of Abundance and Prosperity

here do I feel lack? Do I have plenty of food, water, and !nancial stability? Are there helpful people in my life? WCall on the Angel of Abundance and Prosperity when you perceive a de!- ciency in some aspect of your life. Take time to uncover how and why you feel like you don’t have enough or that there isn’t plenty for you and those around you. Be as speci!c as possible. Once you’ve identi!ed the lack, call on the Angel of Abundance and Prosperity to help you see how you can improve the situation. Remember to ask for the motivation to take action to change your reality—or your perception of reality. Partner this angel with the Angel of Gratitude to amplify the awareness that you actually do have plenty of everything you will ever need and to increase your ability to share your abundance. Simply recognize your good fortune. Focus on your vast abun- dance and you will attract more.

Chakras Heart chakra to give and receive while focused on gratitude. Root chakra to feel secure in knowing that all you ever need is available to you. Solar plexus chakra to activate the con!dence and courage to be prosperous and enjoy abundance. !ird eye chakra to think clearly and use your intuition and intel- ligence to manage your prosperity.

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Colors Copper to be a conduit of plenty for all. Gold to increase !nancial "ow and higher wisdom. Green to be pro!cient and skillful in !nancial matters. Silver to always !nd and use the bene!ts of the silver lining (the good in situations that, on the surface, appear negative).

Gemstones Amethyst to release negative beliefs regarding material wealth. Carnelian to have the courage and motivation to take action to manifest the abundance you desire. Clear quartz to gain clarity and realization; use them to amplify the abundance in your life. Copper to activate the part of you that channels plenty for yourself and everyone around you. Emerald to recognize and be grateful for abundance and to amplify love. Green aventurine to realize your good fortune. Green tourmaline to see and feel love, luck, wealth, and suc- cess. Pyrite to recognize golden opportunities and welcome them into your life. Sapphire to improve wisdom, loyalty, and authenticity in all dealings involving money.

Essential Oils Basil to awaken your connection with your guides and and remem- ber spiritual abundance. Bergamot to improve mental clarity, focus, and self-con!dence and to activate connection with the angelic realm. Cinnamon to attract prosperity, increase con!dence, remove blocks, and activate your mind to achieve new results. Patchouli to attract love and money.

Supportive to motivate you to take the action necessary to increase your wealth. Archangel , ’s blessings, for good fortune and to help open your heart to receive abundance. Archangel Chamuel to boost your self-con!dence and become more successful in your career. Archangel for an abundance of beauty and wisdom. Archangel to motivate you to take positive action to create prosperity. Archangel to increase suc- cess and material gain. Archangel to imbue you with a vibe of creative action, prosperity, and wisdom. Angel of Abundance and Prosperity • 19

Suggested Petition Oh, Angel of Abundance and Prosperity! I am calling on you today to help me with my needs. Please support me in surrounding myself with good friends and family members. I ask that you assist me with my basic require- ments of food, shelter, and water but also with my greater needs, including business, !nances, and downtime. I want to laugh o#en and live fully, so please help me to know how. Guide me to see and sense the way to achieve abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life. $ank you!

A!rmations I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity in my life. I enjoy my loyal and supportive friends and family. Everything I need or want is always avail- able to me. Love, wealth, and plentitude come naturally to me. I have many blessings. I have plenty of money and plenty to share. Blessings are constantly "owing into my life.