1 LOUISE M. EGERTON-WARBURTON Curriculum Vitae Chicago Botanic Garden Phone: 847.835.6915 1000 Lake Cook Rd Fax: 847.835.5484 Glencoe IL 60022
[email protected] EDUCATION: Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow University of California, 1994- Soil and fungal ecology Riverside 1997 Ph.D., Environmental Biology Curtin University of 1994 Dissertation: Soil-plant relationships of Eucalyptus species Technology, Australia in acidic coal mining soils. Adviser: Byron B. Lamont B.S., Biology (Highest Honors) Curtin University of 1989 Minor: Statistics Technology, Australia B.S., Nursing Western Australian School 1984 Clinical specialty: Operating Theater of Nursing APPOINTMENTS: Director and Coordinator, Research Experiences for Chicago Botanic Garden 2004- Undergraduates (REU) site in Plant Conservation and 2010 Biology Adjunct Professor of Biology Northwestern University 2003- present Conservation Scientist, Chicago Botanic Garden 2001- Soil and Microbial Ecology, and present Manager, Soil Sciences Program Assistant Researcher, University of California, 1999- Soil Microbial Ecology Riverside 2001 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, 1998- Cell & Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology Australia 1999 TEACHING APPOINTMENTS: Instructor, §Field and Lab Methods in Conservation Northwestern University 2009- Biology (PBC499) present Instructor, §Soils and Environment (PBC448), Northwestern University 2008- Fall quarter present Guest lecturer, Introductory Mycology University of Wisconsin, 2008 Winter quarter Madison 2 Guest lecturer,