MANGA: Battle Angel Alita Volume 01

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MANGA: Battle Angel Alita Volume 01 ffl s^Anper Mmi gflTTlf jjNO€l niirn STORY AND ART BY VUKITO KISHIRO QQ ri RUSTV RNG€L Battle 1: Reclamation 3 FIGHTING BLOOD Battle 2: Awakening 31 TORN ASUNDCR Battle 3: Values 56 BCRSCftKCRS REBORN Battle 4: Resurgence 85 HCLl TRRP Battle 5: Responsibility 141 CONQUERING RNGCl Battle 6: Struggle 193 THC TCRRS OF RN RNGCL Battle 7: Compassion 219 STORY and art by YUKITO KISHIRO Translation/Fred Burke Si Sterling Bell and Matt Thorn Touch-Up Art & Lettering/Wayne Truman Cover Design/Viz Graphics Editors/Sato ru Fujii &Trish Ledoux Assistant Editor/ToshifumiYoshida Executive Editor/Seiji Horibuchi Director of Sales and Marketing/Oliver Chin Publisher/Masahiro Oga First published as Gunnm by Shueisha Inc. in Japan trademark of ( 'Yukito Ki;hiroffihueisha Inc., 1934. BATTLE ANGEL AUTA is a 0ffi&- VW. ™ www viz com » • flRAPHIC NOVELS BY YUKITO KISHIRO BATTLE ANGEL ALITA ANGEL OF VICTORY ANGEL OF CHAOS TEARS OF AN ANGEL ANGEL OF REDEMPTION FALLEN ANGEL KILLING ANGEL ANGEL OF DEATH ANGELS ASCENSION ASHEN VICTOR RUSTY nNG€L Bottle 1 : Reclamation — \ /W \ 1 \ \Umm 1 \j& +:-Jim i ~Z 1^-4***%. » ' M^C^r ::s*^ r * «<ss I Kw^W k iC " K ^1 , T M- r#T ^^ H& 1 ^j» v? WW-tVfctlT \ ir* "\«4 '' 0UX UauvE %*v-, & CVEB WAV.. J» 'lis. 4'** X" I'LL MAKBWU EVEN rPETTJEjr YET... WHAT IV HBtjIPINST J i / \¥ m I m^- ' ' 'Hi i 1 "is. ^&U ': it "yipu must HAVE A SEAL NAME, A FAMILY, A tfOMETOWN.* -&A ^^%^1 ^ms~ ::>::. -,\vv 'rruFE&we ,; V £ "...SLfTTINff TIME BEF0BE . y j j % M THE THHD4TS : OF CUTE VPANP :|i jT ' .i'M.V -' --"" punning.. ('//'' ; : : iv*:W. ,.,*: i|> , THIHSS..-" ;:* - /'%- -«»-"' .r"" -a. ' .* «5& ' X'M -.: MAKE IT ... ,.'.' ^ 1 . tHDBW THE '' LVj*# 5® iVATTI /*V 7 PROMISE." : V /$ / ;&. m/MArs £01N& ONT-- won/ rtfS z? FIGHTING BLOOD Bottle 2: Awakening I'LL 0ECOMB A htUNTEZ- lA/AZZtOe, TOO: JL/$TL/K£ PAISUKE. I P/CN'T PkS SOU (PUT OF THE PUPPL6 BECAUSE I &M A M0H$TEfr, A MIUTAZV /H4CHINE... ..X £4(V -ft»METHJN6 P&IUTIFUL- dNP V£>U <5W*V AiCPE PE4UTIFUL i .-4NPU£LINE£e 14 THE L4«T TWIN<S I WdNT Far v&uitupB! ...IMJV GHOUL? I HAVE 72? i/HE 7W UFE yau WANT FCT ME-'f I'VE 60T 72? F/NC MV 0tvw way. j0> m, I'LL KUEAC A4 MAHV CeiMhidl.6 A& IT TAKE4-f0Z . WXJ, CUtLC IM^mm Sw% \*r Vsm3 Ittjj^^L 9^ £^B § vil^Ss , jfLp'r Mfej l -?\ ^^^SB WH4TIWdVE ^A Ti5 UO. J - : fVW ^M 7j45 M m 1 ^ffljWfl mr * V 60NNA ZE&ZET r 7HI3. MSUIX L WI^H VfPU'P' VOGAHP SEEN R2NE WITH IT. , .;a,;;:.;:^" susstancs rmpuctPtN Tuege'/f. to THINK -OUT ...put; m^n, i. the e*ear IZUCHt, UA4 UWT U3S>K &OTTA HUNT fate thi* CWS^HEdPft.. afte0noon W44 KtLLEP... PiCWT IfiJANr t/OUB wL life to tuszn m TCWdZPTUE W*: shapchjG ALITA.. X 1 i Pf LA. , m?&f2 TORN RSUNDCR Battle 3: Values m ^^K*"^&J m3ffm '(' Ptfi ^ r^/lljE = «it£^ THE(?E'« BEEN A mas. on THAT USA? Kfc VE/WJ, BUT NO ONB'4 HAP THE 6UT4 TO 60 AFTBf! Hl/M... THE OWMPION, KINUPA Mtfr PEFEtipEP Wfr TlTie RPJ? THE -5IJCTV-TWI1ZP TIME.'/ / YAHA \ HAM - M?» 1 / ^iJil^m^m . NOTHING IN THIS NOBLP OF VALUE.. NOTHING iMomy risking OUZ LIVES FOR. ...what little ,,, 1 fV£ CAN /j£\H , ,&L^ U CREATE -•^./ ,: OURSELVES- y, I IAIITHOUT VOtl ALITA, MVUFE HAS NO VALUE... r- Jk <1 J' tB€RS€RKGRS R€GORN i \ BUtlfty Resurgenfce % nE8 WPU WEfEE LUCKV TO ESCAPE ivitw voue vital oft&iw IHTACT, PA&UKEJ BlOOVLOVJ \$ BAP enough BUT <3NE WKCNG MOVE At*P TU04B QUACK POCTO& INOULP H-4VE AWE A CV&0K& OUT OF YOU ! PEIN6 A CW&OB& A1K&MT hot PE SO RdK BUT C4PUVIMS AKWNP THO^E VQCTO* PILL'S KJK THE KE4T OF V0UE LIFE-- 1HAV9 A REAL TPA&EPV. " ' it WAS A iVOM CFAJtT. CKEATEP WITH A Ui&U TBCMNOLO&V ANP CRAFTS- MANSHIP WAT HAVE *A 4MCE0EEA/\*K? \Tt OZEATO&7 7HI$ MACUME- WANTEV TO rre A #1UKPEP MAKE A HUMAN WEAPON i THE 8EIH& iHTO AH P&7ISN MAKE4 EFFICIENT WEAPON. TUEVxdiTHAT IfiJ OLPEN TIMES, 0Ee^eacEE A8LE-BOPIEP CVWAl SOLPIEf^ IMBUE BOW MAPS OVEfl tfEee... ANP SENT TO WAZ-Af "BEgSEBKEZS. _ 'SOME VALUES \ ' !££. ta— jr^*\ ssagm-k* H V^fess w* :^:..^-^f>/ w, n ' a ;/f/// (T MAV MOT J r C00tTA4 &OOV \r t^^ \ M TH£ LA4T f 0NE, BUT IT? > A tVAItetCK'S THE MONfTEtZ witu the Huee. FACE MU4T HAVE GOTTEN MM. MA—KOWS <&ME7UIN&.. MM V^W 6IW,UEE,UEEi cm, no one *MC&£ hams (5 IAWKTH MENTION I MS. heh, H£U... rr4 because OF THIS TU4T 1 CM CLAM TO &B thk?U6H -me SUPER WRWnoN THE-SE RN6EK'- TIP1? <OJM /MCl/E AT THEEE TC7 roup Ti*ie4 the ^PEEF OF SOMW! I CAH CUT TUgOU&H CEKAMIC AP/AOf! 44 IF IT A WEEE JELLY.' ^* /N(?rex4tn-LVr ? > BAW TO j comb ev, > y<2U |4sl£>W--- ml- >gw#- fry? f XVE \ \ rAKeNTHB \ \smneesr>_- > 00PY0N fSasaaa. i &urm/ .^.. \ > , ja*^ y ,,)y< p^^r ^/_ //^A \\v\ INTI PHAGES V ALX\TUVB- \ WHICH IN TUEN I APE CAU4EP , 0V TUB AAOON'4 j \6IZAVtTATt0NAL/ FULL. A"- IF A7TA04IH6 A "BEtteiZKEK- 80CW HA$ AFFECTS? MEKMINP... a ^ ^H /^— |Jf f" geueve i «^i '. JKU I ee TM£ 1 mavzeem if;-/ , X_ ^^ JUT4 SOU kN,!W. jo c»an6B WmL ''/ M^Km ^ "» ,11 IflMV.- FPOiM TW/e B »T ' i ^k FCfWT / \\ j M on... / '\M ^~^^y jf s*"'^^M AVOIF THE JTI£K£ AG BEST SOU CAN, gKJNS CCWN W3UK PKEY EFFHTIEWTLV dNP <yPEFtJLLV, dNP THEN TAKE home youc CHIPS. THAT'S WH4T/T "PPO"/ IVHV H0TJU5T &B UOHBGTAW , GPS, "I VOti'T W4NT TO FI6MT MAKAKU &BCAU4B Me SCdPE5 TUB PtG4 OUT OF MB.'" MAS&E I'LL I PON'TCAZB PI f CUT Vt?UI? IF V*3U AUB APM4 AHV LESS A WOMAN— JNP B3LL VOUR I CANT LET THE V0U GET U£AP IN WITM erneer t<9 AWAV TBfiTH V<?U &?AtE THI3 SHIT' MANNE&. \\\ 4&&1 v; WW"% ' . ** J^ ^0 Is t 1 w — ! OJ I'll WEIKP \f,( f if / ' TECUHIQUB-5 W J [ AHP tHCP£V\BLE (; ^KsM~vffi : P(7WEP...TMl£ 1 J lv fiJEL'5 NOT I v" #/f m m H€LL TRAP Bottle 5: Responsibility '^" -'*! "*.' ""' ' •«, :« *p$ ''"'!:". "I'ji "IB W V .fgi l--v these two ZEMGATiOH'Z APE LIKE ALMWW.4TEK-- FL<9WINiS FZOM A HISHEB PLACE TO J A LOWEZ / PLACE... ri C0NT\HUOU$LV 6U&JECT 0THERS TO TEKROZ ANP PAMTUEH I WILL BE FfZOTECTEP PZOtA TUAT $UFFE£lN(S. \1 wilt 9 WwBm ON TOP HpTSffi ssJFIrl I ^rt...4NP*iv'Hui "n "t (5pinp m \ v PUTTEES #5%^ ^x MAQE U4 f- ^k S TKl^ 1 ^W^ii MANH0i-E~ \ ^^$m MAKAKU- A%1, P 4'ZE. -SFffcr'^C .- .Mr' ^MSB -V* TOO &AP ABOUT YOU $AtP IT.' 1 Tuoea £uv4 who nevep i\mnt ic i &OT WULEF--KJT MEET UP WITH \ -L&\se4<? THev THdT AAONfTEZ > JU-ST WEREN'T A6AIN -' S LU£KV, HUW" ,A* fvawss\ • 1 - £& '"' l^ Ssffl ^1 U j$- " — /^""'^Wk. W.W^^i\ <Jm\\. iM* '/ \ >,)! / JSwLiLTt -0 e: W^Wk s*r~ *\ 1 ; *P : y J NOW ALA. ) ZCAHPO V* 15 SIT HEPE WI7W A PUM& LOOK OH MV FACS, WAITING FOZ HEK TO % \ 6AFELW 4ty i«^n tEPTlUliU INSTINCTIVE ACTIONS mm7 ^^ft §S^w«f n m CM* \ i ^W "»« TUE COIAfAAHP XUAT ACTIVATES GUKVIVAL MOPE 16 PBOBA&LV AH INTENSE (VJLL W LIVE— A PEEP PE5JJZE TO HAHG OH TO LIFE AT ALL COGT0. dUBk -A- A1V WOftp IV PELIVEK THE K4SV | TO GAPETW... BUT THESE FEELINGS ABE TOO SEAL TO BE t&NOZEi?... EVEN IN SOMEONE LIKE ME, THERE'S A FZAGILE NEA0T POWN PEEP.. n M »;i J " * • '-SAf '/>> Ml ,.1 1 % THANK 6O0PNE$4 I YOUVE ALL j Kl&UT / x PON'T SEE MAKAKU... THREATENING TO ENGULF V <*7T 72? 6ETAWAVJ 1 THE'SE A£E H? tzu\N4~HAV£ you \ HOTlCEPT A \ MESaiorouG ; FZOMAHC\EHT i times, BuxiEP BENEATH THE SZOUNC. T THE TK43H FEOiM THE Tl Mtv-A\K cni ^ TIPUAIZEG FAILS TO TUB 4CBAP YARP...AHV THE | SEWAGE OF TUB . _ SUSMEP <$C£AF VAZP / EATM6 ALL ~ SY \ THEN FLON4 r THE PUTZEFIEP J VOVJN UEZE.J WASTE FBOM \ y V0U SUZFACE- PNEUES&! §F\ k 1 - ^T m I' MY MOTHEK fc Hi ...butI ; GAVE 0IETW W V >/ YOU, ' TO MB IN L. -^™ AAUTA...i THE TCI LET PU. 1 ANC FLU0HEP LWgb.\ ! *ie into mi-? ( •-. JtZ l EI3KINS YOUE «TINKINi5 , ™ ^HV LIFE f IT i-f TO 6AVE $OMEOHB ' nn S^.<#''i --hep mecieus urrce gacv CANT «mWT»NP 4UCU INTENSE SPEEP, (MN IT77 UEH,HEH...~Ml4 TIME I'LL CUT SOU TO ,s<.y. ^m^n K ' >i9^.KV '-.'vv V : •- - <,™ : ^k ) r 3a° :- ...NOT 1! *W£N > sO ALITA ^55/ is roue ) OPPONENT I —--J(* '< . '/, .i i, IW4\^ T fw m^mim©P^Bm IG€L t WV TOWEE Am"-- HOW CCU LP IT£ R3KTV A1ILUMETEI?- THICK dBW^EP £KIN EXPL0PE &> EAGtLV.../? THE ENEMV OMA4TEK ,_.,r? THEINHdLEP OF THI5 AiSZ THtzaueu HEP MiSMTV PC7CV 4NP CUT HEP FJN6EK, HAVINS &OW WEEE HE4TEP IT TO A HI£H TEMPEeATUPB (ZESPC>N£E- U9iHG AN ELECTWCAL ARC V\6CMA<Z6E- THI-5 £EEATES^ FIFTEEN THCU&3N17 PE6PEE CBHTIGIZAPa ?LAmAJBT."* IN APVITtOM, £HE RJtCE^ 4 POWER- FUL MAGNETIC FIELP ON THE FLA5MA ANR 0V.S0NTKOU.IN6 THE AIR OJKEENT THAT 1^ PPCPU^ER FKOrEL$ HEE H4NP 4T Hf<SH £PEEl*5 IN 4^t^?ECMNCE WITH *VH.R peOFOl$i0N: THE fiMTE* V -».
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