Focus, 2005, Fall
life stories teaching positions, including tenures at the University of Illinois in 1961. Lyle Births La Sierra Academy, Loma Linda began his professional career as a pri - Academy, and Far Eastern Academy. vate-practice dentist, working in To Ann (l EE ) (BS ’96) and glEnn Kathryn also served as women’s dean at Frankfort, Ind., Berrien Springs and St. dElA roCA (BS ’92), Loma Linda, Calif., a La Sierra College, and associate director Joseph, Mich. Lyle retired from dentistry boy, Andrew Glenn, April 4, 2005. of admissions at Loma Linda University. in 1995. He was an active member of the Even after her retirement, she coordinat - Village Seventh-day Adventist church in To PAM (z AbudsKy ) (BA ‘01, BARCH ed Journal of Adventist Education continu - Berrien Springs. A talented pianist and ‘01) and bArry huMPhrEys (BSIT ’99), ing education courses through Loma organist, Lyle loved music. He was also a Elgin, Ill., a boy, Kaleb Cecil, April 20, Linda’s school of education. licensed private pilot, avid reader, and 2005. She is survived by a daughter, Beverly amateur poet. Benson. Lyle was preceded in death by his To Tatiana and ion grozA (MA ‘97), parents, John Franklin and Clair V. Fort Worth, Tx., a boy, Alexander Certified accountant and resident of (Richardson) Bailey. Daniel, on July 9, 2005. Redlands, California since 1975, royCE He is survived by his wife, Marilynn irvin PErKins (BA ’67) died August 30, (Allkins) Bailey of Stevensville; son and To Kristi (d oss ) (BS ’00) and AdAM Kis 2005 at age 59. Born in Greensburg, Ind., daughter-in-law, Richard and Terese (BA ’00), Gainesville, Fla., a boy, Royce graduated from Indiana Academy Bailey of Delafield, Wis.; daughter and Zachary Allen, August 3, 2005.
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