B u c h a n a n R e c o r d ,


J O H N G r - ZEHOX jIMIIES- I am prepared to attend all cases in my line upon short notice and in the best manner. TERMS, SI.50 PER YEAR rATABLEIX ADVA’S OS. EMBALMING AimilSlH&RATES MADE KHQWH OH APPLICATIOH. VOLUME XXII. BUCHANAN. BBBEIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1888. NUMBER’ 39.’ A SPECIALTY.

OFFICE—InltcCordBuilillng.OalvStreet ALADDIN. however, and I flatter myself she nev­ tions we had sent to Washington for The Riglit.’to .Naturalization. Satisfaction guaranteed in both prices and er perceived she was the object of a the removal o f the post-office from the Two decisions have lately been ren­ work. I also keep a full line of BT JAIIKS RUSSELL LOWELL. secret concern on my part. old town to the new, and the many I must confess that her conduct was dered upon applications for natural­ times we had been disappointed. ization which are likely to attract at­ inoss Directory. W hen I was a b eg g a rly b o y , admirable. She, was always quiet aud. All our little .hobbies and scandals tention. One of these decisions was PICTURE FRAMES, And lived in a cellar damp, unobtrusive; deferential alike to John were an open secret to him; in short, SABBATH SERVICES. I hand not a iriend or a toy, and me; attended strictly to business, rendered by J udge Daniels, o f the Hew he knew all about our town and its York Supreme Court. Upon a close ERVICES are Lola every Satbath. at 10:30 Bnt I had Aladdin's lamp. and never received company. people, and all about every other town And Mouldings for framing, always on S o’clock a . 51., at the Church of the “ Larger When I c&uld not sleep for cold, After a couple of months, I began examination of an applicant for natur­ hand. Hope also, Sabbath School services immediate­ and its people, and. all about every alization before him, and the usual ly after the morning meeting. Prayer and confer­ I had fire enough in:my brain, to like her, and, as for John, I-fancy lie town in Oregon. J. MILEY. ence meeting every Thursday evening, A cordial And builded, with roofs of gold, liked and piled her from the first mo­ witnesses, the fact was brought out invitation is extended to all- M y beautiful castles in’Spain. He entertained us, those long winter that the applicant was in the habit of ment his eyes met her appealing ones. evenings, with personal reminiscences She was unselfish, and made herself becoming intoxicated at no great re­ Queer Verdicts by Coroners’ Juries. 0 .0 . F.—Buchanan Lodge So. 75 holds its Since then I have toiled day and night, and detective stories that won our curring intervals of time, and while in . regular meeting, at Od'd Fellows Hall, on I have money andpowerandgood store, useful to us iu . many little ways; al­ £ hearts, despite their secret resolves not . that condition of abusing his wife and The duties of those who serve on oach Tuesday evening. Bnt I’d give all m y lamps of silver bright, ways insisting, upon remaining in the to be won. • There was a hotel he de­ family, and that lie had on several oc­ coroners’ juries do'.not ordinarily sug­ For the one thatis mine no more. store while we went out to our meals, sired to watch, which could- only be gest anything very funny, and yet some & A. SI.—Buchanan Lodge No. 6S holds a Take, Fortune, whatever you choose— casions been arrested and punished . regular meeting Monday evening on or before and even sometimes assisting me in seen from my kitchen window and an­ laughable results come from their work F Von gave, and snatch again; my light housework. therefor. Judge Daniels refused the the-fttllmoon in each month. other which was only visible from my application for naturalization on the particularly if they do not exactly un­ I have nothing ’twoulcl pain me to lose, She also took a great interest in the derstand what is expected, of them. OF II.—Buchanan Grange Xo 10 meets on F or I o w n n o m ore castles in Spain. bed-room; so that it came to pass that ground that the applicant was not P • the second and fourth Saturday of each drug store, and would sit for hours a private detective lounged in my An amusing story is told of a ver­ month, at 2 o'clock r. 51. with the Bispensary upon her knee, proved to bave behaved as a man of home, fell asleep on.my sofa, and dined goood moral character, ivell disposed dict brought in by a Western jury im­ Q. G. T-—Bnchanan Lodge No S5G holds its From Peterson’s Jragazine. reading and studying with the closest sometimes at my table. panelled to inquirejinto the cause of attention. to the good’order and happiness of the I regular meeting on each Monday evening. And what is more, he made himself United States, as required by the Unit­ the death of a man" supposed to have Saved Tdv a Telephone. About this time, our little town be­ so agreeable—Was so courteous and committed suicide. The verdict was O .r. W.—1Buchanan Lodge Xo.sS lioldsUs came greatly disturbed over a series of ed States-Revised Statutes, He said: . reulnr meeting the 1st and 3d Friday even­ unselfish—that we all liked him and brief and to the point, the foreman A BY ELLA HIGGENSON. burglaries, so successful and mysteri- “This privilege of citizenship has ing o f aek month. reposed perfect confidence in him, ex­ been provided as a reward for good be­ saying simply, “We, the jury, find the ious that they baftled the shrewdest cept perhaps Miss Halyon, who tried deceased guilty as charged.” A. R. -tVm. Perrott Post No-22. Regular “Is tlie proprietor in ?” among us. A ll sorts of crimes—-gam­ havior and demonstrated attachment a. meeting on the first and third Wednesday to avoid his company, " to the principles of free government. Another jury examined a great many vening of each month. Visiting comrades al- POWDER I turned with a start, fo r i had heard bling, drunkenness, street-robbery, One evening she and I were alone witnesses, in the case of a man Tun yays welcome. no step nor rustle, and had supposed murder—we were familiar with; but Tlie design of the law is, in great part, Absolutely Pure. in the store. Mr. Ilazen had been certainly to induce and secure the co­ over by a railroad engine. The ver­ myself to be alone. It was about five this sudden advent of home burglars away somewhere in the valley for a dict was: “We find him to have come TTTOMAX’S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post Thispowdcr never varies. A marvel orpnrity o’clock of a dull October afternoon and into Our midst astonished us and be­ operation of all the persons residing in Y Y Xo. SI. Meetings held regnlarly, In Good strength and wholesomcncss. More economicn couple of days, and John was at the to his death by being cut in two by a Templar’s Hall, first and third Saturday even- w h i c h i $ already dusk—for night comes early in numbed our faculties. the United States in supporting the than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in lodge. Jaws and Constitution of the country. railroad engine, whereby he could not ngs o f each, month. competition with the multitude of low tost, short the Grand Ronde valley. And, in that W e had slept with wide open win­ breathe, hence he choked to death.” weightaiumor phosphate powders. Miss Halyon bad been frying to per­ But this fidelity to its interests and Sold only in dim uncertain light, I could only dis­ dows and unlocked doors, and in two A coroner’s jury in the backwoods R. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Snr- can's. R oyal B aktxg Powder Co., 10G Wall St., suade me to go to bed, as I ivas not progress is not to be expected from geon. Xight calls promptly attended to. N .Y . • 19-15 cern that the speaker was a woman, successive nights some three thousand of Missouri heard all the evidence in DOffice in Kinjon's Mode­ feeling very well. Everything was so and will not be supplied by disorderly tall, slight, and I fancied, young. dollars’ worth of jewelry and plate quiet, that we both started when the the case of a man killed by a runaway d J r N z e r i s Six months previous to tSmt time, was taken from different houses, and and dissipated persons. Reliance can­ rn llEODORE F. H. SPREXG, 31. D., may be telephone suddenly pealed out our call. not be placed upon them for the sup­ team, and brought in the following ver­ 1 consultjd at his office until 0 A.3t. and from my husband had opened a well-stocked no traces of them could be discovered. dict: “The jury finds the dead deceased t to 3 and alter 7 P, M. Office on Main street,first W e had no switch-board and each port of the principles of free govern­ 'oorsonth of Rough Bros’. Wagon Works. drug and notion store in the new town Miss Halyon was besieged with in­ to have come to his death at the hands office had a separate call, ours being ment or the enforcement of good order of Lawrence, in East Oregon. As our quiries in regard to them, hut as none of a runaway team, the horses thereof three short rings. or the laws enacted to secure and pro­ R. It. HEXDERSOX, Physician and Surgeon STEKETEE’S business was not very large at first, I of them were ever offered to her for being blameless, they being frightened “How it started me!” exclaimed Miss D Office over J. K. Wood's store. Residence had filled the place of a clerk, having mote it. They cannot, therefore, be X o. SO Front Street. sale, she could give no assistance in Halyon, turning pale. “I wouldn’t an­ by a dog.” had a little experience in the drug the search. held to be persons who have behaved swer it, Mrs. Austin; it is probably a thdmselves as persons of good moral It is told of an old German that he r F, BOWERS, M D. Physician and Surgeon* business before my marriage. One winter evening, when the wind sat stolidly and stupidly on a coroner’s I . Gallon, 3Iichigan. dispatch, and you cannot go out such character, and without that they are It was about the time tlie Oregon was blo.ving and the snow drifting in a night as this,” jury and listened to all the evidence, Short Line was completed, and no great heaps about our buildings, Miss not permitted by the statutes to be­ etaphysical o b m i x b or r e r e t r e a t I remembered I laughed as 1 shook after which, he walked over toward Home and Cnre fo r the Sick. 31ns. S. II mining-camp life could have been Halyon and I were sitting quietly by come citizens of the United States.” M my head and went around behind the In another case, which came up in the corpse with some degree of curios­ '.L’aylor, Proprietor and Healer. Buchanan, .Mirli. M o d e s t y wilder or rougher than we found it in the fire in the store, both reading and ity. Lifting the cloth, he started back, DryBitters prescription case and gave the answer­ > 1 u0LD the Philadelphia Court of Common Lawrence. feeling a trifle nervous, as we were ing ring. turned to the other jurymen in amaze­ 31. W ILSOX, Dentist. Office, first door north Every second building was a saloon alone—John having gone to t he lodge. Pleas, the applicant, a Hungarian, of the Bank. Charg“s reasonable and satis­ “Hello!” said a sharp quick voice, when asked to take the oath of allegi­ ment and affright, and cried out, “Mine faction guaranteed. I | iqenuine[\asa or low dive; and we, having rooms be­ It was about nine o’clock. The train Gott, shentlemen, dot man is deadl” BEST TONIC KNOWN. which seemed faintly familiar to me, ance declared that he did not believe hind our store, were so completely sur­ from the East had just comein, having A jury in a Missouri rural commun­ H tin tag on rounded by dens of every description been delayed by a snow-slide in Pyle though I knew I had never heard it in a deity of any kind, and that he S. MEAD, 31ai>ufactnrer o f Lumber.* Cns over the wire before. neither swore nor affirmed. His ap- ity deliberated three hours over a wom­ , ton Saiving promptly attended to on short that each night was one perpetual hor­ Canon, 'and I was expecting to hear an burned by the explosion of a kero­ M notice. Buchanan. Mich. every plug. iaki Your Own Bitters. ‘ Hello!” I replied. lication was refused Both these de­ Stom ach ror to me. Yiolin, banjo, and accorde- the gingling of the sleigh-bells that al­ sene lamp. The following verdict was ld onesty on kept up an, incessant din until There was a slight hesitation, and cisions seem to manifest a tendency on O H is acKnowl- sk y than ways announced the arrival at our then, “Is that you?” said the voice then announced in writing: “Resolved, w ill send broad daylight, mingled with coarse door of the Wells-Bargo Express. the part of the courts to scrutinize edged to be tfye purest you by mail ono4-oz package bl! Jm rported. with a significant emphasis. that the dizeazed was hurt to deth. singing, fights, pistol-shots, and stab­ The express-office proper was located more closely the qualifications of for­ BEST B U G BRICK, and ngost lastingjoiece GrCi’msin Roots* ana-Ber­ As I was not above a little joke eigners for naturalization. — Brad- The joory.” ries, which will make O n e G-allon. of bing affrays. at the old town of Lawrence, a mile A man, supposed to he a tramp, was ------AA'B ------of Standard Chewing lobacco the best T O X I C auy one ever used. The through the telephone, I instantly re­ street's. use of this Tonic has cured In d igestion , The town was not incorporated, and distant; but we had a branch office in found dead in the woods out West, A gambling, lawlessness, and crime ran spond in the aflirmitive. on the marKet. Trying it is Dyspepsia, BiHionsness. Fever our store, my husband acted as sub­ “Is everything all right ?” jury inquired into the cause of his m ? is; a: mr « «, a n d A g u e ; as au appetizer none better, riot in our midst. agent under Mr. "Wesley, the agent ip. a better test than any talK acts on the Kiduej'S aud general debility, “Ail right.” Beating the Weighing Machine.. death, and reported as follow s: “The A queer life, truly, for a refined wo­ the old town. Having recently erected an about it. Give it a fair trial. and gives Tone to the Stomach; in fact, I “Has anything come?” The drop-in-niekel-and-get-your-ex- jury does not find that the dead man challenge all other Tonics. It is far the man. But the truth was, we were I had always demurred at this, as has been foully dealt with, and is o f Your dealer has it. cheapest Tonic kuown. One package will making money, and I summoned all “Yes,” said I rather doubtfully, fear­ aet-weight machine which stands on Improved Brick and Tiling Kiln equal onedozenof ordinary bottles o f bitters we had no safe, and yet, once in a ing that I was going too far with my the opinion that he died simply be­ sold forone dollar per bottle. Full directions my strength of mind to my aid, and the platform of the Consolidated road’s 3H0. FIHZER & BROS., Louisville, Ky, while, were compelled to keep large joke. cause his time had come and there I am now prepared to furnish the on every package. Ask your druggist for gradually schooled myself to bear it all sums of money in the store for a day depot at Meriden was surprised and 4* Stelretee-s? D r y J3itters.” If your “When shall it be? To night?” was no getting out of it.” with equanimity. or night, which always threw a weight fooled a short time ago by a bright druggist does not keep them on sale, then “When shall what .be?” I cried, send to the undersigned. I will send one Besides, the roughest and lowest of young lady from East Hartford. At on my mind. bursting out laughing. “And who in package to auy address within the U. S. on both sexes seemed to have a certain the close of the State fair, among the The Outcome of an Idle Moment. receip t o f 30e, o r tw o packages fo r 50c. 0 . S. Suddenly the door opened, and, be- the world are you, anyhow? And the market affords. Als stamps taken in payment. Each double respect for me, as the only lady with for I could turn, a man’s voice ex­ crowd at the depot awaiting the arriv­ what are you talking about?” A young man who wished to send package sent by mail contains a sample of whom they were brought in contact. claimed abruptly: al of the trains, three young ladies, some complimentary verses to a young Ste k e t e e ’s N e u r a l g ia D r o ps. Trial bot* There was an exclamation that whose ruddy and healthy complexion i tie o f the Brops 12c. And, then, the serene peaceful love- “Is there any express for B . P. lady, whose beautiful singing at a con­ PIKST-CI ASS TILING P. S.—X am the only inventor of a sure livess of the valley almost reconciled sounded like an oath, and then, “Who clearly indicated that they were from cure for P IN TTOR1M S. Hazen?” are you ?” exclaimed my interlocutor, servatory concert had pleased his fan­ rangingin size from two to elghtinchcs. one to the roughness of the town. The the country, were prominent. Tired Ask yo ti r druggist for “ Steketee’s Pin 1 arose and went forward. savagely. “If you have fooled me, by cy, got an impecunious friend who was Worm Destroyer,” 25c by mail. Address long sweep of fields, golden with wav­ A small slim man stood near the of promenading in the waiting rooms, ® “ Caliand seemy brick and get prices heaven, I’ll make yon regret it!” a hrillianfrhymester to get them up ing grain; the timber-hanked river door, which he had just closed. He they sought the outside platform. “I shall very likely regret it, then,” They had gone hut a few steps when for him. The result pleased nim great­ HENRY BO BGETT. GEO. G. STEKETEE, winding away to lose itself in broader was thinly covered with freshly-fallen ly, and he copied them and sent them waters; the soft bluish haze lingering I replied, still laughing; “for I have the weighing machine caught their snow. He could have been well de­ certainly fooled you in first-class to the lady as the “outcome of an Idle JACOB F. HAHN, Grand Rapids, lYflich. over the dimpled mountains, and the scribed by the one word—insignificant. sight. After a careful inspection it style.” was declared “ very ’cute,” but the lead­ moment, from yours— .” The next BIX & W LKINSON. pale cloud-flecked sky bendiug eternally You would have passed him a hun­ day they were returned with an inter­ » Montion this paper when you order. There was another oath, and then er of the trio was suspicious, and as THE RELIABLE above all, make a picture varying al­ dred times and’ not have noticed him; rogation mark under his nrme. To his the instrument was closed violently. she stepped upon the platform she put ways in light and shadow and color, and, if anybody had called your atten­ chagrin and rage he found he had used but one that is always grandly beauti­ tion to him on the one-hundredth oc­ Somehow, this little incident im­ a button in the hungry aperture. It pressed me deeply. I could not banish a sheet of paper without noticing that Law and Abstract Office, ful. Even when' casion that yon passed him, you would did not work. So the young lady joined his friend, who bad probably called it from my mind during the whole her companions, and at a respectful UNDERTAKER “ Full knee-deep lies the winter snow, have sworn that you had never seen when he was out, had scrawled across evening. Who was my questioner? distance gazed at the contrivance while And the winter winds are wearily sighing. him before. 0 the hack the following:— - BUT M D SELL REAL ESTATE. And for whom did he mistake me? a Silver City dude enriched the ma­ the wide stretch of undulating white­ This is the best desciption I can give “Dear J— ; I can’t let you have the Has recently refitted lus establishment, and put ness and the blaze of scarlet in the Our store was the principal tele­ chine by a part of his winnings at the MONEY TO LOAN in a fine stock of of him. I f I had lived in. the same phone-office. In the old town of Law­ last verses to Miss B------for less than winter sky hold one entranced. house with him fifty years, I think I races aud ascertained his avoirdupois. four dollars. Please he more prompt But all this time I have left a lady rence, a mile distant, there were in: As the gleeful indicators returned In large or small sums, at low rates, on improves could give no better. struments only in the livery-stable than you were last time. farms only. Caskets and Coffins, standing in our store-door in the dusk “Hazen?” said I, reflectively. “Ho ; from 125 to the zero point, tlie owner and in the doctor's office; and, in liman, of an October evening. I think not.” of the unsuccessful button was inspired COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING three miles down the valley, and in Shakespeare’s Advice. Of the latest designs and at the most reasonable “Is the proprietor in ?” she repeated “Please be sure,” said he, quietly; ivith a thought, and after a long delay prices. Anythin;? not In stock can he procured the drugstore and another in the T H E G R E A T in a clear, sweet voice, as I hesitated. and, while I went to look, he advanced in finding her pocket, she fished out a Girls should commit this quotation Aiso, Coiinij Agents" for REMINGTON TYPEWRITER la a few hours. Fancy Cloth Covered Caskets a warehouse. specialty. “Ho; he is not,” I replied. “But I and seated himself by the stove. five cent piece, a pencil and a card. to memory: “And while thou Hvest, SOy BERRIEN SPRINGS MICH can wait upon you.” Miss Halyon drew aside slightly, as Through which of these had those Armed with these, she again stepped deaT Hate, take a fellow of plain and questions been asked ? .1 sat down “I wish to see him on business,” she though she did not relish such close' upon tlie platform—to the intense uncoined constancy, for he perforce German Remedy. and looked thoughtfully into tlie fire. BURIAL ROBES said, hesltatiugly. “Bo you expect proximity to a stranger, I thought; amusement of the bystanders—and must do the light, because he hath not Miss Halyon laughed and declared it him in soon?” and I smiled as I reflected that she droped in the nickel. The indicator the gift to woo in other places; for FARMERS, was someone playing a joke on me; Of many varieties and styles always in stock, TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. “Very soon. Will you sit down and would not notice such trifles when she quickly whirled around to 1:15. She these fellows of infinite tongue, that but, though 1 tried hard to regard it and prices warranted as low as hnywliere in the For those deathly) , § 1,000 will be paid I wait?” had lived six months in Lawrence. did not move, but put number 1:55 on can rhyme themselves into ladies’ fav­ I have the agency for the State. Bilious Spellsdcpentl jforacasewhere Knr.J a that light, my mind was still un- the card, then said, “Step up here, ors, they do always reason themselves OnSci.PIIUHBlTTERS, phur B itter s w ill I She accepted my invitation. I gave . “Hothing for Hazen,” said I, aloud, itwill cure you. . |not assist or cure. It | her an easy chair, stirred the fire, and as I resumed my seat near him. ca’.y. Ethel.” Ethel stepped, and the band out again. What! a speaker is but a icver fails. I was finally aroused from my reverie prater, a rhyme is but a ballad, A Do you sutler with then climbed upon a high stool and “Thatis strange,” returned he, re­ now pointed to 254. The number was A Fine Hearse by the entrance of a customer, who de­ good leg will fail, a straight hack will thattiredandallgone Cleanse the vitiated lighted the chandelier. flectively. “I fully expected a p :c’ 2 put on the card, and Sarah was invited feeling; if so, nse| ilood when yon see sired an ounce of chloroform for tooth­ to join the progressive weighing party. stoop; a black heard will turn white; Always ready to attend funerals, and furnished Su l p h u r B it t e r s ; The reader will doubtless surmise age.” iob LJ |its impurities burst­ ache. a curled pate will turn bald; a full eye D o w a g ia c SI B rill onsliort notice. * it will cure you. The dial now’ showed that the scales had ing through the skin what I next did. “It will doubtless be here to mor­ I smiled as .1 »went to the poison- will wax hollow; but a good heart, Being Village Sexton my time is at the disposal Operatives who are inFimples, Blotches, I turned and looked curiously in her row,” I remarked carelessly, resuming aburdenof 354 pounds. As they stepped ■? the Best Drill in uuse. Don’t of those wishing to purchase lots in Oak liidge closely confined in and Sores. Bely on closet; for only a few moments before’ to the Platform, to indulge in a lesson Kate, is the sun and moon, or rather Su l p h u r B it t e r s , face. She appeared to be about twen­ my reading, for he did not seem wor k Cemetery, and am at all times ready to assistin the nulls and work­ John’s departure for the lodge, we in subtraction, the indicator slowly the sun and not’ the moon; for it shines fail to call if you want a drill. locating or showing lots to customers. shops; clerks,who do and health will fol­ ty-five’ years old and was very hand­ much attention. low. both had occasion to go to this closet not procure sufficient some. She had large, soft, dark eyes, “I beg your pardon,” said lie, quietly; sneaked to zero, apparently crestfallen bright and never changes, hut keeps J3?°Eemember that I have had over thirty exercise, and all who at the same time, and John said, tap­ years experience In this business and thoroughly Su lp h u r B itters black fluffy hair, good features, a deli­ by the cheap way in which it had been its course truly.” N. HAMILTON. are confined In doors, will cure Liver Com. and, as I looked up inquringly, he understand it. When in need of anything in my should use Sulph ur cious mouth, and a perfect complexion.; ping tlie chloroform bottle with his treated. Tne girls were from East line come and see what I can do for yon. plaint. Don’t be dis­ took a small square card rrom his case B itte r s. They will couraged; it will cure above all, she bad the appearance of a and handed it to me. I found written pencil: Hartford, and the novel way that they On the Increase.* J, F. HAHN. not then be weak and you. “I declare, I haven’ t sold a drop of □ sickly.______□ refinedjwoman.and was dressed quietly on it; in fine beautiful ebriography: “B. beat the machine wms heartily enjoyed Notwithstanding almost universal Oakstreet first door sontli of Engine House. chloroform in month!” If you do not wish Su l p h u r B itters and becomingly. P. Hazen, Private Detective, YV. F. & by a number of speetatore.—I f art ford, criticisms on the gum-chewing habit, willbuildyouup and “Her 1,” I returned, laughing. “Only to sufferfromBhenm- “It seems odd to see a lady in a drug Co., Chicago.” Conn. Past. seems to he no doubt that it is spread­ XGEI! atism, use a bottle of make you strong and see how thick the dost is on the bot­ Su l p h u r B itte r s ; healthy;______store,” she remarked, pleasantly but I lifted rnv eyes involuntarily to his, ing. “ You would be surprised,” said a it never fails to cure. not familiarly, as I seated myself oppo­ tle.” L E T ,T V hi t^.E n Su l p h u r B itters and found that he was quietly regard­ And now, so soon after this conver­ A Railroad R acin g Dog. big Chicago confectioner and bonbon n Don’t he without a will make your blood site her. ing me with a sphinx-like face. I felt man, “at the increased demand for “ xbottle. Try it; yon pure, rich and strong, sation, I had a call for it.- DENTISTRY “I am my husband’s only clerk,” I the blood recede from my cheeks. James Griffin, of Danbury, Conn., has chewing-gum. Of course we are TO AXY PART OF TOWX, I will notregret it. and your flesh hard. I opened the door of the closet care- replied, briefly. “We get along very Could it be that anything was a small terrier dog that is surprising surprised to learn that the habit among Ladies in delicate Try Su lph u r B it ­ fullv, and the bell attached gave its I health, w ho are all ters to-night, and nicely.” wrong with the company’s business so the people of his town by his abilities women Is on the increase. That you Four Times a Week, ■ rundown, should use you will sleep well “I like a self-reliant. woman,” she far as we were concerned? But, no; little sharp clear “ ting, ting” to remind as a runner. Every evening during expect. What I mean is that it is in­ IS uuphur B it t e r s. and feel better for it. said, with an admiring glance at me impossible. What could he wrong? me tliai I was about to handle poisons. the summer, when the G:45 train from creasing among men. And when I say TERMS AT WAGON. Do you want the best Medical Work published? that would have certainly touched my And yet—oh, why, why did the man I took down the eblorform bottle and the West blew its whistle a few* rods men I don’t refer to dudes and fops, I Send. 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Or d w AY & Co., had my lips already pursed up to blow Boston, Mass., and receive a copy, free. vanity had. I sot been slightly suspi­ look at me with such grave question­ from the Main Street crossing, the dog mean regular-built men. Some of off the dust, when to my astonishment, cious of her. “Before my mother ing'eye? would bound out of the house near by them say that it has broken them from A. J. CAROTHERS, died,” with a little pathetic faH in her “I am happy to meet you,” I mur­ I perceived that there was no dust on and bike track ahead of the train for chewing tobacco. ’Well, the only thing Electricity is Life. voice, “she tanght me to depend upon mured, and my voice sounded oddly to it. Even the stopper was clean, and the station, half a mile away. The to be said about it is, that gum-chew­ myself instead of others, and I have my ears. “You come on business con­ What was more, a few drops of the train crosses Main Street at the rate of ing is cleaner than tobacco-chewing.” Having secured the agency for the liquid had trickled down, staining the HOMES IN CtEOHCtIA. DR. OSTRANDER blessed her for it a thousand times.” nected with—with—” fifteen, miles an hour, and betw'een the label and settling on the shelf. Come to Georgia and see for yourself—a State of Detroit has opened a Dental office in the “Has your mother been dead long?” “With a robbery of Wells-Fargo Ex­ crossing and the station is a trestle I was certainly surprised at this; but An Underground Railroad. possessing wonderful advantages—the Empire Redden block, where lie is prepared to do aU I asked, stupided, not knowing what press,” he replied without moving his about 300 feet long. Over this the dog State of the South. Best climate, best country on kinds of Dental work in a first class manner. Woodward Electric Belt to say. I immediately reflected that John must flies, always keeping just so far ahead South London’s new -underground the globe. Carroll County, the center of the great eyes from my face. “It lies between have sold some just before going Out, railroad is being built sixty feet un­ Piedmont mineral region. Carrollton, the ‘boom­ all persons afflicted with the following affec­ - “Only a year,” and she turned aside this town and TJpham.” of the train, slackening his speed as ing*’ railroad center of Western Georgia, a bonan­ Teetli Extracted Without Pain. and I soon forgot all about it; nor did derground, Passengers are to reach It tions; BUeumatism, Nervous Diseases,Female- her head. Instead of saying something “I have heard nothing of it,” I fal­ the air brakes are applied, and coming za for capitalists and home-seekers. For pam­ FIXE GOLD FILLIXG3 A SPECIALTY. Diseases, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Diseases of I think to speak to him of it when he by hydraulic elevators to carry fifty phlet contaluingparticnlars write to S.E . GROW, the Kidneys, Spine and Heart, Dyspepsia and pretty in sympathy, I fell to thinking into the station at the same distance Artificial Teeth made on. Bobber, Celluloid, tered, confused by that horrible feai— persons at once. The tunnel is being -'Eeg., A. B. FITTS or J. Y. BALLOCK, Secreta­ Constipation, Lost Vitality, Paralyses, etc., what a beautiful profile she had; and, many an innocent person has known it— came home. ahead of the train, as he took when lie ries, Immigration Committee, CarroLton, Georgia- Gold, Platinum or Aluminum, at reasonable will please caU and examine them, and read , About ten o’clock the following driven by the use of a steel shield p rices. testimonials on small bills. before I had ceased thinking about it, that I was going to be accused of some­ started the race. Once or twice the my husband came in. morning, John came into my room, engineer has put on steam to try and slightly larger than the iron rings of ALL WRK WARE A TED. BARMOBE’S thing of which I was guiltless. of which the tunnel is to be construct­ “ John,” said I, coolly, for I must “Probably not," replied Mr. Hazen, where 1 was sitting with Miss Halyon, overtake the clog, but he has not yet EERLESS with an open telegram in his hand. ed. The steel shield has a knife edge, \ Little Dm store Around, tlie Corner, confess 1 never did relish having pretty indifferently, rising and buttoning his succeeded in doing it. The dog never DYES women inquiring, fpr my husband, “I have just received a dispatch,” looks back, never barks, and never and is driven forward at the rate of P M AIN STREET. 20-38 great coat. “It had been kept a secret, said he, glancing at his watch, “ calling fifteen feet a day by hydraulic Tams J>o X o a r o w n D y e i n g , a t H o m e . OSTOIEBIIv'LJL.I-. “here is a lady who wishes to see you.” and—you will do well to say nothing pays any attention to the calls of his They will dye everything. They ore sold every; me to Pendleton on business connect­ worked by hand. ----- AND ----- • She arose and looked at him in timid about it. Tell your husband”—as care­ master. When he reaches the station entreaty. ed with the express-robbery, ^ and I he looks up at the engineer, gives two New Book of Travel, Discovery and lessly as though he had known me all “I am a jeweler,” evidently speaking have barely time to catch the train. or tliree short yelps, and quietly trots Turtles’ Nests. They do not crock or smut J 40 colors. For sole by Adventure. ■ . his life—“ that I will call to see him to­ with difficulty. “I have to support I f only Hazen was here. I don’t un­ home up the track. This performance W- H K eeler, Asm D odd’ s Dr.UG & B ook Stoke. morrow morning.” A sportsman says that no one hav­ FROM-POLE tours- mm myself, and, as I am not able to rent a He bowed courteously to us both derstand their sending for me. Will is repeated with unfailing regularity, ing lakeiM-he eggs from a turtle’s nest Benton Harhor, Mich. OK, whole building, I thought, perhaps, as and went out into the bitter stormy you he'afraid to remain alone with and if an effort Is made to keep him in can get the^ji all back in again. Those TheWONDERFUL you have such large windows, you night, leaving me almost dazed. Miss Halyon?” the house at train time, he raises an who have tried it, find that after fill­ 11th Session Begins Sept. 8d, 1888. TO POLE; IHE I 0ED, “H-no, .replied J, doubtfully. For I ~ CHAIR Wild sports of the jungle and plain; journeys might rent one of them reasonably to “How did’ he know I had a hus­ unearthly yelping. It is the custom ing the nest they have enough eggs re­ This Institute offers the kighestinducements in unknown lands; fights ’with’ savage men and me. Only a smali corner,” she added, b a n d ?"! asked Miss Halyon, shivering was a veritable coward. now for crowds to gather to see the.ex­ maining to fill one or two more just ______„ _ Parlor, Library. Smok­ to students in Business, Teachers’, Acade­ ferocious animals; sublime scenery; the deeds'of • “I would not go no any less import­ looking earnestly up into Ins face, and drawing nearer to the fire, hibition racing.—W. Y. Sun. such holes in tlie sand. When Mother ing. Reclining, or Invalid CHAIR. m ic, Single,. Elocution, and Art Courses. hero discoverers; through the Torrid and'Frigid ant business,” said John, looking wor­ LOUNGE, BCD. f t ft end Business course as thorough as and cheaper Zones; adventnrous voyages., shipwrecks and “just to give me a chance. I will he “He seems to know a good deal,” she Turtle lays an egg she paddles it In or COUCH. Price 9 / i U U up. ried and perplexed. “But this must W e moke the largest variety of than at any other school. Teachers’ course marvelous escapes among the islands ot the sea, careful not to be in your way.” replied, thoughtfully. And then we tight with her feet, and so egg by egg Adiustable. Reclining. Physicians' under the direct charge of the Principal. etc., etc. Over 300 engravings. . ’AGENTS be attended to. Be careful that every­ Academic DIPL03IAS HONORED IX ALL "WANTED. Livliest selling’ book over produced. John began asking her questions, dropped the subject, bub “D. P. Hazen, Electi'ieal Glass Breaker. until the nest is full, and the elasticity land Surgeons' Operating, Invalid thing is locked'up safely, and do not _ Rolling, Hammock, Office, Library, COURSES; of Michigan, Wellesley, and other In both English aud German. and, to my dismay, I soon discovered Private Detective,” was not o ut “ Several glass factories are now us­ of the shell permits some extremely Fancy Carpel Folding, Reed and Rattan CHAIRS and Universities and Colleges. SCAMMEL '& CO:,’B ox 8973, that he was’ favorably considering her forgbt that there are ten thousand dol­ ROCKERS BICYCLES.TRICYCLES.VE- Superb collection of apparatus; 18 experi­ St. Louis, M o., or P iiilabelphia, P a . my mind one minute the entire even­ ing electricity for a novel purpose. close packing that no man lias been LOCIPEDES and SELF PROPELLERS. 30 days’ time given AgentB without capital. 40 proposition. lars in gold in the house.” enced instructors;; daily Calisthenic and Mili­ ing. Heretofore, .'when they wanted to cut able to duplicate. ALL KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVAJ.IDS. tary drill; pleasant rooms; delightful loca­ I tried to catch his attention and Miss Halyon gave a little cry. tion. The most popular school for liighei* However, I was slightly reassured one of the large cylinders of window RABY QOACHES education In the West. caution him by one look; hut his at­ after'his visit to my husband. All he Concluded next weelc. The most remarkable bet yet made Send, for elegant new Catalogue free. CURES P ILE S , glass, a simple hut primitive method Over 10 0 different designs* tention declined to he caught. Then I asked of us was to be allowed to loiter on the election is that offered through G. J. EDGCU3IBE, A.3L, Ph.D SALT RHEUM, tried to step on his toe; but he only was used, This consisted of the pull­ Our Patent Automatic Brake on all C ar. 34tt Principal. about the store and watch everyone Idaho Streams that Vanish ing out from the furnace of a ihin the Republican National Committee. riages+free. We have discontinned TETTER, BURNS moved slightly and said: “Beg par­ wholesaling* by placing your orders SCALDS, SORES, who came in on express business, shred of glass heated white. Tins was It was from an Indiana farmer as fol­ direct with the makers yoa can sa v e don,” without looking at me. I even “ There are parties living in this val­ ’ One o f the peculiar features of Idaho several: profit*. Our slashing price* WOUNDS, IN­ quickly wrapped around the bottle­ lows:'To Betting Democrats—I have stooped so low as to give him an un­ scenery is the frequent oGeurrene'e of and special Ba rg a in s willastonish, FANT’S SORES ley,” he said, “ who sooner or later, will shaped end of the cylinder, and it 640 acres of land, all In one body, a fine y«o» Goods sola under a ‘gu aran tee I dignified “nudge” with my elbow; but dark rocky chasms and channels of and delivered fr e e to any point in \ A nd CH AFIN G, come here and Send a package to a burned throulig or fractured the glass. lot of stock, farm well improved, build- Vniled States. Send stamp for _ if his left side had been paralized, lie lava into which streams and rivers Catalogue, and state class of goods you wish It for. SORE NIPPLES. certain address, and I must see them, A .pair of tongs had -to he used in ings and fences in good order; cost me AN INVALU­ could not have paid less heed. to be able to identify them. They plunge and are apparently forever lost. LUBURC MFC. CO. These fissures are supposed to be old the.process. By the new method, the $32 an acre eighteen months ago. I 345 North Ehzlith Street, .Philadelphia, Pc* ABLE REMEDY And the result was, he thenl aud may come within a week, and they will bet on Harrison’s election as fol­ there rented that window to that wo­ lava-beds. The outside of the molten glass cylinder is encircled With a fine. FOR CATARRH, may not come for a month; but to Wire, the extremities Of which are put’ lows: 160 acres to $3,000 On tbe State man for ten dollars a month. mass cooled and formed a roof, the V this' office they will be sure to come, in connection with a small electric bat­ of Indiana, 160 acres to $5,000 on the I do not wish to make myself appear fiery stream below became exhausted, r C T s . ELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL as it Is near the depot—and right here tery. It is necessary that the wire ad­ State of New York, 160 acres to $2,500 i t o n a P o s i t i v e G u a r a n t e e . -ridiculous; but, of course, I have my leaving an empty ehamheiv A break I must stay. I Will wander about here closely to the glass. When a cur­ on the general result, 160 acres to faults—who, indeed has not?—and .one town and try to ferret out something in this roof having occurred, an open­ Awarded F I R S T ing was formed into which the river or rent of electricity is passed through $4,000 on Connecticut, 320 acres to PREMIUM over o f them is an unjust and unreasonable in regard to these recent burglaries, $7,500 on New York, Indiana and Con­ everything at the Great prejudice.against pretty women. stream now disappears, to reappear as the wire, the latter becomes red hot St-JLO(JiS FAIR* just for recreation,” he added, smiling and heats the glass beneath it. Then necticut, 400 acres to $10,000 on Indi­ , Has both Su rfa ce and -Perhaps it is because I am plain his weary-smile, that never seemed to a mysterious lake, basin or spring on D r a w o f f Skimming some distant mountain or plain. a single drop of-water deposit ed on the ana and New York. Any one wishing attachments; D ra w a myself: Often have I marveled that ■have any mirth in it. to accept, address Secretary Campaign milk or cream hist as a?Ra^jo>rs e a s t . .John ever fell in love with me; for On the banks of the Snake River-one heated place will cause a clean break­ desired.___ s A t the close of two days, that fel­ age of the glass clear around the path Committee, National Republican Com­ IS THE BEST LEAVE BUCHANAN. besides being plain, my temper is none of these streams reappears, gushing low knew the name and reputation of mittee.. This means business.’ N o C R E A M E R Y o f its Mail, Ho. 4...... 8 3 1 A M . of the sweetest. But love me he m ust, from a high cliff in a cataract to the o f the wire. Contrary to what takes doss on the market. One Day Express,Xo. 2...... 11:57 P. M. every man, woman and child in Law’- bluffs. at wholesale price where for very !sure am I he never married waters below. . place witli the usual process in the there are no agents. Kalamazoo Accommodation, No. 10___ 8:05 P .M . rence. He knew the boy who played treatment of this fragile material, it is DavisSwing Churns, Eureka and Skinner Batter Xight Express, No. 13...... 12:32 A. M. REGISTERED* me for money, for not a cent had 1. the best game o f baseball, the who A t a recent parachute exhibition in Workers,. Nesbitt Batter Printers* &yam l H u n g ry- tifies : “For more than five years, a democrats in the city were among Englaml^-Cliaractoristics. member of my family has been afflicted JOHN C. HOLMES, Editor. those taken to jail, and because the its object being to choke off the fellows For over five years I was a constant with Il-ay Fever, culminating late ill The true bloodhound originated from sufferer with that most terrible and an­ policemen did their duty, by showing who wander up and down through the tlio old Talbot breed of Northern England. fall in a hacking cough. Every reme­ no partiality in making arrests, they noying disease, dyspepsia. "After pay-- dy proved futile. Not half a bottle of THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23,1SSS. woods at this time of year peppering From these deer hounds of old England ing out hundreds of dollars, the only and Marshal Stover were roundly everything they see full of shot. the modern Texas bloodhound is de­ Papilion (extract of flax) Catarrh Cure abused. medicine I found that would do me had been used before the cough entire­ scended. Of course there are other spe­ any good was Sulphur hitters. Six ly disappeared, and general relief fol­ Republican National Ticket, The Calhoun County Board of Su­ cies o f bloodhounds, viz., the Siberian bottles cuied me- Now I can eat well lowed. ‘It is simply wonderful.’ ” That Ten Dollar Sait. pervisors, on Thursday, elected H. A . bloodhound, which is an" immense ani­ and am hungry.—[Editor. . FOP. PRESIDENT, Large bottles only $1.00, for sale by AVhitney, Superintendent of the Poor, mal, and too entirely ferocious to use in BENJAMIN HARKISON, Here is tin other way looking .at that the pursuit of any human being, and the Conceit like any other seat, should AY. F. Runner. g §10 suit of clothes: The democrats and fixed the following county officers’ be sat on.—Puck. OF INDIANA. Cuban or Spanish bloodhound, which is. He who foresees calamities suffers say that the §10 suit in this country salaries for the ensuing year: County nearly akin to the one just named. These She Blushed can be duplicated in England for §S. them twice over. FOE VICE FRASIDENT, Treasurer, §1,000; Prosecuting A t­ latter were used by the Spanish colonists awfully when I told her what to do This is not true, but granted, for sake to track Indians, and in later times to re­ The best on earth, can truly be said of LEVI P. MORTON, of argument, it can be. The bricklay­ torney, §1,000; County Clerk, $S00; for those horrid pimples with which claim fugitive slaves, but they have her face was covered. She now says Griggs’ Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, OF XEW YORK. er, for example, who earns Slu a week Prehate clerk, §500; janitor court rarely, if ever, "been used by any one in safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises,, in Sooth Bend, can earn hut §1.50 a if you want a pink and white complex­ house, §300, the United States. .They are, besides, an ion with a nice clear smooth skin, you scalds, burns, wounds and all other sores. For Electors. week in England. It would take him entirely different breed of dogs. six days and a half to earn §S-12, and Martin Tanner, Henrietta, found a must use that best of blood purifier, AYill positively cure piles, tetter and all The Cuban bloodhound is a combina­ Sulphur Bitters. skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. At Large—It A. A lger, of IVayne, and he would have 12 cents left after pay­ skull of an'elk with gigantic horns, In tion of the deer "hound, the ferocious I s a a c Ca p p o n , o f K en t. ing for his $S suit. The South Bend the.Portage river last week. The mastiff and the Russian (or 1 Siberian) When the'Pilgrims first landed they Satisfaction guaranteed or money refund­ workiugmau will earp in six days and First District—E d w a k d B v e k , horns measured over four feet in greyhound. They thus unite the uner­ fell on their knees, after which they ed. Only 25 cents. Second District—J v x r r s E . B e a t ,. a half §10.23, and have §0.23 left after bight and the skull bones were sunk ring scent of the deer hound, the savage fell on the aboriginees. Sold by AY, F. Runner. 44yl Third District—R ic h m o n d K i x g m a x . paying §10 for his suit. Granted that bloodthirstiness of the mastiff and the Fourth District—J a s . "W. F k e x c h . the South Bend bricklayer paid §2 into bed of the river. As no elk have fleetness of the greyhound. They will To t i i e d e a f .—A person cured of The smallest act of charity shall Fifth District—Dox. J. L e a t h e r s . more for the same kind of a suit that been known in this part of the coun­ track a fugitive, and, having ‘ ‘bayed” Deafness and noise in the head of 23 stand us in great stead. ‘ Sixth. Districts—J a m e s AT. T e k s e e . the English bricklayer bought, he has years’ standing by a simple remedy, try for fifty years, the specimens are him, will tear him in pieces. B ncklen’s Ai'nica Salve. Seventh District—Jonx S. T h o m p s o n . §0.18 more| in his pocketbook besides Far different from this terrible animal will send a description of it f r e e to Eighth Disteict—E l m o t t F . G r a k i i a . considered rare velics.-Jackson Citizen, The best Salve in the world for Cuts, his suit, to show for his work, andsen- is the genuine Texas bloodhound. The any person who applies to N icholson, All Grocers sell SANTA CLAUS SOAP. Ninth District—V e l l in g t o n AV. CUM­ Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, sible man that he is will vote for Har­ name “ blood" hound is, in fact, in a cer­ 177 Alac. Dougall St., New York. 35yi MER. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Made by N. K. FAIRBANK & C O ., Chicago, 111. rison and protection. — South Bend THAT BAWD ASA. tain sense, a misnomer. The Texas Dates are duty free, so that a woman Tenth District—H a k k y F . M e r r i l l . Tribune. Chilblains, and all Skin Eruptions, Eleventh District—P e r r y H a n n a h . hound is not a savage animal, save when past-thirty can tell the date of her birth and positively cures Piles, or no pay Yes, uso it while it's neat and clean; wounded, or when resistance is made. or not, just as she pleases. required. It is guaranteed to give They are true descendants of the splen­ , Republican State Tieket. The Pet Banks. Tie it beneath your chin ; perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ For there as oft as it is seen, did animals which made such royal sport The democrats will fiud it impossi­ ed. Price 15 cents per box. For sale School Books, Tablets, Pens, Ink, It makes protection grin, for the Norman "kings and nobles. Gen­ by AY. F. Runner, Druggist. 24yl For Governor. ble to escape front Air. Blaine’s ar­ tle, patient, untiring and magnificent in CYRUS G. LUCE, of Branch. To See you trudging bravely on, Wiion Baby was sick, -wo gavo her Castoria, raignment of their administration for strength, they ave at once the patricians He is the best accountant who can So cruelly beguiled, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, For Lieutenant Governor. using the money in the Treasury for of their race and the favorites of their cast up correctly the sum of his own JAMES H. MAC DONALD, of Delta. the purpose of retaining their hold on Bearing your cross to martyrdom— . masters. The cruel admixture of blood When she became Mias, sho clnng to Castoria, Kay, mercy'll be more m ild! errors. Paper and School Supplies, For Secretary of State, the government. Air. Blaine has de­ which gives the Cuban hound his devil­ When she had Children, she gavo them Castoria, GILBERT R. OSMUX, of ATayne. clared, and it is not denied by the ad­ ’ As yon Hurrah: for Cleveland, ish hatred of a fleeing foe is, happily, For State Treasurer, ministration, that large sums of mon­ Hurrah! for Thurman, too, absent from the physical development of GEORGE L. MALTZ, of Aliena. ey have been loaned to national hanks. Old England's stretching out her hand our American hounds. Indeed, public The W hite For Auditor General. Some of these national banks are con­ And loudly cheering you. opinion would not for a moment tolerate The most effective sort of joint dis­ HENRY II. APLIX, of Bay. - trolled and managed by friends of the “She sells so very cheap indeed I" the use of the Cuban hound in pursuit of cussion is the kind that is conducted -xs- administration. The bank organized "Tis time we ought to know *cr, criminals, even of the most desperate largely with.the elbow joint. For Commissioner of State Land Office. O RUNNER'SCORNER BOOKSTORE. ROSCOE D. DIE, of Berrien. by the l.ate Secretary Maiming and ex- If vve could only have free trade character. The object to be attained by Treasurer Jordan is an illustration. the use of bloodhounds is not the death AYhy don’t you use Johnston's Kid­ For Attorney General. She'd ask a little m ore. ney Cure? Only §1.00 per quart bot­ STEPHEN Ar. It. TROWBRIDGE, of Ionia. When these two anient democrats or mangling of the man pursued, but his quilted the Treasury Department their So fold your old bandana up capture, and tire hound is, therefore, tles, at AY. F. Runner’s. -lOyl Stock Larger That Ever! For Superintendent of Public Instruction. And lay it on the shelf, bank was loaned §1,100,000 by Air. called into requisition not on account of AYliat an object of pity a man is JOSEPH ESTABROOK. of Eaton. Fairchild, who now says that he lias Or use it for a hangman's knot, liis powers of destruction; but because For Member State Board Education, And crtvwl up there yourself. whose extreme dignity will not allow not considered the’ political complex­ liis unerring instinct will guide him him to have any fun in this world. Prices Low as the Lowest! PERRY F. POAVERS, of Wexford ion of the officers of a bank in making Hurrah! Hurrah! forllarrlson! straight and true on the path the culprit a deposit for the account of the gov­ Hurrah! for M orton!' Ho! has taken, even though twenty-four Aiost everything in this world is full For Member of Congress—Fourth Dist. ernment. This 81,100,000 is so much W e'll never lot old England run hours may have elapsed and rains have of deception. Few things are what Good, serviceable second-hand Books, o£ suck kinds as are in use, taken a JULIUS C. BURROWS. additional capital to the hank. It is Our wool and labor! Wo. fallen and winds have blown to render they seem, but; the results for Dr. fair price In exchange. Large stock of shelf-worn and second-hand books a the scent cold and faint and perplexing. Jones’ Red Glover Tonic far exceed all For State Senator, 9tli District. capital which draws no interest, but W e'll down the wolt, the wolf free trade, reduced prices. First come, first served. which is loaned out by the bankers to With wisdom's vote of workingman; These noble animals have inherited all claims. It restores lost nerve force, AY. IRVING BABCOCK. their customers at the regular rates of Secure; forever, from it's raid, the instincts of their, forefathers, who cures dyspepsia, and all stomch, liver, For Representative in State Legislature. discount. The administration, there­ Our industries and Mary's lamb. gave back the deep and mellow echo of kidney and bladder trouble. It is a Second District, fore, made the Treasury a partner in their bay in English glades in response perfect tonic, appetiser, blood purifier, BENJAMIN D. HARPER. the new bank founded by Mr. Alan- By a Berrien County protectionist lover, to the notes blown by royal lips. a sure cure for ague and malarial dis­ ning and Mr. Jordan, and deliberately Who thinksfishing isn't a bit too good for When Cosur de and his noble eases, Price 30 cents, of AY. F. Run­ helped it to § 1,100,000 of the people’s Grover. train pursued the fleeing stag through ner. one Republican Comity Ticket. G. W. NOBLE money. sunny Sherwood’s forest aisles Qiey knew Remember, brother,“when courting This bank and other banks in New by the note of the hound that the ant­ ‘•Why not, why not, why not come an heiress," th at. beauty is but skin Has just opened a Mammoth Stock of For Sheriff. lered foe, arrow stricken and bleeding, * BENTON" E. STERNS, of Galien. York are enjoying the use of §18,000,- to him uowoo?” sang a salvation army deep.—Life. 000 of the funds of the government. was bayed by the faithful pack, but only • For Judge of Probate. Whoever asserts that this money is veteran as he marched up the street at bayed. The panting animal did not att Iu connection with the fact that Dr. THE EASIEST SELLING, Berrien Springs, the other day. “In­ DAVID E.II1NM AN. properly loaned contradicts the man tempt to slake liis thirst in the blood of Jones’ Red Clover Tonic has liad the deed, why knot?” quoth one of the ed­ For County Clerk, himself who makes the loans, Secretary his majestic prey, as the Cuban hound largest sale, it has been the the most THE BEST SATISFYING itors of the B. S. Journal, and he forth­ HERBERT L. POTTER, of AVeesaw. Fairchild. The Secretary staled in his would have done, but sore and famishing successful remedy ever before the pub­ with ordered a stove with a 12x18 hole as he was, he kept the buck on the de­ lic for all blood troubles and diseases For Treasurer, speech in this city, that lie was In it, and wrote an ad which said, CONSISTING- OF EDMUND B. STORMS, of Niles. ashamed of the whole business. And fensive until the hunters arrived, and it of the stomach, liver and kidneys. in his last annualgeport he said: “ I do “knots taken on subscription.”—De­ was only when the arm of his royal or Fifty cents buys a bottle of AY. F Run­ For Register of Deeds, troit News, not mention deposits in national bank noble master had driven home the sharp ner. Airs. Emma Brown, Lima, Ohio, WASHINGTON P. HARMAN. Suits for Men, Youths and Boys, School depositories as a means of keeping the steel blade that he ventured to feast on says four bottles of Jones’ Red.Clover For Prosecuting Attorney, circulating media available for busi­ C. F. Ea r l hired a horse and buggy the rich, red current which flowed from Tonic lias cured me of sick headache GEORGE AY. BRIDGMAN. ness purposes, for that resource, at of Banbury Bros, on Sunday and on the stricken throat of the gallant foe that I have been subject to for over on T H E MARKET. Garments, Overcoats, Underwear, For Surveyor, best, is very limited under present his return Sunday night lie was stopped which had led him many a weary mile nine years. one. Its Range o f Worlc is Unequalled. AYASHBURN AY. GRAVES. laws and ought not to be used except by two men, beyond Airs. Ballard's that day over bog and moor, mountain A fool may have his coat embroid­ Hat,s Caps and Furnishing Goods. For Circuit Court Commissioners, In exceptional circumstances, sucli as where there are four corners, one seiz­ stream and bosky thicket. I t Sells on its Merits. ered with gold, but it is a fool’s coat JOHN A. AYATSON. have existed of late, and because there ing liis horse by the bits, the other de­ And in this power of restraint consists Its Worhinanship zs Unsurpassed. ZIRMIL. COOPER. is no better thing to do.” manding his money. He surrendered the great, the true value of the Texas still. bloodhound. He responds faitlifully to No Cog Gearing. For Coroners, Now, there is clearly a better thing his money, eight or ten dollars, and Professional Ignorance. to do, and that also Air. Blaine has thanked them for not doing him any the inherited instincts of his race. Trained Nothing is more common, nor less Do not Buy Any Other Before Shying NEEDHAM MILLER. pointed out. It. is clearly a better bodily injury and went on. Those to track a stag, he will follow him until true, than for physicians to tell pa­ ALEXANDER WINBURN. thing to purchase bonds at ruling rates. who ride out at night it seems are not- he has bayed him, and will leave the tients in the first stage of heart dis­ THE WHITE. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT For Fish Inspector, victim unharmed until the arrival of the The government makes nothing what­ safe.—V ties Mirror. ease, that the trouble is only nervous, Prices and Terms Made Satisfactory. was never more complete. Now is the time to shoe the chil­ THEODORE P. LUTZ. ever by depositing the money in the hunter. Trained to track man, he will etc., of no account. A little knowl­ banks; but if the same money should do the same thing exactly. Hence, as edge is a dangerous thing as shown by J- W. BEISTIiE, Agent, Buchanan. dren with his famous - H k s . H o w a r d V i n c e n t had the be used for the purchase of bonds, a sheriffs do not desire the death but the Ten. more days of political warfare misfortune to lose her gold watch and the great number of people who die of considerable sum might be saved. The capture of criminals, it will easily be heart disease when its existence is not chain at Niles, Friday evening. A t Estate of Thomas Vanderhoof. and the contest will reach a decision Secretary of the Treasury is ou record seen liow far superior the Texas hound is suspected. Take warning. Don’t neg­ Red School-House “ Shoe, first she believed the weight of the to his Cuban cousin, and how much Pirst publication Sept. 20,1SS3. AVill the decissionbe right or wrong? asfovoring the better tiling, and as lect the first symptoms, and if yon watch had broken the chain from its QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofBerrien, 95.— "Whicli ever way it may be the country being ashamed of what he is doing. better adapted to the needs of a humane EVERY BAIR WARRANTED. fastenings and that it was lost on the and civilized people. would avoid sudden death, angina pec­ O At a session oCllic JProbate Court for said coun­ will abide by it. AYhy does he not purchase bonds there­ toris, etd, take Dr. Aliles’ New Cure ty, beld at tbe Probate office, in. the Village or for,* under the authority which has ground as she marched with the ladies; It may be taken as an absolute fact derrieii Springs, on tbe Sth day o f September, iu but afterward she remembered being that no fugitive need fear harm, from a before it is too late. Sold at AY. H. tbe rear oue thousnud eight hundred aud eiguty- THIS SALE IS FOB CASH. been given him ? cight. roughly jostled in the cfowd at the en­ Texas bloodhound if, when brought to a Keeler's Drug Store. 4 Cherry Morrow & Co. make the gov­ There can be no other reason than a Present, Da v id E. H en m an, Judge o i Probate. trance of the hall, and it is probable stand, he will remain quiet until liis In the matter o f the estate of Thomas Yau- ernment wagons by convict labor for desire to aid his party in the campaign. I f twice eleven are twenty-two, how derlioof, leceascd. that at that time an adroit pickpocket captors come. I f he offers resistance, can twice ten be twenty too? On reading and filing the petition, dnly verified which they pay the state of Tennessee This is shown pot Only in the fact of the deposit, but by the character and loca­ relieved her of the poperty.—Palladia continues his flight or wounds-the hound, of Henry Vanderhoof, son of deceased, praying 24 cents per day for each convict. tim. why, then the hound will do just as his The Latest . that administration o f said estate may be granted tion of the banks which have been se­ The surprising manner in which the to William Haslett, or some other suitable person. This is the kind of encouragement lected. N ot only has the Alanning- The watch has been found on Main master wonld do under similar circum­ Thereupon it is ordered, that jMouday, the 15th stances, and resort to extreme measures country is being swept by the discov­ Jay of October nest, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, Jordan bank been preferred, but four given out to free working men by the street, anil returned to the owner to defend himself.—Galveston Cor. Globe- e r y of Dr. Mills for curing many dis­ ae assigned for the hearing of said petition, and banks in Mr. Carlisle's district have mat the heirs atlaw of said deceased, and all oth- present administration. Democrat. eases that originate in the nerves is ii* persons interested in said estate, are required been helped to nearly §900,000 of Gov­ St. .Joseph Republican. astonishing all who knew the facts. .o apx»ear at a session of said Court, then to be ernment capital. How can Air. Fair­ joldeu in the Probate office^ in the Village of Per* A. W. AYells returned Wednesday The world’s annual consumption of The Restorative Nervine, a brain and jlen Springs, and show cause, if any i here be, Open warfare has been declared child’s denial that he does not consid­ fron his hunting trip in Minnesota. wheat is estimated at 2,165,000,000 nerve food, sold by AY. H Keeler, cures jfhy the prayer of the petitioner should notbe among the Democrats in New York by er the politics of a bank’s officers stand He brought home fifty dressed wild bushels. weakness, want of appetite, exhaus­ grantedr And it is further ordered, that said pe­ against this fact? A simple denial is titioner give notice to the persons interested in Gov. H ill refusing to review an indus­ geese as trophies-----Airs Emily Tat- tion, debility from overwork, care, said estate, of the pendency of said petition, and entirely inadequate. AVhat Secretary man, aged 00, living with her son-in- A French workman, lias succeeded in worry and dissipation.- It takes the ,ne hearing thereof, by canseng a copy oi this or- trial parade in company with Grover would send Government money to producing artificial silk. Jer to be published iu the Buchanan .Record, a law, Geo. Ging, ou 2d Front street, fell place of stimulants, opiates, chloral, jewspaper printed and circulated in said county, Cleveland. The party has about as Covington, Kv., in order to get it into and broke her leg just oelow the hip etc., and cures all nervous troubles. It toree successive weeks previous to said day of little hope of carrying New York now circulation among business men? joint. contains no- morphine, opium or dan­ a laving. AROUND THE CORNER. (A true copy.) DAVID E . BUSMAN, Covington is not a place where large M o r r is to w n , Tenn., JUI74, 1888. as they have o f carrying Canada. gerous drugs. 4 [sea l.] Judge of Probate. business is transacted. Cincinnati, di­ The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Last publication October 11,1SSS. rectly opposite, on the hanksof the Ohio, Berrien Springs Journal. Gentlemen—Five years ago I was so un­ Tliere are fully 75,000,000 feet of logs The United States Supreme Court is the commercial city of the region- E. AY. Ivelier, late of the Bond House, fortunate as to contract an extremely bad yet to come out of the Tittabawassee AYliy was not the money sent there? Niles, has bought a half-interest in a case of blood poison. My bones ached and and tributaries. Notice for Hearing Claims. When you are in want of has just passed upon the constitution­ TATE OF MICHIGAN, Comity of Berrien—ss. There is no reason except that Coving boot and Shoe store at Aluucy, Tnd ... my muscles began to swell and contract. I Our Candidate for President.—i ality of the Iowa prohibition law. The was under treatment of the physician from S Notice is herein- given, that by an order of ton is democratic while Cincinnati is The trade of the Reed bouse for wes­ He will be nominated by the conven­ the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Berrien, point brought up was whether brewers the inception of the disease until I-found made on the seventeenth day of July. A . X). 18SS, Republican. tern property has been declared off. that he could do me no good. Then, tion and will be elected by the people, six months from that date were allowed for cred­ and distillers may manufacture liquors New York is a doubtful State. Air. Charley and wife will hereafter run through the advice of a friend I began tak­ because he will come the nearest to itors to present their claims against the estate of Cleveland’s vote depends upon carrying the house-----A. AY- Ingleright, of Bu­ Lneeffa L. Baker, late o f said County, deceased, Pure Drags and Pat. Medicines, In Iowa solely for exportation to other ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have filling the ideal of a Chief Alagistrate. and that all creditors of said deceased are required states. The decision o f the Courtis it. He.must gain it or lose the Presi­ chanan township, died Thursday of an immediate effect. I took six bottles, and Electric Bitters has been given the to present their claims to said Probate Court, at dency. The banks of this donbtful last week and was hurried Sunday in to-day am sound and well. That was two or highest place, because no other medi­ the Probate ofiice, in the Village of Berrien that any state may prohibit any kind Springs, for examination and allowance, oil or State have received §13,000,000, while the Storrick cemetery. Deceased was three years ago, but I have seen no evidence cine lias so well filled the ideal of a before the seventeenth day of January next, and- of manufacture within Its borders. the hanks o f Illinois, Michigan, Wis- aged 03 years and was a well-known of the return of the disease, and I take this perfect tonic and alterative. The peo­ that such claims viU be'beard before said Court Blank Books and Stationery. consin, Alimiesota, Iowa, Kansas and resident of this county, having lived opportunity to thank you for what it has done ple have endorsed Electric Bitters and on Thursday, the sixth day o f December, and on for me. It saved my life. You can refer Thursday, the seventeenth day of January next, at Nebraska, containing twice as - many here, over 30 years. rely upon this great remedy in all ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. Can any democrat give any good any one to me. R . Af. W a l l . people as New York, and just now en­ troubles of Livers and diseases caused Dated, September 13, A . D. 1S38, reason why the enthusiastic but gaged in the transaction of the great - DAVID E. HINMAN, Niles Mirror. Farmersville, Tex., 22, i83S. by Alalarial Poisons, Eleetric Bitters Judge of Probate friendly discussion that is at present business of moving the crops, receive The Swift’Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.; cannot be too highly reeommened. A l­ occupying the minds o f all the East, about §3,000,000. 'This is another sig­ A f e l l o w dressed In black, weigh t Gentlemen—The mother of a member so cures Headache and Constipation. North and AYest, does not extend as nificant fact. The AVestern States are about 150 pounds, heavy black mus­ of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous Satisfaction guaranteed, or money re­ ALESME Republican, and there is no partisan well to the South? AYe hear of no tache, 5 feet 10 inches high, called at sore on her face for about twenty years. funded. Price 50c and §1, at AY. F. reason why the administration should Bunbury Bros, stable on Sunday morn­ During the past few years it troubled her Runner’s Drug Score. -WA-BSTTZEID rousing political meetings being held encourage the business -men of these ing for a horse and buggy to go four very much by continued pain and itching. S N to canvass Tor the sale Of Nursery Stock! Steady in any o f that section, as is being done communities with reference to making miles. He drove to South .Bend and She used your S. S. S«, and the sore has Mrs, Jinkins complained that tlietur- employment guaranteed. Salary and expenset disappeared and is apparently well. Should paid. Apply, at once, stating age. in all other parts of the country. Do votes. ail over town until 4 p. m. and hired a key she had eaten didn’ t set well. It is perfectly evident that a good it break out again, will advise you, Probably, said Jenkins, it was not a the people there not care so much fellow to drive the horse to Niles, tell­ deal of corruption is underlying the ing him he liad left ten dollars with Very truly, hen turkey. Chase Brothers Co,. about our government affairs as the Pen d le t o n , Y e a r l y & R il e y , democratic campaign. These millions the Bunbury Bros, and gave him an Druggists. balance of the country ? of money have "been corruptly diverted order for §1 to drive the horse hack. into political channels. There never When he arrived here the boys were Three books mailed free on application. 1889—EXCELS ALL OTHERS-1889 was an administration that so shame­ preparing to go after him. It is need­ THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., The Cleveland administration shows fully abused its trust. The men who less to say no money was lefc. The Its affection for the American work­ use the people’s money to corrupt the fellow evidently intended to steal- the- D raw er 3 . Atlanta. Ga. ingman bv buying its blankets of Eng­ people should be summarily dismissed horse but found he was not fast land, and 400 wagons for the army of from the people’s service.—N. T. Mail enough and sent him home. and Express. PHACTo’ AND PH YSIC. the contractor o f the Tennessee state Thomas Foster's elevator at Fostoria prison convict labor, instead of buying Queer People. OF State Items. is taking in about 1,200 bushels of of free American labor. The law in This is the title of the latest, and by grain per day. LITERATURE, ART, AMD FASHION the case Is that the contract shall he They pay school teachers good wages all odds the most charming hook for Reducing tho Surplus.—4 T H E I3JS3T AND- C H E A PE ST of ilio ladyVbooks. It gives moro for the money and combined let to the one who makes the cheapest at Ishpeming, but a sign in that city little people ,we have ever seen. Its greater merits than any other. Such popular authors as MTS.,Lucy H* Hooper, Mrs, The disposition of the Surplus in the Rebecca Harding Davis, Miss M- G. McClelland, Miss Alice Bowman, and best bid, and the administration reads: “Meals at all ours oystrs in fables, or stories, are delightful, hut U. S. Treasury engages the attention "Edgar Fawcett, Frank Lee Benedict, Howard Seely, and a host-of others write for “Peterson,” and their names a»© a guarantee of the excellence of their stories. decides the convict labor in’competl- every stile” the illustrations are simply immense. o f onr Statesmen, but a more vital THIS M A G A ZTXE will he profnselv illustrated with elegant steel ana other engravings tlon with the Studebakers as the best. The author, Palmer Cox, is a new question has our attention, and that is The Standard coal mine near Jack- tne reduction of Surplus Consumptives. and pretty F A N C Y A N D W O E E -T A B L E PA TT E R N S, printed in colors. star in the juvenile firmament, hut lie " T H E F A SH IO N D E P A R T S IE N T will present the newest and most useful styles of dress son, from which 50,000 tons of coal Since the discover and introduction of for outdoor aud houso wear, and will have, cadi month, A, H AN D SO M E CO LO R E D FASH IO N * shines with unique brilliancy. His P L A T E , printed from steel. F o l l o w i n g is the Tribune’s account have been taken, has now been closed Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con­ charming fables rival those of the sumption, there has been a marked de­ Contributions on HEALTH. THE TOILET, COOHEUY, THE GAP.DEN, and HOUSE- o f the evening meeting after the jpem- up and abandoned. H O L D M A TT E R S generally will be given iu each number, mailing a book invaluablo to every woman. world fame iEsop, and he far outshines crease in the mortality from the dread­ ocratie grand shout, in South Bend Fred Alitchell, a well-to-do German ed disease, and it is possible to still that celebrated literary comet by his ELEGANT PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS I Saturday, which was attended by a farmer, living at Reed City, hanged further reduce the number of consump­ Inimitable illustrations. He dresses TERMS, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, S2.00 A YEAR, number from-this place: himself in a bam Alonday. Trouble tives. H ow ? By keeping constantly up his birds, animals, insects, giants, on hand a bottle of Dr. King’s New S'Copies for S3.50 YFith the elegant book, “ Buds and Blossoms," or a largo engraving; When the Tribune went to press Sat­ over business affairs is assigned as the “ The Morning Greeting,” os a premium for getting up the club,. fairies, goblins, etc., in grotesque style Discovery and- using according to di­ 3 “ “ dt.oO urday afternoon it stated large delega­ cause. and makes them reason, talk, dance, rections, upon the appearance of the 4? Copies for 3(5.40 VTith an extra copy of the Magazine for 1880, as a premium, to the tions were expected from other towns <5 « 9.00 person getting up the club. Last week Alpena shipped by water and cut up all sorts o f the oddest first symptoms, such as a Cough, a in the evening, Goshen having been Cold, a Sore Throat, a Chest or Side 11,775,000 feet of lumber, 430,000 shin­ pranks imaginable, affording infinite 5 Copies for $ 8 .0 0 > With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 1889 and the large, engrav-* the only place that sent a delegation Pain, Taken thus early a cure is « a 10.50 ing or the book “ Buds and Blossoms ” to the persou getting up tho club. to the day rally. About four oclock a gles, 100,000 lath, 8,000 cedar railway delight, as well as excellent instruct­ { ion to the young. The issue of bis guaranteed. Trial bottles free at AY" WOOD & HOFFMAN, small delegation came from Eclwards- ties and forty cords of cedar. Eight F. Runner’s Drug Store. For Larger SiuSis, a sei di Dickens’s Works or a Sewing-Machine! burg on the Grand Trunk road, and at book “Queer People” has brought a. 7 o’clock ten pretty well filled cars cargoes went to Toledo, five each to perfect ovation of praise from the The best Way to improve woman’s Address, PETERSON33 MAGAZINE, came in on the Michigan Central with Sandusky, Buffalo and Cleveland, three brightest men in the land. F or in­ lot is to build a house on it and put a JSF-Specimcns sent grot is, to get up clubs with. 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia* Pa* delegations from Dowagiac, Pokagon, each to Detroit, and Chicago and one, stance, Gen. Clinton B. Fisk says: “It good man in the house. BUCHANAN, MICH. has set my children wild with delight, Niles and Buchanan. When this to Wilson, N. Y. O N L Y $3. i O FO R crowd found out that neither Thur­ and Col. Russell H. Conwell, the' fa ­ A Merchant’s Opinion. man nor Mills was here they denounc­ John Elyea, the Van Buren county mous.lecturer, says: “Don’t send me Air. B. F. Nourse, General Western ed the several democratic managers fruitgrower, who recently eloped with another such a book, for I can’t get Agent Royal Baking Powder Co., my children to bed.” writes: “I have never found so great DEEDS of DARING soundly for making false representa­ Ivy ICeifer, his sixteen-year-old servant tions. The famous statesman, diplomat, results from physicians’ prescriptions girl, had a level head in one respect at AND Bv BLUE & GRAY. A list oi 1000 newspapers divided into STATES At the rink, where M. V. Gannon and wit, Sunset Cox,says: “ The Kweer and attendance upon our children, as I TbS great collection of the most thrilling per­ AND SECTIONS will he sent on application— least. lie left a letter for his w ife in Kapers are simply incamparable,” while have aft,er a few day’s use ofPapilion Semorest’s Monthly Magazine. sona! adventures on Both sides during tbe Great F15EE. was to speak, a large crowd gathered, ClvinVar, Intensely interesting accounts Of ex­ To those who want their advertising to pay, w o here again the: visitors showed their which he said Ins passion for the girl the distinguished theologian,Dr. How­ (extract of flax) Skin Cure. I cannot ploits Of scouts and Spies, forlorn hopes, heroic can offer no betterniedinm for thorough aud effec­ ard Crosby says: “ they have" the fas­ describe to you medically what it.has A WONDERFUL PUBLICATION. bravery, imprisonments aud hair-breadth escapes, tive workthau the various sections pfonrSelect disapprobation at -having come so far had •‘overbalanced his better judg­ Local List. GEO. J*. E O W JS L L & CO., to be entertained by a third rate speak­ cination that belongs to srEop and Un­ done for us, but can say that years of romantic incidents, hand-to-hand struggles, hu­ ment” , and signed it, “ your un worthy ‘ Many suppose DEHIORESTSS M O N TH LY morous and tragic events, perilous journeys, hold Newspaper Advertising Bureau, er. They began making a disturbance cle Remns,” and the venerable poet, treatment have not accomplished wliat to be a fashion magazine. This is a great mistake. dashes, brilliant Successes and magnanimous ac­ 10 Spruce street. New Fork. and were assisted in it by some of husband” . Dr, Oliver. Wendell Holmes, writes “I Papilion has done after a few applica­ • .It undoubtedly contains the finest Fashion De- tions on each Bide the line. 60 chapters, JFRO- am sorry I have not a nursery full of tions.” Large bottles only §1.00, at PAimiENT of any magazine published, but this is r U S K t r ir/C U S T R A T U n to the life. N o oth­ o wn citizens. It was believed that if Lansing folks are considerably stirred tbe case from the fact that great enferprise and ex­ er hook at all like.it. AGENTS WASTED- Yoorhees came to the rink his elo­ little folks to enjoy its bright pictures AY. F . Runner’s Drug Store. 6 perience are shown* so that each department. 13 Outsells everything. up about the registration matter. The equal to a .magazine in itself,* In Demorest’s you Time for payments allowed Agents short of FOR SALE. quence would bring order out of chaos, and stories.” Teacher: AYho was the strongest ; get iv dozen magazines in one, and secure amuse- Ihndd. PLANET BOOK CO., Box 6SJ8, and the experiment was tried,but witlj council neglected to give the necessary AEsop’slfdbles are enjoyed by old and man? Boy: Jonah; because the whale ment aud instruction, for the whole family. It con­ 46 P hiladelphia , Pa ., o k St. Lours, Mo. A I? A DM Of 100 acres in Jeflerson Co.. Indiana, tains Stories, Poems, and other Literary attractions, Jl rm U Ii one-half cleared and one-half in good the most disastrous results. Senator registration notice until Saturday af­ young and; are quoted by the greatest coiildn’tliold him after liegot him down. includingArtistic, Scientific, andHouseholdmatters, orators and surely these equally charm­ timber. Good land, orchards and braidings, ana Yoorhees tried in vain to speak but the ternoon, when a hasty special session And is illustrated with original Steel Engravings, FOR THE BEST the finest creek and spring water to be found any­ noise grew worse instead of better ing stories, so profusely and exquisite­ In onr last issnse we caH attention Photogravures, IVater-Colors, and fine woodcuts, where. On II. R. IS miles from Madison, SO miles of the common council was called, the making it the Model Magazine ov America. from Louisville, 75 miles from Indianapolis and ly illustrated will charm young and to the sweepstakes premium for the a Pattern Order and after unjustly berating our police, Each copy contains entitling 100 miles from Cincinnati. Healthy country .and registration ordered, and a special old'for generations to come. Vermont State Fair being given to the holder to the selection o f An t Pattern illustrated in any number of the Magazine, and in-a n y good neighborhood, Can he bought on good terms. Yoorhees le ft in disgust and the meet­ op the sizes manufactured, each valued at from £0 cents to 30 cents, or over $3.00 worth of patterns in g broke up in arrow. The police did edition of the Lansing Journal contain­ The sale of .this book will surely he butter colored with Thatcher’s Orange JOB PRINTING, Address, Butter Color. This is the case at hun­ W HIT. DItFDEN, Fort W orth, Texas. all in their power to preserve order, but ing the notice was issued. The courts enormous. It is published by the well p crS V subscription, S2.O0. A trial will convince you that you can get ten limes Iho value known house of Hubbard Bros., Phlla., dreds of state and county fairs thl3 o f the money paid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order), 20 Cents, GALL AT THE twice as many as we had; could not will probably be called upon to decide have sncceded any better. On the Chicago, and Kansas City, to whom year, and no butter maker can be sure ' Published-by W. JENTSTINGS DEMOREST, New Y ork. streets the policemen had their bands whether the registration is yalid or any persons desiring an agency should o f the highest standard .without it. -If .Tho above combination is a splendid chance to get oof paper and DEJfOBESf’s Jfoxrai/r at a Record Steam Printing-House J ^ ^ ^ ^ A g e n ^ ^ full trying to keep the peace, and final­ not. apply. you ate not using it try it at once. reduced rate. Send your subscriptions to ihisoffico. ... I t cost Berrien county $250' last The announcement that the Buchan­ We can suit you On any kind of B u c h a n a n R ecord. year, to pay a couple of sporting men an firstsvoters’ club had won the state Lamp you want, in style or price, O. A , SIMONDS & CO., to watch a few ducks that happened to banner, brought to the front a number TREAT BROS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1SSS. stray into the marshes about St. Joseph of others not known before,’ and the On and after this date, our loaves of and New Buffalo, under the game war­ membership has greatly increased since Bread will be of one size and 5c per ^ Entered at the Post-office at Buchanan, 3Xtoh., den law. It lies with the Board of the fifteenth. I f the same proportion loaf, BISHOP * KENT. ^ as second-class matter. MRS M. A. HAZLETT Supervisors to provide for the payment of increase lasts until election, there I f you are in need of Tinware, Glass­ 48 MAIN STREET, NILES, MICH. of this expense or refuse to do so, and will be oyer 100 in the club who will ware, and a thousand other articles, TVill address the people on the political thus render the law inactive in the. cast their> first presidential vote’ for call at MORRIS’FAIR. We liave tlie largest stock in Berrien County, and will always divide profits witli Buclianan issues of the day, at Rough’s county. Berrien county has no uife for Harrison and Morton. TRENBETH, Hats done over, at MRS. BINNS’. ^ customers. W. Opera House, on any such office. ------< » » THje»young republican club was out Smoke 1st Brigade at n ' . IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME‘AND SEE US. Rogers Q. Mills and Dan Yoorhees again Monday evening, and put up a BISHOP & KENT’S. Wednesday Eve’g, were to have spoken in South Bend pole for J. F . Peck, and another for If you want to save money buy your last Saturday, but Mr. Mills did not Oscar Clovin. Tuesday evening they goods at MORRIS’ FAIR. Call and see the, fancy Water Sets at J. B. MILLARD, O. F. BARNES, E. F. WOODCOCK, W.pr.tHUTTON, October 31. show up. 1't is past comprehension how had a job that is out of the regular or­ Fresh Pan Candy at . '"'j J. BLAKE’S, President. Vico President. Casliier. Ass’t Cashier Has constantly in stock the largest either of that pair can undertake the der, although one |0 which^fcfiey did BISHOP & KENT’S. A fine assortment of dishes at G ? stock and most desirable instruction of the populace of this not -seriously object. Tfarn; was to Mrs. Hazlett is one of the best speak­ FOR SALE.—A Coal Stove and TREAT BHO’S. country upon What is for this country’s drive out to CharlewJBfMley’s and put ers in tbe State, and bas heretofore Bath Tub. DR. SPRUNG-.I h a v e two Mason & Hamlin Or­ best interest, I f anyone has made up a nice pole for'nim that floats a FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC delighted Buchanan audiences. gans for sale on the easiest possible himself obnoxous to the good people Harrison and Morton banner. About The purser of the P. O. N. D. can fit you out with a neat purse that will terms. Also one Mason & Hamlin EVERYBODY IS INVITED. of this country it is, next to -Jeff. 150 persons were present, who made Davis and Tom. Hendricks, none other suit you for little money. Piano, new, ancl one second-hand square National Bank, the 9S-foot pole go up in less than Piano for sale cheap. SUITINGS, than Daniel TV. Yoorhees. A number “two minutes.” Mr. Bradley has here­ P. 0 . NEWS DEPOT. D r . F. N. B onine is quite sick with J, G. HOLMES. 1ST B S , IsAIICH. went from this place. tofore trained with the democrats. Buy your Whips of J a k e B a k e r malignant fever, with the chance For the next 30 days you can buy and get a patent lock socket. A ll sold For Gentlemen’s Wear, against his recovery. The entire com­ T h e r e was a republican mass meet­ Seersucker and other Summer Goods, T h e Detroit Evening News has just together for $1. munity hope for his recovery. ing in Niles last Friday evening, ad­ at W. L. H o g u e & Co’s, at prime cost. finished a series of letters on the tariff W e are to the front once.more with iHISECTOES:; to be found in Berrien county at the dressed by Hon. J. C. Burrows and The Eelt Tooth Brush is the Daisy, •T. B. MILLARD, The Goloma Courier mourns the loss question by prominent writers on both the.handsomest fins of Hanging Lamps AREA G. GAGE, n H, M. DEAN, 'X. P. HUTTON, O. F, BARNES lowest living prices for good work. Gen. Swift, of Boston. A special train try it. BARM ORE/ NELSON BRADLEY, E. F. WOODCOCK. sides, the dosing letter by free trade ever brought to town. J7 ot its office cat, and as all the rest of of seven* cars took delegations from Frank Hurd, who at one time rep re TREAT BROS. / New Dress Goods come rolling in the State papers are flinging jokes at Three Oaks, Galien, Dayton and Bu­ sented the Toledo, Ohio district, in our store every day. We are hound to the poor cat we desist. chanan ; and a train lb id came fr OH. HO! M e a c h & H u n t want Fall and Winter Stock Congress. The News is now sending show you the nobbiest line in the city St. Joseph and Bentc t Harboiv^he everybody thinking of buying Furni­ a corps of- correspondents into the Look at ours before you buy. -2, -£_j- J o h n Sn y d e r , of Berrien Springs Buchanan young ladie i club oyer ture to call on them, at Buchanan^, now in, of which a young man o f about eighteen years, black counties of South Carolina, Mis­ BOYLE& BAKER. SCHOOL BOOKS. by team. While in th profession one Mich. i sissippi and Louisana, to discern if nephew of Mr. Charles Snyder, * died of the members was sjfnick on tbe New styles of Four-in-Hand Ties, at Ladies, something new in Hats.’ You possible, why a population of 355,797 October 10, after a short sickness. shoulder by a stone flimg by some mis­ MOBRIS’ FAIBZ> will find them at ^ i New and Second-Hand. people cast only 2S.279 votes for presi­ An Inspection is creant on tbe sidewalk. And another I f you have a Watch or Clock that BOYLE & BAKER’S. E l d . J. H . P a t o n , of Almont, will dent, and give its readers a series of was slapped in the face by some one will not run, take them to J. J. ROE. Flannel Skirting now for’sale at preach at the church o f the “Larger letters bearing upon that subject, and else who objects to republican proces­ He can fix them. CHARLIE HIGH’S?_ Hope,” Friday and Saturday evenings, running until after election and from sions. Op the whole the young ladies Buchanan Markets. and Sunday afternoon. a non-partisan standpoint. Owing to the rush of business last Staley Yarns always in Stock at ^ have hard luck. In Buchanan they Saturday, May Tremmel will have an­ CHARLIE HIGH’S. e-Hay— S5 $10 per ton. were egged and in Niles pelted with 1 Butter—iso. E l m e r R e m in g t o n has bought Dr, T h e r e are $2500 available for the other full ’line of Millinery in this Look at tlie New Goods at In fact, everything in School Books stones. week. Go and see. ^ 7 Eggs—ISc. Baker’s house and lot, on Day’s aven- improvement of the St. Joseph river, BOYLE & BAKER, and there is a probability that within Lard—10c. ue. nearly opposite his shop. Price H IL L ’S CORNERS. If yon have but $1 to invest in a • Call and see us, and we will sell you and School Supplies for both $950. This places his home and work two years no more steamboat will ap­ Hat, you will save twenty-five cents of Potatoes,—85c. The Baptist church is being treated Goods as cheap as the cheapest. cA near together. pear on that stream. If we might that by buying of ’ ^ Salt, retail—$1.00 to a coat of paint. MORGAN & CO. ^ town and country schools. ------*-#-►------have any say in the matter, we would MAY TREMMEL. H ou r—$4.60'® S0.S0 per bbl., retail. Byron Kingston, living near this H ig h & D u n c a n are giving the best suggest keeping the improvements all Honey—10. H a r r y B in n s has been appointed place, died Oct. 22, of typhoid fever. Ten thousand Pocket Books just inducements ever offered in Dry Goods within one-half mile of the west end -ALSO A NEW LINE OF- Live poultry—6 ® ^c. agent for the Steam Laundry o f Asa Wright is the only man in our received, and will almost be givem in Buchanan. Go and see them. “Z Michigan City. TVorlc will be prompt­ of St. Joseph piers, that being the part Wheat—1.0T. locality that uses gasoline in an ordi­ away, at MORRIS' FA IR , h Lots of New Goods at 0 ly returned each week. Good work of the river where the investment will Wall . Paper and Borders, Oats —25c. nary lamp. • I f yon want Wali Paper, go to J. J. CHARLIE HIGH’S. Corn—50c. guaranteed and prices reasonable. he of the greatest good to tbe greatest John Oris and Maud Price will have R o e’s and see new styles and get We have the largest assortment of Beans—i.50it< l.oo. number. Those who have tile matter a lawsuit next Wednesday, at New prices. You will be astonished to see Cigars and Tobacco, in Berrien comity Buckwheat Hour—$0.00. TnE St. Joseph knitting works has in charge however, propose building Troy, before Esquire Terrell. bow cheap Mr. R o e is selling paper. at MORRIS’FAIR. M W. H. KEELER’S DRUG STORE, changed hands, A. TV. TVells and TV. two or three dams at different points Dressed pork--$0.00 per ewt. There will be a dance at tbe hotel in To arrive nexp week. Biggist line Wool —liV 20. TV. Cooper having bought out the oth­ below Berrien Springs. F o r Sa l e , some of the nicest and- this place, next Thursday night. Mc­ of Toys ever brought to Buchanan, at One Door East of Post Office. BUCHANAN, MICH, er owners, and will continue the busi­ best located Lots in town. Live Hogs- 4l4^ 5e. Carty's band will be present, and a MORRIS’ FAIR, ^ GRAHAM. ness under the same name. When a political campaign comes prize given to the best jlancer. MONEY TO LOAN. Wedding Present. np, tbe man who does his duty in of­ DRESS-MAKING. Peck says the republicans got into a As the attorney for parties control- So long as this notice appears in this T h e next meeting of the Bertrand fice gets his reward in form of rebuke Miss Elmira Burrus is prepared to do fight among themselves, and the egg ing a large sum of money, I am prepar­ place, the publisher of the R e c o r d republican club will be held at the and perhaps defeat. George TV. Bridg­ throwing in Buchanan wasjdie result. dress-making in the latest styles and will make a wedding present of The residence of Wm. Long, on "Wednesday ed to receive applications for and man has been more than ordinarily se­ A good school teacher wanted in give good work. Call at her hom^on B r e n a x an R e co rd one year to any make loans on first-class business, resi­ evening at 7.80. The meeting Tuesday vere in the prosecution of tbe viola­ Day’s Avenue, near the depot. JUST ECEIVED, couple who marry and settle in Ber­ this district. dence and farm property, in Berrien rien county, the only requirement be­ evening was a grand success. tion of the saloon law and as a reward Come to our entertainment this week and Cass counties, in sums of $1,000 to LOOK HERE! ing that they apply for it within three all who are in sympathy with that in­ Saturday night. * -A LIN E OE- $5,000, on 3 to 5 years time at 0, 0}£ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in endless months after their marriage. The same P o st p o n e d .— The republican meet­ terest give him the cut, hut on the will be extended to those who are mar­ and 7 per cent, interest, according to variety, at W EAVER & GO’S. ing advertised for to-night at Dayton other hand he does not receive the ried within this county and go else­ GALIEN ITEMS. amount, etc. Call and see TRENBETH’S Fall where tolive, but such will he required bas been postponed to next Monday support of those who pretend to live Mr. Bertie Redding, from Florida, Niles, Oct.. 3 ,1SSS. and Vinter Suitings. to subscribe for one year, upon making night, so that those who are interested only for the suppression of that traffic. has been visiting relatives in this vil­ ■ THEO. G. BEAYER, application. That is, by paying the may go to Dowagiae. Under such circumstances faithless­ 10 Farms For Sale. price of one year they will be given lage and vicinity. 38w4 Attorney at Law. credit for two years and receive the ness in office pays much the best in a One of our esteemed citizens, Mr. In Berrien and Cass Counties, Mich., A l l of the plug uglys and saloon Before buying your Millinery call at -AT- R e co rd that time. -worldly sense. Richard Butler, is paying a visit to and Laporte county, Indiana, neap the loafers of Niles and the north end of M a y T r e j q ie l ’s and be convinced Michigan State line. W ill sell in quan­ the county are working hard against friends in Omaha, Nebraska. Also that you will save money by patroniz­ M e . O c a d ia ii R o g er s is quite sick Marriage Licenses. prospecting the fortunes in the West. tity from 40 to 160 acres. All of my Geo. Bridgman for Prosecuting A t­ NO. ing one who buys of eastern bouses. with typhoid malaria. It is sometimes amusing to note the lands are well improved, and the price torney. They do not like the kind of [ Wallace Trowbridge, Pipestone. New goods every week. ------— ■ . 3GT varies from $25 to $55 per acre. Can officer he has made. [ Jane Cushing, Silver Creek, aptitude and vivacity, as well as the he sell four 40 acre parcels separately Samson’s New Store, T membership of the First Yoter's i William W. Sherrill, Avery. A splendid new stock of “King’s” 3GS appropriatness of an answer given by a Club is getting well up toward 100. [ Cora D. Spencer, Three Oaks, Spectacles expected this week. Have Terms—One-third down, balance in A horse-raffle, contrary the the peace small school boy, though the question ------<3 O-B. . ----- I Wiillam R. Baker, Niles. your eyes fitted. Prices low. Satis­ ten or more annual payments with six ------T O B E ------and good nature of the citizens of the 309 [ Carrie Huff, Buchanan, was asked by a Prof. In a graded Ce l e r y culture has been started in faction. guaranteed. per cent, interest. 480 acres of my land state of Michigan, as provided in the j Angus Kenedy, Shelby, Mich. school not far from here, daring a rec­ N iles. 3T0 \T. HAltVEYROE. is in Weesaw, Berrien county. This laws on conducting lotteries, took Laura Bowden. Bentou Harbor. itation in history referring to inaugu­ ------«-*-*■------land is all the very best soil, and title place in St. Joseph, Monday night. ration of Presidents, ;the conu mdrum Tbat crate o f Luster Band Dishes Out at Cost or t o se ph Closed A S . J woman is in jail came up: “ When will Cleveland be perfect. JEROME WALTON, Less. Twenty-five tickets were sold. D a y K. Smith, of Kansas City, who has arrived. Call and examine prices, twenty-iive days^fbr stealing fruit. inaugurated again?” Tbe answer came 23m5 Ypsilanti, Mich. is supposed to have bought the mort­ at J. BLAKE’S ^ ------■ - ■< q >• ------■" readily: “STever/” much to the aston­ TRENBETH lias his stock of FA LL T he Tribune banner, presented to gages on the narrow gauge railroad, - DON’T FORGET. New Cloakings, Flannels, Dress Goods, Mug. H. II. D aw , Chicago, is with ishment of the sympathizing teacher AND WINTER GOODS. tlie First Voters club, arrived Satur­ was to have been here to commence W e are selling home made fancy her parents in Buchanan. and delight to many of tlie pupils. day, and is on exhibition in the front the work o f repairing the road, on Baking, and the finest line of Gro­ W- O, HAMILTON will sell good Plushes, Velvets and Dress The intimate friendsjof Mr. A. Fel­ window of Nobles’ store,' “the ob­ Wednesday of last week hue did not ceries for the least money in Michigan. Milk and as cheap as anybody Cart. B. E. B inns, of Sedan, Kansas, lows, formerly day bperator on M. C. served of all observers.” It is a come. A letter was received from him Yours, MORGAN & CO. J Trimmings. is here for a visit, after an absence of R. R., now of "Wayne, Mich., were the “dandy”. stating that he had been sick but if , nine years. recipients of a visit by that gentleman Caramels 30 cents per pound at ^ he were alive he would be here on on Sunday. BISHOP & KENT’S.L Please call and examine goods and prices before biiying.J P rosecuting A ttorney B ridgm an Monday, As he did not come on Mon­ Cloaks ^.Shawls Tiie liabilities of Allen & Co., the . The change in the M. C. R. R. is, Mr. had two of the Niles saloonkeepers on day it was fair to suppose that he was Clover and Timothy at the Seed Em­ former Niles dry goods men, now foot Glass Succeeds Mr. Fellows and Mr. the road to jail, but Judge O’Hara hap­ dead. There has been no further tie. porium.’ up at §122,000, with $S3,544 assets. Depen, of Mattawan, takes Mr. Glass’ Geo, W yman & Co. J\ S-A-BASOTsT, pened to be in Niles and he balled velopment in the Indiana and Lake G o to H ig h & D u n ca n for, bargains place as night operator. Are now ready to offer all the new designs them. ‘Consequently the saloons and Michigan scheme yet and all are await­ in cloaks. HOTEL BLOCK. ■ BUCK ANAR! M e . H . C. F r e n c h , of Cassopolis, is Mr. W . Evans, of Chicago, was in in Cloaks for less price than we have ever its accompaniment of toughs are ing the.arrival of Mr. Carlisle with his offered. The prevailing styles this season making a visit with friends in this vi­ town last week on business for the Ladies, if you want any Millinery against Mr. Bridgman. proposition. Surveyor Graves went to will beUlsters, Newmarkets, Mojeskns and cinity. company with which he is engaged as Goods call on us as we make the low­ Plush Sacks. ------o at- — South Bend last week to do some work est prices and give you nobby styles at > * A n attache of Heidelberg Universi­ assistant superintendent. F r a n k N e e d h a m is having a rou gh toward locating the route in- that city. BOYLE & BAKER’S.^ j ty, gave an exhibition of the powers of Mr. John Beach and wife, of Michi­ and tumble tussle with erysipelas in the human voice, at the school build­ gan City, Ind., visited the parents of Dress Goods, all ’ colors and prices, his face. So m e changes are being made in tbe Mr. Beach, a week ago last Monday, fonnd at HIGH & DUNCAN’S. Lj ing Tuesday evening. The entertain­ Buchanan Manufacturing company ment was well enjoyed by those7 who It is with regret that we have to W ork has been commenced on a with a view to placing the company Look at our line of Cloaks before heard It. record the death of Dr. Mann, a promi­ new $12,000 opera honse in Benton on a sound financial basis, so the busi­ yon buy is all we ask. <0 nent resident and able advocate of Harbor. ness may progress without embarass- BOYLE & BAKER.' Th e introduction of the new side- Christian principles, always fonnd bat­ ment. N o one living in Buchanan can wheel steamer on the St. Joseph-CMca- tling for his convictions, and a persist­ My stock of Boots and Shoes is now M iss M cCu l l o u g h , o f Detroit, is in hope that it may he otherwise. There go route makes it necessary fo r the ent worker in the Baptist church, of full. Call and learn prices before buy­ this place for a visit with her sister, is good money to be made in the line railroad to put in a new draw-bridge which he was a member for years, and. ing. J. K. WOODSY Mrs. Dr. Ostrander. o f goods handled by the company, and D across the harbor at thatpplaee. The held the responsible position as leader If you want a fine Hair or Clothes every person living in the town or sur- new bridge will be provided with an of that organization in this place. His Brush, you can find it at H o n . Ch a s . W . B l a c k , of Yermont, ronding country, is interested in hav­ eighty feet draw. departure from this sphere of BARMORE’S a was in Buchanan last week, the guest ing the company succeed. will be missed by his many relatives o f Mr. C. S. Black. We show the nicest line of Plush L i s t of letters remaining nncalled and friends. He expired on Tuesday Wraps. Come and see for yourselves. D on’t lose your vote because’of not for in the post-office at Buchanan, morning at 5 o’clock. The interment BOYLE & BAKER. / 1]> Hox. E. B. H u tch in s, of Iowa, will being registered. Y ou can make per­ Mich., for tbe week ending Oct. 24: will take place On Thursday in Galien. speak for the republicans in Three Fine large Chamois Skins cheap, at_ sonal application either to the clerk or Mr. Melvin Smith has disposed of Oaks, Saturday, October 27. H, Craft, Miss Lizzie Shopley, Mrs. BARMORE’S. 'j Frances Parker, Frank Shaw. supervisor of your township, at any his residence in Galien to Mr. Chilson. time up to four o’clock Saturday after­ A new lot of Hanging Lamps will J. G. M a n s f ie l d , P . M . The citizens of Galien and vicinity be sold cheap, at J. BLAKE.4V" M r . a n d M rs. War. R o e have gone noon, before the election. You can­ had the pleasure o f listening to ad­ to Ohio to be present at tbe wedding not send in your name by a friend Have you seen our Plushes. We T h e editor of the St. Joseph Repub­ dresses delivered by Congressman J. C. o f their son, Mr. Carleton Roe, which but must go yourself. Do not put it have the best in town, for tbe money. lican, is informed that it is neither Burrows and.General Swift of Boston, occurs tc-dav. off until the last moment, hut go upon through perversity nor ignorance that oh the political issues of this campaign, Come let us show you. (r the first opportunity.. Registration day HIGH & DUNCAN*. the R e c o r d mis-located the purchase on last Friday. The principles of pro­ Mr. I ra Emmons sold his house­ will ^Saturday, Nov. 3. of the D. & C .S. N. Co., but through tection, as advocated by tbe Republi­ Ladies, we are sending out some very h o ld goods on Oak street, last Satur­ ■■ failure of a proof corrector. Do you can party, were ably presented by con- nicp Hats. We can please you on low day, and is now a full-fledged citizen Sunday, Fred Tichenor drove to" know enough of the business to appro ^lusive arguments that carried with prices at BOYLE & BAKER’S, f 5 of Niles. own in a road cart, and with enough ciate jnst what that means? convictions, as manifestations For Plush Cloaks go to H ig h & D u n - load In the cart to balance tbe thills from the audience demonstrated that g a n ’s for bargains. ^ Exch an g e—R evs. C. G. Thomas^of and raise the harness, so that the sides fact by prolonged cheers, and cries of The question o f combining St. Jo-j For Flannel Shirting of all kinds, Dowagiae, and S. L . Hamilton o f this of the back saddle came unbuckled, “That’s so”, That’s right”. On the seph and Benton Harbor under om come and see ours, as we have most place will exchange pulpits for next and in going down hill the thills were whole the gathering was one ‘of great city charter, is np for discussion everything you want.. f/'( Sunday’s services. thrown to tlie ground, and the next enthusiasm. that end of the county. No move the; • HIGH & DUNCAN. ------lusli balls, seal -balls, COME AND SEE. will hasten that end. The chief squib- dark and light fur. M r . P a t r ic k M cN a l l y , w h o le ft friends a visit last week. us as we will show you the largest^, W e offer Seal Plush Sacks 40 and 42 ble is over what name the new city T h e Enternrisfl^flgSIh shouts'!ts fa­ this vicinity about twenty years ago The Hinkley Stave Co,, are making line. BOYLE & BAKER. ; 0| iinches long, at §17.00, §20.00, §25.00,§37:00, should bear. vorite- epithet, liar\at the Record re­ for a home In Iowa, Is back for his preparations to move their stave mill Don’t buy, don’t buy your Dry Goods §33.00, §37.50, up to §50.00. garding its remark] abemt the demo­ Misses’ Gretchens and Ulsters in stripes, first visit. to Parker, Gratiot county. W e regre, and Millinery until you price them at TVhisicy and cigars are free in Niles crat committee beingimough this sec­ checks, plaid and plain from §2.00 to §15. ------— * . » ------that any established enterprise should BOYLE & BAKER’S.'/'/ W e think we are prepared to fit any one and St. Joseph saloons for those who tion, and immediately wAhfiar of mon­ from the smallest up to 48 inch bust meas­ J o h n TV. H a r r is o n spoke in the depart from our midst, but our loss announce themselves against George ey being left foivelection bribrey. Are F o r R e n t .— One of the best located ure. I f it is not asking too much won’t young Republican club meeting, Mon­ means their gain. Mr, E. A. Prince, Bridgman. Not paid for by Mr. Roe George Lambert\anATom "Walker any Store rooms in Buchanan, just refitted, yon please step in and take a look at our day evening, giving the boys a good manager, leaves with the highest re­ Cloak stock. nor by his friends for. him, but put np part of tbe dqprocrat committees? painted, papered, Ac. Inquire of talk. * spect from all the citizens. by the saloons themselves because they They were here, and directly after­ J.M.ROE. Mrs.. Cowell, one o f the old citizens are enemies of Mr, Bridgman. He has ward came the money report. We do G o to H iG n & D u n c a n for Bargains. M rs, D u n n in g and Miss Riley start­ living south of Galien, was interred in been, too expensive to them, and they not say they left the money. We do For fear you might want a Shawl after ed yesterday for their new home, Galien cemetery on Sunday, the 2lst. Nobby hats and Novel Millinery will do not want him for Prosecuting At­ not know, hut they were suspiciously you have bought a Cloak, or m ay'be you Plaeerville, Cal. The R e c o r d will keep Miss Jennie Thurston departed to­ be displayed at M a y T r e m m e l ’ s Fri­ want a Shawl, before you do a Cloak, Or torney. The man the saloon does not near together. them posted on borne affairs. day for Three Oaks, where she will re­ day and Saturday, Sept. 14 and 151 j. may be you won’t have anything hut a want is the man the people should Shawl, in either case we want to say we main until next Tuesday, then will go Look at the Broadcloths and learn liaye alot of Beaver Shawls for §2.50 worth elect. ’ * Si x t y years ago Tuesday Cornelius M r . Ge o . W eck esser, who has been to Chicago and attend the A rt school §5.00. We have a lot o f Beaver Shawls at Sparks with Ms w ife and eight chil­ prices, we have all shades at visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Morris for this winter. §6.00 worth §10.00. W e have a lot of fan­ T h e Buchanan.Manufacturing com­ dren came from near Richmond, Ind., BOYLE & BAKER’S. ' cy and plain heavy warm Shawls for $2.00 the past few weeks, returned to his Mr. Cyrus Thurston has removed to pany’s shop was closed Tuesday noon, and settled in Niles township, where It is no mistake, we show the best np to §10.00. home, Dayton, O., Monday. Three Oaks. We have our store so full of goods bought and will probably remain so until those line of Dress Goods in town. 2/ they lived the balance of their lives. Mrs. Permelia Earner is on a visit­ at our own price that five cents worth of who have charge of its management BOYLE* BAKER. 1 Their descendants met at the oldhome- ing tour in Indiana. halting powder would make them run over H i . St r o n g , the boot and shoe mis­ the top of the "building. ’ I f you want a can settle upon its ownership and stead on Tuesday to commemorate F a r m f o r Sa l e .- -A farm o f 99 sionary, was hand-shaking with his Cloak, a Shawl, or anything we have to place the institution upon a solid finan­ this sixtieth anniversary.’ There were numerous friends here the first of the It was a woman who saw the first acres. For particulars enquire of sell, it will pay you to see what our price cial-basis. The company has a first present on that occasion, 4 sons, 4 is before buying. w eek . snake, but since then the men have at­ A . C. ROE. class reputation among furniture deal­ daughters, 1 son-in-law, G daughters-in- tended to that sort of thing.-AMercbant ------:-----«***------Our 5 and 10 cent counter is chuck ’ • COME AND SEE US. ers for making good goods, has a good law, 10 grandsons, 7 granddaughters, 6 Traveler. full of new goods again. v\ M r, a n d M rs. A . B. Sa b in , well line to run upon, but was unfortunate granddaughters-in-law, 5 grandsons-in- m o r r is ; FAIR. known here, are now in charge o f the and most likely must now have a gener­ low and 21 great-grandchildren— 64 in Dodd's Drag and Book Store. Pike Hotel in Niles. They are thor­ Locals. al settling up before it can move again. all. Besides these there can be counted We s h o w and s e l l the best" Cotton GEO WYMAN & GO; oughly at home in a hotel, and have a It will most likely then be under a 42 members of the family who were Get your Stamping done at u, Bat ting, for the money in town. "\j\> good-house to keep. new ownership, not present. -RS. B IN N S ']^ - ’ HIGH* DUNCAN. South Bend. £ precept made his influence felt daily througU- pital fir. Openshaw examined the inclosure adroitness ns.to induce the & . ______camp, with the'fanE of colonel. Thu Chicago out his state. His private correspondence and said that it certainly came from a pay Texas 810,000,000 for "consenting to the Democrat, o f which b y this time Wentworth full grown woman and had been divided separate organization of New Mexico,” at the showed that from tho first of the epidemic was the owner, was changed to an afternoon he calculated that tho chances were against longitudinally. The box and the tetter were same time leaving to Texas the ownership of •SKETCH OF THE LONGEST PRE­ publication in 1840, Wentworth had found liis living through it. On the third day after taken to Scotland Yard. The handwriting all lands within her borders and seeming time during his early journalistic career to VIOUS SESSION, 1849-50. lie was stricken ho had the fatal black vomit. of the tetter in the box boro no resemblance the payment of that state’s debt by tho study law. In 1841 ho loft his paper in The next day he died. Bishop Weed, of the to the handwriting of tho letters of “ Jack the general government! They certainly de-, capable hands and went to Cambridge, Mass., Episcopal church, conducted tho funeral Ser­ Ripper,” found some weeks ago. The Exciting Years 1 S IS, MO ami 'SO—How served well of their constituents. Ye® intending to attend a yearly course o f law- vices, which were attended by the most prom­ the Question Of Slavery In the Territories neither was conspicuously “ southern” in lectures. His name, however, hacl been inent men loft in the city, PRINCETON COLLEGE. Wits Debated—Clay, Webster, Calhoun, his views, and Houston, in particular, prominently mentioned as a congressional Mi-. Martin left a widow and threo children. openly ridiculed the claims of Calhoun and candidate, lind before completing bis studies For PiTGHBR’S Benton, Cass, Foote, Davis and Houston. For tho benefit of these the newspaper men of Davis. The Texas men were in congress he returned to Chicago and, passing a success­ The Institution Is Shortly to Have a New Savannah, Ga., have undertaken to raise a The longest session ot congress ever held “ for business,” as Houston said, and they Art Museum. ful examination, was admitted to tho bar. memorial fund. Every newspaper worker in under the constitution has just closed, senate certainly made the business a success. Ho was elected to the Twenty-eighth congress The present is a period of building art and house having slowly dwindled for weeks, the United States 'is requested to contribute No sooner had congress adjourned than in 1S43, when but 2S years of age. Ho Was something to this fund, and the city editor or museums and galleries, and of general and until there were barely members enough the mass of the people north and south ac­ re-elected in 1844, his»first term having been some man cn every paper is asked to take growing interest in everything pertaining to, present to go through the formal motions. quiesced’ in the compromise measures and a short one, and during this year served as a charge of the subscriptions in his office. All Art, with a big A This being tho case, of The session held some two weeks longer than testified their gratification in public ad­ delegate to the national convention at Balti­ remittances should bo made to J. H. Estill, course no self respecting institution of learn­ the ever memorable session o f 1549-50, tho dresses and rejoicings. Both political par­ more which nominated James E , Polk for chairman Martin memorial fund committee, ing can afford to be without an art annex of longest previously held; but in brilliancy of ties in 1SJ2 indorsed the acts o f the, long president. Ho declined a reuomination to and all other correspondence to A R. ilyres, some sort. talent, in popular interest and in tho im­ session ns a “ final settlement of the slavery congress in 1850, and retired from tho house secretary. Savannah, Ga. Princeton is the latest college to acquire an CASTOR portance o f the subjects discussed there is no question,” yet only two years later the set­ March 4 ,1S51. In 1852 ho was again nomi­ art museum, and they havo been at work on A Practically Perfect Preparation for Children’s Complaints. comparison. The congress o f 1S49-50 was tlement was unsettled, and seven years after nated and elected, and, declining further con­ the building which is to hold it for some If now calicoes aro allowed to lio in strong the most important in American history, not that thacivil war began. J. H . B e a d l e . gressional honors, ho retired March 4 ,1S55. time. It is expected that tho structure will sale water an hour before first the washing yielding place to any during the war; and Ho was elected mayor of Chicago in 1S57. be completed by next summer. Tho new for the number of talented men who tool; He retired at tho end of this term, but was the colors are less likely to fade. Tho Virginia Exposition. building stands on the. high’ ground back of part in its discussions there is probably none re-elected in I860, and while serving this Whig hall toward the president’s house; It Richmond, Va.,. is just now crowded with other to equal it. term he received in true western style the will be tho first of a new quadrangle. strangers, who are visi ting the great fair of Prince of Wales, who was then touring the LONDON'S DISGRACB. In that congress the venerable and silver The art museum owes its erection largely HUMPHREYS* the Old Dominion’s capital and are charmed United States. Long John was police com­ to tho energy of Allan Marquand, son of tongued Clay, thamassi ve Webster, the schol­ With what they find to see. Fully 20,000 missioner in lS03, and took part in some ex­ SIR CHARLES WARREN AND HIS PACK Henry G. Marquand. Allan Marquand is b5 3 5 s5 5 5 I yF eooE arly Calhoun and the rugged Benton had people are reported to have been present at citing events of that troubled time. In 1864 tho professor of arcbceology, and lectures on Cloth &Co!d Binding their last mutual struggle, the last of earth OF HOUNDS. the opening ceremonies, which wero presided ho was again elected to congress. Ho was art. Most of tho subscriptions wero raised 144 Faga, trUh Sled Eogratlacfe for the first three. In the house thero was a not renominated at tho dose of his terin, but That “ poor back” is held responsible for more than its share of the sufferings of HAILED FEES# over by Governor Lee. The main building is by him. The building committee are Moses -AaaresB. P. O. Cor lS lO , X. Y . galaxy of greatness, almost every name of 650 feet long, 320 feet wide and 66 feet from in 1S70 ran against Charles B. Farwell and After Ho Tried Them by Letting Thom which has since become famous. Nearly all Taylor Pine, Professor Marquand and Dr. Mo- mankind. If your dog bites a man who lacks it, do you. blame the dog? On the same floor to ceiling. Tho structure is traversed was defeated. From this time ho tool; no Cosh. Tho architect is Mr. A Page Brown, In me SO ^ears.—Special Prescriptions of the old and worn political issues were laid Loose oil Bis Own Trail He Turned Them principle the kidneys utter their protest against nervousness, impure blood, and by a railroad, and can accommodate a whole active part in public-affairs. He devoted of Now York. Ho has done most of all the cn eminent Physician. Simple, Safe and. Cure* aside by that congress; nearly all the new himself to agricultural pursuits at his beau­ Out to Follow Other Trails, and They resulting constipation. These force them to do extraordinary work In ridding the KOS. CUBES. PHICIT- questions, to be fought over for the next recent work on the Princeton campus, in- 1 j Fevers. Congestion, Inflammations.. .« S tiful farm of 4,000 acres. He published a Got Away—A Horrible Letter. system of the poisons which are the result of effete matter retained in the* 47 %Voring, WoimFever, Worm Colic.., .2 5 twenty years, were started there; the terri­ C rying Colic, or Teething of Infants .2 5 very interesting work entitled “ Early Chi­ Loudon had begun to forget all about the blood. Then the sufferer saysjihe back aches; tlie kidneys are dis- Diarrhea o f Children or Adults...... 2 5 torial system received its final shape, Cali­ cago,” and also compiled the genealogy of Dysentery* Griping, Bilious Colic.... .2 5 fornia became a state, tho Texas boundary horrible Whitechapel murders, when one eased. “ Not yet;” but they will be unless the nerves are strengthened, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting...... JiS tho IVeutworth family from tho days of morning not long ago the great metropolis Coughs, Cold,'Bronchitis...... »25 question was settled, the fugitive slave law the blood purified, and the constipation removed. These are the causes Neuralgia, Toothache, -... AS Richard de ’.Vynterwr.de, who in 1066 was. was shaken from the innermost recesses of Headaches, Sick Headache. Vertigo.. ,2 5 passed, and after long and heated debate the proprietor of the fief o f Wentworth in tho of kidney troubles, and Paine’s Leicry Compound removes them quickly, Dyspepsia, Bilious Stom ach...... ,2 5 slavery question was settled by a compromise' the city to the elegant suburbs that have Suppressed or Painflzl Periods. *25 West R,iding of Yorkshire, to the present been lately built for the occupation of the With its tonic,- purifying, and laxative effect, it also strengthens the weak W hites, too Profuse Periods...... 2 5 which both the great parties indorsed, and time. Of his fivo children but one, Roxanne Croup, Oough, Difficult Breathing.... .2 5 which, it was fondly hoped, would endure for” . wealthy and cultivated by the announcement kidneys, making it almost infallible in curing all diseases of the nerves and kid- Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .2 5 Atwater Wentworth, is now living. that Sir Charles Warren’s dogs were loose. __Rheumatism,Rheumatic Pains...... ,S5 a, century. The Union was nearer to a disso­ neys. If your hopes of cure have not been realized, try Paine’s Celery Coin- 16 Fever and Ague. Chills, Malaria...... 5 0 lution then than it ever again was before tho Sir Charles had for some time been train­ " — Piles, Blind or Bleeding...... ,5 0 His estate is estimated at about 80,000,000, ing these dogs, with a view to having them pourtd; it gives perfect health to all who complain of “ their poor backs.” Price §1.00. Ofihtlialihy. or sore, or weak Eyes.. .50 war began., President Taylor died in the which he acquired by indomitable energy a hottest stage of the controversy, and Vice track nnd tree the humnn fieud who has been Sold by D ruggists. Send for I llustrated Paper. and industry, and judicious purchases of operating in Whitechapel, whenever that HOMEOPATHIC President Fillmore succeeded. rapidly improving real estate. Hundreds of shrewd ghoul should kill another victim. WEL-LS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors, T9 T5atarrfi^!cat^OTchronic^tofl^nza^ .5 0 stories were told about the raro old man. One All the world remembers how much Sir 20 W hooping Cough. Violent Coughs.. 5 0 r rather good ono runs as follows:- BURLINGTON, VERMONT. 21 Asthm a. Oppressed Breathing...... 5 0 Charles banked upon his bloodhounds and RRINCETON’S ART MUSEUM. 22 ~ r Discharges, Impaired Hearing 5 0 In the panic of 187S there was a run on Sol how he made himself the laughing stock of 23 S c r oofuln, ______Enlarged______Glands,v — Swelling 5 0 Smith’s bank. A t the height of tho excite­ eluding the biological laboratory and Dr. 24 General D ebility, PhysicaJWeakness .5 0 everybody by letting them chase his august 25 Dropsy, and Scanty Secretoins...... 5 0 McCosh’s now house. When he sot out to 5 0 ment a tall form was seen moving'down tho person one very early morning not long ago: 26 Sea Sickness, Sickness from Biding • to rare? street carrying an immense roll of bank design an art museum at a cost of about COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF HERB 27 Kidney Disease...... 5 0 \ /■ a / Ouo would imagine that his experience on 2S Kervous Debility, Seminal- weak* notes. It was Wentworth. To every one ho $150,000, lie decided to make it thoroughly ness, or involuntary Discharges....1. OO that occasion would have shaken his faith in classic in the style of architecture, and, as 2 9 Sore Mouth. Canker...... 5 0 met he made the remark that “ I ain’t the wisdom of the scheme, for, so the ac­ 30 Urinary W eakness, wetting Bed. 5 0 far as possible, to make it present the beau­ I A (j s h e r a l B l o o d P u r i f i e r , , 5 0 afraid, be gosh, and I’m just goin' down to count runs, they only succeeded in making 31 Painful Periods. * ties of the Italian school. 32 D is e a s e s o f t h e J OO make a deposit with Sol.” Tho nows spread even a fair showing one time in three. positively cures Liver and Kidney Complaints, Constipation, 33 Epilepsy, Spasm, — ... . _ . - .OO The front is 150 feet long. The depth 34 Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat , 5 0 like wildfire. Arriving at tho bank, Long The fact is, as almost any one conversant Rheumatism, scrofula. Dropsy, Biliousness, Malaria. Diabetes , 5 0 varies, for at each end thero is a wing, and in aud all Diseases arising iron; Impure Blood. 35 Chronic Congestions. & Eruptions, John towered above the heads of the clamor­ with tho employment of hounds for tracking I l 'i\ i r ' i A tho middle, at the rear, there is an extension. ous depositors, pushed men out of his way persons will tell Tho house is’ three stories high, tho art gal­ PE O IF1C 8. OPEXIXG T ip EXPOSITION—ASHTON STARKE, with his gigantean arms, and called out: you, it is quite a f r 't h e ’ l id ie s . lery proper being on tho third floor, with an Sold by Druggists, or sentpostpaid on receipt of train of cars at a time. It is given up to “ You fellers want money. Stand back different m atter Ladies will ilncl tliis a Perfect Remedy for Female Troubles price.—nbTirHHEYS»21EDlCINEC0.103FaUoaSt. K.Y. an’ give mo a chalice. I want to rnako a de­ immense skylight at the top. The second such as Painful aud Suppressed Menstruation, Sick Head* floral displays, domestic manufactures, tex­ for a dog to take ache, and also for beautifying the Completion, and eradicating tile products, etc., and is supplemented by an. posit of $20,000, bo gosh.” floor will be used for tho collections. Here up and follow a will be placed tho William C. Prime collec­ Pimples aud Blotches, and other Skin Diseases. HUMPHREyS* art hall, a music hall, dog, poultry, stock and In fivo minutes tho “ ran’’ was over and scout across a tion of ceramics, which was presented to EOHSOTATHIG VBTEBIUAEY SPECIFICS other shows, race tracks, etc. Of course, tho the bank saved, though its rescuer afterward sparsely settled NOTICE OUlTcUARANTEE. Princeton on condition that a fireproof build­ Indian weed—tobacco—occupies a .prominent confessed that in that roll of bank notes thero counti’3’, and We say to all try it and be com inced, the same as we have For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, was just one good bill, the outsido one, all ing should be built in which to store them. _ convinced others, and if it does not do just as rexircsuntcd rc- i Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. place in this exhibition, and the place may be through the intri­ | turn the package aud have your money refunded. said to be a paradiso for the user of the plant tho others being Confederate notes from his Other collections also will be placed on the § For sale by all Drnsrglsts or authorized Canvassing Agents, J 500 PAGE BOOK, on Treat, cate mazes of a second floor. On tho first the chief display In its divers forms. Ashton Starke, presi­ museum of curiosities; densely populated ? at 25c, 00c aud $1.00 per Package, or mailed on receipt o f liieut o f Animals and will he of bronzes. The top story, where the j price, by the _ . _ " Chart Sent Free. dent of the exposition, is one of the happiest city. pictures will bo hung, is 25 feet high; each of Humphreys’ Hed. Co., 109 Fullon Si., N. Y. men in the Old Dominion, because of tho suc­ He was a great lover of high bred cattle, It is not at all WEBSTER. the others is 15 feet. ’ Diamond Medicine Go,. BE.VTO.V. cess of his pec enterprise. but he did not like to pay fancy prices for uncommon for a Tho building is fireproof. It is built of It appears In the retrospect as if every them. He was once induced to enter into dog to quite lose brick, a soft brown in color, and speckled 77 State Street, Detroit Mich. the scent in the for­ possible event to excite or embarrass the New York's Mayoralty Contest. competition with a rival farmer at a cattle with iron filings.. Tho cornice is of cut stono Eveiybody should have a package iu their home and neve government and the people was crowded into The mayoralty contest in Now York city sale. On the catalogue was a fine bull with mer instance be­ SIR CHARLES WARREN. and the roof of tile. Tho entrance is through be without it. CUBES WHERE ALl ELSE FAILS. thetim oof that one session. Kossuth fired a record that was unimpeachable, and “ Long cause Of one cross­ Best Oough Syrup. Tostesaood. is ono of the most interesting of recent a broad arched doorway, which is approached ^ “Agents Wanted in all Localities, £5r*2Txfra in time. S oldi 1 '■ the American people to a frenzied sympathy John” wanted him. To his surprise his rival ing track. In a crowded metropolitan dis­ inducements. 24w48 years; There aro four candidates in the by an imposing double stono stoop. A stono with the Hungarians. Lopez invaded Cuba, started the bidding at 83,000, and Mr. Went­ trict like Whitechapel, where any given field, and tho fight waxes hotter and hotter terrace wall runs tho length of the building, was driven away, and returned in 1S51 with worth bid up to 86,000, all the while increas­ track would bo criss-crossed by tens of thou­ and before the doorway there is a circular each day. The four candidates are: Abram a band o f American fillibnsters. Theywero ing his temper. Then the opponent bid sands of other tracks inside Of an hour, the roadway. You may see in the shade on each I believe Piso’s Cure S. Hewitt, the present mayor, nominated by for Consumption saved captured and condemned—those who were $7,000, ant? “ Long John" nearly fainted. task of following the murderer by the scent side of the broad stono step a figure like that not shot—to a life of labor in the mines; and tho County Democracy; Hugh J. Grant, Not to be ontdone, he bid 8S.000, when the would be altogether beyond the power of DIES, IBIEBZHj"X7v IE3IEB m y life.—A . H . D o w e ij g , sheriff of New York city, tho nominee of of a man. The one on the left is Michael Editor Enquirer, Eden- this led to peculiar complications, till Queen other man immediately went him $1,000 even the keenest nosed dog. Itcspectfully calls your attention to th.0’ following: cured or Tammany Hail; Joel B. Erhardt, the Re- Angelo’s “ David," that on the right is Dono- ton, N. C., April 23,1SS7. Isabella pardoned all the survivors. There better. “ Long John’s” anger here got the And even if Sir Charles’ experiments had tello’s “ St. George.” The original of each is materially benefited l>y Ids irjetliod of treating; Chronic D iseases. were constant rumors of other expeditions best of him. been successful to a marked degree, the re­ in Florence. Above the arch of the entrance against Cuba,, Mexico and South America. “ I bid 812,000 for that bull," he cried out, sults would have justified no sanguine ex­ are two Florentine lamps. Mr. Brown will A convention of “ firo eaters’’ met at Nash­ and it was knocked down to him. He was pectations. For the experiments were made some time later have some old shields from ville and discussed a dissolution of the Union. fighting mad when a few minutes later he earlj- in the morning when few people would Italy on the now vacant space above the Thera was much tall; of the Gulf and South heard the man who had bid against him say be stirring, and the chance of obliteration doorway. Atlantic states withdrawing from the Union, by subsequent trails was at the minimum, to a friend: The facade is not a copy of any particular combining with the countries south o f them, “ I didn’t want the bull, anyhow. I only whereas the search for the murderer would, building in Italy, but is thoroughly Italian and thus forming a “ golden oirclo” around wanted to draw the old man on. I bought very likely, have to be made at a busy time in tone. The face of the structure proclaims the Gulf of Mexico. And while congress de­ his full brother this morning for §2,000." of the day. the purpose of the hall—a homo for art. bated what to do with California a rush of Long John never got his price for that "When Sir Charles lost the dogs he was try­ Tho two statues on tho steps strengthen the The b e s t Cough Medi­ gold seekers took the matter out of their bull, and his neighbors laughed at him for ing them in the open country. They had idea and the two Florentine lamps will illu­ cine is Piso’s Cuke fo e hands. The region jumped at once from a many a day for allowing himself to be taken been taken to a common in the suburbs and minate it. Chief, however, of these feat­ Consumption. Children conquered province to a state, with no terri­ In by a farmer over the river. there “ laid on scent after scent.” ures is the frieze which surrounds the front take it without objection. torial childhood, and Senators IT. M. Gwinn Whether they showed any progress in the B y all druggists. 25c. Mr. Wentworth once related that he got his and the two sides. You may see whore it and John C. Fremont tooktheir official seats noble art of man hunting is not stated, but i;uns, just beneath the tiled roof. This is but a few days before the close of a session nickname in the followingmanner: “ When," when let loose on what proved to be their last he said, “ I was going to school down in an exact copy of the Parthenon frieze. The - ^ - Pi S 0 ,-5 vG U R>E -’FQ R which had opened ten months before with an run they were “ lost sight of altogether,” and casts came from the British museum. The inquiry as to whether California had a gov­ Connecticut, I was the longest, skinniest boy _ CUBES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. “ the men in charge were frantic.” Certain frieze itself will bo cast in terra cotta. The Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use ernment. — you ever saw. I was 14 years old. I used carpers at Sir Charles’ method of running the model casts will bo placed in the museum. in firm*. Sold bv drusmsts. The first session of the Thirty-first congress to have a habit in those days of gettingmy police department have suggested that “ per­ ^ .Q -C L S -V j^i laspjgMM s heels up on the seat, so that -my knees tow­ Among all tho figures on the two sides and began Dec. 3 ,1S49, and ended Sept. 80,1850, haps some smart dog fancier has made a grand the one front wall there is not a duplication. and, except in the few closing weeks, was ered above my head. I was sitting that way haul of the prize hounds." one day in school, when one of the exami­ The strip of terra cotta will be a little more one continuous and angry storm- of debate. than three feet wide, and will in’ itself be a AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH T' 3 Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth congresses ners came around. He said to the teacher, It is quite possible that this last exploit- of study in art. In been stormy enough; for tho first dealt ‘What’s that boy doing standing up on the Sir Charles Warren will move the London from C H I C A G O , GRANT. COOGAN. Chas. Johnson, Sturgis, Mich., Nervousness; Goo. Wvman, Cliuger with the Mexican war, and the second with bench? Why don’t you make him sit down?1 publications that sail under comic colors to Lake, Mich., Kidneys: Volin Daltou7 Tan Burcn,# Ind., Heart Disease; PEORIA 0fL HEWITT. ERHARDT. The teacher said I was sitting down. ‘That’s the printing of cartoons bearing upon the Preacher Pascal Porter# the dose of it and resulting complications. Mrs. Packard Hanier, union City, Mielip Heart Disease; Airs. Sylvester ST LOU IS. President and senate wero Democratic, but publican candidate, and J. J. Coogau, tho the way ho sits,’ said the teacher. ‘ Who is subject. Punch has already devoted consid­ There is an infant prodigy in Cincinnati in Kellars, Hoduuk, Mich., Luugs; John Yost, Van Boren, Ind., Kidneys; Labor candidate. Mr. Hewitt is 66 years o f Cr. W. Thompson, La Grauge, Ind., Stomach and Liver; Mrs. Edwtu Tan- the house, elected in 1S40, was IVliig, and he? asked the examiner. ‘John Went­ erable attention to the Whitechapel matter, tho shape of a 12vyear-old boy preacher. Hii WITH age, and has beat before the public for chose Robert C. ITinthrop speaker over worth,’ said the teacher. ‘He’s a pretty and here is a reduced reproduction of one of name is Pascal Porter. Ho was born at c h o i c e c r T.Inn Boyd, of Kentucky. Owing to tho di­ many years. Mr. Grant is a young man of long John,1 said the examiner, and over since its cartoons, heading aud all: Volga, near Jefferson, 0.,inIS76. Hisfather 34 years. Mr. Erhardt is a local politi­ liOnofGall; Kate B. Stewart, Adrian, Mich., Stomach and Liver; Eva ROUTES J VIA vision between the houses, the whole terri­ then it’s stuck to me.” is a farmer of no especial piety; his mother cian o f considerable influence and abil­ Parker, Blissilcld, Mich., Bright's Disease: Clara Bacon, Addison, Mich., torial question was passed over to tho Thirty- is dcacL Tho boy has been -preaching in a Stomach and Liver; Daniel Mead, Kalamazoo, Mich., Y’ertigo; J. Gould, DENVER, first congress, and tho whole of 1549 previous ity, and Mr. Coogan has been prominent in church op p o site Schoolcraft,Mich., Catarrh; Mrs. Albert Spalding, Kalamazoo, Mich., labor circles for some time. All the candi­ THE MARTIN FUND. S u iP iCOUNCIL BLUFFS, to its assembling was distracted with news­ Lincoln park in Liver and Kidneys; Mrs. T, A . Ilubbard, Silver Creek, Mich., Spasms; dates are men of weight and standing, and C. n . Cady, Decatur, Mich., tullammntion o f Bladder. OMAHA, ST J DSEPH, ATCHISON paper articles and popular discussions on the Cincinnati. He is I can give yon many references iu this city. Call and examine them. tho result o f the contest is awaited with Newspaper Men of tho Baited States Are o r lTilmot proviso, the old Missouri compro­ described as sitting With twenty years devoted to the treatment of Chronic Diseases and KANSAS CITY. great interest. Raising It. before the eermon- thousands of patients enables me to enre every curable case. Candid in For dates, rates, tickets or further information; mise line and kindred matters; my examinations, reasonable in my charges, and never encourage with­ apply to Ticket Agents o f connecting litiec, In this temper the Thirty-first congress The terrible yellow fever which for twelve behind the pulpit out a surety of success> DH. F. B. BREWER, -or address w eeks has desolated Jacksonville, Fla., has and the big Bible, 336 C hicago A v c ., E v a n s t o n , I I I . met, and was at once precipitated into an “I.0KG J0HS” im W O M H Paul P.1 o r t o n , Gen. Pass, £Tkt. A^t., Cfcicago, !’L angry contest over tho speakership. The par­ stricken no braver, nobler man than Edwin surveying tho con­ Will be at Niles, Mich., Bond House, on Tuesday, lha4lh of December,* ties stood: Democrats, XI2; Whigs, 105; Free Martin, the lato managing editor of The gregation with per­ m Goiters, 13. For three w ed s tho members A CHARACTER IN THE EARLY HIS­ TImes-Union, of that city. fect composure. In balloted once a day or oftener, and devoted his sermons he does m TORY OF CHICAGO. There are few sadder deaths than was his. s a PAINT tho rest o f the time to furiously sectional not attempt to be Byi*Tb? fOIT&GO*S O^S^OATBCGcrPTST He fell at the post of duty when not far past speeches. Tho Whigs supported the last either coherent or -t Paine Friday, run it to Church Sunday, B ig h t lit the beginning of an honorable and useful Fa^hion.ible Sh.ulcs: Hack, Maroon, Vermilion speaker, Mr. Winthrop; the Democrats; A Native of New Hampshire's Rockbound logical, ' but con- \ m Blue, Yellow, Olive Lake, Brewster and Wagon career in the higher walks of journalism. ijnjuns. No Varnishing necessary. Drirs httrd If* Howell Gobb, o f Georgia; but neither had a trusts tho pleasures ttilh a “ aliino.” One Coat and job L dona. Hills He Drifted to Illinois When bnt a Edwin Martin was born in Winchester, >1*15 majority. On the22dof December the mem­ of sin with the pure a s bers decided to allow a. plurality to elect, and Young Man and Became a Potent Factor Tenn., O ct 4 ,184S. His father was. a native joy of the Chris­ tTNACQUAUTTED W ITH THEMAM GEOGRAPHY OF THE-COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN. 8.2.3 YOUR BUQCsY r lS of South Carolina, and his mother of Patrick' Hr. Cobb was at once chosen. On the 34th in. a N ew C ivilization. tian in vigorous Tip top for Chairs, Lawn Seals, Sash. Flower MUCH VALUABLE IHEOHMATION PH OM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE gfc u U President Taylor’s message was received, and county, Va. Owing to the breaking ont of terms. H e h a s Pots, E.iby Carriages, Curtain Poles, Furniture, -*.o Everybody has read o f him. It was an off Front Doors, Store-fronts* Screen Doors. Boats, * 2^ astonished the nation. It not only evinced the war between the states at just that preached two and a Man Ic-s, Iron I'cn rs, in fact everything. Just rASCAL PORTER. the tiikig'for the tidies 1 0 use about the house - fa r higher talent than the country had given week when the papers failed to print some time,.when ahoy of his age is generally en­ half years. He goes Mm credit for, and a familiar knowledge o f good story about, or amusing recollection of, gaged in laying the foundation for an educa­ through his sermons without any hesitation the disputed questions not exceeded by that “ Long John” Wentworth. tion, young Martin’s opportunities were lim­ and faces ah audience while he is delivering g g ited to the common schools and tho academy, FOB ONE DOLLfifi of any congressman, but was very short and John Wentworth was one of the most it, without tho slightest evident fear of and active hostilities broke up the latter in 3 g plain, containing affecting appeals for the TUE NEMESIS OF NEGLECT. criticism. Many of these child prodigies noted pioneers of Illinois. He was born in the early months of the contest. His father, SU Union, and on the slavery question went the quiet little town of Sandwich, N. H., on There Boats a phantom on the slum’s foul air, fade into .obscurity as they grow older. 80i r s HONEST JgS almost far enough to satisfy the Free Soiiers. therefore, placed him in the office of The Shaping, to eyes which have tho gift of seeing, Still there have been some remarkable excep­ 6© Are yOox going to Paint this year? I f Jso, don’t March 5,1815, and was a descendant on both Winchester Home Journal, where his educa­ buy a paint containing water or benzine when Us I t was plain that he would favor the early sides from the earliest settlers o f New Eng­ Into the specter o f that loathly lair. tions, suefi as Dr. Watts, Spurgeon, Drydea for the same money {or nearly so) you can procure tion was greatly improved, and where he Face it—tor vain is fleeing! P- C0IT & CD’S 1‘ LiUK PAINT that Is warranted to ago admission of California as a free state. land. His paternal grandfather was John and Chattertoh. f bean HONEST* OBNllXE LINSEED-OIL PAINT A month’s debate followed, with many acquired a practical knowledge o f the typo­ Uetl handed, ruthless, furtive, unerect, and free from water and benzine. Denintiri this « « I? Wentworth, Jr., member o f the Continental graphic a rt This was in 1S62. In IS63 his ’Tis murderous crime—tho Nemesis of neglect! brand end inlce no other. Merchants handling t“ c Co s propositions of a uovel nature—one by Sena­ congress from New Hampshire, whoso name Tlie Manufacture of Crntclics. it ate our agents and authorized by us. in writing, tor Henry Foote, o f Mississippi, to form the parents removed to Georgia to seek a more to warrant It to wear IS VliAltS with ii COATS or is signed to the original articles of confeder­ quiet home during the dark days when the Sir Charles Warren is a most extraordinary There are but three factories in the C© a TEAKS with 2 COATS. Our Shades are the state o f Jacinto out of a part o f Texas. Jan. ation. CoL Amos Cogwell, a distinguished 'person* if we may'believe the English news­ I-atest Styles used in the East now becoming g c.a Old Dominion and eastern Tennessee were United States in which crutches are ex­ EAl so popular in the West, and up with the times ■— S S ■ 29,1S50, Henry Clay brought in his noted officer o f the revolutionary war, was his paper stories about him. He doesn’t seem to clusively manufactured, one each in Bos­ Try this brand of JIDXEST PAINT and you will “ eight resolutions,’’ the first form o f the overrun by the Federal armies and bands of never regret it. This to the wise is sufficient; wWo maternal grandfather. marauders; ------have the slightest qualification for tho posi­ ton, Philadelphia and New York. The celebrated “ omnibus bill” and foreshadowing John Wentworth, after having been grad­ tion of chief of police, and the office came to In the following year, at the age of 16, he crutches which meet with the readiest the compromise which finally became a law. uated from Dartmouth college, began to feel him only because he was born with patrician HOUSE PAINT entered the Service o f the Confederacy as a Bale are those with elastic tops, which are His speech of Feb. 5 on these resolutions a great yearning to see the boundless west blood in his veins. , Did you special courier for Gen. B. J. Hill (a friend- read to the people like a gospel of peace and The desire finally grew into a decision. On He lias been a soldier, and a fairly good generally made of rosewood, lancewood ever buy of his father), who held a cavalry command C0i!’$ FLOOR PMTEl Mr m nnion, and popular opinion soon showed Monday, Oct. 3, 1S36, he left the paternal one, too—serving abroad—and therein, per­ or rock -maple, with a patent rubber Paint tliat never dried beyond the sticky point, in the Army of Tennessee during Gem Hood’s waste a week, spoil the job. anda then swear? itself strong in his favor; On the 13th of roof tree with the general idea of going some­ haps, lies much of tho secret of bis ill success. cushioned bottom. They sell for $12 a SS campaign to Nashville, and afterward did Next...... time...... call for C0IT &.... CO’S l’’) LOOK PAINT February the president sent in the constitu­ where, and 8100 In his trousers pocket He If ho had been willing to act simply as a pair. The “ cow horn’’ crutch is made 4-popular and suitable shades, ■warranted to dry arduous servico with the “ corps of observa­ hard as a rock over night. No trouble. No tion. adopted by California, which was de­ was a strapping youth of six feet six inches, figure head, letting other and more capable of a cheap grade q£ maple with nickel tion” in north Alabama.’ bated with unusual acrimony. On the 14th though he did not then weigh 300 pounds as men attend to the executi ve part—the real plated ferrules. The handles are securely Just before the close of the war young S&WOKT DRY STICK! o f March John C. Calhoun rose in the senate he did during his later years. Upon his work of the departmen t—matters would prob­ fastened by a wire rivet running through Martin, while on duty as a courier, was cap­ for his last- speech, but was so weak that he journey he traveled by post coach to Con.-, ably bave never reached such a jiass ns to tured b;r a detach­ both sides of ’the crutch and handles. haditread by Senator James M. Mason, o f cord, N. H. ; thence across the Green Moun­ render the Whitechapel murders possible. The BUYERS’ GUIDE is ment from Grox- This is light, tasty and durable. The issued March, and Sept., Virginia. It clearly indicated a dissolution tains to Troy, N. Y ,; thence to Schenectady; But, having won some reputation as a arm pieces and handles' are made of black CHICAGO, itOOIC IS L A M & PACIFIC R’Y. each year. It is an ency­ o f the Union as the only hope for peace to thence, for the first time; on the cars to ton’s command, but fighter of savages, lie felt that ho knew’ just being youthful in cherry. This crutch brings §10 at retail. Its central _ clopedia of useful infor­ the south; bat ere the angry denunciations of Utica, N. Y .; thence, for the first time, on how to preserve order in a city largely com­ 'Many crutches are made to order, their and continuous------— ------^ ------, mation for all who pur- _ appearance and un­ ■west, make it tlie true mid-link in that transcontinental chain of steel which the people reached Washington lie was too the canal to Tonawanda, N. Y .; thence by posed of civilized people. Brooking no in­ price depending upon the material em­ chase the luxuries or the feeble to hear them. He died on the 31st of stage to Niagara Falls; thence on a steamboat, armed, he had the terference with bis plan of conducting the unites the Atlantic and Pacific. Its main lines and branches include Chi­ necessities of life. We address to escape ployed in their construction. Some cost cago. Joliet. Ottawa, LaSalle, Peoria, .Geneseo, Moline and Rock Island, in March, after nearly forty years of continuous for the first time, to Buffalo; thence on affairs of the office of chief of police on tho CanO clothe yon and furnish you with Illinois: Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskalposa, political service. another steamboat to Detroit, arriving there by a ruse. He was lines of a military campaign, and full}' im­ as high as §100 a pah-.—Detroit Free W est Liberty, Iowa City, Des Moines, IndianOla, Winterset, Atlantic, Knox­ all the necessary and unnecessary riding at tho time Press. ville, Audubon, Harlan. Guthrie Centre and Council Bluffs, m Iowa; Gallatin, appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, On. the 7th o f March Daniel Webster made Oct. 13. Ho didn’t think he was far enough bued with the idea that the chief end of the Trenton, Cameron.St. Joseph, and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, west then, so he sent his trunk on a sailing a mare with a police is to suppress free speech and all sym­ the memorable speech which, the anti-slavery young colt, and Almost a Desecration. and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Water- or stay at home, and in various sizes, vessel to Chicago, took stage for Michigan pathy with the Irish, whom he hates so bit­ tow n and Sioux Falls in Dakota, and many other prosperous towns and cities, men used to say, ruined his fame forever. .thus* he e a s ily What more melancholy sight Ilian an styles and quantities. Just figure out City, led., and on the ensuing day set out on terly, ho devoted bis energies to closing rt also offers a CHOICE OF ROUTES to and ftori the Pacific Coast and inter­ what is required to do all these things This was the speech that drew from John passed off as a citi­ rid person so far, down the hill that the; mediate places, making all transfers in Union depots. Fast Trains of fine foot: for Chicago. Several old residents after­ public places to speakers who are dissatisfied COMFORTABLY, and you can makeafair . G. Whittier that curious poem called “Icha- zen of the country DAY COACHES, elegant DINING- CASS, magnificent PULLMAN PALACE ward remembered seeing Wentworth en route with the existing order o f things in England tumult and din of the struggle upon its SLEEPING GASS, and (between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas estimate o f the. value o f the B U YE R S’ bod.” Vet history has fully justified all that thereabouts, e s - to Chicago, tail; dusty, gritty and independ­ nest is already dull upon the ear;—a dear City) restful RECLINING CHAIR CARS, seats FREE to holders of through GUIDE, which will he sent upon Mr. Webster said about Utah and New peeiallyas.be had first-class tickets. . receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, ent as he strode toward the goal where he EDWIN MARTIN. rid lady, with dim eyes and fluttering Mexico. The list of young members who no written d is ­ was to win fame and fortune. footsteps and bl unted hearing, condemned MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. took part in that debate reads now like a roll patches on his person to betray him. Re­ TUB CHICAGO, ICAIISAS .& NEBRASKA' R’t He arrived in Chicago on Oct. 25. It was to the crowd, the glare, the manifold 1 1 1 -1 1 4 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HI. o f prophecy. Stephen A, Douglas was but joining his command the same day he re­ then a straggling frontier village, with a Exigencies of a hotel? Does it not seem (Cftig&T ROCK ISLAND' ROUTE) thirty-six, while William. H. Seward was mained in the servico until the close of the Extends west and. southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph, to Fair- forty-nine and Salmon P. Chase forty-four. transient popula­ war. a. desecration of the-solemn quiet of old bury, Nelson, Horton, Topeka, Herington, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell, tion of 2,509. Went­ The venerable Lewis Cass represented Michi­ After the surrenderyoung Martin returned ige, the gentle peace that should enshrine and all points in" Southern Nebraska Interior Kansas: and beyond. Entire worth put up at passenger equipment of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidlyhal- ASK FOR IT! gan in the senate. Mr. Clay, in the same to his parents’ home in Perry, Houston ;lie last years of a.well spent life?—Mrs. the olcL Sangannsh lasted tra ck of heavy steel rail. T------” ” ' - J- body, Was in his seventy-third year. Gen. County, Ga., where he devoted himself to Frank Leslie in Philadelphia Times, THE* SELF-THREADING tavern. It was kept andmodernimprovernenfe. Cc James Shields was the colleague o f Douglas, study and the reading of the standard Eng­ . / * T” tainty, comfort and luxury assured. by a Mrs. Murphy, : f and Jefferson Davis the colleague o f Henry lish authors. INSPECTOR HELSTOXE. COROXER CARER. The Illinois board of health has sent S. Foote. John Bell represented Tennessee, who still li ves. On He taught for a year or two, reading law TUB :FA1W.U&-ALBERT LEgA 'ROUTE the 2oth of October and the, following and arrest of’ Americans notices to all the railroad companies cen­ William R. King Alabama, and Hannibal at the samo time, and at the age of 19 was Is the favorite between Chicago, Rocklsland, Atchison, Kansas City, and and otherssupposed to have a friendly feeling tering in Chicago directing them to a t­ Minneapolis and St. Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts. Hamlin Maine. John P. Hale, formerly a for the fiftiethtime admitted to the bar. For eight years he ed­ Wentworth c e l e - toward Erin’.s green isle. Of course it Was one©. put their stations " and .grounds in Its Watertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of the great ELDREDGE Democrat, had entered the senate a Free ited and published a weekly paper nnd prac­ good sanitary condition. This is done in “wheat ana dairy belt” o f Northern Iowa, Southwestern "Minnesota, and East- Soiler, from New Hampshire, while Vir­ brated th e anni­ ticed law. In 18S0 he was elected, without not long before the Scotland Yard men and Central Dakota. " versary of bis ar­ the “ bobbies” alike expended Whatever abili­ connection with the efforts being made by The Short Line via Seneca and Kankakee offers superior facilities to travel ginia’s senators were James M. Mason, after­ opposition, a member o f the Georgia legisla­ the board to prevent the- appearance of between Cmcinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, wards Of note in the Mason-Slidell mission, rival in Chicago by ture. ties they possess in these directions, and what are in other counties considered the most- "cholera and other epidemic diseases in Atchison,.Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. In it are com­ and Robert M. T. Hunter, who ranks with dining with Mrs; His inclination for newspaper work was For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired information, apply toanyCou-' hateful classes flourished unhurt and plied Illinois this year.— New Orleans Times- Yancey and so many more who were active Murphy, They sat stronger than his taste for law, and in 18S3 non Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address bined the fin­ their criminal callings unmolested. In this Deniocrato______in bringing on the civil war, but sank into and talked o f the he removed to Savannah to become an edi­ est mechanic­ Old.days over connection are presented portraits of Inspec­ •£„ S T . JOHN* E. A. HOLBROOK, obscurity soon after it began. torial writer on The Morning News of that H ow 's This. General Manager, • c o i G o . i r . r , Gen’l Ticket &Pass’r Agent. al skill,* the The speeches of that long, hot summer ses­ spring ch ick en , city. In, 1SS6. he was offered the managing tor Helstone and Coroner Baker, two officials most useful d o u g h n u ts and who have ably seconded Sir Charles Warren's We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ sion read now like extracts from ancient his­ editor’s chair on The Jacksonville, Fla., ward for any case of Catarrh that can and practical tory. They have no more bearing upon live hard eider—though Times-Uniom Ho accepted and so ably filled policy of marked incapability. “ Long John” was not be cured by talcing I-Iall’s Catarrh elements, and issues than if they had been delivered in the the position that the opposition daily. The all known ad­ Homan senate or the Athenian Areopagus, always very fond News-Herald, determined to secure him and The excitement over the loss of the dogs Cure. O ntbeSthof May Mr. Clay brought in his of something con­ did. When the papers wore merged he con­ had hardly begun' to diminish when another F. J. CHENEY & CO., Erops., Tole­ vantages that noted “ omnibus bilL” On the: 9th of July siderably more po­ tinued in his position. and a greater sensation arose. A t the risk of do, O. . . > . ■ ‘make a scwl President Taylor died, and his successor tent than hard -offering it to some .readers the second time, We, the undersigned, -have known ing machine favored the other wing of the Whig party. cider. It has been { A t tho outbreak of the epidemic he bravely 'the cabled account thereof is here presented: F. J, Cheney for the last IS years, and desirable lo Mr. George Lusk, a builder, is the head During August and early September the. „ tha? ‘ ‘L 0” ° LONG JOHN IVENT WORTH. resolved to face the pestilenco. He felt that believe him perfectly honorable in _all sell or use. measures o f compromise Were separately John” and the old it would be shirking duty to go away him­ of a Whitechapel vigilance committee. Late business transactions, anfL financially passed through: congress, tho noted fugitive lady were the only relict of ancient Chicago, self, and chose to risk his life rather than to on Tuesday night the parcel post delivery able to carry out any obligations made ELDREDGE MFC. CO. Have law exciting most, criticism in the excepting the lake and the river, that were join the refugees and leave his work and tho left a box at his house. Upon opening it he by their firm. . > north. Utah, territory was organized by the not destroyed by the big fire: responsibilities of his position to others. Tho discovered a meaty substance, which he Victory and Wholesale OiSee, Eolyldere, HL judged to be the half of a kidney belonging West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, act o f Sept. 9,. 1850, and President Fillmore heroism shines out conspicuously in tho quiet Superior to all others; because a b s o l u t e l y unbreakable , yot elastic ancl * 295 WalntslL A.vc.% Chicago* „ Wentworth resolved upon pursuing the to some animal. Inclosed in. the box was Toledo, Ohio.. • . appointed Brigham Young governor on tho firmness of tho man; in the fact that his de­ Walding, Kinnan.&Marvin, Whole-, pliable: Perspiration ;and laundTying will ffot injure them, nor are they effected 39 Uroad Street. solemn assurance of Mormon representatives study o f the law, but os he was a breezy, cision was not prompted by a spirit o f bra­ the following tetter: by body .heat/ Can he cut witli-shears into the exact required lengths. Pin- clever young fellow he attracted the atten­ “ I send you half of the kidnel took from- sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohiov » -J. J. HOP, Agent, Buchauau. iMiel]. that “plural marriage” wasneither adoctrine vado. Ho was not courting the bubble rep­ ished in'three grades, and sold by the yard. Por sale at ‘ nor a practice of that church. At the very tion o f the-managers o f The Chicago Demo­ utation, and from the first felt that the one o f the women. I preserved it for you. E. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo time his commission as governor was written crat, and he "was induced to take editorial chances o f living through the epidemic were T’other piece I fried and ate. It was very National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. . B O Y L E & BAKER’S. . THE YANKEE BLADE Brigham Young, bad eight “ wivesl” charge o f the paper. He at once plunged against him. nice. I may send you the bloody knif that Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ took it out if you only wait a whil longer.” • Ts one of the Oldest and Best and th e Cheapest Out of-this long session two. men came into politics in q small way,, making speeches So he sent liis family to a point of safety nally, acting directly upon the. blood Weekly Family Story Paper in. America, - with peculiar honor, Senators Houston and and advocating popular measures. In 1839 and remained at his desk nightafter night; Mr. Lusk at first regarded - the whole thing and mucus surfaces of the system; Forty columns of Xabclniulng slosIcs every week. Governor Carlin appointed him_au aide-de- as a joke.. But, remembering that such an. Brice* $2.00 a year. Ouo year on tria l t o n e w Rusk, of Texas: The?' managed with such He was a man of the finest traits of char-’ Pfice; 75c. per bottle. Sold’ by all Sul>8cnl>crs,only8l.O O ieSfindj5tJtmpjfor8aniDlc ■ organ had been taken from the Mitrexqume *■ actor, and by example ns well as by written Druggists. 1 Subscribe for the Record. co p y ^ o tter & hotter., Papli^U'efS^ 20 Hawley $u Ywnm,Tie "took G a I » x I o theitenaonflOB-

i . - : ■■ •• ■■■■ ■ - / 4 ' ■ : V -