Springfield Cop Charged with Misconduct After Shooting
Serving Springfield and Mountainside SPRINGFIELD N.J., VOL. 75 NO- 50 THURSDAY AUGUST 5, 2004 TWO SECTION} D.C. memorial makes nearby stop By Rick Klittich phy. He received a reprimand th;it wa.*. "because he liked being a Muslim Staff Writer thrown out by an Army general one ch.iplain. "They ruined his career and After being cleared of espionage month later reputation. He's got to move on." charges and being imprisoned for 76 Yee's father, Joscpli Yee, *aid he Joseph said that he got angrier each days, Muslim chaplain and former spoke with his son ilu^ p.ist weekend day his son was being held on the Springfield resident Copt. James Yee prior to Monday's decision. charges, and that in his eyes, there was officially resigned from the Army "Basically, 1 '.oieed my opinion no justice. Monday. The way things were going, he didn't He added that he and his son arc Yee, who ministered to prisoners at owe-them anything," said[Joseph Yee still trying to spur an investigation, as Guantanatno Bay naval station, where of his son's service to the military. they have been pushing senators and the military is holding .suspected Mus- "They owed him," congressmen to help with the process. lim terrorists, was taken into custody Still, officials never apologized or The case has been scrutinized for, after the military linked him to a pos- allowed Yee to retrieve his belonging;, calling into question military justice, sible espionage ring at the Cuba naval from Guantnnamo Bay, he said and the lesser charge*; Yee was found station.
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