Accés Molí Sol Zona d’acampada Molí l’Ombria www 04 Carretera Biar-Banyeres
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] • Telf. 965 567 453 567 965 Telf. 05 (Alacant) Mariola de Banyeres 03450 Parc Parc Riu Vinalopó s/n Rosario, Vil·la Molí Pont Info Tourist Font del Sapo P Lledoners Route Murcia THE ROUTE OF THE PAPER MILLS Saüc pudent Rèptils i amfibis Irrigation chanel route MARIOLA DE M The Route of the Paper Mills joins three of the most emblematic a r r BANYERES M watermills of Banyeres paper industry. In Banyeres, nine mills Partidor Elche 01 e Information board Molí l’Ombria Xops Aus d were active between the 18th and 20th centuries in the River i t 2’ e Informació 4’ r Vinalopó. These peculiar factories, magnificent in their time, gave r á Alicante 03 n Insectes e job to most of the inhabitants of Banyeres for many years. 01 1’ o A-31 Esbarzers AP-7 The route throughout the Paper Mills let the traveler enjoy an 2’ Duration interesting walk in which admire the fauna and flora of an almost Canyar Riu Vinalopó A-7 unchanged environment. Starting from the first paper mill built in Information about fauna Riu Vinalopó 2’ CV-81 Banyeres, “el Molí l’Ombria”, the route goes upstream to “el El Partidor CV-795 Partidor”, a facility whose use was to distribute the water, the Mariola de motive force that worked all the devices on the paper mills. Going Information about flora 1’ 02 Banyeres Mamífers downstream the route arrives to “el Molí Sol”, where a famous 4’ Zona d’acampada 3’ Valencia in Spain and America cigarette paper was made.