© 2018 American University Model United Nations Conference All rights reserved. No part of this background guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the American University Model United Nations Conference Secretariat. Please direct all questions to
[email protected] Hayden Schutt Co-Chair Hello Delegates, Welcome to AmeriMUNC and the Kiribati committee! My name is Hayden Schutt, and I will be one of your co-chairs this session. Abby and I are so excited to meet all of you and to get started! Whether this is your first conference or last, I completely understand all of the emotions that can go along with stepping into a new environment or saying goodbye to something that has been very impactful on your life. I am a freshman here at American University and am currently pursuing a major in CLEG (Communications, Economics, Law, and Government). I call Minnesota my home, so please feel free to laugh or acknowledge my accent that becomes present whenever I say words with“long vowel” sounds (*Bagel, Bag, *Minnesota, etc.)! While in high school back in MN, I was heavily involved in the YMCA’s Youth in Government program. As a senior, I served as the YMCA’s Youth Governor for their Minnesota program and attended many state and national conferences. Government is one of my passions, and I am looking forward to going back to Model United Nations with all of you! Throughout this conference, I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.