Jilacktborne SUPER HARDY Clematis Clematis are the noblest and most colorful of climbing vines. Fortunately, they are also one of the hardiest, most disease free and therefore easiest of culture.

As the result of our many years of research and development involving these glorious vines, we now make available to the American gardening public: * Heavy TWO YEAR (the absolute optimum size for successful ­ RED CARDINAL ing in your garden). * Own rooted plants - NOT GRAFTED - therefore not susceptible to com­ mon Clematis wilt. * Heavily rooted, BLOOMING SIZE plants, actually growing in a rich 100% organic medium, - all in an especially designed container. * Simply remove container, plant, and - "JUMP BACK"!! For within a few days your Blackthorne Clematis will be growing like the proverbial "weed", and getting ready to ! * Rare and distinctive and varieties not readily available commer­ cially - if at all! * Plants Northern grown to our rigid specifications by one of the world's premier Clematis growers and plantsmen, Arthur H. Steffen, Inc. * The very ultimate in simplified, pictorial cultural instructions AVAILABLE NOWHERE ELSE, Free with order. - OLD GLORY CLEMATIS COLLECTION - RED RED CARDINAL - New from France comes this, the most spec­ tacular red Clematis ever developed. It is a blazing mass of glory from May on. Each of the large, velvety, rich crimson red blooms is lit up by a sun-like mass of bright golden stamens, in the very heart of the flower! Red Cardinal's rich brilliance de- fies description! $6.95 each - 3 for $17.95 POSTPA ID WHITE MME LE COULTRE - Another great new one from France, and the finest white hybrid Clematis ever developed. Giant, salad MME LE COULliRE plate size , (often larger) blossoms simply smother the vigorous plant in May and June, intermittently throughout the summer, with another massive display in September, continuing until sea son's end! Price $6.95 each - 3 for $17.95 POST PA l 0 BLUE SHO-UN (AZURE SKIES) - A brand new phenomenon from Japan . Absolutely huge, rich, clear blue blossoms, strikingly SHO-UN accentuated by a tuft of ivory stamens in their centers, dramati­ cally engulf the exceedingly vigorous plant for an unusually long (AZURE SKIES) flowering period from May on. Price $6.95 each - 3 f or $17.95 POSTPAID

Complete OLD GLO RY CLEMATIS COLLECTIO N, consisting of one each of the above rare and beautiful plants, only $14.95 POSTPA ID


COLOR CATALOG (A Botanical Reference Piece) featuring what is considered to be the most e xtensive listing of edsily grown, new, rare and unusual lilies, Clematis, Alliums, Hostas, Wild . Dutch Bulbs, etc. PLUS spring sales folder featuring rare and unusual bulbs and plants from world wide sources, to individualize your garden, $2 .00 - deductible from first order, or FREE with any o f the above Clematis Collectio ns. WE PAY POSTAGE ALL ORDERS TO THE WEST COAST SENT BY AIR POSTPAID MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTS ADD 5% SALES TAX fJilachtborne ~arbens 48A Quincy Street, Holbrook, Mass. 02343 jSlachtborne ~arben.6 *CLEMATIS * NEW PREMIUM VARIETIES American EDO MURASAKI - Brand new from Japan! Glorious shade of royal purple, with Tyrian red overtones. Pure white fila­ ments tipped with ri ch purple anthers. Can very easily be trained into an eye-stopping H

Rnts in the ground are like money in Left-Flowering Kale, Brass ica olracea acephala and 'Pagetes' golden marigolds the bank; they increase and multiply and pay Right-'Peter Pan' scarlet zinnias dividends every year.

winds. In a few months, one flat of seedling marigolds or zinnias can be three feet high and in prolific bloom. Pots of Shasta daisies or golden achillea can become rooted in place to bloom timidly the first year and profusely for years to come. Plants in the ground are like money in the bank; they increase and multiply and pay dividends every year. Non-gardeners may think the avid gardener excessive in his en­ thusiasm for this kind of challenge­ gardening. He pursues his favorite delights in color, in line and shape and in fragrance . He uses the garden as a place for remembering, planting sunflowers he first knew in child­ hood places, lilacs that bloomed in the old neighborhood and lilies of the valley that he picked on the way to school. If he lives in the west, he imports and grows peonies, jasmine or magnolias he remembers from the eastern and southern gardens of his youth. Probably westerners now liv­ ing in New York or Washington, D.C. attempt to grow the wild and domestic flowers of their recent past. ways to do things right. If the land is Through the ups and downs of Lorraine Marshall Burgess arid, try dryland prairie flowers and gardening he remains happy. He Photos by Guy Burgess tall grasses in the bright sun; if it is takes pleasure in the creation of a 202 Old Broadmoor Road naturally moist, attempt to grow mix of deep-blue lobelia and crisp, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 columbines, primrose and wild green parsley for its jeweled effect. strawberries in the shade. He builds up a concentration of tall Even the smallest plot can be Where water is still available for plants with pink astilbe and golden beautiful if it's given loving care. gardening at prices one can afford, achillea, hardy pink Michaelmas Yes, the soil may be too dry or too try quick-growing annuals and the daisies with lavender-blue veronica wet, and the pH factor tilted too far slower and more durable perennials. and a separate clump of red penste­ on the acid or alkaline side, but To save on weeding, cultivating and mon just for the hummingbirds. spring brings with its arrival glorious watering chores, mulch garden As the season progresses, he is sunshine and fresh air from cleans­ plants. This keeps the weeds down carried away by the creative oppor­ ing rains. and holds the moisture in. Build bar­ tunities offered each day. His gar­ Being a gardener anywhere is an riers in the form of fences, walls or den becomes a studio where he can exciting challenge. There are so embankments to protect the young paint any kind of canvas. With bold 4 many mistakes to make and so many and growing plants from harsh strokes he sets scarlet Peter Pan zin-

nias against their pink and orange serve as official greeters beside the sculpture in a bed of rose heliotrope, counterparts. He grows tall, spidery kitchen door. another day shape a dwarf fruit tree pink cleomes to tower over a fra­ As each day's activities make his to fan across a terrace wall. In one grant stand of nicotiana and crim­ sensibilities more acute, he begins to glorious blooming season he can be son phlox. examine more closely the textures in horticulturist, sculptor, painter and If he starts the season early his garden. He considers the right­ landscape designer. enough, he can plant a clump of ness of the pavings he lays, the While he is enjoying the fragrant cloud-white, flowering plum trees to mulches he puts down and the flowers, the nutritious vegetables, stand in front of a congregation of ground covers he selects. He the warm sunlight and the soft rain, sturdy evergreens, or he can plant a watches each day's sunlight patterns he suddenly realizes that taste, container-grown rose climber which to better determine where to locate touch, scent and sound have become will burst into full bloom before the the forsythia he expects to plant in as important to him as sight. And summer is over. And he can plant the fall. that' s enough reason to garden 6 a small bed of smiling pansies to One day he might install a small anywhere. 0 Above-'Dortmund' rose climber Above right- tricolor hortensis, a hybrid Right- Pink Ash/be floating over a sea of golden yell ow Achillea

7 NI-~ The Hislory, Cultivation and Uses of 1Dbacm

shops in London that sold only to­ Jeanne Hawkins bacco . 3831 Homewood Avenue The more than 70 species of Toledo , OH 43612 nicotiana are members of the Solan­ ceae or Nightshade Family, of which The origin of the custom of to­ about 45 are North American bacco smoking is lost in antiquity, species. The tobacco of commerce, although it is believed to have origi­ N . tabacum , is an erect, strong­ nated with the American Indians as smelling annual growing from 3 to early as 100 A.D. Almost all of the 10 feet tall. It has ovate, heart­ North American natives used to­ shaped to lanceolate leaves that are bacco, usually smoking it, but using hairy and glandular. The flowers it .also as snuff. Some believe the occur in a large, terminal, many­ name " tobacco" referred not to the flowered panicle. It is a long, tubular plant but to the pipe in which the flower, the corollavarying from a leaves were smoked, known as greenish-cream to pink or red. It is habocq in the Delaware Indian lan­ l/2 -inch to 5/s-inches long with a guage. Other authorities have ~ long, dilated throat of about 1 to 11/2 attributed the word's origin to the § inches. The flower is carried well .2 island of Tobago in the West Indies. ~ above the foliag@ . The anthers are Although Cortez sent several to­ ~ often slightly exserted. The entire bacco plants to Spain from the Yuca­ ~ plant rises from a basal rosette. All of tan in 1519, it wasn't really until 1560 ~ the cultivars have similar tubular o that the plant was introduced to en flowers. The variations occur largely :) Europe by Jean Nicot, a French Con­ N. fragrans in the size, color, fragrance and time sul in Portugal, who sent the seed to of opening. Catherine de Medici. The generic Tobacco" in 1604 and described it as Other species used as tobacco are word, Nicotiana, is derived from his a loathesome custom and dangerous N. persica, Persian tobacco; N. fruti­ name. to the lungs. It was, of course, James cosa from China; N. quadrivalis, once Tobacco smoking was not intro­ I who had Sir Walter Raleigh be­ smoked by the American Indians of duced to England until 1586 by Sir headed, and at least one commen­ the Far West; and N. repanda, used in Walter Raleigh, and the controversy tator of the day believed Raleigh's making Havana cigars. In , concerning its use began soon after smoking was a contributory cause. N. suaveolens, N. gossei and N. excel­ that time. About the beginning of There were some individuals, on the sior have been used. the 17th century, Pope Urban VIII other hand, who proclaimed smok­ While the yields tobacco, it prohibited the use of tobacco snuff ing to be a cure for colds and fevers. also includes a number of ornamen­ during the church services. As early Many a schoolboy was handed his tal species. They are easily grown as as 1625 the Sultan of Turkey prohib­ daily pipeful to prevent plague. potted plants or as borders and are ited its use on pain of death, and the The first tobacco plantations were used for flower arrangements. The same was true in Persia. In India the begun in 1535 in the West Indies; the highly fragrant ones are largely de­ Emperor Jahangir opposed it. James plant was not cultivated in Virginia rived from N. alata and the hybrid N. 8 I published his "Counterblaste To until 1586. By 1640, there were 7,000 X sanderae . They are generally treated as half-hardy annuals. Nicotianas were used by the In­ fine; one ounce can contain as many N. alata, from which most of the dians to reach a narcotic state. It can as 300,000 . The plants like a popular cultivars have been derived, cause severe poisoning if ea ten as soil without high concentrations of is known as Jasmine Tobacco or cooked greens. In fact, nicotianas nitrogen, but one which is well­ Flowering Tobacco. It is a should never be used as foods, drained and high in potash and .greenish-white flower with purple greens or otherwise. They cause se­ potassium. A light sandy soil and anthers. It has a delicious fragrance vere vomiting, diarrhea, slow pulse, high humidity with subsequent as do all of its cultivars. The cultivar di zziness, collapse and respiratory feedings will usually grow success­ 'Grandiflora' has yellowish flowers failure. ful plants. about two inches across, almost Nicotine is used, however, as an The nicotianas used for tobacco double the diameter of N. alata , and effective insecticide on vegetables. It are rarely fragrant. Often they have it has a larger, more dilated throat. kills plant lice and caterpillars and an unpleasant odor which may be a 'Nana' has dwarf white flowers; usually can be purchased in powder partial reason for adding flavorings. 'Rubella' has rose-red flowers and form. It was also the great old-time While all nicotianas have attractive 'Limegreen' has pale-green flowers. wormer, particularly for livestock flowers, you will need to determine Many of the early cultivars had the which were fed cured tobacco for your purpose before you pick which same drawback as the species from that purpose. of the species or cultivars you want which they derived in that the flow­ As a medicinal herb, it was gener­ to grow. ers closed in full sunlight so that the ally used as a poultice, but was noted Nicotianas are the tobacco plant, best time to observe the beauty and as a heal-all. It was described as a but there is another genus of Sol­ to smell the fragrance of the hallucinogen by Gerarde in 1619. He anaceae known as an ornamental to­ nicotianas was at dusk. However, noted its use in alleviating migraine bacco. This is lochroma, a shrub or 'Daylight' is open during the day headache, toothache, gout and in­ small tree of the western, tropical and was the first cultivar to over­ somnia. It was also used for ulcers South American area. lochroma is come this drawback. Since then ad­ and painful tumors. However, to­ Greek, meaning "violet-colored." It ditional varieties have been devel­ bacco's use as a medicinal is limited is cultivated and propagated in the oped, many in colors other than because of its severe side effects on same manner as the nicotianas and white. If you are investing for the humans who can absorb the ex­ the species are extremely showy flower, it is well to ascertain whether tremely poisonous portions through plants. While there are about 20 or not you have a cultivar of this the skin. species of lochroma, the most com­ type. Propagation of most Nicotiana monly grown in the United States is N. X sanderae has produced species is quite easy. Seeds can be I. lanceolatum , originally from numerous cultivars. It has a sown in pots or pans of light soil in a Ecuador. Usually this has purple, greenish-yellow flower tinted in greenhouse in late winter or early trumpet-shaped flowers that hang rose, generally described as some­ spring. Until seedlings appear, they in pairs or in large tubular clusters; where between pink and carmine. will need shade. When hardy or, they may be white, blue, scarlet Its cultivar, 'Suttons Scarlet,' is a enough to transplant, place in a or yellow. Other species are from large-flowered plant with a deep­ compost or loam or leafmold. The Peru and Colombia. Most are her­ red corolla. 'Crimson King' and plants should be placed singly in baceous annuals here. 'Knapton Scarlet' are other popular pots when large enough. They I. tubulosum has a very long, pen­ reds. should be hardened in early summer dulous, purple tube-flower and is N. sylvestris, a white, and N. in a frame. If planting outdoors, ideal as a summer patio plant. It is suaveolens, a cream-colored flower place them in growing position in a sometimes called "Violet Bush." with gret?n to purple veins, are also well-drained, sandy soil. Most of the I. fuschioides, a scarlet species, is popular. There are many Nicotiana ornamental cultivars can be started suspected of being narcotic. Several species which have been grown from cuttings using perlite or sandy lochroma species are used locally in throughout the world, usually de­ soil for rooting. N . alata 'Grandiflora' South American hallucinogenic pending on which are native to a can be started by root cuttings. Al­ drinks. Many arboreta and botanic particular region. The fragrant though sensitive to frost, nicotianas gardens include lochroma in their col­ species are pollinated by a long­ are easy to grow both outside and as lections. tongued moth attracted by the pot plants. Selected strains of N. Nicotiana and lochroma species do aroma. tabacum andN. rustica, formerly trop­ not seem to be insect prone, but they N . tabacum and N. rustica, al­ ical species, can be cultivated as far are subject to fusarium wilt, tobacco though grown commercially, are at­ north as the Yukon Territory and mosaic and nematodes. For effective tractive garden plants. N. rustica is Hudson Bay, and as far south as control use sterile soils for potted smaller and hardier than N. tabacum. Buenos Aires, Argentina. plants and treat the soil in garden It is known as Small Tobacco. Tobacco seeds are exceedingly plots with fumigants. 0 9


Pamela J. Harper 219 Robanna Shores Seaford , VA 23696

Rock gardening is a challenge, but the enthusiast rises to that chal­ lenge, skillfully building a miniature mountain in a suburban setting, a woodland corner in a tiny city lot, a bog in a desert (and vice versa), or whatever setting ingenuity can con­ trive to cajole the plant of one's heart's desire into growing perhaps thousands of miles from its natural habitat. If you cannot, or will not, strive to please alpine prima donnas, plenty of unexacting plants remain. Nor do you need a rock garden; a raised bed or the front of a border will do. None of the plants described here are in­ tractable, nor are they common­ place. They are suitable for begin­ ners yet are also the backbone of the collector's garden. There are plants listed here for sun, for shade, for moist soil and dry. Unless otherwise indicated, they are hardy in New England. To list hardiness zones for these low growing plants would be misleading

(; because a plant succumbing to a .c :; « .c>­ Left-Iris pumila 9o .c Cl. Right-Geral1ium dalmaticul17 11 snowless Zone 7 winter might yet leaved, semi-sprawling stems com­ deeper pink concurrently with the survive under a foot of snow in Zone ing from a central root, not a ·rounded, marbled leaves in summer 5, or perish during the "summer spreader. It is whitewashed in and early autumn. Plant cyclamen mugs" of Zone 9. Nor can spring with upfacing, three­ corms with their convex side down, generalized statements substitute quarter-inch snowy-white flowers. barely beneath the surface of the for individual discretion in selecting Light soil is preferred but the plant is soil. Fertilizer is neither needed nor the best site. A plant which grows adaptable. It likes the sun and is eas­ desirable but an occasional top­ well in full sun where summer is ily raised from seed sown in March. dressing of sifted leafmold is help­ short and the temperature is rarely Protect it from slugs when newly set ful. Plant them in a shady or half­ over 80° might well be the better for out.2,5,6, 7. shady area.10 partial shade where summers are tropical or lacking in moisture. The Dianthus deltoides best way to find out which rock gar­ These plants have dark green, den plants grow best in your region The plants tiny-leaved mats sheeted in late is to join the American Rock Garden spring and summer with tiny Society (Secretary, Box 183, Hales described here are magenta " pinks." They are not al­ Corners, WI 53130) and visit the gar­ ways long-lived but usually replace dens of local members. Recom­ suitable for beginners themselves with self-sown seed~ mended books: by H. Rock Gardening yet are also the lings. A white form comes true from Lincoln Foster (out of print but avail­ backbone of the seed. There are also named kinds, able from most libraries and from among them the crimson 'Brilliant.' specialists in horticultural books), collector's garden. The plants like sun and well-drained Collins Guide to Alpines by Anne N. soil. 2,3,6. Griffith, and Rock Gardens by George Schenk (Sunset). Erodium chamaedryoides 'Roseum' Ajuga Aster alpinus This is a good-tempered littl€? Most bugles are too ebullient for A gold-disced Michaelmas-daisy, hummock of dark green, spoon­ the rock garden. 'Burgundy Glow' its rays are usually mauve but can be shaped and scalloped leaves, dotted ('Rainbow,' 'Multicolor' ) also violet, pink or white. It blooms through the summer with pink, spreads but it looks refined, roots singly on stiff 6- to 12-inch stems in red-veined flowers. The species, shallowly and is not hard to restrain. late spring or early summer. Flat white with pale pink veining, is just The rosettes are green and rosettes of dark green, spatulate as pretty but less often seen. In the cream, liberally stained with beet­ leaves quickly form dividable northwest, plant them in well­ juice red; the flowers are blue. clumps. It likes sun and well­ drained soil and full sunlight. In the 'Metallica Crispa' does not run. Its drained, but not dry, soiP,6,s. southeast, plant them in a shadier burnished mahogany leaves are blis­ area. They are not reliably hardy tered and puckered.3,4,6.* Cyclamen below Zone 7. 5,7. Cyclamen look fragile but are re­ Aquilegia flabellata 'Nana Alba' markably sturdy. There are species Gentiana septemfida A chunky columbine about eight for all seasons, the two described (G . lagodechiana is similar) inches high, this plant's fan-shaped, here being the hardiest (Zone 5) and All who have seen them yearn for scalloped leaflets are blue-green. easiest to grow. These varieties are the incomparable blue of gentians. Spurred flowers are sparkling white miniature versions of the florist's Many are temperamental; few like and cup-and-saucer shaped with cyclamen but hav€? prettier leaves. hot, humid summers. This is the five green-tipped sepals surround­ They are content with dry shade most adaptable species and is not ing the petal cup. The plant is tap­ where few other plants thrive. The difficult to grow in any humus-rich rooted and needs deep soil. It pre­ soft pink flowers of C. hederifolium soil which does not dry out. If the fers partial shade or sun if set in (n eapolitanum) pop up in autumn be­ soil does dry, add peat or leafmold. moist and well-drained soil. Leaves fore the leaves appear. The leaves A raised bed or slope is best for these are sometimes marred by leaf emerge in late autumn and last until plants. Plant them in a north or east 3 miner. ,6 . spring. They are arrow-shaped and position facing south. In cooler re­ montana a dark green color intricately and gions, full sun is acceptable. Trailing. variously overlaid with silver. There stems are tipped in late summer with This plant is a low heap of small- is a white-flowered form as well. C. clustered trumpets which have purpurascens (europaeum) has fragrant green and speckled throats. The 12 • Sources are listed at the end of the article. shuttlecock flowers of a slightly seed may produce poor purplish blues; nursery stock is usually prop­ slender leaves and one-foot spires of cot with dark orange eyes, trail out agated by cuttings from selected mauve flowers in June and July. In on branching, wiry stems as much as bright blue forms .3,7· moist soil and partial shade it steadi­ two feet long. Plant these hybrids in ly grows in width and is readily di­ sun or partial shade in deep, not­ dalmaticum vided. Late to emerge in spring, it too-dry soil. 4, 7. In late spring and early summer, can occupy the same front-of-the­ pink butterflies seem to hover over border bed as early anemones (A. Thalictrum kiusianum cushions of rounded, deeply incised blanda, A. appenina) which die away This is an exquisite Japanese leaves with several delicate flowers about the time the Hosta spears miniature Meadow Rue barely five per seven-inch stem, each 11/2 inches through the ground. 7 inches high, bearing pinkish laven­ across. The clumps spread steadily der flower tassels through much of and can be divided. A white form is Iris pumila summer. It steadily spreads by sto­ equally lovely. Plant them in full sun This is a six-inch version of the lon in moist, dappled shade. Mark or in a partially shaded area in deep, tall, bearded iris. It likes the same where it grows since it is slow to well-drained soil. 1,2,3, 4, 6, 7,8. growing conditions as its cousin reappear in spring. 3, 7,8. 0 (sun, well-drained soil), multiplies Geranium sanguineum 'Lancastrense' as rapidly and is available in almost Source List Flat-faced, satiny, pale-pink flow­ as many colors. 3,5, 6. 1. The Wild Garden, Box 487, Bothell, ers veined deeper pink sit atop low Washington 98011. Catalogue domes of rounded, narrow-lobed Ophiopogon planiscapus $1 .00. leaves through much of summer. 'Nigrescens' (' Arabicus') 2. Alpines West, Rte . 2, Box 259, This plant is easy to grow and reli­ This dwarf Mondo Grass, or Lily­ Spokane, Washington 99207. able in full sun or partial shade. Plant Catalogue 50\1 . turf, seems to be hardier than the 3. Sheppard's Gardens, Burlington them in rock gardens, a raised bed, green-leaved O . japonicus. The Road, Harwinton, Connecticut the front of a border or grow them leaves, in grassy tufts, are a dark 06790. List 28\1 postage. 2 vertically in a wall crevice. , 3, 5,8. purple approaching black and show 4. Rakestraw's, G3094 S. Term Street, to best effect against the gray of pav­ Burton, Michigan 48529 . Cata­ helix 'Conglomerata' logue 50\1 . ing stone or rock. Pink flowers may 5. Alpenglow Gardens, 13328 King This plant looks like a twisted, bloom in late summer or in autumn. George Hwy, Surrey, B.C. V3T congested ivy with a bonsai look. The plant spreads by stolons fairly 2T6, Canada. Catalogue $1 .00. Crimped dark green leaves crowd on rapidly once it is established in deep, 6. Alpenflora Gardens, 17985 40th Av­ enue, Surrey, B.C. Canada V35 stiff stems. There seem to be two sandy soil. It grows more slowly in 4N8. List. forms, the one most often seen clay. The new plantlets are quite 7. Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery, 522 (sometimes listed as 'Conglomerata widely spaced but look more effec­ Franquette Street, Medford, Ore­ Minima') making a gnarled six-inch tive replanted closer together. It gon 97501 . Catalogue $1.00. bushlet in as many years. It grows likes sun or partial shade. I. 8. Lamb Nurseries, E. 101 Sharp Ave. , best in a partially shaded area in soil Spokane, Washington 99202. Catalogue $1.00. which is neither wet nor bone dry. 11. Potentilla X tonguei 9. Jamieson Valley Gardens, Jamieson This plant has a long flowering Road, Rte. 3, Spokane, Washing­ Hosta venusta season-from early summer well ton. Catalogue 50\1 . 10. Edgar L. Kline, 17495 S.W. Bryant This plant is one of the more vig­ into autumn. It is best grown atop a Road, Lake Grove, Oregon 97034. orous dwarf forms of the Plaintain sunny wall or tumbling over a boul­ 11 . The Alestake, Elkwood, Virginia Lily. It is about four inches high with der. Primrose-shaped flowers, apri- 22718 (specialists in ivy).

13 AllStralian owers

Tovah Martin Logee's Greenhouses 55 North Street Danielson, CT 06239

Australian wildflowers are rarely found in our homes and greenhouses. Yet who could browse through a pictorial guide to Australian wildflowers and not yearn to cultivate them? Australia's isolation has given birth to a flora different from that of any other continent. The vegetation has evolved to cope with e)$treme heat, drought and extraordinary fluctuations in tem­ perature. Are not these the very same conditions found in most homes? The is confined to approximately one-third of the country. Lack of rainfall renders the rest arid desert land with skeletal soil. This the Australians lovingly refer to as the 'out-back.' Along the eastern and western coastlines sufficient rainfall supports the majority of Australia's flora. Here most of the small bushes and wildflowers appear in the open forest country where the plants are partially shaded by tall trees and receive a rainfall of as little as ten inches per year; many of Australia's most unusual exotics grow along the river banks. When Captain Cook made his first expeditions to Australia in the 1770's, he noted that this was a land unlike any country he had ever seen. He found the climate dry and hot, noting few rivers. The soil appeared to be of poor quality, characterized by either sand or clay. Along the coast, in the heaths, he discov­ ered the common scoparium, a plant particularly well adapted to its environment. Leptospermum scoparium var. c: rubrum has tiny rose-like flowers with pink and red petals ~ surrounding a shiny black center. It was identified as a member of the Myrtacae, a family which also contains the famous eucalyptus. Finding the land devoid of plants for sustenance, the crew attempted to brew a concoction of the leaves, thus ~ 14 dubbing the Leptospermum as the Tea Tree. it Right-Viola hederacea

Along the eastern and western coastlines sufficient rainfall supports the majority of Australia's flora.

In the scrubland, Leptospermum is constantly subject to potted in a well-drained, friable soil. Staking is required drying winds and high temperatures. To conserve mois­ for even the youngest plants to aid in the formation of a ture it has adapted tough, tiny leaves crowded along stem strong enough to support the bush. As the root woody stems to minimize exposure to the sun's rays. system develops, graduate the plant slowly into larger Seeds are encased in a hard, dry capsule which can only pots with heavy but well-drained soil. Whereas the small be split by one of the frequent brush fires. When the plants require frequent watering, larger specimens may mother plant is killed, the charred ground is covered with require watering only once a week depending upon her tiny seedlings. So adaptable is Leptospermum that it is growing conditions. The fertilizing program should be found surviving in poorly- and well-drained soils, even similar to that of Leptospermum . along the coast where it is constantly exposed to . sea Also collected on Captain Cook's expedition was Pit­ spray. tosporum undulatum, a member of the Pittosporaceae. Not Leptospermum scoparium is equally adaptable as a only has this bush proved to be a significant frost-free houseplant. Above all it requires a sunny position and a evergreen in milder climates, but it has proved valuable well-drained, sandy soil to reward the grower with its in commerce as well. The close-grained wood is used in abundant nectar-filled flowers. The Tea Tree begins to the manufacture of golf clubs and the ever popular Euro­ flower in late fall and continues blossoming throughout pean croquet mallets. A perfume reminiscent of the com­ the winter. During this time Leptospermum prefers to be bined aroma of jonquil and jasmine is extracted from the well watered. When grown in the home, the plant must sweet-scented blossoms. never be allowed to dry out. However, in a greenhouse Pittosporum undulatum, or " Native Laurel," forms environment, watering need not be so frequent. A fer­ hedges in the mountain forests of the coastal regions of tilizing program of one-half-strength 20-20-20 is advisa­ Australia. Here the climate is more stable. The rainfall is ble once a week in the greenhouse, once every two weeks evenly distributed throughout the year, not subjecting in the home. If the root growth necessitates repotting, Pittosporum to any periods of moisture stress. The tem­ graduate the plant one pot size at a time. perature does not fluctuate as greatly as in the grass­ After flowering, Leptospermum may be pruned. In early lands. The soil is deep and humusy, also supporting the summer 'heel cuttings' of the new shoots, approximately Australian Mountain Ash, a tree comparable in height to three inches long, should be taken. Do not prune the old our giant Pacific redwoods. wood, as mature two- to three-year wood initiates next Pittosporum is easily grown, requiring little bother. year's flowers. Leptospermums become stunning speci­ Even on young plants, clusters of small, off-white bells mens; even the foliage is eye-pleasing. Putting your appear in midwinter. Pittosporum prefers full sun but will larger specimens in the ground outdoors during the also grow in filtered sunlight. It is fast growing and summer will bring a beautiful red tinge to the foliage and should be repotted frequently in a humusy soil. Fertilize produce a more compact plant. often in the summer during the growing stage. Another common fllyrtaceous plant of Australian Following Captain Cook's expedition, a French ex­ heaths is uncinatum or Geraldton Wax plorer, Bruny D'Extrecasteaux, sailed to AtlstraliCl. in the flower. Chamelaucium grows along three hundred miles 1790's with his botanist Jacques-Julien LaBillardiere. In of coastal limestone formations as a four- to eight-foot woodlands similar to those where Pittosporum was found shrub, but it reaches a lofty twenty feet along the river. he discovered another member of the Pittosporaceae, later During September through December it lends color and .named Sollya fusiform is or 'Australian Blue Bell.' Sollya is a fragrance to the heaths with its delicate pink flowers. vine attaining a height of eight feet. If kept very cool and Chamelaucium will perform admirably in any cool afforded full SUD in midwinter, it will produce drooping greenhouse. If afforded ample sun during the winter cymes of bright blue, bell-shaped flowers. Sollya can months, the larger plants will blossom freely, releasing a withstand extreme heat, even drought. Although the sweet aroma well worth the waiting. Cuttings may be plant can survive in a small pot, to produce blossoms it is obtained after the plant has blossomed and new growth best to keep the plant repotted and fertilized. The best has hardened. Removal of the older wood will sacrifice results have been obtained from planting older speci­ next year's flower display. These cuttings should be mens in a greenhouse bed. dipped in hardwood hormone and placed in clean sand Also discovered by botanist LaBillardiere on the same and left undisturbed for one to two months while a callus expedition was cordatum, or 'Holly-leaf Flame is formed. Only when a brittle taproot develops should Pea.' Nearly perishing from thirst, the botanist and crew 16 the cutting be carefully removed from the sand and finally came upon a water hole and this merry little legume with brick-red and bright orange flowers . They danced in their jubilation and the plant was aptly named Chorizema , 'choros,' meaning 'to dance in a circle' and 'zema,' meaning 'drink.' Chorizema , if properly pruned, becomes a small, three­ foot-high bush with brittle holly-like leaves. In late fall and throughout the winter it will burst into an irresistible display of color. At this time, Chorizema can tolerate tem­ peratures as low as 50° F. but full sun must be provided. Cuttings can only be successfully rooted after blooming in the spring when the new growth is soft. Chorizema can tolerate neither drought nor drenching. Like most legumes, it needs ample root room, therefore repot often in a porous soil. Another legume appearing along the waterways in the drier country of Australia is the Swainsona galegifolia or Darling River Pea. Growing four feet high, the lacy vetch-like foliage is crowned by snow-white ' Albiflora' or rose-pink 'Violacea' flowers . Swainsona will grace any cool greenhouse or home with its abundant bloom from early winter through early spring. Swainsona requires the same growing conditions as Chorizema in all aspects ex­ cept watering. If watering is neglected poor Swainsona wilts quickly, drooping its tiny buds and flowerlets piti­ fully . Sensitive to bright sunlight, Swainsona should be shielded from direct rays, especially after a period of dark weather. Next to explore Australian flora was Robert Brown, a young Scottish botanist on Matthew Flinder's expedition in 1801. Brown collected and described 4,000 species of plants, the majority new to botany. Along the shaded watercourses in the mountainous regions of the coast he found Prostanthera rotundifolia or Mint Bush, a member of the Labiatae. True to its name, Prostanthera is as pleasing to the nose as it is to the eyes. When crushed the tiny leaves emit a delightful aroma less pungent than mint. These leaves yield an essential oil used medicinally as a carminative. In late winter and in the spring, the small bush is bedecked with tiny purplish-blue flowers. Prostanthera is not accustomed to extreme heat; there­ fore shield it from direct sunlight during the summer months. Similarly, the Mint Bush requires abundant water to aid in cooling the root system. Although Pros­ tanthera grows rapidly, severe pruning can be the plant's downfall. The best method of growth control is to pinch out the soft growing tips. If taken sparingly, cuttings can be rooted in the springtime. Australia is the homeland of one of the most beautiful hibiscus species, Hibiscus huegelii, or the Lilac Hibiscus. Baron Karl von Hugel, an Austrian botanist, first discov­ ered this hibiscus in an intensive study of the Swan River Colony of southwestern Australia in 1833. Not only unique for the light lavender color of the blossoms, Hibis­ cus huegelii has deeply cut foliage which closely resembles a rose-scented geranium. Hibiscus huegelii grows around lakes in the warmer regions of northern and southern Above-Hibiscus huegelii Continued on page 29 Below-Swail1sol1a galegifolia 17

Rhododendrons of the 5 rn Mountains

Martha Prin ce 9 Winding Way Locust Valley, NY 11560

Miles upon miles of jumbled blue peaks form that lovely part of our country, the Southern Appala­ chians. At lower elevations, water­ falls tumble over gray rocks in mighty roars or little trickles, headed eventually for either the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic. At fiv e or six thousand feet, the clouds settle, cap-like, on the mountain tops or drift erratically among the spruces and through the gaps. These south­ ern mountains are, as a whole, the Blue Ridge, formed of many distinct ranges-the Great Smokies, the Nantahalas, the Blacks, the Balsams, Above-R. lIlaxilllulIl the Craggies and others. They are Left-Masses of R. ca tawbiellse cover a North Carolina hillside. old mountains, more softened in form by the millennia than are those canadensis) and Serviceberry (Amel­ Heath family, and therefore cousin of the West. I grew up there, among anchier laevis) mixed with the pale to such lovely and diverse plants as those mountains, loving them. From green of new leaves? A French Im­ Oxydendrum and Kalmia) is divided my Georgia home we could see four pressionist would have loved to into two distinct groups. One, the states-our own, South Carolina, paint such a hillside. In late May the Lepidote, has scales on the under­ North Carolina and a few high peaks first of the two lower-elevation side of the leaves. These are quite of the Smokies in Tennessee. One mountain rhododendrons, and the visible under a x8 hand lens. On new almost had to feel the Biblical words, only one close to my home, comes leaves, the scales are really very "I will lift up mine eyes unto the into blossom. This is R. minus. I re­ pretty, looking like dew drops or hills." They say the seacoast chil­ member walking from our house, clear glass beads; older leaves have dren have the ocean in their blood; I past a long-gone pasture fence, rusty scales. The other group is the know I have mountain air in mine. crossing "The Cascades," and climb­ Elepidote (no scales). There is some Spring in the mountains means ing the long steep hill covered with hairiness instead, ranging from that the coming of wildflowers. Tiny pale-pink, lavender-pink and white invisible to the naked eye to real treasures on the forest floor precede flowers. These rhododendrons of "fur" (calledindumentum). Alas, no the shrubs and trees. By April the my childhood grew at two thousand American species has this very at­ azaleas (genus Rhododendron, too, of feet and less, but it was a short and tracti ve characteris tic, only some course) begin, and the first trees easy drive to the more northerly or Asian ones do. Our southern moun­ open their delicate blossoms. Have higher homes of the other three tains have four rhododendrons­ V>o you ever seen the soft pink and species. two representatives of each group. .co a.. white touches of Redbud (C ercis The genus Rhododendron (in the The further division of the genus is 19 into Series. Our two Lepidotes are than that of R. minus, which it this southern mountaineer cannot both in the Carolinianum Series (R. closely resembles. withstand the temperature. (Neither minus and R. carolinianum) , and our I said, "almost every virtue": R. can the owner. People have the mis­ two Elepidotes are in the Ponticum carolinianum, though definitely taken idea that "South is synony­ Series (R . catawbiense and R. maxi­ evergreen, holds only one year's mous with "hot." Not so. On Long mum) . leaves at a time and sheds last year's Island, I retreat into an air­ When all four grow in the same leaves in the fall . Often, however, conditioned house and wish I could place, say a Long Island garden, the these turn a deep, winey red and bring the unhappy R. minus in with floral procession goes like this: first make for an attractive few weeks. me.) The pale pink blossoms open, R. carolinianum, then R. catawbiense, We grow our own from cuttings yes, but by ten o'clock in the morn­ followed by R. minus and R. maxi­ (this year, only white ones), and ing the poor plants seem hung with mum at about the same time. This they are as hardy as can be. Good drooping bits of colored Kleenex. As makes a bloom period of mid-to-Iate companion plants for the garden are the flowers are every bit as attractive May through early July. In the Mountain Laurel and tufts of fern, as those of R. carolinianum, this is a southern mountains the timing pat­ shame. Never once in my garden tern is not the same because of dif­ has a bee been able to pollinate a ferences in elevation. If you want a flower, and no seed has ever set. As flower tour, go in May for both Lepi­ Maurice Brooks most of the Lepidotes are quite early dotes; R. minus will be blooming at was once directed by a bloomers, the lateness of R. minus lower elevations when R. carolin­ could be a northern hybridizer's ianum is still coloring the higher country woman to a dream for extending the season; he mountains. For the fantastic display rhododendron she said would, however, have to find some­ which R. catawbiense produces, visit thing with more "substance" to the the high mountains in mid-to-Iate was "yaller as a cow flower for the other parent. A virtue June. There are stands of R. maxi­ of R. minus is that it blooms well in mum all the way into New England, punkin. " complete deciduous shade. Mine in but if you want to include them on the garden are under dogwood and your June trip you will find them in maple (taboo!). bloom along the streams at levels of with perhaps some Galax urceolata as R. catawbiense is the King (or two thousand feet or so. This species a ground cover. Our garden plants Queen?) of our American rhodo­ extends to the mountain tops, must have known of my love for the dendrons, not only for its regal though its bloom there is belated. species: long ago, when we first flowers, but also because it is the I will describe each rhododendron timidly dared enter a truss (of any­ ancestor of so many much-used gar­ in the bloom sequence "at home" in thing) in an American Rhododen­ den hybrids. A royal dynasty, as my mountains. dron Society show, we brought R. it were. It is a large-leaved, high­ First, R. carolinianum . This beauty carolinianum. It won "Best of Show." mountain plant, growing from has almost every virtue one could Rhododendron minus covers in­ Georgia to Virginia. In many places ask for. There is a neat and polished numerable hillsides in the lower it covers the well-known Heath look to the leaves (which average a Georgia mountains, typically above Balds of the Appalachians, but it bit less than three inches in length), streams, climbing up and up into the thrives also in company with the Red and happy plants are profuse in their deciduous woodland. You find it Spruce (Picea rubens). As R. cataw­ blossoming. Although there is often listed as "tall" (despite its name)­ biense blooms at the same time as the a lavender tinge to the pink, I find even 30 feet-but in all these years I Flame Azalea (R. calendulaceum) and this perfectly acceptable in the wild have yet to find such giants. I would Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) ; or in a woodland garden. Deep clear sayan eight-foot plant is mature. some of the most spectacular flower pinks are not at all uncommon. A Here in my Long Island garden I gardens in the world are naturally white form, var. album, is very beau­ have two specimens, now about 20 there in the mountains in mid-to­ tiful, and there is an occasional rare years old. They are fine, healthy late June. (See my article on Eastern double to be found. R. carolinianum is rhododendrons-but are six feet Native Azaleas in the April, 1978 usually a woodland plant, but there wide and only four feet tall. issue of American Horticulturist.) are many growing on open moun­ R. minus is completely hardy, sur­ The blossoms of R. catawbiense tainsides in North Carolina. (I would viving New York's worst winters range in color from a pale lavender­ suggest good sunlight for best gar­ unscathed. Bud-set is prolific, but pink, through deep pinks and den bloom.) Mature plants are six there is a major flaw. As the buds do magenta shades, to a deep purple. feet or so in height. The natural not open until about July first, and Good reds have been found, and 20 range is higher and more northerly the sun is hot then, the flowers of there is an occasional white. Areas of massive bloom include Roan Moun­ I find the downgrading of R. max­ duced some marvelous hybrids, al­ tain, on the North Carolina­ imum pointless. For show trusses, most all American. R. minus, rather Tennessee border, and Craggy Gar­ yes, but it is a fine screening plant. A inexplicably, has not been used very dens on the Blue Ridge Parkway. group of six shields our terrace from freq uen tly. Someone from California wrote me our driveway, and does its job per­ I can only suggest, in alphabetical that he thought Roan Mountain, to fectly . In the wild, huge old plants order under the species, a very few which I had directed him, rivaled form mazes of twisted trunks-a of the hybrids of at least partially the Himalayas! (Not having been to really formidable forest-but used in American descent which are much Asia, I can't say.) I was on Roan last the open R. maximum will keep a used today. We must thank our summer, camera in hand as usual, mounded shape. southern mountains for them. but bloom dates vary and it was If you have never seen wild Rhododendron carolinianum about a week too early. A compensa­ rhododendrons, you have some­ 'Conestoga' (pink) tion was to photograph a surprising thing special awaiting you. You are 'Conewago' (rose-magenta) ground cover for rhododendrons probably growing some hybrids 'Dora Amateis' (white) . . . the whole mountaintop was 'P.j.M.' (rosy purple) carpeted in bluets (Houstonia 'Purple Gem' (violet-purple) caerulea). 'Ramapo' (strong violet) In many places of sheer rock Someone from 'Windbeam' (lovely pink) cliff-not at all resembling the nice California wrote me Rhododendron minus rich garden soil we use for cultivated 'Codorus' (pink) rhododendrons-one finds bou­ that he thought Roan 'Myrtifolium' (lilac pink) quets of R. catawbiense holding fast (Note: Dr. Henry Skinner has a 'Bowie' onto some tiny and invisible crack in Mountain rivaled the which I don' t know. We are growing an the gray rock. R. catawbiense scarcely Himalayas! un-named white, R. minus x R. needs to prove its hardiness. carolinianum, crossed by Dr. August Rhododendron maximum, the other Kehr. Hydridizers, get busy!) large-leaved Elepidote, is the last of Rhododendron catawbiense our southern mountain rhododen­ 'Album Elegans' (mauve, fading white) drons to bloom. The plants mix with using our natives in your garden al­ 'America' (dark red) R. catawbiense in some of the spruce ready without realizing it. When you 'Atrosanguineum' (red) areas at high elevations (though not find their ancestors on a southern 'Atroflo' (rose) on the Heath Balds). A somewhat mountain top, you will catch your 'Belle Heller' (white, yellow blotch) more usual habitat is practically breath in delighted surprise, 'Boule de Neige' (white) 'Cheer' (pink, red blotch) anywhere along a stream. It grows at nonetheless. The blue distance or 'Cynthia' (rosy crimson) two thousand feet in hemlock the stream-filled ravine enhances 'David Gable' (pink, red throat) forests, along with Ilex opaca and rhododendrons as few gardens can. 'Duet' (yellow, edged pink) Leucothoe /ontanesiana, perhaps by a 'Lee's Dark Purple' (purple) trout pool below a waterfall. The R. Hybrids from our Natives 'Madame Masson' (white, yellow maximum bloom is usually whitish Hybridizing is the crossing of blotch) pink with trusses not really large species (and the further recrossing 'Mrs. C.S. Sargent' (carmine, enough for the leaves, and blooms and back-crossing). Hybridizing our greenish-yellow blotch) after new foliage partially conceals R. catawbiense, both between forms 'Pinnacle' (lovely pink) the flowers. That may not sound (intraspecific) and with Asian 'Pink Twins' (pink, hose-in-hose) very spectacular, but there are some species, began in Europe. Hardy 'Pink Cameo' (clear pink) 'Roseum Elegans' (lavender pink) large-flowered whites, and many hybrids from the Waterer nursery in 'Roslyn' (light lavender) pretty ones with the "apple­ England were produced early in the 'Sefton' (maroon) blossom" effect of pink buds and 19th century, and became the rho­ white blossoms. David Leach has dodendrons in American gardens by Rhododendron maximum wri tten of red ones in North Carolina 1900. Hybridizers in our own coun­ 'Bonbon' (cream) which I have yet to see. Maurice try did not begin much serious work 'Lady Clementine Mitford' (peach, darker edge) Brooks was once directed by a coun­ until the twenties. Many fine hy­ 'Lady Eleanor Cathcart' (pale pink, try woman to a rhododendron she brids are being registered every purplish blotch) said was "yaller (yellow) as a cow year. The R. catawbiense is still being 'Marchioness of Landsdowne' (pale pun~in." One joy of woods-wander­ used; R. maximum is also, but less rose-violet) ing is that a rarity just may turn up often as there are more flower faults. 'Van Nes Sensation' (pale lilac edges on around the next ridge. Rhododendron carolinianum has pro- white) 0 21

after the fruit dehisces with no loss of the fruit surrounding the seeds is David R. Longland, Horticulturist to the collector. fle shy, often juicy. Two kinds of New England Wild Flower Society, Inc. An understanding of the more simple fleshy fruits frequently en­ Garden in the Woods common fruit types encountered in countered are: Hemenway Road our native flora is helpful to the po­ (1) Berry-usually many seeded. Framingham , MA 01 701 tential seed collector in determining Tomatoes, grapes, cucumbers and timing and techniques of procuring peppers are actually berries, as are Propagation of native wild flowers seed . A fruit may be defined as the the fruits of Actaea, Podophyllum and has assumed a role of increasing im­ plant organ which, having devel­ Trillium. portance over the past several years, oped from the flower, bears the (2) Drupe-usually one-seeded. especially since a large number of seeds within it. Fruits may be dehis­ The seed is commonly enclosed by a North American plants have been cent (splitting open at maturity) or hard, stony pit as in plums or recognized as endangered species. indehiscent (nonsplitting). Three peaches, and further enclosed Native plant enthusiasts must be basic fruit types are usually recog­ within the fleshy tissue. Caulophyl­ advised not to collect whole plants nized: SIMPLE, AGGREGATE and lum, Lindera , Nyssa, Sassafras. from the wild unless they are di­ MULTIPLE. AGGREGATE FRUITS-develop rectly threatened by real estate de­ SIMPLE FRUITS-grow from a from flowers having more than one velopment or other significant land single pistil (female, ovary bearing pistil, or to paraphrase, an aggregate changes. All too frequently collected part) of a single flower. The pistil fruit consists of several or many plants perish shortly after trans­ may have one (simple) or more simple fruits (be they achenes, folli­ planting despite careful handling. (compound) seed compartments in­ cles, berries, etc.) all fused into one Many populations of native plant side. Simple fruits may contain one body as in the raspberry. Golden species have been diminished or de­ to many seeds depending on species Seal (Hydrastis canadensis) has an cimated by such practices. and may be classified as either dry or aggregate of berries, the Barren The most constructive alternative fleshy . The following are different Strawberry (Waldsteinia fragarioides ) to removing whole plants from their kinds of simple, dry fruits: an aggregate of achenes, and Wild natural habitats is to collect and sow (1) Achene-indehiscent; the Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) an their seeds, thereby greatly improv­ single seed within not fused with the aggregate of usually five follicles . ing chances of germination and sur­ surrounding fruit tissue. Anemone, MULTIPLE FRUITS-are often vival. Of course, some seeds should Aster, Hepatica , Ranunculus, Solidago. confused with aggregate fruits since be left behind for continued natural (2) Capsule-dehiscent; pistils both occur in clusters. However, rejuvenation and genetic exchange frequently compound. Upon matur­ multiple fruits arise from a group of of their respective populations. ity of the fruit, each compartment individual flowers whereas aggre­ Probably the most commonly splits open along one seam and ex­ gates arise from a group of pistils asked questions about collecting poses the seeds within for dispersal. within the same flower. A mulberry wild seed concern when to collect or Dodecatheon , Iris , Lilium, Uvularia , has a multiple fruit, as do Bunch­ how to know when seed fruits are Viola. berry (Corn us canadensis )-multiple "ripe enough" for harvesting. Many (3) Follicle-dehiscent; has only of berries, and Aster, Anemone and fruits will split open or dehisce very one compartment, splits open along Coneflower (Rudbeckia)-multiples suddenly, scattering their seeds be­ one seam. Asclepias, Cimicifuga, San­ of achenes. fore the collector can return to his gumarza . The chart and graph on the follow­ prospective harvest. And certainly, (4) Grain-indehiscent; the single ing pages list pertinent seed collect­ seeds from fruits harvested too soon seed within fused with the sur­ ing information for some of the more may not germina~. The faded flow­ rounding fruit tissue. Grasses. ornamental species native to the ers of "sudden-seed-release" plants (5) Legume-dehiscent; grows eastern United States and an approx­ like Trailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens) from a simple pistil, dehisces along imate seed collecting schedule, the or Great Trillium (Trillium grandi­ two seams. Baptisia, Cassia, Cercis, dates of which have been recorded at florum) can be bagged with a sack of Thermopsis . the Will C. Curtis Garden in the fine mesh material such as from a (6) Nut-indehiscent; a large, Woods in Framingham, Massachu­ nylon stocking. These bags are re­ one-seeded, woody fruit. Corylus , setts. Collecting dates are subject to moved with their valuable catch Quercus . Nutlet-a diminutive nut. variations of one to two weeks de­ (7) Samara-indehiscent; winged pending on climatic conditions dur­ SI11 ila cill a racel170sa or 'False fruit. Acer, Tilia, Ulmus . ing the growing season. Solomon's Seal' In simple fleshy fruits, part or all Continued on page 44 23 Soil Light Soil Moisture Exposure Acidity* May 21 June 1 June 7 June 14 June 21 July 1 July 7 July 14 July 21 August 1 August 7 August 14

~ugust 21 September 1 September 7 September 14 September 21 October 1 October 7 October 14 October 21 November 1 November 7 November 14 The Gardens of Sissin urst

had a varied and unusual history. Described as a pic­ Thomas A. Fretz turesque Tudor Castle in 1752, only eight years later it Associate Professor of Horticulture was used as a prison for French prisoners-of-war. Not The Ohio State University long after, the castle became a ruin; only a few walls and Columbus , OH 43210 the dominating towers survived. The Nicolsons bought the property and castle in 1930 Without a doubt, the gardens of Sissinghurst Castle, and immediately set about creating the garden one sees located just northeast of the Village of Sissinghurst in today. They transformed the ruined castle into an out­ Kent, are among Britain's finest. These magnificent gar­ standing garden of immense interest by building a series dens were created barely 50 years ago by two outstanding of small gardens enclosed by the old rosy-red brick walls. amateur gardeners, Sir Harold Nicolson and his wife Today these walls, along with the help of hedges that Sack ville-West. appear to have been at Sissinghurst since the time of the Sissinghurst Castle, or more precisely, its remains, Tudors, make the gardens seem older than they really 26 dates from early in the reign of King Henry VIII and has are. Each of the small, enclosed gardens is a garden of

'surprise,' easily glimpsed from one of its neighbors. and fall, contains a collection of old-fashioned roses. At Each has its own special charm, and every herbaceous the center of the Rose Garden is a ronde I, a Kentish word border presents a distinctive color scheme. for the round floor found in oast-houses, formed of circu­ In retrospect, Sissinghurst's gardens might never have lar yew hedges. Supplementing the roses is a collection happened had it not been for an American, Lawrence of superb summer-flowering shrubs including Acanthus Johnston, who had settled near Stratford-on-Avon in spinosus , Caryopteris X clandonensis, Kolkwitzia amabilis and Gloucestershire. An avid gardener and creator of Hid­ Hydrangea villosa, tne lace-cap hydrangea. cote Manor Garden, Johnson helped the Nicolsons de'­ The remarkable Cottage Garden, with a mixed collec­ velop the central theme of the garden, that of expectation tion of shrubs, herbaceous and bulbous plants, faces the and surprise. He suggested the addition of hedges to south cottage. Its controlled untidiness is developed in a emphasize the already partially enclosed gardens formed manner attributed to Gertrude Jekyll, an English hor­ from the old castle walls. ticulturist who died soon after the Nicolsons began work One enters the Tower Garden through the double­ on Sissinghurst. From the Cottage Garden the visitor can towered gateway from the Tower Courtyard. The walls pass into the Nuttery which contains a mass planting of are covered with roses, honeysuckle and clematis. To one hazelnuts, Corylus avellana . At the far end of the Nuttery side of the Tower Garden lies the White Garden, de­ is a low wall enclosed by yew hedges forming a formal, scribed by many as .. . "the most beautiful garden at paved Herb Garden, an excellent place in which to find Sissinghurst and indeed of all England." This clustered pleasant scents on a warm summer day. garden is said to be at its peak in June, "when the white At Sissinghurst Castle it is possible to discover and roses grow through almond trees and the air is laden with enjoy one of the finest of English Gardens. Sissinghurst the scent of white regal lilies." Everything which flowers is the result of a shared effort; its design was for the most in this garden is white: Regal lilies, white Veronicas, part Sir Harold Nicolson's and its contents, the result of white Delphiniums, grey Artemisias, silvery Cineraria and spectacular Pyrus salicifolia pendula, its weeping choices made by his wife, Victoria Sackville-West. branches gracefully suspended over the statue of a virgin If the opportunity to travel in England presents itself, by Toma Rosandic. Sissinghurst Castle is a must to see. Once visited, one The Rose Garden, flowering throughout the summer will always dream of returning. 0 Revolutionize Your Gardening With The Garden Weasel™ New tool from Europe cultivates Order yours today. (delivery with half the effort. Thms weeds to within two weeks of order). mulch before they get a start. r------., At last there is an easier, more ONLY $29.95* effective way to handle tough POSTPAID Enclose check or money order fOf __ gardening chores. The Garden Garden Weasels @ $29.95. Weasel puts rotary shearing action TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ______Or charge wllh_ Master Charge or_Vis• . to work for with 48 rotating, CaRl 11_-"______

meshing tines M/C Interbank No, ______that loosen soil to a uniform depth Expiration OaI8 ______of 1V2 ", uproot Slgnalure ______-Missouri residents add .'" salel tax young weeds, and plants and roses. More than MAIL TO: reduce the drag 300,000 patented Garden GARDEN WEASEL and labor 1013 West 8th Street Weasels have been Kansa. City. Missouri &4101 associated with an old-fashioned purchased by gardeners in NAME ______hoe or cultivator. Europe over Removable tine sets and a short the past 3 ADDRESS ______handle for flower years. Units CITY ______

box gardening make are precision STATE ZIP ____ the Garden Weasel manufactured MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you're not delighted, many tools in one. in West L ______return within 15 day. for full refund. .J You can even work Germany of safely around your rust-free, For Visa, Master Charge, American youngest, tenderest Express orders only, call 1-800-824-7888 pressure-cast alloy. toll-free. (California call 1-800-852-7777) 28 © 1978 Faultless/ Bon Ami Co. Ask for Operator 485 Australian Wildflowers By far the most adaptable of Australia's wildflowers for Continu ed from page 17 houseplant culture is Viola hederacea . In Australia it can be found inhabiting damp, swampy places at sea level or Australia; thus it will require a warm and sunny location mountain dells in the sub-alps of . Tufts of to flourish. It reaches a stately and, if lightly pruned, small kidney-shaped leaves emerge from creeping sto­ bushy eight feet in height. A.II cuttings and pruning lons making it an excellent basket subject. The tiny flow­ should be done in the spring and summer, for in mid­ ers rise above the foliage, each proudly displaying its winter, blossoms will appear atop the older wood. Al­ white and purple 'face.' Although Viola hederacea pre­ though frequent water is helpful in establishing a new sents its loveliest show in the winter, it also blooms plant, wa ter older specimens sparingly. Flowering is during the summer. Viola can grow in most locations; it stimulated by a dry period in early winter. will flourish in both full sun and heavy shade. Frequent . Perhaps Australia's best known wildflowers are the water and fertilizer will maintain the deep green in the Grevilleas , commonly called Spider Flowers. Grevillea wil­ foliage. Propagation of Viola hederacea is possible in any sonii is one of the most spidery members of the genus. It ~ season. Simply remove the runners and root them, mist­ elongated pinkish-red stigmas terminate in a cream­ ing often. colored hook. Although other Grevilleas can reach one All Australian plants are plagued by the common hundred feet in height, G. wilsonii is best suited for the pests, especially red spider mites. Viola hederacea is one of house, rarely exceeding four feet with feathery, light the mite's prime targets. Regular spraying with a pes­ green foliage. It is found growing on poor, gravelly soils ticide is advisable. where little water is available. If planted in a heavy soil Unfortunately, there are not many of Australia's botan­ Grevillea fails to form good lateral roots, causing the plant ical wonders yet available in this country. But as more are to fall over. A lighter soil mix will preclude staking. Prune introduced, I am confident they will be found to be Grevillea in the spring, taking cuttings at that time. Grev il­ lea wilsonii prefers full sun and wa ter only when very dry. worthy of houseplant cultivation. Even the most heavily It cannot tolerate fertilizer. In September your plant will snowbound soul cannot help but be moved by the bright be bushy, each tip unfolding many of the exotic blos­ optimism of a gaily clad Australian wildflower, a cheerful soms. reminder that somewhere it is summer. 0

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aligned, pour and tamp sand be­ Judith Hillstrom tween the outside of the tub and the 1858 Benson Avenue earth-wall using a short plank or Saint Paul, MN 55116 other workable tool. Use the surplus micro-organisms produce algae, a mound of soil for a filler, or use sand Recycling is a popular co ncept to­ patina spreads across the wall s until for this purpose to prevent the shift­ day, but the word does not ade­ the sides of the tub are invisible. ing action of winter thaws if that may quately describe the metamorphosis Select the location of a garden pool be a problem in your area. An alter­ that turns a common galvanized tub according to the needs of the water native use for the unused soil would into a water garden. This is magic, lilies you w ill grow there. Hardy be to distribute it over the landscape indeed. And yet, this transformation varieties and tropicals require a min­ and create m iniature, rolling is inexpensive or virtually cost-free, imum of six hours of sunlight to bud. mounds around the garden pool. utilizing supplies about the home. Set the tub upon the ground and Where the soil and the tub's gal­ Aquatics are the only costly items. press down on it, indenting its mark vanized rim meet, tamp the soil firm A galvanized washtub is available in the earth, or define its boundaries and, aided by the straight-edged in three standard sizes: round, 22 " in using a pointed instrument. Perform spade, cut wedges of earth away diameter; square, 22"; oblong, 43" x this operation with the washtub rest­ from the perpendicular sides of the 23". It is durable-puncture-proof ing in an inverted position, since tub. A two-inch deep furrow, and almost permanently rust re­ the top circumference slightiy out­ slanted in this manner, will encircle sistant. (There are circumstances, measures the base dimension. the rim to discourage worms that however, when rusting may appear. Next, remove the soil from this have surfaced during rainstorms If this happens, repair spots with a outlined area with a straight-backed, from slipping over the edge and into manufactured waterproof paint seal straight-edged shovel. Dig the hole the pool. or a galvanized metal paint rust in­ several inches wider than the im­ Now lay a decorative border hibitor. Or as a do-it-yourself home print, allowing space for tub adjust­ around the tub's side. Use quarry remedy, stop hairline leaks in the ment. Make the cavity two inches flagstone, brick patio block, red­ tub's bottom by brushing fine sand deeper also, covering the bottom wood and white cedar cuts, or into crevices and applying a thin coat with a layer of firmly packed sand to another similar material. Arrange of tar. When the tar has hardened, make leveling easier. the framing material to fit closely to­ camouflage it with gray paint. These Lower the galvanized container gether and lay it in dry, lodged E repaired patches go unnoticed be­ into the hole. Place a carpenter's firmly in the ground. Extend the 2 '"c: neath the plant boxes.) level across the rim (or support it on edging material beyond the tub's rim 3 Q)c Color the inside of the tub a plank over the tub's edges) to find to conceal the rim from view. «c: aquamarine if you like, or let the the correct horizontal plane. The tub Your water garden of enchant­ metal age naturally. As the filled rim and surrounding ground­ ment is nearly complete. All that re­ pool of water ages, as plants are nur­ surface should also be on an equal mains to be done is to plant the water tured into growth, and as stimulated plane. With the tub satisfactorily lilies. 31 Water Lily Culture Nymphaeacea e, the botanical family of water lilies, contains forty species and many hybrids. There are two classifications-the tropical (or ten­ der) water lily imd the hardy variety of temperate climates. Once planted, a fresh-water lily is nearly self-sustaining. In the pool­ Vegetable Factory® garden environment it only requires water and an occasional pruning of SOLAR PANEL marred foliage. It is a plant worthy of the initial expense: prices range from GREENHOUSE moderate to high for fancy hybrids. 60% For the novice, the hardy water type are no larger than an inch­ USES lily is the easiest of plants to grow, and-a-half across. A colorful collec­ LESS HEAT. and for the economical, the most tion of pygmy lilies can be plantEld in Thi s practical therm al wall greenhouse practical. However, a study of nym­ one miniature garden pool. solves th e energy cost problem. Patented rig id doubl e-wall constru ction, tested in phaeas would be incomplete with­ Cultured plants are best pur­ Vermont. Cost ab out Y3 as mu ch to heat as ord inary greenh ouses . More than pays out a brief portrait of tropical va­ chased from aquatic growers, as for itself in heat savi ng s alone. Exclu sive, rieties. wilding species do not survive con­ factory dire ct only. All models and sizes, 5 year warranty. Free Color Brochure. The tender water lily, with its day­ finement. Roots of the hardy water , ' I, Call or Write for In/ormation and night-blooming species, is lily arrive in early spring and look P.O. Box 2235 treated as an annual. Only within a rather lobster-like. The gnarled, Dept. AH-4 Grand Central Station controlled greenhouse can tropical tuberous black rootstock will mea­ New York, N.Y. 10017 nymphaeas be grown continuously. sure an inch to several inches in (212) 867 -0113 New and growing plants are ob­ length with a proportionate diam­ tained from the specialist each eter. Beneath them are bristle rows spring. They are planted in contain­ of pale succulent feeder roots. The Inside ers, the crown positioned slightly feeder roots are clipped for ship­ Gardening above the soil line, and set into the ping. The crown (the growth point) pool when temperatures have rises at one end; a cluster of rolled with stabilized at 70°F . Tenderlilies, albeit leaves shows in anticipation of plant­ a higher investment, are prized for ing. ~® flowers of larger size which hold Before the lilies arrive, fill the pool GREENHOUSES themselves well above the water. with water and build a planting box. They lend themselves ~o being ar­ Use recycled lumber for the box. ranged since they have a long life Do not use redwood; it bleeds and when cut and a fragrant blossom. discolors the water. Like the gal­ Tender lilies are available in many vanized tub, wood also has great shadings of blue, violet, purple, durability. A proper planting box pink, red and luminescent white. measures seven inches deep and 12 The stalwart hardy water lily is the inches square. Plastic containers of backbone of a water garden, the very correct dimensions also suffice. Everlite answers all your needs all year 'round with : reason to construct a pool. Blossoms Make openings in the sides and bot­ tom prior to planting to allow air • Over 90 models starting at $308 usually float on thEl water's surface • Precision prefabrication for fast among heavy green pads. Their col­ bubbles to escape and to keep the assembly. ors are white, yellow, apricot or container in place. • Quality engineered throughout. • Full accessories line including pink through coppery-red. The har­ A square or round tub holds one automatic climate controls. diest of commercial water lilies are lily box with space to fit in a few Get the inside story . . . the Marliac types, produCing white, potted bog plants; the oblong tub ac­ Write for catalog-price list AH-49 pink and yellow flowers with a four­ commodates two boxes. Pygmy va­ c57l1umillum inch diame,ter. For a red, the rieties are perfect in eight-inch clay QreenJtouses. IttC. 'Gloriosa' is long-lived. Pygmy va­ pots. 14615 Lorain Avenue rieties have been especially devel­ Water lilies will grow in good gar­ Cleveland, Ohio den soil. Clay soil is also suitable; 32 44111 .. oped for tub growing. Blooms of this however, do not use peat, sand, lily will be alive the following spring. woodland soil or the mud of Lift the planting box in October. Set swamps. To prepare the soil for it aside for a few hours, allowing ex­ planting, add well-aged cow ma­ cess water to drain away before nure to one-fourth of the garden soil carrying the box off to winter stor­ or use the packaged cow manure age. Storage in a root cellar is ideal; that is commercially dried and pul­ the coolest basement corner, where verized. Most catalogues supplying temperatures remain below 50° and aquatic plants offer a special fer­ above freezing, is also suitable. Do tilizer. Nymphaeas prefer a rich soil not water through the winter months and this fertilizer contains nutrients since this encourages rot. Cover the specifically needed for water garden­ lilies with burlap or leaves to keep ing. the soil moist. By mid-March, whel;l. Upon delivery, remove the dor­ the dormant rootstock pushes forth mant water lily from its plastic bag rolls of new, yellow leaf-tips, it is and plant it as soon as possible. The time to uncover the lilies and water water lily's correct position in the them sparingly. planting box is with its tuberous At replanting time, shake the rootstock set atop a small mound of water lily roots from the box. Care­ earth. The succulent feeder roots fully free the feeder roots of last should straddle either side of the year's soil . The succulent roots may elongated mound, and the crown be trimmed to fit into the container if should tilt upward. When the lily is they are excessively long. Replant in place, use a reserved portion of the cleaned water lily root as previ­ soil to cover and firm around the ously directed. dormant roots. Bring the soil level to Suckers form at the sides of the within an inch of the top of the plant­ rootstock near the crown on excep­ ing box. Smooth the soil up to, but tionally hardy varieties. These suck­ not over, the crown. Leave the back ers rob the water lily of this season's ridge of dark rootstock just visible bloom and must be removed. Re­ beneath a thin soil covering. To pre­ move each sucker with a sharp par­ vent the water from muddying, scat­ ing knife. The slicing cut exposes the ter a layer of sand or fine pebbles rootstock's inner yellow tissues; this over the entire planting except the cut is not injurious when a smooth crown. surgery is done and will promptly Plant hardy water lilies in early seal itself. spring. In the north, this is usually When suckers have developed to a during the later weeks of April, with larger size, as occasionally they will the date moved back a week or two under favorable growing conditions, the farther south one lives. How­ they become plantlets. This growth ever, wait to plant until days are in assures simple and successful prop­ the mid-60's, when shallow water is agation. The plantlets, complete warmed by the sun, stimulating the with miniature lily pads, are cut from plant into immediate growth. the parent rootstock leaving a few In natural ponds the native water fine roots attached. Plant each sepa­ lily winters with no help, but the rately in a clay pot. Plantlets require cultured nymphaeas need protec­ from one to three growing seasons to tion. In temperate climates south of mature into flowering water lilies. latitude 39° (Chicago), hardy water Black aphids are the usual pests; lilies are wintered where they grow. although rarely seen, they are eradi­ Drain the pool and pack leaves cated with a jet stream from the around and over the planting box hose. Concern is often expressed until the tub is overflowing, then se­ over hatching mosquito larvae, a cure with a weighted waterproof problem expertly solved by a resi­ cover to keep out moisture. dent green frog or a gleam of Farther north, another technique goldfish darting between lily pad must be used to ensure that the water and blossom. 0 33

most leaves having less than a l-cm source in other tropical and temper­ Ruben L. Villareal petiole are desirable. ate countries as well. It is inexpen­ S. C. Tsou Tips can be hairy, medium hairy, sive, easy to grow, nutritious and AVRDC, P.O. Box 42 light hairy or even glabrous. At least many recipes can be prepared from Shanhua, Tainan 741 90% of the scores for hairiness, it. Taiwan , Republic of China however, were contributed by Since little capital is involved in "slightly hairy" and "glabrous," growing a sweet potato, its tips are If you grow sweet potatoes and eat which indicates a distinct preference relatively inexpensive. It is consid­ only the roots, you are wasting a for glabrous tips. ered a " poor man's salad" in the highly nutritious and tasty green, Sweet potato leaves, in various Philippines because it is one of the leafy vegetable. shapes, may be fine, medium or cheapest leafy vegetables residents The leaves and stem tips of the broad. Any leaf type and s hape can buy (2 cents/kg vs. 8 cents for sweet potato, prepared in a variety seems desirable provided the eating cabbage and 22 cents for lettuce). of ways, are a popular dish on tables qualities mentioned earlier are pres­ The same price trend has been ob­ in the Philippines, some parts of In­ ent. served in a Malaysian market. donesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Purplish and light green stems Unlike the more popular leafy many rural areas of the Kwangtung appear to be the more desirable vegetables, sweet potato is not readi­ and Fukien Provinces in China. types. For leaf color, dark green is ly attacked by pests and diseases. That portion of the sweet potato preferred, except in the Philippines, Thus, five to eight well established top used for human consumption is where a separate evaluation was plants can provide a continuous known as the tip. The term "top" is made. There, purplish tips are pre­ supply of greens all year round, par­ used to denote the entire above­ ferred over dark green tips because ticularly in the tropics. ground part of the plant. The use­ they add color to the meal. It is Sweet potato may be grown from fulness of tips in the Asian countries common to see bundles of sweet slips or vine cuttings. Slips are usu­ becomes more noticeable during the potato tips with a tinge of purple for ally used in the temperate countries, wet season when it is difficult to sale in the Filipino markets. whereas terminal or secondary vine grow conventional vegetables like The study inclicates that this leafy cuttings are more popularly used in cabbage and lettuce. vegetable would be an ideal food the tropical zones. Not all sweet potato cultivars pos­ sess tips that are acceptable for human consumption. Scientists at the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (A VRDC) con­ ducted a series of yield trials and evaluations of tenderness, flavor and other eating qualities that are normally undertaken for the more important vegetables. The panel members had strong preference for tender (more young leaves at the tip), glabrous (non-hairy), dark green tips. Usually only the 10-cm tips are used as greens in countries where tips are eaten as vegetables, the rea­ son being that more new tender leaves are concentrated at the 10-cm tip. However, the study indicates that leaves with more than a l-cm petiole (leaf stalk) are older and gen­ erally tougher than those with less than a l-cm petiole. Thus, tips with

Left-An assortment of sweet potato leaves displayed in a basket Right-Sweet potato plants growing in a field 35 Phil Clark's Plant an eight-node slip or cutting tips. However, sweet potato tips with at least two nodes buried in have more phosphorus, iron and vi­ Plants & Gardens moist garden soil. In a week, when tamins B1 and B2 than spinach. In Tours the plants are established, irrigate addition, sweet potato tips have lightly, Fertilizer may not be neces­ much lower oxalate content than sary if the garden soil is fertile; spinach (0.37% vs. 0.76% on a GUATEMAlA otherwise, a sid.e dressing of one to fresh-weight basis) and other tropi­ two grams of nitrogen per plant will cal greens (malabar spinach, Basella THE ANDES encourage more vegetative growth, rubra, has 2.32('>/0; spineless ama­ The first harvest of tender tips ranth, Amaranthus gracilis, has should be ready about a month after 1.5%). Their cyanogenetic glu­ planting. Harvesting can be done cosides content is also low (0.4 mg ~~!~~~.~ twice a week thereafter. To lengthen CN/100-g). This figure is compar­ all the dimensions u~I,. the growing season, another side able to that of Chinese cabbage. <.J accenting gardens and wild flowers. dressing of an equal amount of ni­ The high proportion of minerals trogEm per plant may be necessary. and vitamins in the tips, especially If planting in a container is de­ vitamins A and B2, are important in GUATEMAlA: sired, a 30-cm pot is ideal for a mod­ developing countries, particularly FLOWERS & FIESTA erately large sweet potato plant. The for Asian rice diets which are defi­ Oct 24 - Nov 8, 1979. Private soil, however, must always be kept cient in these vitamins. gardens in Guatemala City, Antigua, moist to stimulate more vine and leaf Tips may be prepared in a number Volcan Fuego. Maya ruins at Tikal, development. of dishes the way spinach is cooked Iximche, Kaminaljuyu. Solala market. Market and Indian fiesta of All Saints In general, sweet potato tips are in the temperate countries. In the at Chichicastenango. Lake AtitIan. more nutritious than spinach and Philippines, tips are so popular as a Wild flowers at Fall climax. $990 cabbage (Table 1). They have twice leafy vegetable that they are used in from Miami. as much calcium, four times more several dishes. They may be THE ANDES: PERU, ECUADOR phosphorus! seven times more iron, blanched, boiled with fish and meat, & COLOMBIA ten times more vitamins A and B2, sauteed or fried with sesame oil or Jan 30 - Feb 19, 1980. Wild flowers in lowland jungle and highlands. and three times more vitamin B1 and butter. Blended tips may also be Gardens at Lima, QUito and Bogota. niacin than cabbage, Spinach has served as baby foods, The following Ruins at Cuzco and Machu Pichu. more vitamin A than sweet potato are popular tip recipes selected not Indian markets of Pizac and Otavalo. Spanish Colonial art and architecture. Inca gold. Mysterious, Table 1 grotesque figures carved by Nutritive values of 100-gram edible portion of sweet potato tips, unknown Indian peoples at San a Agustin, Colombia, in the orchid-rich spinach and cabbage . Magdalena Valley. $1580 from Miami. Sweet potato Common ENGLISH & SCOTTISH Nutrient tips Spinach cabbage GARDENS: EDEN REVISITED May 18 - June 5, 1980. The Chelsea Calories (cal) 21 16 17 Flower Show on Fellows Day. Private Water (g) 86b 92 94 gardens. Varied stately gardens and Protein (g) 2.72b 2.30 1.90 homes: Sissinghurst, Gravetye, 0.10 N)'IT\ans , Longleat, Stourhead, Fat (g) 0.70 0.20 Wilton, Hidcote, Kifsgate, Rousham, Carbohydrate (g) 2.30 2.40 3.10 b Blenheim, Oxford, Wisley, Kew, Fiber (g) 1.90 0.80 1.00 Syon, Branklyn, Drummond, Ash (g) 1.70b 1.70 0.50 Kinross, Glenarn. $1850 from Calcium (mg) 74b 70 49 New York. Phosphorus(mg) 81 36 22 Iron (mg) 3.90b 2.50 0.50 TOUR LEADER PHIL ClARK, b former Editor of HORTICULTURE Vitamin A (IU) 5580 10500 500 magazine, has led these and other Vitamin Bl (mg) 0.14 0.04 0.05 tours for The NY Botanical Garden Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.35b 0.18 0.03 and Chicago's Field Museum of Niacin (mg) 0.60 0.60 0.20 Natural History. Vitamin C (mg) 41b 60 40 For brochures, write: Phil Clark's "Tung, T.c., P.c. Huang, H .C. Lee, and c.L. Chen. 1961. Nutrition composition of food in Plants & Gardens Tours Taiwan. J. Formosan Medical Asso. 60(11):973-1005. b Analyzed by A VRDC, average value of 10 cultivars. 36 Apt. 2W, 5471 S. Ingleside Chicago, IL 60615 NEW! Ringer's only for their taste but also for their Cook the sweet potato tips in boiling nutritional value. water with salt added. Don't overcook. Remove and cool with tap water. TOMATO GROW Drain. Put the tips in a bowl with the tomatoes and toss wi th calamansi, RING lemon juice or vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Pinakbet 2 small ampalaya (bitter gourd), quartered 2 medium eggplants, quartered 2 cups sweet potato tips 3 tomatoes, sli ced 5 pieces okra 2 tablespoons onion, sliced 1 tablespoon ginger, sliced or coarsely ch opped 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoons diced pork A Revolutionary Biological Grow­ Bagoong (anchovies) or salt to taste ing System MSG Can you imagine enjoying up to 150% greater 1/4 cup meat broth or water yield from this year"s tomato harvest? This sci­ entifically designed system will produce some of Fry the pork in a little oil until the best sized , best looking and best tasting to­ browned. Add the minced garli c and matoes ever to come out of a garden. onion; Saute. Add the tomatoes, ginger The Ringer system is unique. Tomato plants grow vigorously up and around the 6-sided, Sweet Potato Tip Salad" and bagoong (anchovies). Set aside. heavy-gauge, wire frame producing many more Meanwhile, place the prepared vegeta­ blossoms and much more fru il. Part of the sec­ 600 grams of sweet potato tips bles in a saucepan, add th e broth or ret is that your Tomato Grow Ring serves as a 8 cloves of garlic compost bin too. water and tips to the pork mix ture. 2 tablespoons of salad oil Also included is Ringer's Compost Maker Cook on a slow fire until the vegetables which activates selected micro-organ isms. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce are tender, but not overcooked. Season These literally "chew up" leaves, grass clip­ 1/2 teaspoon of monosodium gl utamate pings, garden and kitchen wastes converting with MSG. them into rich humus in just weeks rather than (MSG) months. This way, tomato plants receive special 1 tablespoon of sesame oil Sinigang nutrients and moisture all season long . 1/2 teaspoon of sugar The final part of this unique system is Ringer's 1/2-1 kilogram cheaper cuts of beef with 1 teaspoon of salt Tomato Booster. This new, biological fertilizer bones, or pork spareribs has been hailed as a major breakthrough by Boil washed sweet potato tips (10-cm leading garden ed itors and horticulturists tips) for two minutes. Place on a plat­ 6 cups water from washing rice (second throughout the country. Pat. Pend. washing) ter. Heat salad oil, saute minced garlic GUARANTEE for one minute, mix with the season­ 3 tomatoes, sliced Order today, and try this remarkable, guaran­ 1 medium-sized onion, sliced teed system for one full season. If you are not ings, then pour over the sweet potato absolutely pleased with the results, just send it tips. Mix well before eating (A VRDC Calamansi or lemon juice to make the back for a full refund. dish sour enough Vegetable Preparation Manual). 2 taro, cut into 11/2-inch cubes Stir-Fried Sweet Potato Tips 3 cups sweet potato tips 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1 cup string beans, cut into 2-inch 6 cups sweet potato tips lengths 1 radish, cut at an angle into l/3-inch Salt and MSG to season Dash of sesame oil slices Parboil the tips in boiling wa ter. Re­ Salt and MSG to taste move and drain. Meanwhile, saute the Simmer beef or pork in rice washing. IF YOU LOVE TOMATOES , DON'T DELAY - ORDER TODAYI garlic in a small amount of oil until Add sliced onion and tomatoes. Cook Ringer------Corp., 6860 Flying Cloud Drive browned. Add the tips and cook. Sea­ until the meat is tender. Add salt and Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 AH son with salt, MSG and a dash of MSG to broth. Then add the taro, Please send me ___ Ringer Tomato Grow string beans, radishes and cook. Put in Kits with Frame, Compost Flakes, Tomato sesame oil. Booster and Instruction Booklet at only the tips. Make the broth sour enough $39.95 each, postpaid. Ensalada with calamansi or lemon juice. Season I enclose check/money order for $ _____ with salt. 0 (Plus $3 .00 shipping) (Minn . resid ent s add 4% sale s tax) 6 cups sweet potato tips o Master Charge 0 Visa 2 tomatoes cut into wedges Please give expiration date Calamansi, lemon juice or cider "The authors acknowledge Mrs. Cora­ Accl. # vinegar. zon P. Villareal for the listing of popular Name Salt and pepper sweet potato tip recipes. 37 Address City State ZIP G TEC A How-lO GUll ~

Woody plants which have a cam­ To fashion a whip-and-tongue Robert F. Carlson bium in their anatomical make-up graft, make a one-inch cut on a slant Departmen t of Horticulture usually graft sucessfully. The cam­ on both the stock and the scion with Michigan State University bium is a thin layer of tissue beneath a very sharp knife. The stock and the East Lansing, MI48824 the bark from which new wood and scion should be of nearly the same bark originate. An easy-to-graft type diameter for best contact of the cut Plants are reproduced in several is the apple stem; a more difficult surfaces. The cambium layers of the ways. Some are reproduced from type is the walnut. The cambiums of two pieces must be in close contact. seed; some from shoot and root cut­ both the stock and the scion must be The scion, cut from one-year-old tings; some from tissue culture, and in contact or close proximity for the wood, should be about four inches still others by budding or grafting, graft to properly unite. long with three or four buds. depending on the season and the With herbaceous plants like the After the slanting cuts have been stage of plant growth. The grafting tomato, which has no true cambium, made, make a parallel cut on the process is unique because it can be successful grafting depends upon stem, starting one-third the distance used on both woody and herbaceous matching stem diameters. Each stem from the tip of the slanting cut. This plants. Hence, gardeners, nursery­ must make contact with several of cut need not be more than one-half­ men, vegetable men and pomol­ the fibro-vascular bundles scattered inch deep and should be made on ogists all employ grafting in their throughout the other. both the stock and scion. Unite these work. Basically, grafting is a matter of cut surfaces of the stock and scion by Defined simply, grafting is a matching up stem tissues so that the pushing them together. This process method of combining two or more active anatomical parts will unite is often called dove-tailing. If cuts plant parts into one plant. Selecting and establish a circulatory continuity are properly made, these two parts the best grafting approach depends between the stock and the scion. The hold together very tightly. Next, upon timing and the type of plant test of a successful graft is the har­ wrap the graft with plastic material material to be grafted, but whatever monious growth of the two plant or rubber bands to hold the parts the approach, plants to be grafted parts into a normal plant. together until the graft is healed. should be healthy. Often a specimen Many types of grafts are used by Store the grafted plants in a box of may be carrying a complex of latent nurserymen and horticulturists. moist peat moss or sawdust at 45°F viruses. If that is the case, the result Some of these methods are de­ for about one month. New cortical is either no graft-take or poor growth scribed here; however, techniques cells (calluses) are formed in storage. of the grafted combination. Both may vary according to the person After the storage period, the plants plants should also be in good nu­ making the graft. For more informa­ are ready to be put out in the nurs­ tritional shape for the best graft-take tion about these and other grafting ery. Unless the tying material is and subsequent growth. methods, consult textbooks and ex­ self-decomposing, cut it off before Plant species vary greatly in the tension bulletins. the grafts are planted. ease with which they can be grafted. The Whip-and-Tongue Graft A modification of the whip-and­ Some that are easy to graft are the The whip-and-tongue graft is the tongue graft is the splice graft, the cultivars in the genus Malus, such as most commonly used graft, espe­ only difference being that with a the many apple and crab apple cially for small-diameter shoots or splice graft, the scion and the stock species. The specie,s in the genus stems like the apple. This graft is are not split. The slanting cuts of the Prunus, such as the peach and done in late winter when plants are two parts are matched and firmly 38 cherry, do not graft as easily. dormant. wrapped, forming a perfect union. Whip-and-Tongue Graft Splice Graft scion is correctly made and placed


Cleft Graft Cut-off Bark Graft

scion nailed in place

split stock ready for scion

split in stock

. 1( 1 \ \I !; I I ' / , /' / I,I /1

39 The Cleft Graft the cleft graft but differs in that the The Bridge Graft This graft is used for grafting one stock is not split (clefted) and the As the name implies, the bridge or more cultivars on top of another scions with slanting cuts are placed graft is made to overcome-or well es tablished tree. This tech­ at the side of the stock in slots under bridge-an injury on a trunk or on a nique is called " top working," the the bark. This graft is also done in branch. Such injuries may range aim being to change the tree to the spring. It is best to cut the branch from mechanical damage to damage another new or different cultivar. where the bark is smooth so the caused by rodents eating the bark. The cleft graft, nourished by mature, scion can easily be placed in the slit The latter injury is especially de­ starch-rich tissues, will grow rapidly of the bark. structive if the bark is removed for a and will form a new tree within four Prepare the scion by making one few inches around the entire trunk. to eight years. Often growth is even slanting cut at the base. After insert­ The bridge graft is also effective in faster. A five-year-old 'McIntosh' ing the four-inch scions, either nail saving trees whose rootstocks are af­ can be changed by cleft graft into an each one to the stock with a small, fected by disease, or whose roots 'Empire' apple and may bear fruit in slender nail or wrap each scion with have been chewed by mice. three years or less. grafting tape to hold it firmly in To make a bridge graft, follow In order to keep the tree low place. Two or more scions can be these simple procedures: (dwarfish), choose branches near placed on each cut of stock depend­ 1. Use plants or shoots suitable to the ground for cleft grafting. The ing on the stock's diameter. This bridge the injured area. Likely can­ best time to use this procedure is in graft must also be sealed with graft­ didates are dormant scions of ap­ early spring when the sap starts to ing compound to prevent drying. In propriate length; rooted plants es­ flow. arid climates, it is best to place a plas­ tablished next to the trunk for graft­ Select smooth, straight branches tic bag over each graft. ing purposes; and suckers found and cut them with a saw about six to Although two or more scions are growing at the trunk's base. 12 inches from the trunk. Split the used in each cleft, allow only one to 2. Clean the trunk or branch cut end with a grafting tool or a grow. Grafting several scions simply above and below the injured area to wood chisel to a one-fourth-inch increases the chances that one will make grafting easier and healing cleft, or one wide enough in which to survive. swifter. insert the prepared scion without The Side Graft 3. If scions are used, cut them usihg great force. Set the grafting The side graft is a rather simple while they are dormant (in January chisel in the center of the cut to hold method, but a very effective one for or February) and store them in a cool the split open so a prepared scion grafting woody plants with stems of place (a refrigerator is good) until can be set on each side. small diameter. The technique is they are used in early spring, usually Cut dormant, one-season's­ often used in the fruit tree propaga­ March and April depending on loca­ growth scions in January or Feb­ tion nursery in the spring to give tion. ruary and store them under refriger­ bud-grafted rootstocks a second Injuries of this type occur fre­ ation until grafting time. At grafting chance after failing to take in the fall . quently on apple trees. Apple cul­ time, prepare two scions by making Side-grafting can also be used for tivars of any kind are appropriate for a slanting cut on each side to form a top working young fruit trees to scion wood in bridge grafting. After keel on each one. The back side of another cultivar. Branches up to the area has been cleaned, leaving the keel should match the bark of the one-half-inch in diameter can be clean bark at the top and bottom of stock when placed in the split. Each side-grafted. the injury for inserting the scion, scion should have three or four Make a side graft by bending the prepare the scion as follows: buds. Insert the scions slightly in­ rootstock or the branch to one side. 1. Cut the scion about two inches side the bark of the stock to compen­ Then make a slanting cut (about longer than the area to be bridged. sate for the differences in bark thick­ one-inch deep) downward through This will permit it to be placed under ness of the scion and the stock. After the bark and into the wood. Insert a the bark above and below the dam­ the two scions are in place, remove four-inch scion (last year's growth), aged area. the grafting wedge to put pressure with a one-inch slanting wedge cut 2. Make long, slanting cuts on the on the scions and hold them firmly at the base, into the cut of the branch same side of both ends of the scion. in place. or stock. When the bent branch is 3. Make a slit in the bark above Seal the entire cleft graft with released, pressure is exerted at the and below the cleaned area and open grafting compound to prevent the union to firmly hold the scion in up the bark to insert the scion. If only grafted parts from drying. Three place. Wrap the graft with plastic one side of the trunk is injured, two weeks later, cover the grafts again tape or cover it with grafting com­ scions may be enough, but if the en­ with the same material. pound. When growth begins, cut off tire trunk is girdled, insert three or The Cut-off Bark Graft the stock or branch above the graft to more scions depending on trunk 40 The cut-off bark graft is similar to allow only the side graft to grow. size. Side Graft Bridge Graft

Saddle Graft Approach Graft


stock eut to an inverted V-shape

4. Allow the scions to arch to hold root systems to soil-born diseases. plastic to hold them together until tension at the grafted points. Hold There are three grafting methods the graft takes. them in place by nailing them at each commonly used for this purpose: the Make a side, or approach, graft by end with a fine, short nail. splice graft (already described), the putting two plants (or in the case of 5. Seal the entire area with graft­ saddle graft and the side, or ap­ woody plants, two branches) close ing com pound once the scions are in proach, graft. together. Cut a one-inch-long, thin place. Make a saddle graft by cutting the section from the stem of each plant at Grafting Vegetable Plants rootstock stem into an inverted the same height on each stem. Unite Vegetable plants, such as to­ V-shape. Make the same V-cut on the stems at their cut surfaces and tie matoes, eggplants and cucumbers, the scion, being sure each cut is of them together with string or plastic can also be grafted. Grafting is some­ the same length so the saddle and material. Once the graft heals, cut times used with these plants to wedge pieces will fit snugly to­ one of the stems below the graft, bypass the lack of resistance in their gether. Wrap the stems with thin leaving the grafted plant to grow. 0 41 Gardener's Marketplace

The Avant Gardener $115. EXOTICA III , Pictorial Cyclopedia of VERILUX TRUBLOOM. Most effective of all Exotic plants, 12,000 photos, $78. EXOTIC growth lamps for indoor light gardening and YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT IT, now don't miss PLANT MANUAL, 4,200 photos , $37.50. greenhouse use. Promotes long-lasting the most useful, the most quoted and reprinted EXOTIC HOUSE PLANTS, 1,200 photos, blooms on compact plants. 50% longer lamp of all gardening publications. Subscribe to THE $8.95. Shipping prepaid if check with order. (NJ life means substantial savings. 48 " 40-watt AVANT GARDENER, "the great green gossip residents add 5%). Circulars gladly sent. lamps $39.00 ppd for carton of 6. Prices on all sheet of the horticultural world." Twice Roehrs Company, Box 125, E. Rutherford, NJ standard sizes and full information on request. monthly, 24 times a year, this unique news 07073. VERILUX TRUBLOOM, Dept. AH , 35 Mason service brings you all the firsts-new plants, St. , Greenwich, CT 06830. products, techniques, with sources, plus fea­ Bromeliads ture articles and special issues. Now in its 11th year, and awarded the 1978 Garden Club of FORCE BROMELIADS TO BLOOM!!! America Medal for outstanding literary FLOREL Growth Regulator speeds blooming GERANIUMS-Largest selection in Midwest. _ achievement. Special introductory subscrip­ of AECHMEA, ANANAS, BILLBERGIA, Fancy leaf, Scented, Novelty flowers, Ivy leaf, tion, only $10 for a full year. The Avant Gar­ NEOREGELlA, VRIESA. Pump Sprayer and Species, Dwarfs. Catalog 50¢. SHADY HILL dener, Box 489H, New York, NY 10028. Measuring Cup included. GUARANTEED!! GARDENS, 837 Walnut, Batavia, IL 60510. $9.50 postpaid. FLORETCO-AH2, 206 Chapel Azaleas Hill , Battle Creek, MI 49015. Ground Covers FRAGRANT YELLOW AZALEAS from Ameri­ Cactus Pachysandra-Ideal Permanent Evergreen ca's largest mail order selection of super hardy ground cover plants. Thrive in most soils, sun landscape size azaleas and rhododendrons. THE BEST, THE BRIGHTEST, the most or shade. Plant 6 " apart. Sturdy, well-rooted Catalog $1 (deductible) CARLSON'S GAR­ bizarre collection of cactus ever. Six of the most plants, postpaid: 50-$10.25, 100-$18.95, DENS, Box 305-AHII, South Salem, NY 10590. colorful and rare species known $8.95. In­ 500-$67.95, 1000-$115.00. " Finest Quality cludes free seed pack of other rare forms and Stock." Guaranteed to live orwe'li replace up to Books beautiful illustrated catalog. SS CACTUS, P.O. 1 full year. Folder on request. PEEKSKILL Box 1573, Decatur, GA 30031. NURSERIES, Box G-4, Shrub Oak, NY 10588. TROPICA-Beautiful Colorama of Exotic plants and trees including fruit, by Dr. A. B. Carnivorous Plants House Plants Graf; 7,000 color photos, 1,120 pages, price: Carnivorous, woodland terrarium plants. Book, FINEST SELECTION MiniatureITerrarium The World of Carnivorous Plants $6.30 post­ Plants, Gesneriads, Begonias, Rare Tropicals. paid. Catalog 25¢. Peter Pauls Nurseries, Keyed Cultural Guide Color Catalogue $1 .00. Dept. A.R., Canandaigua, NY 14424. KARTUZ GREENHOUSES, INC., 92-A Chestnut St. , Wilmington, MA 01887. Visitors Chrysanthemum Welcomed. Open Monday through Saturday, 9 Join the NATIONAL CHRYSANTHEMUM a.m.-5 p.m. Telephone 617-658-9017. SOCIETY, INC. USA. Dues $7.50, includes 5 issues of The Chrysanthemum, Beginner'S Mail Order Handbook. B. L. Markham, Sec., 2612 Beverly Pecan halves-walnuts-sliced almonds: VIEW THE Blvd., Roanoke, VA 24015. quart each. Three-quart sampler, $9.95 ppd. HORTICULTURE OF Daffodil Bulbs CANECREEK FARM, Box 2727-HO, Cookeville, TN 38501, or request brochure. Special Naturalizing Mixture (8 + varieties) Bushel $60; Peck $18. King Alfred Bushel $44; Nurse~ies Peck $13. 10% Discount before June 15. Post­ THE People's paid East of Mississippi, 10% extra West. Free IF YOU LOVE to Grow for Pleasure or Profit. folder features additional varieties, collections, Send Now. Free Catalog. 3,798 items. Nursery Stock, Seeds, Growers Supplies. Mellinger's, Republic of China mixtures. River's Edge Farm , Rt. 3, Box 228A, 2344C Range, North Lima, OH 44452. Gloucester, VA 23061 . and Hong Kong Exotic Plants Dwarf evergreens, rare trees & shrubs. Hard to find species. Catalog 50¢. Dilatush Nursery, Exotic Japanese Maples, Ferns, Hostas, Bam­ 780 Rte. 130, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 (609) boos, Cactus, Dwarf Conifers, Alpines. Un­ 585-5387. usual perennials, shade and ornamental trees. Pest Control TWENTY-ONE DA YS Send 50¢ for catalog. Palette Gardens, 26 W. FALL OF 1979 Zionhill Rd ., Quakertown, PA 18951 . FREE CATALOG NATURAL PEST CON­ TROLS: Effective, natural controls for aphids, Fountains and Waterfalls roaches, mites, fungus, caterpillars, cabbage FOR DETAILS Your complete source for fountains, waterfalls, loopers, tomato hornworms, leafhoppers, ants. CONTACT garden pools and garden omaments. Free Organic Control, Box 25382A4 Los Angeles, catalog. Roman Fountains, Inc., Box 10190- CA 90025. AHC, Albuquerque, NM 87114. Thomas P. Driscoll Plants-African Violets Swedesford Road, R.D. #1 Gardening Equipment AMERICA'S FINEST-143 best violets, ges­ Ambler, Pa. 19002 MIST PROPAGATION CONTROLS for cut­ neriads and miniature roses. Beautiful color tings and seed propagation. Featured in New catalog, illustrated Growing Aids catalog, York Times July 16, 1978 as the best for the PLUS 8 page "Tips" on Violet Growing. 50¢. amateur and professional. AQUAMONI­ FISCHER GREENHOUSES, Oak Ave. , Dept. . 42 TOR-Box 327-Z, Huntington, NY 11743. AH, Linwood, NJ 08221 . Positions Available STOP KILLING POSITION AVAILABLE: Director, Strybing Ar­ boretum, San Francisco. Salary: $20,878- YOUR PLANTS HORTICULTURAL $25,220 Annually. Requirements: College de­ Easy-to-use precision instruments gree and at least five years of progressively shows tatus instantly. No soil sa mples, responsible professional experience in hor­ ch emicals or dyes. Simply insert probes Into SOIl. Fundamental tools for growing ticultural work, including botanical garden ex­ all plants. TOURS perience; or an equivalent combination of train­ ing and experience; a thorough knowledge of Upcoming offerings sponsored horticultural theory and practice as applied to a o by The America n botanical garden and demonstrated ability to H orticultural Society supervise activities of subordinates; and to speak and write effectively. Send resume and reference to: John J. Spring, General Manager, England and Wales Recreation and Park Department, McLaren D May 10-24, 1979 Lodge, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 111 ';-r 94117. $4.95 * $19.95 * $9.95· South Africa HORTICULTURE FACUL TY-Asst./Assoc. 1. M oist-sure meter - Pr eve nts over­ watering - # 1 killer of plants. Professor to teach intro., to Plant Science, Soil September 7-28, 1979 2. pH meter - End soi l guesswork - Get Conservation , Plant Propagation , Arboriculture ac id/ alka linity ba lance. in new facilities. Qualifications: Master's De­ 3. M oisture/ lig ht meter - Know yo ur South America gree in Plant Science is minimum plus four water & light needs. September 16-0 ctober 7, 1979 years practical field experience in at least two * Co mplete inst ructions & gU ide for of the following areas: Greenhouse manage­ over 350 pl ants . 1 yr warranty. ment, Nursery management, soils and land­ Order f rom : For free brochures and other in­ scape maintenance. Teaching experience is Environmental Concepts Dept. AH forma tion, ca ll or write: Florence desirable. Interest in relating to two year col­ 710 N.W. 57th St . Bayliss, Tour Coordinator, The lege level students is necessary. Hiring range: Ft. Lauderdal e, FL 33309 $12,500-$17,000. Closing date for applica­ Ch eck, M.O., Mastercharge, V isa America n Horticultural Society I tions : April 30, 1979. Send resumes to : Willard Send for fund raisi ng offer. Mount Vernon , Virginia T. Keane, Affirmative Action Office, SUNY, Ag­ Speci al! All t hree $3 0.00. 22121 (703) 768-5700. ricultural and Technical College, Delhi, NY " Send for F R E E Catalogue" 13753. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER.

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LlLYPONS WATER GARDENS Janco Greenhouse 15128 Amhort Road 1529Amhort Roa d Unique Catalogs Lilypons, Mary land 21717 Brookshire, Texas 77423 When you've run out of space for your (301) 874-5133 (713) 934-8525 Free Garden Tools and Kitchen Accessories indoor plants . . .when you want to "open Catalog: Unique, hard-to-find items with old­ up" a living or family room, bedroom or fashioned, long-lasting quality. Frankels, kitchen to sunshine & flowers . ..when 5620-J Faust, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. you want "growing pleasure" all year round, then you're ready for an all alumi­ HARPER HORTICULTURAL SLIDE LI­ num, minimum-maintenance Janco. BRARY. Choose from 15,000 slides of plants/ Quality, price, design-these are the 3 gardens, sale or rental. Lecture sets $25, many major reasons customers give for choos­ topics. 1979 catalogue $1. 219 Robanna ing a Janco. Over 100 lean-to & curved Shores, Seaford, VA 23696. eave models to fit any site, every budget. Write for FREE 48-pg. full color cata­ "Schultz Int'Y"IInY' log today--compare our quality, price SOLUBLE FERTILIZER & deSign! 20·30· 20 Concentrated, High Analysis - All Purpose - 2 ~ 3~20 crystals. Grows Janco Greenhouses Vegetables, Flowers, Roses, Trees, Shrubs, Lawns, Etc., in Ya rds, Dept. AH-4 Ga rdens. Greenhouses, 9390 Davis Avenue AV6116ble at your stofe or send 17.95 fOf 5 Ib (Includes me//{ng). Laurel, Md. 20810 (301) 498-5700 43 Collecting Wild Seed away or otherwise broken down. blespoon of dry, powdered milk Con tinued from page 23 Dry fruits should be laid out in a packaged in a Kleenex tissue. The low-humidity place until crinkly dry dessicant should be changed every Seed collectors should keep sev­ or until they dehisce, whichever three to six months depending on eral implements nearby at all times. happens first. Seeds may then be how frequently the storage vessel is Small paper bags, pruning shears shaken or teased from their cases opened. Many wetland or bog plants (for clipping woody or wiry seed and sown or s.tored. Some dry fruits which produce fleshy fruits (Calla , stems), and several pencils (for are indehiscent. Note that compo­ Peltandra, Symplocarpus) are best marking plant names and collecting sites (plants of the Aster family) pro­ stored in distilled water or moist­ sites on seed bags) are useful. Stor­ duce a head of many tiny, dry fruits ened peat moss, with light and tem­ ing these items in your car will often (achenes or nutlets) often mistaken perature conditions being similar to prove worthwhile, especially during for seeds. Not so. The actual seeds the aforementioned types. roadside botanizing ventures. are born inside these small hard Plants have evolved numerous Judgments of when to collect seeds fruits, one seed per fruit. Such tiny, ways of spreading their progeny. will improve with time. Many seeds are modified with feath­ Fleshy fruits typically assume ery appendages which aid in disper­ bright colors upon maturity. This is sal by wind. When these appen­ the best time for harvesting, since Successful dages become obvious, the seeds any time thereafter fruits may sud­ have ripened sufficiently. Milk­ denly drop or be eaten by wildlife. germination is weeds (Asclepias) , Asters, Golden­ Dry, dehiscent fruits (follicles, rods (Solidago) , and Blazing Stars legumes and capsules) frequently usually obtained (Liatris) fall into this category. The turn tan or brown before splitting when seeds are sown light-weight, papery-thin seeds so open. Mature seeds of various characteristic of the genus Lilium are species will rattle inside their dry soon after ripening. born in capsules which split from the cases as in the legumes of Blue False top downward. Stacked like so Indigo (Baptisia australis). It is a good many columns of wafers in their practise to examine one or two capsular rooms, the seeds become "s~mple" fruits for seed develop­ dry fruits should be sown or stored exposed to fall and winter winds as ment before harvesting a large as they are. Most other fruits, if left the capsule splits. They are flushed batch. The general rule of thumb uncleaned, may provide an ideal out and away like reams of pages here: Seeds of differing species will substrate for moldy growth which before a fan. assume various colors upon matura­ can render seeds nonviable. This Birds and mammals often serve as tion; however, most mature seeds applies particularly to fleshy types. seed dispersers by ingesting fruits at will be dry (as opposed to moist or Though seed cleaning may be one site and excreting the seeds at sticky) and difficult or impossible to painstaking and tedious, it is impor­ another. Blueberries (Vaccinium) , crush between fingernails. Of tant in maintaining viability, which Pokeweeds (Phytoiacca) , Winter­ course, there will always be excep­ further serves as a practice in con­ berry (Ilex) and wild roses (Rosa) are tions. For instance, the seeds of servation. but a few examples of seed dispersal Turk's Cap Lily (Lilium superbum) are Highest percentage germination is through plant-animal "co-survival." crushable because they are paper­ usually obtained when seeds are Some seeds, like Bloodroot (San­ thin. Again, direct and continued sown as soon as possible after ripen­ guinaria) and Trillium, for lack of ap­ exposure to the species will refine ing. The longer they remain exposed parent appendages or mechanisms the collector's judgmen ts of when to to atmospheric conditions, the to aid in dispersal, seem best harvest. greater will be their loss of viability. adapted for falling straight to the After collecting, seeds should be When storing seed, three factors ground below. Presumably the ad­ separated from their fruit tissue, playa key role in maintaining viabil­ vantage here is that conditions good whether fleshy or dry. If seeds are ity (which varies according to enough for mother's growth are sown " fruit and all," their germina­ species). Ranked in order of impor­ good enough for her babies. tions may be long delayed by chemi­ tance, these factors are (1) low at­ Exploring our local fields, forests calor mechanical inhibitors in the mospheric humidity, (2) low tem­ and roadsides in search of seeds will surrounding fruit tissue. Certain perature and (3) low light intensity. do more than provide the seed col­ fruit enzymes may cause the fruit to Seeds are best stored in air tight ves­ lector with pleasure and heightened lie dormant for extended periods, or sels (household jars do nicely) at a awareness of wild flora; it will serve impervious, dry fruit tissue may tempe.rature around 40°F in a dark as a substantial means of conserving prevent water absorption by the room or refrigerator. The jar should and increasing our native American 44 seeds until such tissue has rotted contain a dessicant such as one ta- flora. 0 MADONNA LILIES A CAPSULATE HISTORY OF LILIUM CANDIDUM

A native of the Holy Land area of Asia Minor, this ancient and elegant white lily of Virginal purity is considered to be that of Scriptural reference:

" And why be anxious about clothing? Con­ sider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin ; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Matt. 7 :28-30

From the beginning of recorded history these noble and easiest grown of lilies have so awe-stricken man­ kind with their ecstatic beauty and jasmine-like fra­ grance that there has always been a close connota­ tion to the spiritual and divine. From the sculpturings on sarcophagi found in ancient tombs to medieval Mother and Child paintings by the great masters, these majestic beauties have been the favorite sUbjects.

* Not only as a conversation piece, but from the standpoint of sheer June beauty, surely you will want to add this rich and storied historical background to your garden RIGHT NOW! * Every garden should have at least a dozen or more of these elegant subjects, not only for display, but cutting as well . One can cut the entire stem without reducing its capacity to flower the following year. * We proudly announce that we can offer to the general public, large, "hard as a rock", imported bulbs of the rare and most beautiful of Madonna varieties "L. candidum Perigrinum", ACTUALLY GROWN AND COLLECTED IN THE HOLY LAND AREA OF ASIA MINOR, and acclimatized here for TWO FULL YEARS!! * To insure your bulbs, please order IMMEDIATELY as Madonnas MUST be planted in late Summer and Fall only. * Due to the international situation in the Middle East, no further importations can be made for the fore­ seeable future. Especially and moderately priced at: THREE large bulbs that will flower massively next season for only $8.95 - POSTPAID. TWELVE large bulbs, as above, for only $29.50 and receive FREE a large bulb of the world famous BEST­ IN-SHOW lily NUTMEGGER. This mighty August flowering giant with up to SIXTY large lemon yellow blooms, daintly spotted jet black, is truly the arranger's " Dream Lily", catalog price $3.95. VAST ARRAY OF LILIES. We also feature Alliums, Hostas, Clematis, Wildflowers, Dutch Bulbs, as well as rare and dis­ tinctive easily grown bulbs and plants from worldwide sources. COLOR CATALOG $2.00. FREE WITH ORDER.

WE PAY lSlacktborne ~arben5 ALL ORDERS POSTAGE TO WEST COAST 48A Quincy Street, Holbrook, Mass. 02343 ON ALL ORDERS POSTPAID - BY AIR Massachusetts Residents add 5 % sales tax.