Preliminary Survey of Butterflies in Dapoli Taluka of Ratnagiri District,Maharashtra Babasaheb P

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Preliminary Survey of Butterflies in Dapoli Taluka of Ratnagiri District,Maharashtra Babasaheb P International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099 ( Preliminary Survey of Butterflies in Dapoli Taluka of Ratnagiri District,Maharashtra Babasaheb P. Tingare1 1Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Mahad, Raigad 402301, Maharashtra, India ABSTRACT Article Info Insects play a vital role in the maintenance of essential life support systems in Volume 9, Issue 5 natural habitat is well known. Among all insects butterflies are ecologically Page Number : 102-104 important; the butterflies feed on the nector and are important as pollinators of flowering plants. The larval stages of butterflies feed on the leaves are the Publication Issue : primary herbivores in the ecosystem and are important in the transfer of the July-August-2021 radiant energy which is fixed by plants and making it available to the other organisms. The present paper incorporates 60 species and sub species Article History distributed over 5 families of butterflies from Dapoli Taluka of Ratnagiri Accepted : 02July2021 District. Family Nymphalidae represented 20 species followed by families Published:25 July, 2021 Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Papiionidae and Satyridae with 18, 08, 07 and 07 species respectively Keywords: survey Butterflies Dapoli Maharashtra. I. INTRODUCTION II. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Lepidoptera, butterflies (Rhopalocera) and moths The unidentified butterflies were collected with the (Heterocera) are a diverse and abundant insect groups help of Swip-net method and then released in in many ecosystems, as herbivores, pollinators and environment after taken the photographs. Some prey (Janzen, 1987; Barlow and Woiwood, 1989). representative of butterflies were killed in insect In India entire Western Ghats is recognized as one of killing bottle, brought to the laboratory in the the mega biodiversity centre and 800,000 numbers of Department of Zoology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar insect species are reported from India (Ray A. and College, Mahad. They were preserved with dry Ray K., 2006). There are about 17,280 species of preservation method. The identification was done butterflies in the world, out of which, 1641species with the help of appropriate Literature (Gay, 1992; belonging to 394 genera have been reported from the Gunathigalraj, 1998; Lefroy, 1909; Marshall, 1957; Indian subcontinent (Varshney, 2006). Meena Haribal, 1992, Wynter-Blyth, 1957) Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, 102 distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Babasaheb P. Tingare Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, July-August-2021, 9 (5) : 102-104 Table 1. List of Butterfly Species collected during 9. Hypolimnas bolina surveys from Dapoli Taluka, Ratnagiri. 10. Neptis hylas 11. Neptis jumbah Family Species 12. Pantoporia hordonia A. Papilionidae hordonia 1. Graphium sarpedon 13. Athyma ranga ranga 2. Graphium agammemnon 14. Athyma perius 3. Papilio demoleus 15. Euthalia aconthea 4. Papilio polymnestor 16. Euthalia lubentina 5. Papilio polytes polytes 17. Polyura athamas 6. Princeps helenus helenus 18. Charaxes solon 7. Pachliopta aristolochiae 19. Junonia atlites atlites B. Pieridae 20. Kallima horsfieldi 1. Belenois aurota aurota E. Lycaenidae 2. Cepora nerissa phryne 1. Curetis acuta/thetis 3. Delias eucharis 2. Caleta decidia/Caleta 4. Leptosia nina nina caleta 5. Ixias marianne 3. Jamides bochus bochus 6. Hebomoia glaucippe 4. Jamides celeno aelianus glaucippe 5. Jamides alecto 7. Pareronia valeria hippia 6. Catochrysops strabo strabo 8. Catopsilia pomona 7. Leptotes plinius C. Satyridae 8. Tarucus nara 1. Melanitis leda ismene 9. Tarucus ananda 2. Melanitis phedima 10. Zizeeria knysna karsandra 3. Elymnias hypermnestra 11. Zizinia otis sangra undularis 12. Pseudozizeeria maha 4. Lethe rohria 13. Pithecops corvus 5. Lethe europa europa 14. Cilastrina lavendularis 6. Ypthima huebneri puspa 7. Ypthima baldus satpura 15. Acetolepis puspa D. Nymphalidae 16. Chitades lalus laius 1. Ariadne merione 17. Freyeria trochilus putli 2. Phalanta sp. 18. Amblypodia anita 3. Cynthia cardui 4. Precis iphita iphita III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5. Junonia almana almana 6. Jononia hierta hierta The present paper incorporates 60 species and sub 7. Junonia orithya species distributed over 5 families of butterflies from 8. Junonia lemonias lemonias Dapoli Taluka of Ratnagiri District. Family Nymphalidae represented 20 species followed by International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 9 | Issue 5 103 Babasaheb P. Tingare Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, July-August-2021, 9 (5) : 102-104 families Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Papiionidae and [4]. Ghosh et al. (1990). Butterflies from Satyridae with 18, 08, 07 and 07 species respectively. Maharashtra and Karnataka, India. Rec. Zool. In future concentrated efforts will be made to enlist Surv. India, 86 (1): 15-38. maximum number of butterfly species so as to achieve [5]. Gunathigalraj, K.(1998). Some South Indian total biodiversity of butterflies in Mahad Taluka of Butterflies. Nilgiri and Wild Life and Raigad District. Environment Association, Tamil Nadu. Basistha et al., (1999) reported 56 species of butterflies [6]. Haribal Meena (1992). The Butterflies of Sikkim from Orang Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. Ali and Himalaya and Their Natural History, Sikkim Basistha (2000) reported 79 species of butterflies from Nature Conservation Foundation Gangatok. Assam State Zoo-Cum-Botanical garden. Sonia and [7]. Lefroy, H.M. (1909). Indian Insect Life. Today Pallot (2003) recorded 43 species of butterflies from and Tomorrows Publishers, New Delhi. paddy field ecosystem of Palakkad District, Kerala. [8]. Marshall, (1979). Butterflies of India, Burma Whereas in the present study in all 60 species of and Ceylon. Vol. I- III A.J. reprints, New Delhi. butterflies were reported. The present study revealed [9]. Nandi B.and Varshney, R.K. (1988). Butterflies presence of diversity of host plants in the region from Tripura state, India. (Lepidoptera: under study. In future extensive survey will be Rhopalocera) Rec. Zool. Surv. India, 85(1):119- carried out so as to study holistic profile of butterfly 130 diversity, their host range and role in ecosystem. [10]. Ray S. and Ray K. (2006). Biodiversity and Biotechnology. New Central Book Agency (P) IV. CONCLUSION Ltd. Kolkata, pp 1-333 [11]. Soniya, V. P. and Palot, M. J. (2002): On a During this survey, we are reported 60 species and collection of butterflies from Paddy Field sub species distributed over 5 families of butterflies ecosystem of Palakkad District, Kerala. Zoo’s from Dapoli Taluka of Ratnagiri District. Family Print Journal, 17 (7): 829. Nymphalidae represented 20 species followed by [12]. Varshney, R.K.(2006). An estimate of the families Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Papiionidae and number of butterfly species in Indian region. Satyridae with 18, 08, 07 and 07 species respectively. Bionotes, 8 (3): 61-63. [13]. Wild Life Protection Act, 1972. (2003). Nataraj V. REFERENCES Publishers Dehra Dun [14]. Wynter- Blyth, M.A.(1957). Butterflies of the [1]. Ali, I. and Basistha, S. K. (2000): Butterfly Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, diversity of Assam State Zoo-Cum-Botanical Bombay. Garden.Zoo’s Print Journal, 15 (5): 264-265. [2]. Basistha, S. K., Ahmed, F. and Deka, P. (1999): Butterflies of Orang Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. Zoo’s Print Journal, 14 (4): 9. [3]. Gay, T and Kehimkar, T.D.(1992). Common Butterflies of India. World Wide Fund for Nature- India. Oxford University Press, Bombay. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 9 | Issue 5 104 .
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    , ji"-'.jr. 2r-"i; TIOZ THE BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE The Official Organ of THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE VOLUME 22 LONDON: * Printed by Order of the International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature and Sold on behalf of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature by the International Trust at its Publications OfiSce, 14, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.I 1965 {All rights reserved) : Ill TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Appointment of a Secretary to the Commission 1 Acting Secretary's Note and the By-Laws of the International Com- mission on Zoological Nomenclature 3 Opinion 717. Arizona elegans Kennicott, 1859 (Reptiha): Validated under the plenary powers 19 Opinion 718. Eucypris Yiwra., 1891 (Crustacea, Ostracoda): Designation of a type-species under the plenary powers 22 Opinion 719. Aelia rostrata Boheman, 1852 (Insecta, Hemiptera): Validated under the plenary powers 24 Opinion 720. Tetrastichus Walker, 1842 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): Suppressed under the plenary powers 26 Opinion 721. Dicellomus Hall, 1871 (Brachiopoda) : Designation of a type-species under the plenary powers 28 Opinion 722. Orbiculoidea d'Orbigny, 1847 (Brachiopoda): Designation of a type-species under the plenary powers 30 Opinion 723. Repeal of the RuUng given in Opinion 47 together with the stabihsation of the generic names Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816, Carcharodon Smith, 1838, and Odontaspis Agassiz, 1838, in their accustomed sense (Pisces) 32 Opinion 724. Endothyra bowmani PhilUps, [1846] (Foraminifera) Validated under the plenary powers 37 Opinion 725. spondyliaspidinae Schwarz, 1898 (Insecta, Hemiptera): StabiUsed in its accustomed usage 40 Opinion 726. Jovellania Bayle, 1879 (Cephalopoda): VaUdated under the plenary powers 43 Opinion 727. Three specific names of Spanish Palaeozoic Crinoidea: Suppressed under the plenary powers 45 Opinion 728.
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