicate by ground signal, smuggling out a note or by whatever means possible, and he used his personal authenticator number to confirm his identity, the U.S. government would be unable to provide such confirmation, if 18 his number happened to be among those numbers DIA cannot locate.”

19 It’s worth remembering that throughout the period when this intelligence disaster occurred—from the moment the treaty was signed in 1973 until 1991—the White House told the public that it had given the search for POWs and 20 POW information the “highest national priority.” 21 • Page 13: Even in the Executive Summary, the report acknowledges the existence of clear intelligence, made 22 known to government officials early on, that important numbers of captured U.S. POWs were not on Hanoi’s repatriation list. After Hanoi released its list (showing only ten names from Laos—nine military men and one 23 civilian), President Nixon sent a message on Feb. 2, 1973 to Hanoi’s Prime Minister Pham Van Dong saying, “U.S. records show there are 317 American military men unaccounted for in Laos and it is inconceivable that only ten of 24 these men would be held prisoner in Laos.”

25 Nixon was right. It was inconceivable. Then why did the president, less than two months later, on March 29, 1973, announce on national television that “all of our American POWs are on their way home”? 26 On April 13, 1973, just after all 591 men on Hanoi’s official list had returned to American soil, the Pentagon got 27 into step with the president and announced that there was no evidence of any further live prisoners in Indochina 28 (this is on page 248).

• Page 91: A lengthy footnote provides more confirmation of the White House’s knowledge of abandoned POWs. The footnote reads, “In a telephone conversation with Select Committee Vice-Chairman Bob Smith on December

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1 29, 1992, Dr. Kissinger said that he had informed President Nixon during the 60-day period after the peace agreement was signed that U.S. intelligence officials believed that the list of prisoners captured in Laos was 2 incomplete. According to Dr. Kissinger, the President responded by directing that the exchange of prisoners on the lists go forward, but added that a failure to account for the additional prisoners after would 3 lead to a resumption of bombing. Dr. Kissinger said that the President was later unwilling to carry through on this threat.” 4 When Kissinger learned of the footnote while the final editing of the committee report was in progress,he and his 5 lawyers lobbied fiercely through two Republican allies on the panel—one of them was John McCain—to get the 6 footnote expunged. The effort failed. The footnote stayed intact.

7 • Pages 85-86: The committee report quotes Kissinger from his memoirs, writing solely in reference to prisoners in Laos: “We knew of at least 80 instances in which an American serviceman had been captured alive and 8 subsequently disappeared. The evidence consisted either of voice communications from the ground in advance of capture or photographs and names published by the Communists. Yet none of these men was on the list of POWs 9 handed over after the Agreement.”

10 Then why did he swear under oath to the committee in 1992 that he never had any information that specific, named soldiers were captured alive and hadn’t been returned by Vietnam? 11 • Page 89: In the middle of the prisoner repatriation and U.S. troop-withdrawal process agreed to in the treaty, when 12 it became clear that Hanoi was not releasing everyone it held, a furious chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. 13 Thomas Moorer, issued an order halting the troop withdrawal until Hanoi complied with the agreement. He cited in particular the known prisoners in Laos. The order was retracted by President Nixon the next day. In 1992, Moorer, 14 by then retired, testified under oath to the committee that his order had received the approval of the president, the national security adviser, and the secretary of Defense. Nixon, however, in a letter to the committee, wrote, “I do 15 not recall directing Admiral Moorer to send this cable.”

16 The report did not include the following information: behind closed doors, a senior intelligence officer had testified to the POW committee that when Moorer’s order was rescinded, the angry admiral sent a “back-channel” message 17 to other key military commanders telling them that Washington was abandoning known live prisoners. “Nixon and Kissinger are at it again,” he wrote. “SecDef and SecState have been cut out of the loop.” In 1973, the witness 18 was working in the office that processed this message. His name and his testimony are still classified. A source present for the testimony provided me with this information and also reported that in that same time period, Moorer 19 had stormed into Defense Secretary Schlesinger’s office and, pounding on his desk, yelled: “The bastards have still got our men.” Schlesinger, in his own testimony to the committee a few months later, was asked about—and 20 corroborated—this account. 21 • Pages 95-96: In early April 1973, Deputy Defense Secretary William Clements “summoned” Dr. Roger Shields, 22 then head of the Pentagon’s POW/MIA Task Force, to his office to work out “a new public formulation” of the POW issue; now that the White House had declared all prisoners to have been returned, a new spin was needed. 23 Shields, under oath, described the meeting to the committee. He said Clements told him, “All the American POWs are dead.” Shields said he replied: “You can’t say that.” Clements shot back: “You didn’t hear me. They are all 24 dead.” Shields testified that at that moment he thought he was going to be fired, but he escaped from his boss’s office still holding his job. 25 • Pages 97-98: A couple of days later, on April 11, 1973, a day before Shields was to hold a Pentagon press 26 conference on POWs, he and Gen. Brent Scowcroft, then the deputy national security adviser, went to the Oval Office to discuss the “new public formulation” and its presentation with President Nixon. 27

28 The next day, reporters right off asked Shields about missing POWs. Shields fudged his answers. He said, “We have no indications at this time that there are any Americans alive in Indochina.” But he went on to say that there had not been “a complete accounting” of those lost in Laos and that the Pentagon would press on to account for the missing—a seeming acknowledgement that some Americans were still alive and unaccounted for.

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1 The press, however, seized on Shields’s denials. One headline read, “POW Unit Boss: No Living GIs Left in 2 Indochina.”

3 • Page 97: The POW committee, knowing that Nixon taped all his meetings in the Oval Office, sought the tape of that April 11, 1973 Nixon-Shields-Scowcroft meeting to find out what Nixon had been told and what he had 4 said about the evidence of POWs still in Indochina. The committee also knew there had been other White House meetings that centered on intelligence about live POWs. A footnote on page 97 states that Nixon’s lawyers said 5 they would provide access to the April 11 tape “only if the Committee agreed not to seek any other White House 6 recordings from this time period.” The footnote says that the committee rejected these terms and got nothing. The committee never made public this request for Nixon tapes until the brief footnote in its 1993 report. 7 McCain’s Catch-22 8 None of this compelling evidence in the committee’s full report dislodged McCain from his contention that the 9 whole POW issue was a concoction by deluded purveyors of a “conspiracy theory.” But an honest review of the full report, combined with the other documentary evidence, tells the story of a frustrated and angry president, and his 10 national security adviser, furious at being thwarted at the peace table by a small, much less powerful country that refused to bow to Washington’s terms. That president seems to have swallowed hard and accepted a treaty that left 11 probably hundreds of American prisoners in Hanoi’s hands, to be used as bargaining chips for reparations. 12 Maybe Nixon and Kissinger told themselves that they could get the prisoners home after some time had passed. 13 But perhaps it proved too hard to undo a lie as big as this one. Washington said no prisoners were left behind, and Hanoi swore it had returned all of them. How could either side later admit it had lied? Time went by and as neither 14 side budged, telling the truth became even more difficult and remote. The public would realize that Washington knew of the abandoned men all along. The truth, after men had been languishing in foul prison cells, could get 15 people impeached or thrown in jail.

16 Which brings us to today, when the Republican candidate for president is the contemporary politician most responsible for keeping the truth about this matter hidden. Yet he says he’s the right man to be the commander in 17 chief, and his credibility in making this claim is largely based on his image as a POW hero.

18 On page 468 of the 1,221-page report, McCain parsed his POW position oddly, “We found no compelling evidence to prove that Americans are alive in captivity today. There is some evidence—though no proof—to suggest only 19 the possibility that a few Americans may have been kept behind after the end of America’s military involvement in Vietnam.” 20

21 “Evidence though no proof.” Clearly, no one could meet McCain’s standard of proof as long as he is leading a government crusade to keep the truth buried. 22 To this reporter, this sounds like a significant story and a long overdue opportunity for the press to finally dig into 23 the archives to set the historical record straight—and even pose some direct questions to the candidate. ______24 Sydney Schanberg has been a journalist for nearly 50 years. The 1984 movie “The Killing Fields,” which won 25 several Academy Awards, was based on his book The Death and Life of Dith Pran. In 1975, Schanberg was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting “at great risk.” He is also the recipient of two George Polk 26 awards, two Overseas Press Club awards, and the Sigma Delta Chi prize for distinguished journalism. His latest book is Beyond the Killing Fields( This piece is reprinted with permission from 27 The Nation Institute. 28

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 39 Exhibit G VIDEO -Mark Brnovich Endorses John McCain





5 Exhibit G - VIDEO - Included On Enclosed COMPACT DISC 6

7 File Name: 8





















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 40 Exhibit H Mark Brnovich Endorses John McCain - Team McCain





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 41 Exhibit I John McCain Records Radio Ad For Mark Brnovich





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 42 Exhibit J VIDEO - Russian President Putin - McCain - Crazy







7 Exhibit J - VIDEO - Putin - McCain - Crazy - Included On Enclosed COMPACT DISC

8 File Name: 9




















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 43 Exhibit K United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text - Page 1 of 6 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 1

2 § 2381 - Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their 3 enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason 4 and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 5 (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 6 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.) ------7 § 2382 - Misprision of treason 8 Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known 9 the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some

10 judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both. 11 (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) 12 ------13 § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the 14 authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined 15 under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 16 (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 17 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) ------18 § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

19 If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the 20 United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to 21 seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they 22 shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, 23 title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.) 24 ------§ 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government 25 Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, 26 desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any 27 political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any

28 such government; or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints,

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 44 Exhibit K United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text - Page 2 of 6 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 1 publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or 2 printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety 3 of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or 4 Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons 5 who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or 6 assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof— 7 Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five 8 years next following his conviction. If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined 9 under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for 10 employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. 11 As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, 12 or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or 13 assembly of persons. 14 (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 15 Stat. 2148.) 16 ------§ 2386 - Registration of certain organizations 17 (A) For the purposes of this section: “Attorney General” means the Attorney General of the United States; 18 “Organization” means any group, club, league, society, committee, association, political party, 19 or combination of individuals, whether incorporated or otherwise, but such term shall not include any corporation, association, community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and 20 operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes; 21 “Political activity” means any activity the purpose or aim of which, or one of the purposes or aims of which, is the control by force or overthrow of the Government of the United States or a 22 political subdivision thereof, or any State or political subdivision thereof; 23 An organization is engaged in “civilian military activity” if: (1) it gives instruction to, or prescribes instruction for, its members in the use of firearms or 24 other weapons or any substitute therefor, or military or naval science; or 25 (2) it receives from any other organization or from any individual instruction in military or naval science; or 26 (3) it engages in any military or naval maneuvers or activities; or (4) it engages, either with or without arms, in drills or parades of a military or naval character; 27 or 28 (5) it engages in any other form of organized activity which in the opinion of the Attorney

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 45 Exhibit K United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text - Page 3 of 6 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 1 General constitutes preparation for military action; 2 An organization is “subject to foreign control” if: 3 (a) it solicits or accepts financial contributions, loans, or support of any kind, directly or indirectly, from, or is affiliated directly or indirectly with, a foreign government or a political 4 subdivision thereof, or an agent, agency, or instrumentality of a foreign government or political 5 subdivision thereof, or a political party in a foreign country, or an international political organization; or 6 (b) its policies, or any of them, are determined by or at the suggestion of, or in collaboration 7 with, a foreign government or political subdivision thereof, or an agent, agency, or instrumentality of a foreign government or a political subdivision thereof, or a political party in 8 a foreign country, or an international political organization. (B) 9 (1) The following organizations shall be required to register with the Attorney General: 10 Every organization subject to foreign control which engages in political activity; Every organization which engages both in civilian military activity and in political activity; 11 Every organization subject to foreign control which engages in civilian military activity; and 12 Every organization, the purpose or aim of which, or one of the purposes or aims of which, is the establishment, control, conduct, seizure, or overthrow of a government or subdivision thereof by 13 the use of force, violence, military measures, or threats of any one or more of the foregoing. 14 Every such organization shall register by filing with the Attorney General, on such forms and in such detail as the Attorney General may by rules and regulations prescribe, a registration 15 statement containing the information and documents prescribed in subsection (B)(3) and shall 16 within thirty days after the expiration of each period of six months succeeding the filing of such registration statement, file with the Attorney General, on such forms and in such detail as the 17 Attorney General may by rules and regulations prescribe, a supplemental statement containing such information and documents as may be necessary to make the information and documents 18 previously filed under this section accurate and current with respect to such preceding six 19 months’ period. Every statement required to be filed by this section shall be subscribed, under oath, by all of the officers of the organization. 20 (2) This section shall not require registration or the filing of any statement with the Attorney 21 General by: (a) The armed forces of the United States; or 22 (b) The organized militia or National Guard of any State, Territory, District, or possession of the 23 United States; or (c) Any law-enforcement agency of the United States or of any Territory, District or possession 24 thereof, or of any State or political subdivision of a State, or of any agency or instrumentality of 25 one or more States; or (d) Any duly established diplomatic mission or consular office of a foreign government which is 26 so recognized by the Department of State; or (e) Any nationally recognized organization of persons who are veterans of the armed forces of 27 the United States, or affiliates of such organizations. 28 (3) Every registration statement required to be filed by any organization shall contain the

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 46 Exhibit K United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text - Page 4 of 6 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 1 following information and documents: 2 (a) The name and post-office address of the organization in the United States, and the names and 3 addresses of all branches, chapters, and affiliates of such organization; (b) The name, address, and nationality of each officer, and of each person who performs the 4 functions of an officer, of the organization, and of each branch, chapter, and affiliate of the 5 organization; (c) The qualifications for membership in the organization; 6 (d) The existing and proposed aims and purposes of the organization, and all the means by 7 which these aims or purposes are being attained or are to be attained; (e) The address or addresses of meeting places of the organization, and of each branch, chapter, 8 or affiliate of the organization, and the times of meetings; (f) The name and address of each person who has contributed any money, dues, property, or 9 other thing of value to the organization or to any branch, chapter, or affiliate of the organization; 10 (g) A detailed statement of the assets of the organization, and of each branch, chapter, and affiliate of the organization, the manner in which such assets were acquired, and a detailed 11 statement of the liabilities and income of the organization and of each branch, chapter, and 12 affiliate of the organization; (h) A detailed description of the activities of the organization, and of each chapter, branch, and 13 affiliate of the organization; 14 (i) A description of the uniforms, badges, insignia, or other means of identification prescribed by the organization, and worn or carried by its officers or members, or any of such officers or 15 members; 16 (j) A copy of each book, pamphlet, leaflet, or other publication or item of written, printed, or graphic matter issued or distributed directly or indirectly by the organization, or by any chapter, 17 branch, or affiliate of the organization, or by any of the members of the organization under its authority or within its knowledge, together with the name of its author or authors and the name 18 and address of the publisher; 19 (k) A description of all firearms or other weapons owned by the organization, or by any chapter, branch, or affiliate of the organization, identified by the manufacturer’s number thereon; 20 (l) In case the organization is subject to foreign control, the manner in which it is so subject; 21 (m) A copy of the charter, articles of association, constitution, bylaws, rules, regulations, agreements, resolutions, and all other instruments relating to the organization, powers, and 22 purposes of the organization and to the powers of the officers of the organization and of each 23 chapter, branch, and affiliate of the organization; and (n) Such other information and documents pertinent to the purposes of this section as the 24 Attorney General may from time to time require. 25 All statements filed under this section shall be public records and open to public examination and inspection at all reasonable hours under such rules and regulations as the Attorney General 26 may prescribe. (C) The Attorney General is authorized at any time to make, amend, and rescind such rules 27 and regulations as may be necessary to carry out this section, including rules and regulations 28 governing the statements required to be filed.

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2 (D) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. 3 Whoever in a statement filed pursuant to this section willfully makes any false statement or

4 willfully omits to state any fact which is required to be stated, or which is necessary to make the statements made not misleading, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five 5 years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(I), (L), Sept. 6 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) 7 ------§ 2387 - Activities affecting armed forces generally 8 (a) Whoever, with intent to interfere with, impair, or influence the loyalty, morale, or discipline 9 of the military or naval forces of the United States: (1) advises, counsels, urges, or in any manner causes or attempts to cause insubordination, 10 disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the 11 United States; or (2) distributes or attempts to distribute any written or printed matter which advises, counsels, or 12 urges insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or

13 naval forces of the United States— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and shall be 14 ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. 15 (b) For the purposes of this section, the term “military or naval forces of the United States” 16 includes the Army of the United States, the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve of the United States; and, when 17 any merchant vessel is commissioned in the Navy or is in the service of the Army or the Navy, 18 includes the master, officers, and crew of such vessel. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 811; May 24, 1949, ch. 139, § 46, 63 Stat. 96; Pub. L. 103– 19 322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title 20 V, § 515(f)(2), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3236.) ------21 § 2388 - Activities affecting armed forces during war

22 (a) Whoever, when the United States is at war, willfully makes or conveys false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of 23 the United States or to promote the success of its enemies; or Whoever, when the United States is at war, willfully causes or attempts to cause 24 insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the 25 United States, or willfully obstructs the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, to the injury of the service or the United States, or attempts to do so— 26 Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. 27 (b) If two or more persons conspire to violate subsection (a) of this section and one or more such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such 28 conspiracy shall be punished as provided in said subsection (a).

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 48 Exhibit K United States Code 2381 - 2391 - Full Text - Page 6 of 6 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES 1 (c) Whoever harbors or conceals any person who he knows, or has reasonable grounds to 2 believe or suspect, has committed, or is about to commit, an offense under this section, shall be 3 fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. (d) This section shall apply within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United States, 4 and on the high seas, as well as within the United States. 5 (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 811; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) 6

7 ------

8 § 2389 - Recruiting for service against United States Whoever recruits soldiers or sailors within the United States, or in any place subject to the 9 jurisdiction thereof, to engage in armed hostility against the same; or 10 Whoever opens within the United States, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, a recruiting station for the enlistment of such soldiers or sailors to serve in any manner in armed 11 hostility against the United States— 12 Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 811; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 13 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) 14 ------15

16 § 2390 - Enlistment to serve against United States Whoever enlists or is engaged within the United States or in any place subject to the jurisdiction 17 thereof, with intent to serve in armed hostility against the United States, shall be fined under this title [1] or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 18 (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 812; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(B), Sept. 13, 19 1994, 108 Stat. 2146.)

20 ------21 § 2391 - Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]








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14 by15 Stewart Rhodes , August 5, 2016 16 SOURCE: 17 The “Songbird” Traitor, Doing His Fake Hero Act, Begins His Rise to Power An18 audio recording has surfaced proving that U.S. Senator John McCain collaborated with the North V19ietnamese by recording a “Tokyo Rose”-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969. For20 many years, American former P.O.W.s who were in the “Hanoi Hilton” North Vietnamese prison with John21 McCain called him a “Songbird” who collaborated with the enemy against his own country. They accused him of turning against them and against his own country in exchange for preferential treatment while many22 of the actually brave and honorable American P.O.W.s endured torture and denial of medical care and food23 for refusing to collaborate. The P.O.W.s branded McCain a traitor who was no hero, but nonetheless used his fake hero status to rise to political power. 24 But we only had their word against his – until now. Now, from the U.S. National Archives comes the proof 25 of their allegations; McCain, by his own words, WAS in fact a traitor who collaborated with the enemy by recording26 a “Tokyo Rose” statement condemning his own nation by admitting “crimes” against the North Vietnamese people, stating “I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.”27 McCain’s recorded statement also painted a picture of humane treatment of prisoners even though he knew28 many of his fellow Americans were being tortured and denied medical care and adequate food. In the recording he is heard to say “I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 50 Exhibit L John McCain - A Traitor Who Turned Against His Own Country - Page 2 of 7 and 1 the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.” 2 Watch this, and listen to the recording yourself: W 3atch Video:

4 John McCain, Traitor and Songbird, sings for his masters Las 5 year, I (Stewart Rhodes) was attacked by the left wing media for calling McCain a traitor who deserved to be tried for treason (for his support for the use of military detention and military tribunals for Americans, rather 6 than a jury trial as required by our Constitution), and then, once convicted, deserved to suffer the usual punishment 7 for someone convicted of treason, which is to be hung by the neck until dead. Turns out I was right. He IS a traitor, and now there is direct evidence to back that up, in addition to his horrid voting record against 8 the Constitution. Well, now, can we finally try him for treason and then sentence him accordingly? Or will 9 he, like Hillary Clinton, get a pass on his crimes despite direct, smoking gun evidence, because both of them are part of the political elite? You already know the answer to that. ------10 is to be commended for their work in making this recording public, after all these years. Here 11 is what they have to say about this: (TRUNEWS)12 U.S. Senator John McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969. 13 TRUNEWS acquired the audio recording in cooperation with, a new media company founded14 by Charles Johnson. The 1969 North Vietnamese radio broadcast has never been heard in the United States of America. In fact, there15 has never been any knowledge that such a recording existed. The audio recording was found in a misplaced16 file in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The broadcast was recorded by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a branch of the CIA that monitored international shortwave and foreign radio broadcasts.17 Lt.18 Commander John McCain was shot down over Hanoi by a North Vietnamese missile while flying his 23rd bombing mission. Both of his arms and one leg were broken. He was pulled ashore by North Vietnamese who took19 him to a prison known by POWs as the “Hanoi Hilton.” McCain was a prisoner of war for five and a half years. He was released on March 14, 1973, and returned to 20 the United States of America as a war hero. His POW legacy propelled McCain to victory in a race for a U.S. Congressional21 seat in Arizona in 1982. He replaced Barry Goldwater in the Senate in 1986. – See more at: 22 released#sthash.JAKZReP3.HpuKMBBb.dpuf ------23 Here is a transcript of the recording: T24o the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN: From25 John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E aircraft. I,26 as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and27 villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam. I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in28 Hanoi, where I received very good medical treatment. I was given an operation on my leg, which allowed me to walk again, and a cast on my right arm, which was badly broken in three places.

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1 The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital 2 for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment. I received3 this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have 4 much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me. See 5 more at: released#sthash.JAKZReP3.HpuKMBBb.dpuf 6


8 Note that reports that “the broadcast was recorded by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 9 a branch of the CIA that monitored international shortwave and foreign radio broadcasts.” So, the CIA, our supposed Central Intelligence Agency, knew that he was a traitor. Did they report that bit of 10 intelligence to President Nixon? Did they inform the Joint Chief of Staff? Did they even notify McCain’s command?11 Again, you already know the answer to that. What they did is sit on it, and no doubt they “misfiled” it in the National Archives, and let McCain know they had it there, somewhere, and that they could12 have the “misfiling” corrected anytime they wanted, so he would be compliant and do as commanded throughout13 his career. That is how it is done. They had McCain under their control, as a “Manchurian Candidate” from that moment on, which is why it was kept an internal CIA secret all those years, till now. I14 have to wonder if the CIA didn’t just now determine to throw McCain to the wolves for some reason. I’d be15 curious to know how and friends found the recording. Were they given an “anonymous tip?” Regardless, McCain’s goose is now good and cooked. If he had a shred of honor he would resign, but no16 doubt he will try to find a way to worm out of this. But I don’t think it will work. Not this time. And those who recently sided with him against Trump, such as Newt Gingrich, are now on the side of a confirmed 17 Traitor. Again, perfect timing for an implosion of the corrupt GOP Old Guard. Interesting. You can bet Trump will18 use this to full effect. – Stewart Rhodes 19 ------20 UPDATE AND ADDENDUM: Since21 I am getting comments condemning me for calling McCain a traitor for collaborating with the enemy by22 recording that propaganda broadcast for the North Vietnamese, here is my response: First, here is what the Code of Conduct says about this (I have highlighted in bold the most pertinent sections):23 Code24 of Conduct for Members of the United States Armed Forces[3][4][5]

I.25 I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. 26 II. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command27 while they still have the means to resist. III. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid 28 others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

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IV 1. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part 2 in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. V .3 When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and 4 date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause VI. 5 I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to 6 the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. It really goes without saying that this recording shows that McCain violated that Code of Conduct. Doing so 7 was not excusable because of the “duress” he was under. In fact, the same folks who dug this recording up also say they have his own statements to show he was not under duress: 8 senjohnmccain-not-duress-north-vietnam-blabbed-military-info-voiced-communist-propaganda/ Even 9 if he were actually under duress, that would not absolve him of his duty to “make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.” Nor does it absolve him of his duty to10 “accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy“ which is exactly what the other POWs accused McCain11 of doing. Medal of Honor recipient , in contrast to McCain, was actually brutally tortured and still refused12 to collaborate with the enemy. Let’s compare and contrast his actions to that of McCain: ------13

Stockdale14 was held as a prisoner of war in the Hoa Lo prison (the infamous “Hanoi Hilton”) for the next seven15 and a half years. As the senior Naval officer, he was one of the primary organizers of prisoner resistance. Tortured routinely and denied medical attention for the severely damaged leg he suffered during capture,16 Stockdale created and enforced a code of conduct for all prisoners which governed torture, secret communications, and behavior. In the summer of 1969, he was locked in leg irons in a bath stall and routinely 17 tortured and beaten. When told by his captors that he was to be paraded in public, Stockdale slit his scalp with18 a razor to purposely disfigure himself so that his captors could not use him as propaganda. When they covered his head with a hat, he beat himself with a stool until his face was swollen beyond recognition. When Stockdale19 was discovered with information that could implicate his friends’ “black activities,” he slit his wrists so20 they could not torture him into confession. .... Stockdale21 was one of eleven prisoners known as the “Alcatraz Gang“: George Thomas Coker; George McKnight;22 ; Harry Jenkins; ; James Mulligan; Howard Rutledge; Robert Shumaker; Ronald Storz; and Nels Tanner. These individuals had been leaders of resistance activities while in23 captivity and thus were separated from other captives and placed in solitary confinement. “Alcatraz” was a special facility in a courtyard behind the North Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense, located about one 24 mile away from Hoa Lo Prison. In Alcatraz, each of the prisoners was kept in an individual windowless and concrete25 cell measuring 3 by 9 feet (0.9 by 2.7 m) with a light bulb kept on around the clock, and they were locked in leg irons each night.[9][10][11][12][13] Of the eleven, Storz died in captivity there in 1970. In26 a business book by James C. Collins called Good to Great, Collins writes about a conversation he had with Stockdale27 regarding his coping strategy during his period in the Vietnamese POW camp.[14] I never lost faith in the end of the story, I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail28 in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which, in retrospect, I would not trade.[15]

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1 When Collins asked who didn’t make it out of Vietnam, Stockdale replied: Oh, 2 that’s easy, the optimists. Oh, they were the ones who said, ‘We’re going to be out by Christmas.’ And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they’d say, ‘We’re going to be out by Easter.’ And Easter 3 would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they 4 died of a broken heart.[15] Stockdale then added: This 5 is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever 6 they might be.[15] 7 Stockdale was released as a prisoner of war on February 12, 1973 during Operation Homecoming. His shoulders 8 had been wrenched from their sockets, his leg shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back 9 broken. On March 4, 1976, Stockdale received the Medal of Honor. Stockdale filed charges against two other officers (Marine10 Corps Lieutenant Colonel Edison W. Miller and Navy Captain Walter E. “Gene” Wilber) who, he felt, had given aid and comfort to the enemy. However, the Navy Department under the leadership of 11 then-Secretary of the Navy John Warner took no action and retired these men “in the best interests of the Navy12 .”[16][17] Debilitated by his captivity and mistreatment, Stockdale could not stand upright and could barely walk upon his13 return to the United States, which prevented his return to active flying status. In deference to his previous service,14 the Navy kept him on active duty, steadily promoting him over the next few years before he retired as a vice admiral. He completed his career by serving as President of the Naval War College from October 13, 1977,15 until August 22, 1979.

16 And here is Stockdale’s Medal of Honor Citation: For17 conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while senior naval officer in the Prisoner of War camps of North Vietnam. Recognized by his captors as the leader in the Prisoners’18 of War resistance to interrogation and in their refusal to participate in propaganda exploitation, Rear19 Adm. Stockdale was singled out for interrogation and attendant torture after he was detected in a covert communications attempt. Sensing the start of another purge, and aware that his earlier efforts at self- disfi20 guration to dissuade his captors from exploiting him for propaganda purposes had resulted in cruel and agonizing21 punishment, Rear Adm. Stockdale resolved to make himself a symbol of resistance regardless of personal sacrifice. He deliberately inflicted a near-mortal wound to his person in order to convince his captors of22 his willingness to give up his life rather than capitulate. He was subsequently discovered and revived by the23 North Vietnamese who, convinced of his indomitable spirit, abated in their employment of excessive harassment and torture toward all of the Prisoners of War. By his heroic action, at great peril to himself, he earned24 the everlasting gratitude of his fellow prisoners and of his country. Rear Adm. Stockdale’s valiant leadership and extraordinary courage in a hostile environment sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the 25 U.S. Naval Service (emphasis added). ------26 Now THAT is a hero. And that is also a stellar example of an officer who lead by example, and put the well being27 of his men first, above himself, and loyalty to his country first, above himself, and his actions directly saved28 his men from further torture, bolstered their morale, and likely saved lives – the exact opposite of

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1 McCain’s actions. Please do not tell me that John McCain somehow deserves a “pass” for his behavior because 2 of supposed duress (with all evidence pointing to him singing like a bird before suffering anything approaching what Stockdale endured) and when a real man, Stockdale, endured real duress, to say the least, and 3 refused to submit and collaborate. And please don’t try to tell me I have no right to condemn him unless 4 I too was a POW. Stockdale tried to press charges against two other officers who were POWs, for corroborating with the enemy, and I have no doubt he would have done the same with McCain had he known the 5 full truth. And many of the men who did know the truth did their best to expose it, but were brushed aside and 6 ignored because McCain’s daddy was an admiral and Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Many of those men are now gone, and can no longer speak out. So we will speak for them. Here 7 is what John McCain himself had to say about the Code of Conduct and the harm caused by prisoners that collaborated with the enemy: 8

If 9he were just some poor Joe who endured hardship as a prisoner, I could understand and by sympathetic to him breaking under pressure and collaborating. But he was not just some average Joe. He was an Admiral’s 10 son, and he rode a wave of propaganda of him being some kind of hero into Congress, and he has been there ever11 since, and because of his status as a “war hero” he has received deference, forgiveness for his repeated sins against the Constitution, and repeated reelection so he can violate it yet again, term after term. He was no12 war hero. A collaborator simply is not a hero. He is, in fact, the opposite. Maybe someone like that can be13 forgiven, or considered with sympathy, but he sure as hell should not be hailed as some kind of hero, or “national treasure” like Newt Gingrich just called McCain. Stockdale was a real hero. Calling McCain a hero cheapens14 that term. And while for years people asserted that he made this recording (which he denied), the public15 never heard it, until now. – Stewart Rhodes ------16 COMMENT BY NAVY JACK: 17 The was awarded to John McCain for resisting extreme mental and physical cruelties inflicted upon18 him by his captors in an attempt to obtain a false confession for propaganda purposes. McCain later admitted to signing a confession during his captivity that read “I am a black criminal and I have performed 19 deeds of an air pirate.” McCain denied having made the taped confession you have just heard. All20 pilots during the Vietnam War received the following general order: If you are captured and tortured, you must resist, avoid, or evade, to the best of your ability, all enemy efforts to21 obtain statements or actions that will help the enemy. Examples of statements or actions to resist that are harmful22 to the US, its allies, or other prisoners, include: • Oral or written confessions. •23 Questionnaires or personal history statements. •24 Propaganda recordings and broadcasts. • Appeals to other PWs and appeals for surrender or peace. •25 Engagement in self-criticism. • Oral or written statements or communications on behalf of the enemy. 26 The enemy might use any confession or statement to convict you as a war criminal. It prolongs your right to repatriation27 until you serve a prison sentence. Article V of the Code of Conduct: 28

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 55 Exhibit L John McCain - A Traitor Who Turned Against His Own Country - Page 7 of 7

1 When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and 2 date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country or its allies or harmful to their cause. John 3 McCain has received his status and position as a Senator with false claims and false valor. It’s one thing to 4 break down under torture, if he actually was tortured. It is another thing altogether to accept decorations, political advancement and public acclaim based on these lies. ------5 6 About Author Stewart Rhodes Stewart 7 Rhodes Stewart is the founder and National President of Oath Keepers. He served as a U.S. Army paratrooper until 8 disabled in a rough terrain parachuting accident during a night jump. He is a former firearms instructor, former 9 member of Rep. Ron Paul’s DC staff, and served as a volunteer firefighter in Montana. Stewart previously wrote the monthly Enemy at the Gates column for S.W.A.T. Magazine. Stewart graduated from 10 Yale Law School in 2004, where his paper “Solving the Puzzle of Enemy Combatant Status” won Yale’s Miller11 prize for best paper on the Bill of Rights. He assisted teaching U.S. military history at Yale, was a Yale Research Scholar, and is writing a book on the dangers of applying the laws of war to the American people. 12

















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 56 Exhibit M John McCain Calls His Wife A C**T - Page 1 of 4










10 A new book by Cliff Schechter has the inside scoop on John McCain. And if you want to know why John McCain was called “McNasty” in high school, read this. 11

12 At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, 13 “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” McCain’s 14 excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days. 15

16 This event was witnessed by 3 reporters and two aides of John McCain, Doug Cole and Wes Gullett. 17 Besides being a complete asshole, which John McNasty is, the issues here are John McCain’s 18 temperament and his mental sanity. 19 Senator McNasty has referred to Republican colleagues as follows. He told Senator Cornyn 20 “F-ck you,” said to Senator Grassley “I’m calling you a f--king jerk” and once told Senator 21 Domenici, “Only an a**hole would put together a budget like this.”

22 Perhaps this is why Senator Cochan, right wing Mississippi Republican once said, “The idea of 23 John McCain as GOP nominee sends a chill down my spine.”

24 If a Democrat acted the way John McCain has acted, the press would be calling him mentally 25 unstable, a lunatic, angry, extreme, and unfi t for public offi ce. The press would claim that the person should check into a mental hospital. 26 In John McCain, the Republicans have nominated a 71 year old psycho who calls his wife a 27 cunt and a trollop. This is the same 28 John McCain who refers to Asians as “gooks” and says “I hate the gooks.”

John McCain, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 57 Exhibit M John McCain Calls His Wife A C**T - Page 2 of 4





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 58 Exhibit M John McCain Calls His Wife A C**T - Page 3 of 4





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 59 Exhibit M John McCain Calls His Wife A C**T - Page 4 of 4





























Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 60 Exhibit N VIDEO - Fox News - McCain “New World Order”








8 Exhibit N - VIDEO - Fox News - McCain “New World Order”

9 McCain’s “New World Order” Comments located at 5:23 to 6:11 Minutes of VIDEO 10 File Name: 11


















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 61 Exhibit O Piercing The Corporate Veil



3 Elements 4 “A corporate entity will be disregarded, and the corporate veil pierced, only if there is 5 sufficient evidence that 6 1) the corporation is the alter ego or business conduit of a person and 2) disregarding the corporation’s separate legal status is necessary to prevent injustice 7 or fraud.”

8 Loiselle v. Cosas Management Group, LLC, 224 Ariz. 207, ¶ 30, 228 P.3d 943, 950 (App. 9 Div. 1, 2010) (internal quotations omitted).

10 “The alter ego status is said to exist when there is such a unity of interest and 11 ownership that the separate personalities of the corporation and the owners cease to exist.” Deutsche Credit Corp. v. Case Power & Equipment Co., 179 Ariz. 155, 160, 876 12 P.2d 1190, 1195 (App. Div. 1, 1994). 13
















Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 62 Exhibit P McCain Institute Caught Stealing Millions In Child Traffi cking Donations - Page 1 of 2



















19 The McCain Institute claims it exists to fi ght human traffi cking, but despite receiving millions 20 in donations from Saudi Arabia, the Rothschilds, and Bloomberg, it has been revealed that none of the money was spent on fi ghting human traffi cking. 21

22 Funds from the McCain Presidential Campaign were also quietly funneled into the McCain Institute’s coffers raising the possibility the Institute exists as a money laundering front. 23 The McCain Institute is a huge operation featuring upwards of 80 people including dozens 24 of full time staff and board members including Ashton Kutcher and Lady Lynne Forrester de 25 Rothschild.

26 Saudi Arabia donated $1,000,000 to the McCain Institute in 2014 in what looks suspiciously 27 like a Clinton Foundation style pay-for-play “donation”, leading many to believe the secret donations explain why he has a certain “viewpoints” about the Middle East, and keeps making 28 secret trips to Syria.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 63 Exhibit P McCain Institute Caught Stealing Millions In Child Trafficking Donations - Page 2 of 2

1 The McCain Institute is a huge operation featuring upwards of 80 people including dozens 2 of full time staff and board members including Ashton Kutcher and Lady Lynne Forrester de 3 Rothschild.

4 With millions of dollars in donations from powerful corporations, governments and 5 billionaire bankers, not to mention John McCain’s presidential campaign money, you would think the Institute is doing all sorts of great things to stop human trafficking, right? 6

7 You’d be wrong. In 2012 the Institute donated exactly $500,000. In 2013 it was $500,000 again. In 2014 it was increased to $1,500,000.Nice, round numbers. It’s almost as if the 8 Institute did nothing else all year except sign one check to keep up the pretense they were 9 actually doing what they tell the public they do.

10 And to whom or what did that $2.5 million go to? Some human trafficking superfighter, you would think, right? 11

12 You’d be wrong again.

13 It all – every last penny – went to the Arizona State University Foundation (scroll down 14 through the tax returns to see the disclosure).

15 Which, by the way, does not appear to have anything whatsoever to do with human 16 trafficking.

17 Are we looking at a money laundering operation here? The McCain Institute is starting to 18 look an awful lot like the bogus Clinton Foundation.











Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 64 Exhibit Q McCain Campaign Manager Arrested - Pedophelie - Page 1 of 3






















22 A wide-ranging investigation has been launched into allegations that a well-known Pueblo 23 resident has molested many boys over the years, including most recently when he was the 24 manager for Sen. John McCain’s presidential-campaign offi ce in Pueblo.

25 Under investigation is Jeffrey Claude Bartleson, 52, who was arrested Jan. 29 and then re-

26 arrested Wednesday after a campaign worker in the McCain offi ce told police she believed Bartleson molested one of her sons. 27 Sgt. Brett Wilson, who heads the Pueblo Police Department’s special victims unit, said today 28 that there are “several active investigations” involving Bartleson.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 65 Exhibit Q McCain Campaign Manager Arrested - Pedophelie - Page 2 of 3

1 He said numerous boys will be interviewed by the two detectives who have been assigned full- time to the case. 2

3 Because of the active nature of the investigation, Wilson said he couldn’t detail the allegations.

4 However, in affidavits filed by police investigators in Pueblo District Court, authorities say that 5 the most recent complaints follow a pattern involving Bartleson that dates to 1982.

6 According to Detective Daniel Anderson, Bartleson has usually positioned himself so he is 7 around children, whether as a master, as a sponsor of the chemical-dependency unit at Pueblo’s Parkview Medical Center, at his church or simply by inviting children to spend the 8 night at his home. 9 In June 2003, then-Rep. Scott McInnis praised Bartleson in a tribute at the U.S. House of Repre- 10 sentatives.

11 In the tribute, McInnis noted that “in his capacity as a foster parent, Jeff has helped several 12 youth in the region through his work with the Young Life Association and the El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch.” 13

14 McInnis also noted that Bartleson was instrumental in the foundation and development of the Interfaith Hospitality network, which McInnis described as “one of Pueblo’s newest self-help 15 organizations.” 16 David Dill, chairman of the Pueblo County Republican Party, said today that although Bartleson 17 headed the McCain campaign office in Pueblo, Bartleson does not hold any position with the 18 Pueblo County Republican Party. He attended a few meetings of the organization, but that was the extent of his involvement, said Dill. 19 Dill said he believed that Bartleson directed McCain efforts in southern Colorado. State GOP 20 officials said today they had no contact with Bartleson. 21 The latest arrest stemmed from a report by a woman who worked with Bartleson in the McCain 22 campaign office. 23 According to the woman, she and a co-worker were planning in October to attend a Sarah Palin 24 rally in Colorado Springs but wanted to travel to the Springs the night before. 25 She told police that she mentioned the planned trip to Bartleson. He offered to keep her 5-year- 26 old son overnight in Pueblo and then drive up to Colorado Springs the next day and meet them 27 there.

28 She accepted Bartleson’s offer.

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 66 Exhibit Q McCain Campaign Manager Arrested - Pedophelie - Page 3 of 3

1 The woman said that her son told her that while at Bartleson’s home, Bartleson insisted on giv- 2 ing him a bath, during which he was sexually molested. Later, said the child, Bartleson forced 3 him into Bartleson’s bed, where he once again was molested.

4 In interviews this week with investigators, the child said that when he tried to get away from 5 Bartleson, he kept pulling him back into the bed. He was finally able to leave when Bartleson fell asleep. 6

7 The child described Bartleson as “a bad man,” according to the police affidavit. Asked why, the child responded, “because he does things to kids.” 8

9 Detective Anderson said he asked the child how he knew Bartleson did this to kids, and the boy responded that “Mr. Jeff” did this to five people and he knew that because “Mr. Jeff” told him 10 so.

11 Another alleged victim, according to a police affidavit, said he met Bartleson through the 12 Interfaith Hospitality Network and was molested by him when he stayed at Bartleson’s home. Unknown to him until much later, he also was videotaped by Bartleson while he showered at 13 Bartleson’s house, the youth told police. 14 The young man told police that Bartleson “said if I told anybody, he’d hurt me.” 15

16 Dustin Taylor, the Pueblo detective who interviewed the second youth, said that his story about Bartleson touching his genital area “matches the modus operandi described by other victims 17 coming out against Bartleson.” 18 Capt. Dave Lucero of the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office said that Bartleson is being held on a 19 $150,000 bond for investigation of sex assault on a child.










Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 67 Exhibit R McCain’s Campaign Manager Arrested - Child Molester - Page 1 of 2
























24 Jeffrey Claude Bartleson was arrested on Jan. 29 and then re-arrested about a week later after a campaign 25 worker in the McCain offi ce told police she believed Bartleson molested one of her sons. By Howard Pankratz | The Denver Post 26 PUBLISHED: February 5, 2009 at 2:04 pm | UPDATED: May 6, 2016 at 11:25 pm 27 A wide-ranging investigation has been launched into allegations that a well-known Pueblo resident has 28 molested many boys over the years, including most recently when he was the manager for Sen. John McCain’s presidential-campaign offi ce in Pueblo. Under investigation is Jeffrey Claude Bartleson, 52, who was arrested Jan. 29 and then re-arrested Wednesday after a campaign worker in the McCain offi ce told police she believed Bartleson molested Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 68 Exhibit R McCain’s Campaign Manager Arrested - Child Molester - Page 2 of 2

1 one of her sons. Sgt. Brett Wilson, who heads the Pueblo Police Department’s special victims unit, said today that there 2 are “several active investigations” involving Bartleson. 3 He said numerous boys will be interviewed by the two detectives who have been assigned full-time to the case. 4 Because of the active nature of the investigation, Wilson said he couldn’t detail the allegations. However, in affidavits filed by police investigators in Pueblo District Court, authorities say that the most 5 recent complaints follow a pattern involving Bartleson that dates to 1982. According to Detective Daniel Anderson, Bartleson has usually positioned himself so he is around 6 children, whether as a Scout master, as a sponsor of the chemical-dependency unit at Pueblo’s Parkview 7 Medical Center, at his church or simply by inviting children to spend the night at his home. In June 2003, then-Rep. Scott McInnis praised Bartleson in a tribute at the U.S. House of Representa- 8 tives. In the tribute, McInnis noted that “in his capacity as a foster parent, Jeff has helped several youth in the 9 region through his work with the Young Life Association and the El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch.” McInnis also noted that Bartleson was instrumental in the foundation and development of the Interfaith 10 Hospitality network, which McInnis described as “one of Pueblo’s newest self-help organizations.” 11 David Dill, chairman of the Pueblo County Republican Party, said today that although Bartleson headed the McCain campaign office in Pueblo, Bartleson does not hold any position with the Pueblo County 12 Republican Party. He attended a few meetings of the organization, but that was the extent of his involve- ment, said Dill. 13 Dill said he believed that Bartleson directed McCain efforts in southern Colorado. State GOP officials 14 said today they had no contact with Bartleson. The latest arrest stemmed from a report by a woman who worked with Bartleson in the McCain cam- 15 paign office. According to the woman, she and a co-worker were planning in October to attend a Sarah Palin rally in 16 Colorado Springs but wanted to travel to the Springs the night before. She told police that she mentioned the planned trip to Bartleson. He offered to keep her 5-year-old son 17 overnight in Pueblo and then drive up to Colorado Springs the next day and meet them there. 18 She accepted Bartleson’s offer. The woman said that her son told her that while at Bartleson’s home, Bartleson insisted on giving him a 19 bath, during which he was sexually molested. Later, said the child, Bartleson forced him into Bartleson’s bed, where he once again was molested. 20 In interviews this week with investigators, the child said that when he tried to get away from Bartleson, 21 he kept pulling him back into the bed. He was finally able to leave when Bartleson fell asleep. The child described Bartleson as “a bad man,” according to the police affidavit. Asked why, the child 22 responded, “because he does things to kids.” Detective Anderson said he asked the child how he knew Bartleson did this to kids, and the boy respond- 23 ed that “Mr. Jeff” did this to five people and he knew that because “Mr. Jeff” told him so. Another alleged victim, according to a police affidavit, said he met Bartleson through the Interfaith Hos- 24 pitality Network and was molested by him when he stayed at Bartleson’s home. Unknown to him until 25 much later, he also was videotaped by Bartleson while he showered at Bartleson’s house, the youth told police. 26 The young man told police that Bartleson “said if I told anybody, he’d hurt me.” Dustin Taylor, the Pueblo detective who interviewed the second youth, said that his story about Bartleson 27 touching his genital area “matches the modus operandi described by other victims coming out against Bartleson.” 28 Capt. Dave Lucero of the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office said that Bartleson is being held on a $150,000 bond for investigation of sex assault on a child. Howard Pankratz: 303-954-1939 or [email protected]

Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 69 1 The ORIGINAL of the foregoing filed this ______day of ______, ______with

2 Clerk of the Superior Court

3 Maricopa County, Arizona 14264 W. Tierra Buena Lane 4 Surprise, AZ. 85374 5

6 A COPY of the foregoing to be served upon: 7 Kara M. Karlson, Esq. 8 Phone Number: 602-542-3333 9 FAX: 602-542-8308 10 1275 West Washington Street 11 Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2997 12

13 John McCain, and Cindy McCain - Address Provided By:

14 via United States Postal Service - Return Receipt

15 218 Russell Senate Office Building

16 Washington DC 20510


18 Anthony Camboni P.O. Box 5565 19 Sun City West, Arizona 20 85376 21

22 ______, ______, ______23 Anthony Camboni Date 24





Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 70 1 From: Anthony Camboni 2 P.O. Box 5565 3 Sun City West, Arizona 85376 4 Tel: (480) 239-3653 5 [email protected] 6 Mailed To: 7

8 Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 9 Washington, DC 10 20500

11 Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE 12 Washington, DC 13 20543 14 Kara M. Karlson, Esq. 15 Phone Number: 602-542-3333 FAX: 602-542-8308 16 1275 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 17 85007-2997 18 Anthony Camboni - Affidavit 19

20 The United States Supreme Court possesses original jurisdiction over 21 matters involving treason. Anthony Camboni, hereby, informs The United States 22 Supreme Court, and Justices of same, of voluntary acts undertaken by John 23 McCain, which constitute treason. 24

25 John McCain has demonstrated requisite criminal intent in performance / 26 attempted performance of substantial acts toward the commission of a crime.


28 John McCain’s public record, public statements, and criminal history, serve

1. Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 71 1 as evidence supportive of Anthony Camboni’s claims. 2

3 The aforementioned indicate John McCain’s intent. John McCain will not

4 voluntarily cease, or desist. John McCain’s engagement in the conduct described,

5 herein, is supportive of Anthony Camboni’s claims.


7 John McCain has personally, and financially, profited from treasonous conduct. John McCain has personally, and financially, profited from fraudulent conduct. The 8 conduct undertaken by John McCain is designed to deceive, thieve, and destroy. 9

10 In addition to John McCain’s public statement(s), and/or confession(s), John 11 McCain has taken measures to aid in the furtherance of a treasonable purpose. John 12 McCain has engaged in a pattern of criminal / treasonous, conduct. John McCain’s 13 criminal / treasonous conduct furthered the commission of criminal violation(s). 14

15 John McCain owes a duty / obligation of allegiance to the legal order, The 16 United States, and The State of Arizona. John McCain has demonstrated intent, and 17 taken action toward violation of his duty, obligation(s). John McCain has breached 18 the covenant of good faith and fair dealing.


20 John McCain’s actions constitute a breach of allegiance, and a breach of

21 faithful support, owed to the sovereignty of The State of Arizona, and the sovereignty

22 of The United States.

23 United States Constitution 24 Article III 25 Section 3. 26 Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying 27 war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid 28 and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the

2. Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 72 1 testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession 2 in open court. 3 The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of 4 treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, 5 or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted. 6 ------7 Overt Act 8 The federal crime of treason contains an overt act requirement. 9 Article III, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution provides, 10 “No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony 11 of two Witnesses to the same overt Act.” In such a case, an 12 overt act means a step taken to execute a treasonable purpose, 13 as distinguished from mere words or a treasonable sentiment, 14 purpose, or design not resulting in action. It is an act in furtherance 15 of the crime. 16 ------17 overt act 18 n. In criminal law, an action which might be innocent itself, but if 19 part of the preparation and active furtherance of a crime, can be 20 introduced as evidence of a defendant’s participation in a crime. 21 Example: Rental of a van, purchase of explosives, obtaining a 22 map of downtown New York City, and going back and forth to the 23

24 World Trade Center, were each overt acts as part of the terrorist

25 bombing of that building.

26 ------

27 overt act

28 An open, manifest act from which criminality may be implied. An

3. Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 73 1 outward act done in pursuance and manifestation of an intent or 2 design. 3 - An overt act is essential to establish an attempt to commit a crime. 4 It is also a key element in the crime of Treason and has become a 5 component of federal and some state criminal conspiracy laws. 6 ------7

8 I, Anthony Camboni, believe the matters and things contained herein are true. 9

10 Respectfully filed, 11

12 ______, ______, ______13 Anthony Camboni Date 14


16 NOTARY 17












4. Anthony Camboni v. John McCain 74