Order in Council 2076/1985

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Order in Council 2076/1985 BRITISH y COLUMBIA 2076 APPROVED AND ORDERED 0. _61985 ieurenton Governor EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VICTORIA NOV.-6.1985 On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, orders that WHEREAS the Chief Forester has classified an area of land containing 3 760 hectares adjacent to Redonda Forest Reserve ("the reserve") as forest land AND WHEREAS it is desired to include the classified land into the reserve NOW THEREFORE it is ordered that Order-in-Council 294/28 establishing the reserve be amended to the extent that the area described in it as the reserve be augmented so that Redonda Forest Reserve will constitute a total area of 20 595 hectares, more or less, described by metes and bounds on the attached Schedule "A" and shown outlined in green on Key Map Number 15, Locker 2 on the registers of the Forest Service, and that the area be designated as the Redonda Provincial Forest. ster o Fores s Presiding Member' of the Executive Council (This part is for the records r' the Office of Legislative Counsel, and is not part of the Order.) Authority under %Pilch Order is made: Act and section Forest Act, Section 5(1) Other (specify) 0/C 294/28 Examined by NAT,i BM VA 10P 4013) ISiinature and Aped or printed name or designated Moms,' General Examiner) REDONDA PROVINCIAL FOREST Schedule "A" Block 1 Commencing at the northwest corner of Indian Reserve No. 6 "Quequa", Group 1, New Westminster Land District, being a point on the high-water mark of West Redonda Island on the southwesterly shore thereof; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the high-water mark of Lewis Channel on the northeasterly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Redonda Bay on the southerly shore thereof; thence in a general easterly and northerly direction along the high-water mark of said Redonda Bay on the southerly and easterly shores thereof to the southwest corner of Lot 4611; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along the southerly, easterly and northerly boundaries of said Lot 4611 to the high-water mark of said Redonda Bay on the northeasterly shore thereof; thence in a general northerly direction along the high-water mark of said Redonda Bay on the northeasterly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Deer Passage on the southeasterly shore thereof; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the high-water mark of said Deer Passage on the southeasterly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Pryce Channel on the southerly shore thereof; thence in a general easterly direction along the high-water mark of said Pryce Channel on the southerly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Waddington Channel on the westerly shore thereof; thence in a general southerly direction along the high-water mark of said Waddington Channel on the westerly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Roscoe Bay on the northerly shore thereof; thence in a general westerly, southerly and easterly direction along the high-water mark of said Roscoe Bay on the Page 1 (of 4) northerly, westerly and southerly shores thereof to the high-water mark of said Waddington Channel on the westerly shore thereof; thence in a general southerly direction along the high-water mark of said Waddington Channel on the westerly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Desolation Sound on the northwesterly shore thereof; thence in a general southwesterly and westerly direction along the high-water mark of said Desolation Sound on the northwesterly and northerly shores thereof to the high-water mark of Refuge Cove on the southeasterly shore thereof; thence in a general northeasterly and southwesterly direction along the southeasterly and northwesterly shores of said Refuge Cove to the most easterly southeast corner of Lot 5591; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly along the easterly, northerly, westerly and southerly boundaries of said Lot 5591 to the high-water mark of said Refuge Cove on the northwesterly shore thereof; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the high-water mark of said Refuge Cove on the northwesterly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Lewis Channel on the easterly shore thereof; thence in a general northerly, westerly and northerly direction along the high-water mark of said Lewis Channel on the easterly, northerly and easterly shores thereof to the high-water mark of Teakerne Arm on the southerly shore thereof; thence in a general easterly, northerly and westerly direction along the high-water mark of said Teakerne Arm on the southerly, easterly and northerly shores thereof to the high-water mark of Lewis Channel on the northeasterly shore thereof; thence in general northwesterly direction along the high-water mark of said Lewis Channel on the northeasterly shore thereof to the easterly boundary of aforesaid Indian Reserve No. 6 "Quequa"; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of said Indian Reserve No. 6 to the point of commencement. Page 2 (of 4) Save and excepting thereout all that foreshore and land covered by water within the abovo described area. Block 2 Commencing at the northwest corner of Indian Reserve No. 4 "Siakin", Group 1, New Westminster Land District, being a point on the high-water mark of East Redonda Island on the westerly shore thereof; thence in a general northerly direction along the high-water mark of Waddington Channel on the easterly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Pryce Channel on the southeasterly shore thereof; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the high-water mark of said Pryce Channel on the southeasterly shore thereof to the high-water mark of Homfray Channel on the southwesterly shore thereof; thence in a general southeasterly direction along the high-water mark of said Homfray Channel on the southwesterly shore thereof to the easterly boundary of Lot 3697; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 3697 to the high-water mark of Pendrell Sound on the northerly shore thereof; thence in a general westerly and southerly direction along the high-water mark of said Pendrell Sound on the northerly and westerly shores thereof to the high-water mark of aforesaid Waddington Channel on the northeasterly shore thereof; thence in a general northwesterly and northeasterly direction along tilb high-water mark of said Waddington Channel on the northeasterly and southeasterly shores thereof to the southerly boundary of aforesaid Indian Reserve No . 4 "Siakin"; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along the southerly, easterly and northerly boundaries of said Indian Reserve No. 4 to the point of commencement. Page 3 (of 4) Save and excepting thereout all that foreshore and land covered by water within the above described area. Block 3 Lots 5156, 5157 and 5158, Group 1, New Westminster Land District, located on East Redonda Island. Save and excepting thereout all that foreshore and land covered by water within the above described area. Page 4 (of 4) INFORMATION fl FILE ?DOCUMENT PAGE n 0C 21 to B S ❑ NOT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF FILMING. ❑ DOES NOT EXIST. IVOVERSIZE ❑ PLAN ❑ POOR QUALITY NOT SUITABLE FOR FILMING, REFER TO• I-71 4-6n SerAeXTret Y ❑ THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS OF POOR QUALITY, ALSO RETAINED IN HARD COPY, REFER TO• PROVINCE OF B.C. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY/USE BLACK PEN. ARS 077 90 Jan. Y2B , 75, .
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