r- zI 0n I S T AR G H I Vf ~, Ano Ll B R A R Y 41 EAst· 4.2nd -NEW• :_ YORK.17iN:• c • -r.·,_. OF PALESTINE FOUNDATI,ON FUND llO'n l1i7------'--,.-,....-_;_,~"""'".;.._..C...,~:'--

Vol, 3; no, 3 MllY~une, 1945 / / Recent Material on ~ipnism and Palestine

Cohen, .A. Culture and education in the Arab world. (In Hebrew) , "Hashomer Hatzair" (1944) BOp, Elweil-Sutton, L. P. Modern Iran. , George Routledge & sons, lt'd. (1944) 234p. : review of c·ommercial conditions, February, 1945. London, published for the Department of overseas trade by His M~jesty 1 s stationery office (c1945) 30p. U. S. Department of state. Exchange of official publications: agreement )e.. tween the United States of America and Iran; effected ~Y exchange of notes signed at Tehr.an, August 21, 1943. Wali!hington, U, S, government printing office, 1944. lOp. (Executive agreement series 349) U, s. Tr·eaties, etc, 1\}33-- (Franklin P. lloosevelt) • ,. Exchange of official pulilications. Agreement b.etween United Stat,es of America. and Ilr~q, ef:f'ected bl}' exehange of n


American .:zionist emergency council,. ; !rhe Jewish ~uncil (1945) 30p. Canadian Palestine committee, Its background, its J?urpose. it's mem17ersllip·,. Toronto, Canadian Palestine committee, 1945, unpaged, Deedes, Sir Wyndham and others. Palestine, ·1917-1944; ·a reVii'aw 'llr Sir.' Wyndham

:-z. _ Deedes, Iron. R, D, Denman, Mrs, E·. Dugdale, Victor Gollancz, S~ S. lramm~rsley; .A, Ctxeech Jones, Sir Andrew McFadyean;· London, British assocl~tion for" the ·. Jewish in Pa1estin!3 (1945) 24p (Oramphlet no.· 2) : · · · Jewish frontier association, inc.. Jewish frontier, anthology, J;934-l944, N. Y,, "swish frontier association, inc,, 1945, 565p, Gl:ontents.- .- America, ... Palestine.- Europa .... Otbor subjE)cts. MacLean, N, His terrible swift sword, Foreword llY' :Oanio1 A, :troling, N. Y,, Christian council on, Palestine through q.rrangelnent. with-Vlctol'-GolJ;ancllltd~ (1945) 126p, . . ' . - A national home in the. light of Jewish historr• London, :BrfUsh f\SSociaUozp-.f'ar. the Jewish national home in Palestine (1945-). 12p. (Pamphlet no• 4) Parkes,- J. _ Palestine; yesterday and to-morrow, London, :Sri tish assooiation for the Jewish national home in Palestine (1945?) l9p,_ . ', . Weizlllanll, C, We do not want to return to the past~ N. Y,, American Zionist emergency,council, 1945, Gp.

~·· Cooperatives

Infeld, B. F. Cooperative communi ties at work, N'. Yo ,.Dryden pre~;~s ('1~45) 20lp·, Xeren heyesod. Youth department. Glimpses of Jewhh settlementhiotorY"o JJooklet · :c£ • J" al1.1oal em, You·th department of the Head off! ce o:f the X£Jren .. ha.yeood,, • 1945. 35p. . Contents.- 1. Ein Gev.- 2. Ma'oz Hayim.- 3~ Geva.- 4·, l!llyashiw,--17. ·:netb Ba. 1arava. Samuel, E, Handbook of the Jewish communal villages in Phl.estine. ,. Zioniat orgru1isat!on, Youth depar.tment (~1945) 9~. South African Zionist fedora"bion. Oo-operati ·ra and social enterprises in Pales-· tfne. J"ohanneeburg, Cultural department S, A., Zionist federation (1945?) 22p.

Palestine ~ Description and travel

Kahn ~ar-!don, D. Ne~T life in Galilee, sion, n.d. 58p\ N, Y, 1 American Zionist youth commisN Zeligs, D, F, ~e story of modern ~alestine; for young people, publishing co,, 1944. 339p, N'. Y... , lJJ.och PaJestine -. Eaonomfu- o:ondiUons

Frumkin, H. Imm!ldiate economic tnsks. (·Jerusalem, His,tadrut, 1945) 32p. Horowitz, D. Economic policy for the transition period, Tel· .A:viv, Palestine and !Hddle East mags.zfne,-,1945~ 16p. Moses, 6, The income tax o:o.·ti.inunce of Palestine; the text as 111alid. k'lince l~;~t April, 1944 with explanations of the 1944 amendments. J"erusalein, Tarshish Oooka,.l944, 8lp,

Palestine - HeaJth

Jnuestone, E. H, .Report; Medical reference board o:f ~~dassah, !943-1944, N. r·., Ha.dassah, 1945, lOp. -;/'" Kaplan, E, Remarks on "A nutritional economic survey· o:f' wartime Palestine, 1942-1943, JeruEJa1em, .Jewish agency for Palestine, 1945. 15p. Palestine .governmento Dopar·bment of health. .Annual ropo;~t for the yearrd_"tly_a}.r,j}eqrge Heroli• .. (Jorqsalem) Gom~rnmont printer; 1944, llffp·. 6io. 8 of 1944) · · · · Palesti;:e - Industri~

Manufacturers" association of Palestilie, Palestine industry, 1944/45; official directory, . Tel-Aviv-, "Hataassiyan 1945, 48p, ·· · Palestine gom~rn.'llent. Palestine trJ.e· catalogue; part ·4·. Diamonds; -offi-ce aup­ plies-, gifts; a.d.dcmda to parts 1, 2, 3. ~el·..A.viv, Trade and iindustry- (press) l'td.' 1944, l73p, . G.bntonts.- CJ.aosified list of products and services.·~ Palest:!. na·' diamonds.- ... P"alestine diamond factories.- Stationery, office. eq_uipmer.h,- !P.oys, gifts, articles of pietyo- Food, drink, tobacco,- Taxtilus,· ~1othi~g, ·leather~- Medi­ cal, hospital and household· supplies.- Advertisements. · ~

/<at1no- Jow!o!l-Aro~

Granovsky 1 A, The land problem and tho future, Jerusalem, Read office o:f the , 1945, 52p. Ziman, J, The people's land, Jerusalem, Jewish national :fund, 1945, 4~p.

Palestine ~ M~s

Bon"lBnisti, D. and Lurye, ~ :Palestine to-daYJ an Up•to...dato map of· the Hol;r land, Jerusalem, Xiryat Sopher ltd, 0.944) scale 11500,000 Zionism

Cohen, I, A short history of Zionism, 1860-1944; six· lectures. London, The Zionist federation of Groat Britain and Ireland, 1945, Lecture I, Th·a early phase, 1860-1895, Lecture I:t. The HorzUian opoch, 1895- 1914. Lecture III, The and the national home, 191~1921, · Lecture IV", Palestine under mahdatory regime, 1921-1928", Le-oture V'. A decade of unrost, 1929-1939. Dubnikov, A, Tho Zionist movement;- its organization and structure, (:tn Hebrew) Tel-Aviv, Josef Shimoni, 1945, 167p, Jewish agency for Palestine, Memorandum submitted to tho United nations con­ ference on intornat:lonal organization, San ;franc~sco, Oalifornia •• ,April, 1945. (N, Y, 1 Jewii:Jh agency for Palestine, 1945) 8p, Pritzkerl M. 1 comp, Our mandate on Palestine; the Bible on Xsraol 1s night to tho Holy land, N, Y•• Jllastorn publishers I 19rl:4; .2p7,p~ Zionism and L~ . ~.

:Brithh labour party. l!.O:tJort of tho 43:rd AllD.Up..]. oonforonca hold in the Oontral Hall, Westminsto~ •• ~Docombor 11th to Deoombor 15th, 1944, 22Qp, Poalo Zion, Groat ~ritain. World lAP9~ ~d tho.3owi6h poople! ~ha vow1ob caoo boforo tho World trade union oonferonce London, J'abruaey· Sth to· 17th;··1945;; -­ London, Poalo Zion, 1945, 3lp. 1 11 • Submitted to tl1o dologatoa of tho 44th annual conforonco of the Labour party• 11 Zionism - li'unds

~a.rthl A, A pooplo builds its land, Jerusalem, Youth dopa~tmont of tho Karon hayosod, 1945. 40p, . . Xoron hayosod, United States, Where thoro's a ~1111: your share in tho story of Xeron hayasod. (N, Y., Pnlastine foundation fund, 1945) 19p, · *World trade union conference, London, 1945. Report, ~ades union congress, 1945,

268p, (Palestine p81..83 1 119 ...21, 147 1 181-91, 238, · • Xeren k~eeth, Jaots. and. figiU'es; activities ot the 1teren·ka;,ein~th1eia;~ei (G.Tew~ah national fund) for the ye;,r &704, let Oato'ber ~94~30th Sei;teinb!H'i '1~44,'; ·. , Je~uealem, l:Iead office of the Jewi~:~h national fund., 3.94.4. .14p, . : .... ·· .. Norlll8l\, :m. .American fund. for l'al.estinian institutions, (~. Y,, A11ierioan, furid .·· for Palestinian in~:~ti tutions, 1945) 14p. • ·. . ··• . ·... · .. · · . Rosenblatt, :S, A, :Palestine's national oapi tal, (1f, Y,, ~alas Una foundation fund, 1945) 5p, · · · .. United l'aleetine appeal. l'aleatine1e needs for 1945; the budgets qf th.e United· Palestine appeal agencies. N, Y,, United Palestine appeal, 19451 6Gp,

Z~onism w JeorsonaJ,itiU ·

Hobman, J, :B, ed, David Eder; memoirs of a modern pioneer, For-eword by, Sigmund Jreud; special contributions by· Dr, Edward GloV'er, Leone.rll. Stein, :Or~ Har;l.'r Rob:erh and Sir Wyndhaur Dt~edes, London, Viator Gollanoz. ltd,, 1945, . 2J.5'p, Xatznelson, .:S; My Journey to Palestine, ':Ce1-A~V'", HM!hhmereth Hatz~;~irah.o:f , 5705, 48p, (In Hebrew) Kloinmann, M. Zionist personalities; 1, mheodor Horzl. (Xn Hebrew) ~el:Aviwr, Yavneh, n,d, l82p, Jewg and Jewish problem

American Jewish. committee, ?Jo tho ccunael.lore of peace; re~ommendaticlns of the American Jewish committee, ~. Y,, American Jewish committee, 1945, llOp, (Palest! no pe;..S, 68 ... 87} ~ ' . . . Contents,- Re~ommendationa.- Protection of hUJ)\an rights,- Abrogation of racial legislation,- Indemnification,- Repatriation,- Migration,- Palestine,... Statelessness,-War crimes. American Jewish conference, ~e Jewish people· i~ the post-war world; a memoran- dum, N, Y,, American Jewish ocnference, 1945, 26p, . · »aron, J, L, ed, Candles in the night; Jewish.tales bf·gentile authors. With a preface by Carl Van Doren, Philadelphia,. Jewish pu~lication society ot America, 1944, 39lp, :Brandes, A. !rhe end of the Jews in ll'estern , (In Hebrew) Me)\ac~viah, Sifriat Poalim, 1945, 96p, Gollancz, V~ · 'What :Buchenwald really means, :London, V1.ctor Gollanoz, ltd, (1945) 16p, . GOttschalk, M. and Duker, A. G·, Jews in the post;..wa.r world; foreworci by. :erett Saltonstall, N, Y,, Dryden 1:ress, 1945, 224p, · · · Neustadt, M, !Che Warsaw ghetto rising (as told 'by the insurganta) ·. ~el-Av·i"\'\ World union Poe.le-Zion (Z, S,) - Hitaohduth, 1945, 39p, · .Mso in Hebrew and Yiddish. · . Stofansky, G, Does the refugee have a f'uturet An· analysh of the position o! homeless Jews ill the postwar worrd~ Prel"aoeby-JilJllois'-G.-Mo:Oonal'd-;-·-N;-Y,, --~~c- United Palestine appeal, 1945, 10~, ' ------<


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Ac~esnions I Background aml Source l!At'lrial on Palestine and Zionism Ill

Palestine and thtJ Jm1ish Legion in the First l·:orld \1ar

Aaronsohn, A, With the ~urks in Palnstine, 3oston, Houp;hton, 1916, 84p, illuo,

American Ernerr:nncy Comr~i ttee for Zionint AffA.irs, ':'he Jeuish Legion in the first l~orld \'tar: 1917-1942, t;tonty-fifth anni verr,ar;-r, !io".t York, 1942, 2lp. illua.

Jabotinsky, V, Die J{~dische LeP:ion in Weltkrie~. Berlin, Zionistischer lltl.cher­ Bund, (1930), 259p, illus,

Jewish ox-servictJmen•a loa~o. Paleotino Araba in the 11orld \1ar; myth and reality, r London, (1939), 4p. f i Lawrence, T,E, Revolt in the deeort, Ne11 Y!>rk, Doran, 192?,

Military operntions Egynt & Palestin'l, London, E,l!, Stationery office, 192!l, 1930, 2 ots, plates, mnps, Pt, J., !Hlitary oper~>.tions b_ Enypt & P11lofltinr>; fror~ tho c;1tbreak of war with j GP.rr..an;r to June, 1317; con]l), by,Sir r.oorgf> HP.oHu.nn ancl Cyril FP.llA, 11 Also sopnrll.tc volume of mnns fer ·:->A.rt 1 11 , Pt. 2, IHlitllry oner.~.tions Etynt & Pn.leotim1; friJm Jlmo 1917 to tho end of the Wl'.r; comp,, C;;ril Fnllr., maps cornn. by A, F, !Jockfl, 11 Also ser;,_rc.to volume of m11.pa for n·-rt 2 11 At ho,.d of title nnge the follo~erinl dnfonce , 11

Nirenstdn, L, In the fight for n. lnnd; A. dinry'- of n Jewish Legionnniro, 1917-1919, (In Yiddish), London, Vnlentin::-, 1928, l60p, ill,ls,

Patterson, J ,H, With the Judncrms in tho PPlontinc c".mnn.ir,n. New York, 11ncn\illn.n, 1922. 270p, illus., mn.pR,

Pn.ttorr.on, J ,H, With the Zionistr. in G".lli:poll, • }Tow York, Dorn.n, (1916), 307:p. illus,, mP.p,

~/well, Gcnern.l Sl.r Archib~'.ld, Allenby! " otuily in grer>.tnesa; tho biol',rnnhy of F.l.dl.

-··------~-- ___ :.i- )i '(1 • • 4i ZIOniST ARGHIVfS AnD liBRARY NEW 1i; o F p A l E S T I N E F 0 U N D A T 1 0 N F U N 0 1 1 0 , i1 1 1 j] ------~'-'---'-'-"f,._--'·'-'--'-,o--,-__....-,-

Vol, '3, no. 2. llar,..Apr,, 1946

Recent Material on Zionism and Palestine

Lindeman, E. C, Palestine~test of nemocrncy, N.Y., American Zionist Emergency Council.(l945), 7p. Lowdermilk, \~. C, Palestine, land of promise, (In Hebrew), Herchaviah, Workers' bool-:-guild (1944). 2fi7p, Weinn;rtcm, S, Hatam Sofor and hia pupils; their attitude to1mrcl Palenhne, (In Hebrew), Jerusalem, Zionist orr;'1.nization youth department, Religious section,. 1944. 135p.

Davis, M, Jews fi,o:ht too! Illustrn.tions by Howard Simon, With nn introd'l~tion by iionornb1e James M, Curley... H, Y,, Jorllan publishing co, (1945), 22lp, JC>wieh.ae,oncy for Palestine, Jewish brignd.o group, London, Jewish ngoney for Paler.tine (1944), -Bp, Rabinowitz, L, Soldiers from Judaon; Palestinian Jewish unitr. ih tho .Middle East, 1941-1943. N. Y,, Amo;ricnn Zionist omergrmcy counci'l, by arrangement with V.i.ctor Gollancz 1 td,, 1945, ,s4p. · Shortok, !4,· Jewish units in Itnly, London,~ Jewish ar,ency for Palestine, informw-­ tion dept,, 1945,

Pnlestino - Intollectu~l Lifo

Braslawski, Y, Masnda, (In Hebrew), Tel-Aviv H~~ibbutz Hamouchad, n,d, 55p. Buber, M, The essence of culture, (In Hebrew), Tol-Av.iv, reprinted from "Studios in Literature 11 v. 2, no, 4, 5704, 16p. n. I Burnett, K, B, Tho son of ohoornakor;'·tho life of Hnns Ol!rietian.·Anderson, (In J Hebrew), Tol-Avi v, 11 Am Ovod 11 , 570,1, 327p, Byron,· Lord G, :H, G, Hebrew molorlies. (In Hebrow), Jorusn.lem, tiAch:tA.a_saf 11 1944. I i 1 •I 79p, Halkin, S, Hebrew litcrnturo in Palestine, N, Y,; American fund for Pnlos~irlian institutions (1945), 48p, . " _ ~. -. ~: r .. l .¥ Kn.rni, J, Jorusnlom; poems, (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, Workera' book gt\ild., lj)41> 6i:p. · Newton, I. 1642-1942; addresseo by J, L, !-!agnes; A, Frn.enkol; (}, Rnccnh;·-a.t tho' Isaac Howton terconary colobrntion hold. at tho Hebrew Univcraity in Jerusalem on tho tenth of 11arch, 1943, (In Hobro~1), Joruonlom, Univorstty press, 19-13, 26p. Plato, Tho Re-public of Plntot according to tho trnnsln.tion of Zvi Dizondruck, abridged and edited by Loon Roth, (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, Schockcn, 1944, 189p, I Shiminowitz, D. The book of idylls. (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, 11 MasoR.dah", 1944. 383p. --11 11 -. Shneur, Z, Tho people of Shklov. (In Hobro~l). Tol-Aviv1 Am-Ovod 5704, · 315p, -­ South Africnn Zionist Federation, PP.lestino short storioo, soloctod by Z, Infold, Johannesburg, Information P.nd organizntion cldpartmont of tho S,A, Zioniot Fodera,.. IT tion (1945), 7?p. · Sterri, A,': Tho ond of n lla:!:i; a novel, (In Hobro~1), Tol..ll.viv, "Am-·Ovod", 5704, 218p. _i


------=-=~ • Labor ,_· ... . I . 1.: . . , ..· .. : Basewitz, L, and Bath-Rachel, Y., comps. Women in the kil>butz; edited.by.M• Po:!'; nansky and M, Shachori, (In Hebrew), Ain-Harod, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 5704;. 4i;Jl}J, Ben-Gurion, D, Our mission at the 1forld !rrade Union. Conference~ (In Hobrqw)o · T.el-.Aviv, Hapai, 1944, 30p...... Finkelstein, Y. Social insurance in tho Histndruth (Gonorn.l f.odarf\tion of 'Jowhh lit'bonr) condensed from ll survey, Johannesburg, Information & Orgr\nization Do..;. p~rtment S.A. Zionist federn.tion (1945). 19p. · _ Histadruth, Gonerr.l fedorntion of Jowi sh ll\bour in PalosUne, Fr,cta nnd figures subr.litted to tho dolegntes of the 1~orld trl\ nnion conforencoo London, n.p.,. · 1945. 28p. Pol'lo Zion. GreAt Britl'lin, Some nsnocts of tho Histadruth. London,. Hnbonim·, (1944). 23p.

Palestine - Settlements

Aminonch, N, Sdo Ynakov, London, Bae;dad fellownhip nublicntion (1944), 3lp, ('­ · (TorP.h v,•,wod"'h librnry rolic;ious settlement series), ! Bcin, A. The agricultural aottlemont of the Jews in Pnlostino, (In Hebrew). '· Jerusnlom, Sifrint Kav 1 1Kav published by the Zionist Orgnnizntion-Youth dopnrt­ ment, 5704 ·(1944),· 56p, I In the settlements of tho fishermen, (In Hcbro11), Tel-Aviv, Tho Labour agricnltu,- 1 rnl movement of Prlostine, 5704. 172p, Infold, z., comp. Tel-Hni; momori'l.l book, 25th annivorsnry, Johnnnesburg, Cultur11.l depnrtment of tho S.A. Zionist fodorn.tion, 1944., 40p. . . Xeron Hnyoaod. Glimpses of Jpwirth sottLrncnt history, Booklet I, 1. Ramim (Manarn.) Il 2. N11. 11C'.mc 3, Kf,r Yohoshu'l 4,, Kf:~.r Etzion 5, Gvuloth •. Jerusalem, Koren ·Hn.yosod, Youth dcp'l.rtment of the hcnd office, 19•±4. 3!'!}?• I World War, 1939 Browrcr, F .M. Trl'.nsfors of populntion. Wnshington, Edi torinl · resenrch reports, I., 1944. p328-42. (Editorial research reports, no, 19, November, 19<14). I British information services, Post-wnr plnmdng in Bri t:un; unofficiRl post-wl'\r planning, 1939-1944. H. Y,, British information services (1944), 88p, · i Cad bury, L. J. This quos tion of p0Jntlations; Europe in 1970, London, ·nlrews Chronic1o 11 publications dopP.rtmont, 19-15. 24p, l Internntional concilin.tion. Roport of Crimea conference, Ynltn., February 4-11, f 19'15. The Unitei!. States


Bubar, M, The people and its lMd, (In Hebrew). Jorusalom0-scnockeff:[htblishirtlf house, ltd,, 1944, 170p, Cohen, I, A short history of Zionism, 1880-19-14; six lectures. London, Zionist federAtion of gro11.t Britnin nnrl. IrolA.ncl, 1945, Includes.-Lecturo.l, Tho enrly phl'.se, 1880-1895.-Lecturo 2. Tho. HorZliM opoch.w Lecture 3. Tho Be.lfour doclnrntion -".nd tho nn.tionnl homo.

Efros, M, B, Zionism; a brief· survey of tho development of the movement, N, Y, 1 National oducntion committee, Hndn.~sah (194-1), 50p, ·' :.

----"~:~-~-- . -3- vt_;. , - _--- -• -• Kressel, G. From the i ssunnce of 11 :9.ome and Jerusnlem11 to _the d.e(l.th of ~e_l'z{. (I'n;.­ Hebrew). Jerusalem, Sifriat Kav 1 1Kav published by tlie Zionistorgan;:l:i.ation, Youth department, 5704 (1944), 64p. - · -- Silver, A. H, Mdreeo doli vera d.,; .at the Testimonial \unner in hie honoJ:", WoclriOJ>-:" , day, !~arch 21st, '1945, in the erand ballroom of tho Hotel Commodore, New Tol'k - City. N, Y., n.p., 1945). 8p. mimoog, Thompson, D, To \thorn doos the earth belong? London, Je~ri.sh aeoney for Pa.lestino, Information department, 1944, l2p, _ ?ionist federation of Groat Britain and +roland, Annual roport, forty-fourth, Janunry-Decomber, 1944, London, (Zionist f,Jdoration of Groat J3ritnin and Ireland, 1845), 67p.

Greenstein, J, Progrrun material for 27th nnnivorsnry of tho Bnlfour doclnration, 11, Y,, Zionist org11nizr.tion of America-H-'tropolitnn Zionist bureHu, 1944, 22p, Lo11ri•1, A. llri kin nnd Palestine; Rn exnminRt~on of prooent :British policy in tho l.io~ 1 1t of tho m:mdnto for Pnlestine, N, Y,, AmoricHn Zionist emergency council (1945). l9p, PDrr;:r, S, S, Eritnin opnns a r,qtoway, London, Huseum press limited, 1944, 96p, i ~loi~mnnn, C. St!ltor:.cmt mado b8fore the PaloEttino Ro~rn.l Commission in Jorusnlem, I or. ilovembe:!' 2fth, 1936, by Dr. ChFtim \1eizmllnn, (In Hebrew). Jorusnlem, 1-losnd I Bialik, 5705, Issw1d in honor of his 70th birthcl.P.y, It iu tho first book entirely mnclr: in PnleP.tine, print, dosir;no, blocks, ink, pnpor and bindine. Limited ·odi tion of 300 signed copies. This .copy is numb or 'Z17. I

Arnoricnn Zi o1ii st emergency council. l'nlestino dn;r, November second t nineteen hun­ drotl. forty-four. N.Y., American Zi.onist mn.l homo in Pnlestino ...Hr, Blo0m from the Commi ttJe on foreign rtffn.irs, eubmi ttoil, •• RmJOrt (to accm;,pn.ny H, Res, 418) (~lnshington, 1941), 4p, (ReDort no, 1997). · II' I ?:ioniom - ~duc,_tion

1hrclin, S, Post-war Jewish. problem n.nd tho Palestine solution; :'ih outline f!.nd sourco ml'.t•Jrial for "· five session project. H. Y,. A.'l!crlcrtn Zioniot' you,th _com- r.1ission, 19,~-4. 15p, (Study o-oup unit no. 2). .. ~. Golil.enbcr{'., N, Zioni 3t quiz; your questions "'-ns~Toroii., 2d od, London, publiahptl 'jly 3.ev, A, Brmm for the Zi oni at feder,_tion 'lf Gre~. t Bri tr>.in fl.nd lreland, 1944, 16p. · HlllLssr-.h. Proer:\m com~ittee, Pror:rnm kit, Fobrur\ry 1945, N, Y,, HnCI.aooah pro,o;r1•m comrni tke, 19·15, vnrious paeing, mirrwog, Kntz,J,S, and Hamlin, H,R, Oron.tive •Uscusoion for Yaung Judaon clubs, N. Y,, _ :r,_tionlll young Jud.n.cn, 1944, 66p, (Leadcro 1 council sorioo, v, 2, July, 19t11), S·-1nplomonta by AhPron Kessler, Q,ub for the Je~Tish servicemen. Lomlon, A,P,C, Anglo..;Pti:Ioritine club-, 19114, 20p. Ziordnt fcdern.tion of Gr

·~ Zionist organi?:,tion of Amei'icn, Pnlestine spe.9.ks,, H; Y,, .ZionlA!~ Aro8rier., 1944, •

Zio!llmn Education - Holid_ror l!n.teri.al

Gree;1st()in, J. Hanukah progrll.ffi for Zionist districts, N, Y., Zionll.l't orr,Pnhn-.. ti•m of America, MAtrouoJ.i t11r, huremu, 1944, !30p, G:·eenet•?in, J. Pnrim portfolio. H. Y., Council f?r ortltorlo:x: Je~liah ocnoo1s {1944), · 22p. u:imeo~. Kessler, A. How to nrrr.n 1 ~o a Purim pror:ram, N, Y,, Hntinnal.younr, J\1{11\en, 1945, Z4p, (LoP.,d'lrr. 1 C'luncil serier,, v, :1, J:.munJ'y, 1945), . . S0nth African Zionist feo.orntion. Infor1r.ntion nwl. Ol'F'"·nisn.t1•m depnrtment, Posach­ book; i nclu

dcpcrtr..3nt 1 1944. 52p, Z;ir,niat or~>;anization of Al!l·ricl', PlllJlic rolHi;ions dopartmnnt, Chami1:ha n.sar b 1she.,. vat. ;;, Y., Zioni.st or.<>::cni:;r•tio'1 of Amo:'ic.-t, Public re>ln.tions d.01111rtm<>nt, 19·115,

Z~.onist or,;nniz.n.tion of Am0rir.-.~1.. Public rnlfl.tions d.GJ1f'.rtmont, Pns G'>Vur progrl'l.Jn; P.nd 20t-h .~.nni vnrs<'ry of th·c Eohre,, ·.rni V•}rsi ty. ll'anhin;cton, D.C., Zi0nl"t. ornmi- z~tirn1 of Arr.0ric'l, Public r·)lntions clep·,rt1.1ont, 19·15. 3ep.

:Bt·ro:-:,. J.L., orl. St,rs ~mel n~'.n•l; J"winl1 notos hy non-Jewish notnbl"s• Phil~.ctel- -plii.'!, Jnwisl~ publiontiOil s-o,..i~.d~y, 19-·1tJ.. 5!~fip. Includos.-Q.uest for ., home;. Ent;ulm:-1-n, ~.z. The rise 0:i" tl'..e Jew in thu W~.:~t ~rn w0r\ld; n. nocin.l nnd oconomi.c r.io.tor;r of tho Jc~lish );,'lopl<.·, 0:1:' ~n;r; CO!IHJI·mnr~ti'ln for anti-rP.da1 iner>.- S·l~es. 1!, Y., Dryde?1 prc:..1n (cJ.::J-~L~). .~l~'~1. .

Jcwi"'l com:ci t'co.m- 1 mittoo for :r<•lief :'bron. • (l'lt!fJ). ?'-11• Lo~tchinsky, J. J,J\·li oh mi.r"l''' ti0~ for tbc w·~'t humlrcil. Y'H'rs. U, Y. 1 Yicldiah t':!iontific insti t11t~J, 19·\4, ;~;~n • •• nlen for th'l rP.SC'\0 of Eill'"•l•0 1 t: l'GP.Jnirin:"' Je~/G' uy Frol'lll Kirchwoy, ·:Loui.p s. G.-lr.n'littoo, -19r-.<;ronp tondr,nn,- :i'ho lorHJon of the ·hour, Rnthbono, :!1, F. Falsehoods .q_nd fncts nuout tho Jews. London, Victor Gol1nncz, ltn.,, 19·15, 16p. S1P.wc;o~., J. Scientific rosonrch on nnti-Scmi tir:m; pnnor deli vore:t,. ,r>.t Hntion com.­ rn'mi t;r rol'l ti one nd.vi eOl';)' counci.l, Scptombor 11, 19.. ~4.- l~-.-·.Y.···· Arn>wict'.n Jo11ish C'>mmittoo (19·14). 17p. Sola, :t,z, Tho noychol.ogy of rolip;ion, (In Hobro~r). Jornshl om, Zioniot Orgn.ni?.n..,. tion youth ~cOp.".rtmcnt. :::\eligions section, 1914, 112p, SoutL Africnn Zioniut fodor'l.tion, ~lhi ther? JohP,nnoElbUl'''• s.A. Zionist fecln,rntion (1944). 28p. Yisl(,'l.Y:thu, I Pnd Zn.dok, ·A., od, Tho cnnitivit::r of Yornon, (In Hebr011), ~o1-Aviv.,. II. TcimPn 1 1 Zion,, 5705, 3?.5p.

I I .L ,.:_,,;'

1_} i r ~·· ZI 0n IS T fl RCHIVES. fl nD Ll BR fl RY

.Accessions: I Pa1estine 'Achdut ha'Avod~, the Zionist Socialist Federation of Palestine Workers. Otnfinenoe: · l lst .Petak Tikvah, 1919. Resolutions of the first general confor.enoe. (In Heb..,c I rewL Jaffa, (Achduth) 1919. 13p, . , i l!lliot, Geor~e, pseud~ The modern Hepl Hepl Hap! (New York, :B'edoration of .1\merioan \ Zionists,) 1899. 20p. Publications of the Federation of American Zionists no,5. The Federation tf.American Zionists, organized July 4th, 1897, now oomprinesene. hund4-ed and twenty-five socioties, representing every section of the UnitEd States.' With a view of spreading n ~wledgo of tho Zionist movement, the .i'ederation bas resolved to issue a series of publications. No. 1, 11 The Aims of Zion!Qm 11 ' by Pref, Richard Gottheil; No. 2, The ~regress of Zionism by Herbert Eontwich1 L.L.B• He.31 11 Goorge Eliot as a Zionist" and No. 4,.l'l'eoeed1nge of Second Allnual OfPference, Baltimore, June, 1899. "Foreword. Autographed 11 Honrietta Szold", Toibes, Leibel, ed. The first Hovovei Zion conference at Kattowitz in 1884. (In Hebrew), Now edition. Vienna, M.ria. ·Printing House, n,d, 32p, Gift of Mr. SllJil\lel Goldst.ein, · Zhnism .;

Xantrovitch, H. War legfelati'on; in force f"ll the 15th dey of April, 1943, T-el~viv, Mizpah Pu~lishing Co., 19430 3v. Gift ef Jewish Agency for Palestine, Lawrence, Thomas Edward, Secret despatches from Arabia, by T.E, Lawroncer publ~d by permission of tho Foreign Office, ll'oreword by A,W. Lawrence. Loncon, The Oblden Cockerel- Press,...... 1939,.. 173p. ... front. (port).. The contents c-f this volume were included in tho confidential paper called}Tha I Arab bulletin which was issued at Cairo fr~m 6th J\lne, 1916, to 6th Deoomoor1 Im.8. Ot the first few numbers only twenty.-six copies wore printed, for dfstr~bution to the British authorities in the Near and Middle Eae.t, and.to tho Foreign Oftieo, War Office and Admiralty in Londen; the contents ware to be treated. as latriotly secret I .-Foreword. .. "The eJ.itien is limited t._ 1,000 numbered copias.H N'funberl 813~ ... · ... : •. Robinson, Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai ·and Arabia Pe~mea~ A journal of travels in the year 1838 by E, Robinson and E, Smith. UndertAken in reference to biblical getgraphy. Drawn up from ihe original diaries, with hist"ri"'" cal illustrations, by Edwarcl. Rtbinson. •• Booton, Orockor & Jr.awstar,l841. 3v. maps. Gift of Mr. Adolph Hubbard. · · Weolley, C, Loonard.and Lawrence, T.E. Tho wilderness of Z1lJ. (~rchaeological report). London, Palestine exploration fund, 1915. 147p. plntos. Palestine EXpleratlon Fund, .Annual,l914-1915, "' This list will be issued in conjunction with our "Recent Material on Zionism· and Palestine" which contains only current matorinl. A request has boon lilade fora list;... ing of some of the more imp6'tant background and scurce material published :In p!'S ~ · vi<:Al.S yeas ana. .acquired.. by the Zionist Archives and Library•

', '\ ~10 _j-4 --~----- ~----~------...... ~L 41 EAST· 42n'd STREET NEw' y 0 R K.Y.d OF PALESTINE FOUNDATION FUND 110'n 11P----"------.;;...,--_;_""'-:,.;:.._;_·..:.c_·'..;:_.

Vol~ 3, no, 1' Jan.'-Feb._, .1~46 Recent Material on Zionism and Palestine

Broido, E. Jews, Arabs and the Middle East. N. Y., American Zionist Emergency Council, 1944, 22p. Jewish Agency for Palestine, Economic research institute. Statistical handbook of Middle Eastern countries: Palestine, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, the Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan, Turkey. Jerusalem, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Economic Research Institute (cl944). 166p. Smithsonian Institution, Ann~~l report of the Bonrd of regonts ••• l943. Washing­ ton, U, S, government printing office, 1944. 609p. Includes,- Lessons from the old world to the American in lAnd use, by Welter Clay Lowdermilk.- The Arab village community of the Mindle East, by Afii I. Tnnnoua. Pnloatine and the War

Karen &~yesod, Pai.ostine Jewry's economic wnr effort. Jerusalem, Hee.d ctffice of · tho Karen F~yesod (1944), 27p. mimeog, ' Kligman, A, At the front And behind tho front line. (In Hebrew), Tel-Aviv, Am Ovecl,, 5705. lOOp~ Rt>.binowitz, L, Soldiers from Jud11.0a; Pnlestinian Jewish units in the Middle Eaat, 1941-1943; with an introduction by James Parkes, Londonr Victor Gollanoz, Ltd,, 1944. 79p. Palesti!!_e_-_ Coop.s!J'ntives

Dayan, S, Smallholder workers' villages in Palestine. (In Hebrew). Jerusalem, Rubin Mnss, 5705, 13lp, In:tilld, H. F, Cooperative living in Palestine. H. Y., Dryden preils (cl944). 192p, Zabnrsky, A. The Jewish co-operative movoment in Palestine; with a p:refnee by R. A. Palmer, London, Ponle Zion (1944). 20p. :Rep:r:inted from Inter.M.tlonnl co­ operative rev~ew for J<~uary, 1944,

Tho e.ssocintion of engineers t>.nd nrchi toots in Palestine. Labor p:r()bloms from a tochnicnl and hygienic point of view. (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, Association of En­ gineers and Architects in Palestine, 1944. 65p. Jewish agency for Palestine. Trll.do nnd industry dopP.rtment. Research institute for industrial raw matorinls. Palestini·'Ul phosphates ns rnM mntorial for chemicnlly treated fertilizers. Tel~\viv, Jewish agencr for Palos.tine, Trade and induatry department, 1944, 28, 22p, (Bulletin no, 3}. Text'in English nnd Hebrew. Kahn, A. E. Palestine: a problem in economic evaluation.' p538-60, Reprinted from Arnericnn mconomic Review, September, 1944. K~ren Hayesoc1.. Industrial activities rutd industrial financing in Palestine• Jeruaalem, Head office of the Karon Hayeaod, 1944. 35p. Palestine government. Report on the flour milling iiidustry.of' Palestine, 1944• (Jerusalem) Government printer, 1944, 7p. (no, 2 of 19•14).

~·o r, ~ -~ a Palestine government, Department of customs, exois.e and trade.·. duato'm~ .t!iriff ail~·-· exemption ordinance, 1937, cuatoms duties variation of tarift ~rdiiumoe~ 1936, . · ann export duty (abolition) ordinance in operation on the 20\b Juno; 1~44,,. • : ·.· Jerusalem, Government printer, 1944, 72p. . ·· _: · · Palestine gov~:.rnntsn~~. llQpartment of labour. Annual report !oil 1943,:. Jerilaaleiir, i. Government printer, 1!144-o... 16p. (no, 10 of 1944). . . Zohary, M. Int1·~iuction to· the geobottmy of Pl'.leatine, (In .l1e111'm~)~ Mer.ohnvia., 11 Sifria t Pohlimi'.~Workers I book-guild (Hashomer Hatzair), (!944}, 2'(8p. Bibliogvnphy p261-70,

Palestine - Education

Hebrew Universi t~'·· Adult education in Palestine n.nd Hebrew education abrond, (In Hebrew). JerusAlem. Hobrow university, 1944. ll5p. Palestine government. Dopnrtmont of educntlon. AnnURl report for the school yonr 1941-1942, Juruoalem, Government printing and stationery office,.. 1944, lOp,. (no. 6 of 19·14) , Roth, 'L· Tho Hebrew university and its place in the modern Je~Til!h world: essays and addresses, (r.n Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, Yavne, 1944, 174p. Samuels, E. The children's community of the Hnshomer Hntznir at Mishmar Haemek. l-lishmar Ha'Emok (1944). 23p.

~~lostine - Statist!~

Jewish agency for Pnl'ostine.Deprlrtmont of stn.tietics. Statistical bulletin; eum- mtU'y for tho yoar 1943 (In Hebro~1). JorusFtlom, 1944~ 38p, mlmeo~. Palestine governraent, Departmf;)nt of migrntion. The stntistics of migration and naturaliz11.tion for the year 1943" Jerusalem, Gove1•nment printer, 1944. 46p. (no. 7 of.l94<1). Palestine govo:rnnente Dept>.rtmont of Statistics, Statistical abstract of l?nlostine. · Jerusalem, Government printer, 1943, 189p. (no, 11 of 1944).

World Wor. 1939 -

Axis victims lenguo, Fourth rotmd tnble conference. N. Y., Axis victim\) langue, 1944. 40p. -~ • c; Brockway, T, P. A pence that pF-.;ys. N. Y., Foreign policy, association, 1944. '96p, (lleadlino series, no .. ·18, October, 19,M). · ... Cooperative luague of the u.s,.A anv. national cooperntives. Co-ope plan for· tha post-war world., ~lashington, Coopel'Ative league of tho UoSoAo (cl9tl4). . InternR.tional labour <"fficeo Co-·OpE.:i"F>bivo ·,lrgnnisations ana. posto··Wfir. relief. . . . - Montreal, Intomationnl labour office, 1944. 173p. · (Studiec and r'eportoi Sarlos~' H,· Co-operation, noo <1). . · . Jv.coby, G. Racial Gtato·; Gorman nntionalj ties policy in -the protoctornte of Bohor.tin.-Moravin, N,. Y.. , Institute of JG~Tish~affRirs, 1944. 355p. Moses, S, Jo~Tish pos~, ..11ar claims, Tel·-,•1viv, J'rgun olej tlerkas ..Thu·opa (1944), 89p. Nei sser, H, Tho problem of reparati one, N.. Y. , Anorica.n l11.'bor· conforence on inter-· national affa!r·s, 1944,, 36p., (St.udion on post• ·wat• reconsh-nction, no, 4), Service on postwar ~.nf:Jrmnt:ton. Bl.bl~.ogr~1;>h:y on postwar planning. 1~. Y., Time, Lifo, Fortune, Archi'i;ec·;;urn.l fon'.ill, HI·J~. '73;>,. __ --~ --t Twentieth century ftmd. Po:H:ow plr.nni!lf; in ohe United States; nn organization ! directory, noo 3, U. ·c, ~m.J'i;::.u-:;h OOl'tu:..·;y- fund, 1911<1. 134:p. United nations. Inforr.111.tion of fico, Ruuoilrt;h and pou

~~ • -3-o United nation&. Information office. Researoh ~ p:o&tw,~:piatiQ.ing':biblto'graph;:, < part xvU. N. Y., Tfuited nations information service office, 1944,.: 65p. United na tiona. Information office, War and peace aims; extr/l.cts .from 11tatement8'' of United nations leaders, N. Y., United nations information office, i944; 1B4p •.. (Special supplement no. 4 to the United nations revtow, October 31,, ·1944). . · · · U. fl. Department of State. Dumbarton Oaks documents on international :organh'aUQD.: together with chart and questions and answers. Washington, u. a. ~ovarnmorit · printing office, 1944. 22p. (Conference series 60). · · Woolbort, R. G. Recent books on international relations. N•. Y., Couneil on fora~gn relations (cl944). 17p. Reprinted from J'oreign Affairs, Oc,ober, 1944. Ziff, W. ll. The gentlemen talk of pence, N, Y,. Macmillan Co., l-944.. 530p. (Palestine, p25B, 26Q-62 1 331, 378, 465), Zionism

Almi, A, The Jewish commonwealth and your future. (In Yiddish). Washington, D.~ Zionist 0rgE>n1zat1on of America, 1944, 23Pt (:Sroahur~m :f'arn folk no. 3) • . Goldstein, I. The read ahead; a program for American Zionism. WRshington, D. o., Zionist Organization of America (cl944), 22p. . Herzl, T. The Jewish state. (In Hebrew). ~el-Aviv, Mizpah, 1944. 1Q2p. Kressol, G., od, Rabbi Judah Alkalai-Rnbbi Zebi Hirsch Kalieohor; selections from their works. (In Hebrew). Tel--Aviv, Mizpah Publishing Co., (1943)·. l63p; Silver, A, H. A year 1s advancer a political report eubmi tted to tho .Convention of the Zionist organization of America in Atlantic City, Sund~, o,tober 15, 1944, N.Y., American Zionist Emergencr Council, 1944. unpaged, Tabonkin, I. The Jewish stat~ and methode of attaining it, (In Hebrew)~ Ain-Harod, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 5704. 45p, Zionism - Funds

Karen Hayesod. The word and deed. {In Hebrew). Jerusalem, Xeren Hayeeed-Youth Department, 1943. 3Bp. United Palestine appefll, conference, New Yorki 1945. Addresses, releases, resolu-, tion. N.Y., United Palestine appeal, 1945. various paging. mimoog. · Zionist organization of America, Metropolitan btlrE!au. Jewish national fund kit. N. Y., Zionist organizRti on of ·America, Motropoli tan bureau, 19,!4~. ·unpaged,. Contents.- Progrnm materi~ for Zion1et distriots prepared by Joseph Gree~etan. Zioni em - Poraonali ties

:Slumenfe!d, K, Chaim ~Teizmann; an estimat• of his personal! ty, N. Y., Hashomer · Hatzair organization (1945). 16p. Reprinted from Youth and Nation. _ · . · Kuehnir, l~ •• ad. Joseph Hayim :Brenner; memoirs. (In Hebrew). · Tel;..Aviv; Hakibutz Hameuchad, 5704. 25Bp, · - ·. - Smilaneki, M. Unknown pioneers; eelectod passages trE~.nslatod frol!l the Hebrew; with· an introduction, by Schon, Tel...Avtv, published by Lion t_he. printer f'or tho Zionist organisation, Youth Dep~tment ~1944). 48p. (Palestine pioneer library no. 3). Zionist Youth

:Sasuk:, }!. ; ed/ Hechalutz Hatzair, (In Hebrew). Ain-Harod, Hakibblib :Hnmeuchad, 1944. 426p. . Chazrm, Y, Thirty years of Hashomer Hntznirt tr,.-by-Dov·Vardh :(Tel..JI.v1v1- Haehomer Hatzair, 1944). 47p, •

Golombek, H., en, In the beginning. N, Y,, Hashomer Hade.ttQt' America, 1944, Sharif, Z. Hapoel: sport association of Jewish wo:rokers :in Palestine; tr. from the_ Hebrew by I. l·l, Lask, Tel....Aviv, General federation of Jewiah labour in Pa,les-. tine, 1944. 30p, , Simchoni t, Y; Memorandum; the problem of youth in Palestine toda.y, · N, Y,, Pioneor women's organization (1944). 19p.

Board of duputios of British Jews. Annual report, 1943, London, Don.rd of deputies of British Jews, 1944, 56p. Brodotsky, S. Tho Jewish problem, London, Information depn.rtment, Jewish n.gency for Pnlostino, 1944, 15p, Reprinted from Tho Now Commomrenlth Qu:~rtorly, April, 1943. Br'\slnwski, Y. Wn.r and self-d.ofeneo of Pn,lostinil".n Je1~ry; from E>.ftor tho rovol t of Bar Kochba to the first crusades (In Hebrew). Ain-Harod, Hakibbutz HAmeuchad, (cl943). 149p. : '. Cohan, A, Tho psychology of antisemitism, London, Woburn press, n.d, 22p. ' Edelbmun, N, The wa:y to freedom; n contributi.on to tho struggle of tho Jews for ' their right to live as free men Md a froo people. N, Y., Bloch publishing co,, 1914·. 284p. . . Lostchinsky, J, The Jewish catastrophe. (In Yiddish), N.Y., Tho institute of Jew- ish nffAirs, 194'1, 239p, ' • Robinson, N, Indemnification•and reparn.tions: Jewish aspects, N, Y•. , Institute of Jewish af;fairs of the Americ<'.n Je1~ish Congress ·and the World Jewish Congress, 1944, 302p. (From war to pol\co, no. 2).· . Schochtml\lm, J, B. Jo~rs in German-occuuiod Soviet territory, N, Y., Union of 1 RuseiM Je~1s (194<1). 30p, 'Rnprintod frout 'Hitlerls ten-year war on the Jews 11 ;mbliohod by the Institute of Je~rish •\ffaira, Shormru1, C. B. Tho KinbarlfJi project, (In Yiddish). N, Y,, Central committee, Jew- ish workers pnrty, Left Peale Zion, n,d, l5p. Stone, R. :::lovolt in the ghetto. Sydney, Unitecl emergency committee for Eur·opean Jewry, 1944, ~4p, Trachtenborf;, J. Conference or assembly? An annlysis IUld a challenge; forewi;>tid.

by Gus Kapll"n, Harrisburg, n,p, (1944), 19p, , • • -. Won, G, The place of libraries in the culture of all nationa and among0 thj:l J~w.,. iRh people. (In Hebre~1), Jerusnlem n,p, 19411, llp. . · . .: World Jewish congress (Bri tiah sectionL The disease r-f anti-Somitislli•'· 'London, .-' ~. · British section of the 11orld Jewish Congress, 194,1. 30p, - -- · · ·- World Je~rish congress, Wn,r emergency conference• ll,tlnntic City, 1944, Reports,' greetings, resolutions, unpaged, mimeog.

.. ·-·------

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...---, i 4; EASt ,,,; STR'~·~r· ZIOniST ARCHIVE's AnD LIBRARY NEW :yORK 17, "N ;;:~·~'_:~: OF PALESTINE FOUNDATioN FUND llD'~ \l~

Recent Material on Zionism and Pale~tine


Alpert, C. Palestine between two wars. Washington, D. C., Zionist Organization of :• ca ( cl944). 38p. Brinker, D. N., ed. Luach Jerusalem for the year 5705, (In Hebrew). Jerusri1e~, IIJorusalem" with the assistance of 111-{osso.d Har:w Kook," 1944, 249p. Frankenstein, E. Justice for my people. N. Y., Dial press, 1944. 208p, Friedrich, C. J, Anerican poli.-y toward Palestine. \'l'ashington, D. 0, American council on public affairs (cl944). 106p. Isserman, F. M. Pnlestine 1 a progress: a uon-partiaM obsol'Ver reports. H; Y., Ccmmi ttGe on lmi ty for Palestine (19',14). 14p, · Liebman, A. The politics of the 1939 white paper. (In Hebrew). Jerusalem, Rubin Mass, 5704 (1944). 3Bp. Lur.ch H:onretz, 1944/45, (In Hebr6'W). Tel-.A.viv, 11 Hnim," 1944,. 263p. Palestine cnn taka millions. London, Information department, tho JowiBh r.goncy for P.'\lestino, ·194·1. 23p. U. S. 78th .Cong. 2d seas, House~ Oomnit.tee on foreign affairs. The Jewish.national houe in PRlostine: supplenental stn.tements to hearings submithd to the Comr.1i ttee on foreign affairs. House of Ropresente.tives •. ,on H, Res, 418 and H, Ref!, 419,. ;·. WasP~nGton, U, S. gQvernment prin\ing office, 1944,~ 129,viip. (Printed for the' use of the Co~'l.~i ttoe on fore;ign affairs), ~'

Palestine - Coopur?.tives

Avineri, I. , ed. Luach F..a..t.:ooperaziah of Eretz Isrncl for the yea.r, 1944.,1945, (In Hebrcv1). Tel-.;'>.viv, "Haluf'-shbir Hamerkazi", 1944. 183p,

Westine - _Ecol:oPtc Cond~ tiona

Ar:u:.f~l .. k.1ericr-n r '\lostine trnding corporation, Prospectus. N, Y,, Ampa~~erican· ' ral•>stiEe t rac!.ing corporn.tion, 1944, 23p. :· ,, · Barr, R. J. Post-wer Pnlestine, 7p. Reprinted from ''ForeignColllllierce. Woekl;Y:i" · • October 7, 19•1·1. .~ , · . · ' . ",_.·, ·• General r.;ortgage be.nk of Palestine, ltd. Twenty second an,nun.l r.eport'i.nd aoccnil1t~~ •t' 31st December, 194,3, Tel-Aviv (1944), 24p. Workers 1 bank 1 td,, 'l'el-Aviv. The twenty second annuRl report, (!l!ol..:.Av:i.v, 194-1h 16p.

Palestine -Politics and Government

Attias, M, F~esset Israel in Eret~ Israel; its establishment and ·orgn.nization. (In Hebrew), Jerusalem, Hrunachlilkah 1 1 Itonuth ul 1hasbP.rah shol lk~;~an~ Halouini, 19411, 253p. LM.dauer, G, 111l.liyah Cim.dashvh"; five esaeya. (In Hebrew). 'Jerusalem, Alij_a:, ·.; Cha~laschv., 1944, ~fl6p. I·. i; ~

...... 0 -2- LIUldav.er, G. IIAlijn chn.dnscha"; eine neue polltiBflhe 1944, 24p. MAclean, N, Hip terrible swift s~ord, Toronto, z~~niet ~rganizntib~ o:f through arrangement with Victor; Golla.noz ltd, (1944)~ l26p, .

World War. 1939 -

Ball, J, H, · Collective security! The why and how, Boston, World pence 1943, 63p. (America looks aheEd, no,- 9), __ Brwn, W. A., jr• The future economic policy of the United St~tos, Boston; W>i-1 pence foundntion, 1943, l01p, (America looks ahend, no. 8), Libcrl'l.l natiom,,l pfll'ty, The colonies e.nd their future. Westmin:l.stor, Liberal nfl.tional council, 194-1, 15p~ (Britain nfte:: the war, no, 6)J ~lFtr:!vcr, R.. ll,, ed. Group relations and group .<~ntagonisms; n series of addre:aaer· fUJd diocusGions, N,Y,, Harper & brothers (cl944), 237p, (Religion nnd ciVil:!.;.. zation n"rieo). NC"ttionnl plrmning association. Europe 1 s uprooted people; the ;relocntion of c/Js­ pb.ced population. Wnshington, D. C., National pl,.nning l).ssociP.tion, 194_4,) fiOp. (PlP.nning :pn:nphlrts, no. ::16, September, 1944). Smuts, J, C. Townrd I'J. better world. N.Y., Duell, Sloan .and Pearce Cci944)j 308, United nations informntion office. Helping the people to help thelliselvos; the story of the United nations relief !'.nd rehabili tntion adll!inistration, 1~, ,y,, United Mtio:-~s information office (1944). 15p, · ' United nn.tions l.nfo;rm.?.tion_ organisation. Sle.ve .labour and deportation, N; Y,, United ngtions information office, 1944, 2·1p, (Oonditions·in occupied terri- tories, no. 8, June 14, 19·:,,1), ' United nations relief ~d rehabilitation administration. First session of the Council, .. ; sDlected documentn, Atlantic City, Hew Jersey, lrovember 10-Deceml;er 19-1:3. \'/ashi!!gton, U, S. government printing office, 19-4'1. 215p, United nCJ.tions relief and rehnbiJ.itntion ndministrRtion. Renort of the director i:enoral to the second session of the council, \'7ashington·, D. C, (Uni tetl. natior. reliPf f'nd rohAbili tat ion administration), 19-14, 139p. ( 00\mcil 2, document 1: United nntions :celi9f and rellnbili t.'l.tion ~.dministr!'.tion, Supplementnry report of the dir-ector genernl to the second session of the council, from '17 July through 15 September 1944. WP.shington, D. C,, (United nntions relief P.nd rehabilitntior n.dministmti.Jn) 1%4, 20:P· (Colmoil• 2, document no, 238),


Eeller, :a. The mission of Isr,,el and the Jowish corrunonwenlth, .1~, ;y~, &oknitteil on unity for PHlestino (1944), 15p. . - ... _- , . c--~. Heller, J, G. An e.nswer to the'Americv.n council for Jndo.ism f'.nd the publishod .-f criticism£ of the American Jewish conference, n,p;, n,p, .. _ (1944), 15p, Mack, J. W, knericanism e.nd Zionism, N, Y,, Oommitte"' on tmity for Palestine (1944). lEp.

Dinin, S. Zim1ist educntion in the United St11.tos; R survey; with a special ~ectir on Zionism n.ntl. PP.leEOtine in tho Je•11iah schools, (We:shtngton) Zionist organize.- tion of Arnerice., 1944. 99p, Greenstein, J, Hanukah prograp~ for Zionist districta. U, Y,, Zionist tion ·g.£ Americe,, Metropolitan bureau, 1944, 2!l_p, mimeog, • -3- Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, Speakers' notes. London; pub~ J.ished by the Rev. A, Baum for the Zionist federation of Gre~tt Bti tairi. nnd . lreland, 1944, (no, 4: Chayim Nahm~tn Bialik by Joseph Reller; no, 51 Zi'oniem .· in ,'the period of Herzl by Shabtai Rowson,) · .~ .· Zionist federation of Great Britain nnd Ireland. Zionist extension cqurses;,;.fiYJ.".·· labuses and timetnbles. 29:p. · . Zionist Organization of America. Chanukah program,nlneteen-h~ndred and forty-four Modern NRccaboans. Washington, D. C,, Zionist Organization of America, 1944,.32r Zionist organi?.P.tion of America. MetropolltM bureau, Progrtun A.ids, N, Y;, Mot­ ropoli tM bureau, Zionist organizatJ.on of America, 1944, ve>l. 1, no. 1 & 2. Zionism - Funds

Karon K·~yomoth, Australia. Thirtieth nnnual report,, ,194~~44, Melbourne, Jowish­ nptionnl fund commi~sion of Victoria, 1944, 15p, Stalbow, z. Zionist economic policy; hard facts; f'ore\~ord by Fred ~Tattler, (Londcr A,P,C, book service, 1944), 27p. United Pnlestino Appeal. Yo~roook published on the I'CC!:'.aion of' "Night of Btfl.rsll, N, Y,, United PP.lestine Appeal, 1944, l22p,

_f:ionisl!l...-=_ PR.rti~

Hadansah, Political. and education mmmi tteea, The nr,ture of the Jewish problem, 1!, ·y,, Politicf\1 _A.nd education committees of Hadasaah (194-1), llp. ~Townrd et Jewish commonwealth) • · L~agtle for labor Palestine. liational ·pro- conference. October 21 c\l'ld 22,; 194<'<; Hation:tl convel).tion; October 23, 1944, N, Y., League for Lr,bor Paleatine, 194~. ¥ing. Mimeog. Zionism - Personqlitieq

Bialik, H, ;.;, An autobiogr".phy; in 4 versions, (In Hebre~1), Jertlsalem, (Mos.~ Bi~lik), 5704 (1944), 64p, Brill, 1-l, Dr, Moshe :Brill; an obituary and biography, (In Hebrew), Jerusalem, Hebrew UniverGity, Depctrtment of Education, 19•±4. 24p. . Weizr.v•.nn, 0, Address at Zioni at organization of America convention, Atlantic City, 1944; tribute to Dr, Chaim 11eizma.nn by L, Lipsky, Atlantic City, Zionist organ- ization of America, 1944, 9p, mimeog. , by Lord Alfred Nelch ett, London, Zionist fodarntfoii of .- 4' Great Bri te.in and Ireland, 194-1, 4p, Chaim Weizmann, statesman, scientist, builder of the Jewish commommalth; forteword by Felix Frankfurter, by M, W, ~feisgal, ed, N. Y,, Dial Pre so, 1944, Z40p. Wolffsohn, D, Dnvid Wo1ffsohn; Eerzl'e successor, byE, :a, Cohn, (~fashington) The Zionist Organizv.tion of .America, 1944, 28lp.

American Jewish Committee, Research inotitute on peace and post-wnr l)ro1Jlems. The Jowioh coJJIDmni ties of Nazi-occupied Europe, (N, Y,, American Je1·1ish Com- mit teo! 1944, various paging, mimoog, • .• _,.·

American Jewish conference. · Interim committee, Repol't of' the Interim ce)mmft-tee, end the Commission on rescue, Commission on Palestine, Oominission .on post~witi'. to the delegates of the American Jewish coni'eNnce. N, Y,, .American Je~ish. Conference, 1944. l28p, ~ :Oi ttelman, A. · The Jewish people will live on, N, Y,, Moming freihei.t as~a;.. tion, 1944, 47p. Czechoslovak Jewish representative committee. Czechoslovak Jewry; past and :futUl"a. N. Y., Cl'zechoslovak Jewish representative committee affiliated ~iith tho World · Jewish Congress, 1943, 42p, Emergency commi ttoe to save the Je~ti sh people of Europe, A year in the Qorvica o~ humanity; a survey of the Emergency commi tteo .to save the Jew!ah people o:f J Europe, July-August, 1944; prepared fol' tho socond annual conference, Hotel Oom~ modoro, l~ew York, August 7-8, 1944. N. Y., Emert;ency comr.littee to save tho · ' Jewish people of Europe, 1944, 48;8p, , Federn, 1·r. Reintegration of Jews into the economic life of Auetri!l.! eomr1ents by( Dr. Oskar Knrbr.ch Md Dr, Arich ~nrtakower, N. Y,, World Jm·Tioh congreoR, ,Ad.. · !· visory council on European Je~rish affairs (1944). various- paging, mimeog. ·'i. (War and. post war problems). - · ; .. Gordie, R, The Je1~s--a.problem thnt cnnnot wait. p437-47, Reprinted :from, ' Autumn, 19<14 number of 11 Tho American Scholer." _ _ h,, Jewish ·book council of Americn. Jewish book ann\U'.l, 5705 (19·1-1-45.) ., Jewish · r,. book council of AL1erica; sp~ns~r-coordinator national Jewish wolfaro board, (cl9•14), (260)p. (In Eng].ish, Hebrew and Yiddish),' Jewish welfe.re board. Annual ,report, 1943. (N. Y., Jewish welfare board, 1944) •.

Judcll Hn.-Lev"i; selected liturgical. and secuiar poems. S'elected and fl.nn<'t!).ted by . .. -·Dr, S, Bernstein, ed, (In Hebrew). N. Y., Histadruth Ivrith, 194:1, 33Gp. · Laznrus, E. Selections from her ~oetry ~nd prose; edited, with an introduction, by Harris U, Schappea, N, Y,, CooJ?el'Ative book ~eague, Jewish'-llmeric?.n lloot~:!.pro, International workers ordal' (cl944), l05p, - · · Leor~rd, 0, Americans all; grandfather tells Benny how Jews holpod in th~ dis•· · covary and building of America. N. Y., :Bellrman Is Jewish bo;:-k house, 1944, 232p. Liptzin, S, Germany1!! stepchildren. Philadelphia, Jewish publication society &f · America, 1944, 298p, ' · · , Marx, H. The case of the Germnn Jews vs. Garmany; a legP~ ·basis for the claims pt the Gei'o/Ul Jews nga.inst . N, Y,, Egmont press, 1944, ;L24p. ·~ · · · ·.. ·• '-', Schloss, J. Dio Jll.dische wirtschaft nach dem kriege. Tel...Aviv, .llitnon, l944>24p., Tarto.kower, A, and Groesmf'.n, X. R. The Jewfsh refugee, N, Y., Instit~te ef Jew.;. . ish affairs of the American Jewish congress and World Jewish congress,· 1944.G'I'6l1('~' · Wachsman, Z. H, Jews in Czechoslovakia.. N, Y,, Czechoslovak gov~rnment irifor:lil!l;.,.·· tion s0rvice, 1944, 20p. Weinstein, J. J, The American council for Judaism. 5p. Reprinted from thG'f.!lfe,{ Palestine" J~:~nuary 21, 1944, . . . :. World Jewish congress and Representation tJ£ Polish Jewry, Extermination of~].-~ Jewry; reports based on official documents. N. Y,, lforld Jewish congress and · · Representation of Polish Jewry, 1943, 87p, mimeog. . ·


l ...... 1 • • Jam1ii.ry 2i ).945 N(l. l' ,

Accessions: Background and Source Haterial on ~alestine and Zionism *

Benti-Tic!t, ~Tormnri, comp. Legislation of Palestine 1918-1925, including the ord.ers,­ i n--cot,::Jcil ordinances, pnblic noticeg, proclamations, regulations, ate. AleYa.n<'tri;:c, printeG. for t!:e government of Pnlestine by WhitoheP.d Morrie Ltd.; 1926. 2 vole. Gift of Jewish Aguncy for Palestine.

Kehilla th Jr.ko b; Verbe.nd zar He bung und F!lrderung landvrri tsch'l.flicher Jlestrebungen im hail. Lando; Gegrtlndet im Je.hr 5666-1905 in Jerusalem. 12p• ·Gift of Dr. S. Miller• Lynch, iv. F. Narrative of the United Stl'.tee 1 expedition to the rivor Jordan and th.c Dof,.d Se>e_. Philadelphia, Lea nnd lllanclmrd 1 1849, fl08p. illus. mRps. Gift of l·lr. ;,., liubbnrd.

Schw.rtz, Joseph. A descriptive geogrPphy and brief hi storicr.l sketch of Pl\les­ tinf', tr. from Hebrew and German murmscripts by Isr-.ac Leeser. Philadelphia, A. JL.,_rt, 5610-1850. 518p. Ulll!JS. engrl:'-vings. Gift of 1-lr. A. HubhP,!'d.

Arlosl'roff, Eayim. Works (In Hebrew). , Stybel. 5694-1934. 7 vola·. ' Friedomnnn, Adolf~ Dl'\s leben Theodor -Herzls. · E('lrlin und Leipzig, Jiidisch,or Ver­ lag, 1914. 14lp. port~ 11 P:coperty of Louis D. Brandeis 11 nnd autogr9,phed by him. Presented by his fnmily.

Lcvie.s, Casper. The justificP.tion of Zionism. Reprinted fro11 the Yor\1' book of the Contrnl Conference of American Rabbis, 1899. l5p. Gift of the family of Prof-. LeviP.s.,

MA.lkin, Sr.rnh. \Hth the seconc1. aliye.h; memoirs. (In Hobre~,). Tol Aviv, Centraf bureau.Hapoel llntzair 5689-192~. 3lp,

Thu ifmr l·lacec'"1.brcean, ed. by Lo,~is Lipsky. vol. l no. l-5. Hny 1921-June l-,j92l. Uew York. The llew Maccabaean has come to lifle to hel"(l the cause, to e~tplain · ' ·. thG isaues of the Clevolo.nd Convention !lnd to servo P.s a gollornl Zionist informr.- ---!-:'t_ tion medium. Gift of Dr. H. Morrison.

Progrma of tho yO'Illlg faction of Zionists, (In Ruasie.n). St. Potersberg, Minkov. 1903. 24p. Gift of Harry J. Kruu:t,

• This list 1~ill be issued in conjunction with our 11 Rocent Material on Zionism P.nd P.nd acquired by the Zi:onist Archives ruH1. Library. ~ --·· ------·------~--.__._.. ,_,...... ,_, ...... ~ ~ -- . - __ () ZI 0 n I S T AR C H I Vf~ An D ll BR A R Y 41

Vol, 2, no, 5 Sept,-Oot., 1944

Recent Hateria.l 11n Zionism and Palettine

Middle l!jast

British information services. 50 facts about the Middle East. N, Y., 3ritish in- formation services, 1944. 30p. Hill, R. Deaort conquest, N, Y,, Alfl'ed A, Knopf, 1943. 339p, (Paloetino p,97). Konikeff, A. Trll.Ils-Jordan; an oconom:lc su;-vey. Jorusalam, Jewish agency :fbr PF.l- estine, Economic research institute, 1943. l42p,


Hnshomer Hntznir, Paleotinogrnphy. New York, HaRhomer HP.tzl'.ir, 1944, 85p, Paxt 3, Economics, Jewish Agency -for Pl'.lestina, Depnrtmont for civiliM defense, NnturP.liBI'.tion l'nd H6lbrew names in 19411, (In ·Hebrew). Tol-Aviv, Jewish .Agency for p,.,_J,os.tino, 194-1. 47p, Pt. 2. Hebrew nnmos, ' Minz, B, nnd Stcinml'.n, E,, ed, llook ,of tho names of tho streets of TGl-Aviv, (In He brow). Tel-Jwiv, "H.nJDI"E.vir"': 194-l, 227p. Ostrowsky, M, ~ho "orgl'nization of tho Jewish comm1lllitY in Priiostine, (In Hobrnw), Jerusclom, Rubir. l:nss, 1942. lllp, Sitz, M,, od, W·-ter nnd soil; a collection of works on irrig!'.tion and corr.ell'.tion between water ~nd soil. (In Hobrow), (Tel-Aviv), Associ~tion of onginoors Pnd architects in P0.lestine, n,d, 204p. United Pnlestine npponl, Gro<>.t Britnin. Pn.rtners in Pnlostino 1s progress; formmrd by Dr, Chnim \'feizmnnn; introduction by Sir Simon l41'.rks. London, Alli'tr,co Pross, Ltd. (19•14), 2Bp,

Pnlestino - Agriculture

.'1.udi t union of tho workers 1 l'.gricul turn.l coopernti ve societies, ltd. Tho :Pr.lestino ngricul turnl economy unC.or wr.r comli tiono. Tol-Avi v, Audit union of tho workors 1_ n.griculturnl coo:r_>erntivc socif!tios, ltd,, 194<1, ·lBp. Pdestine Lr.nG. Development Compnny L.td., BP.lA.nce shoot for 1943, (In Hebrew). LOl;.ion-Jerusr.loi:l, 19•13, ?p.

l'P.lostino :>ncl. U, S,

Tho :1.1.1oricn.n-Bri ti sh convention on Pl'.lostinc; nddrosaes by I Col. )iorris J. !!ondol­ sohn, Rop. Clr>.ro Boothe Luoe, Gov. J, H01·mrd McGrath, U, S, Sonr.tor Styles Bridges, Tho Hon. Hugh Gibson, The Hon. ~lillirJm C, Bullitt, B, Notrmynhu, l~. Y., Now Zionist Or;:nnizr.tion of Americn, 19•14, 36p. Fink, R., ocl.• i>moricn nnd Pr.lostir,o; the P.ttitudo of officiP.l lmoricr. nn::l of tho Americ~>.n pooplo to~TP.rd tho robuilc1ing of Pnlostino ns n. froo l'.nd clomocrl'.tic Jew­ ish cor:unonwoP.lth, New York, .Amoricnn Zbnist Emergency Council, 19•i'!, 522p,

.....o i:

... J,. I' I - Economic Conditione ...... lI llachi, R,,:aa.vly, S, and Berman, ·S, V~ Inquiry 1JltopoveJ>tyimd Jlll\tn.U.t\'itfci'nnxncm~ the Jews of Jerusalem.. Jerusalem, Hndassah Emergeno:r Oommi ttee0· 1943~ 132:1>• . Horowitz, D, 'r}lo economic development of PE~les:t;ine~ (InHe'b:row). ':ro:t.-Aviv, Holi(td' :Sio.Uk, 1944, 252p, .. . . . Stnlbow, Z, Privo.te enterprise in Palesti'lle·, · London, published by tho R.utllo1-' Elnd printed by Willi!U)ls, Lea & Coo; ~td, · (1944), 8p, · ·

·P~lestine- Immi~qtion :Sentwieh, N, Jowhh youth comes homo! tho story of tho Youth AliyM, 193~1943, London, Victor Goll~nez, Ltd,, 1944, 159p,

Pnlostine - In~ellQQt}UJ.l,. LU:o

Agnon, s. J, An onth of allegiance, (In Hebrew). Jorusn~om.Tol~Aviv, Sohookon Publishing House Ltd,, 1943, 99p, llf'.rto~.sh, .il., Tho P,oldon menorah: book oi' legends. (In He brow), Tol-.1\viv, "!-t-'l.BSf'.dfl.h 11 Ltd,. 1943. 215p, Borno.i, A, Tho ship Sobranie. (In Hebrew), Me:rohR.v1t>.h, llnk1butz !:IMrtd HC.shomor Hatzair, 1943, 178p, FichmA.n, J, The n.ntelopo of the Emok: stories •. (In Hebrew), Tel..JI.viv, 11 MP.ss.MIIh" Ltd,, n.d, 179p, Levin, E. Bet~1een borders. (In Hebrew), Morolmvil'.h, "Sifriat Poo.lin 11 "W~rkore 1 book-euild, (HP.s):tOmor H~he.ir), u,d, 296p, . MibEiehan, M, Wonder stories. (In He brow), T-ol-Aviv, 11 Mnes'ldl)..'l" Ltd,, n.d.o 199):' Smilansky, M, ~oiahpA.hath ha 1 o.dnma: the frunily of th~> on.t'th; seleotod paasngoe tr, from the Hebrew with-~'ln introduction by Israel Sohen, Jorus,.~em, Zionist e}rg!'.ll•." isation. Youth Dep~tment, n~d. 23p, mimeog.

Pale!!ti>lo - Labor

Histadrut, Tho seventh yeF'.r of unified duos; "· ro:port for the yet>.r 1913. (In i Hebrew), Tel-Aviv, Histl'il.rut, 1944. 18p,f Nt>.tionP.l lP.bor om:\lllittee for PP.lestine, Ropol't to Americnn ll'.bor,· N. Y,, Nntioml Labor Comoitteo for Palestine, Trnne Union division (1944), 23p,

Palestine - Legisl~tion

Knntrovitoh, H, W?.r legislntion: in force on the 15th M.y of April, 1943. ·Tel­ .ll.viv, Hizpah Publishing Co., 1943. 3v.

blostine - Politicn.l P,..rties KP.tznolson, B. Appen.ls 11.bout tho proaant situe.tion, (In Hebrew), Tel-Aviv·, l-itflegoth Podol. Eretz Yisrnol, 1944. 68p, Katzno1son, B. Tho c1ooisio:n n.bout the split in Mnpqi, (In Hobrow), Tel-Aviv, Miflogoth Po,..loi Erotz Yiou.ol, 19.(-4, 36p. 11 1 Yanri, H.. i•t tho door11 of P.n epoch, (In lebrew). Morchn.vinh, Workers Bon$:- OuUd" (lh.shomer Hntzr.ir), 1942. 23lp, . Palestine - Vital Statistics• Fraenkel, A. H. The birthrate in the ; developments' and imrlioatione, (I~ Hebrew), Jerusalem, D, B. Aaronson, 1943. 46p. (Current problems library 1),':

World lf'lr. 1939 AU:frioht, H, \qar, pC'aoe, nnd reconstruction; a claBsified bibliogl'~:>.l)hy, l~. Y., Commission to Study the OrP,P.nization of I-aro.co (Hl43), 52p, Ei>.ton, J. W. Exploring .. tomorrm~ 1 a ,·r.ricul turo; co-operative group fi1X!1ling--l'i. pr...,ctic(l.]. progr,.m of rurnl relmbili tat ion; foroword by M, L, \'/iloon. l'T. Y,, HPxper & Bros. (ol943). 2B5p. Gr~nt.Britnin. Colonial office. Coloni~l rasenxoh committee; progress report, .Londo~ His l!.n.josty 1s st['.tionory office, 1943, 2flp, Gur,thor, J. D-d~¥· N. Y., Hnrpcr & Bron. (cl943, 1944), 276p. Internnti=11nbour conference, !lontre['l, 1944. 1-~inimum ste.n!l.l'.rds of sociP.l ];Qlioy in dependent torritories. Montrenl, Internrtiorml lr,bo11r office, 1944, l09p, (Roport v). International ln.bour office. Consti tutior.r.l provisions oonc,·rning socif'.l !'J'ld economic policy; M intern'1.tional colloctiol~ of texts covC'ring 4li0 countries r.>nd other r,ovcrnmental units. l-!ontrer.1, IntarnP.ti'JP.J'l.l ln'bour office, 194·1, 755p, Internntionn.1 lr.bour office, Co-1'\p..;rl\ti ve orf.'~nisntions P.nd post-~l!'.r relief, Moatron1 t bt.:err.n.ti!>nA.l b.bour office, 1943. 173p. (Studies P.ntl. reports, series BJ, (Co-operntion) no, 4). Kahn, B. Tho idrm of nnti•malism; JJ. study in its :rigins ".nd b<'.Ck,:!round. · N, Y,, M.~.cmill:i.n Co., 19'1-1, 735p. Contents,-Tho n''.ture ,·f n.<>.ti''n~.lism.-lsrP.e1 and He11A.s,-Romo ,,nd tho rn1cld1e' n.ge~q ReaaiBSI'.llCc f!.nit rcformati0n.-Tho s?vor6ign n".tirm,-Tow".r"-11 ,., now w<'r1d,PStirrings in .tho old wnr1c',, . ' Reynolds, Q., 'J.'ho curtr.in rfses. N, Y., il.undom House (c1944), 353p, Shaw, A, Intornn.ti,nal baP.rings cf Awerioan pQ1icy, BP~timore, Johns Hopkins Pross, 19"'3• ~92p, (Pn1estino pl93-96). U, s. WP..r DcpP.rt"·Jnt. Army Service Fnrcos, The chn.p1c.in sc:>rvtls; 1'1. m.rr'ltivo ,.,nd fF>.ctun1 rcp0rt c<'voring tho .p1ain corps, as conr·3.ir.n.tcd by the chief' nf ch.~.pln,ins, fnr the CP.len<'..IO'X ycer 19,13. n.p. Office, Chief of Cht'.p­ ln.ins, Arny S,-rvi co Forces. Wr.r DC"pnrtment, 19.;.'4, 77p, WP.rhp,ftig, z. Relief !'.Ud rehnbilitrtiont ir~p11cnti~ns of the mm.-q.\ prngr!1B for Jewish neccl.s. ~T. Y,, InPtitute of Jewish nffairs of tho Ai.loriOA.ll Je~lish congrol'e Pnd ~/orlcl Jewisl', congress, 1944, 223p, '(Fro~ war to ponce, nn, 1), ·


Feuer, L, I. Why n Jewish stnte. Lonc'.on, A,P,C, book sni•vice, 19·1-1,, 32p, . Zionist Orgl'.niz,tion, Executive, The Shekel in ~lf'r tir.1o~ (In Hebrew). Jcirufli,lom, .--·~. Zi·mist Org£-.nil'.r>.tinn, Executive, 19114, 3lp. Z~nnist or:;a.nizntion of Americl', convonti"n, 47th, At1F>ntic City, 19·14, An,nunl re-;1nrt tn •. A7th r.!.Ilr.ual convention, October 1'1-17, 194-'1 ••• lqP.nhington, D, C., Zi:>nist OrgMiznti~"n of AmericA. (19.-JA), 86p,

Zionism - PPrties

Ct"lw.no, s. Z, Culturnl y>rob1oms ,-,f tho Hrt.pn~1 Hrtmizrr.chi. (In Hobrew), To1-Aviv, 11 H,..,tzofe 11 , 19~,-~.. 28p, ChP.sn.n, .r. :m yenrs ·of !hsh"lnor fi(o.tzn.ir, (In Hebrew), Hcrchi'.Vil'., HP.shC\ncr HP.tznir, 1941. 32p.• Zionism - Pernonnlitien• • Kr_tznolson, B. On the ooc!\Sion of the memorifll dey for Berl 'F;ntzMl'~on, ( ~n Yid~: dish), by Nntionl'.l labor committee for Pt'~estine, >N, Y,, lTationall!".bor no~m:tt.;. · toe for Pnlestine, Information bureau, (194-1). 15p, __ _ - ,_- Pinsker, L, Loo.Pinsker and Emmn Lnzrrus, by D, Kobler, !.ondon, The \lizo world youth centre, 1943. 14p. Wing~>.te, 0, C. Orde Ch".rloe Wingf'.te, by J, H, Hertz, 'London, Jewish A~onor fol' Pnl13stine (1944). lOp.

Zionist Youth - Holiday MA.terial

Cohen, Y. P,, od. Festivn.l and holiday! n collection for tho Sukkoth holidny, Cin Hobr'-n~). Jerusnlom, Zioniat Orgn.n.iznt:i.on-Youth Dopn.rtment, 1944, 136p, Gnodmn.n, H. G, Tish"- B1nv kit, Oinciru:n.ti, Bureau of Jewish Educ'\tion 194-1, 13p. mimcog. 1 Heboni!~. Oneg nh'•.bbnt. N, Y.; &.bonin, 19•14, •!6p. mimeog, H.--'bonin. TishP. B 1'1.v. ~T. Y., Hl'.bonim, 19'1<1. 35p. mimeog. Lehrm!l.n, S. M. Sukkoth. London, Bn.ch'l.d fellowship publicotion, 19,13. 23p. EizrA.chi. A cul turA.l progrr..n for IHzrnchi groups; f\ Purim progrrun (In Yiddish). New York, Ilizrr·.chi{- 1944, 38p. _ 1 1 Tn arichir~ ve zichronot: a calendr.r for tenchers and od.uc:'tors, s•'>cl.f\1 woi.Ikers An.dcrs. (In Hebro11), Johnnnesburg, South Afric<-'.n Zionist Foctorp.ti···n• Do:!Jr.rt­ oont nf Ec'.ucntir--n ·>f tho Jewio~ Nr.tbnnl Fund, 194'1, 63p,

Jews and- Jewish Pr0ble::

Apenszln.k, J. Pncl. P')lakie11icz, M, Arnell. resiatance nf the Je~TB in Poln.nd; fono­ word by :!Jr. Joseph Teiit?nbnum. N. Y., .Amoricnn fflcleratbr. folt Polioh Jews (cl!J-'14~ BOp. llen-Sha.lotl, B. In stormy f...(lys; chapters nb'o"J.t Poland. (In Hebrew). Tol-Aviv "J.In.ss,.de.h11 :r.m., 19-14. 209p. 1 Bia~ik, H. N. Hn.lachrlh Pnd e.e,gndP..h; tr. from tho Hobrow by Sir Leon Si!'lnn; with an introductory note by Ephrl'.im Broido. Lannon, Eclucntion nepn.rtmont, Zbnist Fed.eration of Great BritP.in nnd Irolnnct, 19•1,1, 28p. Bnai Erith. Whr,t is Bnai Brith?; its history and n.ccomplishments, (In Hcbrow). Jerusalem, H.".lishknh hag-1.olnh b 1Eretz Isrn.ol, 194,±~ 158p, Boczkowski, H, 0, The prL1,ciplen of the probler.1 of nP.tionnlism. (In Hr:lbre~r)" Jerus~lem, Institute for Zionist Edu~JAtion, 191·1-. 90p. Epstein, I. Social legislo.tion in the Talmud, London, Torah Va'avode.h, n,d, 19p, Fischer, J, and Klein, c. A memorandum on the sit1mtion of Hungariah Je\'lry. N, Y., ~lorld Jewish Congress, Advisory council on European Jmdsh affairs, 1944, llp. mimeog. (Reports on the Jewish sitU!'\tion, Hung~>.ry 2; March 14, 1944). ,. ~. Fredman, J. G. <.>.nd Fnlk, L. A. Jews in American ~/l'.rs. Ne~1 York, Je11ish WC'r , · - vetorn.ns of the U, S., 1943, 118p, I Hr.bn.s, B. The voico of the brothers' blood; documents of the ghettos, (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, "•l.m-Oved 11 , 1943. Hebrew Univsrsity. Jewish communities thnt h.wo boon doatroyed; public lectures on the destruction of tho dinsporn srrnnged by the Hebrew university in tho sum­ I mer, 1943. (In :ci3brow). Tal-Aviv, 1944. p46-144. Reprinted from i1Knosaot", Mossnd Jinlik, book 8. ~ausner, J. Problems in the-second temple pori&d of Jewish history. (In Hobrow). Jerusolom, University press, 194•1. 16p,

I J= • -5- • Monsky, H. President's message to the Supreme Lodge H1ne.i B'rith senventeonth convention, No.w York City, May 6, 1944. N, Y., B1nai B'rith; 1944, 3lp. Uationnl ,Tewish welfare board. Fighting for America: an ncoount of J01~inh men ~tho 1:\l'mod forces from Pearl HA.rbor to the Italian cpmpaien. u. Y., NAtional Jewish welfare board, 1944, 169p. · Ne.tionnl refugee service. Reports Pnd agondn; nnnup.l mor·ting of tho mcmlbO):'S n.nd' llo1.rd of directors of the llntionP.l r"'fugec sorvice, iJW,, New 'York·, Jnnn!l.ry. 15- 16th, 1944. (N, Y,, Nntionnl refugee service, 1944), 26p. World Jewish congress, Advisory council on Europorn Jewishnffnirs. Persecution in Fr=ce. N. Y,, World Jewish congress, Advisory cou.."'cil on EuropeAn Jowiah Affnirs, 1944. 6p. mimeoc. (Reuorts on the Jewish situntion, Fr·-nco 4, M~>.rch 15, 191<"1). World Jewish Cor.greos, Advisory council on Europenn Jowish nffnirs, Tho situn­ tion of tho Jews in Grooce. H. Y., ~!orld Jewish nffP.irs; 19·!-1.. llp. minoa;;. (Reports on tho Jewish situnti0n, Groeco.l, Fobrup.ry 19'1·:1.). World Jewish co!1gross. Advisory council on EuropoPn Jowish nffl'.irs. Tho sittw.- tion of tho Jews in Trnnsnistril'.. H. Y., World Jo~rish congress, Advisotly council on EuropoM J01·tish affr.irs, 19·13. 8p. mimo"G• (Reports on tho Jewish si tu11.tbn, Ruuania 2, Docombor, 19•>3). -=----- t' .> i.. ZIOniST RRGHIVfb' AnD LIBRARY 5 --~_-·_'e~-~~-6ci~~:a.1]-,;:: \~.e~y'. .,,,. OF PALESTINE FOUNDATION FUND 11 o '.n 11P------~~~~~~~~-- V~l--~ .. ·~o/··~4·- :• . M~~Aug\ist _1944 I / . Recent Material on Zionism and Palestine Middle Eas·t

Abramovich, z. and Guelfat, I. The Arab economy in Patestino nnd tho !Udd;l.o lila.st. (In Hobrow). Tel-Aviv, Jk,kibutz Hrunouchc"Ld, 1944, 365p, Bibliography p369... 74, Assaf, !U chnol. Tho fil.tc of tho Pnn-Arnb fodorntion idea, U, '¥'., Hnbonim, 1944,. 5 p. mimoog. Bonne, A. Xho economic development of tho Niddle Enst. (In Robrow). Jorusi>.lom, Rubin lhss, 1944. 112p. :Busch, Nool F. Hy unconsidorod judgment, Boston, Houghton ~Hfflin Co, (cl943 and 19-1-1). 196p. (Ibn Sr.ud plll-33), :Byng, Ecl.w,.rcl J. Tho world of tho •l.l'r.bs. :Boston, Little, Brown nml Co,, 1944. 325p. Faris, Nnhib •\min, od, ~he Arnb horit~go, by Philip K, Hitti, Giorgio Levi Della VicL'\, Juli= Oberman, Gustr.vo E, von Grunobml!n, Nnhib ALlin Fnris, John L. LnMonte ~nry L. Sr.vnge, E1w•tr<'l. J, Jurji ancl Richard Ettinghnusan, Princeton, l'rincc­ ton Univordty Pross, 19<1<1. 27,9p. Horowitz, D. Pl'.lcstino ~nd the Middlo E,..,st: nn oss".y in rogionnl. oqonoll'.y, Tol- . •~viv, Pnlostino niJ.c~ Middle En·st Mngnzino, 19,1:3, 28p. . Porlmnn, M. Ohnptcrs of Arab-J01•1ish cl.iplorar.cy, 1918-22. N.Y., Confo_ronco on Jewish Roln.tions, 19·1-·1, pl23-54, RoJ?rintod fron Jewish Social Studios vol, 6, no. 2, Ritc:hio, Lewis. En.st"of Mo.ltn, west of Suoz. Boston,, Little, Brown and Co., 19·14, 22lp. Wurn, Shnlon. P<'-lostino and tho .~rnb world. N.Y., Hn.boniM, 1944. l~p. mimoog, 11iddlo East - Potr0loun

Ruclo.lo, Frnnk P. Oil supply, W'l.shington, lkU torinl :E\osenrch ·Reports, 19·14. pl69-185, (Ec'.itorir.l rosoa.rch reports, v, 1, nq, 10, Mr.rc119, 1944), U, S, 78th Oong,, 2d sass, Sonnte. Investigation 'of tho nl'.tion:>.l cl.efonse prog­ rron; rop::>rt of tho Spocinl cor:c~Jittoo investigating tho M.tional .binn pipe line--a thrent_ t~ nur nn.tional socuriw~ Tulsa, Inc'.oponclm:t petroleurJ n.ssncir.tion of Amaricn, 1944, l6p, Po.lestino

Americr.n Jewish cor:unittoo, Momorn.ndum on tho 19391'/hito p£irlor on Pn1eatino sub-· ni ttod to His Excellency. the ll.t. Hnn, tho Viscount Hn.lifr>x, l~mbnSSI'~d.or of Gro~t llri tdn, Doconbor 23, 1943, (N, Y., ,American Jo~lish commit too, 1944). llp. mimoo~;. · . ' A Jewish cor.unomlon1th in Pnlostino; our contribution tc> a better world by Lu


' •• - - •• ·---. -'-~ 0---~.....,__:_ -- • ·--- •• --~~---..c•..• ------···-·-'- -·- --',-, \:·

-a- National conference on Palestine, Washington, 1944, Re~olutionad.o~te~. Harch 9, 1944 at the Hotel Statler, Washington, _D. 0~ by tho Nati9nal _con ... feronco on Palestine, sponsored by tho American Palostfno committee in co-. operation with tho American federation of ln.boi", tho' Christian council on .. · Palestine, tho Con,o:ress of industrial orgEO.nizr>.tione, tho li'roo wo:rld associN-o tion, tho Union for domocrntic notion, tho Uni tflriM fellowship ;t'or s.ocinl ·justice, tho United Chrietinn council for domooraoy, N,Y,, O~·istinn council ~or Palestine, 1944, unpaged. · Now Zionist orgll.llizr.tion, We aocuso, •• and wo demlllld! Eight political state­ monte, by tho Now Zionist orgll.lli Z".tion of Amoricp. on tho Jmrish question .and tho P~.lostino si tur,tion. N, Y., No~1 Zionist orgnni1mtion of Amoricn, 1944, 36p, Syrkin, Marie. 1'/hy R Jewish commonwealth? Now York, Politicnl nnd oduontion connittoos of Hrulnssv.h, tho womon 1e Zionist orgnniz11.ti0n of America, Inc. n. d, 3lp.

Pnlostine nnd Lnbot

.Ar.loricllll Jewish trP.do union conmittoc for PRlostino, A dccbrntion by tho Ar:leric"-11 Jewish tr,de Wlion cor.mittoo for Pnlostino, N,Y,, AmoriCPJl Jo1·1ish trn.do uni0n comnittco for Pnlestil}O. (19•14). unpngod, · British lnbour pnrty. ,\gonc1.n for tho 43rd annUE>.l conference, Contrnl Hall, Wostr.dnstor, •• Mny 29th tc June 2nd, 19•14, London, Jowhh lnbouri party, ·1944. 48p, (PI\lostino p24), · Bri tieh labour pnrty. ~e intornv.tional p0et-wnr settlement; renort by tho Nnti0nnJ. executive C·~mnittoo of t~o Lro.bour pr.rty to bo prosontod to tho !'Jlnual conference t0 be hold in ~nc1.on from Mny 29th to June 2nd, 1944. London, Tr.n.neport house, 1941. 7p. CI'nleetino p7),

Palestine and U, S.

American Palestine committee. '!'he voice of Christian Americs.; proceedings of the national conference on PHlostine, Washington, D, C,, M_,.,_rch 9, 1944, N,Y., Amoricc>n Pnlestine committee and Christian council on Palestine, 1944, 48p, American Zionist emergency council, America epen.ke on Palestine, N,Y,, Amer:lcan, Zionist emergency council (1944), 54p, American Zionist emergency council, Rally for Paloetino, M!'.dieon square g:".r- · den, l·hrch 21, 1944. l:~.Y., •\moric'lll Zionist emergency co1Ulcil, 1944,. 17p, ·. A petition to tho President of tho United Stntoa respectfully submitted-by mem­ bers of tho fP.cultios of Amoricnn schools of higher learning, N.Y,, Amori.cnn Zionist omorgcncy council (19•H). 15p, · . .. Silver, Abbf'. Hillel. Stntonont,., boforo foreign nffn.lrs com;;1i ttoo on Pnloatine resolution. (N.Y., American Zionist emergency counci;l, 19,H), zqp, mirnoog~ U, S. 78th congress, 1st sees,, 1944, House, Committoo on foreign affairs, Hearings before tho Col:lf.littoo on foreign nffnire Houso of roprosontntivoe, sovonty-oighty congroee, eocond eeasion on H, :Roe, 418 nnd H, Rea. 4191 resol~ . tiona rolr.tlvo to tho Jewish ni'J.tional homo in Pnlostino, Fobrunry 8, 9, 15 and 16, 19•1·1; with v.ppondix of documents rell'.ting to tho Jo~rish nP.tional homo in Palestine. W?.shington, U, S, govornmerit printing office, 1944_, 512p.

Pa1ostino - Cooporatiyoa

HEO.bonim,' Xviitzr. ineti tutions. N, Y,, Hnbonim, 1944, 2lp, mir.1oog, c. -3,.

H:l.stadrut. !t'he kvutza: a desot"iption of the ooUecti:Ve settleni~nt inp~~st1ll;~. > . Palestine, General federat:l.on of Jewish labour iri: J!Jretz~hraal· (P

Pr~e~tine - Description and ~ravel

Braslawski, Yosef, Do you know the land? (In Hebre1~). 2nd ed, Hamouchad, 1943, 329p,

·l. PrJesUne - Ed,uor.tion I'

. ·. _·,

Hebrew un:l.vcrsity. ~he Hebrew university in 1942-43. N,Y,, American. friends . ·.·. -.-.1'·_·.·_... -.· ..

of Hebrew university (19

Palestine - Geology

Picard, Leo, Structure. Pnd evolution of Palestine; with comparatlvo notes on neighbouring countries, Jerus,,lem, Tho GeologicP,l dopartmont, Hebr-ew Univer·-­ sity, 1943. 134p. (The Geologic~ d.opl'.rtmont, Hcbre~;'univorsity, Jerusalem, • v. ·1, no. 2:..,1, 1943).

Palestine - History

Krossol, G, Pr.lestine and its history; a bibliographical _gru.de, (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, 11 Am-Oved 11 , 1943. 192p, S'lllluel, 1-L:J.urico. Harvest in the desert, Phill'.delphia, Je~;ish' publicli.tion soc:tbty_ . of America, 19•14, 316p,

Pa1eatine -·Industries .- Palestine government. Palestine trade catnlogue; pm•t.3, Mo(~i(lD,l, hospitv.l ~iid. household supplies, ~ol-Aviv, .~rl\de flncl inclustry (proas) ltd., HJ44~· 2311?•- . . . ' . Palestine - Intellectual Lifo

Barash, O)shor, od. Future; n scientific nnd literary anthology for youth. (In Hobrc~r • Tel-Aviv, machln.kath hn.noar shol hn.hMalnh hazionit v 1hotzf)llth 11Masc.da 11 , (1944). 79p. . . . Hoktin, Shalom. T!w ghetto boy Md The brotho:rs, N.Y., liobrew ed.uontors .com-, mittoe for lr>.bor Pelostino, 194·1. 32P. (Jowish childrot?-'s book club, 2-'3h Krossel, G. 11 lL~.-LobPnon11 Mel "Hn:-Hnbnzzolotn; ZioniSt 11nd l?alost:l,nian prose (In Hebrot;), Jorv.salom, Rubin Mnss, 1943. 40p, . ... · · ·:." · .· .·. · Rubasho~;, Znlman, ocl. ~e yonr 1943! a literary col:).oct:i.on, _.(Iri Hobrow). Tolr, Aviv, 11 DI".vnr11, 1944. 350p. · Shiminowitz, Dr.virl. A lottor; a.poor.1, (In Hebrew). ~obAviv~.lHflogoth J'oniot. Eretz· Yisl'r.ol, 1944. 5lp, • -4- Palestine - Labor :Bra~~lawsk1, Moshe, The Palestinian Labor movement: (I~H~bre~)j Kibbutz H."mouchE>.d, 1942, 263p. . . , . . •· . . Eisenstadt Samuel, Ohc.ptors on tho history of tho Jewish labor movement. (In , Hebrew).' Horcho.viah, "Sif'riat Ponlim 11 -Workers 1 Book Guild {H,_ahorooi' Hatzair, 1944). ~bpa!. Unity of lnbor. (In Hebro11). Tel-Aviv, Palestine le.bor pnrty;. 1943. 192p. vol. 2. Our political problems. Prlostino Mandr-to

British infor'll~.tion sorvicoe. Information d~.vieion. llritain1 e mandate for Pal­ estine. N, Y,, British information sorvices, 1944. 12p. ,.~i O:!.i vor, Philip 11. llnck to ll"-lfour. London, British association for the Jewish r nationr>.l home in PP.lostine (1944), llp. . Pro-Palestine comnitteo, Intorest in the Jewish National Home in Pe~eetine, \•lellington, Pro-Pnlostino cominittoo, 1943. . 6p. Stone, Jnlius. 11 Stnnd up n.nd be counted!"; an open lett\'lr to the Rt. Hon. Sir Isnac Isnfl~s; on tho occasion of the twenty-sixth anniversery of tho Jewish NativnP~ Ho~o. Sy~eY, Ponsford, NewmBn & Denson Pty. Ltd., 1944, 82p.

~tine - Offic~ala Pnlostinc govor!l!!lont. St11.f.f lfst of the government of P11.lestine as on. the let ·october, 19'13. Jerus,~em, Government printing press, 1943,. <15p.

?P~cst!ne - Settlements

Krone, l~oshe and F.erschkowitz, Y, From Rodges to Yavne. (In Hebrew). Je.ruealem,. Hamachlakah 1 1 inyanei hanoar-Hamador Hadati, 1944. BOp. Npbalal( the first smallholders' cooperative settlement. Jerusalem, Hauman prose (1944). 16p. Palestine ne,riculturnl settlement nseocintion, ltd. Roport and bal~nce sheet for tho yenr ended December 31, 1943. Jort1s~em, P11.lestine agricultural settle- ment association, ltd., 1944, unpngod. · Smil11.1lsky, Hosho. Tho fronily of the land; monioire. (In Hebrew), Tel-Miv, ),' Am-Oved, 1943, 265p.

Pr~cstine - Songs

Koren knyomoth. Overs one youth depnrtttent. Classified Pelestine songs. . Je;-u::.. ·

~ SP.lem, Jewish nntionl\l fund, overseas youth department, 1944. 14p,. ·~· Post-wnr ProblOJUs

Axis victims longue. First round tnblo conference of Axis victims league, in~ second anct third round tnblo conference of Axis victims lofl.guc, inc,; an as­ sociation for restitution nnd compensation of rights and interests to nxis victims. U,Y,, Axis victims lePgue, inc,, 1944, 40p, arid 40p, Dawson, Christol'hor, Tho renewal of civilization, London, National peace council el944), llp. (Peace aims pamphlet no, 20), Ehronburg, Ilya. We will not forgot, Washington, D, C,, ·Embassy of tho Union of Soviet Soclnlist Republica, 1944, 59p. ·


__ .1I • -5- Flioss, Walter, The economic reconstruction. of Euronll;: prefac~ Yales• London, International publishing co. (1944), 64p. ·. · .··, , . . . . Grigg, Sir F4ward,· The :British commonwealth; its pliwe in tho sorvioe'();t''tho. 1'/0rld. N.Y., Livoright (cl944), . . . '· · · .·. .·· . Intorllc'ltionnl conciliation, A design for a chart or of tbo · gonoi'nl· intornn~ionri.l ..·. · organization; oilvisnged in tho Moscow doclo.rn:tion of Ootobor 30 0 1943-b.nd lri .. ·· · tho Resolution e.doptod by the Sonata of tho United Stnteo oil November 5, 1943, · ' N.Y., Cnrnogio endowment for international peMo, 1944, p521-'i!.2. no. 402. · · IntornP.tional concilintion. Univorsi ties comniitteo on post,.;wl\l' intoi'M.tionnl·' problems; summnrios of reports of cooperating groups, N, "l., 0!\l:'nogio endow-,.· mont for Intornationnl po.n.co, 1944. p437-92, no, 401. . · Kaldor, Nicholas. Planning for nbundMco, by ~Ticholas Xnldor, Joan Robinson,· A. A. Evans, E. F. Sohumnchcr, P, L8lllartino Y.a.tos. London, NRtionn.l poaco · council (1944). 44p. (Peace ni me pamphlet no. 21). · · League of nntionG, Economic nnd financinl committees, Report to tho Council on the wc.rk of tho 1943 joint session, Princeton, N, J., Docombor 19,13r Gonovn, Let1guo of nP.tions, 194·1, Blp. (Sorice of Longttd of nntions publicntions XX.A.l), LippmruJn, l'lnltcr, U. S, wn:r ains. lloaton, Little, llrown n.nd co., 194'1. 235p. Mns,..:ryk, JM. Minori tics n..'l'ld the democratic state. London, Who Jewish historiCJ:il society of Engll'.nd, 19·13, 23p. .· . . lTn.tionnl planning nssocif'.ti0n, Clothing Md shol tor for European r~lief, Wash.­ ington, Nntion.a.l planning ass':lcintion, 1944, 47p. (Plannin,~ pmaphlota, no. ;34). Nr-.ti;.nnJ. planning associntion, 'tJNRRA: Gnto~m.y to recovery. - \rnshington, N,.,tiona.f pln.nni:lg ~.ss'lcintion·, 1944, 84p, (Pli?Jming pamphlets, no. 30-31). . Notostoin, FrP.nk W. Tho futuro populntion of Europe '1.11Q. tho Soviot un:i.on; pi>ptila­ tion projocti0ns, 1940-+970, by Frank W. Notestoin, Irene D. Tnoubor, Dudley • Kirk, A..'lsloy J. Coe.lo, L.ouise X, Kiser. Genova, Loaeuo of nntions, 1944, 315p, (Series ::>f·Lenc;uo of nations publicntions I~ Economic t>lld finl:'.ncinl 19.l affnirs, 19·¥1. 75:!1. Ruml, :Beardsley R.ncl Sonne, H. Chr, Fiscal and monetary policy; a memorn.ndum pre­ pared at the request of the business committee of· the nntionnl planning associn­ tion. ~/nshington, Nr.tional planning association. 1944. (Plnnning pnmphlets· . no • 35) • 42p , . · . ' United n~>.tions informn.tion office, WIU' find peace nims: oxtrnets from st.a,tomontB · of United no.tions leP.dors. N.Y., United n.a.tions :triformntion office, 1944. 127p. [ U. S. 78th Cong., 2d sass., Sone.te. Committee onforeign relc.tion~. Het]4'ings, · . be foro tho Commi ttoe on foreign rolntion.s, United Stnt·os Sill1nte .. ,on· H·~ J, .Roe. · · 1 192; e. joint resolution to onn.blo tho United Sbtos to partioipi\to Jn .tll.o .. wo;rk . \ ·of the United n11.tions relief ano.. rehnbilitntion orgnniZation,: Fobruary;'9 .ali,d·lO,. -<"• · -~~ 1944, Wnshington, U. S. govcrm10nt printing office, 1944. 50p, · '·. · . ": Yisson, Andre. Tho coming struggle for ponce, N,Y,, Vil'dng press, ~944. _30lp.' l I·Telles, Sumner, T'.ne time for decision, New York, Harper & Bros,'; 1944. · 43lp. ~ (Palestine p264-68), · · · ! ! r b.ionhm !

llen-Gurion, Dnvid, The All 0 of Zionist policy, N.Y., Hnbo)lim, 1944,·20p. nlimeog.:: - ! Efrathi, 1~. The 1rorld Zionist organization; its e-ssence and·: structure. (In Hobre~r ). '~ Jerusalem, Rubin Mass, 1944, 23p. h Frru~, Harry. Tho unit of Zionist orgnnizntio:p. in Amorica •. Los Angeles; Hnrry J h~. 19~. l6p. --- - .. . . ':1 ... -.-__ ;:_-·.--·.··-.

. . r ·--_i-.· • f. ~oughts of e. 1~; charged bj< 1 m~n~llJUln .iaw. vith_~viilg a' 0~ ... track mind, he admits the charge and glories in tlio lmputatl~~:o 7Pf · lt~pr~n·~: r:f from the New Palestine July 14, 1944, · . .'· ...·· ·,:. · _ · · . Gruenbaum, Ise.ac. ~e development of the Zionist movement (In :Hebrelf)J: "'eruealom. Rubin Mass, 1943 lllp. B:!.bliograph.v p70·90, - .. .. ·.•_ .... Safar Hazionuth, ~In Hebrew). !t'el-Aviv, Massad Bialik, 191}4! 21Qp. val> 3 I I book a· !t'h."U.t'nt Hibbat Zion, ed, by s, Yavneli~ . ·. · .... ·' t Charon, Abra.hnm. SP.ori.:fices inherent in Zionist ideology, (In Hebrew), !t'9l• ! Aviv, "'Am-Oved", 1944, 59p, · ! Zionist organiz~tion of America, rublic ro!ntions department. !t'wo generations I of Zionism. Waohington, Zionist orgAnization of America, 1944, 17p, oimeog,

Zion,em - ;ilmdiJ Il ! American fund for Pnlostininn institutions. Report of 1943 activitiosr progrrun for 19~4. N,Y, American fUL~d for Pv.lestinian institutions, 1944,. 47p, Xal'en knyo!:loth, Fnots and :t'iguros: notivi ties of the Kol'en kayometh le1srae1 j (Jewish n~tionn1 fund) for tho yenr 5703, let October 1942-30th September 1943, J Jerusalem, Hand office of tho Jowish nntionnl fund, 1944. llp, Uni tod l'r.lestino r.ppon.l. Presents the· budgets of Palestine foundntion f'und,. ,and Jewish national fund for tho year 5704, October 1, 1943 - September 30, 1944, N,Y,, United P~lostine appeal, 1944, 42p, Zionism - Pnrtiog

AmoricM Zioni~t emergency coun~!l. Tho Lop,gue for a fre'o Pnlostinel another con- fusionist front. H. Y., American Zionist emergency council· (J.9,H) . 3p. · 1 H<>.dA.ssah{ Poli ticl'.l commi tt§c. Fncts you should know about liTho Hebrew committee of M.t onal liberat~on". .Y., Ifadasa'l.h, Politicnl committee (1944;), 7p, Htl.shomor hatznir, Convention lOth, Ohi.cP.go, 1944, Din'v1·chesbon, N,Y., &shor.tor hatzair, 1941, 47p, Zionism- PersonRlitiep

:Bon JehudR.h, Hemdnh, The ata.ndard-bcaror; the life of lttiUll!\r Ben...A.vi, (In Heb­ rew). Jorusnlen-Tnlpiot, Bon Johudah-Hnzaah-1 1or l'zocher, :Ben~Jehudnh, (1944). 360p, . . . . . Xl\tznolson, :B, Among friendst A. Lessin. (In HcbrO\~). Teh·Av'iv, nAffi.;.Oved)'' 194~. Klausner, Israel.,. Rnbbi O!myir:1 Zobi Sneersohn, (In Hebrew),. JerusP.lem, lit>.Jllaoh;. lllkah 1 1inynnoi lmnoar-hanol'l.r hndnti she1 hanhalath Mhis~.adrnth IJazionith· b 1hishtatfuth koran hayosod, 1943, 108p. · , ~-. , Rabiner, Z. A. Rnb'bi J?seph Zchc'lriah Stern, ( Xn Hebrew), Je~us1;1.lem• l~U:iu\chink:ah 1 1 inyanei he.noe.r-Hanoll.r hndo.ti shel hanhnlath hahistadruth hriziOni th lJ 1hishtntfutlJ: .· '" karen hayosod, 1943, 52p, Ruppin, Arthur, An auto -biography. (~n Hebrew), Tel..Aviv,. "J\m-Ovecl", 19411, Jaws and Jewish Problems

Alper, lUchnol, ~eA. Z, A, I'rogr!Ull gUide; n cu1turnl progrrun Md quiz for l3 1nni B1rith youth groupe on Jewish customs, ceremonies and holidnye Washington, ·D,O. 1 Supreme nc1visory council of .Aleph Za~lik Aleph of B1nru. B'rHh 1944, 30p, A::mricnn ·JI)wish co=i ttoe, To bigotry no B®Ctionl a documen_ tee! o.nal;vsls of Anti"' Serlitic propE>.gancln, N,Y,, .AmericM Jewish committee (1%4), 80p, . . · · · Brinker, D, N,. The,,."Agud~th hrael" in Eret!! Israel., (In Habrew), Jorusalom, . n,p, 1944, 4;ap·. · · \ ~~ : ·.- . '.t1 '· ·:

.·:.jt'. • .· .. · Chapman, B. :Burgoyne. The murder of a people; a record of:Hitleri~;~ v"iotory-~o ·' · . date in a basic Nnzi W!U' aim I'Uld an appeiW. to the .A;ti.strfl.li!\ll peopJ;e to ·t\:trn tli,il. .j- tide. Sydney, Mnrket printery Pty. I.td., 1943. 29p. "' ·. _:· _·_··:: __ .· .· __... · .. :'' Cooperstein, L. 'l'he fate of Rumanian J01-~ry. (In Hebro11).,. ~ol.;,Aviv, Ani"".eved, · ·j· 1944. 108p. .· ...... Elbogen, IstMr. .1\ century of Jewish lifo. Philadelphia,. J9wishpublicntion aoc:IO~. of America, 1944. 682p. l~··· Fi ~chel, 1hl tor J • Tho Jo~IS of Kurdistan, 1\ hundred yo"xe ngo; a trrwolors :record •. ! N.Y., Conference on Jewish relatione l 1944. pl95-226, Reprinted from J01'1ish · Social Studios v. 6 no. 3. Gervasi, Frank. Tho J011 !',an soldier. Chicngo, Collier 1e, 1944. 6p, :aeprinto~ from Collier 1 s •\pril 22, 1944. HabM, Brachnh. Brothers from nor.r rmd far, (In Hobrei1), Q!ol...Aviv, Am-Oved, 1943. 158p. illue. Hvb~s, llrachnh, Letters from' tho ghettos. (In Hebrew). Tol.;,Aviv, Am~Ovod, 1943. 187p. ~b?,s, Br!\ch'1..1,, Twelve refugees. (In Hebro~r). Tel-J~viv, ".Am-Ovod,n 1943. 96p. Heilperin, Yisraol. Sofor Hagvurnll: nn historic li torary anthology (In Hebrew), Jerusalem, •\m-Oved, 1944. 23lp, pn,rt 2. Holler, Jnmes G. An nnsvror to tho Anericnn council for Jue\r.ism and. to published criticisms of the Amoricnn J01~ish conference. n.p,, n.p., (1943). 15p. Janowsky, Oscr.r I. Jewish rights in tho postwar world. 1943. 4p. Reprinted from Survey Graphic September 19·13. Jewish agency coumittoo for tho Jow.e of occupiocl Europe, Bulletin; inf'oroation. on the Eii tuation of the Jows in countries um1or tho rule o;f tho Nazl.e and their sRtollitos. Jorusn.lem·, Jo1·Tish P,gcncy collll'\ittoo for tho Jovrs of occupier\ Europe, 1944. 38p. nimeog, , · Jewish Labor Cor.rr:.itteo. Roconstr:uction problems of Jovrish life in Europe fli'tor the '"ar; momorHnclu;:l suboit'ted by tho Jowi~h lnbor committee to UNRRA. (In Yid­ dish). l~o~r 1ork, Jewish :Lnbor ComrJittoe ~1944), 15p. Justice :for the Jews; trxoo articles by Henry do ~orillis,JPn :Lacon, Michel Pobors, N.Y., "I' our i11. Victoiro" (19•14). 23p. Reprinted fror.t "I' our la Victoirol1 XohP-'lel::i, 1\.loxr.-ndor S., ed, Tho Americrm Jewish conference; i te orgnnizl'.tion MC1 procooil.ings of tho :first session, August 29 to Soptombor 2, 1943, l~e1q York, N,Y. N, Y., American Jowi sh conference, 1944, 407p. · Liebcnstein, E. Tho now torritorifl,liSm, (In Hebro~r),) Jorus!llem, Rubin Hc-tss, 19<14. 30n. ' Neustac1t, M". Tho ycP.r of extorminntion; tho Jowe nnd our movement uncler tho Nnzis at the enCl. 0:f 1943. Tol-1\.viv, 1qorl<1. union Poalo Zion- l!itnohdut, 1944. 67p, · Also in· Hebrew r>nd YiclcUsh. Prager, Hosho. Tho history of tho. revolt in tho W".rsn'(1 ghetto. (~?:Yi_c1ii.is}l).-- Tol-Av1v, Ihud Olnmi, 19~4. 9p. mimoog, · Spizman, L, The ghottr>s in revolt. (In Yidclish). New York, Poaie Zion-Zaire, Zion, 1944. ll7p. · ·. ZIOniST' ARCH IV£~- AnD LIBRARY 0 F P A L E S T IN E F 0 U N 0 AT I 0 N F U N 0 1 1 U ' il l 1 11 ·.~ .

voi.. a.~ )To. 2< ••• _ Mt\1"~~pr~ll; __ l944; Recent I:aterial lcln Zion:!.sm an<'. PP.les1;ine./

·~ -~ .A. iHMle East

Bauer, Eliezer, Bibliography of the Arabs; the Arabs in the papt .and- Pl'ElS\'lnt; their economic, cultural and political life, (In lrebrew). Jeru~aleni, lns'tmo tors organization of the head office of the Youth , 1944, 55p,

Bonne, Alfred, ~e economic development of the Middle East; an outline o:t planned reconstruction after the war. Jerusalem, Jewish agency, Econemic re-. search institute (cl943). 124p. ·

Broido, Ephraim. Jews, Arabs and the Middle East. London, J?oale Zion, 1944, 47p,

Fe is, Herbert. Petroleum and American ;t'oreign policy, _ Oal~forni~, · Stari:for4 university Food and :L"'esearch institute, 1944, 62p, (Oommod:l.t;y policy studies no, 3)

Jarvis, 0, S. Arab co~nd; 'the biography of Lieutenant.Oolonel F. G. Peake Pasha. London, Hutchinson & co,, 1943, 158~,

Rabinowitz, Louis, Jewish troops in the Middle East. London, Williams, JJea & co. (1944), 2p. "Broadcast in the Home service on the 3rd October, 1943, 11

Rainier, Peter W. Pipeline to battle; an engineer's ad,ventures ~rith the British Eighth army, N, Y., Random hov.se, (cl943). · 302p. · ... ~ - ,- - -" < • Rolo, Charles J, Wingate 1 s raiders; an account of the :fabulous adv~nture that raised the curtain on the battle for Blirma, ~. y. I World book co., editiori distributed by the Viking press, 1944, 197p, · Wingate in Palestine pl8·21. University of California. Oo!Mlitteo on international'pelationti. 'Africa, the Near East and the we.r. Berkeley and Los Angeles I Universi~y of -~Oalift?~rii_B. press, 1943. 212p, ., . ·._ - · · . • lncludes,-Arab nation!l-lism 1!1 the Near ·East,· by James .H~nry B~easted,"-The struggle for oil in the Near East, by Lester 0, Uren, B. Palestine and the War

Aleph 2:adik aleph, The role of :Palestine ~n the' present war. Washington, D. c,., Aleph zadik aleph, 1944.· 44p,• (A.Z,A; Program guide, v, ·l6Jwch..:.: April., 1944) · · · ·

Horowitz, l' • The Jews_, the wa.r and a:fter1 Lcmdori, Lloyd Col; (1943) l3Bp.


-----~------2- l. ~- Jewish agency for\._,lestine, Report on tho e.ctiv(''\) s, of .the· Jewish agency. in Palestine during tho war, n.p., n.p. (1943) i'Op, 5p. ll)irnQOg;

Kliorsfold, Joseph. Jewish soldiers of renoWn. (In Hebrew).. 2nd ed. Jerusalem; Rubin Mass, 1943, 396p.

Mosenzon, llosho. A Hebrew soldier's diary. ( I.n Hebrew) Tel-Aviv, Am-Oved, 1943. 70p.

C. Palestine -Description and Travel American Zionist yout!'. commission. Presenting Palestine;. tho story of threo generations of development. li. Y., American Zionist youth commission (1944). ' t' unpa;;ed, 11 Tvxt to.ncl pictures suppli.Ji. by the Central Jewish hospital! ty oommi ttee for soldiers, Jerusalem, 194311

D. Palestine - Economic Conditions

Landshut, A. The fundamontal.~Jl.~! in respect of war-time control of goods in Palestine. Jerusalem, Rubin Mass, 1943. Parts I and II. Palestine. Treasury department. Report on the.accounts and finances for tho yoar 1942-43. Jerusalem, Government printer, 1943. 109p. ' Schmoruk, .E. · Tho e·conomic development of Palestine. Jerusalom, Jewish agency for PP.lostino, Trade and industry dopar,tmont, 194'3, 27p.

E. Palestine- Government and Politics American Zioniot emergency council.' Tho promise of Palestine; \'lhy it must be kept. N.Y., Amoricl'.n Zionist emergency council (1944). l6p.

Thompson, Dorothy. I spoalc as e. Christian •• ,; address delivered at the 26th' anniversary of tho :Balfour doclaro.tion at Carnegie hall, Now York, N; Y., Christian council on Palestine (1943). llp.

F. Palestine - ImmigrP.tion

JaNish a';oncy for Palestine, Child and yout.h immigration bureau~ Youth aliyel1 ce.rrios on; financial report (1941-42). Jerusalem, 1943. 30p.

P"J.lestine govornmont. Department of migration. Statistics ofm~gration_~d; na.turalizP.tion for tho year 1942. Jerusalem, Government printing press; 1943. 49p. (no. 5 of 1943)

G. P~lostine - Labor Fishman, J. L. 1rork and workers in I sraol; tr. from tho Hebrew by Isidor Margolis. N.Y., Hapoel hamizrachi of America, 1943. 15p. 1\ Histadrut. In tho Histadrut. (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, Histadrut, 1943. 7lp. J ! .·f.. i' • Srunuola, H, and Fr:1.oclmnn, s. Labor lfl.ws and.lo~tslntion.. (I~Hobro~),- .' T~:i.2> •\viv, l!istndrut, 1943. 48p,. In England by H. Srunuels; in Palestine, by S. Friedinan,

H. Palestine__ - l~odicine

Bluestone, E. M. Report of tho Medical reference board of Hadasaah. -*·· Yo I Had.assah, 1943, 7p. I, Palestine -Research Dru1icl Sieff resee.rch institute, Rohovoth, Chnim Woizmann resOf\l'Ch founds.... tion. Chicago, Chaim Weizmann research foundation (1944). 15p, J, Palestine - Settlements

AmiMh, Nehemia. Sde YaAkev (In Hebrew). Jerusl".lmn, Hamnchlakah 1 1inyonoi hnnoP.r, Keren Ha.yesod b 1 siyun 11Mesad Ha.rav Kook,ll 1943, 53p.

Barntz, Joseph, Dogania; tho story of Palestine 1s first collective settlement Tel-Aviv, Zionist organisation youth department, Jewish nation~:~]. fund and Pal;. ostino foundation fund (1944). 64p. . ' ;.,_.f: Brief accounts of Palestine settlomonts. , Includes. -, .Bo 1 or Tuvil'lh, DegnniR, Ein H.!>.rod-. Ein Ha.shofet, Ginegar, Giv

K. Palestine - Social Studies 11einryb, Bernard D. Palestine social studios. N, Y,, Jewish tel'.chers 1 sem­ inary and people 1s university (1944). p187-219. Reprinted from tho Jewish Review Docombor 1943. L, Zionism

Bentwich, Norm!'~. Judaea livos agnin. London, Victor Gollancz, 1.944~ l!;llp~

Epstein, Albert K. Why a Jm~ish com;nom1on.lth? l3p. Reprinted from the 1943 Z,O,C. Year book.

Gruenbaum, Isaac, The history of Zionism; ten lecture.s, Tel-Aviv, Zionist orgr~isation youth department and the Keren hayesod, (1944). 78p.

Interest in the Jewish national home. Wellington, New Zealand, Pro-Palestine committee, 1943. 6p,

Neumann, Emanuel. Letters to an English friend. 15p, "Excerpts from a recent correspondence between an American Zionist and a. Bri ti'Sh 1iberal 11 Reprinted from liThe. Jewish Frontier II of Deceljlber, i94:3_,

Pinsker, Leo, Road to freedom; writings and addressesi with an introduction by B. Netanyahu. N, Y,, Scopus publishing co,, 1944,. 142p, 1.· • --·- -,_ Poling, Daniel A. "And thi neigh'Qor as thyself. ;;n N, Y, ,- on Palestine, ·1944, Bp. ' -- _ _ _- -_ ·_ • _:: • _

Simon, Leon. Forerwu'lers of Zionism, London, Zionis.t feder~tion of' Great'- Britain and Ireland, 1944, 14p. (Foundations of commo!.lweaith)

Traub, Michael. The Jewish problem nnd Palestine as its solution, ton, New Zealand, Zionist council for New Zealand (1943) 15p. ·

M. Zionism and U, S •

.1ohnson, Edwin C. Speech delivered on the floor of tho Senate ngainat the White paper of 1939. n.p., n.p., n.d, 2p. mimeog.

Neumann, Emanuel. Zionism nnd the ,\rnb world; testimony submitted to tho Com~ --\ mittoe on foreign affairs of the House of representatives, February 15, 1944. ,\merican Zionist c;nergency council (1944) 14p.

N, Zioninm -Documents

Herch~>.vin, C. ed. Zioni em; a oollecUon of poli tict'.l documents.. · (Iri !Io~re\t): .- Jer.usf'.lem, 11 Achinsnf-, 11 1943, 608p.

0. Zio~ism - Parties

Ostro~rslcy, Hoshe. ~e history of the Mizrachi orgnnhation in Pnlesti)lo, · (It Hebrew): Jorusnlom, Rubin Mnss, 1943. ,, 215p.

Zionist foderl'l.tion of Grant Britain and -IreJ.and, 43rd Conference, London, 1944, Annunl conference, 29, 30th Md 3lat .January, 1944 e.t Friends hl'l.ll. ·London, Zioniat federation of Gt, Britain ~d Irolnnd, 1944. 12p; . - Zionist federation of Groat Britain· Rn

P. Zionfsm- Personalities

Berlin, Heyer. A Hast or in Israel: Rabbi Nnphtnli Zebi Judah· Bot lin (In Hebrew; No~T York, Histadrut Hamizrnohi of America, 1943. ·.156p. - · c--'-c •

:Sroido, Ephraim. Tshernicho\·Tsky. London, Zionist federntien of Groat BritRin and Ireland (1944) 16p.

Katznolson, :S, Ruppin·(In Hebrow). Tel-Aviv, Hnhistadruth lwklalith shdl · haovdim haivrim b 1Erotz Isr11.el: havnnd hapoo~ b 1hotzoath 11J\.m-0ved," 1943, 26p,

}lise, StephenS. As I sao it. N. Y.·, Jc1dsh epin:l.ori publishing cqrp.; 1944;., 285p, , ,L • ::1cl'JiL::. -The Jewish fate and faith,-Hi tlorism and boyorid • ..;Zion--Hoineland nnd · hope-Contcmpornrios nnd comrados.-Townrda penco. and justice, . _, . ·~ '

Wolfsberg, Yiahayahu. Rabbi Nehemiah Zvi Nobel (In Hobrow); JorUat:'.lmil,, him:.; achlokah 1 1 inyanoi hanoP.r, Koren Hayesod b 1 siyu,.-l 111'-ioand hnrnv Kook, 11 1943. 93p; ,~ -: • -;., •• -5-

~. Zionist Youth Bath-Yehudah, Geulah. :Ra.'b'bi Jehiel Michael Pfnes. ·(In Hebrew) Jerti!!~lem( • Hamach lakah 1 1 inyanei hanoar b1hishtatfut, Karen heyesod, Mol)ad harav Xook, 1943. 92p.

Junior hadassah. ~he work of our hands, N, Y., Junior hadassah (1943) 17p. Karen keyemeth. Overseas youth department, Rosh hodesh ceremony, Jerus&lem, Karen kayemeth, Overseas youth department, 1943, 28p . Passover seder for Young judaea clubs, N.Y., National Young judaea, 1944, 42p, R. Jews and Jewish Problem

American Jewish committee. Research insUtute on ponce aild post-war problems. Jewish post-war problems; a study course, N, Y., American Jewish committee, Research institute (cl943) 23p. Unit B, Jewish survival in the democra:cy of the. future.

American Jewish conference, A statement of the or~ani~ation 'of the conference and a summary of resolutions adopted at the first session held in New York.Oity · ;_; August 29 to September 2, 1943, N, Y,, American Jewish conference (1943) 3lp.

Dangerfield, Elma. ~he battle of· the. gnetto. l2p, Repl'inted :from "~e Nine- teenth Century and After, October, 1943,

Forsyth, W, D, ~e myth of open apaoee, Melbourne, Me1'bourno university presr 1942. 226p.

Joint distribution committee, ~o rescue of stricken Jows in a world at war; a report on tho work and plans of the American joint distributio'h committee, as contained in addresses delivered at ita twenty-.ninth.annual meeting, December 4th and 5th, 1943, N, Y., American Jewish joint distribution com- mittee (cl944) 34p, ··

Kavoreth, Reuben. In the mea~time- captivity, (In Hebrew) !l!eJ,;....Aviv,".Ain;..Ovo-d.?,: 1943. 106p.

Left Poale Zion. Fiction and truth; a reply to the attacks o;f·the Jewish bundists on the Je~rish conference and Zionism, (In Yiddish) .N.··y,; Left Peale Zion, n.d. 93p,

Lestchinaky, Jacob, Where are we going? Jewish wanderings ~n the past and present. (In Yiddish) N. Y,, Jewish national worke1•s• a111Mce, 1944, 135p,

Lewisohn, Ludwig, Broathoupon these, ·N. Y,, Bcibbs~Me~r~ll co,, (cl944) 2l8p. Poale·Zion Zaire Zion of America, Tho last stand; Jewish resistance in Nazi Europe and the role of the LIJ.'bor Zionist movement. N', Y,, Poale Zion organ1~a­ ·t1on of America, 1944,· 43p, I

Proskauer, Joseph M. Restoration of Jewish rights throughout the world; Presidentio.l address ••• at the thirty... seventh annual meetin~ of the American Jewish committee, January 30, 1944, N, Y,, Americnn Jewish committee, 1944. llp.

Trachtenberg, Joshua, Are Jews e. nation? Reprinted from the Congress Weekly of December 31, 1943,

van Paasoen, Pierre, 11 A cruel hoax on tho American public." N, Y,, American Zionist emergency council, 1944, 3p, Reprinted from the "Protestant" of April, 1944,

Weinstein, Jacob J, The American council for Judaism. 5p, Reprinted from the New Palestine of January 21, 1944,

Vilenoky, Mordecai, The return of the Jews to England, (In Hebrew) Jerusa­ lem, Rubin Mass, 1943. 2llp.

World Jowish congress. Memorandum on post ... war relief and rehabilitation of European Jewry submitted to the Council of the United nations roliQf nnd re­ habilitation admini stro.ti.on, N, Y,, l~orld Jewish congress, 1943, "-39p. '

~ ------~