niroAT. ACGuai-u. i m a ^ i PAGE TWELV'B Manchester Evenings Herald thirty-flva men burned suffered down; Every donor who can give AUG'S POFRAN bums covering from thirty-two to Is earne.stly urged to call now for (Known As t|oeen Alice) I About Town Now Flight Officer Need of Plasma eighty-two per cent of their an appointment on August ^ .SPIBITCAL MEDIUM ' bodies, and ware given a total of when the MoBile Unit will again Seventh Danghtier o f • Seveatt Son HALE'S SELF SERVE ZMIa W. Stolteiib«rr, o# Etanry Greater Now 80,000 cc. of plaama during the be in town. Call Mrs. Louis Cus­ Bom W ith n VnU. The Original In New Enghpid! etS eL left today for Sumner, first three days. One sailor re­ ter, 3017, jmd do it now. Readitiga Dally, Incinding Sanday, lUtne, fo ra vacation of a week. ceived 8,000 cc., representing do­ 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolat- Hla w lf* and two children have nations by twenty-four persona. It ment. In the, Service of the Peo­ been in Maine for the paft _ two' Sometimes Takes Much took plasms from the blood of ple for SO Years. SATURDAY SP iaALS! NORMAN BENTZ 169 Church Street, Hartford, Coaa. weeks. More Than Pint of twenty donora to save another. 'The miraculous result was that Hheet Mefal Work, — Eaves Phone 8-2024 FOR COLD CUT^ANDWICHIS: Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph fTKell, of Blood for One Man. within less than a n^nth after be­ Troughs, 'a.Now Is the time to Long Island, N , Y „ have been vis-, ing admitted to the Fort Hancock, have Eaves Troughs Installed Navy Plane Bags Jap Flying Boat ' Itinr their aunt, Mrs. Rose G. N. J., station hospital, ail thirty- or repaired. Liverwurst lb. 35e It is fr(f<iueritly said t!^at> giving five were well enough to be tran.s- Campbell, a t ?04 Summit street. ' CALL 8988 Russian Advance ns Go Sp a pint of blood saves the life of a ferred for convalescence or return Bplogno . lb. 32c Mrs. Thomas Gardner, who has fighting man, and very often one to active duty. POOFIMC been spending the past six weeks pint of blood will do Just that. To be able to feel ^ h a l one's Cefvelof ' lb. 43e in town, has returned to C h e ^ However, there are times when It blood is perhaps contributing to l\ C .S ID IH C Imperils Entire Chase, near Washington, D. C., takes literaJly gallons To savs the such a wonderful result is a privi­ Bathfjng Caps where ^ e makes her home with life of one man. lege, and to keep the supplies of a Estimates Freely Otv^. ''' Into Southern her daughter, Mrs. Stuart Burdick, A rm our's T re e ! ^_J2-OxjjCan 34c Such an Instance is given in a plasma replenished when they are • Workmanship Guariuiteed. Mrs. Gariier wo.; for many years report recently issued by the subject to such demands is a duty. Thermos ai*d Picnic Jugfs a resident of Hackmatack street. ■ Army Surgeon-Generals Office, 3o far, Manchester has bad, a Highest QaaUiy Materlala Nazi Left Flank She has been entertained while In and Supplies. Gal. which states that the blood of through its Individual donora and a Time. Payments Arranged. Mazola Oil $1.79 Manchester by her cousins, Mrs. more than 320 donors was used In with the splendid cooperation of Fitch Barber, Mrs. Ida Gilman,: saving the lives o f thirty-five bad- its Industrial plants, a remark­ Soviet Forces Applying Mrs. Jennie Gook and Mrs. Rena | jHiiii Iv burned survivors of the US3 ably good record In its effort to ARTHUR A. A. DION, INC Smith. meet the quota set for us by the Hale's Bread (Fresh Daily) D irty F eet W* & Turner, which exploded In New CONTRAOTORS Severe Pressure - on ▼ York hsrbor In January. Hartford Red Cross Blood Donor Mrs. W. A. Howlett and daugh­ 290 Antnma St. TeL 4M0 I According to the report, the Center. *This is no time to let Germans in Sector Secrecy Still Cloakf | ters, Margaret and Betty Ann, who Flight Officer Chester K Loaf 7 C . Give Signal Rekdienbach Raib*oad Yards Big Bargains have been spending several weeks Near Masurian Lakes; Operations of Ameri* with relatives ii. the North, left WlaetaeR Smith’s 100% yesterday for their home in W e s t, Brooks Field, Texas, August l i R ^ i Repulse, Initial To Operate can Forces West ol I M m Beach, Fla Mrs, Howlett is -Silvw pilot’s wings and commis­ And Air Fields To Be Given a sister of Mrs. Alfred Hayes of sions in the United States Ariny Whole Wheat Bread 15c - Nazi Counter - Attacks. Paris; Timed With Henry street, and a large family were awarded today to another Florl-UMi4 Bomb. Rain Along 40 party was recently held at the graduating claat of Aviation Medical. Mission Finds Plane Targets With Peace Hayes home. Machinist’s Mate 1-^ Cadets at Brooks Field, ‘ Texas, Moscow, Aug. 12.— (/P)— Miles of French and John Hayes of SUten Island and twln-englna advanced flying school 46*Oz. Can Two Soviet Armies, moving Empirical Rule Suc­ Orange Juice 57c Italian Rivieras; Like .his bride were among the guesU. of the Central Flying 'Training through 250 captured settle­ cessful in Decisions American Bombers and House Committee Now Command. \ .— ments over a 100-mile front, Pre - Invasion* RaidSel Advertisement— Having received the final phdse 8. A W. On Pribiloff Islands. Fighters Attack Metz; Toiling Over ' Surplus o f their aerial education in modl- advanced upon the Masurian Harriett’s Beauty Salon, 129 Blows Follow Night Properties Bill for i . t JCenUr street closed now for va- fit-d B-25 Billy Mitchell bombers Apple Juice w.45c lake country of East Prussia Bulletin! at the famed, old South Texas fly­ today in a maneuver ‘ which Washington, Aug. 12.—(,P) A ' oation w U re-open next Monday. Assaults by British. Consideration Monday On the Orne River FroaL I ing school, today’s^.graduates al­ seriously endangered the Ger­ resourceful American medical mis­ ready are acquainted with combat Campbell’a Aug. 12.— (A*)— ^The Britiflil aircraft. They will soon be prepar- mans’ entire left flank. Mar- sion just returned from the Prlbi- London, Aug. 12.—<P)—Around Washington, Aug. 12.— For Roofing*-Asbestos 14-Oz. Can Second Army cracking deep ^ to Join their fellow akymen of ■hal Konatantin' K. Rokoaaovaky’a lof islands checked to see if their 1,000 American heavy bombers and sale; PT boats, girdles, chewing into Field Marshal von! the nation’s vast air armada in Tomato Juice troopa driving northward from prospective child patients’ feet escorting fighters attacked the | gum, men's underwear, camping Siding end Rock blasting the enemy. poaltlona northeast of Warsaw Kluge’s northern flank, today I 3' for 25c were dirty enough before risking In this latest group ^ future and General Zakharov’s forces railroad yards at Metz and.German equipmant;' K rations, war plants, captured high ground within ^ Wool Insolatioii Sagar Heart alF-wanlon to «om )det« intanalTe Btriking..put from west and north­ tonsil operations. air fields in northern France this jeeps, landing craft, electric fans. 5,000 yards of the Genaaa { west of Bialyatok toward the If the young islanders’ feet were flight training w u: morning. Not to nMsntton cameras, binocu­ bastion of Conde-sur-NirireaUi flight Officer Cheater A. Reich- World war battle theater in Eaat satisfactorily soiled with volcanic lars, typewriters, houses, shoes, Peanut Butter Prussia were applying severe A ir fields attacked Included 11 miles southwest of Thury*! fbr an eetlmnte. enbach, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ash from a nearby hill. Dr. William those at Le Perthe Chamant, about farm land, power plants, public Reichenbach, 24 Summer street. TUI Cal^Rto Del Mar pressure on the Germans. A. Morgan, Washington ear-nose- 30 mllea eaat of Paris, and Athies, address systems, candy bars and Harcout and 26 from Caen. Manchester,. Conn. Begla Feverish Shifting throat speciallat, operated. ’The Couvron. and Juvlncourt. near airplanaa. 15-Oz. The Germans who had massed empirical rule worked. In 104 Laon. * Not on Sales Floor Yet Supreme Headquarters Al* 1 Sordines 17c caaea, there were no complications But take it easy. The. jeep isn't Burton lusalating Co. reserves o f armor in the Fast Coming out of a cloud bank, a N avy Liberator caught thla four-englned Japanese flying boat flat The blowa followed R. A. F. lied Expeditionary Forcfli TAIX CBDABS outside o f occasional bleeding. nigl)t attacks on Berlin and Givors, on the sales floor yet, nor have PkMe HniMstd n -4S » \ (I ■ priisaliiLithuanlan frontier began footed apd shot it down. Top right: The American plane moves in for the kill. Lower right: stream Aug. 12.-^iip)— A m e r i c a a tSS OaferS SC BartfeaS a feverish shifting' to meet the Dr. Morgan had observ’ed that a rail junction 200 mllea southeast birdies gone back into .ipaM pro­ Sandwich Waxed Paper the children’s' favorite recreation Ing smoke the Jap plane heads for destruction in the waters of the Central Pacific. Note part jof prO' duction. This is just a preview of forces— still continuing vast,! BING O new danger. peller and engine of Uberator. Left: The Jap has crashed in flames. (A P wirephoto). of Paris. ' ' Dispatches from the field north­ YVaa to run to the top of the 600- The German radio reported day­ things to come, when the world’s secrecy-doaked operations to*'} west of Bialyatok to the Arm y foot hill and slide down on the light battle formations approach­ biggest variety store, owned and day .west of Paris— have sent TONIGHT < 125 Ft.
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