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Professor Economics Department, Suffolk University, Boston, MA. Employed since 1997. Chair since July 2018. Ph.D. Harvard University, 1983, in Economics. B.A. (Mod.) Trinity College, Dublin, 1977, in Economics, Mathematical Economics and Statistics. CFA charter holder Chartered Financial Analyst, since 2002.

Previous full-time positions include: Wellesley College, Northeastern University, Harvard University, and U. of Maryland Baltimore County.

Have taught courses or classes at: Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (2012-2015), Université Cheikh Anta Diop (2011, 2017), World Bank Institute (on-line courses 2007-2012), National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (2019), National Economics University (Hanoi, 1994), Kaplan/Schweser (since 2001), and Temple University (; 1987).

Teaching highlights include: - high student evaluations - teaching prizes at Harvard, UMBC, and Northeastern - over 50 courses (in different subjects and/or at different institutions) - chair of 33 PhD dissertation committees (including 6 currently).

Extensive research, spanning topics in areas including economic development, taxation, energy, demography: - 50 articles in refereed journals - 4 co-authored books, including Living Standards Analytics (Springer 2011), and Handbook on Poverty and Inequality (World Bank 2009). - 3 co-edited volumes; about 30 chapters in edited books - over a hundred other papers and reports. - Over 3,000 citations (Google Scholar);h-index 25; ResearchGate score: 22.3.

Have undertaken research or consulting assignments for (among others): World Bank, African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, UNDP, IMF, USAID, Ford Foundation, Land Reform Training Institute (Taipei), National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, Economist Intelligence Unit, IFPRI.

Other achievements include: - over a dozen grants, some of which I administered/managed - sixty academic or public presentations over the past decade - Was Associate Editor, Case Studies in Business, Industrial, and Government Statistics; and Journal of Knowledge Globalization; currently on Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental and Public Health - at Suffolk, chaired Educational Policy Committee (2001-02; 2003-06) during major reforms, revived Faculty Life Committee (2010-12), first chair of University Faculty Senate (2012-13; also 2018-19), chair of Educational Policy Committee again (2016-17). Service award, College of Arts and Sciences, 2018.

Supporting details are provided in the pages that follow.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 1 CURRENT EMPLOYMENT:

Professor Economics Department, Suffolk University, Boston, MA. Employed since 1997. Chair Economics Department, Suffolk University. 2018 - present


Ph.D. Harvard University, 1983, in Economics. B.A. (Mod.) Trinity College, Dublin, 1977, in Economics, Mathematical Economics and Statistics. CFA charter holder Chartered Financial Analyst, since 2002.


1997-2017 Senior Economist , Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy, Suffolk University, Boston. 1996-1997 Assistant Professor, Wellesley College, Massachusetts. 1989-1996 Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Boston.

1987-1989 Research Associate, Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1984-1987 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Catonsville, Maryland. Member, graduate faculty. 1983-1984 Instructor in Economics, UMBC. 1982-1983 Instructor in Economics, Harvard University.


2012/3/4/5, May Visiting Professor, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade 2011, 2017, January Visiting Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar

2007- (occasional) Instructor, creator, on-line asynchronous courses (on poverty, recession) for World Bank Institute 2006-2007 Visiting Researcher, ARQADE, Université de Toulouse I, Toulouse, France. 1989-1996 Research Fellow, International Tax Program, Harvard Law School.

Jan-May 1994 Visiting Professor, National Economics University, Hanoi. [Program run by the American Council of Learned Societies, sponsored by the Ford Foundation.] Summer 1987 Instructor in Economics, Temple University, Japan. 1980-1983 Resident Tutor, M.I.T. (jointly with wife).

1979-1980 Resident Tutor, Kirkland House, Harvard University (jointly with wife). 1978-1982 Teaching Fellow in Economics, Harvard University. 1975-1976 President, Students Union, Trinity College, Dublin.


2016-2019 Analysis of poverty, National Institute of Statistics, Rwanda 2016-2018 Research for International Food Policy Research Institute on agricultural finance in and 2011, 2012, 2015 Research for the World Bank (Bangkok office) on tax incidence in Thailand

2010- Research for the World Bank on recession in Thailand 2010; 2014-15 Research for UNDP on an analysis of urban poverty in Vietnam 2008-2010 Research for the World Bank on the Thailand Village Fund (microcredit)

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 2 2008 Research for the World Bank on an evaluation of the Egyptian Social Fund for Development 2007-2008 Research for the World Bank on “Who Pays What? Taxation in Vietnam”.

2005-2006 Research for the World Bank on “Security” for Rural Investment Climate study, . 2004-2005 Research Director, study of tax and benefit incidence in the Andean community, for Comunidad Andina and Inter-American Development Bank. 2003-2005 Principal Investigator, cooperation project between Suffolk University and University of Cape Coast (Ghana); financed by USAID via the Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development.

June 2002, May 2003 Senior lecturer, videoconferencing course on the Analysis of Poverty (World Bank). Summer 2002 Report on taxation for Inter-American Development Bank. Occasional, since 2001 Preparation, delivery of lectures for candidates for certified financial analyst exams, Kaplan/Schweser.

May 2000 Senior Lecturer, Course on the Effects of the Asian Financial Crisis on Poverty in Southeast Asia, Manila (World Bank). Sept 1997, '98, '99 Lecturer, Workshop on Social Statistics, General Statistical Office, Hanoi, Vietnam. November 1996- Principal Investigator, Study of Excise Taxes in Africa (HIID/USAID).

Summer 1996- Researcher, War-torn Economies Project, Harvard Institute for International Development. July 1995 Short-course on Project Appraisal. Soros Foundation, Chisinau, Moldova. December 1994 State Planning Committee, Vietnam. Director, Workshop on Analyzing Vietnam Living Standards Survey.

July 1994, 95, 96, 98 Lectures on Revenue Estimation, International Tax Program, Harvard University. May-June 1993 State Planning Committee, Vietnam. Director and Teacher, Course on Data Analysis Using the Vietnam Living Standards Survey. June 1993 Land Reform Training Institute, Taipei, Taiwan. Course on Economics for Tax Policy.

March & June 1993 Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID), Macroeconomic Stabilization in Vietnam. Research. Summer 1992 HIID, Forestry Taxation in Indonesia. Research. August 1991 HIID, Course on Tax Policy Analysis and Revenue Estimation, Kenya.

March 1990, 1991 HIID, Indirect Taxation in Kenya. Research. Summer 1990 HIID, Trade and Industrial Policy in Indonesia. Research. November 1986Institute for Development Anthropology, Senegambian Relations. Writing.

Summer 1986 World Bank, Educational Finance in Mali. Research. July 1985 Instructor, Computer Institute for Social Scientists, UMBC. Summer 1984 Senior Analyst, Elliot Berg Associates, Grain Marketing in the Sahel. Research.

1984-1987 Occasional Instructor, NSA, Courses on Trade. June 1983 Advisor, Minister of Finance, The Gambia, USAID-financed. Policy Advising. May 1983 Technical Writer, World Bank, Recurrent Costs in Cameroon. Writing.

Winter 1981 Teacher/Analyst, Ministry of Agriculture, , World Bank-financed. Summer 1979 HIID, Recurrent Costs in the Sahel. Research. Summer 1978 IMF, Government Finance Statistics Department. Research Assistant.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 3


“Discrimination against Migrants in Urban Vietnam,” International Advances in Economic Research, 24(3): 211-232, 2018. [With Wendi Sun and Le Thi Thanh Loan.] “Inequality and Entrepreneurial Thresholds,” Journal of Business Venturing, 33(3): 278-295, 2018. [With Soumodip Sarkar and Carlos Rufin.]

The Distributional Effects of the Trump and Clinton Tax Proposals, Atlantic Economic Journal, 45(4): 453-472, December 2017. [With Paul Bachman, Keshab Bhattarai, and David Tuerck.] Tax Plan Debates in the US Presidential Election: A Dynamic CGE Analysis of Growth and Redistribution Trade- offs. Economic Modelling, (68): 529-542, January 2018. [With Keshab Bhattarai, Paul Bachman, Frank Conte, Michael Head, and David Tuerck] Simulating Corporate Income Tax Reform Proposals with a Dynamic CGE Model. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 9(5): 20-35, 2017. [With Keshab Bhattarai, Michael Head, and David Tuerck.]

The Distributional Effects of Government Responses to the 2009 Recession in Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 2016, 33(1): 39-62. [With Somchai Jitsuchon and Pungpond Rukumnuaykit] Causal Business Analytics: Uplift Models and Directed Acyclic Graphs. In Proceedings of the 60th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, 2015. December 2015. [With Dominique Haughton and Victor Lo.] Fiscal Policy, Growth and Income Distribution in the UK. Applied Economics and Finance, 2(3). 2015. [With Keshab Bhattarai and David Tuerck]

The Economic Effects of the FairTax: Analysis of Results of a Dynamic CGE Model of the US Economy. International Economics and Economic Policy, 2016, 1-16. [With Keshab Bhattarai and David Tuerck] The Politics of Local Government Stabilization Funds. Public Administration Review, 75(2): 304-314, March/April 2015. [With Douglas Snow and Jerry Gianakis] Microcredit on a Large Scale: Appraising the Thailand Village Fund. Asian Economic Journal, December 2014, 28(4): 363-388. [With Shahid Khandker and Pungpond Rukumnuaykit]

Student Performance in an Introductory Business Statistics Course: Does Delivery Mode Matter? Journal of Education for Business, 2014, 90(1): 31-43. [With Alison Kelly] The Surprising Effects of the Great Recession: Losers and Winners in Thailand in 2008-09, World Development, 2014, 56: 77-92. [With Shahidur Khandker] Does the Village Fund Matter in Thailand? Evaluating the Impact on Incomes and Spending, Journal of Asian Economics, 2013, 25: 3-16. [With Jirawan Boonperm and Shahidur Khandker]

Bubble Rap: Visualizing Poverty Dynamics, Case Studies in Business, Industrial, and Government Statistics, 2012, 5(1): 67-74. Why is Agricultural Trade within ECOWAS So High? Journal of African Economies, 2013, 22(1): 22-51. [With Abdoulaye Seck, Lassana Cissokho, and Kossi Makpayo] Reply to comment by Duvendack and Palmer-Jones, Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2011, 3(2), 300-301.

Evaluating the Impact of Egyptian Social Fund for Development Programs, Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2010, 2(4): 521-555. [With Hala Abou-Ali, Hesham El-Azony, Heba El-Laithy, and Shahidur Khandker]

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 4 Ethnic Minority Development in Vietnam, Journal of Development Studies, 2007, 43(7): 1151-1176. [With Bob Baulch, Truong Thi Kim Chuyen, and Dominique Haughton] Do Project Labor Agreements Raise Construction Costs? Case Studies in Business, Industrial and Government Statistics, 2007, 1(1): 71-79. [With Paul Bachman]

Taxing Sales under the FairTax: What Rate Works?” Tax Notes, November 13, 2006: 663-682. [With Paul Bachman, Laurence Kotlikoff, Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver and David Tuerck]. Tax Incidence in Vietnam, Asian Economic Journal 20(2): 217-239, 2006. [With Nguyen The Quan and Nguyen Hoang Bao]. The Incidence of State-Level Taxes on Oil and Gas, Public Finance Review, 2006, 34(5): 527-550. [With David G. Tuerck].

Velocity effects of increased variability in monetary growth in Egypt: a test of Friedman’s hypothesis, African Development Review, 16(1): 36-52, 2004. [With Mina Baliamoune]. Household Enterprises in Vietnam: Survival, Growth and Living Standards, Nghien Cuu Kinh Te [Economic Studies], 296: 44-57 and 297: 30-40, 2003. [With Wim Vijverberg. In Vietnamese; English version appeared as a book chapter.] Explaining the Pattern of Regional Unemployment: The Case of the Midi-Pyrénées Region, Papers in Regional Science, 82:155-174, 2003. [with Yves Aragon et al.]

“The Effects of Project Labor Agreements in Massachusetts,” Government Union Review, 21:2, September 2003. [With Darlene Chisholm and Paul Bachman.] 1?category=Volume+21 Trade Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, December 2002. [With Nguyen Nhu Binh] State and Local Taxes Do Matter: A Rejoinder to the Skeptics,” State Tax Notes, 25:11, September 2002. [With David Tuerck].

Tax Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Re-examining the Role of Excise Taxation, Journal of African Finance and Economic Development, 4:1, 31-64, 2001. [With Bruce Bolnick.] Ten Puzzles and Surprises: Economic and Social Change in Vietnam, 1993-1998, Comparative Economic Studies, fall 2000, 17(4): 67-92. The Use of Frontier Estimation, Journal of Interactive Marketing, February 2000 [With Dominique Haughton, Alison Hawke-Kelly and Tim Moriarty].

Les Droits d'Accise à Madagascar (Excise Taxes in Madagascar), Economie de Madagascar, 1998, October, 215-240 [With Pépe Andrianomanana et al.] Are Simple Tests of Son Preference Useful? An Evaluation Using Data from Vietnam, Journal of Population Economics, 1998, 11(4). [With Dominique Haughton]. Explaining Child Nutrition in Vietnam, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1997, 45(3), 541-556. [With Dominique Haughton].

Falling Fertility in Vietnam, Population Studies, 1997, 51, 203-211. Gasoline Tax as a Corrective Tax: Estimates for the United States, 1970-1991, The Energy Journal, April 1996, 17(2), 103-126. [With Soumodip Sarkar]. Using a Mixture Model to Detect Son Preference in Vietnam, Journal of Biosocial Science, July 1996, pp. 355-365. [With Dominique Haughton].

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 5

Son Preference in Vietnam, Studies in Family Planning, November/December 1995, pp. 325-337. [With Dominique Haughton] Adding Mystery to the Case of the Missing Currency, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 1995, 595-602. Tackling Rural Poverty: An Assessment of Alternative Strategies for Mixed Farming Areas in Peninsular Malaysia, The Developing Economies, September 1994, pp. 256-278.

Designing VAT Systems: How Many Rates and At What Levels? Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1996, 78(2): 303-308. [With Ali Agha]. Robust Measurement of Rent Capture in Tropical Forestry, Journal of Malaysian Economic Studies, 33(1), 1993, 1-10. The Employment and Welfare Effects of Quantitative Restrictions on Steel Imports into the United States, 1955- 1987, Journal of World Trade, 26 (April 1992), pp. 95-118. [With Balu Swaminathan].

Should OPEC Countries Use the Dollar in Pricing Oil? The Journal of Energy and Development, 14 (1991), pp. 193- 210. Information Criteria and Harmonic Models in Time-Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 35 (Spring 1990), pp. 187-207. [With Dominique Haughton and Alan Izenman]. Are the Incomes of the Rural Poor Rising? Evidence for Single-Crop Padi Cultivators in West Malaysia, Kajian Ekonomi Malaysia (Journal of the Malaysian Economic Association), (June 1987), pp. 1-35.

Farm Price Responsiveness and the Choice of Functional Form: An Application to Rice Cultivation in West Malaysia, Journal of Development Economics, 24 (December 1986), pp. 203-223. Toward an Economic Theory of Voluntary Resignation by Dictators, International Review of Law and Economics, (December 1985), pp. 199-207. [With David Laband] Efficiency of Administrative and Policy-Making Structures, International Journal of Institutional Management in Higher Education, 2 (May 1978), pp. 87-99. [With Aidan Duggan, et al.]


Living Standards Analytics: Development Through the Lens of Household Survey Data [with Dominique Haughton], 2011, Springer. Handbook on Poverty and Inequality [with Shahid Khandker], 2009, World Bank. Study Guide and Workbook (2nd edition) to accompany Economics of Development, third edition, by Malcolm Gillis, et al. [with Bruce Bolnick]. 1992, Norton. Instructor's Manual (2nd edition) to accompany Economics of Development, third edition, by Malcolm Gillis, et al. [with Bruce Bolnick]. 1992, Norton.


Living Standards during an Economic Boom: Vietnam 1993-1998. [Editor, with Dominique Haughton and Nguyen Phong]. December 2001. United Nations Development Program and Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi. Also appeared in Vietnamese. Contributions include: Chapter 1. Introduction: Extraordinary Changes Chapter 5. Education and Income. [With Bui Thai Quyen, Cao Nhu Nguyet, Nguyen Thi Kim Dung, Tran Bich Phuong, and Dominique Haughton] Chapter 7. Shooting Stars and Sinking Stones. [With Dominique Haughton, Le Thi Thanh Loan, and Nguyen Phong] Chapter 11. Fertility Decline. [With Le Van Duy, Dominique Haughton, Do Anh Kiem, and Le Dinh Kỵ] Chapter 13. Tax Incidence. [With Nguyen Hoang Bao and Nguyen The Quan]

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 6

Health and Wealth in Vietnam: An Analysis of Household Living Standards. [Editor, with Sarah Bales, Truong Thi Kim Chuyen, Dominique Haughton and Nguyen Nguyet Nga.] 1999. Institute for Southeast Studies Press, . Contributions include: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 6: Son Preference [with Dominique Haughton] Appendix: Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Household Data [with Dominique Haughton]. [Vietnamese language version published by Political Publishing House, Hanoi.]

Viet Nam cai cach kinh te cheo huong rong bay (In Search of the Dragons' Trail: Economic Reform in Vietnam), Nha Xuat Ban Chinh Tri Quoc Gia (Political Publishing House), Hanoi, 1994. [Editor, with David Dapice and Dwight Perkins.] Contributions include: Chapter 1: Overview of Economic Reform, [MS 54 pp.] Chapter 4: Public Finance and Taxation, [MS 51 pp.] Chapter 7: Economic Growth and the Labor Market, [MS 36 pp.], [with David Lindauer].


“Chapter 1: Historical Background,” in The Economy of Ireland, 13th edition, John O’Hagan and Francis O’Toole (eds.), 2017. Substantially revised version of earlier chapters. “Growth in Output and Living Standards,” Chapter 7 in John O’Hagan and Carol Newman (eds.), Economy of Ireland (12th edition), Gill and Macmillan, Dublin. 2014. Previous versions appeared in the 9th, 10th, and 11th editions of this book. “Chapter 1: Historical Background,” Chapter 1 in Economy of Ireland, 12th edition, John O’Hagan and Carol Newman (eds.), 2014. Relatively similar versions appeared in the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th editions of this book. Earlier versions appeared in the fourth through seventh editions of The Irish Economy, J. W. O'Hagan (ed.), Irish Management Institute, Sandyford, Ireland. “Taxation in Vietnam: Who Pays What?” in G.P. Shukla, Duc Minh Pham, Michael Engelschalk, and Tuan Minh Le (eds.), Tax Reform in Vietnam: Toward a More Efficient and Equitable System, World Bank, Washington DC, September 2011. [pp. 215-242]

“Growth in Output and Living Standards: Postscript”, update of chapter 6 in John O’Hagan and Carol Newman (eds.), Economy of Ireland (10th edition). Available on-line at nd%2010th%20EditionChapter%20Updates?OpenDocument “Rural Insecurity and Business Development,” [with John MacDougall], in Neil McCulloch (ed.), The Rural Investment Climate in Indonesia, Singapore: ISEAS, 2009. “Cartels,” in Encyclopedia of the Developing World, 3 vols., ed. Thomas Leonard. New York: Routledge, 2005.

In Paul Glewwe, Nisha Agrawal and David Dollar (eds.), Economic Growth, Poverty and Household Welfare in Vietnam, World Bank 2004: 1. Ethnic Minority Development in Vietnam: A Socio-Economic Perspective [With Bob Baulch, Truong Thi Kim Chuyen and Dominique Haughton.] 2. Household Enterprises in Vietnam: Survival, Growth and Living Standards [With Wim Vijverberg.] “The Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies and Peace-Building Operations,” in Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Development Assistance Strategies in the 21st Century: Global and Regional Issues, Vol. 1, 213- 281. Tokyo, July 2002. “Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies: Lessons for East Timor,” in Hal Hill and Joao Saldanha (eds.), Economic Development of East Timor, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies Press, 2001. [Also published in Bahasa Indonesia, 2006.]

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 7 “The Dynamics of Economic Change.” 1998. In William Crotty and David Schmitt (eds.), Ireland and the Politics of Change, Addison-Wesley-Longman. "Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam: Speeding Economic Transition or Prolonging the Twilight Zone?” 1999. In Leslie Armijo (ed.), Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets, Macmillan, London. "Model Selection in Harmonic Non-Linear Regression," in Proceedings of the First US/Japan Conference on the Frontiers on Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach, Volume 1, Hamparsum Bozdogan (ed.), pp. 187-207 [with Dominique Haughton and Alan Izenman]. Elsevier, 1994.

"The Economic Significance of Tourism within the European Community," European Association of Tourist Authorities, (Winter 1976), [92 pp.], [with John O'Hagan and Michael O'Higgins].


The Characteristics and Consequences of Informality: WAEMU and African Firms in Comparative Perspective (with Dominique Haughton and Aly Mbaye). Revised June 2019. Expected to appear in a book on the informal sector in Africa, 2019, edited by Steve Golub and Aly Mbaye and published by the World Bank.

Prepared for a book (edited by Shahidur Khandker and Maximo Torres) on Agricultural Finance in Developing Countries, to be published by IFPRI, probably in 2019: Chapter 6: Agricultural Finance in Mexico Chapter 7: Agricultural Finance in Thailand Chapter 8: Agricultural Finance in Vietnam


Report on the Vietnam Urban Poverty Survey of 2012 (with Le Thi Thanh Loan). September 2015. “Notes on Multidimensional Poverty” (with Shahid Khandker); supplementary chapter for Handbook on Poverty and Inequality. Draft, July 2013. “Notes on Tackling Poverty” (with Shahid Khandker); supplementary chapter for Handbook on Poverty and Inequality. Draft, August 2013.

“Does Money Buy Better Test Scores?” (With Paul Bachman, Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver, and David Tuerck). November 2011. Under revision. Education in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: Access and Uses. May 2011. With Le Thi Thanh Loan [19 pp.] Health in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: Patterns of Use. March 2011. With Le Thi Thanh Loan. [22 pp.]

Lecture materials for on-line course offered by the World Bank Institute on Evaluating the Impact of Recession, and Government Responses. December 2010. [Includes notes, quizzes, exercises, text for slide presentations, and a short video.] “The Effects of Rice Policy on Food Self-Sufficiency and on Income Distribution in Vietnam,” [with Lo Thi Duc, Nguyen Nhu Binh and James Fetzer]. “The Robustness of Computable General Equilibrium Models.” Draft, February 2003. With John Barrett and Sorin Codreanu.

"What Drives Female Labor Force Participation? Evidence from the Midi-Pyrénées Region," with Yves Aragon et al. “Risk Analysis in Project Appraisal;” draft, under preparation.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 8 “How Fair is the FairTax?” February 2008. [With Paul Bachman, Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver, Ngo Viet Phuong, and David G. Tuerck.] “The Effect of Devaluation on Household Welfare in Vietnam,” under revision [with Hoang Van Kinh].


Rwanda Poverty Profile Report 2016/17. NISR, Kigali, December 2018. [Main author, with Baba Ali Mwango, Roger Kamana, Serge Mugabo, Heba El Laithy, and Dominique Haughton] The Economic Effects of Moving Public Assistance Recipients into the Labor Force. July 2018. The Teacon Hill Institute. [With Paul Bachman and David Tuerck]. Impact of Trump Tax Reforms on Growth, Inequality, and Debt. October 2017. Royal Economic Society Newsletter, 179: 20-21. [With Keshab Bhattarai and David Tuerck]

The Economic Effects of Trump 2.0: The Candidate’s Updated Tax Proposal. September 2016. The Beacon Hill Institute, and National Center for Policy Analysis. [With Paul Bachman, Keshab Bhattarai, Frank Conte, and David Tuerck.] The Distributional Effects of the Trump Tax Plan. September 2016. The Beacon Hill Institute, and National Center for Policy Analysis. [With Paul Bachman, Keshab Bhattarai, and David Tuerck.] Microcredit in Viet Nam: Does It Matter? 2016. International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Paper 01569, Washington DC. [With Shahidur Khandker.]

Poverty Trend Analysis Report 2010/11-2013/14. 2016. National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, Kigali. [With H. E Laithy, D. Habimana, and D. Haughton.] “Trump v. Cruz: The Comparative Economic Effects of Two Tax Proposals,” (with Paul Bachman, Keshab Bhattarai, Frank Conte, Michael Head and David G. Tuerck). Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University, February 2016. “Simulating Corporate Income Tax Reform Proposals with a DCGE Model,” (with K. Bhattarai, M. Head, and D.G. Tuerck). Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University, October 2015.

“The Surprising Effects of the Great Recession: Losers and Winners in Thailand in 2008-2009,” (with Shahid Khandker). Policy Research Working Paper 6255, World Bank, Washington DC. 2012. “Household Coping and Response to Government Stimulus in an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Thailand,” (with Shahid Khandker, Gayatri Koolwal, and Somchai Jitsuchon). Policy Research Working Paper 6016, World Bank, Washington DC. 2012. “We can defeat the crisis and emerge stronger,” The Irish Times, August 30, 2011.

“Appraising the Thailand Village Fund,” (with Jirawan Boonperm, Shahid Khandker, and Pungpond Rukumnuaykit). Policy Research Working Paper 5998, World Bank, Washington DC. Measuring the Revenue and Incidence Effects of Tax Changes in Thailand. For World Bank Office, Thailand, July 2012. Tax Incidence in Thailand. For World Bank Office, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2011.

“Education in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: Access and Uses” (with Le Thi Thanh Loan). April 2011. “Health in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: Patterns of Use” (with Le Thi Thanh Loan). March 2011. Why Massachusetts Should Double the Number of Charter Schools. [With Paul Bachman, David Tuerck, and Eli Cutler.] Beacon Hill Institute, Suffolk University, March 2011.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 9 Urban Poverty Assessment in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: Executive Summary (with Le Thi Thanh Loan et al.). For UNDP, Hanoi People’s Committee, and Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee. November 2010. The Informal Sector, Business Climate and Firm Growth: WAEMU Countries in Comparative Perspective (with Dominique Haughton and Aly Mbaye), for World Bank, October 31, 2010. Cape Wind wired with favoritism. Op-ed, Boston Herald, August 25, 2010. [With David Tuerck and Jason Armstrong.]

The great wind power bait and switch. Op-ed, Boston Globe, July 28, 2010. [With David Tuerck.] Wishful Thinking: The state’s energy policy oversells the benefits of renewable power and conservation efforts. CommonWealth, 59-60. July 2010. The Fantasy of Job Creation Through Federal Health Care Reform, March 2010, Beacon Hill Institute, Suffolk University, Boston. [With David Tuerck, Paul Bachman, Michael Head, and Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver.]

Evaluating the Impact of Egyptian Social Fund for Development Programs. July 2009. Policy Research Working Paper 4993, World Bank, Washington DC. [With Hala Abou-Ali, Hesham El-Azony, Heba El-Laithy, and Shahidur Khandker. Does the Village Fund Matter in Thailand? July 2009. Policy Research Working Paper 5011, World Bank, Washington DC. [With Jirawan Boonperm and Shahidur Khandker]. Effects of Waxman-Markey Proposal, May 2009, Beacon Hill Institute, Suffolk University, Boston.

The High Cost of Over-Regulating CO2 Emissions, March 2009. [With Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver.] Beacon Hill Institute, Suffolk University, Boston. Manual on Tax Analysis and Revenue Forecasting: Outline, for DANIDA/Mekong Economics, Hanoi. August 2008. [34 pages, including explanation of accompanying tax calculator model.] Free but Still Costly: The Costs and Benefits of Offshore Wind Power in Massachusetts, April 2008. [With Sarah Glassman and Michael Head.] Beacon Hill Institute.

Massachusetts Tax Revenue Forecasts for FY 2008 and FY 2009, December 2007. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston. [With Paul Bachman et al.]. Peer Review: North Carolina Energy Scenario Economic Impact Model, December 2007. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston. Vietnam: Country Report. Principal author of quarterly reports from 1st quarter 1996 through 3rd quarter 2007, and monthly reports from October 2007 through October 2008. For Economist Intelligence Unit, London.

Vietnam: Country Profile 2008-09. For Economist Intelligence Unit, London. c. 60 pp. Also Profiles annually since 1996/7. Comments on the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Cape Wind Energy Project, March 2007. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston MA [with David Tuerck]. 8 pp. “Microlending and the Thailand Village Fund”, in East Asia Poverty Analysis and Data Initiative Newsletter, 1:2, pages 5 and 7; second semester of 2006.

A Distributional Analysis of Adopting the FairTax: A Comparison of the Current Tax System and the FairTax Plan. September 2006. [20 pp.] [With David Tuerck, Paul Bachman, Phuong Viet Ngo and Alfonso Sanchez- Penalver]. Beacon Hill Institute. The Economic Effects of the FairTax: Results from the Beacon Hill Institute CGE Model. September 2006. [41 pp.] [With David Tuerck, Keshab Bhattarai, Phuong Viet Ngo and Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver].

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 10 Vietnam: Country Report, November 2007. For Economist Intelligence Unit, London. c. 20 pp. Also, Country Reports for every quarter from 1st quarter 1996 through 3rd quarter 2007 (i.e. 48 reports to date).

The General Equilibrium Effects of the FairTax: Preliminary Results. October 2005. [With David Tuerck, Phuong Viet Ngo and Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver.] Draft. The Fair Tax and Charitable Giving. October 2005. [With David Tuerck, Paul Bachman and Sara Dinwoodie]. Beacon Hill Institute. 16 pp. Draft. An Assessment of Tax and Expenditure Incidence in Peru. August 2005. [46 pp.] For Inter-American Development Bank.

“Massachusetts Tax Revenue Forecasts for FY2005 and FY2006,” [With Paul Bachman and David Tuerck]. Prepared for the Massachusetts Joint House Ways and Means Committee, December 2004. Côte d’Ivoire: Fragile State Assessment, for USAID, January 2005. [With assistance from Andrea Hoshmand, Bill Varettoni and Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver.] 23pp. Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Cape Wind Energy Project, submitted to Army Corps of Engineers, January 2005. Beacon Hill Institute. [With Doug Giuffre, John Barrett and David Tuerck.] 13 pp.

Fragile States: The Visions, Approaches and Strategies of Donors Compared. For Netherlands Institute of International Relations. December 2004. 12 pp. An Assessment of the Tax System of Lebanon, October 2004. [For the office of the Prime Minister of Lebanon.] 83pp. Offshore Wind Power Still Isn’t Worth Cost, Op Ed in Boston Globe, July 3, 2005 [with David Tuerck]

“Tax Incidence in Vietnam,” with Nguyen The Quan and Nguyen Hoang Bao, July 2004. "The Demand for Rice in Vietnam," with Nguyen Nhu Binh, James Fetzer and Lo Thi Duc, August 2004. Strategy Framework for the Assessment and Treatment of Fragile States, with Jack Goldstone, Karol Soltan, and Clifford Zinnes. Center for Institutional Reform and the Private Sector (IRIS), University of Maryland. For USAID. Appeared summer 2005.

An Economic Analysis of a Wind Farm in Nantucket Sound [with Douglas Giuffre, John Barrett and David Tuerck]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston. Submitted to Army Corps of Engineers, May 2004. Free but Costly: An Economic Analysis of a Wind Farm in Nantucket Sound [with Douglas Giuffre and David Tuerck]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston. February 2004. Blowing in the Wind: Offshore Wind and the Cape Cod Economy [with Douglas Giuffre and John Barrett]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston. October 2003.

Book review of W. Neil Adger, P. Mick Kelly and Nguyen Huu Ninh, Editors, Living with Environmental Change: Social Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in Vietnam. London and New York: Routledge, 2002. Journal of Comparative Economics, January 2004. Buffalo Renaissance [with Corina Murg]. Beacon Hill Institute, June 2003. The Competitiveness of Vietnam’s Three Largest Cities [with Vu Minh Khuong, principal author]. IDA – Mekong Private Sector Development Facility, Report #17, October 2004. 101 pp. The Effects of Project Labor Agreements in Massachusetts [with Darlene Chisholm and Paul Bachman]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, January 2003.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 11 Metro Area and State Competitiveness Report 2003 [with Cagdas Sirin]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, December 2003. Also updated reports annually through 2012. Metro Area and State Competitiveness Report 2002 [with Corina Murg]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, December 2002. State Competitiveness Report 2001 [with Vadym Slobodyanyuk]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, December 2001. Also, subsequent annual reports, most recently 2008.

The Effects of Project Labor Agreements in Massachusetts [with Darlene Chisholm and Paul Bachman]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, January 2003. “Trade Agreements and Tax Incentives: The Irish Experience,” for Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, August 2002. 02eng.pdf Wisconsin’s Budget Woes: A Solution in Retrospect, [with David Tuerck and John Barrett], Beacon Hill Institute, October 2002. Ethnic Minority Development in Vietnam: A Socioeconomic Perspective, [with Bob Baulch, Truong Thi Kim Chuyen, and Dominique Haughton], Policy Research Working Paper 2836, World Bank, Washington DC.

Texas CGE-STAMP: A General Equilibrium Tax Model [with David Tuerck, Vadym Slobodyanyuk and Sorin Codreanu.] Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, March 2002. Vietnam: Country Profile 2004/2005. For Economist Intelligence Unit, London. c. 60 pp. Also Profiles annually from 1996/7 through 2005/06, and 2007/08. Excise Taxes in Africa: What Have We Learned? For Project EAGER, USAID and Harvard University, August 2001.

Measuring the Effects of Tax Changes in New Mexico Using the New Mexico State Tax Analysis Modeling Program [with David Tuerck et al.], Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, October 2001. Cashing in on Cable: Warning Flags for Local Government [with John Barrett (principal author) and David Tuerck], Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, October 2001. Measuring the Effects of Tax Changes in California Using the California State Tax Analysis Modeling Program [with David Tuerck, In-Mee Baek et al.], Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, September 2001.

The Impact of the East Asian Crisis: Poverty Analysis Using Panel Data, for World Bank Institute. August 2001. Measuring the Effects of Tax Changes in New York City, Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, June 2001. Measuring the Effects of Tax Changes in Minnesota: The Minnesota State Tax Analysis Modeling Program (Minnesota STAMP) [with David Tuerck and Corina Murg]. Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, April 2001.

Modeling Tax Policy in Michigan Using the State Tax Analysis Modeling Program [with In-Mee Baek], Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, March 2001. Universal Health Care for Massachusetts [with Marianne Johnson (principal author) and David Tuerck], Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, Oct. 2000. Modeling Tax Policy in Arizona, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania Using the State Tax Analysis Modeling Program [with David Tuerck and In-Mee Baek (principal authors)], for Heritage Foundation, Washington DC, Sept. 2000.

Measuring the Effects of Tax Reforms in Virginia: The Virginia State Tax Analysis Modeling Program (Virginia- STAMP). (With David Tuerck et al.). April 2000. The Texas State Tax Analysis Modeling Program (Texas-STAMP): Methodology and Applications, (with David Tuerck), Beacon Hill Institute, February 1999.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 12 “STAMPing Out the Myth that State Taxes Don’t Matter,” (with James Fetzer and David Tuerck), Beacon Hill Institute, Boston, MA [18 pp.]. April 1998.

“The Effects of an Oil and Gas Processing Tax on the Economy of Louisiana,” (with David Tuerck), Beacon Hill Institute, Boston MA [75 pp.]. May 1998. Version for article submission drafted, February 2000. "The Reconstruction of a War-Torn Economy: The Next Steps in the Democratic Republic of Congo." Harvard Institute for International Development. Revised draft version, December 1997 [36 pp.] "The Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies." HIID. Final version, March 1998 [100 pp.].

Vietnam Business Journal. Articles on banking (April 1997), trade (Summer 1997), leadership changes (Fall 1997), foreign investment (Winter 1998) and remittances (January 1999). For Project EAGER/PSGE, HIID/USAID: "Estimating Buoyancy, Elasticity and Stability," Methodological Note 1, April 1998 [8 pp.] "Estimating Demand Curves for Goods Subject to Excise Taxes," Methodological Note 2, April 1998 [18 pp.] "Calculating the Revenue-Maximizing Excise Tax," Methodological Note 3, April 1998 [21 pp.] “Measuring the Compliance Costs of Excise Taxation,” Methodological Note 4, April 1998 [17 pp.] "Pathway Courses: An Alternative Route for Economics Majors," [with Neil Alper and Oscar Brookins], Northeastern University, Boston.

Vietnam: Country Forecast, quarterly from 1st quarter 1998 through 4th quarter 1998. For Economist Intelligence Unit, London [Economics section.] United States: Country Report, 2nd quarter, 1996. For Economist Intelligence Unit, London [Economics part]. "The Value of Gangs," The Margin, 9 (Fall 1993), p.65.

"Forestry Fees and Taxes," August 1992. Working paper for HIID, Indonesia. "Taxation of Motor Vehicles," March 1991. Working paper for HIID, Kenya. "Industrial Policy in the Non-Automotive Diesel Engine Sector," July 1990 [with Pradeep Srivastava]. Working paper for HIID, Indonesia.

"Fertilizer Distribution in Indonesia," July 1989. Working paper for HIID. "Off-Campus Income for University Teachers," May 1989. Working paper for HIID. "Forecasting the Price of Oil," March 1989 [with Mike Lynch and Ricardo Godoy]. Working paper for HIID.

The following "debt briefing papers," all June 1988. For HIID. "Managing Indonesia's Foreign Debt: Rescheduling v. Refinancing" "Non-Solutions to Indonesia's Debt Burden" "Strategic Issues in Management of Indonesia's Foreign Publicly-Guaranteed Debt" "Sources of Finance for Indonesian Economic Development" "Case Study in Debt Management: The $350 Million Syndicate" "A Note on Certain World Bank and ADB Loans" "Two Negotiating Points" "Air Pollution Control for Coal-Burning Power Plants," March 1988 [with Glenn Jenkins]. Working paper for HIID. "Duty Drawback on Capital Imports for Export Production," November 1987. Working paper for HIID.

"Issues for U.S. Policy in the Senegambia," December 1986, [with Lucie Colvin Phillips and Ian Michael Wright]. For the Institute for Development Anthropology.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 13 "Educational Finance and Reform in Mali," July 1986. For the World Bank. [Also translated into French.] [58 pp. plus appendices]. "Cereals Policy Reform in the Sahel: Burkina Faso," August 1985. For Elliot Berg Associates and USAID. [214 pp.]

"Cereals Policy Reform in the Sahel: The Gambia," July 1985. For Elliot Berg Associates and USAID. [96 pp.] Book review of P. Timmer et al., "Food Policy Analysis," in the Journal of Developing Areas, December 1984. "Balanced Budget Doesn't Make Sense," Philadelphia Inquirer, April 16, 1984.

Reports for Minister of Finance, The Gambia; all June 1983: "Report on the Desirability of a Government Duty-free Warehouse in The Gambia" [29 pp.]. "Report on On-Lending Rates to Parastatals" [12 pp.]. "Report on the collection of Taxes outside the Ministry of Finance" [12 pp.] "Brief Notes on IMF Advice" [3 pp.] The Sources and Uses of Income of Single-Cropping Padi Farmers in Malaysia. 1980. [with Glenn Jenkins]. Development Discussion Papers 1980-08, JDI Executive Programs, Harvard University. "The Problem of Recurrent Costs in Mali," September 1979 [with Pascal Salin]. For HIID. "Reopening the Debate on the Financing of Higher Education," December 1975. For Trinity College Dublin Students Union [with Robin Hanan].


CAS Faculty Award for Service, Suffolk University, 2018. Nominee, CAS Faculty Member of the Year, Suffolk University, 2003. Excellent Teacher of the Year award, Northeastern University, 1994.

Instructor of the Year award, Political Economy Club, UMBC, 1985. Allyn Young Prize for excellence in teaching, Harvard University (each year 1978/9 through 1982/3). Lucas Cup, impromptu debate, College Historical Society, Trinity College, Dublin, 1977.

Gold Medalist, University Philosophical Society, Trinity College, Dublin, 1975/6. Silver Medalist, University Theological Society, Trinity College, Dublin, 1975/6. Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, Dublin, 1974.

International Atlantic Economic Society: Member of the Month, July 2018. member-of-the-month/ Excellence in service award. College of Arts and Sciences, Suffolk University, 2018.


Editorial Board, Case Studies in Business, Industrial and Government Statistics. 2007 – 2018. Editorial Board, Journal of Knowledge Globalization. 2014-2016. Editorial Board, International Journal of Population Research. 2014-2018. Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2018 – present.

Referee: Economics of Transition; Journal of Development Economics; Journal of Comparative Economics; Socio-Economic Planning Sciences; Contemporary Economic Policy; Energy Journal; Industrial Relations; National Tax Journal; Southern Economic Journal; Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences; World Bank; Cambridge University Press; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics; Demography; Journal of Population Economics; Nonprofit Management & Leadership; Institute for Southeast Asian Studies Press; World Development; Growth and Change; Routledge; South African Journal of Economics; Journal of Economics and Business; Empirical Economics; Housing, Theory and Society; International Foundation for Science (project review); Economies; CS-BIGS; Journal of

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 14 Knowledge Globalization; International Journal of Population Research; Journal of Environmental and Public Health; Interventions Economiques/Political Economy; Development Southern Africa; Journal of Development Studies; Nonprofit Management and Leadership; Spatial Economic Analysis; Progress in Development Studies; Journal of Contemporary Asia; Financial Innovation; Sustainability.

Suffolk University Service: Speaker, Educational Policy Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2001-02; 2016-17. Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2003-06. Member, Promotion and Tenure Review Committee, 2007-09, 2015-16. Chair, Faculty Life Committee, 2010-2012. Chair, University Faculty Senate, 2012-2013, 2018-2019. Member, Elections Committee, 2017-2019. Co-chair, Handbook Committee, 2018-2019.

Member: American Economic Association, International Atlantic Economic Society, International Statistical Institute Computer: Stata, Microsoft Office, CrystalBall, SPSS, SAS, TEX, E-views, GAMS, Python, etc. TV: Channel 4, interview about NAFTA, fall 1994. Radio: Interviews on Ireland for Monocle24 (London-based radio station) on the Irish economy, 2012. Languages: English (native tongue), French (fluent: ILR level 4), Spanish (fluent reading, some speaking). Sports: Still play , swim.


2014 Co-Principal Investigator (with Shahid Khandker). Evaluating Microcredit in Vietnam. World Bank Research Support Fund: c. $50,000. 2010 Co-Principal Investigator (with Shahid Khandker). Responding to Recession: Evidence from Thailand. World Bank Research Support Fund: $75,000. 2008 Co-Principal Investigator (with Shahid Khandker). Impact Evaluation of the Thailand Village Fund. World Bank Research Support Fund: $75,000. [For costs of commissioning survey work in Thailand.] 2006 Co-Principal Investigator (with Shahid Khandker). Impact Evaluation of the Thailand Village Fund. World Bank Institute: $6,000. 2003-04 Principal Investigator, Comprehensive Tax Assessment for Office of the Prime Minister, Lebanon. UNDP: $45,000. 2003-05 Principal Investigator, Study of the Distributional Effects of Value Added Taxes in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank: $20,000. 2002 Principal Investigator, “Strengthening Professional Education and Developing Policy Research,” for cooperation with University of Cape Coast (Ghana) and city of Sekondi-Takoradi. Funded by ALO/USAID; $168,589. 2000 Proposal to USIA for funding for graduate students from Former Soviet Union to come to Suffolk University, under Freedom Support Act. Accepted in 2000 and led to students in 2000/01, 2001/02 and 2003/04. [At Suffolk University.] May 2000 Helped initiate Ford Foundation grant of $113,000 to fund 2-3 Vietnamese students for master's level study in the US, and four collaborative research studies of the effect of globalization on Vietnamese households. With General Statistical Office (Vietnam) and Dominique Haughton (Bentley College). March 2000 UNDP funding for an edited volume on the evolution of living standards in Vietnam, 1993-1998. Grant of $15,000, mainly to cover travel and publication costs. Nov. 1996 Proposal to study excise taxation in Africa accepted by USAID under Project EAGER. Grant of $150,000. Follows $35,000 funding for project design [with Bruce Bolnick], from same source, in March 1996. Sept. 1994 Proposal to Ford Foundation for 2-week workshop leading to book of research papers using Vietnam Living Standards Survey data, with mainly Vietnamese authors. Ran workshop and managed this $50,000 grant.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 15 Mar. 1994 Proposal to Ford Foundation for 7-week course on Data Analysis using Vietnam Living Standards Survey in Hanoi (Vietnam). Managed this $70,000 grant and ran course. 1992/3 Proposal to USIA for funding for graduate students from Former Soviet Union to come to Northeastern University, under Freedom Support Act. Accepted in 1993 and led to two students in 1993/4 and two more in 1994/5. [At Northeastern University.]


2019 Feb “Rwanda”, for Suffolk University Economics Association Lunchtime seminar.

2018 Nov “Inclusion and Impact in Agricultural Finance: Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico”. Economics Department Seminar, Suffolk University. Oct “Agricultural Finance: Thailand and Vietnam in Comparative Perspective,” New England Association for Asian Studies, Brandeis University, Oct. 6. Oct Panelist, Round-Table discussion, Residential Policy Study Committee, Lexington MA, Oct. 5. May “Valuation”, ICEP Dialogues Toward Sustaining Life, panel on Community Builders and Community Development, Cambridge MA library, May 18. Feb Keynote speaker, 13th Knowledge Globalization Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. “Eliminating Poverty by 2030: Can it be done? Can and should we help?”

2017 Oct “Economic Returns,” International School on Research Impact Assessment, Hillerød, Denmark. October 11. Oct “Discrimination against migrants in urban Vietnam,” International Atlantic Economic Society conference, Montreal. October 6. Apr “Trump: The First 90 Days”, Suffolk University PPE program. Panelist. Apr 20. Jan “Discrimination against migrants in urban Vietnam,” New England Association for Asian Studies, Boston College, Boston MA. Jan 28.

2016 Dec “Graduate Study in the United States,” SCAD Polytechnic, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, . Dec. 22. Nov “Is Equality Fair?”, debate with Yaron Brook (Ayn Rand Institute) at the Ford Hall Forum, Old South Meeting House, Nov. 14. Nov “Business Etiquette in Ireland,” Panelist, Business Student Society, Suffolk University. Nov. 12. Nov Election post-mortem: “Panel: Analysis of Election Results”, Suffolk University PPE program. Panelist. Nov. 9. Nov “Faceoff: Clinton vs. Trump”. Debate, Suffolk University, Boston. [With David Tuerck.] Nov. 3. Oct “Simulating corporate income tax reform proposals with a DCGE model,” International Atlantic Economic Society, Boston. Oct. 11. [With Michael Head.] Oct “Causal Business Analytics: Uplift Models and Directed Acyclic Graphs,” Predictive Analytics World, Javits Conference Center NYC. [With Dominique Haughton. Score: 4.08: mean 3.70, max 4.29] Oct 10. June “Living Standards Analytics: techniques and applications,” National Institute of Statistics, Kigali, Rwanda. [With Dominique Haughton] May “Economic and distributional effects of the tax proposals of the US presidential candidates”, MASHS (Modèles et Apprentissage en Sciences Humaines et Sociales), Université Paris I (Sorbonne) April “Causal Business Analytics,” International Business Conference (Student), Suffolk University March “Discrimination against Migrants in Urban Vietnam,” International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, Cuba

2015 Oct “The Economic Effects of Tax Reform Proposals,” International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, Boston. [With Michael Head.]

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 16 June Tax and Benefit Incidence: Further Findings and Issues. Presented at World Bank & NESDB, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. Follow-up Workshop on Tax Incidence May Workshop on Analytical Techniques for Data Analysis. Presented at Mekong Research Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam. Central Highland Poverty Reduction Project March Tax and Benefit Incidence: Findings and Questions. Presented at World Bank, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. Workshop on Tax and Expenditure Incidence

2014 Nov 17 “Evaluating Microcredit in Vietnam,” Department of Economics Seminar, Suffolk University. May 31 “Setting the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Is Multidimensional Poverty Measurable?” Knowledge Globalization Conference, Shijiazhuang University of Economics, May 23 “Teaching Introductory Statistics: Do Hybrids Help?” MASHS (Modèles et Apprentissage en Sciences Humaines et Sociales) 2014 conference, Université Paris I (Sorbonne). May 15 “Household and Government Responses to Macroeconomic Shocks: Thailand after 2008,” DIAL/Université de Paris – Dauphine. Mar 12 “Setting the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Is Multidimensional Poverty Measurable?” 11th International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, Cuba. 25 Feb “Teaching Introductory Statistics: Do Hybrids Help?” Department of Economics Seminar, Suffolk University. With Alison Kelly. Jan 23 “Poverty in Africa,” public lecture (in French), Université Omar Bongo, Libreville, Gabon.

2013 Nov 20 “Is RI Competitive?”, Panel on Status of Rhode Island’s Business Climate, RIPEC, Smithfield RI Nov 18 “NE: Competitive or not?”, lunchtime talk at 2013 Nebraska Policy and Issues Summit, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, La Vista NE Nov 11 Day-long workshop on Poverty Measurement and Analysis, Department for International Development (DFID) Statistics Training Day, London Nov 4 “Destination Tibet: Visit to the Roof of the World,” Asian Studies Program/Economics Department/IRosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies/Chinese Student Association, Suffolk University, Boston MA Nov 1 “The Surprising Effects of the Great Recession: Losers and Winners in Thailand in 2008-2009,” Knowledge Globalization Conference, Suffolk University, Boston MA

June “Poverty and the Macroeconomy,” Keynote speech, Conference on Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia, Jakarta. Organized by TNP2K and SEADI/USAID. June “Responding to Recession: Evidence from Thailand,” 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai University for International Business and Economics. May “The Financial Crisis Five Years Later”, Panelist, Suffolk University, Graduate Admissions Event. March “Surprising Ireland”, Suffolk University Alumni Engagement Event, Boston.

2012 Nov “Who is to blame for rising college costs, and why it matters,” Knowledge Globalization Conference, Suffolk University, Boston Oct Public debate with David Tuerck on Obama vs. Romney, Suffolk University June “Appraising the Thailand Village Fund,” Thailand Development Research Institute, Bangkok. June “Measuring the Impact of the Thailand Village Fund,” Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. Mar “Who Suffered from the Recession in Thailand in 2008-2009?” Eastern Economic Association Conference, Boston. Feb Panelist, discussion of Rhode Island’s Business Climate; Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council, Smithfield RI.

2011 Oct Keynote speaker, Knowledge Globalization Conference, Suffolk University. “Poverty: What do we know? What can be done?” Sept Panelist on Energy and Clean Technology, Symposium on “Canada and New England: Economic Challenges to Trade and Integration,” Suffolk University. June “Tax Incidence Analysis: What Have We Learned?” Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, Bangkok.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 17 June “Benefit (and Tax) Incidence Analysis”, Budget Department, Ministry of Finance, Bangkok. June “Tax and Benefit Incidence Analysis”, Thammasat University, Bangkok. June “Tax and Benefit Incidence Analysis”, National Economic and Social Development Board, Bangkok.

2010 Nov “Evaluating the Impact of Egyptian Social Fund for Development Programs,” Knowledge Globalization Conference, Suffolk University, Boston MA. Oct “Massachusetts: Down but Not Out,” keynote presentation, seminar on state competitiveness, Suffolk University (co-sponsored by BHI and the Tuerck Foundation). Oct “The Informal Sector, Business Climate and Economic Growth: WAEMU Countries in Comparative Perspective,” Network Afrique panel on Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development, Boston. Apr Panelist, “The Future of Transportation,” Suffolk University, Boston MA.

2009 Oct “Is the FairTax Fair?” International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, Boston MA. Oct “Optimal Subsidies for Wind Power: An Application to the Cape Wind Project.” Society for Cost- Benefit Analysis Conference, Washington DC. Apr “Crises and Opportunities in the Global Economy.” Knowledge and Globalization Conference, Suffolk University, Boston. Apr “Luck or Good Management? The Irish Economic Miracle.” Association of Private Enterprise Education, Guatemala City. Feb “Massachusetts: Improving on Perfection.” Mercatus seminar, Boston

2008 Nov “Massachusetts: The Golden Egg.” Keynote presentation, seminar on state competitiveness, Suffolk University. Oct Moderator, Panel Discussion on “The Current Economic Crisis: How Did We Get Here? Where Are We Headed?” Suffolk University, Boston. Oct « Nouvelles tendances de l’économie mondiale. » Université Populaire, Boston. Oct Debate with David Tuerck on “Economic Issues in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.” May “Tax Policy Support Project: Report.” DANIDA/Mekong Economics, Hanoi. May “Taxation in Vietnam: Who Pays What?” World Bank Conference on Taxation in Vietnam, Hanoi. Apr “Optimal Subsidies for Wind Power”, Association for Private Enterprise Economists, Las Vegas. Feb “The Rural Investment Climate in Indonesia: Security,” Economics Department Seminar, Suffolk University.

2007 Dec Testimony on revenue forecasts for 2008-09. Massachusetts State House. Oct Does the Village Fund Matter in Thailand? [Co-authors: Jirawan Boonperm and Shahid Khandker]. Northeast Universities Development Consortium conference, Harvard University, Cambridge MA. Apr US Federal Tax Reform: Time for a Sales Tax? [With Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver], Association of Private Enterprise Education, Cancun, Mexico. Mar An Impact Evaluation of the Thailand Village Fund [co-author: Shahid Khandker], Economics Department Seminar, Suffolk University. March 22. An Impact Evaluation of the Thailand Village Fund [co-author: Shahid Khandker], Academic Conference, Suffolk University. March 23.

2006 Dec Topics in the Analysis of Living Standards: Bayesian Analysis, Impact Evaluation [with Dominique Haughton]. Université de Toulouse I, ARQADE/GREMAQ. Nov At workshop on Poverty Analysis, UK Department for International Development (DFID), London, Nov. 6-8: Measuring and Comparing Poverty Poverty and Inequality Measuring Poverty Better

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 18 Informing Policy Mar “Fundamental Tax Reform: Results from CGE and Distributional Analyses,” Faculty Seminar, Suffolk University, Boston. March 22.

2005 Oct “The Challenge of Fiscal Equity,” Round Table, Social Development Week, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC. October 26. Invited. Oct “US Federal Tax Reform: A VAT, a Hybrid or the Status Quo,” International Atlantic Economic Society conference, New York City. October 6. Sept “Tax and Expenditure Incidence in Peru,” workshop, Andean Community headquarters, Lima, Peru. September 2. Invited. May “Poverty Measurement,” Training Course on the Economics of Poverty, African Development Bank, Hammamet Tunisia. May 23. May “Benefit Incidence Analysis,” Training Course on the Economics of Poverty, African Development Bank, Hammamet Tunisia. May 24.

2004 April “The Costs and Benefits of Wage Regulations: Two Studies of the Effects of Project Labor Agreements on School Construction." New England Study Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. [With Darlene Chisholm and Paul Bachman.] Aug “Tax Incidence in Vietnam;” “The Effect of Devaluation on Household Welfare in Vietnam;” “The Demand for Rice in Vietnam.” Presented, via the Web, at a workshop at the General Statistics Office, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Oct “The Fading Roar of the Celtic Tiger,” Faculty Seminar, Suffolk University, Boston.

2003 Oct “The Effect of Devaluation on the Distribution of Income in Vietnam.” Clark University. Aug “The Effect of Devaluation on the Distribution of Income in Vietnam” and “Rice Policy in Vietnam,” UNDP/General Statistical Office workshop, Hanoi Feb “The Robustness of Computable General Equilibrium Models,” Eastern Economic Association, New York, NY.

2002: Sept. “Trade Agreements and Tax Incentives: The Irish Experience,” Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC. Mar Trade Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam [with Nguyen Nhu Binh], Suffolk University. Feb Ethnic Minority Development in Vietnam: A Socio-Economic Perspective. Suffolk University. Jan The Reconstruction of War-torn Economies and Peace-building Operations, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Tokyo.

2001: Oct “Where are the Southeast Asian Economics Headed?” East Asian Institute, Columbia University [Topic: Vietnam; other speakers discussed Thailand and the Philippines.] Sept. “Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: A Socio-Economic Perspective,” Northeast Universities Development Conference, Boston University.

2000: Oct “Statistical Issues Related to the Analysis of Living Standards in Vietnam,” Boston Chapter, American Statistical Association [with Dominique Haughton]. March "Ten Puzzles and Surprises: Social and Economic Change in Vietnam, 1993-1998." Faculty Seminar, Suffolk University.

1999: Oct "Explaining Unemployment and Female Labor Force Participation." Seminar, Economics Department, Suffolk University. April "The Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies," World Bank.

1998: Oct "The Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies," Northeast Universities Development Conference, Yale University.

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 19 Sept "Les Droits d'Accises en Afrique," Atelier sur Les Droits d'Accises à Madagascar, Antananarivo, Madagascar.

1997: Oct "The Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies," USAID conference on Economic Growth, Leesburg VA. April "The Modern Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies," Conference on Economic Transitions from War to Peace/Peace to War, All UC Group on Economic History, UC Santa Barbara.

1996: July "Tax Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Re-Examining the Role of Excise Taxation" (with Bruce Bolnick), USAID/EAGER conference, Howard University, DC. March "Unfinished Business in Estonia's Financial Reforms" (with Urmas Riiel). Eastern Economic Association annual conference. Also, at this conference: "Gasoline Taxation in the United States"; and "Pathway Courses - An Alternative Route for Economics Majors" (with Neil Alper). Feb. "Son Preference in Vietnam", University of New Hampshire. Feb. "Gasoline Taxation in the United States", Bentley College.

1995: Nov. "Fundamentals of a Good Tax System", Summit Conference on Maine Tax Policy, Maine Business Alliance Foundation, Augusta. Nov "Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam", Conference on Financial Globalization and Emerging Markets, Watson Institute, Brown University. Nov "Child Nutrition in Vietnam", Northeast Universities Development Conference, Harvard.

Oct "Designing VAT Systems", Harvard International Tax Program. June "Les Réformes Economiques au Vietnam", Université des Sciences Sociales, Toulouse. May "Riparian Development of the Mekong Basin", United States Department of State, Washington DC.

1994: Sept "Regional Development in Southeast Asia," Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa, Mexico City. Sept "Industrial Policy in Vietnam," Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City. Sept "Reforming Public Finance in Vietnam," International Tax Program, Harvard Law School.

April "Economic Reform in Vietnam", Foreign Relations University, Hanoi. March "Tax Reform in Vietnam," Prime Minister's Expert Group on Financial and Monetary Policy, Hanoi, Vietnam.

1993: Oct "Economic Reform in Vietnam", presentation to Vietnam Deputy Prime Minister (Phan Van Khai), Harvard University. March "What Explains the Rise and Fall of the Wage Premium in the U.S. Steel Industry?" [With Balu Swaminathan], Eastern Economic Association, Washington, D.C.


1st wave Ph.D. advising 17 students (chair of 7 of these committees), including 3 at UMBC, 2 at Harvard, 1 at MIT and 11 at Northeastern University. Recent Ph.D. advising (Suffolk University) Chair Dmitriy Kha (2010), Shuyi Jiang (2010), Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver (2010), Lassana Cissokho (2011), Lan Zheng (2012), Faria Huq (2013), Sophie Faye (2013), Sunida Susantud (2013), Yi (Chloe) Zhang (2014), Zhaowei Wang (2014), Colin O’Reilly (2014) Wendi Sun (2015), Jia Yu(2015), Eli Cutler (2015), Jonis Shehu (2016), Muhammed Benli (2016), Delyana Krivcheva (2017), Tooraj Helmi (2017), Zi (Bennie) Yang (2017), Longqing Li (2018). Current: Kaiser Mejit, Sunil Pokharel, Daraboth Rith, Kevin Rogers

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 20 Committee member Cagdas Sirin (2010), Abdoulaye Seck (2011), Kossi Makpayo (2011), Xiaofei Yu (2011), G.P. Manish (2012), Ozlem Yaylaci (2013), Ben Koskinen (2013), Tylor Orme (2015), Yoonseok Choi (2015), Yihui Wang (2016). University of Rwanda Chair Current: Dominique Habimana, Patrick Kibubuta


Harvard University Undergraduate Economics of Development II Social Analysis 10 (= year of Principles) Graduate Appraisal of Development Expenditures Public Finance in Developing Economies University of Maryland Undergraduate Principles (microeconomics, macroeconomics) Baltimore County Economics of Development International Trade Intermediate microeconomics Intermediate macroeconomics Graduate Econometrics Temple University, Japan Undergraduate Principles of microeconomics National Economics Graduate Public Finance University, Hanoi Northeastern University Undergraduate Economic Problems and Perspectives Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Economics of Development Economic History of Less Developed Countries Economics of Energy and Natural Resources The Irish Economy International Trade Graduate Introduction to Microeconomic Theory (M.S.) Microeconomics I (M.A./Ph.D.) Microeconomic Policy and Planning International Trade International Finance Comparative Economic Development Development Policy Analysis Seminar in Economic Development Wellesley College Undergraduate Survey of Modern Economics: Macroeconomics Environmental and Resource Economics International Economics Suffolk University Undergraduate Principles of Microeconomics (honors, also regular) Principles of Macroeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Intermediate Microeconomics Vietnam: Economy and Society (Archer seminar) Environmental Economics Development and Transition Economies Economic and Human Geography Economics of Energy and Natural Resources Emergence of Southeast Asia (Freshman Seminar)

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 21 CAS 101: Strategies for Success Managerial Economics Urban Economics: Asian Megacities in Comparative Perspective Graduate Economic Integration International Financial Economics International Trade Theory and Policy International Trade Policy (Ph.D.) Global Data Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis and Impact Evaluation Public Finance (Master’s) Public Finance (Ph.D.) Collective Choice and Tax Policy Economic Development Financial Economics Thesis advising (MSIE and MSEP programs, and Ph.D. students) Dakar campus Principles of Macroeconomics World Bank Institute Philippines; and Poverty Analysis [2-week intensive course] via distance Thailand Impact Evaluation [1-week intensive course] June 2007 Distance/on-line Advanced Poverty Analysis: Poverty Dynamics [3-week asynchronous course] May 2007, again December 2008 and December 2009. Distance/on-line Evaluating the Impact of Recession, and Government Responses [3-week asynchronous course; December 2010; repeated Jan 2012.] Thailand National Thailand Advanced Poverty Analysis [1-week intensive course] August Statistics Office 2007 Université Cheikh Anta Graduate (PhD) Poverty and Inequality, January 2011. Diop, Dakar, Senegal Development and the Environment, January 2017 Shanghai University of Undergraduate Intermediate Microeconomics, May-June 2012; May 2013; May International Business and 2014; May-June 2015. Economics (formerly Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade)

National Institute of Short-course Advanced Topics in Poverty and Inequality, January 2019 Statistics of Rwanda

Jonathan Haughton CV, Feb 2020 Page 22