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9-2-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-02-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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iiiikty-skvi:nt!- 1 yi:aii hy 1 Ihillv rm rli r or MhH,7M 1 1. ' Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, September 2, 1916. " VOL. a Month. Siiigli' t'ploi.

w 1'CI THE WEATHER LANSING IS UN HAND ell ,n til ut i, mists sur-Aft- HUGHES OBJECTS 0. S. BUSINESS OLD PILOT CAS T llllllde I he full news had TO ME EI MEDIATORS been I, ' el I'd of h. submission ihe LEG TO Till; WKATIIKU l'OKIX'.YiiT. SUM loniUl Kill i iN.iii the icgulnrs at 1 Denver, Sept. - New Mexico: .Sa- lie Kaialnu un v iel,le,. turday mill probably Sunday generally New York. Sept. - Sc, lolaiv of All opi, sin, hi i,i ihe revolutionary EMPLOYMENT fail ; i in tempera- TO nut much hunt;'' CONDITIONS GOOD State Lansing hole Nought to OFF GREECE o'lnmiltoe in in,, E ture. armed 0! affected portion of PREVENT STRIK meet nieinbeis ,,f t Cimnza , Macedonia appears lo hate vanished. who will outer with the The coinminoe will no lake over the i.(k.i. vi:.nii:n iikpoht. American oin misMonei s a ipmitlcil bv functions of government and is ex- HOW For twenty-fou- r ending ' OF FORCES hums, at FEDERAL BANKS' President Wilson, in an effort to set AND A NEW HAND pected Ii, proclaim a gcncinl inuhili-a- l 6 . yenterday. NOW IS BELIEVED ni. tie bonier dill i. n Un s. ion. .Maximum temperature, 3 degrees Ignnclo llonillas and Allien .1. I'anl. Prompt a, lion in ih,. com. minimum, range, 3.'. - ficnch 4: two of the M'Ah .in c'liiiinssiiiners. tn.tndoi. who detailed a stiong es, ort ture nt 6 ii. in., ;). IN SAN DOftAIO were expected toiuglil l.uis Cabrera, to protect the Salomki gaiii-o- n and REPORTS S lomoi-ro- IS AT THE HELM the third incur', t, will uirive marched it iliroiiKli the shells In Jhe ALMOST CERTAIN . M aflei noon has had Ibc elfe, I cl, ,u veniH ano. The same indomitable of While it has been understood that spirit ih with us today anil what we illu Ihe at niosphei c. of commls-missio- n need is to hearken to its cull." the conference Joint It is ic ported from iln eK soiiiies at would !,' held at I 'ni h, Republican Candidate for Pres- iNo District Gloomy tsmoul King Salonikl Hint the enllic force of ah, ml America I'hccs ii Test. Paints a N. II., was Constantino Tunis lis: The House, by Overwhelming it icporicl lunuhl 3.IMMI men Ulidcr Colonel ( lillslodoo. America faces a test today. Mr, , might ident Speaks at Kansas City Outlook but All State That Crot'in, Conn I'e selected. Tin Ciovvn and Scepter Ove ij'los, which left Seles scveial days a,(o Bill Hughes declared: of Vote, Passes Adamson's first Mission tlie commission will Ito resist the Itiilxnriaii Invasion of Against Acts of Administra- "The test is." he said, "w hether Is Moving Along bo held here Monday. this Everything Prince George, Who S- -! 'tlii in has been capluicl bv the Designed to Meet This and nation so preserved, shall achieve tion, lis Hitch, Unitarians. highest ideals, whether It shall go tor-wi- n Without a PATTERSON ELECTED cciuls Tin one as Ruler, future Emergencies, il or halt, whether is will he re i i i i G, A, R, COMMANDER t or thi: m i. ii s sponsive to its hlculs or will lose Its i;iti i s put m i s tone spirit hit IMPORTANT TO HAVE and the of its former life." ALASKA HELPS OUT VENIZELOS WILL BE EXPECT MEASURE TO I'.efore his address at the Convention 1ST HDKIIIH JOUPNAL IHCW LIAIID ! Alliens. Crcc, c, Sept. uia London. City, Sept. - CONGRESS WITH HIM hall, Mr. Hughes was the dinner Kiiest THE PACIFIC COAST Kansas William Pat THE PARTY LEADER :i" P in i An entente alliance PASS SENATE TODAY of the republican dub. At the dinner terson of I'iltsbui gh was elided roni- - fled ol tvvent.v three waishlps and mandcr-in-chie- were fifty C A. It. veterans, who voted r of the Crand Army several tianspoils has aiiived off Pi- of the Pcpublii it ih ' annual ciicnmp-nien- t Declares Senate and House for Lincoln for president. Some of Development of the Northwest) The Change Is to raeus. the veterans sat on the idatfi. th here today Me succeeds Caid. Construed When Adopted by Both Wlll.'lc nf fi ,:- ,,f VI KIN OP Be i , the nominee. Territory Keeps Tilings Hum - M1on1"" r.ii t.lil Should i u u o ui ji:l'r Mean That the New Regime Ik Branches of Congress It Will I poll his arrival here, Mr. IIukIx-- cum'"""inn ndcr naincd KIN). Nor OM HtMl P. If Is Tlmo-doK- ming; Activity in wnnan. .,i 0, Right Legislation sent (he follow ing telegram to 1 Great the h. wo,isie;,d Kansas Will Form an Alliance With Be Rushed to Shadow Lawn liooscvelt: ll.v, iiepnnmcni cuiiinanuci oi .m it' la, n, I,, n. Sepl. tills in, ) to Be Had, Building of Ships, koiiri. Allies; Zamais to Remain, After Wo davs of lelegraplnc silence Cong, aiuiaies lioo-c- v ell. for President's Approval, The other new officers al e: with Athens, dining which sen-al- l, in "I you on your heartily congratulate K. K. .New al of a revolution have gained ,, Huss. ,,i leans, Junior minors MONNINa JOURNAL lAtCO npeei ,,i i.e" i.'.iou, aoo waimi.v aj ' jouknai wi ( ,BV M' INIM IO,AL lV tMCIAL t Wt) n hounih noL oiaiio vice m chief, the llcv. u HMinSAt tl'ltO WlR cuiieiicv, but will, out coiifirmation, ? MOnNIN JOUMHAl. aKI'Ai. - comiiiandei hAM I K. preciale support." bus- i Kansas City, Mo., Kept. Charles jour effective ashltigton. Sept. IIIe S. Ilei'd, Manni,il.i. Colo, Il Is leportcd llial King 'onsla iilme ionics the slui ling news of tlie ar Washington, Sei,t Prevention ,sf Kn route to the cite, Mr. Hughes re- - t h lluKhes, before an audience that filled .ilu.NH 00nditions rouKhout the Initcd and Willi, M. 1 a mm, of Crecc has abdicated and that the rival of an filicide fleet with Hans- - ,1,,. tliroUl, a mi nneniened tailroad l hall to its capa- ceived telegram from Covetnol t clown has been as l to- - he great convention nt i "m conliniieil goo, iliiiiug August. Aurora. Ills.. miikc'II general. pibnc named his ol ls al I'liaeus, am! thai Ihe gcneial Mn .icl of conouss s.emil .umirncl - ot In Voni-Velo- s city, tonight assailed the adnilnislra- Jonnson lauiornia. reply to tlie success, wilh former l'lciniet Creek elections likely will be post - , ov'er-pone- d tu cording to summaries from the ig , after Ihe houi bv Jit t con Km I uiatory message sent by the as (lie power behind tlll'oMc. a ion for its polity toward San Iloniinso twelve federal rescue districts made Ihe lor loltnighl 'whelming vote, had oaswd the Ad- - w It inv lola- - noinmee upon .Mr. h hip ces-billt- foicign of I n sa v s IlilM iiinl Haiti, hile "professed Johnson The finish The bievif, of the disiat, lies seen, s:IUMSoti eight-hoii- l day l.i and llw Cal-lig- ipublic tonight bv tin- reserve hoard. s,,vcr-ji- n the primary fight In RAIL CHIEFS ARE , no confii of k lug's tl i - of treaty rifihlH and the senalorial niatioii the lo indicate sometliiiig unusual ih nenate had agreed to t.i ko a. f'.iml vnt Cclierally discouraging reporls wele , lifoinl.'i. message i rights of smaller states." tiovernor Johnson s allon happening and dev elo,ineuls aie'.r, Hie not later than i! w received from on districts, w measuie Mr. siiid: as as follow s: An entente fleet of t entv hrcc awaited will, the i Ilughcs Kxtraots from the report follow gteaicst iiiiostii 'i, i lock (omorrov I'VeniiifcT. i j yield one in the respect of "I was very glad I,, ic, eive your 'Wuiships and seven Hansports H re I'C' C. v I, I, ,, Mill, "I to no City: in ..I,,,,, lu ul.! .utllt.tM a I Kansas Absence of rains Alh-lcn- sovereignty .states, great or (clegi in of congratulation and polled off Piraeus, the poll of Prom fi agineiilai ., the of this district appear lo have gciiernllv CONVINCED T IT dispatches 'amendments may in k '"Oiltei encc thank vou for il." dispatch from Athens sa v s it ,1 . small, for the inviolability of treaties, leaching London, is deduced thai nee,",siii-.v- it Is generally believed on interfered with the previous favorable , law, Mr. Hughes enti re, the hall fifteen j is plobable thai Ihe Creek el, I'll, lis. i banges of a decisive for rights under international but prospects, (ieueral busi- character have both sides of the r.ipPol tiiat when agricultural ,,', vv we inv iolabilily of minutes late. The audience gave him set for oher V be postponed taken pla i Athens Ihe when speak of the is and thai tile test i. Ihe hous bill ax It three-niinii- ness, however, said to continue a colnei a for I'm Inighl. de gov de-ii- , small states and 'of their rights, what cheer. good. Cieck facto ei iimcitt has KtHllds, Will be un', ptcd. .ijid to say respect to the He was introduced by Waller S. Tl ISTIIELO (.reck (.iiiriMi,,, Milieu, let', led to abandon neutrality align have we to with !allas: Midsummer dullness has and Shadow Lawn, N. J for President Dickey, republican nominee for the. l, Itself on he of course of the administration in San j The Cei gariisoiis at Salonik,. at side the entente Wilson's signature And, while no been fell during Ihe pasl thirty davs. i , today senatorship. i Mile, take lioniingo and Haiti, where Illisiness, however, has been mutual. 'o,ena. and at poll latlle K.nabii mole conservative formal atinoun, , menu w era forthcom- j Tin- nrined rule exists by our marines on have mi rendered I,, a III'"' view Tun, s attach, s small In to- , I'unn ing from Ihe bi ol rhood heads 111. ( Statistics show less unemployment and i . i , ItKI'l M' W WIHIlATI, n . i i ... i niis- - pnrtance lo We s i ev d u I (on - the soil of these states? anv which has taken over the adu night, Il Is author, tutively slated that :s l K A better wages obtaining than at , or imponaui ve: M.Ki M II AT TOPI nesiueius Iratlon ol of M ace, loll 1,1 a ly luovetllcllt at Salonikl, declaring Assails President. K tunc since Ihe beginning of the Euro- III Creeli this will lestilt In immediate dispatch .v l, Con- -' aiioliling dispal, fioii, loll thi. is oversh: lowed tlie news of cn-ei- - j em Railroads Believe to lies messages vulb.n the "We want in this countiy ptofes Topeka, Kan.. .Sept. 1. Charles K. pean war., of code off ikl The levoh in Salonikl in Ihe apiiei, lance of entente allied sbii.s inoni-Ing- . lo match practice. We want San I'ra ncisco Conditions in Ihe strike order for Moil, lav miiiis n,Khes, speaking at the capilnl gross Will Fou:e Them 'o bv tlie lliilish foreign ufl'i e. off Piraeus we want a t ,1 t., ileeil.s lo match words and ;, s main seem exceptionally ora hie. l onmls crowd that through inr-roun- to In it Creeks, friends to (he entente, "This must taken in, ale." Ill-li- t Mire policy which protect 'he H dining the pasl hcrliiHxU satisfied. "ill shower lo listen today, declared thai favorable weather Surrender the 111,' 'Iiinl th allies a.i e wearied agri- hall.llks of Creek ais. liM'.s of American citizens." Id,,, protection was month has especially benefited f ,., , , The Adiiilisoii bill as ni til" for which he stood in Siloiiiki. and are said !" Ihe i i. ii ins, and ale lesolved Mr. again declared for pro- The de- house by a vote of to !tli mi- Hughes more than protection in a commercial cultural interests. continuous have exchanged shot with lb, in to battle Mi, Illll Iglles of ell Jl'l ,.. .-.n. thi- - of American rights, American velopment of Alaska is creating an . ,ou. , , , " nor amendments. Is ..uine ineiiHUO tection sense, and embraced protection of .c,.,l....n,, Saliait.. allied o II la b r lit mies t ,ilfi- "a nm rv to Chicago. Sept, i onv in, e,l thai ' , IfUdMri - peace, American industry, and for American rights on land and sea. of. important mcrcc rihula this lo fur- The 'hi mil, le discusses w hit' it which the biolliei hood , - Salonil.i. intervene,! prevent - ii of gov- district. Ureal activity in shipbuild- ongr, ss w ill fori hem lo sur- ' ill"v leclared entcrdav would non- national peace of American industrv,, ther bloodshed. i terms he greai dllfieoll Ies fol met' ' , h I,-- . y rn- - ing at Pacific oast potts Is 1, polled 'leiulei, ,i csl,lcnls of impol taut a "Akitlsfio toiy settlement :llld ernment." and against met ficicm in gove Take Vxint Hl.lMMl Piioiiei. ; Premier Veni.elo. must encounter in slllute his program was as in mug. western rallloads tonight ordered re-- t prevent Th a meildmentn. lie declared mat inept. cut Petl'ograd lepolls fighting ill a ii end, a or to guide C i eece. the strike. - 'scinding or mollification of the tieight a framed l.v 'constructive, not destructive." "I stand tor proicction in a com and In Call, 'la. The Kossiaiis It savs "The Cic-- niniv Is uuV added lo conform lo draff tlu- Icmbaigo, , ' "We are desirous to promote Ipiehensivc sense." Mr. Hughes said !T(-)- ARIZONA IS TO BE established in preparation! 1ho have sel.,'d a series of heights in Ihiug but ready for action, firstl , he jioe s,'n,e ,,,ie, si;t,e imniii r i a railway At , west-saui- fix daf success itf the national ticket." Mr. "j us(. th,, word to embrace all that is ,, , , for general strike. t.e ,,,,.,,,.,,., Mjiins, a, moving e lause it Iuim lust been deniobuif. would tll effectl'.n IN ond all- - ,, I. Hughes said, "hut we also desire to needed lo foster and promote Am.,,-- ! KLACtL) IN UU M M Ibb IU lime, the idili executives w; n .lUlUK hl, t ,,,.,,., tmrcb r of ,11,1, secondly, be, a Use tile i,'4IIIii .Inutility I. iimtvud of litermi'tr of ; n have both the senate and Ihe house, can enterprise and to better our cm- - j iiounced (lefeelioiiH from Ihe ranks ,.,,,.,. Miograd claims the of its higher and lac?. Hi HI. and exempt raltrotuU - command admin- railway brotherhoods, and dc- a, mi , n,",t .irt't In order that we may have an ditioits." ,a. am.iM jouim, umu nail the splin e of about Hi, pi isoners. portion of lis off!, is' aie in Cie'lfii miles long and elfetrf result-,.- imch to oper- prm istration that will achieve The nominee said he placed first a( New York, Sept. The olaicd thev had enough men Withdrawal of A list ro-C- man lines melling pol, tin vm been he, etofoi e Interiirhaii lines llrlefiy. it ide' - Iw .i Opposes shipping Kill. "firm insistence upon all Aineriiau dr, adiiaught Arizona, tlie higgest war ate Cams, strike or no strike This until of the .lota .1 ,e Ul iester so led bv staffs largelv olllposed of pro- - That eight hours shall deemed , , . ft'.. " by I, belli, oil ol'liei.ils w .....1, ",,- Mr. Hughes said h did not believe rights on land and sea American vessel in the l intel States navy at the was denied rot ill, ni is iconic, by lielliii. Progress !ei man officers The io, llin s iviiih anil s,fliui.iry I", in putting tlie government inlo the pence, he said, should he prole, ted "by! time of her launching in June, l:,l.',, Hale Hidden, p resident of the Hur t' Ktissians west of Tallloiol is a,l-- ; now is in a pretli serious state of ile - lnK compensation of railroiul omploywi ' tn IntHrstjlw shipping business lo "compete with ,our being influential to dcveloi the W placed in cominission Se)iten)- - linglon, spokesman for the lailroads nulled, bill Pus.'Uaii attacks n, Hi" mora liyal mn. The cast ,f the nut Ion operallng trunk line Wil- 1, I'M?, and. private owners." instrumenta lit ies of international con- ber la. il was announced today at the in the confer,'lues with president Car pat h ia lis and near Lutsk we. Is similar." Icoinnierce after Junuary , fij- - "I do not believe we can accom- ciliation." .N'cw York navy yard, whole she was son, said the rail road i are convinced pulse,!, :,! ii sa v s. h,- Chiiini, le , s isses ,1 mors! That a commission of three. plish anything that way." he said. This c.iuld not be done, lie added, built. The ceremony will he per congress will force through the eight Hahmis iiis .Siucessf-1- . et King , 'onslanlines' abdication and pointed by President Wlt-on- . shall I e,ght-hou- r hi- I set for 'I'epe- th- - th- - "What we should do ought tu done by a reduction in the standards of dip- formed by 'apt. John 1. Al, I lonald, hour day law before the date Italian troops have upie icpoits of polll,,,,! ehiinges tn vesllii.tte effects of no I, vv , , l mont.lls, an, I correctly, and in hue with collect lomatic intercourse for which he as- - assigned to command Ihe ship. the strike, bin they are taking un lloiiie sav.s wo villages Athens as "ituiie unfounded." standard, from nix ninu wages policies. sailed tlie present administration. The Arizona is a ship of chances. I'toiiueil and that pi oners woe taken The Times savs "II would he rnli it lien report lo .ongin. present, sister thej , along Vnyusr. Cci-- of-jn- in -- "We should rescue husinei-- from 'Tnlcss American industry et c Pennsylvania, i oinniis;aoiie,l al Nor- - Hidden s Mali on nl 'in the fighting the to ncept these repot Is without to be reduced during the erst y congress many u pat lost unnece-sar- conflict of autlioiily in protected bv a protictive tariff, Mi- folk last June. Her keel was laid Il serins tonight that will reports ihe rood mn of In ial eonfirinalion. Some of them 'nation, or for thirty taj- thereilfier. j tv b ', W'e not need, simply a l:,r,-l- K SI,., ,;ilv itllHKC llH SUIICllUCr, .ML IIOIU ml ground near l.oligueval ami inav lie regarded matiilv as shiewdjand overlinie to be jiald a' a pro rat tins country. do Hughes said, "we shall be sluggard fill is lee, lollL' i de-i- s ,u because we arc practicing mil local 'II.IDII tons. Her speed jexplaiiiing an order by his lieiglil 'wood, on Ihe So, nine front Loud i' lo sses on he fill ure " rate. jin the international race." and displaces , to t emb-- go. ad Us a Herman ii.v a nc. ,n t be j iifid our national independence, i Safeguarding public instiutioiis, expected to escecl kinds. Her jpurtmont revoking he 'The ' t I y t It re. of front in e has , , have irreconcilable conflict of aiiihoi-ii- through administrative woik. Mi. main balt'.'iv consists of t welv e Ibirlingloii and other roads have the Plain theie I.iiii,l i:,l,i,lc,l. .,H .jft,.,- j day f hot riehi'" a j been little l,clv ity. I - - Thai is a miseonsiniction of our llu;:hes said, was "a hollow niock' l"." guns today there is little chance lo, W.o.lllllgt-l- l. Sepl rpoll le, oin- j,,lt h,. liouse passed Pie bi'l. under i 111 l fighting IS "ol ,',' M,, ' ' f Se, h iiik) const jt ut iona sv stem. jnnless admin is! ra I ion is efficient, htrike now. We are revoking "i "'" retai s Ijine Lpefial rule brought, in when Krpu: !. , Tl Iv bargo, so , - not i, in the donia. nor in ans.v aula Houston, figneil - "We call pel feet our instrumentali j "No en porat ion could afford to be to inoun vmi President Wilson has ,.,r Lender Mann oh'ct'l ' its uiu- LEHMANN CRITICISES 'I in ks In iiinl o, I !C ties, so that the state can ii't ill its run the wav this government Is." the hhlppers al all. lint we are going lce' 'l la ma ion excluding about .Hi0 jsbleiatlon Less than half of th re ,,, o,,,-,,,- I'eliogiad claims the ,,'iiulse of, Hi,. - Milierc and the nation can act 111 its nominee said, in speaking of his pin- - WILSON AND TRAINMEN"1 .....ns eres I'roin Angeles national "l publt, ans followed thoir tl'Aor leader i;n,s ,,, jTnikish attacks west of '.r.inga n a :i , sphere, and so that usiness will not posed executive budget. should ,ln event of a Ihe strike si. California, of wlin h r,i;,m, ros In tlie opposition, and wh-'i- t tl , ,v,s, V, of iignott. in 'liirkish Arincnli.' Will he , liu-,- ground upper of l"W - ;eut coat according to our cloth." Jinusl acttiallv be revoked efole pen lo settlement in dvanc, v ole came, seven! v of them up le between the out IBT MOMSIN (ICIAL Wt Iw-- JO,lNl LIASfO hav, iTIle l"lil of mole linn divisio.H , III r milUtones. Mr. Hughes icpcatcl his charges let up in our in eca ill ions, V'e of under the homestea laws jwitli the majority, while vol, fill., d Chicago, Sepl President Wilson , jof I'ussians bv (he kisl letl t i run Ti w'ni;; Ictlili ii hiding I I - i hail men nniigh' our Ira , until and j vote,! against ho measure .luM Helin in Honest Sucre.- s, thai Ihe present adiiiinislralion the railway I, ii Is rep, bv a nl iiiopb' lain! .iiihiii I'liiiine v la ite, onsi live 111,1 u ? extravagant than any nth , While ..LI ad Ofhcialll nil tlieie.illei inlet deiii,,, r its. Kept eseiitai u e htceie I t, I il canibeen more l''l,...wlu .a l,,v tlwit- sf.M.Ll hulls. ,11,,1 cm s want say hat whci'i'ifl ..!. I'll. Wele ei, pi, ,e, Ov. . ing of of brothel lav. appil, aid Iv n u 1,.,-- history of the count! y. ad-- defections thousands Pi niisv la, and Piack of l.i done legitimately th, Ii should hi the ill the thrctened inilway sink.,- j Tin 1,: was women. hood luellibels, officials of Ihe lilllolc stood out against l tie bib, and IN pie man to have Half of the audience filrcss before the American bar associa- - i' II..I' Cel Ilia v. ', f be oien"d for the honest through Timothy Shea, vice pi, a,bni fold's ,s , sentative London of Nvw lb a chance to go ahead and win a sue-- I ,tion liaiuiuet tonigbt by l icdeiick W. re iii fiHI Ileal. Lieillellalil 'of the Li ot herliood I'ii, men a no Mn!v socialist, voted tor it no one but hell, fits all L, Il in., n n of St Louis ll Sill Ills, ic Plitl.'dl fotn POSTMASTER IS ess that hurts ;ng W h In, I o i inein, ii, said Ihe l Al be, tape vvas eh, n mated u ' v , in- 11, If 'i.'giil ,.;.l t Ii in POTS "If one man and one hodv can 1,1 uia there. o. this radius. PRESIDENT uall.v ,11, u, h til'V u.e, .. gov ha s he, n possible to rush tne ,oeasi,re "We want a new ton" in our life. terfere witli tlie business of the 1'nit ild not brinan oinenl have no is their : seiiaie. which, af'ei MVei.ll ilolO .un not one of the kind that is too, ed States, as has just been witnessed J'le, bv th, ''he ' the sti ill,- all of lively dis, eorl ti bill ivi 'U' " the proposed oght-iluui- r proud to tight j iin connection with bv I, lino, lion HI I 1 POOR FI led Its Intel state ivuinneivc 11 law. then will not be a eoun-;lr- y Ol IOMs IS i:r. .Mr. Hughes left for SI. Louis at this ling S ,ci HISSIGNATUR ETO Suns f" in inn Tl la IN M ( I IlllPee had te, esse d until ,,i j of. by and for Ihe people." Leh-- ' IKM p ni. , at II I il ' ' ikes w i ti led hv Hall W hen he senate c oiiv tn, 11. j A of C. A veterans man said. , ' sprinkling r hood in, a il, in Sept (IIS p. III. Th house leglshitloil Was lllele .n.ullli. was Ih" crowd. In Lehinann was foriueiiv illcit' scattered through t he i 'o ludii I, gl llll II I a ,1 ut iii Ma- , doii action - I ion AND IS ' re- gelleial of the lilted Stat, REIVED ' pciiing speech, Mr. Hughes ',- d a his Santa its d in a IN nl, t dispat, h tile , The nat e uniuill lee bill i LABOR BILL lepor ferred to war and the pait CHILD it mg Irt.- -t the civil Texas -l. i da ,1 Salonikl Id i bile session nium taken by in preserving j IS SUED a not h, was Vc the veterans PROFESSOR 'bail in, Hlggllis "I Hi'' luilh details ol Ihe ili.slui an, e ll this morning, Ihe I lie union. ' son ni with Un am nr m a Ar.r .Mana.g, oclatlol, of i .Mac do, ale given 111 a hit. r snie, the suine V rdi "No tell inc." Mr. Hughes WIM L L Wl 'SIM., ,, ,, i mg t I, : , ( lopted by la one can rr IVIMIiliinUL il tenia rk p., I, I, loiter Tel, t in ii a K.lli.'.il.'v Kaiv, Of fit i.ii: nieMs todav tho it, ,, said, we lost the spirit of l , ,'IIIpoW cling the P "that have of M isillllS III til ot hel hood ami hich S thai ll Ihe Vol, , and section :A Largo Group and: 11, M"MtH JOUHNAL PICIAC IIASAO WIMII , 1, an- - a 111 Ai cii.-.- ot in i. oin lo 1st. ling that I" pa ra I,, asc.'l la tl,,- nl s wele 11 ,1 Incuilaiities st.ite I'oinitiei.e is Chn ai;,), Sepl. 1 I '11 the ev e of hit .1,11! - i n i, , i a ,1 ' oa vl a, Women Interested the' would i im Without d'",l, lah wit!, llo ni llifv .a of ma lag,1, set tor ,f h, ,, H,(:i.llii ; il P Fliiids (it I. OT the plopi.m d ('i'l loinorio", formal not a eV oc.,1 mn (IC led in he night. ' Day Congress ! bar ls The l , I in Legislation Witness j Chillies Hoth 1'inis, foriiiei uislim-- vv;,s , IV, il si Moil .illil hel at e! strike mam ,e, vv.,,,- and elei Ii ic Ii Dtfi- c, .SteC I, tor at No, lliw esiei n iinivei sit' now 5 0 M A I, President bill ot the ni, ni I' 11 f',,'1 Pave nt for oil NKX Is Satisfied, h supplies ATC. Wilson at 1, millionth, was sued tor In, if of ! t of 111, 111,, b I id, al ' una anno'iii' cl Ii f t eglll.i s ,, tsi Met ml il fih-- olv at Id in. and rcc, todav The suit was l.y - I promise gllleels of line Would mpt, ,1 t, lis out t.) ol,l ,'Ot NlWl.tlld.- ;.o,i:,ilt .till p. 111. M I", In;, .M , Cl ov e. of , ,n,a ha, i itn i puv. iss holding t h, Ives Hot to b, . ml, , was den)., .emulous olbselU lo ,i. b' onv cue, I p. 111. H1RHINI lOllffMAS Briv, a .1. (1 null .,111,', ,'itv at ,""'-"- i,l,,, I.s , , !. ml! Up tin ' ' in be in i ll ad! Ill .oh : Hi., I s anil lake I'l l.r.t ef i Interstate comnle ee conimill i Washington. Sept. I iin, s bad pi onus,-- ma i r tor, u;i iVCI 1., we foiling., of ' Iml s ill lie ,, 'I'l Ii, on the liinite. i.a'ii'ii - luM I , ported eight-hou- r in sub- 'Wilson today signed th I, lie ,s w ., i I; ( .. law similar hut ha she has al lie W i, ,(iii. inal a, lion ll and liainn on Id em vv I, , W lo 111 V v a H ,11, IN , i Malice to (he Adams, bill. itll all bill. The ei enioliv All I.VCiel ,1 ' ' nt, nt v t, l i' I, .1 but mall Noil a ii ,v av, a, 1. op, I'l' a il loal Wir-on- . jcrct ; amendment to empower tlo- Interstate He ret. ii Sena would b, 1, s.-- a v. i' he toluol !a Imlinli ,n lell so, It out all Ibn In lo III oil lo i ,t i ( .llllla I.aHiM'l ft I ' "llimele,. commission to fix wages of pop! e sating, Polll the Ic pupils iv lerw oo, n, ',i;g,,i up ll IteVV II 'Ii I, rul inline, ll; Is. u s ,:; nt Ih i lailroad employes. t hief of Ihe ehlldl, ,.l,,, nil.", a X, w In- ii the ii ne le is ii iv illior norlbw del II roads C, tie .i s , toll, tb, ' sn, u il, n I I', bale on the llieaslll, be labor depal tin, nit. and -- , as all a inein: Itll la I .ell" . lit fin Peecssed at 1" p. in. of nun and women m' m .f il, i an vlAYOR tfGASTIAN IS ;i loodsi,, t 'H I'. a. col ding S ii! Ileeoiivened at p. in. legislation. It, I , Mauv Would oval. ,'le I, pOld 11,1, met, v a- o sav mo lb laid "I thai TO RESIGN OFFICE: - unaniiiioiis consent Hid II, 111' I'U ;1.',1 .,1, id.,111, ' "glit-hou- l.ient '.. and Hi', r ,,11 sign this loll." II, lie, a' ol bill, and beg. debate Hon. Alii alike. . ,nd si r ii,l, d I the I I ,' o. ue , d at!: .,lanison ver from s.inl. "i. cause know 1C1 L , i'l bill IBY HUPNlNt JOURNAL LIJ1I1 W,i) died I'l ah lit d ' I ' Struggle been S, - Alavol ' to! .llll, ' ivs I .os Au,"d,s. a, i la th, I, .11 w vv , who' Senator Pndervvood introduced Hull of litis sol ami t le- - is. S, ll Ills ' ,f ol, ih. a HI' t he '! ""'Udiuenl t,, Adamsoii bill. z Uvi to mean to tin i" a' nm ami !i ',' ill 'S- Ii ,,( of - - - of 'iiio nd me , : r a ,1 ll- to tl 'he Interstate Cinlne,e oinniission ,.l IhWe. ,11 it n lei, - -- 1 I ho-i:i- vv il It a fi ll 'ell l.a 'athoiity to fix a nd houis of t h,, on i ., .'.axes 'I Ill, Ml.- p. labor for railvvav employ. s. pride that I' iiimlc tonu.i l l s an, Ii. bo, ,,, pi. li 1 I t nc It was agreed ,;,(,' sboaal del II, L his , that de i: 'i p, e i( ;i l'ui.t ' i(,s'' 4 at p. in.. Saturday and a gra lie t ., 1. w , ! ,r w on the ill UP s,' Sehooi- - II. sot pi,,-- . t .11 he taken Ih lo. ll eo-- SOU'. but nl) in ' s,-- a 1,1 n. at P ll. Vppioied ,,r Sep' e ll.nve pul.- pi. th,' vac d us Ss',li,at.,os h 'S. .1 iiir-- th. iivcg iieuiii a .'! at .1 Cert a I'd ' vt, l'l, Nm ..coed liillli'l i o a odd omo tefoie C, i. A Pm in ll N"i ni it, llll l; e,..w ,, ,n lloiM'. - of in, ll I poll cession had guni veiv fur. a t it ' , ' ootid and e com nier. e in initial f, , 7c 1 1 ml I. g' pel,,. Hint II. picsiili ill un fiiCul-l- th- - l.ddv ,ni, nlv li ,, . , ivoiahly Ailanisoil u M A ,1 .,n., w 1,1 e 1, tl lo All Hit I'l 1,1 111, oiiBllout the moiling 'sb . Pen., s.o Hilt s d ih, . rub oimuittee adoitl, acioss I'l'' lire,", wiii I, t,l V ,'is.itl Was fit his office ln !'1H si ir ;a u le l,v v 7" Mo- Midi for hi' e ).:;,' p m 1. f ,,' kill Poit 1 ipon the note had iBpitol, ciit'cirinif with a dm in isti-- hav i, - - ., l.l.l.v uip i d. I es of rfa.M' '1 lo cem- t.ct iv. L I lion P .jiis dbil HiUnj.j Iii - ''"s-im-J Adam-o- il lull, ::i to i

Two Albuquerque Morning Journal Saturday, September 2, 1916.

to u m t ) i r y com m w ir.trrstale '"ii'lm torn. Mint lin y have w it hd rawn m mcr, o c(jiii mission hall t Ohsldcl' from the strike movement, V.. I). S iiieieao of fnitrtii itt'H to lllf't all. vice president of the an- - su' h additional xpomlihii es hi the lioonce.l today. y Your Individual railroad uff.-- i lc a m have been Taste necessary A . iciidoicd lii the adopt ion i! i in; i' s. s sum is Y tin' ( ilav." ARM KTIMM. I OII .MI X IS ARRESTED BY Good Things to Eat T Neither of the two hill t A Well as Your Purse Can Be Satisfied contains the '.i n;nli.iii commission 1:1 I'uso, Tex Sept. i. A'.; nently Y I w tin li tlir lalmr .'I'llIM OppOSl', .'Hill' pat llli stllkf, the hi I 'iimi a y Y the ' in i IT). neither contains the i crnmcn t Sou! h n hti-ri- railroad to lav pla, e, ( i li- -. CHIEF GALUSHA pi a urn pnv. iMon I'liM.lint Hmhi il'll mints foi- traiiiiinii ill en- - ? WE IN Y - EXCELL QUALITY FOODS willing to lit those features wa:t tinnni'ii in in iv.-- fa i s Y Y Line i oiisi-lc- nt . Stewart of Stoves and Ranges until .i f enoiiKh legislation to avert Th,' r. port inai.le the imni f the Our I'l'h'cs Are Aluuvs ( With tlm IJiialily. l U-- i Y the utrlke llax n enai li ,. l:e,ui-l- a national Kiiard ('hium4 Iti'if t, nii'ht imnc With Von on u MonMi's Supply of (.rurcrli-s- . dei t i am tiled tod iv to fume a (ill tlial s have been rei i in Iditu Y ' I I!! lllll-l- s Pseudo Government J lbs. hi St Sw eet rotatoes 2,"c Sw edish Wafet s, a n . . . . l ,tl( Mil i u!'.ti-tul- a Employe; Sac leu of Ir own it as a on n wlii i 11 i and "ffi eXHite, the I dihchits'i ii'Zen Lemons quart tin Imported olive Y ( f'.r the administration plan. A i.T'Miiid f to , hoi r t ol-- " C'.'i K',iiil;c. )u ..llll- leluriiitiir Admits Getting larite ('antaloiipi -- oil Mac ciininiittee as appmntid il. or I' Nearly v lo draft pi ndenl relaliv s. i i I fine Cantaloupe ..2.V I'm Liiii' ITour Ittlc I'M if Y"1t UlU .VI No v rimiK n opposition to the admiiiis-- ' "' if discharge! fay the lla SI ,000 on Bogus Paper in Anv lay pa' kauc l'l;lx' ' tin Orinpv T.'ition plan was frackei-- ! -- ivpiited. houeMi. nfotin'd that all i nd-- n t L - ill those th ieif f"f at rtlc -- idi ot New Mexico, tl I'ri Optimistic. lit lelalivis will rieeiic ex'ra nl- - Coloiado and (.mail drape .Juice tllass Del Monte Preserve .1, " I'l sideiit Wilson i, of - S ' ii.eiiil.ern lowam e of J.'.u a month for ai h fit 111 f bais Laundry a I' at L',,c ;luiii A'. his rahtnet at todai's melting that' iiv. while C'liK '' the rusc no We have at present plenty of Potatoes, Flour, Ltird, jth'ie was en rv prospe. t that the lie-- : lotik-e- r holds, Hubert In anev, who admits passing ms. I'. ii ( llflation would he passed both! . - , . (in. eic. ii'ler noy and be prepared for any Iv in" oeini nere ih that Mils iIiiiiht worthless clu cks ainountln to nearly iTIWJTT I ouses t'UlloproW, ' erBctii y. This season's pack (tinned vegetables In. .Slit! uii.'('f of rol)Kres l.efori of oideis, which seemed based on 'fl.tuni in New .Mexico ami Colorado, now .mrrvt-f- J i .vt i o lin k Senator .New lands tcood aiithoiity, is Wa al ii sled late yesterday i- . (e to the railway alternoon '4 f- tin- revised I. ill, it was than-lli- e - iti-ii- and rather by Chief J It. Calusha. M.iiiv i'l is in Al-- I situation. formally referred to the in erst.ate j Maluslia made the arrest soon after IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT rommirce commiitie Senator N'eiv- - Mie 14 y mr irifinU he was put on Mail by a telegram I nu-ks- U'iifiiiic. NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH Spiinn SpriiiR chickens. Niie liens, llcef, Veal. j lan.lH mud tbat the ominitti-- would; from It II Moddard, special nKent of Ik. .Mutton. Uimli. All K. C. coru-l'e- d stock. ? i!t t Stcwail. lepoit finally within a nhotl time inid IN DAWSON CAMP IS TO the ill In mi ll t of justice at Denver. Veal Loaf. Httked Ham, Hoi led Hani, lloast I'ork, Roast Y he sen- - I. thai would seek to hold the Th.. M.l.r', a .LLr.,1 ll,,. ,.!,i,.f t If a Chip lieef. Cen elat and Salami Sausage. ::te in w )nl A shipment Y fi ssion until the snlaerl BE DEDICATED SUNDAY. '. iian.s t !,., ), of Heri'H Chi Ill,', iiisiii,'!' expected today. was disposed of, even if it Mlumld '"'"'' t m iboiius government chei ks passed by 1 Y .'list a .shipment the session f,ir Into the tiiiiht. M ' icched of Siena Cheese, Iowa Cream & Mauger . lepleselltlllK himself to be ( Raabe eoeoNB(ct uoisis ,ou.n.u heese. Senator New lands made a Icil t. t I'amcmbert ("heese, Prick Cheese. N'eiifchatel Y 115-11- lavorabb 7 Xwrth Fust. Sant I'e, Sept. 1. (in Sunday,111" employe of Mil I'liilcd States neo- - I heese. l!rcakfn.-- Cheese, Koipicl'ort leport from U.8tl t Cheese LlmbcrKcr the romtnittee at rclibisho ib'di- - ill sut'M-.v- ? Cheese. y It'-- , I'eler Houtnade will I''i' We Have o rlo, k anil i onsr nt wasj "If Hanlrtare If unanimous (ale the new Catholic bun h in the The i lnef sent a policemtin to notify i ,'il,.,lO 1.. II ....I., r.... i...i. I" ''I' finale I'll "I' OHO l.l, j m j (jr imp of Dawson. Colfax ooun- - the banks. This broiiKht lo lijfht the J ? roiisiiierai ion. N iialur .Neil lands Y ''"nl II ciasi'Mi is lo be made ; fact that the pseudo employe of the ? IN OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT Opl 111 l I he lllhl IIHSion i'. I t fiesta in which the enlire cainn Reolonii al survey was uli'imdy here. ? Y Senator Neivlamls i ailed fpeeia) n(.l w ''' M'i: I.f, Hilt TODAY mm In for titiiijt tin- - liislaiion (i vi 't iIiiit ad'..i d b he pari ill pai In ipati . The l ite of con- He had passed n check for flutl in teution to a proi ismn of Mm bill add-- I ? Pineapple Y 4 will - er Cakes IhroiiKh He li'ft Washington at 3" li a.b i s ueie ti ji i It il. l me b firmation be obscrud The fol- pti.i incnl for clotln s of the value of lit- :ttic eil after the original draft had la Ore mi Pm fx. d :'.ti(. ti'elork In 111'; uftcrimon fur Lous' MlilallM. I'll i, lo n'lowiiiK itimraiy for Mm next thiee tle re than $r,ll. The ( heck .'n Y I'lalll of rid. ml h hail Caii'iucl M. Roll In- - In- .sutunltleii, whn would declare liny IweilvK (s c,J .l. .... irc llmtirh, J., where will noti- tin- l i i' officially iiuiioiin, for in to a bank. Y i.ieialmn of the eilhl hour pel son who wilfullv s, bun turned The check Puffer Cakes Mutter Cream Ci Y iiomi-hullo- n d' lai obslrurls A i eh bishop llouri-'adc- fied formally tomorrow of his to all i midlives of la iIioiiiIm. u.ii lie : Was not payable to Hill. In fact the Mocha Cakes I'tcnch PastriH . imfi-(It'ti- or himleis operation of Mains (Jinltv re- - l I i r, for left inn, entirely .'II In III, r Ml 'la i k Cnnfn malum at Sprini Tuesday name of t;ill did appear on It at ? Chocolate Liver Cakes Y f'llleil, aft' had of a ,1 not Abicaroons Mm misdemeanor, to be piniislii bv fot ctl, Mill. .. tliut if foils had airttid llii veheineni ly ill rlai i d be Uollhl Mil - Silitrtlllil'l :.l I'lmarion all. V AnS'l roods Lady I'mmrs Y a fine not im-- . Thut-Mlay- , I ( .x.eciliiiK t and I toy Kill Foods Kis-e- s in da '.trial ittusi rophe, render his scat in conwresx rather than September 7. at on l!itt il appeared to be a bureau id" r 1 prihohinrnt not i diiii; one year or; Tu.-ii- av ... ,..,. Sunshine Cakes lulxir on 11 I . vr. Seuiembei- t ' ,, Ltc. Y .stultify himself by volint: lor the lull both. loy blank and inn pm ted to bear WIlllC Illy MUM 11 III K, Sunday. Septemla'r 10, - Fresh llretul and Hot Rolls Kverv Dai at 11 Ii. lltltlsc al thr wnhout Mm i Mr did in tht forenoon (he siznalure of a field ilisbin-sioL- of. o't'loi batiKe Clatk . ( X May Sp.-ci- invi- lulxir leaders I'lutif. St k'.s i Special 'akes Mai e for A ny i l)ite brotherhood heads, nl thr I'atrn church and in the aft In- iccasion. not when the roll was i ailed ficer. This h d the police to -I - aiiswer Tin re wire indications this after-- ' the x in; Itltl AI) IOI I IH- I.OAK Y tation of !i mix rail- l.i itdi r K it Inn, moon tit till' Chanel of the smallish lief for the final vote. i ooo i ti ;i i i rie that iliil had operated here under ways rom-Iflltlf- i.ioor leaders v.auibl i k the mid iihiiiih Manik llcuvcs lit a k. it oneieKation. At Canyon ,.,. ,,. Th(. ,.,,,,,. ( X - f!i;bt the proposal to empower tin- I. Mm ;,, sroiti: i.osi:s at noon momiw. i.ap.oh room in ur tin-,. to thr Itepi Miinn said lo the rchbishon n ill confirm a!i.i.. ,u..i.. X csentative l iv roni in issi, m to - Y llii floor, and were in constant omiueiie s on Tuesday afternoon, Scplem-- I ..... house h" believed he coilbl hale voted n s an .s,s(,.m .. ,u - ei .senate propose.... with tin- r.poliosinon unit' the bill i ' .Tail t niiltiillori labor 11 IIS i.'ioiiiii oil il coiiesnav f Y for tile pi cKllll'llt'H hole plol'talll but accept the-,'..- ''liii I'.iiluslia met Connors on Itl tin' holme. 'I hey wcic Insistent would probably it if I S' plcmbei- l;i, al l.i MaiiKa lei oirinie, tiled to l onr'res'i, "Mill." be! w '"""it. South I'ltst street, Connors told the o cimuicss whs ii li rtnlned o m t Y that the i li'lit hour ilay i.rovi.sloii IijisI T'llllsilav fi'lellooll. S' plellll'l-- H.! Kiilil. ''the as he aliiais i"lilde il in the bill. chief at fir-- t that lie was mistaken, Ihruuiih without any of Hie aihiti.i-tlo- I.. Clt'lttl the same ila.- in the aft.' r Y In the conduct of the miniMi's af a t w v but later, the poli.'C pay, he admitted or wane fixing aim iidiin'iiin nut After enl minnlc session, the ooii in arladom on Friday, Sep- - Y lairs, wobbh'd Waveted when he $ 'Mi ,li k was u 'S and that the ort bless and Y foVwftrd (lurln (he commitlee of six .senate I cpul.lii .ms i; at on dehatc. t iciiibit Cora.ou Saturday Y had real itie, inns betore him lt"l'l lo leyisla-tb'l- i that another check for 7.'. which he C'imi'y of rcni)H Ivanla was authorized draft substitute I'M I'lliiOtl, eplcmber 1 H. w bile on Stin-- I il' lilt's West (Yin: a i Y iih he was in assertiiiK bis vicwh e was had in his pocket, also was no KOod. Jl'.J2i tOnutRtitly on 11)0 K". between them Informed that the majority da l' he vi t officiate in the parochial Y cotiKiess a day or two iiko, he plati is He said his rinht name was 1 lelaney. Y fthd H'prvn ti'Atlv Klti hln imd to rush iIiioiikIi the bills It.chuiih .it chaptirito tl .Monday liis i the Miiv bai ks water, as kIiowii fiom .... ( e ..... Still later Delann ailmit!ed to Chief Kratliic rf Colorado, who nas ii.iiueii in inn u sill in sis. I,,, .ratv in that parish will close at then piot'iain, and now liiltes con-l,- n he had passe, rcri'lucti'd thflr fiuht on the floor Sinn till lllk'llt, If ma cssarv. to pass l.a Men, lie loiiusha that several .is to pass a bill which, haves mil ' lie, ks in Colorado and New Mexico, When the votn wim taken they them. The repiibllcam ndjourm d The at eh bishop will then cd to most of t llts W'bi, h proi - were essential tlnnus without action of any kind. 'the paritdi of CI Letters in Delaney s don intll- plfitsnl. proposed. ' Anion offi latum A opposition to tliH letti.slation was til I. cated that he hud a system. These (treat trowd throtiK'il the senate . as Columns on We lin day ItcprcHi'htal iv" Adamson, of (ieor-Kla- letters were on w a Riillerlt'i for the niclit hiMHlon. Th vim cd by Kepi csentative Cri ene, re- noon. September 20, in the written sheets ith GUAHDSMEN PLANS TO author of the lull, admitted It nd- - noune reprcHi'titeil by hi ori-- of publican, Veini'ittt. i liun h al Anton Chico on riiursilav, bureau of n'olos'v letterhead, tine W wh wan hasty IcKi.ilatlon lo meet tin iretiiherK, ImludltiK Kinaker ('lark, "When anv body of men holds tip September 21, and at .latin Paid on ddressed to Clvde Connors at j i llierueiicy. i ' i - who took neat on the floor near comiresH and thieateni national Friday 'otenoon, September u r i ii t oiiinieniled him for hi- ser- - "We tiinv pot in i ffci I the eiKlit- vice. It was Senator t'nilrrwond. The hlother-hoO- 'l calamity," he snul. "it is time for us Hundreds of catschnineiis will lie sinned "Wolrott. director, i j WOT BE hour law," he said, "and provide mr S. by oth-je- r RECALLED HEAD head did not adverting their to fix the responsibility for the net on confirmed in the aKurccatc up ill these IF. d. S, Norman Selkirk." BANDITS ptesetvlnir the status mm until a com prMnre nor ko into th" nailery to those men talher than yield to them pat i, dual i Islltitions. letters, one aibliesscl to Andrew mission can HIV T.'.tlljale the duipule I'.a-s- hear the debute. be. under duress." ireene. Santa I'e, and another to il t u , tuei-- the ii lavses of our setiniitM, - riiH l'vi s. Tin- Men rr sl. Hyde, dalliii, were identical In A Mel will lis. wo will make complete the addresses and siKnatuics. FROM THE B nhVinn ntiiiiilrnoWN rnnnrnl Inlay Kepi csentative Co, pi , republican, TO TEXAS BORDER I Mid ndc'iualc reitulajoii, taking caie STATE MUSEUM Nldr the wim e hill and take up the of Ohio, told the hoii .c for NOTES tine was signed "Wollcott. director, 1'. ot Interests, of i s of our that Oft I lie Kciint the both ssi S, S.. by Norman the ntnt ivver fiom M he had worded 111 Mil' enl-'ill-ln d. Selkirk." and ; lll.'itt'-- l to pco- - Vitus N j be V. S. S., luiidH criticized conKichs for not ;""s (tib expeii-i-nc- e III nilPATCM lO HOPHlUa JOUMNAL1 other "Wollcott, director d. I''r and knew fiom personal lrl PMnoniliniT tit tit m imIiIi itl '. in;, ml whtil Sant. I', Sept. I. J. P. Adams by .1. D. Prashear." iliiniMiii stanils I Inn. conditions weie Hope Is An- -, fur IrKiHirUtiiri winch woultl k a urncd from the I'uye with all I. lank slicets of 1, !! r paper, bcar-- I Expressed at San Large Sections of Mexico twv tiei lis "The men aie just if nil," be said, "in 11 f I the brol hood Iirotl'i't iiitl luillliHl il ill la nil' tckiiiK be cat ip c'luipment, Mrs. Florcm e Is: the bllleau of yeoloey headtlll-'- . ' . . . . t f , on, their cmiloeis lor belter tonio Averting fflmn, f n lot, mht expiess John-las- t e De-- That of Si' ikc1 Combed Closely and decland mcmhc.H feared !'""' pio-vu- li M'llf.lll mil Miss ICIeiinor were found by the poll, in one of j Without v boms. The ptoposi'd legislation 'ie.. Inif pul, lb anv opinion of the I'n - to far the lutuie hci aiise of the polili-ra- t s only rnn ret eyiiiinu after hav- limeys suitcases. The police also May r the nay to avert the .strike Cause Rescinding deiwood wace-flxim- a mcinl mellt . It of Finding Followers of Ch- outcome. ret for Moiulav ." Inc; spent a day i ill llieil way to S.'lll-.loh- n found a check book of blanks, appal' is known that Miey slrouKlv oppose it. Betmlor ThonntH hIno said Mint eon- - "When you tti Ke at Pond's ail, il anil .ciitly those of the bureau. Delaiie.i Order of War Department. c it nev.-- r sai these emploies have ihuahua Outlaw, Is Report, evnd-- 1 and are that will crewt, und not the o resident, waft t lin a and held up co Paul W'allci, Jr. . also returned last said he had tin- stationery and checks In la w on t he lined nitres and rcipoiiNihiliti of due other hand. .Mrs. Fa t the ineeliliK j i olispn e, for this ton von s.l.V to went to the printed at 'uraiiKo. 'olo. lf many of the house and hcii-nl- e treat emei Kency In a way to make Its menilcis Kilo do los rri.ic h s r spending a Special lV MOMMIMfl what is absolutely until)"." said Rep alt Chief dalusba notified Am lit JOIiML IPCI4L tfAIIO WIC iter MOflNitii jnuRNti aicitv ii.ifD winai cMon permaru id in , ter, ate confident that even tlioimh day at Sail San Antonio, Tex., Sept. I. bata ' ur Kan- lldofi also. 'Cioddard that lielaiiev was held by the - Hope, t'liihuahun City, Met,, 1. I IV nod sllollbl resentative Lilian, rut, Sepl. OpMis, ttie ndel alneuillltcllt a to-- ; based UlllllllllKs Is il. sas Amnni; the pu bli, ions received po "ldill',1 Wiled the chief to on the day's developments, in Prior to taking Satevo, an- pass, so iblv' ii Villa, Benntor Cummiiis n loni.' Just the el"ht hour i In an-- j th" Mint i Ii t iiiade "This lull is a intik, shift, pine am! ill the Museum library is the hold him. sai inn lie would be here strike situation. there in k nounced his intention of lend inn; his uiiMl bill. He itoes Miioimb, there will he no I'e in. kiecli nu the house said n- - una! report, of the regents of the Monday. w ot s:, id tele- - strike, and that the scndini,' II simple." mid l(c esell tat ive Ptow lood k," the command to the Texas border, then, llii countty was conltontcl with strike is eonerallv believed that Smithsonian illusl at cd northward ( -- uai dsni'm would cease, mr;, .V V J i' sev institution, an 14111111. to be joined by revolutionists who dih.lster In- was not the messni.'es calllmt off Ibe sltike will .".Ml lait- - while most 'f and pic An anieii, Intent bv Rcprc ciilat iv o ciillllionillllln ol oaees of the The Sim s hnl.tiht llelc by Dcliiiicy the recalled troops still have been living in ptvreil nay t;o out toiiioriow iiikIiI, immediati ly were the Pnited States to that senators should not t pr cress ill ,i act ll v every field mi lie hordei, wns expressed itt Clal k, of Flollda. pplv ie elLlht-tic- k ica ere reeov led by the po 'uiil with whom he has been in 5'li'ld ome alter conitrcss mts. wilhoiil waitiutt lilt soiitherii to- of their 'omictions to I science Ho of department heaibi uartei s hour law to the men. annual catalomte cordin- mem-ber- s loi the bill to li'.'u Ii Mle plcsulelll Miontucu ij; a' lo several vert it, tliouKh It was impossible f,,i Htation agents, Stale V"'uial school at Silver il lit. e il j and all other inployos A DAY of his command, captured at San Mill be Itepi csciitatii Adamson atinoun''( NOT WITHOUT .Mililarv - to believe the piobbin rhoiild I. - the of in ml thai Hie orijani- ol piovidi-i- for in 'lo- bill was re- Pnll'tin the Allianiel h Cor-'ioii- a ' tupbtiii III if ii i e F'lntin, Clilliiin ua. Col. Isidro HOlVl'd In the Will' proposed. He ih- that onl'eretii f I zatm of ;b, ii prov Jei led 1. t he bouse, HI to It. Pra ncais, om 'S is, luiimin' the into isional l a ( SUNSHINE IS THE reported loih'y.. Colom-- Cardona rlnred, in hln opinion, '1""' "' li the bouse ollfelccs ' - ,1'Visious ,' ' be the amendment di.-i-- uai rativ Ibe War up to An- handicapped bv Tim house, cons, a hie dieal ad-de- d n a i I li ,od after del .', coiuiiianiliii the Ramos hriunde, of Hemitnr t udci wood would a bs, mid r ne j tin ndei I, 'I Ih. loss of 'I'll Hu- iismou, ailoptcl tiinenilini'iits by "iil al the ptemium list of th, RECORD FOR AUGUST nun. recalled by thai his din lit. n, he senate u oiibl be thirtv'-six- force with Intrly destroy the oh). ,t of the hi . t .McXi.'O war depai'tm nt, but thai Rcpieseulatlve.-- Kit, bin, ev-- NeW state the work 1 .1 i i Ptineand j that of the Arricla had nd he double, if It would he sutl Ih ml lo ac, cpt Ins bill could i b,. if brotheis. lair - TO MOWSINft resumed the il niptmn fiom the I'lithl hour law tPICIAI- ConniSPONDINCa JOURNAL) combed 'J.'.O s(iiare territot-.- factory to bt'ol hi t hood inn - nort h w a i d milts of the small nob pend. nl and William Penh ll"W Henderson ves- Santa pc. Sept I. Not a day witli movement ends. Tile, loWH he mads electric m southern Chihuahua and noithern henatol said believed lerilay ail, I'd a pi, ure to the Santa is Iht record mad by Meantiin one of the SI I street and inleiurbaii riiilways, and oul siinsbinc, , niiiiiRo, scat-len- d four brothci In- - Mol s WORK o brii.-ade- encounleriiiR; only a few the hood chiefs were 01 I'e exhibit, a pastel a First Illinois the First, with 1 i 1 .i ulinu that the beautiful portrait Auitust .P'M past, coriiinn to the 10 ur exemption shall ( adherents of Villa. telHnent ami patriotic men, who! mils Mil Kruiul-daiicht- not apply initial.', of little Miss .vlnmll. v. eat In r ai can t ml v. In fact, the lie.ul'iiiai'tcrs and hi tK.ide (1,. to ei or ham. for However, dispatch wnuid only vhat th,y Mi- -, ,. ( hi'Tiilq'i.'ii tors. from deneial consider to companies of .Indite and C. 'olltns. The lotiilicst ti i had I!' per flit of un under command of duly Mi iishllialon. Sept avert Klinmlo al Santa said a their "I acitill cm," ltd said, Mi i' I t - den Jack I'ostir, left that w vi t An In- ; iv e softness of touts, the sli i,e i !,'J hand. title olh- San Antonio "of any motive a si 11k. e put on then .iiiicclnicnt scnltll lie I'll for movement of his force which recently of (iieicitiir cruii;n,.s , and vet If 1st i, i its state ni"bili,ation pa- III b house,-- Small, of o lit rpri'tad ion of Ibe r inonl oft. I Have the ti Itv of tamp, and ' to It.e lii'i j Ninth c.noltn.i, spe, ity eiiKitKed nl"! i In the stichtest possible (let; rec. t s, , lite Thud .Missouri set 'illa r the bandit Lv feat ni Hives picture :t itii litv per of SlltlShille. infantry out the to be affected the bill ' with I'm cut Sateyo, llorah lolcirnpts, I in Also, s reinfor.eil by o of cha rm that is CSjstllllts A or,!., il, h ll" Laredo. the ,,ii.n termas-ler'- the l'nil i lal I lie pi in Id as b s etm ineuii 11, tircnu'n imiisi re mil'. one dav. Sennior llor.ih ml. deny Sie for ' depai ahe.-i- of Santa Vsabel. Cm iplcl to Ihirim; August 1.:::17 I I c ; lim in went iliuiria' II 111. I ::u a ml a In 111, ,1, t' i ol e, visitors from oW'i l loud arc most in Voli no' late this after as down. ' ha-- Mint the si ntite bad any freedom of , inu-pa- plans rhiciiml San Andres, oiil.sidc points nt t v - for dispatching from the advanced Coon Ibe must took up the Adamson I'mal 10I111:; on tile loll itl the tittered the sum me r. a Ithoim i lie a ct a lie ten! herder ctlon m the matter say," I t the (he Villa encampment ill S- he 4 scum. iiirinn lo year '.'.l.'i'.i pet-A- s ot'ier remments mdeieil north, the diMit hoiit bill ippii vc, I prcspleut house bean at pi ;,. m after the pel a hi e of the monlli a! Santa Pel "that we ate Minatened with sons registered. on it of Funstun hi ierra dc la Silla, but that ho ciik'.i- -i ,1 bi ot house, in cominiMec of Mm hail' only was only fi '. he highest s I ile-- announced that il iiaMonal lalamitv and Wilson and .let Cptl hi hcrliooil whole, b.'ins ll nl mint hail taken place yet. an ivpeclcil possildi every ,.r four n, - ordered the enlire Arizona mi IctuI, I'm a t 1 t t ." the Represent-- I thiee visitors toj on while tin mini- to b , - as "s.i Isfact 01 Set leincll tended amendment of rice:, uust idaliile, but aie not en an op- Santa IV the hum ami hoi., Kti'trd lo com ntratt at nd s, t ' ,'ltll e Sleiilim;, Illinois, take trouble ilium wa i:i ileei ees on Aumist L'S. ,, The mile ml. '.lal Oil) llicl republican, lor1 I vv Ml porlnnlti to ileli uiiiie n bethel f - Una, a. if Pi M llhl S Rl MORS t ,1 I" put his or lo r name on the reuis- ran'-;,- L'T iU- st bee. Ol' , ' om 111 c il t lllll, a pi i ina in ii bo. ol in, 'rtie lath ' was we are I. i;lNatini tmhi Tin , n, ittcc b a II' III, ml and Kieahsl P.ORDI.I; I tei it in, iv be lo t I I ItlAOI TIOMMs w v i on. i Ie sale assume that th. on Au 111 t lib h, h"W 1 i out., 111 impol- illation ..ei! Iiilole uiecs :'s ami the least effect. biiVe said lo us we il m las con-- , I - I loalt-il- . t ;.she. ini of visitors to the capital - Sllh s 11 ptltc-- ti k es on IT, mdictitin ;i ie- vo 11 j I. ml prov nip, el urn itic and pi d'n who Auast lil x.. I me Mint legislate, or we will brum linn, a ll. n Paso T' Sept. N'umerotts i I. IV s in cl a n, i s I c t lk. s i'i,l k o U t H O 1, ' k.ilde bl. hi ss a oohic-- l.ol Peach. ll i alninit i i v i state Minnii'.'li'i I,, Iiv l'l lillb. Sept. 'niie, s rev rv that on he count i e Is t ninoi of obit iona juntas on in "Pn dti and he llopi Snake Ibe d H d.lVS. I.-- t i Hchedu les of on tall- lied. ltd States submarine was t "I do ion del, i,, hop .p. i ,,i i,,n War - towed fron American, iile i f bj Sun- I the l.tuiler have been w t Dame," Necta Mai,(uis in the h e in ; i s. t e.s ; Althnlli Aiin ist Is supposed to mud bank tin of h Mr He, id iiaio, m ai pi in ha tie hoc, ,, liarbor al Instil lid tit rent re, enlly, ioms. l Y ( l.lav Magazine a and at least two I .1,11111- I'M i ii I this week. Hives i season, vet to.lay. iti ally tvv, i j dn shall be, Pit st the climax of the aim lily four a to frplv. 'and they mud k in, eonse nine to live is fa- -, hours fore. s of lefl . I malm'.; Mexicrins have I l Iv I account of that fiesta. olllv tiT il', lies of pi ion was Mm l 1'' thai pi e nl pav for b, MM! UOI MIT SI Itl vessel slrtiol, bottom em .1 '.).i ii-t- ((iirntes ol thai Hindi Mni should the A after with ion toon , the Sa ii a ns vv it n esse. - the announced Intent 11 I'ca who d. ov- ,, ipph ie, onli and thi was distributed launched csterdav. ( Hi n iaU of postponed that imi .1 in M M the "f .ininiii" 'i in n II". Sept 1. P. it lasl week was Miss Ann lla Fie. I t w , at ,1 ! p ll foul en dai s. on Inch more than Ctiltfoi ina ShipliiiildinK , vVltltSation ,,,:d be III. oil 'I liel hose j el lie hall be pi iiinpanv said )l II lit IIJ K. li President K I t l M b'ti. "lal liters if John McPle of the of he llOt (lo so, at. olds th.,1 vi h in i les; "I of all inch lam Icll. he subiii.n lin apiarcnt I. im- - A. In In.l Miel line not acl,,,! - '. opens l ull Tuesday, M inn.-.- p. dn ,v Hoard regents, wl an- . v v - t Icrm t i Paul S.utlto Sti of Itcnded the Hi a test precipila ho n in an t u cut f,,, lejjpj Hi, m Tl, ,v i,,m Ilia nd not mole tlllll vveli Scpl. e fmiltrcss Malic .1. a lit t Hal l el in- - t v i Rcseri desk now. Phone till.. ,1! It p laid lol,ch hoi he of he hoard stel ilav tour cm seillllie hoiuis was .a, of an not iihempie i to (iinci tips i, ; ,. the inlei state ic a n no ii n i in nl that a suram es ret urn to Ins Hup home last l Hon. in net I'lll Ill ' sh ill assnnm had da tuch on Aumist il .1 l li v vv - been per c. nt ,,f n ". Mi .lack-o- al- i da Ii of of i,, fiom th Pelt ho Then. has be, il a n x, ess n i niper. Plow In I also j the siion hoii' Orminlcil c.Ulduclol s I v w v II and llakeliieli of tha tended the annual lueclinK of the ."t n I'e fa r oyer I nd .;'.; and Mlal t'a be sub hits tins car the nut' le.i i c to his tb nio. rat if Irn-n- load, of Ct meinbe.s Ibe br.. lierhootl inanaLiiii,; committee ..f the school, to. iitiil of :'i;, den s ami ol prct-ipita- l.i eulotilze they believe to U' lo peiiiioii tor ure ti it h that n y obey a ,1a. s t 'i , t would mn strke or i;ether with Mis, k.son and ion of itti'li. s the president's- coufaite At tun talc, the cinphiv i, ili.l ihr i:ii,':ttii'crs and lii.iiicu ..f the d. Mt.rli v, h ft nioiiiini; on v i! ,l ' t Notice this The pt'i ailing he to he a publi ctl "ii of wind the Public made proposal the railto.i.l men It. H"t a Vote be- - VI I lake strike ti f ol Ibe saline pueblos, or 'The lias been Mi Mm epl-,- , It r tin IT' tii from nst. total ilC' 1 ,i, the t nlro.lils ted t - tele, of a lil'cc-- car t out a, still 1, i d " Mornlne- At ( be - Cities Tliat of Fear itioi oiuont hav llli; be I t.'ts miles, an The journal tt T'n-i- i hood-- . pi Ol lolh.U and The KveniiiK Ilerahl respecllv elr the brothel think in f" find i "1 s- av erac,, hourly yelo il it llctessaiv is, lla III. II, e of J miles ... ; their si,),,,i,.i' n. J ia llllWlsilv out the older tor tin i 1'ii. action is mission ii. and n tn.ixinnim vilociM I' ,M miles ','; '" o: lilt following lads: tr:ke, w hit h I think b ' k. II .1 OHM R IS MOIHI II ) H RUSSIANS REPULSE 'III' t -- '.v i1""' "t print paper the boa lai a n lion r t, m h'- on li st . oi il - purchased in carh till lots liel I'loforo Mtinlited labor Mie nios Set ,11s blow M NT It l, nas net n M.uun ,.,. at Iht. li llli: MHIk (I ed on August " fat lory. .Hid H a,' OV S TURKISH ATTACKS owm- - t,, dirfii-uli- It evet i ..i en d cuip se. i vv in pulp, fin ' one I. uniitf the lory price now in of the i.iili,,. ds The NeW 'lilv day as if mil "'r ttnd 'P.ltt the pit" ,,. nl h fail, ,1 III DC Sept The New Yt ". tho indkutioms are that the price of print paper of n.iiii", ai,, tin pto-- WOBSIW lOti.lttl CPICIA. WIW loti'h bin he ot her Mm tv i s may even lili;h, nn. Latum, ct. 111. to (I. lllll atlload a tin. oi in 1,1 tlllll ka0 f. i idi d in t Pet i ojirad. Sept. I.on, hui i palth cloiidl t II for 'ns llVe, H i, . (via insn.-i- or p laying (.yen lint hi III lor I mod ill,, of Its tictsbt III ha on their circulation. or only a thick v tioopH The mean I m at i. ttikinc for ei ice and , I' Turkish vesierdav relative in small loss, the recent ,f he came in a pr-'p- r lie pet nut Mll Ileitis meat. laliv p, prices subscription, Mm ndianoo in mini tldtlk do, ,n ,.f offensive in w as I , per cent paper oei . Iht mi, m il w their .itt.utist the Russian i. the mean nines haul riiptimi. H both oi.nht to hln oil, in. 11,1 ts an pi ml pa per. Sllblci II lice Th,, Jo'iriial and Tile . , o m o positions in Ihc vv t st of duiu- - tl n n i ti in pel a ll e ; J ,li L'l ees amioimce the follou di i nit I" da t :t it ions and Hunscription rates on a pit, to, fe Ml' ,l, ni : " effective and id 111 t'. Seidi mbcr I I of no! I." - and Ijanan, in Tuikish 'It me 'liiniiii'ini .'.ii la lin es vv bile aller derstali'lt'i'b ,1 I' - l 11 I -. A t m It h i a- - I'e "tl S fl mil 'If !',,- t'.e ' f MM ii i.i. s.ns an olfnlal statement s'lti- ii. a a.:c t T'l pi r ei lit The rob him of th ll but he ll IMIlXRdO Rl Mbii,ucii,,,. Mornin- - Journal, ,v yen,.. M - ,i, ."ha II d.l ei i. what a . a issued h flic Ru.-m- ii war depait-nitn- ! in member dial M ll V IH Rl I (.TON ailiHticc (. ,1 ,c lo w a w !ui t h I; todav bul w i c re- - Ity .$7.r.o Ml. aid in nuli,i,' ARMY MOTOR TRUCKS the iiioutli. pleased -- . "Of I, i 1,1st (tie ,,f lat. or loi n:p,f i s pi The i '1 leO, with 'Vile losses. .North of plena ll t he ., ' lite Albiiiuctiuo lAcniii"; hy " id- - abov c no u! a,u, the l.nphtates Mie Kussians i.iptutcl FINISH LONG llcriild. the Th K he I'll! ad lontiiht, DRIVE alliance . The i'lt.'l late "Ill Hi.'! oil, I'- r o v jt'le illae of T. hot onz. thi shiteUlellt Rv $.in Cum - , id e.l silcatlotl ali the month mins til ll pow.-- adds have t'n fiom in .,ca I li Of , mean no! Its ,ouNf. v him; , tnctL nun heia to tin- I.C C II .r normal eor.ilitiotis line h.n tonus of 'il li Mlal was un- - San Antonio Sep! I. -- A ,!com- - are testored ami circumstances will as hout s ii' c i Tex. Justify it, Hie pt it tt It- ! f.- - ( ( ah 'ove quoted lie of'- liallibcrlain's nlic, Indi ra and pa nv of t'htt v will he reduced proportionately. time w oi k is n.,1 past ..! pai three lulled States I'io- es (!., 1. 1, !,.,, OS , Dun iTiuci Rciiicilv. THR of !' Ins-- l.fv tll..t, ks t IV IV JurRN.xL et( . d'n 'In-!!'- " - tun 'd el e toil. ft on, PrBLISHI.Nd COMPANY, than Wors UP lo ..IL l Tin fa Pi' In i in w .di m p ,rt. p, t s, bi d that ei erv nl v. in euit'.il umm.s, N. M.. - .iiacptierson, f h.ii ,. r I ' ih si i. It provided with, after a Scl enteen Putdisher. tfiAfd he I" i i n t,vv n Cdi. THE nVL'NTNC, ,. lis initiate, e on I" s' v. Tin- - HKRAI.l), bid-.- est kind and ' a ,.! let! i onie ,n so, Men .lo'irot '! iv e. mo) miles P.y "the of I t n i ... Mo M A S George S. lit ..'!l be pit ll, n r. v. i in !v t c,i m, Ion ! I, Valliant, Mgr. Scs-m- ii I ii, th it nuns and the porta nre Was tht ni4 st of tile sort Vet of he ll oad- - o " ( I M e tl P ,,t IM III ot IT WORK Mint hi eat ed p! "Ill pt v I 'on - mpt.-- by tin- A s soon II s S e to "' ll aimv trucks. and ,'a in (.,, It - -- t - The hit itler the ff hat must !,,. en- W , rina mpli.: il a . i luilcd. Sen. lint- N, nl e, ,1 treat dill illtv tile I' lo b- - in, d pun iv h 'In mo. .s.pi i Mi, ms. .lined unt a pliv si. ia n t n es or this isioo, hu 'tie mil al dm bi ini; d i, id nt n ! oin in Jdjour nun with the In .11 st , by I t i medicine a be idil.ill ed ' 'lumber- - their ciiiim ,ii the bl "I ai bote iida toll t'lliploi on lie 'hi. aipi, o .i n m ihc Alornmo i iiiels places Th e It is VTote, ami protnptl: was Kivtn lea del s l.lwa St lain Colic. Cholera and Dianhoeaj drive was Journal. the quickest wav. tkie and I'i. nl'toad have te- -t r. his a to at rmtjed ,.s a aft r it had be omo liiOUK ronsent th stssn The . ;t tee o laphed P. ri'in.'at'.on fc ond , Kcal onim eliminated the pi datletsoll seller. ll f w in-- estate problems trade-a- t;.v no'ie f..r the ipiick it- tt hit h it af j to tians., ,' the 111 llll!,- -t to purchases, sales or ie In the bt'tisf, all .ui.ti.ii on ii-;- t t (,f poal that the tepmt i,f ti.e ii iioni of lie 't'lyr Ibtilwav folds Id, !;, n.t t.:,. ,A.-- w lli-- l I e. '!..! point. easily solved hy Journal want ads. Do it todav Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, September 2, 1916. Three rr rrT: "tX r



HIPQLITO VILLA v Railroad Lawyers Say It Is 1 f'V Party c.ulois An Called To- -; Washing- Unconstitutional; j '.ether in Santa I e to! ' , ' 'si.ji 1 y W ton Reports Disregarded; i (Choose Man to Bandit Chieftain Is I Diuvt S:.s!v: ,1' Brother of inwi H:i.lvi'imcsr- Preparing for Strike, i . Ar- (uiitipai;n, Known to Have Been His Return rested After (BV MOftNtN JOURNAL tPICIAL LIAIIO WIMIt Dieei H t MOIClNt JOCMNAM 'liriL ' 'liicauo, Sept. 1. I'oiuisi'l for the j Sa lit. i I'e. Sept. I. .Mtbo.igh the Cuba, - k V St ' From various railroads sire said to have in- - Ft dclllcnratlc ciUIVellllon Was told one' v formed the. presidents of the roads eek late l t haii ot lie i . oibli that the Adainsnii hill is patently tin- - 'cans, the democrats have their ' OUTLAW GENERAL IS constitutional as heinn coiifisi atoi y .c haiinmn. Arthur Schginan. of tins talt.of all one ami class legislation. i it.v and then i a m p ngn in vv oi k inc. ' VICTORIOUS 2 ' of REPORTED 10. 1'. l.ipley, president of the Atchi- - ol del- f cilli he Stat t, w Idle lie pah the most quickly son, TopeUii and Santa Fe said today lii ans .still are looking for a .apiam turned by digestion I j that passage of the hill would merely j ,to diicct their firhl this ill t into Private Advices Tell of Suc- postpone the strike. 111 ecu luc know it here ght that nourishment. A statement was issued nt puhliclty h , t . an slate executive . oin TTTe best of malt is used Attack on Carranza t cessful headquaiters of the railroads that lllltle,. has been ailed to llleel III this BudwcisSep" i in making Commander Near Santa preparations for a strike next Monday il y toluol iiw and Suud lorlbcpui were proceeding without regard to 'hence its food value, Ysabel, prospects of congressional ac tion. j ship sit nation. It wis intderst dul- . m maculate (d'ficials of the four railroad hroth- - ling the pre-coii- in ion fight thai 5 cleanliness erhoods oeKan massinn their forces j ("apt. W. 11. llllcmv ate would be the in process and surround- if n II ,ar MOftMitts jouAal tPtritu Lat wmti here today to direct the strike on (stale chairman bl.e a n.l I'.uimhii 1 1 1 i n . it vv ings perfect pastcur i; I'iiso. Tex., Sept. i twenty-fiv- e roads operating out of 'Won. Hut In n the eotivintion was and Villii, brother of Francisco Villa, unil Chicago In the event the strike goes lover and his i,, I., inn pliant ilillen Ration of product and .1 ua Ills Uv - j ix oa.-- as- 1,1s fintincial agent in in into effect. water turned down ih, ion. bottles make Budweiscr period of power, is now in the custody V. 11. llcinrirlis, superintendent of serting that lie never bad anv iiiten ,,f the I'nited States authorities, it was terminals of the t'hicago, Milwaukee jtion of becollllllg illl'ei lor of II III - i: '. ".f.".. ! I a ,irfV i pure beverage. learned here today. and St. I'anl railroad, to- Vt jpaign, because, having no icnibiiaui- - ia announced So-.tho- rcs Until civil and military a utliorit ies day that the UrothcrhOdd of Hallway o' office, federal or state, hel e W as pure food observe seei'rey as to tile cireum-.1:- 1 Conductors on the section of that sys- - really tlo oc a- - ioli for lulu to lake oil and drink in vv m oi he vv Iv of Villa's arrest, even to his tent between Chicago and the Missouri j the and ol of he hahi present place ,,f confinement, lind the river had voted not to strike. Who will be i llosen for the lob no charge standing against him. Hut it j ST. one here seellls to hav e I he sligble.--' The KaihoadV statement. , Villa came some icb'a at Ibis line is known that here The text of the railroads' .statement j .urns' il.iys ago from Hav ana, hid in the tint says: McniiMTiits liigiiine. of Kl avoiding 4 lying districts l'aso, the 'The management of the railroads , I The new .1, mo. t ill.' Mate , omlultlee was today by x pmn. and arrested arc disregarding reports from Wash- - TK organized this Itlollllng Willi III!' UAls-aM- s but&irjm, iiMMh,.-h'- . jik. m ,H m --lA.3 'iidweiseir soldiers at Ysleta, on the lM binted States inglon regarding the possibility of the) i una ninious eleel of A i Inn Sehu Bottled at the Brewary ,. e, twelve miles cast of here, lie - strike being prevented and are pro- . A. F U R. R,Y man of Sanla as hail man ANHCUSLR-BUSC- H, S't.Louis. ELD I d from the hands of the soldiers! feeding exactly as Ibev would if they ;. jileorge II Hunker, ,,l las egas, re ol o: - to the coslou.V ine ocpailiucui were that il was (going to oc- mains Ircasurer of Ibc- . .in in it ec, and I certain vet he is said to tie confined . justice cur on scltediiled time at , o clock on the chairman and e, uiiyc c, milliliter llliss. CI sdincw here at Fort ilhe morning of Sentenilier 4. E LI tl-AIRI- v. ill elect a ' t Mr. S. Iigman U a- - Collection gent. j ..t wl , r,., a,., that for about ,ui a. cpnm; tin- post told the coiiiinu, C. E. KUNZ v,, lolling the tune of Villa's reign iueight mouths the railwav manage- - be hat he ,o live .u..oi of evil Ja.iiez, when that town was filled with jnients have been warning the govern- - (democrat III he it,, would he tie. es Al.lll (l I ItQI I'. N. M. (Cluing houses and dance resorts, and the people of the I'nilcdj NOW IS STRICTLY T ROOPS PRAISED !.ar to Vli and hat he . am pa l:;ll palilo a ted as his hrol tier's colled ion St a le.s that lie danger of a nut ion wide til oi ga iii:i ion voi, I begin tonioriow.' agent After the 1'niled States gave j strike was real and serious. the Membel k ol a III w mniittee al e move as follow ;, .1,11.1 u n A. Cairanza troops permission to other hand soothing assurances have Iv. I, Ma. .William of-- M i I i:ihoit. Kaglc j throughout given by j ial'l'ey and a- i:.n h aver the American line from this time been R1 haves 'liiarlerniasler, to Agua to fight Villa, ail fleers of the States-- Bl COMHUD mini I: 'VVels, J. i: 'I'.itlllll l'ass l'l'ieta I'liited .Major Flllott said that , Hough food was drought against Hipo-jan- d even by spoke-me- of labor: ,C,llf.l olllllv. I,. Hi. klr.V, II .1. Indictment the is concentraled in Kl, liouglas. lilo by the grand jury of 101 l'aso brotherhoods. The public now know:' lain coiinlv. I'll. V. 1 'oliiiulins and Nogales lo lailon Ihe , him with trying to jtliat the railway;) w.-r- tight in saying! la on s. II 'a lion iima Ana conn entity, charging - MALOY'S ' troops al those points for about sev . , , t.v, I. II up railway trac k near , danger was and set ( , I'axloi, Mima I'lellgel Kihlv blow the Fort that the real ions p. - MtMi rnty days. - o Met. (I .. Kl III Militaiy Entliiisi.islk; Hancock. Hitiolilo then fled to I la- - land that the spokesmen of the govern- III.) 0c oiintv. ill i II. W. liecunail. vana, where an attempt at extradition nient wlio attempticl to minimize the1 ' )( - i: I'.rvan, .lohn I.. HSEDESES&tu ' )('Si Tlil) lid- - o Spiiit Loy.ilty pis- SEW ' 'f and , f..:i..a II.. lii',,, I tt.i.t'., loitil 11 v r ,.it i,f tl.. LlhMilii.ti u'..i',. Ul'nlli' '"-- ide. BULGARS ! M i,.-z- -- C( M ! i 'If! Rc- - .1 v i.m,.,,in' with his wife. j Playing I)es, rate (inine. ' Lllli1' picked; Among fiist to sen. sc,a,,,s. tv, - TOWN 0NSERB BORDER It is not known whether Villa is "The leaders of the railway broth- r i li'i'', ..,i poll" '" Hnrnev. Maitm ('have; lama TODAY V FOR Ki I'l lMI SpHjHI 10 .1 ,nnnected with the recruit revolution- - j erhoods are playing a desperate game lk ttllt vHiV '.oiintv. S Smith, K. It. Vallnndig- - mr wnnNiNa journal pi.tial wmcl as they say now they Willi - , ham; Mi K cniiiH A. 1. lioiiu iiiy attempts of Mariano Tames andand, that 1 Ilannrlt, HI - Alliens, Aug, (via London, Sept. Manuel ohon, former Villa genera Is, not recall their strike order until they! ., . F. C. F. Sw.utz. .Morn itv, IMIas ( Ai.N,M'lii,d I I, p ). i rffni lrr'tiiirtn-- .1 Six in Informal ion rccived or is held on the old indictment. , wring from congress lie legislation! r. . y ;ia .villi- - legos, llorsbeim. liter,, county. Swcrt Corn I'iltllll! A1 ; .,,. ' ''' here savs the Hulu.irs are evaluating a H W Villa, with force demand, for anybody to t 11 - M"fl' II. illiams, i.juay Francisco ad ic e lu re lb. in: as Sett S-- 111 v who iih. mad, hr lolil epio.',s evs Sorovitz, on Ihe 11 front lieu ''clot laiuled as il result id' his recent vu - the assumption that there w ill be no j,.rlin p, ..,.tiii,,p,. on Ih a over Ihe spirit and lov - oc n nt S A InaMa, It. A. hobson; " I'lol'ina. The I'ailwnrs ate irpmlril - 1, it 1: b A n I'ulatia- x Tiiin.itu' in the vicinity of Salevo, to .strike would lie foolish and might Haikan wiiic.s ih. f.. of tie Si aii mil ic, 'legion l;n, Ariib. uilv. Ihniiiett Wilt, . 1. ,. . .. r.. 1...1 .. 11 ...... 1. Sui'ft taries rated pie ... .o-- i ,ii,.-iii.- i , ,. .... ,,i Cciu-ru- l Hi ,s In the Vio. allllV lM ui nmr tiliout l,(i(M) men, attacked prove to be extremely unfortunate. ilovviug hitir of lie nip the l,.aaha ' ' 'K i.oi's.v ill ' mi I, i , , . ('.recti Chili M;llM'if il v. ' a town east of Fiorina. I'll-- , ,n,l.. in th,. vieinitv of Santib Vsa- - "The oiclers whic h the manage- - (Tinies. tin l"'"innai .1 t. al I.I, A. li. Smith, Sandoval M l !! k " III! d o In men ol be v, Ha- - 1,(1 and forced the Carranza leader, nients of the railways have b " """" .count I,, c. Molldra con, F. C. He l'osllilj,-e- " s r ' li la - Hcinov, ,1. ...l... ..l.,.o, ,'.a,l l.ooou to fall back Liu.,1 nhieoor e , i ha r l oes on the lino i,.l . t I ' ' n: 11. o .o int.. llle lilted Stalts Washington, Sept. Suniinaiy City, according to shipment of most kinds of frrjeht m.,',lZ,,,' ' ' I V;h-!m- toward Chihuahua. Tin . h l.ui.b ' of MVican ougln and "'"' In, III oflhe for gloss - Tin-lan- k A "".' ""''. tonight. inds . ,,, ,, vv ,. ,, t h. ''' Selignian, private dispatches here directing that other ;,.,), h il, in arc of Mexican bu .Manuel lielgado, l Inn. laiitie.s" of William I' leiibet get in-- . .1 iiU'riiicli C.inl't! were at freight shall be accepted subie.i to i , I'l. aMpalllcs of regiment, A. San .laau coiinlv, Welsh, V., H. Caniuiza losses estimated jof ;ronvevs iii!:i ot the Jiosl inaslrr ill Kansas City, Kan., was while the, Villa losses delay, are rapidly going into effe, I, ;i and from the 'I 1.. and I... are oiuposeil i li of WlM, lira, I, Sierra c y, .1. A. faith- - ( ) abiiul thirty, )i 11 II. Il, I'd late today by the poalof 'iiaiK's ;an, pub- - 11 to II- a n A inei a a us. Ihe 111,11. all F I Mm were said to have been less. After the shippers, consignees and the 'The ohiauniia lesl'aim, Tiltnuui. nun coiinlv, j ,, - Xi'VV M. ,11- - ,' depnl nielli ,t Villa seized a fteiiiht j lie are beginning to feel the results of,'l "" ".e Halkan a ma i.elils I'l ihe SHU, air lurch. Iv A. I'ino. ' v Cool,; Taos .pjc- .Jill,' v p. I' I! ... I' K s, ,o, aci " ami a rlilrl s. a vv t actually!"' ,'x"''"' II. I1' la k lev I''. I II ; - train on Mexico Xort h est ern he sttike without it having ., ciiiiiy. 'olllll 'for- ( ) ihe a. a , i.- ;. u al. II. :"' a r.idiiale, ill .ii i - a. all,,' . .1 st in si:. con- - j i '. - his men to occurred. S. Kelly, II. Kea- - which he rapidly set pfov i.h ,1 vv il li a n The. peak, read and raiue ...inlv. .Illsl be, fall,, '.id' li. aiise mid lunlliel troop "It should be filly recognized, bow ' - W'l x II. h la a Spun- - II coiinlv, I'az Valverde, (1. li veiling into a train. pa S( to :' !l Ml li nle in liage, but 'mall. unil oilier iiiciiiIhis of Hie laoiilv arc Vl'W t'cltlji S" .Military here, wnne no- - ever, wiai me railway in inning iin-s- s f n t: ii being Iheir h tongue, In v 'C. Smnh. 'alencia county, II. II. Kelt- - authorities heal n. p..riiaii all win king and Hie cuiiili in general . I I in-- j i il a lo il , ; , el icy stopst are not merely plot, 'ding their all i.. lo III ill i.sii.illy speak among linn nrbeck Jos,. 'hav rz. In- - hutting that all their information pariei.i is ,iis i'i,s, don't misled IIMI a large j the iiiiluain 'la '. ,. .civil, H is iiol unusual lo hear' I',;:'.'- heated that Villa is less than town interests hut that in Hook that these favorable ,,,odil loos lalic Sidings 1 - 111 K ...,.! of Vi.lli. II,,,!, sue. i l,..e t, ntrelill,. the inlrr- Written Ueri t .,.il v ill last, llicy won t i Iv.iti, h '.: a III a ai l, li an: .', i it i ;!;,;:';,,;'sp packages alvnns because u'tiii Mailhern:iiost I ase of the Americ an jests of tin- public, and that if Ibev arc g e XI 1..... i ' ,d ti Ills ol Ihe ,rv .Mexico I'e p- - ; .( , . manifested no a ca using inconvenience to the iiilihe j ; Mai if : AT LA ili.-.l- expeditionary force, ( ,., n li.. in. Janus a,, nmpnnv, Santa re, STOLEN JUNTA! noli die t in elli, i, nt man . j .u, i a,,- v a sp a nis a met ua n, savs. , In- pr, nension nai ne piaiiK to uu.u-i- ney nosing ki ii..m the Hani ail. no. in- air ibn, hiiii'.eli will rclaiiicd. 'Ih,. i,thei'4 will l,c - - ( )r, 1.1 V (ate to them- , 'There mxH citbi Spanish tu j Clll-tai- l K,r nf the I'nited States detachments. loss and inconvenience rc I v i v vv iu aic II, NamiNI MIRI "let go" 1,1 Cx IM'II-I'.- (,ct Siics rc. ,. I imcih ll.MO (selves. i rn a ui ill lav oin MX'. live (lie , h ,,:,, '. a,- I'll, 'bio. Sepl to n U'lir Imslncss ediicalioii uiid 'Willi a: Pioioa.hi x t en h tdi.cs ol chewing aba SAXTV VSABFI, l!l I'OF.'II.I) laiihargoes Are ITopcr. T,., n'.,,. n.u li pmt here today now you m I II tic ..i .ltd six' v en: hi ca in ens of water I'.ei'id secret and not "let go" but HV it !. w , t e t. a t , '.lTritl-:i- s b vv e vx it "If ihe n ike oc tu will he much thai pinm ai Hei lr ' on tin 'g II b' a ml, together, e si agents are in vest iga lug the'xvill In' pioiiiond unil your sm cess th- - ill' i heller for all cptlfil for goods, for ni !!'. will tiiai'h oitr hainlrci miles vvilh- Ih aid lii. It of valuable ere, I sun u iih iu during "dull tunes" and P .San Antonio, Tex., Sepl. 1. Santa' to hot - " ' a w " ' f embargoes '"' '"' ""' him net mail n potleil to have oecurr.-- at La gooil Hill's." l, n, the , It. (. ot f a.'" a ,., .,,,,, Isabel, scene tne nitissacr shin,,,.,! t 1,1 in Hie.'"" I'.,.,.',! Ih. ,.w.,v ....nipany in the .Inula, last night. II is said several tins year. I all opens s l , A. J MALOY ' l. Icllll . . ,,,""M'- t n iglitreii bv lv Lopez a, ,., i, ..,,. "" 'u New M.xi. o c ml a ins a lew ,c-- , Americans pou, I - ' a- ' mail lu's were taken from "tJi. your o,,,,. I'lume l.llgl Isli''' a tin I' l 'in n o' a s, the Itcsnic ;illd lacae.l n .1' si cni and at least 'I Inter the capture of Lopez, . t 11 i c.l pro- - rile lice for belli ha lor heo i.i. ,n - platform. Local authorities 1,27. 172-17- ' ii of hr mrm tiers lie I eg vii'.,.U l.v 1... n.l if u on. ..r r I'll llclsco ...... ;. of .1 Phones 3 ' ' he in the bands ot the lannavs. , Kh n,,. ,,n h. aic m.n .... ,. Spanish lanaiiage. less, lo know untiling ,,1' the iiflulr. on ' ,.,( Mlla August axoitting i ... a.- .. il , I ..i, '",wni,.h prol.ahlv could not pi operly wa in ng he .n In in ,,),,.,, n,,. si.,1, re Von I,n, .kill.--' lid ' ton, by men at .,: ,. , ,, ' told mining arriving na ...:::. am.; p,., ,. ,,,, m a m s i a b BACOn'aND j a cullies k CIIOIU'. h wi.h ' foi. 'militan i,i,,n.i, win thrn HAMS, FLOUR , Kl to I'.enetal! s ev-rx- h. a-- , a il look .. l'aso and transmitted ,.( js (( )(i lo1(1( travelers as sl"' '' '' never spoken except Iclore siiant. uniting some old report by a - "A tin- thro, at, he , , s v,a a. coining runsliin todav in a Ccnei we shippers will act mi n,,, warn- lia.ii.p .nbied una sAMj;;,.Mil.,,.'r'ua,,,v 'various en a a a Ih" 1011: n h li a a a rr ltsl as proud H()ii(;iirjYiiNCLE ,uz,rX ru'ii. ing the railway and not stall upc in ef poplllai n il 1, ...1. d. 'I In 1' 11 A l,,,-- n a 11 11 p a ' bowelH icgiiiai ami v., in liver lo'.iifin HHICHESTER S lie report mining men.: is inn. tin izensli as ouotes tne h can not be fmisl ..,. h.11,0 1, In- - Will Mi I flltiX whi. lU't U s;i,,1evs ' r in members of the ha- IIYii.',l l'lllllNH.rirLIIl,0i .lll'l Voll 'xll' feel Vollli;, 'I '. ." .second Massa. " flying tiiat. hav ing all available . f a V I .. . . seized goes 1111,1 s, n 11 111 LI I'aao. Sepl. 1. cm,- look i' W y i d. S' , a a nullum live but v.uing' hen will, .before the strike order nnn.ii, ells ntan mih hni tumbled tf U.- H.oiWKr twi.wt I tn,. IV1. Mexico rolling stock, ' pat or I. Northwestern jvri mi liti s a a h mull id luuisand pounds of flout- and const ion na...", lake xjj. ( jfs. l'" ',' i' , i.s Villa San - j hel .ontinued westward toward j railways believe lh..l in ta ml have the but ,'le 'I I'd. lv C. Abbott, HI! ail. ling llle a suppli nf llallls and .slilftcienl hum Tablets. Thev ale intend,. '? JkjV) ( l .... "The ' 'k I, t 'o b -- t '11' ' ",- - ' Antonio. Santa Ysabel is about thirty : ,1.11,", ,1, ,n ,1 ill Ih,. .tO keep I" III' I.. lo. New Mexii ans, IS I" io last ihe I. s now ol, m " t rc 'i ,., .station v I ,1 ia.-'- ,1 "'"" - , to .... 111 s, ttr.'U'.wfi:!), ' exec th o IICI praise hi In." "i,. lake I.lo il i miles from Chihuahua City. . patt of V 'I.., co.-t- of a strike, they have been tryinv 'Il'"1"" I""' J III. a.t A a at nil) ' r a a . ." agricl'le III ell.',, ,,b,a,;,be ). - :.l. li nu ll. f 11- K I'V ,',', -- -r - ell. llOIII lllc.'ll Ileal,. l . 81 ilo proteet not only own Tl-t- Islll todUV W lli their TlU I." IC I! 'When I't'cshh iil W'lb'Oll railed the Da.rv?'! r'i w;- RUSSIANS CAPTURE tests but those of the public. as l a r ell a late 'no a lo be hni Uer mil cm- In la mi: h ma. I"' 1. 10 tin- -- el -- men the firxt ,, .th..-- was on its OVER TEUTONS w w li w 15,000 p,. x7 Ti,lnis l'1' . av 'olllll, bu in nil four I ' and of ninnyZZrZthousands of individuals " lb) a m 11a lie inn I. ml ," be sa al ml, ill III opill ' u. - pl.-.- III IIV MON,N JOURNM, PtCIAL WlHitl ratl-- i.i ,'.- '- c : 1:.' lo.. "I I,. ' n a h. the inn- lag i'l or llle LAIO throughout the I'nited Slates, the in. - p. 1, 11 Hi "bl II. loll ine VV'I our Spall- fl- I'elrngrad, Sepl. (via London. - ''' t lie belief thai p. Inn lien- be CM Ill nt of Was 3 f: ...'. ays a re confirmed in A i i , ' I .. !" ., n Ii in, i n aii in, iii I.i s s i u m It i 11. 111. The official statement today stand firm nop i"C Hie public wanted thnii to ,. It id s,,t, ev of anv sa s: Tin ,e ;.,'- Ic a mai, p al hern hat in he nil they would vmlaic v. .1 h o, our and thev believe a, I, a vv a la b o ki mi pen, ling rouble Mcxa "In Vladimir-Vo- - mil 17 .. Txv llle dire, Hon of erne,! by ad ' N. li A I, a Mlllhl he slow III the ir duty to roll, ,i vv a oia tin I.e.- o iaa- is a lliel f r Iviiski nd i u vv a d ..,' w as west nf Cb ksinetz stubborn ing any ot her course lolled "Il la' I'l !!.! Ill ',. al. - II online 'Ihe 1. ' w fighting ' , ne. en- i. nun; ' be f u si to is liiging. To Inform the I'ublic. .', hoi, oi.l a lid d .III Tin II a i.i ri- - "In z v b. In- la into the and ibnii Ider r the din ction of Ilaln in the It Will be policy of he l ailvv. phas all In c h:e lo nm the ,., ic'siiin of fight , ,,,,,, ,,,a- " a "I in- - ca th Ilorovanka fierce siateiiiei-- t continue.---, to gr." y the In,, a II ills also i.s raging. " All aim,.- M.e a.. be public all inforuiannii , l l ' .. v. e i I ia In ;. iai ii. e .a a Ii.i:.-hj- 'hi the region ai-- ill, p, il , a- eagle n,: mr 'at pathian.s in the of' will not eini 111 iphi ami Ihe have i' Mtiiuiioij which ,g -' I" ill la iel ha '.ii ol Itir - t lie Tom in., t ic troops' be, i, added Troop- are on lie linn .' mountain our t baiidlin:;- the should ' h bill- in strike month V - I'.MIIi' : , '- i- '. in -. ,,,, a- - e vv In, l ". bill hel rt '.iVlRer. rnl,. h tie '"'boUcsl a whole series of heights. occur. "In tin-- so III o he ino: away llulli the line the region of Hoinavatia on is to ' be il,. d ' b" I" o.i V. h for His Ml ' el. arly interest Idai.t' I.I Hie I. a. Tin e ,r pot Ihe ili.1 At I'll I: 'It - aik. Rovalii'Ai flu "iii'iiiian border we made a sli,:,ht c-- .ca " id M a public t hat if strike the Iel' '" thai ,'Vi'ic'iit m nied la el v It ,', li' iiw in ,'t..m U. lull ,, ,. i 'I to ' u ga .lea hni bo I.' , Ihe weatvvaid. wavs shall be able to maintain vil' i nt. is Tin la t. v. At Ad "1'uritig - yesterday-- battles the Kus- "f Hi llople hi e al c sll-II- of gl'eal si, Irrable pal' " ""is ' .ipiiired L'xli 1 ...... I b, IV It ofticcrs and I,,,,. thev shall ' !,..,t and that I'.lc'ge- - 1 ii 11 mfr-n- j wan i oi wnom 2..0ti were t.ermanx. iiu iea-- n i ,.,Ui;v ,apidlv to "Tin on - h m a "ccj x Iifty-fiv- e ma- - T Ml IOW S VII IMAT.V also took si guns. SCI t hex Will b I.I ,!g, ,'! ' a "r,w Vic a' N vacni,. guns ; ; ii,! t h- : w si ii' nis iiihiu lioin out of lonn seven hom!) throwers. to maintain, ami how t a palh at lea: pal a.i ' ;i ml )Ihhih llu'-li- tt ss ( ol-- i .I-- will v' b'..., a :' In la .i - : I it,,, able to ilnliase 11. riir - Vii fi - , i - pi " ll)tlllt wiit4 I ho limit-- 1 .f.f t. SUTHERLAND AT HEAD ,l olcellon he h ,,a ha li'i Wlllr or ' di'liehd Upon the ' ing " ', ' " Mir Ii.iIm lhr tit itrrm-- lC .V ,e- , employes itul prop, nv bv ,a" "in ;:;rf . l j Hr DAD fOOfni ATIHM .their la " " i, " "'b o, and a I , pi a, Hit iv cs ,1 Hie jj ."Hii:ul..:.. Wl I...... Unit MOOUWIrt IUlVi(, I, s. II is to w '. lit in- i'e m cimo,,;; ,ii, .: he g i c i n.l will meet tlx a I If, k, I J ' ' iaa school in the 1 ... T while the railways a" I" -- ' I. la I that baa.', da. '.'!'! in sialion ii i h .! THE MEYERS CO., INC. x. ,.;a U j WOMNINO t Mi II ' I. .Hue aiivxal of tt.iln JOURNAL IPICIAL LBAMP W,l V u, r. - id ' forth effort I"" .iv ', al. 1.11,1 ,ts-.- t ft ''Inc. go, -- ' Hem ill gelling ,lcjs;ll W hoi-in- li I "'ll Sept. 1. Senator l.e.ll, s d Hlstrltmtors v' 4 ... v vexjv i ...;. 'lb Itct-1,1- - , iitcl in guoil hn.ii ding In, of pn-s- , , a. al ls inc. I "'""land, I'tah. was elected if ,,,, ,, s Ai.itrii in.i i:, m. n- - ,,,p I. ,,,ii,c a ,i,, or two Itcloic and i ni" Allien, an i;,,r , amp!.- ale association also be makiig ! " r vv .a ' " ' avoid la.i today, I v '. ot - ..a! ant defeatinu four t id W V .III d"V ale! - waiter ptoiei ,. a '! o.i I f. I . n A x- Hforge Smith of l'hiladelphia. 1' ' ' ai"l Ar' .;6 s tv from vc rv I'm in of in'1 . llls 0 Vl1''' - How In (.ive .,,o, ili.l-- was- "f, for Sutber-liiia- l ' ,, Senator Violence. ( ' ,,l '.eb: la Tl.. b, vv a lo vie, a I adv a e l" iitai t I : . " v :: f,. Mr Smith. Mr. a ooil , e When ol hel s 1i'l i a - ...iBiwlli ninth vv. put on the executive o II. C. o.ciis Fall leriii Tiiesdai. hoii i,h "ii gel oin v on, rwPs m,ttf.e. ... . , ., Sept Ki'sci vc dc-- k now. 11,001 ,11 bv u g la ml,,-- lain i ,,iig b ""ge Vhiil,,k of r.iiltiniorr. Md ' e ', ' 1,. , all li"'- o o loll 11,111 .is September a ,1 p'e 'III, , , Il led V ban I'I'I'II ,11 r' ted .secretary, nil ,1 l cb I Monday is "l alsT day." e li,. II- - alnl an eX Iv W V tiaiisactcl at for ilo I'. elllols iiKiirtit dbams of Albany. X. . ,i business will lie , , I:- l li nt i " t ' i Ide , I ibl.ilna cnl) '' ' 'u the , fniir-Hais- -- J I If. West aicnuc j as iai ion, for IJ Ja,l t he w la v. also wus V. I J I . i, ;. - h t 'i in...... Four Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, September 2, 1916.

ROBERTS COMPLETES w Welsh and to Battle in High Mojintaih Air JJHLE ICS A li D ILL. PA G 11 cm ne White I ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ALUMNI BANQUET A SENATORS T S TO MOVE - SEES S IP r SPLIT '"'"I- OON0tNCI tt XOKNIN ;iU Kr. S.'j.l. J Ai In" . 1111 I' IM'I'M ".)IM.ll'tli l.y J i,. M. II. Kuli.-ils- . ,,f ih.. Xoi n,.,' I,,,,'"1''4 DROP GAM A DOUBLE BILL FOX DECLARES f,. the l,:i,.i,-- l ,,f U;,. ;,l, ,''" Ihc uiiivt'isily dm int; if,,. ,.,ini . i.'.i in j ii.iilliSUIN Illy u .. II ' ...... , H,f:',: I will I..' s.'ivi'il h (hi. W'cjiii.,1, , Nocii-i- ." ; ; ' ; nf the Kii'nt p,,.., '' if. Twirls Game General Manager Says Santa' ,lH1,!vh,i1M IISHCIII l.'V f'loiii ... Slfi,(S I' "' Johnson the First ) B"nUyn ft lint I ...... h"" Race av pi '!'! .1 and Wins, but Craft, a Re- Fe Believes It Will Have- "- Thi' c iMi I is'il r,,, p f ,fn, Red " i R'! cruit, Loses Second; Sufficient Crews for Usual'. .Munil.iy one r lot!) ' FV.V Sorks Beaten by Yanks. Passenger I'VOIlllln I t,i- - (.' Service. ilurc mill s rvi'il In tin- ."..,:'.. ;i,,. it IliaMirr.H t ( inr miiih hnhijn,.. win s" Vl'il, I (I S u ill - . . V MOHNIM JOURNAL tFfC)L WIHI1 sl'l WI lev'NK fc wth Vi ' 1 t!.i' Sanl;i liiilw.iv inli'iul" ,,r jt A ' IV Wn.shiiiKion, Wash in tun Philadelphia "' - S't- urn blc-h.-- s all ii.iss.ii-i- t 11. -- Ii '.' -- . .split ii - '" t.nt iiain.. IT. FranU II. l;ol , 1 i.i-.- i i Ik- I ui'l '0 ! .!-- r. f ;ni, rhil.iil'lihi,i don iIs ', ( In- licit rl lliinals with tin il rust "III. in UK I run .a-- , v , 1 I'1'' r tu.l.'ix. WhIkt Johnson liclil in rr 'IS hnadclpliin di.iw I"' n I'M, . ,, t 11 ll,Ili.-I- "H si tint.' M"ii.!a ,.,, .,1... ..,,,1 i,, .m,,, ,v p p'il Iii on n i. I'i'I.i s ,.f :,1! sliu'l'v in ,1.I1MI ivM. shu'tmu ' Jn " l !! I'll,'., . """ "ir ciiiiKi'il Tl r ti .mm- team In' l1""'1 Mv.'is. thorn;!, Lav iiuaitoi 1,1 ""-- ' "'. wcic i.' ' ' ii;ht has. n ImllH. hit ;i mail ati'l) " "; ami Nil" Hit's .'sti',tla II I - pi', ll. 11 .1 lUi ttiailf ail cii ni. mis ii In ilatiK''!' hii' OPENING OF OVERFLOW ir. I'li l I'. Kux Ainai.llii. I 4. a h''l' wr if ... " of ji'ial't, Washington rfcrnit pi ' f 11 ' - FOX III. IlillW.U I HP V K. t ill Ml. Mils .'lli'M SCHOOL ROOM M .: y , ... :. iita'li' his ma lor Iraum- the DELAYED !;: i 'K V lit .1 .t'll a a St will hav.' mi! 1. it'iit I'. mi i ws tn II si'i mi'. uri'S: . II I! H Ml I' i - " i mow all I'iisM'i!; u.iiti- anil at l , r .1 '. I' Til.' ci'.f-- s. ,n ii i i;i i w -- M ' i.v (Ht. h (In isloli flow hool thf hi " " "I fit imii !'l...i:iil Irani in ..H if v h : A i: " ' V Mr. s I. I. . ran, K" '" "i",1"'l with If ' ' "" ..ti,,.,. i . t '.' I... 'i,.ii. :i. .' f..i..,: l '( ..: x l'"'"-n- ' ' ' " iii. s. .t ;. " '"'i"io,i !iv " " - - '" mil. T.'... !!'';. " I !. ,i i u '. X , . i l...n ''..''. 4 '. "l . j - r.M.K Mum. r i " - I'liits,' follow m ml,. I, nation11'" !"i this s. h,,., M a ci .1. 4 9 t ii.i t.i: . 'I " 'I S ' will not ri'at n t hp city m , . M i. if inc.- Hint'. ft ' i : l -- M.'hni- - l:. i ' i" siuiiKo if Mi i (. II i t K. ' oi tilt. ;,i I...' k !. ti " i " : is tii.. n n inn of the Santa ' "' ,,,,V j ': "'lt.. Ii. '"-- ,1.. I i ' Wilt I... I'll,,. 1' .flit :. " M 1 - nun' if " " - Hi i.l.' - t,. i ia i all " I"'- SI ., 'I i II 'I 0 ' "J siait ss.'ii tiains lnini i. ' I. 'I ; .. " .. I'., 'i .', " piis win ii'i'ori io in,' wat. M mtnti, t. I, I. .it.mii. tiinnnals. iz. Chiciiun, Kansas rut h'...s .. ii ii .: i - . ' ii n,- .ii n ami si'V.'iii It w il.thiston, li.tivir, ;l I'aso, l.os An urailci's I(, 1)u, I'cntra! school. Wlit'n T .MS : I.l T"l.l!l. n pelt's ami San 1st o mi sch.'ihil the hi,miv s ' Ii Hilling - t.m.' Moimav with loin,, " ' -- ""Ins ,,f li.L... l'l,l,l moininu ' Wl" Id I i - '"' ttaiisfcn,.,! W.nhillKl 'ii "' "I'' ' ouii'incnt of iiiiitl. I'.u.c. ,,,chi'- I lie pre csca ol ;i i 'I'll' i .t l.i i, V- - the sr, i;i i: sum iiuti a rlu Hcl in ..I lc rs ami ilininj; cuts cumini' '..-- .. .1 1' was ' h ion il ll'.il 'I.' t , , I'timi'li'tcil ycst,'tila. The ,,l. silt we w ill haw s ti tit 'it i nam lews to .ii n C. - ti.ui-- i fi-m- I ' n M'inuii. ihi'- "n " ' rf " iiasM-m;.',- ' "' "' w"st r " n ,;i in-- rilii M ;i u. .t mow all I. .tins ami at "V 7 ., Hi . k" n " .' snlc of the liiiililnm. ,a, u k .1 'lin-"- ' oyer It I l'.ii.M si ".il- ll one Height Ham cai tln ision. l!j ..n l.i i: "t ll'i .i.k-ii- i ' M II- - 1. ' junti ..inn,' Hasan- - Kit III. I if I " ' ' Law definite advice that ihc "" M.miiiM'tl I and i .n . ... '' "chi iHitinced that the teaching corps ( lour ol herliootis will hold union ....ii. m ut mni i "' "'" f. the illy schools hail been filled. l'!III..Mil:i.l'lll A Vv stlIMiTi iv inictiiiKs tonight at Newton, lnnle All Ii II () Al Ml it M n a ; F''(Ai rite and Ui Junta and will iv,, j M(m(u .., .,,. ;!!. h o :i ti. u (.,y Keiili'inliei' MP.IS'KI V'.' I lllhM'l 'I I'M Will I.i.'ii.n.l iTOthei himil chiefs tn withdtaw still; I! I! II A .a ti t' : l. II ,1 It I'msIO .'I J II j I. o linsiiii'ss will lie n, All II II ( Irunsucit'ii I il i I II The man v K. i". . i I ii : ii s,i link i f J Mil in f nlci'. inn of the lM2-i- !l Wv. I "f 4 .1 4 M' i i West l eiiil umIiiic. 1 I I s, l.ittii; If " .1 I II Smith f 4 ', on r is- - if 4 I 0 XT. ,"' i' en line in Colorado refused to V. hkn(. Mi 11. 4 I i. HI 11 K Hi 4 II ' n Iiiiiih Slliltikt If tlrtlip J i! ' k ll ') '.' J n,. II. li . '."io M put if 4 0 I . I i ,i, .. fi. '.i I. il H VI. n i nt ttic cmid u, toi s, ami; 4 I : vv ll on If i lit i'li' f is engineers I, ATI". ( ihiiw .ii ' .ii ' TOO 'I'O CT.XSsirT. ,,. M. t;i . ii 0 n " " I 1 ,.i. i limn lit I'lakemen m anizatmiis on the Santa I ii i i,a- .. I',, iin, h I 9 r.j, p - 0 , ol,--- , i.iis.1 .nit. mi. lei etl lim n I ii- -n . .1 ii ll eft l'"e in Texas making l .... - I. t II 'I arc Units to A i i i pnrse M'.i-- o . t I) v lainiiu' wnh silver ami nthi'i- ti ! i j j; 17 lain court injunction tn .i cut the 1'f.ufrl . ' 0 0 It ...Mi. ti'ticlcs. Lost Kew.n,!. ''.i'i- - i i.' j; i ' near bliiluc p II 9 ll t si strike tii km plai t'. tn t.', ... it n It ' I'lione 14."il!.l. l..lll,l..ll II I "I ci Thirty-si- x and I j In - eimincets fiiciufii. s,..' ititiliti'- A . i nil passed at 's bill fnld i.n Kifst I " 1 in ,'.,-- expencnceil inen, sal tsl the win. T. ll .U ; mil ..... t toi-- s. cont.-iinim- Ii..t'-- t . ' examinal inn hclnri r l.nitnl nt hool pla.vronml l.ahor I'll'llrl I'li t - l I. llitill'M" hiuiiiii'ti .' "t I'tnlu'l. iiln.i " i.ii ni'.a.'s i:...o l 1.., Mil V i la II . tickets .'of tun t., '!ir' Y.a tl. 1 I hit ri "' ,1. n i i,.ii". i ,'i.iit.' i! Mv "K'T Vell has appli. from tip-- . room IteWill I iii'iiili-iph- 'I" iij, es ci '.n aliens I iM I,, , I ii ,1... .I'll.- V. tin i my r affair, k ti,..". in-- ! Kiinimty Kii"i I'hH.i'ii i.ihh. I The io.. iiiiei.-ii- liiihiw ui,.,, i. tut wnh ' Kiiiii.iI fiinii- -i iff i'r. ft Stiu. 'tu- - Wards of Jim experienced and ' . , w II i ,. ,.- - t " t I ii it ,i a in.--t ll'i s d,., h pcet hat tn cull, ! iem-e- l n - Y, hiU- M"i' IM'iii"! ii."i.i ,,nt,'l la has iii on l"i nn.. m. de end he i' toii. ed M" 's exi'i l men nai of w hom will Want lilnh gratia pmiMtijp? nr fli VIii-i- i I . i ai-- will I hi I.IPM. hit- ll'ii. lull l.iiiiili ime, will ne on u ii, tin- 1 m nut i'IihiIP' While, "i m. l'..i at ''tin ".ii.intll neon!., witness tlli'i , he exiiimnetl totl, "' "niii-.- .viakp ut of tie an ...Ill) II t , h t ' i k ;!. I'liliiilinH of tile Joiirntib ll. fill) - Hi'" PJII"' la in a r stir t iiiindtic: n in t 'ib. nu a i I'u ntjit' in if m Th.- ;fii! mil. s. rv oi 7: Itnslon I'' ill' I I I'" i I'' '! P. i'. X. MlflMf I'l.lltl I New York. Sept. 1. New York In I .in i. .in- - I ti'fi'T i Itrniiltti frum .biiirn.d Ailn. j mi'l ltii.i "if to- - ' Want i a three run linston lead tiff ItUfy I hiruik iiiii'Mv 1'friii-- i.; nvcrraine NO I'I I'I I ST MIICIIM; III I I) I'.'ll I I.) III1.1 STANDING OF THE CLUBS MAURICE M'LOUGHLIN BABY GIRL CHEERS day and won. The woi Id's cha nipmits i.v ti: inmi: at i. .11 biiVf lost six of their birt smen Kiiines. t LEATHER AND FINDINGS Mili'lnnHll, Hi rillsliiiiKh, :l DEFEATED RY CHURCH FOR FATHER AS HE in Niili,,tiiil I.rngii4. lllostnti knocketl Shn. km mil thei J uiit.i. ( 'old Sfitt 1 1 -- 1'ltlhhiiritli, Sip "in' iiinali wmii w ' fi, n,M-Mn- llarntiifi, Satldles, I)evn. Taints, Roof I. !' IN IhAIIVJi) FUK GH I "V ,"" 'n," ..f the members of the four I'ubiv. Wiiinm ),,. THE FOURTH ROUND r , I'alnts, finni rittst'tiiKli b'' 01, four hits ami two passes, Sc.iroi , 0, hp, ,1(l0,s ,,f i:t. t I n raitwav tin plows of bntiit i on mill the hitilnx M 'base, in -1 x M.u i,m,v , ...... THOS. F. KELEHER I'M I . lh"" w .....1Wits NO.NIN. inuRM.I LI.I.D...... ' .'"1"' re l.ltltuilll, who miide foil i hits, fealuied I'm MoHNiM iouKNii ciciAi- wmi I, l.inill l .IfOliriAl ltl(ll"i iv i 1. Chal-- j ll :. h i, " f ii i :; ') ho 4 t '" Spine: Sent. if filM.ia scheduled to hchl here tonialit to TIIOXE 10. 4W W. CKXTHAL M.iii.n-ii- i l l t Mill; V Si 'I'I. r Hal l tuoii tml allahiiu :. If " " I, i III) t t V hnn in .ti Hutu prmest ( AlliiKiiKirqiin ,. it,, 'bai hn Wi ll Will tn aitinsl the issuan, of the fllf lilt- - field ill. (I I'll' hi I .la, nhs HIU Ailtprl.'iiii I ii k nr. del. ill nl M' Mm l.i'Wis If il I ' ii.iukH S' h h . f "P , .. ., , u t S I'. ' , the 1m ". 1 row it oln ii il ii n' strike order, ordiiii; to a report. Kllst iiilsl-lll- ll llililtslnlt, not of the ;,.', m M iin'-- i. w :,. i It. f" lint" i.l It Invi'l Pi U l'iii II. II...I..I, 'hlle Welsh Moliilay a ei n nun lialli.'l' 11. il ll f M.i ls.'l..:i, ii i H it i was not held. It was eariie,l, hmv-- i I IIIK tn ,h" Is he nut ' h .it ml nt' he n n In nci RHIIip, tin nl.te, mil 1, .il I t I .' in t 'l I I "i II1R If 4 " ' - ., in a s. Iti'iliieil .ill round bout, W'lHter.ef iff, Ilia! il inei'tiiif- is called I'm t- Ol - i In. ll w 1, t It ,i h. n h ,. na nn ti at I" i:h : ii ii n p, .n il 1 :; - L fi libs "ll i;.ii'ln..i :i. - 1 one-hal- ' ...... 1 i I ' j I.. n t. his urn hum toil. iv by ii II II 01 I. t a- I ti :' 4 noon ill j I'l, V Ull I'll III Hull si .ii in Wei I"l. I ml " lull "I i. X'.illv.ll. M, n n ntlO,l. a . II.- i s, I (I II vii n ii ii A' mi ii ii " . . . . i,, )ii'., i.ith liiiir minds. ,,i ti l j f.isit ch.-- i il Whether the .Hiibject of calliili; oft! , ,..,,(,,,,,,, i,i,n Cleaners-Halte- .ii' ir ; u ti s ' w.i, ,'i ii' lib TlirV I'I TIlllAV Tlciilis 2 0 .' p ii rs k Wilt -, i ii'l'nh.i lithe strike, nt the suhjeet of hmv to! " I . I !,.!.. hi- urn Uehh look bis final full mmta ol i ii ,i fit .1. 11. 4 .' , I iii'I .Nlllll.llill Ip.iiiiii. hi i.ti i i iiixliiikii .'l It... L.,..,l,.. .1, ....!.! .1. :l... . ,, . .. tin- ,i ,i it n numv, !.,,.. n f i I iin'.. it I in, .,',' si in- : ,,,.' iwo v.iih ,,i del. at. left I. il il "oik with ininchiiii; and his H, i ni'i,ii,,.p n' uie siimc I I ll it .' 111 220 West (iolll l' tl ll.ii ii ii' '! I'I' - ,;' : i M.HH l Older isslletl, is to he discussed IllOne 4tt I1,w 4l..'liu "' ,lili',l-- ill ll... I,. Id Hi,. 'il., .iiiii,ii- pin inn ne laiti'i v.cic ' -III "I II In I I - .,i ,. ,. Ii n 0 11 '' '"'! (.I'll. II. ,f 'M'.. .1 W. y Sh this uieetiiiK, m, Id - v 1. li in ea'-- ;t he not he learned. il i, ; ii ii t, i, 11, I. n n S'i-- t. .l ... nil. iiLi.i in lour iii in I..I Like hums ml Wnivli ii li il 1 Uilii' r ,''' I" mi-- ' ...i ' It l i I There appeals, however, to an ! i ll 1 n ,i he w Wli.M.' C I'I 4 ii .i ill Ii, i in r I'lnll c da in fi Ollii h Ihc i '.tl t iii. in f ' . , ,i,l.., it . i mlercurieiit in of off ihej I Mi 4lllirlrnll I P IK in". ii hi m. M i'lnll'. h lotiiiihl was i'u "ini'l--- pi in a m;.; his (..utwiuk fawr ullum I. JtnfnfC S li ii , II I i l. " Initio I 11.111 iii 't ri Ml'ike. llmm ll' ..I ll. W S ll p II 11 S Til's , , of Ihc ..ISll'l, ami l.lllle i,'ll I' till' il t 1, m i p 4 I I s I - .. ii 'i . hope lllu.elll. li.i n f a ,,,! v in III ill h. I'aints, Oils, Gins, aliillJi.ibl HiMif-- ' ' I ' " ', ,1 w a h. It ea II t k ill " ' I' a. w ..,i ii, n n he w,M I'liin. in f.nih on anil ainl old daunhler, II. a i.u .lii. in cm Inir and Kiillilinir Tbiht t ' ,11 "' ., ,. i:. St,.,, .. ,,i 1, ;.,n.i. II ,i , in of W ill ti. in .lohnsinii, well. ii 'haled ihc Imiiuis wilh Iter lather, in tit inn 1.11 'I' " " I. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER I' W xll .IH"f I"i rinlirr In 'if h. llcnver. Scot. I. I'.cnnv Cluive7.. of! jl J' war am. iilth"ii::h it i ' d '.i ih:ii Inle W. hh was lieiilnif- a talluo mi Ill nttii iTimidiid. was ..I ih. r, m, 'mum iirlit l,, vers in the ihe I'm e m 'tie of his spatiiin; pa n ,,,.n awarded the decision COMPANY ' . i i I V .1 Ion a foul in the of KAWS CLOUT HUNT FOR torn ti. iin. nl I: a i" Williams II n n d ims, he, mi a im lea i in Hie i t fourteenth round Sll'l) Ku .n- - ii :. l.",. .1 111 ' v.'ik.j,', sehetliilcd round hunt with Joe il had a ha nee hall. 'J ,i t i s o In .mi- Iii,,.1 ', it - .liltl ' III 'I III n.iti, EIGHT HITS AND THE Louisiana here precetl- - I . "' si -,' ii iiw'.i imnnht. The TUC CftDB mi K,,,: ,1, f. l. u h 't.t'hli," P. kmp.. It'.in UM I mUDAUVI lUttril ih. i.h ait.i ,. WW Ifl I , M . ' U V 'I U ' 11. IH n ' I'mimls had been fast and iiii III. null nit, I'.illf.l ...... " i-i t! ,' ,'li, X' u:ih fairly WOI VFS ARF. nFFFATFD- . i. .i..n....i.. v hm. " ipi..i . mi, fvv-M- - - ifl si-,- k.-- ..If I I ..ff Ma vi. ven. They are feat Wholesale and Retail Dealer In n" .( .1 ii i; ' 'a tbl. herweinhts. i" .."I,. man, .', -- . I n. ,t i - ii' n n.i nit' he If sn Hit an. ui, iff FUKSII AM) SALT MITS la, ,iiii. Mt,t, .oulN., .'tin III..' 'ht..ll.h al the .Men .111.1 women W'lto iiticii the nail sin,, k ; .ma ii in ii .' .;. .ii" t li. ... nl a SiHvlalty iv , j Vaslnille Snusuo - ' ! 'i m,. t i. n l n in ,. II ('liiclic Pennant. uiiii,i.ii f' I' S. .l Lliio.lI. k ' .1 ii.iii tin- ha m pioti as tin v hiimbm V Mats Ti'peki. Kail, T"l" Wllhnii wh.illl 111,1 1.- For Cattle find Hoks the Blggtlt ,.- Its t.ik. I'I'lhl.t. 11" Sll.l... NitshMlle, Tenn., Sept. : W a I, In-- h- - The hint, d I I, m i, i. the baby heel hcl lal .1, Market - .lltl.l'.ll It II v litis W'li f'.ll'd lillfl'i m.i sit ii. k ..lit k. In M..v Prices Are Paid I Sic Nashville team tnilny cinchetl the ll. ri, c. 'i ii '' i, .'. :: i' ,m Welsh simleil and waved his. til' fi mil i. hii,, t...i,, .mi win' in iSmithcin ,'issnciation by 1. t pennant It.i.H .1 : ,s ,,, 1( , ln la a but h ..i Si oi i i " l. s w a in 'd a her f mil IIIIH .111 ..I GET OUT OF THE ROAD, Little Hock here. The '..I , I'i n al victory W I, i t won I'. i: ',,, onmli "dward 1'itls ami Ii, .If i. in 1. I.l hit. lei mi ham, fiom the a ' iave cluh lead of nine " ' - t e Kanics 4 .itirt tl, VP " I " s ii... k of a Ii a, 1. I, I. I Will boxers' mull, te. is held il mifi'l em COME ai 'I'opik.l u, 'IS lt"l OLDFIELD, HERE w ... I, K . lover New n, leans, ith only cmht .n.i II. l.i , . -, .1 ,. i cMii ill n officii, 11. ill. .. lln nl Hill ,., I... b John m, tins alit mum ail I... I I. M'h.-- TEXICO-CLOVi- Hudson Signs l IV i ll 1 S for .11, i. I, I. kei per. lull ill iltvi-- and Ml, ll h lull II. J al ..oi iim al no RACERS"1" M W c hh in n i i: i.ui ll - expected' that a selection j lti(ioii, :i i oi k, I i.n wiiii M l 4 I I I IS I.IKK S(C- - Will 1,1111111 OTIII; ; Sill, I. n llr, t ha he m.i lie row. Iloston, N4',t In defl-altm- V, IV lilt Si lies Mollll'- - Ii. Imhl. ol .l.ii mi in i. m i,.,; t i, i, I ; ', N. M, Sept. - hm l .. Toil. Iml.c, While till I'hlllli- - 'I, .. Sl.,,l I'lll hi S. .l Mom t hi,, Clous. ... , ,, ,.. Wall Paper W ,,, c 1. t lute the ,1,1. ,,f had MORAN-MORRI- mobile meet is to piilJc.l off tAuiiuni; (wire fiom bleokl'ii tin ,,,i,, lie ..m ;i Loiuhlin S BOUT is a success. ,s eiaduaies are siic- - '" ll fol , -l 'I. Ihc h.l Uel ol ii,.., c In l e in ' ,,f , .., 111 in es a ppi Ii. ,1 w ill hall a vain,' M u lie.i In e Ihc all. i m ,om i'"" " '".cess,.. r,...... II iii s e i ., .., n ., a i i l - , lea-'i- ' . ,niin s f"h NOT TO BE HELD AT Will. It. Melhleldels h. Il.lllli- llf lllst il,ll III illnllal S. li II t .ii,..i-iii.-n- i it nas oecii HUDSON for Pictun In lie w In ,i a j t .tsl ol i 'hn is. Tim : vv "' ' ii ml inu S. ,i, Sl.niv it in I.ui who. '"' 'mowiim more and u ,, DAY I eX-- ; mnie siiceessl ,, I'" lop hi- - - h. ,,, TULSA LABOR j limb r the iiuspli es if the I' i V.'liK I s Moll.. - J ,,e, VI" (,.lr Framei Ml It II i '.ll II i III ... n a plan Hm w i. i'lil ha it ti Automobile Km t lul iiim-liit- , " is nt llllblt fill' I ' I ,. li.ll III, I. "'"; .'llll .lie I'l.ll Icrni, ,. i. . o ... i. ii M li.ii- - hint h.nwv ci HnlNlNI inilDNAL ftflCS 11110 WIMI) ( eouiio.-c- oi w 4 I .1 lialw Hill enisaon jc i s ( rourlli St. mid Ooiiper Atb. .if I Scptcinher all. 1. Morris i , ss i ill I'.i'i .',,,w.. that In no hm:;. had li'ls.i, iil.l.t, Sept. tail o l.iisim n. ash Kaluev. ol write or phone liT. In, in Ii it '1 -- a i .1 HI. I n. nn. t - and rank Alman will nut I'mlu in Clovis. i tl, Sll! !' 1. IIM I tl S .In ecletalv and I ' , , , ,!'). to- '" I1'"! ' i.l '1 '1 I'll alMltnl Tuisa I..,'',., dai. The pimi s 111.' clllh. I. f , i S, i. i , ei'f in hm ' ., ,,, il ,h I'm il Iv h K .! '. h 1' e pin - .'nil e si mln called off he mat. The date uf the meet is September ll' , 111 n .1 in M I.", nil lead in ,1 II .ll.t. ', tl. V . j.. .We, li The le will he set hm k Wo W ecus li ami mi A specl.lllv built tl.ti k has l ' , ..p. nt ; i li nl t he i Iii e 1,'ilit n III. ii' lei' ol VI, " 1'iisi ."1,1 Hie liuihi will he slaiie.l in ci! hcl p.. ,., made I'm the m itsiim which is A '.'I - I, i all.l 'a , i it v. with mills .In I I"' ih, hn. i, in .nn mil meal ''I' wr oi, Kansas the snid to he the best vwsl of the l: ' i: li -- - ilaie-devi- LUMBER "in ii nn nt nn. I. Iii i w.m ilie la el' place. The pir- Mississippi rivet. Sonic l T - S, ..,HC nun , i.. ii; 'hiiiopi i,(. ii. ' : w is taken In nml'is pai.l frank Jlm'.'iii Ins lolf-il- with fast oils will he m these II.. i, , IV ii ' Albuquerque SLter ''ii a. nn ii, Hit nl Hie fa! .'his ewiium. Mums lecencd no; laces, iiml a. rei crnwtl is Lumber Company II. ,11, t ,. ' 4t. NOKTII STUEET and lie,. ih'iiiiill III i ha III plim - III lav 'I it Idee fixpct'lcil I'l'illll all OViT easlefll N'.'VV ni'.ST it-- ,1 si It hn- I.. I'll cli iii in il M i .x c o ami .Texas sun, I. ihrec vi. its the Panhandle. i a- - , -- .. ., Ti t. '" "Ki-- Holts Io ant MflN WIRJV: hose lehind the pi n.i expect l. ' i " i.l '.' I nn oln I HAKKrR Kanff t'- iii i. ,., ., lid n. In; "It lit, . Ill III plon - laiKer iinvv.l than attended the - Lul I . . 'in N. I. S.-.- u h a, i,, l:i pit' 11 vi , w I I'...... in, ih o pi. i e, ii w hi SINGLES TITLE IN hock rai' s Tl,,. racing will start at It.H.o. ir ll,,.;... hi W . . ami 11 Toole , i'i '1 Ha' -- I. s il le t ll -. In. I lit. I. '1 ii'li'i . .,! ' a' nit: ee inn- o k each d.iv W "ll 'I" M l :'.,! f t he i.c n i. m .. vv I, STATE TOURNAMENT A V4 tit'ac3aatc in " Ihc hn mi ui nl will hi mi, j I.n; dance be on innnr.LS jet will held tilt JLtLH kJV7H U i i. ,, I. ,,i - W in '"..'h.t m, all. is 1, il j nmhl of Seplcinhel I !, ."! t II. I, t i: ii i: , fin . s ihin-m- n s W'a-I- M.'lms, ...UNL CtCIL ttlllll MIIMfl There will he Ihice races on ,l,e i ui"' i mi i 'i ,.,,, Reading Using i .m.i i'i in Xliii I'etveh, l. I),.,, darker, lof , first ,lav The first will he a for and At St Louis h p.,, m I,., '"'' i.tce i - live-tull- e n a si. in- ihaiiii'iun, won the siuuh'sl seveiitv IT foi-n- ll s'ocl; rain. I' .t. NAPOLEON DIRECT li.niipfiiship m the suite tennis - . sirs The fn-- t puis.- will he v,;,nt; MORNING JOURNAL "WANTS" COMMISSION AWARDS ' ' "' i'cii..i v , . secntiii i, use. jinn, ini.'tl Ja. LOWERS TRACK MARK I"'hiv, hv K. M Jr The second t a. e w ill he a vi en .fi,,,,-- . , EHMKE TO SENATORS SUPERINTENDENT OF ii i ee out u lour set s, tie s til e m c In oi a I fol Sim k You pnifit throup;h fintling1 l)ar;iins, AT - ,,,., ,. i..";;.-,,- '; POUGHKEEPSIE , .; lit-l- ONE ! i"il nr (ksiralile STATE RIFLE MATCH I .ill lite! ; ", positions. ON PRIORITY CLAIM , '! I'l'icil an iiihlll Uiiine f.tst pui..,.. J .secontl pulse, FINISHES FIRST TRIP . ." rh'' s, T nf Ivwntv-lw'o- l such . ais ,,s tl,,. Kiutl. tneilaml, .Max- - ... -- ,,, IB, ttu,NlM lrikL Set ,'Nn aims was in, .mums, in., louiiia-- well ami I'lmvMil", will lie ill tlm- juut Lll Tlicv lirinp; results. They -- ell, fi"il ("mi iin.i ii. i 'I., v ri b.m t dm, ii hv i; I' ii., il in. .Is in the doubles "ill be race. The third will he a motorcycle '. mite,, .1. I'hi, live cm nude, cm " 'he It ' i, pa. :m; . . "id liel- - ' ...chill invv. ,.. jnhs, recover tlie lost, and rent va- III. w i. I. ' I ' .11 , , , ,,, , Hid v il i; il 'I I Will, he Si ,,f p. da'- i.l won ih. lm,. linn J iin There will he but one rime on file. TWO cant L I I'1 haul. ii Hi. - W property. .... V ...... 1. ... - ... of j ,,.U - A CUT -- m,,! ,i.,v i,, w,n m s, n,.e. A. , l . ""'''CORDOVA GETS Wa-l- ! I'. tin tin ,ii ol -- In the ink',, m Vine, lean Icmini ' l"iimi i, .old ol It will hea L'lti-inil- e free-for-a- The New M. vi, ,, i ,11, - h, III h, I I, I ,1.1 he ,,,.,!, I,, fm a 'I it la III, In he Tn- - Napo'cm OVER EYE IN TRAINING, ' i.i purse,; -- .l f1' held in n ' ''ui. not, wnh lal. ,,, People buy the Mornine; Journal lumal i,.,, i..,iv Wash wo.. sli.ilulll heals j L'..ii and thlltl, $;,tl No special n , , :!'! li,llt . S c h e tl Ill III). 11. Illl.. lln U ! its ails as ami lilnil that W.v siun- I"M'I'V illlllf ,. ,.,,, cm TO ' ' "' "ill ' ,,loWe, t well as its city, state la- -l nm ht Hi- - i n " O.N.N JOU.N.LI ,.,Ie hv It m ', 4 a ,tc ., , ,. i,il " hm. THREE I'd ml ,o ,h, 11 Mn in thc '"' ' e. - i. , i' t"iv. ihti.l. , pt . 1. In " nn- snllmi; any, ., II' It W si ' . W VI ,. .) w I '" Slv,., ,',u s. an stock at worlil news. I ; i, si I'll ., ,1 ,'itel ,'.., "' was folic hi eXhlht, I'I lc Will he S, ,,,,,, ' h It " loil bn.t! ;,l Tvlolle Willi sl elmihlc. ,,f . t i -- H lei tin l"i. In ' The m o! ',.. W a all I'lnll I ins "ii '' " r nn i'lil I's s,,in,i,u; pa iii r. Kid Law. of : laslest iliiwis in the I'liiti-- Stn'es , , Mm: ""'I .'It it ei .A met i a a ie h 1 . ..I'll. In " ti. 11 Si- - ' '''"' !::.,. ii, in lie I" 1'a.Mi. i ,1 was I amljvvill tli iv, m i I. li.iirv orlnv hull,, ibis t.iee ,in, speeds on Iv ' Mornin.o; arc the t. P Ol l . I . nl Journal Want Ails Ct lit pi I'l ." I...v "11, t .1 " "' :"''" "' "'.'t a l.,, .nf ver his ,fl me jiihuve nllcs pel hotll should III' ' ' , Lr. i ,,.,- -' -- , Id'ooest AiiK.'l.f cluh of .1,,. p., ,f,i ' ( Wheels v ,,,,, I market place Albuquerque. " ""' " ""' u S,.,,,,,S all.l if II 11 lU.lde. in I : I . ,1 " .,,f!i. WahalloVwrf the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. i; ' li'"-- t ;'M " 'iiiil'uii he lof his li.ttile wun laid The sto, khohlers in he f 'lov - FOUR 1'lic nieetinr place of many thousands ll'HKIIp VV.ll I be ' i I 11,1 lal WaslnlitfUiu ..l "'' ""' Wmili, v.,, I, is, hi vi I... i hn m.niiolnie I',,..,,., ,a,.i. 1....1...1.. - . , Lme In !., IT t I). -- everv dav. il.lom'rt Iin the l.v Anne M Tole.b. .1 nl mil "on- ... nesi le-- - .., Known misinesc men cliih but title io him m VI :1 "t l.ilucne-- s mi, Vim ipoln They its W I! f PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ale AVashinijton, iici oi dum t,, a s... X ., 11, t . Vl"ll ail itllee he. nl ,'., in. lle.f Z0:r ami Wi k nsmi Si, You lose at ev- iii'ti'i'icent. was tieiiiiiahv 111,11 IJ: least one opportunity Iive '. iiuipni Piovkin. "". .loins and Limllev, N'cal nnd ,, , i ly.s an, was 'l Ilsh Cl, tl I I.n, Am; Si t V, i - . drafted flora Alllieles iklatld. .'. I ery day you fail to read Moiiiin SOUTHERN LEAGUE ii..... a V illl.T, Win. I! Mersfel-'r- . FIVE tin" dr. ifl money that ..i.hi. a t 0"!. t T'e P. Sl w.m in the s, il. 4. "'ti.I. I". is Velvcrton Journal wants. I i mm- ,, ' vv h li vv ... T VI I ;,il '"d fuel tn WiistiliiKlmi t,lav V'l.'lla Ih' at. "lid hi "1 ' e.l ill i' (' I'.utl in I'mila!.,!. i. l.ns V,,- - km-- . V, ih.," . ,. in Phis S Ih',! , a iiilih. , .s:e In. lin The I . m.iii.i'jenieni announces that II. 4. l ull II I III ti I;... k I In - I.l-- I In w w ii Ki n,. n, ;, 1' i'lis II'.. aim ' ," .'. k h am s Lake 'bev have ptovTib'd ample nr brixg ' ' , , iin tii I nmiiin. nrsiRr.n 1. N m-- til's. It p desk IIO". I'l.nm I,:', n h ' - a m s, ,.,. d. ftre-'- tn t!;. It) on '. results i,. nations lor a crowd of lfl.OOO jieople. Jmttm&. UaN

Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, September 2, 1916. Five

Candelailo Crieno. bounty, $2.Utl. BOAHD OF REGENTS PEOPLE VVELCOM E One of Filmclom s END 11. P. Van Cleave, bounty, $4.00, THE OF THE M. Saav edrii, boiintv, $1.00. K. P. Cobinsiiii, bounty, $2. (hi. Brightest Stars! IheKo M on a in i, bonnlv, $:'.uil. A. I.yckmiiii, li.iuuty, $110. HOLDS. n Isnlro Chavez, bounty, $111.00. OF MUSEUM PRESIDENT TO WORLD IS COMING Aiiaslaclo Cordova, bounty, JL'.OO. Wm. Wchco, bonnlv , $ii ml. M S.'iavedra, bonnlv, Jii.OO. 1 .1. It, Hutu. Probate .IiiiIk salary, E ANNUAL MEETING TO ALBUDUEROUE CE M. Mamie Treasurer, salary. Hi XT'l'llKI. sun 8 VI A. Sippel. salary, '2u 00, M. K, Springer, Halary, $11. 111. .VI. li Sprim;ei, salarv, $2(10.00. ' La.A-Tha- u No- -; Claude ill to, reward, $50,00. Although Arrangements for Formal (.nm-- v 'V. Now Structure, The Rarnett Amusement ! ATv'lllsOX TOIM'.kA S.W'T Mioses Saved ra, reward, $100.00. Al- I copoldo Arias, $.'.00. the Old One, - t if icat ion Lon? i'lls1 K Y M). watchman, ei Completed at Dany Rents OutriAht MI.W 0)IVV, Attitsi Pablo Apodaca, clerk of election, T" - $:'.ii(l. Feat u i ioady Is round loo bmau; Branch; Luncheon Planned' Spectacular e Pictuie; iliecorio Ciii'i'lii, Jiidne of election, 5 .on, Reviewed, No Advance in Admission, -- k of Year for Democratic Committee, .1 IliK, Wot In view I ll'C illllliitllH't'IllCIll cin-li- c A. iliiavara. interpi el $2.00. New Mexico Slate lii'ino, rat, snb-- : IdXl'S ul' v', m - lllis j i.t y tu nii;.!' in i sirike ,i i ription. $L'.(io. j MOMHINQ j e .1. boarding pris- lV JOURNAL SPfClAL LfllCD Will! With the ,.M el mic clUvi;c ;ii ;i. ni. Mmiilav. Sfi!cnilni Koinero. Sheriff, ! 1. I oners, ;,!i,",. no. into J ',., Scpl ' ,l"lu""" Long Branch, N. J, Sept 'fes woman and child All, ,llel w ho Ljciils avc lit ; $28.f,0. I i' j was h ic a II ! u'ln in ti ih tfil A.bdfo Salas, sieclal officer, will tu nit the loo blent Wilson cut iiih-- i a n r if III' IV lllllSClllll 'I wanted to Willi"." "Tin laid the Moisi'H Savedra, labor, $2S.0(I. j Welcomed lo Ills summer llilllli- her present museum four. a . co P. It. Tartaelia, reward, $i(l 00. of tin' - - ' Win Id" not to tu. ..n hi i When lie arrived nought tnc I'm IRST i' iiiIi'iuIiml; ti a clci's tli.'.t .1. i enough material on hand al hi ' ib'tih Uonieio, Shei iff, taking Inaaiin v, ,of the admission pi ic 11 . "ml notiliculioii ol Ins iiiiniiu.iUiiii to ( w i j to asv i',".M:. , ,..,,u utilise every fool of floor mid ihe an iil i he icsiiniisiliK' l,ii ilrlavs linn, in I am' - ' Amoseiiieiit (oinpaiu Ul u.h c, i tin' building is ilcili- j " "ig '.' i nnicd (liilh re., judge of election, wall spare when "'" Hi. ma virtu alici tin tunc aln' c mcntb'tii'il. fall The ouo.sllon Willi"1111 nu,i icccption tor loil. ly and lomoiiovv Hie wah ly i HO. ,,,t..d next .1. IV ...... t ... 11 w ex- - ' ' Vl In Id at Shad La ii. Clark, ex.'iuiiulUH blood stains, n hut cif in i ii'vii" ilisciis.srd picture not mn'i ol . feaiuie lath than 'C I'll of more- the .summer White Hnii.-e- play it on SI'a'oXD T iMlil'v .ill sliippcvs thai pi"p-- i hull1 and nltcndy the need the otimnal petvctilayo con poiiu on was in. Sheriff, special deputy building i lit t I'liiladelplua, Ine from j ,, n (T! S more which call,, cent scale! ISl'Cpl iKTIIl.l I' lived, t atbl c lure, etc . P.I. (HI. ami ... OOKOlHY ftiHNAKP jtia, pt,ipi'itv, liv dl- - f...... of pt j 'I In. was Jiart o! the report tlic ices ph ls es will I o lioini in, Sheriff, special deputy ,.. ; Mil f,,n ri'iviv ih iittcr a. in Muihlav, il,.. annual Mieeliiw nt ill.' "Old that the averting the Pnefly, chlbln n under I J veins of hue, el,., tlliil lMi. rail st riki was .sod b1 Sept lilt. tiaii-piirtath- o Weese, exatninini; blood hoard of H't;cnls of the museum audi threatened jllKi' Will be adlilllted lo the l lvslal! nr siilicit to iihk'imiU' Incase In 1H ' I.' st.llll i. $:'0 oo. of thi' tile and was lied III l,, iv - the inannejiic, committee VESSELS idni llll; IliK ell.i;;r!ll, live iclils, Id. slitppllio ti'v'cipts nr lulls l.uliM;;' so ctl- VI :)ic LADEN i' c. urliz, luierpretiuR, $J.00, s;, A I senate .11.1 honl of American chaeok'K the chai'Ke lor adults either in Ihe 1, '( I lii-siK'- l .1. hn-ui- ih r si , Koiurio, sheriff, taking boy to I -l islhllilf piipclt and expl'i in ie (!( elinu. I wlueli lift yesterday at the Palace of el noon or nu.hl will he ten cents, etol in school. $ I 4 I ill h Will The speciu ra on who till n- - sives lb'! lie a n at h vi i until ,,,e i!oeiliors. j land which is less than half of Hie In rcicivcil Mr nspi SM niig I't o.s. , burial of pHitpei'H. I .1 1' vv it Ii M s. s resident the ti in w ' nn. I'ex-o- Kooni. ver prices, here The Knd of the tintlii r a. iscil. It I Wilson. Sci'ielaiv 'I'll urn v ami Dr WITH PICTURES ov :t,',,nn,i P.aldiiilge Lbr. Co, lumber. $:I3.K0. A I'et-o- is one of he! World" played in er people lloom lo he i ( t .1. plls-!otle- j 'nrv T ii hvsoii, he W'hil House Koinero, Sheriff, boarding ol new museum. In in week. n' I 1,. Hurts the this b v si, n, i y b 0 will the ilu Hin ia ail veil shin lore - j tiip'M' Mill he installed the model ol Those who ll'ive leached the loncln- C, glazing, $12,110. ret J o lock. M r Wilsuii was on the ic si i tar as III. IV ni its du Ml U I'ecOH by 1'. fur thi ision that "The Knd of the World" tclb: nivcr Torlbio Archuleta, nierchatidlse, built J. Adams plat fni in, and mi; mi solvation duo R E SAFELY an improbable story have uu antwea-- j provide iiiuii for licaltii ami 1'cOO. 1'ieqo exposition utter plans suk hand-clappin- g t transput!. nm'ssary ik broke out l.e now d Ai bv j Weiller Ilenlamin, incrchandlse. bv l.'ol. lialpli 10. Twitchell ' hie hUlpitse In store vlewinu Hie esled ( aught sight "f hint. siilistMcticf of the euininmiitics dependent 111,11111 it. $i:..4o. grouped ex-- I Ii native on the scieen. and while! Aiionl this model will he d I Salas, officer, $4f..O0. An aiitinnohile ia radc li of Ailolio special .., there are scoies scenes di'p, tlnnj I )1 ik a, ,,,e '( K : - J. Ibuneio, Slieiiff, taking insulin to ci... I and followed the i, resident to T1I I'ii least one each - destruction, these follow ,u niuve at train t. rial taken out of the Pecos 'X'"iva ,,,,,, . ., ,.,,, ,.,. C i lA,,,t: (. aj lasvlum, $:i;i.i;;.. ' i'f an-.p- ! 4r' VU.UVU VVUI III Ul iS Inaiiiral seiuience and not bevond wav daily for tin li lat h ni ul s, mail J P.. units I)i. A. V. Kidder, and also; i ale p:is',cn;;ei Punt, a count land taken for coiniinuee wis awaiuni; mm. .iayoi . photographs tind pictlins, us well as' Reach th'- online.s of iiossibiln j atbl expies--- . road, $ 1. nn. Marshall Woollcy, of lain,; liraiich. Capetown, Where L. ii collection of hooks appertaining to! From an imaginative viewpoint the! il. Itne, two aulopiilen, $r,0HII. and Mayor A. :. (iolden, of West vivi, Is lll'-TH:--T- P.etlermeni League, cui vt or .referring lo Pecos. The inalcrial - They Will Constitute an picture unusiiallv tnteiesllnn audi v l.rmjj I'.ianch, ib liered brief web oin- j radnally expand tlit"c llldlg.llls, $..N.Xli. out til I'ocoN is being studied, and sufficiently varied to please ev el v taken int speeches, and tin' prcsiileni de- - so far In' J. I'oinei,,, sheriff, laking insane to I - Galleiy toi South Africa lire-p- ties as may Agents have heen classified and preserved bv r. Kid- ; . lass of plot on. elated he was f;iad to he i.ack in 'Jei ' .isvluin, J.t.l.ii... tin- i civdia-jtio- advised notify : aecord-uu'-- - ! der in liis laboratories nl Poahodv According to the ethics of to patties interested in '.. A. de Amour. M. , profensloiiiil ' iniisciiiii, i ','imln idgo. Mass, and t rtt. there IS plinisblnelil fur the wick- - Mel ices. $ II 00. SliaUe, Many lliunls. ( (iirr-iniii- anee with die fono proorarti and w ill notifv ..ii rr. ) i C. hole will have a .solecuon j led and reward for those who nhov tbn ieo. I'.ai nard i- ., office su iiiiisciini "1 have been mint, o yet heie for lain. Ion. .Van 'rtI., ,1 cell l. ' in has - utiu'eis uf municipalities that the ahihtv to plies, $17.24. ii in i the immense ainoniil of male) nil l jtiieatcr Law, and these la, ts beau- earn' a huin lime, but have been kept busv.' ei eivcd hi l e of Ih sa t'e a l l h a at arf - course, arc hun- - !ifullv brought out in "The Knd of Hu1 "in our present City of Alliii'iuei 'pie. firo depart- taken out. uf theie de, ('npetowil of i w lib intentions will lie largely (lenndent I lie lured. thlee laden " incut, J fin. 110. of pot- - v World ilieds of nictates, Ihousaiids Koi' thirty minutes Mr. and Mr f liul.llilil worth of pIctUI'CN secret, 'ii their w ilhtint ss and a ility to afford pn teet imi S T. Vanii, one clock, $2. Ml. lory shards, any iiiaiiiitv ot arrow senl mil miiii .olid, ui and lo llealizini; that will avail' Wilson thai ale . J. Koinero. sheriff, P. ii. box rent, remained oil the bioad veian- the it-- ii a them-el- v to and ojierty in so doiiej heads, stone hammer,, slonc axes, and da. shakint; hands with resident onstit uie nalioii ait lathis for es of the libeialitv of the! $1.'I0. hun- . , South Africa n- - Water Supply Co , service, the usual material found in iho l'e.o I I, ..... ,c ... to- - .... l'i.vsi.i uian.iKeiiicui in price unci water " 1 t .'ev a ,11 m "' he pu in ia ,i lit idle, II, it $ I!' I. i.i,. dreds upon hiindied.s ruins hi .ew i hi. ui is uiKrd that as manv as cm Signed) K. 1', K'U'I.KY! niHin lor ine ii,iun, .iiinn cei 'inoiiiev ,ur. based m 'i ;l l,y .Max Me haehs. A. de Amour, M. lb, professional Mexico mid all looking alike as far as - ,, do .si i conveniently attend in Hie nfier. j toinoirow. At o'clock the pK'Si the Kami niauitiate.' was IliK service, $:i7.oo i seek s, lent if ic hi artislic value is j , noon, thereby relieving Ihe presuiiie ol dent and Mrs. , Wilson w ill mve a a means of i e, oi iIihk Ii a e. lion lol A Monloya, Hupl schools, expenses so only finest and t i t he ev crow ds that the i luncheon tor Sena or i Ihe .la lues a ml 'the cuuntiv ot Ills earlier veal's with enniK 1. Las Vegas, $14. IT,. .select t child-- II. iiiosi npieal spei anions will hr i others of the notification foiumitt 'the il'l The tiif has been delayed in Patents are also advised thai ijM P. Tart.iglla, J. I', court fees, by museums for exhibit. It I'liiKland. or, lei a a $:'n '".. cde the j members of the national commit! first in that nalleiv len will find ureal deal of interest curs car- - ' be prepared l o llleln, J. S. Heaven, coal and wood. $79.fiO. Wciuld take several Ircit'ht to members of t he cabinet a ml Ither ""Hht leeelvc land instruction in "The Knd of 'the "II av.av I'lom and then bv Ihe iiull,icak of Ihe war. a more spe. ial It. T. $21 inn lliining Idee. Co, lamp cord, ry of the material Pf; .leino, World," and at no lime Is there officers be appointed. P.lancrll, bounty, 00. 7 ,,., nils. paintiims Iran-- - Tie, Ihe have now been The os iiml it is the plan ol in. i'eao,,u. i.,,,,,!,,.,.. I.,.. Nolilieiilion isccne or situation bevond the nndei mallei is iefern-,- to the shei iff. Serafin Lucero. Iioiinty, SKI (10. iliorted to I'anetown l,v a A petition J M. Manilell Treasurer, Inti'lcst on lenelous is filed in.slalll - prayniK lor the Leonardo homily, $x.(io. Kidder and In. llewelt to Tin- fm w ill hi held ,,w n, standiiiK of the juvenile mind. Muni, bridge bonds, $2. 1 2.'.. 0(1. lr. nial xei ises slnnim n,.r at his i, ev use niieiimg '.I nnc-- s "f two ,iiliic roads in T. X., Pohinsou Itnca, bounty, $12. on, there a local museum where the This picture was staged ill and :i Mtn. 'I'. A T. Co., lelcphoun on Ihe lawn of President Wilson's j Waul Their Own H. one beginning at inter- - ' 00, Stale .allcr. the Anastacio ibillegos, bounty, $10 $X 7 I, I ol the will be kepi. This is , service, material temporal y home, and Hie plesuleiii It was after the laic Sir lluuh l.ane, around ("openhaxen,, ami is section of the line between Sections Francisco Salazar, bounty, $2.oo. case with out a 7 s - Fred Crollolt, Inirlul of paupers, also the luateiial taken will deliver his sprei h at 1 Tod. victim of the l.usilani.t. took out to the product of the XordsK future and with the road from Allot- ' V (i. Sandoval, bounty, $h;oo. - etc., $ S'l.llO. ol tin- ntowi rums bv Dr. llcweU: Johannesburg a colic, lion of model n ny, w In- - iiucripic to from the veranda. oiiipa nit orsan izat ion ith ah Helen, and running east Solomon Chavez., bounty, $L'.00. P. Uoss, survey of school districts, ayo, part of which went to thei Paintings that the leadiiiK men nf Ihe j along said line and along- the, Nicolas Lucero, bounty, $10.00, - .. a vi'iirs The nieshlcnl plans to leave lo'ie tci national repiilalion for matchless section 9 a... il I'. lint, h population expiessed eiilhnsi- Imi' between s 17 .lose y M, $2.00, national ninseuiii and pail of which is1 tomorrow niKlit for Washinton. plmtoKi a phy and clever staj;iiiK. sc tunis and lo thi' Sanchez bonnlv, Nestor Montoya, publishing nottcni, .asm ami a desire lor exaiiinlc ol' thi public road known as the extension II. Van Cleave, bounty. $(1.00. in (he l'ajarito room .if the museum; In- - Sunday. He etc, Slid. Oo, where will ai:ie caily i,i .,i' ii,.,.- This afternoon the first show start of .1. A IHX.nii, j south Ihoailwnv; the other begin- P. de Vega, bounty, here, by the finest inu ns I J. Koinero, Sheriff, tailing Insiine to far will' remain tln ie o.ilv three hours. of own. ,ne this,'" - '"'lock sharp; lie .second pi es. n ning al lb, of 7. Perl., $ on. then Follow intersection Sections to Padilla hoiinly, as; bun, $.!:i.ti,"i. hu; kept in Santa Fe in Kiilfn'ient will llodneuville, at I 7 s II II v, $ and then leave for slr HukIi made the collection lhal has ;''ioil .::, while al nlbt th he ami of T. ,V, K. K., and Flavin ' Ian ia, boom Ollil, Pablo Lujan, etc., i, ua.'it iieu to make a complete exhibit: sp, running smith along $x.(ltl, Inlerprcling, Ky to deliver a l.iticoln eeh .nisi been r ive.l in South Africa and t'.nininus are at ';3 and o'clock. the section iuc Wm. Wesco. boiintv, $ st. no. i Ii i UK would between tbe Nw. 17 .1. ' ', . no. to not found thus far .Monday. Mr. nirclia e. It piompllv. 4 of Sec. mid', Mei'gar, boiintv $(i F. II. O of Nc. i. X, t b C II. llannon, refund taxes. prove an exhibit of, i the of Sec. and all Fairbrot her, bonnlv, H4.00. I I addition. The u:;J sm i i n pu $ oil. , , owners of ihe land to be lor! VV. Flgin, assignee, lioiini v, $ in. ml faich material from Now .Mexi, o by ts rsuit taken W. W. McClellan, J. 1'. court fees. r Ins-- ::,r:ri':r opening of said it older-- I Jesus .M. bounty, $2.00. proved of incal-- , fluencies put toctln in all Ihe ' was at lis zenith al ihe veiy time of rrDMAM r.vnrro mads, is ibircia, $171.1".. other museums has I if course, ,,f ow or UCniVIMIN rUnULO i',l that said roads ncl and de- - lleniy Cow, bolllllv, $2.00. j lory of our nation, there the inundation i'a pel n, and whin llolfo Salas, special officer, $4.7. 00. lllahle benefit to the slate. dared to be public highvvavs. Coiisolacion bounty, $2. OH. ' .vi s a f. r extraordi- - the prestige ol Ihe Imicli IJasi India ('have., II foundation this i W. Knrkc constable fees. $7.0"i. Hewttt outlined Ihe work of the lll- - IHCI1L Following l.ilni.s arc disallowed; hictio K. Armijo, hoiinly, $2.00. Ir. rv . : i eomp.ui was at ilS loiullt. The l IK HOllllM JUMII IHHO HIMI T K. iia am paiK" ml what work had ;'ii0:.'. .1 A $.",7.(10. M. (10. huiali. clothing for prlsonela. and Hie school in Ihe past i I ( S I Heii-- I Young, hoiinly, Saavedi'i, bounty, $:,4 tiuiseum e,ov lection ont.iuis one of the finest London. Sept p. m.i $r,r.j;o. been done by till crnmetii. or bv j :'i',7!i. I I;. T. lilancctl, bounty, badro Chavez, hoiinly, $12,110. and the projects for the future, in works by Franz l.i Is In existence in era Shutz, commander-in-chie- f of Hie hally Hond News, pulillshlnB institutions, oi by students, was ,art 1 p; imi. I:,, in, do Chavez, bounty, $, nulie, eluding Ihe Cnaeu caiivon pro.leet nil he porti ail of an "''Id Woman," I'roiu Ih itlsh forces in Herman Africa, $1 f that cuinpai n of ed in a t ion. win, h. Fast I'll"!". .1. S, lb a veil, $7, ball Pelronilo Teliolio, bounty, $2 00. the colic, .1. . $;t,00, which Canadian Hovcrnnient Kami lion. The lowest stc repoi ts Angii-- t hi. th i ii r, , Skinner, groceries, the nev-i'i- - under date of irileied that wariatits l,. drawn In a i, linrcia bounty. $2. on. if slow and meaner of r suit, did mate of its value is about $ (Hi.tiii'i .1. A. Skinner, Kioceiies, $fi.00. through the Royal luilario niuseuni. the (ierinan forces In that colony a payment of following claims: A Fvckmiiti bonnlv Jiino, crlhelcss enable a youtin and In slxiv-cig- pioiiiros in W. W. Spargo, M. I'., aulopsy, etc., al-- o I Ito'.alia linker, II. and probably Hie nitcd St.ates cr visi(iii'd and and In full He nnnounced ibe o caring for indigent. P.iown, bounty, $2.00. $::r..oo. mote There are mxiv eight pictures in all, .', on. F. K. Perry, bonnlv, $2.00. fiovernment IhroiiKh the Smithsonian, tbe a upation of .viregoro. the seat of the Al Coleman, Inspector of weights more active porpuKamia to make each hutch work of the .seventeenth I'.urroughs Adding Much, Co., one .1. A. Young, boiintv, $Ml.iul. will join for Hie next few years. The Hi prov isionul goyeinnient. in, and men im res. $. lit. oil. truly astonishing record which your icntuiy. .N'otal Uriel Melon's pifriiinn adding ma, hi lie. $ I 4 .011. J. S. powers, homily, $2.00. quirinna, I - v HUpjdie.H Jail, plans for Hie expedition to show. I be glad to be "The les( It." he Harrowhy col- he believed the (lermnn nillitat h ol A Aloiiiova, Supt. seliools, ex in ibillegos, $12. no Jesus llomero, for archives shall ' part Anasla. bonnlv, win- .1 I ing $22.00. lluatcmala, dunny the column of any helpfulness in my limned lection, and teen's TI lam iiuariers und provisional gov erninenl penses lo New Y o rk, $ , Francisco Moiilano, huiinty, $2. on. a I log," a la JesiiH Koinero, nuto hire, etc.. ter, were explained and will he of power, and sincerely hope it may be el elle til the Coole lad icliieil into Hie mountains. V Moutoya, Supt schools, salarv b ury Cow tv $ I. no. I Hi. mi. oiled ion. There w large ini- - ,.Miii.(i(i. Igiiacin i $2 on. far wider scope than heretofore, as possible for me lo be Willi you at the ale irtlz, bounty, t paint-s- o ' W. J. Templelon, account survey and ethnolog- portant works hj ic landscape Mondiiy Is "LiilHir day." Scpicmbcr . Moiilova, Supt. schools, po.siag. Jesus Chavez, bounty, $10. Oil. they include linguistic of Ihe great new building 1, si dedication cr I! uisdai and a a landscape y tamps, T i no. .Iiinn Sanchez, bounty, $K.nn. html district;:, $10.00. amor.n the mole remote 10 I. o liusiiiess will lie transacted m W. survey ical studies in Santa Fe in 7." lb, Id, in, a and mil' by lie Koningh Juan ,1 ,f oiita no, bonnlv. $L'.00. Peil-t- Padilla, I nly, $1.00. J. Templcton, work, The cam- w sca-ple- , West IahiI uvenue i:. $.1.(10. tribes of Central America. j Tin sect etury presented Ills annua! 'i o cs by Van Soycn are .le.'iiis ' 'have;:, bounty, f H.00. Fdi, iano Chavez, bounty, $:!:', no. of ; i w. i M. Mandell, paign for the endowment the report both tor Ihe museum and llie ludcd, m u a, ii Ions works by hiego I!. A nil in, boiintv, $1.0(1. . !.. bounty, $o.on. Treasurer, fiostus si a nips. $;il.:l. school. Ihe excavations at the Pue, school, reviewing local as well as field Vail PeVel.ii; and a full length poi - "'. F. Fairbi ot her, boiintv. $14. "0. Viiiello Itael, bounty. $J.ii0. I ( Sclielke, $S 12. by Van I'ycl, It. C opens 'all li'l ni 'l ucsday r.artoii Keller, bounty, JS.Oii. Co.llle II.IC 111 bolllllv, $1.00. has constablo fees, Hie promise of more artists to locate operations (lining the past vcar ill ib trail The're works K. by II Ii. Sept. fi. Itcseiv,, Fiuihi.s, ii Liu'ero, bounty, $.',(10. bounty, $2 nil. h. 'Irnz. constable fees, $:i.a. ; Ter desk now. Phone i;:', laiselno Alchiileta, in Fe fittitiR up Ol mole Tbe was printed, oiivci nian. .lardin, 10. Santa and the tail. repoi ordered Tenniei's, etc. I'. Snlas, J. P. court, fees, $11.00. laying i II. htudios for Hiein, Ihe anthropological The matter of corner stone I F. Ileyn, Assossor, sulary, n ( 'a petow n i old hutch In use of new mu-- i commit-ll.'- c $ .nun nn. station at San IticKO, and the ceremonies was referred ton the sevenleeiitli celllurv, Willi Commissioners' Proceedings. - John II. King, salary, bnildiiiH, were some of the top- i (insisting of .1. lines I. Seligman, t I. $200.00. seuin lire of he pel has been r P Inaipio Armijo, salary, $212.00. ( d secretary. .Mr ks report upon. the director and the and arranged as home for the .dice. A he was Adjourned session, June s, in hi, ilriinsrcbl, salar'. $200.00. W ltlioul ii I'eer. Sp linger announced that Hon. J. Koinero, salary, $S7fi.O0. o1' Present: Hon, ,. riinsfeld, chair- i p'. of ready public the names Dr. Chiirb-- I.iimmis, l.os to make man; M. It. Sp ringer and Pole nl pto II. Lewis, salary, $1175.00. a $::ii. (n)il made K the author and scientist, sent the douoiH ol the that CRAFT FOR SALVAGE Armijo, coniniissioni'is; A V. Walker, T. h. Madilison, salary, $100.00. letter of because he could not possible the new iiiusium molding. clerk. I. Al. Harris, salary. $7fi.0o. reurel salni'V, $v;i.;i4. in which lie A committee was appointed to icport OF SUBS LAUNCHED It is ordered that the valuation liertrude Walker, iUteiid the meeting, sas: Maibelle Wllltainw. salary. $7f.00. whatever, 'nil a suitable form of recognition foi fixed by the assessor upon pioperiv of 'Wilhoui any conipai ison I F. I'm he follow ing named persons be s,is-- Walker, salary, $750.00. accordiii'-- ; these and olhei past and (Anboi'liilcii g, this huildiiiK (if carried nut I'reM rnrrmiiiimteitre.) lamed, viz, Corneho M Sanilov.,1. l GROCERIES, MEATS, BAKERY GOODS Koscnwabl Htos., assignee, Interp-Mtm- ib.nors. to its plans) will be the most worthv alula m. et heilands, Aug. .'i..n W. I'Moiiriioy. trustee. Mary A. Nasi). $ ry ted a large nuin-di- n ingenious sub-- j example of itrchite, lure vet built l, The secret repoi craft for the salvage of h. Weinman. .1. lilV era L. J K. Itivera. ihterpi ctltiK, $.l!).0n. ing the past v i in as has iusl been I i.inlrlno Coulter, jailer, Aiiieiicans ill the southwesl. And I' her of gifts marines launched here laney, Filiberto Apodaca. $lth.00. many taut pet in.ineiii ,io tbe order ol the Spanish govern-'liient- . Chavez, ;. A. Plake, c lb, (Iiegoilo Komero, guard, IU.1.00. have a deep a museum well as impoi Flbiua feelinif that e It is a double screw ial, S. .). Pi MONDAY-LAB-OR Iiolores Mini in, KUard, Jlafi.00. should, im aide in the Pabo and steamer Abraiia de Chavez, DAY uiiil an edutalional institution ' made up of two .1 M Alun.ino janitor, $UircO0. bui lings. The f mam ia separate vessels six nier. Mrs. J strh kland. P. luiran, das-c- s adjoining J It not he merely a house for and meters deep and si meters broad, the A. S llixler, pub. a pio Ar- l.aM i - ('has. t'LI Co., toilet paper, wed expenditure of $'!,-th- e tclivcrv wil leave lie at ') o eh m lb vilint- $.MI. ex- - report sh an de, ks of , Ntenogru-pll'- i, collections, outwardly a noble 'fore and alt which are bound mijo, lib in Ilhvi.l C. Cteell ' Claude llutto, Ices us but Patth. IV. n:,i;,7 0 by s, bool directly and not w and will ( ID l . Ih ample building." Mr- together ith an interv eninif space of leaf a ml Ma iinela A mi in. store lose at oi h lease nil voiir $21.10. of arl of many fi- including the enterprises eight meters, ihiis giv ing the entire, It is ordered Hint the valuations in earlv. Jaffa ' ltd. Co., linn Anil, IIOc. mis writes further: , onier na need ,n t he outside an pendil hi ,' 'sttiiiiurea breadth of twenty meters, fixed bv the assessor upon piopi rtv of Imperial Laundry Co,, towel .supply, "It seems to those who marvelous by the museum of i;,x4H I" of its The open space is spanned bv hoisl- - the following i, lined persons be di- $7..Mi. 3iave watched the birth and the earlv atus powerful enough lo ininishcd as pillows: Taglia-iii'ke- Carlos P. Armijo, $ 0,00(1 appropi i; itimi during the pres. hi' aid in Fled assistant hoiltn years of school that your faithful haul nj siibinnriiies bet ween fel t i, $200. nn, cross. Kelly Co., BAKERY officer, $ I SO. 00. the fiscal vcar ,. ml of $'i.l 'i..: dar DEPARTMENT ent i be halves of ship. $.",011.00, A $120. oo. T. Allied ii ml Inspired labors have brought, ly.- two the P.iita, cruiisfebl, salary. $11.13. past tvv months, and an i .1 ;'.i'i - ing the The electrical Ii ivcii windlasses Hulls, $:l"0.nn II. Newell, $117:,. on ((bh.v insirrly I'olicarplo Armijo. .salary, $11.19. nbont so truly aslonishiii achieve- ., n.; 'n'v'.v expedit of $ ;n of llie I'ln.dioi en i;.".'l Li ?zie Ar- - ' L. Hell, of lire have a total lifting i.'lojty of .Meiirath. $2,IM0.'l: Floise J. assignee, Interpreti'Vf. nient in a decade. The huildintr a I OO, struct ore. making tons, with a test load of I. U llll tOIIS., $200.111) M i s. A. I ', p.urke, A nice t $2 re- for the musciiiu me cakes and spe. pa d rv lor tmlav Hot file new in Fe, the i i work-th- e j j L. P.ell, structure Santa 'total expendil in i for he past twelve m boa d the slops a four 200.IHI v lailev, '2un.iiii I, J. assignee, Interpreting, IK I w f. school in its i un ' i. 1:2 M i reel am ire daily, r ih " ni and ev meals. $4.00. markable success of the months of $11. vi, ii Hi. with shops I'm die pair of salved lianio s. F F Vales, eiiini? Woik at San that work ,, vv ater ,i all. logel In r Willi a hold $ lai.llli pel,-- Si heck. $20(1.011. an P. Koss. pay roll ai i mint flood ieo where made possible oniv Ic ti. Mo,,, v- I I was by far the most remarkable and rm tb(' stora toi p, ah, heads. Schult, $ 10, im 'hcssie Ial h, a- ai.i ir )ay w e li.ive a speeia hake t" wol k. no. economy and compi tent niaua i M I b ,c llninedla-s- i :':,o,oii Mrs. I.. F, F 'igi!, to adjust salary win can in tile Paishab. jive 'I II ' v the iiiosi useful ilh, that ' vol! fiesh for the delivery. education telv sulilnelg, is 112 $ ::oo, nn. ls J27.nH. have world's fair ( ever seen in nn HOLD lliel long. It i.s onb-re- thai the Poai St Anihonv's 'ipbauuge, caring foi" v. HIBERNIANS is ic I ? I Ml than realize the fondest dream ihe i,.t ro t Court of a i na h llo ot pba ns. uu. of those who helped to found this MEETING IN PI FDI. 0 county I,, a ul luu ,,. the ac epr, ,f FRESH FRUIT Kaabe ,V Manger, rakes, line anrtSi RUTH COLLIER j modest western of bainuu MRS. n.Ooo.uo fni dtleiin in of all tax, ci ps, $:,,:,',. ;, t na ill,, ... v l a T'ie application 1 due up lid Xniive h of s r c ihi- - of Louis Pnceini fivr fancy it proves two t liinns-- -! bat 1 1 mil alniust everv vanttv sc.i ,r Moitwiwa ioi'iNi. eic.i t CLAIMED BY DEATH eluding tbe veai llll,", a idail hiiior license Is granted. ( - in - r i f,,- ,vv . chin ynuiiKcr spirit than the Puihlo. Sept Th'' Ad iolll tied ler what ill wish eantimo in , 0 ym ti"! Ad ioiii tied. east, responds more generously to a the Am 111 it, b Apploved. .V ppi ov ed. tion of .L CC,mPusntN I TO MOWNINU JO,llMl. 'Its ipp, 'inted ft AI.FKFh i ! Ul'NSFFI.n, Kd'croiis plea lor education and lor ilia us opened lie till S.,1,1. ALFIIKh CIM'XSFFI.Ii, "l Ml' st man M'est our i hildren future. And two-da- We Chairman. and for ihe session a en H expeit plent v ul While ai Yell. A F. WALK F.P, Clerk. ' line F WAl.Ki:i:, (Terk. obviously, any depends Il s such work five legal, e,. t p,,n "I n unr trade dav. Sollle oik - ai Hi a hu more on Hie of Hie l be s t liar personality pol lolls of Mis II all, ion, June 2!' li li S, i, ' ionorrlin'a I, workers. The influence of the boo: S W lil he hi t II, Pies Hon Alfred ' "f.-b- l We have inj mi c.,1. h ,e, inn veiy nice eatnio Teais, If h'iv ritlievtsl iu l it. iiiiB.. of American Archaeology upon the lie- - a in cha ll ll an. M II Springe and Poll The ib'let. llddel,! ev al (iraiK-s- , Hlf in - pio A I ei uf Hum etc. ii Whole , vv i al tiiijo. a. I: varieties eltct'tlvK west is i new hapti r in Anu ii- lies' allXlllal'V hospila commissionei irnii' H aud m ireal- - Walk.' Cje,. wuvuuiiuiK-nirvi- 'in education. Its reaction upon its a body toinoiiovv m ,1.1 of the Will Ddl A i, e oeiucill s entered into t,v crirtnm. couia.oa t. ' II ft O I. II M- ...... venerable progenitor in tbe and Ihirke of lunv, lie Si a b( t vv Im i Father i, anai. lid ecu the Hoard of ' oiintv deHired-pri- hpoii HAWKINS' fardil I'ostif ce , of S but'tloa $2 vv MARKET 71 the educational circles of the elebrant in. ri and a he ' 'omiti is.'loln t "I1 P.ernalilbi mint v more "ah- - Conimis-I,,,,!- , 1MB EVANS conservative- states, is -- I p P.. nam: and the lloaid ,,f County ClltMICALco.. matt'i W'i II - CINCINNATI.. li-- -- ' i StoC ked ith ' ,t rn- p, a k and mnt not so cosily reckoned as the value of ol ( oi i:: i oi Ksi Colliel "" is of Sandoval coiintv. fixing the the ,'sf ei ted foi I lll,( blcdoe.s line tenia lo c o II II 1' tl - '""' present endowment, hut probably Vs. es. I'm going lo Mi ii, No. i tl niie Hens l''ancv 1'iioilei'- and Spring 'ib ks. I ,11010 Sandoval iiiuntv at sum ol piite suinining-u- p I ill Iter av, uiu-- t In- - u the as important in the later. lbs "' J i, .nun I in,. Sandoval county to al one, of your ss if want I" achievement for the vvdijd's j.,MMl iiaining a, obtain, ii San 'go. pa v f.ver tc the Treasurer of Petna- Relievos CATARRH of -- in- she Kchnlarship. wish you every sneers su.scc.l ill Molbcr Ol, his Ic in-- . county JII.IIHIIO II, I, lest now the a i,i in securing an endowment which W'H she hud learned lo be , to VIM' l ol jillie, ami also lo pay $0.0111100 I,, BLADDER g"1 " , nlv on the piniciple of Indebled-niss- , lirovide f,,r fellowships', laboratories, when slic ' 'I b, i.loi, II hue Ul said 11 ,,h- - leaving the net amount due and all res'ai, h publication. ul.t Kiy 'later"? -- tor II . Y ;,d cvervboilv P.ermihllo coiintv $'iO.00i.(i(i, nn whu h W. Discharges In "As n go"d thing, and M loiii, i,.,,. ; .up at lation is Ian, 1,1 ,d li L 0 historv county agrees HAWKINS sum Saii'toval pay , .' M liv inn lo ""ncaii archaeology arm 'l bavc'siis In pill il oil at .kkilid al.. tier cent liiicicst from and after the !24HOURS .. ... I IIUS kn,'vvii ii pra'tkally fmni its incepti- ..III'!!!' lidll OM. la - on ol fust dav of .In'y. 11. 44 Phones 524 IB on--,, k. Scpteinhcr .Mb. The Ti enxiirerii report for the seems like a dream that In .Next wt slai 109-11- 1 01,11 term month of May Is North Second Street. 'en Anieh-r'"- 0snlng dav of the full approved. veai's the School of i .1 Mr. I! fc -- U manage, or e,,ii,iD tba J'tur Itivera, on behalf of the Hr" all H.ia. Archneniogy has been able to I 'bene !27. rr the WANTED Clean ai . "Xfl people of llalclas, usk that six ul s much more than a", oil. "I Hill IfH" ...i " Di f Six r KIBuquerqui Morning Journal, Saturday, September 2, 1916.

OF AN IVDEPIfNIiKNT NKWUPAflB matp ih or umlrri'm nmt any 111" IM V'S i!i;vif v. t'FUTlFll'ATR INVOIU'On TlO.V jiropii'n, loiiila won tI run their Irairm fat. nnlv time in all nrliv dl Ol' n ; Che tin' Klnity flllojtj lv Inillioiia UIlUiT it ilir timr anil a hall for ovrilnni! Mil. id h.lnnelf fj'f.lii the l''liHra'li ? Time for Peaches Till-- XATIONM. K TUBE II flltoiqucnjiif V HfPI'IY -a ill - i siil'-n- i w I. Kun's Hint liKlliic, VM'ir ill rffrit. Mr. I.rij a tiini- hiiHiirss am) herame of a ul;. Seol. lievirw ! fOMPAN V i i To mllli'H hail Ktiiilicl how lo t xm li old n f t fif (,'ompany in the Tam-- li rt'ow will and Cream get wlilil. itm fllitt In i h Ih the frii ilfiv a k u sa'. nfl Vit him hlmilow rrslfil "ii ii It -. " y "f January. A. iini. ni 12..X4 olltlliKi nrv lluil ll foiiml "olill I'.'m ha i s mi freight s ipincn full palate-jo- maxi- I. ..lock u k'' with I journal Kwioii', ami a rnr onr hr iici'i'hsii i to rut liain.s ilo a o as ;.it two years ivil wai ml inlmUti"! " rc'i'il. iilcrnino viin"l later, tlir some i and camcllatioiis of contracts In 'I lo it mean for ril iiiony Wlitranf. Imvc hereunt.. heart. ICiirop' hoicil ucninM hon' opnali' failii, that wouhl hreaklni out, tile Kovpinimi'l h"uau nf inn to ileliv mum of nutriment the h'uitl i'ut liMd br th rri'WH. mom hnausr ertaintirs its .'t in" nitu arrixnt tlm Great Soul Hint tin- - wonhl inorr im. ir faulities ami lo look for u rmnpetent ina.i lo havr ..f the Stilt' if I'tilnratln, ot tlm ailifli ial mranKi'mi'iit i erien due to the threatened transput' day's work them on l'ity I eat JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. h.'inri' of ai iih nt ami ttial .ill 'liiu rhaiiie of Hie var lines uf t I'liivur. Unit 13th riav of July, A. p lta; hi h) fhv i in n il lo ti ll In isi-l- tump, rhiirartcrizeil the situa- that to tlir rom liision hlil till" must n euinniiiuli ation, anil Kek' it wanfiilleil tation shredded wheat biscuit a ts'isll I JOHN R. ltAilKR, , 0 li Hie I), A. MAI PHKHKON, , Prealtlent a Mini in in 1 anil liim-n- iiuairilH ami W.iv lo iiiilalr iuhI"I hlirh lo the joli. lie rrinaitied in ti...; duly tion it UK week. Yet, in spile of statf W. T. Xloi'ItKPIII T . IIimlneM I !l illIIIHta liri',1 complete, perfect meal, easy (T. I!. Stamp, me) MMiar Ihnati. Hire latlir at Irani ihan wonlil l.r lii loiiliiiii. as Hiiiiii;Ii Hie entire period ol' the war, of these riinditioiiM husiness made fur- It I 1' MoAI. LISTER. New MHor thry ui'ii' iloinir am) pay Hr' hih .'iitd irrelw-- many enrnm from ther siihstantial headway, new pro- CUItTIFICATR OK INTOrtPUrtATHiN-O- N. (editor A l I'i w n ifoli-al- i' to prepare, appetizing and TUB A. 'ftlHJAN ..OIF htalrsmi halr rr it l.r." hr war dipaiimrnt work. U. 1. MIX KJUT iniht (onus jects in most Instances heinn under- NATIONAL lit'HilKIt SI i'Pl.Y ( (jMI'ant tin i iniratii' to i oni'rsM i v'i'M Thus, III" whole a ih hp wan general matter i" Miir ilir wai made taken with unstained confidence. Cur- satisfying. In Shredded Kii"' All Men hy THeae Prpnrnts, that era Hepepw'n l r of i. of the we. T l il h C. ('"Ulna, T. H, Hint ut to h' lii'.i rs that tllr Killllltlon IokI m. iml a per i iii.ihi'L'. thr astern di.slon body-buildin- g Iliiviilann, um.( I for twenly cut iiniease rent huyinir continues noteworthy, all '. J. AM HON, W" TrlrHlapIl f in ll (ill II V. Wheat the II, Hi'.wn. reaiili'iita n nil citizens iif II n i I I '.:ii liloii Ii n,B lluCJ.ufc tlkhufa, I1L in nothing making for inanrnf of pay. The r lion r ilay was t tioti'4 ordinarily it minht he Imvi Urinell Thru In I. i i aine in na i'i imum Hie Slate f uftn. 'ctnted "tirseh, , i material in the whole HTi r. merely i xi use, w lii h now ed, uini diveri-- lire hetwien Hiipjily t'luethi-- under ti.e nnnn ami stylo ,,f Kaatpcit Wf araaenfiitlra, the is pi e.Mllelll Of the AtJalllli I'.ir.lll' - eh Nati.'ltal Itvitdier Rtipply Company, 'I hr (li'i'iiiium alonr, or hoitii- ol' I h row n In Trha4r.ipli Hie Am- and in. mil is slill u factor of grain is retained, in- f,,r ,t HA I I'll H. Mil asiile. The puhlie to pav loinpiiiiy, and of wheat purii'.sp ei iipt'ominir a nnay rorpi.rala K III., Toi-Kri- Kin-all- y in many find la l urk Naw tork. ,1 I erican I'nlon company. strenHi markets. I'rlri'H in thrill, hml li'finltl ronrrilol of the hill w hatevi r it may e. Thii. cluding the bran coat, which pi. line, uniler anil hy virtue of the h he was made vh'O prepldnit and leadiiiK' lilies tend upward steadily, j..raii"ii laws of (lie of "4 ! l). i omllt ioiiH K'tiili'il. li - Plate ('oh.ra.hi ;u,. Entered ai ir,attr it uliilliir ami Mr. I,ee mlinils with HiirpriNinn fiank- Sf I'n- thereto, ami In A ll'ugiierqua, N. M.. andar Act Krnrral rnanater the Western while Hie hiiHi corns naturally cause promotes bowel exercise. Iilleiihle ni't'onlunie wiih pxl(ric of Mit h rralization i.,i hlnl lo riih' rii'SH. Raid we tlo hereby make, of Onarew uf Maroh I, Ult. wnr lon, ami lali president and general some hisilamy, consuinption Is not lawa exisutp ar,, t In- manager nf tile rompanv, arknowli'ttue In triplicate these qi licii'S the tni i'ii ratlin- than iliai'i'il same it ei-- t.f Ulan paper i'r lessened rptihly. In one import- Incorporation, rcrtlfyiwr our Intention' circulation anf uthr WOtHt in whii'h position he nniaiiiril until to on paper Into ill lllplllH. The m have I. pu hi't'ome n h'.ily corporate under ,V la irtNw iiMim Tba r la N.w llulnniian typewi ilei lllOj, when he from a'tiM. ant ranch af'lrr another, rrhusiiiK nml vir- dur In lha yaar. retired tue of said laws. fvwrr It wan not a I:iiio.i. 'iir, of 1 11 l.i oadelied npprcciahly, firr eeased hieaklntj throin-- Hie front work lie died in ll ai Hie ai;r of has followllIK ARTICLE I. iim' VrN, In tho Hi'iiMC miiiii' of tin' Hie a S.'i en i s. a temporary lull, ami prodiicint; until la.i;M of hi Iiiition that allien a often ii s Ihey did frw The name nml ntyle ef t.ur pr.ti"si.,l f,,,,,. , fife fiftlli. la artor t by mull, mi in- nth rovi l lilill'lltH reiri'H'liteil the peoplr. days dlslril'iilim; facilities remain inyde-- j porallon ahull lie. "The National lliiM,.r in ad in- . C iiko. Htipply PomjMinv " .ar!, quale tn the expanding reitiire-mciit- s. lull not lllr in he si ii:. i' thai any NOMINEE FOR STATE inert AUTK't.K II. TO M'llSCIUIIICItH Willi Mli'K hot .ill' transactions surpassliiK The ol.ji'its f..r which oar eoiponu,,n ub, nt -- is I i I n Journal when writing 'fli.i' Will! it SENATE WISHES NAME those of any other year, much more Mn he are to manufacture, i,,,,. u ,. in their nniier clacucnl lo a new ad w.i ii ii i i ill ol ai:'iiii'-- havt Imli'iilu:il ril With Scissors and Paste ho ileal nml mole lit rubber tires for draa muit itin tn $ivm tha old addraaa. husimss niihl done were it not a,,.' hii ml i'i i n. All were null ee to TAKEN FROM TICKET for the scarcity of materials teohiles. bicycles, motorcycles and vehicles itltVW AT Till; (IIAItltiT and of nil kinds: tire uc'ewsoriea of a "Th. Journal h. niftier drew tax.ilmu erown o i ,i ami to shoitai;e of lahor, which prevent a,.,.,!,, latlun railnf tlian la accorded to any other W IN I I S. lions; mrehanleal ruhher Rootls and niliiier y III vo jouaNAL con-trae- K Is Mipphes of all 01(, paper in Sf-- Mfilou." Tha American lirrrinploi Mimmmis ilefeml (.New ! ll III I'' ) ( roaaiaroNotNca homniih from aeccptitiK nil the ami kinils ,(1,.t. 'I 'i r. ih and wares nhnllar and lnci.i-- ' Kast Vemas, , , B""'h t Newspaper lurertnry. llieir lues Hie it if liny hail in he A ii 1' I ii li ii polities has ran-!- si i"nl Sept. offered. Made Niagara Falls, Y. :i i at N. htiKilii'.'S, includina the at . a laidn Taf'Ha, who was iimninalril such iuimu,,n an w Spel tai le lionjr a id lii'Ur pa "Weekly hank elenrinnH ?'!," 4 .",14 1,- - i,.' ta am prlnti as of pi opei ly. inolr ly pui.hnsi of any nml all ntalt'iiais, miyijii fTHK JOI'KNAL iheiie than Hint Mr Hi van al M. r. rhl is ieiuhiran rjmlldate fm a nf and machinery or other arileics tit..t.SK;u v slaty hour and thirty mluutca or In lamie lespi rtH the eta was a foi I U ilis-iii'- .t mis. lie was ohlifed In mir'ii lo stale senate from he Third or con'enleIlt to be used In carryinn ,,n nrlualve Aaaorluterl Prfaa IraaeU one, hut (lie i osl of mrrn-inen- l loiopriiiinK San Mipui'l and or in tunale Hi" l.eal of maitm! iiium. 'h hia. thr HUSTON WOOL. 20 pounds Fancy lusiiu'Ss connection therewith wlr ervlr rurh week. No other I i Hiiadalupe l ount ics, ii' I iienirity hail never in Hie i) ir of Wilson ,i rna i in s has informed AltTlt'l.K III. tiewapuper imlilmtiffl In Nmt Mexico m n Inliado, rhalririan of the San The capital slock "f our corporaltor) while at Hie same lime .mi im; lo twenty-fou- r hl.'ilmv of the heen so 1. he (Juinmnitii, .1 more than hours world I Il'istnrt. Sept. The Commercial lea ihousaiul tlollars taket in ope in id. I'd Ir lire In urn li in Mmnrl nullity eentriil (ominiltec Ihal Tomatoes . . 40c pi., I one hundred thiol of ot Aimorlatad J'reia aervlca durliiK no i; i en r lineal ever hunt: he wishes hm name from the llullelin will say tomorrow: . into shares ie omi ihMhin his f.'.tn.liar pel i'i.iI pe.ips taken ( Ilia week. .Mr. Tafoya'Ji I. nice CaiitaloiiiM s, 2 ."( Mthle of one hundred dollari $im.tit.) pr rl vl hzai ion than in the I" t he I'I III e I'i a e, ticket. resimialinn has "Kxcepl fur spots here ami there Mia for lu., 1.1 thai wliuh if share. hern arreptnl, and va am y will 'tin wool - Ill Ills. I iiiicy I'llllllS Hie ; H thr maiket has heen uuiet dur- AllTiri.K ".:.V !. i i m I i :i i. i ml.oiliinriil of the kaiM i will w.o. I'. s 'T I SATIHDA rii xv si he lllnl ellhi'I' hv 'Ol r n i a 1(1 Ihs. nice Cook iny; Apples II ."if The term ot existence of The Mispeml'f!. a f. ii, in i;t mi nit ii)i;s. iim Hie past week. In a few instances National ianlir swoiil of Ili. ( I I ilrlrmitos fl nil the two 7 liiil.lirr Supply Company shall he tw-m- I'rofe.'.Mil' (illhel ,l tl I'i n' nulls have felt necessity huv- - IIj.. rnni'.v ( olorutlo I'olalocs. , , . a.'ie ii the of years the of IE VI Him Iim, over iy town ami I i p nil im or hy San l cminlV (1(1 inn from time the nin(l. f,f Mill It IK M en rnuhti a r ri the invitaiM.n and rame (I Ihs. Ipiaslctl . . . I Till: ll t inn (iii' kly on account of Ihe impend-- j fresh Coffee ihe of incorporation tin- ,. I 1 mill nil im h a Hm same lo articles litli upon i over, with he In pe rif riiiin-- candidate. tlir oiituienl for a iiiiarter iioiiii; m.' I i i it i y hy I ! In iiik strike, and full recent Kit! Wolf Coffee. Ih .Hie ol II v a Sei Vlre h 1' j eemeiil Hie hr latifinl inula pe rnuiiiy. limitations hy Ihe diiim-ciiHi- c of ii ri'iilun'. have heen in way. llai'i'liijiliin Hull ( of fee Ilh Altl il.t.a V. Tim ticket nominated I Ip III W i II Mr Taioya stand in his letter of realized that The irmllll thr I'llltnl Slalrs C Ii a. I im was one wlih h I urn n hhea n is jmlisl. Uiriikllisl Ten slate convent ion rcneiallv ureiil ai;e, that ami 1' .i have he, fee hi. hat esimial that the parly market firm and holders tire a hll liOt'iinuhlv rs ,, ffili,,s r ,.rpratb, h.,ii"i. had pledKeil itself to si.hiinl two cou- more ho'K Ills, Si (Ml Vi in a ,'of - a pood iimc, lint, like t put mil hv i mini two yraiM ai'o. Cut It nillrinl we evi'i ipiailel ;t Will nullll thr ful. It ('line SIIUlll' I. sled lloaid Ulrectors. iotis,ili- sin ill mnn m ihe vol l"' ami the saul Irom a ram In now U rlll i ml of huimi nit aiiiendmenls its, "The poods market is without spec-- ! 12 Ihs. Iteel Sueur SI. ((!"' l'"ii""'. lio.ttd ..f flip tCpllllllCIIIIH, has Willi' W0H( Splits rl that ini a ml as he is opposed In Loth meas- nin is shall have full. coniilee. q., . At thr end ol the wai all nations ial ferturcs ami many of the mills :l tatl i an .Milk -- M h i i ) l Iiim nut. The pi ire lienor paiil loi the ures, air niatl and ample power anil io wild n have ii avoided with must in i Id iiii.; in! el ua I iuiial he mild not nily vote for anthoinv ohm .'closed for II snijili d any things - . ill repairs this week." cans Milk Sac and all in canv- (1 i 'MM Is atiot ioiiM and seems i mill-- n u ii; s thorn Hie Hate Heliute, Mr. Tafuya llltll' ih'voliil lo till rule er ami interna lionnl II InK out the ohiis'ls of oar hot, is ,i Is a Seiuiil'il liasis: lame t ans lahh.v' I'tirk anil corporal Ii sense 'I piohale Indue, and, is said, c. S. n I. It WilB II case of licinx '" hut Id ory shows thai the pip paid 'million he wmld nerds Charles Collins. T. Iliuiiis. ami . Territory 1'in,. staple, MS1ili.Sc; HeaiiK ,,,lc 11 ii n ui ml m l m like that andldale lor nominal hm In suneed Iti'.wn, shall Hie .,f Ii I ; i t hy h ml y for C moir cnslliule mil Inns', of Ih'Ihk loo hum n lo ulna pionress has rl , fine in ot in Ml fii H.le; H I l.elween the I'mted Slates and Cana- himself. staple, fine hunt' cans Culifoi'iihi reaches . !l."ic tors of "in sal. company for the flisi ti t it t iiml j heen tioiialr. clothiiKr, H ear of Its existence and until olfend some itrtii'itliir elm da, and fewrr rhi hm atry eji.-- ilnl and TSfiMic; rine meiliiim clotli' la rue cans California (.rapes , , .u.'ic their sue. jeissnrs have been duly elected and tptali. li v Inrlitieil of Kurope. Iuk, TSo T7e; hhm.l coiuhint;, S;' I illh ItlellllH. frontiers REALTY TRANSFERS. half jf.lnss pure 'mil .Mlj III.' in .1. A Tm, S Hiree-eiKhtli- However, tnl i ii hy iiml K , lhi pie rhrr nnnotinees that iis.r; hlood comhiiiH Can 1 li ii Iriiil .lam Hie ARTICLE Vf. S( IEI 4 HOW M klls 7 S 'it MIC. Tli" principal office of of a oisi:. y . buslniss The ticket la n lino, I nun, unit whal Is mole 8le:ihni Wllte ilielmi Is a sin. it Heeds. I'liiu Tnhle S p . . Hie, J."ic anil ode ka iiii and fii esuh '. i I I National liuhhi-- Supiily Company shall he Mi'.iS.'ir; AA, Mill I -- I In. a hnnm-- a k I", I it I'll iii'V lean Itiiitui, Ih 'J7 in I ii Lint mull wea k in ssc iin exist el re sleadily la iiim ' Mle of the most eflrctlye plans for K twiler ami w il'r tn Alice 2c pi at and within the City and Cmiiy of t KSe; fine A. 7ii'n Mle; A : supers, lilie. l Iieiiyei. of pin. in Hie Lone Sl.n k rr pi 111; hll 'Is fuilil i hrl Ill's a nd n Hit' 'handler, August l'.i, lot .:, Idock iiiicy lean Hams, Ih 17c siafe CI. and bill branch- Mint" solely to tln matter of t;.'1iini: stair. -, s may be is in taKr iwo II. II. Addition; .7 liars l.eiiov Soup o,- fin establish, d of it n votes, not to of l lirli'iit lire ami i4iiiurn irons fl.mui. V els.ov loo e in said state. the iiii'tiori M Vlillk COTTON. Inn1-- . mi-oil- ! ol three two 'pound iiiamla paper II. M. !7 While laiimli y Soup 2,"ic - Sarah Mooie ami hii haud in 'ihe plillcipal business shall h at l d lllwllll I Kl Of till- lIlltll'M of tllll nihil' i: ir iin: tiihi its. ac.s, Hi. tlip in in linsei'tl ml in makr I M ll'.wilen, AllKUst II, i..i :;, w Isiiii's X York, jSchiMil i tls ill riulil prices. al and within the city and Cunty r Ih H w a pi oof, place a Sepi, t. Spot ci l lo- HHilril to. Thrli' not mi r Hii'in tn half do?eti i nam r in Slale of Colorado, and in J '.iin 1; lti)s' Knee Cants Klc In I III Vuliot. M i.l ( $ $.2.i In :i t, Willi the openliui of the h IiooIh, on illlrtl peas earh, hloW thrill up full iiilaml'i, such other ciuilles said slale and lit pi ti nt ii mi tin' tii lu or oiif A, .1. w iltoys' $2.2."i IKI..M) open iiievarn and ilr lo Irsiislta N th Ixntf I'aol Soils tn each oihi-- sl.iles of (he I niled Slales as h e n it In it of air. and lie up the end. fas- - liui. ii in iiM';,l iuiii',1 II linn Impoitam can nut he I.. Hoys- 11. inli')tity whin ten hal-'- in tile two or Apoil.ira, August I'I, lots 11 ami a Slims l.2." In .".: tho .aid of Idle, bus of ..ill said r h- - lhr"r tiers, 'I'he oillon larkel closed casv at M to Ihe work of the individual lem shall by lo r d, si,; I OIIH'H lo till' fill III III I' Of II lllllllr to h 2. hlork 4", $1. Hoys' W nists . -- ."''. Hoc ."iOc real'li ll three ea' lice, or lo slakes in I'erca athhlnni. net decline of .'4 to .11 poilils. unil nale. er. 'I here Is li I. tl list. preKri Ihed coiiisc oil leiiv fields, Willi lis ol stunt wne Traction Land ami Imp. 'o. lo Hay Ikiys' Hal, o,. un, ,,,, AIlTIt'I.R VII. I six int lies hml;. The wind, '. ' I I jit I ! . Tin- Tlii- - liliKht study to he taiiMhl; hut no list, hi 'Liuii Ilailey, Anmist . lots ami .'. v Ills' Dresses unil ;!."m' Hoard of of our said tiiki'l luivn lifi'li a m: voiik mom mi:ki:t. ....25c w. hai4H , hlow Ini4 the houl will rattle Ihe i . P"iatl"ii sltall Itavn power to make Bitch l.y iiiiahfifd fur the puailiou will cunHnr hi"! k .nil, I'lat e; II- I- ills' Dressy, to SI..VI Mn nKlhi'iii'il not havliiR iiiiti bo peas Inside Hiein. anil the iinai'cus-lattlin;- ' prudential s as they may deem prop, to course Her i'ii'. of A nn iii-- In Andrea A. New York, Sept Mi anlilr pa- (.ills' Oxl'orils Sac uini up ,.n i i it ii y in pi'i l.i n ! i iiniliil.ili'i from S:in her work that nlone. tomed oh.rt Is and the noise ri L.r carrying Ihe husiness and alfans Z r. ;i .'I I lie Sainhnal, AliKUst I, lots ami tl, per, 'a per c .Misses' S2..KI .$1.23 "f the company. .M l ies will out lit. Oxftutls lift roiinlV. Wlilln Hull MiKlirl iH oppol unil for iIoiiik elfrctive work keep th" hlnls of eveiy tree In t hint k ::, .'. y t m s IIII Witness Whereof, said Incorporators' h lied so th em :i ami tin ll rl h A. I'hliiinn ami liar silver iKc. Misses' $2. Slides HI. .Ml I i COllllH, HlvillK tl" liiHK'Hl ilrllio-- 1 are milt hioader. have hereunto and on two oilier orlninals lively. a ill ip ad liiiliniK. A ex lea ii do la rs ?i'2 r. Misses' !:t. (Ill Slincs $2. all hereof, To say iimt i net set their hands nml seals this luhi ;it It lint III th,. that ion in the "three i votn the Ntuti', ami at .lohn VI, Miniii' ami Wile t) I'ii) A. iovci nineiu hoiitls - Steady. Misses' lluN day ..f .lanilaiy. A. ll., Pill fuunila-timi- price tiini' till' blf.; I ' ii ii iini . It's'' Is most essential to the A i ' z. 'HAS. c. f.iini' III HKI vi:hs .. 'h August pi if in I'm im l Itullroad hoiitls Hem y. Women's .HI. no Waists :i!ic COLLINS, (Seal) uf a T. S. IDVIHSON, (Si n jorlty, It uui rrowilliiR matti'iH iiilti-- i;ooi education, may he tt inilnok.) Hart las; JJIIO. Time lOitns Steiidy. Sixty days, All I fill Summer iitliTuciir ill less than II C. UltilVVN. ( Seal I The coiiiiiion is the wnndei !1 1. . I : " ;: lilili' lo cniintv as HiivtiriiiK of !or,.visin; hut ti it u .. Land (',., Ui ui li K. 'a :i per ;m days, 'a per Slalp Iien- - nominal'! from that Whal mole wonderful, if we will Iml ceni; cosl. ef Colorado, City and County of tin' ramlliliitrN for M'liator, Kovi'lnol the teat hltu; of the "three It's" Is spec- liice, AilKUSI Z'l, (tart ef luls 7 ami H. cent, six months, XL. 'n per cent. I run ,1,1,. ;iii;.s, 2 for 1.1c; :l 2.1c Vt't' ?s. think of II, than lliis American for I, ll.ii ry Zlmtnei haekel. a Notary Public. hlork II, II. II. addition; J money--stronne- unil ni'iiitary of nl a I Ilowrvn, icitlly essential in our school work. ial Ir -- a hundred million people edu- tall llinh, .''per I'liilt ilars, all In and f.,r saitl city and County, stale t Hie h m it. i L. A potla. .i ami Iiushand cent; low, per rale, tin to In ho Jinliflralion Hint A. A. They nin the memory. atiiu; themselves'.' They seh't ;ij ceul; rulniK .Icily (.lasses anil .lar Tops. utoi'csiiid. do hereby lertily that Charles c. pro ide teachers, In W illi. nn 11. Adams, Ail t L''. piece 'J la per cent; last loan, ;! per tent; i Collins. T. s. Havltlson and 11. c. Ilroivn, ;t I dilcclois. the writ'' Joni'H lirloncH to tin' irilin i not Training: to develop the reasoning i vv ho p, i sotially Hie lext hooks, liuild Ihe st html helwcen Twelflli and foil teeiilh t losinu hid, per cent; nt are known to nte to be the. powers of Ihe mil offered persons whose names are subscribed to the im ii'ly to tin' rounty of Shi Mit'n' l: child will compen- houses, iletn'mine Ihe curriculum, I! slleels, cxlemlitl; $l. per cent. foreEolne arlii'li s of Incorporation of The nn.) Ii 'On t tin" Im sate fur hit k of niein-o- i appropriate Ihe money. i i I J mi mi' Ihlni.; may n.iiil Iralninir for the Isola in n In I:. I'.nh uini. All-as- DOLDE'S National Lubber Supply Company, appeared They repeal the faldctl frat of Ihe '1 iji ys me day In - of K. ('. nV I'.ara ami Antonio v. Memory supplies Ihe mind Willi ".list L' west ipiar-o- M V VOIIK l All uou.Mi moiik," before this person and acKitovvt- I.nrrio. rope half of IITI, KIT. "vorn they . .... i . . i i i . t i oririiial iminician throw the 11-2I- j1 eiltu'd thai slKiie.l. sealed and delivered Kim hi- - K l I.m ....I ...i n lei an, (South fircoiHl Kurrev. h of in Mi;m nu n ii ladder up inlo Ihe ami Ihcn rlnnh siuilhcast ipi, trier ti.e mine as ineir iree and voluntary net air east 111, New "York, Sepi L Copper I'lione 4. lain iu'liri', liialelial, of what avail are tile pro-- j ,,M n ipiartci- uf scclioii Finn. for Ihe uses and purposes tin rein set for Hi. a Klccl i olyt ic, (n 2,S.O0. AIJi GOOns DKUVEK I further certify my eom- - - v mu'l h. raiiKe east, cx. ept Hi.3 act es $27.00 Kit that notarial Thi' nnniinalion nf ill II. I'ichl (esses of reason Memorv ami reus- If tleinociai had done nolhitii; else mission expires K. '.ruam' 'j;lrd, 1911. lol hlo, k Iron Steady mid um MA Hi OKDITJS 1 III, 11) a. I. it would he snft'irleiil ly Justified hy in, "t," :aslern athlilloii hanncil. III WhelT I Jiihlii')4 ( 'la i mill' ,1. Coliritu on art omiiionly as'.ni lale.l, nml our Witness h.iye iiereunto set what it has ilone in the lasl humlied mnlivtth'tl half inicrest in lots 10, j Metal t'XeliaiiKe nuotcs tin quiet. ri.MiKixv. i my hand and liolar seal this tit ti day ot j wiHioui Ihe ll Insurrs n well iiuallfied man on the ollli'i' Isn't eooil. l I.l t j:is.7."i .laii'.l.iiy. A. IL. l'tl.1 jears to ti Ills marvelous edifice -- h lock 7. N'olthel'ii adililion; mi-- i Split, 'ii :t!.(iO. I miprcnte Lcik Ii, whlehcvi r one of To cull ti tn one at the expens of the i. (Seal ll.VllliY ZIMMRItllACKEL, Ihe oui' (million school s.stein. (In led half iiiIi j,, luls! I ici al niisiiltl ,"li I'Kaluzcil ami rxislilit under the laws Notary Public candidates' may he elected, The same olher is mi mil like exercisum otu h'K A hundred years ami theic were in '. of Hie of New .Mexico. - Santa aihlilhui and lltnliv itlci1 Slate havtliK lis ti Kn.lorse.l. Aril, des of Incorporation i i people in uli- AJe. for Get ,, and lyhiK up the il a n schools for Ihe in mi in any and mid pruiilpat pur e of ill Hie The National Itubbi-- Supply Company, Imiy he saitl of thi' uomiiiatiun of J. olher ni that boll' 11... ei.i.nlry ItnW interest unplatted Kruuiitl in' le Thee 'Ot. of All'lliillerque. at No !t'l West Central li'inestic. Keceiycd payment, January 9, J.. (!. sAvlnnev iiKalnst .1. II. WaiTier not he used for iniuilnK or walk im;. vl1(, jM (,v,.1.v sj.,, ,,,,, , the strip nut of which Sanla l'c addi-- j All title la said city, said sloi k rooio lid;. ,' '' Ye j lion was platted ,f I, III 11 ly lies. 111. I'd as eel- - .IA.MICS lor Hiipci Intention) of puhhe in"truc-- 1 Ihe louden, y of eiliii aloi.s lotliiy unil in evei y tlistrlct of every .stale. I'll follows: Slock n. PlUlti'i:. Secretary of Slate. KINNERS No. Two (.'oii ares, lor liuii.ll'c.l si. Ity It. L. Is to tlevclop powers A hu mil ed ca i h a m) there was ot- .Insto larcia to ihlierto llaca, All- - tillcal" I'OTTKI!, Casliier. inn. Il.illl are men of the hiKhest the reasoning ami stock c rl Hie. tl,- No. il. f,,r K"t ty (in) Piled in Ihe ollice of (he Secretary II I no pioylslon for itic e.lii al ion hum in. pi m ciiict i;i; $i. of H ( n ii i; iiia)i-fication- ami mIIiiw the lo Ink care of THE HIGHEJT QUALITY tdia rei all of I! id share bi ir of the stair, ,,(' ih,. Slale of C on and of lintpit tliimeil iiieinory Is ll Sill loiado. January of Ihe home. Now Ihe H. (I. Lice to l;nth K, iii'lohei'l par f T i o loii, pu i, Itself. Rice, '' (l'i'ii Hollars r share. i p. m. u,. oided In Book for Ihe office. si liuiils ami coll nes for ".irls etpial in in !'r..ojm't All ..I said t tv havuiK been ilcpo.siU'd Paae ml. a"'".: 3a; $1. ., Thine Is one peculiarity of the tick- The memory .seems to he a hit rlamlanl ami ituipmeiit those fur Trust Heeds. by 1., vi li r plolm- lo seine tin, pay- - JAM K s II. I'LAlti'l-:- . of State, ho s MACARONI men t of 111, follow ,lc; ohliKOIloli s. all of lly TlltiS. I'. a e Hll.l.nN'. llepuly. et which should not he overlooked as peifeclly incchanical W. I.. Hoe.Ks and wife In ,7. W. Kl h A hundred veal's ai:o Ihe conimoii hu ari past due. as follows, wit: One, !',', s. L'li.'ie. ('letk, c. L, C. I atlcn-lion- . 36 Recipt Boot Its t upon elei tier, st- - pas 10 Pig free promissory ll, 1, it'l l, - anil fleet he inn noteil. uiiwiuiln of sciiuiis t : I I is- "i Auh'usl and 11, .laid toher for . schools tlo three - eatlin', hlck ol' 1 j ihe pi in. ipal sum Tw. n: Huioll.d by In 1!H1 1 Yet what Is col- 'i ll h o (TH 12, Knstt'in aildilion; $ 7 j . 3 ,1, Heeor.ted Fowler Date I.C.1'1 the canipi(lr,n ecry Spanish-- silence hut a iilm,' ami met ic.'' the SKINNER MFG. CO.. t ?'::.( io ui I i n. OMAHA, U.iA. n i,,P of u hi, h a balance is due Compared hy M. t A. , KowI.t Klroy. lour, in ul. ot our Inch schols eipial those Andrea tie Sandoval and lms-- lAAGEST ill o SI.3.V S7, t Aiiieiicnn nominated altainst itn An.! lection of fails" S'leiue was MACARONI fvOOIIY IN AMMICA the Mltll I"' yahle I., he i.riltT llus document has I t ;. been lispecled nnd ef our collcm's hell hand lo l"irst s. T. August! of liar-- days , Klo-- l w II .y ll Co., John liuiu tiinety nft'T dale, ptoperly 1'ntefid on ll,,. It,-- .,1 HI, mi lean as ililTernl suppressed woiship of ahstracl s olds defcied, hnlulie.l vefti-- mc. llto htcliel' ed - a nd hav Im; t. ii ix.cul.,1 l,v ,1 II. -. :'l. lots and i,, block U, I'. A. Dlcro' llal lax Heparlmenl. pot upon which tit ltd the spams- l.asoninr, winch was eoiiMtlered Also o pi ,'IHIS'- ,oy noli! dated April 2. bill, li, 'liiUe, ,.;( was conliiirtl in tiicek, Uilln, it ii ; Hale. Jan. lsn. Cobb, Clerk. ami strip atl loiiiiiiu i:t.(imi,! for II pt il Ainerhan nn, ll h,i, h. . n supposed! superior to solid ami mat licmat us. Now Ihe 'julp-lu- . mcip smti of Live Hundred Indexed b' C. I. p. mele rescaicti lor I'io A. ('have, H. ,JSI HO I ' - an,) wife to li. Used Resinol payable three months atler romoifiN Hint Si.tnish-Auii'- i it he! ls. upon develop- - "M'M aclinic, si lence, hoth thc- For a an would ImiManif Ihe At, liulela. August j", piece in Pre-- : dale lo lli old r of Hie Stale .N'uu.uiui No. MJI. 'oi'elical uini praclieal, is not inl'erioi' Skin-Troub- Han't b Hull) piltcd Orollihi a. li Ain.'i n an "f clilhllen hef finct liarel.ts, $l.",0, Bad le Aihuiiu. lo'i'. and siKiied C..r. It. ,',:. Vol Pan,, "'"""" ,,, U1. ,h,. '. ,1 u...llt, huiauitics, b'tnaii aii'l H. c. lenian. w Inch said f'erlified Copy uf this lime, Hut we Hml Interest-- in init'i j K. to , l l Hns iheir aie stoied with material hundred years aco ihe student IHilh Itice ami hushand first (onsulris Her Cure Kenim kahlc Hole With the "lla era thereto atta, lied Certificate ,,f Incorporation of I S. It. was duly n K lineup; lor leiisoniiiK, Is a slt.inge ri yersltm hotlies In our hii;i;est collet:es were not T. Co., Aumist 2L', part of lots. tr.uisf. rred and asslKlied to Ihe THE NATIONAL PC It HE It .SIPPLY COM- as lame a,' thr fariiltirs same 7 ami s, block U, 11, H. sald John ll. ion llin tin all of which ob- - PANY A. A. JoiieN, an AliKlo Ainci lean, Is to pern it scholasticism who h addition; I'li.l "11." ll, 'W. Juno I, six ci'c lemains unpaid the iota sun KILKP IN i'iKFICR OK $7, alio. alniosl months of toT i'i ti nominated foe KIVcll Its (hath hlow it Was I .',:':.'. if interest to date of STATU i'i lit I'i ill IN I'nitcd States senator Has A hiindieil vcars ai--' Were 1 ATP COMMISSION here W. II. Adams P. V. suffered from a severe case uf skin-trouh- sale. All f sunt stock h. lliii by NKVV I -- and wife to ine as I'K MKXICO A. Iluld-- 11, Ic i' .old , niTiiiirl Ki.inlt who to all thouilht, Haeun, three leai ned pi of essions law. " a pie, ice sec ii re said Holes. Said cetrifi-h- Am--, - AiiuhsI L', between on my lee between ankle ai. 'im. n A. M. I Now every a pine the Intents nml purposes i Spanisli-Ain-eri- t .lie a ml expet iciice, more Ihan lint cine and i.nnlslrv. rates will ,'ffi'ic.l separately or as a. KHWIN CllAKP. Clerk. Twelflli and streets, ex- It V. lion Is a leiiincd e,cai mil. j "I'I knee. bewail l.y swellinp;, with hole to Ihe highest lll.l best bidder for Compared T. S. K. y up-(l- l J. to P. C. an. I'i ill .i si hntils, can he depended ' , hundred vcais atn inucli nftrl-lullui- tended; JLarm, severe pains day and niKhl. followed ash. or (,., ,ns w ill h. made to ihe pur- - Mate of New Mexico. Slale Crnnrati"ll ". II. Annlo-Ame- i( to develnp powers. chaser wits, satisfactory Walton, an i in, the leasoidnu; ami mechatiif al industry was Alfred Thclin to Charles V. Wade, hy constani. Mv le security. Commission of nhv Mexico. Certificate of itchina. then Lone Una l.lh day of Almost, A, n. ism, Comparison is lioiulhjtctl for coiiKitss li. Hut life ami i a rely dllitll'.ciV, Now all are Am;iisf JJ, 72 10, axaiust expei leiice make liidusliics north feet of lots mllaimil, and later water blis- jnil IIMtOY IitTtt;. t'r.iied I stales ..f America, Slate of New c In is tinier, a Spa nlsh - A nn i It a n. lip of arts II, 12, hlock 1), i i. T.; 1,000. ters and pimply sores hioke on il. nerlccl piimaiy eilucatlnii t" out at, ,'i New VI, VI, Mexico ss years educa- I Slate "I pol atl ' huinlii'd ai:o puhlic At my I I', dc a li red I'.akes lo W. A. this tini" leu was at least tme-- .VI. It Is Hereby Certified, i', Haca, Spanish-- mci h a n, supply ui a ic now eth;c i cinliiiir, and wife I ..moil New VI C i that Ihe annexed in tion was defended as a police duty above tilieate Is M.Millm. Aui;ust 2.1. piece in third iis normal size, ami the A in hot' full, Hue and complete transcript of Im i.l a II ic i t Kanihos numiiialtd covcinor anainsl will im; him an oin im im method of piolostini; j continual ami snnsa-- the (le I ; Itrhinn hurnmi; ' of Am, ri, a of New 11 i, I r .! two-ful- , AlhinUcriiie, Precinct 2,000. State dm !n sn in. an AmUo-- mi ilr.i n Hie stale from the burden t i' n was sonicthinn J applied M STATKMRNT OP I'Tlherlo ,1. terrible. TUB of poverty Now Ihe chil- Haca and wife to Kelipe many Ii ol.V - NATIONAL HrilIH.;t fll'PPI.Y Whcthii i fe.lnii; in New Mix- Colli m $L' a ha le, and clime. remedies, hut gamed no relief ','itiricl. Hi. then was fd- i'ii. inh anreil , ,1 CI I.M N Y. i of n i e n n nnriile, Ani'iisl 2.1, piece In I Id otllo,. ,, c.,r- - PA dren the slale ret'ui; ed Precinct until - the he,. ? ico is ii ii or a potent I commeiicea nsini; Kesinol jut Principal l.e tor in a,; is KiniiK up a hunt Ihe w. mis ul Hie ami puhhe cilit-- t I"; $2.ML poll. loll "I 111" Sl.lte of New Office, Agent, Ete. is slaie IlllTlt and Kesinol Soap, from (No. SC.T.l ' K which XIC Hi day ells Hulls Will hi. ,tltlWII l .t paper. a inn as a public duty. I of AHKHst. A. 11. as print da M. Netherw oo, nml hushand to old; ineil ri hy first anplioa- - wilh ihe endorsciHeiiis ap ,. the l"lis a 'V Tilt; N TH l.N A I, HITI-- thereon, as same when the p. 'lis lose sc h hninlnd vcars Luc teachers in ,vl- "i peals p, the ell ao I'ii st S. ll. T. Co., A UK list 24, lots lion Afl. continued use of Kesi II Kit SLPPI.Y 11MPANY, coruoralb.n oh lilo and of record tnr office "f our puhhe s, hools iici.illv mi- i , Ihe Slate i lay of lie xl Vc ,a i wcte la 711, mil meni and Sua n Hie duly Hi a it a III XI Corporation Commission. November. an i i hm. and block Terrace addition, and Kesinol unit, r and by In in im ll. lined pei;IL;nov was unkiiuwii. Now iswclPni; lie Hie laws f ,,f Testimony Whereof. Ihe Stale Corpor- Li i' I. j lo'.s Net was reduced, the itcliinu and the siate Colorado. Id",, H,t inure Hnptu in. c lias i in hei wood Park addition ation - n n si. tie has Us normal st hool. hiiriiini; ei'iiii d C",V of its i 'ei'! f at,. ,,f Commission of ihe Stale of New Mex- i wen entirely relieved o near '1 A $2.1X10. and i," has heen alia- lo t" it Hi. in is just if it d A'n I Iniiiilieil years aKn c.l m at was no ,i and Stat, a iciii iuir - caused thin certificate to be fiifiiied I'le must hollKhl less tllll mil (oniplele cure was dcsmnai nrinrl- i .1 11. effected, haviiiK ofl'l, nv its hairman anil the i. y :o Now ed- - John limit'- n and wife to First c In Cos stale axctu. etc., as pro-- seal of said I ipuieh otlemic. th" I," Is, Ml s ii in cit nulusliial used only Hirer ar.". of Kesnml iilnt-mci- to hn oil this A i See i in.:, chapter 7!', affixed ot the City of Saul l uciiiiin r ivcs hunoi with s. It. T. I'u, nt; list la nil n Laws of IV on ll.1s ll and Iwo cakes of Kesinol Soap. Cuh day ,,f Auiiust. A. H rm',. le iini. mid the niosi useless it i a n is ac-- I ,V.' education and rapidly Haca ami Atlantic Pac if ic additions; My I M s. t troiihh stir,, was serious, and Now Therefore. Tie said corporation is "''" IIROVKS (hairmaii. The folel(.;n in ilf of the Viiin mc v , aiul iiiiI iml to fay pusit nun nn' I'un.i endowment. Jl..".mi. consider Ihe cure Nl'.'llV am hone.i by the Corporation Attest: EHWIN COAUD, Clerk. ' remarkable" stale ) for i he t isi a v ca r i mini n .1 u w . Ly ) 1, '111 111 o t,, It. Stamp, pic Slates h Iiii in fnl. is Hi,, lonir Lre alarm Ami this has heen in niii,lislii',l l'ellpe S. Chavc ', ef al., lo John M. (Sir, ., s. w. Nn l'lts, S2a slot, ir.insaei business in ihe Slate j ST A l a 'I' i ;i. v hctil-- l t ; Mi and Ho- TEMEN'T s ffi.Vlx. mm, lion, h is iiim wilhoul a common I Pearson St., N. l business is such as o. whh mm. sounded hm s.l. v hir.hl in tclcliia-- i Mooic, extension (new K rust deed. reehshoro. ('. mav of i i;.'. a common creed, a common tia- - All be lawfully tr lis. I, v pot ations t Ll n i i i i I ilrimKists sell Kesinol ci than lout cal han he n .id lull n a i t or chief, j Jami; Am; list 2",. umtment "IT'a iliz, ini.i, laws ,. TDK NATIONAL SfpT'l.Y of Ihe ice the file tin .on. .a an church nml Kesinol Soap. K,,r the this state. Itl'HrtRft I : samples free In T,o COMPANY, Mt fo r ' - Whereof, hi' Chairman and if oui sc. he i liicf hail no know e'llhimt common hut a hitman aspir write to Dept. Kom,,,, ., p Know All M.-- by ''I. ..I . s.-- These Presents: Tim, - V It. C. opens l ull Tuesday, ik ounnssioii ha e hei iniio t ' " ul t Hie iin- lerm ll; The National Ikc sin h a hom lnst il was ation m.l lihcilv to in th. II' alflxed tl, sell of said ;,.r Supply Co.. a colp Sept. .1. (127. ' i ptesdile Kesei't,. tlesU now. I'lione in otstanie.l and existing aioi by iiii: 'iti i: i mil r in p hi r.l i iHiamiicj I'le I'll! ol Santa I', ,,r under nut I'liiM.itos iih.ii dliln't - LEGAL NOTICES vlriue the laws What lemains for lis In do lirsnh's T ninth day of Aukii-si- , A. D, of the state of I ll.l a I' v our 111 to ity w tilt aullioi and impi ov un; we oiistipation Hie rallicr of Many Ills. IMi. and ibsirintt to transact its business in this coHliiium what MINI K. State of N, Mexico, o w s ( . 'f Hm I.sea! doth hereby make the The first day Aumist, I.n.h.1, al e have done" Two mini Tons ills that affect N. eby . ., cuiivns, ''hull man. ;i, iiicoiisnlei ihincs: Al si KHVVT v follow ins' s'atomeiii iii Hi" humanity a S i; n cnALIi, Clel k. accordance with i. . Ad, ii idling. TiainiiiK" larne share stall with pi lalctul day In Ihe uf ii u i, oi hi, 1. people who seek iuinu; in ic i; Stamp. ..visions ,,f section !.', chapter T'J, Laws in ion const ipntion. Keep your bowels t eg- 1: T hi of PW; i de, w j III lillvis orinat Iiainini; llives ll is itai.i m. as a ureal nil ll hrl r I.l u.i Ihtni; is not ular .Hid they mav be day I S, p..W CI avoided. When I' No The mount of IK capital y t M '' Male of authorized it t ev l In-- .1 a at 11 ('..ip,, H mischance. nt.iv ome lo he ili'llr rli un shrl I'H the Ami to fi. lining nf Ihe mind add laxative is needed take Chamber- of lit ok Is fl and the amount u t u a y is "111 t II l,s 'I ll ll ijiii.'i,!. th,. ,,( Y w - of lain's Tahl, Is They not only move Hcriia::!!', sued is oiiMdcied ih,. Liilni tlir. Nrw v:i r, In u h M- leil. tl.inmir the hudv ami Iiainini of N . , ISotl , Cunt "II.. o i he it H I he on-- en n. c. the bowels but improve the appetite serioi'd c, i. "i si ates character of the business which of reliif an ihl.ili i al.le I'. Soil,, p! Two site of New I" In estate. ami tin- digestion, (ihtain-abl- e Hiinilri'd Mexico Itansacl Ihe Slale of Now. Meslco is: sireim'.lii'n i,!i,l K,.rt U Ir, cuMi h rell-tn- i i v Ihe capii.,1 l .lesale ruhher nuods and access, I Im. The Cutopr of the lien The Kltssi ns have Liken Mush A S cv ci w here. of Hie sl.., ll is 'I'I, ft. 'I. tha the annex",! I.IAII IN Tl I.K.P. IM1V. man thank c mp.oiy. a a - etc. v'-- ,,f, is a i'ii, I, He a I'I c, entl i"i:anli-.- l 1 , Mi x I ) n p, !,. thai dite m iih'aill. Lvbl, li they like ,1, 'olnm bus. iihio. nspatrh. Iransi ;pi of The location of its principal In the ' the office which minimum d the I'lemh t;enfial i : s v c t ilittv. Kavc to the na- CKHTllTI'Tl - State of New Mexico Is desiRlialed as c U'Y OI'- West Ihe s In tion one of Hie I'leatest geniuses m ITllTII'li A l i 'l Ceniral street. Albuiiuer.iio. and i.ssciiihly it the Kiiiiiinn; of i il' Utl'i Ht VTIO r- - nn: n:i in vi xi. the piebitiuii and operaiinn of tele-i- t aitent upon vvh.-ii- i process uitalnst the c ir .!"'"-ful- l hut Ihose who survived li ,1 N A I' , i N poraiioii may b,. served i T. into rap lim s that the I'm!, States has 1 iflv VI, lMTlllKlt lurry Tlfiiitlfnl ci. ti srpp,y natural person of axe aciini'v the post Napoleonic pt i io,J dr,. ernt il At lasl we know ex. i, vv Ii v he had Thomas Thompson K, hert. He '"""ooh hum aim DllOUUICrs I'VNV t i' si.ient in the of New Mexico, nil" '2.1. " inv.lly Nn m:.ii stale i s In have i horn in that cilv Amil lsj.',. coii.tructed place of t the tratic eonsniuen. Olllllly Hue., Ion id Willi a suike y h the end rs,",,, Hi' adobe is West Ceniral mt" He must hav e left Si Clan sv Hie early, lXHJZ I'lcreon. ns sa m A Ibuijui N'. M. .. tine. a I'Icssiiic I I I h I'I" ais I,:,, ate ol r 1,1 lor oils f dillcici es whb Ihe loi in lv I'i be was In in,; in Wooster Tlie.lriinceir!it of an tir.conllntsl bust so ill the ilTi.c In Witness Whereof, Ua.. l!'c S'ale ' '" "'!'., n ,.,i ,.. the said The ( we w ho y tt - .upls,rl,, nmlf, the contour of Hie , onie. And tan. th this ul h ll, .,1s would not suluiiii io ai and was appoin'.ed pusini.ister at iha "w' In ,., ,. i. Iini, her Supply Cmuiunv has aiist-- t Testimony "f. i' Cr-tat- e Stale j Us l I place It Put the , ' a n ( name he her ,(,, subscribed hv U" war, five- inoetlis old now, is hll I io Hi); Hie srn-- l is s.,nl ho consiriiclcd but li,, whfr(, (w. " '"in in iss'oii ,.f Ihe N,.- - al Appeal lot ,,f j l't,'?i.l,r( I,'!' i prevent M. Vic. ,,, and Secretary and the i",r"'!i"' loiiK, . n lllsl o't iph line in oniicci ion "nir. Ihe full bti.i fr, has f I. He lo shonhl lemeinhei licit he bio ml tale cottiini t e coin mi! If v. w liaviin the ii, , seal lo be h.relo aff,x,.,l tills 2aid .lav "f Hi ol II. e of u.i, s't: hv its hail m.i'i ' lie applied himself Iime-I- . . Ih seal of Mil-io- n. far. 4V .tn ..l.ino.u, .... ' said Atinusi. A. Ii., pipi l.cKiin i;i 17 Ml. dnl not ml v ul'' w , t , ...i I,, I,,, 1.",. head Hie liainuou, ii it it h u s l.isnl to thr tlrv lopmetlt dnwipnc t',',. oiunisioii a'lr the Cily of Till-- BRAJSjlEflEJ mufc it,,,!!,,, Sa!i!: I'",' on t:i,s NATIONAL P.mrtKIl St'I'IT.Y 1 v l 5. I, j',;n .la f A until il hv Kinmlcpec if tho! of Ichttr.ipl iv. and on from I l Delist. A ia. Senator I'lirim; r.cefuii,etou,et-Ji,r,u;,v.rb,;;;:eLuu- 'y'hs "b. COMPANY. 111,' poslolli e. ll mplov - E; i Corpornti' The e:irs il,itiii; from the esta1' I I'i of Hie ( IM I) I hill would he! rllli ted Seal! hour t , They ,rr ,'."'.'!",-- , V ..s i;!;"vLs. chairinHn Hy i nient of a rlri;!.lph ii!ll, the d.iMlisn.ndm,.., i i ci ,s. Preaiilenf. t i ' i ' ' 111 c rot.t.iN's. Lsin of Ihe in ,, rorae ririWerm.i.,. : "' "A Clerk. .1. hi'i mini empire finally to ledlnf houis or super-con- st naoir in m.i.,,.1. - ,, Allcsi KIHTH t Secy-'- increase In is:,;; h r was emploVrd to t ross H.. ii."e.. K 1..,. cnl.l.KTT. Ass front. Siirphce, Hamleau. -., ...... ? '"" It. 1S71 t of i Imle-urap- ti etc. " ,f , if!,,-,- Stamp. Iiii.) am! ndin with th" outhreak WHIT'S. lutein! the tic! luu of ail bouiii-n.- .,...... TV'", "alonn, t,e Stale Col r ,.". r tuillcs. . ,....' the Secretary L'ld "rsed KoreiRn N". M;" Per' ' h, - nn..IUK rcpioval "I SMtc - , f war, comprise a period of ine-'lutr- ' Lee. pendent teli line ivve. it I'itts- imut I'niled State- V p,1K(. ;.;, Cr this "In, lease vvai'cs sanl Mr. Hare your ho y Bien , f Slate .. statement nf The Natiena. l.uiiih ami ( lib ,n;.. ami rontmiird to Jolie Brassiere, i'..,,ra.l - Mil with- i - ,ii Lul'ber Supply Coinpaiiy, i'1!"- and scientific proKiess Put h Iis ipintc flom the Assii' ial- i; iny .cd hlln, prrg, ,'),r,;;:;, oj ' T R. riesiKiialini! superliitciidciit pnlil the Mini)lrt 'T.K'rnT ' lis opcralion I K l.,l nf fl. e. auelit, etc. Tiled In office hu- -- I - BKNJAM1N , in". s, out pnralhl in Ihe history of the ed Pi i s i vv as- id I n- JdllNFS. 51 Warren Hi'H.r ti tare f ! epoi line hv 'he Street Newark. N. -- Stnie. of State Corporation C. nunissioit of New X" yAi'ibll.lllSfijSi.iiiy J 'Jp ,:"' ':'!' "f ,'"!,.,, I,, .p. her, - i.ul-'ioi- iki hv Auynst man race. We do not iinderoti- ''Sciialiu Cummins knl if the i, Kui u hrkf jH ilud then for the mvuri- 'hat in. aim. v, a ., icil. lltp; n j,. m SnaKEBiSISJfaJMBBS , fM. H'tie and LHVX'IN' I'i' I'' Man-- i,..( f lilt. !' tvi.tlin. C"iii..ired. T. J. sj. i i;. i'. c. AIHuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, September 2, 1916. Seven Bringina Up Father Copyright 1 9 1. International New. Service. By George McManm - r OH. b -- THREE. M WIFE MR OF Ub ,OT OP TO ,WE HER J : SET TOM THINK, , . . r. . r i i i i . , r , i r i i ri THE PA.R LOR i n.,r J atj iii i i T iii v IF TAKE I 0FTHATCI6AR? WH!!! I - -- ' .j Y00 ,'OU - c 1:

-- fk ifj Uj svaSwi!K" ifW'l"" r I I J SihsL. - ,n. . M,n M .in. aiai mil Hi M.. I'nion Pacific n; i'nion Pacific pfd 79 ij 1". S. Industrial Alcohol Km Eft Yoei Julave si Waiuid mm I'nilcd States Steel 9:, in I'llitcd States Steel pfd 117 M! 1 TfcEa (Ilk JOURNAL CMSSEFHEP Copper Vi CLDIKI I'tah ti' Wabash pfd. II" st; Westell) I'nion 94 Vi CUZE - Wcstiilidiouso Llcftrii- :H SALE o F1IHE EUHKvALOW fROTEIONAL CARD ' Total sales for the day, 730,000. FOE dl 4 A Mm shares, tn.on Three room and two mm l.arup vard. iluckcns. SioiAer sewiim AITOKNm TRADING bonces, fund: lied, oil lot 1.10x141!; JOHN W. M I1JIN ni.icliinc, Victor pl:ii r piano, fine oak AlltimfT. reiiial laconic $70 per month; Thirty-seve- n ( lllCAt.O 1K)HI OF l.'I'li'K SAI.i: 17 nit (Tom-- all Bulldlnf. tkaiu; S roll furniture. KverythliiK marly new. Iluumt tl, it. $l,;!ini cash, balance per ceul. 1171. one-hal- f on t'hn JL'.TiUO adobe, stile-- 1 and Icet ;radcd slieel in Hume colllplcle. $:i,jimi. Sit owner. ClllcilKO, Sept. 1. Nerv oililess on KOOKY coed, modern, furnished; also one of Iho In : l lu'oils of the ;n"i South Ninth stieet. ItOllltY the part of many traders that some ucllil'oi AUnrn? al Xaw. room adolie in rear; all on lot 7jx . The Market Has Alternate Pe hitch in coimrcss would prevent a set Highlands. Sidewalk.-- , in, IJas, PHilta I. I.w l.llirary HolMlnar 1M: Third ward, close In. I'oiir room modern house; larpe Mr,n, tlcinent of the railway strike tinned tl na i.rmun f ni in p m h fine Only 4(Ml. A. II. M UOI I' riods of Strength and -nh; VU, "i """kot clownrade. Lively:' 'BhaAe nm, fruit tree's, North Kiev - ' ro''no' cast front; comer Alliirnrr Hi l Z I'I'Hk from car line; house "Ml INKY To LOAN." Sulln 4 Wliltiin llltlit O'lld anit ncss; the Railway SltUatlOtl " "iise,,uci,ce the close was unset-- : cnth street; fine location. Sit. mil I'm. II.. In all cnirta. Hiaia an.l M- : ; led H., 1,1 ,u-- lou-i.i- . .: 1. ..1 1" 'V couumoii. J Hiuip 111 i.i,im. ii n 1.... in iiii'ii i,..uv.'. v P11I1II1' ntfk-n- i - :'r.,.n ' v.iiii' Nnl.u In '1' .fl.VM'V 'MIII UUHh.lH'n, IIUIVIU, 111. .Il l 11. II. vl, U 'H.l t l K.isy desired. you Sit. mil Viewed Optimistically, tember at 4U1, and Decemher built-i- good loca-- j leiius if If want ItCNTIHT at; features, I; 1; - ' .l.-- fors, 11 w 111 I'll I' in hi.. u l.ii.k $1.434 to $144. Coin finished ', .1,,,, n,.n . ,( mis you have to hurry, as it l?o to' h .0, in. mi s.iiih r,. 1 UK. K. HKAI'T c ' ,,"u'lt-up- , 211 West Av i. down, oats to Uc off to ? i' Five-roo- Cold I i .'i Imntnl Murixim. $2,r,00 frame, modern. t ni uV.s nrTrrTTrrn ttti mi ui;.in MOMNIN jaUMNAL VPICIAL LIAfllO Hooma i I. llli'g. Phnna 1M lT Wiai and provisions aryinn from 4." plassed-i- n sleeping porch, cellni, nli-l- rr Ii.hiii'. :l V. M.iiiih-II- ' Imiilllf nrmti 1. App ilntinonla Mml hr ll New York, Seid. Alternate pe- to 17c decline to a rise of 7'i'C. KOod outbuildings, fine Hhudo audi oKh S I'll .1 11. . riod of streiiKth and weakness lot ix m itooitm N t'. l'i ll tori luprcssion rcifardiiiL' the oossilde: fruit tree, 100x14; Fourth ki:t llll; III. .iu:. i...i,h, DvnUaL Iim-i- up n'U today's irreifular market, the ('.iDsixal of ili "trikn Ki'tilem..ui ,iiil ward. N.irlli. iioio- tioil r lin ki ns II, yallnl BulKIDC. - !0. runil lh Ttt Merlsh movement derlvins its im not become a in fram, bath. l"i K vv r.'iti-rT- Oror Tinny Hlir. I'hoBa dominatinK factor q ill HUNT -- - aay l'''!! SK 1, in u " puis- almost wholly the chant;- - lllfnianug, clow in; very It 'IH' .1 Iti;.l' i... phyhiTan") a"ni m from i,,. wheat market until nboui miil V"li'ri I'liiHii-i.7S- ' ulllt hUtiIiik iioHitli aspect of railway sit nation, J tTriis HKNT 'I'n 1.. H inn the previous to that time the like- - ItiriAr. PST4TR I'Olt S'Mlln; In. I) tin n. M. . ii SUl.OMON Ill TON, M. It. I a I Many othep bargaliiB In improved1 111. 11.. u. 711 riiyali-lii- Prices were almost universally strong hhood seemed to be hat the action of FIKE INHIUtANCK AND LOAN'B iirn.Hi' hi. Wi'i lii:.s ,iii... nod Bur(o. ll'lllil HM'IUII- 1'llNllli 11 II Ftitm 17. Bamatt HMa at the oulsct but stocks were freely coiiricss wouia be of a nature to re- - BId unimproved property. 21g WEST Q OLA). inn iiiriui'i- 01 ti fi.iiti'ii. offered on the advance profit suit in the sirilie bciiiK called off. Foil HKNT 1'wo 10 fur. room arirliurtita, .hi hi 1M v t n,- ..U lllls. Tl I I. IIAHI.H and fumlahttC; alHeplriK puirhaa, ' l imited i T.jt, Kar, Nom mdtrn, (a.. I'tMl HKNT I r..i.m III" Norlli I'rarili u4 soon wiped out most gains. Word that a large export business 11.1 to In. Il"4 Nurlh in' Ibr'Mii. A. FLIEHSCIEIS alrual. Htri-ft- uu. .io-i- iimliril, liad done KM ruinov in Btnt BM Iiuiaii; the intermodiale stai;e tlo been at the seaboard helped; l,.M 11I.N1' .11 Sh-ii- Natlniml Pan Ileal I'Atnto ami liwiirnneo Niwlv r.irnl.lii.,1 oulaliln t.''im jm r ri SipniK 11. k list aKain was elevated on ad - wheal market to recover a little' "" "" " i;7s UK H. (1. ION 4I.MKN the jtlie 111 1 rev i;ood level land, w il h in '" " I lt' SAI.I.".lt" Ul II ""l iimhi-.f- South ourtli hlr.xt r ,"""':' mj. l,Colmnliu hotal, 12 j Limited In yo, Naaa mat value of Marine preferred, just at the close. Sl O1111K.1 low lo-- uHli i rraetlia t Fr, Mercantile ibii'i. nub's of .Mlni(iierque, price only Nurlh I'lrat Tlinmt. Kelly-Sprin- t; - h;il flu.HH; iI In Inspiration Copper and lo'.ll. ilt Nl.,.inm III Corn pi were highest during the , $ per acre, you can - if ft. a llt'iira: t Hi I to 1 les .. 1.. and the best tlioioo-- AppH- lli N.HIU Tui-irtl- field new MOpadilcn i:. .McSiildcii S.iilli. 110 I e Weal Ayanim. Phona W Tire to records. Marine first hour, and lowest during the last; find for the money. I'll'Hir li.'S Central preferred touched lUfiS, with hour, oats were governed chiefly by Felt HUN 1' -- iimiiiHm',1 1. .,111. II., I : Weal mi. r. frT.NNt K. .Mctl,l hoinli. I anal for Inspiration, XI for Kelly- - 01l.. il. .1,1 III K.v. Far, Nom Throat. and S the action d other cereals. TIE - 1 0 West (lold. 1'hon 907 llulltllnK, Altiuilllitrqu. 41X1 A Mellnl SpriiiKUi-ni- 1 ncse 1 ill HUNT- -I 111 oinlii-- roouia, mtidaro. t'll nt. I... .in h rt. inrnn (pioiauons were, I'rovisiois finally gave way umler si;'ON I) III ,HT l:i;.r TTnurn-- l'i a in. 4 p. m t'tntna Tn. 1IM btllllis S'Hllll H' V'.'lltll. MinNMcii in Hii-- pIiib p $i;i piM It m weak-jib- e ii.u. iicntn. m sh.idcd the final hour, when influence of a sharp decline in the AMI SOU) mil TlIK-- AN.Vl'OIUI 'Vl ' I ION - 1111I111I Wwi r.ini KI'llhY 111 'H K ' ui ncus notalily I HIXI1 'I f Hip and the motor fcioup, hot; market. The chief was! Itlcvcl,. V,TI.I i ulMrillila Thrinil f.una:. setback loadiiuartoi !i; Muilth Tlih.l run it r; n i oh in tMi, ii iiut-- Willys-overlan- un-lj- u City t.rflie, 3d Weal ivniral AvtttilM'. Suulebaker and pork, 1 1 121) rltK p.l.-tfni-- iiIn., In, Phone II West (.obi K. I .una,. i ii l,. fli'lll l .ul in HI 4 exm ti - i'mhiiii, ruuujn , Oflli.t llniirn: l.i l: a. in.; i til p m. settled the list, iri I.Hii k iipio tint-nl- lii ulv iiilnti"l. entire the market Closini; prices: W A I !'. i ' ' iiii'MM-iik'- 0- no hw Writ I'hyitli In ' aim. ontral. ft .,i.I )..-- b. ,,...1 ,...l,l...a t liiet: closins with a heavy tone. Sept., l'Ml-.- Co. Kl-.- W T. MI IIIMIY. M. P. Wheat $1.40; iJec Jt'ciH room, mutium; noi,; St.oili I'lon,,- i:i.:,w. , 414 HlU-nr- KIN I. ICY VAN M. V. hails were watched with unusual , $1,411 4 . C. A Kh hi aick, mi tbll'lrt-i- Weal UltSl'At.b. lllglihinila. interest because of their direct re la Corn Sept., Iiec, I. v.a',.li f.ili. .ml ... VHK,--- ' A'l'l I'llllliliio Cuff K'lll HKNT -- Nk'fly furulahi'tl r na tor Sii'e; 72'ic usi i'lu.ii' i. I I In pUiK, I HUYtK, M. tion to impendint; conditions. Sipt., 44'je; lA'c, JilIM" "ii OI;n k iibl-n- plciMt- VA lilt K iii,!k,-- l Ml mi, ,'. Manila - boint i 71 South Stroud. to; i:i. i' r. IM.'IH ii ot lan I, t, dais ,. t'r.-ii- 47c. II, 111 fflc Mill, r ti bl.lit I'Hi. i leu.,, N, M. "i.tfiiT fl" I.'" s " - lull:. M,i..i Kit iin.t ttinriiHunl In I'.'i"'1 . I'll YHH IAN. I'llitcd States Steel was a sheet Pork Oct., JJB.Uti; Jan., 4. .1.1. IIOMKOI'tTllin .V I.I I li.n v it.O. W. V peltate Ti lit- ,.. (to k ,11 Weal SiU.T. Kill! ItKXT it tt it Office Whitlntr liitlltllnu. Phnna HI anchor of max- Uird-Oct- ., sm.itl .i the forenoon, its early $14.1.1; Jan., $13.7.1. S M x -l .. t Hilt U.i: llniis tii. r ll.. ll. .m.ikIuIi-iii- N. M Kill: HUNT I fill n I'. ' Innmn 'Hill III" til II). I "AT fO II V K VI AMI HI HVKVOKI4 div-- 1 Inr initial, plus regular extra $i:,.!trJ. i- littlfo-li- the and nibs Oct., $14.11; Jan., . . l U A N l ! Hi .1,. VVetl SI 1 I iii;.7--- iiiiiutTif l'i ill ,.1. ...111 hl.l A, kt it hi t iiota mai l, iiwuritiHH ,.inir ill it ll i hi in .i innm PITTtl lluss, Cuiily; ICumund 'J . ' itlencls of '4 per cent briiiKiiiff it up' 111. I'""-- ' It S ,, Shu lit Tim it i'itit.n in iHTtlO'iii Ariioiia. Apply mi; i:i:. '"'III iii mIi-- n i)., 'M'l'ly llr..ailav .. p. Mineral 110 Weat to of carry- - K 4.U.MN. ,7a. V s, i vi.-f- i - .. 411. A M its record prices, and S.S fITV i it sa tut a l""r''l' ink, II hi Silver nt emit IU;N Tm. i f m iiialuXI Hint n't d"ltl avenue. Hni llillinrrila, I. J V ifii,-.-,- '' - iiiR ether industrials with it. Profes-- Ifli'. IIikIiIiiihN :' 'it II l:t:t..l it CI' Cipei nli-l- JJ iHUn Willi pt'Ti'll. loU Wal- h l it KIN till V City, Sept. 1. Cash vXii "Tu-i- caT ell lee mini, healthy und of R.nd halala. 'i i: UN i - Ke. "uTioy r.i""m. uulT- - sional pressure, and the temptation Kansas wheat. utiin l.h Toti II; .It til II VI l.'l t'S, Pit. ('.. Ii M. i .... .1 nil I. It- . , $ i all- - ii..ii out at, si. am lie.ili I. tin IM.,;i'tiH HHS V V,.,l,iu tin hisIi itl ' to realize, were too strong, however, N". hard, 1.4 ..10; No, reil. Una In iliKhlaiiiJs, Inquire Ki himl fi t,.. auk. lm pli.ii loin . titi'-a- si mill inarlan v,,r- I'linnc ir,:::.r. t. VV A N i' lil i i :a ati.i,i W.'KI t I'h. nit. i;;h. I'.i i"lt' til ll I I I riteii teta anil ialmrara, s nr a ' ; Sept., I1.3S; lee si. .in. .tic nil i't.ivv with few exceptions these stocks !$' x 1c . .1 - SAI i: M,.,l...,i .i I, h. k k. ii in Km- i. oti., Mlt'eil inf poreti an.l Aril" Mr Vi ; $ 4 2 i Ti s . lltll In ' i:i:.i UT K I N A It X WMOOI 'l."'- May. , 11U :C. elesed at net declines. Total sales hll(luJ ..,, k.,,,11. I'1'.'' " AK.'lli'V. S 'I'lill'tl, I'llt.iie I'll III. furnlklied llaht pilar. l HUM I'm niilieil. in luniae, c; It B. K. V K It Y ColleKB Hept amuliiited to 720, U00 shares. Corn No. 'I mixed, HOfaM'-- No. lligli nr tilitoie W AM 11", .t'limii ni. ttf fi.iin l.i "est irii lien... i Mi .pint: ti. glica. it in. m per nit.iitli. I' belna l;i in Ih"' II. CnialtiKtia fie... C. prttJl.lcat. .no. . . . ' :. t.f a- - I'"l' K clem-il- tv.'lk lli.ii I: nil "tiuol.." - !111' s' h Am. Kei.. The most siK'ntlcalit event or tile - none, 01m ::i, jruon n.i j..,,,, sA,.;.-.,u,..r,.,- i Hi AMIHtlt'AN rt.onia trail IKK Mtirk.-- Han Frnnelaen. I'ollf. ill f m: atreet. nU'-i- Mlinial Life ChIiI llltliilt nt . l.v we. k. -- T'tllt IIKTs'I i in Stl'ac; May, 74 in utr ini.tiurn, liaseinent. Set) , tatm in., l'liona ll. Milt Mil... l., leli. fin its broader applications to Iiec. 7l:,c; 7c.j .nit M A l reel. lin,ii!T.0". Uk: Went t'eiiiial avenue. , !':::! I l( M.VI'S No. 2 while. Pic; No. mix "tinrr, VVet Irani in nlel.e.l liiiiiiial'Ht liiliti noil tvuler. Ill IAI. nainial conditions was the further: Oats . - i:. Pie. ll.. vv It. W. AN i "i1'-"- '"" ' l'i ut iti: i' lame, nils i'""init, nicely ion WHIM 1 svi.i: vNTI:" break de-- ed, 4bf;4H. nit t t .1 a- . iT" I e, N, 1. in C.crman exchange, marks tkH "tmjili ..,.....,,.,. h ; - H iii,-,- Nautil IIIKS, t!,M heal ttell I. I. A.k.-- id tpiiii: nit'ilci ii lie sir i 1:1, t;. o ii.,' ,i , ! l.'l: : ', ,; .,f government n.t-,- n 'd uci ons a lliai ha ll.le I" It I, Ml Wt ni miiI. ll '111 , t'",i. Hie t.ffl. lal ciiniiig to tne low recora ot II .... is K'.iiih Third nr.. i ini mt'lid lame s'lail- latt is h. AM) SPI I.TKK. - ... S III t.'-- I, IHIIM ,11 I 'a 0 I'leait- 'I" St . mill's, ,,t t.Ht nsiiip, iiriiiil ii tin nioiuiK ciaima l.i:M 1 fliHt'l i: .vi. iii tl i .... .i rt. depreciation of fully 30 per cenl.j SAI.K Mian no ,. .., ,..-- M It It'll runic in f.,r ij.iuse Nt w it'll l.v. ."...'. rm Wrlle Ion Iter r fit- fii.iti oitt t.t in Mexlc". l - N 1 I. - ,. iltni. pen At Mil ill li VValltr, tin-- n Knblis boy-- llR,ilmv Willi Klaus sl.'.- 'lilt; ll'il't'll. Ark- m I ;sl .i 1. h H'l lnt'l'iiiK iiiltahle Mill III:'.!' were strong on further Hi.- .11,1 Ii..,imi- 1. t I' ,v t HI L. Call nh.Hi,. l.'.n t a I i New York, Sept. The a ' S"in It I'll .i nii'tlt'iti in iiioi linage Inir Tfiiuvkiit uni'll ii hut ml in-- 11 if metal Il HI KKNT (ifflee Itoomai it ik lemma. A.,!v 'In Vt nt ll,. I, I'll, lie 75 . J .. klHVU- - IchanRe uuotes lead. t.'K SAI.K ltv iifi' Itiitn Illliliiiiila, e vjU linl.V I -- I'trii.-a Apply u and were unchanged. $.:. V T francs W A I! A K ",.ll".OlTi litiiisi lit it'll I: UN in i ii fin in,, Spelter--Hul- l. Spot Last St. Louis! Karaite. "I Miner eiclit ett Itn.t, I' - 1'urnli.lieil r.xirua. 8oulb t ,,jl' ithir.,,11 l,,..enl ..rfle- - Heavy offerings of international! ... tll't W, st 1"'' i";: Kam It'll ill ttllll mil. He; Klassetl in nlet'l'loi! l'"til. 'I'el Walter atr.-et- Phi na 2112. delivery. asked. .I. t war issues, Anglo-Frenc- h .1's. tlie new tjiil.-k- WA.VIi;i vT.n7ai'ri7T;T, k. lli!,.l K 1, h. ni tu. !..ioltnrt ,,ii int ear line JJ.'iiK SA I.K r.i'.io liuiik'Hlow, Call ii ijsln-.- PIOItNONAIi. .T.'l Tnll lti;.vi I'm fruil r.MHii, no au k. ,:M K Applv iio'iiiliiKa tn pli"in. ,';sl j st In I'ti'pli I'll.Hie n . French notes and Canadians, featured! rni.rlern. Prt.lti. place city: will Bell) n.-- f.l,'. KtiNt , ,l LSTtM K MAKIi hlhlreii Central HKNT I'uriiiHlieil, 1..V'i. Miita. to Hie i;ts. AN I ;ii lin r u. li..uai-wii- k. I" ii in. ftmi lower bond market. Total sales, I' 1'lV" f Hi','!, I1..I-- Iliac p no .1 t'e nilei it en r. Millinery. S ulli Mntlt l.'.'l West I: I'l'll ItllS lOHISekeelllllC Ii. lis II. elntllea eillihi.arit. "ii Ilnsotv, all. .tiiie nt ho,. '.ItUl-.i- (I tl- j 11" It lull S 111 .'I - ' "O III t fr.'a par value, aggregated $;',420,nnu. Oct Hl'tlilll, H, Iilt.h.-n- In.lh lm ,ln. aleeolnir leii't-h- i.n I'nl- ''' "'O no Chicago Livcsttwk. 'II SAI.I. A il ol i'IiiM' tv.VNII-,1-' t ..mix-len- t i.e-k- u, a ' ' - .uiiKln lira. 77t i ii"niiVHn.,"rhin-""7"."i""ii"c- W'iMly cur Hue. l.'l: Kaat l al. I'lmnit " mi! I Atltlreaa Ist'l. I'nited States bomls were linchang- In; - 311 .ft"!'."! iin.l enll Chit.lgo, Sept. I. Cattlt UeeeiptsI el.Tantlv lurnia'ie.l with till enliven- in. .nth. North ItM lltlt. "IH1 ..,.i p. :"t T,n,ifl I,.. ill A.' Sml InllKton, Tel. rini; r "Mill l":i H ed on call. ' I" 1 Wanti;h a K.."d Aupiy M. 1. iv ii ..I' ,.f tllt .'.Odd. Market weak. Western steers,; ,',,', Mn. .,it, tlanaml U: ;ti;r, lot alli ('losing prices: ni ii m it, mill I. n i rl t ill. le to -- ; . ni.ttlitrn.'ri;-'-1'1'1-'- - - t t ,1 ''(' Mh SAI.B .,'". h.mse. '''''H'r- null . I, ,. i,P I,. ,n pi ,i ,1 i American Meet Sugar v' u -- Ki Ot i: nt ;li in in: pi " a olt tuple call v' WW : "'" " '".'". "'" ' 1"! llttOI t '''cows, $;i.7.1'.i '.MO; calves, $a.0h' v .,n ear line, ':" '". .'" M,ll,i " I"" ; . tt t .,,,.,.,i ,I,.,,. " a tnt i in; linisf k Ir In " "ii "i, in-- i, is IIIIiik In ' A.,-- e- M 'l K. ".in 'h". American Can ?. 11 ft H,,.. M, ,!,m,. lei.vl.ttr el, ...M '"""' .1 ' ,,,,:''" :''" I tuililsiicl I'. Mi ' II v ''I. a i " I.', .h T. mil. American & ,. ,.. ' t.sii-.i- tilth. T i il. ( I' . i Car Foundry.. nn:t4 i t e"u"i l'nliiri aireet. i'h"ne " tcinui In Ut iti. tin ir. tictlei n. nr S S. "ii. I t, el, n .1 Olc! ic. il iiti"iu l.'l. Ilea ii, JS.00II, Marl, ra". i, .11 i'.i .,11,. ..ll.., American irt7. Street r H't it nh slecpliiK p, .i t hen. l.lli I '1 i" n, ...Hni; II a, lie - Locomotive v . ,, slow. c uniler eslerilay s average. . 7r, TTT I,, h ,,r k t en v, ntie P intll- - ' W'ANIKIi liitl assisl m nit'l last POIt :tt..1 .l.iu.h 'ltioir. tiinitti ttaoclni; American Smelt, & Hefinin . nli 'li 4 KLI - Hulk, $10.60 t 1.0(1; light, $10,60 ninilern All . ..nt enienre.,. cm .,i ' In in; Apply I." s atreet HUNT Tw.i pleaniLal for llicht l.lnal l.t ll.l I'll if t.ul III.- ttlll- It'll inniiia Mi KI , American Sugar Refining . .107 . o 1 .1,1 ; i w Iciiat-k- I'KIiah ana fertlllaar. l'liona ,vl,l.-- a ..i, ..rdinarv-- ...kniB 11. L'I; heavy, o.l 'a pis, Tim pin a in W.. man K ii".K tal llltlit anil water paid. In- " f't .main WANlllli I" an.l J"lir-al- a -- r II. M I 1.17 s T'l'ili" H A! HI "i- r r Hi' n reply A. It., American Tel. & Td L'.O 7 r, ri so tradevk ft.r K""fl lllllt- .ittann .Strati- a.. ,.rk al 'I i linl.le s ranch. i per finite llrniolivav. Ititmnlii, iilatt tn t. .l rule new- JlLy-L'tll- l licni'h 1:1 ni,i777 .iti I' ...'l '"'I "tfl.'. American Zinc, K(.lu s. . rH Sheep - Iteeedpls I2.(.(l. Market .J:1!' It'll I'lilei- ni.ilv In. r'ins se. in it it ni . t pnl-el- i, SACK K pi.'" t 111 III An.'iciiiida 'i i'i: svi.i; nsiii, V.' AN TK 'nnipel. ill it all ,.r ral Ilh si., piili; K i"ieke,-i- I'lllt '.' nf ' ''! Copper el i $'. 2.,ki ,.Mt; lambs. , ...... ,'h k". . II Ml, TAItllS weak. Wethers, ,,.., .. lomsett ... k. . .Vnltll HIK. O" .If. S'Hll ll Kdllll 4"! N..I th 'I lm hli, t. "- Apply iieniiinn-- Kl Ab'llison - i; A, .vi ' Ct l tin. i. hi We will I I.V"i I ii 1, h re.-- t I.HIV AltHH Al M iti in. nil tin hi It N N O e tt ill A I.I. el, t'lTTTTr lo llICK. j .. I'll: leu., keeiiitiK Itll v flablw I, n ii. in 70 i;.. pin,' il a nt rate "1 If Ii nl Locomotive WANTKH in tt .nil, n in in Itiii lit Ut- .iti.l lull'., sleeplna i..r,l.: t tt ,, line I! n. ri, ci In a splenilol Inntie at a l,ai . mil 'Irij.a to Any I'nlnt. Any 'I Una. Wlra nr baltinmre & 81 Icnls, t. ,, k f u Ais.i r n "v7T. vTTT, Ohio Kansas ( ily I.ivcsIim f.tmllv in viooa. tl.' ttltli TaTfT TTIIT" ,t I l. i' :t il prl iM rntlil SU'.ih: .f rrr pli. rt.r nf"i imi ni nt My Kxpanaa, I"':.!' ilwat :""i ,v 1111,1 Alii-- Brooklyn XI - ' Al'l'lv .Seteiilli I'll. .he nin t. I. Pi-i- H.t Rapid Transit Kansas City. Sept. 1. l.e- ,,., :i VV'i "I tl .1,1 I'lonie .'40 si,. lie .in; 'all "' mil miller ll..tet, s rrn. N M &. . Itl.NI lit, . '"lie Superior Copper '"'Vi ceiptH 2.0O0. Market steady. Western j: It'll foniltitil litritr Kill! HAI.l; rn.erw....d Hpewrller. ""tl i iiiur mi M, I'lnK lunch, use eleetrle , l::? hi California 19-,-- i r.O Titer S"tlth Fnnrth I'hnne 9i li.MIMiK A IIVHIIV. Petroleum .st. cts, $11.. 'it 0.10; coves. $t.,,i4i WA ICipa nitnia (I llltll lOS XTl.Ii rlenrad aalealadtfa. Apply i.atli. fnei f,,r e.n.kiiii; , s A . . . Kcur-rnn- l.l'l an ,.f ,H. ...n HeHs.iiintilr Hiinla I r, .Vladrld, Han Canadian Pacirie 171 $.1.71 f't S. h nit HKN I' fmnlatiBd fiat, mod-- . ? ,. II" 'It ' .mail iirleea stockers, 00; calves, Jli.lO'll Kcnnomlat. Nnitl. W.ilnul, ii,lj"ililiiK !kIi Imi.l ii - ;. v p with aleepiniS porch. I'll Smith Hlllll! mat iii ii a tit .i o.l p,. i't a I'e.lrn. Central ''t mi, Pork I I Leather III.UO. atreet Inttnlre at Savnv lintel t,ffler. lit one , see llllll Trlpa Anv l'line ItltlllOS Chesapeake P. 1 Ohio Hogs Iteceipls Market - timer ill. I't HI ' ., ii ii 1, o a i- p"in,.l r,ti: I: T , in l. nir-- i T5: initial. 65S Chiriigo, & '' an; ni; 1:1.'. u) ,mT. il ni.Nleiii Oik In. I. lis .III .', t ll nn r.o hi. .lie Ui Mil. st. Paul Mo .lie lower. Hulk. $0.4iiri in. ,,., r,;,. sitepinit p..r.-li- WANTKII Saiesinen. imh. I'll. lit Chicago n,r tcoo-ii- .s. I. ,,ai, IT al:,, itaiun,,. :'t:u K :' Western .KM IHIIi light. II1'.-- 1' V iri'!lle I'ltil l""lll, llellt. ,V k heavy, $10. Ii.7n. I't W '. .s.i i, si,,,,, Aim I ..n. iillll'.i IlAtl.Y AIM' HI'Alia i! Chicago, p.. 7 Pitlit, uiiMii i..iLst-- in suiiKliloe rintl neat Knit is,.- an. e. iier inaier r. Ai. pucifie. Ily. . 17 1 a. 7.". : nigs. $ t Ml 0 1. tan; 10 spi-- It pet I, in svi.t: Hlx htttir I'aflsenir.-- Hervlta. it a pa lit IS a lit t l W t . S ' ,,,otnii'll'a. Tilts mi liscl el 'all al v st .silt in l :m hiiio o- I"t Iii lift ao.l si ".- UliiO ' mni Siller city p. ni. Copper . - Sheep Kcrcipls I, oca. .Market Ml l!.,o Vpplv : I". Wear l.eail It HI KKNT Kufiin Willi Honrrl ami p ,,i simie-- illOK Mil I.eavn M"R,i)l,,u 4 l"l a. m. (nkiratb, ".: l " Fuel ,.on . P'U m HI oai-- m o ,lt Iti.: li'-- iu ill ll I t SA I.I, tt JlO.ia.i U Mi;l Mluf'llHiieniM Sinil.i le. N M an.l ill ill Indian ni"l" Cara meet all train, ijok'ntt and bao ''mil lm i, i Products Refining K! jliugs, $7.J.1'o S.o; iiAI.KSMKN' "si.irilin I! " flit tp f..r ash Ih'ttlli arpiltied mitt, ii.ery In the anuthwoat. Crih I ani-K- Ii VV. Kaa. l "": 1 ION il,!,. WAN I. Ii main It 1, HKNT- -lt ii K.i.ih NIC IT AXiO CO. steel 7.7.1; ewes, $11.1.1 u 7.2.1. nir ri. l'ite-,- n,l ail lilt c in int ami board; " r h ;'i,H City. New "biers' Securities AI.U'I'I. k' liinMlii.K at :l.; H3 Soulli pun, .is ia,; m Wilte I',. I' N'VVanut aC Pear jaKltltarluma. I't'CU niim! i,tr ami nthel make llliv Sllvar Mallmt Kfie s t l. . t,H tenilni) A. hires., I,,, l;n.i,l I't 'li Pl.'-.- "1:",",H ii'ilii" Kle. pom '"' V'" ''Inolnll lloliae, 4:1 . "ii Homer l.ivcsbM Ii. "" "' vv Iv llt.X I!.. KintKVllli, Te, h"i,r, t' II.' plo.ii,. S'"' "' ' t.-- KleciriV i:i it, hniou '. li Inlsl Silter '"el Eeiweafl'Cairnsflsa a! Lbo "'ral . . . .167 Hciiv.'i'. Sept. " II, ...... I',,,. in 22 ''nil :,Vli, la. nly .til ha I'.iilv ,t,l 'H'li. IV. 'jreiit Noriher,, pfd . li a; I!, Is HOO. Market steady. I'.eefl M, iHIlt::', .ceil. I'Allf'KT . "imini;. r:. una riu'f ruva made 'It Itl.NI lei it in,, iik. well f urulHll.iil, line. .'.r''l 't.ns "Li, ami l,t, tl,er:,le,l l,t Hokttell Ailln Cm. Creal IA Norther,, .'17 st'-e- i cows ami VV A pin Hie .1,11. ,,r hour.l. nil Small Hroud- 1,1 I'uij Ii 'Hint. i i ii. W'i-h- !l"Uti'l. ore ctfs '4 s. fii.OO'.iS.O; heifers '"ff. VNI Itli ltv ,n, Pile a;.,, lath, a.' null ttnicut " . v 1 Illin.'is- In ll', ciilplf-- fu, "'i.v Kin; s l pan "1 naiH IiiiHh, n A i i' - l.nnv Central . 00 '.j $ .1.00 It ii. mi; stockers and fectb .mail tannl', s ii I! a 7 i"i v.. HI, .'1,1-- I't I: . m Imli.-.- I Mil eti let a I, ami l.t ni ... h ft! in. '"''''''""""Ugh fe 10.:,". Khi.iilh tl: ,..",,,., sleepiiiK Consul. Corp. . Hi U 7.U'; .lives. $s.nti',i ni j. nt I'I. in 'i.. .ii fl. m, it :,, , rl.-.- i .1. t en ol. nit, h ... u- IN'i-.v- ty !K ViiC a n, "in it, IT lj.'"llL' '""I'iration ,1(l'- Ho'-s-- Iteeeipts :,lili. Market p, n pa N'l palm acpa i.aka nu ' iii 'i (i) m. c0pp,.r r tn m; fi f ,,r KIT 'Tt .sa it- 1, no, It , , ,,. A i ... 'mn.' ep ro-- r, ma. Ifnte ),lae.'tt nil, ft x."t tvoi i.i; f si, ii, tim I ry j. i. inuoi. i' p. r i (. 'ii'l-- 1H to a, m. '"lernalional Harvester, N. . 1" steady in l'i'' lower. Top. $11 ,1. M lm, ipsmi. pit. me liri II, It PI NI It sle, pintx Teltk-iipl- ',!" k i par t il $.: J. f'ii .no '.I, Hit ho, pncli Itlthi hi 1 '.' II r. , r. . r. I I H t 11 7 ini in nt, Mer. U.. I. t . f.t I. ll ' " i- t- k. ,1m.. Marine . . B i .in .alisli, "II" Uihit ami halniiir Mm, C lain.' Aik pfd. Clfs. nn oinn. w'ANTKH - I n Iniy. ato,mn hand furniture In '' ." p in . l'i st u,t"ti 12 p. rn. uu-- j A I ,1 I A Ill '.'ni,' : kansus p none Krirnein ' " lint 0 a If in limit,! mn K.mli pie .in. i i: tin.- in,, n. 'I .r.;. Ci,y southern . U she.-- Hcceii'ts Market r ,, j. u. Btnmono. inn rini Sato:.- '.i.:imi f p. m. .3 lirit ,,,,. tle-.- ..I..-- Inn t si y s v ,,rk pi al l, r,m,,n v n li ' I.; UB O..M avenua. unit sit ii k It in room alfilt t'ltf l:,n N ... p. kentiectt. copper . 40 changed wot -- nir.n imeltent in. n, ,li till ll li "O.l 11 . the nun; I"l th't'r. Will llli fin : . ' ,1 ,,t let ami Intnl. Just the plu, tn net air-- nw. sil.'l f i1 mi n li p ni I"uifvine & z.-r- AN 111) a lm I N I.', n Nashville ' lie Hie Ki..-- i ilia, inlilt an, I Inilter. 1't.r phnna if at ii. .'all ll 'Mil 'i:;h ftrc. cue Jv iu. nt - " ,nit v. il it s,x lalea v,i, crmd ""mean Petroleum 101 a: TYPFWUITKKS A x ' 1:1 lap., Out u minis I 1 Mi I II 'I'M 'Hit il! jtlo v. p.-- mile IUkkuku iMrrlffl tip .1 In ii... i Ai'p.y i.'ll I't - n ,v i .1 Wr,K Llrissloek i.i i;," j l ifi pMun.Js opiier . 34 new ana aeennfl-nan- feiii- pi ate fiilo ly la K II A ll r iia.m'II-- 'I ha muat altim-llt- Milt uh fiie. bitt'-- a ftl Al.I. KINI'S, both .. U- w Mis Ail.u-.,,-,.- .i.s A ms. m.-- lnt n I ., ,., v r i u.i. will. Kime. x. T..v f.i 10 "ld. and rrpalrad. health Una mlin north of town nil svi me,' e ..j v ,m,, a l,nRht. i a ni Missouri Hare. Phnna T4 iircful driver; belli fiinlfii work, f nit j All milk, n-i- anil emta prmluead on par.i. M J ;tmi J..UI n.t Tvnewriler F.lcha "i.-,- v Pacific " slt'niMi K.nt.ii. Matiey, llliama rairiaca f r rueata Klaetrlo Uahta, I.. K.nirth aireeC Aril,. lf S l.K .,i ,, o.i i ., elty mall aervl a. Ht.oma or cottage!, l TYPpTvVltlTKItS. .Saw ml i" line. clMii. i' i.l moc i' K Inm.kM Nalioiml LM'F.ItUunD VI ' i V , lit'W Mra w 11 Itearl J. ,i a a ,i lie t.n'.na M "V. II f rentaia. and . leu 1. in tl.aire to' tp 11'. of' 'hi 'I rhlnta Pint cl"a t ,N" Mt-- , vailu ma- tn tv nr Arizona mT: Coiutf.,- lypewrltora. Finert halite nn 1' ' S i " "i 7. I .!. 1!'' hlBh (trade rebuilt ttl-- 'li p Ii i,, ,10- a,..- trtinei e'e. ti lt ai and t III SIM SS IHVf I S York ( In oi anp. ft f, ill Tn Hi ' Ai.'! C cut ral ehania enarirn . tn. 'n..-,- eik' airs' eKperient o; ' ..j.a.. Anmnnf fnm.iriK ..t I.K vi It M Moore Illnett,,!,- M Is ' A11- A II e. . . " ' -- ' vv,!" i'i ATCltmON, Ttiri-.- ft 8ANTA FB - ' tv . . - " a i s. 1,, ' . aril is . ' l'i, lie :;,,! I I, It W AOrfnll. ... n.i -- - r " nil .s.Vi.l. ll.l in niti t rania. larcn, AV CO. ""v esu-r- 1 has I.n. .e t v a I'OH SM.K Ileal KMI 1'2.',.l I'.ili ,..un;l,t !4 lit antn lh. hea'V tv.mle.l. rnlsetl ham- - ' Weallmund. v ' -! ranite rherri ,.1)rific . i.r.".r. i I' "Vl"'" ptiriHliin r irxyTtrS nm itnjrA'irJlill!!!!' toVaViVVric. -"- Arii.'iin ime 1'iilr. send No. nana Arrtvaa Papart. '"nfic Mail olt SVI I. Mo.l patio hot.-- 1, uiilneaa further Inf.nniHl cm to Anl.lev lm entnient I. CaPfilnla, Ktpreaa ; :i 'p mp ' "" - i'-l'e- ', I" Ki"ttii, t.. n lid, k K..r Infer- I ,, I. flatu-- adtlr.-aa- Nel- - I I'adf-rn- la 'acifi, l '"'"-'I- Is I"', in- 1', ii: .; at-,- p,i net Ana I.lmlied Tel. ..d ..' letel lantl, it mil from ,,,., ,.,, , U . V I ' a.ia,.... ti 1. .... i . l...m.t.n. ll""''- c.rner Tllanui an.l li railr .ad. I'n.-- V : clear, will ,,,, ., -- -- - Kt)H uiunrn,, ,,... H..II...... I. , Ka M', . . :6oo I! . pi.-it- " Aril kav i. l."t ."'vi i. fi if..., Ko a. owner i - Cnits!,!... . t on sai.E Santa railway tracka. muuir. .a, in,... '..-- . -- - tl I 1 II ! s; I I r...... I an... rtmillilmnnd. . .4 Pl-- al ap..; ) nir ..,l. HeHfl,nK ",1,",r pectlHi; f.r Vorth Seeond K. Il.t Ni.l. i n ...I't Ai l,..i, ifi I'Olt TltAHI'7. K p,, K.reNa 101" C'-s- real I COlNlS). .10:: in. ?l buck: rnraain i nit" A I. l.- -i ami i !; fin Must in "eAssvssW"4l Al.I I ,.. ar ft .ni nn' tost l'.,n u,'"'c i , I IT nit ir, "' fclrl;": f I, ss Kpie. IK. nmc i".. p, a! 'I It Mm: A t a and Ol lion svei::'" ,nt ,in n 'l.t :.s.J M rih!.., ii A.! :iei I, .,t in. f.t lliihl1 Huff While pli.atona and Wart. KwallM.lind (tt. f or l"' K r, van. r i I., : S. l'l vvii.i,., aik .Mn.i.ia ., i. inn. ii p, Atlantic Ktpr.ta T Ma !"- or itiK..; I :.s.i em, nei in. a 2. :. SKS SAI.E-T- W. "f rei denee not Kaatern Kxpreat t:4l)p 1ST ' Milt !." h uae t.. '(by Hi. In the S.AI.H Olt 1KAHI- - , II, y win. they pay Natajn 4 .rtiia TK'P apartment llllfNI Klfi. nut MDMA TO iA-l- lllEr lai. t'allf limited trip rJ'h'rn Railway a b.irita n. if taken at cm. A i A Ir K Rf a if til p., It. I alio C. Whlta Orptnrt .na I K. C K I.lop Highland!, at WANTEO l':ain and luncy aewmg: I'ni. l.K ll in Pda: Cli'.en T:li ''idfhakpr nn pt'" I V'C ima ,.an aat- - ftmitav Co pav-mr- cash, balance tlm. - s' ,i ' n 1,,'t VI,1!. W' f "SI .'. eel' l" ton tt'1 fei I'ritate t.i.rtv ini iiey o. on and Mailed Anr,naa. Pr aceli fmm 120 Part -- r..t,, r,i ,' - , rnrne'r one h- i- k fr..m .."'le " ! i f.,r n,l i n lli'ihkein or rui:a. I'nll flliet. I....R.-I1.I1- It N. lilani.a I on f hlatt- ami ai prices. I.. IC. Mil. Kanaaf City A I'hlttan T:0n. rrm',,:; n and A a.tnu... i'li.uta .'kn. TImrii. n""e Wins. ' Wist iiitll 11 I ,. ttvo Moeka fmtn bdth CI: .ViHll itlet-t- l.l P. t '. It. I U.i, city. 7if Piatt tt re '.I n. avanua, Aihuipiartpte lit kanaaa Clly A t.luff j l Ownar, Jnurnal. Eight Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday September 2, 1916. CRESCENT CO. ADVANCE GUARD OF HARDWARE GRANT COUNTY HERE I i TODAY ONLY Hm, Itiinuc, limine 'urmliliii: full , Tool", Iron riH', VuliM School mill I'lllhiu, I 'I tiiiili ii... Heat !', Jill Mini upper Work. ON THE WAY ROME High 8IK . I X I l!.l. A I, 'i l J.l.rilO.M; 315 'I'll.' mix an. ( t; oi I In l i ,i ill county delegation Hi ihuiu intic BRADY .lull- colli, xas in Al'ui' '" Text Books ALICE iitiiiii Pon?;ttra Oiivc Oil Salad Dressing CHtcl'il.'IV , lilnllir. in llli' i inn '. 'H't ii .1 villi', fui Silvi-- i II 1. : In Hllsl V t:lt: I In- id Ii I' n A Till; Mo. i ..T M I'l I N lot's. 'IKY A HOITM). ALL win I'll si ( 'iimpi, .1 "li, liriKUM Ai president lit Hie Aim i ;ui 'n t l"Mii Mekiiimx XIIKI I UtsT-- l I I SI I I, : K ' .IMI ss l.liot Its IT. 'I' MrSheiix, icpniicl Celitu-- In l.alin ' i l a . i.f III' Si v ll .lllllll III .list I!. II la inn li s I'lrs l.alin I.l" PETTICOATS 1( i ' I ' Ii n i . I ISS mi mill Cox all Kill now os l.rscul i.i 's ' nia n ."II oi in .. ami Hon W'. Link All .SianiMi ,ii'l.i'"i K i i inemhei (il Hie ill )' ::;i mil il IT Ml H Hj'illlsll Cl'il'lir New England BOND-CONNtL- From the Famous ' - Adapted L AND COMPANY ( li mi's, i II SMttP WOOL am. nxcr llli- noun n:i I nm id mi ni ni hihilaiit I ll.'i Ncliati,, W Ii ' W'l Iloll as Hm ill Hill lui.v -r. Tilton. S-- .. I.m Story by D. Wight , ili iicral i.'ii v. Sheep Wool, Pelts ful mir-li-.- His win and Hides and xlattc nmnlneo Milnr'H All;. 'l'i a ' I.". Hill l iiu'iiiIii'In oi' llir liiint ili l"l':l Oilier mill Wmelinire. Ilnras Vicniio mill Cmlionil ll;w U In n- iin- - Ii .si null- n Hon ii Sl: OM 1 Klt: fill" V il V lillllli' Mill' Ml. 1)17 ll''l'"' 1' ALICE BRADY OF SHOWS : TIME I 'oilinisit if in ii ml In l"l ir. .). Medial Ii. I: II U.m.'vi ' lit i.' - (la i iini'i- I n ; nl A - fer;. II. t'oKprr. .I.iiii'' A l!n.' all XI NiFHiCt 5:20, 6:25, 7:30, 8:35, 9:45 v mild ... in 1, 2:05, 3:10, 4:15, I ot i: i i I it oi n les I', Mm ill. !! in I'hai I 'olilllll'l ' ia i "I i i mi. I:hl:n': i. ii j ( 'in ii' I. in TRAVELERS HURRYING , ROSES in 'a I iM'tii in I "FOURI W V I I I Mil III hi s lllslxl IN I'l 10 i. 'mil 1 ii m HOMEWARD IN FEAR OF niliirn.' .'i-- h in i,,.i.,wi mi EfT'r?" I,. A .- I(i7 I If I SI IIHiNl; ti'ill K ..'V..;..:-- . m..'.-4- lillilll MimMi-.- I.IMiiMIIII ISItos- Nmlli illii'lm 'l i'll Ml .,ltlftrr...ta it it.! THREATENED STRIKE: All Siaiusi Milhiil I H IJ i' .Mi'ilii'V al iiinl'tn III Tim I l In' li'Hin w in 'l mil i.r ,1 Imy ' Ii i il in f' "I 'In' at ii' i.iil;i' w i i '. I 'tis " in mm li ;.i'iini i III wrfke has In i iin was .ii.;ni iii in 111' I THEfiTEHg nl S..M.I ' .a..w ii.,' r Ii.iIIk IIIICIl Vi:lt: v I v fl -- A s a irilvinn In ll'ii'i mi i'n- is llkiS5! : "L,.3xi (iardin r Kiilie.lKe K At V No. -- YRICISI mnl ihkIiI. - Hold ( 'i in i"i.- inn iml i;i:.i ri;o.!!i 111' Ii nv i'il al I I .'. in , n wini ai 'art Ch.-toii- SI. Ill i:iit li: m t'nli-fiirni- Tm I 7 ..'1 ssi iiji-- s Ihi' rah! lain nil i TODAY ONLY I'iiie'M Ann i i' an a ' i a a I. ."ill i ti 4 0 FRISCO i'il I limited vxhuh iin n al Cli-er- .:!" GIRL FROM .... THE Hie p. i il - 'li lwo-.m- (.its r.iltrr All nine. ni. ai in hliuhllv iiini'i- than rv I .:!. hi I hi' ii.i t lln illin I mi (! mil MYRTLE GONZALES in prrsutis, ami No. xhnh rea. lied .Manual 7 :m 1! s j s Party her., ni 1. in IiihI r.'n in comet ry ... II" The Squaw's Love Terry's Tea The 'uhfoi ma I. unite, liail ahnard io rai'li Willi la liel Nornianil. IT HAPPENED IN HONOLULU eleven ears, Iin Unllni; Iwo ilililni; rot it i it vi ; it; I No riiiiMi'ili'd t inrs. tiiul of fourteen I'lineiiii.-i- Ai Sin Ih SCENIC AND CARTOON s - nil MID Iti il I i iilliri I isiIiiii- In I lir Hi l ls. l.lteiitme i ix Killii'li,;.- 'ir- - OSCAR AND CONRAD IN POLITICKERS TROOPER TAKEN FROM Kll Ilt" )E II Titi'oh t'oinedy. I T Some t S PEG O' THE RING- - Episode No. 3 l t Ii I 'oin I'l.-ii- a, n hased on j tm I'.n.-a- i A: ' I. HI Willi (.iin r niiiiiil mnl I nun - lord. PRISON FOR TRIAL Cl' I" .... .Mi l.aiiK'ilin llr loi of Hi.. ON MURDER CHARGE t'lllll-l- l Stale ' I U .', I'arhart A- rimte I'lijuiis I.:l,". I.'il.onitory I. i i' m :iiliTrii.aiiilVL t 4 .r.....- . HtmmmittAtHm i liam-.- ll I.Ik Sim l( of Kiii'il'i lor Sluiiir HiTln il .1 .Mi liiaih. of itiif mi. I Hint. hail. (limit iniiiiM, anil ii'pnl riiium HMMI lt( I M ( Ot Itsl): n T, S, ist.r(la In WiMilsi's. Jr. lilt llciiriiiiin. wrli- ir lasl ni;lil .Modern Illustrated Cook- - I'm Ni-- II. mil. Id- wlllllwi'ii. Iiiiiih nn llnir w ,n from Santa kee.iiu;, Inlrodin Ion .S.tltl Pvlonday lii tun- on al Vali- llil'i "In- - IV In Sllvi l liiiwni; III ihaiKi' Modern Hook lmisli i I'll, Illustrate! til Ml" Wiinl'.M Hint llii' flilimi'll CroiK" Cmi Ikiii, a fin mi l I nlti il Kee.iiiK, Adi. Hired I'.',. dinner's Grocery V ill i to i o Slalis r. Nl.itlolii.l al ll.l'lul.i, l'honoi;raihii' A m.i n ueiisis I.IIII IS mnia .!..( a i l Ih I"- It i coining Itatlniia ''v w ni in; I. Ill Day l.oiil'i ' nr. who a.s loiiiirl-- who to at lln I'Tin ... , Labor s- . 1.1.-- in tin- aiiloinoliili- l.ii'.ini'.s lii'ii", of tlir ili.' liirt i i. ml at SIImm City on Modern ItusiiH- S.ellei ( TODAY Dip r, New 'iiiniui ria Arllhme it l m: ;lt hi'lc I'.ill lias ill lotllr illilll i liiU'Kn of inunli I'ailsini huil 'AM, V. M T it (hi oi smiti: wil Ih'. Moon- I I."i :s:0 ;'., I n Ml, lt Ni'W to I. oh Aiiki'Ii''-- Winn- In' 'h In i n In tin' H'iiii'iitim v for s.i losl i.ik I'orniiier.lal I. aw, (iiiiin ... .;, IMIW ill Ii..IH'..m (4 Ins Iliil ii v ii 4 It. 'ii cmitinurU .. II. i 'I liliiij'i n Hi.' ni I r I t. ii.Kill" Iio i cMiili'it ii al tin1 Iiik li'i'tn of rim S. I 1, Hi.' I n ni. Ol.l IiiioI '.in s Cousin CHILDREN ...5c liw Vllls ai:n nlii'll Iin was Hircilll Monday being Labor Day we 1 i w ii.iiI I H i Hi i i ni fi III lln- - rlly for 'inli i;m linn atli.iiir. ADULTS . . . .10c :i In . a h, in i null- li oin i 'a il nr n la V EN WANTED will close all day. Your or- V.'.il I I. In Ati lin.nii, Kan, while In- l I I'M STRONG'S Ja.llli"! lilini, an, Mi h der today will help us give our illi'l l,. Niinitm W l: W'aHoii, of Silvi-- Thrill-in- g . i . r The el i i ii i ii. i'"iii ii. mi. illll'li-llillC- . K t l'll lllllloi atli' I "hUl I .'.'llnll.ll if illl 11',' li'lis- l Ihi-- help a holiday. Tell us you I X t Tiiiin iml eni;ii,e'n,-- wanli-i- h I. li lis I'll to alllM' lull' from Book S' l l al Ilnls III' HI 'p. His Store Spectacle S.inla I'.' Malay Colin i I'M I'aso A. .South" n Hv .strin at Kl I'll- I.'... .h.!i. want an early delivery as our SiIm i i.i i ti'il lo I'aso, Ti x., iininl,i'i, Al izoiia, anil I', a. li.-- .' l"i I.I of Cll, also xpii New KiiIi-- I I'l l.o- (Ml li- I, rl.. Imliiv. Tneiini'ii ri. M.vlio, of !l i be little late - will a I wagons n In- nisli.-i- ii a i n Ni W S I'. I '"l.ill.i ',. I llii 'J."..- I.I. .'in. rl to in. niy st.'i'ila'. ni-r- iay will ni on FOR SALE ( . I Hi ail in Oi I il I i I A ri-- inaii-I'h". fm- to W'lii-ia- hiiii-rlnl- mh-n- or 'alilm ma rl I.. I. mi Ih . Iiiil wmk delivery. : I (lindi-- today's . 111 with . I'M Mnlc Indian Ami in- l.'.c a Mi l ii K. ' I of IllnllVl- IMIW'rl, t..ii'r lint . nil '.iwi.snil. - fluiici- leiuin (,1m, SJ!,. s::,. End Mmun-- A. I'liN. division. Ill I'aso, Texas. in i'lt. "The I.oiik Ilia. li. fal, I'liiine I '2'1, All-io- n ini'i-hani- or rail at :!';; Norih al. Cam lin.'i il.- Alliii,,ii.-nii..- ami HU.ei iiileiiilent or master sixth. I ia I', i . a I.i ni.'ilii at lunulas, Ailmia, ol Tiiiiiiihiii I, I xeliane yoiil' old school i M (1 I". HAW KS. hook WARD'S STORE Jo.' Vain will r." In Silver I'ltv to , Im- imiv line at llciii'll-.'s- ,.t( as lln- i Anil'-r-ioi- f1 iilleml IkiiiI lii'ti'i-i- Cuil i A II' IM I It II. HA III MT- nlnil. lull line or scIiimiI M anil Ci'inii 1'iii'ihiva, In In' Mard Five-ce- nt E .115 Mm dance to liooks mnl supplies. n - In Me Ate. IIioihsi m llii-r.- ailiiini'i- ma . of ni Silver Citv l.iiluir I'roni the ila. irii-s- open l.alioi ila. V"lM'1.3fll'?W In- w III i:o to :l I'aso on Iiiisiiii s" ol night at Colombo hall. Im In- A ," iij limn.' hi Si iti nil. I'l 'oniiin'. ( 'In is! ia n Ti'iiii.. 9 A ,M s ", vv Caalii', ho w.ih ill San Booster Orchestra. I iii.iii u ill hold a home rooking l vv i inner I'm;:, ,il, I'm o ii In, will l.'i al the Ll'iiru- l.iuht hiiiljin. Phones 60 and 61 205 S. First St. nun ii, tin- ,ilv toilav. She was tol TOMATOKS. mi I'llili and i.nlial. today Nice Sweet Potatoes ,1 i lohH.-- hut rnnnlna; .".l poiiniN if cnrefully World" ii ni ilii. few wi ks I'or In a. ni. Hnnilu ,otlc. i IoiiijiIim-- $1,110. on in mint ol lln- lii. n'1'in-il aili nail for I : ' .-..'.--.... I and alve s. r all d,i i.r..mi . i - . sink,- Mi. Caul.,' win. I his w if.' o HH I.IUMlK IMll'sriMAL 4 Lbs. 25c I. a., fm I, mm- .,1 on. ... Sl'llOOL. Ml ami Mis M.iilin , V ho I'lion.. JIIUII'I BEBBER, OPTICIAN Matieucci, Palladino&Co. i. Hi inli-- I lln- St - ami Muft.iln I con-- ! Citizens Bank Bldg. I ton at '.'iin North 'Million '"II ii lull nn v loin of id Hnlnnl; - in .....!...... II ....1 1.....u Iin- nn..' Winn- i St " " the Mismiuii lie late llisillllll'-- " - mnl'i- Itittni-i- House. :tl!ic. I SEE iiinliii esler- - sniilli irsl t ii'UHiali-- relillueil In the ltt emiIii liv siir.-- i ..I w I "(cnlrv ctjirs. oil ccius. I I ...... ' WCMII o II III- - Meats All.i'lli.'l.t,tv.nll.iiw ' in I.IHIOV "'o V 1 Groceries and il. lllllll. ai.ll IIHHhlll. hoiisckix pins looms. Tin Ml N I s. Hid i.luliM's and fi lends in otll.'l . AST ALL I a ilaM, at ia v Mulillc I Phone 15 Mat.s ,n,i 'I'liii lew llxcrv anil horscH. 'J'rlinlilo'i iil N I VI x s, (.ii H Tin i" f.,i Iv Itisl llnrn f .ii".il. la. when tlnv mil i mi s ci t p WATKIt TAX IiHR AND I'AT- - ci(. Ik ii llii.' clock strikes leu (n Satui,(la,i sHI.K AT ( H I' ICE OK WATEH CO. in si 111 ( I lo w Mi - ALICE BRADY IN I ( Ih.- HI S. SI ON l. Labor Day '. a'iiiii our (ii'eat SIkh' Sale will a lhin iin i (ii i iki ' I petticuat.' Wi t AT M. XI I I ' of hv sliocs lie at ZtUronir Hrulhtrs NOTICE ' OSi: in Illl ... s. XI. uast and no more can ia! 2 . I at DftCTimr mruv '.I l .1 i i i TC- I'COMII. ll,wl..rlKir Hi rHonmt iuuhi The i. li oi rv Ntoi e. - lily one lei 111.; $ our cut price rates. !l ill i i In s.'il slole al o'rloi k. .No s ( llioiulxxii will he all,' i i in in i i i: II I . tors II lit I; I'lUlMIT SI IH hum; III. ax- l.iilinr dax Mon. lax Sept. 4. (let sr lillr wi:' ke many a day lclorc you will liavc slon of the iio.tiou i 75. S COM. Ill lx., i OITI i; oi ih s today or tel. ii'iiuu M s u VI i 'I a our ordeis in Saliu.lnv. Mnlll i,l: ( i in ion ami lain das una nee ot e s :n i i A Mi SI i M. ol .Monday n n in.n Ml ICt I 111 N . .iU'itlur to huv oooil shoes a 111 ,, n I. In; Ml CASS. IMH il' Ms oiortunity Miss '.. III. ...ils. i; anilila ill ei ol II 111. old 'a ill ni ,1 xx ; captain, ha such low prices as we are oUerino; tliem now. a i ii n tm a a i.ei on the s n i n Dr. C. H. Conner ! GOODS In ii he i tm u ol William A Os(C(iIHtll LUNCH This is positively the last call we shall I'l ail i il ho has ha, the 11 Kl 11 Mol ft S2.1 "fflro StMti Chin l'hoimi fit. If on muiU', on a pi- nn ol Mr s oat- - to nui-- I iire make for this reat sale. Saturday when LOCAL ITEMS llii adapled we have xonr Inn. h here read' Remember uiht es t imi pi. hi an. filmed mulct lie Im- vou. l;xcrlhnir n rook, d we clo-s- c doors, it will he all d ,f I.i our over. or i vrtnw; ei lev with a mid ix e i nn fiirmsli nui ha.skrt iiuin;; ,isl. In ad. d l.v Alice llr.oh colllplete I His i i v 1 i : t i ( i r i i r, lait mcalu tit 1'uLiun ('life. l ""i pmt.. lo snrii star pl.ivcrs iin ai nil loaf 111 .11 HI. I II l!1 t in. See llellhol'l Mat .ill . (odd ',1,,,, ..,,., ,,,, II II ( oriiixd Itccf I on I Mil' Ml VI I II M I nsI ( IN I Jle.'l til l a ii .1 e. I :: ami lii' in a in is ,M lih nl Havens BREAD Coast lice i here are many ood haratns lelt. plenty I'iiiI, i K Wan,, I'..-- i; . It.mst celt s: loiupanv oltslstiHK of twenlv Coiled limn ot them. And then where make an ill ,1 In-'- can you mi ai n nt a to s and art in ailed t Boiled ) "v li 'I Is the Stall ol .It.-- Inniie i:;t hi' i. .its ol . vv .edl"ld on tin their . l"l. he I" is none tnn t,o,id Siiiniiiei- Sniisui-- investment that will pay such immedi- Mis i V i i 1'. k , oa-- ol of MilMs., I lare. i.ii i.i' the slate I, a lull llet - Ii.i .spent II.' .1, i r i III .. ml llr e pi orreded lo II III l'i. J. Irs ate returns? Read below we are sure yoii i al ha e i ii. t iu of ,M iss C, III. oats, w ho, in tllnci. T will Mi ami Mi" vA Mn " lw lull! lilt oil's I'OOk, IS Sanlliics see shoo you can use and that vou can ..l,, Nil I Ml X x Bread nn II- N. Pappe's I'.e.lfol.l Mi l. the lil illld d.lll.ih l'oltcil lcat.s X save ' money by buyim; them now. llill a ishnn; seh. ion. 'I' raptiiin Tin Siimlxvicli I'alnliis X 'III.' I1', "I I', i.n w inir on the old tisll V.i'. I' .,, v- i- (lie iiillm, null'., ami Pappe's Cakes li MEN'S SHOES tm. an. ", I'l. ii. 'x I' it. ' . i a ami companion i,, .. xfo.U) $-'.- 'I. ,, photo- - VA III ll XV, , $4.50 .$4.00 SxltH) 75 ISC '"i in:; i.l. I'olin has hri r olislll. red the Lest vegetables and $.150 n. m i! . n i.i. ix 111 in at mo-'-- I 111 low u i ll s la lol e e w ellt Now only .t ., t n o I. m; l lx . s FRUITS $4.00 $3.60 $3.20 $2.80 $2.20 .I. In ...i.l i." a ... liv I.i- a n Ivor uess oi mil s. nrT this KAM or $2.40 I ,1 A six U. A w In r on ri, helll J.,. i" Look ll old s. hooiiel a 'an. t 'aliform.. 1'i.n lies. T vv , our iielKhl'i s al'oilt x. t . :i i: ' ' epa 'i.l In lie scelli S IV I I I Hr.ipes. T WOMEN'S SHOES i, ll ei Sei I I it 11 u p I'lntiis. U.ine ilroxxn il . ire hm 1. 11. 1.1.1 e Ham iml Mr.-- la.oK, III,. M.ll III J'e.ll.s, Apples, K.ispl.el ri. s, 2 I. .' and leave mi r in der. x$4.50 $4.(X) ' a i ;i ii I it In- - m $.150 $3.00 x$2.50 i2X) . si I. 1.1, Ill's ii pin. spent Mil liil imi pes. at.i "TELfVlO" M . I x a lama Ccans, r. . .1 ".: t, "in ml. f. ''' "I nulls at hno; I Now only $3.60 w, $3.20 $2.80 $2.40 $2.00 $1.60 !, : .. al ,lk, Work a a 'It ,!e In i,ils ialri iIouik We still ha c a ood is: ol t CANM 1) ;ool)S AND TOC ' i Specials for I" sell ,s v,i,;i,i'i mat 1! t x l.. .iIih; Ilielll t llii I'll II. Hull's HVVIC HKST s ii .... mo- t Till: BOYS' AND r.lRi QHnrQ . in i h I. I' t l f I'lr li, hat no ri nils io mil ;u spcria: lii. !.' ,)!. a tion pi lmr Ii,.., .a in . pt'.dlired in 1'1'nrs. t the pliers we ai, xSxUX) .$2.50 .$2.00 $1 .75 $1.25 :xv lit I: t ,c .i o ,lu, n. i; xxas Today si 1; x i a u t il M 1. $1.50 il III .oinpillix so this oil "t Isu.e, s'ful m pin. unci; ex. n tlx- - the put lilt Now only $2.40 $2.00 $1.60 $1.40 $1.20 $1.00 $ - .. I - II u lor. lie t"l all seems as I'c.-a- I'onn.l aUc. 1"L . I .111X 1 H illx I IIX A 1. , . ( X III ,slllXltl.l.l..- ti Ii.i ,mlns a' v.i simi of Miss It Ii.m ..I n.- a. shnialh'ix Colls I ll. OAK AND HICKORY pplc lit US oats I'lirnox a .issotled In suit ISI.I l s,. j W I I ..Ills lli I, ,lis Ipceiicil. jti l.'l.'l I.. ',,', iiiii l i l toilav onl lllllllt onl like vim l,N-li- ( aUc. (,H V III NT's sift Ulolt Mil f (,n t m L Tx -- i "IT uiisliine I I It t Aim cot r i,t vici it Ml M lis OlMrVNY Dance tonight at new Vnil many other a . alls assorlcd to suit M.Jll T ,1 T'tone . tol l.. lo I ,, fj .in , Ba-rel- as I i ' . Ml III,. I,,. Riverside Hall, 1407 t l II OHM It sN ItHK.AK IH M s SIMM (,n in i NII I I I 111 I IS mm '.- m m il" I' m toll hl s HISIl Road. Good orches- I I lt H alls ilssot ted to Mill JH.IXI ai4 PAPERHANGING West central Avi'j tra and good order. lto IS Clil 1 It I. V HXV V M See II If It's i.i-- to Tut We II ave Ii II SI W II I I VM M I I. M Painting and Tinting lClls( I'HONl ISI7 V (inllup laitnp l.i'oliip I mnl 3. X rtullvllnH VANHHtsVIT I. NCAS hltli TKH IVrnUos ump SPRINGER Coltirr Second (ind ( iold Pappc's Bakery l Hahn Coal Co. ci:;::; v.. M -- .. ',, I'llOXE 91 For Anything in the souil, Sxhs.ii.I. , I'liono II J.I j Henry hauls baggage I .'JJ xiiirnl. I till xi and AXTHKACITE. It i . open all I. rut f tis.l.-,- Jill Wrl t hone Al I. SII S: STKWl COAL Hauling Line "h'1'1, ... i. Arxs OOrt ToUe. ll HrKxt, l act..r,T I ipm. I'.nn; jr. VXIIVI IIIIIIJO. I I.UIIt; x70y7. I Hood, 'or.i Wood, Natixe K iinll Injr. I.lm.