B u c h a n a n R e c o r d , PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY J O H N G r - ZEHOX jIMIIES- I am prepared to attend all cases in my line upon short notice and in the best manner. TERMS, SI.50 PER YEAR rATABLEIX ADVA’S OS. EMBALMING AimilSlH&RATES MADE KHQWH OH APPLICATIOH. VOLUME XXII. BUCHANAN. BBBEIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1888. NUMBER’ 39.’ A SPECIALTY. OFFICE—InltcCordBuilillng.OalvStreet ALADDIN. however, and I flatter myself she nev­ tions we had sent to Washington for The Riglit.’to .Naturalization. Satisfaction guaranteed in both prices and er perceived she was the object of a the removal o f the post-office from the Two decisions have lately been ren­ work. I also keep a full line of BT JAIIKS RUSSELL LOWELL. secret concern on my part. old town to the new, and the many I must confess that her conduct was dered upon applications for natural­ times we had been disappointed. ization which are likely to attract at­ inoss Directory. W hen I was a b eg g a rly b o y , admirable. She, was always quiet aud. All our little .hobbies and scandals tention. One of these decisions was PICTURE FRAMES, And lived in a cellar damp, unobtrusive; deferential alike to John were an open secret to him; in short, SABBATH SERVICES. I hand not a iriend or a toy, and me; attended strictly to business, rendered by J udge Daniels, o f the Hew he knew all about our town and its York Supreme Court. Upon a close ERVICES are Lola every Satbath. at 10:30 Bnt I had Aladdin's lamp. and never received company. people, and all about every other town And Mouldings for framing, always on S o’clock a . 51., at the Church of the “ Larger When I c&uld not sleep for cold, After a couple of months, I began examination of an applicant for natur­ hand. Hope also, Sabbath School services immediate­ and its people, and. all about every alization before him, and the usual ly after the morning meeting. Prayer and confer­ I had fire enough in:my brain, to like her, and, as for John, I-fancy lie town in Oregon. J. MILEY. ence meeting every Thursday evening, A cordial And builded, with roofs of gold, liked and piled her from the first mo­ witnesses, the fact was brought out invitation is extended to all- M y beautiful castles in’Spain. He entertained us, those long winter that the applicant was in the habit of ment his eyes met her appealing ones. evenings, with personal reminiscences She was unselfish, and made herself becoming intoxicated at no great re­ Queer Verdicts by Coroners’ Juries. 0 .0 . F.—Buchanan Lodge So. 75 holds its Since then I have toiled day and night, and detective stories that won our curring intervals of time, and while in . regular meeting, at Od'd Fellows Hall, on I have money andpowerandgood store, useful to us iu . many little ways; al­ £ hearts, despite their secret resolves not . that condition of abusing his wife and The duties of those who serve on oach Tuesday evening. Bnt I’d give all m y lamps of silver bright, ways insisting, upon remaining in the to be won. • There was a hotel he de­ family, and that lie had on several oc­ coroners’ juries do'.not ordinarily sug­ For the one thatis mine no more. store while we went out to our meals, sired to watch, which could- only be gest anything very funny, and yet some & A. SI.—Buchanan Lodge No. 6S holds a Take, Fortune, whatever you choose— casions been arrested and punished . regular meeting Monday evening on or before and even sometimes assisting me in seen from my kitchen window and an­ laughable results come from their work F Von gave, and snatch again; my light housework. therefor. Judge Daniels refused the the-fttllmoon in each month. other which was only visible from my application for naturalization on the particularly if they do not exactly un­ I have nothing ’twoulcl pain me to lose, She also took a great interest in the derstand what is expected, of them. OF II.—Buchanan Grange Xo 10 meets on F or I o w n n o m ore castles in Spain. bed-room; so that it came to pass that ground that the applicant was not P • the second and fourth Saturday of each drug store, and would sit for hours a private detective lounged in my An amusing story is told of a ver­ month, at 2 o'clock r. 51. with the Bispensary upon her knee, proved to bave behaved as a man of home, fell asleep on.my sofa, and dined goood moral character, ivell disposed dict brought in by a Western jury im­ Q. G. T-—Bnchanan Lodge No S5G holds its From Peterson’s Jragazine. reading and studying with the closest sometimes at my table. panelled to inquirejinto the cause of attention. to the good’order and happiness of the I regular meeting on each Monday evening. And what is more, he made himself United States, as required by the Unit­ the death of a man" supposed to have Saved Tdv a Telephone. About this time, our little town be­ so agreeable—Was so courteous and committed suicide. The verdict was O .r. W.—1Buchanan Lodge Xo.sS lioldsUs came greatly disturbed over a series of ed States-Revised Statutes, He said: . reulnr meeting the 1st and 3d Friday even­ unselfish—that we all liked him and brief and to the point, the foreman A BY ELLA HIGGENSON. burglaries, so successful and mysteri- “This privilege of citizenship has ing o f aek month. reposed perfect confidence in him, ex­ been provided as a reward for good be­ saying simply, “We, the jury, find the ious that they baftled the shrewdest cept perhaps Miss Halyon, who tried deceased guilty as charged.” A. R. -tVm. Perrott Post No-22. Regular “Is tlie proprietor in ?” among us. A ll sorts of crimes—-gam­ havior and demonstrated attachment a. meeting on the first and third Wednesday to avoid his company, " to the principles of free government. Another jury examined a great many vening of each month. Visiting comrades al- POWDER I turned with a start, fo r i had heard bling, drunkenness, street-robbery, One evening she and I were alone witnesses, in the case of a man Tun yays welcome. no step nor rustle, and had supposed murder—we were familiar with; but Tlie design of the law is, in great part, Absolutely Pure. in the store. Mr. Ilazen had been certainly to induce and secure the co­ over by a railroad engine. The ver­ myself to be alone. It was about five this sudden advent of home burglars away somewhere in the valley for a dict was: “We find him to have come TTTOMAX’S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post Thispowdcr never varies. A marvel orpnrity o’clock of a dull October afternoon and into Our midst astonished us and be­ operation of all the persons residing in Y Y Xo. SI. Meetings held regnlarly, In Good strength and wholesomcncss. More economicn couple of days, and John was at the to his death by being cut in two by a Templar’s Hall, first and third Saturday even- w h i c h i $ already dusk—for night comes early in numbed our faculties. the United States in supporting the than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in lodge. Jaws and Constitution of the country. railroad engine, whereby he could not ngs o f each, month. competition with the multitude of low tost, short the Grand Ronde valley. And, in that W e had slept with wide open win­ breathe, hence he choked to death.” weightaiumor phosphate powders. Miss Halyon bad been frying to per­ But this fidelity to its interests and Sold only in dim uncertain light, I could only dis­ dows and unlocked doors, and in two A coroner’s jury in the backwoods R. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Snr- can's. R oyal B aktxg Powder Co., 10G Wall St., suade me to go to bed, as I ivas not progress is not to be expected from geon. Xight calls promptly attended to. N .Y . • 19-15 cern that the speaker was a woman, successive nights some three thousand of Missouri heard all the evidence in DOffice in Kinjon's Mode­ feeling very well. Everything was so and will not be supplied by disorderly tall, slight, and I fancied, young. dollars’ worth of jewelry and plate quiet, that we both started when the the case of a man killed by a runaway d J r N z e r i s Six months previous to tSmt time, was taken from different houses, and and dissipated persons. Reliance can­ rn llEODORE F. H. SPREXG, 31. D., may be telephone suddenly pealed out our call. not be placed upon them for the sup­ team, and brought in the following ver­ 1 consultjd at his office until 0 A.3t. and from my husband had opened a well-stocked no traces of them could be discovered. dict: “The jury finds the dead deceased t to 3 and alter 7 P, M. Office on Main street,first W e had no switch-board and each port of the principles of free govern­ 'oorsonth of Rough Bros’. Wagon Works. drug and notion store in the new town Miss Halyon was besieged with in­ to have come to his death at the hands office had a separate call, ours being ment or the enforcement of good order of Lawrence, in East Oregon.
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