Beary Merry Christmas a Teddy Bear and a Smiling Face Can Make a Big Difference on Christmas Day

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Beary Merry Christmas a Teddy Bear and a Smiling Face Can Make a Big Difference on Christmas Day Christmas Edition Volume XXIX, Issue 3 December 2016 Beary Merry Christmas A teddy bear and a smiling face can make a big difference on Christmas Day. Fredette established Berry Mer- more year. Through Be the Change, By Shannon Daehnke, ry Christmas when she was eight students can get involved with the Staff Writer & Dessi Gomez, -years-old in memory of her friend Beary Merry Christmas charity A&E Editor Savannah Sachen. At first she by participating in the Bears and started small by collecting Build- Blaze event. After Bears and Blaze, he third annual Bears and A-Bears from her friends to do- the club holds another event to de- Blaze event took place on nate to homeless families during liver the bears to the families at the TFriday, Dec. 2 at the Mis- the holidays, but eventually this motel home for the homeless. sion Viejo Mall Build-a-Bear. From grew into the event known as Bears “I have ambassadors that I re- 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., SMCHS students and Blaze. The production has in- cruit and train to carry the tradi- gathered to make stuffed bears creased from 12 bears the first year tion on for me,” Fredette said. “I for homeless families. This event to over 2000 bears within the past told this girl I used to tutor about it takes place under the charity called 10 years. and [now] she does it at my middle Beary Merry Christmas, founded “My best friend really liked school.” by senior Sydney Fredette. After Build-A-Bears and she would al- Sophomore Sophie Getz has making around 160 bears, the stu- ways have Build-A-Bear parties so been involved with the Be the dents finished the night with din- that gave me the idea,” Fredette Change Club since fourth grade. ner at Blaze Pizza, and these pro- said. “I just want homeless kids to She got involved through her sister, ceeds were donated to the charity. have something that they can hug Hannah Getz, a good friend of Fre- “I started Beary Merry Christ- and love because their only pres- dette’s, since Fredette and the Getz mas after my best friend passed ent for the holidays is the bears we sisters went to elementary and away from cancer,” Fredette said. make them.” middle school together. “I wanted to do something to help Fredette brought the Be the kids in need in my community.” Change Club to SMCHS her sopho- continued on page 2 Illustrations by Ivanna Rea Dome sweet dome Talon Theatre relocates to the dome. By Margaret Driscoll, theatre and choir room for their music and costumes. several more shows than need- ter the theatre program and Staff Writer plays and musicals. 29 years The initial problem was the ed. With performances in the will make this huge change for later, the administration came inadequate size of the black dome, more people at a time us,” said senior Talon Theatre Since SMCHS’s start in 1987, together to see that Talon The- box theatre for the fall plays. will be able to see the show. member Nikki Adhami. the Talon Theatre program has atre gets more space to enhance Because it limits the size of the “It’s really awesome that worked in the small black box their performances’ scenes, audience, the cast has to do school is taking steps to bet- continued on page 3 In this issue Check us out ‘Tis the longest Ice ice baby The forum season ● ● ● Page 2 Page 11 online! Page 7 2 The Eagle Eye News IB Theatre students promote anti-bullying at a school-wide leadership meeting. The forumwe have it but there are different By Chloe Le, extents of it and a huge issue now Web Editor-in-Chief is cyber bullying.” Behind the technology, many t started with getting thrown students become oblivious to the in trashcans, dunked in toi- consequences that come with post- Ilets or shoved against lock- ing a mean comment or subtweet- ers. Now it’s evolved to uploading ing. a post on social media that subtly “When I started teaching, jabs a “friend.” But one must not there was more physical bullying,” disclose their identity because Dunne said. “Now, with the com- then that would be bullying. puter age and these tablets, it has If the action has the intentions really changed bullying into cyber- to hurt someone else, it’s consid- bullying. Students think ‘It’s anon- ered bullying. And as time has ymous, they’ll never find out’ but gone by, bullying has grown up I’ve had discipline meetings with with students everywhere. It’s easy photo by Chloe Le the deans and yes, we do find these to hear a story about bullying and things out.” think it would never happen at Speak out - Students at the meeting, like Alyssa Fujiwara, volunteer to share their own opinion about bullying. After watching the forum the- SMCHS, but bullying is a hard re- said Director of Theatre Arts Amy act and express our emotions,” said “It’s really about promoting atre, ASB, Peer Ministry and Link ality that affects SMCHS students Barth. “The audience watches a junior Hannah Loessberg. “Bully- a universal kindness within the Crew will ultimately be virtuous on a daily basis. scenario played out about an is- ing is a hard thing to grasp and I school because I think a lot of that representations of SMCHS and The school addresses this prob- sue such as bullying and then has think we were the right people to kindness has been lost,” Loessberg shine an even brighter light on the lem time after time but sometimes the opportunity to transform the do it because we could actually said. “There needs to be a universal school’s motto. the phrases “Don’t bully” and “Be scenario by stepping in to a role as grasp it.” unity which is our ultimate goal.” “SMCHS is rooted in Caritas kind” don’t resonate with students. ‘Spect-Actors’ by doing something Although the anti-bullying Bullying has been an ongoing is- Christi,” Barth said. “Sometimes we Through forum theatre, IB The- different to change the outcome.” movement has been prominent sue and attemps to curtail it have don’t realize that small actions can atre students put together a per- Theater was specifically chosen throughout SMCHS like in Cam- been put in place, but the root of make a difference both positively formance on Dec. 7 for ASB, Peer by Principal Raymond Dunne to pus Ministry’s Act of Kindness, its problem stems from the stu- and negatively. We must do what Ministry and Link Crew in a cre- present a different, unique strate- the purpose of this performance is dents and their realization of the we can where we are to make a dif- ative effort to address the sensitive gy in dealing with the situation of not just to inform students on the matter. ference. That is what this project is topic. bullying. dangers of bullying but to also es- “I think a lot of SM students about -- to stand up to injustice on “Forum theatre is not a perfor- “Mr. Dunne came to us because tablish a more positive atmosphere are close minded about bullying,” all levels and take responsibility for mance as much as it is a process,” there’s an influence where we can around campus. Loessberg said. “No one thinks that our words and actions.” Paws-itively generous continued from page 1 in throughout the mall. As Vice President of the club, “It’s a really cool feeling and I Zertuche helps Fredette and se- “My favorite part is going to the think it’s amazing how everyone nior Ashling Fitzgerald coordinate homeless motel and getting to see can come together to do some- events. He also informs all the club the kids pick out their bear,” Getz thing like that,” said senior Julia members of upcoming meetings said. “They’re always so excited to Ferrara. “It’s so easy to just go and and activities for the club. get to pick out their bear; that’s the make bears but then when every- “The best part about the Bears best part.” one works together it ends up be- and Blaze event is knowing that Getz will take over for Fredette ing such a huge deal for other kids. we can make someone’s Christmas next year as President of Be the It’s really great that Sydney started special and make them feel loved,” Change. She looks forward to get- the club so we can all just do some- Fredette said. “Getting my friends ting more people involved in the thing simple but make a bigger im- involved is always a bonus.” Time to decorate - Sophomore Sophie Getz dresses her bear. club as well as the Bears and Blaze pact.” This year’s turnout for Bears event. As Treasurer of Be the Change, and Blaze was between 50 to 60 “It’s cool to see a community Ferrara keeps track of the club’s students. Fredette, Fitzgerald and come together in support of this inventory and budget. Through Zertuche helped these participants one idea of helping other kids, this event, the club officers have get into the Christmas spirit of giv- which I think is the purpose of the realized the important role that ing. whole club,” Getz said. “It’s amaz- making bears has in spreading “I’ve been doing this for most ing to see people come to help who Christmas spirit.
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