University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-2-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-02-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-02-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1772 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY I EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION iiiikty-skvi:nt!- 1 yi:aii hy 1 Ihillv rm rli r or MhH,7M 1 1. ' Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, September 2, 1916. " VOL. a Month. Siiigli' t'ploi. w 1'CI THE WEATHER LANSING IS UN HAND ell ,n til ut i, mists sur-Aft- HUGHES OBJECTS 0. S. BUSINESS OLD PILOT CAS T llllllde I he full news had TO ME EI MEDIATORS been I, ' el I'd of h. submission ihe LEG TO Till; WKATIIKU l'OKIX'.YiiT. SUM loniUl Kill i iN.iii the icgulnrs at l.lt-- 1 Denver, Sept. - New Mexico: .Sa- lie Kaialnu un v iel,le,. turday mill probably Sunday generally New York. Sept. - Sc, lolaiv of All opi, sin, hi i,i ihe revolutionary EMPLOYMENT fail ; i in tempera- TO nut much hunt;'' CONDITIONS GOOD State Lansing hole Nought to OFF GREECE o'lnmiltoe in in,, E ture. armed 0! affected portion of PREVENT STRIK meet nieinbeis ,,f t Cimnza , Macedonia appears lo hate vanished. who will outer with the The coinminoe will no lake over the i.(k.i. vi:.nii:n iikpoht. American oin misMonei s a ipmitlcil bv functions of government and is ex- HOW For twenty-fou- r ending ' OF FORCES hums, at FEDERAL BANKS' President Wilson, in an effort to set AND A NEW HAND pected Ii, proclaim a gcncinl inuhili-a- l 6 . yenterday. NOW IS BELIEVED ni. tie bonier dill i. n Un s. ion. .Maximum temperature, 3 degrees Ignnclo llonillas and Allien .1. I'anl. Prompt a, lion in ih,. com. minimum, range, 3.'. - ficnch 4: two of the M'Ah .in c'liiiinssiiiners. tn.tndoi. who detailed a stiong es, ort ture nt 6 ii. in., ;). IN SAN DOftAIO were expected toiuglil l.uis Cabrera, to protect the Salomki gaiii-o- n and REPORTS S lomoi-ro- IS AT THE HELM the third incur', t, will uirive marched it iliroiiKli the shells In Jhe ALMOST CERTAIN . M aflei noon has had Ibc elfe, I cl, ,u veniH ano. The same indomitable of While it has been understood that spirit ih with us today anil what we illu Ihe at niosphei c. of commls-missio- n need is to hearken to its cull." the conference Joint It is ic ported from iln eK soiiiies at would !,' held at I 'ni h, Republican Candidate for Pres- iNo District Gloomy tsmoul King Salonikl Hint the enllic force of ah, ml America I'hccs ii Test. Paints a N. II., was Constantino Tunis lis: The House, by Overwhelming it icporicl lunuhl lh.it 3.IMMI men Ulidcr Colonel ( lillslodoo. America faces a test today. Mr, , might ident Speaks at Kansas City Outlook but All State That Crot'in, Conn I'e selected. Tin Ciovvn and Scepter Ove ij'los, which left Seles scveial days a,(o Bill Hughes declared: of Vote, Passes Adamson's first Mission tlie commission will Ito resist the Itiilxnriaii Invasion of Against Acts of Administra- "The test is." he said, "w hether Is Moving Along bo held here Monday. this Everything Prince George, Who S- -! 'tlii in has been capluicl bv the Designed to Meet This and nation so preserved, shall achieve tion, lis Hitch, Unitarians. highest ideals, whether It shall go tor-wi- n Without a PATTERSON ELECTED cciuls Tin one as Ruler, future Emergencies, il or halt, whether is will he re i i i i G, A, R, COMMANDER t or thi: m i. ii s sponsive to its hlculs or will lose Its i;iti i s put m i s tone spirit hit IMPORTANT TO HAVE and the of its former life." ALASKA HELPS OUT VENIZELOS WILL BE EXPECT MEASURE TO I'.efore his address at the Convention 1ST HDKIIIH JOUPNAL IHCW LIAIID ! Alliens. Crcc, c, Sept. uia London. City, Sept. - CONGRESS WITH HIM hall, Mr. Hughes was the dinner Kiiest THE PACIFIC COAST Kansas William Pat THE PARTY LEADER :i" P in i An entente alliance PASS SENATE TODAY of the republican dub. At the dinner terson of I'iltsbui gh was elided roni- - fled ol tvvent.v three waishlps and mandcr-in-chie- were fifty C A. It. veterans, who voted r of the Crand Army several tianspoils has aiiived off Pi- of the Pcpublii it ih ' annual ciicnmp-nien- t Declares Senate and House for Lincoln for president. Some of Development of the Northwest) The Change Is to raeus. the veterans sat on the idatfi. th here today Me succeeds Caid. Construed When Adopted by Both Wlll.'lc nf fi ,:- ,,f VI KIN OP Be i , the nominee. Territory Keeps Tilings Hum - M1on1"" r.ii t.lil Should i u u o ui ji:l'r Mean That the New Regime Ik Branches of Congress It Will I poll his arrival here, Mr. IIukIx-- cum'"""inn ndcr naincd KIN). Nor OM HtMl P. If Is Tlmo-doK- ming; Activity in wnnan. .,i 0, Right Legislation sent (he follow ing telegram to 1 Great the h. wo,isie;,d Kansas Will Form an Alliance With Be Rushed to Shadow Lawn liooscvelt: ll.v, iiepnnmcni cuiiinanuci oi .m it' la, n, I,, n. Sepl. tills in, ) to Be Had, Building of Ships, koiiri. Allies; Zamais to Remain, After Wo davs of lelegraplnc silence Cong, aiuiaies lioo-c- v ell. for President's Approval, The other new officers al e: with Athens, dining which sen-al- l, in "I you on your heartily congratulate K. K. .New al of a revolution have gained ,, Huss. ,,i leans, Junior minors MONNINa JOURNAL lAtCO npeei ,,i i.e" i.'.iou, aoo waimi.v aj ' jouknai wi ( ,BV M' INIM IO,AL lV tMCIAL t Wt) n hounih noL oiaiio vice m chief, the llcv. u HMinSAt tl'ltO WlR cuiieiicv, but will, out coiifirmation, ? MOnNIN JOUMHAl. aKI'Ai. - comiiiandei hAM I K. preciale support." bus- i Kansas City, Mo., Kept. Charles jour effective ashltigton. Sept. IIIe S. Ilei'd, Manni,il.i. Colo, Il Is leportcd llial King 'onsla iilme ionics the slui ling news of tlie ar Washington, Sei,t Prevention ,sf Kn route to the cite, Mr. Hughes re- - t h lluKhes, before an audience that filled .ilu.NH 00nditions rouKhout the Initcd and Willi, M. 1 a mm, of Crecc has abdicated and that the rival of an filicide fleet with Hans- - ,1,,. tliroUl, a mi nneniened tailroad l hall to its capa- ceived telegram from Covetnol t clown has been as l to- - he great convention nt i "m conliniieil goo, iliiiiug August. Aurora. Ills.. miikc'II general. pibnc named his ol ls al I'liaeus, am! thai Ihe gcneial Mn .icl of conouss s.emil .umirncl - ot In Voni-Velo- s city, tonight assailed the adnilnislra- Jonnson lauiornia. reply to tlie success, wilh former l'lciniet Creek elections likely will be post - , ov'er-pone- d tu cording to summaries from the ig , after Ihe houi bv Jit t con Km I uiatory message sent by the as (lie power behind tlll'oMc. a ion for its polity toward San Iloniinso twelve federal rescue districts made Ihe lor loltnighl 'whelming vote, had oaswd the Ad- - w It inv lola- - noinmee upon .Mr. h hip ces-billt- foicign of I n sa v s IlilM iiinl Haiti, hile "professed Johnson The finish The bievif, of the disiat, lies seen, s:IUMSoti eight-hoii- l day l.i and llw Cal-lig- ipublic tonight bv tin- reserve hoard. s,,vcr-ji- n the primary fight In RAIL CHIEFS ARE , no confii of k lug's tl i - of treaty rifihlH and the senalorial niatioii the lo indicate lh.it sometliiiig unusual ih nenate had agreed to t.i ko a. f'.iml vnt Cclierally discouraging reporls wele , lifoinl.'i. message i rights of smaller states." tiovernor Johnson s allon happening and dev elo,ineuls aie'.r, Hie not later than i! w received from on districts, w measuie Mr. siiid: as as follow s: An entente fleet of t entv hrcc awaited will, the i Ilughcs Kxtraots from the report follow gteaicst iiiiostii 'i, i lock (omorrov I'VeniiifcT. i j yield one in the respect of "I was very glad I,, ic, eive your 'Wuiships and seven Hansports H re I'C' C. v I, I, ,, Mill, "I to no City: in ..I,,,,, lu ul.! .utllt.tM a I Kansas Absence of rains Alh-lcn- sovereignty .states, great or (clegi in of congratulation and polled off Piraeus, the poll of Prom fi agineiilai ., the of this district appear lo have gciiernllv CONVINCED T IT dispatches 'amendments may in k '"Oiltei encc thank vou for il." dispatch from Athens sa v s it ,1 . small, for the inviolability of treaties, leaching London, is deduced thai nee,",siii-.v- it Is generally believed on interfered with the previous favorable , law, Mr. Hughes enti re, the hall fifteen j is plobable thai Ihe Creek el, I'll, lis.
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