niroAT. ACGuai-u. i m a ^ i PAGE TWELV'B Manchester Evenings Herald

thirty-flva men burned suffered down; Every donor who can give AUG'S POFRAN bums covering from thirty-two to Is earne.stly urged to call now for (Known As t|oeen Alice) I About Town Now Flight Officer Need of Plasma eighty-two per cent of their an appointment on August ^ .SPIBITCAL MEDIUM ' bodies, and ware given a total of when the MoBile Unit will again Seventh Danghtier o f • Seveatt Son HALE'S SELF SERVE ZMIa W. Stolteiib«rr, o# Etanry Greater Now 80,000 cc. of plaama during the be in town. Call Mrs. Louis Cus­ Bom W ith n VnU. The Original In New Enghpid! etS eL left today for Sumner, first three days. One sailor re­ ter, 3017, jmd do it now. Readitiga Dally, Incinding Sanday, lUtne, fo ra vacation of a week. ceived 8,000 cc., representing do­ 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolat- Hla w lf* and two children have nations by twenty-four persona. It ment. In the, Service of the Peo­ been in Maine for the paft _ two' Sometimes Takes Much took plasms from the blood of ple for SO Years. SATURDAY SP iaALS! NORMAN BENTZ 169 Church Street, Hartford, Coaa. weeks. More Than Pint of twenty donora to save another. 'The miraculous result was that Hheet Mefal Work, — Eaves Phone 8-2024 FOR COLD CUT^ANDWICHIS: Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph fTKell, of Blood for One Man. within less than a n^nth after be­ Troughs, 'a.Now Is the time to Long Island, N , Y „ have been vis-, ing admitted to the Fort Hancock, have Eaves Troughs Installed Navy Plane Bags Jap Flying Boat ' Itinr their aunt, Mrs. Rose G. N. J., station hospital, ail thirty- or repaired. Liverwurst lb. 35e It is fr(f giving five were well enough to be tran.s- Campbell, a t ?04 Summit street. ' CALL 8988 Russian Advance ns Go Sp a pint of blood saves the life of a ferred for convalescence or return Bplogno . lb. 32c Mrs. Thomas Gardner, who has fighting man, and very often one to active duty. POOFIMC been spending the past six weeks pint of blood will do Just that. To be able to feel ^ h a l one's Cefvelof ' lb. 43e in town, has returned to C h e ^ However, there are times when It blood is perhaps contributing to l\ C .S ID IH C Imperils Entire Chase, near Washington, D. C., takes literaJly gallons To savs the such a wonderful result is a privi­ Bathfjng Caps where ^ e makes her home with life of one man. lege, and to keep the supplies of a Estimates Freely Otv^. ''' Into Southern her daughter, Mrs. Stuart Burdick, A rm our's T re e ! ^_J2-OxjjCan 34c Such an Instance is given in a plasma replenished when they are • Workmanship Guariuiteed. Mrs. Gariier wo.; for many years report recently issued by the subject to such demands is a duty. Thermos ai*d Picnic Jugfs a resident of Hackmatack street. ■ Army Surgeon-Generals Office, 3o far, Manchester has bad, a Highest QaaUiy Materlala Nazi Left Flank She has been entertained while In and Supplies. Gal. which states that the blood of through its Individual donora and a Time. Payments Arranged. Mazola Oil $1.79 Manchester by her cousins, Mrs. more than 320 donors was used In with the splendid cooperation of Fitch Barber, Mrs. Ida Gilman,: saving the lives o f thirty-five bad- its Industrial plants, a remark­ Soviet Forces Applying Mrs. Jennie Gook and Mrs. Rena | jHiiii Iv burned survivors of the US3 ably good record In its effort to A. A. DION, INC Smith. ARTHUR Hale's Bread (Fresh Daily) D irty F eet W* & Turner, which exploded In New meet the quota set for us by the CONTRAOTORS Severe Pressure - on ▼ York hsrbor In January. Hartford Red Cross Blood Donor Mrs. W. A. Howlett and daugh­ 290 Antnma St. TeL 4M0 I According to the report, the Center. *This is no time to let Germans in Sector Secrecy Still Cloakf | ters, Margaret and Betty Ann, who Flight Officer Chester K Loaf 7 C . Give Signal Raib*oad Yards Big Bargains have been spending several weeks Rekdienbach Near Masurian Lakes; Operations of Ameri* with relatives ii. the North, left WlaetaeR Smith’s 100% yesterday for their home in W e s t, Brooks Field, Texas, August l i R ^ i Repulse, Initial To Operate can Forces West ol I M m Beach, Fla Mrs, Howlett is -Silvw pilot’s wings and commis­ And Air Fields To Be Given a sister of Mrs. Alfred Hayes of sions in the United States Ariny Whole Wheat Bread 15c - Nazi Counter - Attacks. Paris; Timed With Henry street, and a large family were awarded today to another Florl-UMi4 Bomb. Rain Along 40 party was recently held at the graduating claat of Aviation Medical. Mission Finds Plane Targets With Peace Hayes home. Machinist’s Mate 1-^ Cadets at Brooks Field, ‘ Texas, Moscow, Aug. 12.— (/P)— Miles of French and John Hayes of SUten Island and twln-englna advanced flying school 46*Oz. Can Two Soviet Armies, moving Empirical Rule Suc­ Orange Juice 57c Italian Rivieras; Like .his bride were among the guesU. of the Central Flying 'Training through 250 captured settle­ cessful in Decisions American Bombers and House Committee Now Command. \ .— ments over a 100-mile front, Advertisement— Having received the final phdse 8. A W. Fighters Attack Metz; Toiling Over ' Surplus Pre - Invasion* RaidSel advanced upon the Masurian On Pribiloff Islands. Harriett’s Beauty Salon, 129 o f their aerial education in modl- Properties Bill for i . t JCenUr street closed now for va- fit-d B-25 Billy Mitchell bombers lake country of East Prussia Blows Follow Night Bulletin! at the famed, old South Texas fly­ Apple Juice w.45c Washington, Aug. 12.—(,P) A ' oation w U re-open next Monday. today in a maneuver ‘ which Assaults by British. Consideration Monday On the Orne River FroaL I ing school, today’s^.graduates al­ seriously endangered the Ger­ resourceful American medical mis­ ready are acquainted with combat Campbell’a Aug. 12.— (A*)— ^The Britiflil sion just returned from the Prlbi- aircraft. They will soon be prepar- 14-Oz. Can mans’ entire left flank. Mar- London, Aug. 12.—— piay not be speculated upon at ' Hoboken, N. J„ Aug. 12—(P)—A weakening bases guarding the and north run on each side of the present. ; Lge. Bch. Marshal Stalin, who always plays President Roosevelt tonights will C elery 19c l.lOQ-foot pier In the Hudson riv­ Philippines. Rhone river at Givors, and one It was the first sign, however. the game of a crafty boxer, - A branch of the main Marsellle-Ly- During^ Night Five More Ships Added give his first report to the nation VULCANIZING blow was ^hrown_ in after the ene­ To Their Jobs er was almost completely de.stroy- ons— Paris line crosses the river Now Ready Freah While Gen. Douglas MacArthur since he accepted a fourth term (Continued on Page Eight) ' my had Iw n forced to move hia ed by fire which raged about four and connects with other main lines ONE-DAY SERT1CKI added five more ships today to main defense to the East Prus- hours before being brought under nomination—climaxing a 16 day in the yards. sfan-Llthuanian frontier. the 11 his August reports havh City Spared Ravages Sweet Corn j>oK. 29c Roosevelt Directs Seiz- control early today. - .r . - # Pacific war tour which In hi# own Four bombei-B command attacks Sensational newv poured In listed aa sunk by Muth of took him far away from by daylight yesterday were Intend­ Acting ■ F*re Chief Andrew H. O f Battle; ' Military Helen Carlson Extra Large from the Estonian’ front as Gen. Mindanao, Admiral Chester W. politics. ed to prevent German reinforce- upe. of 103 Midwest­ Keller said the fiio Whs of unde­ VAN'S Ivan Maslennikov followed up his Nim itz disclosed the first hea'/y The chief executive will speak menta and supplies from rolling Government Officers 136 Summer Street breakthrough soxithweat o f Pakov ern Firms to Move termined origin and began on a land-based strike at the, volcano by radio from the Bremerton down from the Paa-de-Calais area, Flashes! Ea. barge which was transferring its Civilians. Service Station Watermelons 69c Sind penetrated “deep In the ene­ islands, 760 miles from Tokyo. Navy Yard near here 4t 5 p. m.. Special attention wfis given the Aid Hungry (Late BuUetiaaaf the OF) Wlra) TeL 6971 my rear," a Red Star dispatch Military Supplies. cargo to a shin moored at Pier No. . Nim itz did not say. from whence P.w.t., (8 p. m., e.w.t.). ’I^e broad­ railway bridge at Etaples, which 427 Btfd. Road TeL 3868 Califorala “ x 4. Keller said there was no indi­ •aid. the Liberators carried their 47 cast will be carried by the four has been damaged severely in pre Rome, Aug. 12.—(P)—The Ger­ cation of sabotage. He said there Sallora Held for Robbery \ Ckj-Tcapondenta aaid the Ger­ Minneapolis, Aug. 12.— (P)—’The tons Wednesday to Iwo Jima but major networks. vious raids. was no immediate estimate of the mans withdrew ail their forces Leominster, Maas., Aug. 12—mobile. . The Red Arihy advanced IS to one o f the barges sinking. A Lib-^'terception by Nipponese planes ’The President M id the Arm y was, Yard gave no indication x of the It was apparent, an official an­ . • « • based on Haimahera’s hard hit air (Continued on Page. Eight) WDRC behind the ODT In ita task. president’s whereabouts. Neither nouncement said, that the enemy Heavy Fighting C>>ntlnuea (Oontlaiied oa Page aaght) . (Continued on Page Ten) fields. EVERY TUESDAY In Minneapolis. Mel G. Barnes, did it discuss the nature o f hiSad-, withdrew Ih ebulk of hla , foices Chui|gklng, Aug. 12.—(PH -Tha ’Twin Cities ODT director, said Minor Damage Suffered dreM, but he told a news confer­ during the night to the north of Chinese high command M id today full scale operations in this area, Nim itz’ press release on the raid ence in Honolulu <»i July 29 that withdrew the biflk of his forces heavy Oghting continued on the might not be effected before Mon­ at IVyo Jima, an island about half­ he would report to the nation on BaiTbii Movie through the northern gUsklrts. approaches to Japaneae-heM i| 9:00 P. M. LubUn Wails day. States’ Rights w ay between Saipan and Tokyo, hia Pacific visit— his first war Stiffening German Rt^lataaoe Hengyang, and In the snburba of ’The ODT in Washington sent Mid, “several enemy fighters at­ tour this year. ' • Lelyang, SO milro to the south, FRESENTiai n r LARGS RMULAR Ellia T. Longenecker, highway tempting -to intercept our force Mr. Roosevelt was accompanied Action Rapped The Eighth Army, bringing up At Big Mass Version Victor iu lines on the.west for a crossing where the Chinese are In poasaa- . transportation director, to Min­ but did no damage, although anti into the Pacific by Admiral Wil­ sion of the town. The Chlaeaa An the newest colors . . . neapolis to take charge of the aircraft fire caused ndnor damage liam D. Leahy, a member of, the of the Arno afld an sMault on the 2 for 3 for German Gothic line beyond, reach­ were pressing attacks near Ullai;. firey, Fiishia, Brown, Green, trucking industry for the govern­ to three Liberators. J.ojnt chiefs of staff, and other 75 miles northeast o f Hengyaag, ConiplmnL-Raised as Ef* ed a number of villages west and 25,000 Mourners Sing m ent MurrRy-Kilgore '‘Recon He also reported an attack by hi^'ranking White House mili­ and repelled attacks in the.soh*. Rust, Blue and Black. . Barnes pointed out that it would more than 100 M ^ n e planes on tary advisors. 'The entire party forts Made to Modi* urba of Vlyang, 60 mileo north-, Traditional ^Saint Vtr version Plan May Be (Continued on Page Eight) 4 SWELL SOAPS IN 1 21c 21c Mill, an enMny-held atoll in the which left Washington with the west a t Chaagshs.' / Single and Double-hreasted (CoatiMied OB Page ’Two) Marshalls,which has been bypsMed president July 13 did .qot go with fy Voting Law Curbs. — • •• * L A R O n gin* Song of Poles. Revived in House. Chesterfieldo and Boy coats, since last February. him to the Aleuttgna. Regain Control of Are* MacArthur spiced his report The fact that the president had .Washington. Aug. 12--(P)—A Mobcow, Aug. 12—(P)— The London, .Vug. 12— iPi— Oeaeral wool with or without Washington,' Aug. '12.--!P) — with the 'disclosure' that. Auatral gone from his three-day Hawaiian complaint that the Army followed' Guerrilla War Bor’s Poliah underground forces.' wailing t>f 25,000 mourners swelled for Dewev Plans ReeltAg under a crushing Senate ian-flown fighters surprised 500 inspection on north to Alaska to an “ irregular course" in banning! i have regained control of the. Staw- over Lublin as the Poliah Commit- velvet collars. defeat o f the flurray-Kilgore re' Japanese staging-a parad^ at tbp look over the Aleutians became the showing of th. movie "Wilson” j ' ki ares of WarMw through which . tse of National Liberation carried conversion plan, administration Samate airdzome near Sorong, public'last night with the release to overseas troopa was raised to- | Inside Reich runs ■ the railway to Danaig, tha ' out a huge mass for the Victims Next Moves Denwerata today moved hope­ northwest Dutch New Guinea, flew o f delayed diepktehea dated a day In the midst of efforts to mod- [ j commander reported to the Polish ’ who died in the^Naxi extennjpa- fully toward an attempt to revive low to kill many qf them and week ago yesterday. ify anti-political propaganda re- j j government In exile today. _ The' tion caiiip thera, .Soviet dispatch­ in the House their program for chased the rest in panic from the "Thrilled and OraUAed strictiona of. the soldier voting law. , Escaped Prisoner* and hard-pressed patriots also '' HEALTH MARKET es from that city aaid today. May Include Several higher Federal. benefits for war optn fl«!ld. ' * Norman Bell, Associated PreM Senator Chandler (D., K y .' aaid , I suburb of Zoiibarz'and hcsKV Ger- - Assembled in the great square .workers. correspondent at an Aleutian is­ he had asked W ar Secretary Stim- i Foreign Laborers Bai­ man artillery Is _ before the Lublin castle, the ^peaking Engagemenjis ’Their chances o f success looked land base, quoted Mr. Ropsevelt son to investigate reports that Bor said. Tha Fowl Li>. 41c mourners, led by Father Kruain- slim. Several members _,of the Liber^ors—AUack members o f an Army review board j lie in Mountain Areas. •**‘"^*''*‘.* During Next Month. as M y in g . he was thrilled and ttatemonl ik a faint note of .< Ladieo' Full Fashioned 45 Gauge ski,, sang the traditional “Saint House Ways and Means commit­ Jap-HelId Changsha gratified his visit there which, turned thumbs down on the pic­ eptinilfmr asserting "enemy losaap Virgin** aong of the Poles, these « ture before it was submitted to tee, which will start hearings Chun^ii'ing, Aug. 12 — —Escaped bigger and hlf,' nclloiia t raports said, adding: them by Twentieth Century-Fox. Roasting Chickene~rK 45c Pawling, N. Y „ Aug. 12—OP)— ’Tuesday, made it clear they lean American Llberatora dropped the first time since the war be­ pi'iaonera of war and foreign la­ H gns of diminishing.’* FIrea attll; Polish troops litood with uncov­ Gov. Thomas E. Dfwey studied In strongly toward' the "states’ Saw Picture at Theater blazed In underground-held aee-;i STORE heavy load of bombs yesterday on gan. borers have begun' gtierrilla'Var- ered heads. Women and giria, the quiet of his Quaker Hill farm rights" bill of Senator George (D- Bell Mid Mr. Roosevelt Mluted " I undenitand some q t the mem- Hons becanse the Gernmna selaed, targeU in the eastern section of f*re inside Germany».^the .Gei'man overcome with emotion, flung today the next 'moves in his presl. Ga), which Republicans and south- Japanese-held Changsha, Hunan members of the armed forces par- 'bers M w the picture at the Roxy all fire-fighting apparatus. RAYON HOSE themselves on the ground. Pray­ dential campaign which may in­ prcM revealed dispatch am Democrats pushed to Senate theater in' N ew York an^ then OPEN clude several speaking, engage- from Nazi Goirespondent Werner ers for the dead continued for passage last night, 56 to 19. (ConUnued on Pa.- ■ Eight) (ConUnued on Page Seven) went out and told the newspapers Martial Law Importd In two popular shadeii, Sunda^and boure in the hot aun. menta next month. Repreaentatlvc Carlson (R-Kan) it could not be shown to the Gllies who wrote from “ in the Londoa. Aug. 12.-^^—A BarUH; Lb. Fryers M g Up M ae^ Radies Many requests for the Republi­ predicted that the W ays and troops,’’ Chandler told reporters. moufllalna of southern Germany." broadcast aaM today tha Naal pep* , SATURDAYS Garman cfpUves dug up many can nominee’s appearance have Means commlttae, which includes’ *Tt waa a ’gratuitous insult to 'The correspondent said "terror­ pet goveroment baa Impnaad aMrts Houey-Glo been received from party officials ists and guerrlMsa” were wagin g a bodies o f the' vletima aa hoatila a number of atatea’ rights advo- the producers. Tit* etMblished pro­ tial law on tittle MovaJda. la tbas throughout the country, and these war o f destruction on Germans lii Poles watched. — eatea, would alao approve "the cedure is for the review board to path of the Red Arm y adva presumably were discussed by Some War Housing Needs the mountain regions, wiping out UNTIL 9 P. M. SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLAY There were .'screama o f “ Mur­ George bill or something cloae to make its deciaions after pictures through the Oarpathlaa foothlUa.^ DeYvey and National Chairman are submitted to them.” entire families, burning homes, and The broadcast M id the death derers!" and "DegeneratesI" from Herbert DrOwnell, Jr., In their ex-' It.’’ ' OF FRESH MEATS... Fight N ot Ended Senator Taft (R.. Ohio), who steaUhg food and arms. alty would be Ihvoked for "r the crowd aa priaouera lifted tha tended Albany conference. Continue to Be Critical He ’ described an expedition Senate Majority Leader Bark­ woricOd out with Senator Green tlonary actlritlea, murder, tt corpse of a child from an opened Brownell left hurriedly for New againat the guerrillas which led ley (Ky) swung to £he Murray- (D., R. I.) amendments to pertnit or aabetage o f commnaleaHeaa t Tonder Liver Stewing MoaH d i t c h . ----- York yesterday without holding a fa r abOve snowline, and Mid The Committee of Liberation KUgore side In the closing Senats Washington, Aug. 11. — (P)— fporary constniction fraOr circulation of news, pictures health faeltlMee.** preaa conference. and speeches among the troops, heavily-armed German police final­ Chops Steoks Roosts unveiled a tablet on a wall of Mia. Dewey Already sinFaras delwte, and latei made it clear the Some war housing need* contlnua ®**®**^®**i ly Isolated one group of' escaped fight for Federally-rflxed tnsurance repoi told a reporter he did not know Lublin castle and masona aaaled Dewey came on to Pawling, ar­ to be critical, particularly on tha ****** RuMian priaonera and foreign ia- paymanta to dlaplacad workers had In June, 24.288 ,housing units -artet procedure the Arm y had em­ Saiisqqo Frankfurfs an uni with aahaa a t the Nasi vle­ riving ahmt^ after.8 o’clock last ployed but asserted "the film evi­ borera who fought to the last. not ended. Pacific coast, the administrator, of ware completed aa compared wiUi Washinfftoa, Aug. 12,- GREEN STAMPS GIVEN tima into tha waU. night. Mrs. Dewey was already at dently is strong pro-Roosevelt *Tt astonishing that they He termed “ Inadequate’’ the the National Housing agency, John 63,023 in the same month o f 1943, poelHoii df'the Treaauiy Aug., l i . ’The memorial tablgt carried this the farm, having, stayed here all prapagandsu" were able to withstand the intense The JW H A IdE COM inscription; week following . her return from state unemployment systems car­ B. Blandford, Jr., announced to- NHA Mid. Since 1940 a total of Receiota, floe.lO I/H iJe: rt Wo Hove Bombo and Jock & M l 1.750.000 housing unlU fo r .6,600.- l%e picture deala with the lift cold in their thin clothes for hours MAnoiesn* CoMM' WITH CASH SALES "T o the minions o f the victims St. Louis on which aha accompen- rying payments of $13 to $22 d*y. ditures, $286,839,288.28; aa $ ' MANcmmil Conn* *Almost all. publicly financed war 000 war workers and their families aace $20.57t,4ai,

■ '1 '' ... ■■ . 7ifivi '1

MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD,")ft4NUHESTEBya)NN„ SATUKUAI, AU«iU&l 12, r AGE TH MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATCKDAY, AUGUST 12, 1944 kGE TWO tlons to return to work at one Church Is Where the Faith S40,000 Given tlctpaUon in the War Bond Con­ Truck Drivers with Uncle Sam as their new boss Employment Rights sk State Aid test conducted by the War Finance Alleged Collahorator Sinrounded in Rennes Sevm thousand CIO-United Autc committee during the Fifth War W’orkera strikers at General DANCE State Agency l/)an Drive an original iong-hand Ordered Back Motors' Chevrolet Gear and Axle J For Park Here letter from the well-known author division, Detroit, wer& advised by MILLER'S HALL In Layoffs Problen| Booth Tarklngton to George Kauf- a mass meeting of their own union SL Jamew’s Roman CathoUe ari. It wlU be on di.splay next Ualoa Service <( To Coiiliiiue War In* To Their Jobs to go back to the job Monday. ^Tolland Turnpike ManolsMter MeUiodlat Okareh Rev. W iniaa J. Dana, Pastor week at the Library which will , In Dfctroit Walter Reuthcr, vice Rev. Edmnnd Barrett, Aeeletaat workers are hired to replace ' open Monday, August 14, after the Aad dustries Division o f De* War Manpower Commis* ' Scrnght to Devol- president of the CIO-Ua W, said Sat. Night, Aug. 12th Second Coagregattoaal Cfirareh But after bie total la down t o'LOflCt : annual vacation of the Librarian (Continued from Page Onej^ 2,300 of the Chevrolet strikers vot­ Sunday mosses: <'sion to Urge Employ* Heffilflnger will be allowed to hlTil Miss Nellie McKnlght. 37 Ubrary’s 9 to 1. (A t MedMdlst Ohnroh) velopment Commission .' opRe«re*t*®“ Facflilie* ed. “90 per cen V -fo r return to Rev. Eari B. Fargesea, Mlnlatar For adulU, 0:80, T, 8:30, 0:45, workers to keep tbem at the l,08ll| in the sUte took part In the con­ be difficult to resume operations to­ V ers vto Grant Leaves level. work In compliance with a WLB Modem and Old Fashioned. Mrs. D. M. Beaaetti OrgaaM and 11 a. m. V At Center Spring** > test and Hall Memorial Library day because operational plana order. Children’s mass at 8:80, down­ \Hartford, Aug. 12.—(J'j— "rhe But auppose he decides that ao*| was one of eight to receive special would have to be outlined by Stato-Plnance Advisory bommlttee Without .Any Pay. / A similar mass meeting . waa Peter Miller, Prompter. 10:8(1 a. m. —Period" o f mediU- stairs. tually he could get along w ^ H m i»cw »tioo eominlttee which awards. Longeneckcr to operators and 1 800 employes. All right planned in Detroit today in rilorta tion with organ musle; Mrs. Ben- meeting yesterday with Governor Jc nihda up e t two memben of the drivers and also because many of to end a 8topp|age of 3.300 at the A Good Time lor Voimg and OM ' SL Bridget's m O. Baldwin approved allotment of By JamM Marlow ! doesn't hire anyjae* un-l the trucks working out of Min­ astt will play M. Josef Bennst's ! Meetmen, two from Briggs Manufacturing Co. arraagement of "Fugue la A Flat Rev. James E. Tlmmlaa, Pastor $40,000 td cohtlnue the War In­ Washington. Aqg. i tUJiU-etalPllas dwindled to'80<), neapolis were left at relay points Besides about 35,000 affected In i boMd ■*»•>• the.Board of Minor lor Koprina. Rev. RroaUlaw OadarowsM, dustries division Of the Connecticut What happens to Jonea? j Different Propoalttoa Orange Lodges at the time o f the strike and they these three major disputes,, there Assistaat Pastor ^ Kdoeation, will act at the requeet “Uod” ...... Vlerne Development comihl^aton for at Jones Tiaa a job. His boas la , o f the Selectmen, to eecure etate would have to be returned here. were some. 25,000 idle ln^‘ 29 other least anothe, year, during which f - Paul Halpine, Lincoln, Neb., vice ‘Tntsrmsaso" ...... Callaerts told by the War Manpower com-I ^M.^-s telling H^ilflnger tol aid. for the development Center controversies. Including 4,000 in Men and Women of the "The Swan” ...... Saint SaOtia Masses on Sunday at 7:30, 0, 10 its acUvlUes Will be cbucerned UpriBge Parh for recreation pur- Holding Parley chairman of the Midwest Opera- the continuing Montreal, Quc-., Service Invited! and 11 a. m. mlssioi to lay-off Jonra. WMC I tora Association, said the opera­ 10:40—Morning Worahlp. with problems of Industrial recon­ ‘ p!oy«* beCAuae W H C wants to| tramways stoppage. version. to peacetime standards.^ wants to place Jones in 4 war risewhere. tors “ intend to cooperate 100 per Anthem—"Straagsr of OalUse’’ .. job needing his services badly. * ^ S e committee hae been inform­ ...... Merria The Sal vs ti O B Army » 1 Governor Baldwin expressed aat- But suppose WMC puts his cel.l- ed that It may be able to gel euch M^mbew of Local cent with the Federal govern-1 DANCE Rut—what about the seniority i ment.” - . 1 Offertory Anthem —“Sing With 881 Main Street tsfactlon with the reaulta of the ing at 1,000 and Heffilflnger de-1 aid to make poea'ble building of a Major and Mrs. J. H. Sweet or re-employment or other rights cidea 'he needs only 800 and tellei 'Thomas E. Flynn, acting presi-1 Op eii FoiTim Joy Mozart" ...... Mozart divisloh which is headed by Mau­ which Jones has built up in the ■wtmming pool, laying out bwe- Lodges Leave Tomor­ AJ Gentile and hia Sermon—"The Practice of the Offleers In Charge ■WMC to take those oth'Sr 2001 i; dent of the International Brother-1 rice E. Mayo, and aald he hoped it years he worked in that old job? ball flelda and ala. for the develop­ Orchestra Precanae of God” .Dr. Fugsrsoo will continue to be of aa 'great right away. ment of the park for other lines row for Philadelphia. hoods of 'reamateis (AFL) aald his j Soldicn. ,^nd Polltira Any protection for him on organization was fully in accord | , 1,^ Postlude—"ToccaU la D Minor", 9:30—Sunday school with David service to the small plant.opera­ Would Heffilflnger be expeetddi of recreation. At present about thp EVERY SUNDAY NlGHl ...... MsUly Addy In charge. The school Is in those? to give job protection to those I ^oly use to which it Is put is for A group of members of the local with the seizure of the truck prop-1 tors ..during the reconversion Can’t Force Rr‘ll*^Mon erties. In making his statement j, ,., session 52 Simdays In tho year, periods as it has been In the pdst. 200? Hardly. Me has decided he-l ■katlng In winter. Orange Lodges and Knights of Nothing definite. Apparently needs only 800 workers. .I f he] Royal Black Preceptory, Star of in Indianapolis. Flynn said. ''O u r P°*‘t‘« iU n fw ^ The Youth Fellowship will meet with classes for all ages. A cordial To Further Trade Program It has been pointed to return to there is of the civilians. K.of C. Bjallroom at six o’clock. Arline Cummings welcome is extended to imyone, It’s going to depnd oh'-the boss' gave job protection to those other I i ehanges have been made at tne the East No. 13, will leave tomor­ men are instructed I The Advisory commit­ In fact, much’ propaganda that will give a report on Rhoconaett with or without church affilia­ good nature. WMC can't force 200 he’d find hinself back with I ill , Uimdry on Sumrdt street row morning for Philadelphia, work at once." 28 Prospect St. Hartford tee als6 approved $15,000 for the the bass to protect Jones' rights. The drivers walked out a week would impress civilians would sim­ Institute. tions, to Come and study the Bible state Health department for Its 1,000 sometimf; and that wouIdlTl.l by It be po^ ble to turn the where they will attend the Su­ Benefit Service Fond! But WMC is going to urge such be good management waste water Into the town s »ew- preme Grand Lodge Sessions, Au­ ago when their employers refused ply PH.VI unnoticed by soldiers. Thursday, 7:80—Meeting of the with us. » ’ program of maternity care for the practice. Though most of the soldiers would choir. 11:00— Holiness, meeting. an employer, when he lays off a n T n this U the case, it is claim­ gust 14 to 17 Inclusive. to pay a seven-cents-an-hour wage wives of servicemen, and $25,000 Jones, to give him leave without increase ordered by the War La­ admit not having seen as many 7:30 p. m.—Salvation meeting. Gets Life Savings Bock ed, there will be ample water for In the party will be James Mc- 4 ' for the Development commission pay or a furlough. In that way bor board,' contending they could years as Senator Taft, still they Sunday, meetings will be In a swimming pool. Cullom, William J. Stratton, Ar­ Christiaa Science Servloea ■ for a series of advertisements next Jone.s' rights in his old job would chie Haugh. Thomas Conn, John not afford to pay the increase un­ would resent being considered too charge of Captain and Mrs. Gl- year extolling the attractions of Kansas City—()p)—Frank Har- j Hughes, Richard Whyte of'VVilli- less. _ thft government extended young to be informed, lliose in Hartford: First Church, Sunday dred Churchill of Klttannlng, Pa., be taken care of. pole, 71, thought he had been rob-1 the state and tr further the state's He could return there wheu the mantic and Archie Haugh. who is them financial relief. • uniform will be no easier prey to 11, Sunday School 11: Wednesday and CapUtn and Mrs. John Lyons Latln-ln-Americnn trade program. bed of most of his life savlnga Wherever men of faith meet—there Is a church. So it was on Saipan, where, as pictured above, war need for him elsewhere ends. state organlxep' for the Orange Under the government seizure demagbgerj' than those in "civ­ 8; 637 Farmington avenue. of Pasulc, N. J. Come and hear when he fell asleep on a bus. But | Jlllington U. fighting men gathered' in a wrecked Jap power bouse, now being used as an American hos­ , It likewise approved the first- WMC repeatedly has said it ex­ Young Americans and David J. the men will be paid the authorized vies.” -.. Heard At Second church, Sunday 11; Sun­ these young officers. pital, to hear mass sung by Father C. C. Riedel, Catholic, chaplain. quarter payroll budget of the State Mrs. Vesta Hancock found the $1;- I have heard of the Army mak­ day School 11. Wednesday 8; La­ The Weric pects to force comparatively few 500 in postal savings certlficatM'l Dickson, who is an alternate to French citizens surround an alleged Germah collaborator in Rennet after the French city waa wage Increase from 12:01 a. m. ’'■ay Highway department in the P vt Lewis White, 20, son of Mr. the Oiai)d Orange Council of the ing men of those who were not fayette and Ruaa streets. 7:30 Thursday—Open air meet­ layoffs. It hopes to do most of and securities in a paper saik and Mrs. Howard White of Lake captured by the Allies. His shirt has been stripped o it and the man at the right holds a pack of papers today but bsuik pay from last No­ amount of $340,144 for permanent World. Mr. Dickson has been Wor­ such before, but I have never heard Rockville Society: Sunday 11; ing. blessings of our church. You will the shifting of workers from un­ Harpole had carried inside hla Bon Aire road. CrjbUl Lake, EI- taken from him. This photo was radioed to New York from London. vember when the WLB order was salaried employees and $596,048 essential to essential jobs by nor­ thy Preceptor of Star of the of it making oolitlcians out of the The Sunday School 11; Wednesday 8: 7:80 Friday—Holiness meeting. enjoy the friendly spirit and our Sunday School Lesson for other personnel, but tabled a shirt and turned it over to pollOA J Bngton, died in lU ly on July 9. returned will be given to the driv­ mal and voluntary methods. for throe years rnd last November ers only from future net operat­ non-politically minded. Moat sol­ 94 Union street. 7:80 Saturday—Open air meet­ worshipful sanctuary. requeet for $10,009 from the com­ Now he has It all back. 4mm wounds receive in action, rounded out 50 years as a member ing. All are welcome! There Are Good and Bad Ministers—-The Will Require Cooperation bis parents were notified Wednes­ ing revenue of each company. Col. diers are only politically minded as mittee to study the need for a New of the Orange lodge. to how politics affect ..hemselvea, "Soul" will be the subjeqt of the This will require cooperation by Actors Cauae Alacm day. He entered the service last J. Monroe Johnson,, director of Lesson-Sermon for ■■ Sunday,'Aug. Zion Lutheran Church - Story of Eli Illustrates Both Types Haven and West Haven port au­ their loved ones and their buddies. The Geo tor Church High and Cooper Streets thority for operating and survey workers and bosses. Movember. Two weeks ago the ODT, said. Sheridan 13th. - — For instance; fandiy received a telegram stat* The Truth About Turkey In hla report to President All the soldiers ask of politics Is ( CoagregatioBal) Rev. Paul O. Prokopy, Pastor expenses. New York—UP)— Police reapoiu}- J Local Delegates that politics not let them down. To The Golden Text is from Psalms By WiUlam E. Gilroy, D.D. «^that Israel has been completely Under the new powers given it ed quickly when informed' tha$-| w he was BhghUy wounded in Roosevelt on the non-compliance 83:5. “My soul, Walt thou ’ only Marion -A, Mnasoa, M.A. mafiy soldiers who never voted or Director of BsUgloas Eduoatlon Sunday- School Vabation until defeated in battle, and that the by War Mobllizer Byrnes, WMC three men, two .garbed as storm ^ o n In Italy, July 3. The tele- of the operators. Chairman Wil­ upon God; for mv expectation is The lessons for the coming three will place ceilings on the nuihber To Attend Meet pointed out to the State Depart­ liam H. Davis of the War Labor took no political interest before Jeeae Oavla, Director of Music Sept. 10. Ark of the Lord has been taken troopers and another in the grsM ■tam received Thursday reported By Kay Brock from Him." weeks will deal, respectively, with Council Delfe»;ate8 of persons 'who can he employed he died Jidy 9. His brother, Pfe, ment that our Lend-lease aid to board said that tranpsort of ma­ becoming soldiers, any political Bar Selections from the Bible include . Waldo Newbury, OTgaalst 10 a. m.—English service. by the Philistines. He appears in of the Wehrmacht and all wear­ Written for NBA Service | 11 a. m.—German service. the priMt, the prophet, and the in labor aren.s. David A. White, Is now a patient 'Turkey w u far below quota. terial for 300 major war plants propaganda would go unheeded the following: “Lord, thou hast the record as a sincere well-inten­ ing swastikas, were seen oa - Mrs. Albert Lindsay of Edgerton Turkey's bold deft to Germany— | anyway. Guest speaker. Rev. M. E. Du- tioned man; but he waa a failure Now here’s Mr. Heffilflnger Broadway. But it wasn't aa in­ hi the Northampton. Mass., Veter­ street and Mrs. Frederick Field of Unimpeachable diplomatic was jeopardized. Hers It Is Saturday night, been our dwelling mace in a'.l gen­ ■11 a. m— Union service with the king in tne life of Israel. Legislative Powers Anyway withholding political in­ South Methodiot at the Center chow. Sunday school picnic at as a father, and he allowed the whh has a war factory smploylpg vasion. The three were acton I an's hospital, where he is making Ridge street will attend ^ ^ 50th tjie rupture of all diplomatic and ; I sources rd our O-d be Subject: ‘"nie Christian’s Answer king. Conslders.tion of the func­ cow radio today broadcast a Lub­ WMC wants to get all the workers iota of prestige . in thg shaky ■ not already such. Showing the Polkas, Fox-Trqta and partial eoma pto m concussion and Adelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., from many upon last Febniary 17— North and South Dakota, Nebras­ upon uh'. ” (Psalm 90. 1, 12, to a Bewildering Prdblem.’’ tion of one Involves study of the The indictment of Ell is that lin dispatch today that th?r Na­ ft can for that other plant. h fhr three months and In August 14 to 17, as delegates from Balkans and the Near East and j provided our arips quotas wera ka, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and movie, "Wilaon,’’ will not imke Waltzes . . . you can dance 17'. Mr. Davis Is arranging for spe­ Church of the Nazarene others. There were greater and "his sons made themselver vile tional council of Poland, sitting in Rer\-, James A. Young, Pastor So WMC tells N'-ffilfinger his IMd, over a year ago. he was the Daughters of Liberty No. 125, effectively stopi-cted nls last re^H ■fulfilled They were not fulfilled. 'parts of Wisconsin and Oklahoma. Democrats out of those soldiers them to your heart's content Correlative paasagea from- the cial music by a group of male better priests than Ell, more rich­ and he restrained them not that liberated Polish city, had from * P. M. 'til closing. ceiling Is 1,000 workers, that he Is /hvought home and givM an honor- L. O. L. 1., of this town. Both dele­ liable eastern . espionage outlet. f When fu-ther/firessure failed, we Sam Winsky, secretary of the who are not already so. Moat of Chriatian Science textbook, “Sci­ singers. ly- endowed and deeper-stelng These sons of Ell were. Indeed, delegated legislative powers to the not to hire any new workers until ence and Health with Key to the Sunday services: ^ I s discharge. He was with the gates are past worthy mistresses The tiual break with Germany; petulantly stopped all arms shlp- AFL Teamsters union iii Omaha, the movies about the famous exag­ prophets than Samuel, nobler deep-dyed rascals; sheer hypo­ Soviet-sponsored Polish Commit­ his total employment Is down to A|hst troops to land In Tunisia. Pvt. mants to' the Turks. Yet the gerate tlse hero’s virtues' anyway. Scriptures’’ by Mary Baker Eddy, 9:30 a. m. Church School. of the lodge. at this time was inevitable, the r<> ; Neb., said the 800 striking inter­ If you dial 3802 you can Emanuel Lutheraa Ghurrli kings than Saul, who began well crites who had no care for religion tee of National Liberation until 1, 000. .^mvid White was attached to the Mrs. Joseph Johnston, of Haw­ Turks continued to supply us with city drivers and dock workers Many times censorship goes far Include the following, (p.- 598) Church and Myrtle Streets, Join us in the study of the Bible. Nov. 1. subject to revocation at suit of tine precision in the con- \ reserve your favorite booth; “One moment of dlvlna conscious­ but ended in failure and suicide. at all but to use It for their own CoulA Shnl Off Ruel ~*^lISdloal Ooipa. He wSsi bom May ley street, who has held a supreme f invaluable meteorological data there were prepared to resume beyond the desires of its advocates. Rev. Theodore E. Palmer, Pastor A class to suit your need. Ten­ ends. Fig.imately there haven’t any tlr-ie- Heffilflnger coopetates. 4If h'S duct of a Turkish foreign policy Sometimes the functions of all ^14. IMS. Howard White, father, of we fill up early on Satur­ ness, or the spiritual understand nyson McFall, superintendent. office for several years and it the which probably will gc down in ,' upon the Balkans, and other se­ work but-' M. M. Krupinsky, Ne­ If the soldiers are to vote it is Uiree were combined in one man, been many priests or ministers All the committeels acts are doesn’t cooperate, the government ^tha two young men was bom at cret mllitapr intelligence im^iera- fair that they ..know about whom days." * Ing of Life and Love, la a foretaste 10.:45 a. m. Morning Worship. subject to the council’s ratification, present supreme grand color bear­ history is the c< ojest piece Menemenrlnglii Saracugtn braska chairman of the Miilwest 10:30 a. m.--Union service with as in Samuel, v'ho was not king. like them. Even Paul kept himself could crack down on him In a num- ' .^WMt» farm, at Waat Bridge, Snip- er of the Grand Lodge will also at­ tive to. a'jrial and naval opera they are voting for. ■ of eternity. Thla exalted view, ob­ Sermon by Rev. 'Virgil M. Hoover, however, thy, broadcast said. diplomatic business ip World War Operators—assnrintinn, said driv- Concordia Lutheran at Emanuel in name but who was actually under discipline lest having ber of ways, even to sh v,'ale Isrico aM lived there imtil be tend the convention. tions ■ in the eastern Medlter- J. W. Cheney, tained and retained when the Sci­ Everett, Mass. Mrs. Florence E. The committee and council are era reporting for work were told Tour birthday, wedding aa- Lutheran church. the ruler, and who felt It very preached to ethers he should be a his fuel.) ' kSBtered the First World War. The The trio will leave for Philadel­ paigns in the desert -the Turks aneah and Southeast»rn Europe. niveraaries, soldier on fur­ ence of being is understood, would Pastor Palmer will take for his Fish, soloist. , at odds with the Polish exile gov­ ” such tiibute to the Turks , will operations would hot be resumed bridge over with life discerned keenly when the people rejected castaway. There have been mlnis- Normal labor tumovtsr takes ! "*|wo White brothers have two step- phia tomorrow an'd make the trip stood absolutel/.alone. FIU Anna QtMta until the government formally lough parties, will be hon­ serinon subject "The Miracle at 6:30 p. ro. N. Y. P. S. Ser ernment in London over establish­ care of the 200 workers who are I ''Mrethera In eervlce, children of sound harshly upon the ears of spiritually the interval of death, hla leadership and asked for a teriE(l tragedies amoflg those who OIL COMPANY by train. many Americana. For events— They had, of course, promises. At length—^and only this phase takes over. ored. Nazareth.” Robert J. Gordon, Jr., mon by Rev. V. W. Hoover. Miss ment of a permanent regime for the difference between 1,200 and ^Mrs. White hy her first msrrisge. iL A T IS IM Il and man v/oula be In the full con­ king. were not wise like Paul and enemy propaganda — have But they had witnessed the value of this report is apochryphal — V. J. Hons, district manager for will be the guest soloisL Marion.E. Janes, soloist. Poland after the country Is freed. the 1,000. As they leavs, no new ' Thsy are P v t Edward Tblbeault No'Korgettlag BualneM of British and American promises Allied Staff-chiefs themselves de- Aifl SC'Hoi riGreC t> sciousness of bis immortality and A cordial welcome is extended The Week If Ell is not the highest repre­ Some years ago these tragedies conspired to ninke the Turks and ODT at Omaha, said he had re­ eternal harmony where iln, sick­ ' who In January cotumed from 6 ( arms and men to Yugoslavia cided to lulfill the I'urkish arms Tom Rooney will see that to all to attend this union service. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Pray- sentative of the priestly class in were the subject of a book issued Oklahoma City—(A*>—OPA em­ their co’iduct' thus far in' this ceived instructions from the Kan­ .your cocktails are mixed ness. and deat h ar'e unknown." Israel, in himself and In his career by an atheistic group of the sort Almost Thrown Into Sea . long aarvice In the South Pacific, and Greece, ti.'the coming d.irk quotas. Someone pointed out that sas City Regional office to make — ------pr meeting in charge of the Wom­ ployes will hold a picnic but they war, one of the moa]b misunder­ tight. Frank PuUdy.Wlll see he offers an excellent case study that take a perverted delight in ; and Pvt. Laurence Thlbeault. who months, they were to witness the the Central Powers’ real collapse formal seizure this morning. STATE Gospel HaU en's Foreign, MlMlonary Society. , ts now at Salt Lake City, the latter won't be allowed to forget bbsi- stood of all peoples. / that your party gets the best SL Mary’s Episcopal Church of miniaterial life, ideals and attacking the C^hristian religion. Seattle— IJP)—When an Army Fire Insurance From the collapse of - France breach of additional promises to in World War, I began with the HARTFORD 415 Center Street sergeant headed back for hia Alas­ pervUg In the Air Corps. neaa. They’ll have to share a ride, collapse of Bulgaria. And Bul­ of service. Rev. Alfred L. Williams, Rector character, and Incidentally of the The list of cases in , this scandal- through Hitler’s triumphant Bal­ these blasted Balkan countries, ■ •» ■ St. John’s Polish Church kan outpost, Mrs. M. K. McChes- On Yoor ' TheiiM nauHan saemonaiMemorial uoraryLibrary hasnaa and before they can eat they must betrayal of their guerrilla ie a d ^ garia lira in rrrave disquiet upon Path Httck to Work Rev. Ellison T . M im ia, Curate 10:20 a. m.--Breaking of bread. tragedy of failure. Unless It be the mongering publication seemed ^^•oatvad as------... an award for Us par-1 turn In red raUoW-coupons. kan anu Middle Eastern cam­ TH€ GolMay Street prophet, with hie eyes full of formidable until one realized how liey slipped an assortment of deli­ and 'governments-in-exile, the be- T.irkey's wesbirn frontiers. The 12:15 p. m.—Sunday school. Rev. 8. J SzczppkowsW paigns to the present moment, Apparently Cleared Drop in when you'ra down­ Aug. 1^, the 10th Sunday after vision, and hla heart full of love, lew they really were in compari­ cacies into his duffle bag, includ­ the Turkil have lived upon the frinnings of surrender to Russia on enemy-oc''iipied iaiande of the BA>ID1 town. 7 p. m.—Gospel settee. Walter Grzyb, Organist ing a full chocolate malt can FURNITURE MOTOR Trinity. 7:15 p. m., Tuesday — Prayer and his mind full of convictions, son with the great number of brink of catastrophe. The Luft­ Polish territorial nsputes. our Dodecanese and Aegean, stepping By The Associated Press which she told him to share with atones into tha Balkans, lie within 8 a. m.—Holy Communion. meeting and Bible reading. there is no higher type among men ministers. waffe, no matter what its pres­ dormouse-like attitude toward the The path back to work appar­ 10:45 a. m.—Morning. Prayer 8:30—First mass. his buddies. A letter from the ser­ And Personal Effects rifle-shot off Turkey's southern re- than the faithful priest or minister The average minister is a good ent state, can, if it choosea, make problem of the Baltic states. Mili­ ently was cleared today for more and sermon by the rector. 10:30-.Second mass. Choir geant Informed the donor; "The and eastern coastlines. Big, mod­ than half of some 60,000 workers Covenant-Congregational Church henrsals following each 'nass. of God, slncereiy and thoroughly man, doing his best according to We can protect yon for as low Istanbul and Smyrna^ a shambles, tary considerations, however, were Outline of 10:45 a. m. service: consecrated, unselfishly serving hia bnly rea.son I am alive now is be­ uppermost. ern airdromes lie within idle because of labor disputes. . 43 ',pnire Street • 9 to 11:30 a m . — Wednesday, his faith and his limitationa His aa $4.50 per $1,000 for S years’ smash Ataturk’s proud new capi­ The Processional, “The Chu-ch’a One Rev, Raynold G. Johnson, Pastor fellowmen. But because the place cause we , are 'qll Chrlstlansr The tal at Ankara and paralyze the Berlin sought repeatedly through one and two hours’ flying time of Twenty-five thousand over-the-' Friday and Saturday — Vacation is a divine calling, but he's human. can of malted milk you gave me time. enemv capitals in the Balkans.' Foundation” and attainment are high, there is tenuous road and rail cornmuni- 1940 and 1941. with threats and road truck drivers m eight mid­ Hymn— “Spirit of Mercy, Truth, school for chiMren .S to 14. Congregations In the main get the turned out to be fruit Jar rubbers. We Must Move Today the pitiful Turkish army , 1():45 a. m.—Morning worship. nothing lower among men than the sort of priests or min sters that Let me call at yoar home and I was almost thrown into the sea.” cations through anatolla. Pre­ entreaties, promises and bluster, west states were under both gov­ and Love" Sermon; "StrivingTogether." The unfaitMiil priest or minister, the explain details or mier Shukni Saracoglu well to secure Luftwaffe *>ases In Ana­ which barred . Hitler ftom the ernment and AFL-unlon instruc- Sermon—“The Sacraments of the South Methodist Church they deserve. highroad to Middle East in 1940, Sheridan Scripture Lesson Is Philippians Main Street & Hartford Road man vho makes his position or Telephone 5440 or 0038 knew the other day when, he tolia, to secure passage for Italian V Holy Spirit” 2:1-17; Lesson ' ext Phil. 1:27. Carl office the .occasion for his own in­ 5IlMing Tooth In Nose confronted the TurlUsh Grand warships auc naval auxiliary craft '41. '42 and '43, stands one million Offertory—"Sweet Is '?hy Metoy” Rev. W. Ralnh Ward Jr. Minister Concordia LutherM strong—well armed, tough, eager. Johnson soloist terest or aggrandizement. National Assembly to exactly through the 1'ardanelles, to rup­ Baniby Garden and Winter Streets (There is another million men po­ The Week Union service with Center Con­ In the stori of Eli both types Hutchinson, Kans.—OP)—Lai)Ca Arthur A. Knof la Ytlephone*: what kind of ‘conaequences" ture the Anglo-Turkish-French h o t ! Recessional—“glorious Things of . Rev. Karl Richter, Pastor m Merchandise Morton lost a tooth In an automo­ "The Farnltnre Fire tential. The T urks have tanks. 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday. Mid­ gregational church held this' .week are exemplified. Eli at his best to quote the German DNB -r he chrome accord and seize a nxmopo- Thee Are S^ken" _ RockTiilo. 110 They stiU have little air power, week prayer service. at Center church the Aev. Paul is the faithful priest, so devoted 10:30 a. m.. Union services in bile accident seven years ago. Re­ Inanranoe Man’’ The S. N. E. T. Co. has leased our entire garage and might be HUBjecting hla country, ly upon chronic ore from Anatolia. The Week but their are big and plen­ -----PLUS A ------Wedhesday, 12 jibon—Interces- Do you have a “church nome" ? K. Lynn preaching. . to his religious service and to his Emanuel Lutheran church. . Rev. cently, her breathing becyne dif­ 875 MAIN STREET we must get our stocks out of the way. < rhp French collapse in ' 1940 'I^e Turks said no. They continued ficult. A nose specially' located Manchester S492 sounded like the crack of doom tiful and the U. .S. and Britain For Your glofi for Victory and Peace. If not we Invite you to share the Regular services will be resum­ people that he fails from his seat Theodore Palmer, pastor of Eman­ OHIc!e Op4n Dally to say no, through the snperlative- now have a superabundance of BIG ALL STAR REVUB ed at the South Methodist church backward, breaking his neck, uel. will be in charge of all services the long missing cusiild, removed and Thors. Evening 7 to 8 P< N. in Ankara. , While the western ly ade.jt «Numan Menemencioglu, TODAY AND SUNDAY it. , • ■ ,/■ world shuddered at the disaster war planes. Sunday September 10. when a runner brings the news during August. $15,000 Worth of Merchandise the Foreign Office genius, anc his VIRGINIA M A X E Y in the west, the Turks faced up military' steering committee, DANCING to the patentlal catastrophe in politely but Ceflnltely. PARADir'OLE.iOE W ORRif. Must Be Sold! the east. T^e gradual dissolution of the French army, a Turkish Ontimnaaver Papen STUBBY PASTOR-OTHIRS An«| Listening ally, at the Turltish back door in Reichsam lassador Franz von igs TODAY'S SPECIALS: Syria, would have serious conae­ Papen, the vastly overrated ex­ M//^MONROE-.GRANT All Welcome! quences. Britain. Turkey's other chancellor, irandifhed the menace #tas: "Caadlellght la Algeria^ ^Plkosura ‘ ally under the Pact of Ankara, of the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht. ViOKEY'-EATON OTHERS Screen Wire — 28" and 30'^ had only its proverbial ''two men FVireign Minister Menemencioglu Peila-Mora LATEST NEWS! SHORTS! and a boy" in all the sprawling had no military aiAwer The Turl Mira Evelyn Rose Mora, daugh­ We Present . UNION SERVICE 6 Ft. Steel Fence Posts 98c ea7 treacherous Middle East. And ish army, tough and willing, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Pe^er Mora, of — 1 STARTS MONDAY •— SUNDAY the Turks knew better than any­ muster less tha half,,a ml 342 Hackmatack street, became "JANE ETRE** body els^ Just how terrifyingly poorly equipped fighting ^ n ;, a the bride this morning of Peter "PARDON MIT RHYTHM” SOUTH METHODIST AND vulnerable the Balkans were to handful of ancient war planes, a loSSSSOnSSS^ Seb Shonty Galvanized Pails 89c streamlined assault from the f^ cfe^lng Renault tMifs,, vir­ Peila, son of Mrs. Giovanna Pella north. ' tu a lly 'h o artillery. lltUe or no of 364 Bldwell street 'and the late And His CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES Turks Stand .\Ione motor transport, p r e c i s little rail Martin Peila. The ceremony waa When in April, 1941, the Ger­ transport^—and only the incredibly — ¥^ooden Picket Fencing performed in St. Jamts's church mans swiftly overran Southeast­ bad roads and aetnl-single-toack SUNDAY .H cMIb at 8:80 o’clock by the rector, Rev. 'Talk of the 6 Ft. Lengths — 2 Ft. High. X O ern Europe, brought up on Tur­ railroads of treacherous A^tolia f ” ■ William J. Dunn, who used the Regular 12,29! ...... key's frontiers, vaulted to Crete, upon which to operati it. So Mene- double •%lng kervice. White gladi­ Mon. and Tues. Town Trio'^ inspired Che revolt in Iraq and menclbglu outtalked arid out- olus and palms decorated the al­ started aerial operatioi*! in Syria maneuvered Papen—^and pleaded tar. Featuring Henry Lew­ Heavy Emergency 7 >/}-Gallon —simultaneously opening a series' earnestl> with Britain and the Center Church The bridal attendanja were Miss of vicious and victorious cam- United States 'for the war ma­ Julia Mora,'sister of the bride and LUCKY MANCHESTER! Gasoline or Kerosene Cons, $1.98 terials we had promised. is at the piano and Sal John Pella,' brother a t the bride­ ^ 10:45 A.M. Russian power diplomacy sat in. groom. TO SEE IT FOR THE FIRST TIME Lombardo at the GfilvRnized Moscow, panicky at German ad­ The bride who was' eacorted to vances along the eiiUra ''easterri the altar and given in marttage AT NO ADVANCE IN PRICES drums. Sermon by Rev. Paul R. Lynn _ Wash Tubs $ 2.79 The Office of front, screamed for a Second Front by her father wore a form-fitting and when it was not forthcoming gown of silk marquiaette trimmed Russian .tvrath descended upon with tiaiA-niade duchess lace, the James Newcomb, Orffanlst and Director. IS IT TRICKERY OR DO THE Dr. D.^M. Ankara. The Turks firmly declined skirt terminating .In a jonig. train. Conning Jars td open diversionary hostilities Her veil of Illusion was draped DANCING w ^ Germany, operations which from a pearllzed coronet trimmed Every Thursday, ^ Fri-- Pre-War V—" Caldw ell thep'oipuld only have been disas­ with lace, and her bridal bouquet DEAD ACTUALLY APPEAR? trous f6ri.,^e Allied csidss. was fashioned o f .white gardentae Apply Pnacure and valley Ullcs. day -and Saturday Ja r iUrrgs 10c pkg., 3 for 27c ^ 11 Be C o se ? Britain, too, was presoinr for The maid of honor was gowned A re the-Great Spirit Mediums Fakes, Or ^ Do They Have Supernatural Power? Turkish entry the war. U. S. in moonstone- silk jersey. She isore Nights.' Ambassador Laurence Steinbardt a sweetheart bonnet to match and UNION-SERVICES Hear Beaman Senecal give the Bible answer to this cjuestion which has split scientific opinion. Spiritism Pro-Tex jar 29c Until Aug. 28 received instructiofiq^ _to apply carried an anp bouquet a t yellow The Home of pressure -jpon Turkey 'apd he fo l gladiolus. is older than the BibleT Y, What does God^s word say aboul it? ^ lowed orders -although Be. quietly The mothers Of both the bride Real Italian and American and bridegroom were attired In Food. j We Have a Few Paper Napkins, navy blue and wore g a m n ia corv ssgos.--.— Spedalizlnir in Spaghetti, ~ CONCORDIA AND EMANUEL — SPIRITISM TO SWEEP OUR NATION Plates, Knives and Forks Left. dinner and reception wlU he RavioU, Chops and bm at one o’clock today at Um What great statements in the Bible will catise'Qiri*ieirdom to accept Spiritism? Houdini; arranged a secret home pf ttM..-bride’B parents foir Steaks. LUTHERAN CHUROIES relatives pf tha couple. code with his wife. Why did his spirit not return to meet their appointment? Bird Baths $2.75 and up fROM This When leaving for an unannounc­ Try Our Famous CONTROI.I.ID ed wedding trip, the bride will- LA PIZZA Sunday, August 13 ' wear a black ensemble, a’ith white Orders Put U p To Take Out. Adirondack Unpainfed Folding accessories. On their re.turn they COME FRIDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS AND R lC A P P m O ^ will make their home at 264 Hack­ Ai 10:S0 A. M. matack strsst, 's CHOICE WINES SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. TO THE Wooden Chairs $2.98 ^ A t t h a Tka FirastoM raetory-OoBtrallod The bride’s gift to her attend­ AND LIQUORS Werc$S.98! 'Xstliod sssniM yoB hlghoat qoaUty ant was a cross and chain, and laatarlals and tha flBsst warkauMSklfi the bridegroom's gift to his best Iky laetoty-tralned azporta. Too got man was a billfold. The bride la a rlSBCM a llie s , gnsrsBtsid qaality. graduate of SL Joseph's parochial Emaniiel Luthariui Qiurdi school. Portage, Pa., High actwol Gtareh Stract, Opiioaita MVrtla. and ML Aloyidus Academy, and la Barrat DEPOT IBLE AUDITORIUM no" RAnowMB cNmnan" siM C. Aalvay Smith • John employed by Cheney Brothera. The Rav. T6«odora E . Palmer, Pastor. 1 ■ ■ Woltar Hampdsa • H ntm RaynoMa PlrarHil Tt IRVINO RASPER bridegroom Is a 4A1:Jry-man SQUARE G. Albart PcafBQiu OrgRRlfit, CAMPBELL’S market ganlaMr. PLUS: ROY ROGERS IR “SONG OP NBVADA" SERVICE STATION ,v Robert Jr.* . Masonic Temple— Manchester t MORIARTY NtOTHERS Psoplt aratehlag the bean cat GRILL Beaman Seneeal ON THB LEVHV AT CIENTCR AND BROAO STS, TBI.. MOa In Yellowstone National Park are YOU ARE WELCOME! WT . i n HAfN STREET AT MIDDLE TURNPIKE ENDS 14 Depot^Squara TaLSfiSi inside the pen, and the bears oiR- TONHUIT Tlie White Cliffs of Dover' Bide. \ ' ' ■


itIVi • V V-/


W h ^ l i J lfe q n s

ments would be attach ^ to divi­ ■jr B. Anea sions of some kind. Divlsibns are ; WWliiacton — When Secretary commanded by major generals- M^War Stlmaon returned trcun Now we come to corps and OF BUSINESS armlea. Seven Field Armies Ai OM oouTM oC it li« r«in*rKea A corps contains two or moje the amooth flow of men and divisions and is also commanded Mm to the front in Normangy, by a major general, sometimes a ri^T U ten addedr . , * lieutenant general. In addition to Is On the Job MONIQUE UNGUENT 11 -I think, too. It la fair to MV each division’" troops, a corps will Extra Oinning Expert Corsetiere Here ' I th at. . . It oouM not happro wlth- Include "corps troops’’ such as Ar­ ■ ont the moat careful training In tillery and anti-aircraft, hospital, Day and Night ! atnunand by the men In the poel- Qusu'termaster and other special Jars Are Here For Your Convenience You owe it to yourself to use this MONIQUE ’ tf—■ od eorpa commandera and UNGUENT, especially if your skin has become dry and t army commandere over ttere. ... . troops. ' ■, ■ ------\ ' *Tn oor earlier wara, I think It Two or more corps make m You Can Get Ernest Roy wrinkled from the Summer sun. Ask to see it next time ■ ]• fair to aay that we never had army — more properly, a field Manchester Harili^Arfe H a ^ you become ' acquainted»day when tha'average woman la army — commanded by a lieuten­ with the Spencer. Corsetiere here spending so m u y more hours dO' you are at i oorpa commandera who knew how ant general, Th" U. S. has dis­ ing different work"; .Not only are At Any Time If You ‘ la handle auch a Job.” G>. Has Enough Now i'h Manchester as yet? if you have t fo view of the Importance which closed the existence of seven field her hours filled to the brim with Have Car Trouble.' "the aecreUry attached to eorpa armies. Armies, have "army To Fill All Needfi. not^ade the acquaintance of Mra. all kinds cf work, but she is walk troops’* similar to ’’corps troops.’ Mary McPartland and asked her Ing more than ever. No longer is THE WELDON BEAUTY STUDIO i and Army commandera, let’a aee Two or more Armies may be com- Supposing you try to start yu'ij I Juat what eorpa and armlea are and Are you In need of extra can­ advice on the proper support of it possible to Jump into the car car late sonrs evening and It just i / Jjined as an "army group,” prob­ ning jars, or rubbers to help out your figure you really have a and drive wherever she needs to 1 iunv they fit into tlie organlaalion ably under a gci eral. does not go—What then? Well, if* ; of the Army aa a whole. It might your fast dwindling supply ? If so, treat In store for you. Mrs. Mc­ go, most women have to depend on this does happen to you, don t / ^ aaaier to atart with the amaller Why does Secretary Stimson better phone Manchester Hard­ Partland la the accredited agent the bus and walking to a great ex­ aay we never before had corps and tent. At the end of a hard day despair. Juat phone Ernest Roy THE CAR YOU OWN HIGH GRADE f Malta and work up. _ army comman<*ers who could do ware Company located at 248 for Spencer Garments here in at hla home and he will see that ^ Squad the Inltlfl Oalt North Main street. The phone Manchester and that means that without proper support, weariness you have Immedlatt help. Mr. Roy . . . If in ninnlng" order. Is a i n ra t cornea the aquad, c o ^ the job the commanders are doing number is 6265. ’They will gladly she is fully trained to diagnose is the m ^n feeling left. Too many in Normandy today? women attribute this condition en­ maintains 24 hour service by the real aaoet. We are atili a long F yeaed of eight to 12 men. led by Because the World War train put aside what you need and you your figure and prescribe the type use of his house phone and if you ways from new cara. Let as PRINTING I a eorpwal or aergeant . can call for them at your conven­ of support you need. The Spencer tirely to the amount of work done, ing program calied for training of and in some cases it may be true, are in need of help he wlU ge®. that help keep your present eqr In JOB AND COMMERCIAL K Next la the platoon, composed men by companies, regiments, ience. people feel that they can best serve you get It. . of three or four squads, aometimes sometimes e^ten by divisions—but No doubt you are famlllnr with their customers by having a fully but Mra. McPartland la confident Mr. Roy Is the owner of the De­ the best poulble mechanleal ’ PRINTING / divided Iptb two sections. Platoons never as larger organizations the many useful items to be found trained person come into your that a Spencer Foundation Gar­ pot Square Garage, ,241 North condition. Be conalatent nbont ate commanded by lieutenants. in this fine hardware store. How­ home and prsecrlbe the type of ment prescribed by her would help Prompt and Bfficlent Printhig They were shipped to France and Main strt'.'t. one of - the finest having It checked and servtoed of All Kinds. Four platoons make a company, organized into ' corps and armies ever, we would like to stress the garment ne^ed. They have follow­ this condition immeasurably. equipped garages anywhere and aammanded usually by a captain. particulariy fine brand of paints ed this method most successfully Mrs. McPartland will be glad to here. It will pay. i • Four companies make a battal­ over there. ’Tlieir corps and army that are carried here. The Ox-Une call at your house and talk over although he features work on COMMUNITY PRESS commanders haJ neveb seen their and by so doing have many, many Chrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth A. C. HoImM J. W Bar* ion, commanded by a major or lleu- men and had never before had the Paints, Enamels and Varnishes satisfied customers. This founda­ any of these matters with you. cars, you will find his mechanics lanant colonel,, and three, battal­ carried at Manchester Hardware tion garment is not a stock affair, Her phone number is 7654 and COOK’S SERVICE ST A, Cor. No. Mala aad No. School ions make a regiment, commanded opportunity tc handle such large Company are made from a pre­ are capable of rtpalrinj; any make Manchester Ureea ' Phone S9M Streets — Telephoae 6727 numbers of men. It took them a nipped in here and let out thera, to she will be glad to make an ap­ of car. Perhaps you already know hy a cidooel. war formula and are guaranteed fit the figure. Indeed not, it is pointment at any time that may be Two regiments form a brigade, long time to catch on. te be an extra fine paint. There that the depot Square Garage has After the World War, the stand­ made from the actual measure, convenient for you. a factory trained man working ' under a brigadier general. ing army that remained was brok­ are ao miuiy different kinds of with the proper support in the If you have had an operation To nrnke tt simpler, we have paints on the market today that it you will find all sorts of supports there all the time. This on-> factor • G6t Your Supplies Of considered very person. Work Carefully and /- _ ' The regiment, on the other now there are plenty of officers retain their gloss and color over a you do not pay one cent more for Hardware Co. ’ ^ hand, is the largest unit composed long period of Ume. cy to stoutness who needs a spec­ Call her now, delay m ^ be dan­ this extra fine eervice. Your work Neatly Done. ^ Vsntirely of soldleia belonging to who know how to handle enormous ial garment. We have learned gerous for you, and comfort is Peter OallaiMe — Joseph Barrett bodies of men—there might be as Plumbing Supplies is guaranteed to give the utmost Props. one of the army’s “arms" or "ser- Have ■ you been looking for that slim people need support as v.ithin the reach of your tele^one satisfaction—and it does. many aa 35 or 4i> thousand men in i—all 7654 for ah appointment. 248 North Main Street ^ vtces,” such aa Infantry, cavalry, a corps—and the men know how to plumbing rjppllea lately? If so, well. Particularly is this true to- Special Parts Dept. JOHN S. WOLCOTT A SON • OBgineera. ordnance, etc. There is you will be pleased to know that XAr* you familiar with the Spec­ TeL 6265 ao such thing, for example, as an work as part of such a large or­ 117 BolUzter St. Phone 8607 ganization.. ■ ______Manchester Hardware Company ial Bnrl* Department? This de- fUfhngtneer d lv isicE n g in eer regi­ has a very^lne stock on hand. Per­ Ayitabile Victor partiiK-nt 1s really something to haps we ah sort of feel that prac- South Coventry brag aboqt, for It means that you at the church FTiday, August 11 at Ucally everything in the plumbing do not hat« to send awa^ for a Johnson Bros. 8 p, m. for, rehearsal. line is unobtainable today, but tHAt Over Hagearty special p a rt'fo r your Chrysler Charles Rlx, an early resident Technical Sgt. Herbert Kelly, son J. R. Braifhwaite Tolland really is not so. ’They may be of ’Thomas Kelly, is home from needs. When you stop to consider Electrical Contractors of Tolland, new in business in Netv changed or modified to meet the the convenience o r this one depart­ Keys Made, Locka Repaired f Mias Bernice Hall, Mias AUce Jersey, Was a guest of his old shortages brought about by the England on a 21 day furlough. New BriUln, Aug. 12—<;«—At­ ment, you will undastand why 58.1 Main Street /■ friends Mr. and Mrs. John ,Ht war, but you will be well pieaaed He has been serving as gunner on torney Matthew J. Avitabil^ won Depot Square Garage ii w popular Tools Ground pan, ifra. Lincoln Atnlth and Steels, ’Tuesday. *He llso visited with the practicability of many of the Democratic nomination in th« \ TeL 6227"^ 7606 ' daughter Salty Smith and Hiss the Flying Fortress "Rose of wl& the people of ManchM|er and his former Tolland home, the well theas articles. You will find Mr. York,” recently given considerable Sixth Senatorial district last night vicinity. All you need to d o ^ to Lawn Mowers Sharpened V Florence Ifeacham left Friday for known old landmark, th9 late Barrett or Mr. Oallasso glad to publicity. ^ e has been overseas by a margin of 11' votes over Judge phone 5113 and tell them What We Win Glady Give You U wept at Ulsquamicut Beach, R. Daniel Chapman farm on Tolland show you any of these items and since last September. With oth­ W. E. Hagearty who had the sup­ part you need—not a single day, Electrical Utiittiea avenue. advise you in the purchase of port of the Town committee. At­ will be lost, and best of all. your Estimates. L Miss Mildren Clough who has er ^embers of his crew he re­ Re-Conditioned ^ same. Do feel free to drop In and ceived a citation for participation torney Leonard S. Appell a third c|^ viill be back on the road again The people of Tolland were sad- spent several months at Miami, look at them. candidata for the post received 580 aa sooff as one of the Fla., returned last week to the If you need new piping or fit­ in a number of successful missions Guns Repaired "Blectrie Ssned when news came*Wedneaday over Germany and Poland last votes. mechanics hffva put In the new homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tings Installed before toe. cold The AvltabUe-Hagearty race part. Baagee — Befrigetaton tta t one of the town’a service boys. E. Eaten Clough. weather sets in, it would be advis­ fall. He also holds the distin- was so close that a recount was 52 Pearl B t Phone 4200 Oorky had been killed In tinguished Flying Service award, Depot Square Oarage is open - Ths—Young People's choir ,r« able to purchase what you need needed to establish the winner. dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. ex­ -.Fkanca during the Invaalon. Much hearsal will be held at the Feder­ now. You will find .a full line of all and Oak -Leaf Clhater. Before Under a procadure new this year, abpmathy is expressed for Mr. and leaving England, he was for three cept Sunday—remember If you do ated church, Friday at 8 p. m. with piping and fittings over at Man­ the Town committee piefsed a have trouble after regular garage jTacob Chorches and family Mrs. Helen Upson in charge. chester Hardware. While they do months stationed at the same field primary candidate and sent out with his brother. Tech. Sgt. Wil­ hours, you have only to phone Mr. We Have BeeQ in the BILL'S TIRE • ^ and tlM uade. Loula Oorky whgfe Ths Annual Federated church not do the actual work at this letters urgl^ party membera to Roy at bis home and he will see - this Sne yePng man had lived since school and CommuAity picnic will •store, Mr. Barrett Is always glad liam f. Kelly, also an aerial gpin- vote for liiiff. *1^ candidate was * and to give advice on any purchases ner. to it th at you have the necessary Plumbing and Heat­ aarly AUdhoM; be held on the church grounds, Hagt-arty. ' , help at ones. The ’Tolland Boy Scouts are Thursday, August 17. made here. Why not call them now, Pfc. Albert Raymond Proulx Town Chairman- Samuel- S. - Od- ing Business for Mahy REPAIR SHOP Mending two weeks ih camp near Ira Wilcox of Tolland Grange, phone 6265, . and be prepared for has returned to hie duties with the jeH interpreted AvltebUe‘’s nomlna- Horwlch, Cohn. an officer of Connecticut State your winter needs? Malntence Dept, at Fort Bragg, | „ a lack of confidence in the Years. Wm. H. Green. Prop. The regular msetlng of Tolland Grange, is 111 at hla home in Mer- N. C., after a ten day fprlough committee and friends quoted him. Columbia and Elk Bl^rdea. Orange wiU be held at the Com- row. Conn., with a heart ailment. spent at the home of hi* parents, as saying he contemplated resign­ Rely on our experience and asunlty House 'Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meacham 10,000 Australian Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pm 'uIx. ing. 'A Reininiter'' service for best results. U. 8. Tires. < 1 August 15 at 8:60 p m. ’The Les- of Bridgeport, Conn., are guests , There will be a iheetlng of. the to get ■ ■ turer’s prograia will be furnished this week.of ’Tolland relaUves. Surgical Dressings Group at the Lineman. Is lAicky Repairs. Service. by the Tolland Orange Home Bco- Girls Wed Yanks Congregationsil Parsonage next SPENCER Johnson & Little aomlcs Committee. ’The refresh- Thursday, evening, Aug. 17. Anamosa, Iowa.— (/Pi — This SUPPORT • Acceasorics. laent committee are Dr. Edwin charge was on ths house. Ray 145 MAIN STREET Sydney, Anstralia, Aug. 11—WP) • The Wedding of Miss 'Lucille to relieve that-muscular bade* ----- P T ona 6876 ISO Spmoe St. Phone 5450 Dlmock and Mrr Allirton Klbbes. Wapping —Nearly 10,000 Australian glrla Blanche Tardlff, daughter of Mr. 'Seeley, lineman.for the Iowa Elec- 'T Dr. Harris Price of St. Peters- and Mrs. Alfred T a n ^ of Perkins trie Company, grabbed a wire car­ ache—give you new snergyl 'burg, Florida, who* has been a have jnanrled American service­ rying 7,220 volts of electricity and -T A daughter was bom to Mr. aftd men since the latter started com­ Corner, and Staff Sgt. Bert R. guest of" relaUves in Wllllngton Nye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. escaped with burned right hand MARY r. McPa r t l a n d and several former Tolland ac- Mrs. Thomas Burgess of-Deming ing here In large numbers in ehrly and a hole in his sock, burned street, at the Hartford hospital, 1942,. and already 1,000 qf these Nye of this place, will take place 186 West Caotar Strast GIBSON'S KRAUSE'S in action,” our fighting men on all the far-flung battle “2b this end we need every man, eybry naaintances, has gone to Kent, on September 2nd. Sgt. Nye Is there by the charge as tt left hts Phone 7866 All Over the World, Our Fishtins Men Oonn., to he guest of bis slater, August 9. war brides and fome 200 babies body through his right foot. Ex­ GARAGE! weapon, and all the courage sund fortitude of Michael Karkowski, husband of have gona to the Upited States. stationed at Newport R. I-, with perts estimate that only one per­ GREENHOUSES fronts of the world give thanks for the lift The spirit Mrs. Thelma Price Barton. ’ Another 134 brWes are awaiting the Coast Artillery' ' B.* B. Oibaoa, Plap. S21 Hartford Hoad B laaelm M Mr. and Mrs. Richard Otka have Anna Wllkas Karkowski of Sta­ son. In 10,000 can live through auch u Salute the home-front for f Backint the Attack** our respective people. The Allied eoldier will tion 46 1-2, South Windsor, died at trahsportatloff^ and 2,000 others At a luncheon meeting of the a jolt of current. you have shown gives reassurance of support to those bad aa recent guests relaUves from the St. Francis hospital after a have applied' for perinita to enter Garden Club held at the home of apaotaUZtog m gpeeial AttMtMn do hie duty.** » Manchester.- —— short illness. He was bom in the United States. Mrs. Helen Beerwort Tuesday, it QUALITY B B A B V fnvea to Pboae in the 5th War Loan Drive. on the long and bloody road to Berlin... and Tokyo. Mrs. Cleveland and lltUe daugh­ Lithuania and lived here for 85.. TlJ»dargest single contingent was voted to disband the organU PRINTING! Whaal AUgaaMot. Olden. Xst S70K • 4 * * Yes - and we on the home-front will ddour duty, alsa ter of Pseksklll, New York, are 296T wives slid 72 babies—recently Speolaltoto la Fa- ’ k ^ ln g an extended visit with years. __ zation for the present owing to Iha grhitiag The 5th War Loan lias (onn ovnr the top! Every man, woman and child in America may well Besides his wife, he leaves two embarked on a pre-war American i n t aeml and Wed- Let no man think tb it in sudi hisart^itirring tim et at Mrs. Clsvelanc ’# parents, Mr. and transportation difficulty and johwadofot .dlag A m agto sons, Paul Karkowski with the luxury liner. time pressure. jr a a will Oarbamtor thrill with pride at the success of this unprecedented Mrs. Karl ToWaason on Grant Hill ymted Statei. Army In I r ^ ' and The recent sale and aupport faeata. these, when our boys art facing their mott crucial Tolland. „ . - Red Letter Day Made Better prove satte* awnrlMt Mrs. Mary Edgerton. Baker of Albert Karkowski also of. the U. S- held by the Ladles Association of laetory, be- Uot STowam drive—the greatest w ar-fin^cing operation the world Army stationed in Texas;, two the Congregational church netted oauae It wUI You’ve attained every one of ttie 5th W ar Loan ob- WQeks and months ahead, that the part we play in Hartford la a guest of Mr’. Lucy daughters, Mrs. John Pglozle and' Chicago — UP) — Two veteran 185 Main St. Phom 5012 • Potted Plaato- has ever known. This includes the millions who “dug vtTsher. stork chasers, Policemen Herman the organization $135, / be prodnoed ander tlM osoet buying Bonds is trivial compared to their earth-shak­ Miss Helen Kr,rkowskl of South The Rev. Leon H. Austin of asodera, efflaleat sMtboda. Get jectivies—Euid then some I The overall goal, corporate '-Mias Esther Blankenburg of Windsor apd two brothers in Strotke and Joseph P. Young, with deep” to buy extra Bonds and'the untiring volun­ Veiipoo was a recent guest of Miss Bcorea of 30 and 15 deliveries, re­ North Coventry will occupy the anr aattmate, and individual, was $16 biliftoh; $20,639,000,000 ing deedii and heroic challenge.of death. Lithusnl.,. spectively, together assisted In the pulpit at the CongregaUonal Depaadbble 4|aallty » Servloai Cattle, and Poultry teers who helped sell them—the whole cavalcade Mvgery Baldwin. Funeral services were held this church on Simday morning. Mias yreda Duell employed at morning at 8:15 a. m, at his home birth of twins and thought that Buy Your Hardware! was realized. The individual goal was $6 billion; Far from trivial, our home-front tasks are today the ’Tolland Ration Board office Is made it a red letter day. That aft- ^Frederick 8. W hite-ta t a ^ g .LIAM B. SOHIBtDGB Are Bringing Top Prices! of America galvanized into action on a spontaneous taking her annual vacation. ' with a solemn requiem maes at 9 enioon, however, the team . was a 22 weeks course in radio me­ street XeL |8M $6,330,000,000 rpreumfowrj was realized. The **£” or a. m. at the Church of St. Francis called again and delivered another By Havtag D BervtMd At FEED. ~~ voluntary basis. more important than ever.' ^ ” Tte: Past of the RockyiMs of Assisi, in South Windsor. Burial chanics at Truex Field, Madison w A BERVtCB and fiousewarea Fythlan S isters bjeld their mbnth baby in their patrol wagon en route Wisconsin,’ ths Army Air **People’s” B ond goal—th e m ost im portent elem ent in was in St. Mary’s cemetery in East to the hospital. y AIM 9 FCATION Encouraged by the example of what a united peo­ ly meeting in the form of h picnic, Hartford. F^irce. / 627 Hartford Road TeL « Needs at MOON'S FEEDS the ^individual quotcL and the hardest one to-make— But just as the battle continues with ever mount­ August 7, at the summer'home in - Mr. and Mrs. Adam Yonika of Read HeraM Advs. ple cem do w hen acau se is just, let us continue to “back Tolland of Mrs. Ida Weber. Wants to Keep Fit FOR BEST RESULTS!^ ing fury, so we on the home-front must conSnue to ’ Tolland will be reprSssnted Strong road, South tVindsor, an­ was $315illion; $3,036,000,000 was r&Jized. the attack—buy more than before” until the day of the Tolland County 4-H Fair nounces the engagemente of their VaTxniyer, B. C.—

—rAlvarez CAMPBELL'S “Back the Attack.” As General Eisenhower has said: be held Saturday, August 19, at daughters, Veronica, to Pfc. John E. Haabsburg, who claims to be ^ See The -— - The American public has scored not only a re-' final victory. A ndlet us resolve not only to b u y Bonds .County Home grounds. Gudzunas, who is ^t/itloned in Fort 110 years old, says he has written CHRYSLER, DE SOTO, PLYMOUTH Hardware Store LARSEN'S **Satisfactory as is the progress of this battle Miss Margaret Weingarner Benning, Ga.. after, two years in f)>r an insurance company’s book­ "W ine Doefoj;'' FEED SERVICE sounding victory on the home>front, but the greatest to the fullest nrtent of our powers, but to hold them convalescing from an- appendix op the Southwer Pacific, and Julia, let on “Keeping Fit Through Fix- Cor. Mala and Middle Tpk. to date, its magnitude is a mere beginning to ’ aratiop .at her hom% in Snipsic to Edward M, BufKC, Coxswain, erclse." ----- SERVICE AND GENUINE PARTS gg Depot Sqoam Pboae 666d one to date! ^ , * until maturity—for-a better, safer, happier world Lake section of Tolland. who 1 stationed' at Camps Parks, A t , the tremendous struggle that must follow Miss Elizabeth Hicks has return­ Calif., after two years in the for all, . - *' ed to her Tolland summer home Southwest Pacific. Pvt- Gudzunas EXPERT AUTOMOBILE REPAIR. - WORK For this inspiring demonstration of ‘‘Democracy— before final victory is achieved. after a month spent in Maine. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony FRED'S W V ■ T. P. Holloran Mason Steele, Sear:an Ic, is on Gudzunas of ;; Warehouse Point, '20-day furlough and was a re- Petty Officer Burke Is the sor of ROOFING FUNERAL HOME Mnt guest of his grandparents Mr. Mrs. Stanley Buyke of Hanmer Asphalt Shingles PACKAGE DEPCiT SQUARE GARAGE and Mrs. John H. Steele. . street. East Hartford. Atlontic. ’The public supper served by the Eroeat Roy, Prop*— — ^ Flat or Built Up -— STORE Mvay fraoi the boay tbornagb* 111 FAderated church Wednesday eve­ Leaves Tank Full of Oas 241 NO. MAIN STR EIT * TBL. 6118 "Service Station ning. was a success both flnan- Tin Roofs 117 Spruce Street ~ ^ 289 Main Street ton. ptetinetm Berries, ttod- elally and socially.- 92 people Effingham, lU.— Seventeen Em Up” with WAR BONDS Were served^ and- the new pastor. days after Jest tpiomas’ automo­ An Types Handled By. The proper wtiiee, properly ' . ^ 1 Rev. Htllis French and family bile was stolen In 'Neoga, III., it served witp the right roods, can were received into their new pas- was found ’.undamaged In Elfllng- YOUR LOCAL ROOFER: add maab to year aajsyment ot Genetal ~ a m b u l a n c e s e r v ic e a asaaL Far the beat to wlaes lonte. ham, 20 mllas away. Then Thomas _ f o r ~* Autemobile DAY AND NIGHY The Young People's choir with discovered Uie thoughtful thief left ED COUGHLIN. 7707 for every oceastoo. eeme here the organist and director wHI meet the tank brimming full of gasoline. sad get ear advtee, too, regard- 175 Center St. Phone 3060 890 Woodland Street lag ttw eaiy^ at sama. Diipont Paint Products * Service VOLUNTEER BLANK ~ BIXM)D DONOR SERVICE Manchester Chapter, The American Red Croae WAUPAPER V LECLERC CAPITOL 1 Want To Donate Blood for the Army and Nary FUNERAL SERVICE GRINDING CO. SEE WARD'S FIRST tFaltac N. Laelam. OIrMtoti. Name PICTURE FRAMING 88 Main St. Tel 79.58 FDR A COMPLETE LINE OP ROOFING, INSULA* -When Thingi Are UiiU . 'A Addreaa TION, BUILDING MATERIALS, PLUMBING AND Oar BaMness Is Good” i' HEATING SUPPLIES SAWS OF AI.1. KINDS Phona • Ago, 18-20.• •. Age, Sl-00 SFn AND FILED Check hour yon prefer appointment: " ^ • Ib e Daorwoy fa OeiaNJItng. Hand and Power 12*1 ■ • • •. 1*2 •. •.« 2 - 8 ..... - 8-4 .....* Uaaaervattvo, Latrunrawers Sharpened ontgomery Ward MuaniUb* Pto ienl ito v i n . ^ and Overhauled Fill iiLRnd p»aH to JOHNSON. PAINT CO. gg MAIN irt.. ItANUliaMTBa Ageato for Hacmillaa oU. American Red Croea, Home t Hale Building — 824-828 Mala S t TcL 6111 Maachaater 699 MAIN STREET T E L WW Dtol tot dJe-Oaetoi Bagton N ■ \ ' r. r r J'. , *' --- ■ ■/ . \ X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST l2 .1944 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALH, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 12,1944 X F A d ;'*'*?^!ty».****'.T*"**!?*fa‘f* **!?*»«» Cwrf."to. I>ii.n SiafanlniA aalMi aSitoilM aSiSS J ^ l Yankee BV Malcolm. MoUan 23 Church street who entered the CANNED OR BOIUED JtR **t—cf* m um Im. • imM mIm. Ow teSia ataa at aaeatS s>tat as4 aassaS tofa " it BlMCll street behind the remnants of the , together. W ill Direct Democratic .Tar Oozing Out of the MaUtiMO- iB ltilM ) fMIIP IIVf ran toillMiI.iiiaaiaUto.Himiwi. li.H(V4)totoi aMSMawMiaatisaaaiaSaai ■Mmaawlr *osdraino«s A m m l Kenebe«ter. Conn. mam Seventh Arn}y> fighting B y A . H. o,. , Mr. Mdilan, retired editor of The Herald, preserves his contact service la February, 1342. vtSaCto/toSlMS^ UII HMtoMtoiDm ShSmi a aa^h^nuaM.toU nu Stoll«stoli m » i « . . . I StoU a toltoatauMWStottoM THOMAS iraiQDSON with his former dally readers by writing a weekly letter for One of our nerighbors, a persist­ Cam paign; Session Roadbed Is Covered m m fiM t 0mti) O M t iM t , v w • t««»ai<) ■ rtoaffi.riltoMiBlBripa.toto__ fciUnwMlk..adM,. faUfMelmwltotoaML. Ml.ito. U to ltiww.U Iwitoiii ______s.wlnai< waiaiia M Stor IMillaH^ toSitort Silver Star Madkl' General MAne»er at MorUin, still offering good ent and experienced canner, put iMMfStoSMliMMiaW)StollsMSMadMabM m. ksuaki toM • nMIto in a tonto SMtoM. StoS mImm Itol ato saUMat kM aaS U Sms TounAed October 1. I S S l __ these columns, in which he sRpresses his own leisurely arrived- Remember when it was peaceful, With Crashed Stone. BAi T 4A a i.iiiaiaii.itoi«wkliksas,is,n4il««MK ..SMck Km . a.,itM.I»tou Mhw.T Miwlr Iwm Sw aaaW SMalMMa, vatiK aM saM Sonth Goveulpj fionUI resistance in the Caen. Homer S. Cummings, who not ht convictions eoncemlng some major matters and hls^wserva- it this way: "I've about made up No jealousy or greed? Without Incident." toikMlSaMa|lto» , » — ptoSMla.. Suck mi.-K.IIflB.ItoSMllM.lsaM mIumMSum MlMSMSwaA '' so long ago passed his 7ith birth­ AmtSAUCE___ ted Hrerir BrenJnf Falalse area. tlons concerning some very minor ones. as. seen from his home my mind to quit. 'There ^ isn't No thought of guns or uniforms Anucon. u « Bolldera Bnteiad at t^ day, in fine mockery of all his own on the banks of Ole Niantlc river. Look for his contribution New Haven, Au'g. 12—(/P>—Th* A coating of one quarter mch ■omewtaacu fa B m lee at Mancheater, ^nn., aa There are good Indications that theories about the handicaps of enough rubber in these rings' to There wasn’t any need! KSIUC$,to a ki)c«wuii VEAL FORK each week-end. town court prosecutor of Gov. Ray­ trap rock was applied to Main aMnaii. St, to MTI, OIU, M l UliY Pacllls-(ff» — (X>sfaysa>— y.n Matter. this fronUl resistance is about to age, spent 74 years earning a do any good. And when I see peo­ CHURKS, MO SOUR___ JLL With people free and happy mond E. Baldwin’s home town of Street la the South end yesterday 19L i m r i * mANR* STtAKR ANB CHOn* tTBAN* ANR CMOPR NODttin gOBBCBIpnON KATBS soften ln ':character, with General rdipUtation as The Great Oompro. Q4EMIES, as totoa. I •MMkiMIlsa- Gfan. Oeorga Ol Esnnsri •t (.00 ple I know getting new tires after The world was aa God planned; JL Tear by Mall miser. There seems to be. In sothei-stitute the” sum of all deslrsblll- Stratford will direct the Demo­ afternoon. The job was done with OANKRRKS OR SAUaiit apparently quite thrill­ whole canning sitnation. No Rse We used, to watch him mow the Other posts of secretary ahd mbaaaaaaMaaaaaiaaMtoa SafcT -kabb(Siaailai) CMtERM Otssplll. Saturday, Augurt 13 succeed in an object more impor­ bmiglng to pass a Cummings gun shall have been fired— and It nlng process. plans of his party’s campa^ to CARROTS------CRtok It DwMif'* ing run into a successful flaito.1 We’ll never forget the day— ' L aiwb m Crash Costs life tant than mere territorial advance prediction which. It must be ad-’ a hundred and sixty acres—began will doubtless be a long time yet return Former Gov. Rpbm A. (Continued From Page One) CORN, SkMlda-latt kSt (I M atoucMuniuMu • t Anyhow, that seems to be the : Just as proud a Johnny a s. you CORN leto-lsbba Qba a Mat) A few minutes later tbs' _the destruction of the entire mltted, many. In the state had to ache for a half section. The one —will mark the end, perhaps, of could find Hurley to the state copltol and EaMCaL. STEAK* AND CHOP** •toeoelwoiRlhUwel. 4r|>rir80J|i I AnffUng For Willkie taken lightly when first made. pretty nearly universal opinion of elect Brien McMaRoh, Norwalk ticipating In the . Aleutian cam­ MIXED VECETAILCS^MkrMitNtli Mr WfalBkM- •bato.MkadiSU.d. rolled out of Control and original anti-lnyaslon army con- who owned a whole section must the outpouring of the blood of For nothing would stand in his KAS (dBcMtfOoM Ay jiw< , —uto. a ass SndH (nssw Mb CMn (a costing this officer bfa Ufa. It might well have been aa In­ the womeq. of this neck of the attorney and former assistant U.S. paign and military constructions ■aSto MMi aa N TMU RF HwT Yuan ns mtuiusu piaaident Roosevelt, being ex fropUng them. Then it would oe have another, and get rich in two young Americans on European . way. r u i^IN N (OR SQUASH _____ - [iOLjJL ' RltClii|i(anM)__ OTHER PORK CUTS Krasnickas' gallantry and dt toxicating moment, and from woods. attorney general to the United. there. He termed incredible the saa a del aa aa). CkiitttaeiiMUMu ^traoidlnarily careful to make It up to the Germans to show what years Instead o l four or five. City soil. But It will not bring back SPINACH.. M| Mh Md SbSit___ nation to complete this li that moment on the velvet faded But he hadn’t counted on evil States Senate speed with which the Japanese OTHCR CUTS FslakiMiebaPbW___: He forcsaw”Victory, however, for GREENS (toM. Ml, kto. totoi 4 Skndda Chvi-Hto a i to-*-* mission, totally dlsreganUag: Pvplain that he lan’t trying to take they have left for the defense of and rough steel flashed. people ndth a cash stake safely to life a single dead soldier or a minds, • were driven out and the islands la DDDQD •toan Mebbe the "excellent ticket the Demo­ converted into offensive bases. TOMATOES) personal safety, are In ' f tba gantleman Into his political It, flashed first when J. Francis invested acquired the urge to single drowned sailor. There will And destruction which was so in tto Ito itto Paris. . By the way, I might be seeing cratic party has to offer the vot­ Apparently Mr. Roosevelt's re­ HOME PROCESSED VEGCTAm^aksNawto. HOMY** Mab,Ja4MbaiRSIH_ »to with the finest tradition# ot Smith, former democratic state make dollars sprout In myriads still be. many, many thousands of near. •:^Minp, has Invited Wendell Willkie ers” and added that "all that fa action to the Aleutian develop­ •Mtoi 11 a 4 7 T 7 service. In thla highly chairman, advanced to his side you' quite soon. With honest eyes and the broad­ done, politically and otherwise, SFSIAW MMto w to to*e*Sr wto» mission, U e u t Krasnlckaa^ Pgooonfer with him on foreign re- during the roll call difficulty on out of the soil, and became farm­ American homes In which there ments was identical to the en­ SkWaRas-tobb.. M M. est' grin must be done with the success of JAMS, PRHERVES, OR MARk4ALA0CS-PUM OR IMITATIOH M PbM,ntSa. mmn £ X 1 7 7 7 T T dron and other partlcipatiag iod policiea He has reported- Why Try The the Danbury vote and asked to land bidders... will always be that vacant chair. thusiasm with which be ^ w e d .nM.Raab.NTrba» tsb Niantlc River RWid, ' This Johnny had no fear— our fight against the Axis para­ destroyed a totu of 60,000 toRd J jy Invited other public figures for Almost since this war began, be recognized. "What for?” said There will still be millions of the land, sea and air fighting rdrtos MMFto 7 1 w T 1 7 T T Land Boons Waterford, Conn. mount in our minds. might at Hawaii. While he was 1.3... Aft. A4....3.3. tSb, RSRr a Tibaib-ktM- shipping, sank three ds E tba same purpose, but there need we have had hard-headed and Cummings. ‘T o comment upon Americans whose fervent 'Thank Do you think you can ever for­ "Nothing must be done,” bo as­ bn______your procedure,” said Smith, Iowa tat Hontfiulu ttae president ex­ »> tmnmu a X X 7 7 X T and damaged two erulans Up and up went prices. get It serted, "that will in anyway alow ’{mTWeembinatt*'illUi Appit My allMf ImM «t Bmn'MOvTSaM Ckaek«tliaabi,,tobm« BACON considerable merchant ship kha little doubt that "I)ear Wen- progressive business leaders—like do not recognize you,” said Cum­ OodU will be half smothered by pressed amazement at the changes IiMd ia 0) obo**).. com growers, though they knew Tha day John noticed a girl? the advance of our Armies, and we ifaiei tobb-aickM.____ Next of kin: Mrs. Anna f dell” fa the big fish swin g ing out- Eric Johnston, Henry Kaiser, ,and mings. "I appeal from the ruling restrained sobs. Madcap rejoicing mads on the island which Jap PI ftipts tsmass Ut m msk Appb m My ( Cbak m tkoiMs, bnms- that a boom was on and that all Or the day he really became a feel that under a Democratic ad­ Oamss MMPI httei QD ,„b___ _ nlckaa (mother). Box 196, ^fW a.the presidenUal ne|||r Eugene Wilson—warning their of the chair,” said Smith, trying at such a time fa, to my'^otion, bomba littered with the dead and liatla.______The Home Nurse man ' ministration, Connecticut can M t lasKSik a pfad, M No. 1, South Coventry, Cons. to edge into the rostrum micro­ booms blow up, began to get make her best contribution to vic­ wreduge that plunged this na­ 1aaSnad,aaS«RR*tol A t the samd time, the Republi- fellow industrialists that post­ unintelligent. By Mary Beard When he tried to slick back tion Into war on Dec. 7, 1941. JEUIK-WRt OR ABON MARMUIIOIII asnsMabiMk phone. “I have made no ruling,” smart and bought other men's that curl? tory.” * bCliatfFsl ItoWMlwi, ftoi oE'-d*ato— i; aaiis h a ^ a strategy toward their war would bring a threat of un' said Homer. “ I merely refuse to Oh, I ’m not saying that these Director, Nursing Service, ■can of the Japanese raid were p iir to BMhinati— wk OTNEN CUT* Ferdinand "oa SfappeUn, < farms at excesslvo values, not be­ Makes Last-MInnte Bid lira fiiidba IM* A * • airship bulldsr, fought tai 3S40 standard bearer. On one employment which could only recognize you.” light-headed propensities to fall American Bed Cross The faction headed by U. S. Sen­ gone long befoi^ Mr. Roosevelt fatatiaaoiwniaan OSu^to cause they expected to have the It’s little things you hold In your m appiBp Btmss MMf to > Ma Saai. m **t> RSMnbasueMMaL MMn Mi ftoML.wwaaaw^iai ca’a civil war oa the side e f ’ flinnd. it fa a strategy of trying to soundly be met by exj^sion of The next indication that Homer ator Francis T. Maloney of Meri­ arrived. toUtowto; values stand up but In the hope into the moods that nullified the heart Unioa. » peace time production. Unless in­ was happy and^joyous and in posi­ Neighbors Can Help Mothers den and Former State Chairman Aleutian. Visit Vocation aa. y *^aach” him and persuade him to tive mood came after Leo V. Gaff­ victory of 1018 are going to start Those things that are so dear. M u tto n of re-seUlng to Johnny-Come- By Caring for Older Children Memories won’t let you bo lonely. J. Frances Smith of Waterbury, Seefst servicemen told Bell the IAKEM JULIES totoitoa * toa « tos Ito party loyalty. On another and dustry Itself had the Initiative and ney, just defeated in the roll call, in at once to brew another catas­ MARMALADES (DMtotot Ml, ton, htot. itortls jNfllM Ih IfiC i^4Mli. Lateliss, at big profits, before the Granted that neighbors are And you know he thinks of you made a last-ipinute bid for reten­ president’s Aleutian visit was just MbI PSIbi stoi iM bv ALICE OOFBAM j, Miore careless hand, it is a policy courage to take the lead in plan' had made the customary speech trophe iR another quarter of a cen­ tion of waning power. a vacation, but that was not the HyiT RUTTERS-CHrl,ai Ml, Saa*»/SS<*aat, I Pm bbtoai(Bnitonu__ pledging his cooperation to the crash came; and aa often as not friendly and of the best Intentions, here. “(g- (KnoYrn As Queen A lh ,» Of in-consld«ed sneering at his nlng for that production, they tury. But I do hold that they are After Hurley at the outset 6f case in Honolulu where Mr. Roose­ HOME PROCESSED SPREA0S->M,Nto. □[ft.!. 3 0 3 victor. Although it was undoubt­ were CRught in the smash them' VARIETY MEATS nsii SPIRITUAL t a O W m " possible importance in this elec- warned, then the situation would the wise young mother of ^ biiardv the meeting reminded the com­ velt went through a series of in­ ■w.MiiMMetoisabia edly his .purpose to mgke a formal selves. Southern California was not a good portenL They seem to you mittee of the gubernatorial candi- SHOUHoeum Seventh Dadgliter of a Seveoni j invite and perhaps demand that baby will do well not to listen to] vn«nrknow howhnm tensive military conferehees. He fttfAUC -----a.-A.M_ J A- Jt------R R Born WItii a VeO. :■ Uon. ♦ motion making the nomination of Indicate that as a nation we have every bit of advice that Mrs ^ r c ’s privilege of -choosing the tiurmN R R filled with farm families who had To keep him safe and well; said later discussions charted knkwr b.MA MotM in IM. kMM to) m,!!! iIi my. kaSi ,MA M< laikaiia. Readings I)aIIy/taieindtaig f But Willkie, perched on the government ktep in. Similarly, the Hurley unanimous by acclama­ not even yet learned anything like Smith next door offers because man who will direct his campaign, new offensivea agShat the Jap­ traded their farms for a few thou­ But you’d like to get your hands and gave Maher as his preference. SPAGHETTI SAUCEototodMm* cMatoMiaiiMiMMi*aaakae— ? MUU U M|« Hu. CM MllM aU MU • 9 A . 5Lto9KM. Or By Af Republican governors at St. Louis tion, he neglected to do that for­ she ‘‘raised ten children and ought anese but he gave no hint Of their tha, Ust. H fence, seems to be keeping cool mally, so that, as he stepped back sand dollars and a -huge second as much from our present experi­ ',n the man Smith offered a suggestion that a SPAGHETTI SAUCE to MtoaMM pMkto. tok | meat. In tile Servtoe eif tlia proclaimed that true employment to know.” Perhaps in llo other Imminence or nature. omai---- YSjwTSU_ pie tor M)^ Years. ;tand coUected. It m ayor may from the microphone. Senator Ma­ ences as one might well have Who Started all this heU, committee, comprising Hurley and TOMATO CATSUP OR CHIU «siirs ' TiataitiM i ■ saww. could rest only on full expansion mortgage and gone to the land df case is advice so glibly given as Throughout his Pacific tour the iumim8s 169 Chitiah Street, Hartford, I not be in error to say that he loney, down on the floor, still will­ deemed inevitable. Is It conceiv­ in that of nursing an Illness: "Try _ , McMahon, Senator Mailoney and TOMATO t as).____ aWwiaM!;. of private’ -emlefpHse, but, in sec­ sunshine and ballyhoo to live the president kept publicly away TOMATO PULP OR PUREE- . Phene 6-20M •has” any certain number of votes ing to make a gesture of unity, able that we are not to gain in this; It helped Grandma Brown ‘ It’s been *oyeT two years since Mayor John Monaghan of Water- fR*ii|n asked recognition and began mak­ life of Reilly without sweat of Johnny left. I bury be named lo pick a slate of from fourth term politics which TOMATO SAUCE (Miwivi'iktoiMtoMaaaaaM,, eg iy Vi a, to deliver one way or another in ond thought, advocated the plan­ our mental and moral stature be­ Or, “Why raise your baby by reached a mid-summer climax at laMMMjMaui. Ian JIUUUOS MEATS RtABY-TO-IAT MEATS ing the formal motion to accom­ brow. Afterward, when the bloW' book? Look how healthy mine Is.’ We know—for missed 1 officers for the committee. CLAKT AND OTlffiR SEA FOOD SOUPS to-aaMtoto*).. » R ain.iMMiM Wci»ia.Maie .an, h. mmccmi ning of federal and sUte .public Chicago—where tha Democrats 1L_8.0L cu.TWfS**'** the approaching election.. His po- plish what Gaffney had intended. off came, nine-tenths of them had cause the war has not yet lasted Reliable reference books, regu him too. On a roll call vote this sugges- .TOMATO SOUP, .MCMtoaii m tmtmmi______altioo la not, we think, one of any works for use in a possible unem­ Homer interrupted him midway long enough? You’re taking It with a I tion was defeated 42 to 29, and renominated him—after he had OTHER CONCENTRATED OR CONDENSED SOUPS. .30. Dll taiuta-Had: TiStS PattiaaiKRSIaUb)... RsUsadFsk—R to go back to Iowa, back to_ the lar visits to the doctor, the train left Washington to begin his In­ -(S T t r ployment emergency. and blandly informed him th,at ready smile Mayor John W. Murphy placed Ma- HOME PROCESSED SPECIAL PRO0UCIS-"M,aa., PbSiPsktaaiti___ IbaiatkBSSSmLkiN CkKaaCatbsRkeSRw such definite control, such as John I wonder how the millions of Ing offered in home nursing class­ spection and talks. Mr. Roose­ ftmuiirt'Rtissifiiaa SUUD/A/0' j Gaffney had made a formal mo­ farm now crying out for fertlUzS' es, will not make the sensible But we know what you're gcXng | her's name in nomtnatlom McMa- : ■ARY FOODS ito*S.Mto*,aMa*eeM4M MMi^ lfiatjt o i. tbSbdPbktimpu. tNH aa taaa bM Rm l__ DMRatRai- Ifc liswls likes to claim. _ Such views of the post-war | hon made the feconding speech. velt said he had rscyived a nice tsSavtaaiuTnfeSIbaB tion. As he .went on, Homer add­ tion, to the old home and buildings New York or Chicago or Detroit home nurse over-confident. Rath through. •Of s.*M mIm M Ih. iaM ik,.. ,lgito,M Ml SaxIiMt -rklck-Y-T a imm Nai--S*bb,atSiakRl But he is, assuredly, a symbol problem are healthy, providing ed to the purported Gaffney mof Far from producing the "spirit- telegram from Senator Harry SI CaiSS, Pak nS, as CaiailadHaSlI. falling into disrepair, to mistreat- or Philadelphia would have corn­ er, she will know her limitations Truman of Missouri, his ■vice ovnfai I liiri ttir t«b b iiai : and an example of that independ­ they spur private Industry to ac- tlon all the full legal trappings it respect the order and diagnoses of He’s in what they call the "Fifth I ed contest” looked for, the meet- OVER ONE POUND 4jvm nioovm ed and worn out machinery and to ported themselves-4f 57.000 Hun Army** j inK deicribed by David J. Mc» presidential running mate^ but OTHER PROCESSED FOODS FMk latM* as Cakaa tbbvtoaaa ent voter who is likely to deter- ffVlty in its own behalf, provided could possibly be given, and then her physician: be wary of accept­ OaSbaTsq accorded Maloney the privilege of a market knocked Into a cocked prisoners' of war had been marched A pretty tough outfit I guess; Coy, New HavOT , otherwise he talked ho 'jmlltics taimi* OrWRat. ehlne this election. His process of they influence government into ing the best-lntentloned advice of MED vtcauus seconding It, If he would, or of bat by moneycrop competition, through their principal streets, as But we’va faith in our Johnny years and a McM amm^u^ ‘With reporters.' Ptoks I lUMfl Hai(MSiV|liai)...w WRI kaSaLskSiatSl.. encoura|;ement of such private in­ -neighbors. . . . " I ialey„ MnnrvnAntopponent, aa «mnnrnsmooth aiK]and WlCn-with­ DRY Otos A: w z BMsakiL*. . aiaking up his mind is likely to "concurring” in it. If that pleased doughboy In his acceptance speech he WMIA (bI hM «yto wltotot totoatoaf ■•fton Ustm tsky 1Am4;. Over eaa pound, gpolntsperpemid And how they did yell! Everybody recently was the case In Moscow, \ Need Help tba US.. RmyR: m in i Rat RX be fcUowed by a large and deci­ dustry. This should happen. It him. ^ b llc healtlw ourses who are To get us eut of this mess. out Incident. said he would be too busy this MUS. FlabatlsaSa kiab..„ Aftenfion was soaking the poor farmer! I wonder if that vast concoursei of Entire Ticket Attends year to campaign In the usual po- Over ops pound, 2 points per pound UWf hSdb(. sive number of these Independent cain happen. But it is not likely The net effect of the maneu­ assisting young wives In trailer Sms C: M balBi R5C And some of the present land sufferers at the hands of the Ger- It was attended by the entire iftical sense. FlabaNbRaHai. voters. to happen if this nation adopts a ver was to hoist Maloney up camps Nor auto courts today are In Sicily, Italy, Africa— state Ucket and party leaders that nvntticTioM RlimUNEOn MSURt PMWWn MS: Ibid ta«|i kstadid ■t^BBLasasStoS Home Owners; over the heads of the delegates, boomers.are the same IdenUcal would have, stood In utter dependeiR on Bis help of neigh­ And other countries too, aoNba S. S|ka biS aa* SsaapbOE lFaabi,aRMai policy of defeatfam even before included Homer S. Cummings, ■ lUlPOOIIV*UIISMMIk.Sitos4Mikse*lhaaMwltoto, toMMMto yptl|Mi§ 4 powJi R MMM li odAiUiitR vtioUAt 4 13 tMitt hr The election problem, as he and dangle him there as a sample of individuals who, having been bit- s**ence, watching the passing of boring wlifajs and home nurses. We've lost count of bow many dtoniMto. Sw*citoiaaMktSMa.Sitoa.aMBMik.«tokM. Timbt__ TRMtRm... Otir expert carpeata any effort has been mads to let McMahon’s sponsor ■ and former : at fMto« tOOIT ITAUa. tm FOOfT the independent voters who think a high legislator who resdly had ten by the gambUqg bug at 40, those beaten enemies. If they had There fa -wafar to be pumped, batUeis U. 8. attorney general In President J Guerrilla War cwsdw>»toidMM.ak.ik.,M.wa.ei**s*wadiMeik VMJUl a a. Sm eMMto . SmSm a a Stol, a* kwaM a Ssssto S bw :j vention conduct. The once Great now at «5 can’t b iia lk ed out of pa»d no higher price for those 57,- towels, gitid sheetsXp be launder­ |lw Ml kSM cc dccoikM w aa ckMI Ikan kd Ito uMkMI lokM Stob. kM Hai Ckaa bcbM yisai iMnst. simple. On the one hand, teey its own feet. ors Thomas J SpeHacy and Dennl* , BM a and kf a. Mitor V SMto. .sa. IM. kf a. PtiDir Ato. MM V a. aw aUMa toka a. Wage M aa ibul an vatobdb tow UwjtoMlMIMIMIMlUUMfS pairs and bherations. || Compromiser, of course, would sucklng out their fingers for the «X> »>«*»*• than we in this coun­ ed. ’Dlere la foodXp be cooked And when our John comes march­ T. O’Connor of Hartford, Judge j Inside Reich VRWIsMMafa- TVSIm,V. iw4ikMlSk.isiwSa The Murray-Kllgore program of MMAtod to Rfftoidto A.of IhvtoiR JhllMi Qi4k UL aas.isi'ssftssssi are resolutely opposed to a fourth have been sure, to welcome a same tarantula-llke bug to bite I try have paid. and Mought In. Theie,^are baths ing home James Hogan of Tonington among PMSM M s litoto sStoS toalifa Mfad a as Estimates cheerfaBy; term for any man, and anxious for unemployment compensation, pro­ Maloney unity gesture with and' medicines to be given be- . That will be a "'Victory Day" fiyen. again. , I wonder, dreadful a s " the oU*®**' - . . . *1 (Continued from Page One) S!S‘iz:tTnt mood now, thought may seem, if we are not be delighted to have the coopera- On the other hand,' they consider conversion legislation, was con­ Kansas City’s Plans sing again ven, having been bom here Oct. 5, |l and days,” the rtirrespondent • SiAto/ 17 POINf VALUECHAN6 E ?ROi\4 fAfeLk No. Maloney, realizing that he was winning this war too cheaply—or Uon of an intelllgeiit home, nurse, In that free American way. 1902. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- || INDICATE CHANCES FROM TABLE No. RTAMPIOIROOK raUBARI •OORIMMU’U im T rOR TER POOlTS R8MRMII8 Off mniBEUg PRIHTIB the issue of this nation’s fo re l^ ceived in such a , spirit of defeat­ But that's only one of the mam- 1902, the s o n ----- ^ * i wiote. being slightly manhandled, what now seems too cheaply^'^or and she will give her whatever ward J.- Maher. He Is a graduate | Four Policemen. Overpowered Wm. F. policy the most important issue of ism. The men drawing it de­ walked back to his seat, not re­ festations. of the repetitive phe­ Instructions are necesaary for the our own national good; like .-we did Just to see him come whistling of St. Patrick’s parochial school, | Another dispatch from Austria ^ this nation’s existence. spaired of this country’s ability to sponding to new Homer calls as nomenon. Kansas City, we are care off the patient. She will b« down the path Long Island City: of MUford High aaid four poUesmsn who sought Big Bargains Ban on Movie Johnson to whether he "concurred.” in 1918. Out of such a^mu*, and responsible for seeing that the Dirty Feet - Wl ' It is perfectly clear that Gov provide post-war jobs for any one. told, is laying plans, In what Swinging bfa cap In tba air. school and collegiate preparatory Storm ahsiter In a mountain hut Broad Street After these touches, the afteiS at such a heavy price s i eventual­ doctor’s instrucCians are carried amor Dewey can have Wendell In Substitution, they conceived of amounts to a case of- hysterical. But we can’t pretend—for it Isn’t school here. . were overpowered by “ terrorists” To BejGiven TELEPHONE 7424 noon's subsequent "failures to rec­ ly we must pay. It/would have out. the ____ sami — , He studied law at Ohlo”N o rt^ and only one policeman escaped. Action Rapped Rationing Data ^ Give Signal KNOFLA Winkle and these independent vot­ a s ^ e of unemployment compen­ ognize" were quite in key, and it Aggies, for the biggest, noisiest, Probably the greatest contri- Or OaO Arther Ayers seemed that we should at least When we . know our Johnny’s em, Ada, Ohio, where he ^ e lv M Adolf Hitter's own newspaper, Oorootry - TSL tS ^ W d ers, and it Is also clear that there sation entirely comparable to was quite possibly lucky for some all-outest celebration In American buUon that the home nurse can not there. . |the degree of Voelkfaeher Beobachter, reported ith Peace (Ocmtini^ from Page One) of the would-be speakers thht glean maturltyr’ " ' make to the transient wife or Furnished By * To Operate fa only one way in which he can peace-time #age scales. This na­ municipal history, to be sprung 1926. He was admitted to the Cqn- guerrinaia killed four Germans in ■\ BROTHERS Homer merely Ignored them . in- mother 111 In a camp far from So for aU the J<*nnyi and O IlnecUcut bar lnT928 one vtnage,^4of Itegtoaal Department ot Information V‘ all doubts, all suggestions of poUt- its post-^ar problems t>y inuhe- feeling fine, and every now and that Germany has been floored ing hand that keeps the home Who are fighting over there. Bridgeport Until 19M everything must be prepared for NaUona. then a pleased little boy's smile 000/Worth of goods snd property, 55 Tremont Stvwt, Boaton, 8, Massechnsetts. Jobbing and I ' leal straddle all signs of appease- dlately setting out to pay'people and counted out. Everybody 'is The mhnner in which the Army funcUoning even In the face of LePs-he thankful and, humbly went to Stratford w d ^ defense against air raids, maraud­ Allow Wider Descretlon before dark—which was about would sneak up over his face, as :f Hsnasco says a nutjor portion will midnight In tiiat latitude. WHEN YOU BUT i ment for the isolationists, from as much for not working as they supposed to knock off work and | handled the 'oiltrageoua PbUadel- illness. ‘ ------—_ grateful«... trfiii ■ pointed town----- court prosecutor. . ing foreign workers and armed be worthleas, from a sales view­ General Repairing he was wondering why in the Care of older brothers and sis­ Maher served In the claim depart­ prisoners of war who have The Oreen-Taft amendments Meats, l^ts. Etc. ^Efaewhere, 12-A coupons good for Other members of the mission, get out and yell himself hoarse, phla transportaUon strike was Ahd kneel in reverent prayer., point, as soon ss hostilities end. are designed tc give Army and ^ his campaign. That is Mr. Will- were accustomed to be paid for wiocld be had wasted. all those ters wUl relieve the anxiety of ment of an Insurance company. caped." Book Four red stamps A8 three gallons through SepU 21. B-3, which waa dispatched by the Inte­ ^ kie’s price on his support, and that working before war-time increases years' CQmpromislng. slap everybody else on the back, l . ' ^ t lota of people In this country the paUeht who has more than “Who wants a $70,000 .anti-air­ Navy authorities wider discretion B-4, C-8 and C-4 coupons good rior Department, were Dr. Roy Ly­ Call 4386 He haa been active In local and craft gun, for Instance?" h« re- througb Z8 and AS through C6 SCREENS one child, as they are likely to be Aiid you who have no-one In It Fairfield county Democratic cir­ in the selecUor of material for the valid indefinitely. everywhere for five gallons. man Sexton, a specialist in inter­ Before 6 P. M. fa the price millions of independ- came along. throw his hat In the airV*nd to I hays been wanting to see for a Please help ua to understand. Partisans Demolish raariced In an interview. “W ell be troops. Taft said they would per­ more of a problem than ttie new cles since 1933 and has served for Processed Foods . Fael OU nal medicine, and Dr. R. K. Thomp­ BUY sn r Voters have on their votes. ' Labor leaders naturally sup­ hell with it—and in general com- long time. I take it that here- Why boys must fight and give lucky to clew $10,000,000,000 to mit showing, of Jthe Wilson film. - Period Four and five coupons son, a dentist. Dr. Sexton sur­ baby. the past two years aa chairman of- Bia Smarje Tunnel apply to our war debt.” Book Four blue stsunpa A8 ivemor Dewey does not pay ported this bonanza proposition. 120.000 Planes port himself Uke the Wild Man df after, when it becoiqes necessary their Uvea In one of the latest applications through Z8 and A5 through F5 val­ valid m all areas through Sept. -30. veyed the general medical facili­ Stratford’s War Price and Ration-1 One farmer already has jumpqd price, in- clean coin, Willkie But it seems to us they forfeited Bofnea who haa found a case . of for the President to tiae his war- tJnawara Daughter Hurt To ihake thla a free fandt Ing board, a post he. said last night London, Aug. 12.—^ —^Manhal of the law several 'hundred thous­ id indefinitely. — New ^ rio d on coupons may be ties of the islands and t9r. Thompi- Storm Sash Toolj Tito’s troops have dhmolished the the gun on the Post-war opanlng and copies of “The Official Guide used as soon aa received from ra­ and the independents who think their moral and actual right to do Possible Output trade gin. The band will play, the time power of putting a„.atriite he woiRd immediately resign; i Sugar son discovered that the teeth of Salt Lake^'city— A traffic' Yet God has said, "Thou sbalt big 8maTje''Tunii*r^"catUng off of bustafass He would ^like to re­ to the Army Air Force!' were pro­ Book Four stamps 80, 31 and 32 tion boards. many of the natives were In poor CAN BE CHANGED With him will be thrust back into so when they fought for and ac­ politicians will get ^em selvea at situation In the himds of the serve one P T boatf^-Eilta Inform­ WILL BUY ANY accident halted the bus on which not km." railway communications between hibited from sale 's t post ex­ valid indefinitely for five pounds condition. Samples of the local in'^ 30 seconds What they consider a.choice be- cepted war-time wage scales, the bead of a nummoth parade, armed forces for correction, such Mrs. George A. Bradley was’ rid­ " It wasn’t our plan to fight, Ljubljana, at the nor^ftertr-asd of ed the committee, for pleasure changes because they contain a each, Stamp 40 good for five Hts Local War Price and Ra­ water were "brought back to the San Diego, Calf., ^lig. 1-2.—(ffl trips on a nearby river. U tween two evils-rthe evil of. a overtime and bonuses. Such high the welkin w ilL ra g with tha fsr-|a proceeding will not take on the ing. She watphed from the win­ But what could we do when those Used Car Demand i Yugoslavia, and the Adriat pen portrait of President Roose­ pounds for home canning through tioning Board fa locatec, in the Lin­ states to determine - whether It ia GOOD The honseheldei's dream! N el —Harry Woodhettd, president of communique from the pai Ifaw M o n Samples velt captioned "Commander in coln school. opposiU the post of­ responsible for the detAyed teeth. fourth term on one hand, and the pay envelopes as have been the vor of super-patriotic speeches character of a matter of form, dow as the street was clearM, then evil men Feb. 28, 1945. more fusing wltii leddera, ne'^ Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Cor­ continued home. There, she -found Came to kill us out of the leader’s headquarters said today' Chief of the Army and Navy.” ■ Shoes fice. New office houn are as fol­ A t Seattle, on their way back to evil of a straddling foreign policy - B rings O P A" Suit For those who vrould like to more storm windows stored rule in many war industries are poration, believes the nation’s air­ and a , breath taking . vdld and Genenl Philip Hayes seems to her elghtryear-old daughter ■miss­ Railway lines leading into Za­ dream up a shopping list, hen are Book Three airplane stamps 1 lows: Washington, the doctors. arrahge.d REAL ESTATE Uie. cellar. No more aweetta^ an ;the other.. They may, if predicated on the assumption that craft industry is. capable of pro­ woolly time will be had, by ,alL j have believed that when he was ing, called police. They^ Ihformed greb. about 70 miles, southeast of a few moN sampfaa of What Uncle and 2 good indefinitely. Monday. 10 a. m. to 4:80 p. m. for shipment of 10,000,000 units of ducing 120.900 planes this year. and' piiilltaig to change fNni| brought to such a decision, con­ such temporarily high income in-, her the child had suffered a bro­ We had to protect our homee, and Ljubljana, have been cut toi sev­ Sam will have to —Oiarlea to 25. On final passage, when tt W rits BUSCO fa a motM that fa what will decide the cam­ of those who have made war-time tha old Methodfat church in 'Vic­ N ext Moves broadened to deal with other with eombbiattea n at all. I definitely demonstrated that the tor, Colp.” The letter arrived! requiring a buyer to turn In a car Derx, a boilermaker tai the Dan* pltaaea of reconversion.” waa clear the Miuray-KUgore pro­ Americon Club paign. sacrifice. * when purchasing another. vUfa car ahopa of the CUcago and posal Yvas doomed, Barldey and Instnifad over ynnr Bridgeport. Aug. H .— UPi—^The And all this lunatic ^reoccupa- fon* reM big p iy In thla country promptly, and the raincoat fa on-j Too.Late Aa passed by the Senate, the dows. Improves No ordinary political "angling” But before we decide that any Some people yearn to turn their Eaatam BUhofa railroad, has tha (Contiaaed .tnm Pag* Ons) ' sevenl Qtller backers of the Mur- Burton Insulating Co» “Bullard 'niunderbolt,” . a P-47 Uon with our own personal Im- tia one Uncle Sam. ita way to Zook. George measure Mta up an office ance of yonr hemo^ « i i ie ; for the support of Wiilkie- and great bonanza must be decreed to fighter plane which employes of steps Beoehrea Blank Cfaeek nickname of ” 10t p e r ^ ^ t Char- of .war mobllfaation and reconver­ ray-Kilgore proposal swtmg over PtatoM.Hsrtford 82-4815 Ifa.” Derx puti hfa entire salary to the George bill. manentiy tawtolfad - - theoe Independents wlU swing ahybody, before we start any the Ballard Co. bought, for $75,- pulses, whether they ba those of | Back to the old Home Place. led her husband to tha RepubUcsn sion headed by a presidential-ap­ ISO Oxford St. Elnrtford Off Center To walk again the Home-town Fort Ann,, N. Y.-^PI— Henry into war bond, and now has 670 gpvernon’ corference. A last-minute compromise offer ; B m G o them to either side. Action is the such grandiose pump priming, we 000 and presented to the Army Air opportunistic greed or a bubbling, pointed dlrsctor to handle demobj- te M n e d warn Forces, completed 105 missions; The prevailing complaint this atreeta, — Holly received a signed blank f2fi beads. Be and hfa wife and - Jffiss Lillian Rosse, Oewey'a psr- Ifaation planning: ^ by Senator ICilgoro (D., W. .Va.), only thing that will influence them frothy delight with winning aome-j owe it to ourselves and to our fu­ shot down seven Nazis, damaged summer among cannsra-fa against Meet old friends face to face. check from the U. 8. Tiraaaury. danghtar-tai-laa live on- Inooma sonal seoMtary, rods in: ttae gover­ to cut tha maximum benefits from ;.aad win them. ture to postpone such lush defeat six other German planes before Uitog for mere winntng’a sake, fa The Wortd War 1 veteran saM he from rooms nntad to war work* nor’s esr to Pawling for (be first Fsdaral EB^loyM Included $35 to $25 a week availed^ notjUng. BAOf PBOOr. tbs extremely poor quality of tha But when the . long yearn Inter- returned the check. Intended as a time sinoe his nomination, indi­ TONIGHT mmtm ism unty 4>rivate industry^ ba; tolng nut out of action itself, Geq. in the very face of the narrowest ara. Dane sa^s he wlQ continue I It also brings an sstimated 3.- BU800 escape the-fadrld ha. ever known -“ U-g rings obWnabfa— ven tha vene disability payment purchaaiag until hfa son, Lswfa, cating that he had brought much 500,000 Fsdernl cmidoyes imder FOR YOUR NEW been given ita proper chance. H. H. Arnold, commanding the Air Forces, reported to the machine 'best of them. The rings, which I l P O How fruitiess fa this quest! potty officer, third cfaM, la Uio woric with him. stata imemj^oymant insurance “In A Bad WRy” from the absolute destruction of Dewey hoped to gat In a rpund Lublin Wails FILMS ORANGE HALL Then, if private irvdustry 'does tool plant today. used to be made if not Of pqra For many folks have moved away n a m e For Chfller-DUler Navy, BOW stationed at OuUport, programs a* Fsdaral sxpens^ and AND ^ The ^mystery push" now at- prove lacking in the courage and whatever clvilfaatlan It has devel­ And Boma have gone to rest Mias., lotn. a home. of golf and some swimming over sets up a Federal loan fund to DEVELOPED AND rubber at least with only a toler­ the week-end. la p e e li talent and imagination to lead us Gamw Nest Empty oped. U I h i i i j i i K i _ .___ I Indianapolis— (ffj— A chiller- guarantas tba solvency of the \ . At Big Mass PRINTED to the forward dlements able admixture of other materials, In other words, the d d Home-town j oouij Re written about stats funds, but leavw full control ivanee in France may con- into a new era of abundance, if we OLD WORK BIG PRIZES! Oregon City. Ore.—>— Mrs. ■low to Letim were none too good last year, but Would seem the aame no more— I that have happened at a Oeltaks n v u e v o Brew" BMlng BIgkto PntMRsd of unsmploymoBt insurancs n tM 24-HOUR SERVICE! , me haa been repmrted, do diacover that we canno't do for Ella Gamer, recently named Oro- Are we never to learn any­ they ware a good deal better than Departed some, to theater In the last 18 mohjhs. to tha states. -•'(OoRtinaad from Page Oas) And closed eome old friend’s door. l,j,jj^ neighborhood show In that Spokane, Wash.— — Matflya "“P a n ^ Tex. — (ff) — Pampa’a Set Film Deposit Box BAHIUETr-BRAnri E advance^ to the very out-peace what we have so successful­ gon’s top-ranking war mother by thing? Hasn’t this war been big those In the market in 1944. Lots The MUrray-KlIgoro bill would MciGrath, 9, was reportad out ohUdrsa imdsr saven a n having Admission 25e of Paris. If so, bowevef, It ly dons for w m . H we can’t work Gov. Earl Snell, has given her „ ■u.ii.g •Time I time has been burgUudxsd at faast hays eraatsd mors slsbonta re- kllfad by the German criminals At Store Entrance. ooM PA irr enough to zbaka ua understand the of the women down here—gad it danger by amatgeacy hospital at- thair rigtatsyrotsetsd. Twice in the conversion maetalnsry, fixed uni­ at Maidaaek (tha suburban vil­ probably nothing more than our way out of our poet-war ninth son to the services. Earner,' PAYROLL I t ^ ^ *™**|fi0 tinfaa, boys with BB shots (U- William Konehl MS Wiillai ax. Beil 17, haa enlisted in the Navy. Six ImpossibUlty of carrylag the fa to bs praaumad avarywhara afaa Ireeted at flim vUlalas made 84 tendaatb aftsr M akuig » ’farlteh'a past two days police have taiMa form Insurance n te e es high aa lage where the —extennlnation brew"''bbtloocted by neighborhood Hsrtfori — 14L S*3 advanoo, and Its chief crlsfa, then ws can and probably other Gamers are in the Navy, thoughts and amotiona of greedy getting pretty well dfaooyr* Just like a garden gate. I holes in the screen, necessitating sent to Central Parh to order out $85 weekly, provided for Feder- camp was located) and in the Genera] Contraetpr - But years have changed the Town children. Included In the mixture KEMP'S Bcaaoe Ilea In the fact that will go back to the principle of two are in the Army. In'a way, it’s I irutallation of a new one, then adults wading ih the children’s elly-flnsnced vocational training Castle August Sixth. The PolUh childhood, the conception that ice aged about doing any more can- SAVINGS and You were soda pop, spices and cataup^ pooL 519 Center St. TeL 7773 a to the southwest of Pans, the dole. But let’s not try the bad news for the services. From |fire destroyed the new aersssi and for Idle persona and substantially people.” Read'Herald Advs« now on, they're on their.own. Thecream cones and loUypops and ning at all, since it fa a rare thifiE And It fa now to late. aoough of German troops dole first. : < ^ 1 _____— . , ' )>dUso IB M S i laB Games nesl^fa mopiAM. whitUng-dervlab aefabrattOBe a M rite proesas a faatcli of 1^ . > ‘ ^ ffk- MANCHESTEK E'VENINa HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SA’IUKUAY, AUGUST 12. 1941 ’AGS- V-- ''-=' iHAWiimSSTEK EVBWlWq HERALD, MANUIUSSrETV. UONXl^ BAtCRDAT, AUGUST 12. 1944 - Finance, Loretta Dowdlng; Cou­ German Units Tu Wed Local Man To Ask Board Checks The Tear pons, Lottie Blonsteln. Louise Clerk Pagani Married 25 Years Ago Today Today’s Radio Rockville Blair, Bertha Philipp: Girls State, L i Icetnen Are Beaten Plant J Goes Down Anna Mae Pfunder. EUie Wouth- Quit Florence To Reconsider EM ^ra Wftr Time ..Tx wlck, Dorothy Webster: Post War Makes Report Ammdca, Eileen Flaherty, Mildred l:00^'WTIO—^News; WX>RC —# , form; WTHT — Music; WNBC 511 Air S i^ Dowdlng, Fannie Lavltt. During Night Petition Is Being Greu* Grand O ntral Statloii; News; —Shell Digest; Race Results. , By Suieides TeaW Before Props’ Hil WTHT—-News' Music; WNBC 6:80 — WTIC Strictly Sports; Receipts of Local Police WTHT — Hawaii Calla; WNBC (Continued From Page One) lated Here Because ol —^Report from London. lunday Night Court Amounted to 1:15—W nC —Market Report and — Storyland Theater, ■ Action on Thrall. 6:45—'W nc — London Column; North Enders Victorious Y esteeday^ Ixores llamilton# Ec Railroad Yards northwest of Empoll against sRf- A ^cultural; WNBC—^News. $8,721.92. 1:80—W nC — Carolyn Gilbert; WDRC — News; WNBC — An- Box Score Aircraft N}n^ by lentng German realstance. drinl Continentalea. Over L. T. Wbod’s Ath­ _Jamaicans to Enter* An official source said Oolonel A petition is being circulated In WDRC—Tour Garden and You,’ partford 1&: Utica 2. ^ d Air Fields Aldo Pagani, clerk^of the Towm - Douglas M. Fellows; WNBC— 7:00—W n c — They Call Me letes to Take Third Hafniltoo Score o i ^ to 2; Gai tain in Central Park at Fuchs, who war the German gar­ town today uking' the Board ol Joe; WDRC — It’s MaftUme; Wilkea-HErte 6, Elmira 5. AB R H PO A E Court, this morning submitted hts rison commander at Florence, had Police Commissioners to reixmsidet Swing Shift Frolics- Scrantpil-9; Williamsport 1. Finidhra in Darknt 1:45—W nC — John Mac Vane; WT5HT — News; Music; WNBC Place in the Loop. Hutt. lb ...... 3 0 0 4 1 0 6:30 p. m. Tomo^w. Plane Targets report for the fiscal year ending fighting under, him parachutlsta, their action with regard to the vlr- | —Blue Correspondents Abroad. mton 4, Albany 2. Rostek, cf ... . .4 1 1 3 1 0 June '30. It showed that $8,721.92 engineers and "various Fascist ■WDRC — Something .for the 7:15—WNBC — Leland Stowe. American had been received of which tual discharge of Patrolman Lu­ Girls; WTHT—Beyond Victory, The Suicides took the T. Germano, 2b . . .2 1 2 2 1 0 The Hamilton Props edged ftockvlUe, Aug. IV - The Burr squads organized by the notorioua 7:30 — w n c - EMery (Jueen; ork 6, St. Louis Del Conte, 3b ..8 1 3 3 1 (Continued from Page One) $6,325.92 was turned over to the PavoUnl" lAIeasandro Pa-vollnl, cius Thrall from the local force. ■WhatT I~ WDRC — Mrs. Miniver; V m T Woods Into camp last bjght at the S ) 9, Boston 7. ■ ■ the Plant J Aircraft nine iat '' Hotel Glee CSub, composed of 12 It is understood the petition asks | 2:00—W n c -Here’s to Youth: I Tufferson,- If . ..4 1 1 2 2 West Side Oval laat night by town. Mussolini’s minister of culture) —Arthur Hale; WNBC^ — Mu-_ Y In Manchester's Spftball League. Detroit 11, Washington 4. \ Crowley, rf .. . .4 1 1 0 0 0 JanstcM elngere eml conducted tlona, oil storaeea which were left The report follows: that Patrolman Thrall be rein­ WDRC-Of Men and Books; 1 sic America Loves Best. Philadelphia 6, Cleveland 8. score of 5 to 2 behind the blazing and two vessels which who inflltiated into Houses south stated although he himself pre­ Both teams aepr^ one apiece In Yarzab, ss ... . .4 0. J 0 1 0 ' by Ctriatopher Kemp wiU lead a Civil Side: of the river as snipers. WTHT—BasebaU, Red Sox vs. ! 7:45—'WTHT — Dance Orchestra National pitching of Paul Krebs. The 1 ^rSmmunlty alng to be held Sun- W'ere set afire in the Lepsoy area. Cases'pending at beginning 1 sented his resignation to the board. White Sox; WNBC— News; the final Innlpg to knot the score' Pnrigratz, c 1. ..3 >0 1 5 0 0 The Allied .command announced However, the resignation was, to a | 8:00—WTIC — Abie’s Irish Rose; Cincinnati 12, Boston 6. Krebs, p ...... -4" 0 1 2 2 0 waa finished In almost complet V day evening. August 13th at 6.30 of period ...... 804 that it now was possible for the Women In-Blue...... WDRC — Kenny Baker; WTHT ate onersn.^'^en the South Itod- Brooklyn 7, Chicago 6 (11). -.'iL. Cases returned during pe- certain extent, forced upon the off- j ;15_WDRC — Adventures In ers rallied to S(Core two more In darkness before a fairn o’clock in Central Park. Flying ^ontb Attache Allies to help civilians In the — Frank Singiser; WNBC. — Pittsburgh 12, New York 8. ' 31 5 11 21 8 2 This even has been arranged by - riod ...... 132 northern part of the city who un­ «er when the board decided hb I Science. Early American Dance Music. the third, only to have the irtorth- St. Louis, 9, Philadelphia 4. crowd. “ the Summer Recreation Board and health was against his. competency | 2:3n—WTIC — Grantland Rice; 8:15 — WTHT — Muslel Polish Eqders do likewise In the fourth \ \ 'Aircraft Increased Today der tl)a Germans had been short of as a policeman. -i'- AB ft 'HPO A E It was a good balLgame fOT'tofj wlU include a program of negro 435 food, m te r and medical supplies. WDRC—Strictly Swing; WNBC Progrram. to tie things up once npirt. first six innings with the gplrituaU and folk aongs pres^t- London, Aug. 12.—(/P;—Flying Cases disposed of during pe­ The commission’s action has I —Sez You. 8:30—W nc — Author’s Play­ Marhellis. lb ...3 0 1 9 0 0 bomb attacks.on London and the Some Snipers Inside City Mias M’llmn Holly The “Giant Killers” toen scored Revno'itls. 2b. p .312120 tallying one marker m the 3 by the Glee Club after which riod ...... • • • 66 Joseph Rosal been the subject of much dlacuSsion 3:00—WTIC — Eastern Grass house; WDRC — Inner Sadc- the deciding mn in tbb fifth inning half of toe frame to break a tti southern counties Increased from Mrs. Joseph Rossi Some snipers still were being en­ in town and the board is being | Court Tennis Championship; tum; News; WNBC — Tangle- “P” Men Win Bc'ycr, 3V...... 3' 0 0 2 3 0 the audience will join in the midnight until after dawn today, and went on to vlcJto*y. J. Owens, rf .. .0 0 0 .0 0 0 ball game at one-all. Paul ' ina. The Connecticut CouncU of Cases {lending June 30, countered inside the city. Mrs. Burton S. Holly of Danville, sharply criticized for what Is gen­ WNBC — News; Twenty-One wood. Concerts. Fitzgerald an^^ Caoey were the Boom” Kreba and Bud with the asseulU in the south 1944 ...... 376 The Germans have been pushed 'Va., has announced the engage­ erally considered unwarranted ac­ Stars. 9:00-w nc — National Bam Beattie, rf .x— S 1 1 0 0 0 Churches which conducts a rccr«- heavier than they have been for ing American advance and that back from 500 to l.OOO yards on big guns for toe icemen as were Hayden, p .. 0 0 1 8 0 hooked up in a pitching duel aOonal and rellglouh program with Criminal Side: the Allied epmmand was pursuing ment of her daughter. Miss Wilma tion. 3:30—WDRC — Visiting Hour; Dance; WDRC —xHlt Parade. Vilga and Brenn.’uiTor the winners At Best Ball both teams contributed some fane aome time. Cases instituted during pe­ 25 Years Wed, both aides of Fibbiana. between Holly, to Pfc. Pat Vendrillo of this Coupled with the criticism over I WNBC — Eddie Condon’a Jazz 9:15—WTHT—CWcago 'Theater. Joe Owens, ss cf n 0 0 1 0 0! the negro tobacco plantation work- the primary aim of destroying en­ Enipoli and Montclupo, but action the Thrall a.ctlon is also a consid. In each getltog two hits apiece. Norck, cf ...... 0 0\0 0 0 0| fielding plays that kept the crov S ta cooperaUng in the prcsen- Some of the- robots appeared to riod ...... I••• emy armies.) town who is here on furlough from Concert. 9;3(M-Wnc 7^ Can You Top L. T.' Wood’s on edge. be coming in on a new route over Cases disposed of during pe­ in general on the Italian front yes­ Camp Pickett, Va., accompanied erable amount of discussion over 4:00—WTIC — Rupc.t Hughes; This? WNBC — S p o tlig h t Bailey, 2b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 UOon of the program. Most oi Nazi broadcaster# took cogniz­ Observe Event terday was cohflned largely to pa­ the commission’s refusal to alllow I WDRC — Sampson Parade f ab r h po a e Peach and Peterson a Becker, If ...... 3 0 0 2 1 0 Tony Del Conte and Red Qer the tobacco workers, young men the French coast from behind riod ...... 734 ance of the encirclement possi­ by his fiancee. Before enlisting in BandsjGuIck Quiz, Hodge, as. ... .2 1 0 0 1 1 no, both with perfect nights at 1 Parking violation cases. In­ trolling, headquarters said. the Army, Pfc^^endrillo was sihf Captain Herman Schendel to take I News: WTHT — Variety Pro­ 9:45—WDRC—Ham Session. Winning Combination; Cobb, c ...... 3 0 1 5 0 1 of high school or college are Boulogne. bility in the drive north of Le German shelling caused the Al­ his vacation from time to time in gram; WNBC — News; Horace Fitzgerald, 3b *;2 1 2 1 6 3 Saxby, ss ...... 3 0 1 0 1 1 plate paced the Hamilton offen^ trained In group singing by Rev. stituted and disposed of . . 928 ployed at the Circle theater. I 10:0().'i-WTIC — Barry Wood-Pat­ Casey, af . ___8 1' 2 2 0 0 sive and It proved to be too mii Anti-aircraft defenses shot down Receipts; Mans a,nd forecast a German Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lies to withdraw a half mile to the order to attend various dog shows,] Heidt. sy Kelly Sjhow; WTHT — Royal Title Mutch Sunday. Furman P o rd h ^ of New York, a number in the coastal area. One withdrawal from the nar^w 30- southwest of Sar Colombano. trials and exhibitions. 4:16—w n c — Barbara and the Loveland, -e ...2 0 1 3 0 0 27 2 6'21 10 2 for ’ the Aircrafters. Del Coni music director of the Council s Fees from Civil Cdses. .$ '528.00 ^ Rossi Celebrating Anni­ .-^Arch Gunnison; WNBC — Guy Cooney, rf ___3 0 1 0 0 1 collected. three straight sing flaming mass, after being hit over Fines and costs collect­ mile Orne-Mortain salient where, 1 In the Polish oectqr near the 1939 arid in February of 1942, he Boys. Lombardo, . The “P" men won In best ball Innings: aummer staff. These choruses the sea, crashed into a residential amid steady and heavy fighting, Adriatic the Germans* have with­ entrained with the 43rd Division 4:30—WTIC — Travers S ta ^ ; Marchlsetti, cf .3 0 o' 2 1 0 Hamilton ...... 001 001 3—5 with Germano co/mlng throw ed "Criminal Side” . . 6,908.99 versary at Home Today 10:15—WDRC—Correction Please w,ith two hits in two official tripo. arc giving programs In the towns district. Property was damaged Bond forfeited ...... ' 100.00 the Allies both were pressing the drawn over the Cesano river be- at Camp Blanding, Fla., where he Bombers Start WDRC — Horse Races; WTHT ■WTHT — Shady Valley Barn Osgood, lb ....2 0 0 10 0 0 last night. Bill Peach and Carl Aircraft ...... 100 000 1—2 near where the plantations are lo­ and a Are started, but only one Received from Oiunty Germans back and threatening to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rossi, of "low Pesaro. On the left, advance was promoted to a sergeant. Be­ —Music. / Aceto, If . ___3 0 1 1 0 1 Peterson teamed very effeoUvely Runs batted' In, Del Conte 2. Shaky In Places cated. and the director hopw to person was injured. Jail and Upper Courts 256.93 squeeze the salient to extinction 298 Spruce street, are holding open Polish elements have" ' reached fore the 43rd Divksien was or­ 4:45 — WTIC — Rtetmn Work­ 10:30—\^ I C — Grand Old Opry; Kenehl, 2b ....2 0 0 2 ‘J 0 to lead a fast field by two shots Tufferson 2, Pongrstz 1, Cobb 1; Krebs making his first start si) hold one large sing wIUj a ci>°ru8 .Meanwhile London holiday se'ek- Parking 'Violations ---- 928.00 between the major- northern, house today In honor of their 25th points two miles east arid north­ dered to the Paclc, he was trans- Attrition Drivel shop: WD^C — Ileport from WNBC — Army Service Forces KIoop, p . ....3 0 0 0 2 0 with a six under par 64. Eskel two base hits, Reynolda, Crowley: losing a finger on his left of about 2Q0 voices before the tfra crowded station platforms for southern and eastwaril drives. wedding anniversary which occurs east of Castelleone di Suasa. For­ dered to the Pacific, he was trans- London; WTHTr'^ Freedom on Present BUckland and Bob Cole .tied with three base hit, -Beattie; stolen was shaky In places but ihana_ completion of the sii'.Timer. In addition to .the arms extend­ ward troops faced heavy enemy and received his wings at Camp 10:45—WDRC — ’Talks. . 26 3 7 21 11 6 Henry Smith and Harry Mathla- bases, Gcrmailo, Del Conte; sacri­ to have enough on the ball to tur trains to the nort and a week-end Total ...... $8,721.92 today. Mr. Rossi is a well known (Continued from Page One) the Land FonetJ-cr. nenic Sunday of respite from the bombs,-as well Disbursements: ing to the' north and northeast, barber operating a shop at 130 sh'-ll fire. Polish troops have Williams, Arizona in July 1943. 5:00—WTIC;.^ Your America; 11:00—News on all stations,^. Sulci dea son who had 66’s. The next best fice, Germano; double plays, Ros- back the offensive gestures of the The National Fanners Union Remitted to Motor Ve- one American column was report­ Spruce street, .and Mrs. Rqssi is reached a lateral road one mllci be­ He was ordered overseas as a WDRC —'Casey, Press Photog­ 11:15—WTIC -- John W, Vonder- %• ab r h po a e ball will be held on Friday, ■ Au­ tek to Germano: left on bases, Buckland nine. Hayden pitebe as the usual Englishman's excur­ yond the river. provincial capital, and fires follow. I —..... 6 Nutmeg Local No. 100 will hoW sion. hides' Dept...... $2,395.03 ed rolling due east of Le Mans on employed in the wlndmg dispart- bomber pilot in December of last rapher; WTHT — Navy Bulle­ cook; WDRC — Dance Orches­ Vilga, 3b . .^.v.3 0 2 3 0 0 gust 28. / Hamilton , Aircraft 3; bases on good ball until the seventh fr Its first annual picnic meeting l WDRC — News; WTflT — Lea son’s Orchestra; WTHT—Tom­ 0 33-33 - 66. States by three parts of a length. . 1:33. f«l safely. Up to that polqt northbound routes,' ish reports said Chateaudun had James’s church. ,,Mr8. Rossi is the The poor i^ieather restricted air as since it fell to the Japanese ifi Qulmby, at ___3 *0 1 2 0 vited to attend. The speakers been reached. former Miss 'Catherine Zaccaro, I o f * fTas^sl LL Castle’s Orchestra. my Tucker’s Orchestra; WNBC Capra, cf .....3 0 0 0 0 0 Harry Mathlason and Henry waa a 2 to 1 game and waa alma will include Sidney Stollberg, sec­ activity. Heavy bombers were un-' U S C ll lA C l C June iri their soutaward drivel 5:45 - WTIC — Starring Curt —Hooaler Hop; News. Smith, 35-31—66. a repetition of the PA-Baron 1 Columns Spear Headed Towaid Toura daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. able to operate, but tactical air­ along the Hankow-C^ton railway | Mason, lb ___3 0 0 4 0 0 retary of the pastern Division of A fourth column striking out Joseph Zaccarb, who formerly lived I Massey; WDRC — Swoon or 12:00—^WTIC — News; Thomas Jarvis, c ...... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Bob Boyce and Earl Ballsleper, | which was a pitchers’ battle the National Farmers Union and craft, making 500 sorties, attack­ Is on the Increase The communique also said that I Croon; WNBC — Hello Sweet­ Peluso’s Orchestra: WDRC — 35- 32—67. ' start to finish. from Le Mans was believed head­ at 102 Charter Oak street. Bom ed communications and transport fighter aircraft of the Chinese-1 News; WTHT—News. Johnson, 2b ___3 0 0 2 0 0 Stinday Game Professor Ray G. Bressler. A ^i- ' Toward South; ed toward- Tours to the southeast In Italy she. came to this country heart. — r—— — — — George Johnson and Frank Sports Roundup The triumph was Krebe’ cultural Economist of . the Uni­ Obituary in southern France, Italy and Yu­ American wing knocked down two I 6:00.r-News on'all Stations. 12:30—WTIC—^^Threei Suns Trio. D’Amico, 34-33—67. In a row and the stock right 1 to solidify the hold on the Loire and town with her parents when goslavia. V According to figures of the enemy planes while on patro; over] 12:45—w n c — Lee Sims, Pian­ 30 4 7 21 2 0 versity of Connecticut. river guarding the American right she was five years old. town owned Water department, 6:16—'WTIC — Background for Stan Straugh and Art Johnson, By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. '• bccaine of the "old ddys when men At West Side la still undefeated In the Twl lo Softball Tomorrow Double Threat the Yellow river sector and anoth­ Dinner; WDRC — People’s Plat- ist; News. Suicides ...... ;..100 210 0—4 35- 32-A7. and placed him at the top of flank. Mr. Rossi was born-' in Casalnuo- the Increase in water-consumption er was left burning, on the ground] Wood’s ...... 102 000 0^-3 New York, Aug. 12—(iP) -F irst were men?” . . The 33 undcr-18- —The All-RockvUle jsoftball team vo Monterotaro, Province of Fog- Tom CJlark and Tom Faulkner, entry for thq National tennis : year-old candidates for the Tiger heap In the pitching department. At Field Marshal Gen. Guenther Planes Hit Defenses for the month of July as compared near Puchow.--— Runs baatod- In: Kosakowskl, 36- 34—70. ' Bill Hutt, the stylish Prop * linf accepted the challenge (Continued From Fage'One) von Kluge’s shattered hinge In gia, and came to this country when to the month of June was over All the Allied aircraft returned.| championships is 46-year-old Gil ' squad averagif 5-11 1-2 in height Polish American# and All-Stars of the Rockville Deaths a yoimgster. Mr. Rossi notes that Along French Cotut Cooney, Fitzgerald, Casey, Qulm- Colin Davies and Ronald Sloane, Hall, recently, discharged from the snd 170.6 pounds. sneker, ahiured the fielding ho league for a softbaU .game -Normandy, where the -Canadian three million gallons. Japs Shuffling Forces with Cobb, the Atreraft catch that the Allies did not Intend ^ First Army still was halted out­ the big United States sdrport es­ Rome, Aug. 12—(JP)—German Several factors contribute to The Japanese are shufflingl Brqadway Hit to Be by; two base hits, Aceto;. bases 39 32 71. Tank Corps. . . . And the U. 8. L. ; ------• Beer Buron# to Battle which wUl be played Sunday at Dn Walter Oliver op balls, Brennan 4, KIoop 4; wild Jack Hayden and Del St. John, T. A. probably i* hoping that Oil ■ ServIcwDept. Hutt is by far the best fielding 1 base their southern flank on the side Falaise, 21 miles south of tablished In Foggla and from which defenses along an eight-mile this. The extremely hot weather forces all over conquered areas to| tial sack guardian In the loop f the Cricket lot This will be a Dr. Walter Oliver, an optome­ Loire river, stretching Inland from Germany Is being .bombed Is lo­ stretch of southern .France’s coast and the many new lawns which meet As best they can the Ameri­ pitches. Brennan, KIoop; umpires, 36- 35—71. won’t be able to go through the \ Sofgt. Pat Abbott, who has been There Tomorrow. double header with the first game trist in this town for 27 years, with Caen, the Germans withdrew Serialized on the Air Stevenson, Vittner. Art Wilkie and Fred Blish, Jr., field without the aid of a tank. . . | denning up in Colorado golf circles in every game that he haa ap the base of B?«etany almost to from the dangerous six-mlle-wWe cated near the spot where he was and a 40-mlIe portion of the neigh­ ownera are trying to save, are the can, attacks now drawing steadilyl he has coma up with tdoa# ■ _*tarUng at 2 o'clock i^ tween the ofllces at 915 Main street, died at Paris, but wers starting, to bltg a bom. boring Italian Riviera were, hit yes­ main reasons. Officials see no de­ nearer Japan itself, a Chirieiel 38-33—71. In Latrobe, Pa— site of the first t-thls summer, played a double fea- The Polish Americans will be out JUHt6r-[hia home. 73 Knollwood Road, East salient between the Ome and Paul Jesanls and John Lamenzo, pro-football game In 1895, the pub- ture last Sunday whe«-h*-eomple Tha Props managed to place Aces and Tigers of the chunk out of huge and thlnly-de- Laize rivers. Tlw couple^plans no particular terday by the Tactical Air Force crease in the near future unless a Army spokesman—said last night.1 to clinch the top position in the runners on the paths In ths'flrat I Leegue. Hartford, yesterday after a long fen.ded southern France—an area program In cclebraUon of their kn- of the Mediterranean Allied Air heavy rain helps the situation. Troop reinforcements are beingl New York,At(g. 12;—(>P)—Fol-< ployment.” BLU, 7:30— Music 37- 34--71. lie library has haa diipllcatoi made ted 18 holes ir. a tournament final, local Twilight League when they No Church Service Illness. Dr. and Mrs. Oliver made Canadian patrols moving west­ America Loves; 8:30—Boston Es­ Jack Cheney and Bill Kennedy, of nil the e.’jrly pro data gathered hurried to church for the christen­ nlng but failed to tally but roughly four times that of the ward Into the Clnglals forest met nlversary but will entertain friends command. It was announced today. poured into the Philippines and| lo-wlng in the fo ^ te p s of Abie’s Fish and Game collide with the Oak Grill Beer Aircrafters did manage to Rev. and 'Mrs. Ka^ Otto Wette their home In Manchester until northwest Seine-Loirs comer and relatives throughout the day. The enemy was caught off Groundhogs Just Thirsty Formosa. Defenses also are re­ Irish Rose, soon todslose Its cur­ planade Concert: 9:30 — Xavlar 37- 3J—72. by Dr. John Br.nllller. the first pro­ ing of his month-old daughter, Barons In a Sunday game at the are at Atlantic City, N. 3.. for their about three years ago, and were British patrols from the Orne Chigat Bandv'lO—Guy Loirbardo; Art Knofla and Frank Oleksak, fessional player, and keeps ft un­ then returned to the links to dis­ the first run of the game In which they-now dominate. bridgehead, making the junction guard. One Allied plane was lost. ported being strengthened In the! rent NBC run after two seasons, News Hereabouts West Side Oval. The game will half after two men were out. annual vacation. There will ^ no active in civic affairs. He was a Large Units Rushed North _ For the first time American Canton area, apparently ih fear o<| 10:30—Army Service Fo.'ces. MBS, 38- 86- 74. der lock and key as ,a historical pose of Jsclr Koennecker. . . . Capt. start .at 3:15 with the usual at­ member of the First Methodist without opjkisition., Petersburg, Ind.-—(ypi— Justice another Broadway hit Of the past 7—American Eagle In Britain; Low Gross (Individual) Jack (Pinky) Salmon, former Boyer walked, Eddie Saxby 1' aervleea on Sunday, August 13 and The best information is that Mitchells, Marauders and ’ITiander- of the Peace Charles E. Jones lay an Allied landing on Cffitna's c6ast.l Hector Novell! nailed a beaut! document. . . . Now if they could tendance prize. August 20 at the First Lutheran church of Hartford. A front dispatch said that ths About Town la . to take a try at radio with tha 8:30—Chaco Kid; 9—Chicago Thea­ Elk il Buckland, 89-36—76. only make duplicates of such his­ Maryville (Mo.) teachers baaket- and when Tufferson dropped_ Field Marshal Gen. Johannes Canadian First Army pushed a bolts and R. A. F. Spitfires concen­ In wait for thieves who had been ful rainbow !rou*. of 22 inches to Del St. John, 38-37—75. bal' captain, recently was award­ The PA’a have three games left den’s long fly, .Boyer scored, I Dr. Oliver was bom In Northum­ Blaskowltz. guarding southern Sergeant Major and Mrs. John trated on smashing anti-aircraft help of a sponsoi. “You Can't Taka ter Victor Herbert Music; 10:15— torical items re Jim Thorpe and on their slate and Iri order to finish Nssltlng Pastor berland, England, and came to this mile and a* half west over the raiding his watermelon patch and Japs Almost Cleared Shady Valley Bam Dance. lead in the Connecticut Sports­ Henry Smith. 39-38—76. Red Grange— unlock ’em. ed the air medal with six oak leaf attempting to score on tho Francs, now has considerably less Lyons of Foster street have as positions, pillboxes, radio facilities caught them. They were ground­ It With You," J George Kaufman men's trout contest in the pond di­ Bob Boyce, 40-37—77.' clusters In England. He't a bomb­ in the driver’s scat thay must win play, waa out at the plate, TUffe Rev. Earl Mathewson, formerly country in 1910. He leaves his than 10 divisions. When the Amer­ Laize river near- Barery south of at least one game. The chances arj c( RoAvttle and now pastor of the the forest, tightening the squeeze their guests th&lr son-in-law and and gun emplacements In these hogs. "It’s the drought," Jones From Northeast India and 'Moss Hart, starts a Sunday Sunday Talks; MBS, 12 noon. vision.'"'This was the only change Earl Ballsleper, 39-39—78. Weary Qu'ery er pilot with more than 40 mla- son to .Del Ctonte to Pongrati. wife. Mrs. Evhngeline J. (Dunn) icans approached the Loite, Span­ daughter. Captain and Mrs. Eldred water front areas; said. ‘‘They’re just thirsty.’* aeries via MBS August 27. reported in any of the divisions good as the Barons are at the bot­ Cmigregetlonal cHpreh at Taftville, Olivet: a daughter. Mrs) Spencer ish reports said a large portion of ]; on the Germans between the Ome Southeast Asia (Command Head?] Reviewing Stand “Little Steel For- Bill Reach, 42-36—78. For the Q. and A. Dept., Molly: Game Is Tied Up Churchill of KiUnning, Pa. Mrs. The attack coincided with the quarters, Kandy, Ceylon, Aug. 12 Each episode, based on the play’s since last month. Art Wilkie dci'ends his club tom of the loop. Ths Props. Ued the game 1 will be the preacher at the .Union H. Champlln of East Hartford, Blaakowitz’ units were rushing and Laize. Churchill was the former Ellen . .w - w mula”; N B C -1:36 p. m.. Round- J. Sams ot a Charleston (S. C.) pa­ If you remember these same two ehurch’ on Sunday. His subject and a granddaughter. Gall Champ­ Plunge Into Vlmont arrival in Italy ot Prime Minister Police Oar Without Stump —(iP)—Allied troops have almo theme and using the same charac- 1 "Needed: 20,000,000 Post- rhampionship title against Paul per suggests .one oil how many per- tho tl}ird frame when Bill northward, with armament dis­ Lyons and a member of the Man­ Winston Churchill and comment in cleared Japanese forces fron ters, will be complete. Everett ] Wnr Jobs"; CBS 1:30, Mrs. Vln- Gene Enrico announced that the Ballsleper tomorrow. Both men teams opposed each other tho strolled, and was sacrifleed to will be “Removing Prejudlce.’^e v . lln: twd brothers, John Oliver and mantled from key points such as British troops of the Canadian prizes for the annual fall raffle fret games ever have b'eon pitched other evening, Thursday to be ex­ !«,: MiOSewion is the Protestant Chap- Pringle Oliver, both of England. First Army w'ho had plunged Into chester Corps beforb she becanie the Italian press that his visit was New RocheUe, N. Y.-HJ»>— A northeastern India by occupying Sloan, veteran of the kilocycles, cent Astor' and Prescott Bush on are at their peaks and it should be in the major leagues. . . . The | ond to Bostek, the latter ^rdsatik, 175 miles south of the Vimont. seven miles southeast of an officer. Also at the Lyons home a sign of the importance the Ital police department official paid a the last large village before thfe will have the leda, while Hart will National War Fun4: NBC 2, of the Connecticut Sportsmen have hotly contested final. It i.s over Twi League act, and the result was one of the ?n a fielder’s choice when the !?; Iain at the State hospital and also Dr. Oliver’s funeral will be held Loire, evidently to establish a are Captam John Lyons,and Mrs, been purchased and tickets will be green-red book list.s aix, including ’ best games 1 layed at the Oval tola auparvisor of the Clinical Training at the Watkins I^uneral home, I42 Caen, found the town too hot to Ian war theater “may assume in visit to the Internal Revenue office Burma frontier on the Tiddir direct- The program, which re­ Church In Action, “Returning Sol­ the thirty-six hole route and any­ Ernie Shxii-c’s performance for the. was thrown to second and wa# ' Loire line. The lightning Amerl- Lyons of the Passaic, N. J., corps road, headquarters announced places the Green Valley dramas, delivered within a week. thing can happen. Wilkie will oe year with toe PA’s winning out In p t^ a m for Ministers and-Theo­ EUist Center street, Monday aftein? cjui penetration apparently qulck- hold. the near ni^ure.” yesterday to square things with dier,” Geri. Chine * and others. Red Sox In 1P17 when he relieved late. G®rmano sacrifleed fha logical Students. The soloist wiU noon at 2 o’clock. Rev. L«land P. British Second Army troops These officers will assist at ^ e AnammlOon Storee Hit Uncle 8am. Federal agents had day. will be carried by 80 stationa. Other prtgrams; NBC 12:30, a hart man to dethrone but hts op- Babe Ruth after the Babe passed Standings eight Innings on a h®»"« nere along a base. Dal Oobto 1 threw a monkey wrench into servlcbs In the citadel tomorrow, The American Mitchells, in con- The Allied troops are only a : Paul LaVallo Coi.cert; 3:30, Army The duck hunters have received ponent'Ja also capable of shooting Hank Haefs, the only run of tho gled to center and Tuffffefl bs Miss Doris Hartenstem and Uie Caiy, pastor of the. First Methodist this effort. pressing from west of the Ome to­ ------. , tagged a police radlo^'car with the good news In connection with their the first map and the umpire Junior Choir will assist in the mu- church, Hartford, will officiate and ward a junction with the Canadians and the,g;bneral public will be wel­ sideraWa strength,- hammered gun markera "PD 13” for failing to dls- miles from the border. Post-war education is being con­ Hour, Irving Berlin; 6, NBC 8yx> some very.., fine golf as was wlt- passed Ruth out of the par«. . . . game. Chances are that the teatM running for Hutt, scored. Tuffer-| Barcelona reports said French come to Attend. Other fortes which pursued tha sidered In -a new panel discussion phony; 6:30, Men at Sea drama; 8, sport. Due to the increase ot wa­ ne.ssed' last''Suiiday when he beat w. L. Pet. will not repeat their superb pob; tfcal program. ___ Interment will be in Rose HlU Me­ partisans had cut all direct rail­ attacking Falalse took Esson, • ___ poats-diear St. Tropez and St. piay a Federal auto use stamp. terfowl, the duck hunters will The other perfect-game pitchers; P. A.’i __ 13 2 .867 son than grounded down to . Lavman To Preach across the river and just below the Raphael, 15 and 30 miles respec­ Jaoanese out ol India through the sertM, "Pursuit of Lcaralng.” to Oracle Fields; 8:30, One Man’a the old master. -001 St. John. Wil­ John Lee Richmond,Worcester, formanoe but ons thing Is certain, and Rostak waa forced at morial Park. Rocky Hill. Friends road, highway and telephone com­ Pfc. Harry D. Hultlne and Pvt. border town of Tamu and Into the have a longer season and a larger Hamilton .. 10 4 .714 Amaaa iherce, layman from the may call at the funeral home after newly-captured road junction to-wn tively west of Cannes. Explosions Rabbits C3iasu Dog open on NBC at 4:30 p. m. Sunday. Family; 10:30, Les Trcmayne show bag of certain species. Be sure to kie earned his position by beating and John M, Ward, Providence, Willimantlc 9 4 .692 toe BaVons are determinee' to turn ]>late. (Jrowley popped out to Daiilelson Baptist church, who was munications between Vichy and of Thury-Harcourt, putting them Carl R. Hultlne arrived home last and fires Indicated ammunition Kabaw valley of Burma have ad.^ The first broadcast, to Include Vice revised, Jackie Gleason. . . . CBS. Tommy Faulkner. It looks like a both National Loa^e, and Cy back toe PA’s and now that they 'Ae Inning. 7 o’clock Sunday evening. Paris.) vanced within 10 miles of the —2, Dangerously YdUrs, drama; 8, check the regulations well before Rockville 6 8 .420 this year elected president of the within 13 miles of the Canadian night for a flftewi day furlough Mores were h it East Liverpool, .O.—(J*)—^It was Admiral Randall Jacobs and Maj. leaving for your favorite blind. real battle at the Country Club to­ Young. Bo.ator.; Adnle Joss, Clcve- West Qides . 6 9 •40() know they can give the champs a Joe Marsellla aqd G#orf# Connecticut Baptist convention, Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery from Scott Field, 111. The brothers (Jhindwin river without meeting Gen. Walter L. Welble, will take N. Y. Philharmonic; 5, Eileen Far­ morrow. thnd and C .C. Robertson, Chicago, good run for their money, another nolds singled In succeealon to Mrs. Sophie C. .Anderson In a message to his troops yester­ line. Four other coastal gun batteries bad enough, says Russell Patter­ any opposition, the daily communlr Plant J ...... 4 11 .267 will preach at the morning service American heavy bombers blast­ have recently completed their ad­ east of Toulon, including one on son, that rabbits ruined his '~vic^ up "What Can We Leam From G. rell concert: 6, June Vincent' in Quite a few outdoors men have American League. Oak Grill . . 2 12 .143 good game la expected. the Aircraft third but failed .tol at the Rockville Baptist church. Mrs. Sophie C. Anderson of 26 day asserted "the great bulk of vanced schooling in radio. and que said. _ I. Education?"A third /peaker is “My Wife'# Otlier Lovei’; 8. Blon- T o d ay ’ii Gam e* score when Bayer fann.Od and 8az-| the German forces in northwest ed some 20 strongpointa In, Brest, the He du Levant were blasted by tory garden, but the last straw die in additional series; 9, -Maga­ signified thei.r Int.-'ntions of buying Not Certain To Start Mr. Pierce Is an able preacher with Hamlin street, widow of John M. the great port on the tip of the radar. Both boys previously Marauders,____ which fallOd to en- came when he saw his cocker Dr. Sttphen Bayne, awpeiate a camp In the North woods after 8poitop.purri Lefty Jadzlnlak the Baron’s ace by. filed out deep to center. Aft##| many years of service in the Bap­ Anderson, died this morning at Europe are in a bad way. We are graduated from Sioux Falls, South superintendent of New York zine theater with F, P. Adama; 10, Eaatem toe catch, Roetek rifled tlM ball tol ’round behind them-in many' places, Breton peninsula, but It was not counter either flak or fighter op- spaniel nmnlng for dear fife, ;^lp- A whitesmith is a mafi - wh Phil Baker Quiz; 10:30, We the the war. One of the local boys, Did ydtxmctice that the Army hurler who handcuffed the RA’s In tist denomination as. well as In the Manchester M*emoria) hospital known whether decisive ground at­ Dakota,' together. They are the works in tin ;' a blacksmith on achoola. Howard "Dixie” Hayman has al­ (No game.s scheduled) Rever§e Baseball the last game is not a certain (iermano on second and the run-l many Inter-denomlnatlonal activi- after a few weeks' illness. and. it la possible some of them sons of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hultlne, posltlon. ing at every step, with two bunnies People. . . . Irving Berlin—BLU American teams outi^Riber the civilians ner, wsi ruled out for leaving th t I may not get away." tacks had been launched there. Spitfires strafed radio histalla- | in hot pursuit. - who works in Iron. 1:30, Sammy Kaye Serenade; 3, ready dona so. He purchased more than 2 U- 1 In the National starter on the hill as he will have -ties. Mrs. Anderson was bom In Swe­ Evidently the American siege of 20 Russell street. Am usual, the sponsor of the an­ Strang’s Camps in Southern New Detroit at Washington (night) semi-pro baseball toiiinamcnt? Gels Big Try Out had only two days rest. Lefty will base before the catch. Tha ninn«r| Memorial Service den 78 years ago. Her birthday Silent on American Driven tlona and gun posts at Cap D’An­ nual World Series broadcasts, to Listen the Women; 5, Mary Small .—Gentry (5-11) vs. Wolff (3-8). on third had tagged up and ■eor-l Supreme headquarters remained forces In iSrittany w’ere taking tibes, St. Raphael, Cap Benat and Revue; 6, Paul Whiteman Music, Brunswick where, he writes, sal­ . . . The CJardinals noW only lead be here and he spells trouble for A Memorial sendee was held on July 16 was marked by a fam­ time In order to save manpower in Flight Officer Samuel J. Turk- be handled again this year by mon and bass fishing it exception­ Cleveland at Philadelphia- the National Ix-.Tgye ttt gitmes won any team. > ed but toe run waa nullified by th#| this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the ily celebration. She was a mem­ completely silent on the U. S. ington, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cap Camarat, al) between Mar- | MBB, Is paying $100,000 for exclu­ Irving Berlin; 7:30,--Qulk Kids; Baby (1-2) vs. Flores (7-6), force at second. drives reported spearing north, cleaning up the doomed strong­ seille and Nice. 0:lji, Basin Street; 10. Life of Ri­ ally gbod and the deer and bear and lost, but they’re jtist ak far Wichita, Kane., Aug. 12.-i-(P)r- Snap Server may take the radund Rockville Methodist church for ber of the Emanuel. Lutheran Samuel J. J^rklngton, of 127 sive radio rights. It will be turned are almost too plentiful. Your li­ St. Louis at'New York—Pottsr ahead In what Bill Brandt Calls the Second Bun Scored Private Herbert Francte Lee, son east and south of Le Mans, possi­ holds In the cut-off peninsula. The Coming In at 10 feat above the 1 ley. . . , MBS—2, Sky Riders Quiz; It WBB something like'' the cow for the Barons as he has turned church and active in ' Its Ladies’ communique said only that the sit­ Henry street, icrlved on the Paci­ over to a tonrlty to be eelocted.'.. 3, At Fprt Dlx, 4; Callfomta Melo­ cense entltlea you to two door and (10-5) va. Dubisl (7-9). “BBP”—the parade of basoballs jumpmg over- the moon as the dlah in # couple of creditable games in Neither team threatened in tho I of Mr. and Mrs. Ornn Lee of 99 Aid Society" while her health per­ bly because the Gerinans them- fic Coast early this week and -will ground at one place, the Spitfires I Rome, first of thu Axis capitols to two b«ar and Howard writer that Chicago at Boston — Lopat next two Innings but in the Prop’s I salves were confused as to the uation remained unchanged at caughi,,perman -soldiers running dies, new tlmej^' 5:30, Bulldog fouled Into ton stands and returned ran away with the spoon last night toa .box.. Jlmm. Blanchard le the Brooklyn street, who was killed In mitted. Brest and Lorlent. be a s s ^ e d to the' 4th Air Force be captured, now le In direct pro­ the guides, most of them Indians, (5-7) vs. Bowman (8-5). to be shipped to service men. , . . half of the sixth their second ritfl'l action in France, July L4, exact direction of these operations, for theTr guns, drove. many back | Drummond; A,* Mediation Board; when Ray Dumont staged hie base- choice of Coach Buck Bycholekl She leave.s four daughters and- A small part of the Germans’ Comm)md. This group has seen gram contact with American net­ 9, Walter Hampden drama r 10:15, can usually dae that your license National One newspaperman attending runnign-in-reverse feature for for the P/ 8 and toe youthful came horn® when Crowley doubledl Asides his parents he leaveahis and did not know whether they action In the Southwest Pacific and into shelter and killed others. works. A new transmission service is filled before you leave ’his camp. New York qt Pittsburgh—Vol- those "husb-huah” meetings wb^fc and advanced to third aa Yaratbl wife, Mrs. Frances Lee; a t\v°* two sons. They are Bessie, Mrs were sln ^y feints. last strongpoint at St. Malo, north Enemy defenses between Savona REDCAP Good Will . Progrtun. patrons of '.the annual National righthander a perfect record It IS expected that Flight Officer via short wave* has just been es- Write to him at Strang’s Camps, selle (14-12) vs. Butcher (9-7). a new pro footb.ill league Is being bounced out. Art Pongrati Un#dl year-old son, Dennis Herbert Lee; Allan Coe of Boulder Road; Lil­ A frof^d1sp,itcli said the Ger­ coast port, still was holding out and Imperia on the Italian Riviera semi-pro baseball tournament. ingteague play with a two and lian, Mrs. Arvid Gustafson of and heavy fighting was continuing Turkington will be assigned to. this talblished by RCA In cooperation Monday Expacta tlona: NBC — Box 18, Vanceboro, Maine. Boston at Clncmnati —Hutchin­ organized ts said to represent The current brainchild of the a solid single to left to drive hom# I a brother. Sergeant Orrin Lee. ,who mans were stiffly opposing a push area after about two weeks of ad­ were raided by Thunderbolts. son (7-5) vs. Shoun (8-5) or Gum- Lieut. Comdr. Gene Tunney, who nothing mark. Oowley with the run that put th#| la In the Hawaiian Islands; two Hamlin street; Florence, Mrs. Ei north of Le Mans, an offensive for the little cape town of Dlnard, Your Tires Now with U. S. mlUtery autooritiee. 10:30 a. m.. Finders Keepara ()uiz; National Baseball Congreefs prexy iff Keeney the beat fielding nar Anderson of Hertford and just across the Inlet. , vanced operational training on the 1:30 p. m.. Topic Betioea; 6:16, A few cool dayia ^ and ai the boys bert (9-'7). wants ths Balllmofe franchise. -proved both confusing and amua- Propf ahead. I sisters, Mrs. ^nnabelle M^cFar- which threatens to saw in behind coast. ore all talkln gdoga. field trials second besemar In the circuit will Reynolda atartcd the Alrof#lt| Miss Vivian Anderson, who' lives the enemy in the Caen area before The German garrison In the On Saturday night Hat: Serenade to America. . . . CBS — Brooklyn at Chicago —Melton : ng to the fans what with two-way be seen at hlis usual spot. Kevney land, of Pittsburgh, Pa., ana Mrs. citadel of St. Malo was suffering NBC, 7—They Call Me Joe; 8— 1:45 Goldbergs; 4 Coast Guard are all talking'dOgs, field trials (6-8) va. Lynn (1-1), Uamnawsrsd Queatton half of the sixth ^LJaclim out n | H’r Boland Robidas of Rockville; also at home. The sons are Carl 4- Falalse. • A baby shower for Mrs. Richard have new dogs that ss yet are un­ After atartlhg to compile Clem- traffic around the bases and the is th the midst of a serious batting double to left and ^ e n 'fuSeraon several half-brothers and sisters. Anderson, of Detroit, Michigan (The German high command heavy losses and was. said to be Wapping Abie's Irish Rose; 9—Bam Danc­ Program; 6 Fun with Dunn. . . . PhlladsiphU at St. Louis (night) scoreboard even running back­ slump i t this \.rriUng and his once willing to give up but was being McCabe, of 16 Lilley street, was ing; 9:30-^Gan You Top ''This; BLU—12 noon. Glamor Manor; fried BO they are really anxious to —Kennedy (0-1) or Lee (7-6) vs. son’s football rostar, tub thumper threw wildly to aecond, the runner j Auxiliary Committees . and Rudolph Anderson of 26 Ham- communique today said thls^U.-B;' pee what they have uurchaaed. ward. impressive mark at the plate haa liii' street. There aVe also, six kept .In the stmggle by Its com­ given by Mrs. (Jordon Smith, Mts. . Word has been received from 10:30—Grand Ole Opry. C»a, 7:30 2:30 p. .m„ Ladles Be Seated. 6:15 Lanier (14-5) or lurlsch (7-8). Jos Sharmsn pauses to ssR what And once, when two players In continued on to third. Royer #1-1 Mrs. Dorothy Allen, newdy .In­ drive had been reinforced, anu that John Fraher and Mrs. Sherwood Capt Tim Healy Story. . . . "MBS takenJLno|e dive In the opposite tempted to aq^ze home toe run- [ stalled presid'jnt of Stanley Do- grandchildren. heavy fighting was In progress for mander. the "mad" colonel. An­ the War department that Private .-i-Mrs. Miniver; 8:30—Inner. Sanc­ A list of properties will be past­ the exhibition between the Wichita direction. A playfr of dlff’e id! dres von Aulock. Humphries last evening at the lat- Lewis White, son of Mr. and Mrs. tum; 9—Slnatro and jlita ; 9:45— —12:30, Addresf of Lieut. Gen. Boeings and Beech Flyers, aleo a ner but it backfired when Kreb# I bosr Unit. American Legion has She also leaves a brother and Alencon, only 35 miles below Ca- ter’s home at 28 Lilley street. The Ben Lear; 2:46, Jane Cowl; 4;30, ed by toe Connecticut Sportsmen around ability usually overcomes fielded tha„baht and threw to PoO- [ named the following cojnmlttees sister. Mrs. Robert Johnson of nadian-menacec' Falalse. Howard White of Lake Bon Aire, | Jessica Dragonette; - -10t45—Beiv in time to let the hunter know the Wichita team, raced to second slump and fans are pulling-for ^rty was attended by many Kilgore on “Ful I Tdsl-War Em- Music for Half a: I Hour. from opposite directions and dived grata to nau the runner ajt the] for the coming year: AmericawiBr Middletown and Albert Swanson (Thb Berlin *-adio said the Amer­ 'friends and relatives. A buffet Ellington, formerly of South Wind­ areas tost have been Stocked by the likeable end smooth fielding platter. Emma Batz, Evehm Miffitt. Lil­ of this towAf also several nieces icans had reached Alencon Friday sor, has dlMl of Injuries received | toe club. If you haven’t paid your for the bag In a cloud of dust that Russian Advance supper was served and many love­ Local Sport-Chatter would bewilder the sharpest ump PA infleldcr \o do just this. It was dark wh®n tile teaiAs I lian Ackerman; Child Wr-lfarc, and nephews; and pushed on several miles north. ly gifts were received. In Italy In the early part,of July. carry aorbes' the bunker that dues yet, do it soon oo as to enable Johnny blone will appear with started the seventh frame and b#r j Mary Fortuna, Flora Baer, Bertha Funeral arrangements in charge This, following reports of a tank Private White was well known to I stands sentinel at tha albow. His ’ou to get your permit at the Sep- In the business. Umplre-!n-ChIef the Barons and wilt add powei to fore the Props were retired they attack on the town, indicated ad­ Imperils Entire va spanned toe ohatacle'ntcety Mickey Katkaveck who haa-^ 8mok®v Joe Breen one of the Paul'Fair Just ceuldn’t contain Boucher;' Community Sendee. Mrs. Of the Watkins Funeral ’ service Private 'First Class William A. his friends as “Dewey.’’ He.en-: ember meeting. younger members of the Weet Side toe Oak Streeters attack. .DlonS had rung toe bjll for three more A. Brigham, Eunice Boucher, are incomplete. vanced forces had by-passed It. tered the Service a year ago and and his sharp biting Iron came to caught, Don Ballou In all of tha himself. can play anywhere and no matter runs, enoaghTo Insure certain vic­ Doris Frey; Constitution and By- (The same broadcast admitted Avery, son of Mr. and Mra. Arth'ur rest on the green \iilna feet from ? latter’s starts In .to® local league Gas House Gang is home on fur­ He Just threw up hla hands, call­ Nazi Left Flank Avery of 9 Purnell Place, now had been overseu three months. Fred M c^rmlck and Sam Robb where he doe; he Can turn In a tory. Roatek, CFrmano and Dal Laws, Jennie Batz, Lois Bowers; Nazi evacuation of the towns of the pm. Hts line sloped down hill. declares -that Ballou has the best lough and is burning up the ed both men safe and took time out .-Miss Mary SulU\-an stationed somewhere In Franca, Bom in Bolton he attended schools apont a day plug casting at Ma- familler trails with hla bWn car. bang up performance. Conte singled In a row, The latter I Distinguished Gut-sts, !.Its. Au­ Miss Mary Sullivan of Willt' Mortaln and Sourdeval in the pock­ In l^lton and In South Windsor, The turf was mud-Hneared and shapaug Lake without tying Into control of any pitcher tliat hs had for a hearty laugh. ■. et to the west, where the Germans ((Continued from Psge One) has been promoted to Corporal 1-Day Service ever handled. That Included, Then there was the big aeventh, two were perfect bunts. Art Poft^l gusta Pl'.kat;. Education ot War manti';, died this morning at the Technician. He writes that four then the family later moved to slippery from ram, but Oulmet’s a record-breaker. They f ^ r t the grata coaching on third, on Del | Orphans, Mr.s, Gladj's Bowers, h,-)’rhe'' 6f her sister-in-law, Mrs. had mounted fierce armored as­ putt rolled truly to the hole al bass m ths d«.p holes and not too George Mungw and Johnny Beaae JPast night's clash wss marred when Everett Dannels, Boeing saults seeking to split the Allied 20- miles through Its 45-mile wide Manchester boys were thus pro- Ellington. Before entering the hurler, Issued -flve Intentional Conte’s bunt bellowed to the. Ap*. Welda Bowers: Fan American John Sullivan of 66 Valley street, iihoted this month oyer there. service, he was employed as a though pulled by an Inrimbte wire. hungry for plu^. when practlcrily every runner on craft catcher to throw tha b#Jl to Study, Mis. Bernice Perzanowski; Armies.) gap on the Estonian front and to­ Ovimst Pott On Wet When the ball clucked into the Henk Oomickl of the PltUburgh both teams who reached first ask­ asses “just to see what would with. whom.she ha^l been visiting Jamming Troops Into -Pocket day was in a position to strike tractor driver for the''' Brewer SAVE WHAT YOlX HAVE BY RECAP-PING NOW1 Oman Tied .MastoTa I ^ te e , all of whom he handled apnon. He found out When the second. Hs did,'and'nobody w#ij Ethel Gonrady; Gold Star Mothers, for • some lime. Bom In Willi Mrs. Mary M. Conn of Knox Company of South' Winds®*’. ^ We have Installed $5,000 worth of new equipment and, cup for a birdie three the gallery f U Bonelf Baa ten ed for a runner. It haa gotten to there, and Rostt-k scored; Dai | Mrs. Elsie I.«os, M?s. Lena Bilson; mantic, she had spent her whole A dispatch from the British southwest ward a. Riga and move let out a roar that ahook the colo-. while in the Cardinal chain. Bal­ he such a habit that It takes away next batsman Isced a mighty triple Conte stole second and )icorwl Mi Orne river froi) declared\ Field northwards upon Tallinn. street, grand lecturer; Mrs. Mar­ brother, Pfc. David A. White, la win he'able to give you ONE, DAY SERVICE, or if By Ted Scholes nial columns of the clubhouse ppr^ Rye, N. T., Aug. 11.—y beat- ing National Champion Paulina look It when they ar® chasing fly wltnesaed t|ie affair agreed "It was W. L. Pet. Lynch, and a 'nephew, Arthur F, ing Orne pocket Instead of' trying Ladles International Aas game ahead of - th® WlUlin##tt# KlMe Loos; Music and Uniform's. than 50 miles from the aouthem time. If you held a eertificaterbuy one now AS cemetery these nights but don't H u: Fliers. Mrs. Corn Harding. Mrs. Martha Sector^) East Prussian border. Phelps who is a delegates to the East Windsor. The service Sun­ blame it on ghoots. Tha ceme­ first start In the locql loop^ M d peat itself. 'The game s’Vould hav® were able to hit the cup in the . an­ American Funerals . - London afternoon newspapers grand session, will mpka her re­ day morning will he conducted by THEY ARE VERY SCARCE. looked Ilka the goods. Men called at the end of the sixth nual Seattle hole-ln-one contest ■ XMetzel, Mrs. Gladys Finley; Me­ played up an unconfirmed report- The steady advance toward Lorn tery' aaeodation put Iambs there New York, Aug. IS.—H#^A ftor W. L Pet. HIjaekliig Seal morials, Mrs. Pauline Smith, Mrs. XC~e8ffled past Tykoctn, with the port. the Rev. Virbrook Nutter, pastor to keep the grase cu t Tbay re- riding 49 etraight loaers at Gar­ Irailng. After the first five days of this S t Louis ... 1.... .64 43 .598 Mra. Haasina Pom by an American broadcaster in of the First Congregational A clipping from, an out of state week’s ahootlng, Mra. J. R. West Marion Harrison, Mrs. Florence London that American. advance Russians 39 miles to the south and lace five men who kept the plots den Stats and Balmont Park. Boston ...... 67 49 .538 Ssattle. Aug. It.—(P>—Add Hrausfc.^-.r 'The funeral of Mrs. Hansina 25 miles away to the east. church. Robert Edwards and WE HAVE PLENTY OF GRADE 3 TIRES S1 condition. Jockey Jackie Weofrope won yes­ paper reveals tost Jadslnlains bns Tom Kriley relates that toe scorad a dodo to. become the first .55 50 .524 units were in the Paris outskirts. '^Public Records of the leading pitchers In Maosa- woman aver to get an ace In the Ddrotti ##•••»•••• 'the hazarda of the amateur National Newv, Mrs. HemiUia Boss, widow of August F. Bose, This came on top of a Swiss broad­ Meanwhile Marshal Konstantin Robert Trombley who enllated terday with Darby Divot, $17.00, swimming pools In town were mob­ New Y o rk ...... 54 50 j519 mon flaherman-—the — Hoarmanu. Mra. Olive KraCiav; Na- was held this afternoon at the K. Rokosaovsky, fighting one of With Lieutenant l^twin in the Na­ Bring Your Certificates. In too second /aos a t Belmont. chusstta as areu aa being one of tourney. .486 cast that the Americans had reach­ OUR bed yesterday when the tempera And Wayne Wright repeated the (Cleveland...... 53 56 aeal. jjl’ tiOnal Defense. Mrs. Inez Schook, Watkins Funeral Home, the Rev. ed Chart fea. the guardlaqrity of the toughest engagements of his Warrantee Deed# tional Guard will be uahera. Tlie Opponeats Share Rat Rack the beat hitters In ths league. In ture sOatbd sky high. The Idda Chicago ...... 61 so .481 Policeman Harry Howard lUm Anna Martley, Mrs. Margaret Alfred L. Williams, rector of St. brilliant career, has not only spur­ John B. and Ralph Lamenso to membera of the East, Wlndaor 1.00 g lfi " «.50xl6 7.00* If the mentioned game. Lefty allow­ feat within 24 hours on too 116r .440 the last .’SO-mile defense zem ' and grownups alike are taking ad- yard hole for an all-time two-d#y Philadelphia ...... 48 61 today at a IS-nfinqte batUa wlUii i Mehr; Poppy. . Lucille Brigham, Mary’a Epi.scopa! church ofliciat-^ fore Paris. But there was no offi­ red cn the great Eapt Prussian at­ Clare M. Muller, property, at Pine Grange of .which he wa# a mem­ . Boise, Idaho—VP!—<31«»* H. Tay­ ed two hits In winning. The local vanta$;e of tha .pools and are (Men Puget Sound #e*l wfalcM k tolMvia: Publicity, Christina Meah, Ing. tack but bJu wiped out German ber will attend In a body. lor PsmoermUe candldats for the New York, Aug. u ;—OF^-^The Twl Llaguo offlciala Wouldn’t havo record. cial Information of anything be­ nests of resistance at Dobre, and Walnut street taking a dip-now and then.- National Ulraig to the aaUnea oa M kR oada Merkel; Rehabilitation, The pall- bearen were: Martin yond a push ot undetermined depth Albert McClellsn, et a ls ,^ Law< Beaidas hia paranta, h# leaves U. 8. Senate, and hla RepuhUcan algning of three veteran UiieiiMn made a M tter selection than too W. L. P et Ing oompanio#’# IbM-’lk# JHra. Loretta Dowding, Mrs. Elsie Fredarlckson. John Jansen, WU- Pniawnik and Koiytnlca, 25 to 80 oppmient. Gov. C. A. Bottolfasn. wasaanounoed today by toe New aoutopaw seneatlon of tha wstk. n r s l VOotooB Oamo' east of Le Mans, which ir^lODmaa mllas from Warsaw. At tha oama reno# A. Converse, property an tw# aiatore, Mr#.. Seldaa Clapp Locar baseball fans will be atflo Si* I^uls •aaoeqe*.75 2 .788 man won, after the nil ^ L Ntattsnd. Mrs. Selma Prichard; Ham F. Nielsen and Charles John­ from Paris. Woodbiidge street. and Miee Patricia Ann Petwln and anared samething m common — a \wk-Giants of the National foot­ Cincinnati ...... 66 45 A54 their outboard-powered Moat 1 Radio, Mrs. Elisabeth Poebnart, son. Mrs. Robert K. Anderson tima ba has matntolnad prsaura hla matemal grandmother, Mrs. ICAMPBELL'Sl spot on a hat rack. "Bottolfsan ball league. They are: Tackles Bill Hurt waars toe oldaat and to sit back and relax ntot Monday WlchlU Falla, Tax.. Aug. U .— Faria Uadar Ooffesv against the capiia] Itself. Jennie B. Olenney to Martha Un— K crowd of 6,600 aaw toa PltU burgh...... 55 4 5 ' ,.660 merry c h a ^ but R cerf ' Anna Prlckett. was the organist The Interment Fimneia A. H a tto n . was commg out of a hotal dbUng Frank Oops and Vie Carroll; and raggloat sweat shirt In tos Issgua and Tuesday avenlng when toe 5 5 . intiphies and Awards. Mra. Ger­ (The Paris radio said today the By smaahing' northward between Gates,' property on Peart street Weft Side Oval will ba Idl^ Tha lin t footboU game of toe Texas NOUr YOfk • a « a « e •.50 AT# all tha flght out of Um was In the family plot in East German command had placed Beatrice P. Cilark to Florence lieutenant Potwln was bom In ro(»n s a il want In," Taylor said. Guard .Lm Touace. * and local fans are wondering when .46 52 A6# trude Edwards, Mis. Ann Wdo- cemtetry. Warsaw and Blalystok the- Red “We didn’t speak, but he took his Bill Is going to rspisos ths torn Twmght Leagua gam* tchaduled as as OB laat night the isnnual an Chicago ...... Paris under an 11:15 p. m. curfew Army has davelop^ the threat of Garllnghousc, property on Adama East Windsor and graduated from SERVICE STATION #t#r gams of toe Texas High Boaton ...... 48 59 .422 The oMeat aattoaal 1 " ’»r ActlvlUea, Mrs. Msa beginning tonight. . the Ellsworth Memorial H i^ bat out of the rack and I put mine Putting: up bird houses Is not one that Pete Hansen claimed was Monday between the Fliers and the .410 B’Oispmsn, Mrs. Fdnnie Wheelock. ultimate encirclement agalnat -atreeL 275 Malii (AtIWlddiFTumpike) Dial (5181 his victory gsrjien on hts scara- HUI Billies has been moved up # achool coaching school. Tho- South Brooklyn ...... 43 . •2 Honeycutt is s village in North (Available information indicat­ Admlnlatrator’a Dmi': school in South WindscH: In 1939. m the same place. It was the JdM—the Indians hung .88 «I J84 “ '^ ts . Elltsbeth Wroblewskl; Past Csrolina, Honeyhlll a village m both the Germans defending East Spot vacanL" upvgoDMi for bsstin# martins. croar. - soupto of wsoka. doCaatod toa North ^ to T. \Pklladelphla ts Parley, Jennie Rats; ed Paris might not be one of the Prussia and thoso committed in Irving Glenney estate to Martha I He enlisted. In the National Guard South OaroUna. imssadtaU ohjaettvos at ths evaap- the. alece at Warsaw. Oatea, grosM ti #B Peart stew# | (CtoMMottaut^ U t>aos#shar st •* '4"- ^ ^ X • w •-‘S I ^ ''-


' Doga— Birds— Pets 41 Household Goods 51 ‘Wanted to Rent 68 to become leap year bridegroom. - Girl—I'm-TKirry-1 slapped you. 1 ni.P EVERYTHING. Automobiles for Sale 4 Repairing 23 Can promise to make life more thought you v.-c; e trying to get my OUR 33RD ANNUAL WANTED Tt RENT 5-^ room , pleasant at horns than in military: sorority pin. POR SALE— 4 PERSIAN kittens. house or flat permanent resi- i Gas.‘!ied 1940 DODGE COACH, rebuilt PLANO TUNING and repairing; 8 weeks ol CaU at 49 West Mid­ AUGUST SALE Sense and Nonsense training camp. I am II, brunet, n e e d MUNE^ ,ARE Y'tK tJiuy- motor, good Ures, radio, heaUr, .playei piano speoaity. John dence. Call 2-lOUI. i writ built, eat little and have cold Definition* 28 Bigelow street. dle Turnpike. tns a uaed car? Do you need car 1295 down,, tei n s'and trade ac­ Cocherham. . Is Now Going On feet on warm nights. AU yoU need A gototp la n person Who.t^ika to repairs? t«et ua help you with Oasnfied cepted. Brunner's, 80 Oakland Tel. 4219. Here’s Your Chancy Advertisements In The Beginning Vlaitor — Little boy, do both of the rear—with aa much poise 1 to furaiMi is We Ucensc. I ’ll do the you about other*. / I your ftnancing. Immediate eervlce. Houses for Sale 72 EISEMHOUEB ^ he has left and then eollapsea in Live Stock—Vehicles 42 your d o ^ have Ucenaea? rest. Please address B. Care Niles street Open c enlngs 'till 9- Call To Buy And Save A teakettle singing on the stove A bore IS a 'persoq 4th0 talks to Call a-1735 now. The Mpnchoater FOR SALE 8 ROOM HOUSE, For Rent For Sale Fint Biography of Amorico*f Graal GiMiorai Junior— Tea, ttrl They’re Juat We nearest pew . . . being care­ Times.” yoq about h im self' slMvertiseineiits Home Credit. 869 Main atreet, 5191. Private Instructions 28 FDR SALE—ONE SOW, SIX c»arHak«. leea wsw— rs sniwn nutrik«it«. h a sarvi**. Uw. was the oeginning of We steain Hers ws again with more modem conveniences, newly deco­ covered #lth Wem! ful not to make his sigh of ntief A brilliant coimrsationalist ia a Mancheiter* Conn. Rooma 6-6-7. weekg old pigs. One Fordaon To' Buy To Sell engine. ^ loud enough to be heard above the iFor Sale BJUXnmON—FOREIGN accenU super values for August! While the rated. Double car garage, chicken A shirt waving on a elothea-Une Security is much like happineaa. person who^>41ks to you about [For Rent Motorcycies—Bicycles 11 traetpr as Is. Call 3030. A beautiful mermaid popped (ip muted notea of the organ. BoW are by-products of something yourself. I h o r o s c o p e rO R 1944-1»4S. .4 reihoved. d ea r speech. An es­ supply lasts some of you flrat-i coop, 3 acres of land, near' bus WoriU war 11 ran Denmark and Norway, Invad was the beginning of a balloon. To Sell FOR SALE— 9 WEEKS old pigs, comers will snatch up unbelievable and school, 3 1-2 miles ifrom l ed Holland, Belgium and Luxem. We forerunner of the Graf Zep­ beside a destroyar engaged In con­ else Wat you do. If you make T o Buy Send 2»c and birth date. , G. g i r l 's BICYCLES and boy's pecial advantage to c»illdren, Sue—What ia your idea of a Brooks, Scie.illflc Astrologer, 86.00 each. Route 6. Bolton S. bargains In fine living room suites, WilHmantic. Priced low for quick Chapter Xn J bourg, and conquered FTance. pelin. voy duty In th* Cartobean. More either a definite aim, you tone it. A hdaband away from home got j bicycles; also side walk bikes. 468 tutoring in arithmetic,, language surprising still, she had a little man ?, t ^ message: "Jack, coiine home, { 1452 Broadway, New York 18^___ Patnode. bedroom suites and quality dining sate* Telephon* Wllllmantic 2331- Houses tor 3*14^ 72 Eisenhower was placed in charge They marched into Paris and took ,A spider web strung across a Hartfprd Road.' and spelling. Gregg shorthand. of We organisation------.—-■— of We PhtUp- poaaesalon. Italy wlW its ten-year baby in her arms. Mae—One jvho ia smart enough Some live and learn, OWers Just. ^ ild ren and myself are starving. | White Studio, 709 Main. Phone room furniture. ITils furniture W3. garden path suggested the suspen­ FOR SALE—3 REIAL good Jersey FOR SAi E—PFUE-WAR HOUSE, pine Air Force. He designed the alliqAce had Joined We Axis. The Mermaid (to atupifled sqilor at to make oodles of money and fool live. If you can't come, msll the ration 2-1392. comprises one'of our biggest pur­ sion bridge. Lost and Fonnd WOOD FOR SALE, for l*ove or Wanted Autos— family, cows. Inquire 364 Bldwell chases, a' pre-war purchase that FOR SALE—HOME IN the coun­ 4 rooms down, can finish two on fields and outlined training plans. tie of Britain was being fought A lantern swinging in a tower the rail)—1 Just want to know if lab enough to apepd It freely. books,” . I try, consisting of a nine room second floor, fireplace, bras* He helped establish the Philippine the air, wiW London undergo­ you have a diver on thia boat nam­ Yet once in a while a felip^ sells Murra- -c.xA,.TT*P-« AND CASE In fireplace, $’ 8 a cord. Call 6370. Motorcycles 12 street Call 7405. has made our selections larger now was the beginning of We pendulum than ever before. Included Gi this rambling house, four fireplaces, plumbing, garage, storm win­ ’Military Academy and wrote Wq, ing terrific aerial bombardment*. An apple falling from a tree ed Oleael. Wife—Don’t start anything you his buslnSas and sends his wife to Woman-'husband ia the only a t Center. Reward. Call Help' Wanted—Female 85 CommonwealW Defense Act which Yugoslavia and Greece had been man who ever kissed me. FOR SALE—GREEN hard wood, great event are bedroom suites In air conditioned heat, three full dows and screens, gas automatic was We cause of discovering,, the can't finish! her people and then W* army ac­ suitable for fireplace, stoves or Articles for Sale 45 bathrooms, ^heated two car ga- need the Bwlae universal mtiitaiy , invaded. The Axis force* to Ubya Friend—Are you bragging or « 4 « . WANTED--^ 1941 POUR-DOOR WANTED—YOUNG WOMAN or great variety.... period styles, hot water, lot 100 foot front law of ^ritvitatlon. What becomes- of We bride’s Husband—Did you ever stop to cepts him after all,' furnaces, »16. cord, delivered. Tel. rager on a four acre plot, high ele­ Owner, leaving town. Consult prineiplea for a model * were driving toward Egypt, consider where you’d#>e If Noah complaining? Ilt/W t—TTQER CAT, In vicinity of Bulck sedan. Bo* R. the Herald. girl for general housework, Ui modem, and Swedish Modem, al­ Eisenhower was in Texas wheh If you think you can’t do very, father after he gives her away at 7849. vation ■ Manchester’s beat resi­ Stuart J. Wasley, 755 Main street As it was neceaaary (or him to much, and that tfie little you can hadn't flniahed the Ark on time? Bride (to friend)—I’m going to new home, no wijihing, family of FOR SALE—PRE-WAR electric most any kind of suite you could We Japs struck at Pearl Harbor W6 altar? IT you. can’t swim, never wad* WANTED —USED CARSx WW dential section Thia place L- ideal Telephone 6648—7146. fly around We islands in nuipping do la of no value, Wink on Weae Mrs. Emily Poet recently dis­ be an underitandlng wife! about $ daya ago. Reward. Call WANTED—ALL KINDS of elec­ three, own room, eleep in or out fan. CaU 84M^______wish lo r___ dinette suites galore and the Philippines on We fateful In unknown waters. t - r t ■ / ' buy any year or model. We will ....and a tremendous selection of for anyone wishing plenty o i el­ out strategy, he decided it would things. cussed the subject but ourj' ob- WIW leap year drawing to , a Friend—What do you* mean — $524.______tric wiring and repairing. Any Call 8436. FDR SALE—4 'FAMILY hoOae, 4 be a good idea to add flying to his Dec. 7, 1941. pay top price for well kept cars. MODERNISTIC VANITY with occasional pieces, kitchen furni­ bow room. 'Thic place is bei.ig sold servaUon la that nobody paya any close, a Miss B. placed the foUdw- understanding? aise Job given prompt attention Cole Motoix at the Center. Tel. to settle an estate. Priced for rooms in eacl flat. At 64 Birch many talenta. A firm believer in Worn out after a terrific day’s ing classified ad recently In the BridS— I’m going to let my hus­ The man who concentrated on iw3eTV-PASS BOOK NO- WANTED—WOMAN FOR folding bench, like new, 820. Apply 9 ture, nigs and floor-coverings, and work, he had left word that he If you wish to commit the crime atteatiofi to where he goes or what “Swell idea of yours to sleep Phone 3ft76 before 7 p. m. quick sale. Stuart J. Wasley, Real atreet Reasonable. Inquire 10 We future of air power as one of Niles, Ohio, Tlmes^ band understand that he ran’t do today has little time to worry “ *JM lca U hereby filven tl»t I ^ a 4164. shirts at the New Model .Laun­ Hendee Road. nursery furniture. There Is furni­ was going to take a nap and must of killing time, make sure it is he does. W* believe the general outside thea* hot nightsr No. 44207 issued by p e Estate A Insurance, State Thea Cottage atreet We decitlve factor* in warfare, he rule ia Wat ha steps a few paces to Wanted: Man 'who would like aa he pleases! almut tomorrow. T R A N S P ORTA"nON available WANTED— 1937-38 or '39 Chevro­ dry, Summit street. ture for every room and moat studied aeronauUca and became an not be disturbed. Hi* orderly, your own. S ^ g a Bank of from South jianchester. To and FDR SALE—REX GAS Hot water ter Building. Tel 8648—7146. startled by We news coming over let Ford or Plymouth, doach or WANTED—WOMAN foe- house­ needs. See these outstanding FOR SALE—XTODERN 8 ROOM expert pilot at the age of 47 years, *■—^ learnt or daRtroyed, and writ- from Colt's. Van Dyke Plant, 6:48 heater, practically new. Tele­ values now at Altert’s and SAVE! We radio, heslUted in awakening sedan by private party, cash. Call work. 8-12 a. m. Three days a phone 8221 after 3 p- m. FOR SALE —SOUTH Coventry. house, fireplace, picture book wiW more than 800 hours to his Work for ADt’ BY FRED HARMAN tmaw>llcatlon haa *>««" to 3:18 shift Call 2-0918. All year house, 4 rooms, large lot kitchen, storm windows and credit In the Philippines. him. FUNNY BUSINESS iS d Sn k jy the Person 1" 2-1077. week. Write Box L Herald. Branch of Connecticut’s Largest Eisenhower had become known FOR SALE— 22 CALIBRE Marlin Price 82,300. Terms arranged. M. screens, brass plumbing, extra He played ' major role with ^ e such book was F\in]^lture Store "Alarmist Ike” because of hi* WE NEED USED CARS and are WANTED- EXPERIENCED, re­ rifle aad an IrWln 18 mm. projec­ Cualck, Bolton I^ke, seventh large landscape lo t excellent MacArthur in planning the de­ rVDU5E AWO fiGHTS NOtHiN’/ AMO -ttaynient of the amount of Automobiles for Sale 4 paying the limit; any year, w y A-IrB-E-R-T-8 constant predictions. He was cqh-' HALF TH’TlCKET liable woman to care for two chil­ tor. CaU 8961. house on Rockville Road. location. Call 2-1236. fenses of We islands which were vinced that the United SUteaifiust ; ?JpSaented by said FOR SALE—1940 Packard sedan, model; two buyers, no delay. Call dren oocatlonai week-ends. Also 43 Ajlyn St.—Hartford destined to > grlve the Japanese V4ILL £€ A &G SALE IRETURQTD ' the issuance of a duplicate boo 2-1709 or Barlow’s Motor Sales, enter World War II, but-tie thought ATTRACTOR in good condition, four good tires. woman or older girl for evening a armiea such stubborn resistance that We first attatSk would come therefor. Can be seen after 6 p. m. at 19 16 Bralnard Place, Town. week. Call Mrs. Harry Benson, FOR SALE—PRE-WAR baby car­ PIANO. CABINET AND table in We Second World War. It was radios, wooden Ice box, breakfast Resort Property for Sale 74 from Europe.' His orderlies finally vAwr - WAUUBTT - conUlnlng 1-2 Eldrldge street. 8946. riage. CaU 6340. Eisenhower who devised the hid­ mustered up courage, knocked on S i o s T - sets, kitchen table, round and Fire Destroys den airfields there. He flew con pass card, brtween n o ^ Business Services Offered 13 (TDR s a l e —2 R« .CM cottage, hjs--dbor, and delivered the mes- S d andsouth end. Please return I FOR SALE— 193- BUICK sedan. WANTED—GIRL FOR general square tables, 83 each. Buffets, 10x18 white sink. Can be used stantly back and forW to Corregi Inquire 97 Bissell street or tele­ housework and care of 16 month Garden— Farm— Dairy china closets, glass what-not dor, and over We jungles of B«^ “ f* to 8$ Church street FLOOR SANDING year around. Call 8627 after 5 p. taan, and was a familiar (jgufe on Ikc sat up and listened, hi* face phone 7793. ______Laying and Finishing old child. 40 South Alton street Products 50 stand, wardrobe, rocker, daven­ Hoboken Pier; ro* tense as he looked straight sheid. port and chair, love seat glass We streets of Manila. His only remark was, "Well, boys, 11933 LASALLE 4 door sedan. A J. B. . ensen—Phone 2-0920 WARDS 2 POINT 14 gauge barbed If No Answer—5329 top coffee tables, mirrors, lamps, it’s come!” teal clean. ;ar. in good condition Help Wanted— Wire. 80 rod spool. 82 98. Electric bureaus, and odd furniture. Aus­ No Sabotage Wanted—Real Estate 77. "Der T*g,'’.--^Whlch MacArWur throughout. Priced low for quick WASHER, VACUUMS, IRONS, Male or Female 37 c lence controllers. Battery style, tin Cha era’ Warehouse, Man­ -and Eisenhower had predicted, Next: Cotnmaading General OWN1EN7 sale. Cole Motors at the Center, 812.95, nail knobs per 100, 82.40. came-tm Sept. 3, 1939, on the other VOHItf RED AN lamps, etc., repaired. AU part* chester Green. Open daily 8-5. (Contlnned from Page One) HOME WITH STEIAM heat, mod- Europeaa Theater. -Telephone 4164. Montgomery Wards Farm Store Saturday 7rl2. Evenings, Monday, aide of We globe. 'World War II I ARbUSft available- 24-hour service. iJiarg- SLIP COVER MAKERS. Must be - ern conveniences, garage. Prefer flamed into action. MacArthur and experienced in cutting, fitting and 43 Purnell Plaw. Tel. 4 .'48. Wednesday .slid Friday, 7:30-9. erty ship and a foreign cargo ves­ FOR s a l e —1936 BUICK Deluxe «a C. O. D- Manchester X-1439 location in vicinity East Center Eiaenhower listened over We ra­ sewing. Watkins Brothers Inc., sel were te-wsd to safety in the riv­ I 4 door sedan. Complete motor mornings or evenings. WINDOW SHADES—VENETIAN atreet. Write Box 8, Herald. dio as the news came to them and 935 Main street Household Goods 51 er from the pier before flames examined the official dispatches overhauled. Only run 100 miles T blinds. Owing to our very low reached them, Edward L. McFce- since. Tires good, ready to run. ASHES a n d RUBBISH removed. WOMAN AND MAN wanted Good overhead, get our - special low laid before Wem. Hitler’s troops BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What la It? BY EDGAR MARTIN: WARM MORNING COAL stove, ley, Hoboken pollch chief, report­ had Invaded Poland, and bad S and Call 4998. Tel 2-1688. W. Schult*. hours and steady Work. Apply prices on high grade window ed. along the ocean front boardwalk, never been used. 1 pair of binocu­ including We Strand motion pic­ thrust into Pomerania, Silesia, and Manchester Laundry, 72 Maple shades and Venetian blinds com­ Keller aaid the fire began at 8 VCAVl TVW.'y C O « A ,TVA\b 1938 CHEVROLET COUPE, heat­ lars. with genuine leather case ture Weater and seven stores, was East Prussia, to the city of Dan­ GVL .\*s' street Priced reasonable. CaU 2-1625. pletely inataUed. Samples furnish­ o’clock last night and was brought zig. Prime Minister Chamberlain YH’ — 1 0 \ .0 VAKf *. VeJHifK-A- ? ? er, gcod tires, 16.50 weekly. WiU Roofing 17 ed. Capitol ■ Window Shade O o. under control at 12:30 a. m„ to­ destroyed,by fire ekrly today. Ten Q—Which part of Lake Erie la ^ M E y / accept trade. Brunner’s, 80 Oak­ peraon^'^ere injured fighting We announced in Parliament that a greater in area, We United States V\OWt! r<“*" j u s t a r r i v e d , a l o t o good 241 "North Main street Phone day. In addition to Hoboken fire state of war existed between Great land street Open evenings 'till 9. r o o f in g a Hi&PViR chim­ apparatus, equipment was brought flames which Mayor Benjamin C. or We Canadian? neys, valleys, flashings, and gut­ Situations Wanted— used furniture Two nice bedroom 8819. Open evenings. Brits in and Germany; Australia Call 5191. 38 sets, 1 maple, 1 walnut,"! nlc. fill­ from New York city. Union City In^eraoll estimated did more than A— The U. S. portion is larger ters. Don# expertly ant reason- Female $250,000 damage and New Zealand followed with 11942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 1941 ed gas sfove with tanks.,Nice liv­ and Jersey City, N. J. Four New Weir declare tiona; FVance de­ by the slim margin of 40 square; ablv by‘-your "locaJ roofer. B. V. GIRL WOULD LIKE to take care STBINWAY GRAND PIANO: also York City fire boats and a tepder, Three hundred firemen and men miles. I Dodge sedan. 1941 Pontiac sedan, Ooiighlln. Tel. 7707. 390 Wood­ ing room rugs, porcelain top of We Navy shr*n phtrol fought clared a state of war; Canada of children while mother works. kitchen set. Lots of other things . antique sideboard. CaU 4297. as well as Coast Guard craft, bat­ came into line. The United States 1941 Chevrolet sedan, 1941 Lin­ land. tled the blaze from the river. Fire­ -We fire. coln Zepber, 1941 Bulck sedan, Call 6270. too numerous to mention. Open proclaimed neutrality. In the en­ Q—After whom' are the Davis m until 9 tonight 36-38 Oak street men were reinforced 900 Coaat suing days Russia invaded Poland Straits named? What Hava You to 1940 Pontiac sedan, 1940 Oldsmo- Machinery and Tools 52 Guardsmen from ^ aten Island, jnr.) itrrr bUe sedan, 1939 Pontiac sedan, Moving—Trucking- Call 8254. Big Lumber Camp and Finland. A—John Davis; British explorer, Ellis Island, Jersey City and New who tHst-overed western Green­ K O 0arf 1938 Chevrolet coach and' 1937 Situations Wanted— CE6IENT MIXERS, milking ma­ Lieutenant - Colonel Elsenhower “He’s niaking rare a mine-8we^>er ddoesn’t come along Storage 20 .. Male 39 POR SALE—GAS STOVE with York City. Levelled by Fire was ordered back to the United land and the straits In 1587. Bulck sedan. Brunner’s, 80 Oak­ chines; milk coolers, new disc har- I Hundreds of Police Called States. When he left the Philip­ and pick him nnr land atreet Open evenings 'till 0. AUSTIN A CHAMBERS CO.— four burners, oven and broUer. manure spreaders. Dublin Rangeley, . :e„ Aug. 12.—(F)—A ALL KINDS OF TRACTOR work, Like new. 132 Walker street H undre^ of regular and auxili­ pines on Dec. 13, 1939, General ’Q—Who was the first actress ALEXANDER Call 6191. Trailer van service. Removais Tractor Company, Wllllmantic. ary police were called to control big lumber camp containing many MacArthur grasped his hand and receive We motion picture ”Oa- grading, and farm work. Call buildings was levelled by a forest from coast . j coast deluxe equip­ Alme Latullppe. 758 Vernon FOR SALE—left BOX bolds thousands of spectators attracted . vylshed him great succesa in the car” reivard? SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH ment crating, packing and stor fire which continued to rage today JARVIS street Telephone 6077. around 150 pounds of Ice. 147 to tbe scene. At Its height the fire days to come. President Quezon A—Janet Oaynor, for .her j »T:l age. AGENT NORTH AMERl West Middle TumpiUe. Rooms Without Board 59 was visible in Manhattan and near big Kennebago lake, 30 miles personally conferred upon Eisen­ fnrmanre In , "Seventh Heaven,” [ Baal Eatata and Mortgac^ CAN VAN LINES INC Esti­ cl^da of smoke drifted widely norW of Rangeley in norWern hower We Distinguished Service f u r n i s h e d r o o m in private in 1927. M Atezandcr Streat mate* to aU parts ol O. S. A Tsi u n i v e r s a l e l e c t r i c ranges. over the city. Maine, after Jpveeping ovm 2,000 Cross o f the Philippines. Unannounced BY J.T. EAMLn^ HELP Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 home for 1 or 7 on bus line, con­ 5187. Variety of gas, electric and com­ Police quoted Rocco Albro, acres of puipwood jrgently needed We find Ike aboard ship, cross­ Q—What fabric absorbs ■ water Phona 4111 or 7275 tinuous hot water. Call 6803. TunBeSTTBCSeTSESS! A PEDIGREED Collje puppy. Ex­ bination ranges, parlor heaters, stevcoore on the p)er, as saying for the war effort. ing We Pacific on Dec. 13, 1939, most readily ? PUT 1 \A6Ni ac 100^ pot, burners, circulation heaters the fife occurred when drums of The fire, which started yester­ ei. route to We United States. On BAO OFF IF I OlDNT HERE Z COMB.- WANTED cellent for children. Call Hartford f o r r e n t — LARGE UGHT A—Linen. & tr SANO UNPER and kerosene heaters. Chambers’ oil or nitro-cellulose ex^oded. Ig­ day, destroyed Camp No. 8 at Jan. 18, 1940, he reported at We THAT WAS SeCMS TO K A Machine Tenders— 8-4304 of, 961 Forbes street East housekeeping room. 109 Foster niting both the pier an Nice garda^ Aldon Houses for Rent check it by closing fire doors, the cials and Brown company men His movements were rapid as ies named Villedicy in France," but f t [ 8% aeras of land. Paopla_ Experience Necessary He Ip Wa n ted blaze ate below to the piling and from Berlin aidec in fighting We defenses were set up along the Pa­ only one ”of We poto and pans.” FOR RENT-^ '/ ROOMRi“ SINGLE fire. . Bovliig away. Can Girl for Stenographic and Spinning Mills house, - com^etely furnished. Twp continued, threatening Pier No. 3 cific Coast. We find him chief of I bought for »4,900. Full General Office Work. car garage. Situated off Blast until it was controlled. staff Of We Third Division at Fort Q —Which of our Air Forces has Talcottville, Conn. We have full-time and part-time work avail- Pier Interior Destroyed More Than 20 ¥amUie» Lewis from Nov. 30. 1940, to^ Mar. headquarters in Washington? prlea. Center. See Stuart J. Wnsl-jj, 755 Describing it as one of the worst 1, 1941, when he became chief of i A—The 20th. the B-29 Super- ROGERS All hiring done in accordance aide on essential war material for: Main street. Tel. 6648—7146. water front fires in recent years, Forced to Evacuate staff of We Ninth Army Corps. On iortress uh'it. with ares stabilization plan. Maich' 11 he was sppolnted full [ i BOLES FROM Keller said that the Interior of the Newhall, Calif., Aug. 12.—— 68 pier and its oortenta were de­ A series of explosions at We New- colonel. Q—Why is Pisa no longer the Making Tracks BY MERRILL [ MANCHESTER— Paper Mfg. Co. Wanted to Rent Colonel Eisenhower was back at FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Comer Oakland and Mill Sewing Machine Operalors, Spinners, Doffers, stroyed. SectlorJ of the roof sag­ hall Refining Oo., near here early great port It was centurltss ago WANTED,TO RENT 4 or 5 room ged and portions df the pier col-- today ignited two tanks containing San Antonio, Texasi as chief of when it rivaled Genoa? l-Rooni Modem Home, ataff of the Third Army, on June / c C lear u p WgLL.'PMTfe WHCW . . . Streets * Read Herald Advs. tenement on 1st or 2nd floor. Call lapsed, firemen aaid. 2,500,000 gallons of crude oil, A—The Arno riVer filled up at SOMg KlO NAMED UMtO SMITH ORt ■—And if he MISTER, ‘THERE? burge plot of ground. Full Controlled, Twisters, Slubbers, and Miscel- 24, 1941. During We fall months d o you TMINK ZM VDUU. PMD LAROSMmtl] 8520 after 6:'30 p m . Keller said that^ a quantity of starting brush fire that forced We its mouth and left six miles dered a speo al used c a b ----- , HASN’T BEAUy WOULD price - for this nice little acetylene gaa and camphm- wero he was conducting war maneuvers an d w e finally YOU 30.UP C R A ZY ? J evacuation of more than 20 fami­ Inland. PICKED ONE OPj noose only 14,900. laneous Operators. reported to have been Stored In w e in Louisiana, under General Kru»\ HE SOUNDED LIKE A KID OVER idtm e top pier in addition to autombblle lies in the vicinity. ger wiW 220,000 men. Hi* side won THE PHONE T-- BUT ME SAK> ME of that Two employes burned oil the MOlMTAIN to chasais freight. . Wrough brilliant atrategy and We HAD OODLES OF 4 0 ^ ! Week-Ender face and body, were taken to W* CATCH MIM ? I alsoinhanchester - TO BE SOLD Trainees will be accepted for all types of Wnrk. The Coast Guard announced that use of armored forcM. General We have been ordered to sell a nearly new SIx-Roora Single an official sUtement on tho fire Newhall hospital. Krueger declared Elsenhower’s 8>Roon Single, aO Im- for nn- owner who has plans to move to another state. Here are All hiring in accordance with .Area Stabiliza­ would be Issued at Its New York A Red Cross sUtlon waa; opened command t. have been superb. At I aro'vements. People have some detaUs: Nice Ule bathroom— red brick fireplace — P»C^ City office later today. , . , here. . Z the end of maneuvers, Elsenhower CapL Ronald A. Hewitt a t th* was promoted to the temporary The Situation are JntccHluc- 1 Moved away. Full price luit Mtchen ^ cabinets and floor Unolemn — fine floors ^ pretty tion Plan. The Pier, under control of We ing marrieo fri to friends o f Interior decorntlons bnaement laundry. Offered, nt $6,900. Maritime commisalon, berthed CalUoriiia highway patrol said the rank of brigadier-general on Sept. only 14,500. fire probably was started by Igni­ 29 llMl. yours, and Weir"two small children Just enll for na nppointment. many large transatlantic liners be­ happen to berstandlng near. If yon care for n 2-ftamlly Flab see this one of 5 rooms each fore the war, and the area was We tion at fumes from a broke.- naph­ “ Keep your eyes on Ike,” Army We have all t y p « of floor — 2-car garage. Your half of the rent will be very Inexpen­ major port of - smbarjcatlon for tha line. He said We fumes may men prophesied. “He" will be a Wrong'Way: Ignore the children I nt* Miivitt. we T. M. we. *.». e«T. aw I-tv major-general in six months." whe^:^u make We Introduction. property and housea up to sive at the price yon are asked to pay for the property.. ^ g We First World War. have been " Ignited by a bunsen CHENEY BROS. burner In a nearby la^iatory- , Their predictions were to come Jlight Way: Include the children “ And now the fates are about to tear us apart—you Koiii): 126,000. We welcome your ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. '/ - true. Ike was called to Washing­ ^ the introducMohs wiW "And this back to the soda fountain, and me to the horrors of Mrs/' Block-Long Row ton and made chief of the Waj RGWt ra»61 mK Mimcg. wc. ■ T. ■.»*.***«?■■*■ Batinga. Real Estate and Insnrnnoe First automobile license plates ia Jane and this la Jimmy.' Bhrkweirs droopy old •cbooir 068 MAIN STREET PHONE 8460 In We United States appeared in Plans Division on We War O f Building* Baaed Denver, Col., In 1908,.and were partment general staff on 8 ^ 18, “ Woiawood, N. J„ Aug. 1*—W— 1942. In April he got h »“ two ' Another P^blem BY LESLIE TURNER i'BIANCHESTERt— - / V 1A block-long rWw of -buildings made of leather. TOONBRVILLB FOLKS BY PONTAINB TUBBS , 5-Room Single, ateain atara when P’-esident/Ftooaevelt nominated and the Renate con­ WffaePSOVIIk XNOU.DNYP«9PnEVASIVC EXACTLY.! WE'V/E OOTTOFIMDA heat, oil burner; garage in firmed him aa a/m ajor-general. THCN,THMrTHi \ TACTICS PfMVBNT OUR COUNTER-MEASURE THAT WON’T ] baaement. Must be sold at He was d e s ig n s ^ as—Aaalatant G R A N t v \ w Furry h a s a h e a p ^o ' f u n w i t h h i s ^o l p S u n D i a l JAP6CAMP*E«eMT POMeCRS BCIN644IT, in terfere with our own 80M8ING ^ 0 0 . . ACCURACY I tmee. Can be bought at a j Chief of S t^ r in charge of We their SOMPB b o n u s ! Jack and Jill Set Oj^ratloim'Division, Office of We UNDER* o n [ real good price — Only, FOR SALE t o P ~)r SINGLE SEVEN-ROOM CARS i Chief o^taff, on April 2 and was OVER'SHOOTMO BOLTON LAKE headqa for )il^Mr Irhonors within 16,200. HOUSE. Located on Nearly two miles of lake tronUge o o e ® ° ^ ^ THEME 1MMEC themext few weeks. BUT TH8Y CANT East Side: Large lot. la offered In lots to suit your needs. WANTED Hot Air heat. Sale Price p ( ^ \C E S TURN THEM ID, 1 BOLTON— Here yon have some of the Bneat lake During Wese first months while THERMHT $5,800. Down payment property In' the State,'located Bve .(6) ___ T S L . z AR s Eisenhower was helptog build an ORLEPT 5-Ro«m Single, very large $800. Now vacant. miles East ol Manchester — mostly I lot. • Priced for quick sale, army. Hitler's bUtakriega In Eu­ TWO - FAMILY. Near wooded, high altitude — with many MANCHESTER rope were sweeping ayeryWtng 34,200. East Center Street. 6 portions having rmining water, eleo- before Wem. The Germans ever- rooms to each Boor. Hot trio light service, hard snrfaoe roads and other Improvements. Nice Poultry Business Air heat. Two-csir g*: rage. Down payment Yon may bnlU your bouse here 1 with Nice Home. CIom to' 81,000. - either tor Sununer or all aroond year 5191 DETAIL FOR TODAY town. Full price for build­ ^■ SR US'nNOS hse. LoU may he purchmaed tor cash ings, less poultry, $9,000. or on the time basis. The Eagle Squawk* ' o n b e q u e s t . Prices range from $200 to 8IJIOO1), N\ Bun-OINO LOTS: On according to location and Improv*. OUT OUR WAY BY 3. R. WILUAMS MAJfiR HtMlPi.B We Have Lake Cottages, Park, Chestnut, Forest, ments furnished. - Yon will probably Otis Streets, .Scarbor­ never again have the opportimity For Rent. ough Road, Wellington seenre such desirable lake profwrty IP y o u 1S T THAT c l ic k VOUR., roH .N O /— THE FOLKS MERC- I f BUT MV Road, East Center St., at sdeh a lew price.. THIKK3 w a l l o w BRiosevtoRK A800TS ARE HOG SNILD 4 v40R0,Tvll(riS5, etc. . Drive ont and see tor yourself. L — AROUNP IM IHV FAST, TW iSeS AeOUT-6UNS-s-X TOLD 'EM T >(00 HAD NO Plenty of Mortgage Money Other Lots In both service passes a part of the property PAWSlES A6IM.rLL yWERE’O ■ AS A l a d t HUNTED CHAlAOlSj ■ MONEY Available for Loan8. -business and residential daily, or better sUll, call at EUesmetd; USE PA»R'& aviL WAR w oo GET TAB , f .FOR LEATHER (X)ATS — X \ EnMER? — ' sections of ToWn. the home qf:_ s a b e r OM him, ANO MONEV f f COOLO KNOCK 0NE;0FF A DISTANT ] HAN / '/OO SOU'LL NEED A \NAS .tT A MOONtAlN PEAK AND SHOOT J SET ME ALL EDWARD J. HOLL MCW D6NLISHT buttonholes IN IT ON THE AStOUd., REALTOR 80 OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER BANK. 3 0 3 ! VMA'f DONN/—SO TMeV DARED \ OLD CHAP-' A m nice In We couu—y a* It la JONES REALTY SOLE SELLING AGENT AvMATCi in the dty. And you can wear We kfe38 OaJk SL TeL8254 TELEPHONE 6118 OR 6878 — MANCHESTER OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9: SAT. - 6 A T=E\N BETS, blouse Indd* the aklit or outside a No - —depending on how you feel about Itt Tta wide-belted, fuU akirt Is m LANK LiDUMAMU also a beauty to wear wlOi a 1^ Complidationa Payday to to# Navy is refarrad to mUliLBY FINN hftltflTe as THE EAOLE SQUAWK& Thts < 3 Fattam No. 8504 la to alaea 10. •vant occurs every two weeks and i-rrs APRiviteGE ino a fWR Mrt(\i.j6Rvi6 18. 14, .16,18 and 20. Slaa 1*. la toa higfsat attraction next to alone, requlrea *8 yairda of tneii ealL It brtagi «n air of 'iimii TO BE EMPlDVEOL...^rtN0 THftT BOV'S Btadeilal; Mouae, j b o f t alaavea, BV AMAW UKE VOUJUFE IS BEING bapptaaaa in aonta caaaa and «( ME. MlWTMORE! < RUINED 6V ft 1 7 -8 jraida. ’ *_ gloom In othara. This is dua to For thla pattam, aand 15 eenta, ------r M 'I I ’ tha tact Piat. lor raasoaa Mown K3- I T NEVER THOUGHT) SELFISH k^THEft! plua 1 cent postage, In colna, your Tod oan make tha aet to any fw VOU O AGREE TO J l JUST MOPE HE ( “ By Mrs. Aaae Oa^et only to too payraastara, your pay name, addreaa, alze deelred, ana Make It at home In- a couple o e teio—any colorl check always variae. If you re­ ■’’HiS! OVER THAT PENCE!! To obtain completa pattern aiw tha pattern number to The hoiira. I fa a matching bag and ceive more than last tima, you*r* Chester Bv«BUi*~Herald Toifoye crocheting tastrucUona for tlu belt act done to navy felt or happy—if you receiva laaa, you*ra Pattern Service, 1160 Sixth Ave­ en material and set togeWer wlW Jack and JUI Bag and Belt (Pat­ down to tha dumps. Than, if you nue, New York 19, N. T . .. Unstick red crocheted, squarea tern No. 6771) aand 16 oants to mingla tta arguto| ^ abciut toa The smart new issue of the nod- OMta almoat nothing tor make and coin, plus. 1 cent postage yo*n abovo dtSaEanaai wMh tha e tw * - atrie bobk^—Faahinn looks Uka a lot of money. Haw Bililreaa and the pattern tag about who aorta wbmn and has 88 pagas of cool-looking, crisp a aet to match your Ju®P*^ outat number to Anne Cabot, 'Ehe |Can bow mudi, you hava a situation new aportawear and summer day 1160 *i?Y4i66S -you* fall .tweed suit or your__ , Chester Evening Hbnun, hard to duplicate azeept to a zoa § L _ McNtHZht S), Im. JIT BORM THIRTY TEAgg TOO SOOM frocks and accessor! ss. Order your uau lack rayon crane ,**da dreaa i Wxtb A copy now, j Pries IS aanta. V \