Issue 9 Dec 2017

DOXING: A MODERN HORROR STORY By Nathalia De Souza and Logan Smith

The internet. From access to friends the identity of an enigmatic persona, says across the world to the ability to search up Megan Garber of The Atlantic. The term was anything fathomable, the web is one of the later revived in the 1990s, when people on a greatest creations of all time. Not to mention the discussion board network began releasing each fact that you can order from almost any fast other’s personal information, which Garber food place whenever you’d like! Despite its said was “a retaliation mechanism [used] endless, wonderful abilities, the internet can during arguments.” And that’s exactly what also be a place of sorrow and fear. As an doxing is used for today. omnipotent tool that acts as the center of most This may sound like an obscure people's’ lives, it’s not crazy to think about how practice—after all, how many people do you harmful it could actually be. Another scary way know who have gotten doxed?—but in reality, the power of the internet is shown in daily life it happens in every corner of the internet; even is through doxing. on your favorite sites! Twitter, 4Chan, and Everyone loves privacy; that’s why Reddit are notorious for the doxing that occurs doxing is one of the greatest fears an internet on their sites. In the mid 2000s, groups and user could ever have. Defined by Oxford websites were created for the sole purpose of Dictionary as the “act of searching for and doxing others. (Does the group named exposing somebody’s personal information on Anonymous ring any bells?) But the question the internet,” doxing can ruin a person’s life still stands: why are people being doxed, and with just a few clicks of a mouse. The word who decides if they deserve it or not? “dox” was once used as a derivative of the word (Continued on the centerfold…) “docs,” which described documents revealing

upcoming events page three

recap photos page four

panther post website preview page five

is real? page six

winter legends page seven

news in america page eight

additive teaching page nine

feature: doxing page ten

feature: doxing (cont.) page eleven

creep page twelve movies & tv shows to binge-watch page thirteen

gov’t surveillance conspiracy page fourteen

on rotation-music highlights page fifteen

horoscopes explained page sixteen

december horoscopes page seventeen

old-school cool photographs page eighteen

seasonal photographs page nineteen

foods a-z word search page twenty


Candy Cane Grams Winter Formal grams are being sold this Winter formal is coming up soon on December from the 11th to the 15th by our January 12th, and it’ll last from 7 ; make sure to awesome ASB Leadership group, and after that, dress snazzy! The theme is Harry Potter’s “ the seniors are selling World’s Finest Chocolate Ball,” featured in The Goblet of Fire book and in January. Below are examples of how the movie. Have a magical celebration! candy grams will look.


By Gabby Hicks

Gravy Bowl 2017 Jingle Night 2017

Girl Up Thanksgiving 2017


The Panther Post Journalism website is coming next semester! Stay tuned for sneak peaks of our brand-new columns…

Music is Taking CTRL By Alex Panzera control their devices. All products discussed will Technology is crucial in our daily lives. It’s be displayed beside the column, prices and difficult to imagine being a modern student specs included in excruciating detail, as well as without our tech - laptops, cell phones, music a link to the item’s sale page, should readers players, the works. However, many of us do not want to make a purchase, and begin to take use our technology to its fullest CTRL of their tech! potential, nor do we allow our technology to accurately The Simplicity, represent ourselves. Yet Complexity, of Food Many of us don’t fully By Destiny Gonzales explore our tech. When Food. It is present in every life, most buy a new phone or but varies by culture. The computer, they spend very preparation styles, and the food little time in settings menus, itself, are works of art derived instead opting to get going from unique societies around the with the defaults wherever world. As the art it is, it takes true possible. However, there exist stock mastery to turn raw materials into a settings that greatly enhance user settings, and stunning masterpiece. The opportunity to cook programs that can take this beyond the stock is there, but are you willing to take the daring options. step to attempt it? Food assembly may seem like In Taking CTRL, Alex Panzera guides the a simple concept, but the process is most likely reader through some of the lesser known going to be one of complexity. People love to eat aspects of technology, in an effort to allow the food, but those consumers are basic. The real reader to fully enjoy their devices, and to adjust masters are the ones that can take on them to fit their unique needs and preferences. the complexity and From sound to functionality to aesthetics, every develop food in a device has both internal and external options way that makes it that can lead to a higher seem simple. As I quality user submit articles experience, a more about food, will you personalized and use that expressive look, and information to an all around better become a food device. master, or will you Each column succumb to the will focus on a subject, laziness and let and show all the ways users can personalize and food master you?


IS SANTA CLAUS REAL? “Yes, because I get presents every single By Jaron Beltrano Christmas and I put and Alessandra Tolentino milk and cookies in People create their beliefs when they my living room and have enough information to believe they are the next day, they’re true and especially if they have been passed gone.” down through generations. Now that -Bomiao Xu Christmas is coming up, the existence of Santa Claus is once again in the central spotlight full of different opinions and beliefs. Many controversial and imaginative ideas were confabulated between adults, teens, and even “My dad told me children. However, they do not know the real he wasn't. Hurts historical facts of how, when, and why Santa my soul a little bit, Claus came to life. but I have to take it.” Santa Claus was created around the -Clayton Lahodny third century by a monk named St. Nicholas.

He is said to believe that St. Nicholas helped poor and sick children. According to, “He became known as the “No because I have protector of children and sailors.” This idea never been in the led to the development that Santa Claus is just North Pole. I have a representative for the monk named St never seen a Santa Nicholas. Claus in my life.” -JT Walker

“Personally, yes, Question: DO YOU THINK he’s real, because SANTA CLAUS IS REAL? my parents are poor and there is no way that they afforded my camera.” -Nathalia De Souza “Most definitely!” -

“No. Santa Claus is my mom.” - Isaac Dudley

6 WINTER LEGENDS By Rosalynne Jones

Winter has been called a time of darkness and death, but it can also be described as a period of rest and renewal before the revival of spring. Many different peoples have created stories and legends surrounding this season, from fears of dark nights to celebrations of family and friends.

Sinterklaas dead, her name derives from the old Irish term While we may know him today as meaning “veiled one”, although in Gaelic it’s Santa Claus, our favorite jolly old translated as “old woman,” or man first found expression as “hag.” Typically portrayed as an , a legendary Dutch ugly elder with one eye, matted figure based on Saint hair, and bad teeth, Nicholas. As the patron legends also say that she saint of children, Sinterklaas ages backward into a protects good children and beautiful young woman brings them gifts on with the coming of spring! December 5th along with his companion, a half-man, half- The Legend of Nian beast known as Grumpus, The Legend of Nian tells of a , or . To bad Chinese monster that has the head children, however, Grumpus rattles his of a lion and the body of a bull. It chains and threatens to steal them away in appeared on the first night of the Chinese his black bag. New Year and consumed crops, livestock, and even the villagers, especially the children. Yuki-Onna Living in fear every winter, the villagers put out The legend of the Yuki-Onna is a tale tracing its food every New Year, believing that the origins to Japan. Translated as “Snow Woman”, offerings would sate Nian’s hunger. Eventually, she has many forms. One of the first reports, though, they discovered the beast’s three written by a monk, describes her as a gigantic weaknesses: it feared the color red, fire, and young lady wearing all white, with inhumanly noise. From then on, every year, they celebrated pale skin and white hair. Another famous tale the New Year with a festival paints the Yuki Onna as a terrible yokai (spirit) where they would that haunts snowy forests and feeds off of her hang red lanterns and victims’ life forces (Seiki) after freezing them to scrolls, and throw death. firecrackers. From then on, the Nian The Cailleach never bothered the The Cailleach is villagers. Legend also the all-powerful says that the Nian was crone goddess of captured by the Daoist winter, tracing monk, Hongjun Laozu, her origins to and became his mount. ancient Celtic stories. Said to Some winter legends are scary; others rule over the bring joy into the darkest and coldest nights of realms of the the year. What winter stories do you tell?

7 NEWS IN AMERICA By Destiny Gonzales and Laila Noble

There were several key events towards the end of this year. From the surprising result of the World Series to the tragic Las Vegas shooting, America continues to move forward, acknowledging the past and looking to the future.

Las Vegas Shooting dispute between him, his mother-in-law, and On October 1st, more than 50 people were killed other family members who went to the church and over 500 were injured in the shooting at that morning. A crime victim’s compensation Mandalay Bay. From a window in the Mandalay fund of 6,500 dollars will be given to the families Bay Resort, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock fired of the deceased to pay for funeral expenses, and at about 22,000 people at the Route 91 Harvest coffins are being donated to the victims. festival before being found dead in the resort. The music concert was right across the street World Series Surprise from the resort, and the shooting began at 10 On November 1st, there was the legendary final pm. This tragedy was highly impactful and is game of the World Series in which the Astros still felt across were victorious America. The most over the Dodgers beneficial way to with four more support the victims points. After seven is through donat- suspenseful games, ions of money to the Astros won the the American Red Series with 5, which Cross or other was a beating for organizations that the Dodgers with 1. offer aid. Harassment Texas Church in the Workforce Shooting Across the nation, On November 5th women have been at 11:20 AM in speaking out more Sutherland Spring, to bring awareness Texas, a deadly to the issue of shooting took place harassment within in which the lives Photo: A makeshift memorial dedicated occupations. of twenty-six to Las Vegas Shooting victims. Famous women like people were stolen Ashley Judd have and ten others were left critically injured. Devin begun to come forward with their own stories, Kelley, a 26-year-old man with a history of and by doing so, have inspired other women to violence and dysfunction, was found dead in his “break the silence” of their mistreatment (GMA). car with two gunshot wounds from a civilian. In This growing courage of women will hopefully total, there were three wounds on his body, one move society to recognize that harassment in of which is said to be self-inflicted and may have the workforce is a serious issue that needs to be been a suicide attempt. People who knew him addressed. In fact, TIME named the Silence say that the incident occurred over a family Breakers their People of the Year.

8 ADDITIVE TEACHING By Alijah Dean Students often take certain classes only to to the Hellenistic Era and still understand what forget most of the material right after the final, is being taught. when the information is no longer needed. For Additive teaching is often a more other topics, people will remember most of the efficient teaching method because it requires information for a long time to come. The constantly using the basics concepts in order to difference is usually a combination of the class practice the advanced ones. In discrete subject and the teaching style. These two things teaching, teachers have to constantly review are often intertwined, as certain topics require prior concepts for the students to remember a different teaching style. Teaching history in them throughout the semester. Topics learned the same manner as one might teach math just at the beginning of the semester often do not wouldn’t make sense. A history teacher and a stick in students’ heads until the end of the math teacher can, however, take advantage of semester or year, unless they are consistently similar techniques. Most teaching styles will fall used. This means that in discrete teaching, under either additive or discrete teaching. students have to spend time reviewing subject. Additive teaching is a This time could be used teaching style in which the learning about other topics. basics of a given subject are Because of this, teachers taught first. Once the using additive styles are at an students have these basics advantage. They can teach down, the teacher builds on their knowledge more and be more confident that students will with more complex and advanced concepts. For retain the information. example, math students are first taught how to Unfortunately, not all subjects are as add, subtract, multiply, and divide before they suited to additive teaching as others. Subjects learn how to simplify this: (2x+14) + (x-9). In this like Spanish and math are naturally additive example, it is not possible to answer the subjects while subjects like history and question without the basic knowledge of geography are more discrete. However, the addition and multiplication. Additive teaching is more discrete subjects do not necessarily have often used for topics like this, where one has to to be taught in a completely discrete manner. know a variety of more basic concepts in order History teachers can attempt to connect new to understand the more complex concept. topics to old ones. For example, they could go Discrete teaching is a teaching style in through the curriculum in the customary which the teacher moves from topic to topic and chronological manner and show how the where those topics are not necessarily Romans adopted certain Greek beliefs. This connected. In other words, one does not have to builds upon previous knowledge and provides a learn basic concepts in order to learn about different perspective on a given topic. By other concepts. History teachers, for example, showing how the Romans adopted Greek gods, usually teach topics and work forward in a the teacher can help students better understand chronological order. In AP History, students the significance and meaning of those gods. begin with the Paleolithic Era (the time in which Overall, teachers should all think about primitive stone tools were used) a move on how their class can be taught in an additive style through different topics in a mostly by building upon the basics. This is an excellent chronological order. Since this is discrete way to ensure that students don’t forget the teaching, one could skip from the Paleolithic Era material by the end of the course.

9 DOXING: A MODERN By Nathalia DeSouza and Logan Smith

This is a very hard-to-answer question. If asked, each of these people entities might People dox other people for a multitude of claim that they are in the right, and the person reasons, all of them ranging from personal to they have outed is in the wrong, but is that true? what some may call “strictly business.” Most of Aside from the obvious case of doxing the the time though, doxing occurs because people wrong person, is it ethical to put a target on are upset with each other. Some excellent somebody’s back because you don’t agree with examples of this personal vendetta have been their views? Articles ranging from the New York made in recent years, as political tensions face a Times to Wired agree that the ethics of doxing is rise in society. After the August Alt-Right Protest subpar. While the ethics are concerning, in Charlottesville, Virginia, Twitter user and possibly more concerning than the ethics of freelance journalist Shaun King (@shaunking), doxing is the legality of it. So long as personal and the account Yes, You’re Racist information is gathered from (@yesyoureracist) made it a social media and other point to oust the identities of public platforms, then the people who doxers such as Shaun King participated in the rally. and Daryle Jenkins are In fact, King’s followers not breaking any laws. managed to raise So, who is there to say reward money for whether they are in finding some of the the right or wrong? people involved, who According to the were subsequently law… nothing. There shamed online and are no repercussions reported to their local for doxing someone police. King and Yes, through public chan- You’re Racist made what nels. Because doxing they felt were necessary involves scourging for moves to push law someone’s personal infor- enforcement to prosecute the mation via their social criminals involved in the riot. media, the information doxers Meanwhile, Sally Kohn of The Daily Beast find is technically considered public was doxed by what she called a “troll [...] so his knowledge. For example, if you tweeted out that fellow trolls could harass [her] offline like they it was your birthday, that would be considered already [did] on.” Her solution was to contact public knowledge. Same goes if you post an professionals in ‘digital hygiene,’ who then image of your house and accidentally include wiped most of her information from the your address, if you include your employer internet. Another example of doxing can be anywhere on your profile, and if you mention found in the infamous group, Anonymous, your school anywhere. Doxing is only which has released countless pieces of private prosecutable in specific cases. Facing a fine and information over the past few years from up to five years in prison, the Interstate Doxing people of all profiles. Another is Daryle Jenkins, Prevention Act, an amendment to Chapter 41 of a doxer for the Anti-Fascist Movement, who said Title 18, in the United State Code, it is illegal to in a Wired article that he doesn't “care about dox “with the intent to threaten, intimidate, Richard Spencer [the president of National harass, stalk, or facilitate another to threaten, Policy Institute, which backs the alt-right]. [He intimidate, harass, or stalk, uses the mail or any cares] about the guy shaking his hand. So [he'll] facility or means of interstate or take his picture and figure out who he is.”


your Aeries Grade Portal, LMCHS HORROR STORY computer account, lunch account, and any other online accounts that use your foreign commerce to knowingly publish the school information to log in. As for your West personally identifiable information of another Hills account information… well, let’s just say person, and as a result of that publication places you might not be in the same classes or even that person in reasonable fear of the death of or major that you started in if someone stole your serious bodily injury.” But how does that cover WHCCD log in. the fact that ‘doxing’ can just be a collection of Now, we get it—you’re only giving your public data? password to your friend this one time, and you For this reason, it’s important that social trust them a lot. Nonetheless, it’s never safe to media users be very selective about who they release your personal information. You never allow access to their accounts and with how know who has bad intentions, or what they much information they release. Just like in might do with your passwords. The same goes Hansel and Gretel, every breadcrumb counts. for social media passwords. While it’s unlikely So, what else can be done to prevent being that someone you’re close enough to give your doxed? To help prevent the more illicit styles social media access to would turn on you, of doxing, frequently changing there’s no telling if or how your passwords is always a good policy. passwords could end up in the Another is to never log into a site wrong hands. Moreover, you with another application, should be wearied such as Google or of giving out Facebook. That your shares data cellphone used to pass codes, make your which Gmail unlock a accessible to door to your the likely less- deepest and than-secure site. darkest secrets— Also, never use an email like the school’s or, more likely, your Instagram, Twitter, ([email protected]) to Snapchat, and other social media access. And register on social networking platforms because we all know that that stuff should stay as private that automatically shares personal s possible. information—which can be especially harmful So, before your personal information is to your anonymity on the websites you use. spilled all over the internet, make sure you post On that note, the dangers of doxing safely and don’t leave critical information in the within our own school should be discussed. wrong hands. Besides, don’t you want to lose After all, our emails include our first and last you credit card information; how else will you names, our school district, and some relevance be able to order fast food onl? to our grade range. On top of this, with new programs allowing the college and school computers to personalize desktop profiles for students based on name and password combination, it’s easier than ever to hack into someone’s school acc-ount. For this reason, it is very strongly suggest-ed that LMCHS students never share their passwords with one another. Your LMCHS ID number, school email, and password alone can grant someone access to 11 CHRISTMAS CREEP By Hannah Sexton It’s December. The weather is growing extend the amount of time that they are selling colder, the fog and rain have settled in, and it’s those specific products and see who buys them. beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Over time this leads to extremely long shopping Except...there have been ornaments, stockings, seasons. and inflatable Santas on display in some stores There are a few benefits to Christmas Creep for since September. This phenomenon, companies. Besides the potential of where major retailers start profit increase, it also helps the selling Christmas items transition into before December is and the bottleneck two known as Christmas weeks before Christmas. Creep and has been The process of taking occurring since the goods from the factories 1980s (Macmillan to the stores is Dictionary). complicated during the The main normal season and even reason companies more so during the want to prolong the holiday season. The Christmas season is to same employees that increase profit. However, unload the trucks and there are no solid numbers arrange the displays in stores to describe whether or not are also the same ones who are Christmas creep does on the floor at the increase profits or not. Source: Andrew Laskowski, Daily Trojan registers or restocking But there are certainly shelves. During the some gripes people have with an earlier season, holiday rush these employees would be which could drive profits down. The main issue, swamped. Also, this means that the employees according to economist Herb Kleinberger, is don't work as long hours and there are less that there are too many stores trying to sell to overtime expenses. too few consumers. having its Christmas The potential increase of profits and merchandise out in September might appeal to easier transitions for the company are the some people, but those people won't necessarily reasons why Christmas Creep exists, but why buy anything that early. does it get some people so mad? The first reason However, if a store sees increased profits is the loss of tradition. One of the primary from extending their season, the logical thing is complaints of this phenomena is that “it’s not do it again the next year, even earlier. For Christmas yet.” When companies put out example, if Costco sells more fake Christmas merchandise earlier, it conflicts with their idea trees in the second half of November, they of when to start celebrating Christmas. They will would do it again in the next year and start feel as though they are being manipulated into selling a bit earlier to see if they sell more. celebrating. Furthermore, it’s also difficult to predict Unfortunately, this whole situation was shopping patterns during this time. In fact, by caused when companies wanted to make more December 22 in 2010, 20% of shoppers hadn't of a profit, not because anyone cared what the actually bought anything that was for the average person thought of beginning Christmas holidays (TIME). To companies, it’s better to just way before Christmas. 12 MOVIES AND TV SHOWS TO BINGE-WATCH By Leilani Hammonds During this year’s holiday season, don’t worry about becoming spiritless, especially with this extravagant list of movies and TV shows from a variety of genres. Not only are there seasonal forms of media to watch, but this list also features films and shows that can be watched all year long. This year, journalism is listing movies and TV shows that we 100% suggest. Sit back, relax, and happy binging!

TV SHOWS Friends (Netflix) Stranger Things (Netflix) American Horror Story (Netflix) Bojack Horseman (Netflix) Rick and Morty (Hulu & Amazon Prime) Game of Thrones (Amazon Prime) The Flash (Netflix) Supernatural (Netflix)

MOVIES Harry Potter (Years 1-7, all 8 movies) The Hunger Games Star Wars Pirates of the Caribbean The Divergent Series The Twilight Saga Jurassic Park

HOLIDAY MOVIES Elf The Santa Clause (series) The Nightmare Before Christmas Home Alone (series) Gremlins (series) The Year Without Santa Claus A Charlie and the Chocolate Factory How the Stole Christmas The Polar Express


GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE: CONSPIRACY By Hannah Sexton In the 1970s and 1980s, the computers PROMIS was much more than a software were very different from today’s. For example, for case automation. It was also able to track criminal cases handled with computers could everyone involved in the case and was able to not transfer from office to office easily. This combine databases that normally would be means that law firms had to hold individual incompatible with each other. After the archives of records from court cases on their bankruptcy suit, Bill Hamilton attested that the computers, which made large government cases department had changed PROMIS to be more of that were moved around much more difficult to a spyware than that what it was originally keep track of. A private software company created for. Another key accuser was Michael called Inslaw, which stood for the Institute for Riconosciuto, described by Rosenbaum as a Law and Social Research, received funding from “rogue scientist.” He was one of the earlier the Department of Justice to create a program supporters of the October Surprise theory (also that would make case sharing easier. Danny discussed in the previous Panther Post article) Casolaro, a journalist who was discussed in a and filed an affidavit claiming that PROMIS had previous article by the Panther Post, was been altered without permission of the investigating this case. In the book The Octopus, Hamiltons. The alterations, according to him, he explains all that happened with this included back doors so that the DOJ could spy on mysterious case and its connection to the whoever bought the software and could track shadowy cabal of The Octopus. However, before their online presence. Riconosciuto was an avid Casolaro came to pick up this story, it was being supporter of the conspiratorial aspects of investigated by Ron Rosenbaum. government doings and was both Rosenbaum’s Inslaw was founded by Bill Hamilton and and Casolaro’s main source of information for his wife Nancy Hamilton. They were working their theories. towards case automation, which they knew the The Octopus, described by Casolaro as a Department of Justice (DOJ) was desperate for. “shadowy cabal,” is theorized to have been They created the software PROMIS (Prosecutor's behind the PROMIS dealings. Casolaro claims Management Information Systems) after that they would have stakes in this case because receiving funding by the DOJ. The first version PROMIS, at the time, was one of the most of PROMIS was public-domain but the powerful programs in the world. The ability to Hamiltons soon made Inslaw a private company monitor people fast and efficiently would mean after making vast changes to the program their other plans would be easier to carry out. because they were well aware how much their The case of Inslaw and PROMIS also has program was worth. However, after leaving the conspiratorial roots in the Middle East, just like DOJ, Bill Hamilton accused the DOJ of stealing the October Surprise theory. his software and distributing it illegally, robbing Whether or not The Octopus is real is a him of millions of dollars. The government subject for another article, but PROMIS is still denied this and insisted that because the owned by the U.S government. Technology has Hamiltons were working with the department, advanced a long way since the 1980s, and no one the software was legally the property of the knows just how powerful that software could be government. Bill Hamilton filed for bankruptcy now. Perhaps a copy of PROMIS comes free of due to the DOJ in 1983 but the case ran until charge with certain other software. After all, 1988 when a federal bankruptcy judge ruled who actually reads the Terms of Service for that PROMIS had been stolen through "trickery, something? Maybe we’ve all made a promise to fraud, and deceit." This decision was overturned PROMIS... to appeal in 1991.


Scan Me!


ASTROLOGY EXPLAINED By Logan Smith and Rosalynne Jones

In western astrology, the zodiac divides the sky Scorpio (the Scorpion), Sagittarius (the Archer), into twelve sections. Each section takes up 30 Capricorn (the Goat), Aquarius (the Water- degrees and adds up to a full 360 degrees (a Bearer), and Pisces (the Fish). Each sign is also circle). Each of these twelve sections represents connected to a period of around 30 days, an a constellation and a sign. These signs are element, a planet, a gemstone, a color, a plant, known as: Aries (the Ram), Taurus (the Bull), and a House, all of which can potentially Gemini (the Twins), Cancer (the Crab), Leo (the influence your personality, your interests, your Lion), Virgo (the Maiden), Libra (the Balance), friends, and many other aspects of your life!


The classical elements of fire, earth, air, and stability and tranquility can help anyone water may not be regarded as relevant in a through a difficult situation. scientific perspective, but in zodiac readings Air: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius they influence your personality! Seeing as there Often caught daydreaming, air signs are the are twelve signs, elements hold sway over three breath of fresh air to brighten your day! These signs: ever-evolving people can find it hard to stay Fire: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius focused on one thing at a time and may find Fire signs are known for their ever-changing themselves emotionally detached from the moods and energy levels. Famous for being world, but they always bring change when it’s passionate, creative, and cheerful, these signs needed the most. are nonetheless quick to anger. Their flames can Water: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces burn hot enough to burn, or can warm the Water signs are known for having intense darkest of days! emotions and deep thoughts. While their Earth: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn feelings can get the best of them at times, they’re Thoughtful and loyal, earth signs are the most also incredibly intuitive and empathetic, often practical of the zodiac. While they can be prone regarded as the most “psychic” of the zodiac to bluntness and materialism at times, their signs.

16 DECEMBER HOROSCOPES By Logan Smith and Rosalynne Jones

Horoscopes are predictions about events that may happen, based on your zodiac sign. These horoscopes can concern anything from romance to the workplace, family to friends, and more!

Aries: Impulses can roam free for the 12th and Libra: Remember to take some time for yourself 13th. Remember to plan ahead from the 16th to in the middle of the month. Celebrate the 23rd the 18th, and whatever you plan for will come onwards, and have an especially great 31st. to fruition. From the 21st on, everything should be smooth sailing. Scorpio: The 10th and 11th may hold romantic attention. By contrast, expect familial tension Taurus: The 12th to the 18th will be crazy, so nearing the 25th. Begin making changes for the avoid taking unnecessary risks, and stay sane New Year during the last few days of December. with a calming activity. The 23rd-25th should be great, but remember to communicate for the Sagittarius: Overall for December, you will rest of the month. likely be questioning everything, so keep that in mind while celebrating the days before the 25th. Gemini: Deep insight on the 16th Use this month’s curiosity to decide and 17th will lead to better what you want to change for ideas, both for gifting 2018. ideas and other contemplations. Capricorn: You will On the 25th, 26th, be feeling great by and 27th, you the 14th and 15th, will be primed and creative for fun and activities will be relaxation. Crack beneficial on the down from the 28th 19th and 20th. onwards on New Celebrations involving Year's resolutions. children nearing the 25th should lift your spirits more Cancer: Should a setback come on the than anything else. 14th or 15th, reevaluate your situation rather than let it discourage you. From the 19th on, Aquarius: You will be inspired beyond belief to everything should be wonderful. do whatever you wish. In the height of the month, you will be the life of the party. Leo: You may feel needy from the 16th-18th, but try to find the source of those feelings instead. Pisces: You have good fortune for the month Focus on friends and family from the 23rd-26th. (it’s Pisces season!), and you feel at peace with Everything following should be seamless. the universe. Virgo: You will be particularly creative on the 14th and 15th, especially with problem-solving. Remember to keep New Year’s resolutions.


Old-School Cool Photographs

Alessandra Tolentino: This picture was back to my first birthday where my mom blew my Hunter Gieseman: My great candle instead of me. grandparents dancing together.

Izzy O’Brien: My dear old dad in front of a Hunter Gieseman: My great-great camel enclosure at the zoo in Rhode Island, grandmother after winning a Plymoth in a November of 1959. Snow was barely raffle! starting to form.



S Seasonal Photographs


Foods A-Z Word Search By Mackenzie Jeffery

Applesauce Hummus Noodles Toast Bread Ice Cream Oatmeal Umbrella Fruit Chocolate Jam Pancakes Vanilla Dates Kabobs Quesadilla Walnuts Enchilada Lasagna Ravioli Xinomavro Grapes Fondu Marmalade Spaghetti Yogurt Granola Ziti