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Folder 13 Zionist Archives and Library r- zI 0n I S T AR G H I Vf ~, Ano Ll B R A R Y 41 EAst· 4.2nd -NEW• :_ YORK.17iN:• c • -r.·,_. OF PALESTINE FOUNDATI,ON FUND llO'n l1i7----------'--,.-,....-_;_,~"""'".;.._..C...,~:'-- Vol, 3; no, 3 MllY~une, 1945 / / Recent Material on ~ipnism and Palestine Middle East Cohen, .A. Culture and education in the Arab world. (In Hebrew) Haifa, "Hashomer Hatzair" (1944) BOp, Elweil-Sutton, L. P. Modern Iran. London, George Routledge & sons, lt'd. (1944) 234p. Iraq: review of c·ommercial conditions, February, 1945. London, published for the Department of overseas trade by His M~jesty 1 s stationery office (c1945) 30p. U. S. Department of state. Exchange of official publications: agreement )e.. tween the United States of America and Iran; effected ~Y exchange of notes signed at, August 21, 1943. Wali!hington, U, S, government printing office, 1944. lOp. (Executive agreement series 349) U, s. Tr·eaties, etc, 1\}33-- (Franklin P. lloosevelt) • ,. Exchange of official pulilications. Agreement b.etween United Stat,es of America. and Ilr~q, ef:f'ected bl}' exehange of n<?tes signed at lraghdad, ll'eb:ruary 16, 1944, ef:f'ective lmlbrus.r;r 16,· . 1944, 20p. (Exeoutiv~ agreement seri0s'403) wa~hington, U,S, govt, print.1944. tr. S, Treaties, etc. 1933-- (Franklin D, Rooseve1 t} .. ,Reciprocal tradeT Agreement and supplementary exchange of !lOtes between the Uni·ted States o:f .America and Iran signed at Washi'ngton Apvil a, 1943,, ,l!l:rf'ective June 28, 1944, Washington, U, S, goV't, print, off,, 1944·, 38'p, (l!lxecuti'Vlli agreement series 410) . Palestfne American .:zionist emergency council,. ; !rhe Jewish <rase; the plan_ of Palestine ih ! the solution of the Jewish question, N, Y~, American .Zionist emergency> ~uncil (1945) 30p. Canadian Palestine committee, Its background, its J?urpose. it's mem17ersllip·,. Toronto, Canadian Palestine committee, 1945, unpaged, Deedes, Sir Wyndham and others. Palestine, ·1917-1944; ·a reVii'aw 'llr Sir.' Wyndham :-z. _ Deedes, Iron. R, D, Denman, Mrs, E·. Dugdale, Victor Gollancz, S~ S. lramm~rsley; .A, Ctxeech Jones, Sir Andrew McFadyean;· London, British assocl~tion for" the ·. Jewish national home in Pa1estin!3 (1945) 24p (Oramphlet no.· 2) : · · · Jewish frontier association, inc.. Jewish frontier, anthology, J;934-l944, N. Y,, "swish frontier association, inc,, 1945, 565p, Gl:ontents.- Zionism.- America, ... Palestine.- Europa .... Otbor subjE)cts. MacLean, N, His terrible swift sword, Foreword llY' :Oanio1 A, :troling, N. Y,, Christian council on, Palestine through q.rrangelnent. with-Vlctol'-GolJ;ancllltd~ (1945) 126p, . ' . - A national home in the. light of Jewish historr• London, :BrfUsh f\SSociaUozp-.f'ar. the Jewish national home in Palestine (1945-). 12p. (Pamphlet no• 4) Parkes,- J. _ Palestine; yesterday and to-morrow, London, :Sri tish assooiation for the Jewish national home in Palestine (1945?) l9p,_ . ', . Weizlllanll, C, We do not want to return to the past~ N. Y,, American Zionist emergency,council, 1945, Gp. ~·· Cooperatives Infeld, B. F. Cooperative communi ties at work, N'. Yo ,.Dryden pre~;~s ('1~45) 20lp·, Xeren heyesod. Youth department. Glimpses of Jewhh settlementhiotorY"o JJooklet · :c£ • J" al1.1oal em, You·th department of the Head off! ce o:f the X£Jren .. ha.yeood,, • 1945. 35p. Contents.- 1. Ein Gev.- 2. Ma'oz Hayim.- 3~ Geva.- 4·, l!llyashiw,--17. ·:netb Ba. 1arava. Samuel, E, Handbook of the Jewish communal villages in Phl.estine. Jerusalem,. Zioniat orgru1isat!on, Youth depar.tment (~1945) 9~. South African Zionist fedora"bion. Oo-operati ·ra and social enterprises in Pales-· tfne. J"ohanneeburg, Cultural department S, A., Zionist federation (1945?) 22p. Palestine ~ Description and travel Kahn ~ar-!don, D. Ne~T life in Galilee, sion, n.d. 58p\ N, Y, 1 American Zionist youth commisN Zeligs, D, F, ~e story of modern ~alestine; for young people, publishing co,, 1944. 339p, N'. Y... , lJJ.och PaJestine -. Eaonomfu- o:ondiUons Frumkin, H. Imm!ldiate economic tnsks. (·Jerusalem, His,tadrut, 1945) 32p. Horowitz, D. Economic policy for the transition period, Tel· .A:viv, Palestine and !Hddle East mags.zfne,-,1945~ 16p. Moses, 6, The income tax o:o.·ti.inunce of Palestine; the text as 111alid. k'lince l~;~t April, 1944 with explanations of the 1944 amendments. J"erusalein, Tarshish Oooka,.l944, 8lp, Palestine - HeaJth Jnuestone, E. H, .Report; Medical reference board o:f ~~dassah, !943-1944, N. r·., Ha.dassah, 1945, lOp. -;/'" Kaplan, E, Remarks on "A nutritional economic survey· o:f' wartime Palestine, 1942-1943, JeruEJa1em, .Jewish agency for Palestine, 1945. 15p. Palestine .governmento Dopar·bment of health. .Annual ropo;~t for the year<l942. Jerusalem, Government printing and stationeryoffiae, 1944, .2l'p. (no,·f7o:f 1944) . .·· ·•..... ·. Palestine government. Department of ~eal th, A nutrition-al economic survey o:f; wartime P"alestine, 1942-ol943, by 1'1' • J, V1akers; fo;-ew<;>rd_"tly_a}.r,j}eqrge Heroli• .. (Jorqsalem) Gom~rnmont printer; 1944, llffp·. 6io. 8 of 1944) · · · · Palesti;:e - Industri~ Manufacturers" association of Palestilie, Palestine industry, 1944/45; official directory, . Tel-Aviv-, "Hataassiyan 1945, 48p, ·· · Palestine gom~rn.'llent. Palestine trJ.e· catalogue; part ·4·. Diamonds; -offi-ce aup­ plies-, gifts; a.d.dcmda to parts 1, 2, 3. ~el·..A.viv, Trade and iindustry- (press) l'td.' 1944, l73p, . G.bntonts.- CJ.aosified list of products and services.·~ Palest:!. na·' diamonds.- ... P"alestine diamond factories.- Stationery, office. eq_uipmer.h,- !P.oys, gifts, articles of pietyo- Food, drink, tobacco,- Taxtilus,· ~1othi~g, ·leather~- Medi­ cal, hospital and household· supplies.- Advertisements. · ~ /&ltat1no- Jow!o!l-Aro~<olMionoh~ -3-·. \) fi' Magnes, J, L. Let Jews and Arabs meet, Jerusalem, Xhud (trnion) association, ~ 1945, 5p (Ihud association, Union pamphlets, no,. 2, February; 19~5) ~ Tho~son, D. lralestine and the Arabu;· a review by Dorothy Thompson and others~ with appended documents •. Sydney, Australian Phlestine.committee (New South Wales section) (1944) 35p, (Palestine ~n a new world, no. 2) Also includes:: Ths Arab-Jewish case, by Emanuel Neumann •• Documents relating to the Jewish~ab issue in Palestine, Pa1estine - Land Granovsky 1 A, The land problem and tho future, Jerusalem, Read office o:f the Jewish national fund, 1945, 52p. Ziman, J, The people's land, Jerusalem, Jewish national :fund, 1945, 4~p. Palestine ~ M~s Bon"lBnisti, D. and Lurye, ~ :Palestine to-daYJ an Up•to...dato map of· the Hol;r land, Jerusalem, Xiryat Sopher ltd, 0.944) scale 11500,000 Zionism Cohen, I, A short history of Zionism, 1860-1944; six· lectures. London, The Zionist federation of Groat Britain and Ireland, 1945, Lecture I, Th·a early phase, 1860-1895, Lecture I:t. The HorzUian opoch, 1895- 1914. Lecture III, The Balfour declaration and the national home, 191~1921, · Lecture IV", Palestine under mahdatory regime, 1921-1928", Le-oture V'. A decade of unrost, 1929-1939. Dubnikov, A, Tho Zionist movement;- its organization and structure, (:tn Hebrew) Tel-Aviv, Josef Shimoni, 1945, 167p, Jewish agency for Palestine, Memorandum submitted to tho United nations con­ ference on intornat:lonal organization, San ;franc~sco, Oalifornia •• ,April, 1945. (N, Y, 1 Jewii:Jh agency for Palestine, 1945) 8p, Pritzkerl M. 1 comp, Our mandate on Palestine; the Bible on Xsraol 1s night to tho Holy land, N, Y•• Jllastorn publishers I 19rl:4; .2p7,p~ Zionism and L~ . ~. :Brithh labour party. l!.O:tJort of tho 43:rd AllD.Up..]. oonforonca hold in the Oontral Hall, Westminsto~ •• ~Docombor 11th to Deoombor 15th, 1944, 22Qp, Poalo Zion, Groat ~ritain. World lAP9~ ~d tho.3owi6h poople! ~ha vow1ob caoo boforo tho World trade union oonferonce London, J'abruaey· Sth to· 17th;··1945;; -­ London, Poalo Zion, 1945, 3lp. 1 11 • Submitted to tl1o dologatoa of tho 44th annual conforonco of the Labour party• 11 Zionism - li'unds ~a.rthl A, A pooplo builds its land, Jerusalem, Youth dopa~tmont of tho Karon hayosod, 1945. 40p, . Xoron hayosod, United States, Where thoro's a ~1111: your share in tho story of Xeron hayasod. (N, Y., Pnlastine foundation fund, 1945) 19p, · *World trade union conference, London, 1945. Report, ~ades union congress, 1945, 268p, (Palestine p81..83 1 119 ...21, 147 1 181-91, 238, · • Xeren k~eeth, Jaots. and. figiU'es; activities ot the 1teren·ka;,ein~th1eia;~ei (G.Tew~ah national fund) for the ye;,r &704, let Oato'ber ~94~30th Sei;teinb!H'i '1~44,'; ·. , Je~uealem, l:Iead office of the Jewi~:~h national fund., 3.94.4. .14p, . : .... ·· .. Norlll8l\, :m. .American fund. for l'al.estinian institutions, (~. Y,, A11ierioan, furid .·· for Palestinian in~:~ti tutions, 1945) 14p. • ·. ··• . ·... · .. · · . Rosenblatt, :S, A, :Palestine's national oapi tal, (1f, Y,, ~alas Una foundation fund, 1945) 5p, · · · .. United l'aleetine appeal. l'aleatine1e needs for 1945; the budgets qf th.e United· Palestine appeal agencies. N, Y,, United Palestine appeal, 19451 6Gp, Z~onism w JeorsonaJ,itiU · Hobman, J, :B, ed, David Eder; memoirs of a modern pioneer, For-eword by, Sigmund Jreud; special contributions by· Dr, Edward GloV'er, Leone.rll. Stein, :Or~ Har;l.'r Rob:erh and Sir Wyndhaur Dt~edes, London, Viator Gollanoz. ltd,, 1945, . 2J.5'p, Xatznelson, .:S; My Journey to Palestine, ':Ce1-A~V'", HM!hhmereth Hatz~;~irah.o:f Mapai, 5705, 48p, (In Hebrew) Kloinmann, M. Zionist personalities; 1, mheodor Horzl. (Xn Hebrew) ~el:Aviwr, Yavneh, n,d, l82p, Jewg and Jewish problem American Jewish. committee, ?Jo tho ccunael.lore of peace; re~ommendaticlns of the American Jewish committee, ~. Y,, American Jewish committee, 1945, llOp, (Palest! no pe;..S, 68 ... 87} ~ ' . Contents,- Re~ommendationa.- Protection of hUJ)\an rights,- Abrogation of racial legislation,- Indemnification,- Repatriation,- Migration,- Palestine,... Statelessness,-War crimes. American Jewish conference, ~e Jewish people· i~ the post-war world; a memoran- dum, N, Y,, American Jewish ocnference, 1945, 26p, .
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