Southwestern Union Record for 1990
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SOUTHWESTERN UNION RecorG NOVEMBER 1990 Margaret Taglavore, Barb Oliver, Mary Martinez, and Shirley Lauterbach work on details of their trip to the Soviet Union. Texas Sabbath School Team to Conduct Worhshops in Soviet Union See Story on Page 3 PRESIDENT'S BULLETIN BOARD Folkenberg Calls for Cyril Miller "New Loyalties" Robert S. Folkenberg, our new cent of Adventist youth do not General Conference president, in his "understand the good news of the keynote address for the Annual gospel. They feel little peace and Council, called for "new loyalties," assurance, for they believe their sal- then proceeded to outline three vation is determined largely by their loyalties necessary to the Seventh- conduct." day Adventist Church. "We need no politically motivated Loyalty to Our Youth loyalties to people designed to build Folkenberg appealed to the church influence," he pointed out. "What we to demonstrate to its young its rele- do need is a new loyalty to Christ, vance to their life, saying, "At times His church, and each other." we have acted like curators in the Citing Saul's life of persecuting the museum of church, dusting the arti- church, he denounced loyalties to facts of religious life and trying to programs and traditions. "Unless the pass on the responsibility to the Foundation of all our loyalties is the young who don't see the point." Rock of Jesus Christ, we will end up Robert S. Folkenberg persecuting the truth rather than leadership, both of which are indis- Loyalty to Our Leaders teaching truth," he said. pensable for the Latter Rain." He concluded his message saying "We will never administrate our way Loyalty to Christ Loyalty to Each Other into the Kingdom. There is no perfect Folkenberg noted that loyalty to Loyalty to each other, he said, is plan, program, or policy that will Christ is manifest in loyalty to the natural to those who are loyal to alone finish the work. Ultimate tri- church: "Paul didn't start an inde- Christ and to His church. "The umph will only come as we recog- pendent publishing ministry to criti- church is a family, and as a family nize that Christ alone will lead us cize other workers. He didn't tear we need to be loyal one to another. through." He appealed to leaders and down the church because he had the That is why I am adamantly opposed members to begin "experiencing the truth." to the 'bad news press' that gets message. Young people will follow some satisfaction in publishing fam- leaders who celebrate their love for Loyalty to the Message ily garbage. We should question our Jesus." experience as members of the A new loyalty to Jesus, he said, Loyalty to Our Young Adults will also result in loyalty to the mes- church, if we get pleasure out of sage of the church. The president feeding on its refuse. I like the challenge he threw out to lamented that some in the church the delegates at the recent General today "want to make it difficult to be Conference Session, when he said, loyal to the message! They wish to Blowing out someone "Let us close the back door of the define the teachings of the church in else's candle doesn't church by opening the doors of ser- ever-narrowing circles, but the rem- vice and leadership to the young. If nant isn't a concept that the fewer provide illumination, and we give them a piece of the pie, they there are the more special we are." publishing somebody's will stay for dinner." He asserted that "The remnant is really a message to deliver ...and problems doesn't provide Loyalty to His Godly Counsel mission is a part of the message." solutions." Elder Folkenberg is getting "I sense." he said. "that the church acquainted with the world field, hav- no longer wants to support pro- ing already visited many areas. We grams that are not functioning. Transmit the Faith Loyalty to were happy for his recent visit to the Programs and projects that are no Our Children Southwestern Union at which time longer accomplishing the mission Pointing to the dilemma of all reli- our college conferred on him a Doc- need to go." gious organizations as they mature. tor of Divinity degree, as reported in Down-sizing at the world head- Folkenberg noted that as we move the October issue of the Record. Let quarters came about for two rea- farther from the fervor of the found- us heed his good counsels as we sons, Folkenberg said: to direct the ers we face the difficulty of how to continue to press the work forward maximum resources to the mission transmit the faith to our children." in our important Southwestern Union of the church, and to "build unity He referred to a study in North Conference area of our church's Glo- and credibility in the church and its America which revealed that 70 per- bal Mission. Ou PartnerMer U I M Texas Team Goes to With Soviet Union HE HAD MYitis... He surely did — this successful farmer. And there weren't any pills or potions to help him. Perhaps his Margaret Taglavore, Barb wife and assistant to Bud Otis, problem was that he was too suc- Oliver, Mary Martinez, and Shir- assistant to the General Confer- cessful. Sometimes this happens and ley Lauterbach comprise a Sab- ence president for Soviet affairs. a business becomes the graveyard of bath School training team who They will provide training for one's religion. cradle roll, kindergarten, and Anyway, it was harvest time and are traveling to the Soviet Union the crops were being garnered, when to teach Soviet Adventists how primary Sabbath school leaders. a perplexing problem arose. There to conduct children's Sabbath Vacily Yunack, a young man was too much produce for the availa- Schools. from the Soviet Union, who ble space. What to do? But, really, The four have traveled across worked for four years as secre- the problem wasn't storage — it was Texas as the training team for tary to Mikhail Kulakov, Advent- myitis. Texas Conference Sabbath ist leader in the U.S.S.R, came The farmer had a consultation with School workshops. Taglavore to Dallas and has worked with himself — he didn't ask God what he and Oliver are associate direc- the team to translate much of should do. He said, "This will I do. I tors of the Texas Conference their materials into the Russian will pull down my barns." They wer- en't his barns — they were God's — church ministries department as language. and maybe He wouldn't want them children's and adult Sabbath pulled down. "I will build greater; and School directors, respectively. there will I bestow all my fruits and The Sabbath School team will my goods." They weren't his fruits or Vacily Yunack, of the visit the cities of Lvov, Rostov, Soviet Union, works goods —they belonged to God. No and Moscow with Rose Otis, with Margaret Rigla- wonder he had problems, for he was yore and Shirley claiming ownership of things which Lauterbach to trans- late songs into the didn't belong to him. Russian language. The poor fellow even referred to my soul, and thought of a life of ease and luxury for "many days." God called him a fool for putting his trust in material things and said his soul would be called into account that very night. Then God asked who would own all the things which seemed to cause him problems. It is certain the ones who inherited them wouldn't have problems without tearing down all the buildings. They never do, for accumulated goods are usually distributed among many people. Of course the poor, rich man wouldn't have had all his problems if he had distributed his surplus to the needy which surrounded him. In fact, he could have enjoyed life to the full- est, for the greatest joys in life are in giving, rather than receiving. Hoarding God's blessings is a form of slavery, but to give with a bountiful hand is a Godlike privilege. —Mel Reese Used by Permission November 1990 / RECORD 3 • Love • Respect • Obedience • Honesty • Trust Set of 20 Bible stories on 10 video cassettes. • The Creation Story/Adam and Eve • Noah and the Ark/Samuel—Prophet of God • Baby Moses/Moses the Deliverer • Wandering in the Wilderness/The Battle of Jericho • Joseph the Dreamer/Joseph the Ruler • David and Goliath/Queen Esther • Jonah and the Whale/Samson and Delilah • The Fiery Furnace/Daniel in the Lion's Den • The Birth of Jesus/When Jesus Grew Up • The Crucifixion/Our Heavenly Home For children ages 3-12 $ 95 each 14 (Add $2.50 shipping) SPECIAL ONr> ✓R till December 31, 1990 BUY 4-Get 1 cassette FREE FULL SET-Get 2 cassettes FREE (Add $3.50 shipping) In Georgia add 5% sales tax AVAILABLE at your ADVENTIST BOOK CENTER or Phone — Toll Free 1-800-229-9696 :52411/3$10A, Charge Visa, Mastercard Or Send Covering Check To: Mission Spotlight 4280 Memorial Drive Decatur, GA 30032 Southwestern Union Radio Station Progress Announced Exploration and plans for a Star- Net radio station on the campus of Sandia View Academy near Albu- querque, New Mexico, have been underway for many months. KSVA- FM 95.1 is well on the way to accomplishment, according to Rudy Dolinsky, Star-Net consultant. A construction permit has been issued. The station must be on the air before February 15, 1991, or the con- struction permit will run out.