
Introduction of Asian Rust Urediniospores into the Midwestern —A Case Study

Sagar Krupa, Department of Plant Pathology, University of , St. Paul 55108; Van Bowersox and Roger Claybrooke, State Water Survey, National Atmospheric Deposition Program & National Trends Network (NADP & NTN) Programs, Champaign, IL 61820; Charles W. Barnes and Les Szabo, United States Department of –Agricultural Research Service, Disease Laboratory, St. Paul, MN 55108; Karen Harlin, Illinois State Water Survey, NADP & NTN Programs, Champaign; and James Kurle, Department of Plant Pathology, Uni- versity of Minnesota, St. Paul

size) that obey the laws of gravity or rapid ABSTRACT sedimentation or settling to the surface Krupa, S., Bowersox, V., Claybrooke, R., Barnes, C. W., Szabo, L., Harlin, K., and Kurle, J. once released into the atmosphere. Thus, 2006. Introduction of Asian soybean rust urediniospores into the midwestern United States—a they cannot travel long distances close to case study. Plant Dis. 90:1254-1259. the surface, within the mixed boundary layer (MBL; the atmosphere influenced by In 2005, weekly rain samples collected at 124 National Atmospheric Deposition Pro- surface heat exchange and turbulent mix- gram/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) sites in the eastern and were ing). On the other hand, they can travel screened for Asian soybean rust (ASR; Phakopsora pachyrhizi) urediniospores. Application of a long distances once transported upward quantitative polymerase chain reaction method detected P. pachyrhizi DNA in the filter residue of rain samples collected during the week of 19 to 26 July 2005 in Minnesota, , and above the variable MBL height into the . To determine the geographic origin of ASR urediniospores in those weekly com- free troposphere (FT), where there is posite samples, back air trajectories of the lifted condensation and mixed boundary layers were minimal resistance for horizontal transport. calculated for each rain event within the week, by sampling site. The calculations, based on the Once in the FT at large distances from the hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory model, pointed to source areas in eastern initial source , rain is a major and southern Texas. In a separate case, DNA of P. pachyrhizi was detected in a 28 June to 5 July mechanism for depositing coarse particles, 2005 rain sample from an eastern Texas site. Back trajectories pointed to southern Texas and the including fungal spores, onto the surface Yucatan Peninsula in as potential source areas of ASR urediniospores. Vertical motions (23). For example, Krupa et al. (13) and of those back trajectories indicated a ventilation of the boundary layer in the upwind areas, sug- Krupa and Nosal (14) showed the impor- gesting the possible injection of urediniospores into the free troposphere where they can be tance of summertime anticyclonic or transported for long distances before wet deposition. clockwise motion of air parcels preceding the wet deposition (precipitation) of high Additional keywords: spore transport concentrations of air pollutants (e.g., par- ticulate sulfate and nitrate) by long-range transport across the central plains into For the first time, Asian soybean rust iniospores from infected plants. ASR is Minnesota. (ASR) disease caused by Phakopsora most likely to survive typical winters in the Although the details of the specific pachyrhizi Sydow was reported in the con- continental United States by persisting on methodologies used for the identification tinental United States during 2004 (30). annual and perennial alternative hosts in of ASR urediniospores will be reported Similar observations also were made in southernmost Texas and , coastal elsewhere, the main objective of the pre- 2005. P. pachyrhizi is an obligate fungal areas of the Gulf States, and southern Cali- sent case study was to examine the poten- parasite that produces both uredinia and fornia. P. pachyrhizi has a wide host range tial for the atmospheric transport of soy- telia in controlled environments, under in the legume family that includes soy- rust urediniospores across the central proper conditions (15). However, the alter- bean, dry and snap bean, pea, and a num- plains into the Midwest and for its spread nate host (aecial) is unknown and, there- ber of forage crops (e.g., sweet clover) and from the southern to the northern United fore, little is known about the role of the weeds (e.g., kudzu) (24). Thus, south to States through wet deposition. telial stage in the life cycle of the fungus in north aerial dispersal of urediniospores nature and the rust is thought to rely exclu- from infected hosts will determine whether MATERIALS AND METHODS sively on continuous production of uredin- the rust can occur in the principal soybean- Rain sample collection and sample iospores on a living host for its survival growing areas of the north-central United preparation. At some 124 sites in the (25). Spore dispersal and disease spread is States. Source regions of the fungal inocu- eastern and central United States, weekly, a function of aerial dissemination of ured- lum will be at large distances from the composite rain samples were collected major soybean-growing areas of the upper according to the NADP/NTN (National Midwest; therefore, long-range transport Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Corresponding author: J. Kurle and deposition of viable urediniospores Trends Network) protocol for precipitation E-mail: [email protected] will be an important mechanism for annual sampling (4). The times of occurrence reintroduction of ASR. Experience with (dates and hours) and depths of individual Any findings or conclusions stated in this publica- tion do not necessarily reflect the views of the disease incidence surveys for the rusts of rain events contributing to the weekly United States Department of Agriculture or other corn and small grains indicates that uredin- composite samples were obtained inde- sponsors. iospores from infected plants in Mexico, pendently using chart data from recording, southern Texas, and routinely co-located rain gages. After measuring the Accepted for publication 10 April 2006. contribute to development of epidemics in pH and electrical conductance of the rain the north-central United States (28,29). samples in the laboratory for atmospheric DOI: 10.1094/PD-90-1254 Soybean rust urediniospores are coarse deposition and climate-related studies, © 2006 The American Phytopathological Society particles (about 18 to 34 by 15 to 24 µm in they were vacuum filtered. The filters were

1254 Plant Disease / Vol. 90 No. 9 desiccated in clean air and subsequently performed for individual events, with such (TX56; latitude: 33.3917 N, longitude: analyzed for the presence of P. pachyrhizi information derived from the recording 97.6397 W) during 28 June to 5 July 2005 DNA. rain gage co-located with the rain sampler. tested positive for the presence of ASR Identification of soybean rust uredin- Sample from the LBJ site. urediniospores (DNA). This sample con- iospores. Rain sample filter residues were Filter residue of the weekly rain sample tained rainfall from two events: (i) 0.05 extracted for DNA and analyzed through collected at the LBJ Grasslands site cm, 1200 to 1300 Zulu Time (i.e., 12Z to the application of a nested quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR; modi- a fied from the PCR procedure of Frederick Table 1. Summary data on rain sample collection and identification of soybean rust DNA et al.; 8) assay using a P. pachyrhizi- NADP Rain sampling Gel DNA specific Taqman probe (C. W. Barnes and site IDb Site name, state period qPCRc electrophoresis sequence L. Szabo, United States Department of TX56 LBJ Grasslands, Texas 28 June to 5 July + + Nd Agriculture–Agricultural Research Ser- MO03 Ashland Wildlife, Missouri 19 July to 26 July + + Nd vice, Cereal Disease Laboratory, St. Paul, SD08 Cottonwood, South Dakota 19 July to 26 July + + Nd MN, unpublished data). Where appropri- MN27 Lamberton, Minnesota 19 July to 26 July + + + ate, the qPCR results were confirmed by a Analysis was performed on composite rain samples collected during the week; + = positive result and gel electrophoresis for the presence of Nd = not done. DNA amplification product corresponding b NADP = National Atmospheric Deposition Program sites (19). to the predicted size for P. pachyrhizi. In c qPCR = quantitative polymerase chain reaction. addition, DNA sequence analysis of se- lected samples was used to further confirm the specificity of the qPCR assay (C. W. Barnes and L. Szabo, unpublished data). Application of an atmospheric parti- cle or spore transport model. For the rain sampling sites and dates listed in Table 1, back air trajectory analyses were performed using the hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) model (6) to identify potential ASR source areas and spore transport pathways. The HYSPLIT model was initialized using meteorological data from the National Weather Service’s Eta model. The domain of these data sets the domain limits of HYSPLIT trajectories (21). For each rain event, trajectories were initiated at two heights above the surface and calculated for up to 168 h prior to the event. Those heights were the MBL and the lifting condensation layer (LCL) or the cloud layer at the time of the rain event. The MBL and LCL heights were deter- mined from analysis of National Weather Service atmospheric soundings nearest in time and space to each rain event recorded at the NADP/NTN site. The HYSPLIT model computes the location and height of back trajectories. Vertical wind displace- ments were used to identify areas of possi- ble injection of rust urediniospores into the FT, where the urediniospores could be transported long distances before deposi- tion. Identifying these injection points required determination of the MBL heights from atmospheric soundings along the backward (i.e., upwind) trajectory path- ways. Urediniospores may enter the FT when the trajectory rises from beneath the MBL height into the FT.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A summary of the data set used for the trajectory analysis is provided in Table 1. Fig. 1. Hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) back trajectories for the 4 For this case study, only samples where the July 2005 rain event at the LBJ Grasslands National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends presence of ASR urediniospores (DNA) Network site (TX56). Solid line marks the trajectory initiated at the lifting condensation layer height was identified by more than one independ- (938 m) and dashed line marks the trajectory initiated at the mixed boundary layer height (453 m) at 1200 Zulu Time (12Z), 4 July 2005. Black line segments indicate potential Asian soybean rust source ent analytical method were used. Because areas. A, Surface locations of back trajectories, with the shaded area depicting trajectory variability weekly NADP/NTN samples frequently (see text). The trajectories were terminated near the southern limits of HYSPLIT model output. B, contain more than one rain event, as noted Vertical locations of back trajectories in meters above ground level (AGL). The X axis indicates the previously, the trajectory analyses were number of hours backward in time from 12Z, 4 July 2005.

Plant Disease / September 2006 1255 13Z), 4 July and (i) 0.03 cm, 01Z to 03Z, 5 which generates a set of trajectories by quently deposited by rain at the TX56 July. HYSPLIT back trajectories were letting the initial meteorological conditions NADP/NTN site on 4 July. ASR disease initiated at LCL and MBL heights for each vary slightly (5). The results showed that subsequently was reported from Liberty event. These heights were determined from LCL and MBL ensembles virtually occu- in southeastern Texas on 2 No- atmospheric soundings at the Fort Worth, pied the same area or domain. The vember 2005 (11). TX upper-air station, less than two model HYSPLIT-modeled vertical movements of For the 5 July event, the back trajecto- grid squares (grid square = 40 by 40 km) the trajectories are shown in Figure 1B. ries showed overland and overwater path- from the LBJ Grasslands site. After descending into the boundary layer ways that were very similar in location to On 4 July, both LCL and MBL back tra- over the YP, the lower trajectory remained the 4 July event (compare Figs. 1A and jectories arriving at TX56 (Fig. 1A) fol- in the boundary layer across the Gulf of 2A). However, in this case, meteorological lowed a transport pathway that crossed the Mexico and much of Texas before it rose conditions for venting spores from the Yucatan Peninsula (YP) and the Gulf of to the upper bound of the MBL height at MBL into the FT existed not only in south- Mexico before entering southeastern the LBJ Grasslands site. The upper trajec- eastern Texas but also over the YP (Fig. Texas. These back trajectories were termi- tory (Fig. 1B) rose further upward from the 2B) at about 96 to 108 h prior to the rain nated near the southern domain limits of MBL into the FT in southeastern Texas at event at TX56. This suggests that the YP HYSPLIT model output. The shaded area about 12 h prior to the rain event. Uredin- also may be an ASR source for in Figure 1 identifies the spatial variability iospores from ASR-infected plants may urediniospores vented into the FT, trans- of these trajectories and was determined have entered the FT in this area and may ported long distances, and deposited in the from the ensemble form of the HYSPLIT, have been transported to and subse- continental United States. Mims and Mims (17) found viable spores of a number of fungi in smoke transported into south- central Texas from biomass fires in YP. However, to our knowledge, ASR disease has not been reported in the YP and, thus, that geographic region warrants future attention, particularly regarding the impor- tance of its alternative hosts as sources of ASR inoculum. Recently, ASR has been found in Mexico on soybean in regions north of YP (in Tamuin, State of San Luis Potosi, and in Altamira, State of Tamauli- pas, where the back trajectory traversing across the from YP actu- ally reached the land surface; Fig. 1A). Sample from the Ashland Wildlife site. ASR spores (DNA) were detected in the 1.0-cm rain event that occurred at 23Z to 24Z on 23 July at the Ashland Wildlife site (MO03; latitude: 38.7536 N, longi- tude: 92.1989 W; Table 1). This was the only rainfall recorded during the 19 to 26 July sampling period at that site. The clos- est National Weather Service upper-air station to the Ashland Wildlife site (Springfield, MO) is more than four model grid squares away; therefore, the LCL and MBL heights for this rain event were cal- culated as an inverse distance weighted average of the five surrounding upper-air stations. The trajectory initiated at the LCL (Fig. 3) spiraled westward, crossing parts of Missouri, , , and Wyo- ming. Throughout its pathway, this trajec- tory remained above the boundary layer and generally 2,000 m or more above ground level (AGL). Display of the LCL trajectory (Fig. 3) was terminated in moun- tainous central Wyoming. This cloud-level trajectory crossed important soybean- growing areas east of the Rocky Moun- tains in the midwestern United States, although ASR disease has not been re- Fig. 2. Hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) back trajectories for the 5 ported from these areas. By contrast, the July 2005 rain event at the LBJ Grasslands National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends lower MBL trajectory originated southwest Network site (TX56). Solid line marks the trajectory initiated at the lifting condensation layer height of the site. Its pathway was largely within (2,008 m) and dashed line marks the trajectory initiated at the mixed boundary layer height (1,688 m) the boundary layer through Kansas, Okla- at 0200 Zulu Time (02Z), 5 July 2005. Black line segments indicate potential Asian soybean rust source areas. A, Surface locations of back trajectories, with the shaded area depicting trajectory vari- homa, and central Texas. This trajectory ability (see text). The trajectories were terminated near the southern limits of HYSPLIT model output. was terminated where its modeled eleva- B, Vertical locations of back trajectories in meters above ground level (AGL). The X axis indicates the tion fell below 50 m in east-central Texas. number of hours backward in time from 02 Z, 5 July 2005. As mentioned previously, ASR was re-

1256 Plant Disease / Vol. 90 No. 9 ported in Liberty County, TX, where it was 2005; on soybean in a sentinel plot in Pearl site (Aberdeen, SD) is more than seven found on kudzu. Overall, these observa- County, in southern Mississippi, on 5 Au- model grid squares away; therefore, the tions suggest that the lower air mass pro- gust, on soybean in east Baton Rouge Par- LCL and MBL heights for these rain vided the rust spores scavenged by the rain rish, LA (28 October), and on kudzu in events were calculated as inverse distance event of 23 July at the MO03 site. Never- Tangipahoa Parrish, LA (18 November) weighted averages of five surrounding theless, one cannot completely rule out (31). To date, the disease has not been upper-air stations. Back trajectories (Fig. infected alternative hosts to the northwest reported in northern Texas, northeastern 5) showed that LCL and MBL air masses of the site or intercontinental transport of New Mexico, or east-central Nebraska, moved generally from south to north for fungal (ASR) spores (10,26). where the trajectories also entered the both events. All four trajectories were ter- Sample from the Cottonwood site. The MBL (Fig. 4B). minated where modeled elevations fell weekly NADP/NTN sample collected Sample from the Lamberton site. ASR below 50 m AGL. Areas where spores may during 19 to 26 July at the Cottonwood, spores (DNA) also were detected at Lam- have entered these air parcels (Fig. 5, black SD site (SD08; latitude: 43.9461 N, longi- berton, MN (MN 27; latitude: 44.2372 N, line segments) were determined by com- tude: 101.8552 W) proved positive for longitude: 95.3006 W) during 19 to 26 paring the vertical movements of the air ASR spores (DNA; Table 1). This sample July 2005 (Table 1). The sample was a parcels with MBL depths upwind of the rain contained rainfall from four events: (i) composite of a 0.89-cm rainfall that oc- events. Among the areas where the parcels 0.38 cm, 02Z to 04Z, 22 July; (ii) 2.29 cm, curred from 0.8Z to 11Z, 20 July, and a entered the MBL and may have picked up 05Z to 09Z, 24 July; (iii) 0.13 cm, 18Z to 3.18-cm rainfall from 20 Z, 25 July to 0.1 spores was east-central Texas (MBL trajec- 20Z, 25 July; and (iv) 0.10 cm, 10Z to Z, 26 July. The closest National Weather tory, 20 July event), generally the same 13Z, 26 July. HYSPLIT back trajectories Service upper-air station to the Lamberton source region for both the Missouri and were initiated at LCL and MBL heights for South Dakota events (Figs. 3 and 4). each event. These heights were determined Strong thermal heating or high wind from atmospheric soundings at the Rapid conditions provide the turbulent energy to , SD upper-air station, approximately carry the coarse particles or spores above two model grid squares from the Cotton- the boundary layer (≥1 to 2.5 km above wood site. Air trajectories for the events of ground) into the FT where they can be 22, 24, and 26 July (Fig. 4A) generally transported hundreds or even thousands of were from the west and northwest, which kilometers before they are removed by are not likely ASR source areas. In con- deposition processes (dry and wet; 7,26). trast, the LCL and MBL trajectories pre- The dry deposition flux is greatest close ceding the rain event of 25 July (Fig. 4B) to the source, where the coarse particle or entered the MBL over potential source spore concentration is highest, and it areas in southern Mississippi, central Lou- decreases with distance from the source isiana, and northern and east-central Texas. as the spores are dispersed. As the dis- In addition to the previously mentioned tance from the spore-generating source report of ASR in Liberty County, TX, it grows, dry deposition becomes much less also was reported on soybean in George important. County, in southern Mississippi, on 13 July

Fig. 4. Hybrid single-particle lagrangian inte- grated trajectory back trajectories for the four rain events at the Cottonwood National Atmos- pheric Deposition Program/National Trends Fig. 3. Hybrid single-particle lagrangian inte- Network site (SD08) during the 19 to 26 July grated trajectory back trajectories for the 23 July 2005 sampling period. A, Back trajectories for 2005 rain event at the Ashland Wildlife National the events of 22, 24, and 26 July 2005. Solid Fig. 5. Hybrid single-particle lagrangian inte- Atmospheric Deposition Program/National lines mark the trajectories initiated at the lifting grated trajectory back trajectories for the two Trends Network site (MO03). Solid line marks condensation layer (LCL) height and dashed rain events at the Lamberton National Atmos- the trajectory initiated at the lifting condensation lines the trajectories initiated at the mixed pheric Deposition Program/National Trends layer (LCL) height (1,929 m) and dashed line boundary layer (MBL) heights, as labeled in the Network site (MN27) during the 19 to 26 July marks the trajectory initiated at the mixed figure. The displays of these trajectories were 2005 sampling period. Solid line marks the boundary layer (MBL) height (1,050 m) at 2300 terminated at the times indicated, because the trajectory initiated at the lifting condensation Zulu Time, 23 July 2005. Black line segments pathways likely did not cross Asian soybean rust layer height (1,085 m., 20 July event and 1,072 indicate potential Asian soybean rust source (ASR) spore source areas. B, Back trajectory for m., 25 July event) and dashed line marks the areas. Display of the back trajectory from the the 25 July 2005 event. The solid line marks the trajectory initiated at the mixed boundary layer LCL height was terminated at 97 h, where it trajectory initiated at the LCL height (1,354 m) height (700 m., both events). Black line seg- entered a mostly mountainous region. Display and the dashed line marks the trajectory initiated ments indicate potential Asian soybean rust of the back trajectory from the MBL height was at the MBL height (1,100 m) at 1800 Zulu Time, source areas. Back trajectory displays were terminated where the modeled elevation fell 25 July 2005. Black line segments indicate terminated where modeled elevations fell below below 50 m above ground level (AGL). potential ASR source areas. 50 m above ground level.

Plant Disease / September 2006 1257 At large distances from the source, pre- was <60% between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. 2. Aylor, D. E. 1986. A framework for examining cipitation is the dominant mechanism for (18). Overall, these environmental condi- inter-regional aerial transport of fungal spores. Agric. For. Met. 38:263-288. coarse particle or spore deposition (23). tions do not favor ASR disease develop- 3. Bluestein, H. 1992. Synoptic-Dynamic Mete- The predominant storm type is convective ment. orology in Midlatitudes. Oxford University by nature throughout much of the growing Nevertheless, the characteristics of at- Press, Oxford. in the continental United States (3). mospheric transport and wet deposition in 4. Dossett, S. R., and Bowersox, V. C. 1999. Convective storm formation provides a the Midwest, with Texas serving as the National Trends Network Site Operation Man- ual. National Atmospheric Deposition Program convergence mechanism for concentrating main initial source region for the ASR Office at the Illinois State Water Survey. the dispersed coarse particles or spores and spores, are consistent with observations NADP Manual 1999-01. Champaign, IL. capturing them in cloud droplets and rain- from other studies on cereal rusts (28). 5. Draxler, R. 2003. Evaluation of an ensemble drops (23). Similarly, long-range atmospheric trans- dispersion calculation. J. App. Meteor. 42:308- A number of investigators have shown port of particulate sulfate and nitrate across 317. 6. Draxler, R., and Hess, G. D. 2004. Description long-range atmospheric transport of fungal the central plains and deposition in Minne- of the HYSPLIT 4 Modeling System. NOAA spores (1,2,26). For example, Purdy et al. sota by precipitation also has been reported Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-224, June. (27) used images from the National Aero- (14). 7. Finlayson-Pitts, B. J., and Pitts, J. N. 1999. nautics and Space Administration’s Geo- Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmos- stationary Operational Environmental Sat- CONCLUSIONS phere. Academic Press, . 8. Frederick, R. D., Snyder, C. L., Peterson, G. ellite to track the movement of Saharan ASR urediniospores (DNA) were de- L., and Bonde, M. R. 2002. Polymerase chain dust across the Atlantic as a surrogate (9) tected in rain samples collected at reaction assays for the detection and discrimi- for the possible corresponding transport of NADP/NTN sites in Minnesota, Missouri, nation of soybean rust pathogens Phakopsora sugarcane rust urediniospores from the and South Dakota during late July 2005. pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae. Phytopathology Cameroons to the Dominican Republic. Results of back trajectories for the rain 92:217-227. 9. Griffin, D. W., Kellogg, C. A., Garrison, V. H., From there, backward air parcel trajectory events at these sites show that the most Lisle, J. T., Borden, T. C., and Shinn, E. A. analysis was used to track the introduction likely source areas were east-central and 2003. Atmospheric microbiology in the north- of the rust into Florida. There are other southern Texas, Louisiana, and Missis- ern during African dust events. similar reports of transoceanic and conti- sippi. The ASR spores (DNA) in an early Aerobiologia 19:143-157. nental transport of fungal spores and mi- July sample from a north-Texas 10. Griffin, D. W., Kellog, C. A., Garrison, V. H., and Shinn, E. A. 2002. The global transport of crobes, together with other particulate NADP/NTN site appear to have originated dust. Am. Sci. 90:228-235. matter (10,17,26). Although atmospheric from southern Texas or the YP in Mexico. 11. Isakeit, T., Miller, M. E., Saldana, R., Barnes, wet deposition of ASR spores (DNA) was During the 2005 growing season, ASR was L. W., McKemy, J. M., Palm, M. E., Zeller, K. observed in Minnesota and South Dakota, reported in Texas, Louisiana, and Missis- A., DeVries-Paterson, R., and Levy, L. 2006. the disease was not reported in those states sippi (31). In contrast, the disease has not First Report of Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Soybean and Kudzu in Texas. during 2005. PCR does not distinguish live been reported in Minnesota, Missouri, or Plant Dis. 90:971. and dead spores. However, past studies South Dakota. The underlying reasons 12. Kochman, J. K. 1979. The effect of tempera- with the cereal rusts show that uredinio- require further investigation. Similarly, the ture on development of soybean rust (Phakop- spores remain viable during long-range disease has not been reported from the YP, sora pachyrhizi). Aust. J. Agric. Res. 30:273- atmospheric transport from Texas to the warranting our attention regarding the 277. 13. Krupa, S. V., Lodge, J. P., Jr., Nosal, M., and upper Midwestern states (28). 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Plant Disease / September 2006 1259