AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 the Record Crowd Disperses After the 2015 Anzac Day Dawn Service
AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL WAR AUSTRALIAN ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 REPORT ANNUAL The record crowd disperses after the 2015 Anzac Day Dawn Service. AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALMEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2012014–20155 Annual report for the year ended 30 June 2015, together with the financial statements and the report of the Auditor-General Images produced courtesy of the Australian War Memorial, Canberra Cover and title page images Reverse and obverse: One of the first community monuments to be completed after the Great War, Gilbert Doble’s Winged victory is prominently placed in the legacies section of the redeveloped First World War Galleries. ART96224 Copyright © Australian War Memorial ISSN 1441 4198 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. Australian War Memorial GPO Box 345 Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia ii | AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 Private G.J. Giles’s tunic, encrusted with mud from the Somme, has long been an iconic object, and is currently on display in the First World War Galleries. RELAWM04500 AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 | iii iv | AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 | v His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales is welcomed by Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO RAN (Retd), Chairman of the Council of the Australian War Memorial.
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