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ISSUE NUMBER 64 SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 18 FREE POLICE‘CRACKDOWN” On VICTIMLESS CRIME! WAVES OF ARREST BY VICE COPS ON PORNO “PEEKIES” IN CITY...... HERALDS NEW CRACKDOWN IS CLAIM OF VICE “CZAR” CAPTAIN GEORGE EMIL. Completely contrary to the official pol­ icy of Mayor George Moscone and of the District Attorney Joseph Frietas. Captain George Emil’s Vice cops have made numerous busts in various of the porno bookstore “25 cent peekies” of various of the customers. Emil claims that the customers have solicited his men, but several witnesses have testified that the opposite is true. The wave of arrests and terror tactics by the Vice cops and their new member, well-know homo-hater, Michael Lee, formerly of the Northern Station who was the one who “busted” the Liberty Baths back in January only to have the O.Ä. Prietas famed'gay trial lawyer B.J. Beckwith, Mt the whole matter tossed out. Michael Lee and a Kevin Gotchet, star number 315, who stands about 6’ 2”, s for Chrisf’a weighs in at about 165 lbs, has black hair and moustache, and is described as Police Vigilante hunky, with a collegiate look....are the two who have been making the busts. Gotchet, according to one arrestee, was rpiip? in our San standing near him wearing tielu blue pants, with obviously no undershorts fancisco PD? on, and rubbing his penis throu^t the clothing, and the arestee asked Gotchet FELLOWSHIP OF “CHRISTIAN” PEACE if he wanted to go into a booth. Noth­ OFFICERS (COPS FOR CHRIST) GROWS ing more, no request for sex, just that, WITHIN RANKS OF SFPD....A DANGER and Gotchet arrested him for solicitat­ TO GAYS! ion 647a of the Penal Code. The radical right wing pro-Anita Bryant cops Mel Wax of the Mayor’s Office refuses in the Police Department, in to make any comment on the behavior recent weeks has grown, and members of that of Chief Gain’s men, and the District secret membership/role group have been ta­ Attorney, Joseph Frietas who has made king action against gays, using their badges headlines with nis “wars” on undies ads to do so. of the Emporium and the Wheaties co­ The drastic increase in police activity in re- mmercials of Bruce Jenner, also would .oent weeks, much of which has been attribu- make no comment. •ted to members of the “Cops for Christ” in But, insiders at City Hall say that Mayor LEROY works asa bartender at the famed BLACK the Vice Squad, as well as in other sensitive Moscone is “running scared’’ and “has A BLUE as a bartender, ana also as a life­ places, has alarmed many gays. to crack down on the gay communi^ LEROY: guard at the PLUNGE. Handsome Texan! [The “Fellowship" was founded by Inspector if he is to save his job next year!” The Jim Crowley and Jim Siggins. They have Chief of Police will make to comment used taxpayers time/money in the growth of except to say he supports all the action their organization. The new President of the of the Vice cops in whatever they do. anti-gay body is Inspector Eddie Erdelatz of Gain also used to be pro-gay. NAZI OFFER TO HELP BRIGGS & the Homicide Unit. ONLY GAY FREQUENTED PLACES In the CHRONICLE, Siggens was quoted as BEING BUSTED BY VICE COPS (for saying, “Satan is sitting atop the TransAme- Christ); This is a fact. For none of the PROP. 6, TURNED DOWN...... ! rica Pyramid building and laughing down on very anti-gay, Frenchy’s K&T Book Sto The Friday September 22nd issue of the San Rafael INDEPENDENT San Francisco. It is a wicked city and needs res have been touched, which one per­ JOURNAL carri^ a news story concerning the Nazi Party and State all the prayers it can get!” son said either indicates that the police Senator John Briggs and his Prop. 6, anti-gay teachers initiative on the Last year,200 of the Cops for Christ and the are truly just after the gays or th ^ are Novembn 7th b ^ t. ‘ followers of that bigotted bunch banded to­ on the ‘^‘take” from Frenchy’s! Tnis is The National Socialist White Peoples Party, formerly the American Na- gether on the top of Twin Peaks to attack only speculation, but the CRUSADER zi Party, has offeired to support State Senator John Briggs of Fullerton gays again in a public rally. did check this out and found that none and his anti-gay teachers initiative. The majority of the Cops for Christ make it of the so-called “straight-frequented” But a Briggs aide, called the offer, “Garbage!”. The Nazis did endorse no secret that they want to see a hard line places have been the target of the Vice Prop. 6, and have offered to supply speakers in support of Prop. 6 and right-winger like Captain George Emil or Cops (for Christ) of “Czar” (Jeorge authorized Senator Briggs to use their Party “name’^’. Captain Clem DeAmicus to take over the PD Emil. A Bnggs spokesman, Dan Sizemore, said that the Senator “would be The Cops for Christ “brother” organization Most gay “leaders” will not take any repulsed” by such an offer or letter, and such a letter had not yet been in Seattle is leading the battle to repeal the position on behalf of the arrested gays. seen in any of B rio’s offices. gay rights ordinance in that city in the Nov- “If it was receivedTit would go right into the garbage”, Sizemore said. vember election (see full story inside). The Nazi letter says, “Our storm troop section is always ready to take The local Cops for Christ have reportedly tof the street in support of our policy. If needed for demonstrations or had members nuke vigilante type statement counter-demonstrations, we could put a small, but efféctive force into -s regarding various gay activits who they action.” feel “should be shut up”! One they are aft­ C R .A . Flips Over!!! er is the editor of this paper. The letter suuested the Party (Nazi) may be used where Briggs pre­ The radical right-wing, Republican sent politicafcondition would leave him in a “delicate situation . ,Chief of Police Charles Gain continually de­ fends the Cops for Christ and refuses to in­ Assembly (CRA) has endorsed Prop.6 at a The response from Senator Briggs of rejection to any help from the statewide conference in Ventura on Septembei Nazi Party, is seen as a sign by many gays that while Birggs is “pretty vestigate the organization beyond febele 24th. There are 10,000 members of this radi­ out” on the gay school teachers issue”, he is also “not completely qustioning of the organizers. cal right extremist Republican group who vo­ nuts! , this came from a Bay Area gay spokeswoman, on the Briggs re­ ted support of Briggs' Propositron 6. play to the Nazi offer. None of the State s four gay Republican Clubs Apparently the Nazi letter has been sent only to the media and not to belong to the CRA, all are indeMndent. Brig^ offices, for as stated before,, it has never even been seen. Seve­ Tom Isenberg of the CRIR, a SF gay GOP poup has sent in his letter of resignation for ral of Briggs hardest workers áre of Jewish descent. nis personal membership in the CRA as a sign Most gays contacted, commend Briggs for this act of sanity. of his protest ' ^au ifraurtsni(£ntöaiipr ifraurisrii (Erusaftfr

WHO ARE THE GAY ADVOCATES? This is a question many gays are ask­ Gay Voters Endorse ing since some literature came out re­ cently. No individual names, but the whole thing sounds like another one of those "power-tripping” “games” ! t t t t t GAYS WITHDRAW SUPPORT OF MIKE HENDERSON FOR ASSEMBLY Mike Henderson, Republican candidate for the State Assembly in the 17th 'tS T FoBo*' Spot W District has lost the support of the Firstjpy Republican clut> in America, ooooooooooooooooooooooo o o the Teudy Roosevelt Republican (Hub. Many Club members felt that Hender­ son's latest piece of literature was a POW! other parts. The only weakness is the am­ biguity of who (and why) throws bricks bit on the racist side and felt that the incumbent Willie Brown should be re­ POWER! through O’Brien’s windows and calls the police. Presumably it is nosy neighbors turned, but did not vote an endorse­ POWERFUL! brought to white anger by the beauty of ment of Brown tho. the youth, yet is is definite that O’Brien The lights came up at the begining of the had nothing to do with hun sexually. On t t t t t t "ELOCUTION OF BENJAMIN FRANK­ the other hand, if it is merely the man’s LIN" at the Alcazat Theatre, call for “dressing up” that angers them, then the DINNER FOR JOHN FORAN ...... info. 775-7100...... and at the begining, boy has nothing to do with his downfall. State Senator John Francis Foran will POW! there is Gordon Chater, star of the Unlikely but just within the bounds of be honored by gays at a dinner being show, in the all-together .... rapidly credence, O’Brien shoots his cuckoo clock sponsored by the gay Minutemen Dem­ putting on eye shadow, lipstck and rouge. ocratic Club at the 527 Club on the No Greek-god he; rather a flabby, heavily as the police pound on his door. This is 10th of October. If you wish to attend paunched, niiddle-aged man, with the im­ the tag of the first act with the second please call, 495-7182 for tickets and pish face of a ferocious baby but, as he taking place some eight years later. reservations. Senator Foran introduced proves from the opening lines, he is the O’Brien is and has been all the intervening the first ever gay ri^ ts law statewide actor of infinite power and virturosity. M> time, incarcated in a mental institution diat would have ended all employment god, is he a virturoso of the spoken word. and is now little more than a shadow of and housing discrimination. As is stressed in the ads, this is not ahis- his former self, the old wit and charm The gay-oriented gay Republi­ torical play (the Ben Franklin of the title coming through in flashes but only briefly t t t t t t t cans of San Francisco have en­ being a twelve year old Australian youth As we watch his pathetic and totally need­ dorsed the vollowing diversified with a stutter) but as current as tomorro­ less deteriation, it is powerful born home GAY AREA TELEPHONE DIRECT­ candidates for office and have that it is the “They”, the bigots, the urged you to vote for them and 1980 election. . r „u w’s headlines as well as being one of the ORY...... there is being prepared now, the ballot propositions listed. But, the apathy exists not just amongst the gay voters, for the unions of the city most powerful condemnations of bigotry bureaucrats, the police, who have destroy­ a GAY AREA Telephone Directory ed yet another gainful and inately innoce­ . TEDDY held their candidates night the same night that the Gay Voters League held theirs..... yet seen. whidi will be' the a t t e s t thing ever ROOSEVELT and the attendance was just about the same.....poor. „ o* The story concerns Robert O’Brien...... nt life. in recent years to help buijd a b i ^ r REPUBLICAN CLUB It would be hard to praise Mr. Charter too gay community. All mdividual listings The Gay Voters League candidates night was held at the 527 Club, 527 Bryan^t Str­ {Chater), an ex-actor turned elocution Governor: Evelle J. Younger te a c h e r...... and what a chance for much. His technique is flawless, he makes are free, and it you have your name eet and was emceed by Randy Johnson and moderated by Jim Chiccarella. The us “see” some half-dozen different charac­ Lt. Governor: Mike Curb League is headed up ^ it’s director the Rev. Ray Broshears, and this years organizer verbal pyrotechnics that gives Chater, and phone number listed, you will re­ Attorney General: George who handles with the skill, grace, and ease ters at one time or another; the beautiful, FOR JOYCE AFFICIANODOS ceive one of these Directories free of Deukmejian and coordinator was timer Wilhelm. • n j that Joe DiMaggio used to display when immoral youngster and his “tight-assed” JAMES JOYCE’S WOMEN (at the Mar­ charge. They are truly nice looking Controller: James Ware TTiirteen candidates spoke, and one other chose not to do so, so fourteen in all made fading into deep center for a long fly . . . mother, a girl student, his married but co­ ines’ Memorial, limited run, 673-6443 and Took like a smaller version of the Treasurer :no endorsement an appearance at the well ran affair. a seemingly happy, well adjusted, inate transvestite friend Bruce .... all become for info.) is a one woman show starring telephone book itself. See ad else­ Secretary of State :none The highly popular State Assemblyman Art Agnos was the hit of the evening with very real to us due entirely to his enormo­ where in this paper for more details. YES on Rose Bird as Chief gentleman who happens to be a closet tra­ FIONNULLA FLANAGAN (above) is a Justice, California Supreme his wit and humor as well as his deep concern. He announced that in 1979_he will nsvestite. He is, presumably, also a homo­ us talent. He is also a magician of no tour de farce triumph for the actress in small ability as the reaches out to accept Court. introduce AB 1, which will be legislation which will outlaw discrimination m the sexual ...... Yes, Virginia, there are tran- which she does sustained characteriza­ t t t t t t NO on Prop. 5 employment field against homosexuals in California. Republican candidate for Gov­ svestities .... but he is certainly neither a cigarette from the non-present Bruce tions of six different women, 3 real and and suddently. there, it is in his fingers . . NO on Prop. 6 ernor Evelle Younger has came out against gavs being hired as policemen, yet to the a child molester nor a perast...... he 3 fictional, including two who quite ob­ POLK VALLEY NEIGHBORHOOD NO on Prop. 7 surprise of everyone. State Senator John B ri^ has came out in defense of gays be­ quite beautifully and definately turns do­ done without the benefit of long sleeves, viously achieve climaxes on stage, the ASSOCIATION SUPPORTED BY State Senate, 6 th District: Max wn young Franklin’s advances, the beauti­ either. second while completely nude, POLICE DEPARTMENT IN OPPO­ Woods ing hired as police officers, but said he is still opposed to them being teachers. He is ful youth having the morals of a Polk One word of warning: do not go expect­ lliis, of course, is the famous Molly Bl­ SITION TO CLOSING OF POLK State Assembly, 16th District: the author of the anti-gay teachers. Proposition 6 measure. , c punk, including the giving to his teacher ing to see the exceptionally beautiful oom from “Ulysses” and as such, is a- Art Agnos Also speaking and was an obvious favorite was Jule Johnson, a member ot the San youth shown on the play’s posters around STREET ON HALLOWEEN THIS 17 th District: no endorsement pornographic pictures of himself (which,; bove being considered pornographic. YEAR. 18 th District: no endorsement' Franci^o Board of Education. She fairly weU wooed the voters with her charm and worse luck, we never get to see). town; as stated before, this is a one man It isn’t; great art, supposed or actual, show. Nevertheless, in one word, GO! Halloween the past two years on Polk U.S. Conoress: 6 th District This is the first play by young Australian never is but as to whether or not it is in Street has been the scene of violence, Delores Skore Xeff**Bro^, a deputy Public Defender, spoke as a candidate for Public Defender. He Steve Pears, and it is brilliant, wildly fun­ This is one play that definately belongs good taste is open to question...... one gth District: Tom Spinosa in the not-to-be-missed category. of knifings, of rape, of robberies and was very personable, but received little reaction. Eric Moncur, who works in the ny in places, and in other, pathetic in still that each viewer may decide for their- all because the Polk Merchants Assoc Public Defender: Hiran Smith Assessors Office spoke as a candidate for Assessor and received favorable comment. self. wanted the street closed. This year,[ Assessor: Sam Duca He was followed by another candidate, Sam Duca, who appears to far ^ead in Of the six ladies, I found Sylvia Beech, they are being fought by the residents Bart Board, District 7 : Wilfred the election. Speaking much later was Thad Brown, another candidate who was al- TWO THAT LOST long time proprietor of the famed Pari­ Ussery CAN STEIN BE SIMPLIFIED? who comprise the Polk Valley Impro­ Community College Board: SO well received. “Bust Stop” at the Studio Eremos and sian bookstore, Shakesphere & Company vement Association. The Association and first publi^er of “Ulysses” to be John Riordan; Lillian Sing; Harry Gould, a lawyer, who is a candidate for the Community College Board spoke Whether feasible or not, “SIMPLY “Emigres” at the Magic Theatre both had is supported in this by the SFPD, and Robert Burton STEIN” (at the Chez Jacques, Tues-Sat. the most interesting as well as best han­ and while nice looking, he just didnot seem to be able to relate what or why he was runs this past month of very limited succ­ Pat äiort, owner of Sukkers Liquors Board of Education: Jule John­ 775-7574 for info) attempts just that . . ess. The former, seeming very dated now dled, possibly because she seemed the running except that he wanted to be elected. , . n- j n most different from any of the others. who is president of the merchants son; Rosario Anaya; Lu­ Another candidate for the College Board, incumbent John Riorden was well receiv­ . . . . with but limited success. Judged as was given an all too obviously inexpensive groups, is fighting to have the street cille Abrahamson. a biographical sketch, it over simplifies production where technical difficulties The production is certain to draw criti­ ed and has been backed by gays many times before ___ cal acclaim, but I am doubtful as to how closed. Of course, the merchants, YES on Prop. X (Charter Co­ and seems to miss the essence of that co­ overshadowed the actors . . . not the such as liquor store owner Short stand mmission) Rosario Anaya, a candidate for the Board of Education^spoke strongly against Prop. nfusing and confused writer. On the oth­ least of these being one actor who clearly wide an appeal it will have. Joyce is pr­ etty erudite as best and hearing Miss to make a hellava lot of money, but Charter Commission: er hand, if looked at as nothing but a hadn’t bothered to learn his lines by open the reridents and many other will lose Thomas Cahill Wilfred Ussery, candidate for the Boart Board 7 spoke and he was well received. He light musical it has charm, sprightliness, -ing night. The one highlight of an other­ Flanagan portraying Anna Livia Plura- much more than Mr. Short who is not Dean Coleman spoke out strongly against Prop. 6, letting gays know that Blacks stood with them some delightful songs and in the opinion wise mediocre production was JEFFREY belle from “Finnegan’s Wake” where H.L. Perry the sound of the words rather than their a resident of the area, could ever reali- on the important measure. i • .i, . Ko, of this reviewer deserves a far better press ORTH as Bo, a vital glowing characteri­ Leland Guth H.L. Perry and Dean Coleman both candidates spoke to the gays asking that they be than seems to have been accorded it so zation that picked the otherwise plodding sense is the important aspect, would Rodney Williams seem to have a limited appeal. However, Jack Morrison elected to the Charter Commission which has over 100 candidates for the 15 seats. far. show up whenever he held stage center. t t t t t t t t t t Tom Isenbers And lastly, was Hiram Smith, head of the Neighborhood Legal A^istance Founda­ The CHEZ JACQUES is a rather fun cab­ the production is scheduled for only a Emigres” , in it’s west coast premiere is a two week run, so, if interested, get your CHANGES AT NORTHERN POLICE Max Woods tion, who is a candidate for Public Defender, and he brought the house down. All aret theatre but is clearly limited in tech­ long, wordy, repetitious two man play STATION....Officer Mike Perra is no Marjorie Martin nical aides to production, yet this show reservations in right away. Richard Boyle present were able to identify with him and gave him great reception. that is almost all talk and very little act­ longer the permit officer at Northern After the meeting, aU present during the evening, had a chance to vote and tnis is.... is fast paced and well presented, thanks ion. Written by Slawomir Mrozek, hint- but has been promoted up to the Ins­ Robert Geary to director Joseph Fera, and moves easily Agnes Chan the official endorsements of the Gay Voters League for 1978 for the November 7th self an emigre from his native Poland, it pectors Bureau. He has been replaced Jtmn Johnck from San Francisco after the ‘06 quake trys to wrestle with eternal problems . . . oy an Officer Sullivan. election. to Paris and to Italy during a period of Eric Garris the intellectual versus the laborer, the Finnbarr Brady Governor: Jerry Brown Lt. Governor: M. Dymally forty years. The cast of five, headed by[ lonliness of ex-patriots, the inherent inter­ Sandy Dooley as Gertrude Stein and Ad­ dependence of two lonely outsiders .... Attorney General: Yvonne Burke Controller; James Ware rienne Roberts as Alice B. Toklas, are are but a few of it’s themes. Although THE KING WHO WOULD pleasant and pleasing. The other three: Secretary of State: March Fong Eu Treasurer: no endorsement BE (A) QUEEN both JOHN ACHORN and JOHN HELL- Theodora, Joe Besio, and Don Staiton WEG turn more than adequate performa­ (of the above, only James Wear is a Republican) The above picture is from a scene in each portray many parts with great virtur­ “EDWARD 11”. Edward 11 was not on­ nces in, they are unable to rise above the State Senate, 6th District; John Francisc Foran osity, with Staiton as the standout, witty, rambling inadaquaces of the script. ly England’s only gai king but he w as..... charming and urbane although at times it Assembly, 16th District: Art Agnos 17th District: Willie Brown without doubt, the most blatant. And seems the house is too intimate for his AN INTERESTING INNOVATION 18th District; Leo McCarthy BLATANT is the word to describe the broad style. current production of the Bertolt Brec­ Star of the show is the lyrics, full of in­ Well known local producer Jack Anderson Yes on Supreme Court Chief Justice, Rose Bird. ht adaption of the Marlow play about tricate rhymes and delightful plays with is now presenting Jamie Thomas and Jack that ill-fated monarch (the the Good­ w o rd s...... “There is no there” referr­ Brooks (recently seen to-gether in “I Do, Public Defender; Hiram Smith man Theatre, 1117 Geary Street. Thurs. ing to Oakland .... and one song in par­ I Do”) in a lunch time cabaret specializi­ Bart Board, District 7: Wilfred Us,sery NO on 5, 6 & 7 thru Sat., call 775-1194 for information) ticular, “Good-bye, Old Friend” is utter­ ng in Broadway and Hollywood show tu­ Mass nudity, “water sports”, a character ly delightful and could easily become nes at the Open Theatre Restaurant, 441 Community College Board; John Riorden & Harry Gould dou.sed with a bucketfull of .shit, are but pKipular, especially with lovers in the pro- Clement, near 6th Avenue. Charter Commission: H.L. Perry; Preston Cook; Dean Coleman a few of the shocks in this wild but dee­ c6ss of breaking up. As if luncheon theatre weren’t innovative ply moving production, superbly produ­ It seems to me far preferable to see a new enough, there is an added unusual feature YES on X (Charter Commission, yes or no) Assessor, no endorsement ced. directed and acted by Ken Wilker- show that may have some flaws to a mo­ ...... “a moneback gurantee to anyone who .sori, in the title role. re polished one that has been done over is not satisfied with the complete lunch­ Board of Education: Myra Kopf; Jule Johnson; Rosalie Anaya The play plays games with history; Ed­ and over. SIMPLY STEIN is unpreten­ time experience.” U.S. Congress, 5th District. John Burton: 6th Distnct, Phil Burton______ward had two lovers during his reign and tious and pleasing, far from perfect, but Sounds interesting .... and no doubt, it was the second, not the first, who bro posessing many more pluses than minuses. the reverse is true. -ught about his being depo.sed, but only ------30 the first, Hugh Gaveston.....is portrayed by. and exceedingly handsomely too, by UPP6R MARK6T DISCO FUROR GLENN WEBB. In fact, the caliber of dry spots, especially two overly long and The Villaee Cabaret. 2275 Market Street, is being fought at every giventurn by the most wordy scenes in the second act but equ­ higotted neighborhood group in the city. They we bigot^n ^ a t they we doing all they acting throughout the large cast is of a can to halt growth of responsible businesses in the area. The Dubwe Triangle Neighbor- far higher level than one might expect ally, there are moments of enormous hood Association (DTNA) ia using every method imaginable to halt the openmg of a much in so small a theatre...... particularly note­ theatrical power...... the half-crazed, shit needed disco for the upper Market/Castro area. Various conflicU of uiteresU are being worthy are PATRICK MONK as Morti­ covered king delivering a soliliquy throu-- investigated at this very moment, into the^uiinemes of van^s mer, and Nicole Sawaya as the narrator gh a curtin of chains, Gaveston being to the anti-gay forces(s foifound ...... within the —DTNA. Haltin I commercial growth _ _will . halt . the . m onk. Yet. it is the production itself, forced to dig his own grave...... and ov­ needed growui of gay liberation in this area. The DTN > is very anti-gay, obviously. abounding In chains, leather, nudity, and erall, it is highly recomended, an eveing violence that is packing the theatre to of such import that few who attend will overflowing) each night. There are some soon forget. ifraurtiim (Erusaiirr ______#au 3Franftiîai(£nuiaitrr REPUBLICANS MOVE AHEAD 'STROLLING Tkc STRASSE' I i Despite GOP registration being forty percent low­ ». i4 l - ______i er than that of the Democraps, the Republican Cops for (Kristi 4 * w!Vk Kail ticket of Younger, Curb and Deukmejian is pull­ 4 * ♦ ing ahead statewide, and looks like it will be the San Francisco has three major gai areas that are known by their central s t^ t: Folsom, vvmner, and this is according to all polls conduct- <* ♦ Castro, and Polk. One is notorious for leather one for clones, while the third has more of just about everything than any other area of comparitive size in the world. Sinre the 'ed thus far. <* “Polk Strasse” has set no limits but is as much a state of mmd as a geowaphic^ entity, Younger has lost favor with many u y s who do ATTACK GAYS 4 * 4- in this solumn, it will be considered as comprising the seven b ocks on Polk betw ^n not know him well or his true stands well, but he 4* Post and Washington, as well as anything within an easy stroll there-of, say two blocks. will still poll high in the gay community with There are two spects of the Strasse which are, if not unique, most unusual and both both gay Democrat and Republican votes. But <* 4* concern time: it has been famous for more than twenty years and it •* gay ^ai) twentj/- it is Nwe Curb who is expected to be the highest sirs and while GOP vote getter on November 7th. Curb is ex­ SEA TTLE! Cops place 4- four hours a day. Polk Street was fameous for crusing as far back as the 5 4* ^ ______r __ f.:__in th» nAct few vears. with DfOte pected to defeat Dymally about 2 to 1. The Duke, 4* 4- State Senator Georige Deukmejian, who like Mike Curb has came out strongly for the DEFEAT of gay rights REPEAL issue on ballot! 4> II IS SIIU enormously crui»:y aiiu, ------PROP. 6 (unlike Younger), wilj handily defeat the 4» 4< and ages, nowhere near all of whom are out to take or make a buck. Also, unlike many blade woman he is running against. NATIONWIDE LINK BETWEEN “COPS FOR CHRIST ” GROUPS 4- famed gai areas/streets that blossom only after dark, the Strasse is a basic^ly gai area The confirmation of Rose bird as Chief Justice of SAN FRANCISCO “COPS FOR CHIRST’’ URGE PASSAGE OF 24 hours daily, but primarily from 6 AM and 6 PM, at noon and at midnight. the CaUfomia State Supereme Court is also expec­ INITIATIVE 13 WHICH WILL REPEAL GAY RIGHTS ORDINAN­ 4- However, to my way of thinking, the area's greatest advantage is not the large num ^r t s to win handily. CE IN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. of primarily gai places (nine bars on it, half adozen more within an easy stroll) but m Republican James Ware, who is running against 4- the vast num W and range of establishments where gais are accepted as the norm with­ SOME (Save Our Moral Ethics), the anti-gay group which placed 13 the graft-ridden administration of Ken Cory, is on the November 7th ballot in Seattle, is headed up by two Seattle 4- out being exclusively catered to. Speciality food shops and markets, sophBtitated and expected to do well, but not well enough for GOVERNOR?? YOUNGER 4- custom aothing stores, antique shops and discount houses, resteurants and cafes that most GOP money people refuse to give Ware any funds for his campaim, even tho one Police Officers who are a part of the “Fellowship of Christian Peace offera world.wide range of menus and prices ra n ^ g from rock bottom to reasonably leading Republican, cfene Prat,, theme Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator S.l.S.I.llayakawa n; has said Officers”a nationwide group. Officers, David Estes, and Dennis Falk 4- expensive, nite clubs and nitc life-----these and numerous other kinds abound and, al- that “Ware couldla easily beoc theuic only Republican elected statewide, unless the Party gets waged a petition drive in July and on August 3rd, filed 27,000 voter 4- most without exception, welcome gats without any sort of distinction or comment, im- itself in gear.”S9 Prata stated diat Ware needs help, deserves help and urges md concerned signatures with the County Board of Election. There were 17,600 4* plied or otherwise. Future columns will take an indepth look at this enormous variety y Republicans to get behind Ware, give money, give of your volunteer time. more than needed signatures. which combines to give the Strasse a front rank claim to call itself the “Greatest Gai S»cal Republican candidates in San Francisco are being given no chance at all for electioi ANITA BRYANT GIVES S7,000 TO REPEAL SEATTLE RIGHTS 4- Street in The World’’. in November. The 16th District candidate Dwight Tnpp has lost the support of »he 1st ORDINANCE...... Anita Bryant Green, throu^ her front grouu, the 4- In the realm of entertainment, the brightest star in the area is The Mocambo (located at gay Republican club who has since endorsed the Democrat, Art Agnos. And in the 17th Protect America’s Children, has donated S7,()00 to help repeal that 4* Polk and Sutter, call 776-2133 for information and reservations). . - i,i- Mike Ifcnderson, the GOP candidate has come out with Uterature many ray GOPers con­ very well written and working, human rights ordinance, which gave This chic nite club has featured top name stars (Eartha Kitt, Hildegarde, Bonnie Franklin sider to be racist. In the 18th, someone named Faulkner is runnmg. In the 6th State Se­ gays equal rights, but will also repeal the women’s rights offices it al­ 4* .....) but its best feature is not so much the fame as the wide range of performers they natorial, the best candidate is Max Woods, but the County Committee refuses to support offer, mostly for a week at a time. However some play longer, some only one night so it him ditto for Tom Spinos, candidate for Congress from the 6th District. so created. , „ . ^ .. i- 4- GAY REPUBLICANS SHOCKED AT BRIGGS SUPPORT OF This ordinance was admited in 1973 by the Seattle City Council for is necessary to keep in touch with them to find out what s going on and coming up. employment and in 1975 for housing. They are enforced by the Off­ 4* 4^ They have recently featured entertainers who orginated loc^ly. I heard Ann Weldon GAY COPS...... Evelle J. Younger in February of 1976 came 4- there on Tuesday night and then on Saturday cau ^ t the Rick and Ruby Show and the out against gays being police officers shortly after Chief of Po­ ice of Women’s Rights. . 4* Barbary Coasters. 1^^ Weldon has become something of a cult to her following a lth ^ - lice Charles Gain made that statement in support of gays being A poorly named group. SCAT (Seattle Committee Against Thirteen), 4» 4* gh in recent years Ae has concentrated more an acting career than on her singing. Rick cops at a luncheons sponsored by the Rev. Ray Broshears and has been formed to fight the anti-gay measure and is seeking funds to 4- and Ruby are a comedy duo; wild, zany, outrageously funny, at times ^p sh ck and his political club, at the Casa de CrUtal, so Youngers recent sta­ do so. Their offices are at 407 East Pike Street. There is another then in a throw away Ime .... “I’m heavily into transendental vegetation, T.V. tor tement was no suprise to gays who are truly political, just group, which appears to be doing better than SCAT, and that is the 4* short”...... that is truly funnier that the sight gags. To me, high pomt of the show was the newcomers to gay politics. Citizens to Retain Fair Employment, and they have offices at 619 4* Ruby singing “Hello Dolly” altematingbetween the styles of Louis Armstrong, Carol But Briggs’ who is sponsoring Prop. 6, the anti-gay teachers 2nd Avenue, Suite 219. Both groups are seeking funds to save this 4» Channing, ^ ib a ra Striesand and Pearl Bailey, and sonnding amazing like each initiative, has denounced Younger’s statement by coming on 4- The Barbary Coasters are a new, multi-talented singing quartet with a pianist, Bui Fair- with his support of gays being police officers. STRANGE!!! gay rights ordinance. . 4 * field who is nothing short of fabulous. Equally adept at comedy numbers or old favo­ Many California gays agree they have a far better chance of winning in Seattle than gays do in defeating the Briggs Initiative. 4 * rites (Chattanooga Choo Choo, Somewhere Over the Rainbow) they have the rare facUi- ty, found only in the best groups, of maintaing each members individuality while at the MAYOR CHARLES ROYER DEFENDS GAY RIGHTS...... the m ayor 4* 4 * same time working together flawlessly. of the “Queen City”, Seattle, has came put quite strongly in favor of 4 * the gay rights ordinance, and has denounced the “Cops for Christ 4* ^ ^ R A N C j ^ for their leadership in the attempt to repeal the g ^ rights ordinance. « 4- Mayor Royer has pointed out that the CBS -TV affiliate, K.I.R.O. is -B a major blockage in the way of winning over the anti-gay for^s in November, for the CBS station is owned by the Mormons. Together 4* with KIRO goes the Seattle TIMES which also wants the repeal of 4* the gay rights ordinances. 4 i The SOME group has literature which they distribute which compares 4* homosexuals as ^‘murderers, child-molesters, unemployable welfare re­ cipients, V.D.-carriers, and suicidal.” 4* Jill Schropp, head of Citizens to Retain Fair Employment, has form­ 4* ally charged SOME with “deliberate use of deceit to instill prejudice 4* Chief of Police ARENA and fear in radio listeners against homosexual citizens.” The charges CHARLES were filed with the commission which governs campaign practices. GAIN Ms. Schropp said that the ads aimply many things such as employers -B can be fined or jailed for “firing a homosexual employee for offensive conduct.” It has been revealed that Officer David Estes, and that KIRO-TV and other Mormons are totally behind the repeal drive. There are well over 30.000 Mormons livmg in Seattle Washington. 4,000 MARCH IN SEATTLE TO SAVE RIGHTS ORDINANCE...... J Nearly four thousand Seattle gays marched throu^ §eatt\e several I'weeks ago, to publicize their efforts to save equal employment rights “WHERE THE MEN ‘ in this Northwest mecca. The march and rally was organized by the GO FOR COCKTAILS’ Washington Coalition for Sexual Minority ¡Rights Dr. Katherine Bou­ rne, climaxed the rally with these words, “This is not the time to leave this fight to the slick, professional politicians. This is everyone s Monday thru Friday THE FRISCO SALOON fight. This IS not a time to hide, not a tune to be quiet and hope 4* 2 PM - 8 PM that these people will go away. Fanatics do not go away!” These WOULD LIKE TO THANK 4» Cocktail Hour words were greeted with cheers from the enthusiastic crowd. THE MEN AND WOMEN DENNIS FALK, MORMON COP, KILLS YOUNG BLACK MAN 4* OF THE SAN FRANCISCO plus: Free Pool Falk, one of the two Seattle Police Officers who founded SOME, has POLICE DEPARTMENT, THE I shot and killed 26 year old burglary suspect, John Rodney. Falk’s SOUTHERN STATION, AND apparently senseless killing of the black man has set off another case * THE CHIEF OF POLICE, for the voters to deal with. As most all know. Mormons have had a CHARLES GAIN, FOR THE deep prejudice not just against gays, but blacks as well. Officer Falk is the co-chairman of the SOME group, and he responded DECENT AND COMPETENT to a call from residents of the predominately black area. Rainier Vall­ 4* JOB THEY DO OF POLICING ey. Patroling on foot, Falk spotted Rodney who failed to halt on an SDCTH (6 th ) STREET. order from Falk, and then Falk shot him twice, even tho Rodney did not draw a gun, make any threatening moves, or even have any kind The Management of weapon on him. Seattle Police Chief, H.A. “Bud” Vanden Wyer 4 » told the CRUSADER that a full investigation is being made into the o f the matter. The Chief refused to comment on SOM E or on the Cops for FRISCO SALOON 399 9th Street (at Harrison) I OffiMr^allt, who has been a member of the John Birch Society for 4* “The nicest bar on Sixth Street’ 14 years, was brought up on charges of beatings at the height o f the 4* San Francisco, CA 94103 anti-war in period, when he patrolled the University District 4 » on foot. At the University of Washington, he was accused of beating various anti-Vietnam war protesters. 4* (415)863-3290 The female Governor of Washington, Dbcie Lee Ray, has refused to 4* a stand against the SOME or Cops for Qirist groups. 4* 4* 4* •B4 QUALITY SIVWLL PRESS PRINTING & 4 4* 4C IBM COPIES.... .QUICKLY! ITII 4* 1473 PINE ST. OFF POLK, TELE. 474-4388 c s / ^ati jFraiif iiuii (Eruaahrr r 3fvmiriiirii(£nttia^ GAY DEMOCRATS EAJoi/«m«Al/1 Reverend Ray Broshears continues Old Folks Luncheons for ^ ^ a rs MINUTEMEN GAY DEMOCRATS ENDORSE CANDIDATES FOR NOVEMBER 7th VOTING! 0 )1^ S‘Ql&lg San Francisco's second oldest gay Democratic Glut has made their endorsements and recommendati­ ons for the November 7th General Election. The Club president, Elmer Wilhelm, who was this years co-ordinator for the Gay Voters League’s 7th Annual Candidates Night & Forum, has sent out a press release with the following endorsements. Governor: No Endorsement ELMER Lt. Governor: Melvin Dymall]! WILHELM ! 1st. TIM E EVER!!! Attorney General: Yvonne Burke President of the Secretary of State: March Fong Eu Minutemen Gay Controller: Ken Cory Democratic Club • A I N U T I M f N Treasurer: Jess Unruh ^ ^ 1 1 0 State Senate, 6th District John Francisco Foran D iM O C R A T I C State Assembly, 16th District: Art Agnos 17th District: Willie Brown 18th District: Leo McCarthy YES on Rose Bird, Supreme Court U.S. Congress: District S: John Burton District: 6: Phil Burton „ G o o d Board of Education: Jule Johnson Rosario Anaya ■ , , iistivhhuai .* s A N FRANCISCO • ■ H e a l t h c l u b Lucille Abramson Community College Board: A 7 n o r th e r n ta lU o rn ia c o u n tie s 1044 Post S F John Riordan I Q (tH't Lai kin K. Polk) Harry Gould Robert Burton ■ ■ 776 7 4 6 0 Bart Board of Directors, District 7: ^ yn Wilfred Ussery ® PRIVATE TELEPHONE 1 Public Defender: Hiran Smith m r Assessor: Eric Moncur This Publication is DIRECTORY «I NO on Prop. 5, 6 & 7. Charter Commission: Sponsored by H.L. Perry THE PRIDE FOUND A TION Eugene Coleman f Thomas Cahill in behalf of their legal, Eric Garris Jack Morrison social and educational Richard Boyle Robert Geary U P f O S r a m s ( To Listed Individuals Only!) Rodney Williams Sue Hestor Tom Isenberg Marjorie Martin Dennis Perón Now being compiled for early 1979 publication Jim Rourke H79 ■ John Webb Be listed FREE (for individual listings) Preston Cook 1. Your Name (and nickname if desired) S iÍr e c t o r y GAY DRUG 2. Your Phone Number WE CALL IT THE "GOOD BUST ("Ma Bell” unlisted or not) HAIGHT ASHBURY GAYS BUSTED HEALTH CLUB" ...... IN LARGE DRUG RAID BY SFPD You will call it the Glory 3. Your Address On the 12th of September, a task force (if desired, exact address Hole Club! of Narcotics officers and Park Station off­ icers of the San Francisco Police Depart­ NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF OLD FOLKS FREE LUNCHEONS BIG optional, but can listcity and district only.) ment raided 1668 Fell Street and took in­ BIG HIT! HELPING HANDS SERVICES LUNCHEON CONTINUES to custody, Kenneth Kapleau, white-male NOW OPEN FROM 12:00 age 32 for a lle ^ ly selling/transferring BOUNTIFUL LUNCHEONS! . u « NOON TO 4:00 A.M. DAILY drugs and/or tne possession of drugs. On Monday, September 18th only four workers showed up to prepare > This Publication is Sponsored by The Pride Also booked were, Richard Borg, white the luncheon for the elderly of the Tenderloin and downtown area. The male 32 years old and Scott Kelly, white director, the Reverend Ray Broshears, was assisted by the cook, Michael male, age 43. Brown by the Fat Fairy (^Bob Wasson), and by Paul Fogg. After a very Foundation in behalf of their legal, social and The SFPD and the District Attorney’s off­ bountiful luncheon, in which seconds and even thirds were served, and We honor these other mem­ ices would say little more than the facts left-overs placed in containers for those who wanted the remainder, to bership cards: South of presented here, as one officer said, “We take it all home, the Fat Fairy and Paul Fogg conducted a bountiful and educational programs. don’t want to talk too much for we want free Bingo for the elderly women and men. The Fat Fairy, having got­ Market Club; Jaguar to win this case in court. The media usua­ Book Store; Lo.C.C. ten out of the hospital a few weeks ago after four heart attacks, did not lly ruins our cases for us by printing or exert himself too much, and helped out tremendously and enjoyed him­ Club Baths (Ritch St.); saying too much, so now we have learned FREE GAY AREA to say little to the media.” self c^ling the Bingo, in which nearly $60 worth of candy was given a- » Listed Individuals receive a Fair Oaks; Sutro Baths; The Office of the Chief of Police has con­ way No one, left, without a gift of candy. The cook, Michael Brown, 180B Club; Nob Hill firmed this policy towards the media in who had just worked all night at his regular work, was pretty well play­ DIRECTORY when published Cinema;Cinemattachine; recent weeks. ed out at the end of the affair. . ^ ^ . w And Adonis Book Store Those arrested had something to do with Pictured above with the cigarette, is the Fat ^iry , Michael Brown with a “bizzare” store of some kind at one the glasses, and the slender youth being Paul Fogg. Rev- Ray took the (Actual size 8’/2' x 11') ^ Come see what you're missing time either on Church Street or on Haight pictures, it was nine years ago, that the Rev. Ray Bro^ears began the MAIL IN YOUR INFORMATION & AUTHORIZATION NOW!!! • Street. Those arrested will make no com­ NOTE TO BUSINESS & ment either. Details October 18th issue. luncheons right at the 26 - 7th Street location, of the Church. PROFESSIONAL FIRMS: % I Authorize and Request Listing and Publication in Gay Area Phone Directory; « A "Yellow Pages” Classified Section ^ (Use plain paper for aaditional iistings.) ^ is a major feature of GAY AREA PHONE k N a m e ------DIRECTORY Nickname:------Call or Write for Information & Rates. Address (optional): Gay Area Directory California 330 Grove Street City San Francisco CA. 94102 Telephone Number Code( ) (415) 863-9893 Signature ------MAIL INFORMATION COUPON TO: (Required for Publication) GAD' 330 Grove St. Son Francisco, CA. 94102 No».; Eoeh Directory pag. w ill contain thl, footnoto: ■ LISTING OF ANY BUSINESS 0»T INDIVIDUAL IN ^ THIS DIRttrUKTPIRECTOBY I»IS inIN nNO u W w AYm MEANT TO INDICATE^ THEIR------SEXUAL- PREFERENCE.------^ — §>au 3f rauriiiru iCnUiaîïiT S’ali îfraiiriiirn (ínlaa^pr GAY MEN’S V.D. PROBLEMS A Bulletin Board Guide for Handy Reference Prevention Symptoms Treatment & Control No sexual Contact During Trestmenti Fraquantty No Symptoms 1. microscopic sxainirmtlon ol sacrations 2. culturas ot all possibla sitas ot infection: 2-14 d ty t from contact • frequent sex; cultures of urethra, throat & rec­ • urathra - pain on urtnaUon. croamy wMM or urathra. throat & ractum 3. II positiva, co n u ct all recent sexual tum. every 3 months CONTINUOUS MULTIPLE PROJECTED A LL-M ALE FILMS * SUPER yatlowiah diacharps • minimal sex: have cultures done every 6 • throat - usually asymptomatic, minor aors partners lor testing Gonorrhea months UNIQUE WATER CLOSET * OPEN DAILY FROM TWO O’CLOCK T>^LL throat 4. antibiolic treatment FOUR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY * ARENA SPACE ON MAIN FLOOR FOR THOSE WH^^^ • rsctum - usually asymptontaUc. m«d Irrlla- 5. re-culture to assure success ot treatment OPEN” * TOP FLIGHT PROJECTION * PARKING IN GAS STATION ON CORNER OF tlon, discharpa o4 Mood or pus in tscas No Sexual Conuct During TreatmentI Fraquantly No Symptoms 1. blood last for syphilis MIDNIGHT) 2. If positiva, advise all recant sexual partners 9-ewaaka front contact • frequent sex: blood test every 3 months • primary sypMNs - appaaranea ol a p a i n ^ . to be tested • minimal sax: blood lest every 6 months opsn sora on. In or near lha arsa ot contact - 3. antibiolic treatment Syphilis panla. anus, raelum. throat (this sora wiN po 4. re-teel to assure success ol treatment away • 6 waskslatarascondary syphilis-minor rash with no Itch or pain No Sexual Contact Durirtg Course ol Diseasel Occasionally No Symptoms 1. blood last lor hepatitis 2. If positive, no specific freelment • gamma globulin given soon after exposure 2-d ittoniha front contact. 3^ bed rest, high caloric diet, no alcohol/ drugs, use separate dishes 3 linens washed nuy be somewhat effective • Ml or tirad. Itu-IMia faaiing. loss ot appetite, • vaccine now being lasted Hepatitis pain In joints, minor rash, low taver sepsrstaly • darti urtna. lipht stoois e yellowing ot skin.

No Sexual ConUct While Warts Are Present! J-3 Uonths front Contact: 1, if small - removal by chemical application: m appaaranca ol ona or many pink. rad or yel- follow-up treatment usually necessary • no known prevention - some people get them. 2. It severe - surgical removal may be • lowish seti warts around thè anus, pania, sorrte do not scrotum or In ractum necessary • chock regularly for presence Venereal Warts • have doctor examine In rectum - warts in this site exhibit no symptoms until quite severe

HIRAM SMITH Endorsed for Public )uUe Jordan

ENDORSED BY THREE GAY GROUPS...... D O f O n d O r In what has to be one of the bigger political sur- _ . . n j Irish Q7ake prises of 1978 m the gay The of the much loved John off with the endorsements of the GAY VOTERS L^G U E, the TEUU “Julie Jordan of the Mint and Sutters ROOSEVELT REPUBLICAN CLUB, and the MINUTEMEN DEM OCl^l ic Mill, has prompted hisII» hundreds of CLUB. Elmer Wilhelm, ofesident of^ the M m u te m e n C^y Democratic pub friends to hold an “Irish Wake” in his < . ) V\' and the Rev. Raymond Broshears of the gay-oriented Teddy Roosevelt memory. ublican Club bom gave their personal entmrsements to Ais well known law- It11 wuiwill be oe on Sunday October 1st, in ver Smith a former law partner of Assemblyman WiUie Brown, is currently the afternoon at the Sutter s Mul, and ^Gd hine 'feix e d ^ e director of the San Francisco Neighborhood Legal Assistant Foundwion all friends of this fine gentleman are urfied to attend. ... u and has done a great deal of good for the gay community. SmiA told the Midielle will speak, as will others who ^ay Voters can^ates night Siat he knew w hat were near and dear ro Julie. Defenders Office were, and went mto great detail. He rereived an over Sec pages 10 and 12 for more on Julie whelmmg ovation and support for his an^ysis^f the Jordans passing. PubUc Etefenders Office.. Giw» are urg ^ Dy die 3 groups to support Smith.


B. J. BECKWITH ?" Attorney I 274 Guerrero Street ' San Francisco, California 94103 X 552-4428552-4428

San Francisco’s Hottest Cruise Disco!


; ■ JO '/ -1- f .-• s f . ' i ' -1 < ^au Jfrauriiuutinuutitrr

PHILLIP G A LE a former employee ...... forever AMM r Ifnuirttìai (£rui^a^^r of the old_ 1J Club Frisco Disco, icis a r«»nrtrtP-reporte- VPS.yes, it ISis AAMBER M B b K forever. AIVlDEdlVAMBER 1is. a d “watch-queen**.....at least this is the h o t h o t new drag in town who li^ s all over the place. No. it is not the AMBER you word from MR. B! For MR.B. was m tec have seen at a few functions, this is the when this writer called, j*®® the sack with him (B) named STANLEY RE a L AMBER who is devastating. .So...... who was ‘hung**-hung** to the knees andana goodgooo geiget reauyready .ir.for the real AMBER!------ole PHILLIP is staiding by the bed...... By o the way, way, isis itit truetrue that that GINGER I L e e ^ d y m o n ò ...... watching B & Stanley! What they were who " hofi^ished finished third,third. BEHIND both JANEJANF doing B wouldn*t say.....but!!!!!!!! d o e and------VOO DOO is planning ’ ------on runn­ Why did RICHARD ELMON take up ing for Empress Kill? íes. t¿s true ®>id ^ or she, has the backing of what?????????? the name “ Richard**? ALLAN LLOYD Well, GINGER will finish LAST again .! of the *P.S. knows...... so if you want to, Behind, LEE RAYMOND, TESSIE, MAE, .....From the Convent of Eternal Lust, came just ask ALLAN most any evening at the CONNIE, STORM, VICTORIA, and all of .....f l a s h ..... The HOOK & LADDER is bar at the *P.S. still doing business at 1 0 35 Post Street and a message from SISTER MARY PASSIONA — - the others. Poor GINGER never lewns!!!!! is still one of the nicest bars in all of town. TA, O.F.U., to our paper for me which vvqn ...... ALLAN LLOYD is now the Mother But of course all these are RUMORS.....we may heart. Thank you to all the *‘nones at o“!—Superior :------off *i,othe Vr3rd.1 ffloor of the Gay Va­ don*t know for sure if all of the above are ....LARRY **STAR** CASAS is in Mexico the CONVENT OF ETERNAL LUST! tican on Polk. ALI.AN is trying to get running, but it sure looks like one hell ot a and should be back soon...... his tan neei« .....WILLIE BOREN, 2 5 the tall, slender and “some”some before oeiore itii. kwgets«» up“ h to the **pope «s crowneacrowned Empress Eampresi» racer»v; this next Janaury , more tan. Let*s see.....didn*t BOB “RET on the 4 th floor, on the way . Someone m ik P N AMFTH is now working at TROLLOPE leave for Mexico just two da­ muscular youth who is the evening clerk at the PLEASURE PALACE Plantation Book­ m e vjn i ■ xx, ys before LOWRETTA? store of Lady Pat, has to be the “star-stud ««u x., .x,.«..».. hot hot JOHN KRAUSE and the Wednes­ .DONKEY SUE of the *P.S. is doing the of all time. His lover (how lucky I is BILL handsome.....so m anly!!...... day nite **slave auctions**! Maitredebit! Gadzooks!!! All ^ at meat the eveningclerk at the LE SALON Books on BUTCH! BUTCH is the hand- ...... MICHAEL GOG LI A, the hot hot I t ^ and too many potatoes! Right JERRY Polkstrasse! Such a sexy couple! manager of the BLACK & BLUE ian boy who tends bar at KIMOS has to be SLOUP??????? RONETTA FATS is reported to be in the who was dressed in very litt^ except the seen to be believed. He is 25. 5 1 0-F ...... JIM CORBETT is the new manager of race for MISS GAY SF in 1979 ...... hmmmm!! drains and some leader at the recent 14 5 lbs , brown eyes and black hair and is die ARENA.....he is a tOish stud who has that will make THUNDER PUSSY abit coronation. BUTCH butchest one from Rhode Island...... but he came to worked all over town and knows alot of on the wild side of life! south of Market???? DAVID NELSON. San Francisco to leanr how to be a gay-boy folks. Sorry to see STEVE go, but he is ....NOVEMBER 4 th is the date for the con- .....That character at VILLAGE on PRINCE VALIENT (David Nelson» of around town and a nice guy too! Either test...COWGIRL II & COWBOY II of all 18 th Street who was at the SCALLION b ^ÍaCK & BLUE has to have one of the one of them would make anyone s night California. Place will be told soon, right old recently « rude..... we are talking about . * b^g|~es^,ninds in gay SF..... dear heart (I a happy one!!!! TESSIE???? EVERÉTT! They way he acts...... his acquire such a hunky par- ....GORDON...GORDON SLATTERY of DiscountD i^unt ...... o y uitrthe way TENDERLOINS * TESSIE —----...... «1«' M^le'tn« like KEN COOR and all tho^ hunky U thU any way for a possible candidate for ...... ®*-®* * * and likes to be “spanked**???? .....Flnauy saw BOB REED*s ex-lover, ....LEONA??? can we use your hairpiece Str^t TUBS and stayin g so long you are DOUG KOPECKY at the coronation...... Rumor has it that PAUL FOGG is a- for B pom*pom at the Portiand coronation. late for work the next miming?????????????? dear hearts! BOB ^u either are deeper- Gay SF...... This comes from TUFFY! .....»b.„ w.lkln^alking OTOUt*through II,.the T.ntelolnTenderloin tt,.the “ ^ » ^* he would be th.the you.,.«youngest to.o ^et run lor vith FAUL FOGG on our way to real UCK. i,.. B.....and not a bar-fly either, He is a b d on TRACEE, also known as Lady Blue, is j - the “ swamper** at the 222 CLUB! And...... do some buivina for the Old Folks Luncheons .....Hear tell that BRUCE TRONSEN has jjie thin side now ..... but he Lot....RIGHT we passed by the TENDERLOIN FLOR- a very youne lover.....ve^ young indeed. j e r r y & MICHAEL he/she was seen in full drag at 10 f jn onf »0 »ww-s...------recent morning on a street comer. . . . . iCT™ Itede Street right near EUU Street...... BRUCE is about to receive an avvard....„ Brown)???????????????????' and who dida we run ___ into •_a._ L...Abut, att. sexy young «Btllwhich may be given to him over the top promise KEN COOK of the BLACK & BLUE ....a stud from Little Rock Arkansas who is hung of his head for ‘‘Gossip and rumor mon- • ^ "^* Ijy DISTRICT a t t o r n e y mighty sexy looking stud.....-w ^ when a like a bull, stands about 5 *11 * ** and is le n ­ ger of any-year! JOE FRIËTAS that he would not prptecu a t t o r n e y - a t -l a w baby, the lover of ALLAN LLOYD of the der, sleek black hair, 25 vews old and has a REBA is on the boards at the Queen te victimless crimes (ala: oral copulation •P S '•'!!!!! This is back in the daze that nice name....TOM KERSHAW...... this m w Mary PUB.....strange tho, it is called the solicitation for sex. ete.)p?? ALLAN worked at the FAN*rASY! Dear U a man for all m en...... if he has the tim e!!!! QUEEN MARY Pub.....yet is does n«>t sure broke it badly, for the way all those h e a rts '" " MICHAEL the Florist was taking up his time even have a picture of the bitch in it..... gay men are being busted in the porno .....SETH’& HAROLD ST. THOMAS are a so I left him, dejected in heart of course, and DADDY JOE is slipping. By the way ole ^ o k stores shows that FRIETAS is a big regular twosome now! with a pant in my mouth! Their mutual frie­ JOE, didja know that someone in your LIAR and so is CHIEF GAIN who said his .....MISS GAY SF JIMMI and JOHN nd, ROBERT MISS THING is too too much, ranks has a gossipy mouth who blabs the men had to crack down on the deadly cri­ B. j. BECKWITH RUSSO are lovers??? Heavens to ^ ts y !!!! but he does belong on ladders! confidential things to big-mouth WAYNE mes of our city. Both are liais and so is the Oh yes JIMMI, KIMO wants to talk to you! ..ROY HARNETIAUX of the *P.S. had a FRIDAY???? Check into it!!!! Could Mayor who supports their crackdown on MANM AN over and this man “cro“crossed ^ d his legs have nave beenoeen ROGERn-ciucn. wewv hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... victimless enm«crimes!!!! Three asses for sure.. FLASH, the Empress of Colma, MEL- and cracked/broke, two of BOY*s ribs'J How .....Speaking of big-mouth FRIDAY, he ...... hey, diicy, didja hear???? that one of r _ « Attorney viN A is reported to be ffing her last name to , * very gay!! By the way, is it true that KUr was soundly chastized, for whatever our local reportreporters of the ^ay press hM I 274 Guerrero Street 5vlr in TRASH by THELMA DIRT we voted for the editor of B.A.R. for emperor.. good it will do, for udng the TG’s name somesome pictures pictures c of some policemen who have a picture of MELVIN A ROSS. Tis what we hear!!!!!!!!!! in his campaigning for the editor of me were sunbathing nearly nude on the tool San Francisco, California 94103 .....GLENN GARY WISE-DIRO is the latest BAR (it*s the only paper that will allow .....ED MAYER, former Emperor of the hunk to work on P°Bt Str^t...... he *® “JJL® his garbage to be printed in it)! city of Denver, sez he is now old enought LE SALON ,111» Polk. He is 2 5 , and better COVER UP TIME...... didja know the Sr,;S5S?Ki»í,SS!ffiS.!8» 552-4428 to go into the old folks lundieons of the looking than some of the guys in the books! District Attorney JOE FRIETAS and a o. ---- —- ...... HEiLPING HANDS SERVICES! Welcome GARY FINLEY had best k*p hia hyda off! couple of “known*’ gays are hoping to .....Attorney B.J. BECKWITH has had so ED, but bring that tired old bit«* MELVI- Right FRANKIE???? O f course vve don t Dro^ng the JACK CAMPBELL hearing me _tt. real fine times lafAivlately and anrf aalsoI«o his usuiusu^ ^ . ttt.____.:ii Ltt. ttki^lttk 4a 0J1 NA with you! have to worry about the “Nun of Le Salon so long that they will be able to drop l string of court victories over the poll«. H« ....GEORGE-ANN sez that ART KELLEY JEFF! He is “ A-Sexual**! But * e n we do charges??? This is the reports out of the is doing a really hard one now....but he will is a very religious m an.....he prays at Mt. have to worry about the GUATEMALA KID Hall of Justice!!!! More on this later. win this one as he wins them all...... hu on 4 DavidsonVlUS(.m often! • «at.at tim...... es.....a-oright???...... FRANKIE??? so fierce new look .....crew-cut, gives him a » 4 ....RUMOR HAZZIT that a new gay bar look which intimidates the prosecutors! 4 LADY PAT’S Leather Plantation is abo- .....GIRL GARDNER is the daytinie barmaid organization is in the midst of being for­ 4 ut to become a reality we hear! She has a at KIMOS. His first name used to be Harry! med. HOORAY! That is one way to get ....PAUL ARCHER of the FRISCO 4 PLEASURE Plantation on TURKS teeet!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ rid of FRIDAY, LIPS and a coM e of LOON has been “busy” with the new DJ 4 I the other obstructionists!!!!! This would there....a hunky dynamic looking y«>ung 4 mean the END of SFTG!!!!!! ___stud_ by the noilicname of VERNE w ho^w wo--- - 4 Tl!PFYin*79 desoite what you do rks at that place on Post between Polk m o 4 OT MV my dear dVw friend TONY DiSetti Van Ness. HU reddish brq^vm hair is hot 4 , ...... ; t o n y is• making__1.:__ plans tt,^ltttt.a^tt. already forfr\r im/liunder the pink light that B has had trained 4 right on VERNE when he is spinning * e 4 * 4 I the big run in ‘79 against all odds! records...... with NO SHIRT on. _.PAUL 4 » ■K I By the way, what is all this talk we all just can’t keep his hands off the dudes! 4 hear about up^rs and downers being sup- «■ 4 Oh yes, while at the FRISCO take a » nlicd to one of our leading social orgam- *■ 4 Mtions by a inirrent title holder????????? gander at DAVID, the bare-chested waiter » 4 who wears only a leather vest...... unusual 4- Oh yes, CAPTAIN EMIL (Nitrate) the and hot!!!!!!!!! 4 I head ofu . the Vice Squad----- of------the SFPD- - - - is ,, 4 I reported to be planning a crackdown GEORGE MATULA,23,5*7”, 130 lbs., 4 4 Who hails from the Allegany Moun^tains is 4 I on gay bars after he finishes with his curr- 4 lent “crackdown” on porno^ekies. still working at the GOOD HEALTH Plan­ 4 IcAPITAlN EMIL NITRATE was the per- tation on Post Street. He used to ^ in the 4 Isonal «iioicc of the supposedly pro-gay Coast Guard and was stationed in Ports­ 4 mouth, Virginia. Lordy, would 1 ever like 4 ICHIEF GAIN! Guess thU *ow s >1« whe­ re Gain’s head is really at....UP HIS ASS. to see him in white sailor pants....., 4 at all!!! GEORGE.....be nice to me!!!!!!!!! 4 4 There have been more busts of gays m at an::: utwivcc-.....^ ~ ...... 4 4 the past month than the rest o^f the Ye»! ....r o NDY U doing the cooking daze at 4 4 All due to the efforts of CAPTAIN EMIL ,p g ^ couple of weeks while the 4 4 NITRATE...... who wants to re-elect May- cook....PAUL...... is with R.E.T...... down down 4 4 OT Mosemne now?777_..after aU he couW 4 in Mexico. Good grief, can we take two 4 for«» Gain to get rid of EMIL lilTRATE whole weeks of that Blue 4 4 4 lif he wanted to ...... and w hat “ tjif boy’s cooking?????? Hurry back PAUL!!! 4 laedly pro-gay Commissioner MURrH i 4 4 ...... STUPIDVISOR MILK still has that 4 doing about all thjs increased police activr- ity against gays??’? N othin!'J As uiwal, airplane pilot giving him advice on the 4 m u n i.....that IS 8U<* a joke! But then, ole 4 4 Ibut then, LARRY EPPINE'ft'EE and his HARVE U a joke too. Don’t know why 4 4 Democrat friends don’t give a damn abOT he has DICK PABITCH hanging around!!!!! 4 4 ut the rest of the gay community either! Did I spell that right?????? Oh well, he is 4 4 4 .....OIL CAN HARRYS is one of the one anyhow!!!! Oh yes, could there a 4 bit of conflict of interest brewing in the 4 4 two ni«»8t dis«:os in all of the cite. The 4 other is on Market near Church Street. Office of Stupidvisor Milk in connection 4 with his pushing of gays in management 4 4. OIL CAN’S owner is the nicest man in 4 4 2 l of Polk Valley, BOB CHARROT! posts for MUNI??? Don’t ask me...... ask com m uniTV 4 4 The other owner is DAN 'TURNEK...... the City Attorney who we he» is very very 4 4 who tried to seduce the editor of our interested. Ri^it Supervisor KOPP????? 4 4 paper once! UUORKER 4 4 B ut.....they have the ni«»st and most TY(rone) HEBURN, 23, from upper 4 haniisome bartender in all of the wide State (Utica/Syracuae) w wor­ 4 FOR MEN: MIDHIOHT TO 5AM 4 king at one of LADY PAT’s Plantatiws Do tt yourooW Bor-B-Qu* ' world in TIM GRANTHAM, 22 yew IFF RAYMOND, shown above in various handmade (by him) costumes, 4 4 old from AtUnta, Georgia. He u about now Dear heart, with someone like TY 4 Hamburgors «1.20 around, wiU LADY PAT get any of his at various functions, has to be the hardest community worker over » per­ 4 ’ and has reddiA/blondish/brown- ■ _ a _&1____ J.*_ WA 4 Hoteogo .85 4" . OIL CAN o“ e'^Utea G eS P ea* ..!.. own w¿rk done; that’s the queatlon we idi hair______iod of years. LEE has worked tirelessly at the Senior Luncheons when he 4 4 MAN too"'"!M!l!!!!H!!!!!!! must ask!!!!???????? could as well as putting together the annual GAY U.S.O. SHOW lor me 4 4 and ALL MAN too KpitalLed at thi Ft. Miley U.S.V. A. Hospital every ^ear LEE 4 . . .. -1. r»A\7iniir Old friend and former manager o f* e 4 I ....That hunky h ren<*man, DAVID LE "¡¿ h e l p in g HANDS CENTER on furk also^does work for the children at the Children s Hospital each Easter. He 4 JUNE is_still working as caAier ^ t h e ostreet,I ^ e ehas his billfold STOLEN iat toe HARRY’S I NOB HILL CINEMA. Dear hcairrta! ! ! ! isXwager Grand Duchess II, has done num ^us ^ow s for Circus-Circus, i 4 \ N* TOUCH, and It was “found in me and did the recent show for Jim Ostlund at The Qty. hav«» 4 4 1 He U so nice and so handome t^ !'.!!! corner, MINUS all the m o^y JIM l^ m 4 709 LARKIN (AT ELUSI / (415)928-9660 I By the way, the owner CLIP NEWMAN it. JIM BOYD-ROBERTSfW U a i 4 J I juat retumad from a croaa*country drivi- and honest person, and LORELI S bart 4 4 1 ng trip, looks happy and healthy too! enders are ASSES for throwing him out cated Community Worker, and we salute him for all his wonderful work. 4 4 I Welcome back CLIP ! over the matter....but Aey

* *********************** * ______^aii ÌFfattf iagi (Cnuiaìirr * S>au ifrimrisrii (Cruaaiirr * »

* Advocate Juvie Sex Ads * * * * 4- and Jack Campbell too, » 4 4 4 denied by GAI paper! E p u . Sag S rnalirara 4 Founder: Gay Activista/Lib«ration Alliance 4 **** CIWSADER, number 63, dated September 6-27th, had an article en- Lavender Panthers 4 illed. Advocates Has Ads for ChUdren!?!”. Peter G. Frisch, associate publisher of Helping Hands Services 4 Crusader 4 Ik i f o ***‘" «■' P“P«r. has sent a letter stating that the ads found in 4 the PERSONALS sections of the Classified Ads of that San Mateo/Atherton owned Teddy Roosevelt Republican Chib Coordinator: Gay Voters League 4 paper, ère not for anyone under the age of 18. If what associate publisher Fri^h is Pastor: Christ Orthodox Episcopal Church stating IS true, we do so apologize. But, “o/18” and using the words, youngsters Member: Republican State Central Committee i teeners, etc., would certainly indicate that juvies are being solicited for some pretty' 'Ik'******'*****/ 4 bizzare purposes. But, Peter G. Frisch on behalf of David B. Goodstein says that it ************'********'****4 means OVER 18. So, again, we hereby apologize to the Advocate, Mr. David Berth- am Goodstein and to Peter G. Frisch for any “harm” they say might have been im­ plied. But, we say this to Peter G. Frisch and to David Bertham Goodstein and to all ‘*“ «ctly at the Advocate or on Franklin Street in San Francisco YOU MUST or SHOULD PLACE CLEARLY A “CODE” IDENTIFIER, so mUtakes ’ of this nature can never be made either by the police or by juvies or by this crusading publication. We call upon them to “clean up their own house first” befo­ re threatening lawsuits. J a c k Ca m p b e l l , who we identified in the issue of ‘Love b NOT having sex!” So sayeth the Reverend Raymond Broshears.... myself! It b Ultimate love...... how many do you the Crusader being protested by Peter G. Frisch, the know have that? Well, thb portion of Associate Publisher-, was denied as being the “close sad to me, that so many'homosexuals have the my column on Having Intense Love for friend” of David Bertham Goodstein. belief that an act of “sex” b an act of ‘love”. One Another b dosed. I do pray that For that we also apologize for we had assumed as he That b wrong, sick thinking. Love means far more than a sexual act. Love b something so at least a few homosexuab wlU read and has appeared in your papers in various articles, and at very deep. Love b not “cosmetic”, for it goes practice this. If thb would happen, the parties with Goodstein, and is one of the advertisers..... Satanic forces of darkness (drugs, booze, in the Advocate, that he was a friend of Mr. Goodstein far deeper than looks, or age, etc. Love b a very wonderful thing, and many people experi­ etc.) would not be able to control our ence it and never know it. Love is sharing...... community. JACK CAMPBELL’S COURT CASE CONTINUED..... love b caring...... love b devine! As mv dear friend Lee Raymond says The July 13th arrest of Bath House Czar, Jack Camp­ It b written that “love covers a multitude of always....he even hasa button with it on bell on charges of “pimping and pandering” (soliciting sins.” Today, in all of society, not just the gay it....“Think Love Always!”! a SFPD Vice Cop to work for his ‘escort service’) has community, love has waned in the day to day been continued for the third time, until October 9th life of |]mple, for most are “afraid” to give JACK CAMPBELL in San Francisco Municipal Court. Activists are watch- forth with an public expression of love. Thb is ing this case very closely, as well as the Judge. because society, our leaders, etc., are teadiing JOHN “JULIE” JORDAN us to“ love”_material things, more than peopfe. Thb indeed b a sad and most sorry state of a- John “Julie” Jordan, who passed away, ffairs. while at the begining of a two month Todays churches arwlittle more than “show- vacation, was in Rome at the time. He h o im ” where a persons goes to “outshine” was to see the Pope, but, Julie was odl- then neM bors and the sermons are written to­ ed “home” before he could. day, weeks and even months in advance. They Julie Jordan, “hiUe” was what all who do not have the leading of the Holy Spirit at all. knew and loveo him called hnn, affect­ ionately, was one of the finest people We have no way in knowing what part if any, in the gay community. He was but SS things such as automobiles, televisions, and at hb passing. stero sets and the like, will play in the kingdom Hb room-mate, Stanly, and good frien­ of God, but there b somethmg that we ail do ds, like Peter Puffer, Tom, Little know will be in the kingdom and that b ...... Reggie, Les Balmain, andlrene all mbs PEOPLE! Yes, peo'ile, and that brings us back him deeply, as do all who met thb fine to love. gentienuui now joins another We must learn and teach others how to commu­ of hb old friends, and another dear per­ nicate without the help or hinderance of the son, Betty “Pukalani” Lane, who aro medb devices, just what love really b, what it worked at the Mint, as did Julie. Betty ball about, to OTHER PEOPLE! Love b some­ passed over sometime ago. She was the thing that ennot be turned on and off like a iV only woman to run for ^emperor”! set. Julie and Puky^are together now, and Love b caring, love b giving, love is being, love may God bless them both, b living a life that b NOT centered around your self, but around the lives of all peoples. t t t You will find a great joy, a deep down fine and THE IMMORALITY OF JOHN beautiful joy in doing for others. Thb b my BRIGGS’ PROPOSITION 6. neatest happiness, tne joy of doing for others, Proposition 6, which would prohibit the the joy of giving and doing what I can for other- hiring of any teadier or sdiool employee s, as God wants me to do. who IS homosexual, or would dismiss any Life should be tilled full of love and each of you school employee known to freqeunt witn should be filled with thb love and if you were, or favor wys in any way,...... thb measu­ you would want to be minbtering to others, to re, should it be passed, would be the spread love, riiaring, and caring around the gay worst single pfcce of legislation to ever community, instead such disgusting garbage as be enacted. we see come out of the Tavern Guild and out of The repeal of gay rights ordinances in certain groups that supposedly represent us. Dade County, St. Paul, Viidiita, and Eu­ Serving one another with jove will bring you a gene Oregon, mean almost nothing, if NEED H ELP? real pleasure and satisfaction that you wfll not you compare them to Prop. 6. need drugs, or booze to help you sleep. IVop. 6 sets off the greatest witch hunt There b a loving satisfaction in serving your fell­ in the hbtory of America, one that wou­ ow beings, to be helpful, to work for then best ld be greater than the infamous Salem Call intestests, being considerate and hosp^itable'...... Massachuetts witch-hunts in the early da­ you are well on your way to having that inten­ ys of our nation. It would be greater se love that is looked upon with great joy by ....far greater, than the M c^rthy hunt the Lord God in Heaven which b why He sent for comunists in government (however The Christ Jesus here to teach us, to leave with well-meaning it most certainly was). us the message of “intense love for one another” Today, the homosexuals of Califomb.... tomorrow, it will well mean the blacks Intense love, b love at full strength, and b never of Califomb. OPERATION CONCERN insincere. Intense means in Greek “stretch out‘ The Briggs measure is immoral. Briggs .... ! Your love therefore cannot be halfhearted, so do not be using so freely the words, “I love says that he is doing all of this in the na­ you” and such, for in 9 times out of 10, you me of “morality”, but what he is doing know that you don't really mean it. But if you b far worse than anything he could have work at loving and working for all peoples, you imagined in his unstable mind, that he will know the meaning, the sincerity of the wanted cleaned up. word.....love, and then my bretheren, you will If Proposition 6 is passed in Califomb, really be Mtting it all together and into the kin­ and it does appear it will, God have mer­ gdom of heaven. cy on all of us. We can best show our love by our hospitality, by •««*•***** 563-0202 welcoming others, even those we are at aught with, without grumbling. There are those who THE BAKKE DECISION say, “I hate Ray Broshears” and 99% of them Abn Bakke entered school and he was have never talked to me. There are those who picketed by those nazi-like commies and saysmj they “hate 11414«; bxütRay uivaii^Broshears” because he is up- then bed fellows who refuse to accept setting things. ‘ Well, ‘ ill, while tthose people say they the decision of the Supreme Court in “hate me , I forgiveJve them,them. most of them who saying that U.C. - Davis cannot discrimi­ ay such a silly thing, I truly feel sorry (or such nate against someone because they are a little and weak mind. It is little ana it b weak, white. The communists want racbl dis­ for they have never allowed themselves, the crimination, They want racbl strife, and real selves to grow, as it can, if they only reach anyone who opposes the Bakke Decision inside and seek the love that dwells inside all of b not only unAmerican, but b morally them. bankmpt. Reverse racism is dij^sting. Love keeps me going and others going, 24 hours just as disgusting as racism itself, and all a day, ^ in g of ourselves for others, caring not those gays who nave taken up against the what labels people put upon us for so doing. Bakke Deebdon are morally bankrupt or Love b giving of your total self, even if it means they or un-American. rb dying, which■ ■ ‘ b‘ 1 the ultimate love for others. WARNING: This column may be hazardous to I your m«nUl health. Read at your own risk. S'ali ifraurisai Œnisaiirr ^au if ram isai (£rusa^rl• »

RESPONSE. Sir, as editor of the paper, I agree with you concerning & the Tavern Guild “leadersnip”, i.e. Wayne p i t r a s b Friday and few others. But there are a BY THELMA DIRT EDITOR; few good people in TG, so don’t knock L The gay uproar over the Bri^s them all just because of Friday, Sweetlips, Initiative is much too pronounced. My and few others bizzare actions and behav­ ....HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY to BRUCE reading of the Proposition shows it to be ior. of the Spartan Cinema. Now that he is redundant to present laws. 1 fear Briggs As to the Tenderloin, I do not understand 32 (that was on September 19th) and and Anita Bryant far less, than the self- what you are talking about. 1 have worked ALMA is but 39, they do have a younger moclaimed spokesmen for homosexuals. and lived in the Tenderloin and area for al­ management there....don’t th ^ . But, I most 13 full years. It has always been just can’t help but think that BRUCE These are the one's who would capitalize looks more like 4 4 ....but he sez 32 ! so?? on the coming election. “rough” and it is a hell of alot less rougher SuMrvisor Milk was di^aceful at now than 10 years ago. Sorry you don’t .....LARRY, one of the owners of the the Gay Freedom Day festivities. His fll- like it, I love It. GIRAFFE on Polkstrasse, virtually stole WORLD PREMIERE conceived oratorical tirade was laughable. Milk is disgraceful, Wayne Friday of the BART from the *P.S. to be a five day a TG and his clique are worse than disgrace­ week bartender at Africa on Polkstrasse. At any moment I e\pected to hear this in­ Congradulations to BART on his promo, ept Supervisor laundi into some “I have a ful and that is why another ownization is and sorries to the *P.S. for losing a good WEDNESDAY dream*^ rhetoric. Without District Electio­ being formed to represent ana PROTECT worker and a handsome young btud. ns, Harvey Milk would not enjoy his pre­ bar members from the unions, etc. Almost anyone can join TG as long as they have ...... The “Andrew Sisters” of the *P.S...... sent self-serving forum. FAYE, MIA & LOWRETTA, have all been SEPTEMBER 27 The Tavern Guild is a very obnox­ the money. dating the same man.....TOM ZUBER! ious word to me. Any informed person Editor. Obviously Mr. ZUBER has a very big ‘Z’ can read their motives. They are a group and alot of “Z” to take on those three in THAT MAN pictured above.....is none of effete snobs who only represent a spec­ one w eek! other than...... PAT TOWNSEND who is ial clique. Their demise would evoke only 9.11-78 ...... Owen GRADY, of the K-Hotel chain, the owner of the most beautiful planta­ shallow tears, if any. I bristle when these EDITOR; tions in town. Dear PAT....he looks so is still seeing that tall DAVID.....wonder very “Hollywood” in this photo, doesn’t hypocritical parasistes insinuate they speak I want to offer my thanks to your where DAVID is now???....Oh yes dear her????? PAT is a man for all seasons for me. staff, and fine publication, “The Crusader" DAIVD, where is the $5 00 dollars you and all reasons too ...... so we hear from The Tenderloin could use some hu­ The enclosed article from the Sept. ‘78 borrowed also from ...... ????? the “grapevine”! manitarian restraints by bar owners. I issue ^ould have been published along The “other” DAVID is still GRADY’s fear that this will occur from the city rath­ room-mate and still working at the 5 27 time ago “The Advocate” should not carry CLUB....but now as a waiter instead of a .....Don’t miss it...... the CELEBRITY er than internally. The citizens have been ads for children (see article page 12 in this cook. So that’s why the food has gone PIE THROWING AUCTION being rCO'^; 1 ' quite tolerant thus far. I seriously doubt issue) in the Personals Column. downin quality!!!! held at the 222 CLUB on Saturday...... mat their look-the-other-way mood will Also I pickedsomething interesting in SEPTEMBER 30 th by TESSIE (not Mes- ...... CONNIE who is a former Grand Duc­ sie Miss Elmon!). It is all for m e elder­ continue much longer. a bar over trie weekend. The gay Nazi’s in hess. all during his year as GD didn’t do 1 remain a closet-case because of Los Angeles, and the straight Nazi s of Chi­ ly folks lundieons. IRENE will be there my employment. 1 spend my earned wage: a damn thing.....and now CONNIE, who as will LEE RAYMOND and of course cago are recruiting children from age 12 is nice looking in drag....wants to run for TESSIE! in San Francisco’s gay business' establish­ on up. empress 14 ! Well, if nis year as G.D. is ments. TheHe “Gay"Uay Nazi’s”P have gone too far any indication of nis “work”, he would ...... Oh yes, GET WELL to RONETTA But my disapointment in many of their destroy the empress title once and for all. F a t s who has been under the weather. this time, as aid the “Advocate”, in recrui- He is having serious problems with him directions is growing. Anita & Briggs may ting children...... And while on that subject of empress­ be less costly in the long run than a mis­ Sincerely, es, another baddie and do-nothing is...... foot. guided Milk and Tavern Guild. MAE. MAE ran last year for the title...... FAT FAIRY sends to all who hel] Warren Greenspan no one ever heard of nim unitl them, and to raise the money for his housing aii Name Withheld on Request of San Francisco since he lost, he hasn't done a damn thing a big THANK YOU! So stick Uiat up (Letter on file) to help any group or project except his your tuffy! ^ n purse. Another ’Connie" tyi» ...... KENNY LOU the evening upstair bar- The empress title does mean WORK and tender at iriuncKIMOS came kback.,.!, from rCana­ . « . . ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ not drinking and those other things you da, where int had an affair or two with Tenderloin Tessie’s. do MAE!!!!!!!! some Royal Canadian Mounties. Seems ...... TOM ZUBER, w ho we mentioned a- they almost busted him for having his bove, is 24 , stands about 6 ’, weighs in at bleached blonde hairs...... ! Celibritij 155 lbs., has blonde hair and blue cjres...... What is all this Sunday afternoon non­ He is currently “working” as ROY sense between ROY and FRANK (barten­ NETIAUX’s’s ’‘m"maid” aid” and ’’"answering ser­ ders at the *P.S.) for after brundi they Pie Throw ò vice”! Verrrrry interrrresting! TOM lives went into the Casa where they had fun in the same building as ROY and STELLA “together”???? I don’t know, ask ROY and has a roomie named DANNY who about whose diocts did what and how! likes to walk about the apartment nude .... ¿iiuction and do “things” in the window with him- V?®! ^Bat is all this about DAVID self while people are watching from other STOLL'“Stella" walkqig by ^ iz sa pw- lor near where ahe. HVSa and the auy SATURDAY, September 30th at apartments. SuchSucha place!!!!!!! gives him the “big whistle” and has in 9 PM at the 222 CLUB, 222 Hyde. ..The “mother superior” of the third come in...... put the closed si^ on the A benefit for floor of the Polk Vatican, ALLAN LLO­ door, and blows Stellas whistle and dear senior luncheons, sponsored by the YD has informed the “pope” that he uses old DAVID STELLA STOLL walks out only CRISCO! Sister ALLAN sez he re­ the proud owner of a lovely new fern??? fabulous Tenderloins Tessie cently bought a 10 ” dildo, for “you don’t Doing it for weeds now, huh girl???????? have to worry how you are dressed, and it » d i «r att'o >»•» ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ never geU a^eadache, and is always h y d ” ,;:VC^HARLIE W ....so sayeth the former conspirator of walk “hot box’ AMBER! he was in Los Angeles “having fun’ and now he is back and ready to go again. Who is this big PETER who is workini 250 Fourth Street should see alot of him at the RIVERBOAT-PLEASURE PALAC if he is too careless or busy!!!! SKAna1ca.hidafriend. PlanUtion Bookstore on Turk Street????? ».m'uiro nun th« Oa IB worth iiiftt ffoinfl in to b dccIc Bt* »a.....^iOTHER PHIL IS no lonfiBf st the He IS worm just going in to taxe a peex ai...... LENNY!!!!!again. ___Oh ves. TY is working above the old R1 VERBOAT Plantation re-doing the ...... Oh yes, PAUL ARCHER, that little rooms. TY used to live with the “pope" DAVID.....I want to talk to you about at the Gay Vatican for a time. him ...... and soon! JACK “Tallulah” TENNYSON of the ...... K •P.S. is about to retire to the'Tijuana es, DANNY IRVINE has recovered from Dumps. He likes the people there so well! her “loss” and is back on Polk again. He JACK had an interesting time checking??? is so refreshing and so “trixie”! I.D.’s when he was at the old defunct ...... What is all this nonsense that the SF RENDEZVOUS (Hazel’s Hangout) on Tavern Guild, and WAYNE FRIDAY are ^ tter. JACK sometimes would have to admitting a restaurant that is STRAIGHT take the picture and person back into the just so they think they won’t have to back office to check out everything ve^ join Ix>cal 2....the union???? Well, this closely! Next issue we will tell more!!!!!! jg way the rumors have it right now, ...... Haveya seen those vicious attacks in and of course WAYNIE is rallying around the DIRTA BOY under the name “Gloria CONNIE COOKOU'T now that he is the Swish” made by BOB REED and ??????? new emperor so we couldn’t get a com­ against various people. That wasn’t nice ment from him. Miss Reed! Hope you can prove all those nasties you wrote! By the way, isn’t the housemother. AMBER censoring you????? Pictured at the left re is a real handsome MinBOBDAMROirS n/stud. He is one of nicest guys and best n in all of San Franci- So if you see him ound....you’ll ^ seeing n, grade -a, first clast ROBBIE, why are ou staying away??????? ih well, you always did ICH 1H 77 M i m n a ike lawyers better..... aiuM M iiH iem « lUt I can dream can’t i? BUSH Consultants: t h e n o b HH-L c im e n ia §>aii ifraitriaru (CruBaftpr Court/Law:BJ. Beckwith, lawy«. “ A LIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING” The CRUSADER is dedicated to JUSTICE...... The CRUSADER Is a “news” paper in that we seek Calender: Leona ~ (415) 885-1001 LAW A ORDER ...... as weU as to EQUALITY out the news, we do investigative reporting, which Post Offic« Box 1528« San FranelMO for all people and to try and establlih a moral Is almost unheard of in our community. We exposi CalifomU 94101 standard in the community which we serve. any wrong-doings within or out’o^our community. Publiiiied «very three week« Publication of names, photos, are not be be We seek the TRUTH, seek to LIBERATE those .] at a controlled circulation construed as any indication of the sexual pref- whoUve in bondange of fear, etc. publication, which is non­ erence/orientation/lifestyle, political beliefs, Editor: Reverend Raymond Broshears profit and educational. religious beliefs, of such pereoo(s), groups, or businesses. Contributing Editors: All issue« are distributed Theatre: Carl Driver free of charge, except Any part of this publication may be reproduced wiUtPUt permission. Films: Lee Raymond for mailed lames, for Political: Elmer Wilhelm ' which there is a $12 Advertisers advertise in this publication only as a means of reaching the public and does not in­ Social: Mockingbird A Thelma Dirt per year cost and Paula Pittstop handleing ebarge; dicate support for the publication's policies. / \ COLUMNIST S ’ali Ifiaiirtarn (Cl•lUîa^n• r g>au S^raiirtaru (Ìnisaìirr HOLLYWOODiby Survival House, Revival sought and is opposed!

I suppose that most people under 30 won’t remember• the------starwhom w.._...... I write- of -- in— this ---- issue, (unless you are like me....a fan of the Golden Age of the Silver Screen), but he was the James Dean...Marlon Brando or Jadi Nidiolson of hisday. He was John Garfield! John Garfield was a strong sym­ pathetic actor too often trapped in run-of- tfie-mill films. The titles of two of his early films give an indication of the sort of chara­ Survival House, the name has not cter he was usually called upon to play...... ^ been one of the nicer in gay circ­ “They Made Me A CriminaT’ and ‘ Dust Be les for some time, since they were IF YOU HAVE THESE. My Destiny”. It was he of course, who was out on Haight Street, investigated made a “criminal”, he who was searchiim for forged checks, funds for drug GENEROSITY for destiny. He was invariably the boy from treatment halted, and the house the “wrong side of the tracks , with the COURAGE “Chip on the shoulder”, but idealistic, who itself later closed down. often ended up the “killer”.... or “killed” . Now, two of that Mme group, He left Warner Brothers, whidi natured him Jose Ortega and Bill Carruthers, AND YOU WANT THESE. for it was dear that his real talent had been nave chosen to move into the Ten- obscured; with all his vigor and pugnaciousr -derloin area and try to reopen in FULFILLMENT ness, there was real sensitivity. a building not zoned for that type He was bom..... Julius Garfmkle in New of habitation. Already, the Ten­ REDICATION York City’s lower east side on March 4, 19- JOHN GARFIELD derloin area and Polk Valley has Joining the priesthood can be 13. And from out of the slums, he worked, teroretation, his quick, curswe delivejpi of the Freedom House, Hospitality fought, and rose aboveanove itii tolo win a sdiolar- difficultdifHcult dialogue is worth attention. one of the more rewarding *ip to the Ouspenskaya I^ m a S^ool, w d films at House and Helping Hands Service- s, to help the area, all operating things that have happened in later became connected with the Group i n- several____ ■ studios, .»andh n>tiirnMlreturned rnto Warner s your life yet. eatre, founded by Stella and Luther Adler quite legally. Father Eugene, urges you to to do, ‘To Have and To Have Not . Whe- The site that Carruthers and Or­ In 1933 he married Roberta Mann who had n Warners first filmed it with Bogart, they conuct him if you want to his two children, David and Julie. It was m kept little but the title of this Hemingway tega have chosen is in the Saint study to become a priest. a supporting roierole min “Golden v^oiucu Boy’ which ^a.._ (story)/'_A___\ 1...*but now it 2# was«aroc filmedfsImisH straight Gtrill0n# Francisco Apartments, 669 Ellis Those who are interested, real. _i*1^... attention__A.:___ was given him Km/by Urslluu/rarHollywood. the »eat novel, and as a result, it Street, apartment 3. The building may contact him at: WarnersWarners signedsign^ hm m 3^ ranks amam^gst ^gst the best scscreen versions of itself is quite narrow, 4 stories 944 Market Street “Four Dau^it^ . Î k *****^»râ Hemingway novels, however the title was high, and very seedy. The “traff­ and Gale Paige) whi(* had ^ e n a considéra- %ceakin^ Point” and Garfield’s San Francisco 94102 ble critical success. He established himself ^ .— ic” created already by what they ______Ic cstoblishcd hiinscit nArfnrmflnre was exc6Dtion&ilv true. are calling the “Ellis Street Survi­ Suite 311 in “ ...... Criminal”, - In 19^1, he made his last fi?m, “He Ran val House'’ ha? brought the atten­ and a small part in’tjie Bette Davis ^ ic All The Way “Juarez”, alw in ‘The Life of Jimmy tion and concern of senior citizen TODAY IS Dolan” and “Dust Be My Destiny”. The groups, security systems, healthy subjects he wasgiven to do were strangely ..wlywood...... — officials, fire officials and now the I THE predictable in thse dedining years of WB s b itte n about him, “The tragedy was that police are looking into the matter. | tough social consdous melodramas. After John Garfield was never accused of anythi­ The Polk Valley Improvement FIRST DAY “Carile On The Hudson”, “The Sea Wolf ng. He was a street boy with a strwt boy­ Association has asked that such a “Out of The Fog” and some half dozen fil ’s sense of humor...... and when a s l^ to “settlement” in this area be halt- OF THE ms, MGM borrowed him for ’’Tortilla Flat give name of friends at parties he refused, 1 ed, as it is a giant step backward which Was probably the worst film of his and was blacklisted for that. life. I in. their______effort to buildup the area REST OF YOUR LIFE!! When he wasn’t able to work, he ran arou­ .further on this in the next issue. WoriimVar ILwas io.Ajdl,swing andmm«« - nd in a violent, stupid kind of way. The was now intoi„ o n and Hollywood wks tum m g out many patrotic and war films, and with blacklist killed something inside of him. John Garfield’sarfield p—.^ ------^ ideal for a warfilmilm hero.hero; “Air Air ForceFort* ,. Ue_ 7(l5^“,den Boy) he died of a heart attack. Tim*M»in«”^in ’4S*and”^ex-soldier adjus- In the* ting to blindness in “The Postman Always ^W en Boy of the Golden Age of the IF YOU Rihes Twice” in ’46. The last fUm under a Sdver Screen. Warner contract was “Humoresque” in which he played a back-street violinist who tolera­ ted dipso patroness Joan Crawford. At this time I’d like to wish Deborah Kerr, MISSED SEX ED Warners wanted him to re-sien but he consi­ C h ito n Heston, Cornell Wilde, Sopha ucrcudered he lie waswo» treated badly -jrpy them, always Loren, George Peppard, Rita Hayworth, being given the films rmected by Bogart and GRAND DUCHESS CHARLIE III, Empe­ Cagney. So, John Garfield formed his own ror JOE of Sacramento, and my lovely pr^uctionuruuuwkiuil company and did ~ , one-----. "of the j fil- ■ niece ARLENE, and ail with the birth si^ ^ms______generallyII.. —considered khis2o Kttc*best. “RnHv Body and LIBRA...... 3 biTthdav®y 'fill! of love and Soul”, playing a boxer with a dumb eloquen hiippin*e'47...... r..rvritli all the heart can ce. Then over at 20th Century Fox, he was hoiSl among the all-star cast of the Oscar winnmg THINK LOVE “Gentlemen’s Agreement” . DUys Powell wrote of Garfield in the film, “Force of Evil alw ays ...... “For years he has been allowed to play LEE RAYMOND himself, but now he is returning to solid in-

T P i i ^ e S a ù « The dirty old frenchman brings you the largest selection oj «r^'c films a ^ magazines anywhere in the world. Wholesale and retail, ( ¿ « l e r in q u i^ welcome.) LE SALON Polk Str^t o ^ 7 riavs 8 am to 2 am phone 673 4492. Visit our new San Francisco lT s a C^S n o r t h b e a c h b o o k a n d n o v e l t y « 617 Broadway, phone 391 9561 When in Europe come us LE SALON INTE^ATION^AL at Oude Dbelenstraat No. 10 Amsterdam, and LE SALON ^ T E R Pictured above is a pair ot famous, movie stan who have teamed up for several films, but each has achwved their NATIONAL BV at Korta Nieuwendiikj2^_Amsttrda^^ greatness without the other Can you name them? See next issue for the answer.

m S’ait iFraurisrn (Cnlsa^^• §>au if raurtiiai (£ruöa^^r SUPPORT COORS BEER (the following is a letter sent to the.... ELASSIFIED U Z COAST TO^COAST TIMES and we re­ S B h f i L S i print it for your education) ALLAN LLOYD, a real “star” ! He is Mr Dear Editor; , , San Francisco gay-show biz! ALLAN Afew lines for your column from one of your gay brothers working LLOYD has been from coast to coast en­ for COORS here in Golden Colorade. tertaining for years and years. He used to Many times I have been persecuted for star at the old Fantasy on Mason Street. the truth; but with regdrd to a polygraph It was always opening night when Allan (lie detector test), 1 can understand those appeared on sta^e. There are not words who challenge such a test based on hum­ enough to describe this clever, charming, an and civU rights. In the early ‘70’s I witty, humanistic, entertainer. was sentenced to two to three years in ALLAN LLOYD is now “performing” .... the Wyoming State Penitentiary for a ho­ mosexual crime. After mv release, 1 app­ but now as a bartender, almost ni^tly, at lied for work with many large conuianies the fabulous gay restaurant, the ’"P.S. at in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. 1121 Polk Street. Behind the bar, ALLAN On all applicaUons the tiuth was revealed [gruicc^lBusincsseg is highly efficienti cool, and keeps the as to my crime and sexual'preference. Pgrsi customers in a happy mood. When he Coors hired me and gave me a chance to frowns, he frightens those who don’t kno- once again prove myself as a human being LOOKING ADVERTISE HERE w “Mr. Gay Snow-biz”, but to those who .... I've always been openly gay with my HOUSE Advertising in the Crusader do know him...... well! co-workers and all su^rviaon up to the Lookine for a small, slim, 18 CLEANING will really oring you results. When Bob Trollope and Roy Hametiaux Vice-ftesident level. year old boy for fun and thi­ House cleaning every other This is the paper that so decided to hire Allan, they may have made Speaking to other gay friends of ngs, twice a month. Please Saturday and Sunday. $4 many dare NC)T to read for the best move they have made in many a mine here at COORS, they have stated send photo to: P.O._Box_998 Mountain View, California per hour. Cali YOSHI at we have the hard truths. year. that on their polygraph test, NO rjuestion- 474-3497. ALLAN LLOYD has “semi-retired” the íT. s were made as to sexual orientation. “clothing” which many identified with Union Local 366 cerainly made a false ' HAIRSTYUINO AT IT’S FINEST him, but, he can never retire that wonder­ statement and it’s really too bad they ha­ CUTTING AND DESIGNS ve to prey on our people (gays) and to IPLAY! WANTED ful humor and wit and charm that truly expect our people to help them out in Sincere relationship with a FOR THE INDIVIDUAL is Allan Lloyd. their■ •boycott. >tt. I am prroud to work for a masculine, Asian man, (27 HELPING HANDS SERVICE Allan has performed with one of San company where erjployees haveai the right 35). I’m w/m, 47, mascu­ This service provides assistan­ Francisco s gay community favorites of to_____ (moose whether or not to join a union. line, professional, responsible, ce for the elderly and for i M A V l all time, the fabulous, loving, TERRY I was in the AFL-CIO Oil and Atomic w arm . ^ ^ , , new gay arrivals to town. We I sua UBI■Ml CUE TAYLOR who is now working in Reno. Chemical Workers for 20 years working Phone DALE, 241-2111, days provSe free luncheons and “At Union Square“ for Atlantic Ridifield, and it was my ch 01 In fact, they are in constant communica­ /■ - only...... Redwood City. other benefits for the eWerly tion, and someday perhaps, , if we are lucky ce, and I hope in future years, I will be FOR MEN AND WOMEN able to keep my rights. of our city. Since 1967! enough, we will see the two on them on­ Call 885-iOOl for help. I 245 POWEU (lobby) stage, together in their “costumes” and I read you well as to financial Union Square. Son Fronciico there is no price too high to pay for the This is the REAL...... ALLAN LLOYD who stars behind support that was given to those organiza­ ask for | privilege of seeni^ ALLAN LLOYD alone tions that are working in opposition to THANK YOU I r j E ¿ R Y JER RY : ' the bar nightly at the famed *P.S. Restaurant on Polkstrasse. our human rights. However, COORS con­ Thankynky you WAYNE for the |JERRY 98,.,310 ....let alone with Terry Taylor. tributes money and time to many (irgani- b estblow__ job of your life and ADS FLYERS zation for advancing women and minoriti­ for licking my balls and for es. These include NAACP, Latin Americ­ lettingine me f**k you in the l a y o u t s an Educational Fund, LULAC (^ague of mouth. If you need ads or flyers United Latin American Citizens), United Love, DAN done, call upon us at the Negro College Fund and many many oth­ CRUSADER, 885-1001. la w y er ers. We little people working for COORS We will help you do it or Attorney B.J. Beckwith are fighting back, like the rest of the gay do it for you. 274 Guerrero St. community with our dollars to protect (415) .552-4428 our human rights. 18 YEAR OLD San Francisco’s leading 1 feel the real clout that we will WANTED gay trial lawyer. If you hold in the futre for our people will be Wanted, 18 year old gay boy need competent help in pplitical action and to choose wisely tho­ not over 5’5” that wants a your hour of need. Give se (»ndidates whom we beliewe wil) help nice home. Send photo to; Attorney, Beckwith a win Human Rights laws. We' do nniake mi­ P.O. Box 998, Mountain View lilMAri to MAM’ stakes. I did vote for our president who call at «2-4428. holds hands with Anita Bryant. California 94040 If you should come to Denver a- gain, I can take you to many of our gay €scorts b ^ , and you will find COORS beer a- vailable for the asking. There is no boy­ Realtor cott here in Denver, for out people know ICompani! ComfMinions the facts. Above is ALLAN LLOYD starring as BETTE DAVIS in You have many beautiful f()lk in man TO MAN Discreet é Confidential one of his famed “Frisco Follies” routines. The guy with California and I often wished I was living ON in your State. However, I can see a ser­ Escorts him is a so-so talent who fled San Francisco, by the name ious issue rising over the Br^gs Initiative, Companions 647" 0210 of Michael Lee. He used to be an interior decorator for ALLAN LLOYD as “Carol and I’ve made my contribution to fight Models the Greyhound Bus Depots. You can see why he left town Channing” in one of his famed this very dangerous initiative. Believe me, 647-0210 “Man to Man “ EscortsICompanions BUT, dear ALLAN is still here, at the *P.S. on Polkstrasse. “Frisco Frolics” routines.____ , we are in this fight together and my heart is with you. are backing BACABI are groups such as Yoiir California people redly ca­ ESCORT r e p o r t II 9/22/78 Women Against Violence in Pornomphy & Media; University of California Gay & me through at our Denver Coronation._ It COMPANION Lesbian Coalition; Union Wage newspaper was beautiful. It would be wonderful if MODEL 3fraurilîa1(írmîa^^r some time in the near future, you would ^d\\ San Francisc» Demociatic Club (Gay); Defined, Ex-Marine, who is /4í^Á Oakland Feminist Women’s Health Cen­ be near Golden again, please feel free to hung nice! 6 1 , 170 lbs.. ter; Gay Paraprofessionals in the Schools; call me. I All *’***•• prepalfl by money ordor or chofjoe. Yours respectfully, T o p massage! 29 waist. 1 East Bay Gay Asian Assoc.; Campaign for Have car, will travel. - Economic Democracy: Berkeley Citizens Raymond Bronzynski InrtMduals: 1 0 coot# por word, minimum 12.00. Action; Bay Area Women Against Rape; BILL at 441-1054 Berkeley Women’s Health Collective; loncloM S...... *or...... no.oflw uw . Asian Feminist Groim; A Women’s Plac* bookstore/Oakland; OracJe Feminist Book- 11 Name*... store/Hayward; and sudi individuals as. |CompanionfesC^]{^f i l Address;. Celeste Newbrough; Chris Perry; Rev. P I + 1 ' 1 -1 state ...... ZIP Cecil Williams; Arnold Townsend; Fay City- Stender, attorney; and Ida Strickland. Rev. Rey Broihears Reixntly, at the Mission High School, a HinSG I Phone. In fact, one well known SWPer, Sylvia “statewide” workers conference against RADICAL LEFTIST CONTROL & Weinstein, whose name also appears on the Briggs/Prop /6 was held, and from the INFLUENCE ANTI-PROP. 6 GROUP! their literature, is a candidate for the looks of most m attendance, most were DATE: BACABI ENDORSERS LISTS FIND Board of Education. not even workers. But, instead of con­ DOMINANT NO AMERICAN LOYALIST GROUPS Others, who have espoused Marxist philo­ centrating against Prop. 6, the g r ( ^ had (NO S&M) IN SUPPORT OF BACABI. sophies within the near past whose names such items as this on the agenda;_Tne o ^ - Gay people are urged to use their money appear on the BACABI list, are persons er Briggs Initiative, Prop.7; Discrimination wisely in the battle against Prop. 6, the like Randy Alfred, former co-chairman and Unions; Class, Race, Sex-scapegoating fascist-like initiative of Senator John Bri­ of the Gay Freedom Day Parade and also on jobs. So, those yellow lettered Button- OVER 9” MAIL TO: ggs. For an investigation by the Califor- the editor of the defunct Bay Area Times s you buy, on a black background go to ^ Crusade Against Communism (i.e. the publication which espoused leftist causes. helping such “workshops” and the radical S.F. CRUSADER American Crusade) has revealed some Morris Kight of Los Angeles who is a for- leftists. HOT STUD Foat Office Box 1528 very interesting names and groups who mer memBer of the communist party is a Give your funds to other groups fighting San Fran cieco are listed as members and workers in the member of BACABI according to their Prop. 6 and BE AMERICAN! ik California 94101 BACABI group. BACABI stands for..... literature. Lesbian & Gay Action, a local Exclusively for those men jl Bay Area Committee Against the Briggs ffoup whiidi was founded by a former What the purpose of this column is, is to (415) 885*1001 Initiative. SWP (communist) candidate for the Boa- inform you of the dangers of intemd who want a man i| Known and open communist groups such subversion. Communists and socialist are as the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) are all liars. They seek to subver the way of in the forefront of the BACABI group. life that has allowed gay liberation to DEREK The SWP is a spin-off of the Marxist and retoñe. grow to the height that freedom that it Lennist group, and was founded by Leon Modem Times Bookstore, which deals nas. Gays will always face dangers from 99% in communist/socialist literature is both the fascists of the right and the fasr 928-4255 Trotsky who headed the Soviet Union.... Two 8x10 front»! nudes, color prlnti. Russia from the bloody revolution until also listed as being a part of BACABI. cists/communists of the left. Ideelly auKeble for fremln*. only »9. 1929 when he was ousted by Stalin. He The Young Socialist Alliance (YSA)_ is a America has given us so much, we owe Muit be 21 and ao lU led with order. pure communist body and is active in the our life to our country, and we must de­ ^ e k , F.O. Bo* 26246. San Franelaeo was murdered in Vera Cruz Mexico by Charlie 861-2373 ifomU 04126 ... nts of Stalin shortly before World War BACABI voup. fend out country from those would seek ask for 510 I Í r Others who are leftist leaning tho, who to change our capitalist system of life. ^au JFraurisrn (ínlsa^^n•


d €vent$


This is a list of social and other activities in the San Francisco Bay Area for the period described. Ours is a Tri-Weekly publication, and we invite you to send in your activities for free listing on our Calendar of Events. If you wish to call them in, please phone us V t well in advance, at...... (415) 885-1001. If you wish, please mail them to: Crusader, Post Office Box 1528, San Francisco, California 94101 This is your Calendar, so please help us keep it up to date. The CRUSADER appreciates your reading our publication and invites you to participate by sub­ mitting articles, etc.