Hon. Jean-Jacques Blais MG 32 B 49
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Manuscript Division des Division manuscrits Hon. Jean-Jacques Blais MG 32 B 49 Instrument de recherche no 1950 / Finding Aid No. 1950 Préparé en 1994-1996 Prepared in 1994-1996 par la Section des by the political Archives politiques Archives Section TABLE DES MATIÈRES/TABLE OF CONTENTS Notice d'inventaire/Inventory Entry ............................................. iii MINISTRE DES POSTES/POSTMASTER GENERAL (1976-1978, vol. 1-2) .......... 1 SOLLICITEUR GÉNÉRAL/SOLICITOR GENERAL (1978-1979, vol. 3-24) ........... 3 SUJETS GÉNÉRAUX/GENERAL SUBJECTS (vol. 3-4) ....................... 3 CORRESPONDANCE/CORRESPONDENCE (vol. 5) ......................... 6 CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES ET PROJETS DE LOI/HOUSE OF COMMONS AND BILLS (vol. 6-8) ....................................... 9 DISCOURS, CONFÉRENCES ET VISITES/SPEEECHES CONFERENCES AND VISITS (vol. 9-11) .................................. 12 MINISTÈRE DU SOLLICITEUR GÉNÉRAL/DEPARTMENT OF SOLICITOR GENERAL (vol. 12-14) ...................................... 16 SERVICES CANADIENS DES PÉNITENCIERS/CANADIAN PENITENCIARY SERVICES (vol. 15-20) .................................. 19 COMMISSION NATIONALE DES LIBÉRATIONS CONDITIONNELLES /NATIONAL PAROLE BOARD (vol. 20-21) ................................ 27 DOCUMENTS SECRETS ET GRC/SECRET DOCUMENTS AND RCMP (vol. 22-24) ..................................................... 29 MINISTRE DE LA DÉFENSE, 1ère partie/MINISTER OF DEFENCE, part 1 (1983-1984, vol. 25-114) .............................................. 33 DOSSIERS SUJETS NUMÉRIQUES/NUMERICAL SUBJECT FILES (vol. 25-113) .......................................................... 33 DISCOURS, CONFÉRENCES ET VISITES, 1ère partie/SPEECHES CONFERENCES AND VISITS, part 1 (vol. 113-114) ......................... 72 MINISTRE DE LA DÉFENSE, 2e partie/MINISTER OF DEFENCE, part 2 (1983-1984, vol. 115-131) ............................................. 74 DISCOURS, CONFÉRENCES ET VISITES, 2e partie/SPEECHES CONFERENCES AND VISITS, part 2 (vol. 115-124) ......................... 74 DOSSIERS SUJETS ALPHABÉTIQUES/ALPHABETICAL SUBJECT FILES (vol. 125-127) ......................................................... 88 ATTACHÉE DE PRESSE/DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS (vol. 127-128) ... 89 ADJOINT EXÉCUTIF/EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (vol. 129-131) ................ 92 MINISTRE DES APPROVISIONNEMENTS ET SERVICES/MINISTER OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES (1980-1983, vol. 132-148) .......................... 97 DOSSIERS SUJETS ALPHABÉTIQUES/ALPHABETICAL SUBJECT FILES (vol. 132-137) ......................................................... 97 DISCOURS, CONFÉRENCES ET VISITES/SPEEECHES CONFERENCES AND VISITS (vol. 137-148) ...............................101 BUREAU DE LA COLLINE PARLEMENTAIRE/PARLIAMENTARY HILL OFFICE (1972-1984, vol. 149-191, 160-2) ................................121 FRANCOPHONIE (1972-1984, vol. 192-194) ..................................152 MINISTRE DES POSTES/POSMASTER GENERAL (1976-1978, vol. 195-201) .......155 SOLLICITEUR GÉNÉRAL/SOLICITOR GENERAL (1978-1979, vol. 202) ...........162 INDEX . ................................................................163 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS MG 32 B 49 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date MINISTRE DES POSTES POSTMASTER GENERAL (1976-1978, vol. 1-2) 1 1 Advisory Committee 1976-1978 1 2 Agendas 1976-1977 1 3-4 Cabinet Documents 1976-1978 1 5 Canada Elections Act 1976-1978 1 6 Citizenship Act 1977 1 7 Congratulation notes - on appointment as Postmaster 1976 General 1 8 Communications 1976 1 9 Com Team 1977 1 10 Correspondance (J.J. Blais) 1976-1977 1 11 Correspondance avec des ministres et des députés 1976-1977 1 12 Correspondance avec le Premier ministre 1976-1977 1 13 Coupures de presse et visites du ministre 1976-1977 1 14-16 Deputy Postmaster General, J.C. Cockery - memos 1977-1978 1 17 Discours/speeches - Rotary Club, Vancouver 19/10/76 1 18 Discours/speeches - Institute of Association Executive, 16/8/77 Toronto 1 19 Discours/speeches - Canadian Home and Hardware 26/10/77 Association 1 20 Discours/speeches - Empire Club of Canada, Toronto 5/1/1978 2 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS MG 32 B 49 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date 1 21 Écoute électronique 1977 1 22 Hamilton Incident 1976 2 1 Langues officielles 1977 2 2 Letter Carrier Extension Service 1976-1978 2 3-5 Mail opening 1975-1978 2 6 Media advertizing 1976-1978 2 7 MP's Mail, Lloyd Crouse 1977 2 8-9 Political responsibilities of the Minister 1977 2 10-12 Post Office Act - amendments 1976 2 13 Post Office Estimates 1977 2 14 Post Office Treasury Board Study 1976-1977 2 15 Regulations and Statutory Instruments - Standing Joint 1977 Committee 2 16 Thank you notes to J.J. Blais 1977 SOLLICITEUR GÉNÉRAL / SOLICITOR GENERAL (1978-1979, vol. 3-24) Sujets généraux General Subjects (1978-1979, vol. 3-4) 3 1 Agendas 1978-1979 3 2 Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Inc. and Roadside Breath 1978 Testing Devices 3 3 Applicants for employment 1978 MG 32 B 49 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS 3 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date 3 4 Auditor general Report 1978 3 5 Bégin, Monique - Address re Guaranteed Annual Income 1979 3 6-7 British Columbia Health Entry Plan (heroin) 1977-1978 3 8 Canadian Association for the Prevention of Crime 1978 3 9 Canadian speeches 1978 3 10 Canadian Transport Commission decisions 1978 3 11 Church of Scientology n.d. 3 12 Civil Liberties Association 1978 3 13-17 Communiqués de presse/News releases 1978-1979 3 18 Crise d'octobre 70 1978 3 19 Dakota-Objibway Tribal Council Police proposal 1978 3 20 Economic Policy 1978 3 21 Federal-Provincial Conference of Deputy Ministers 1978 responsible for corrections 3 22 Female offenders 1977-1979 3 23 Female offenders - National Committee Advisory Report 1977 3 24-25 Fox, Francis - discours/speeches 1976-1978 3 26 Individuals file 1978 4 1 Invitations 1978 4 2 Joly, Claire 1978-1979 4 3 Loi concernant le solliciteur général 1970 4 4 Minister's Public Relations 1979 4 5 National Advisory Council on Firearms 1978-1979 4 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS MG 32 B 49 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date 4 6 National Film Board 1978 4 7-8 Ontario - Judicial appointments 1977-1979 4 9 Parti libéral/Liberal Party - Bi-annual policy resolutions 1978 4 10 Parti libéral/Liberal Party - Communications 1978-1979 4 11 Parti libéral/Liberal Party - Congrès national de 1978 1978 4 12 Parti libéral/Liberal Party - Kingston and the Islands Liberal 1977 Association 4 13 Parti libéral/Liberal Party - "Quoi de Neuf?" 1978 4 14 Peine de mort/Capital Punishment 1976-1978 4 15 Peine de mort - Questions et réponses et abolition 1976-1978 4 16 Political 1978-1979 4 17 Post Office Affairs 1978 4 18 Privacy Commissioner n.d. 4 19 Queen visit 1978 4 20 Sécurité - Rapport du Ministère de la Justice sur l'ordre et la n.d. sécurité publics 4 21 Security - Report of the Royal Commission 1969 4 22 Security in a EDP environment 1978 4 23 Ten Years Records of Government Actions 1979 4 24 Trans-border data flows 1976-1977 4 25 Transcriptions d'interviews du Solliciteur général 1977-1978 4 26 Université d'Ottawa - École de criminologie 1978 Corespondance/Correspondence (1978-1979, vol. 5) MG 32 B 49 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS 5 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date 5 1 Correspondance -informations procédures 1978 5 2 Allmand, Warren 1978 5 3 Andras, Robert 1978 5 4 Basford, Ron 1977-1978 5 5 Bédard, Marc-André (ministre de la Justice P.Q.) 1978 5 6 Blais, Jean-Jacques 1978 5 7 Blais, Jean-Jacques - memos from 1978 5 8 Blais, Jean-Jacques - memos to 1978 5 9 Blaker, Rod n.d. 5 10 Brett, R.C. (Min. of Social Services, Nfld) 1978 5 11 Buchanan, Judd 1978-1979 5 12 Cafik, Norm 1978 5 13 Campagnolo, Iona 1978 5 14 Camu, Pierre n.d. 5 15 Caron, Yves 1979 5 16 Carr-Harris, Steven 1978 5 17 Chrétien, Jean 1978 5 18 Clark, Joe 1978 5 19 Cossitt, Tom 1978 5 20 Doré, Fernand 1978 5 21 Drea, Frank (Min. Corrrectional Services, Ont.) 1978 5 22 Duclos, Louis 1979 5 23 Falconi, Frank 1978 5 24 Farran, Roy (Sollicitor General Alberta) 1978 6 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS MG 32 B 49 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date 5 25 Faulkner, J. Hugh 1978 5 26 Foster, Jim (Attorney General, Alberta) 1978 5 27 Fox, Francis 1978 5 28 Goyer, Jean-Pierre 1978 5 29 Guay, Joseph P. 1978 5 30 Guetta, A. 1978 5 31 Halliday, Bruce 1979 5 32 Hickman, T. Alex (Min. of Justice, Nfld) 1978 5 33 Jamieson, Donald 1978 5 34 Kerr, George A. (Sollicitor General, Ontario) 1978 5 35 Lamontagne, Gilles 1978-1979 5 36 Lavoie, Jacques 1978 5 37 Lessard, Marcel 1978 5 38 Logan, Rodman E. 1978 5 39 Macnamara, John 1978 5 40 McDonald, Hugh J. n.d. 5 41 Mackay, Elmer 1978 5 42 McKinley, R.E. 1979 5 43 McMurty, R. Roy (Attorney General, Ontario) 1978 5 44 McNab, John, letters from 1978 5 45-46 McNab, John, memos from 1978-1979 5 47 Maine, Frank n.d. 5 48 Martin, Bruce W.B. 1978 5 49 Marchand, Len 1978 MG 32 B 49 HONORABLE JEAN-JACQUES BLAIS 7 Vol. Dossier/File Sujet/Subject Date 5 50 Mercier, Gerry (Attorney General of Manitoba) 1978 5 51 Munro, John 1978 5 52 Ouellet, André 1978 5 53 Palmer, Annette L. (Conseil privé) 1978 5 54 Perron, Paul Ovel 1978 5 55 Phillips, Don 1978 5 56 Roberts, John 1978-1979 5 57 Rosula, Estelle 1978 5 58 Schreyer, Edward n.d. 5 59 Smith, James W. n.d. 5 60 Timbrell, Dennis R. 1978 5 61 Trudeau, Pierre Elliott 1977-1978 5 62 Whelan, Eugene 1978 5 63 Woolliams, Eldon 1978 5 64 Yanakis, Antonio 1978 5 65 Yeomans, D.R. 1978 Chambre des communes et projets de loi House of Commons and Bills (1978-1979, vol. 6-8) 6 1 Access to Information Bill 1979 6 2-3 Bill C-19 - Loi modifiant la Loi de la GRC 1978 6 4 Bill C-21 - Alternatives aux