Public Broadcasting” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R
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The original documents are located in Box 58, folder “Public Broadcasting” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 58 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 1. As noted in attached press clippings, DS has had a prior brush with public broadcasting, involving allegations of his attempts to use Government money to influence program content. While the allegations are exaggerated, and at some points in the Variety story factually inaccurate, the point is that there is and will be strong press interest in a DS appointment. 2. Prior allegations of Nixon Administration tampering with the Board will be revived. Over a year ago, the press was full of stories about using Board appointments to affect a conservative influence on program content. The former Chairman of the Board {Tom Curtis) resigned and made public charges of tampering. This and other similar episodes are the subject of an American Civil Liberties Union suit presently pending in the District Court. 3. On the substantive side, the Administration is moving forward with a long~range financing plan to insulate public broadcasting from political influences on programming arising out of the Congress and the Executive. Unless there is confidence that the Board can be trusted to use Federal dollars in a non-political manner, this Administration initiative will be jeopardized. 4. Another substantive point is that OTP has just issued a questionnaire regarding Federal agency funding of public broadcast programs as a first step in drafting guidelines to prevent the abuses that arose in the DS/LEAA program contract. Again, the appearance would be of a President whose right hand doesn't know what his left hand is doing. 5. The DS appointment coupled with the Coors' letter difficulty, involving an issue of attempted influence of program content, would embroil the Administration in a completely unnecessary controversy that would smack of the former Administration's controversies with public broadcasting. This is not the way to put a "Ford stamp" on personnel actions. 6. The nominee who DS would replace would be placed in the difficult and embarrassing position of having been nominated twice by this President and once by the former President and yet never being seated on the Board. ... fi~ ~- Page ----- "7-· · - - · - ·- - · - .--...... -=-.··;•r.1-.·· \\T-~'!'1'" 'Public'TV Crime<Series:. _~-.~.7 ~. - . .,; ;..·.. ~ .. ·· ·. ~ · ·._Stirs G_rant Cony~Py:t~,~'.~~~ • • • .. • # ..... ........ .,,, •· • ~}~ ·LES BROWN • .• • ·· • ' • ~ c_;:•·•. .. ;, "'·· 1 r....::.A:proposed nation;il series on I Mr; Witherspoon · ~aid :'1~i-f crime and criminal justice in :progr.ams would all bf' bast<J.ori the United States hai stirred a !a series of sympo::iuni! ~tat~ci· .~tro\·ersy within ·the oublic-iin varioui1 .narl!: nf·.th..: ... ~ •.;...._..:! , .. I .,. ... .. ... ... - ... ......... .. .. ... ..........;-.. ... ·. ·-:i.. •;. ·.-c!. _....... •.. .. ' < .. .·~ . ··t :, .·. ; ':\. ... ·:·· .. .. .· ·,; ....· ~~- ~~~~-~~~~.,-~-~~~~.. ~,~ :~~--~~ME~!1.~u_ ~~--~~--~~-· ~·.~~~~,~--,,.~~~··~~~1 i 1} Serie'.:.:-zn · the,~NlJme}?} JziSii~~~--,~~:, ~, . - . .. :-.,,... - .. ...~-··~ By John l:'.l.rnzacly under a $60.000 ~rant from . beiaJ ob~;ated";fo any fed: symposia ·and; if ,~i ieit·ct)l.:: Public television's knack the .federal agency. eral fu.nd1r..g a~ency. ~ strained· from· using _such ;: picking a fight wi~h it· This latter coincidence R!ce p1Jinted out that his .com!:lents we· would be un· :f has surfaced agaI:::. in a anu tne mo1·e pres.;ing issue own statio!t had sought worthy or the' trust of oiir • •rctroversy o\·er a Sl.:?-rrJl· accepted fro.m a g.1~·ermr.e:?.t fi.:r.ds in the past for· a se· .. colleagues in public televi-. ·' "' series on criminal . jus· agency directly concerned ries on crime and criminal · sion." · ... undernTitten by the with progra.rn content h~s justice b!!t had "rejected PBS president · Hartiord I l:> En!orceme"!.t Ass:st- . spa:-ked a cew debate withln the notion" of se~king Gunn said· yesterday that l .;;~ Atlrr.ini.;tr:i.tion pubEc TV. LEA..'... aid "in the belie! that - the network's twin boards of 'EAA}. and due t0 be aired The Ieadi!1g critic "tlf the LE.-\A funding would be too managers and go•;ernors are . t!:e ~prlng. LEA.. .\. ce:!.l is l\Ii'.!hael Ri-:e, com9roll'!!sing for such a se- considering .. guidelines to !·~· T~le 16 one-hot::- t:ilk prog:-a:m director of WGSH ties." deal with federal grants. 1:· ;;,·::s are under the edito· in Boston, who considers One of Rice's. principal The issue is cloudy. )Iajor 1·; . ...: Ccl_ntro! of KC:::::T-TV, •·any irre\·ersi.ble cam:nit- .supporters is James Karayn federal grants from HEW to ~.l ? Les .~-;g::les prcdlidio~ :nent to the Lir~l project pre:;:d;nt of the Nationai P8ublic TV for programs like iJ! :!~;r ra.-.the Public :S:~ad· ... d!-~art'.ite for the PBS' Public Affairs Center· for •· esame Street" and '"Ihe !!~ ;t!n; Se.-vice. reputation.'.. Tele\ision and the E!ectric Company" aimed at U · ?rJcuctton of th?- ;;h,)..-.·~ is In a Sept. rn fatte• circu- overall prog:-am director for preschool children, already :"j t'.:~ ha:lds of Lirol Pro· Ia~ed to top cxecut!xes of Channel :26 (\VETA). sugge3t some indirect con- :--•. :c~o;.s of Burb~:ik, C.?.lif., KCET and PBS, Rice ex- Kara:'tl was approached trol of co.ntent. The choice I:1 'lich 1ast :.·ear r-asea:ched pressed concern o-.·er the is· by an LEA.-\ official for a of a i::i.rtJ~ular ed~cational , ~1 .J.;ram ideas fo:- po5.s!oi.; sue of editorial ind<?pend· similar p•oj~ct la:>!. Novem- ta~et implies a policy deci· : · :.~\ tele>ision pro~rams e::ice ar.d "the appear<mce of her but turr.ed it down. That slon not to spend vast sums ~ turndown repo:-tedl.r led to on TV education progra..T.s ,~· the Lirol research project fo:, say, high school drop· ,., this past spring. .- ou.s. , ;,· Jo~n \Yithers";)oon, vice I~ Lile cas.e ()f the LEAA i~. president o! KCET, this series, the first program of .' wee!.;: respor:ded to Rice's "'.hlch __ has . already-. been I: 1 letter. He cited a "special filmed m Ch1cago both Rice 1.' conc!ition'' in fae LEAA and Karayn suggest their 1 ~J gra:?t :for the series giving stations may reject t~e se- ! · ' the stat!on "editorial discre- ries when it is made avail· ;:. tion and co~trol over" pro- able _next year. :. Ii .. grams. Withe.·spoon also pointed out that '·LE ..\.'\, (has) opened itse!i .to comment fr')m ;:ar·t!cipants in the I l . VARIETY - October 9, 1974 ~~~~~Oi] Nixon administration, and the Federal agency reportedly gave Other:s close to the situation are special attention to equipping the expected to write letters in support constabularies of San Diego when of Rice, and John Jay Iselin, head of the Republican convention of '72 New York's WNET, was in the l; L.A. Public TV v was going to be held there, and later process of drafting such a letter at Miami where the convention was ·the end of last week. actually held. Public tv has come under fire· Bitten By Hand · The idea of a tv series on crime recently for such shows as the new funded by LEAA was dreamed up sports series bankrolled by Mobil by Donald'Santarelli, one time head Oil because the show credits carry ,That· 'Fed' It of the Administration who con- · a Mobil flack as the producer. Also tinues as a consultant to LEAA. upsetting to some in the system is By BILL GREELEY particularly for the tv project. He the new Bishop Fuiton Sheen series With public television under moved to the LEAA from U.S. At coming out the midwest and titled heavy criticism recently for allow torney John Mitchell's office, and "What Now, America?" In Ne~ ing special interests to creep into reportedly was involved in drafting York, at leaset, WNET is being . programming, a movement hasj the omnibus crime bill which pressured. by high Catholic offices b~en launched to stop a series! featured no-knock legislation and to carry the series. So far manage •. which would he funded and' I' preventive detention. ment is taking the dodge that they . in a sense, produced by the Law What has been described by one haven't yet screened it. Series is be- Enforcement Assistance Ad-' (Continued on page Tl) observer as a· "dummy cor ::...11""" I ~'~"· ::,., H ,j .1 . J~ J ~·~~hl.:.L.£ j ministration. poration" has been set up under the The LEAA, established by Presi name of Lirol Corp. to produce the dent Lyndon Johnson at the height 1 show. Partners in Lirol are Bruce Los Angeles Series of the government's concern over · Cohn, formerly of the National PTV Vietnam war protests and minority '"Public Affairs Center for Televison (Continued from page 67) rioting, operates on a budget of in Washington, and Freddie ing offered by PBS; .