Brian Kemp Stumps at Rose Lawn
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WEDNESDAY October 3, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Brian Kemp stumps at Rose Lawn BY NEIL B. MCGAHEE card — reminding Bartow voters that by electing [email protected] Abrams, Georgia would be firmly in the grasp of the out-of-state Democrat politicians — Nancy Accompanied by blasting horns and raucous Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters — that cheers, Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian supposedly own her. Kemp made a campaign stop at the Rose Lawn Mu- “We are literally in a battle for the soul of our seum Tuesday morning. state,” Kemp said. “This is a battle for our future. I After exiting his campaign bus, he made a parade am running against a radical career politician that lap around the Rose Lawn grounds, pumping hands wants to turn Georgia into California. I am running JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS with eager supporters, posing for selfies and encour- to be your governor, not the governor of California, Beltline Energy LLC’s Dan aging them to vote for him. Massachusetts or New York.” Stevenson said his company is As the Nov. 6 elections near, most polls call the race Kemp reminded voters that governments don’t looking to construct 11,000 a dead heat. The NBC poll shows 43 percent committed create jobs; the private sector does, and as governor, solar panels along Brown Farm Road in Cartersville. to Kemp and 43 percent to Democrat Stacey Abrams. he pledged to make the necessary cuts in govern- Fourteen percent are undecided so both politi- ment regulations and continue to cut taxes in order NEIL MCGAHEE/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS cians are on the campaign trail hoping to woo the to lure more business to the state. Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp joked to a crowd undecideds to their camp. Planning SEE KEMP, PAGE 2A of 200 supporters at Rose Lawn. Kemp played the out-of-state financial support commission Former approves Bartow JOY RIDE proposed campus solar project BY JAMES SWIFT police chief [email protected] A proposed solar energy project Knowles that would sit on 140.25 acres of land along Brown Farm Road in cleared by Cartersville cleared one hurdle to de- velopment Monday when the Bar- tow County Planning Commission grand jury — sans lone dissenter Richard Fox — recommended a conditional use BY DONNA HARRIS permit for the property be approved. [email protected] “The project will be built as part of Georgia Power’s renewable en- A Bartow County grand jury has ergy development initiative,” said decided not to indict former Bar- Dan Stevenson, manager of site ac- tow County Schools Police Chief quisition for Atlanta-based Beltline Dan Knowles on charges related to Energy LLC. “We would enter into a traffic incident in front of Cass a 30-35 year power purchase agree- High School last October. ment to supply energy to the grid On Sept. 26, the grand jury is- that is produced by the project over sued a no-bill of indictment on sec- the project’s life.” ond-degree criminal damage to Stevenson said the projects are property, criminal trespass and awarded through a competitive bid reckless conduct charges, accord- procurement process. “The projects ing to Bartow County District At- that have the greatest net benefit to torney Rosemary Greene. the Georgia Power rate payer will The charges stem from an inci- be selected by the utility,” he said. dent that occurred the morning of Bartow County Zoning Admin- Oct. 23, 2017, while Knowles was istrator Brandon Johnson said directing traffic at Cass White 11,000 panels are planned for about Road and Colonel Way. 30 acres on the proposed site. “It’ll He initially told the Georgia roughly be in the middle of the par- State Patrol he had been hit in the cel,” he said. “There’s been some left leg after being sideswiped by a My American Dream discussion with the airport author- vehicle driven by a Cartersville ity and the company, and I think woman, but she challenged his ac- Corvette & Camaro they worked those out.” count of how he injured his knee on Any time his company plans on social media and accused him of MADness Show 2K18 building a solar project within five shattering the back window of her miles of an airport, Stevenson said SUV by throwing a flashlight it’s standard operating procedure to through it. commission a Federal Aviation Ad- In a previous article, the driver ministration (FAA) study prior to told The Daily Tribune News, “His RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS construction. “It’s typically done a story is false, period. This is a lie.” Above, 2-year-old Amelia Barnhorn, of little bit later in the process,” he said. The “conflicting statements” Kennesaw, cruises aisles of the My “But given there were concerns American Dream Corvette & Camaro noted by the GSP during its inves- raised by the airport, we decided to MADness Show 2K18 at the LakePoint tigation led Greene to call in the Champions Center Saturday. The show, go ahead and issue that study, which Georgia Bureau of Investigation to presented by My American Dream (MAD) is underway now and should be launch a probe into the alleged ac- Promotions, of Acworth, was the first of completed in 35-50 days.” cident, a GBI spokesman said in what will become an annual event and Cartersville-Bartow County Air- the article. featured more than 135 cars from across the port Authority representative Charles The incident also was “fully in- Southeast. Lowery said the big concern was vestigated” by the school district, over potential pilot visibility issues. and Knowles initially was placed on paid administrative leave pend- SEE SOLAR, PAGE 7A ing the results of the GBI investi- gation, causing him to submit his resignation Oct. 25, district spokes- woman Alisha Evans said at the time. Etowah Valley Quilt Guild’s show kicks off Thursday Evans also said former Superin- tendent Dr. John Harper felt it was BY MARIE NESMITH we are sharing a less strenuous hobby.” “in the best interest of Bartow [email protected] Well-known locally for her artistry — most re- County to accept a letter of resig- cently for designing a quilt for the African-Ameri- nation from Knowles.” Cochairing Etowah Valley Quilt Guild’s 2018 can Quilt Documentation Project of Bartow County show, Richard and Teresa Cook are delighted to that led to the “Pathways to Freedom: A Story in SEE KNOWLES, PAGE 2A share their love of quilting with the community. Every Stitch” sculpture — Mrs. Cook was surprised “The main thing I enjoy about quilting is the de- and pleased to see her husband catch the “quilting signing,” said Cook, 57. “I use a program called bug.” EQ7 to design my quilts. I don’t buy many patterns, “One of the most unexpected things to happen although sometimes I see one that may work with was three years ago when my husband, Richard, un- fabric I want to use. I find the designing fun and able to pursue one of his favorite hobbies of wood- challenging, and the process of quilting relaxing. I working due to the cold, and our unheated garage, work in the IT field and find it very relaxing to come decided to grab a ‘jelly roll’ — a coordinating as- home and get out of the tech mode. sortment of 2 ½-inch strips of fabric rolled up to re- “Teresa and I have always enjoyed sharing hob- semble a jelly roll — and proceeded to make his bies together. We may be a little weird in that we first quilt,” she said. “He was instantly bitten by the RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS still like to spend time together after being married quilting bug and now fully shares in my addiction. Richard and Teresa Cook adjust one of the quilts they will for 32 years. When we were younger, we enjoyed display at the Etowah Valley Quilt Guild’s Love of Quilts Show Knowles working on old cars together. Now that we are old, SEE QUILT, PAGE 7A 2018 Thursday through Saturday at the Cartersville Civic Center. INSIDE TODAY Mostly Obituaries . .2A Business . .6A Sunny VOLUME 72, NO. 129 Family Living . .3A Blotter . .7A High 86 U.S. & World . .4A Sports . .1B Entertainment . .5A Classifieds . .3B Low 66 2A Wednesday, October 3, 2018 • State The Daily Tribune News ContactUs New Georgia Supreme Court OBITUARIES The Daily Tribune News Address: justice, Charlie Bethel, sworn in Nancy Effie Lou Thacker 251 S. Tennessee St. Mrs. Nancy Effie Lou Thacker, age 69, of 78 Opal Street, Cartersville, GA 30120 Cartersville, passed away October 2, 2018, at Cartersville Heights. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Court of Appeals, the state’s intermediate appellate court. Mrs. Thacker was born in Kingston, GA, November 27, 1948, A new justice has been sworn in to sit on the Geor- Bethel previously represented a northwest Georgia Mailing Address: daughter of the late Charles Ovell and Margene Bishop Edwards. gia Supreme Court. district in the state Senate and served as an alderman 251 S. Tennessee St. She had attended Trinity Baptist Church and was formerly an A news release from the high court says Charlie for the city of Dalton. He holds a bachelor’s and law Cartersville, GA 30120 Owner/Operator truck driver with her late husband. She enjoyed Bethel was sworn in Tuesday morning by Gov. Nathan degrees from the University of Georgia. sewing and especially loved spending time with her grandchildren. Phone: 770-382-4545 Deal in the House chamber of the state Capitol.